l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 3 3 0 8 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) And then thay [hawks] be clepit Bowessis And after saynt Mar­ garetis say thay will flie fro tree to tree. And then thay bene calde Brawncheris. And then it is time for to take hem The kyndeli termis that belong to hawkis IN the begynnyng of Kindeli spech of the termys that be long to hawkys here ye may fynde theym The first is helde fast at all tymys. and specially whan she batith. It is calde batyng. for she batith with hir selfe most oftyn causeles The secunde is rebate youre hawke: to yowre fyst. & thate is whan yowre hawke batith. the leest meuyng that ye can ma­ ke with yowre fyst she will rebate ayen vppon yowre fyst The thride is feede yowre hawke. and not gyue hir meete The fawrith is an hawke snytith. or sewith hir beke. and not wipith hir beke The.v. youre hauke Ioukith. and not slepith The.vi. youre hawke proynith. and not pikith and she prenyth not bot whan she begynnyth at hir leggys. and set­ cheth moystour like oyle. at hir taill. and bawmeth hir fete & strikyth the federis of hir wynges thorow her beke. and it is calde the note. than as she fetchis the oyle. And ye shall vn­ derstonde an hawke wolde not be letted of hir proynyng. For that tyme that she proynyth she is lykyng and lusty. and whanne she hathe doone she will rowse hire myghtyly. And sum tyme yowre hawke cowntenansis as she piked hir. and yet she proynith not. and then ye most say she Reformith hir fede­ ris and not priketh hir federis. The.vij. yowre hawke coly­ eth and not beckyth The.viij. she rowsith and not shakith her selfe ¶.ix. she streynith and not Clithith nor Crat­ chith The.x she mantellith and not stretchith whan she put­ tith her leges from hir oon after an other: and jor wynges fo­ low after hier legges. then she dooth mantill hir and whaan she both mantilled hir and bryngith booth her wynges to geider o­ uer hir backe ye shall say yowre hawke warbellith hir wynges. and that is oon terme dewe therfore The.xi ye shall say yowre hawke mutessith or mutith and not sklysith. The .xij. ye shall say cast yowre hawke to the perch. and not set you­ re hawke vppon the perch. "Ioukith" antedates the first OED citation (1513; "jouk " lexeme=" jook," n.1). "proynith" and "prenyth" antedates the first OED use of the word in this sense ("preeen," v.2, [1693]). Here shal ye vnderstonde furthermore other ma­ ner of termys that belong vn to hawkis for to com­ mende them for diuerse of theyr propirteis FIrst ye shall say This is a fayr hawke. an hudge hau­ ke a longe hawke. a short thike hawke. & say not this is a grete hawke. also ye shall say this hauke has a large beke Or a shortt beke. and call it not bille. an hudge hede or a small he­ de fayre sesoned ye shall say yowre hawke is full goorged and not cropped. and yowre hawke puttithouer and endueth. and yet she dooth booth dyuersely. How yowre hawke puttithouer An hawke puttithouer when she remeuith the mete from hir go­ orge in to his bowillis. And thus ye shall knawe it whan she puttithouer she trauersith with hir bodi. and specialli with the necke: as a Crane doothe or an other bridde whan ye shall say enduth & embowellid An hawke enduth neuer as long as his bowillis bene full at her fedyng. bot assone as she is fedde. and restith she enduthe littill and littill. And if her goorge be wide and the bowell any thyng stiffid. ye shall say she is embowellid and both not fully endewed and as long as ye may fele any thyng in hir bowellis it is perlous to gyue her any mete. Merke well theys termys folowyng Say an hawke hath a long wyng. a fair long tayll with vt barris owt. and stondith vppon the. vn. This hawke is entirpen­ ned That is to say when the federis of the wynges bene bitwen the body and the thighis. This hawke has an hudge legge or a flat leg. or a rownde legge. or a faire enserid legge To knawe the maill of an hawke Hawkes haue white maill. Canuasmaill or Rede maill. And som call Rede maill Iren mayll. white maill is soone kn­ awe. Canuasmaill is betwene white maill and Iron Maill. And I con maill is varri Rede. Plumage. and Caste yowre hawke. A Goshawke nor a tercell in thare sore aage haue nott thair mayles named. bot it is calde their plumage. and after the cote. it is calde theyr Maill And if yowr hawke reward to any fowle by countenance for to flee ther to ye shall say cast the hawke therto. and not lett fli ther to. Nomme or seedid. And if yowre hawke Nomme a fowle, and the fowle bre­ ke a way fro her. she hath discomfet mony federee of the fowle. and is brokyn a way. for in kyndeli spech ye shall say youre haw­ ke hath nomme or seesid a fowle and not take it werfore an hawke is calde a Riselere. And oft tyme it happith mony an hawke for egernesse when he shulde Nomme a fowle he seesith bot the federis. and as ofte as he doos so he Riflith. therfore such hawkys been called Rise­ leres if they doo ofte so. How ye shall naame the memberes of yowre hawkis in conuenient termes. NOw ye shall vnderstande the naamys off the membries of hawkys: to begynne at hir fete and goo vpowarde as knyghttis been harnesside and armeed. & so we shall enarme her Talons. Fyrst the grete Clees behynde. that strenyth the bake of the hande. ye shall call hom Talons Pownces. The Clees with in the fote ye shall call of right her Pownces Longe Sengles. Bott certaynly the Clees that are vppon the medyll stretche­ ris ye shall call the loong Sengles. Pety Sengles. And the vttermest Clees ye shall call the Pety Sengles The key or Closer. Vnderstond ye also that the longe Senclees be calde the key of the fote. or the Closer. For what thyng some euer it be that yowre hawke strenyth: open that Sengle. and all the fote is op­ pen. for the strength ther of fortyfieth all the fote. "the Closer" not found in OED in this sense. Seris of watery or waxy colowre. Knawe ye: that the skynne a bowte yowre hawkys legges & his fete. is calde: the Seris of hir legges and hir fete. Whe­ ther thay be watery hewed or of waxy colowe yolowe. The Beme feder. Full Sommyd. Full Fer­ myd. and Reclaymede. An hawke hath. xij. federis vppon his tayle. and oon prin­ cipall feder of thessame is in the myddis. and in maner all that oder bene couerted vnder thessame feder. and that is cal­ led the Beme feder of the tayle. And ther gooth blacke barris ouerwarde the tayle. and thos same barris shall telle yow whan she is full summed. or full fermyd. For when she is full barrid she stondith vppon. vij. and then she is perfite rede to be Recla­ ymede. Ye shall vnderstonde that as longe as an hawke stondeth vnder the nombre of. vij. barris. And she be in hir sore aage: it most be sayde that she is not full summed. for so longe she is bot tender Pennyd whether she be brawncher or Eyes. And iff she be a mewed hawke. and stonde within.vij. bar­ ris. ye shall say she is not full fermed. for she is not habull to be Reclaymed. be cause she is drawe to soone owt of the mewe for she is not harde pennyde. no more than a soore hawke. Brayles or Braylfederys. Degouted To knaw forthermor of hawkes. and hawke hath long smale white federis. hangyng vnder the tayll: from hir bowell downe warde. and the same federis ye shall call the brayles or the brayle federis. And communely euery goshawke and euery tercellis braylis bene bysprenged with blake speckes. like Armyns. and for all that thay bene accomptid neuer the better. Bot and a ye shall say she is Degouted to the vttermost brayle. and much it betokynis hardenes. Brest federys. Plumage. Barbe federys. Pendaunt federys The federis abowte the formore parteys of an hawke: becalled the brest feederis. & the feederis vnd the wynges are plumage The federis vnder the beke be calde the barbe federis. And the fede­ ris that bene at the Ioynte: at the hawkes Kne thay stonde han­ gyng and sharppe at thendes. thos be calde the pendaunte fe­ deris. "pendaunte federis" not found in OED. Flagg or faggis federys. The federis at the wynges next the body be calde the flagg or the fagg federis. Beme federes of the wyng Sercell And the long federis of the wynges of an hawke bene calde the beme federis of the wyng. And the federis that sum call the py­ nyon feder. of a noder fowle. of an hawke: it is calde the Ser­ cell And ye shall vnderstonde iff an hawke be in mewe that same sercell feder shall be the last feder that she will cast. and tyll that be cast. she is neuer mewed. yit it has bene seen: that hawkes haue cast that same first as I haue herde say. bot that other Rewle is gendrall. and whan she hath cast hir sercellis in mew. then and not erst it is tyme for to fede hir with washe me­ ete and to begynne to ensayme hire. Ensayme Ensayme of an hawke is the grece. and bot if that be take a­ way with fedyng of washe meete and otherwyse as it shall be declared here after. she will gedder a panell wich may be hir vt­ termost confusion. and she flye therwith. and take blood. and colde ther vppon. Couertis or couert federis Ther bene also federis that cloos vppon the sorcellis. and thossame be calde the couertis or the couert federis. and so all the federis be calde that bene next ouer the long beme federis. and the fagg federis vppon the wynges "couert federis" antedate the earliest OED citation (1575). Backe federis. The federis vppon the backe halfe be called the backe federis "backe federis" not found in the OED. Beke Clape Nares Sere The Beke of the hawke is the vpper parte that is croked The neder parte of hir beke is calde the clape of the hawke The Hoolis in the hawkes beke bene callede the Nares. The yolow be twene the Beke & the yeghen is calde the Sere For "Sere" in this sense, see the MED. Crynettis. Ther be oon an hawke long smale blake federis: like he­ ris abowte the sere & theossame: be calde Crinettis of the hawke Sore aage. Ye shall vnderstonde that the first yere of an hawke whe­ ther she be calde Brawncher or Eyesh. that first yere is calde his sore aage. and all that yere she is calde a sore hawke. for ande she eskape that yere. with good fedyng she is likly to endu­ re longe. To Reclayme an hawke Iff ye will Reclaym yowre hawke ye most departe oon me­ le in.iij. melis. vnto tyme that she will come to Rec­ layme. and whan she will come to Reclayme encrece her melis euery day better and better. And or she come to the Reclame make her that she sowre not. For thogh she be wele Reclaymed hit may happyn that she will sowre: so hegh in to the Eyre. that ye shall Nether se hir nor fynde hir. And iff yowre hawke shall flie to the partrich. looke that ye Ensayme her or she flie. Whether she be Brawncher or Eyes Or mewed hawke. why an hawke is called an Eyes. AN hawke is calde an Eyes of hir Eyghen. for an hauke that is broght vp vnder a Bussard or a Buttocke: as mo­ ny be: hath wateri Eyghen. For whan thay be disclosed and ke­ pit in ferme tyll thay be full summyd. ye shall knawe theym by theyr wateri Eyghen. And also hir looke will not be so quycke as a Brawncheris is. and so be cause the best knawlege is by the Eygh. they be calde Eyeses. Ye may also knawe an Eyes. bi the palenese of the seres of her legges of the fere ouer the beke. And also by the tayn­ tys that be vppon her tayll and her wengys wiche tayntys com for lacke of fedyng. when thay be Eyes. what a taynt is. A Taynt is a thyng that gooth ouerwarte the federis of the wynges. and of the tayll lyke as and it were eetyn with wormys and it begynnyth first to brede at the body. in the penne and that same penne shll frete asonder. and falle a way thur­ row thes same taynte and then is the hawke disparagid for all that yere. The namys of a Spare hauke as Ostrigers and Sparuiters haue determyned Ther is a question axyd whether a man shall call a spare hawke Or a spere hawke Or an aspere hawke. & Ofs­ trigers. and also Sparuiters: sayen she may be callid all.iij. Namys. for thees resonys. She may be callid a Spere hawke for of all the hawkys that ther be she is moost spere , that is to say moost tendre to kepe. for the leest mysdyetyng and mysenten­ dyng sleth Also she may be calde an aspare hawke of sharpenesse of hir corage. and of hir lokyng quicly. and also of hir fleyng For she is moost asper and sharpe in all thyng that belong vnto hir of any other hawkys She may be also callid a spare hawke for.ij. Resones. oon is she shaprith goshawkys and tercellys both. siche as ben in their soore aage. vnto tyme thay may be Reclaymyd. and ma­ de redy to flye. as Goshawkys and tercellys that be not ful­ ly mewed: vnto tyme they may be clene ensaymyd and redy to slye. for all the whyle thay bene vnabull. the spare hawke occu­ pithe thesseson. and sleth the partrich weell. that is to say froom saynt Margaritys day vnto it be lammas. and so forth in the yere. Merke this terme draw. Som folke mysuse this terme draw. and say yt thayr hau­ ke will draw to the Ryuer. And that terme draw is propurli assigned to that hawke that will slee a Roke or a Crow or a Rauyn: vppon a londe sittyng. and then it most be sayd that suche an hawke will draw weell to a Rooke. Here endyth the proceis of hawkyng. And now foloye the naamys of all maner of hawkys & to whom they belong. Theys haukes belong to an Emperoure THeys be the names of all maner of hawkes. First an Egle. a Bawtere. a Melowne. The symplest of theis .iij will slee an Hynde calfe. a Fawnne. a Roo a Kydde. an Elke. a Crane. a Bustarde. a Storke. a Swanne. a Fox in the playn grownde. And theis be not eniured. ne reclaimed. by cause that thay be so ponderouse to the perch portatiff. And theis.iij. by ther nature belong to an Emprowre. A "Bawtere" is unidentified. Theis hawkes belong to a kyng. Ther is a gerfawken. a Tercell of a gerfaucen. And the­ ye belong to a Kyng. For a Prynce. Ther is a Fawken gentill. and a Tercell gentell. and the­ ys be for a prynce. For a duke. Ther is a Fawkon of the rock. And that is for a duke See OED "rock fowl" ("rock," n.1 [1792]) and "stone falcon," ("stone," n. [1656]. For an Erle. Ther is a Fawken peregryne. And that is for an Erle For a Baron. Also ther is a Bastarde and that hauke is for a Baron "Bastard" as a name for a hawk not found in OED. Hawkes for a knyght Ther is a Sacre and a Sacret. And theis be for a Knyght. Hawkis for a Squyer. Ther is a Lanere and Lanrell. And theys belong to a Squyer. For a ladye. Ther is a Merlyon. And that hawke is for a lady An hawke for a yong man. Ther is a Hoby. And that hauke is for a yong man And theys be hawkes of the towre: and ben both Ilured to be colde and reclaymed. And yit ther be moo kyndis of hawkes. Ther is a Goshawke. and that hauke is for a yeman Ther is a Tercell. And that is for a powere man. Ther is a Spare hawke. and he is an hawke for a prest. Ther is a Muskyte. And he is for an holi water clerck. And theis be of an oder maner kynde. for thay flie to quer­ re and to fer Iutty and to Iutty Ferry. Explicit. The namys of diuerse maner houndis Theis be the namys of houndes. First ther is a Grehownd a Bastard. a Mengrell. a Mastyfe. a Lemor. a Spa­ nyell. Rachys. Kenettys. Teroures. Bocheris houndes. Myddyng dogges. Tryndeltayles. and Prikherid curris. and smale ladies popis thai beere a way the flees and dyue­ ris smale fawtis. The Companynys of beestys and fowlys. AN Herde of Hertis an herde of all maner dere an Herde of Swannys an Herde of Cranys an Herde of Corlewys an Herde of Wrennys an Herde of harlottys a Nye of Fesaunttys a Beuy of Ladies a Beuy of Roos a Beuy of Quaylis a Sege of heronnys a Sege of betouris a Sorde or a sute of malardis a Mustre of Pecockys a walke of Snytis a Congregacion of peple an Exaltyng of Larkis a Wache of Nyghtingalis an hoost of men a Felishippyng of yomen a Cherme of Goldefynches a Cast of Brede a Couple or a payer of botillis a Flight of Doues an vnkyndenes of Rauenes a Clateryng of choughes a Dissimulacion of breddis a Route of knyghtis a Pride of Lionys a Sleuth of Beeris a Cete of Graies a Bery of Conyis a Riches of Matronys a Besynes of ferettis a Brace of grehoundis of.ij a Lece of Grehoundis of.iij a Coupull of spaynellis a Couple of rennyng houndis a Litter of Welpis a kyndyll of yong Cattis a Synguler of Boris a Dryft of tame Swyne an Harrasse of horse a Ragg of coltis or a Rake a Baren of Mulis a Trippe of Gete a Trippe of haaris a Gagle of gees a Brode of hennys a badelyng of Dokis a Noonpaciens of wyuves a State of Prynces a Thongh of barons a Prudens of vikeris a Superfluyte of Nunnys a Scole of clerkes a Doctryne of doctoris a Conuertyng of prechouris a Sentence of Iuges a Dampnyng of Iurrouris a Diligens of Messangeris an Obeisians of seruauntis a Sete of vscheris a Draught of boteleris a Proude shewyng of taloris a Temperans of cokys a Stalke of fosteris a Boost of saudiouris a Laughtre of Osteloris a Glosyng of Tauerneris a Malepertnes of pedleres a Thraue of Throspheris "Throspheris" is unidentified. a squatte of Dawberis a Fightyng of beggers an vntrouth of sompneris a Melody of Harpers a Pauuerty of pypers a sotelty of sergeauntis a Tabernacle of bakers a Drifte of fishers a Disgysyng of Taylours a Bleche of sowteris a Smere of Coryouris a Clustre of Grapys a Clustre of chorlis a Rage of Maydenys a Rasfull of knauys a blush of boyes an vncredibilite of Cocoldis a Couy of partrichis a Sprynge of Telis a Desserte of Lapwynges a fall of Woodecockis a Congregacion of Pleuers a Couert of cootis a Duell of Turtillis a Titengis of Pies "titengis" is unidentified, but it may be that magpies are responsible. an Ost of sparowis a Swarme of bees a cast of haukis of the tour.ij. a Lece of thessame haukis.iij a Flight of Goshaukes a Flight of swalowes a beldyng of Rookes a Murmuracion of stares a Route of woluess a Lepe of Lebardis a Shrewdenes of Apis a Skulke of Theuys a skulke of Foxis a Nest of Rabettis a Labor of Mollis a Mute of houndes a Kenell of Rachis a Sute of a lyam a Cowardnes of curris a Soundre of wilde swyne a Stode of Maris a Pase of Assis a Droue of Nete a Flocke of Shepe a Gagle of women a Pepe of chykennys a Multiplieng of husbondis a Pontificalite of prelatis a Dignyte of chanonys a Charge of curatis a Discrecion of Prestis a Sculke of freris a bhomynable sight of monkis a Scott of ffysh a Example of Maisteris an Obseruans of herimytis an Eloquens of laweyeris an Execucion of Officerys a faith of Marchandis a prouision of stewardes of hous a Kerff of Panteris a Credens of Seweris an vnbrewyng of kerueris a Safegarde of Porteris a Blast of hunteris a Thretenyng of courteyeris a Promyse of Tapsteris a Lyeng of pardeneris a Misbeleue of paynteris a Lash of Carteris a Scoldyng of Kemsteris a wonderyng of Tynkeris a waywardnes of haywardis a worship of writeris a Neuerthriuyng of Iogoleris a Fraunch of Mylneris a Festre of Brweris a Goryng of Bochouris a Trynket of Corueseris a Plocke of Shoturneris a Dronkshup of Coblers a Sculke of foxis a Clustre of Nottis a Rage of the teethe a Rascall of Boyes a Disworship of Scottis Explicit HEre folow the dew termys to speke of breech­ yng or dressyng of dyuerse beestis and fowlis &c. And thessame is shewed of certayn fysshes. A Dere brokenne. A Goose rerede a Pigge hedede and sydede a Capoon sawsede a Checoon frusshyd A Cony vnlaceedde a Crane displayde a Curlew vnioyntede a Fesawnt alet a Quayle wyngged a Plouer Mynsed a Pegeon thyghed Brawne leechyd a Swanne lyfte a Lambe shulderide a Kidde shuderide an Hen spoylede a Malarde vnbrasid an Heron dysmembrid a Pecoke disfigured a Beture vntachid a Partrich alet a Raale brestyde a Wodecoke thyghed an Egge Tyred a Fyre Tymbered Now of fysshes A Sawmon Chyned a Pyke splatted an Haddoke sided a Cheuen fynned a Sole loyned a Gurnarde chyned a Tenche sawced an Ele trousoned "trousoned" not found in OED. a Breme splayed a Barbill tuskyd a Trought gobettid ye shall say thus. An hert Herbourghith a Bucke lodgith an Esquyer lodgith a Roo beddith an haare in her forme shul­ deryng or leenyng. a Cony sittyng. a Wodecoke beekyng Here in thys boke afore at contenyt the bokys of haukyng and huntyng with other plesuris dyuerse as in the boke apperis and also of Cootarmuris a nobull werke. And here now en­ dyth the boke of blasyng of armys translatyt and compylyt to gedyr at Seynt albons the yere from thincarnacion of owre lorde Ihesu Crist. M. CCCC. lxxx vi.