l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 2 3 1 9 5 . 5 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Vulgaria Stanbrige SInciput et vertex caput occiput & coma crinis Hoc sinciput is the fore parte of the heed hic vertex is the crowne of the heed hoc caput is for a heed hoc occiput is the hynder parte of the heed hec coma e. for a busshe hic crinis is for heere Cincinius cranium cerebrum sutura pilusque hic cincinius i. for a loke hoc cranium i. for the brayne panne hoc cerebrum i. for the brayne hec sutura e. for the seme in the heed his pilus i. for heere Os facies oculus acies albugo pupilla hoc os is. for a mouth hec facies ei. for a face hic oculus i. for an eye hec acies ei. for the syght of the eye hec albugo is for the whyte of the eye hec pupilla e. for the apple of the eye Frons intercilium gena barba supercilium hic frons tis for the foreheed hoc intercilium the space bytwene the browes hec genae for the eye lydde hec barba e. for a berde hoc supercilium i. for the browe aboue Palpebra nigrum oculi cilium sic angulus hirquus hec palpebra e. for the eye lydde hoc nigrum oculi the blacke of the eye hoc cilium i. the brye of the eye hic angulus i. for the corner of the eye hic hirquus i. idem [for the corner of the eye] "the blacke of the eye" antedates the earliest OED citation (1535). Tempus os et bucca cartilago quoque mala hoc tempus is. for the temple of the heed hoc os ossis for a bone hec bucca e. for the cheke hec cartilago is. for a grystell hec mala e. for the ball of the cheke Vultus maxilla mandibula ruga molaris hic vultus vs. for a countenaunce hec maxilla e for a cheke hec mandibula e for the holow parte of the cheke hec ruga e for a wrynkle proprely in the face hic molaris is. for a gomme tothe Interceptum interfinium gingiua palatum hoc interceptum i. for the brydge of the nose hoc interfinium i. idem [for the brydge of the nose] hec gungiua e. for the gomme hoc palatum i. for the rofe of the mouth Dens latus duplex intersticium genuinus hic dens tis for a tothe dens latus for the fore tothe dens duplex for the gomme tothe hoc intersticium for the space bytwene the tethe hic genuinus for the gomme tothe Dens colunelaris maxillaris et caninus dens colunelaris the rounde tothe nexte the tothe dens maxillaris for the gomme tothe dens caninus for the eye tothe "the eye tothe" antedates the earliest OED citation (1530). Lingua nares nasus labrum labiumque labellum hec lingua e. for a tongue hec naris is. for the nosethryll hic nasus i. for a nose hoc labrum i. for a lyppe hoc labium i. idem [for a lyppe] hoc labellum idem [for a lyppe] Mucus sic mentum collum guttur iugulus hic mucus i. for the snyuell hoc mentum i. for a chynne hoc collum i. for a necke hoc guttur is for a throte hic iugulus i. idem [for a throte] Ceruix arteria sublinguium gurguloque hic ceruix is. the nap of the necke hec arteria e. the wynde pype hoc sublinguium the wynde flappe hic gurgulio idem [the wynde flappe] "wynde flappe" antedates the earliest OED citation (?1550; "flap," n. 5c). Auris et auricula glans & tonsillaque iunges hec auris is. the organ of the eere hec auricula for the hole in the ere hec glans is. for a wexe kernell hec tonsilla e. idem [for a wexe kernell] Vnula faux rictus frumen tergum gula dorsum hec vnula e. for the flap that couereth the wynde pipe hec faux cis. for a cheke hic rictus vs. for the compace of the mouth hoc frumen is for the throte bolle hoc tergum i. for the backe hec gula e. the mete pype hoc dorsum i. for a backe "the mete pype" antedates the earliest OED citation (1553). Spiritus anhelicus halitus cutis caro pellis hic spiritus vs. for the brethe hic anhelicus i. for the pantynge hic halitus i. for brethe hec cutis is. for skynne hec caro is. for flesshe hec pellis is. for a fell Vena membrana sanguis cruor atque varix hec vena e. for a veyne hec membrana for the lytell skynne in the flesshe hic sanguis is. for blode hic cruor idem [for blode] hic varix is. for the vayne in the thyghe Atribilis colera sputum pitnitaque fleugma hec atribilis for the melencoly hec colera for the colour hoc sputum i. for the spetyll hec pitnita e. for the fleume or the pyppe hoc fleugma for fleme Spinaque cum scapula pectus torax humerusque hec spina e. for the backe bone hec scapula for the sholder blade hoc pectus is. for a brest hic torax is. for a chest hic humerus i. for a sholder Interscapilium latus alaque costa papilla hoc interscapilium for the space bytwene the sholders hoc latus is. for a syde hec ala e. for an arme hole hec costa e. for a rybbe hec papilla e. for a pappe heed Mamma mamilla simul vber compago medulla hec mamma e. for a pappe hec mamilla for a lytell pappe or for the teet hoc vber is. idem [for a lytell pappe or for the teet] hec compago is. for ioynynge of. ii. joyntes togyder hec medulla e. for mary Brachium et gibber cubitus manus vlna lacertus hoc brachium i. for the arme hoc gibber is. for the brawne of the arme hic cubitus i. for a cubyte hec manus for a honde hic lacertus the space bytwene the sholder to the elbow Musculus et callus pugnus digitus vola palma hic musculus for the calfe of the legge hic callus the hardnes in the honde or fote hic pugnus for a fyst hic digitus for a fynger hec vola for the holownes in the honde hec palma the basse in the honde Nodus et articulus vnguis fissura quoque neruus hic nodus for a Ioynt hic condulus for a knokle hic articulus for a too hic vnguis for the nayle of a man hec fissura the space bytwene the fyngers or toos hic neruus for a synewe Ac internodium pulsus brachialeque pollex hoc internodium the space bytwene the Ioyntes hic pulsus for betynge of the vaynes hoc brachiale for a wrest hic pollex for a thombe Index et medicus anularis et auricularis hic index for the formest fynger hic annilaris for the myddle fynger hic medicus for the leche fynger hic auricularis for the lytell fynger Cor epar atque iecur fel splen precordia lien hoc cor for a herte hoc epar for a lyuer hoc iecur for a mawe hoc fel for the gall hoc splen for the mylte in plurali hec precordia for the herte strynges hoc lien for the longe gutte Pulmo rien stomachus ren omentum diafragma hic pulmo for the lunge hic rien for the reynes of the backe hic ren idem [for the reynes of the backe] hic stomachus for the stomacke hoc omentum for the kell hoc diafragma for the mydryf "the kell" antedates the earliest OED citation (1578). Intestinum vmbelicus iuncturaque venter hoc intestinum for a bowell hic vmbelicus for a nauell hec iunctura for the gyrdle stede hic venter for a bely Ilia vesica fibre renunculus aluus In plurali hec ilia for the small ropes hec vesica for the bladder hec fibre for small veynes hic renunculus for the kydney hec aluus for the bely or paunche Sumen coxa nates podex lumbus quoque pubes hoc sumen for the fatnes of the flanke hec coxa for a hyppe hec nates for a buttocke hic podex for the arshole hic lumbus for a loyne hec pubes for a share Inguen vrina locium penis membrum genitale hoc inguen for the share hec vrina for pysse hoc locium idem [for pysse] hic penis for a mannes yerde hoc membrum genitale idem [for a mannes yerde] Ramex aquaticus vrina fistula tubus hec ramex for the codde hic aquaticus for the bladder hec fistula vrine the pype in a mannes yerde Scortum testiculus vterus crus vuluaque matrix hoc scortum for the codde hic testiculus for a stone hic vterus for a bely hic crus for a thygh hec vulua locus vbi puer concipitur hec matrix idem[locus vbi puer concipitur] Est genitura femur semen strea quoque sura hec genitura for nature of a man hoc femur for the thyghe hoc semen for the sede of a man hec strea for a shynne hec sura idem [for a shynne] Tibia sicque genu poples pes malleolusque hec tibia for a legge hoc genu for a knee hic poples for a hamme hic pes for a fote hic mallelus for the ankle Vertebrum et digitus pedis & calx plantaque subtal hoc vertebrum for the whyrle bone hic digitus for a fynger hic calx for a hele hec planta for the sole of the fote hoc subtal idem [for the sole of the fote] ¶Finis o. for a garment Dic indumentum e. cloth vestis i.idem [cloth] vestitus i. apparell amictus i.idem [apparell] Ornatus simul i.idem [apparell] apparatus i.idem [apparell] amiculus idem Ista caput gestat i. a cappe apex e a hat caliptra i.idem [a hat] galerus o a cappe Bireium / i.idem [a cappe] pilius / i. an hood cucullus / o.idem [an hood] capiciumque e. gowne Toga / shorte subducta / idem [shorte] curtate / longe dimissa / idem [longe] talaris syngle Simplex / lyned duplata / furred pellita / o. gowne pallium adde e. lynynge Dupiatura / i. bosome. sinus / full of pletes sinnosus/ e. plete plicaque / e.idem [plete] ruga e.a hem Fimbria / e. coler collaris / e. purfle simul instita / e.idem [purfle] fascia / i.idem [purfle] limbus i.a. cloute Penulus vel o.idem [cloute] penuculum / o.idem [cloute] penuculamentum i. doblet Deplois / e. cote et tunica / e. petycote tunicella / e. iaket tunicula i. mantell clamis e. sleue Manica / i. cloke bardiacus / o. a shorte gowne hemitogium bardocucullus e. a sherte Interula / ee. breches bracce / e. a gloue cirotheca / e. sherte subucula / i. gyrdle stede cinctus o. gyrdle Cingulum / ee. purse crumena / o.idem [purse] marsipium / e. gyrdle &yogh;onula / e idem [gyrdle] &yogh;ona to lace Fibulor / e. a lace et fibula / to lace togyder confibulor / vnlace refibulorque shorte Curtate / e. hose calige / i.e.o. to the knee cincturales / longe quoque longe e. a poynt Cordula / e. lace cum ligula / e. latchet corrigia / i a pynson calceolusque i.a shoo Calceus / e. slypper & crepida / i.a. buskyn cothurnus / e. bote & occrea / i. socke soccus e.a stomacher Fascia pectoralis / e. pynne acicula / o. tache spinter / e. nedle et acus o. garter Hiis subligaculum / o.idem o. garter necnon et subligar adde i.a shoo Calceus/& e.slypper crepida/ i.a buskyn cothurnus/& e.bote occrea/ i.socke soccus e.a stomacher Fascia pectoralis/ e.pynne acicula/ o.tache spinter/ e.nedle et acus o.garter Hiis subligaculum/ o.idem necnon et subligar adde o.blade Ferrum/ o.hafte mambrist/ i.idem capulus/ e.sheeth vaginaque / e.poynt cuspis e.edge Acies/ i.knyfe cultellus/ dull obtusus/ parelles infestus/ sharpe acutus o.frontelet Mundum/ o.kalle reticulum/ o.bonet mitrum/ o.kalle crinale/ e.a payre of burlets mitella o.a keuerchef Flameum/ o.idem flamineum/ e.idem rica/ e fyllet vitta/ o.an apron gremiale i.rynge Annulus/ e.broche armilla/ o.an agnus dei monile/ o.a seele Sigillum/ e.a rynge for the ere inauris o.rynge Lintheolum/ e.a lytel keuerchef sisiler ricula/ o.napkyn sudariolumque o.idem Sudarium e.a pyncase iungas sisiler acicurariatheca o bedde Stratum/ o.chaumbre cubiculum/ i.bedde lectus/ o.inder chaumbre penitrale/ e.idem penales o.bed Cubile/ i.idem toras / i.chaumbre thalamus/ & e.bedborde spondaque/ "Bedborde" antedates the earliest OED citation (1530). a bedfote fulcrum o.strawe Stramen/ o.idem stramentum/ o.bolster ceruical/ e.federbed culcitra/ i.blanket lodix o.mattres Tormentum/ o.saye stragulum/ o.pylowe puluinar/ e.shete linthea / o.couerlet thoral e.case Teca/ o.testoure canopeum/ e.curteyne peristroma/ o.idem peripetasma o.benche Scamnum/ o.stole scabellum/ e.pysse pot matula/- e.idem matella/ e.sege latrina o.pysse Locium/ e.idem vrina/ e.comon sege cum forica / o.to shyte facio stercus idem Donsorio/ idem cacco/ ferte pedo/ stynke feteo/ shyte cunio/ pysse mingo o.brusshe Verriculum/ i.combe pecten/ o.glasse speculum/ to brusshe varro/ to kembe quoque pecto e.dore Hostium/ e.locke sera/ e.key clauis/ i.nayle clauus/ o.dore barre quoque pessulum adde e.wyndowe Fenestra/ o.glasse vitrum/ i.lattysse cancellus/ i.a lytell key clauiculisque e.matche Sulphurata/ i.flynt stone silex/ e.boxe pixis/ e.candell candela/ e.idem lucerna o.a candelstycke Candelabrum/ i.torche lichinus/ i.taper cereus/ i.lanterne lanterna/ o talow sepunque o.a presse or a wardrobe Estque vestiarium/ i.a wardrobe keper vestispicus/ "Wardrobe keeper" antedates the earliest OED citation (1599). to folde clothes complico vestis o.a courte Atrium/ e.an halle et aula/ o.a perlour cenaculum/ .o halle tricliniumque i.a courtyer Hinc et atriales/ i.idem siler allicus/esse feruntur o.a prevy chaumbre Conclaue/ e.carpet tapes/ i.coborde abacus/ o.carpet tapetum/ e.hangynge aulea -cloorde cloth Mappula/ e.table mensa/ i.trestle tripos/ o.quysshyn puluinar/ e.chayre cathedra/ e.borde cloth mappa o a towell Mantile/ o.napkyn mantilielum/ o.lauer gutturrum/ o.basyn labrum o.a water basyn Manilium/ o.salte seller sal salinum/ o.spone coclear quoque dysshe discus e.plater Lanx/ o.saucer et acitabulum/ dysshe patina/ e.saucer sturella/ plater perapsis i.for a sewer Ciborum/ chaumberlayne siler architiclinus eis das e. pantre Cella/ e.idem penaria/ e.botre sic ceruisearia dicas o.a ipenre Penarium/ o.wyne seller et cellarium/ e.idem apoteca i.butler promusque to drawe Promo/ drawe out depromo/ o.tonne dolium/ e.tankarde et amphora/ barell cadus o.pype Doliolum/ o.tonnynge dysshe infundibulum/ e.spygot et clipsedra o.wyne vinum i.botell Vter/ e.idem obba/ i.drynke potus/ e.dregs fex/ e.ale ceruisia quoque e.ryall pluma i.tankarde Cantarus/ e.flatte pyece et patera/ i.standynge pyece crater e.couer acorona i.a cuppe Ciphus/ o.a pot or a cuppe et poculum/ o.couer operculum/ e.crome et mica/ i.breed panis i.chese Caseus/ o.crust et crustum/ o.a gobet frustum/ o.a lytell pyece frustibulum/adde o.cruste Crustulum/ o.broken mete fragentum/ e.basket fistella/ e.idem fiscina/ i.frayle corbis i.coke Cocus/ e.kechyn coquina/ e.woman coke coqua/ e.kechyn popina/ e.idem culina ie.scolyon Lixa/ e.synke lauitrina/ o.idem aquariolum et i.fyre focus idem ignis i.chymney Caminus/ i.fourneys fornax/ o.the towell of the chymney infumibulum flambe quoque flamma i.smoke Fumus/ e.sote fuligo/ e.sparke fauilla/ e.bronde titio e.idem torris e.a lytell bronde Facula/ e.sparke sintilla/ e.bronde fax/ e.cole pruna/ i.idem carbo/ i.asshes cinisque o.wood Lignum/ o.stycke ligniculum/ o.andyerne ipopirgium / e.chyppe assula/ i.tonges forceps i.bellowes Follis/ e.fyre forke furcilla/ o.idem rotabulum/ ee.chyppes quisquillieque e.pot Olla/ o.caudron calearium/ i.idem cacabus/ e.posnet et ollula/ o.broche veru e.flesshe hoke Fulcina/ e.fryenge pan sartago/ e.slyse spatula/ to sethe coquo/ frye frigo/ sethe elixo o.caudron Ahenum/ i.idem lebes/ e.pan patilla/ e.lytell pan patillula/ e.gyrdyron crates skumme Despumo/ make redy paro/ poble ebulit/ idem escuat/ rost asso to drawe byrdes Euiscero/ clense purgo/ vnscale fysshe desquamo to plucke byrdes iunge de plumo o.a morter Mortarium/ e.pestell pistillus/ o.wortes olus/ o.gruell ius/ o.mustarde sinapiumque o.garlyke Allium o.vergyus acetum/ o.sauce condumentum cimeusque catis or mete Obsonium/ i.cator obsenator/ e.flesshe carnes/ vele vituline befe Bouine/ simul/ motton ouine/ kydde heduline/ porke porsine o.drag Haustrum/ i.welle fons/ e.boket situla/ i.welle puteus/ i.ryuer riuus/ i.lake lacus/ i.a.rennynge water amnus i.a lytell ryuer Riuulus/ e.water et limpha e.fysshe pole piscina/ o.ponde stagnum/ e.water et aqua Herbarum nomina. e.sage ¶Saluia/ e.borage borago/ e.rosemary libatonis/ e.colombyne brassica/ e.rue ruta i.flouredelyce Hirios/ i.ysope ysopus/ o.percely petrocilium/ o.blacke worte olisatrum "Black wort" antedates earliest OED citation (1597). e.crowfote Acedula/ o.tyme timum/ e.endyue endiuia/ o.fenell feniculumque o.marygolde Et eliotropium/ e.lettuse lactura/ e.betony betonica/ e.malous malua e.holy hok Althea/ e.planteyn plantago/ e.sauerey saturegia/ e.daysy consolidaque o.sotherwood Abrotinum/ e.moderworte artamesia/ e.hertes tongue [ scolopendria/ o.herberhon baccar Valerian, possibly given as "herb hove" here. o.lely Lilium/ et o.smalage apium/ e.ramys ramilis/ o.wormewood absinthium/ i.wake robyn aron "Wake-robin" antedates the earliest OED citation (1535). o.tansey Tansetum/ e.stonecryp parietaria/ e.lauender lauendula iunge e.myntes Menta/ o.horsmynt mentastrum/ o.water cresses nastarcium/ e.horhond cinoglossa Nomina piscium. o.salte fysshe ¶Est salsamentum/ fresshe fysshe siler et piscis fluuialis e.creuys Licusta/ i.crabbe cancer/ i.mullet mullus/ for seel fysshe vitulusque marinus e.porpos Phoca/ i.sturgyon cum rombus/ i.macrell scombeus/ i.dolphyn sic quoque delphin e.cocle Coclea/ i.cabeg sic capito/ Possibly "cabeg" is the barbel, a carp. iungas/ e.oyster siler ostrea/ i.conger congrus salmon Salmo/ i.morte mugil/ e.sprot apoa/ i.horne keke mutilus/ "mutilus" is a limpet, not a hornfish or horn beak. e.cocle et coclea/ e.shell fysshe concha o.herynge Aller/ e.thorne backe ragadia/ i.pleys pecten/ i.whale cetusque/ e.whyrle pole balena e.tenche Loligo/ e.cheuyn chepa/ i.e.dogfysshe canis/ i.pyke lupus/ i.pykerell atque lupillus i.barble Barbatilus/ e.ele siler anguilla/ e.shale squama/ e.fynne quoque pinna De partinentibus ad equum o.sadle ¶Epiphium/ o.brydle frenum/ e.tayne habena/ "tayne" not found in OED; "habena" is Latin for "leash" or "thong." o.styrop leddes scancilelorum e.gyrthe Cingula/ e.poytrell antela/ e.croper postela/ e.packe sadle clitella e.packe Sarcina/ e.ferdell sarcinula/ i.a dryuer of cloth hinc sarcinarius addas a male Mantica/ e.a boget manticula e hors combe addas strigilis/ hors locke quoque compes e.houe Vngula/ e.pastours suffragines/ i.packe hors clitellarius/ e.mane iuba/ e.idem caprona i.geldynge Cantherius/ e.mare equa/ i.hors siler equus balocked testiculatus i.cable Caballus/ i.colte pullus/ i.a breker of hors agaso/ to torne flectoque to breke domo i.ambler Gradarius/ i.idem volutarius/ i.trotter succussariusque to trotte Succutio/ courser sompus/ to trotte siler et succusso/ amble voluto to smell Olfacio/ touche tango/ sobbe singulcio/ kough tussio/ for kough tussis here Audio/ taste gusto/ smellynge siler olfactus/ vnderstonde sentio/ touchynge tactus herynge Auditus/ i.seynge visus/ i.understandynge sensus/ i.touchynge gustus/ to se videoque gape Ossito/ nese sternuto/ i.stutter balbus/ to strut balbutio/ i.lysper blesus to syghe or sobbe Singulcio/ spyt screo/ to wagge the heed conquinisco/ to twynkle conniuioque i.gogle eyed Strabo/ e.a gogle eyed woman straba/ i.blere eyed lippus/ i.spurre blynde luscus e.idem iungesque cocles deef Et surdus/ squynt petus/ blynde sic cecus/ he that loketh a squynt cecuciensque dombe Et mutus/ lame et claudus/ croked varus/ idem curuusque idem vietus longe Longus/ talle porcerus/ propre elegans/ vpryght rectus/ lytell breuis/ hye altus a dwarfe Honnillus/ idem nanus/ idem homunio/ idem pomilioque brode Latus/ consumed abesus/ fatte crassus/ idem pinguis/ lene macrilentus fatte or lene Sic corpulentus/ small gracilis/ lene macerque/ to be lene macresco fatnes Et pinquedo/ slowe or slacke cessabundus/ lene sic maciesque taryenge Sic cunctabundus/ slowe et signis/ idem tardus/ quycke acutus