l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 9 5 1 8 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Exposicion of old wordis ¶ Sok / that is suyt of men in your court after the costome of the realme Sak that is plee and amendis of trespas of men in your court ¶ Toll that is that you and your men of your homage shalbe quit of all maner toll in all mer­ cettis of thyngis to be bought or sold. ¶ Thom that is that he shall haue the hole ge­ neracion of your villeyns with theyr suytes and catellis wherso euer they be found in englond except that if any bondman haue dwellyd in a priuilegyd town by a yere and a day quietely so that he be found as one of them in theyr com­ mynalte or gyld therin he is delyueryd of his vil­ ynage.Unidentified in OED. ¶ Infang theff that is that theffes take in your lordship or fee of thefft conuict in your court shalbe iuggyd. ¶ Hanghwyte that is to be quit of the han­ gyng of a theff without iugement or of skapskapingg owt of ward. ¶ Owt fang theff that is that theffys of your land or of your see takyn without your land or with out your fee wyth theft shalbe retornyd a­ gayn and there iuggyd. ¶ Home sokyn that is to be quyt of amercemen­ tis of violent entre in to housys without lycen­ ce and agayns the kyngys peace and that ye shall hold plees of the same trespassis don in your court and in your land. ¶ Grythbreche that is the kingis peas brokin ¶ Blodwyte that is to be quite of amercemen­ tis of blode shed and that plees shalbe hold in your court and that ye shall haue the mercemen­ tis therof commyng for wyte englyssh is merce­ ment in laten. ¶ Flytwyte that is to be quite of couencions and dispytes / and that he haue the plee therof in your court and the amercymentis. ¶ Fledwyte that is to be quid of amerciamen­ tis when any man vtlawid fleyth and commith to the kyngis peace frely or by lycence.Predates earliest OED citation (1579). OED conjectures this form as a mistake for "ferdwite." ¶ Flemynes wyte that is that ye shall haue the catell and amercyamentis of your men that flee.Not found in OED but cf. "flemensfirth". ¶ Letherwyte that is that ye shall take amen­ dis of him that coruptith your nature without your lycence.Not found in OED. ¶ Chydwit that is that ye shall take amendes of your nature corupt & got with chyld without your lycence. ¶ Forstall that is to be quit of amercymentis & cattellys a restyd within your land and amer­ cyamentis therof commyng. ¶ Scot that is to be quit of a certeyn costome as of comyn tallage made to the vse of the shy­ ryf or his baylyffis. ¶ Gelte that is to be quit of bound custome whych sometyme where wont to be giffin as Hornegeld and such other ¶ Hidage that is to be quit yf the kyng tax all his land by hidys. Caruage that is to be quit yf the kyng tax his land by acres.Antedates first OED citation (1610). ¶ Dangelt that is to be quit of a certeyn custo­ me that rennyth some tyme whych the danys dyd leuey in englond. ¶ Hornegelt that is to be quyt of a certeyn co­ stome exact by tallage by the hole land as of eue­ ry best that is hornyd. ¶ Lastage that is to be quit of a certeyn costo­ me exact in feyris and merkettis for thyngis to­ be caryed whether a man wyll. ¶ Stalage that is to be quit of a certeyn costo­ me exact for a place takyn or assignyd in feyres & mercettis. ¶ Shewing that is to be quid of attachment in ani court or before who soeuer of quarrelles she­ wd & not aduowyd /OED "showing" vbl. n. 3. ¶ Misharsyng that is to be quit of amercyme­ tis prouid in the transompt before who so euer ¶ Burghbrech to be quyd of trespassis don in cyte or borough agains the peace.Antedates citation in OED "borough" 7 (1647). ¶ wardwyte that is to be quit of gyffing of mo­ ney for wardis to be made. ¶ Hundred that is to be quyt of gyffing of mo­ ney or customis to be don to prouostis and hun­ dredars ¶ Brodehalpeni that is to be quit of a certein costome exact for tabuls leueyd. ¶ Burghbote that is to be quit of gyffyn ayde & makyng a borogh castell Cyte or throyng town of wallis.See OED "boot" n.1, 5a. ¶ Auerpeny that is to be quit of dyuers mo­ ney for the auerage of the kyngSee "averpenny". Tractatus de expositionibus vocabulorum.