Simonds D'Ewes, Old English Glossaries (ca 1643)
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Simonds D'Ewes Note: 30/09/2005
Transcription source
British Library Harley MS 6841
Text type
Bilingual and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies
Subject area
- Latin
- Old English
Small collections of Old English glossaries: research collections from MSS, such as those at Cambridge; contributing to D'Ewes' Dictionarium Citeriorum Saeculorum Anglo-Saxonicum-Latinum (British Library Harley MSS 8-9)
headwords: English
explanations: Old English
other languages: Latin
explanations: Old English
explanations: Old English
other languages: Latin
explanations: Old English
(a) 81r: Cnyht. Pubes. An assembly of young folke. <br>
(b) 93r: A. Lat. Vsque. Vntill. Germ. Biss. Belg <br>
(c) 96r: Cæppe. L. <i>Pileus</i>. A. <i>A cappe.</i> Origo vocis videtur esse ex ... <br>
(d) 98r: &yogh;emina memoria æ L reme<u>m</u>braunce
132 fols.? 81r-89v, 93r-94v, 96r-97v, 98r-125v: all word-lists starting with an Old English word
type: alphabetical
type: headword
Hetherington, M. Sue. "Sir Symonds D'Ewes and Method in Old English Lexicography." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 17.1 (1975): 75-92. view record
Hetherington, M. Sue. The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography. Spicewood, Texas: n.p., 1980. 102-24. view record
Tornaghi, Paola. "On legal sources in the dictionaries of John Joscelyn and Sir Simonds D'Ewes." Thou sittest at another boke ...: English Studies in Honour of Domenico Pezzini. Eds. Giovanni Iamartino, Maria Luisa Maggioni, and Roberta Facchinetti. Milan: Polimetrica, 2008. 331-54. view record
Hetherington, M. Sue. The Beginnings of Old English Lexicography. Spicewood, Texas: n.p., 1980. 102-24. view record
Tornaghi, Paola. "On legal sources in the dictionaries of John Joscelyn and Sir Simonds D'Ewes." Thou sittest at another boke ...: English Studies in Honour of Domenico Pezzini. Eds. Giovanni Iamartino, Maria Luisa Maggioni, and Roberta Facchinetti. Milan: Polimetrica, 2008. 331-54. view record