l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 8 8 7 2 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Os facies mentum a mouth OS a face facies a chyne mentum a toth dens a throot guttur a tonge lingua roffe of the mouth palatum a berde Barbar a browe supercilium a brye cilium a forhede frons temples tempora a lype labrum an eyelyde Palpebra anye sic the sygthe oculus the whyt of the eye acies albugo apple of the eye pupilla the typ of the nose. Pirula snyuel of the nose. pus nasi sunt the space betwene the nose thyrlis interfinia naris et of the hede capitis branpan trinum a toppe vertex a deuydyng of the here discrimen et a nere auris the forthyr part. Sinciput the myde part. ast interciput the hynder part of the hede. occiput et brayne. cerebrum a parte pars a chyce Faux et a gome iungiua cum a forhede fortilla an here. capillus a grystell Est cartilago sic a dewlap legia sic a grethe tothe genuinus palme of the hande. Palma ioynt handes iuncture manibus sunt an helbow vlna brawen of the arme lacertus nayles Vngues cum fyngyrs digitis a sholder humerus cum a brest pectore a neck collus armepyt Acelle a fyst pugnus a cubyt cubitus cum blode sanguine a tet manus a belly Venter a bleder vesica a back tergum a backbone spondilia a rybbe costa a nauell Est vmbilicus a syde latus et flesshe. caro skyn. pelle botokys nates sunt a herte. Cor a mylt. splen a long. pulmo a splene. lien a gal. fel a mydryf. ren a maw. diafragm the rem of the bat iecur Meaning unclear. wynd pipis Arterie a stomake stomachus post bowelles intestina sic a mawe. epar an ars Anus a thygh crus yong heer pubes a back dorsum sic a backbone spina the ende of the gut podexque whyrlbone Vertebra cum knyes genibus sum the kne knap internodia a senow neruus an hamme Poples atque shyne sura the skyne of concepcyon matrix sic addito ca. ankyll anca. brawne of the arme Musculus & a veyne. vena leege tibia sic atque the master veyne sophena a too Articulus the sool of the fote planta cum an hele calce mary medulla an anklay cauilla a parte of the fote Pars pedis Damage to headword supplied from the 1516 edition (STC 18874). an hele est callus dicetur Damage to explanation supplied from the 1516 edition (STC 18874). a pathe semita callis a grete too. Istis coniugas a thombe allux pollex quoque lector a thombe. Est pollex the first finger. index the myd finger. medius the leche finger. medicus the lytil finger auricularis brede Panis ale ceruisia a spone coclear salt sal a onyon. cepeque a table clothe mappa a disshe Discus gruell. puls wortseedis for potage. olera legumem "wortseedis" not found in the OED. benys. fabaque pesyn pisa a bone. Os flesshe carnes salte. salsa heryng allec sic fisshe piscis egges ioua messes Fercula brookenmeet fragmentum mylk lac chese caseus atque butter butirum a symnel Artocopus a wastel libum sic a loof coliphium a wynsop. vipaque a flawne flaton ginger Zinziberum pepir piper garleke allium mustarde sinapi vel vinegre acetum a way. Vicus in a iorney. iter a stone lapis & a turfe. cespes a chyne of theyrthe limus a pyt puteusque a toppe Est trocus atque a balle. pila a coite discus a play ludusque a wrestlynge place palestra a howse Est domus a chyrche ecclesia a can castrum a walle. murus a shepcote. casa a gate porta a cerge or a taper. Cerius a anter. ara a stayer gradus a glasse vitrum a crosse. crux a lampe lampas an image imago a chesal or mater. Infula a dalmank dalamtia sic an amesse examitum simul a aube alba. a box Pixis & offringes. oblata cruettis. fioleque sacrament. viatica creme crisma a graue Et tumulus a beer libitinaque a wel fons a belly campana lanterne lucerna ynke Encaustum an horne. cornu a pooesse pumex vel a rewle. regula a mergente. mergo a wode Silua a mylle molendinum an hyl mons a valley. vallis a felde. ager a way. vra a medew patum a flour. Flos hey fenum eer of corne. spica corne granum a sythe. falx a shefe merges an ere of corne arista a rishe Cirpus a pismichil formicetum Presumably a form of "pismire" but not found in the OED. a brook torrens vel a banke ripa vel a felde ager a herbe or gresse. Herba corne. seges stubble. stipula slimen. sinius a forowe sulcus quoque a balke lira a flese Vellus a shepe. ouis a lambe agnus a weder aries sic a skyn pellis a folde ouile a rake Et cartis & a boole or a stal. bostar a band vinclum ashekel numellaque wyther restis a fanne Vannus & a mowe arcomus sic a barne. horria corne. farque smal sede lupinus thresher Et triturator chane. acus a oedyl or a ceue. cribrum a rake rastrumque a flayle flagellum whete Frumentum rye sigulum sic barly mingled or ordia mastelyne corne. mixtilioque a humlok. Erica a cokyl zolium drauke zizania dic & ootes auena. a strykil Historium a boshel modius a brome. scoba bellos. follis brande. teda a stole scabellum a bakhowse Pistrinum paste pasta an ouen furnus meel farinaque leede plumbum kylne Vstrinam Damage obliterates "kilne," which is supplied from the 1516 edition (STC 18874). growte granamellum a querne mola a here ciliciumque a shyppe. Nauis a net. rhete the se. mare a bootman reme a sayl velum quoque a maste mulus a ancor Ancora dic shyphyre naulum gables rudentes a corde cordaque an oore remus a plugh Est aratrunque a share vomer an erar culture a gadde gerusa an halter capistrum an axiletre. Aris a carte. biga a yoke iugum a spook. radius a whele. rota a prycke. stilio a songe cantus an harowe Harpica sunt hors harnes phalere a croper postela a teme temoque a tylhors veredus thayre. Aer the sonne. sol a cloude. nubes a renbowe. iris sic the mone. lunaque sterre stella roste Assa safran crocus iouste succus a pastey pastillus cummyn subdes iminum a knyf Cultellus a pere pirum a apell pomum a cup ciphus quoque wyne vinum a borde Mensa a trestell tripos a lauer lauacrum a basyn pelues a thowel manutergia a veel velum a perech Partica cum a cheer cathedra quishen puluinar bryde auisque a cage castella a chaderon Acypopyrgia bellous follis a benche scamnum a brande teda a stole scabellum a dyse Alia shekker scaccarum shekkerman scaccus "shekkerman" antedates earliest OED citation (?1577). a dyse talis quoque a poynt in the tables pirgus dreggis. Fex a panies calaphus a barell cadus a costrell onopherum sic a spyggot. clipsedra vessell for wyne orbis a tonne Est dolium swete wyne nectar must mustrum sit a botell obbaque a cace teca fyre Ignis a cool carbo eshes cinis smoke fumus a fyrebronde. fax turffe. gleba a sperkle fauilla a postyk Contus a gredyron cartus & a pot olla a panne patella a fleshoke creagra a plater parapcis a kechen page. Lixa a brendyron. tripes a boket. stula can cacabus sic pestell pila a spit vertutum a fryinge panne. Sartago asklyse spacula a peperquerne pipervs mola foome spumaque a flame. lamma a breche Bracca a cherte camisia vel a blank loder sheet linthea a bedde lectus a cloke Collobium a coote tunica sleues manice sunt a furre pennula a cloth pannus a bolster Ceruical a pyssynge vessell. medula nayles clauus a chyste scrinium a locke sera a key clauus a kercyeffe Flamea a kalle reticulum a bonet tuberus fillet vittaque a quoyffe tena doores Hostia sunt a wall pariesque a wyndow fenestra vel floor arca a post postis a kynge seet Et lolium a chamber or a wole. cameraque a spence penu sic an h an h a kechyn canuina a lyne or a plummet Est perpendiculum a brood ax dolabrum a twyb bipei amussis an hachet Ascis cum a wymbyll terebro sic a chesel celis cum a agore penetrale Latin "penetrale" means inner chamber. a chyp Assula cum a saw terebro a tre lignumque a pyn cauilla a hole foramen. a lyne Linia chalke. cum creta to hew. dolo a compas. crusnus a quitasice. apoca a tayle dica a garden Ortus a wel fons et water aqua a ponde stagnum a bridge pons a benke mergoque a leke porrum. a spade Vanga a matcke ligo a shouell tribula sit dunge fimius a forke furcaque a gadde. a ditche. Fessa a maresse. palus an hedge. sepes a breer tribulus sic a thorne spinaq a plumtre. Est prunus cheritre. cerasus a nuttre. nux an almetre. vlnus a vintre. vitis a honicome. Fauus a bee. apis wexe. cera hony mel sic beehyues. apiaria a dronebee fucu "dronebee" antedates earliest OED citation (?a1513) a tree Est arbor a lefe folium a rote radir a bowe ramum quoque snowe Nix hayll grando thondre tonitruus rayne pluuia lyghtninge fulgurque huorefroste pruina wynter Bruma frost gelu yce. glacies whorlwynde. turbo a sonbeme. radius hete calor somer estas a taylour Scissor a nedle acus threde filum sheres forceps a thimble digitale vel an elne vlna lether Et corium an aule sibula a shoo sotularis cordewyne. alutaque a last galla ynke or bletche Ac atramentum a parynge precigmen a thonge corrigia a brystill ceta a welte Ac intercutia a soole solium a bletche potte dic anfariumque "bletche potte" not found in OED but its equivalent "blatch-pot" is earlier (a1500). wole Lana a rocke. colus a spyndil fusa a besem sic scoba herdes matraxaque See Middle English Dictionary, "herde," n. 3 ("hards"). flax linum a posnet Vrciolus a cradel. cune pappe papatum a cradibilbande. fyscia broode lata a gyrth Singula a sadyl. sella stirop. strepa a sporre calcar a bridil frenunque an halter capistrum a boot Ocrea cum a coyf tencis a patril antecaque a male mantica an horsshoo ferrum. a hose Sunt calige lasshis ligule a snare laqueus a panucher lumbareque a webbe tela a gyrdil Cum zona a purse locus an aglette acuaria a gloue cum ceroteca siluer Argentum a pounde. libra a shelinge solidusque a quoine nummisma golde vel aurum a tongis Fortifer a stedy incus "a stedy" mayt have been a variant spelling of "anvil". a forge fabricca an hammer maleus a fyre atque a chiminey caminus sterle Inde calibs yron ferrum a gobbet frustrum a bernakel camus metal atque metallum sheris Forfex a glasse cum speculo a combe pectenque rasour nouacula a whetstone cosque a spere Lancea vel a swerde gladius a dart pilum an arowe sagitta vel a bowe arcus a beest Bestia This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). a byrde polucris a serpent serpens a flye sic muscaque a worme vermis a cocke Gallus This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). henne llina a chekin. sic pullus gander anceret a gose auca a sparowe Passer This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). a ducke aneta This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). an egle. aquila a crowe. cornix a rauin coruusque a doue columba a cyte Vrbs This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). a cytesyn a ciuis This damaged entry is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). a crosway biuium vel a shoppe opella a becher lanista ashamelles macellum scabby Scaber a glyer strabo This corrected headword is supplied by the 1515 edition (STC 18874). a pelery colligistrum a fetter compresque a cheyn cathena a nayle Vngula a tayle cauda a piler. pila an horne. cornu blode. cruor guttis exsta an hagesse tucetum a colte Pullus an horse equus a mare vel equa a calfe vitulus an oxs. bos a cowe. vacca a chawdd abel Damaged entry. The 1515 edition lists "a chawdaw" (a crow) for Latin "caballus" (a horse). a hogge Porcus a pigge porcellus a bubile taurus Latin "bubile" is a stall for cattle. The 1515 edition has "bulle." a gelt nefrendus a boor. aper a sowe sus a dogge Et canis a whelpe et catulus ratte dic sorex a cat murilegus a mous mus a stede Dextrarius a wether veruex a ram. aries an elephant. elephas a shepe. ouis a lambe agnus a littil lambe Agnellus a thefe latro a fox vulpes an asse asinus an vrchen cirogrillus a beest Est animal a beest pecus a spaniel odorinsecus a camel atque camelus an ape Simea a hekforth iumentumque Latin "Juventum" means a mule or beast of burden, and "hekforth," though not in the OED, appears in a will dated about 1518 and mentioned in James A. Raftis' Early Tudor Godmanchester (1990): 96. a yong boole. iuuencus a yonge kowe. iuuenta a brok or herforde melota "herforde" antedates the earliest OED citation (1805). Brokes are "short-stapled wool," and a Latin "melota" is commonly a sheepskin. a moule Talpa a wolfe lupus a mule mulus a broke taxus a whesel mustela oncus a goot Hircus a lytil goot capriolus a goot capra a doo dama a goot caper an herte quoque ceruus. a grehonde His leporarius a dogge bobexque a tyde dogge. lascesca a gret dogge molosus a mouth Tinia a louse pediculusque a flee pulexlens a nytt ciroque a worme vermis. a flye Musca a gnat culex a bee et apis gnatte cinifes "gnatte" supplied from 1515 edition. a spider ac aranea a waspe vespa an oule. Bubo a dragon draco a frogge. rana a tood bufo an addir sic vipera a snayle liuax a beer Vrsus a pismur formica a bocke vespertioque a greshope sicada a broke Castor a cony cuniculus an hare lepus a lyon et leo a leoparde vel leopardus a kyng. Rex a rock rogus an alpin alpinus a knyght miles a quene regina a folower pediuus. a squier Armiger a lady et domina a prince princeps a lytil lady domicellaque a virgin virgo a poope Papa an emperour. vel imperator a baron. baro a duke, dux a lorde herus a lady et hera an erle Comes a burges burgensis an enmy hostis an archdecon Archidyaconus an officiall officialis a bedill proco a dean decanus a persom Rector idem person persona a decon leuitaque a preest presbyter an heyre heres Nunc ponamque vicar vicarios a bysshope antistesque a prelat. prelatos a primat Primas a batiser baptista a chaplen a capellanus a chantor quoque cantor the godeman of the house Atque paterque familias the gode wyf vel matronaque a mother mater. doughter. Filia a son filius a brother atque fraterque a sister soror a wyfe simul vxor an olde wyf. Est auus a grandam. aueque father in law. socer a brother in law. nurus a brother in law. quoque leuir a son in law. Est gener a mother in law. et socrus a fathers brother. patruus a mothers brother sic auunculus atque a gold smyth Aurifaberque a smyth faber a carpenter carpentarius a fowler simul anceps a sower Sutor vel tranctorque a cooke cocus a butler pincerna a seruant minister. stewarde Atque fenescallus a bayly balliuus a mayr prepositusque a sercher Ac explorator a standerdberer vexillator a hangman. quoque lictor a nurse Nutrix a sharpstar filiatrix a leper saltatrix a dissayuer prestigiatrix a bawde Pronuba an harlote vel meretrix a singinge woman cantatrix a knytter qouque empty a messanger Nuncius a mydwyfe ac obstetrix a porter et portarius atque Impressum Anterpie, perme Io­ hannem de Doeshorch.