l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 0 4 7 4 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) ¶ A good table for them that shall rede this sermon / and vnder stande nat Latin and frenche termes / vsed in englisshe ¶ Ascribe / to yeld or clayme to one. Accompted / cast or rekened. "Accompted" antedates the earliest OED citation (1550). Assembled gethered to gether. Attentyue / inwardly markynge. Abominable / lothesome. Ancient / aged or olde. Accept / to take or allowe. Angelicall / heuenly. Affliction / peyne or grefe. Adde / to put or lay more to. Augmenteth / inlargeth maketh more Aduoutrice / a woman aduoutrer. Abandonyng / is taken for mysusyng Arbitrement / wyll or opinion. Abiecte / lowe or out cast. Accomplysshed / done or fulfylled. Amplifieth / maketh more large. Aduocatrice / is a woman that ple­ deth causes or matters. Brefely / soone or shortly. Benigne is he that well and wo­ thily rewardeth. Bounte / goodnes. Brute / vnwytte dull or slowe. Blaspheme / to speke yll or by leude sayeng to hynder ones honour. Concerneth toucheth. Confounded / troubled or all out of square and order. Compelleth / constrayneth by force. Comyt syn / to do synne. Calamite / wretchednes or grefe. Comprehende / perceyue or vnder­ stande. Confidence / sure hope. Conquered / got by fyght. Composicion / a treaty. Crime / synne blame or sklaunder. Commendacion / preyse. Complecteth / clyppeth conteyneth consydereth or remembreth. Clemency / mercy or pite. Congregacion / a company gethered. Conuersacion / maner in lyuynge. Conferred / one thinge laid to an other Celebrate / worshyp or honour. Carnall / flesshye. Contemplacion / diligent [damaged]Gee reads "consideration". Conformite semelynes or shappe Contemne / set at naught. Confisketh is whan a prince [damage] on a mans goodes forfayted.Gee reads "sesoneth". Dedicate is a thyng done and gy­ uen by cause of honour. Direct / to leade shewe or dresse Distruction / marrynge. Distinction / difference or diuidyng Diuined / demed or truly spoken as well of thynges present as past. Discipline / lernynge. Difficile / harde or vneasy Detecte / cast or threwe. Depriued / put from. Exciteth / stereth vp or awakeneth. Expedient / profitable good necessa­ ry or behouefull. Expressed / shewed playnly. Eloquent / fayre langaged. Effectuous or effectuall is hit that to do a thyng hath power and wo­ keth moste. Exhalte / to prease vp on high. Expelled / dryuen out. Erudite / well lerned. Excellent / excedynge. Enterprise / taken on hande. Extolleth / auanceth enhaunceth lyfteth vp or preyseth. Encountred / met with. Excesse / more than ynough. Enbraceth / clyppeth. Employe / exercise or put forth Enuiron / compasse or set about. Eternall / euerlastynge. Enormite / out of measure. Felicite / prosperite or welthe. Fornicacion / hore hauntynge. Fugitiue / vanysshynge lyghtly. Fruicion / frutefull desyre.Gee reads "delyte" for "desyre". Fortifieth / strengtheth Humayne / is what that belongen vnto mankynde. Horrible / dredefull or erkesome. Humilite / lowlynes or mekenes. Incredible / vnneth to be beleued. Infinite / without ende. Interpretate / expounde or declare. Iniury / harme or wronge. Infamous / yll named. Inhabitantis / dwellers. Incontinent / shortly or by and by. Ineffable / vnspekeable. Incomparable / without pere. Iniquite / vnrightousnes / wikednes Infirmitees / sickenes or diseases. Insolent / vnwont or vnused / and is taken for proude presumptuousnes. Indurate / made harde or hardned. Liberalite / free or gentyll. Mortall is he that muste dye. Misery / sorowe or wretchednes. Multitude / moche folke gethered. Miracle / a maruayle or a wonder. Mysticall / figured. Mansions / dwellynges. Magnifie / to crake or boste. Monyssheth / warneth. Memory / remembrance. Mollifieth / soupleth tendreth or maketh softe. Necessites / nedis. Odious / hatefull. Obiecteth / putteth casteth or layeth agaynst. Prohibeted / let or forbyden. Prosecute is whan the mynde is bent towarde one to fauour hate or loue hym / to folowe the same. Preceptes / teachynges. Presumtuous is whan one taketh vpon hym that he ought nat. Pondred / wayed or consydered. Pestilent / mischeuous. Perdicion / losse. Perpetuall / styll or contynuall. Puissance / myght or power. Parabol / a similitude or lykenes. Preuent / come or take fyrst. Procedeth / holdeth on. Prescribeth / lymytteth marketh or appoynteth before. Pleasant / gaye to ones mynde. Polluted be durted. "Durted" antedates the earliest OED citation ("dirt," v.1; 1570). Preiudice / harme. Profounde / depe. Prodigall / riottous. Rude / vnlerned. Redoundeth / returneth. Reproche / reprofe or blame. Repeted / rehersed or spoken agayne Reconciled / fauourably returned Regarde / beholde. Rapine / robbery. Resisteth / withstandeth. Reduce / to brynge in agayne. Subtyle / wyly. Superstitiousnes or superstition / is vayne deuocion. Seriously / sadly or ernestly. Solemne / customable. Satanas / the dyuell / whiche is say an aduersary. Stablisshe / surely grounde Sagasite / quicke or crafty. "Sagasite" not found in OED. Scarbet / in some places of Englande is called a dorre / in som other places a shernebod / it is lyke a humbullbee it is blacke / it fleeth in the euenyng and falleth in beastis donge. Testimony / wytnes. Transitory / is it that lyghtly goth. Temporall / duryng a tyme. Vile / lyttel worthe. Vsurpe / to take vpon. Veritable / true. Violate / breke. Vanquisshed / ouercome. Finis.