l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a A l b e r t M a r c k w a r d t ' s t r a n s c r i p t i o n c o l l a t e d w i t h B o d l e i a n L i b r a r y M s S e l d e n S u p r a 6 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) VOCABULARIUM SAXONICUM MID. hiht Ic þolize. L.N. Laur. Nowel 1567 Butan hiht ic ahni&yogh;e. W.L. Will Lombard wæccaþ þine leohtfæt. W. L. for the degrees of the declinati&omacron; of the old Inglishe, or Sax&omacron; tongue, .1. reade the Lawes before the Conquest: .2. the Sax&omacron; chr&omacron;. of peterborough, after the Conquest. .3. The Sax&omacron; writte of .H. 3. to oxfordshyre: in the litle booke of olde Lawes, fo. .4. The pater noster & Crede, of Rob. Grosted: in the booke of patrices purgatorie &c. .5. The rythme of Jacob: in the booke called flos flor&umacron;. .6. The Chronicles called Brute: Gower, Chaucier, &c. by the which, and suche like it may appeare, how, and by what steps, our language is fallen fr&omacron; the old Inglishe, and drawen nearer to the frenche: This may wel be lightened by shorte examples, taken fr&omacron; theise bookes, and is meete to be discouered when this Dictionarie shalbe emprinted. W. Lambarde. 1570 W. L. ex Dono L. Noelli auctoris Invigila Lampadi. Wæccaþ þine leohtfæ. W. L. 1567 And wille h&amacron;m l&amacron;wyrhte; A. Evermore. Aa. Lind. Abbud, Abbod. An abbotte. Abbudesse. An abbesse. Abel&yogh;an. To offende. Ac. But, howbeit. Ac swa þeah. Howbeit, yet notwithstanding. ah. Lind. &Amacron;c. An oke. Acennan. To bring foorth. Accæren & accorn. An ackorne, the corne of frute of an oke. Accyn. A yong oke, a sapling; ilex. Acdrinc. A kinde of drinke, made of ackornes, used of an­ tiquitie in time of dearth & necessitie. Acennan or cennan, vide Cennan. Acse. Asshe. Item, an axe. Acsan. To aske or demaunde. Item, to understand. The woord hath the like use in Englisshe that πυθανεσθαι hath in Greeke & &yogh;eacsan, idem. Acumb. Naphtha, a kinde of earth or claye whiche easily taketh fire & is inflamed. Ad & ade. Rogus; a greate heape or stacke of woode wherin, being sette on fire, the bodies of deade men were burned. Addre. A vaine. Adeliht. Cœnosus. Adesa. A carpenter or couper axe, called an adese. Adl. Sicknesse, disease, infirmi­ tie; whereof are compounded a nummber of names of diseases as len&yogh;tenadl, the ague, etc. Adlian. To be sicke or wax sicke. Adli&yogh;. Sickly. Adremint. A kinde of herb; I thinke it be feverfue. Adreo&yogh;an. To endure, to suffer, to abide. lanc. to dree Item to leade. Adreo&yogh;an eadi&yogh; life. To leade a godly life. Adyli&yogh;an & Adyle&yogh;ean & Adyl­ &yogh;ean. To abolisshe, destroye, blotte out. Adyle&yogh;od. Destroyed, etc. Æ Lawe. Myrcen œ. Marchen law. Westseaxna œ. West Saxon law. Ines œ. King Ine's law. Æbec. Lawe bookes. Æbesne. Pasnage. Leg. In. Æbere. Open, manifest, as œbere morð, open murther; œbere þeof, an open theefe. Æbyli&yogh;an & æbili&yogh;an. To offend. Æbilð Iniuria. Æbyli&yogh;nysse & æbyl&yogh;ðe. Offence, indignation; scandalum. Æbreda. Naptha. Æc vel &amacron;c. An oke. Æccer. Seges; ut habet Æl­ fric. A feld, of ager. Sum­ time an aker, whicheche is in quantitie of land so moche as one plough may plowe in one daye. Whiche aunciently con­ teyned in length 320 foote & in breadth 128. or els in length 640 & in breadth 65, which cummeth all to one accompt. So that thacre then consisted of so many poles as it now dothe, but a pole then con­ teyned 16 foote only. Æccerman & æccerceorl. A hus­ bandman, a ploughman. Æccerspranca. Ilex; holmtree. Yong okes which growe of themselves in land whiche lieth long untilled. Æcelma. Palagra, vide [missing word] Æcemban. Supparum. Æhte. Possession, goodes. Æcin. Tabetum. Ædeawan for æteowian. To ap­ peare. Lind. Ædre. A vayne, or arterie. Æddreseax. A knife to lette blood with. Ædwist. Substance; essentia. Æwitan. To reproach, to blame, to cast in the teethe; impro­ perare. Æfeldan. A wildernesse or huge wood in the north part of Ger­ manie, liing north from Apdred. I suppose it to be the same whicheche nowe is called Eifel or Eifalia, howbeit the discription whicheche Alfred in his translation of Orosius maketh thereof agreeth not thereunto. It is otherwise written Hœfeldan. Æfen. Even, egall. Æfene. Even, evening. Æfendreame. Evenson & Efen­ san&yogh;. Æfenlæcan. To be ægall or com­ parable; to matche. Item, to counterfayte. Æfengyfl. Supper, opinor. Æfenmete. Supper. Æfentun&yogh;el. The Evening starre. Æfest. Invidia; envie. Lind. Æfest. Godly, devout. Æfestnysse. Godlinesse, devotion. Æf&yogh;ræf. Exactor. Lind. Æfre. Ever. Æfter. After. Vide After. Æftan & be æftan. After, be­ hinde. Æftmæst. The hindmost. Æfterre. Seconde. Seo œfterre b&omacron;c. The second booke. Æfterrape. The crouper of a horse. Æftradæl. The hinder part. Æfwyrdla and Æwerdla. Losse; jactura. Æfyrmða. Quisquiliæ. Æfþanc. Displeasure. Æ&yogh; & Æc&yogh;. An egge. Æ&yogh;&yogh;man&yogh;. Ogastrum. Æ&yogh;hwær. Every wher. Æ&yogh;hwannan. On every side or from every part. Æ&yogh;hwilc. Every one. Æ&yogh;ild. Unpayd for & or&yogh;ild. Æ&yogh;ylt. Transgression of the lawe Æ&yogh;þer. Bothe. Æ&yogh;ðer &yogh;e syn­ derlic &yogh;e &yogh;emœnlic. Tweora œ&yogh;þer. Uterque. Item, eyther of them. Æhlype. Leges. Athels., Cap. 6. Æhte. Possession, goodes. Æl. An eele. onÆlan. To kindle, to sette on fire. Ælc. Every one. Scottice, ilke. Ælces kynnes. Of all kindes. Æle. An alle. Æleten. Rupudiata uxor. AElf. A farie or elf. Plur: Ælfas & œlfenne, whereof are many kindes: Landœfenne, wœter & sœ œlfenne, wuduœl­ fenne, & dun or ber&yogh;œlfenne. Ælfe. The river of Elbe or Albis in Germanie. Ælfremed quasi Eall fremd. Al straunge, αλλογενήζ, a straunger borne, utterly straunge; alie­ num. &yogh;Æfremed. Made straunge, alienated. &yogh;Æl&yogh;ed. Colerata. Ælmes&yogh;eorn. Elimosynarius; an almesgyver. He that is good to the poore. Æltæwe. Good, honest. Ælðeodi&yogh;. Straunge, a straunger, a forayner, an outlandisshe man. Ælðeodi&yogh;nesse. Straungenesse, straunge byrth, straunge coun­ treyes. On œlðeodi&yogh;nes. Pere­ gre; in a straunge countreye. Æmelle. Insipidus. Æmet. An ant or pismire. Æmethwile. Respite, leasure to doo anything. Æmice vel Æmyrce. Egregius. Æmode. Discouraged. Forht & œmode. Æmpti&yogh;e. Idle, at leasure. Æne. One. It signifieth also ones; semel. Æne wœ Troye. Ones was Troye. Æn&yogh;el. An angelle. Æn&yogh;ni&yogh;. Any Ænlipi&yogh;e. Every one by him self; singuli. Æpple. An apple. Æppldor & Æppulder & Æpple­ treowe. An apple tree. Æppleleaf. A kinde of herb. Æpplewin. Cider; drinke or wine made of apples; poma­ ceum. Æppletun. An orchard. Æps. Aspe tree. Ær. Before, ere. On œrda&yogh;um. Before time. Swið œr on mor&yogh;an. Very timely or early in the morning & therof. Se œrra. The formost or the first. Ærest. First. Ær. Brasse. Æren. Brasen, of brasse. Ærende. A message, an arende, an embassade, therof: œren­ dian. & &yogh;eœndian, to do a message, to playe the embassa­ dour. Ærendraca. A messengier or embassadour. Ærend&yogh;ewrit. Letters missive, an epistle. Ærest þin&yogh;a. Imprimis; first of all. Ær&yogh;ystran. The daye before yesterdaye; nudius tertius. Æriht. Right by lawe. Æring. Morning. Lind. Ærist. Arising. Sunnes œrist. Ærmer&yogh;en & Ærrandæ&yogh;. The morning. On œrnemeri&yogh;en. In the morning. Ærwan. An arowe. Æs. Esca; bate for fisshe, etc. Æsce. Inquisitio. Æscen. A pale. lanc., an esshin, to carie water in. Æscmen. Pirates. Æscðrote. Ferula. Æsne. Inops; item a servant. Æstel. Indicatorium; also a handel or steal of any thing. Æswice. An hypocrite, an apos­ tate or deceavour, an offendour of the lawe. Æswican. To renie the fayth, to offend the lawe. Æswicun&yogh;. Offence. Æswind. Slouthfull. Æt. At. Ætberstan. To escape, to breake from. Ætbrædan. To take awaye. Swa hwœt we œtbrœdað oðrum. Æthleapan. To escape, to runne from. Æteowian. To appere, to shew. Ætfora. Before. Ætforan oðrum. Æt&yogh;ar. Framea, falarica; a kinde of speare or dart. Æt&yogh;edre. Togither; simul. Æthide. Fleade. Æthwon. Almost. Lind. Æthrinan. To touche, to rine, Lanc. Ætlic&yogh;an. To lie stille or idle. Ætnyhstan. Almost. Ætsacan. Negare. Ætter. An adder. Lind. Ættor. Poyson, venime. &yogh;eÆttran. To envenimme, to poyson. &yogh;eÆttrod. Poysoned. Ætsomme. Togither. Ætstandan. To stande stille. Æwindan. To escape awaye. Ætwande, pret & œwunden, escaped. Ætwitan. To blame, to re­ proache, to laye the fawte on. lanc., to wite. Æw. Mariage, matrimonie. Æwa. Maried folkes. Þœs eal­ dormanne œwe. The alder­ mannes wife. &yogh;eÆwnod. Maried. Æwbryce. Advoutrie, breache of matrimonie. Æwbrecca. An advouterer. Æwenbroðer. Owne or germayne brother. Æwende. Membrum virile, testi­ culi. Æwerdla and Æfwyrdla. Losse; jactura, damnum. Æwintre cynin&yogh;as. Consulles; rulers for one yeare. Æwylme. The head of a ryver. Æwist. Losse, dishonour. Æwfest. Godly, devout. Æwfestnesse. Godlinesse. Æwyrp. A cast awaye. Æðel. A mans countrie or na­ tion: patria. Æðele. Noble, excellent, gentle. Æðelboren. A gentleman, noble by byrthe. Æðelborennysse. Nobylitie of byrthe. Æðelin&yogh;. A yong prince or the son of a prince, by whiche names were before the Conquest named suche as were the next in succession or heyres appar­ entes to the crowne. Ead&yogh;ar eðelin&yogh; Æðlturf. Natale solum; a mans native countreye. Æðm. Breath, vapour. Æðryt. Wearinesse, yrksumnesse, tediousnesse. Æx. An axe. Afandian. To prove, to assaye. Afandun&yogh; & Afan&yogh;dun&yogh; Proofe, assaye, temptation ex­ perience. Afdrede alias Apdrede. A coun­ trey ling east from north Den­ marke & north from the mouth of Elb in Germanie. Afon. Aven, the name of sundrie rivers in England for in Bry­ tisshe afon signifieth a river. Aforð. Stille, continually. After. After. Afterfil&yogh;ian. To folowe after. Afterfil&yogh;end. A folower, a suc­ cessour. Æfter&yogh;en&yogh;a & æfter&yogh;engle. Pos­ teritie, successours. Afylan. To fowle, to soyle, to pollute, to file, lanc. Afyllan. To destroye, overthrowe, felle, make to falle. A&yogh;an. To owe, be the owner, to possesse. A&yogh;&amacron;n. Ago, passed. A&yogh;en. Owne, propre. A&yogh;ennama. The propre name. A&yogh;encyre. Free wille, owne choyse. A&yogh;enfri&yogh;ea. The owner. Liber in cuius est posessione. A&yogh;eotan. To powre out. A&yogh;oten. Powred out, spilt. A&yogh;risan. To be afrayed. Of hell wite a&yogh;risan. Ah, id est ac. But. &yogh;eAhnian, &yogh;ea&yogh;nian. To owe, to possesse. &yogh;eAhnun&yogh;e. Possession. Aheldan. To leane or encline. Ahon. To hang; suspendere. Ahreddan. To deliver. Ahred. Delyvered. Aht. Ought; sumthing, good. Deofol mot œlces mannes afan­ dian &yogh;if he aht sie oððe naht. Aidlian. To emptie. Item, to suspende, to difface; irritum facere, to confute. Item, sum­ time to be sicke or languisshe. Aiðan. Eliminare. Aiðend. Exterminans. Alec&yogh;an. To laye away or to laye downe. Al&yogh;eweorc. Igniaria. Almeri&yogh;e. An almerie, a chest to putte in cates. Alotene. Groveling; pronus. Nytenu he let &yogh;an alotene. Alor holt. A woodde of elders or owlers; alnetum or ellers. A woodde whereof shippes were wont to be made. Alr. A eller, owler, or elder; alnus. Alyfan. To gyve leave or license. Alyfed. Lawfull. Amansuman. To excommunicate. Amansumod. Cursed, excom­ municate. Amersodne. Idem. Leg. Canut. Ambeht. Conlatio. Ambacht is the cheif of any company, as the Master of the Drapers, or suche. Looke Goropius, fol. 35. Amber, Ambre. Amphora; a cer­ tayne measure of any kinde of licour commune emongst the Englisshe Saxons; sumtime the vessel it self. Ambyrne winde. A prosperouse wind to sayle by. Amerran & amyrra. To marre, to destroye. Amerian. To examine. Amore. A kinde of bird; scorel­ lus. An. One in number & the indefi­ nite article, a. &Amacron;n man. A man. An feawa. A few. An &YOGH;od. One God. Anmodre heorta. Unanimum cor. Ana. Alone & ones in time; semel. Anbidian. To tarie, to looke for, to abide. Anbide. Tariance, expectation. Þœr wœron œrendracan on an­ bide. Anbu&yogh;an. To obeye. Ancenned. Onely begotten. Se ancenned &YOGH;oddes bearn. Ancerman. Proreta; he that hath the charge of the anker in a shippe. Ancleowe. The ancle of a mans legge. Ancor or ancer. An anker or anachorite, a recluse. Ancorsetle. An anachorites stalle or house wherein he is shutte & remayneth. Ancre. An anker of a shippe. Anda. Envie, item zele. &YOGH;&omacron;d anda. Bonus zelus. Andbidian, idem quod Anbidian. Andbita. Azimus. Andefn. Proportion. Swa þœs feos andefn bið. Andettan. To confesse. Andfen&yogh;. Acceptable, gratefull, thankeswoorth. And&yogh;eloman. Tooles, instru­ mentes. Instrumentes of hous­ hold. And&yogh;yt. Understanding, item sense. Þ fif and&yogh;yta þœs lichoman þæ synd &yogh;esih þ, hlyst, swœ stœnþ & hrepun&yogh;. And&yogh;ytan. To understande. Andian. To envie. Ic andi&yogh;e on þe. I envie the. Andian&yogh;. Alonge. by. Andleofan. Living, meate & drinke, expenses. Andluman, And&yogh;eloman. Tooles, instrumentes, houshold stuffe wherof cometh the heireloome. Andredeswald. The wilde of Kent & Sussex. Andresea. A little iland in Trent by Burton where King Alfred builded Saint Modwens chapelle. Andrysne. Andsacan. To denie, refuse, for­ sake. Andsæce & Andsa. Deniall, re­ fusall. Andsæte. Hated, abhorred, for­ saken. Item refusal. &Amacron; bið andsœt swiðere þonne onsa&yogh;u & Andsæc. Denyal unsay­ inge. Andstandan. To sustayne, to abide by, to beare. Andswarian. To answere. Andweorce. Stuffe, matter wher­ of anything is made. And­ weor to weal Cyment. Andwis. Expert, wise by ex­ perience. Andwisnysse. Experience. Andwlite. Face, countenance. Andwyrde. Present. Andwyrd tid. Present time. Andwyrd. Answere. Andðracian. To quake for feare or colde. Ane&yogh;e. One eyed. Anfeal. Simple, single, one folde. Anfilt. A stithie, an anvelde whereupon the smith beatheth his yron. An&yogh;elcynne. The Englisshe na­ tion. On An&yogh;elcynne. In Englande. An&yogh;e. Vexed, sorie, sorowfull. Þa wœs se cynin&yogh; swiðe an&yogh;e on his mode. An&yogh;el & An&yogh;le. A hooke. There­ of cummeth angling, taking fisshe with a hooke. An&yogh;eltwicce. A redde woorme. So cauled because he is most comomly used for bate in angling. An&yogh;en&yogh;. Solitarie. What so ever beast useth to go along. Soli­ vagus. An&yogh;innan. To beginne. An&yogh;inne. Beginning. An&yogh;rislic. Terrible, horrible. lanc., grislie. An&yogh;mode. Carefull, sorowefulle. An&yogh;seta. Pustula. An&yogh;sum. Carefull, sorowefull, vexed. An&yogh;sumnysse. Care, sorowe, vexation. An&yogh;sumian. To vexe, to trouble, to make sadde or sorowfulle. An&yogh;ytan. To understande. An&yogh;yte. Understanding. An&yogh;ytfull. Well understanding. An&yogh;ytlic. Playnely, certaynly, well to be understoode. Anhyrn. An unicorne, what so ever hath but one horne. Anhynd. One handed. Anla&yogh;a. Solitarie. Anlan&yogh;. Ordinarius. Anlæc. Respect. Anlæst & Anlust. E vestigio. &yogh;Anlæcan. To unite, to joyne in one, to gree or make to agree. Anlicnesse. An image, a lick­ nesse of a thing, a counterfayte, a picture. &yogh;eAnmette. Anmodre. Of one minde, con­ sent, or accorde. Annysse. Unitie. Anræd. Of one accorde or minde. Item, readye. Anrædnysse. Accord or consent in advise. Item readinesse, quicknesse, or diligence. Anhreosan. To runne upon, to assayle. Anspel. Conjecture. Ansund. Sounde, in health. Ansyn & Ansin. Face, counte­ nance, favour, forme. Antymber. Matter, stuffe wher­ of any thing is made. Anwald & Anweald. Power, rule, authoritie. Anwi&yogh; Combate man to man, batayle bytwix a coople; duel­ lum. He &yogh;ecwœð anwi&yogh; wið ðœm cynin&yogh;. Anwi&yogh;lic. By combate. Anwill. Obstinate, stubburne, self willed; pertinax. Anðracian. To tremble, to be vehemently afrayd. Anðræclic. Horrible, terrible, fearfulle. Apa. An ape. Apdrede. Vide Afdrede. Appletun & Appledortun. An orcharde. Apul. Fascinula. Appuldor, Appuldre & Appel­ treowe. An apple tree. Are. Dignitie, honour, landes, possessions. Land are. Pos­ sessions of landes. Ara þinum fœder. Ar. Brasse. Grene ar. Mast­ ling; aurichalcum. Coppe or latine. Ardlic. Quickly, shortly. Arecte. Concessum. Arednesse. Condition, as of a bargayne. Arefnan. To endure, to suffer. Ahreddan. To deliver. Arfæst. Godly, religiouse, holy, honest. Arfæstnesse. Godlinesse, hon­ estie. Arfull. Honest, good. Ar&yogh;entilla. Camomille. Arian. To spare, to pardon from punishment. & &yogh;eArian. Ar&yogh;eoter. A copersmith, a brasse melter, a maker of images of brasse. Arleas. Wicked, ungodly. Arleasnesse. Wickednesse, un­ godlinesse, impiousnesse. Aron. Sunt; they are. Lin. Arweorð or Arwurð. Reverende, honorable, woorshipfulle. Arwurðnysse. Honour, woor­ shippe. Arwurðian & Arwyrðian. To woorshippe, to honour, to cele­ brate. Asal. An asse. Northum. Asolcene. Slowthfulle. Asolcennysse. Slewth, slowth­ fulnesse. Aspelian. To excuse, to doo that whiche an other shuld doo. Aspelod. Excused. Asponan. To allure or entise. Assa. An asse. Asti&yogh;an. To ascende, to go uppe. He of heofonum astah. He came downe from heaven. Astræcan. To prostrate, to stretche along. Astreht. Prostrate. Aswundennysse. Slowthfulnesse. Ate. Lotium. Aten. Otes; ævenæ. Atol & Atollic. Fowle, uglye, evle favored. Se atol scucca. The fowle fende. Ator vel Ater. Poyson. Atorbærend. Poysonfulle. Atordrinc. Poyson. Atorlaðe. A kinde of herb. Be­ tonie. A&yogh;ustines &amacron;c. The place where Augustine the munke mette the Brytisshe bisshoppes to dispute with them. In Hwicna &yogh;emæro & West Seaxna. Awe&yogh;. Awaye. Weorpan awe&yogh;. Cast awaye. He is awe&yogh;. He is lacking. Awendan. To turne, to chaunge, to translate. Awendendlic. Chaungeable or mooveable. Awoh. Awrye dryven. Awull or Awell. A forke, a fire forke, item a shoomakers awle. Awyht. Sumwhat, sumthing, ought. Axan. Asshes. Axian. To axe or demaunde; item to knowe. Að. An othe. Cyre að. Jus­ iurandum electum. Rimað. The othe of many; a wager of lawe. Aðena bo&yogh;a. To bende a bowe. Aðracian & Andðracian. To feare, quake, abhorre. Aðræt. Irksumnesse, wearinesse, tediousness. Aðryt. Me aðryt. It irketh me. Aðum. A son in lawe; my doughters husbande. Bacan. To bake. &yogh;eBacen. Baken. Badian. To take a stresse for any thing that is dewe. Bad. A stresse; namum. Badecanwyllan on Peaclond. Bakewelle in the Peake in Derbyshire. Bæc & Bæce. The backe. Under bæc. He beheold under bæc. He looked bacwarde, downward. Bæcbord. Larboard in a shippe, whiche is towards the lift hande as Steorbord is on the right hand looking towards the proue. Bæcern & Bæchus. A backhouse. Bæcestere. A baker. lanc., a bacstere. Bæcerin&yogh;. A gridiron. Bæcðarm. The foundement gutte; longanum. Bædan. To bidde, to commaunde. &yogh;eBæde. Prayer. Bædlin&yogh;. A delicate felowe, a tenderling that lieth moche in his bedde. Bæftan, Beæftan. After, behinde. Bæftan. To slaunder, to back­ bite, to speake evle of a man behinde his backe. Bæ&yogh;ðwara. The Bavarians or men of Bavier. Bæðwaraland. The countrey of Baviere. Bælða. Bulga. Bæliz. A poke, a sacke, a bagge. Metebeli&yogh;. A walet for mete. Beanbel&yogh;. Bean shales. Herof our Bellye hath the name. Bænce. A bence. Bænde. A band. Bœnd &yogh;yl­ denne. Vitta aurea. Bære. A beere to carie a corps upon. &yogh;eBæra. Companie. He swiðor lufade wifa &yogh;ebœra þonne wœpned manna. Bærfisc. Barefote. Bærnan. To burne. &yogh;eBæro. Gesture. Bærs. Lupus, piscis. Bærstan. To escape. Bærsynni&yogh;. A open sinner, a publicane. Lind. Bærwe. A barowe. Bæðan. To bathe. Bæðe. Bathes. Bald. Quicke, readye, bold. Baldlic. Adverb. Bana. The malafactor, the killer. B&amacron;n. A bone. Banbeor&yogh;as. Bootes or buskins. Bancorenaburh. Bangor in Wales. Banda. A husbande. &yogh;eBannan. To proclame, com­ maunde, appointe. &yogh;eBann. A statute, acte, decree. Banrift. Bootes. Banse&yogh;n. Bapis. "Bapis" not found in OED. Banwyrt. Herb. B&amacron;r. A bore. Barme. Simus; a bosumme, barme, knee. On Abrahames barme. In Abrahames bosumme. B&amacron;rspreote. A bore speare. Basin&yogh;. A cloake. Basu. Purple. Basu hæwen. Purple colour or purple cloathe. B&amacron;t. A boate. Batan. To bayte, as to bate a hooke. Batt. A clubbe, a batte. Baþanceaster. Bathe. It is also called Achamannes ceaster. Be. By. Is diversely used. Be ðœr bysne. By the example. Ne sprœcon we be ðissum. We speake not herof. Seo ea þe yrneð be Rome. Be suðan þœr ea. Be eastan, etc. Bebbanburh. Bamborowe in Nor­ thumberland. It was builded by Ida, first king of Northum­ berland about the yeare 547 & was by him environned with a hedge. Maranius, Sco. Urbs Bebbæ reginæ. Beacn. A token or signe, prop­ erly. Þæt beacn þœs belhrin&yogh;es. Beacnun&yogh;a. Signing, nodding, becking. Beacenst&amacron;n. The stone wherupon the beakon fire was made. A towre or stone sette up to sette theron the beakon fire. Pharus. Bea&yogh;e. Armilla; a juelle, a crowne, a chane, a coller. "Armilla" antedates earliest OED citation (1677). Beah & Bea&yogh;e idem. A bracelet. Sweorbeah. Torques; a chayne for the necke. Bea&yogh;en. Bothe. Bealcettan. To belche or rifte. Beald. Bolde. Bealdlic. Boldly. &yogh;eBealh. Offended. Beallucas. Testiculi. Bealewe. Confusion. &YOGH;if he elles doð þæt husel bið him sylfe to bealewe &yogh;eþi&yogh;d. Beam. A tree, a poste. Beamdune. Beamfleote. Bean. A beane. Bear. Cicera; a kinde of drinke, beere. Win & bear ne drincað. Lind. Derived of Bere, bare­ lye. Bearan. To carie or beare. Bearanbyri&yogh; Beard. A bearde. Beardleas. Beardelesse. Bearh. Magalis; a porke. Item, Bear&yogh; & Bearu&yogh;. A barowe hogge. Bearme. A lappe, bosumme. Bearn. A childe. Bearneacnun&yogh;. Deliverie of childe, bringing foorth of chil­ dren. Bearneaca. With childe, con­ ceaved with childe. Bearteame. Rase of children. Bearwe. A barowe, a wooddye hille or high ground. Beatan. To beate. Bebod. Commaundemente. &YOGH;od­ des beb&omacron;d. Bec. Bookes. Boec. Lind. Becc & Bece. A brooke; eborum. A becke. Danisshe. Becca. A mattocke. Bece. Beache tree. Beceapan. To selle. Beceapan wið feoh. To selle for moneye. Becnian. To signifie, to give signe or token, to becken. Becniendlic. By a parable or allegorie. Becwæan. To commende, to bequeathe. Bed. A bedde. Bedælan. To devide, to separate. to parte. Bedelfan. To burie. Hi hine on eorð cucne bedulfon. &yogh;e Bede. A prayer. &yogh;e Bedu. Prayers wherof our beades that we are used to counte praiers by. &yogh;eBedda. A wife, a bedfelowe. Beddern. A bedde chamber. Bedfelt. A coverlet, a bedcover­ ing. &yogh;e Bedhus. An oratorie, a houss of prayer. Bedicanforda. Bedford. Bedericesweorð. Saint Edmundes burie. &yogh;e Bedman. A bedeman, he that prayeth for others. Bedreaf. Beddecloathes. Bedredan. Bedreden. He lœ&yogh; bedreda fram his aldh&amacron;d oð his &yogh;eendun&yogh;. Bedydran. To deceave. Beer. A beere wheron a corps is carried. Bef&omacron;n. To receave, contayne, compasse, encloase, & to take or seise. Befan&yogh;en. Enclosed. Befor. A badger, bawson, brocke, or bever. Before & Beforan. Before & Fore. Beforlea&yogh;e. Beverlay in York­ shire. Befrinan. To aske, enquire. Lanc., to frayne. Befullon. Perfectly, thoroughly. Be&yogh;&amacron;n & Be&yogh;an&yogh;an. To tille. Therof Be&yogh;en&yogh;as. Incolæ in­ habitantes. Item, to woorshippe. He deofol &yogh;ylde &yogh;eorn beeode. Item, to observe or celebrate. Ple&yogh;an be&yogh;&amacron;n. Item, to execute, to fulfille. Be&yogh;beam. Morus. Be&yogh;an&yogh;as. Inhabitantes; incolæ. &yogh;eBe&yogh;an. To bowe. &yogh;eBe&yogh;ed. Bowed. aBe&yogh;endlic. Flexible, bowing. Be&yogh;eondan. Beyond. Be&yogh;ytan. To gette, to obtayne. &yogh;eBe&yogh;nysse. Bowing, crooked­ nesse. Behatan. To vowe or promesse. Beate. A vowe or promesse. Beheafdan. To beheade, to cutte off a mans heade. Behealdan. To take heede, to be­ ware, attende, take keepe, be­ holde. Behealdað eowe wið þœm feond. Behefe. Behoofe, profit, com­ moditie. Behemas. Boehemians, people of Beame. Beheoldan. To beholde. Beheonan. On this side. Behofan. To nede, to have neede of. Behofað oðres him to ful­ tume. We behofiað hlafes. Behoflic. Necessarie. Behydan. To flea; excoriare, Belæwan. To betraye or bewraye. Belæwa. A traytour. Bel&amacron;f. The rest, remaindre, or that is remayning. Belene. Laterculus. &yogh;eBel&yogh;e. Offence. &yogh;eBelh. Offence, indignation. &yogh;eBel&yogh;an. To be offended. Belisnian. To gelde. Belisnod. Gelded. Belle. A belle of Bellan, to roare. Belhus. A steple. Bellan. To roare, to belle as a bulle. Belflyse. Tympani vellus. Belt. A gyrdle; balteus. lanc., a belte. Belune. Symphoniaca, herb. Blympan. To long unto or to appertayne. Beme. Boemia. Benc. A benche or foorme. Bend. A bande. Bene. A prayer, request, petition, or boone. Item, desirouse. He nanuht &yogh;yfan nolde þœs þe hi bena wœron. Benimman. To deprive. Hi hine þœs landes benamon. Benwode. Pretium aratri. Inde opinor genus servitii quod apud pectam Cantiæ, bennyrthe, et c. Beo. A bee. Beocere, Beoceorl. A bee keeper. Beobræd. The hony combe. Beod. Thorus; a table to eat meate upon. Item, a bedde; lectus. Beodclað. A covering of a bedde. Beoddern. A bedde chamber. Beodscete. A sheete. Beodan & Bebeodan. To bidde, commaunde, & Budan, to bidd also. aBeodan. To offer to doo a thing, to threaten. forBeodan. To forbidde. Beodas. The scayles of a payre of balance. Beofian. To tremble, to quake, to shake. Beofun&yogh;. Trembling, quaking. Eorðbeofun&yogh;e. Earthquake. Beon. To bee. Beond. Being. Beor. Beere. Hydromelum vel mulsum. It was a kinde of drinke made with hony, wherby it hath the name of the beer, for our kinde of beere was not knowen in those dayes. &yogh;e Beor. A geste. &yogh; Beorscipe. Convivium; drink­ ing togeather. Beorcan. To barke. Hunda &yogh;e­ beorc. Barking of dogges. Beordani&yogh;e. Insula bardorum. An abbeye in the fennes of Lincolneshire whiche in time of the Brytons was enhabited by their religiouse men called Bardi. Bardney. &yogh;eBeor&yogh;. Defence. &YOGH;ebeor&yogh;es þe bet wyrð. Worthie to make the less satisfaction or amendes. Leg. Canut. Beor&yogh;an. Condescendere, ali­ quando cavere; videre, aliquan­ do etiam parcere. Beor&yogh;e & Beorh. A hille, a ramper, a hille caste uppe for defence. Beorhtte. Hillie. Beorht. Bright, cleare. Beorhtstemme. A cleare voyce. Beorhtnysse. Brihtnesse. Beorhthwile. The twinke of an eye. Beorm. Eest, byrme, leven. Beormas. Biarmians, a people of Schonland, dwelling almost under the north pole. Beornæcenin&yogh; & Beorðre. Bear­ ing or delivery or byrth of chil­ dren. Beornicaric. That part of North­ umberland whiche lieth betwixt the river of Tese & the Scot­ tishe sea. Beorstan. To burst. Beorwic. Berwic. It hath the name of Beornica, as I suppose that is Beornica wic, as Dyr­ ham hath the name of Deora, that is Deoraham. Beorð. Byrthe. Beorðorcwelma. Abortivus. Beost. Beest, the first milke that the cowe giveth after she hath calved. Beotan. To threaten or menace. Beotun&yogh;e. Threatening. &yogh;eBeotun&yogh;e. Fascinatio. Beowyrt. A kinde of herbe. Beran. To beare. Ic bœr. Bere. A beere to carie a corps; lectus, grabbatus. Bere & Berlic. Barly. Bere hlaf. Barly bread. Berewica. A corn ferme or graunge. Lib. Domesday. Bere&yogh;efol. Rent barlye. Beren & Berern. A barn, that is a houss for barly; horreum. Beretun. Area; a bartun. Ber&yogh;. Porcus; a hogge, a barroe hogg. Mœtelber&yogh;. A mast hogge. Ber&yogh;en & Berien. Buries, as be heortber&yogh;en, winber&yogh;en grapes, blœceber&yogh;en blacberies, strewe­ ber&yogh;en strawberyes. Bernette. Burning. Barnette towne hath his name thereof. Berwe & Bearwe. Besceawian. To beholde. Beseon. To beholde. Besm. A besom or broome. &yogh;eBesmed. Sinuatus. Beswican. To betraye, to deceave. Besyrwan. To betraye, to de­ ceave. Besyrod. Betrayed, deceaved. Bet & Betere. Better. &yogh;eBettan, &yogh;Beterian. To amend, to correct, to make better, to make amendes. Beterun&yogh;. Amendes. Betweox & Betweonan & Be­ twux. Betwux oðrum. Emongst others. Betwux munecum. Emongst monkes. Betwux. Interea. Betynan. To encloase. Beweopan. To bewayle. Bewimmen. A niece. Bice. A biche. Bicnian. To signifie, to give privie token, to becken. &yogh;eBic&yogh;an. To buye. Biddan. To praye, to beseeche. Biddan œt &YOGH;od. To aske of God. Bide œt me loca hwœr þu wille & ic þe sylle. Interdum exo­ rare significat. Vide aBiddan. Bidde. Demaund. Sometime vindicta. Bidder. A wower. anBidian. To tarie for, to looke for. Bield. Constantia. Bifian. To tremble. &yogh;eBi&yogh;an. To bowe, to bende. &yogh;eBi&yogh;ed. Bowed. Bi&yogh;an&yogh;e. Exercise, tillage. Bi&yogh;els. Fornix vel arcus; an arche or vault. Bi&yogh;en&yogh;. An inhabitant, a dweller, a tiller. Þœs win&yogh;eardes be­ &yogh;en&yogh;an. Bi&yogh;enc&yogh;a. Observation. Bi&yogh;leofe. Foode, meate & drinke. Bi&yogh;leofan. To feede, to repast, to eate. Bi&yogh;on&yogh;. Cultus; woorshipping of God, religion, ceremonies, til­ lage. Bi&yogh;spel. A proverbe, a parable, a similitude. Salamones bi&yogh;spella. A byworde. Bile. A bile. Bilewit. Simple. Bilewitnesse. Simplicitie. Bille. A bille. Billere. A kind of herbe. Bilibban. To live upon. Neotena meolc hi mœt bilibbað. &yogh;eBili&yogh;an. To offende. Bindan. To binde. Binnan. Withinne. Binne. A racke or maunger. Bir&yogh;nesse. Taste; guste. Bisceop & Biscop. A bisshop. Biscopscir. A diocese. Biscopsetle. A bisshops see. Biscopwyrt. Hierobotanum. Biscopwyrt þe lœsse. Betonica. Bismerian. To mocke, to dis­ honour. Bismor. Mockage, shame, dis­ honour. Bismorlic. Shamful, dishonor­ able. Bismorlic deaðe. Bismorleoð. Invective verses, libelles. Bispel vel Bi&yogh;spel Vide Bi&yogh;spel, aBitan. To bite. Biwyrd. A proverb. lanc., a byworde. Bið. Erit; shal be. Bl&amacron;c. Pale, swart, blacke, bleake. Bl&amacron;cberian. Blackberies, brere­ byries. Blacian. To waxe wanne or pale. Blacun&yogh;e. Palenesse. Blæco, idem. Blæc. Inde. Blœc & feðer. Penne & inke. Blæcern. An inkhorne or snuffe of a candle. Blæteru. Tarre, I suppose. Naphtha. Blæd. Blast, blowing, breathe. Blæd, Bladum. Corne. Westen­ berend on œlces cynnes bladum. Blædran. Wheales, pockes, blis­ ters. Blæstbel&yogh; A payre of belowes. Blætan. To bleate like a sheepe. Blaternun&yogh;e. Flagrantia. Blawan. To blowe. Item, to budde & to burgion. Blecin&yogh;ai&yogh;. A countrey in Got­ land called Blekingia. Bledu. A viole or bowle to drinke in. Blendan. To mixt. lanc., to blende. Bleo. Blewe colour. Bleoh. Coulour, blee. Anes bleo. One colour. Bleocræft. Ars plumaria; diing, I suppose. Bleostænin&yogh;. Mosaicke woorkes, whiche is a kinde of ornament in picture made with little square stones like dies of all coulours sette togither with cer­ tayne fine cymeent upon a walle or floore, so that the foormes of thinges be there with pour­ trayed & expressed as though they were paynted, & it is more durable than any other kind of paynting by reason that neyther by wearing, wether, nor wassh­ ing, the colour can be taken away, whiche hath the thick­ nesse of the litle dies wherwith the woorke is made. Of this kinde of woorke is litle in Eng­ land, howbeit I have seen of it, especially upon churche floores before altares, as is to be seen before the high altare at West­ minster, although it be but grosse. In Italie it is almost every where. Bleoread, alias Musfalu. Mous­ falowe coulour, the coulour of a mouse. Blere. Onix. Bletsian. To blesse. Bletsun&yogh;e. Blessing. Bliccettan. Vibrare; to dasle. aBlic&yogh;ed. Dasled, amased, dasshed, abasshed, blancke. Blinde. Blinde. Blindnetle. A knowen herb. aBlinnan. To cease. lanc., to blinne. Pret., He ablon. He ceased. Blinnesse. Ceasing. Blisse. Joye, mirth, gladnesse. Blissian. To rejoyce, to be gladde, merie. Blis&yogh;era. Incendiarius. Blidðe. Gladde, merie. North., blithe. Bl&omacron;d. Bloode; sanguis. Blod&yogh;yt. Sheading of bloode. Blodryne. A bloodye fluxe. Blodseax. A knife wherwith to lette bloode. Blodwyrt. Herb. a Blon&yogh;ne. Indignati, Lind. Blotan. To sacrifice; immolare. To kille in sacrifice. Mid man­ num heora &yogh;odum blotan. Blotun&yogh;e. Sacrifice. &yogh;eBlot. Sacrifice. He his a&yogh;ene sunu his &yogh;odum to bl&omacron;t acweald. Blotsme. A blossum, a burgion or budde. Blotsmian. To blossum, burgion, or budde. Blotsmberend. Budding, bur­ gioning. Blowan. To blowe, burgion, or budde. Item, smelle. Mid blowendum wyrtum afylled. Blysi&yogh;e & Blysa. A firebrand, a flame, a torche, a blase. B&omacron;c. A booke. Plur., B&emacron;c. Bookes. Bocfel. Parchement. Bochord. A librarie. Bochere & Bocere. A scribe, a secretarie, a writer of bookes. Bocland. Terra testamentalis.To bocland &yogh;eseald. Land given by testimonie of writing to a man; Folcland, without writ­ inge, by witness of meen, as we now doe by liverye. Land &yogh;ebocanne. Scripto terram dare. Bocræder. A reeder of bookes. Bocread. A kind of redde coulour called nowe vermilane, moche used in limming & trim­ ming of bookes. Bocscæmul A deske to sette a booke upon. Boctreowe. A beache tree. Inde Buckmaste & Buckhyrst. &yogh;eBod & beBod. A communde­ ment. Bode. A message. Boda. A messagier. Bodian. To bring message, to preache. Se þe laðspel zebodad. He whiche broght the evle newes. Þæt &yogh;odspel zebodian. To preache the woord of God. Bodun&yogh; Message, preaching, newes bringing. Bodlace. A decree. Bodi&yogh;. The chest of a mans bodie, for the whole was called lic & lichoman. B&omacron;&yogh; & Boh. A bowe of a tree. Bo&yogh;a. A bowe to shoote with, also an arche of a bridge or other building. Bo&yogh;eht. Crooked, liing a bowe. Bo&yogh;etun&yogh;e. Boughtes, crookes, bowinges; anfractus. aBol&yogh;en & &yogh;eBol&yogh;en. Offended; scandalizatus. Bold&yogh;etele & Botl. A dwellinge, a house. Bolla. A drinking bowle. Item, the sculle of a man. Heafod bolla. Bolster. A bolster of a bedde. Bolta. A bolte. Bonda. A husbande. Bonwyrt. Herba. Bor. Desile, scalprum. A wim­ ble, opinor. Bord. A boord; mensa. Innan­ bord & ut. Within bord an without, or at home and abroade. Boren. Borne; natus. On En&yogh;la­ land &yogh;eboren. Bor&yogh;an. To borowe. Bor&yogh;e. That whiche is borowed. Item, pledge, suretie & Borh, idem. Bor&yogh; & Bor&yogh;hand, Borh & Bor­ hand. Pledge, suretie. Borhwed. Anything given in pledge. &YOGH;odbor&yogh;e. Borhesealdor. The cheif of ten pledges, a tithingman in the west, a bosholder in Kent. &yogh;eBorhfæstan. To binde by pledge or suretie; interciare. Borian. To bore, as with an augre. Bosih. Prœsepe, Lind. Lan., a boose, that is the stalle of an oxe or cowe where they stand all night in the winter. Bosm. A bosum. Item, sum time getheringes & wrinkling in clothes according as sinus signi­ fieth in Latine. Se&yogh;el bosmas. The gatheringes & lappinges of the sayle. B&omacron;t. Amendes. Of bet, better, & bettun&yogh; bettering or amending. Wherof be compounded a num­ ber of woordes in the lawe, as manbot, mœ&yogh;bot, bric&yogh;bot, burhbot. Botl. Building, house. Cynin&yogh;es botl. The kinges palace. Wher­ of many townes in England have their name, as Harbotl, Newbotl, etc. Botlweard. He that hath charge or oversight of buildinges; ædelis. Botm. The botome of any thing. Boxetreowe. Boxe tree. Bracan. To braye or beate in a morter. Br&amacron;d. Broade. Br&amacron;d æxe. A chippe axe, a broad axe. Bradhand. The palme of the hande. Bræc. Breeches or overstockes of hosen. Bræcan. To breake. toBræcan. To breake in sunder. &yogh;eBræcseoc. He that hath the falling sicknesse or is frantike or lunatike. Bræde. Figmentum. Brœd & beswice. aBrædan vel &yogh;eBrædan. To take out, to take awaye, to drawe out. He his sweord &yogh;ebrœd. He drewe his swerde. Bredan. To roaste. Brœd & &yogh;ebrœd. Roast & roast meate. Brædpanne. A friing panne. Bræde. A table, a boorde. Bre&yogh;en. The brayne. &yogh;eBræ&yogh;das. Craftes, deceates. &yogh;eBræ&yogh;dnysse. Craft, subtilitie. Bræmas. The whaves of the sea. Bræs. Brasse. Bræsen. Brasen, of brasse. Brætan. To chaunge or alter. Ne brœt na his hiw. It chaung­ eth not the figure or shape. Bræwas. The browes, the eye browes. Braðe. Breath or savour. Brand. A fire brande. Brandred, Brandisen. A brand­ iron. Brastlian To cracke, to make a noyse. Brastlun&yogh;. Cracking, noyse. Treowa brastlun&yogh;. The crack­ ing or noyse of trees. Bratt. A cloake, Lind. Breahtnun&yogh;e. Convolatus; noyse, clattering, cracking. Brece. Idem quod Bræce. A breeche. Brec & &yogh;eBrec. Commoditie, profit, necessitie. &yogh;eBrec. Cracke or noyse of a thing that is broken. &yogh;eBrecdrinc. A certayne kinde of medicinable drinke or potion. Arthorica. Bredan. To cnitte or plette as they doo whiche make cnitte hosen or bone lase or suche other. Wherof cometh breyded heare. Bred. Craft. Item, a table or boorde. Bredin&yogh;panne. A friing panne. &yogh;eBre&yogh;an. To make affrayde, lanc., to bree. Bre&yogh;en. The brayne. Brehtnian. To bray, to make a noyse or cracking. Brehtnun&yogh;. Noyse, cracking, clat­ tering. &yogh;eBreman. Illustrare; to make verie brymme or apparant. He wold &yogh;ebreman & &yogh;eweorðian þa Judeiscan. He would set forthe & honour the Jewes. Bremele & Bremble & Bremble­ brær. A bramble or breare. Bremend. Rumiing or roaring. Item, fervens, Lind. a Breodan. Breost. A breste. Breostbeorh & Breostweal. The bataylementes of a walle whiche, whan a man is upon the walle, covereth him against the enni­ mie. They are called nowe in fortificion parapettes, whiche importeth the same in Italin that Breostbeorh, -weal, is in Saxon, that is a brest walle or defence or rampier for the brest. Charneaux, Gallicè murus kernellatus, leguleis dicitur. Breoton. A Brytone. Breotonland. Brytayne & Bret­ land. a Breoðan. God us scyld þe we ne abreoðan on ðœr fandun&yogh;. God us defend that we faile not in the temptacion. Brewas. The browes, the eye browes. Bric&yogh;e. A bridge. Bridde. A yong birde. The yong ones of any birde, for birdes are generally called fu&yogh;elas. Brideston&yogh;. Pimpernelle, opinor. Bridl. A bridle. Brihthwile. A moment, a twinke of an eye. Brihtmen. Fragmenta; broken meate, crummes, scrappes, frag­ ments of the table. Brimflod. An inundation. Briosa. Tabunus. Bristl. A bristell. Briw. Pultum. Inde Calwer­ briw. Brew, potage, girt brewe. Br&omacron;c. Sicknesse, disease, miseries, adversitie & therof: Brocan & Brocian. To oppresse, vexe, persecute. &yogh;eBrocod. Oppressed. Swiðe &yogh;ebrocod on heora feoh. A bankrupt, a man broken. Item, ramex, the broke of the bellye. Brocen & toBrocen. Broken in sunder. Brod. Gratis. a Broden & &yogh;eBroden. Taken awaye. Brodettan. To pante. Bro&yogh;a. Paynes, miseries, tor­ mentes, adversities. Cwacað þæt in&yogh;ehyd þœr afyrhte for­ ðœm myclum bro&yogh;an þœs &yogh;e­ mœnan domes. a Bro&yogh;den. Vulsum. Br&omacron;m. Broome or a besum. Bromfæsten. A wood or felde of brome. Brooc. A brooke or litle river. Br&omacron;rd. Punctus; niwe &yogh;œrs, herb. Lind. It is spoken of corne newe cumme uppe or the herbe of corne. &yogh;eBrosnian. To corrupt, widder, or fayle. &yogh;eBrosnun&yogh;e. Corruption. &yogh;eBrosnod. Corrupted. &yogh;eBrowene. Brewed. Broð. Broth. Broðhund. Lutilis canis. aBroðene. Degener, nugas. aBroðennesse. Pusillanimitie, lacke of stomacke. Broðor. Brother. Plur., &yogh;ebroðera. His &yogh;ebroðra na &yogh;emedred ac &yogh;efœdred. His brother on the father side but not on the mothers. Broðorræden. Brotherhoode. Brucan & &yogh;Brucan. To enjoye, to brooke, to take the use of any thing, to digest. &yogh;eBrocen. Enjoyed. Br&umacron;n. Browne coulour. Brunbasu. A kinde of pretiouse cloathe of purple coulour or purple it self. Bruwa. A browe. Bryc. A peece, a fragment, a bracke. Antedates first OED instance of "brack" in this sense (1587). Bryc. Use, commoditie, fruition. Brycan. Idem quod Brucan. Br&ymacron;d. A bride. Bryd&yogh;uma. The brydgroome. Brydb&umacron;r. Thalamus; the brides chamber. Brydealoð. The mariage feast, a brideale. Brydrest. Genialis thorus; the brides bedde. Bryd&yogh;yfu. Dower. It is that whiche is given with the wife to her mariage. Brydloppa. Nuptiæ. Lind. Bryc&yogh;. A bridge. Bryc&yogh;bot. Money dewe for the manteyning & reparations of bridges. Bryme. Solemne, famouse, not­ able, brym. Brymmas. Whaves & surges of the sea. Item, the sea; fretum. Hi oferreowon þone brym & &yogh;elendon on ðœm land. He st&omacron;d on ðœm sealtum brymme. Brymflod. An inundation of the sea. Bryne. Heate, burning. Bryneadl. A hote or burning ague. Brytan & toBrytan. To breake in peeces. &yogh;eBrittan. Exhibire, fricare. &yogh;eBritnod. Impensus. Brittend. Fries. Brytlond & Brytta ealond. Bry­ tayne. Bryttas. Brytones. Brytwealas. The Britisshe straungers by whiche name the Englisshe men called the Walshe men at the first. Sith hath remayned the later part of the woord & they are called Wealas. B&umacron;c. Laguena or lavena, opinor; a vessel to wasshe in, whereof cummeth a bucke of cloathes. B&umacron; full wœteres. Buce. The belie. Flandrice, Buke. Bucca. A he goate. Budan. See Beodan. Buend & Bu&yogh;end. An inhabitant; colonus, agricola. Þa landbuen­ das. The dwellers or inhabi­ tantes of the lande. &yogh;eBu&yogh;an. To enhabite or dwelle, to abide, to tille; & therof &yogh;ebunland. A countrey enhabi­ ted or tilled. It signifieth also to bowe or bende. Ealle E&yogh;ipte fram &yogh;ebo&yogh;en wœs. Sometime to obey, for &yogh;eby&yogh;an. And therof is &yogh;ebu&yogh;sumnesse, obedience; bucsome & bonaire, debonnaire, obedient & gentle. forBu&yogh;an. To flee or eschue. Bufan. Above, on hiegh, or upon. Bunan. Carchesia. &yogh;eBun. Inhabitantes, dwellers. Þa land &yogh;ebun. Item, inhabited. &YOGH;ebund land. Bunda. Incola; a dweller. Canut. Bur. An inner chamber, a parler. lanc., a bower. &yogh;eBur. Vicinus. Sometyme for a cloyne or lobbe of the countrye, whiche in Flaundres is yet called a bowre. &yogh;eBurscip. Vicinetum. Leg. Ed­ ward. Bur&yogh;endan. Burgognions who in old time as appeareth by Alfrede dwelled about Denmarck. I suppose that Bur&yogh;endaland was that whiche nowe is called Born­ holm, an ilande in the Ost sea near the coast of Godland. Bur&yogh;runan. Furies. Burh. A citie, a walled towne, a towne with a castle, a forti­ fied towne. Burhb&omacron;t. Custome for manteyn­ ing & reparation of townes or castles. Burhealdor. The maior of a citie, president, or other ruler. Burhleoda. Townes men or citi­ zins. Burhæden & Burhscippe. Free­ dome of a citie. Burhspæce. Civile or courtly speache. Fine speace whiche was ever in cities. Urbana lingua. Burhscyre. The territorie apper­ tayning to a citie or corporate towne. Burhsætan, Burhwaru. Townes men, citizens. Burhwita. Civile, courtlike. Burna. A brooke or smalle river, a borne. Burðene. A chamberlayne. Butan & Buton. Without. Butan tweoon. Without doubte. Butan cyre. Without choyse. Buton hi on iu&yogh;oðe leornian. Except they lerne in youth. An tun butan Rome. A towne without Rome. Butere. Butter. Butterstoppa. A vessel to keepe butter inne. Butte. A vessel for wine, a butte. Butruc. A flagon or botle. Butu. Thorow. Bydel. An herault, a messagier, a crier, an hussier. Byan. To possesse, to enhabite or dwelle. Bye. Habitation, dwelling. Lind. Herof so manye townes in Eng­ land end in Bye: Deorabye, the habitation of Deorwent; Æsc­ bye, dwelling amongst asshes; Wellebye. Bye is as muche as by ea, by water, & suche is the scituation of most townes whose names so ende. aByffan. To mutter, to mumble. Byden. A barille. &yogh;eBy&yogh;an. To bowe, to bende. &YOGH;eby&yogh;an þæt folc to his &yogh;eþyl­ dum. Bowe the peeple to pa­ tience. Looke &yogh;eBu&yogh;an. &yogh;eBy&yogh;ed. Bowed, bent, crooked. By&yogh;e. A corner. Anes wealles by&yogh;e. By&yogh;an. To bie. Byc&yogh;an. To builde. lanc., to bigge. beBi&yogh;&yogh;an. To selle. Byld. Boldnesse. &yogh;eByld. Encouraged, emboldened. Byli&yogh; Plur., Byliza & Bylza. Belowes. Bylwet. Simple. Byme. A trumpette or clarion. Bymere. A trumpetour. Byrcan. To barke. Hund byrcð. &yogh;eByrað. It behooveth. Æcum men &yogh;ebyrað. It behoveth every man. &yogh;eByrian. To belong unto. Byrdic&yogh; Plumaria; a wevers toole &yogh;eByrd. Bearded. Byr&yogh;ea. Sequestra. Leg. Inæ, ca. 30. Byr&yogh;ene & Byr&yogh;els. Burialle, tombe, grave. Of whiche the grave hylles in Wilteshyre be yet called barowes. Byr&yogh;ere. A burier. Byr&yogh;enstowe. The churche yarde, place of burialle. Byri&yogh;an. To burie. Byri&yogh;els. Burialle. Byr&yogh;leoð An epitaphe, burialle songes or verses. Byri&yogh;. A towne where a noble man or gentleman dwelleth, a court. Whereof so manye townes in England have their name. Byrle. A boutelier, butler. OED does not have "boutelier" (a French term, according to Palsgrave). Byrn. A habergeon or corslet. &YOGH;ehrin&yogh;edu byrn. A shirt of mayle. Byrnan. To burne. Byrst. Oppression. &yogh;eByrtid. Nativitie, byrthe time. Byrðen. A burthen, a loade. Byrðere. A bearer. Bysene. An example. Syllan bysene. Bys&yogh;un&yogh;. Businesse. aBys&yogh;od. Busie, occupied. Bysmeran & Bysmerian. To mocke, reproche, dishonour, shame. Bismer & Bysmere. Mockage, disshonour, shame, reproche. Bysnian. To give example. Byt & Bytte. A botle, wine ves­ sel, tunne, butte. &yogh;eBytered win. Vinagre. Bytle. A malle, a beetle. &yogh;eBytlan, Bytlian. To builde. &yogh;eBytlun&yogh;u & &yogh;Bytlu. Build­ inges. Bytmin&yogh; Building. Bytne. Carina. Byð. Shal be. Cach&umacron;s. The privie or jakes a cacando. Tadie. Rubeta. Cæfertun. A porche, galerie, or halle. Vide Caf. Cæfli. A halter. Cæ&yogh;. A keye. Cælan. To coole or make colde. lanc., to keele. Cæle. A cuppe, a chalise, a keele. Cænnestre. Genetrix; a mother, she that hath born a man. Cæppe. A cappe. And a planet. Cær. In the Brytisshe tung signi­ fieth the same that is ceaster in Saxon, that is a citie, whereby all their cities are named. Cær­ legion, Cærglou. Cærluel. The citie of Luel, Car­ lile now called. The Scottes called it Lugubalia, whiche is the same in Scottisshe or Irisshe that Cœrluel is in Brytisshe, for baly in their tong signifieth a towne or citie. Cæserin&yogh;. Dragusa. Cærse. Cresses or watercresses, herbes. Caf. Quicke, swift. Cafscipe & Cafnesse. Quick­ nesse. Caflic. Quickly. Cafertun vel Inburh. Atrium; a porche, a galerie, a balle of ἀύλη. On ðœm cafertun þœs ealdes sacerdes. Lind Evangel. Luc. cap. ii. Antedates first citation of OED "atrium" (1577) and appears to be a new sense for "ball." Cald. Cold. Lind. Calic. A chalice, a cuppe. Calne. Canne in Wilshire, wher the synode being celebrated anno 976 for the condemnation of preest mariages, the houss or floore felle & onely Saint. Dun­ stone escaped unhurt. Calfian. To calve, to bring foorth a calf. Calu. Balde; calvus. Calwa. Alapitiosa, herb. Calwere. Calmaria. OED does not cite "calver" after Palsgrave. Nowell's source is "Alphabet. Gloss." Camb & Cambiht. The combe of a cocke or other bird. Also the crest of an helmet. Cammuc. Herb. Campian. To fight, to make warre, to campe. Cancettun&yogh;. Laughing, gygling, chinking with to vehement laughter. "chinking" predates earliest OED citation (vbl. n.1), 1589. Candel. A candle. Candelstæf. A candelsticke. Candeltwist. Snuffers. Can. Ic can. I knowe. lanc., I kenne. Ne can ic eowe. I knowe you not, I kenne you not. Se þe canne þone crœft. He that knoweth the art. Cantwarabyri&yogh;. Cantiorum curia. The old name is Dorobernia. beCarcan. To care for. Carc & Care. Care. C&amacron;rful Carefull. Carian. To care. Carendre. The countrie of Car­ inthe. Caru. Cares. Carr. A rocke, a skarre. Lanc., a carre. It is a rocke on the drie land. ætCarrum. A towne or place on the coast of Kent where King Egbert fought with the Danes anno 833 & King Ethelwulf likewise in his time & both were overthrowen. Casere. Th'emperour; Cæsar. Se Romana Casere. Caseres cw&emacron;n. The empresse. Cat. A catte. Cattesmint. Herb. Cawl & Cawlwyrt. Coles or cole­ wurtes, herb. Cawel. A basket. Ceac. A basen. Item, a cheeke. Ceace. A trial. Ceacbora. Antulus. Ceafor. Bruchus; a worme that eateth herbes. Ceafla. The jawes; fauces. Lind. The chawes of chaffes or chales. lanc. Ceaf. Chaffe. Ceafertun, vid. Cafertun. Lind. Ceafese. Concubina. Ceahhetan. To laugh vehemently, to gygle. lanc., to chinke or kinke with laughing. Cealc & Cealcstan. Chalke. Cealcaceaster. A towne were Saint. Ebbe builded a nunrie. Cealchith. A towne in North­ umberland where the synode was holden anno 785. Cealerbris. Calviale. Cealf. A calfe. Cealfre or Cealre. Calmaria. Ceap. Marchaundise, wares, stuffe, catayle. It signifieth also trafficke, bying & selling. Ceapan. To by & selle, to traf­ ficke. Ceapun&yogh;. Trayde or marchan­ dise, bying & selling, traffike. Ceapcniht. A bought servant. Ceapdæ&yogh;. Market daye or fayre daye. Ceapstow. Market place. Ceap&yogh;yld. Solutio capitalis; the just prise of any thing. Ceapman. A marchaunt, a chap­ man. Ceapscip. A marchauntes shippe. Ceapsetl. A bothe, a stalle, a shoppe wherein things are solde. Ceapstowe & Ceapstret. The market place. Ceapun&yogh; &yogh;emot. A fare, a court for marchaundise or matters of bying & selling. A courte of pipouders, as the lawiers terme it. Cearcian. To chatter. Cearciend teðe. Ceasnesse. Choyse, libertie. Ceaste. Contention, murmuringg. Hit astyred mycel ceast on ðœr meniu. It moved muche strife amongest the companie. Ceaster. A citie. Wherby so many townes in Englande ar named. Ceaster&yogh;ewara. Citizins. Ceasteræsc. Helleborus. Ceatta. Thinges, chetes. Ceawle, idem quod Cawel. A basket. Cedeleac. Mercurialis, herba. Cederbeam. Ceder tree. beCefed. Decked, trapped. Celan & aCelan. To koole. lanc., to keele. Cele. Cold, coldnesse. Celmentman. Mercenarius; a hyre servant. Lind. OED does not have the phrase "hire servant." Celendre. Coriander, herb. Cemban. To kombe. Cemes. Camisia Cempa. A souldiour, a warriour. Cempena rihte. Jus militare; the lawe of warre, the martiall lawe. Cene. Couragiouse, sharpe. lanc., keene. He wœs cene & oft feahte anwi&yogh;. Cennan & aCennan. To begette, to bearre, to bring foorth chil­ dren. aCenned. Bygotten, borne, brought foorth. aCennednesse. Byrth, nativitie & by translation, to produce as Team cennan & &yogh;ecennan. To produce his author or warrant. Ceo. A chough or dawe, a jack­ dawe. Ceoca. A cheeke. Ceol. A shippe, a small vessel, a keele of a shippe. Ceola. A litle cabyne or cotage. Ceorfan. To cutte. ofaCeorfan. To cutte off. Ceorfæx. A cutting axe. Ceorl. A churl, a vilayne, a hus­ band man or ploughman. Sum­ time it signifieth the male as wif signifieth the female. Ceorlbearn. Sumtime it sig­ nifieth the husband. Husceorl, Butsceorl. Ceorlfolc. The commune people, the rascal sorte. Ceorlian. To take a husband, to marrie. Ceorian. To complayne or mone, to murmure or mumble, as they that are not content. Ceorun&yogh;. Complaynt, mone, mur­ muring. Ceortesi&yogh; Chertesey abbey in Southrey whiche was builded by Erkenwald, bisshop of Lon­ don anno 670. Ceosan To chuse. Ceosl & Ceoslstan. Gravelle. Ceowan. To chawe meate. Cepan. To care for, to kepe, to take hede of, to regard, to have mind of. He ne cepað þœs idlan hlysan. He taketh no kepe of vaine rumor. He het hine &yogh;ebinden þylœs he fleames cept. He fleames cept. He desired or went about to flee; meditabatur fugam. He cept woruldlicre herun&yogh;. He desired wordly honour. Cerdicesora. A towne on the south coast where Cedric, first king of Westsex, first arrived in this lande. Cerene. A charne for butter. &yogh;eCerran. To returne. Cesol. A cabane or coate. Antedates OED "cabaan, caban" (1693). Cetreht. Cataractum, a towne of Yorkshire upon the river of , nowe called Ketricke. Chor. A queare of a churche; chorus. Cian. Bracie. Unknown. Cicel. Buccella. Cicen. A chiken. Cicenamete. Chickwede, herb. Cicene. A kitchine. Cidan. To contende, to strive, to chide. &yogh;eCide. Contention, chiding. Cifese. Pellex; a concubine. &yogh;eCi&yogh;an. To calle, to name & therof: &yogh;eCi&yogh;an. Called, named. &YOGH;e­ nœmned, &yogh;ehaten. Cild. A child. Cildlic. Childisshe. Cildahyrd. A scholemayster; pædagogus. Cilforlamb. Enixa est. toCinan. To gape as the earth dooth in drie wether, to chine, to chinke, to rive. Cine. Quaternio. Cinne. A chinne. Cinu. Chinkes, gappes, riftes. Cio. A chough, a dawe. lanc., a co. Cipe. Ascolonium. Cipeleac. Cipus. Cirisbeam. A cherie tree. Ciseræppla. Caricæ. Cisilstan. Gravollo. Cissaceaster. Chichester, builded or repared by Cissa, king of . Cistenbeam. Cessenut tree. Citelan. To tickle, lanc., to kitle. Citelun&yogh; Tickling. Ciðas. Gramina, &YOGH;œrsciðas. Chives of grasse. Ciðfæst. Se ðe plantað treowa oð wyrta, swa lan&yogh; he hi wœterað oððe hi beoð ciðfœst, syððan hi &yogh;rowend beoð he &yogh;eswicð. Clæcleas. Immunis. Clæfra. Violets, gilovers. Wherof be reade & hwiteclœfra. lanc., clovegilovers. Clæmian. To blotte, daube, to clamme. Clæmmin&yogh;. Blotting, dawbing, clamming. Clæne. Cleane, chaste. Clænnysse. Chastitie. Clænsian. To make cleane, to clense, to purge. Clænsun&yogh;e. Purgation. Clam. Plasma; aplayster. Clasnun&yogh; Chastisment. Clat. A burre. Clatpan. To clappe. Clawan. To clawe or scratche. Clawu. Clawes of a birde or beaste. Clað. Clothe. toCleofan. To cleave asunder. Cleofian or Cleofan. To cleave or sticke to. Cleopian & aCleopian. To calle. Cleopi&yogh;end. Vocalis. Clerochad. Clericatus; prest­ hoode. Clife. Sea banke, a cliffe; clivum. to Clifan. To cleave. Clife. A burre & Clifewyrt. "cliffwort" is not in the OED. Clifiht. Clivosum. Clifhlyp. Pessum. Clifrian. Scabere. Clifrod. Climan. To climbe. Clin&yogh;an. Marcere. Cliofa. Cliffes, rockes. Cliwe. A clue of threade. Cliwa. A playster. Cl&umacron;d. A rocke, a skarre. Cludi&yogh;. Rockie. Clumian. To murmure, to mut­ ter, as he that is not content. Clusan. Fortifications in en­ trances of straytes & valeyes, as Portæ Caspiæ, etc. Ða hi to ðœm &yogh;emœra cwomon, þa hœf­ don hi heora clusan belocene. Clustre. A cluster. Clut. A seame. Clusterloc. Clustella. Clympre. Metalle. Clino, Clyno. Massa. Clypian. To calle. Clyppan. To embrace. lanc., to clippe. They say also beclyp­ pan & ymbclyppan. beClysan. To shutte, to cloase. Cnæden. To kneade, as the baker dooth his dowe. Cnapa. A boye, a servant, a knave. Cnæp. A button or buckle. Item, the toppe or coppe of a hille. lanc., a cnappe. Þœs muntes cnœp. Cnæplin&yogh;. A litle boye. &yogh;eCnawan. Cnedan, se Cnædan. &yogh;eCneordlæcan. To studie. Cneorisse. A generation, a stocke, a pedigree. Cneorisboca. Liber geneseos. Item, bookes conteyning pedi­ grees or genealogies. Cneowe. A knee. Cn&imacron;f A knife. Cniht. A boye, a yong man of 14 or 15 years, sumtime a servant. Knecht in Dutche; puer, ser­ vus. Cnihtad. Boyes age. Cnolle. The toppe of a hille or a coppe of an hille rising upon an other. Cnosl. Issue, ofspring, genera­ tion; proles. "proles" antedates earliest OED citation (1640). Cnotta. A knotte. Cnucian. To cnocke. &yogh;Cnycled. Crooked, knottye uneven, cnockled. Cnyllan. To knille, to ringe a belle. &yogh;eCnyrdlæcan, &yogh;eCneordlæcan. To studie. &yogh;eCnyrdnesse. Studie, diligente searche & consyderation. Modes &yogh;ecnyrdnysse. Cnysan. To knocke, to strike to­ gither. &yogh;eCnysed. Cnocked, striken. Cnittan. To knitte, to tie. C&omacron;c. A cooke. Cocc. A cocke, howbet the true Englisshe woord is hana. Cocer. A case, any kind of case. Fl&amacron;ncocer. A quiver. Feðer­ cocer. A penner. Cocermete. Puddinges & pies & suche other meates as be en­ closed. &yogh;Cocenan. To dresse meate, to playe the cooke. Cocle. Cockle, weede. Codæpple. A quince. Codde. A bagge, a wallet, a pooke, Saccus testiculorum. Cofe. A cave, also a chamber, an inner chamber or secrete cham­ ber. Cofscipe, Cafscipe. Quicknesse, effectuousnesse, efficacitie. Coflic. Effectually, quickly. Col. A cole to burne. Colan. To coole, to waxe or make cold or coole. Cole. Coole, moderately colde. Colloncron&yogh; Nymphea, an herb whiche groweth in the water. I thinke it be water lillie or water roses. Colmase. Parula, a kinde of bird. Colnceaster or Colunceaster. Colchester in Essex. Coludesburh. Saint. Æbbes. Colt. A colt. Coltræppe. A kinde of bramble or thorne, wherof we calle cal­ trappes certayne prickes of yron whiche are in the warre cast in the waye where horsmen shall passe, to marre their horses feete. Latine, Triboli, Hero­ dian, Lib. 4, sub finem. Colðræd. The carpenters line, whiche he smereth with inke made of coles to marke out the square of his timber. Comp & Comb. Campus; a place where an armie hath encamped, where of many townes in Eng­ land have their names, as Winchecomb, Wincelscomb, Coome by Grenewiche where bylike the garrison of Danes laye, whiche is King Ethelredes time laye so long at Grenewiche. Comphad & Compd&omacron;m. Warfare. Compun&yogh;. Fight; camping. Coneceaster. A towne 7 miles from Newcastle, nowe called Caster, wherunto Eardulf, bischop of Lindfarn, being driven out of his churche by the Danes translated the see of his bisshoprick anno & from thence 17 yeares after it was remooved to Dirham. Copp. The toppe of any thing. Cops. Cippæ fetters, stockes, gives. F&omacron;tcops. Fetters. Connan. To knowe. Lind. Ic ne conne þonne monn. &yogh;e Corene. Chosen. Corn. Corne. Cornwealas. Cornisshe men. Cornweala mæ&yogh;ðe. The countrey of Cornewale. Corsned. Cursebread. Certayne consecrated bread of barlye used to be given to suche as being accused of heynouse crimes upon great presumptions & (yet no certain witnesse) de­ nied the same by othe. And the opinion was that it they were gyltie, they shuld not be hable to swalowe this cerimoniouse bread & if they were cleare, they shulde receave none harme therof. It was an ordinarie kinde of examination of suche suspected personnes even in like manner as the Ordal was, wher­ of we shall speake in place. It was sometyme likewise done in consecrated cheese. A word, "cursebread," not found in OED. Cost. Costa; herb. Coss. A kisse, a cosse or cusse, as many now yet speake. Costnian. To tempt. Costnere. A temptere. Costnun&yogh;. Temptation. Cote. A houss, a cotage or poore houss. Cotsæte. He that dwelleth in such a cotage, a cotier. Cotlifa. Cotte. A chamber, a bedchamber. North. Cottuc. A malowe. Coð & Uncoðu. Dissease, sick­ nesse. Crabba. Crabbe fisshe, crevise. Cradl. A cradle. Cræft. Craft. art, science. Cræfti&yogh;. Craftie. An artificer, a craftesman. aCræftan. To devise or invente. Cræn. A crane, byrd. Cræt. A cart. Crætwan. A chariot. Crafian. To aske, crave. Crammian. To cramme or farce. Ic crammi&yogh;e. Cr&amacron;n. A crane. Crancstæf. A certayne instru­ ment appertayning to a weaver. &yogh;eCran&yogh; & &yogh;Cron&yogh;. Dead, killed, slayne. Crawe. A crowe, bird. Crawanleac. Hermodactyla vel telodosa, herb. Creca. A Greeke. Crecaland. Grece. Crecisc. Grekisshe. Crecca&yogh;lade. Cricklade. Ley­ land calleth Grecoladum, for that there was in times passed a Greke schole. Creca is a Greeke & gwlade in Brytisshe signifieth a countrey or lande, so Crec­ ca&yogh;wlade signifieth the habita­ tion of Grekes. "Cricklade" antedates earliest OED citation (1623; see "lade," n. 2, 2). Creopan. To creepe. Creopere. A creeper, also a criple. He that is lame of his legges. Cressen. Watercresses, herb. Cricce. A crouche suche as he useth whiche is lame to go upon. He mid criccum his feðun&yogh; underwreðod. Crism. Baulme, holy oyle. Crocca. A potte. Crocscerd. A pottesharde. Crocwyrhta. A potter. Croft. Prœdium; a litle feld. Cro&yogh; & Croh. A canne or suche like vessel for milke or drinke. In Irisshe, Coroh. Crompeht. Folialis. Cronesanc. Herb. Cropleac. Serpillum, herb. Croppas. Croppes of herbes. Item, the eares of corne. Cruce. A water potte. Cruma. A crumme. aCrumman & aCryman. To cramme, to stuffe. Crumb & Crump. Crooked, inde Crumpton. Crusene. Mastruga; a kinde of garment. Deorfellen rocc. A coate of wilde beastes skinnes. Cruð. A crowde. Cryfele. A denne or cave. aCrymman. To cramme or stuffe. Crymbi&yogh; & &yogh;eCrympt. Crooked, crumpled, curled. Cu. A cowe. Cucelere. Coclear; a spoone. Cucu. Quicke, alive. Cu&yogh;le. A cowle, a munkes hoode; cuculla. Culfre. A doove. Wudculfre. A stocke dowve. Cultor. A culter, of the plough. Cuma. A straunger; advena hospes. Cumin. Cumin, herb. Cumliðe. Gentle & courteouse to straungiers; hospitalis. Cumliðnesse. Hospitalitie. Cummase. Parra, bird. Cunela. Ruta, herbe. aCunnian. To assay, to proove, to knowe, to kenne. We ne cun­ man n&amacron;n En&yogh;lisc þœrto. We knowe not howe to say it in Englisshe. onCunniend. Expert. Cunnin&yogh;. Cunning, expert. Cuntheare. Herb. Cuppe. A cuppe. Cuople. Navicula. Lind. Curon. They chose; eligerunt. Cursan. Plectere; to torment. Lind. Cursun&yogh;. Gehenna. Therof to curse. Curs. Curse. Cusceote. A ringdowve. lanc., a coweshotte. Cuslyppe. Cowslippe, herb. Cuðe. Cowslippe, herb. Cuðe. Could; potuit. lanc., couthe. Cuð Knowen, sumtime expert. Also an acquaintance, a kins­ man. He wœs his cuða & &yogh;eðofta. Cuðnoma. Cognomen. Cwacian. To quake. Se eorð wœ cwaciende. Cwæle. Slaughter, death, mur­ rayne. Cwæðan. To saye. beCwæðan. To commende, to be­ queathe. Cwealm. Deathe, slaughter, or murrayne. Mancwealme, Orf­ cwealm. Cwealmbærend. Mortiferum; pestilent, deadly, bringing death. Cwealmstowe. The place of death, slaughter, or execution. Cweartern. Prison. On cwear­ tern settan. Custodiæ comit­ tere. Cwellan. To kille, to slea. Cwede. Appointment, appointed, sette. &yogh;eCweman. To please, to content, to fitte & therof: &yogh;eCweme. Pleasant, acceptable, fitte. lanc., wheme. Cw&emacron;n. A queene, a kinges wife. Also a queane. Eald cw&emacron;. An old queane. Cwenhyrd. An eunuche, a gelded man. He that is fitte to have the custodie of ladies or quenes. Cwenland. Bothnia & Finland. Cw&emacron;nsæ. Oceanus septentrionalis, mare glaciale. The sea whiche lieth north from Sweden & Moscovie. aCwencan. To quenche, to ex­ tinguisshe, slake, or putte out. Cweorn. A mille. Alle kinde of milles. A quearne, whiche woord we use nowe onely in small ones, as mustard quearne, pepper, etc. Cweornbil. A mille pike. Cweornst&amacron;n. A mylstone. Cweorntð. The great teethe; dentes molares. &yogh;eCweðan. To saye, Ic cweðe, þu cwyðst, he cwyð, we cweðað. Pret., Ic cwœð. Whereof is de­ rived our quod: quod I, quod thou, quod he. Cweð þu. Say thou. Cwic. Quicke, alive. Cwic æmesse. Victima. Cwicbeam. Wiche tree, Quyche­ beame tree. "Wiche" antedates earliest OED citation ("witchen", n., 1594). Cwiccan. To twitche, to plucke. Cwicsusle & Cwicfyre. Fire of brymstone, the fire of purga­ torie or helle. &yogh;eCwidrædenne. Decree, appoint­ ment. Cwið. A womans wicket. Sense not found under OED "wicket." &yogh;eCwiðanlic. Genuini. &yogh;Cwyd. A sentence, also a ser­ mon, a testament, speache. Nihsta cwyðe. Ultima volun­ tas. Cwydlease. Speachelesse, intes­ tate. He lœ&yogh; cwydleas. &yogh;eCwydrædenne. Decree, ap­ pointment. unCwyð. Not sued or com­ playned of. Cwilmian. To kille, to torment, to be tormented. Hi þe on helle cwylmiað. Cwyld. Plague, pestilence, mur­ rane. Cwyrn, id est Cweorn. Cwyrnstan. A milstone. Cwysan & toCwysan. To crusshe, to bruse, to queese, to burst in sunder. Cyf. A tunne or berelle. Inde (ut opinor) Ciferhous, vulgo, a chaferhouse or Alehouse. There is no headword "chaffure-house" in the OED. Cyfese. A concubine or lemman. Cyfeseborene. He that is begot­ ten of a lemman; concubinarius. His cyfesborene broðor. Cyle. Cold, coldnesse. Cylene. A kille, & Cylne. Cylewyrt. Oripilata, herb. Cylle. A bottle or barelle. Cylle mannes blodes afyllod. toCyme. Adventus; cumming, arrivall. Cymenesora. Cummore, I thinke. Cyn. Stocke, kinrede. See &yogh;eCynd. Cyn. Congruum; convenient. Swilc riht swilc hit cyn sy. &yogh;eCynd. Nature, kinde, proge­ nies; familia, gentiles, naturall. Him wœron drycrœstas &yogh;ecynd. Cynd or kind in Dutch is puer, and kyndlyn puerulus & therof our Gravelkynd. &yogh;eCyndlic. Naturally. &yogh;eCyndlym. The membre of(n) nature, the womans privie part. &yogh;eCyndriht. Jus naturale; the lawe of nature. Cynin&yogh;. A king & of later times cyni&yogh; & cyn&yogh;. Cynin&yogh;ric. A kingdome. Cynin&yogh;es botle & Cynin&yogh;es heal. The court, the kinges palace. Cynin&yogh;a seod. The kinges purse. Cyn&yogh;doma. Regia dignitas. Cynebænd & Cynehelme. A di­ ademe, a crowne. Cynebot. Regia emendatio. Cyne&yogh;yrd. A scepter. Cynelic. Royall, kinglike. Cynestræt. The king highwaye. Cynestol. Regia sedes. Perse­ poli, Persa cynestol. Cynedoma. Regia judicia. Cynryn. Kyn, kinred. lanc., kinreden. Cynrecennes. Pedigre, genealo­ gie. Cypan. To bye & selle. Se Ceape. Cypin&yogh;a. A fare or market. Cypðin&yogh; Wares, marchaundise. &yogh;eCypsod. Fettered. A cippis, deductum ni fallor. Cyre. Choyse, election. Cyreað. Electum juramentum. &yogh;eCyrednesse. Ordinatio; order. Cyren. Dulcisapa. Cyrewiððe. A diademe, a gar­ lande. Cyric. A churche. lanc., a kyrke. Cyricsceat. Certayne money due to the curche. Cyrlilscnysse. Churlishnesse, rudenesse. Cyrm. A noyse, a charme. Cyrnel. A kyrnelle. Cyrran. To returne a currere. Item, to resort. Eall þa cem pan to&yogh;œdere &yogh;ecyrdon. Cyrre. While. Æt summum cyrre. Sumtime while or at summe time. Æ ðœm cyrre, & œt ðœm ylcan cyrre. At the same time. Cyrtel. Tunica. Berenne cyrtel. A cote of beares skinnes. Cyse. Cheese. Also sumtime choyse. Cysefæt. A chesfatte. Cyslyb. Cheesecruddes. &yogh;eCyspt. Fettered. Cyssan. To kisse. Cyst. A chest, a coffre. Cysti&yogh;. Liberall. Cysti&yogh;nesse. Liberalitie. Cystlic. Liberally. Cyta. A kite, a glede. Cyte. A cote, a cotage, a poore house. He &yogh;ecyrd to summes hyrdes cytan. Cytel. A brasse potte or panne, a ketle. Cyðan. To shewe, proove, adver­ tise, give to understande, de­ clare. Ofercyðed. Leg. Edw. Cyðe. Knowledge, opinor. Cyðere. A martyre, a witnesse. &yogh;eCyðnesse. Witnesse, testament. Eald & niwe &yogh;ecyðnesse. The Newe & Old Testament. Cyððe. Naturalle countrey, kin­ rede. Hi noldon nœfre on cyððe cuman. Conon &yogh;elend on Aðene þœr byri&yogh; his eald cyðð. Wherof we saye cyth & kinne. D&amacron;. A doo; dama. Daa&yogh;. Sparsum Dæd. A deede, effect. Dædlic. Active. Dædbana & Rædbana. The prin­ cipal & accessorie to a murder or other acte. Dædberend. Mortiferum, fu­ nestum; deadly, mortalle, pesti­ lent, bringing deathe. Dæbote. Penitence, amendes for evle deedes. &yogh;eDæft. Clenlinesse. lanc., deft. Fayre. &yogh;eDæftan. To beautifie, to trimme, to make fayre. Dæ&yogh;. A daye. On urum da&yogh;um. On ealdum da&yogh;um. In old time. Sunnandœ&yogh; Monandœ&yogh;, Tues­ dœ&yogh;, Wodnesdœ&yogh; Þunresdœ&yogh; Fri&yogh;dœ&yogh;, Sœternesdœ&yogh;. Dæ&yogh;hwamlice. Daylye. Dæ&yogh;mæl. Horologium. Dæ&yogh;mæl. Gnomon, index. Dæ&yogh;ian. To dawne, to waxe daye. Hit dœ&yogh;iað. Dæ&yogh;un&yogh; Dawning. Anda&yogh;a. Terminus, dies dictus. Dæ&yogh;read & Dæ&yogh;rime. The dawn­ ing of the daye. Dæ&yogh;redsan&yogh; Matins. Dæ&yogh;esea&yogh;e A daysie flowre. Dæ&yogh;steorre. The day sterre, Lu­ cifer. Dæ&yogh;wine. Expenses or ordinarie charges. Dæ&yogh;þerlic. Apertayning unto the daye, proper to the daye. Dæl. A part. Dælmælulm. By partes. Dælan. To deale, to distribute. toDælan. To devide, to deale into partes, inde: Dælæxe. An axe wherwith pale is clefte or divyded. Dælniman. To partake. Dælnimende. A partaker, a part­ ner. A participle, in grammer. Dærst. Fermentum, azimus, Lind. &yogh;eDærstan. Fermentare. &yogh;eDafenað. It behooveth, it be­ cummeth, it is fitte, convenient. Geon&yogh;um mannum &yogh;edafenað þæt hi leornian sumne wisdom. &yogh;eDafenlic. Fitte, behooful, con­ venient, cumly. D&amacron;&yogh;. Sparsum. Da&yogh;eshlæfðe. Spartio. Da&yogh;ian. To dawne, to waxe daye. &yogh;eDal. Devision. &YOGH;edale land. Terra seperalis. Dalamensan. Almans. Dalc. Spinter; a bracelet, a juel about the arme. Danai. Tanais. Dare. Hurt, harme. Hi &yogh;að þurh ðæt fyre to Crist butan œlcere dare. He ahredd þonne byrnend h&umacron;s wið fyres dara mid hal&yogh;um benum. aDastri&yogh;an. & sweri&yogh;an. De­ testari et jurare. aDeadan. To widder or die, to fall awaye. Dead. Dead. Deadlic. Mortall, that whiche must die. Deaf. Deafe. Dea&yogh;. Die, painting, diing, coun­ terfayte coulour. Dea&yogh;an. To die. Dea&yogh;ung. Diyng. Dea&yogh;l. Secrete. Dea&yogh;olnesse. Secrecie. Dea&yogh;ollic. Secretly. Dearnen&yogh;a. Privelye. Dearran. To dare, to be bold to doo anything. Ic dearr. Dearfscipe. Presumption, rashe­ nesse, temeritie. Dearflic. Præsumptuously, rashly. Deað. Death. Deaðbær. Mortall, pestilent, deadly. Deaðbærnesse. Pestilence; perni­ ties. Deaðeswite&yogh;un&yogh;. Necromancie, prophecie by raysing of dead­ men. Deaðwyrd. Destinie of death. Deaððenun&yogh;. Exequies, funer­ alles, the customes & ceremonies of buriall. &yogh;eDefe. Due, behoofull, sumtime quiet. Þa sind liðe & &yogh;edefe þe ne wiðstandað yfelum. Inde fortassis. Defun&yogh;. Quod nunc deiyng et quieting. Per arbitros & judi­ ces electos servatur. Deiraric, see Deoraric. Deirawald or Deirawudu. Bever­ ley in Holdernesse. Dem. Hurt; damnum. Deman. To judge or deeme. Dema. A judge. forDeman. To condemne. Dene. A valley. lanc., a deine, Wherof a number of townes in England have their name: Tin­ terdene, Holindene. Dena. Danes. Denamearc. Denmarke. Suð dena. The countrey of Den­ mark nowe called Jutland. Norðdena. Norðdena ofer þa Ost Sœ œ&yogh;ðer &yogh;e on ðœm maran landum. Þa Deniscan. The Danes. Denn. A denne or cave, the bedde of a beast. Deofol. A divle. Deofol&yogh;yld. An idole & idolatrie. Deofolseoc. A demoniake. He that is possessed with a divle. Deop. Deepe. Deopnysse. Depth, deepnesse. Deopðancol. Of deepe consydera­ tion, contemplative. Some­ tyme great or excellent. Deor & Wildeor. Wild beastes of all kindes. Deoraric & Deoramæ&yogh;ðe & Deira. That part of the kingome of Northumberlande whiche laye betwix Humber and Tese, whiche had for certayne time a private king. Deorabye. Derbie, it soundeth. The habitation of Deorwent. Deorc. Derke. Deorfald. A parke, a deerfold. &yogh;eDeorf. Deorham. Dirham, earst called Dunholm, wherunto the bis­ shoppes see was translated from Conechester anno . It hath the name of Deira or De­ oraric. Deoraham. Deorhege. Pales about the lordes land or suche substantiall hedge as was hable to keepe out the deere, I suppose. Deorhyrst. Durest, a village in Woorcestershire upon the banke of Severne not farre from Theokesburie were was in times passed an abbey of munkes. And in the same place was the peace concluded bytwixt Ed­ mund Yronside & Cnut, the Dane. Deorlin&yogh;. Derling, welbeloved; dilectus charus. Deorwentan ea. The river of Derwind whiche runneth by Derby. There be sundrie other of the same name. Deorwyrð. Pretiouse, of great price, costly. Derian. To hurt, to harme. lanc., to deere. Inde Dare. Deri&yogh;endlic. Hurtfull. Dic. A diche or dyke. Dician. To diche or to dyke. &yogh;eDiernan. vide &yogh;eDyrnan. Difelin. Dublin in Irelond, wherof mention is made in the time of Edward the Elder. It was destroyed by the Scottes about anno 1000. Diht. Provision, appointment. Se sunne &yogh;að be &YOGH;odes dihte. Dihtan. To prepare, to appoint, to furnisshe. Dihtan œn œrend­ &yogh;ewrit. To make, to dresse. Dihta. Prœsagia. Dihtnere. Dispensator; a stew­ ard. Di&yogh;el. Secrete. Di&yogh;elan & beDi&yogh;elan. To hide, to keepe cloase or secrete. Di&yogh;elnesse. Secrecie, privitie. Di&yogh;ellic. Secretly or privily. Di&yogh;elwriter may be used for a secretarie or secreat wryter. Di&yogh;neras. Dile. Dille, herb. aDil&yogh;ean or aDile&yogh;ean. To blotte out, to abolisshe, to destroye. aDile&yogh;d. Abolisshed, destroyed. Dimme. Derke, dimme. Dimnysse. Darknesse. aDimmian. To dulle, to derken, to dimme. Dimhofan. Caves, holes, secrete or darke places, derke corners, hyding places. Dinc&yogh;an. Dung. Myxendin&yogh;an utdra&yogh;an. Diobul, Diul, Diwol & Diwl. The divle. Lind. Disc. A disshe. Discðen. He that beareth a disshe, he that serveth at the table. Distæf. A distaffe. Docce. Docke, herb. Dofun&yogh; Dotage, doting; delira­ mentum. Do&yogh;or. Day, poetice. Dol&yogh; & Dolh. Malum; harme. Dolswaðu & Dolhswaðu. Scarres or markes of woundes in the flesshe. Dom. Judgement. Domern & Domhus. The session houss, the towne houss, the judgement hall. Domsetl. The judges seate. D&omacron;n. To doo. Þu dest. Thou doest. Donua. The river of Danube. Don. Damulus. Dooc. Nothus. Dopened. Fulix. Dopufu&yogh;el. A dobchicke. Doppetan. To dippe, to dive, to thurst into the water, to plunge. Dora. A doore. Dorceaster. Dorchester besides Oxenford where the bisshoppe see whiche nowe is at Lincolne was first placed by Byrine, the bisshoppe, about anno 635, who there baptised Cynegilf, the Christian king of Westsex. The see was sith translated to Lin­ colne in the time of William the Redde. Dormceaster. A towne in Hun­ tingdonshire upon the river of Nene, whiche is nowe quite de­ stroyed. It was called by the Brytons Caer Dorm. Dr&amacron; & Draca. A dragon. onDræan. To feare, to dreade. Ic me ondrœde. I am afrayed. Ic me ondrœde &YOGH;od. I feare God. Hwœs ondrœdest þu þe? What art thou afrayed off? onDræd. Feared, dradde. utaDræfan. To drive out. Dr&amacron;f. A drove of beastes. Dra&yogh;an. To drawe, to carie. Dream. Song, harmonie, musicke. Hi hine mid heora san&yogh;es dream &yogh;e&yogh;ladedon. Wodadream. Mad­ nesse. Deamlic. Musicall, hermoniouse. Dreccan. To vexe, to trouble, to oppresse. &yogh;eDreccednesse. Vexation, mise­ rie, trouble, adversitie, tribula­ tion. &yogh;eDreht. Vexed, troubled. aDrencan.. To drowne. aDrenct. Drowned. &yogh;eDrefan. To trouble, to vexe, to disquiet. &yogh;eDrefednesse. Sorowe, vexation, trouble, care. &yogh;eDrefed. Vexed, sorowfull, trou­ bled. &yogh;eDreht. Wearied, troubled, vexed, oppressed. &yogh;eDreme. Shirl, cleare. Drenc. Drinke. Drencan. To drinke. aDren&yogh;t. Drowned. aDreo&yogh;an. To endure, to abide or sustayne. lanc., to dree. &yogh;eDreohlæcan. &yogh;eDreohlice. Discretely, wiselye. Dreori&yogh;. Sadde, sorowfull, dreery. Dreori&yogh;nysse. Sadnesse, pensive­ nesse, sorowfulnesse. aDrifan. To drive away, to ex­ pelle. Item, to promote, to fur­ ther. He þe &YOGH;odes riht adriftð. Drif. Mina. Driht & Drihten. Lord, whiche name we onely attribute unto God. Drihten &YOGH;od. Driht&yogh;uma & Drihtmon. The maker or mediatour in a mari­ age. Drime. Jubilum. Drincan. To drinke. aDrincan. To drowne. Drinclaf. To assise or drinke. "assise" not found in OED in the sense of "drink." Drohtnian. Converari; to be conversant. Dropa A droppe. Dropsa. Stronius. Drosna & Dros. Dregges, drosse, filth. Hi druncon oð ða drosna. They drunke to the degrees or lees. Dru&yogh;oð. Drught, drynesse. aDru&yogh;od. Dried. Drunce. Drunke. Druncen&yogh;eorn. A drunkerd. Druncesnscipe. Drunkennesse. Dry. A conjurer, a sorcerer. Drymen. Druides, idem. Drycræt. Magicke, sorcerie, con­ juration. Dry&yogh;an. To drie. Dryhten. Lord, the onely hon­ orable name of God. Dryhtwyrda. A devine, a reli­ giouse person. Dryme. A song, a verse. Drymin&yogh;a. A soft or murmuring noyse. Dryncan. To drinke. Drync, &yogh;eDrync. Drinke, drink­ ing, drinking, chere. Dryncweri&yogh;. Drunke, tipsie. Predates first OED citation for "tipsy" (1577). Drysnan. Extinguere. Þæt leohtfœt is &yogh;edrysnod. &yogh;eDufian. To dippe in water; immergere. Du&yogh;uð. Vertue, valiauntnesse, warlike vertue. On ðœm &yogh;e­ feoht &yogh;efeol se mœsta dœl Mace­ donia du&yogh;uðe. He wœ ealra &yogh;ewealda wyrð for his mœni&yogh;­ fealdum du&yogh;uðm. Inde doughtye. Dumb. Dumme. Dumbnysse. aDumbian. To becumme dumme; obmutescere. Dun. A hille. Dunlendisc. Montanus; he that dwelleth in the mountaynes. Dun œlfas. Hill faries; orei­ ades. Dunholm. The place where Dir­ ham was built. Dunne. Dunne colour. Dunsætas. The Welshmen of Poweslande, the mountaynes of North Wales. Duru. A dure. Dureweard. A porter, a doore keeper. Durustod & Durustodl. The doore cheeke. &yogh;eDurfon. They were lost, cast away. Heoro scipa 20 &yogh;edurfon. Dust. Dust. aDyde. Destroyed, killed. Þæt mancwealme hine adyde. beDydran. To deceave, beguile by making thinges to seeme that whiche they are not. beDydrod. So deceaved. Dydrun&yogh;. Sure witchcraft. Dyhenere. A steward. Dymm Darke. Dymnysse. Darknesse. Dyn Noyse, dinne. Eoðdyne. Earth dinne. Dynan. To make noyse. Dyn&yogh;an. To dunge, to fatte the ground. Þæt land mid ofer­ flewe Jordanes þœr ea &yogh;edyn&yogh;ed wœs. Dynt. A strooke, a blowe. beDyppan. To die or dippe. Be­ dypt, part. Dyre & &yogh;eDyre. Deere, wel be­ loved, of great price, costly. Dyrwyrð Pretiouse. Dyrlin&yogh; Swete hart, derling; amansus. Dyrn. Secrete, privie. &yogh;eDyrnan. To keepe secrete, to hide. Dyrn&yogh;eli&yogh;r. Advoutrie. Dyrnhæmend. He that com­ mitteth incest or unlawfull lust. &yogh;eDyrstlæcan. To presume, to be bold, to enterprise. &yogh;eDyrstlæt. Bold. Dyrran. To dare. Dyrsti&yogh; Bold. Dyrsti&yogh;nesse. Boldnese. &yogh;eDyrstnesse. Idem. Dyrlic dyrstnesse. Foolisshe boldnesse, rashnesse. Dyrstlic. Boldly. Dysi&yogh;. Foolisshe. Dysi&yogh;nysse. Foolisshenesse. Dysi&yogh;an. To be foolisshe. Dysti&yogh; Dustie. Dyttan. Fordyttan þœs scrœes muð mid ormetum stanum. Dwæs. Dulle, foolisshe. Dwæsnesse. aDwæscan. To quenche. &yogh;eDwan. Disparuit. Dwelan. To seduce, to brint into errour. Item, to erre. Dwelan fram &YOGH;odes &yogh;eleafan. Dweorh. A dwerfe. &yogh;eDwimora. Bugges, spirites. Dwinon. abuerunt. &yogh;eDwola. Heresie, errour. &YOGH;e­ dwola &yogh;da. False goddes. &yogh;eDwolman. An heretike. Dwolian. To erre, to be in a false opinion or heresie. To wander out of the waye. &yogh;eDwyld. Heresie, errour. &yogh;eDwymor. A fantasie, a bugge, a spirite. Dwyr&yogh;edrosle. Pollegia, herb. Ea. A river, Severn ea, Humbre ea. Wherby it cummeth to passe that all townes almost that stand upon rivers be named thereby. Ceoles ea, Chelsey, Bateresea, Wincelsea, etc. It signifieth also in composition many times an iland, Lindes­ fearona ea, which we calle Ir­ lande eye; Lambea, On&yogh;lesea. Eacan. To increase, to fulfull; augere. Inde Eaca. Eaca. Occar; usurie. Nam verè partus est, monstruosus tamen. It is also called Hierebor&yogh;, that is hyred loane or borowinge. Eacnian. To conceave childe. Eacnun&yogh;e. Conception. Eadi&yogh; Holy, vertuouse, godly, blessed. Herof are so many Englisshe names compounded: Eadweard, a holy keeper; Ead­ mund, holy peace; Ead&yogh;are, Eadwine, Eadwulf, etc. Eadi&yogh;nysse. Holinesse, blessed­ nesse. Eadi&yogh;lic. Holily. Eadmode. Humilitie. Eadwinesdun. A towne where Oswine the erl was slayne in rebelling against Mol, King of Northumberland. Ea&yogh; An eye. Plur., Ea&yogh;an. Ea&yogh;seun&yogh; The sight. Ea&yogh;flea. Albugo; a webbe or white spotte in the eye. Eahta. Eight. Eahtatyn. 18. Hund eahtati&yogh;. 80. Eahð The eighth, etc. Eahþyrl. A wyndoe. Eala. An adverbe of whisshing: Would to God. Eala &yogh;if ic hœfd penin&yogh;as. Eala wœre ic &YOGH;od leof. Sumtime of calling: Eala þu man. O thou man. Eal. All. Ealne we&yogh;e. In any wise. Mid ealle. Utterly, alto­ gyther. Na ealles swa. Not all togither so. Mœst ealle. The most part or almost al. Eald. Old, aged. Eald cw&emacron;n. An old queane. Ealdnysse. Age, old age. Ealdan. To waxe old. Ealdlic & Ealdorlic. Old, an­ ticke, auncient. Ealdan mynster. The cheife or mother churche. Ealdfæder. Graundfather, graundsire. Ealdor. A senior, a ruler, a sena­ tor, a cheefman, a capitayne. Sceaða ealdor. A capitayne of theeves. Twe&yogh;ra ceorla ealdor. Duumvir. Þreora ealdor. Tri­ umvir. Tynmanna ealdor. Decemvir. Hundredes ealdor. Centurio. Ealdorlic. The principall, the cheefe. Ealdorman. A gouvernour, an erl, a president of a province, suche an appeareth were before the conquest in every shire in England. Suðseaxna ealdor­ man. Eanwulf, Sumorsœta eal­ dorman. Syricdornsœta ealdor­ man. Ealdordome. Erldome. Ealdorburh. The cheefe or met­ ropolitayne citie of a countrey. Constantinopolis, Creca ealdor­ burh. Ealdorscipe. Authoritie, aunci­ entie, majoritie, senioritie. Ealdorlicness. Principalis auc­ toritas. Bed. lib. 3, ca. 8. Eale, Ealu & Ealo. Ale, the aun­ cient drinke of England. Eal&yogh;afol Assise for ale. Ealh&umacron;s. An ale houss. Eallun&yogh;a. Utterly, in any wise, altogither. Ealmes. Almes. Ealmesfeoh. Almes money. Ealne&yogh;, for Ealnewe&yogh;. Alwaye, in any wise. Eam. An uncle, the mothers brother, for the wiche on the fathers side is Fœdera. lanc., eame. Eanian. To bring forth, as the ewe doth her lamb. lanc., the yewe eaneth. Eare. A mans eare & an eare of corne. Earleppe. Auricula; the litle flappe of the eare. Earrin&yogh; Inauris. Eard. Land, countrey; patria. Wineard, a vinyard. Eardian. To dwelle, to enhabite. Eardun&yogh;stowe. Dwelling place, place of habitation. Earefin&yogh;er. The ringfinger. Earfoð. Hard, difficult, grevouse, miserable. Earfoðnesse. Difficultie, hard­ nesse, miserie, greefe. Earfoðlic. Scarcely, hardly, with moche ado, miserably. Ear&yogh;. Slouthfull, dull, idle. Ear&yogh;ian. Torpescere; to be sloughfull, dull, idle. Ear&yogh;eat. Arpa, bird. Earm. An arme. Earme. Poore, miserable, wretched. Earming. A wretche, a miser, a poore sowle. Earn. An egle. &yogh;eEarnian. To deserve, to earne. &yogh;eEarnun&yogh;e. Desert, merite. Earplæt. A blowe or boxe on the eare. Earpreon & Earhrin&yogh;. A juelle or ring in the eare, an earering. Ears. The place of honest avoyd­ ance. Earsenda. The buttockes. Earwi&yogh;&yogh;a. An earwigge. Earð, see Eorð. East. The east & Eastdæl. The east part or coast. Eastern. Of the east. Eastern winde. Eastland. Pruse, Lettowe & Lif­ lande. Eastas. Those countrey men. Eastermonað. The month of Aprille. Easter or Eoster. The feast of Easter, so called (as I gesse) of the Greeke Ἔορτη, festum, for the solemnitie. In highe Dutche, Ostern quasi ort steren, id est locum mutare, sive transire. Eastric. Thempire of Constanti­ nople or of the Greekes. The empire of the East. Eatan, Etan. To eate. Eatole. Italie. Eatolwara. Italians. Eawfæst, Æwfæst. Godly. Eawun&yogh;e. Openly, in Present presence, in sight. Eax. Axis; the axtree of a cart or wayne. Also an axe; se­ curis. Eaxle. A shulder. Eaxanceaster. Called of the Cor­ nishmen Cair ruth, that is to say the redde citie aunciently of the Brytons as appeareth by Monumentensis. Was taken by the Danes anno 876. And afterward anno 930 was wonne out of the handes of the Cor­ nisshmen by King Ethelstan who builded the walles thereof. Eað. Easye; facil. lanc., eath. Eaðlic. Easily. Eaðheald. Content. Eaðmod. Humble, lowly, gentle. Eaðmodnysse. Humilitie, lowli­ nesse. Eaðmodlic. Humbly. Ebolsan. To blaspheme. Ebolsun&yogh;. Blasphemie. Ece. Ake, ache; dolor. Ece. Æternall, everlasting. Inde Ece yrfe, enheritance, everlastinge possession. Ecenysse. Eternitie, perpetuitie. Ecelic. Eternally, perpetually, for ever. Eced. Vinager. Ec&yogh;e Edge of anything. Ecsoð Truly, Northumbrian. Ed. In composition the same that re in Latin, agayne: &yogh;eedcenned, renatus; &yogh;eedcucod, redivivus, etc. &yogh;eEdcucian. To revive, to rayse from death & to rise from death. &yogh;eEdcucod. Raysed from death to life. Ede. Grex; a flocke. Ede ber­ &yogh;ana. Grex porcorum, Lind. Eder. A hedge. Ederbryc. Hedge breaking, for­ fayture in the lawe. We nowe calle the pales that runne along the top of the hedge by that name. Edisc. The grasse that groweth in meados after they be mowen, the rowen or aftermathe. Ediscweard. A keeper of edisshe. Edischenne. Fram; a quayle. "farm" uncertain. Edlean. Reward, recompense. Edleanun&yogh; Rewarding. Elæcan. To repeate, to reherse. Gif he ne edlœcað his œrran misdœda. Crist &yogh;eedlœht þæt he œr tœht. Edlesung. Relation. Edlesendlic. Relative. &yogh;eEdniwan. To renewe, to re­ store. Edo. Grex; a flocke. Edrecan. Ruminare. Edrecedroc. Rumen. Edwielle. Vortex; a hurlpoole. Edwit. Probrum; reproache, dis­ honour. Edwist. Essentia, substantia; being. Efeleac. Union. Efen. Even, evening. Efern. Northumbrian. Efen&yogh;ereord & Efenmete. Sup­ per. Efenlæcan. To matche, imitate or compare. Efenhlytta. A matche, æquall, mate, or compagnon. Eferfern. Okefern, herb. Efesham, see Eofesham. Efesian. To polle or round; tondere. Jacobus nœs nœfre &yogh;eefesod ne &yogh;escored. James was never polled nor shorne. Efesun&yogh; Polling, rounding. Efete. An eft or lizard. Efn & Efna. Even, just, æquall. Mid efnan helm bl&emacron;d. Justa lance. Efne. Behold, see, lo. Efne her is se cynin&yogh; Efolsan To blaspheme. Efolsun&yogh; Blaspheme. Eforðrote. Colicus. Efst. Haste. Efstan. To haste or make hast. Eft & Eftsona. Agayne, eft, eftsones. E&yogh;brihtstan. E&yogh;e. Feare. E&yogh;eslic. Fearfully, terrible. E&yogh;esful Terrible. E&yogh;ese&yogh;rimma. A bugge, a coun­ terfait divle. E&yogh;esian. To feare, to make afrayd. E&yogh;eðe. Erpica. E&yogh;eðere. Erpicarius. E&yogh;lan To ayle. Him n&amacron;n þin&yogh; wið innon e&yogh;lað. E&yogh;le & E&yogh;lan. Glis, festuca; a festuc & the pricke whiche groweth upon the eare of corne. E&yogh;land, see I&yogh;land. E&yogh;or. Dodrans. &yogh;eE&yogh;sod. Feared, made afrayed. E&yogh;sa. Feare, Þœs meotodan Dryhtnes e&yogh;san & swin&yogh;la. Ehras. Eares of corne. Ehtan. To persecute. Ehtnysse. Persecution. Ehðyrl. A windowe. Eisile. Vinagre. Elbo&yogh;a. An elbowe. Elc. Every one. Scot., ilke. Elces cynnes. Of every kinde. Elcan & Elcian. To differ, to prolong, drive of, linger, tarie. Elcian on summere stowe. Elcun&yogh;. Prolonging, differring, tariance. Butan elcun&yogh;. Sine mora. Elcor. Alioquin; otherwise. El­ curnu, Lind. Eldan. To linger, to tarie. Eldun&yogh; Tariance. Ele. Oyle. onElan. To anoint with oyle Elehorn. An oyle boxe or horne. Elebeame. An olive tree. Elene. Horidasium, mala. Elehtre. Amber. Elesealfe. Swete baulme or oynt­ ment. Swete oyle as spicanardi or suche other. Eli&yogh;ea. Eley, the ilond of Eeles, situate as Bede sayth in the kingdome of Eastangle, en­ vironed with fennes & rivers, having in quantitie about 600 hides of lande, where Ethel­ drede, the doughter of Anna, king of Eastangle, & wife to Egfride, king of Northumber­ land, builded a ninrie anno . Ellarn. Elder tree. Ellandun. Not farre from Win­ chester in Hampshire, where Egbright, King of Westsex, overthrewe in batayle Beorn­ wulf, King of the Merce, anno 823. Ellen. An elder tree. Ellen. Strength. Nan man &yogh;e­ cnawað his a&yogh;ene ellen œr þone neod wurðe þe he his &yogh;enotian sceal. Ellenlæce. Pugil; a champion. "pugil" antedates first citation in OED (1646). Ellencampian. To fight in the listes or to fight the combate. Ellenrof. Strong, mightie. Elles & Elcor. Otherwise. Eln. Ulna; the arme. An elle in mesure. Elp. An elephant. Elpanb&amacron;n. Yvorie, elephantes toothe. Elreordi&yogh;. Barbarouse. Emb, id est Ymb. About, of, Swa hwœt swa men emb sprecað. Embeht. Ministerium; service. Northumbrian. Embehtan. To serve; adminis­ trare. Embehtmon. Minister; a servant. Emd&omacron;n. To environ or compasse. Embren. Bothonia. Embtrymman. To fortifie, to make strong on all sides. Embtrymmun&yogh; Fortification. Emme. Even, just egall. To emn him. Anenst them. Hi to emnes him þæt weal abræcon. Emnland. A playne countreye. Emnesse. Evennesse, playnnesse. &yogh;eEmnan. To make even. Emleof. Æque charus; ægally beloved. Emfeala. Just so many, of equal number. Emnecan. To be even, just or ægall. Emnettan & &yogh;eEmnyttan. To make just or egall or even. Emnette. Playne or a playne grounde. Emnescolere. Condiscipulus; a schole felowe. Emnihte. Aquinoctium. Þæt len&yogh;tenlic emniht. Æquinoc­ tium vernum. Emnsari&yogh;e. Like sorie. Emtian. To emptie. &yogh;eEnc&yogh;d. Carefull. End. An end. &yogh;eEndian. To ende. &yogh;eEndun&yogh; The ending. Endebyrdnyssa. Holy order. Endemes. In order, from the be­ gining to the end. Þæm mœni&yogh; fealdan yfle endemes areccan. Endlyfan. Elleven. Endlyfta. The elleventh. Endstæf. An epilogue or con­ clusion or peroration. Endnext. The last. Se endnexta dœ&yogh;. Dies ille magnus. Ened. A ducke. En&yogh;le. An Englisshe man. One of the thre nations whiche drave out the Brytons & pos­ sessed this land, who before dwelled upon the coast of the Ost Sea in Saxonie, not farre from Lubecke towards the east in a countrey of the same name. It is also an aungel. En&yogh;laland. England, whiche tooke the name of the Engles as most famouse of the thre. Howbeit they possessed onely Eastangle, the Merce & North­ umberland. En&yogh;lafeld. Inglefeld, a place not farre from Reading, where King Aelfred his brother fought with the Danes anno . Ensc. Broel. "Broel" uncertain. Ent. A giant. Entas & eotenas. Giantes & eaters of men. &yogh;eEode. He went or went through or overrunne. He &yogh;eeode Asiam. He heora mœstan burh &yogh;eeode. Eom. Am; sum. I am. Ic eom &yogh;elœred. I am taught. Eofor. A bore. Of aper, a wild bore. Eoforspreote. A bore speare. Eofot. Debitum; debt, a suite. Yppan eofot. To enter a suite. Eoforfern. A kinde of ferne. Eolhsand. Amber. Eolusec&yogh; & Eolx. Papiluum, herba. Eorl. An earl. Eorllic. Like an earle. Eornest & Eornesse. Duellum, monomachia. For&yogh;yfan þa eornesse & œfðon þe oðro wið us &yogh;efremman. Eorod. A band of men, a legion. Eorodmede. Cerethus or cerin­ thus, herba. Eorre. Anger & angrie. Of ira. Eorrian. To be angrie. Eorsun&yogh;. Anger. Eorð. Earth. Eorðbeofun&yogh; Earth quake. Eorðstyrun&yogh; & Eorðdyn. Idem Eorðlic. Earthly. Eorðlic œhta. Terrenæ possessiones. Eorðalla. Centory. Eorðcryple. Paraliticus. Eorðifi&yogh; The blacke yvie, earth yvie. Eorð&yogh;ement. Geometrie, mesuring or surveying of land. Eorð&yogh;ealla. Fel terræ, centaurea, herba. Eorðlin&yogh; A hine, ploughman, or plough churle. Eorðryrnesse. Earthquake. Eorðtilia. A husband man. Eorðwite&yogh;un&yogh; Geomantie, a cer­ tayne order of conjecture or divination by making certayne prickes or markes in the earth at adventure. Eosol. An asse. Eotole. Italie. Eow. You. Eower. Your or yours. Eowd, Eowod & Eowð. A flocke of shepe or other beastes. Eowe. A yewe, shepe. Eowend. The instrument of pro­ creation. Eowestras. Shepecoates or hovel­ les for shepe. Eowland. An ile appertayning to Gotland, nowe called Eland. Eowð. A flocke, multitude, or compagnie. Erendraca & Lind., Erendwreco. A messagier, an embassadour. Erne. Locus secretior. Ernesbyri&yogh; vel Einesbyri&yogh;. Er­ nulphi curia, nowe called Saint Neot. Erian. To plowe, tille, or ere. Erfweard, see Yrfweard. Erschenne. A partridge bycause she lyveth in the ershe. Erscen. A hedgehogge. lanc., an yrchen. Esne. A bond servant. Est. Liberalitie, delicacie. And Est or Esta is yest to brew withhal. Estful. Delicate, also devout. Estmete. Daintie mete, delica­ cies, daynties. Estland. Contayned all the coun­ treyes est from Germanie be­ yond Wixel, as Prusse, Lifland, Lettowe, etc. & the countray­ men were called Estas or Eastas. Esuice. Ethnicus, North. See Æswice. Esul. An asse. Etfor, see Eofor. Etol & Oferetol. A glouton, a devourer. Ewerdla. Damnatio, damnum. Ewe. Mariage. Ewestra. Sheepcoates. Ewun&yogh;a. Openly, in presence. Eþelin&yogh;a i&yogh; or Æðlin&yogh;a i&yogh;. In­ sula nobilium; a place in Deven­ shire environned with woodes & fennes where King Aelfrede, being by the Danes dispossessed of his whole kingdome, with a number of his nobles remayned, wherof the place tooke the name, who afterward builded the abbaye there. Eþele. Land, inheritance. Facan. He him sylfum facade Macedonia onweald. Facn. Craft, guile, decept, fraud. Anger, after some. Facnful. Deceptfull. Facn&yogh;ecwis. A conspiracie. Fadan. To order, to dispose. &YOGH;od &yogh;esceop alle þin&yogh; & &yogh;efadod. We habbað &yogh;efadod þa endebyrdnes þœs san&yogh;es. Item, trimmed, decked. &YOGH;efadod mid deor­ wirdðum stanum. Word & weorc fadian mid riht. Fadun&yogh; Order, disposition, trim­ ming. Faec. Space. Lytel fœc. Twe&yogh;ra da&yogh;a fœc. Binnan six manna sibba fœce. Within the sixt degre of kyn. Fæcele. Fax; a torche, a brande. Fæder. A father. Broðor &yogh;e­ fœdred. A brother on the fathers side. See &yogh;efedera. Fædera. An uncle on the fathers side. Fæder&yogh;estreona. Patrimonie. Fæderencnosl. Parentela. Fæderslæ&yogh;a. He that killeth his father. Fæ&yogh;en. Fayne, gladde. &yogh;eFæ&yogh;ean. & Fæ&yogh;nian. To re­ joyce, to be gladde or fayne. Fæ&yogh;er. Fayre, beautifull, goodly. Fœ&yogh;er on to locianne. Fæ&yogh;ere. Fayre & softly. Fæ&yogh;ernysse. Beautie, fayrnesse. &yogh;eFæ&yogh;erian. To beautifie. &yogh;eFæ&yogh;nian. To be glade or fayne, to rejoyce. Fæhð. Factio, inimicitia; en­ mitie, fede or deadly fede. Sam­ son hæfd fæhð to ðœm folc Philistea. Fæman. To fome, as water. Fæmne. A mayde. Fæmnhad. Maydenhead. Fær. Going, fare. Infær. En­ trie. Utfœr. Issue or going out. Ingresse & egresse. Fær. Soubdayne. Færlic. Soubdaynly. Færdeað Apoplexie, soubdayne death. Færcwealme, idem. aFæran. To feare. Færeld. A journey or voyage. Færeltu. Lustra, meatus. Used in the Scriptures for the Pass­ over. Færfyl. A headling or soubdayne fall. Færin&yogh;a. Soubdaynly Færmo. Nuptiæ. Lind. &yogh;eFær. A felowe, a compagnon, a mate. lanc., a feare8. &yogh;eFærredne. Felowshippe, com­ pagnie. Alii fela&yogh;um quasi fide ligatum, volunt. Fæst. Fast, strong. Fæstan. To fasten or make strong or fast. Item, to ab­ stayne from meat, to fast. beFæstan. To committe to an­ other anything. Feoh be­ fœsten. Oðfæstan, idem. Fæsten. A fortresse, a castel, a strong place, a fastnesse. Item, fasting or abstinence. Fæstennesse. A place of defence or strength, a fastnesse. Fæstnun&yogh;. Fortification. Fæstm&omacron;d. Constantis animi; stable, constant of minde. &yogh;eFæstnian. To fortifie, to make strong, to fasten. Item, to con­ firme. Fæstnun&yogh;. Fortificatio, etc. Fæt. A vessel. Cysfæt, ealufœt, etc. Vide Fata. Fæt. Fatte. Fætnysse. Fatnesse. Fætels. Pera; a bagge or wallet. Fæða. Phalang. Fæðm. A fadome. Fa&yogh; & Fah. Colour, or of divers colors. Varius color. An fah­ nœddre. Fa&yogh;an. To make of diverse colours; variare. Lind. &yogh;eFazen. Variegatus; sette with stones of diverse sortes. Fa&yogh;etun&yogh;. Lyft fa&yogh;etun&yogh; þurh stormas. Se fulla mona fœrlic fa&yogh;etað þonne he þœs sunlican leohtes bedæled sy. Fald. A fold. Deorfald. A parke. Falster. One of the Iles of Den­ marke. Fah. Inimicus; foo. Sy he fah wið þone cynin&yogh;. & Revenge. Sy his blod &yogh;efah ofer us & ur bearn. Laðlic is se hreoflian lic mid mœni&yogh;faldum fah. Some­ tyme guiltie. Fahmon. Reus, conscius. Fahnysse. Crist ure sawla fram synna fahnysse &yogh;ehœlað. Fah. Variable. Falæcan. To kylle. Falewe. Falowe colour. F&amacron; Fome. Famig. Fomye, frotthie. Fana. A standerd. &yogh;efana & &yogh;uðfana. Fandian. To proove, to assay, to tempt. Deofol mot œlces man­ nes afandian. Fandun&yogh; Proofe, temptation, assay. Fanne. A fanne for corne. Fantafate. A fonte. Fanu. Citiana, herba. Fare. Journey, voyage, going. Infare. Entrie. Utfare. Go­ ing out or issue. Faran. To go, to journey, Ic fare huntian. & therof: Infare, Utfare, Tofare, Oferfare. He heora burh &yogh;efor. Destroyed their towne. He &yogh;efore. He died. He &yogh;efore on unriht. Æceras farað on sumera swa swa se yði&yogh;end sœ. Ita se habent. Sometime &yogh;efaran signifieth to happen, to befall. forFaran. Perire; to be lost or cast awaye. Farnea ealond. Fern Iland by Bamborough. Ferd þa to Far­ nea on flowendre yðe. Þæt i&yogh;­ land is ealle beworpen mid seal­ tum brymme on sœ middum. Fæs. Fimbria; the edge or hemme of a garment. Lind. Fata. A measure called a fatte, now a pecke, for we call halfe a bushel a toefet (or two fet) in Kent at this day. Vide Fæt, antea. Faðe & Faðu. An aunt by the fathers side, fathers sister. Fea, id est Feoh. Money. Feala. Many. Hu feala? How many? Fealefor & Fealuor. Onocrolatus vel porphyrius; bird. Item, thorax felfare. Feald. Fold. Fealdan. To folde or lappe. Fealh, Feal&yogh; & Fealo. Falowe colour. Feal&yogh;a. Occa. &yogh;eFealic. &yogh;eFean. Gladnesse, joye. &yogh;eFean. Verb, to rejoyce, to be fayne. Fearh. A hogge or pigge. &YOGH;e­ fearh su&yogh;u. A farowe sowe. Fearn. Fern, herb. Fearr. A bulle. Feawa. Fewe. An fewa. A fewe. For ane fewum &yogh;earum. Feax. Heare. &yogh;eFeccan. To fetche. Fecele & Feceleblysi&yogh;e. A fire brande. Fedan. To feede, to nourisshe. Feferfu&yogh;e. Feverfue, herb. Fefor. An ague, a fever. Feforseoc. Sicke of the ague. &yogh;eFe&yogh;an. To compound, to joyne togither. &yogh;eFe&yogh;ed. Joyned, fitte, mete. &yogh;eFe&yogh;ednesse. Composition; figura. &yogh;eFe&yogh;ung. Composition. Inde Stœf&yogh;efe&yogh;u. Silluba, bycause it is compounded of lettres. Feh, id est Feoh. North. Fela. Many. See Feala. &yogh;eFelan. To feele. &yogh;eFelnesse. Feling. Feld. A feld. Feldmynt. Mentastrum; herb. Feldwyrt. Gentiana, herb. Au­ adonia. Feldrude. Herb Jhon. Feleferð. Centumpellis. Fel&yogh;a. Canti. Fell. A skinne. Felnesse. Feeling. Trewa libbað button felnesse. Felread & Fellerd. Purple. Lind. Felsan. Expiare. Felt. Felt; cento, mento. Feltun. Secessus, latrina, ster­ quilinium; a Jakes, a privie. Note: Mr. Felton hath a clenly name. Feltwurma. Origanum. Feltwyrt. Anadoria, herb. anFen&yogh;an. To conceave. anFen&yogh;ednysse. Conception. Fenmynte. Herb. Fenne. A maresse, a fenne. Fenfern. Herb. Fenni&yogh;. Mustie, foystye. Fenol. Fenelle, herb. Feoh and Feo. Money. Li&yogh;&yogh;end feoh. Readye money; æs sig­ natum. Therof Cyricfeoh, Æmesfeoh, etc. Herof seemes to cumme our fee. Land & fee. Feoh&yogh;yrness. Desire of money. &yogh;eFeoht. Batayle, warre, fight. Feohtan. To fight. Feol. A file. Feolan & beFeolan. To fal to, to fulfylle. &yogh;eFeond. Glaudnesse, rejoysing, Inde fayne or gladde. Feond. An ennimie or foo. Wherof we calle divles fendes, as commune ennimies of mannes nature. Feor & Feorre. Farre, farre off. Feorran. Farthermore, moreover. Feorh. Life, sowle. Hæbbe his feorh. Let him have his life. Inæ Leg. Feorhstuðu. Obstupum. Feorm. A banket, a feast. Therof ferme, bycause it yelded auncyently toward meat. Æthelstan, Prœfatio. Se my­ cele feorm Cristes þances. Re­ ceaving of the sacrament. Feormian & aFeormian. To clense, to purge, wherof cum­ meth our Gogfermers as suche other fermers. It signi­ fieth also to blanket, to feast, to recept, to receave at mete & mele. Flyman feorman. To recept outlawes, to give them meate & drinke & lodging. He feormod his witan. He bank­ eted his counseylours. Some have translated feormian pro­ curare. Feorðlin&yogh;. A farthing, fourth part of a penye. Feower. Foure, 4. Se feowerða feowertyða, feowerti&yogh;eða. Feowertyn. 14. Feoweti&yogh; 40. Feowerfet. Crœtwan & œlces cynnes feowerfetes an. Speak­ ing of triumph. Feowerða. Quartus. Feowerða fœde. Tritavus; my great grandfathers father. Feowerða meder. My great grandfathers mother. Feoðerscete. Square, fowre square. &yogh;eFera. A felowe, a compagnon; & &yogh;eFerrædne. Felowshippe, com­ pagnie. &yogh;eFercod. Ure hwilwendlic life bið mid mettum &yogh;efercod. Fered. Delusus. Fercuð. Frugus. Ferh, id est Fearh. A hogg, a porke. Ferhcwæle. Murrayne of hogges. Ferhealden. Incestus. Ferian. To beare or carie; ferre. &yogh;eFerlæcan. To accompagnie, to beare cumpagnie. Ferlican. Sodeine. Ferlea&yogh;a. Hereford. &yogh;eFerredne & &yogh;eFerred. Com­ pagnie, felowshippe. Fers. A verse. Fersian. To versifie. Ic fersi&yogh;e. F&emacron;t. Feete. Fetels. Pera; a powche, a bagge, a wallet. Fetor. A fetter. Fettera & Feotere. Fetters. &yogh;eFettan. To fetche, to fette. Feðe. Going; gressus. He naht his feðes &yogh;eweald. He could not go. Fet butan feðe. Feete without going. Feðena. Pedites; footemen. Feðe­ men, idem. Feðere. An armie on foote. Feðanlea&yogh; Where Cuthwine, King of Westsex, encountring with the Brytons was slayne & his son Ceaulin gathering his force agayne overthrewe them anno 584. Feðer. A fether. Item, a penne to write with. Blœcce & feðer. Penne & ink. &yogh;eFeðered. Fethered. Feðered. Fethered. Feðerfete. Quadrupes; what so ever is fowre footed. Feðerscyte. Fowre square. Fic & Ficæpple. A figge. Fictreowe. A figge tree. Fierst. Laquear. "laquear" antedates earliest OEED citation (1706). Fif. Five, 5. Fiftyn. 15. Fifti&yogh; 50. Fifhund. 500. Fifða. Fifthe. Fiftynða, Fif­ ti&yogh;oða, etc. Fifæd. Fifefold. Fife&yogh;ed. Five cornered. Fifele. A buckle; fibula. Fiffeald. A butterflie. Fifleaf. Five leaved grasse, herb. Fifta fæder. My great graund­ fathers graundfather; atavus. Fiftamoder. My great graund­ father graundmother. Fi&yogh;an. To be ennimie. aFi&yogh;en. Frixum. Fihle. Pannus. Lind. &yogh;eFild. Campus; feld. &yogh;eFillan. To fille. Fille. Serpillum; savorie herb. Pellitorie. Filmena. Shales, thinne skinnes. Filð. Unclenlinesse, baggage, filth. Fina. Mursopicus or marsopicus, bird. Finc. A finche, bird. Findan. To finde. &yogh;eFindi&yogh;. A finder, a catcher; rapax. Fin&yogh;er. A finger. The fingers be: þuma, scytfin&yogh;er, index, middelfin&yogh;er, lœcefin&yogh;er & se lytla fin&yogh;er. Finna. A finne of a fisshe. Finnas. Finnes, people of Fin­ land; & Terfinnas, Tartares. Finul. Fenell, herb. Fyrenlust. Lecherie, unlawfull lust. Fir&yogh;en&yogh;a. Ibices. Firwit&yogh;eornesse. Curiositie. Fisc. Fisshe. Fiscmere. A fisshe poole. Fiscwer. A were to catche fisshe. Fiscian. To fisshe. Fiscnoðe. Fisshing, the exercise of or pastime of fisshing. Fiscnoðe & huntnoð. Fiwan. To hate, to be ennimie. Lind. Fixian. To fisshe. Fiðeler. A fidler, a crowder, all suche as play on any instrument with the bowe. Fiðele. A fidle, a croude, a viole. Fla & Flan. An arowe, shaft, or dart. Mid anre flan of sceoton. Killed with an arrow. Flacea & Flaðra. Flakes of snowe or suche like. Flac&yogh;e. Cataplasma. Flæsc. Flesshe. &yogh;eFlæschamod. Incarnate. &yogh;eFlæscnysse. Incarnation. Cristes &yogh;eflœscnesse. Flæscmun&yogh;ere & Flæsccwellere. A bouchier. Flædra. Flawes or flakes of snowe or suche like. Fl&amacron;. An arowe, shaft, or dart. Flaniht. Jaculatum. Flaxa, Wæterflaxa. A botle, a flagon; lagena. Flean. Fleas. Flean. To flee, to runne away, to avoyde. Item, to flea; excoriare. Fleame. Flight, banisshement, exile. Fleax. Flaxe. Fleawyrt. Parius, a kinde of herb. Flede. Flowen, risen. Þa wœs seo ea to ðan flede þe he ne miht to ðœr bric&yogh;e cuman. Þa wœs seo ea swa fledu swa heo nœfre œr nœs. Fledin&yogh; Flowing, rising, inun­ dation. Fleo&yogh;e. A flie; musca. Fleogryft. Canopeum; a canapie, that whiche hangeth over a bedde to keepe flies from a mans face. Fleon. To flee, to runne away. Pret., he flu&yogh;e, fleah, or fleowe. He fledde. Fleot. A baye or roade for shippes. Wherof many townes have their name, as Beamfleot. Ypwinesfleot, Wanefleot, Sealt­ fleot & Handfleot & Herefleot in Fraunce which the Frenchemen calle Honfleu & Harflewe. Fleotan. To fleete, to swimme Fleowan. To flowe. Flete. Creame. Flette. Area, a flowre. Flex. Flaxe; linum. Flicce. A fliche of bacon. Flicerian. To flicker, to flie. Ic fliceri&yogh;e. Fli&yogh;. A flie or flea. aFli&yogh;an. To drive awaye, to putte to flight. Flima, see Flyma. Flind. Genitrix. Flint. Flintstone. &yogh;eFl&imacron;t. Contention, brawling, chiding. lanc., fliting. &yogh;eFlitful & &yogh;eFlit&yogh;eorn. Conten­ tiouse, a brawler. Flitan. Fl&omacron;c. A place, fisshe. lanc., a flooke. Flod. A floode. Floh. A flawe of metall, stone, or other thing. Stanes floh. Gleba silicis. Fl&omacron;r. A floore of a houss. Flota. A fleete or navie of shippes. Flotscipu. Foystes, caraveles, light shippes fitte for cariage of souldiers suche as the Danes came communly into England with. Flotman. A maryner. Floteran. Þin heort floterað mid &yogh;ytsun&yogh;. Flotsmere. Fatte of the potte. Flowan. To flowe. Flu&yogh;ol. A runne awaye; fugax. Flyht. Flight, fliing, running awaye & also volatus; fliing. A bird of other thing. Flyhtclað. Commissura. Flyma. A fugitive, a banisshed man, an out lawe. Wherof the Flemminges are named by a reason that their countrey being wilde & strong was a fitte re­ ceptacle for outlawes & so was first enhabited. Item, the land is called Flanderland by them selves whiche is as muche to say as Fleondra land, the land of runne awayes. Flymin&yogh;. An outlawe, a Flem­ ming. Flyman. To banisshe, to outlawe. Flyse. A fleese of wulle. Fnædu. An edge or hemme of a garment. His reafes fnœdu. Fnora. Snysing. This orthografie, n after f, fn is to be found in no tung that I knowe. Foca. A kinde of breade. He send him œnne focan mid atre &yogh;emen&yogh;ed & he aweard þone œtrodan hl&amacron;f. Fodre. Fodder for beastes. Sum­ times a sheathe or scaberd. Ital., fodra. Fodrere. Pabulator; a fourra­ giere in the warres. F&omacron;&yogh;, &yogh;eF&omacron;&yogh;. Joyning togither, conjunction, agrement. Foh. Fole & Fola. A colte. Folc. People, folke. Folc&yogh;emot. A parlement, a gen­ erall assemblie of people for matters of the commune wealth. Folc&yogh;esetnesse. & Folcrædenne. Plebiscitum; an act of parlia­ ment. "plebiscitum" antesdates earliest OED citation (1583). Folc&yogh;efeoht. A sette batayle. Folclare. An homelie or suche sermon for the instruction & capacitie of the commune people. Folcriht. Jus populare. Folc&yogh;erefe. A shireve or other ruler of the people. Folcweli&yogh;. Populouse, well in­ habited. Folcisce. Plebeius; of the comon sort. Fol&yogh;ere. A folower, a reteyner, a servant. Fol&yogh;oð. Service, retinue. Folman. Limmes, handes & feete. Þa nœ&yogh;las þe adrifan wœron þurh Cristes folman. &yogh;eFon. To take. Ic &yogh;efo. Pret., Ic &yogh;efen&yogh;. He fen&yogh; to ðœm ric. He began to regne. Semiramis fen&yogh; œ&yogh;ðer &yogh;e to ðœm &yogh;ewinne œ&yogh;ðer &yogh;e to ðœm ric. & befon. F&omacron;nfyre. Glis; a globyrd, a woorme whiche shineth by night. Fontbæð. Baptisme. Foor. A porke, a hogge. For. For, before. Nu for ane feawum &yogh;eraum. For ðam ðe. Bycause. For inti&yogh;an. Bycause. For &YOGH;od & woruld. For. A gelded swine, a hogge, a porke. Fore. Companie. Forbu&yogh;an. To avoyde, to shunne. Forbu&yogh;ennesse. Avoydance. Forb&omacron;d. Forbidding, prohibition. Foreað. A fore othe. Forbeacn. Prœsagium; a fore­ token. Forbyrd. Forbearing, abstinence. Forceorfan. To cutte off, to cutte awaye. Forcuð. Nequam; evle, forked in wittes, overthwart. Forcwæðan. Increpare. Lind. Ford. A foorth, a passage over a river. Herof a multitude of townes in England be named: Oxnaford, Temisford, Bre&yogh;en­ ford, Braynford. Forcynn. Auncestours, prædeces­ sours. Fordeman. To condemne. Fordili&yogh;an. To destroye. Forboh. The floure of time, I think. Ford&omacron;n. To destroye, to undoo. Forad. Broken. Fordrenct. Drunke. Foredure. A porche. Fordyttan. Damnare. Fordwinan. To vanisshe. Hi of heora siht fordwinon. Forefan&yogh;. Prævention, anticipa­ tion. Thearof is the forfenge of a strong beast a thing knowen westward. Fore&yogh;en&yogh;as. Auncestour, fore­ fathers, prœdecessours. Fore&yogh;ewiten. Passed. Fore&yogh;e­ witen tid. Time passed. Fore&yogh;yldan. To rewarde. He hit him mid yfle for&yogh;uld. Fore&yogh;leaw. Forseeing, knowing before; providus. Forcasting. Fore&yogh;leawnesse, For&yogh;leawnesse. Forsight, forcast. Foreheafod. The forhead. Forerynel, Foreirnere. A for­ rider, a forgoer, a scoute, pre­ cursor. Foresæc&yogh;ednesse. A præface, a preamble. Foresec&yogh;an. To speake before, to forespeake, to tell before hand. Foresceawian. To forsee. Foresetnesse. Purpose, intent. Forestæppan. To go before; præcedere. Forestal. Prohibitio itineris; forstalling. Foresteora. Proreta; he that hath rule of the foreshippe. Forestihtun&yogh;. Predestination, providence. Godes foreestihtin&yogh;. Foreweard heafod. The fore­ head. On forweardan. Before. Forewis. Forseeing, consydering, forcasting thinges beforehand. Forewost. Princeps. Lind. Forf. Thesaurus. Lind. For&yogh;&amacron;n. To loose, to abstayne, to transgresse. Ic for&yogh;œ&yogh;e. I passe, I transgresse. For&yogh;æ&yogh;ednesse. Transgression. Fore&yogh;ewitnysse. Alreadye at­ tainted of false wytnes. For&yogh;nidan. Allidere. For&yogh;yfan. To forgive. Item, to give. He for&yogh;eaf blindum &yogh;e­ sihðe. For&yogh;yltan. To paye for. Item, to redeeme. For&yogh;ymeleasan. To neglect. For&yogh;yrd. Antela; the poytrall of a horss. For&yogh;yrd. To forgette, to neglect. For&yogh;ytol. Forgetfull. Forhæbban. To abstayne, to for­ beare. He hine forhœbbe fram etc. Let him abstayne from, etc. Forhæfednesse. Abstinence, con­ tinencie. Forhealdan. To withhold or keepe backe. Forhi&yogh;&yogh;an. To neglect, contemne. Forho&yogh;od. Necglect, contemned. Forhitan. To feare. Ic forhti&yogh;e. Forhradan. To prevente. Forhynan. To hinder. Forhyned. Cast behinde hand. Forhyc&yogh;an. To dispise, contemne, neglect. Forinti&yogh;an. Bicause. Forlædan. To leade wrong or out of the waye. Forlætan, Forletan. To omitte, lette go, cease, give over, let passe. He me ana forlet. He left me alone. Forlœtnesse. Forle&yogh;re. A fornicatour or ad­ vouterer. Forle&yogh;ernesse. Advoutrie, forni­ cation. Forli&yogh;ru, idem. Forli&yogh;es. A woman advouterer. Forli&yogh;&yogh;an. To committe advoutrie or fornication. Forleo&yogh;an. To belie. He hine forleo&yogh;an. Forleosan. To lose. Forli&yogh;&yogh;an. To committe advou­ trie. He þe heo hy wið forlœ&yogh;. He with whome she committed advoutrie. Forli&yogh; &yogh;an&yogh;. A stues, a bordel houss. Forliornan. Prœterire. Lind. Forlire, id est Forli&yogh;re & For­ li&yogh;ru. Forlorene. Lost. Forma. The first. Here endað se forma boc & on&yogh;inð se œftere. Se forma monað. Januarie. Formæl. Plur., Formala. Ber­ geninges, entreatinges, agre­ mentes. Forenean. Pene; almost, in maner. Fornefe. Pronepos; my neveus son. Forneðd. Hi hy sylfa forneðd. Forod. Broken. Þa wyrð hire mid anum wyrp an ribbe forod. Forrædan. Male consulere, errare in dando consilio & malo con­ silio cedere, vel seduci. Forridel. An harbenger. Forrim. A prologue. Lind. Forradian. To prevente. Forrottednesse. Matter, corrup­ tion. Forscrænct. Alysan þa for­ scrœnctan. Forscrifan. Þa &yogh;œrstapan for­ scrufon œlc þin&yogh; þe on ðœm land wœs weaxandes. Forscrincan. To drie uppe, to widder. Forscyld&yogh;od. Cast away, con­ demned, destroyed. Forseon & Forsittan. To neglect, over see, contemne. Forseowennesse. Negligence, over sight, contempt. Forsearian. To drie up, to wid­ der. Forsec&yogh;an mid wo&yogh;e. To report slaunderously. Forsor&yogh;ian. To be carelesse. Forspillan. To distroye, to marre. Forspellednesse. Idle expenses; lavese. Forsponan. To entise, to seduce. Forspanen. Seduced, entised. Forspennestre. A woman bawde. Forspennend. A man bawde. Forst. Frost. Forstandan. To defende. Forstyntan. Contundere. Forswælan. To enflame, to sette on fire. Forswærian. To forsweare. Forsworennesse. Perjurie. Forswel&yogh;an. To devoure. Forsworcene. Darke. Fortend. Seared; amazones. Forti&yogh;e. Forum. In Evang. Mat. ca. ii. Fortredan. Conculcare; to treade under foote. Forwandi&yogh;an. Revereri. [on]Forweardan. Before. On œfterweardan. After. Forweloft. Very often. Forwened. Proude, arrogant. He that thinketh to moche of himself. Forweosnian & Forwisnian. To widder awaye or pine awaye. lanc., to wisen away. Forweornan. To weare awaye. Forwered. Worne away. For­ werod yld. Worn age. Forwold. Bargaine before hande. Forwyrcan. To forfayte, to loose, to marre, to destroye. Contrarie to &yogh;eearnian & wyrcan. Þa bryc&yogh; forwyrcean. To destroye the bridge. Inde forworht. Forwyrd. Decaye, destruction, deathe. Forwurðan. To perisshe. Eal forwearð þæt þœr binnan wœs. Forwyrnan. To forbidde, pro­ hibite, refuse, denie. Hi him þœra bana forwyrndon. Forðanðe. By cause that. Forðeon. To excelle. Forð Foorth. Forðfaran. To die. Forðfaren. Dead, deceased. Forð&yogh;an&yogh; Successe. Forð&yogh;en&yogh; Proceeding, having successe, going forward. Nu mœ&yogh; se &yogh;eleafa beon forð&yogh;en&yogh;en. Forð&yogh;ewiten. Dead. Forð&yogh;yrd, Fore&yogh;yrd. The pa­ trelle of a horse. &yogh;eForðian. To further. Ne mœ&yogh; n&amacron; man &YOGH;odes weorc &yogh;eforðian buton an&yogh;sumnysse. Forðheald. Obstinate, heady, en­ clined to any thing. Item, devium; stepe, hanging, as a way downe a hille. Forðnihtes. Farre in the nighte. Forðdæ&yogh;es. lanc., fooredayes. Forðrisnian. Suffocare; to choke. Þa sti&yogh;an þa þornas & hi forþprisnidon. Speaking of the corn whiche was choked, being sowen emonst thornes. Forðriht spræce. Prose, not verse. Forðscencan. Proinare. Forðside & Forðsit. Death, deceasse. Forðyppan. To publisshe, to promulgate. Forðwife. An auncient wife or matrone. Foster & Foster. A nourise, a nourissher or bringer uppe. Fosterfæder. My nourises hus­ band. Fostermoder. A nourisse. Fosterbroðor. Her son, & Foster­ sweostor. Fosternoð. Pulmentum. Fostraðas. Epimænia. F&omacron;t. A foote. Plur., F&emacron;t. Fotcops. Fetters. Fotlæst. A steppe; vestigium. Foote steppe. Fotmælum. Foote by foote. Fotscamel. A foote stoole. Fotwylma. Sole of the foote. Fox. A foxe. Foxes&yogh;lofe. Herb. Foðer. A cart or wayne lode. lanc., a foother. Item, a foother of leade. Fraceðu. Ignominia. Fracod. Vile bawdie, ill fa­ voured; turpe, vile. Fracodnysse. Vilenesse, bawdi­ nesse, bawdrie, vilenie. Fræc. A fuggitive, a runne away, a devourer, an unthrift. Fræc&yogh;en&yogh;an. Apostatæ rene­ gates, fugitives, unthriftes. Ambro; a naughti pucke. Fræfol & Fræfele. Procax; craftie. Fræfelnesse. Craft, subtiltie. Fræ&yogh;nian. To aske, to enqueare, lanc., to frayne. Fræmære & Fræmycel. Great, notable great; egregius, eximius immensus. Fræne. Oreæ. Freofestlic. Quickly, expeditely, in haste. &yogh;eFrætwan. To trimme, to decke, to adorne, to garnisshe. &yogh;eFrætwod. Trimmed, etc. Frætwian. To trimme. Frætwun&yogh;a. Ornamentes, etc. Fretted workes. Fram. From, of. Fram ðe ic &yogh;ehyrd. I hard it of the. Fram heom ic underfen&yogh;. Ic eom &yogh;elufod fram ðe. Francan. Francones; men of Franconie. Francric. Fraunce. &yogh;eFrean & &yogh;eFre&yogh;ean. To make free. Frec. Ambro; a devourer, an un­ thrift. Frecna & Frecednysse. Daunger, peril, jeoperdie. Frecendlic. Daungerously. Frecelsod. Endaungered. Frecmase. Sigitula, bird. &yogh;eFredan. Sentire, sentires. &yogh;eFredendlic. Sensitive, sensible, that whiche hath sence. Frefrian. To comfort. Fremman. To make, to profite, to frame, to bring to passe. Fremian &yogh;eon&yogh;um cildum to an&yogh;inne. Him sylfum he fremiað Fremful. Profitable, effectuouse. Fremfulnesse. Profitablenesse, efficacie. Fremmin&yogh;. The effect. Fremd. Straunge, a straunger. He that is no kinne to us. Pere­ grinus. Fremdnysse. Freo. Free. &yogh;eFreod. Made free. Freodom. Freedumme, libertie. Freolse. We wurdiað on freolse & lof&yogh;san&yogh;um &YOGH;od Freolsdæ&yogh; & Freolstid. A feast, a holy day, a festivall daye, a solemne or high feast. Freols&yogh;ear. The yeare of the Ju­ bilie. Freoma. Profite. Freonama. Cognomen; the sur­ name, the name of the kinrede. Freond. A freende. Freondscipe & Freondrædene. Frendshippe. Freote. Freedome, libertie. Freote&yogh;yfa. The giver of free­ dome. Fretwian, Fretwun&yogh; & Fretwod, se Frætwian. Fretan. To eate, to devoure. Fretnesse. Devouring, voracitie. Fric. Lind. Se Fræc. Fri&yogh;. Free. Fri&yogh;læta. He that is made free; libertus. &yogh;eFri&yogh;nesse þæs Au&yogh;ustinus. In­ terrogationes Augustini. Bed. Li. 3, ca. ultimo, in fine lib. Saxon. Fri&yogh;dæ&yogh;. Fridaye or rather Freedaye bycause on that day we weare freed from death by the deathe of our Saviour, Jhesus Christe. "Freedaye" not found in OED. &yogh;eFrihtan. To feare, to make afrayed. lanc., to fright. Frinan & beFrinan. To aske, enqueare, demaunde, lanc., to frayne. Fro&yogh;&yogh;a. A frogge. Fr&omacron;m. Excellent, vertuouse, vali­ aunt, hable to bring thinges to passe. Fromlic. Valiantly, effectuously. Frofer. Comfort. Frofrian. To comfort. Frofer&yogh;ast. The Holy Gost, the spirite of comfort; spiritus para­ clytus. Fronc & Franc. A Frenchman or man of Franconie. Froncland & Froncric. Fraunce. Frox. Luscinius. Froxas. Frogges. Frum. First, the beginning Fruma & Ordfruma. The be­ ginning. Frumcenned. First begotten, primitive. Frum&yogh;yld. The first paye. Frumslæp. The first sleape. Frumwæstmas. First frutes. Frumstol. A stocke of cattail. The first stoare. Frunan. They asked. Frymð. A begynning. Frysan. To frease. Hit fryst. It freaseth. Frysa. A Frisian. Frysland. Frisland. Fryð. Peace. Hi &yogh;enamon fryð wið þa Dena. Fryðman. A man of peace. He with whome we have no warre. Alienigena in amicitia regis. Fryðian&yogh;yslas. Hostages of peace. Fryðian. To give priviledge of peace & frendshipp, to make free, as they are with whome we are at peace emongst us. Fryð&yogh;yld. Fryð&yogh;eorn. Peacable; pacificus. He that loveth to be in peace & quietnesse. Fryðmal. A metinge for treaty of peace, a parlee. Fu&yogh;el & Fu&yogh;le. A volo, volus. A bird, a fowle. Fu&yogh;elian. To fowle, to take birdes, to hauke. Fu&yogh;lin&yogh; & Fu&yogh;eloð. Fowling, hauking. Fu&yogh;elere. A fowler. Fu&yogh;lelime. Birdlime. Fu&yogh;elnoð. Fowling, also the pray cought. Fuhtiend. Moiste, filthie. Ful. Reus; found gyltye. Full. Fulle. Se fulle mona. Fuld&omacron;n. To finisshe, to bring to an end. Fulfyllan. To fulfill. Fulfremian. To finisshe, to make perfect. Fulfremed. Perfect. Fulfremedlic. Perfectly. Fulfremednesse. Perfection. Fulh&amacron;r. Hore, horeheared, gray heared. Fullanham. Volucrum domus. Fulham by London where the Danes lay in campe all the winter anno . Fullere. A fuller of cloathe. Fultum. Help, ayde, succour. Hi us on fultum synd. Fultumian. To help, to succour. Fulluht, Fulwiht & Fulwiht bæð. Baptisme, Christendome. Jhon se fulhtere. Jhon Baptiste. Fulwian. To baptise, to Cristen. &yogh;eFulwod. Christened. Fulwiht nama. The Christen name of a man, that whiche is given him at his baptisme. Fulwacor. Vigilant, watching, intent. Fundian, toFundian.To go to. Þ hwile þe hi to&yogh;œderweard fundedon. Crist fundiende of ðissere woruld to his fœdere. Furh. A forowe. Furlan&yogh;. The length of a forowe, a forlong. Stadium; the eighth part of a mile, that is 125 paces after the Romanes but 132 after the Inglishe reckoning wheare the furlong is taken to be 40 roddes or poules in length. Furðor. Further. Vide Fy. Furðumlic man & hnesclic. An effeminate man. F&umacron;s. Promptus; readye. He þ;a &yogh;elæded wœs on his forðsiðe f&umacron;s swiðe to &YOGH;od. Min &yogh;ast is f&umacron;s & min flœsc untrum. Fyht, Feoht. Fight. Fyhwite. Forfayture or amerse­ ment for fighting. Fyhtan. To fight. aFylan. To defile, to make fowle. lanc., to file. beFyled. Fowled, defiled, in­ fected. Fylnesse. Fowlnesse. Fylzian. To followe. Fyl&yogh;in&yogh;. Occa. Fyll. Falle; casus. Item, full­ nesse. Drinc þine fylle. aFyllan. To felle, to strike downe or make to falle. Inde etiam Offyllan, to strike deade. Fylian. To folowe. Fyllan. To fille, to make fulle. Drinc þine fylle. Drynke thy fille. &yogh;eFyllodnysse. Accomplisshment, fulfilling. &YOGH;efyllednysse &YOGH;odes œ. Fylmena. Scales, shales, filmes, or thinne skinnes. Feollon swylc fylmena of his ea&yogh;um. Fylst. Help. He him wœs on fylst. Fylstan. To helpe, to ayde. &yogh;eFylsta. A helper, an ayder. Fini&yogh;. Mustie, fustie. Fyni&yogh;ian. To waxe mustie, fustie, to fenowe, or to be fenowed. Komcianum. Fyr. Fire. Fyr & Feor. Farre, farre of. Fyrd. An expedition, a journey in warfayre, an armie. Land­ fyrd. Expedition by land. Scipfyrd. Expedition by sea. Fyrdun&yogh; Warfare, expedition of warre. Fyrderun&yogh;. Preparance for an expedition. aFyrdum. Spadonibus. Fyrdwic. The place where an armie lieth encamped, the campe. Fyrdwite. Forfayture for not answering the common expedi­ tion aganst the ennimie or not serving the prince in the time of a journey. Fyrenfull. Lecherouse. Fyrenlustas. Lecherie, disordi­ nate lust of women, etc. Fyres&yogh;od. Vulcane, the god of fire. Fyren&yogh;ata. Ibices. Fyre&yogh;earwun&yogh;a. All thinges necessarie for making of fire, especially tinder, matche stone & yron. Item, firewoorkes in warre. Fyrh, id est Furh. A forowe. Fyrhto. Feare. aFyrht & aFyrhtod. Feared. lanc., frighted. Fyrlen. Farre, farre off. Fyrmest. The first or formost. Fyrmest man. The principall or cheefe man. &yogh;eFyrn. Long ago; olim. Fyrs. Firsen, gorst. aFyrsian. To drive away, to putte away. Hi afyrsiað nœd­ ran on minum name. Afyrsiað þæt yfle fram eowe. Fyrst. Laquear. Fyrst. Leasure, space, respite. Fyrstan. To give leasure, re­ spite, space, daye. lanc., to frist. Fyrstmearc. The distance be­ twixt time & time. Fyrstan. A flint, a stone to strike fire with. Fyrewitnesse. Curiositie. Fyretor. A toure or high build­ ing, hill or rocke whereupon fire was wont to be made eyther to direct saylers in the night or elles a beaken to give warning to the ennimie. Pharus. Fyrtan&yogh; A payre of tonges. &yogh;eFyrðrian. To farther, to sette forward. &yogh;eFyrðrad. Forthered, promoted, enriched. Fyst. A gripen hand, a fiste. Fyðerrica. Tetrarcha. Non rex sed habens regi similem guber­ nationem. Videlicet agricolas, opifices, curiam et militiam. Fyðerric. A tetrarchie. Gabbun&yogh; Scoffing, mocking, geasting, flocking, scurrilitie. Gabote. Paropsis. Gad. A pricke, a gode. Spurnan on&yogh;ean þa &yogh;ode. &yogh;eGadan. Felowes, compagnons. Gadinca. Mutinus. Gadrian. To gather togither. &yogh;eGaderun&yogh;. An assemblie, a congregation. Gadorwist. Compagnie, resort togither. æGælan. To lette. A&yogh;elewed. Afyhted & a&yogh;œlewed. &yogh;eGælen. Incantatus; enchaunted. Gælæð. Catesta. Gæle&yogh;eolo. Saffron. Gælsa. Luxus. Gæffettung & &yogh;eGafspræce. Mocking, opinor. Forlœt bis­ morlic spellun&yogh; & talu & de­ ri&yogh;endlic &yogh;affetun&yogh;e. Gafol. Tribute, rent, custome, sumtime userie. Syllan his feoh to &yogh;afol. Let his monye for rent. Gafol&yogh;ylda. Tributarie. He that payeth rent or interest. Userer. Gafol&yogh;ylde. Payment of tribute, usurie. Gafolforð. Gafolland. Land for rent, for whiche rent is payed. Gafolrand. Circinnum. Gal. Lecerouse. Galnysse & Galscip. Lecherie; Venus. Galdere & Galdor&yogh;alere & Gal­ dry&yogh;ea. An enchaunter, a sor­ cerer, a wisard, a witche, suche as conjecture of things to cumme by observation of fliing of birdes or of the inwardes of beasts. Galdorcræft. Those artes. Galdorleoð. Incantations, verses of enchauntmentes, charmes. Galloc. Malum terræ, herb. Galluc. Adriaca, herb. Galpan. To clappe, to showte, to make a noyse of rejoysing. Galscip. Lecherie. Galweal. A Gaule or Galois, a man of Gaule or Gallia. Galliari(c) & Galwearlaric. Gallia. Gamenan. To playe, to jeste, to allude. Gre&yogh;orius &yogh;amened mid his wordum to ðœm naman. Gregorie alluded with his woordes to the names. Bed. Wherof we say to gamme, to play. Gamin&yogh; Gannatura. Gan & Gan&yogh;an. To go. North., to gang. Ic &yogh;an&yogh; þu &yogh;œst, he &yogh;œð. I goe, thou goest, he goethe. Pret., Ic &yogh;en&yogh;, ic &yogh;eeode. I went. &yogh;eGan. To subdue, to overrunne or go. ofGan. To follow or prosecute. Of&yogh;an his tyhtlan. To prose­ cute his accusation. Gan&yogh; & Gon&yogh; have in composition many significations. Hlaf&yogh;an&yogh;. Repast with breade. Husel&yogh;an&yogh;. Idem. Gan&yogh; A jakes. Gon&yogh;fermer. A jakesskourer. Gan&yogh;pytte. A jakes. &yogh;eGan&yogh;. Chaunce or fortune. Gan&yogh;e. Going. Heora œfter &yogh;enc&yogh;an. After their departure. Gan&yogh;end. A foote man, a goer. Gan&yogh;here. An armie of footemen. Gandra. A gander. Ganot. Fulix, bird. Garclif. Agrimonia, herb. Eupa­ torium. Gare. A corner, opinor. Garan. Ulcea; sumwhat about riding. Garleac. Garlic. Garsæc&yogh;. The oceane sea, the mayne sea. Garumtol. Austerus. Gast. A goast or spirite. Gastlic. Gostly. G&amacron;t. A goate. Gathiord. A goate keeper. Gaðerian. To gather. Gea. Yea. Adverb of affirmation. Geac. A cuckowe. lanc., a gauke. "gauke", in this sense, not found in OED. Geafia, Gea&yogh;la. The jawes or chaffes of a beaste. Geafle. A lever to lift with. lanc., a gaule. Geal&yogh;e. Wanton. Geal&yogh;. A galowe, a payre of galowes. Gealewe & Gealu. Yelowe colour. Gealla. Galle of man or beast, whiche hath the name of the colour as in Latine it is called Flava bilis. It is also taken for melancholie. Geap. Crooked, craftie. Geaplic. Craftely. Gear. A yeare. Gearcynin&yogh;. A consul, a king for a yeare. Geara & &yogh;eo&yogh;eara & iu ær. Olim, jam. Gearcian & Gearci&yogh;an. To pre­ pare, to make readie. Gearcod. Readie, prepared, made readie. Inde: Gearwe. Readie also. Leg. Ethelst. Inde: Gearwian. To prepare. Leg. Canut. Gearewe. Millefolium, herb. Gearn. Yarn, wullen threede. Gearnwindel. An instrumente to winde yarne. lanc., yar­ windelle. Gearuutol. Austerus. Lind. Geat. A gate. Geatweard. A porter, a keeper of a gate. Gebeorscipe. Companie. Leg. Inæ. Gebrot. A barne keeper or gar­ netor. Geatas. Getæ Gothes. One of the three nations whiche con­ quered England. Jutæ they be called, also howbeit by wrong reading of Polydore and others, Vitæ, reading Uitæ for Iutæ. Gedda & Gydda. Songes. Geddun&yogh;a. Ænigmata. Gediht. Dictatum. Gedwolman. An heretike. See D before. Gehend. Neare. Gehendnesse. Nearnesse. Gehul & Geul, Geol & Gehhul. Christenmasse. lanc., yoole. Geldan, see Gyldan. God&yogh;elda. Sacrifice. Gelice. Equall. Gelome. Oft, often. Gelomlæcan. Fræquentare. Gemah. Procax. Gemana. Compagnie, resort & traffike togither. Butan weres &yogh;emanan acenned. Gemanian. To be conversant. Gemæn. Commune, generalle. Inde Gemœnne men. The com­ men, or men of the commen sort. Gemænlic. Communly. Gemæscip. Compagnie, societie. Riht &yogh;emœnscip. Geman&yogh; & Gemon&yogh;. Emongst. Geman&yogh; þœre &yogh;efeoht. Gemeleast, id est Gymeleast. Negligence. Geneat. Colonus, fiscatinus, vil­ lanus. Gener. Gen&yogh;, id est Gan&yogh;. A privie or jakes. Gentyrnan. To turne agayne. Geniht & Genoh. Ynough. Genihtsum. Abundant, plenti­ full. Genihtsumnysse. Plentie, abun­ dance. Genihtsumlic. Abundantly. Genydma&yogh;as. Sanguinis necessi­ tate junctus Geoc. A yoke; jugum. Geo&yogh;ara & &yogh;eara. Olim; yore, long sith & Geo, idem. Geo&yogh;uð & &yogh;eo&yogh;uðhad. Youth. Geole, Gehul. Christenmasse. Geolu. Yelowe colour. Item, saffron. aGeolwian. To waxe or make yelowe. Geomian, id est &yogh;yman. To care for or looke to. Geomene. Care. Geomrian. To sigh, to lament, to groane. Geomrun&yogh;. Sighing, lamenting, groning. Geond. Beyond thorow out, on the farther side. Geond we&yogh;as & he&yogh;as. Every where. Geond myddaneard. Through the world. Geon&yogh;. Yong. Geon&yogh;man. A yong man. Geon&yogh;lin&yogh; A boye, a childe. Geonian. To yawne. Geormanleafa. Malvæ, herb. Georne. Diligent, desirouse. Devoute also. Ful &yogh;eorne witan. To knowe assuredlye. Geornesse & Geornfulnesse. Dili­ gence. Geornful. Diligent, carefull, ear­ nest. Geornest. Earnest. Geornian. To desire. aGeotan. To powre out. Geotere. A melter. A metal melter, a maker of images of brasse or other melted metall. beGeotan. To sprinkle. Gerad. Þus &yogh;erad man. Huius modi vir. On þæt &yogh;erad &yogh;if. To that intent if, on on that condition if. On lare we beoð ful wise & ful &yogh;erade. Seo tun&yogh;e awystelað þe œr hœfd &yogh;erade sprœce. Sometime it signi­ fiethe returne from any place. Geoweðan. He bœd his twœm sunum þæt hi þœs rices þriddan dœl &yogh;eoweðan sculdon. Geoxun&yogh; Yexing, the hiccop. Gerd. A wand, a rodde, a yerd. Gereda. Apparel of a mans horse. Hors &yogh;erœded. Equus phalera­ tus. Vide Wesenbech. in digest, pag. 244. &yogh;eGerelan. Appareyle, garmetes. Gereord. Language, speache. En&yogh;lisc &yogh;ereord. Denisc &yogh;ereord. Þæt is on ure &yogh;ereord. Item, foode meate & drinke, repast, refection. Gereordian. To eate and drinke, to repaste. Gereordi&yogh;h&umacron;s. A hall, dining place, a houss of refection. Gerine. Misteries. Gerisenne. Convenient, cumly, fitte, agreable. Gerisennysse. Convenice, agre­ ablenesse. Gers, videGærs. Grasse. Gerstun. Herbage, pasture. Gersuman. Juelles, reward. A gersume for lande or leas, as it is yet called in the Northe. Gest. A gest. Gesthus & Gestern. A lodging for gestes, an inne. Gestliðe. Courteous unto gest or straungers; hospitalis. Gestliðnesse. Hospitalitie, hu­ manitie unto straungers. Geteld. A tent, a pavilion. Ge­ teld &yogh;esla&yogh;en. A pavilion pitched. Tabernaculum fixum. Getæcan. To put away. Getin&yogh;. Eloquent. Getin&yogh;nesse. Eloquence. Gewise. Certayne, playne, evi­ dent, ywis, yea ywis. Gewislic. Certaynly, evidently. Gewyhta. Pondera. Gewyrd. Fortune, destinie. Gicenysse. Itche. Gichða. Unabœrendlic &yogh;ichða ofereode ealre þone lichaman. Gidde. Elogium. Giddun&yogh; & Geddun&yogh;. Parabola. Giddian. To sing. Se scop þa on&yogh;an sin&yogh;an & &yogh;iddian. Gidi&yogh;. Stultus; foolisshe, guidie. Gield & Gild & Gyld. Delubrum. Gielso. Sollicitudo. Lind. Gerstandæ&yogh; & Gyrstandæ&yogh;. Yes­ terday; heri. Gife. Grace, gift. Id est Gyfe. Gifer & Gifre. A devourer, a spendall, a glouton; helvo. Gifernesse. Gloutonie. Giffæst. A taker, a receavour, a catcher. Giftu. Gift, marriage; nuptiæ. Gifu. Gift, grace. Gihsun&yogh;. Yexing, the hicuppe. Gild, Gyld & Gield. Payment. Gildan. To paye, to yeld, g being tourned to y. Þa &yogh;uldon hi hine mid &yogh;emanan feoh. They payed for him. Gilp. Boast, arrogance. Idle &yogh;ilp. Vayneglorie. Gilpan. To boast, to crake. Gilplic. Arrogantly. Gim & Gimstan. A pretiouse stone, a gemme. Gimmian. To budd or put forthe, like a pretious stone. Gimin&yogh;. Marriage. Gimrodor. Dracontia. Ginian. To gape, to yawne. Ginan. Barrire; to roare. Ginun&yogh;. Barritus. Gin&yogh;ra. Yongers, disciples. Gioluread. Luteus. color. Gipswic. Ippeswiche. Girnesse. Opera. Girstandæ&yogh;. Yesterday. &yogh;eGiscd. Oppilavit. Gisle. Pledge or hostage. Giu or Giw. Griphus; bird. Giu&yogh;ian. Petere; to aske. Glade. Ær sunne &yogh;o to &yogh;lade. &yogh;eGladian. To pacifie, to please, to content. Hi &yogh;e&yogh;ladedon God mid heora behreowsun&yogh;a. Item, to rejoyse. Gladiað on eowrum mode. Item, to make gladde. Glæd. Gladde, joyfull. Glædene. Scilla, herb. Glære. Succina; glayre, as glære of an egge. Glæs. Glasse. Glæsen. Of glasse or of the colour of glasse. Glœsen ea&yogh;. A graye eye. Glæstin&yogh;abyrin&yogh;. Glastenburie, called first in Brytisshe as Wil­ liam Malmesburie sayth Ynnis Witrin, that is the Iland of Glasse, or Ynnis Avalon, the Ilond of Apples. Was first en­ habited by the 12 disciples of Philippe the Apostle, sent by him out of Fraunce to preache Christe to the Brytons, who, one of their number being Joseph of Aramathie, builded there a churche or monasterie. The abbey was sith newly erected by Ine, king of Westsex, anno 722 & since being destroyed by the Danes it was repayred by Saint. Dunstone & in time grewe to the richest & most famouse abbaye in Englond. Gleawe. Wise, wittie discrete, warie, wilie. Þa ea&yogh;an wœron &yogh;lewe on &yogh;esihðe. Gleawnesse. Witte, discretion, cunning, circumspection & Gleawscip. Idem. Gled. A burning coale. Gledfæt. A chaffer or chaffing disshe or censour. beGleddian. Inficere. Glen. Glene. &yogh;eGlendrian. Prœcipitare. Glen&yogh;a. Ornamentes, decking, trimmings. Glen&yogh;an. To trimme, to decke, to garnisshe. &yogh;eGlen&yogh;d. Trimmed, decked. Gleo. Myrth, minstrelsie, pas­ time. lanc., glee. Glesan. To gloase. Glidan. To slippe, to slide, to glide. He &yogh;l&amacron;d. Pret. Glida. A gleade or kyte. Gli&yogh; & Gleo. Myrth, mynstrelsie, gamme, sporte. Gli&yogh;man. A mynstrel, a geaster, a player, a maker of pastime. Glitenan & Glitnian. To glister. Gloden. A marye gold, opinor. Glof. A gloove. Glyderun&yogh;. A vision or fantasie. Gnæ&yogh;an. To gnawe. Gnæt. A gnatte. Gnafan, id est Gnæ&yogh;an. To gnawe. lanc., to knaue. Gnedre. Thriftie, modest, spar­ ing, meane. Gneðenesse. Sparing, thrifti­ nesse, good husbandrie. Gnidan. To rubbe. Ic &yogh;n&amacron;d. I rubbed. &yogh;eGniden. Rubbed. Gnornian. To lament, to make sorowe, to complayne, to mur­ mure. Gnornun&yogh;. Sorowe, complaynt, lamentation, mone, murmuring. God. God; so called of this good­ nesse, as who is very goodnesse it self, the fountayne & well­ spring of all goodnesse. God œlmihti&yogh;. Almightie. Þa hœ þena &yogh;odas. The heathen goddes. God&yogh;elda. Sacrificium deo. G&omacron;d. Good. G&omacron;dnysse. Goodnesse. Godcund. Divine, godly. Godcundnysse. Divinitie, God­ head. Godcundlic. Divinitus; from God, by the might of God. Gode, Gad. A pricke, a prickle, a gode to drive oxen with. Godesman. A holy man, a man of God. &yogh;eGodian. To amend, to waxe better. His hreofle &yogh;odiend wœs. Item, to mend or to make better. Item, to endewe. Myn­ ster arœran & hine &yogh;e&yogh;odian. &yogh;eGodod. Endewed. Godfæder & Godmoder. Father & mother in God or before God. Gefedera. A Godmother also, opinor. Leg. Canut. Perad­ ventur, a Godbrother. Godmundin&yogh;aham. Godshibbe. A gossip, a cousin be­ fore God. Godspel. The doctrine or historie of God, the Gospel. Godspellian. Evangelizare. Godwebbe. Velvet, tissue or sume other suche pretiouse cloathe; byssum. Godwræca. A wicked man, an ennimie of God, an exile from the face of God. Goldsmið A goldsmith. Goldfinc. A goldfinche, bird. Godlfel or Goldfyld. Goldfoyle. Leaves of gold wherwith the paynters use to guild. Goldmæstlin&yogh; Orichalcum. Goma. Gumme. Also the gummes or roofe of the mouthe. Inde Gomt&emacron;þ. Dentes molares, γόμφοι &yogh;eGon&yogh; Fortune, chaunce. Gon&yogh;elwafre. Aranea. Gore. Dung, dirt; excrementes. Wherby we say that he whiche is wounded in the guttes is gored. Gorst. Furres, furrebusshe, lanc., gorst. G&omacron;s. A goose. Gotan. Gothes. Geatas. Gotland. Godland. Grædas. Gramina. Grædi&yogh; Greadie. Græf. A grove, a busshe. lanc., a greave. Spelunca. Lind. Græfe. A grave. Canut. Græf. A stile or pointel to write with. Græfsæx. A penknife or graving knife. Græft. Graving. Græft. Graye colour. Græmian. To angre, to make angrie. Græp. A vawte, a cave. Græf. Lind. Græs. Grasse. Græt. Waspe. Grafan. To grave. Grafere. A gravere, an instru­ ment to grave with. Gr&amacron;m. Angrie. He was &yogh;ram on his mode. He was angry in his mynd. Gram. Anger. Gramian. To angre. Granian. To groane. Grantbryc&yogh;. Cambrige Grapian. To feele, to groape. Greada. A bosume. Behydan þa œlmessan on þœs þearfan &yogh;rea­ dan. Great. Thicke, grosse; crassus. Gredi&yogh;. Greedy. Gredi&yogh;nysse. Gredynesse. Grefe. Prætor. Port &yogh;erefe. Burh&yogh;erefe. Vide R. Gremian & Gremi&yogh;an. To angre, to make angree. Gren. Greene in colour. Grennesse. Greennesse. Grenawic. Grenewiche. The auncientest memorie that is found therof is that in the time of King Ethelrede the Danes lay there in campe. Grenni&yogh;an. To gyrn like a dogge. Greofa. Olla. Greot. Greet, sand. Grep, see Græp. Gretan. To salute, to greete. Gretun&yogh;. Greeting, salutation. Grettan. To knowe carnally. Josep ne &yogh;retta hi. Mat., cap. i. Gretwyrt. Enula campana. Gri&yogh;hund. A greyhound. Grimin&yogh;. Masca. Grimetan. To roare. Grimme & Grimlic. Horrible, terrible, grimme. Grimnysse. Grin. A gyrne to catche birdes. Item, a coarde, a snare, or rope. Judas hine sylfne on &yogh;rine ahen&yogh;. Judas hong him selfe with a snare. Grindan. To grinde. Grindle. Alleh. "alleh" not found in OED. Grindtoðas. The great or broade teeth. &yogh;eGripan. To catche. Gripend. A catchour, a ravenour. Grislic & An&yogh;rislic. Horrible, terrible, grimme & grisely. Grist. Grinding. Gristvitun&yogh;. Gnasshing of teethe. Gristle. A gristle. Groetan. To salute, to greete. Northum. Growan. To growe. Grunan. To grunt like a swine. Sw&imacron;n &yogh;runað. Grund. Ground, bothom. Helle &yogh;rund. The botom of helle. Grundlun&yogh;. Stirpitus radicitus; even from the botom. Grundweal. The ground woorke or foundation of a building. Grundswyli&yogh;. Groundswell, herb. Gr&umacron;t. Ale before it be fully brewed or sodde. Newe ale in cornes. Lan., growte. Grymetan. To roare, to grunt to murmure, to mutter. Grymetun&yogh;. Roaring, grounding, muttering. Gryne. A gyrne, a snare. Gryre. Horrible, terrible. Gryrelic. Horrible, terrible. Grystle. A gristle. Gryt & Grytta. Branne, draffe. Gryð. Peace. Cynin&yogh;es hand seald &yogh;ryð. Gryðbryc. Breaking of the kinges peace. Guð. Guðfana. A standerd. Gyddan. To sing, to prophecie. Swa heora scopas on heora leodum &yogh;yddiende syndon. Gydda. Proverbes, songes, proph­ ecies. Þœra witena &yogh;yddun&yogh;a. Parabolæ. Lind. Gydena. Goddesses, nymphes, muses, elves, Proserpina, Vesta, etc. Seo hœfd &yogh;ehaten heora &yogh;ydenne Dianan þa heo wold on fæmnan had lybban. Gyfa. A giver. Beah&yogh;yfa. A giver of chaynes. Freote&yogh;yfa. A giver of freedumme. Gifu. Grace, gift. Ine mid Godes &yogh;yfu Westseaxna cynin&yogh;. Gyld. Payment. An&yogh;ild. Pre­ tium, valor. Gyldan. To pay, to yelde, to give. aGyldan. To restore. &yogh;eGylda. Socius, congildo. Gylden. Of gold, golden. Gyldan & Ofer&yogh;yldan. To guilde. Gyldin&yogh;wec&yogh;. A gold mine. Gylp. Boast, glorie, arrogance. Idle&yogh;ylp. Vayneglorie. Gylpan. To boast, to glorie. Gylp&yogh;eorne. Vayne gloriouse, ambitiouse, boasting. Gylp&yogh;eornesse. Vayneglorie, am­ bitiouse. Gylpword. Lacedemone heom to &yogh;ylpword hœfdon þæt heom leo­ fre wœron þæt hi hœfdon healtne cynin&yogh; þonne healt rice. Gylt. Fault, misdeede, offence. aGyltan. To offende, committe a fault or offence. Gylti&yogh;. Faultie, gyltie. Gyltan. To make giltye. "giltye" not found in OED except as "guilty". Gyman. To care, to care for, regard, see to. beGyman. To see to, gouverne or take charge of. Gymeleast. Negligence, con­ tempt. Gymeleasian & For&yogh;ymeleasian. To neglect. Gymene. Care. &yogh;eGymmod. Sette with pretiouse stones. Gymstan. A pretiouse stone. Gymwyrht. A lapidarie. Gyr. Abies.jh Gyran & Gyras. Fenne, maresse. Inde Gyruij. Fennicolæ suche as inhabite the mersh groundes. Gyrdan. To gird. beGyrdan & ymbGyrdan. To en­ vironne, to compasse about. Gyrdl. A girdle. Gyrdlhrin&yogh; A buckle of a girdle. Gyrd landes. A yard land, whiche conteyneth 160 akers. &yogh;eGyrelan. Appareile, cloathes, furniture. Feoht &yogh;e&yogh;yrelan. Furniture for warre & Gyrlan, idem. Gyrnian & Geornian. To desire. Gyrnesse. Desire, diligence. Gyrlen. A garland. Gyrran. Garrire; to chatter, prate, babble. Gyrstandæ&yogh;. Yesterday. Gyrwan. Idem quod Gyrran. Gyrwefen. A fenne, a maresse. Gyrwalond. The contrey con­ teyning the maresses or fennes of Lincolneshire, Cambridge­ shire & Norfolke. Gyse. Yes, yea. A word of affirming. Gysel or Gysl. A pledge or hostage. Gyst. A gest. Gyt. You two. As wyt, we two. Gyt. Yet. &YOGH;et ma. Yet more, moreover. &YOGH;yt swiðor. Yet rather. Gytan & beGytan. To gette, to obtayne. Gytan, see Geotan. Gytsere. A covetouse man. Gytsun&yogh;. Covetousnesse. Gweorn. Herb. Purge, opinor. Hæbban. Þanc hafa þu. Hæbben&yogh;a. Cohibentia. Hacele. Capsula, lacerna, chla­ mis; a cloake, a cope. Pallium; a paule. Mœssehacele. Hacod. Lucius, mugil, fisshe. H&amacron;d. Degre, order, estate. &YOGH;eo&yogh;að h&amacron;d, preosth&amacron;d, cnihth&amacron;d: whiche we now calle priesthood, knighthood, etc. Hadian. To consecrate, to give orders or degree, to create. Haderun&yogh;a. Hadswæpe. Pronuba. &yogh;eHæcca. Farcimen. Hæcla for Hacele. Lind. Hæfene. Goodes, possessions, heveour. Hæfer. Caper. Hæfenblæte. Bicoca. Hæfern. A crabbe, a crevise. Hæt. A haft or handle of a knife or suche like. &yogh;eHæftan. To take, to take pris­ oner, to putte in prison. &yogh;eHæt. In prison, taken prisoner, aprehended. Hæflin&yogh;. A prisonnier, a cap­ tive. Hæftnyde. Captivitie. Hæftincle. Empliticus. Hæ&yogh;nesse & Hæ&yogh;tesse. A furie, a hagge, a witche, a woman divle. Hæ&yogh;steald. Single, a bachelure, unmaried. Hæ&yogh;ðorn. A hawthorne. Hæl. Health. lanc., good heale. For heora sawlu hœlu. Wœs hœl. Sis salvus; wassall. &yogh;eHælan. To heale. Healend. A healer, a saveour, Jesus, so called because he healeth us of the abhominable diseases of synne with his preti­ ouse blood. Hæft. A haft or handle. Hælftre. A halter. Hælsan. To conjecture or proph­ ecie by birdes or beastes. Also to conjure. Ic halsa ðe þerh ðone lif&yogh;iende &YOGH;od. Lind. Hælsend & Hælsere. A sorcerer, conjurer, enchaunter, wisard. Hælsian & Hælsi&yogh;an. To besseke, to desire instantly. Hæm. Dwelling, home. Hæman. To lie with a woman, to have to doo. Unriht hœmere. A fornicatour, or advouterer. Hæmed. Coitus; the act of ve­ nerie. Unriht hœmed. Advou­ trie or fornication. Hæmedwif. Matrona. Hænan. To stone to death. Jhon., cap. ii Hæplic. Compar. Hæps. A locke or hasp. Hæpsian. To locke or haspe. Hær. Heare. Hæriht. Hearye, bristled. Hærfest. Harvest. Hœrfest monað. September. Hærin&yogh;. Hering, fisshe. Hærun&yogh;. Hearing; auditus. Hærn. Frustra. Hærðan. Testiculi. Leg. Alf. cap. ultimo. Hæse. Commaundement, hest. Hæsl. Haseltree. Hæslhnutu. Haselnuttes. Hæt. A hatte. Inde hettian, to pull of the naturall hat, to flea the head; postea. Hæteru. Se hund totœr his hœteru of his bœc. Hætu. Heate. Hætol. Hote, raging, furiouse. Hæwen. Horie, white. As thinges be evle or to long kept. Hæðcole. Colomate. Hæðene. Heathen, unchristened. Hæðennesse. Gentilitie, pagani­ tie. Hæðenman. A heathen. Hæðen&yogh;yld. A worshipper of images. Hæðfelda. Where Theodore th' Archebisshop kept his synode anno . Hæðen&yogh;yld. Idolotrie. aHafene. Lifted up, exalted. Hafenlease. Poore. Hafenleast. Povertie. Hafetian. Plaudere. Hafestla. Hafesleas. Poore. Hafoc & Hafuc. A hauke. Spearhafoc. A sparhauke. Herof springeth our proverb, to make havock, bycause the hawke first pruneth & then prayeth upon the foule. Ha&yogh;a, He&yogh;. A hedge. Lind. Also a smal quantitie of lande, whiche the Kentishmen calle a hawe, as a hemphaw or bean­ haw, lyinge neare to the house or inclosed to such use. "hemphaw" and "beanhaw" not found in OED. Ha&yogh;an. Hawes. The frute of the white thorne or hawthorne. lanc., hagges. Ha&yogh;ian, vide Onha&yogh;ian. Ha&yogh;ol. Hale. Ha&yogh;olan. To hale. Hit ha&yogh;olað. Ha&yogh;ustaldesham. Hexam, a towne not farre from Newe­ castle upon Tyne where was a Bisshopes see. Ha&yogh;uswind. Mala; the cheeke. H&amacron;l. Hole, sound in health. H&amacron;l sy þu or H&amacron;l wes þu. Sis sal­ vus; be thou in health. Wes h&amacron;l. Wassale, be in health. The woordes of Roxena, Hengistes doughter, to King Wirtgern, whiche are the auncientest Eng­ lisshe woordes mentioned in any writing. He aunsweared with Drinc h&amacron;l, drinke in healthe. Hal&yogh;ian. To halowe, to blesse, to consecrate. &yogh;eHal&yogh;d. Halowed, consecrated. Halidome. Sanctitas. Hal&yogh;a & Hali&yogh;. Holy. Hali&yogh;writ. The Scripture. Hali&yogh;doom. Holinesse. Halsfan&yogh;. Collistrigium vel colli captio. Halsian. To adjure, to conjure. Lind. Item, to beseeke, to de­ sire. Halsun&yogh;. Conjuratio. Halswyrt. Epicureum. herb. Ham. Home, dwelling. Of ham, a coveringe, and herof are so many townes named in Eng­ lond. Hamcuð. Familiare, domesticus. Hamsocne. Hamettan. To bringe home. H&amacron;m. Camisa. Item Hama, skinne, covering. Fleo&yogh;end mid hwitum feðerhamum. Mid deoflicum feðerhamum. Item, Hama. Cicada, gryllus. Hamod. Indutus; covered. Crist wœs &yogh;eflœschamod mid ure menniscnysse. Crist to men­ niscum men wœs &yogh;eflœschamod. Hamer & Hamor. A hamer. Hamscir. Ædilitas. Hamsocne. Invasio mansionis. Hamtun for Afontune. The towne upon the water Avon. Hana. A cocke. Hancred. Cockes crowe. Hancrede. The times of cockes crowe, about 3 aclocke after midnight. Hand. A hand. On hand &yogh;&amacron;n þœm Denum. To yeld unto the Danes. Swyðra hand & Wynstru hand. Handbræd. The palme of the hand. Handcops. Manicles. Handcræft & Handcræfti&yogh;. Handfæstan. To assure, to han­ fest. Handfæstun&yogh;. Assurance. Hand&yogh;on&yogh;. Yelding, giving him self into the handes of an other. Handgryð. Pax manu data. Handlian. To handle. Handlin & Handsceat. A hand­ kercher or napkin. Handlun&yogh;a. Nœs &yogh;erœd þæt he handlun&yogh;a œni&yogh;ne man ac­ wealde. Handselen. Mancipatio. Handseax. A dagger or sword. Handwile. A moment. Handwyrme. A woorme in the hand. aHan&yogh;an. To hang up an other; suspendere. Han&yogh;ian. To hang; pendere. Hara. A hare. Harfest, Hærfest. Harefot. Harefoote. Harehune. Harehounde. H&amacron;r. Hore, white heared. Harun&yogh;. Graynesse or horynesse of the heare. Harian. To be hore. Harwelle. Horie, hore. Lind. Harwæn&yogh;. Horie, hore. Lind. Harwæn&yogh;e. Hore, horeheaded. H&amacron;s. Hors; raucus. H&amacron;snesse. Horsnesse. Hasian. To be horse. H&amacron;t. Hote, vehement, extreme. &yogh;eHata. An ennimie, an evle willer, a hatour. Cirichata. A churche hater. Hatian. To hate. Ic hati&yogh;e. Hatun&yogh;. Hatered. Hati&yogh;end. A hatour. Hatan. To bidde, to commaund. Item, to hate, to disdayne. Item, to calle, to name. beHatan. To promise. Swa ic œr &yogh;ehette. beHate. Promise. &yogh;eHat. Vowe, promise. Hio hyre &yogh;eh&amacron;t aleah. She broke her vowe. Hatan and &yogh;ehatan. To calle, to name. Haten, & hatte. Named, called. Hi synd swa &yogh;ehatene. Þæt fenn þe mon hateð Meotedisc. Se byri&yogh; þe mon hett Þeodosia. Se i&yogh;land þ &YOGH;ades hatte. Hatheort. Angrie, furiouse. Hatheortnesse. Anger, ire, furi­ ousnesse, rage. Hatian, se &yogh;ehata. Hawian. To behold. Ic hawi&yogh;e. Therof hu (custodia or obser­ vatio) yet used in Flaundres and therof also our hue and crye, as I thinke. Headorhund. Molossus. Heafod. Head. Heafodmen. Cheefemen. Heafodleahtras. Cheefe or deadly sinnes. Heafodstol. Regia sedes, metrop­ olis. Heafodclað. A keverchefe. Heafodopanne. The skulle. Heafsan&yogh;. Lamentation. Hea&yogh;e. High, on high. On hea&yogh;e flihð se earn. Hea&yogh;oswind. Cheekes. Heah, Hea&yogh;e. Hiegh. Heahen&yogh;len. An arcangel. Heahbiscop. An archebisshoppe. Heahfæder. A patriarke. Heahfru. A heefer or heffar, a cowe whiche never had calf. Heahrun. Python. Helrun, idem. Heahðo. The heighth or toppe of anything. Heahðun&yogh;en. Famouse, re­ nowmed, notable. Heal. A hall, a court, a gentl­ mans houss. Þes cynin&yogh;es heal. The kinges court or palace. Of Aula, or rather αύλη. Heal. Angulus. Healdan. To hold, keepe, save, or defende. Butan Dryhten heald þa burh. Healdan &YOGH;odes beboda. Healf. Halfe. Item, it signifieth side or coast. On þas healf. On this side. On þa healf. On that side. On norð healf. On swyðran healf. On wynstran healf. Hi hit onbarndon on feower healfa. Healfun&yogh;. By half, half, by the half. Healfsester. Mina. Healhstan. A crust. Healme. A bowe or braunche of a tree. Also the strowe or stalke of corne. Healran, heolran. Trutinare. Heals. Collum. Healsed. Capitium. Healsfan&yogh;. Colli captio. Healsmene. A carconet or other juel about the necke. Healt. Halte, lame. Healtan, Healtian. To halte. Heamol. Thriftie, saving, a good husband. Heandifa. Rockes. Heane. Poore. Of the Brytisshe gour h&emacron;n. A poore man. Item heanlic. Heanlic. Excellent, notable. Heanlic rice. Heannesse. The heighth or toppe of anything. Heap. A heape. Heapian. To heape, to cast on heapes. Heapmælum. On heapes. Hear, Hearloccas. Heare. Heard. Hard. Heardnysse. Hardnesse. Heardheape. Cissilus. Heardlice. In hast. Heardnebbe. Hardbille, an epi­ thite of ravenouse byrdes. Antedates earliest OED citation (1780). Heardra. Cephalus; mullet. Hear&yogh;e. Hercules. Hear&yogh;as. Fana, luci; places of heathen superstition. Heathen superstition. See Her&yogh;a. Hearma. Megate, netila. Hearman. To hurte, to harme. Hearm. Harme, hurte. Hearmlic. Hurtfull. Hearmcwyðe. Slaunderouse, a slanderer, a slaunderouse speaker. Hearp. A harpe. Hearpere. A harper. Heat. Heate. Hebban & aHebban. To lift uppe. Heder. A hedge. Hederbryc. Amersement for breaking of hedges. Heden. Cassa. Hedern. A store houss. Hefe. Weight. Hefen & Hushefen. The eves of a houss. Hefeld þræda. Licæ. Hefeld. Licium. Hefel&yogh;yrd. Liciatorium. Hefi&yogh;tyme. Grevouse. Hefi&yogh;tyme &yogh;ylt. Hefi&yogh;tymnysse. Miserie, greefe. Hefun&yogh; & Upahefun&yogh; Exalta­ tion, contemplation. He&yogh;e. A hedge. He&yogh;ian. To hedge or make hedge. He&yogh;. Haye. He&yogh;as. Hyrdles. Heh. Heigh. Lind. Hehstald. A virgin. Hele. A heele. Helan & Oferhelan, Helian & beHelian. To cover. lanc., to hille. Helle. Helle. Helwara. Inhabitantes of helle, divles. Hel&yogh;d. Pluto. Hellemere. Stix. Hellosmið. Vulcane. Helcol. Hercules. Helrun. Python. Helwite. The paynes of hell. Held. Tanicetum, herb. Helerun&yogh;. The small swey of the balance to the one side or the other. Helur. Momentaneum. See Heoloran. Helur bl&emacron;d. Iusta lance. Helfelic. Lætheus; hellike, of the senne of helle. Helhama. A grassopper. Helm. A crowne or garland. Also a bowe or braunche of a tree, sumtime the helme or straw of corne. Also a helmet or headpeece. Cynehelm. A kings crowne. Helmiht. Bowye, full of bowes or braunches. Helheort. Þa weardas wœron afœred & hellheort. Help. Help. Helpan. To helpe. Dryht help min. Lord help me. Help ure. Help us. Hemleac. Hemloc, herb. Hemmin&yogh; id est Ruh sc&omacron;. Pero; a kinde of shoo called a brogue made of a rugh hide suche as the Irisshe men use sumtimes. &yogh;eHend. Neare. &yogh;eHendnesse. Nearenesse. &yogh;eHened. Exauctoratus. Hen&yogh;en. Ergastutum; a prison, a galowes. On hen&yogh;ene &yogh;ecwyl­ mede. He let him hon on heardre hen&yogh;en & mid hen&yogh;en þrawan to lan&yogh;ne hwile. It was an instrument of torment, as be R&omacron;dhen&yogh;en, the Crosse. aHen&yogh;an. To hang uppe. Hen&yogh;est. A horss or gelding; conitherius. Hen&yogh;est. The most famouse capitayne & leader or our fore­ fathers into Brytayne. The name soundeth horss & he had a brother likewise whose name was Hors. Hen&yogh;estesdun. Where King Eg­ briht fought with the Danes & Welshmen & overthrewe them anno 835. Henne. A henne. Hennebelle. Symphoniaca, herb. Henbane Heno. Behold; ecce. Lind. Hentan. To catche or snatche. Heo & Hiu. She. Lind. Heodor hund. A mastiffe dogge. Heofe. Mourning, lamentation, heavines, sorowe. Heofsan&yogh;. Lamentation, com­ playnt, mone. A song of lamen­ tation suche as Irisshe folkes use at the buriall & death of their frendes. Heve & hoe. Heofon. Heaven. Heofonlic. Heavenly. Heofoncund. Heavenly, of heaven. Heofonric. The Kingdom. Heofian. To lament, to bewayle, to be heavie or sorowfull. Heofun&yogh;. Sorowe, lamentation, hevinesse. Heolfre. Tabo. Heoldran. Trutinare; to balance, to waye, to examine by balance. Heolra. The scales of the balance. Twifeald heolra. Balances. Item: Heoloran, aHiloran. To waye. aHeolrod. Libratum. Heolstra. Recessus; dennes, caves, holowe places. Heonon. Hence. Heononforð. Hencefoorth. Heonu. Behold; ecce. Lind. Heorcnun&yogh;/ Hearing, harkening. Heorcni&yogh;an. To harke. Heord. A heard of beastes. Heordena, Heorda. Naptæ, stuppæ. lanc., hardes. It is the refuse of flaxe or hemp that is beaten out from it in the dressing. Antedates earliest OED citation: see "hard waste" in "hard," adj. and n. (1821). Heardfæst. Astrictus. Heorod. A compagnie, a flocke. Heord. An armie, Grex; a flocke. Heornest. Earnest. Heorot. A hart. Heorotford. Hartford, where was a synode anno 673. Ed­ ward the Elder builded the castle. Heorotber&yogh; & Heorutber&yogh;. Har­ tlebyreis. Heorotbrere. Wheron they growe. Heorra. The henges of a doore. Heort. The hart of any living thing. Heorð. A herthe wheron fire is made. A familie, a houshold. aHeran. To heare. Here. An armie. Her. Heare; hoc in loco. Herebeacn. A becon, a fire upon a hille or other high place sig­ nifiing to the countrey the ap­ proache of ennimies. Herebymere. A trumpetour. Herebelæwdune. Harbaldowne near Canterbury. It signifieth the hylle wheare the armye was betrayed. Herebyri&yogh;an. To herborowe or lodge. Herefon&yogh;. Ossifragus. Herereaf. The praye & spoyle of an armie being overthrowen. Here&yogh;eat. A heriot, a reliefe; armamenta. Bycause it con­ sisted of thinges perteyninge to the warre. Hereman. Miles; a souldiour. Lind. Hereteam. The conduction of an armie. Hereto&yogh;a. A capitayne, a generall of an armie; dux. The Dutche­ men calle their Dukes by that name. Die hertzogh van Sassen. Die hertzogh van Meiland, etc. The Duke of Milan. Dux ex­ ercitus. Herewic. A camp. The place where an armie lieth long en­ trenched as though it were in a towne. Whereof Herwiche in Essex hath the name for that the Danes lay there. Herehyð. Idem quod Herereaf. Hereðreatas. Several bandes of an armie. Hereðrym. An armie, a powre of men, a powre. Her&yogh;a. Turbæ; a cumpagnies of men, troopes of men, legions of souldiour. Her&yogh;as en&yogh;la. Le­ gions of angelles. Her&yogh;e & Hear&yogh;e Ethnicke tem­ ples, altars of the Ethnickes. Alexanders hear&yogh;a. Aræ Alex­ andri. Her&yogh;endlic. Honorable. Her&yogh;ian. To spoyle, robbe, de­ stroye with fire & sword, to herie. Christ harowed hell, say we, id est heried. &yogh;eHer&yogh;d. Spoyled by the enni­ mies armie. Her&yogh;iend. A spoyler, a robber. Herian. To prayse, to honour. Ihered beo þine noman. Hal­ lowed be thy name. Ic heri&yogh;e þa wœpnu & þone wer. Arma virumque cano. Herun&yogh;. Prayse. Hericni&yogh;en. To harken, to give eare. Herin&yogh;man. A subject. Herne, id est Hyrn. A corner. Herstin&yogh; hlaf. A crust, a crust of bread. Herðan. Testiculi. Leg. Alf. Hettian. To behead in this sorte, to pull of the skin & heare of the heade together. Leg. Canut. Hete. Odium. Antedates earliest OED citation (1602). Hewen. Jacinthus. Hic&yogh;an. Moliri, niti; to endev­ our, to go about any thing. Hider. Hither. Hiderweard, Hideror. More on this side, more this waye. Hielt. A hilt of a swerde. That of anything wherby it is hol­ den. Hierd, see Hyrd. Hierebor&yogh;. Userie. Hi&yogh;, id est Hi. They. Hi&yogh;. Hey. He&yogh;. Lind. Hi&yogh;e. A hedge. Hi&yogh;an. To contende, to endevour, to go about to. lanc., to hie, id est to make hast or speede. Hi&yogh;iend. Intent, marking, con­ sidering. Hi&yogh;ere. Cicuanus, verna, picus. Hi&yogh;&yogh;an. To searche. See Hic&yogh;an. Hi&yogh;o. Familia. Lind. Hi&yogh;ð. Nisus; endevour. aHiscean. To mocke. Hiht. Hope. Hihtan. To hope. Hi la hi. An interjection. Hilt. Hilt, of a sword or other thing. It is so called of hold­ ing, being the part wherby it is holden. Hindan. After. Hi þa oðre hindan offoran. Hine. A servaunt. Hinde. A hinde. Hindcealf. A hinde calf. Hindhele & Hindheleðe. Herb, ambrosia. Hindberian. A kinde of beries. aHioloran, see Heoloran. Hiora. Theirs. Hiord, id est Heord. Hired. Familie, houshold. A covent also. &yogh;eHirnesse. Hearing. Hit. It., Ic hit eom. I am he. Hiu. She. Lind. Hiw. Facion, forme, figure, shappe, making of anything. Sumtime colour, pretence. Hiwan & Hiwian. To facion, figure, foorme. Item, to fayne or dissemble. Hiwere. A dissembler, a colourer of matters, an hypocrite. Hiwun&yogh;. Dissimulation, hypoc­ risie. Hiwleas. Evle favoured, without forme, facion, or good shappe. Hiwan. Houshold folkes. Hiwrædenne & Hiwscip. Hous­ hold, familie. Hiwisce. Houshold. Hi sculdon œt œcum hiwisce God &amacron;n lamb offrian. Hiw&yogh;edale. Divorse, division of houshold. Hiwere. A dissembler. aHiðian. Grassari, depopulari. Hladan. To lade, to loade. Also to lade; exhaurire. &yogh;eHladen & &yogh;eHlæden. Laden. Hlædwi&yogh;l. A wheele to winde up burthens. A crane, to whele, to lade with. Hlædle. A ladle. Hlædre. A ladder. Hlæfdi&yogh;e. A ladie. Hlæhter. Laughter, laughing. Hlæn. Lone, lending, or that whiche is lent. Hlænan. To lende. Hlæne. Leane, maygre. Hlænnysse. Leannesse. Hlænian. To waxe leane or make leane. Hlæstan & beHlæstan & ofer­ Hlæstan. To lade, as to lade shippes, & therof is last or balast for shippes. Hlæwe. A lowe, a high ground not soundayngly rising as a hille but by litle & litle, & tillable & without wood. Wherof Lewes in Sussex is called Hlœwe with a number of townes in England. Hl&amacron;f. Breade. Wherof we calle our common foorme of bread loves for lafes. Hl&amacron;fmæsse. Lammasse. The feast of newe bread or bread masse the first day of August. Alfricus Abbas in Opere Ser­ monum, fol. 34 Hlaford. A lord or mayster; dominus. Landhlaford & Lan­ drica, a landlorde. Hlafordswice. Infidelitas erga dominum. A heynouse offence emongst our forfathers, betray­ ing of a mans mayster. Petit treason. Hland. Vrine, pisse. lanc., land. Hlawe, see Hlæwe. Hleahter & Hlehter. Laughter, laughing. Hleahtra. Vitia. Hleapan. To leape. Hleapere. A leaper. Hleapun&yogh;. Leaping. ætHleapan. To escape. Hleapestre. A leaping or dauns­ ing woman. Hleapince. A lapwing, bird. Hleapince. The cheekes, face or countenance. lanc., leare & a learing looke. "leare" antedates the earliest OED citation ("leer," n.2, a1616). Hleda. Sedile. Hledre. A ladder. Hle&yogh;lend. Making a noyse or humming. Hleomoc. Fafida. Hleonian. Curare. Hleor. The cheekes, countinance, face. lanc., the leeres, the looke. Hleotan. To cast lotte. Hleowan. To cherisshe. Hleowstede. Locus apricus. Hleowð. Apricitas. Hleoðran & Hleoðrian. To sing, to sound, to make noyse or mel­ odie. Hearpan hleoðor. The sound or melodie or harpes. Hlewan. To lowe, as a cowe. C&umacron; hleweð. The cowe loweth. Hlidan. Tohlad seo eorð & hit syððan to&yogh;œdre behl&amacron;d. The earth opened & sith shette agayne. toHliden. Opened. Hlid. A cover, a lidde, as a potte lidde. &yogh;eHlid. Laughter. Hlid&yogh;eat. Ante postes. Ludgate. Hlifendre. Miniac. Hlihan & Hlihian. To laugh. Hlionian. Recumbere; to sitte downe, to leane, to sitte at table. &yogh;eHlioran. Transire. Lind. Hlise. Fame, renowne. Hl&imacron;sful & Hlisbære. Famouse. Hliðe. Stille, quiete. Hlond. Stale, pisse, urine. lanc., land. Hlosan. Scipena behweorfan & hlosan eac swa. Hlosnian. Expectare. Hlosnod summe oðer munuc his fœreldes. Hlot. Lotte. Hlotan. To cast lotte. Hlowan. To lowe like a cowe, Hryðera &yogh;ehlow. Hloð. A band of men, a com­ pagnie of men betwix 7 & 25 be called hloð in the lawe. In Legibus Inæ: Þefoas we hatað oð vii men; from vii, hloð oð xxv; syððan bið here. Hloðere. A robber or spoyler. One of suche a band. Hloðbot. Amandes for slaughter of men or other harmes doone by suche bandes. Hloðan &yogh;e&yogh;yrelan. Linea­ menta. Linne garmentes, per­ adventure. Hl&umacron;d. Lowde. Hludstefn. Of a lowde & shrille voyce. Hlutan. To bowe, to crouche, to stowpe, to lowte. Hlutta. Lottes. Hluttan. To cast lotte. Hluttre. Cleare. Hluttre wœter. Cleare water. Hluttre ealoð. Cleare ale. Hluttornysse. Clearnesse. Hlyd, &yogh;eHlyd. Tumult, noyse of people. Hlydan. To bable, to chatter, to make noyse. Hlydend. Babling, chattering. Hlynian. To leane, to sitte downe, to sitte to meate. Ic hlyni&yogh;e. Hlynn. Sound, noyse. Hlynnian. To sounde, to ring. Hlyse. Fame, renowne. Se hlyse wide &yogh;emersod. The renowme spredde farre abroad. Hlysan. To renowne, to cele­ brate. Hlysful. Famouse, renowned. Hlyst. Hearing, the sense of hearing. Se hlyst oðstande. Auditus obturatur; he hath lost his hearinge. I heare him, lyste. Hlystan. To harken. lanc., lysten. Hlyt. Lotte. Hlyttan. To cast lotte. Hlytta. Efenhlytta. Consors. Hlyttrian. To cleare or make cleare or bright. Hlywðe. Warmenesse lue. As the shoare, out of the winde. &YOGH;od eowe syllað bi&yogh;leofan & hlywðe. Þa hrœmmas þe streawe to nest bœron heora briddas to hlywðe. The ravens that strawes to nest do beare, theire young birdes to kepe warme. Looke for hn after ho. Hobanca. Spondæ. Hoc & Hocleaf. Malowes. Hocneratun. Hoggesnorton. H&omacron; A hooke. Hoce. Cauterium. H&omacron;d. A hood. H&omacron;f. Hoofe of a beastes foote. Hofened. Gybbus. Hofer. Gibbus. Hofered. Cippum. Hofðela. Descum. Ho&yogh;a. Care. Ho&yogh;an & Ho&yogh;ian. To care. Ic ho&yogh;i&yogh;e. Ymb þa woruld þin&yogh; ho&yogh;ian. Ho&yogh;un&yogh;e. Care, endevour. Hohful. Carefull. oferHo&yogh;ian. Negligere; to con­ temne. beHo&yogh;adnesse. Exercise. Ho&yogh;fæst & Ho&yogh;ful. Prudens. Lind. Ho&yogh;oscip. Prudentia. Lind. Hoh. The legge. lanc., the legge or hoghe, properly of a beast. Hohmod. Sorowfull, carefull. Hol. Holowe. Hole. Amicitia. Holdeoranese. Holdernesse. Caræ Deiræ promontorium. Holowe Deiras nose. Hold. Faythfull, affectionate. Hold & &yogh;etrywe. Faythfull & trustie. Holdlic. Faythfully, with good affection, devoutly. Hold. Summus prœpositus. Tri­ bunus militum. Lind. A Da­ nisshe woord. Eal þa holdas & yldesta men. Oscytel hold, & Syric hold, etc. Hold. A carion, a dead bodie. Aelfric, Grammat. Holen. Holy tree. lanc., holin. Holian. To digge, to make holowe, to make a hole. Holin&yogh;a. In vayne. Holioc. Herb. Holleac. Duricorium, herba. Holm. A woodie yland. Wherof many places in England are named by that name; Exan­ holm, Axholm in Lincolnshire. Holmas. The Holmes, a coople of ilandes in the mouth of Severn anenst , the one called Flatte Holmes because it lieth lowe & playne, & thother Steape (Holmes) for that it is high & environned with steape & high cliffes. Where an armye of the Danes being driven out of Sumerset shire by , tak­ ing herborowe & being afrayd to issue out any waye died, the most part of them for hunger anno 913. Holt. A hilt. See hilt. Holt. A wood. Holthana. A wood cocke. Hom. Colobium. "Colobium" antedates earliest OED citation (1603). Homola. A foole. Hona & Hon. A cocke. Lind. aHon. To hang. Ic aho. Sus­ pendo. Pret., ahen&yogh;. aHon&yogh;en. Hanged. Hop. A circle, a hope. Hopian. To hope. &yogh;eHopp. Folliculum. Hoppan. To daunce. Hoppestre. A woman dauncer, a ballarine. "ballarine" antedates the earliest OED citation (1789). Hoppa. Bulla; a broyche or summe suche like juel or orna­ mente. Hopsteorc. Limpus. Hopu. Ligustra. Horcwena. Hoores; scorta. Hord. Treasure. Goldhord. Boc­ hord. A librarie. Hordan. To hoord, to lay up in store. Hordere. A treasurere. Hordern. A treasure houss, a store houss. Hordcleofan. Chestes, almeries. Hori&yogh;. Filthye, moldy, foule, horie, soylye. "Soylye" antedates earliest OED citation (1575). Horewen. Filth. Horh. Fleame. Hor&yogh;. Baggage. Horhleahtra. Discrimen. Horn. A horne. Hornpic & Hornsceaðe. A pin­ nacle. Hornpic temples. Pin­ naculum templi. Hornun&yogh; sunu & Horrun&yogh; sunu. A bastard, a hoores son. Hors. A horse. Horern. A stable. Horshyrd. A horsskeeper or he that keepeth a heard of horses abroad. Horsðe&yogh;en. A horskeper or the yoman of the horss. Horscamb. A horscomb. Horsan. To horse, to furnisshe with horse. Horselne or Horslene or Horse­ lene or Horsbene. Helana, elicampana; herb. Horslic. Diligently. Horsmint. Herb. Horwe&yogh;. Devius. Hose. Butrus. Hosa. Hose. Hosp. Reproache, dishonour. Hoslic. Fowle, filthie. Hn shuld have ben placed before Ho. A kinde of orthographie used in no tunge but this that I knowe. Hnæzan. To nie, like a horss. Se hors hnæ&yogh;ð. Horsa hnæ&yogh; un&yogh;e. The nying of horses. Hnæp. A cuppe. Frenche, hanap. Hnappian. To nodde or nappe. Hnecca. The necke. The com­ mune woord is sweor. Hnesc. Soft, tender. lanc., nesshe. Hnescnesse. Softnesse, effemi­ natnesse. "effeminatnesse" antedates earliest OED citation (a1586). Hnesclic. Soft, delicate, effemi­ nate. Hnescian. To soften, to make soft. Ic hnesci&yogh;e. Hnifol & Hnifele. The browe or forehead. Hni&yogh;la. Shelles, shales, paringes. Hnifolcrumb & Hnifolcrump. Cernua; he that hath bent, crumpled, or wrinkled browes. Hnitan & ofHnitan. To strike with the hornes, as a bulle dooth. lanc., to note. Hnitol oxa. Bos petulcus. An oxe that will runne at men & strike with his hornes. Hnitu. Nittes, yong lice. Hnol. The crowne or toppe of the head, the noddle. Hnot. Polled, shorn, notted. Mutilum. Cut shorter. Hnutu. Nuttes. Walhnutu. Walnuttes, that is to say, straunge nuttes. Hnuttebeam. A nutte tree. Hny&yogh;lan. Shelles, shales, par­ inges. Seke Ho before Hn. Hracan. Fauces, gula; the throte, the jawes. Hracca. Occiput; the racke. The hinder part of the head & the necke. Hracod. Ragged. Hradores. Vetre. Hræcan. To hauke, to spitte. lanc., to reache. "hauke" antedates earliest OED citation (1581). Hræc&yogh;ebræc. Branci. Hræd. Quicke, readie. Hrædnysse. Quicknesse, readi­ nesse. Hrædlic. Quickly. Hræfn & Hræmn. A raven. Hræfnf&omacron;t. Puliol, herb. Hræ&yogh;l. Cloathes, garmentes, ap­ parel. Hræ&yogh;lh&umacron;s. A wardrobe. Hræ&yogh;lðene or Hræ&yogh;lweard. Yo­ man of the wardrobe. Hræman. To weepe, to crie. To weepe with criing & bewailing. lanc., to reeme. onHræsan. To runne upon, to assayle. onHræse. Irruptio impetus. Hrædbita. Blatta. Hra&yogh;ra. A hearon, bird. Hra&yogh;yfra. Funestus. Hramsa & Hramsancrop. Aci­ tula, herb. Hran. A whalle or balene. Hranas. Rane deere. Hraðe. Quick, quickly, rathe. Hreac. A ricke or stack, a heape; meta. Hream. Calling, criing, weeping, call, crie. Hreawe. Rawe. As rawe flesshe. Item, a carcasse or dead bodie, carion. He beseah to his lichoman swa to uncuðum hrewe. Hreconlic. Quickly. Lind. Hreh. Inundatio. Lind. ῥέω, inde renus, flumen. Hremm & Hremm. A raven. Of hreman, to call. Hremes f&omacron;t. Polypodium, herb. Crowfoote. Hreman. To calle, to crie. Hrendan. To teare, to rende. Lind. Hreoce. Roche, a fyshe. Hreod. A reede. Hreof. A leper. Hreaf. Lind. Hreofli&yogh;. Leprouse. Hreohnesse. Rughnesse, tempest, evle wether on the sea. Hreowsian. To repent, to be sorie for. beHreowsun&yogh;. Penitence, repen­ tance. Hreppan & æHræppan. To tutche. Hreppun&yogh;. Feeling, touching. Hrepsun&yogh;. Evening, opinor. Hreremus. A batte, a flinder­ mouse, a reremouse. Hric&yogh;. A backe. Hric&yogh;b&amacron;. The ridgebone. Hriddel. A sive, to sift corn. lanc., a riddle. Hridder. Capisterium. A kind of vessel. He nam þ sticca þœs toclofenan hriddores. &yogh;eHriered. Ruined. Hrif. Uterus; the belye, the wombe. Wherof we say mid­ riffe. Hri&yogh;. Cumulus; a heape, a ryke of corne, etc. Hrinan & ætHrinan. To touche. lanc., to rine. Hrinan. Ornare. Lind. &yogh;eHrined. Ornatus. Hrine. Touching. Hrin&yogh;. A ring, a hoop, a circle, a garland. Item, a buckle. Gyrdlhrin&yogh;. The buckle of a girdle. Hrin&yogh;edubyrn. A shirt of male. Hrin&yogh;windle. A sphære. Hrin&yogh;seta. Circenses. Hrin&yogh;fa&yogh;. Polimitæ. Hrin&yogh;an. To ring, as to ring belles. ætHripum. Ripon. Hrisl. Radium; a wevers toole. Hriseht. Setosus. Hrissend. Fibrans. Hristlan. To make a noyse or stoore, to rustle. OED records "stoore" only as a noun in this sense. Hr&imacron;s. Geleaf hris. Frondes. lanc., rise. Long and small bowes to make hedge with. Hriðan. He hriðod & e&yogh;eslic hweos. Hr&omacron;c. A crowe, a rooke. Hroernesse. Motus. Eorð hroer­ ness. Terræ motus. Hr&omacron;f. Roofe of a houss. Hrofceaster. Rochester. Civi­ tas Rofi. Hromsa, Hramsa. Acitula, herb. lanc., romes. Hron, id est Hran. A balene or whalle. Hrondsparwa. A sparowe, a kinde of sparowe hen. Hrope. Calling. onHrope. Calling upon. Hrost. Hennahrost. The henne­ rooste. Hruh. Rough. Hrum. Soote. Hrumi&yogh;. Sootie, as is a chimney. Hrutan. To rowte, to snurt in sleaping. Hryc&yogh;e. The backe. Hric&yogh;riple. Palæ. Hric&yogh;rib. Spondili; the jointes of the backbone. aHrydred. Expilatus. Hry&yogh;e. Spina; a thorne. Hryman. To weepe & crie. lanc., to reeme. Item, to crie, calle, or yelle. Hrympelle. Wrinkles. Hripan. To ripe, to digge. Lind. "ripe" antedates earliest OED citation (1578). Hryre. Ruine, falle, decaye, de­ struction. Of ruere, to fal. &yogh;eHryred. Ruined. Hrysan. To shake, to wagge, to nodde. Hi risedon heora heaf­ dan. Hrysl. Fatte. Fatte of a hogge. ofHrywan. Me ofhrywð. I repent me, I am sorie. Hryðer. A cowe or heefar, a fother beast. Hryðhyrd. A cowherd. Hryðða. Molossus; a mastife, a bandogge. Hu. Watche or markeing. See Hawian. Hu. Howe. Huhu&yogh;u. Hu&yogh;u dæl. Circiter. Hul. A hille. Hulc. A cotage, a coate, a cabanne. Hulic. Qualis; what a one. Hulwyrt. Herb. Humbra ea. Hune. Marubium, herb. Item, tabo. Adl. Hund. A hundreth. Hundseo­ fonti&yogh;, 70. Hundeahtati&yogh;, 80. Hundni&yogh;onti&yogh;, 90. Hundteon­ ti&yogh;, 100. Hund. A dogge. Hundaus. A dogges kenelle. Lege fragmentum, Legis de Canibus in libro legum majori. L. N. fol. 39. Hundeslus. Doglowse; cinomia. Hundesbirien. Wild grapes. Hundescwelcan. Colloquintida. Hundesfrea or Hundesrefe. Cen­ turio, herb. Hundestun&yogh;. Cynoglossa, herb. Hun&yogh;or. Hongre. Hungrian. To be hungrie. Me hun&yogh;rað. I am hungrie. Huni&yogh;. Hunie. Huni&yogh;sucle & Huni&yogh;su&yogh;e. Honie­ sucle. Hunitear. Certayne drinke made with hony. Hunspuran. Dolones. Huntian. To hunt. Hunta. A hunter or hunt. Huntað & Huntoð & Huntnoð. Hunting. Item, the praye caught in hunting. Huntandun. Huntingdon. Huome. Angulus. Lind. Huomstan. The cornerstone. Huru. Saltem; at the least. Hu­ ruðin&yogh;a. Especially. Gif þu nelt rædan, hlyst huru. Audi saltem. H&umacron;s. A houss. Husbryc. Infractura domus. Husca. To mocke, to hisse; obprobio afficere. Husl. Housle; eucharistia. The sacrament of the altar. Husl&yogh;on&yogh;. Receaving of the sac­ rament or communion. We be­ hofiað hlafes & lare & husl&yogh;an&yogh;es. Huslian. To housle, to ministre the sacrament. Hucx. Ironia; mockage. Huxlic. Opprobriose, calumniose, contemptuose. Hwæcca. A hutche. Corn­ hwœcca. A corn chest. Hwa. Who. &yogh;eHwa. Every man, who so ever. &yogh;eHwæde. Modicus; modest thriftie. Item, little, mean. Þone &yogh;ehwœdan dœl. That little. &yogh;eHwædnysse. Saving, sparing. Hwæ&yogh;. Whey of milke. Hwæl. A whalle, fisshe. Balena. Hwæm. Se burh is wel &yogh;etim­ brod ac þœr is an hwœm open forlœten þe se here infœr hœbbe. Hwær. Where. &yogh;eHwær. Every where. Hwæstran. Murmurare. Lind. Hwæt. Wheat corne. Hwæt. What. Hwœt mare. Summe more. &YOGH;ehwœt elles. Anything elles. Ic wylle &yogh;yt hwœt lytles be him sec&yogh;an. I have yet sumthing to saye. Hwæt hwe&yogh;a & Hwæthwæ&yogh;a. Summe thing; paulisper. A little while. Hwæt la. A woord of asking. What say you? What? Hwæthwara. Sume waye, summe where, summe thing. Hwætlic. Naviter. Hwætscip & Hwæt. Woorshippe, honour, vertue, valiantnesse. Hi sylf hwœttran wœron. More valiant. Of ðœm hwœtestan mannan &YOGH;ernamiœ. Of the no­ blest of Germania. Hwættan. To whette. Hwætstan. A whetstone. Hwæðer. Swa hwœðer swa hit beo, swa he swa heo. Whether it be male or female. Hwalf. Holowe; convexus. Hwanon. From whence. Hwastas. Molles. Hwatend. Insillirica, herb. Hwate. Þa handa awindað þ œr hœfdon full hwate fyn&yogh;ras. Hwata. Omnia. Hwearfian. To turne, to wander. Also to hover or flye about. Hwearftlan. Micle truwa hwearft on Petres heortan. Hwe&yogh;e. Whey, that whiche re­ mayneth of the milke after that the cheese is made. Hwelun&yogh;. Clangor; noyse as of a trumpet. Hwelp. A whelpe. Hwemmas. Corners; plagæ. Þa feower hwemmas ealles middan eardes. Hwen ær. While eare. Hweol, Hweo&yogh;ul & Hweowul. A whele. Hweo&yogh;ulrad. The compasse of the weele or the cart slough. Hweorban. The whirlbone of the knee. Hweorfan. To turne, sumtime to erre or wander. To scrape cleane. Hweorfa. A wharve or wharle. The poyse whiche women putte on their spindles to make them turne. Hweoðerun&yogh;. Murmuring. Hw&emacron;r. A caudron. Hwettan. To instigate, to incite. He &yogh;ehwette þœra Judeiscra heortan to mannes sle&yogh;e. Hwi & toHwi. Wherfore, whi. Hwicce. A chest. lanc., a hutche. Hwicce. Whiche. Hwilc, Hwylc. Whiche. &yogh;eHwilc. Every one. Hwilcnesse & &yogh;Hwilcensse. Qualitie. Hwile. Whiles. Hwilewendlic. Temporall, con­ trary to eternitye. Hwilom & Hwilum. Hwilon. Aliquando; sumtimes. Hwilon an. Hwilon twa. Hwilsticcu. Intervalla; spaces betwix times. Hwiolfa&yogh;. Ciclus. Hwioðan. Aura. Hwirfan. To returne, to scrape cleane & Behweorfan. Hwistle. Whistle; tibia. Lind. Hwistlun&yogh;. Hwit. White colour. Hwitian. To make white or waxe white. Hwitcudu & Hwitecweodu. Mastica, herb. Hwitel. Sagum; a blanket. Hwiteleac. White leeke. Hwitmete. Whitmete, butter, cheese, etc. Hwirfpole. Charibdis; a hurl poole. Hwiðer. Whither. Hwiða. Aura; the aire. beHwofene. Prepared, trym­ med; parata. Hwomma. Angulus. Lind. Hwom ston. Lapis anguli. Hwon & Hwonlic. A litle, a lytle while, seldome. Hwostan. To cough. lanc., to host. Hwosta. The cough. Hwoðeran. Se brym hwoðerod under his fotum. Hwylc. Whiche, what a one, what maner of one. An&yogh;ehwylc. Every one. Hulic. Lind. aHwylfan. To whelme or over­ whelme. lanc., to whalme. Hwyrfan. To turne, to chopp & chaunge, to convert. Hwyrfend. Turning, vagabund, wandring. Hwyrpol Charibdis; a whirl­ poole. Hwyrftnian. Hyc&yogh;an. To care, to studie, to endevour, to go about. Hyd. A skinne, a hide. Hydlandes. A hide of land, con­ teyneth 280 akers. Loke Wista. Hydan & beHydan. To hide. Hydscyp. Myoparo; a boate covered with lether. Hyfe. A hive. Hy&yogh;e. Fauces. Hythful. Bonæ indolis; of good hope & towardnesse. &yogh;eHyhtan. To increase; adau­ gere. Hylca. Hookes, crookes, bow­ inges, turninges, windings, wrinkles; anfractus. Hyld & Hyldo. Affection, fayth, faythfulnesse. He be&yogh;eat hyld þara Judeiscra. Hyl. A hille. A woord in litle use in times passed. The com­ mon woord was dun. aHyldan. To leane, to laye downe. Ic nœbbe hwœðer ahyl­ dan m&imacron;ne heafod. beHyldan. Deglobere; to flea, to pulle of the skinne. Whereof they say, I wold thou were hylt, that is flead. Hyldere. Lanio; he that fleath beastes. Hyllehama. Cicada. Hyldin&yogh;. Curvatura. Hyllwyrt. Polegia, herb. Hymele. Volvula. Hynan. To hinder. Hynð. Hindrance, losse, damage. Hyndene. Societas. Leg. Inæ cap. 55. Hype & Hypel. A heape. Hyppe. A hippe; coxa. &yogh;eHyran. To heare. Fram ðœm mann ic &yogh;ehyrd hit. Of this man I heard it. Hyrnesse. Hearing. Hyra. Marcenarius; he that is hired. Hyrcnian. To heare, to harken. To give eare. Hyrcun&yogh;. Harkening, hearing. Hyrd. A keeper; pastor. Cyldra hyrd. Pædegogus. Hydrædene. Custodie, keeping of any thing. Hyrdnesse. Hede takinge. Inde Oferhyrdnysse. Not hearinge, disobedience. Hyrdl. A hirdle. Hyred. Houshold, familie. I think it to be sayd as though it were heorod. A compagnie or flocke. Hyredes hlaford. Pater­ familias; the goodman, the mayster. Hyredes hlœfdi&yogh;e. The good wife, the mistresse of the hous. Hyred also betoken­ eth a convent of monkes. onHyr&yogh;ean. To forge or fayne. on Hyr&yogh;end. Emulatores. Hyrian. To hire. Hyri&yogh;men & Hyrmen. Merce­ narii. Hyrlin&yogh;, idem. Hyrn. A horn. Anhyrn. An unicorn. Also a corner, an angle. Anhyrn deor. An uni­ corne of one horned deere. &yogh;eHyrnod. Horned. Item, cor­ nered. Hyrnette. A hornette. &yogh;eHyrsian. To obeye. &yogh;Hyrstan. To decke, trimme. Hyrst. Trimmed, decked. &yogh;eHyrsto. Phaleræ. Hyrstan. To frie meate. Hyrstun&yogh;. Frying. &yogh;eHyrstan. Murmurare. Lind. For that things whiche be fried make a noyse, Hyrst þu. Hens ho. A maner of calling. Hearest thou? &yogh;eHyrsumian. To obeye. &yogh;eHyrsum. Obedient. &yogh;eHyrsumnysse. Obedience. Hyrtan. Resocillare; to encour­ age, to herten. &yogh;eHyrt. Hartened, encouraged. Hyrwan. To slaunder, reproache, blaspheme. beHyrun&yogh; Locatio; letting to hire. Hysecild. A male child. Hysebeorðe. Deliverie of male child. Hysebyrðe. She that is in child bedde of a male. Hyspan. To blaspheme. Hy Cristes bebod hyspton. Hysse. Hircitallo. Hyð. A haven or port. Wherof so many townes on the sea cost be named. Hyð. Commodum; profite. Hwilwendlica hyðða. Tempa­ ralle profites. Hyððe, beHyðlic. Costly, sump­ tuouse. Ic. I & Ich. Lind. &yogh;eIcan. To augment, to encrease. lanc., to eache. Idel. Vayne. On idel. Nequic­ quam; in vayne. Idel &yogh;ilp. Vaynglorie. Idel wuldor. Ieldran, see Yldran. Iemin&yogh;, id est Gimin&yogh;. Mariage. Ierf, see Yrf. Heritage. Þynes nehstan ierfes. Thy neigh­ boures heritage. Ierðland, see Yrðland. Iersan, see Yrsan. Iesend. Exta. Ifi&yogh;. Ivie. I&yogh; & I&yogh;oðe. An iland. Æ&yogh;. Eley. Meresi&yogh;. Mersey in Suf­ folke in the mouth of the river of Colne. Scepi&yogh;. Shepey. I&yogh;buende. Insulares. I&yogh;dæ&yogh;es. The same daye. I&yogh;land. An iland. Il. A hedge hogge. Ilas. Calli. Him weoxan wearri&yogh; ilas on olfendes &yogh;elicnysse on his cneowum. Ildan, id est Eldan. To differ, prolong, tarie. Illeracu. Crapula. Impian. To graft, to sette yong trees or impes. Inbyrdlin&yogh;. Vernaculus, verna. A servant borne in the same houss where he dwelleth. Inbryrdnesse. Inspiration. Inca. Fault, offence. Þa synna & incan þe him eft &yogh;elimpeð. Nat ic þe nœnne incan to. I knowe no fault in the. Ne &yogh;­ mette ic nœnne incan on ðissum men. Incniht. Cliens. Incund. Inward. Þa incunde deopnysse &YOGH;odes lare. Indrihten wic&yogh;. Ippus. Indsa, see Yndsa. Infare. Entrie. In&yogh;ehyd. Conscience, knowledge, understanding. In&yogh;ehyd ealra &yogh;ereorda. Understanding of all tunges. In&yogh;ewinne. Civile or intestine warre & dissention. In&yogh;ehy&yogh;de. Purpose, intent. In&yogh;ewitnesse. Conscience. Inlecan. Interna. Inlenda. Inhabitantes; indigenæ Inelf & Inilf. Exta. Inne. Cella, cavera; a lodging, an inne. &yogh;eInnan. To gette in, to bring in, to enclose, to recover. Inneweard. The bowelles. Inniht. Within, inwardly. Innoð. Bowelles, entrayles, wombe. Inre. Internus, inward. Inre and&yogh;yt. Inswane. Porcarius curiæ. Insæ&yogh;l. A seale. Intin&yogh;a. Occasion; causa. For intin&yogh;a Grecisra &yogh;ewinna. Be­ cause of the Greke warres. Inwyt. Sometymes conscience. Þe wyrme of þine inwit. The worme of thy conscience. W. L. Judas þurh his inwit & facn Crist to deað &yogh;eseald. Crist &yogh;eseah þæt inwit þe on his heor­ tan wœs. He hine mid his inwit & facne beswac. Inwitful. Oferhydi&yogh; & inwitful & unarful. Iorode. Lind., id est Hyred. Familia. Irsen. Irisshe. Ireland. Ireland. Scotland is sumtime signified therby as likewise Ireland is called Scot­ land & Scotia major in old writers. The cause of this con­ fusion is that the Irisshe men & Scottes are but one nation, of one tung & nature & maner of living. The very true & aun­ cient name of both these people is Scottes, by whiche name they were called before they came into eyther countrey, if ourr his­ tories be herin to be beleaved. They first inhabited Ireland, whiche was aunciently & before their cumming there called Hy­ bernia & Ierne ἰέρνη whereof we calle it Iernland or Irland by contraction & they them selves calle it Iren to this daye. Our auncient writers called it Scot­ land bycause it was enhabited by Scottes. Howbeit in the meane season they forget no the old name whiche hath of later dayes so prevaled that it hath chaunged the name also of the inhabitantes, who, forget­ ting that ever they were Scottes, calle them selves Irenogh, that is Irishmen, of the countrey whiche they enhabite. On the other side, wheras the same Scottes not long after their cumming into Ireland passed the Strayt of Kentire & enter­ ing into the north part of Bry­ tane, than called Albanie, by litle & litle drave out the Pightes, than enhabitantes ther­ of & possessed the same them selves. We of them, being as we calle them Irisshe men, used to calle the countrey Ireland, howe beit the name of Scottes hath in time there more pre­ valed so that it is nowe with one consent of all nations called Scotland, saving of them selves who calle it Albanogh by the auncient name. Ire. An Irisshman. Betwux Irum & Scottum. Irenhard. Herb. Irre. Angre; quasi irritatio. Irsian. To angre, to make angrie. Isen. Ise; glacies. Ise, id est Gyse. Lind. Yea, yeas. Isen. Yron. Isen&yogh;ræ&yogh;. Iron greye. Isentan&yogh;. Snuffers. Iu ær. Yore, long before, long ago. Iuc, id est Geoc. A yoke. Iuer. Your, yours. Lind. Iufyrn Olim; long ago, in times passed. Iu&yogh;uð & Iu&yogh;uðhad, Geo&yogh;uð, Iu&yogh;oðe. Youthe. Iuh & Iuih. Vos, vobis; to you. Lind. Iw. Yewe tree. Iðende. Grassans, depopulans. Iðanceaster. In stede of K the Saxons used C. La. A woord of calling. O. Hola. Hwœt is la. La leof. Lac. Gift, offring, present, re­ warde, sacrifice. Sib lac. Hos­ tia pacifica. Lib lac. Oblatio viva. Lacnian & &yogh;eLacnian. To heale, to cure. Lade. Loade, cariage. Lade lœdan. Lada. Excuse. Purgation, in the lawe. Ladian & beLadian & &yogh;eLadian & Hladian. To excuse, purge. beLadun&yogh;e. Excuse, purgation. Læ. Cæsaries; a busshe of heare. Læcan. In composition hath sig­ nification of likenesse or ap­ proache. &yogh;eRihtlœcan. To amende. &yogh;eEfenlœcan. Hit sumorlœcað. The summor ap­ procheth. Hit winterlœcað. It waxeth winter. &yogh;eLæccan. To catche, to snatche, to apprehend. Læce. A surgion or phisition, leche. Læcedom. Physick, surgerie. Læcefin&yogh;er. The ring finger. Læcewyrt. Cuinquenerina herb. Item, medicina, herba medica. Lædan. To leade, to conduct. Item, to carie, to leade. Lade leadan. As we say, to lead haye & corne. Læden. Latine. Lædenspræce & Læden &yogh;ereord. The Latine tong. Læfel & Læfil. A level. Carpen­ ters or paviers instrument. A waterfall. Læland. One of the iles apper­ tayning to Denmark. Læle. Vibex; a scarre or marke of strokes or beatinges. Læmene. Of lome, of earth, as earthen vesselles. aLænan & onLænan. To lende. Læna. Lone. An ðissum lœnan lif. In this transitorie life. &yogh;eLæn&yogh;an. To lengthen, to en­ large. Læn&yogh;ian. To long for, to thinke long, to desire. Us nu œfter swylcum lœn&yogh;ian mœ&yogh;e. Læppe. A smal peice of any thinge. Also ora; a coast or end. Læran. To teache, instruct, or admonisshe. Lœr þinne sunu. Teache thy son. &yogh;eLæred. Learned. Lærlæst. Unlearned. Læsa & Læswa. Pastures, pasture groundes. lanc., lesowes. Læsse. Lesse. Læst. Least. Se lœsta dœl. Læst. Vordalium; a last for a shoo. &yogh;eLæstan. To accomplisshe, to fulfille. He þæt mid dœdum &yogh;elœt. Item, to paye. Wœs þæt &yogh;afol &yogh;elœst. Inde lest, a place wherunto a companye payed duety; lastus. Læswian. To feede catayle or pasture them. Þœr wœs an sw&imacron;n heord lœswiend. Inde lesewes, pastures. Lætan. To fayne, to take upon a man that a thing is as it is not in deede. lanc., to leete as thoughe, also to dissemble. Þæt is wisdom þæt wisman lœte dysi&yogh;. &yogh;eLætan. To leave off, to omitte, to let go. He his lif alet. He lost his life. for Lætan. To forsake. Læte. Slowe, slacke, behind. lanc., latte Lætmæst. The last, the hind­ most. &yogh;eLætu. Meting of wayes. Twe&yogh;ra we&yogh;a &yogh;elœtu. Bivium. Þreora we&yogh;a &yogh;elœtu. Trivium. Fela we&yogh;a &yogh;elœtu. Competum. Læwa, Belæwa, Læwend, Læ­ wand. A traytour. beLæwan. To betraye. Læwedeman. A lay man. Læwed. Lay, not religiouse. Whiche is growen to betoken a foole. Læððe. Livor; hatred, envie. Laf. Rest, residue, remayndre. To laf is. It remayneth. It signifieth also relicta; a wi­ dowe, a dead mans wife. Alex­ andres laf. The widowe whiche had ben Alexanders wif. Cnut cynin&yogh; n&amacron;m Æ&yogh;yfe, Æðelrœdes l&amacron;f, him to cwene. Laferc. A larke. lanc., a lave­ rocke. Lah & La&yogh;a. Lawe. Lahman. A lawier, a man of lawe. Lahwite. Idem, he that is learned in the lawe. Lahslite. Legis fractura. The Danishe forfayture, id est Tweolf oran. Lam. Lome, mire, dirt, claye. Lamwyrhta. Figulus;; a potter. He that maketh pottes & other thinges of claye or earthe. Hinc, Lamhythe. Lama. Lame, halt. Lamb. Lambe. Lane. Lone, lending. Land. A land, a countrey. En&yogh;laland, Scottaland, Yrland, Froncland, etc. Also grounde, possessions of landes. Landbuenda. Agricolæ. Lind. Incolæ the inhabitantes of the countrey. Landesman. A countreyman. Ures landesman. Our coun­ treyman. Landesric. Terræ dominus; manerium; predium urbanum. Land&yogh;emæro. Bondries or limites of land. &yogh;eLandian. To arrive, to take land. Conon &yogh;elend to Aðene. Item to endewe with landes. Landleod. Peoples of the coun­ trey, inhabitantes, dwellers. Landspedi&yogh;a. Locuples; he that hath moche land. Lan&yogh;. Long. Lan&yogh;nysse. Length. &yogh;eLan&yogh;. Cause, occasion. Þæt wœt swiðor on þa &yogh;elan&yogh;. It was rayther long of that. He frœ&yogh;n hwi hit &yogh;elan&yogh; wœre. Hit wœs na drœde &yogh;elan&yogh;. Lan&yogh;beordas. Lumbardes. Lan&yogh;aland. One of the ilandes of Denmarke. &yogh;eLan&yogh;ian. To fetche, to sende for, to bringe againe. Lan&yogh;le&yogh;eran. Canis vealter. I thinke it is a tumbler suche as they have in Norfolk to catche conies. Lan&yogh;sum. Tediouse. To lan&yogh; sume ealle to sec&yogh;an. Lappa. Lacinium; the lappe, the bosum. Lappian. To lappe, as a dogge dooth. L&amacron;r. Learning, doctrine, instruc­ tion. Larewe. A doctor, a teacher. Lasor & Lasur. Lolium, zizania; tares. Late. Slacke, slowe, behinde, Lanc., latte. Latian. To differ, to tarie, to forslowe, to cum behinde or to late. Ne lata þu. Lette not, sticke not. Latteowe. A guide, a leader. Laurbeam. A laurelle tree. Lawerc, Laferc. A larke. Lað. Odiouse, hated, displeasant. Me is lað to sœc&yogh;an. It greveth me to telle. He wœs ðœm fol­ cum lað. Item, lað & North­ umbrian lœð, hate. Laðlic. Fowle, evle favored, lothly. Laðian. To hate, to lothe. Heo ðœm folc laðað. Laðettan. To lothe, to detest, to abhorre. Laðleas. Without fault, blame­ less. &yogh;eLaðian & &yogh;eLaðan. To envite, to bidde as a gest. &yogh;eLaðun&yogh;e. A congregation or assemblie; ecclesia. Cristes &yogh;e­ laðun&yogh;e. Inde lathe courte. "lathe court" antedates earliest OED citation (1575). Lea. Stipendium; reward, wages. Leg. Canuti. Leac. A leeke. A generall name of a certayne kinde of herbes. Leaccærs. Nasturtium. Lead. Leade. Lead&yogh;ota. A plummer. Leadesclina or Leadstafas. Mas­ tigia. Leaf. A leafe, of a tree, herb, or booke. Leafe. Licence, leave. Syllan leafe. unaLyfed. Unlawfully, without leave. &yogh;eLeafa. Byleefe, the fayth. Cristes &yogh;eleafa. &yogh;eLeaffull. Faythfull, beleaving, of good bileave. &yogh;eLeaffulnesse. Fayth, good bileefe, Christian bileefe. &yogh;Leafleast. Lacke of bileefe, paganitie, incredulitie, infideli­ tie. &yogh;eLeafan. To bileave. Lea&yogh;. A lea. Wherof be named a number of townes in Eng­ land. Leah. Lee, suche as women wasshe with. Leahtere. A fault, a vice, a sinne, Þa heafod leahtras. The 7 deadly sinnes. Leahtrian. To accuse, to finde fault with, to slaunder or speake evle of. Leahtun. An herb gardeyne, a potte gardeyne. Leahtric. Lactuca. Leap. A basket, suche one as the sower carieth his seed in whan he soweth. Lan., a leape to catche fisshe. Leas. False, liing, deceptful, counterfayt. Leas b&omacron;c. A false booke. Leaslic. Falsly. Leasbredende. A lier; versipel­ lis. Leasspel, Leaspel. A fiction, a fable, a tayle, a lie, a fayned or invented tayle. Leaslicettan. To dissemble, to flatter, to play the hypocrypt. Leaslicettre. A flaterer, an hypo­ crite. Leasolecan. To flatter. Leasolecun&yogh;e. Flatterie. Leaspell. A fiction, fable, lie invented tayle or historie. Leaspellun&yogh;a. Fals tayles. Leassa&yogh;ol. A lier, a teller of fals tayles. Leastyhtan. To entise by lies & false persuasions. Leastyhtun&yogh;e. Entysement in suche sort. Leasun&yogh;e. A lie, a leasing. Leasun&yogh;ful. A lier, a teller of lies. Leas&yogh;ewita. False witnesse. Leax & Lex. A salmon, fisshe. Leaðorwyrt. Fullonium. Lec, see Leac. &yogh;eLeccan, see &yogh;eLæccan. To catche, to apprehend, to take. Lec&yogh;an. To laye. Lec&yogh;an &yogh;rund­ weal. aLec&yogh;an. To lay downe, laye awaye. Also strike down, de­ stroye. &yogh;eLec&yogh;ed. Layd downe. Leden, vide Læden & Læden­ spræce. Le&yogh;e. Corona. Lind. Le&yogh;eceaster. Urbs legionum, Westchester. Seo westra ce­ aster on Wirhealum se is Lea&yogh;a cester &yogh;ehaten. Le&yogh;edslæt & Le&yogh;eræsc. Ligh(t)­ ning; fulmen. Lind. Le&yogh;ere. Sicknesse, liing sicke. On ðœm syxtan dœ&yogh; his le&yogh;eres. Le&yogh;erfæst. Sicke. He that keep­ eth his bedde. Le&yogh;erbedde. Sicke mans bedde, death bedde. Le&yogh;erstowe. The churche yard, the place of buriall. Lehtun, see Leahtun. Lehð. Peana. Leloðre. Lappadium, herb. Lemphealt. Limphalt. &yogh;eLendan. To arrive. &YOGH;elendan mid scip. Lencten. The spring of the yeare. Lencten adl. The ague, bycause it communly cummeth in the spring. &yogh;eLendan. To arrive. Hi &yogh;elen­ don on ðœm lande. Lendena. The loynes. Lendbræd. Lumbulus. Lendisc. Urelendisc. Nostras. Eowrelendisc. Vestras. &yogh;eLen&yogh;e. Þa þe þurh &yogh;eleafan us &yogh;elen&yogh; beoð. &yogh;eLen&yogh;an. To lengthen. &YOGH;elen&yogh;e ic þin da&yogh;as. Len&yogh;. Length. Mans len&yogh;. Sta­ tura hominis. Item, longer. Leo. A lion. Leod. People, commune people. Leodbiscop. A commune bisshop, none archebisshop. Leodscip. A countrye. Se leod­ scip þe is &yogh;ehaten Achaia. Leoda. A countryman; patriota. Leod&yogh;eld. Mulcta ordinaria, sive vulgaris. In Legib. Ethelbert. Leof. Deere, welbeloved, leef. Eala, wœre ic &YOGH;od leof. Leofan. To live. Item, to leave. Leofwend. Acceptable, wel­ cumme. Leo&yogh;an. To lie, to deceave. He forlæh. He lied. Heo hire &yogh;ehat aleah. She broke her vowe. &YOGH;e hiom &yogh;elu&yogh;on eowre wedde & eowre aðas. Inde: Leo&yogh;ora. Mendax. &yogh;eLeo&yogh;an & aLeo&yogh;an. Interdum. Leg. Inæ. Leoht. Light, not hevye. Item, light; lumen. Leohtbær. Luminosum; shining. Leohtfæt. A lampe. Leohtbeor. Mellidulce. Leoman. To shine. Leomas. The leames or beames of light or sunne. Leomynster. Lemster. Leoran & beLeoran & &yogh;eLeoran. Transire; to passe. Lind. Inde: &yogh;eLeorednisse. The transmigra­ tion. Leornian. To learne. Leornun&yogh;cniht. A scholer, a dis­ ciple. Leosan & forLeosan. To leese. Leoð, Leoðsan&yogh;a, Leoðfers. The songes or verses of poetes. Leoðcræft. Poetrie, the art of poetrie. Leoðcwidas. Sayinges or songes of poetes. Leoðwyrht. A poete, a maker of songes. Lesan. To reade. Lesin&yogh; & Lesnesse. Redemptio. Lestin&yogh;ea. Leðer. Leather. Leðerwyrhta. A tanner of leather. Lia. He wold his lia &YOGH;od offrian. Libban. To live. Hi woldan oððe ealle libban oððe ealle lic&yogh;ean. They would eyther all lyve other all dye. Liblac. Oblatio vivorum, ars venefica. Opinor. Lic & Lichama. The bodie of a man. Lichamlic. Bodily. &yogh;eLic. Like. Nœs n&amacron;s his &yogh;elica. &yogh;eLicnysse. Likenesse. &yogh;eLican. To please, to like. Hit me &yogh;elicað. It pleaseth me, it liketh me. Liccera. Gulosus; ut is qui se­ ducit alios. &yogh;eLiccettan. To flattre, to dis­ semble. Liccetere. An hypocrite, a flat­ terer. Liccetun&yogh;e. Flaterie, hypocrisie, dissimulation. Liccetan. To licke. Licetfeld. Lichefeld. Campus ca­ daverum, interpreted by summe. The mynster was builded & the bisshops see erected by Ceadda, Bisshop of Lindesfarn, who sent thither by Oswic, King of Northumberlande anno . Licewyrð. Acceptable. Lind. Lician. To please. See Lican. Hi &yogh;enoldon &YOGH;od lician. Licun&yogh;. Lust, pleasure. Licleoð. A buriall song, an epi­ taph. Lamentable songes sung at the buriall of men. Licmen. Qui curant funus. Licðenun&yogh;a. Exequies, funeralles. Licðrowere. A leper: leprosus. Lid monað. The month of Marche. Lidwica. Brytisshe, Hlyddan; Latin, Letania. Litle Brytayne, called also Armorica, that is in Brytisshe Ar more, upon the sea, for that it lieth on the sea wherwith it is on two sides en­ closed. Lif. Life. Lifedlic. Quicke, lively. &yogh;eLiffæstan. Vivificare; to re­ vive, to liven. "liven" antedates earliest OED citation (a1628). Lifer. Libramentum. Li&yogh;. Flame of fire. &yogh;eLi&yogh;ere. Advoutrie, unlawfull lecherie. Hyre a&yogh;ene sun heo &yogh;enam hyre to &yogh;ely&yogh;ere. Mid ðœm heo hœfd dyrn &yogh;ely&yogh;ere. Li&yogh;&yogh;an. To lie. York., to ligge. Li&yogh;ore. The river of Loyre in France. Liht. Hit liht. It lighteneth. Leht. Lind. Lihtan. To light, to give light. Lihtan & of aLihtan. To alight, as of a mans horss. Lihtesern. A candelsticke, a lan­ terne. Lilie. A lillie, flowr. Lim. A limme, member or prin­ cipall part of a mans bodie. Limmælum. In peeces one lime from another. Limenemuð. Limemuth in Kent. Lim&yogh;elea&yogh;. Lineamentum. Limin&yogh;. Litura; limming, paynt­ ing upon bookes or parchement. A kind of painting of old time moche used before printing was invented. Lim læpeo lama. Membro aut membris mutilatus. &yogh;eLimp. Chaunce, happe. &yogh;eLimpan. To happe, to chaunce. &yogh;eLimplic. By chaunce, Item, fit, apt; accidens. &YOGH;elimplic þin&yogh;a. Accidentes. Lindesfearona ea. Lindesfarne. Holy Iland by Berwicke. Lindesi&yogh;. Lindesey in Lincoln­ shire. Linetwi&yogh;. A linet; carduelis, bird. aLinnan. To cease, to linne. Linsæd. Linsede. Lio. A lion. &yogh;eLioran. Transire. Lind. Lira. The brawnes or muscles of a mans bodie. Scanclira. The calf of the legge. &yogh;eLis. Studie. Lisse. Hi &YOGH;od þancodon heora &yogh;eswinces lisse. beLisnian. To geld. beLisnod. Gelded. He that hath no demissaries. List. A list, the list or border of cloathes. Liti&yogh;. Procax. Lxend. Shining. Lind. Lið. A limme or member of a mans bodie. Liðan & toLiðan. To applie, to lay one thing close to an other. Lið. Gentle, tractable, quiet, stille, pleasant. Liðe œppla. Melowe apples. Liðlic. Gently, quietly, fayre & softly. Liðenesse. Gentlenesse. Liðebi&yogh;e. Pliable, lithie. Liðe­ b&imacron;&yogh; on limmum. &yogh;Liðian. To lighten, to make easie, tractable, gentle, To stille, quiet, appease. Liðewac. Tractable, pliable. &yogh;eLiðwæcan. Lenire. Liðewyrt. Ostriago. Liðere. A sling to sling stoanes. Loc. A locke of a doore. Locca. Lockes of heare. Also of wulle or flockes. Loca. Lo, looke, see, behold. Loc hwœt eald bið. What so ever is old. Loca hwœt þu wille. What so ever thou wilt. Locian, &yogh;eLocian & onLocian. To behold. Loca nu her hit is. Lofian. To prayse, to lofe. Lofsan&yogh;. An hymne. A song in prayse of any man. Lof&yogh;eorn. Ambitiouse, vayne gloriouse, desirouse of prayse. Lof. Prayse. Loddere. Nis se loddere mid his tœttecon min &yogh;elica. Lodrun&yogh;. Nenia. &yogh;eLo&yogh;ian. To dispose, to ordre, to sette, to place. &yogh;eLo&yogh;od. Disposed, sette, placed. Þa &yogh;ewyrtu þe synd &yogh;elo&yogh;od on lan&yogh;sumum cwidum. Þis woruld is on mycelre arfoðnysse &yogh;elo&yogh;od. Lo&yogh;eðer. Cacomicanus, marsius, lotherus, apum custos. Loidis. Leedes, in Yorkshire. Opinor. &yogh;eLoma. Tooles, instrumentes, houshold stuff. Inde heire loome. &yogh;eLome. Often. &yogh;eLomlic. Oft, often. &yogh;eLond. Conterraneus; a coun­ treyman. Londonceaster, Londonbyri&yogh;. London. Loppestre. A loppester, fisshe. Lor&yogh;. Amitis. Lor&yogh;as. An instrument of houss­ hold. Lornun&yogh;. Fluxus. Blodes lor­ nin&yogh;. Losian. To be lost; periere. To be cast away. Loswist. Losse. Lind. aLoten. Supplex, pronus; gro­ veling. Lotman. A pyrate. Lotwrencas. Deceptes, guiles craftes. Loða. Lodix, lacerna. beLucan. To locke, to enclose, to shut in, to conteyne. Lud&yogh;æt. Pseudoterus; ψουδότυρος. A posterne, a fals gate Wherof Ludgate hath his name. Lufian. To love. Lufe. Love. Lufi&yogh;endlic. Loving or lovely. Luflice. Lovingly. Lufesticce. Libestica, herb. Luftyme. Charitable. He þæt luftyme weorc &yogh;efremode. &yogh;eLu&yogh;&yogh;ian. To pulle, to hayle, to lugge. Luh. Fretum Lind. It is a lake, a logh, a mere, a little sea. Suche is Logh Loumond in Scotland, Logh Erne & Logh Eagh in Ireland. Lundla&yogh;a. The reynes of the backe, the kidneyes. Lun&yogh;ena. The lunges, the lightes. Lun&yogh;wyrt. Helleborus niger. L&umacron;s. A lowse. Lussæd. Herb, lows seede. Lust. Venus; lust, lecherie, sport. Lustas. Sportes, pleasures. Lustbære. Pleasant. Lustful. Desirouse. Lustful mare to witan. Desyrous to under­ stand more. Lustfullian. To desire, to take pleasure, to delite. Lustfulnesse. Pleasures, volup­ tuousnesse. Lustlic. Gladly, desirously. Lustsumlic. Pleasant. Swiðe fœ &yogh;ere & lustsumlic. aLutan. To bowe, to bend, to crouche. Þa en&yogh;las aluton to &YOGH;ode. Onlutan on spore. To stoupe to the tracke or view of a beast. Lutan. To lie hidde, to lowte. He on dimhofan œtlutod. Lyb & Lyblyfern. Obligamen­ tum. Lybcorn. Cartamus, herb. Lybsin. Lustramenta. Lyc&yogh;an. To meinteine. His yfelan men lyc&yogh;an. To mein­ teyne his lewd servantes. &yogh;eLyfan. To beleave. See &yogh;elea­ fan. Lyfesna. Phylacteria. Lyfer. The liver. Lyffetan. To flatter. Lyffetun&yogh;e. Flatterie. Lyffetere. A flatterer. Lyft. Ayre, the skye. Ly&yogh;ea. The river of Ley whiche runneth by Ware, Watham, Stretford of the Bowe, & Lee­ mouth into the Thamise. Ly&yogh;eraceaster. Leycester. Lynis. Axedo; apperteyning to the cart. Lynd & &yogh;eLynd. Arvina, rama, adeps; talowe, grease. Lyndcylene. Lincolne. Lyppenwyrhta. Byrseus. Lyre. Losse. aLysan. To redeeme, to raun­ some. aLysend. Our Redeemer. Crist use redemer. toLysan. To loose, to unbinde. Lystan, id est Lustan. To desire. Lyte & Lythwon. Parum; a litle, fewe. lanc., lite. L&ymacron;t. Lyti&yogh;. Procax. beLyti&yogh;an. He belyti&yogh;að ealle Crece on his &yogh;eweald. Lytle. Litle. Lytlum & lytlum. By litle & litle. Lytlin&yogh;. A child, an enfant a litle one. Lytlan. To deminisshe, make litle or lesse. Lytisna. Concedam. toLyþan. To divide. Lyðre. Noughtie; poltron. Ma. Mo. Ma ðin&yogh;a. Moo thinges. Item, rayther. Þe he ma ham­ weard for þonne len&yogh; þœr bide. Macan & Macian. To make. Maca. A compagnon, an æquall, a make. Maccalic. Oportunus. Lind. &yogh;eMad & &yogh;eMæd. A foole, a madde man. Madmas. Juelles. Madmeh&umacron;s. Juel house, treasure houss. Mæcca & Maca. A compagnon, æquall, make. Mæced. Mactus. &yogh;eMæd. Madde, foolisshe. Mæd. A meade, a medowe. Mædmonað. Julie. Mæden. A mayde, a mayden, a virgin. Mædenman. A virgin. Se hœ lend &yogh;eceas him mœdenman to meder. Mæde. Reward. Mædfull. Thankfull, kinde. Mæ&yogh;. A cousin, a kinsman. Mæ&yogh;bot. Emenda pro morte cog­ nati vel amici. Mæ&yogh;burh. Kinred. Mæ&yogh;myrðra. A parricide, he that killeth his kinsmen. Mæ&yogh;. Can. Ic mœ&yogh;. I can or may. Þu miht. He mœ&yogh;. Þis ne mœ&yogh; naht. This is of no force. Mæ&yogh;en. Vertue. Mæ&yogh;enðrymme. Might, majestie. Mæ&yogh;ere&yogh;ean. Macerare; to make leane or mægre. Mæ&yogh;land. Milane in Lumbardie. Mæ&yogh;ð. A countrey, nation, a stocke, a kinrede. Mæ&yogh;ðh&amacron;d. Mayden head, vir­ ginitie. Mæ&yogh;ðrym. Honour, nobilitie, glorie, majestie. Mæ&yogh;wlita. Species. Mæl. Crosse. Cristes mœl. Mæle. A meale, a repast. Ær mœle hine &yogh;ereordian. Mælsceafa. Eruca; canker woorm. Mælum. Dœlmœlum. By partes. Sticmœlum. By patches. Stundmœlum. By times. Byt­ mœlum. By morselles. Ða mœlsan. The less parte. Mænað. Perjurie. Mœn að swerian. To forsweare. lanc., to sweare his man. Mænan. Dolere, conquærere. Lind. To mone. &yogh;eMæn. Compagnie, trafficke, re­ sort togither. &yogh;eMænscip. Compagnie. Mæni&yogh;. Many. Mæni&yogh;u & Mæniu. A multitude. Mæni&yogh;feald. Manifold. Mæn&yogh;an. To mixt, to mingle. &yogh;eMæn&yogh;ed. Mixt. &yogh;eMæn&yogh;ednesse. Mixture. Mæntel. A cloake, a mantle. Mære. Great, famouse, notable. Mærnesse. Greatnesse. &yogh;eMærsan & Mærsian. To mag­ nifie, to celebrate, to glorifie. Mærsun&yogh;. Fame, glorie. &yogh;eMæra. Meares, boundes or limites of land. Mærð. Greatnesse, power, ma­ jestie, glorie. Mæscre. A spotte, a blotte. Mæslenn. Æs; coper, mastline. Lind. Mæsse. Masse. Mæsðe&yogh;n. A masse preest. Mæssedæ&yogh;. A holy day. Mæsspreost. Sacrificus. Mæst. A mast of a shippe. Mæsta. The cheefe, the greatest. Mæst. Mast for twine. &yogh;eMæst. Fatted, fedde. Amœsted & &yogh;emœsted, idem. &yogh;eMæstfu&yogh;las. Foules that be fedde. Mæstlen. Mastlin, copper, Mæstlun&yogh;smið. A coppersmith. Mæssehacele. Capsula; a coape. Mætte. Hi synd micele mœttran þonne nytenu. beMætan. Swa swiðe forsla&yogh;an þe hi hy to nanum anweald ne bemœtan. Mæwe. A mewe, bird. As a semewe. Mæð. Mawing, math. Mæðe. Dignitie, degree, estate, measure, habilitie. Mæðful. Humanus. &yogh;eMæðrian. To honour. Mæðelan. To make an oration, to pleade. Mæðelern. The place of pleading, the court, the parlement houss. Mæðelere. Concionator; a plead­ er, an oratour. Mæðian. To measure, esteme, use gently. Mæðlic. Courteously, gently. Mæðful. Humanus; gentle, courteously. Maffa. Omentum. Ma&yogh;a. The mawe or stomacke of a man. Ma&yogh;a & unma&yogh;a. Potens & im­ potens. Ma&yogh;eect. Macta, morota. Ma&yogh;oðe. Optalmon. &yogh;eMa&yogh;nesse & &yogh;eMa&yogh;dnesse & &yogh;e­ Mahnesse. Instantnesse, obsti­ natnesse. Soðlic &yogh;emahnesse is &YOGH;od &yogh;ecweme þeah ðe heo man­ num unðancworðe sy. &yogh;eMah. Froward, obstinate, con­ stant; pertinax. Standam mid &yogh;emahlicum wopum on&yogh;ean ðœm sweord. Maid & Maiden. A mayden. Lind. Maiwe. Camomile, herb. Mal. Macula, clasma. Mala. Se Formæl. Malscrun&yogh;. Fascinatus; be­ witched. Mamerun&yogh;. Sleaping. M&amacron;n & Mana. Noughtinesse, wickednesse, a wicked deede. Þa heofonlican tun&yogh;el þæt m&amacron;n & þæt morðor seon noldon. Man að. Perjurie. Man að swerian. To forsweare. Lanc., to sweare his man. Þa aðas wœron near mane þonne soð. Mæn. Franc. Manbot. Compensatio. emen­ datio pro morte hominis. Mancyn. Mankinde. Mancus. Quasi manu cusa. A marke, a peece of money con­ teyning 30 pence or two shil­ lings six pence, whiche cumeth all to one. Fif penin&yogh;as &yogh;emac­ iað œnne scyllin&yogh; & þritti&yogh; penin&yogh;as œnne mancus. Al­ frici Grammat., in fine. The Saxons used the worde mearc also. Consider therfore if they be one. Foedus Alfred et Guthrun, cap. 3 & 4.4. Mand. A coffin, a basket, a maund. Mandæda. Wiccked deedes, syn­ ful deedes, heynouse offences. Manful. Wicked, noughtie, hey­ nouse, abhominable. Man&yogh;ian. To bie & selle, to traffike. Man&yogh;ere. A marchaunt. He that byeth to selle agayne. Wherof we say fisshemungers, apple­ mungers, ironmungers. aManian. To order. Mid riht amani&yogh;e. He ruleth by justice. Inde: Manun&yogh;e or Monun&yogh;e. Ditio, diœcesis. Mansla&yogh;a. A manqueller, a mur­ therer. Manslyht. Manslaughter. Manslon&yogh;. The stature of a man. Manswearan. To forsweare, to perjure. Manswora. A forsworn man, a perjured person. Manswica. A deceaveour, a tray­ tour. Manun&yogh;. Gafoles manun&yogh;. Ex­ action. Manðwære. Tame. Mapuldor. A maple tree. Marmstan & Marmanstan. Mar­ ble. Maroara. Moravia, of Germanie. Mare. Great, bigge, more. &yogh;eMarsian. To extolle, to cele­ brate. Se hlisa wide &yogh;emarsod. Massere. A marchaunt. Textus Roffensis. Mattuc. A mattocke. Maðelan. To make an oration, to pleade. Maðelærn. A place of pleading, a court, a parlement houss. Maðelere. An oratour, a pleader. Maðma. Juelles, ornamentes. Maðmhus. A juelle houss, a treasure houss. Maðu. Cymex. A kinde of stink­ ing woorme that biteth men in their beddes as fleas doo. We have presently none of them in Englonde & therfore they have none Englisshe name. The French calleth them punais, the Italians cimci. A mathe we have but that is of a lesse kynde. Mea&yogh;olnesse. Þancian Dryhtne mid ealre heortan mea&yogh;olnesse. Mealewe. Meale. Mealt Malt, werof ale is made. Mearc. A marke, a signe. See Mancus, before. Mearcun&yogh;. Marking. Mearcan & Mearcian. To marke. Mearisen. A marking yron. Meard. Merces. Lind. Reward. Mear&yogh; & Mearh. Marie; medulla. Mearhhæccel. A certayne kinde of pudding made with marie. Mearwa. Hnesce swa swa mear­ wan c&imacron;ld. &yogh;eMærra manna. Homo nequam, flagitiosus. Mearð. Furuncus & feruncus; a martyron. Opinor. Mearðesfell. Martrons skinnes. Meatte. A matte of mattresse. Mec Me. Lind. Mece. Machæra. Mecefisc. Mugil. Med. Reward. Med&yogh;ylda. Mercenarius; a hired man. He that serveth for re­ warde. Medfeoh, Medsceat. A bribe, a reward. &yogh;eMedemian. Dignari, Ic mede­ mi&yogh;e þe to ðœm þin&yogh;. Dignor te illa re. To measure. Medme. Meane, middlemost; mediocris. Medemlic. Mediocriter. Medeshamsted. Peterborough. &yogh;eMedred. On the mother side. Broðor &yogh;emedred, na &yogh;efœdred. Medsædða. Medu. Methe, mede drinke. Ne bið ðœr nœni&yogh; ealo &yogh;ebrowen mid Estum ac þœr bið medo &yogh;enoh. Theare is none ale brewed with yest, but theare is mede inioughe. It seameth to be fetched from the Greke μεθη which signifieth dronkennesse, for it is a strong, heady drinke. Me&yogh;wlit. Aspectus; countenance. Lind. Me&yogh;wliti&yogh;od. Transfiguratus. Meh. To me. Lind. Melcan. To milke. Melce. Giving milke. lanc., melche. Mele. A basin, can, or suche other vessell. Meldan & aMeldian. To betraye, to bewraye, discloase; prodere. Meldun&yogh;. Bewraying. aMeldo. Uttered, discoursed, bewrayed. Melda. A traytour, &YOGH;e synd meldan & mansla&yogh;an. Meldfeoh. Leg In. 17 cap. Melu. Meale; farina. &yogh;eMencedæ&yogh;. Ocastrum. &yogh;eMen&yogh;ian. To mingle, to con­ found. &yogh;eMen&yogh;ed. &yogh;eMen&yogh;un&yogh;e. Confusion, mixture. Men&yogh;io & Meniu, Meni&yogh;o. A meanye, a multitude. Meni&yogh;. Manye. Meni&yogh;fyld. Manyfold. Meni&yogh;fildan. To multiplie. Menitywe, Meni&yogh;tywe. Subtile, wittie. Menui, see Men&yogh;io. Mennen. A mayde servant. Mennisc. Humayne & maankinde. Ealle mennisc. Menniscnescnesse. Humanitie, mannes nature. Meo. Pedula; a kinde of shoo. Meoduma. Insabula; a wevers toole. Meo&yogh;olnesse. Þancian Drihtne mid ealre heortan meo&yogh;olnysse. Meodowyrt. Herb; herba pra­ tensis. Meolowe. Meale. Þritti&yogh; mittan clœnes meolowes & syxti&yogh; mit­ tan oðres. Meon. Pedulæ a kinde of shooes or slippers. Meos. Mosse. Meotedisc fenn. Meotis palus. Meox. Dung. Meotod. Se meotodan Dryhtnes e&yogh;san. Se meotod Drhyten. Merce. A piaster; apium, mer­ curialis. Meric. Lind. Mere. A lake, a poole, a mere. Mere&yogh;r&omacron;t. A perle. Meremennenu. Syrenes, mere­ maydens. Merenæddre. A lampraye. Mereswin. A dolphin. Meri&yogh;en. Morning. Mersc. Calmetum. Merscmealwe. Marshe malowe; hibiscum. &yogh;eMet. Measure. &yogh;Metan. To meate, to measure. &yogh;eMetfatu. Measures, measure vesselles. Metrap. A roape or cord to mea­ sure with. &yogh;Metan. To finde or meete. &yogh;eMetin&yogh;. Conventus; a meting. Inde &yogh;eMot. Metan. To paynte. Metun&yogh;. Paynting. Metere. A paynter. Mete. Meate; cibus. Cocormete, ponmete, wyrtmete & hwitmete. Metebæli&yogh;. A walet, a scrippe. Metelæst. Hunger, lacke of meate. &yogh;eMeti&yogh;ian. To moderate. &yogh;eMete&yogh;un&yogh;e. Temperance. Metefisc. Metere. A paynter. Meterwyrhta. A rimer, a maker of rimes. &yogh;eMetfatu. Measures, measuring vesselles. Metrap. A corde to meate with. Metseax. A knife, a meat knife. Metsun&yogh;e. Victus. Gafol & metsun&yogh;e. Money and meate. Mettoc. A mattoc. Meði&yogh;. Wearie. Þa þe to l&amacron;f wœron to ðœm meði&yogh; wœron þæt hi ne mihton forðfarenan byr&yogh;ean. Hi hine meði&yogh;ne on cnewum sittend metton. Meðne. Fessum. Mexfæt. A vessel to brue in. The mashinge tubbe. Mexscofle. The bruers shovel. Micel. Great. Micelnesse. Greatnesse. Micelan. To growe, to waxe great. Micellic. Magnificum. Miclum. Nimium. Micelmeniu. A great meany, a great compagnie. Mic&yogh;ern. Exugia. Mid. With. Mid cild. With child. Mið. Lind. Midd. A busshell, a measure. Middaneorð, Middan eard. This world, the earth; orbis ter­ rarum. Middle earth. Middæ&yogh;. Noone, midday. Miderce. A chest. Middelfin&yogh;er. The long finger. Midlan Þæt fœsten &yogh;emidlað þa leahtras. Midla. Mid isenum midlum &yogh;e­ wyldan. Midlen. The middelmost. Midhyrðne. Omentum; the midrith. Midwedde. Dower. Midwinter. Christenmasse. Mid­ wintres mœssede&yogh;. Midwintor monað. December. Midwist. Conscientia. Mi&yogh;an. To make water, to pisse. Miht. Vertue, might. Mihti&yogh;. Mightie. Mille. Dust. Mil. Milium; a kind of corne. Mild. Gentle, milde. Mildheort. Gentle, mercifull. Mildheortnesse. Gentlenesse, mercifulnesse. Mildeawe. Mildewe. Milsc. Melowe. Milsc œppla. Milescian. To waxe gentle, to waxe melowe. &yogh;eMilscad win. Melicratum. &yogh;eMilscad wœter. Mulsum. Milt. The splene. Miltse. Mercie. Miltsian. To have merci. Miltsa me &YOGH;od. Ic mildsi&yogh;e þe. &yogh;eMind. Remembrance. &yogh;eMindi&yogh;. Memor; remembring. Minta. Mintes, herb. Mis. Wrong, amisse. In com­ position: miswritan, miscwœd­ an, etc. Misfaran. To go wrong. Misdœd. A misdeede. Misbyrd. Abortus. Miscalfan. Aboriri. Mislic. Divers, sundrie. Mist. A mist. Me mistað min ea&yogh;an. Mistel. Ocimum. Misðen. Degenerare. Misðah. Degeneravit. Mitta. Measures. Salomones bi&yogh; leofa wœs œlc dœ&yogh; þritti&yogh; mit­ tan clœnes mealowes. Mittan. Bata, chori. Mixen. A dunghill, a jakes. Miðan & beMiðan. To hide, to dissemble. Mod. Mind, courage. Lanc., moode. Modes heannesse. Ex­ tasis. Modi&yogh;. Stout, couragiouse. Lanc., moodie. Modi&yogh;nysse. Stoutnesse, courage, pride. Modi&yogh;an. To be stout, couragi­ ouse, angrie, disdaynfull, proude. Modor. Mother. Modric & Modri&yogh;. An aunt by the mothers side; mothers sister. Modstaðol. Constant of mynde. Modþwær. Patient. Modðwærnysse. Patience. Mohð. A moth. Molcen. Lac coagulatum. Mold. Mold; humus. aMolsnian. Yld formolsniað þa ea&yogh;an. Þæt lic to dust formols­ nod. Mole&yogh;n. Calmum. Mona. The mona. Mon. A man. Mon is used very many times in impersonal speaking wheras we use it It is sayd. Mon sœ&yogh;ð. It is judged. Mon demað. The towne whiche is called London. Þa byri&yogh; þe mon hatað London. The Frenche tongue hath the like: on dit, on appelle, etc. Mona. The moone. Monað. A month; annus lunaris. The names of the monthe of the yeare in Englisshe be these: Se forma monað Januarie; Sol­ monað, Februarie; Hlydmonað Marche; Eastermonað, April; Maius monað, May; Seremonað or Midsumor monað, June; Medemonað, Julie; Weod­ monað, August; Hali&yogh;monað or Hœrfestmonað, Septem; Se teoða monað, October; Blot­ monað, November; Midwinter monað, December. Otherwise thus: Guile, Yewl or Januarie; Solmonað, Februarie; Redh­ monaþ Marche; Foster­ monað, April; Trimulci, May; Lyde, June; Hlyde, Julie; Weodmonaþ August; Hali&yogh;monaþ September; Win­ terfilleþ October; Bloðmonaþ November; Guili. Decembber. Ex. Chron. Roffensi. Monað adl & Monað bl&omacron;d. Men­ struum; womens ordinarie dis­ ease. Monaðseoc. Idem. Monandæ&yogh;. Mondaye. Mond. A maunde, a basket. Lind. Monun&yogh;e. Homagium, nunc manred. Opinor. More. A moore, a hilly & wild place. Wild moras. Mor. A hill or mountayne. Lind. Morlond. A hilly contrey. Lind. Mor&yogh;endæ&yogh;un&yogh;e. Dawning of the daye. Mor&yogh;an&yogh;ifu. Dos; dower. Leg. Canut. Morsceaðe. Latro. Lind. A murtherer, he that robbeth & killeth. Mortere. A mortare. Morð, Morðorsla&yogh;e. Murther. Lind. M&omacron;t. Atomus; a mote, as a mote in the sunne. Lind. Mot. May. Ic mot. I may; mihi licet. We moton. We may; nobis licet. Þu mostest. Tibi licuit. &yogh;eMot, id est &yogh;eMetun&yogh;. Of &yogh;e Metan, to meete. A meeting, parlement, assemblie, a court. Cwœðan &yogh;emot. To bidde parlement. &yogh;eMotman. A speaker in parle­ ment, a parlement man; an ad­ vocate. &yogh;eMotern & &yogh;eMostowe. Parle­ ment house, courthouse. The place where matters are pleaded & &yogh;eMotheal. In many places is yet called the moote halle, thereof the word moote and mooting. Moðfen&yogh;. Colossus. Moð. A motth that eateth cloathes. Muc&yogh;. A mowe of corne. Lan., a mough. Mu&yogh;wyrt. Herb. Mul. A mule. Mulhyrd. A muletier, a mule keeper. Mund. Peace, suretie. Mundan. To pacifie, to assure, to be intercessour for, to be a mans advocate or suretie. Mildheortnesse mundað us on ðœm myclan dome. Se þe þe mundað swa þin fœder, he bið swylc he þin heafod sy. Mundbora. An advocate, a pa­ trone, an intercessour, a suretie, a mediatour, a peacemaker. Mundbyrd. Intercession, patron­ age, defence, suretiship. Mundbryc. Fractio pacis. Munan. To remember. Ic &yogh;e­ mund. I remembered. Mundlan. Vescada. Mundleowe. Peluis. Munt. A hille, a mount. Munt Iofes clifu. Alpes. Munuc. A munke. Munuch&amacron;d. The order of munkes. Munuc l&imacron;f An abbaye. On ðœm munuc life þe is Lindesfearona &yogh;ehet. Murbeam. Morus; a mulbery tree. Murberian. Mulberies. Murcnian. To complayne, mur­ mure, mourne. Mur&yogh;nun&yogh;. Complaint, murmur­ ing, mourning. Murnan. To mourne. M&umacron;s. A mouss. Muscell. A muscle. Musfealle. A moustrappe. Musfealu. Myrteus, colour, Mous colour. Mushafuc. A suckwind, a stan­ gall, a hobbie. Must. Sweete wine. Muwa. A heape, a mowe. Muxle. A muscle. Muð. A mouth. Item, the mouth of a river, wherof many townes be named whiche stand at the mouth of rivers, as Dertmuð, Tinmuð, Plymmuð, Limenmuð. Muðadl. Canker in the mouth. Muðcoðu. Oscedo; falling of the jawes. Myc&yogh;. A gnatte. Lanc., a midge. Mycle, Mycel. Great. Mycelnesse. Greatnesse, quan­ titie. Myclian. To augment, to in­ crease. Myld, id est Mild. Gentle. beMyldan. To burie; inhumari. To bemold or laye in the moldes. Mylen & Myln. A mille. Lanc., a milne. The most used woord was cweorn. Mylweard. A miller. Mylenstan. A milstone. Myltan, forMyltan. To melt; fundere & liquescere. Myltend. Madens. Myltestreona. A whoore, a hor­ lot. So called for that she melteth a mannes thrift, money & gayne. Myltestreona hus. A bordelhouss, a houss of baudrie. Myltse. Mercie. Myltsian. To have mercie or compassion. Myna. The mon. &yogh;eMynd. Memorie, remembrance. Gemynd benimun&yogh;. Lethargie. &yogh;eMyndi&yogh;. Memor; remembring. &yogh;eMynan. To remember. &yogh;eMyndleas. Forgetfull, fool­ isshe. Mynd&yogh;i&yogh;an. To put one in re­ membrance of a thinge. Myna. A coler, juelle, or brace­ let. Mynas. Murenulæ. &yogh;eMynan. To remember. Item, to meane or purpose. He hœfd &yogh;emynt þæt temple to arœ­ ran. Item, to persuade. Mynecenu. Nunnes, minchons. Myne&yogh;ian. To admonisshe, to putte in remembrance. Ic my­ ne&yogh;i&yogh;e & myn&yogh;i&yogh;e. Pret., Ic &yogh;emund. Myne&yogh;un&yogh;. Admonition. Mynescyllin&yogh;as. Lunules. Mynet. Coyne, money. Mynetian. To coyne. Mynetere. A coyner. Myra. A pisse mere. A Saxon was herof surnamed Myran­ heafod, inde caput formicæ. Asser, fol. 40. Myre. A mare. Myri&yogh;e. Mery, pleasant, joyfull. Myrð. Joye. Myrcnaric & Myrceneland. The Merce or kingdome of the Merce whiche conteyned all that part of England which lieth betwixt the rivers of Tamise on the south & Humber & Mersey towards the North. aMyrran. To marre & destroye. Myrwe. Tener. Myrð. Joye, mirth. Myrðran. To murther. Myrðre. A murtherer. Sylf­ myrðe. Felo de se. Myse. A table; mensa. A boord to eate meate on. Also a dishe or messe. Her is þœs lœswan hand myd me on mysan. Here is the betrayers hand with me at the table. Myx. Dung, mucke; stercus. Inde mixen, the doung heape. Na. Not. His pleoh, na m&imacron;n. Nacod. Naked. Nacodnysse. Nædl. A needle. Mæddre. An adder, a snake. Næfebor. A wimble, a nawgar. Næfre. Never. Næ&yogh;l. A nayle of iron. Item, unguis; the nayle of the finger. Hearp nœ&yogh;l. The pinne of a harpe. Næ&yogh;lan. To nayle. Na elles. None other wise. Næpe & En&yogh;liscnæpe. Napis, herb. Nafo&yogh;ar & Nafe&yogh;ar. A wimble or nawgar. Nafa. The nafe of a wheole. Naht & Nowiht & Noht. Not, nothing. Ne mœ&yogh; naht. It is of no force. Nama. A name. Fulwiht name. The proper or Christen name. Naman. To name. Nameleas. Namelesse, without name. Namcuð. Famouse, wel knowen. N&amacron;n. Non. N&amacron;n þin&yogh;. Nothing. N&amacron;n man. No man, no bodie. On n&amacron;n wisan. By no means. Nan ðin&yogh; &yogh;earlices. No thing at all. Lanc., no yearlisshe thing. Nanuht. Nothing. &YOGH;e nanuht habbað fœstes. Nase. Nose. Nat ic. I knowe not, I wotte not. Nateshwon. Haudquaquam; in no wise, not at all. Nawern. No where. Naðagyt. Not yet. Naðeles. Neverthelesse. Naðor. Neyther. Neadan. To constrayne, com­ pelle, or force. To neede. Neadhead. Force, constraynt, violence. Neadun&yogh;, idem. Neadneman. To take by force or violence. To extort. Neadwise. Due; necessari. Neah. Nye, nere. Neahhand. Almost, wel nere. Neah&yogh;ebure. A neybour. &yogh;eNealæcan. To approache, to cumme nere. Neamæ&yogh;. A cousin, a nere kins­ man. Near. Nerer. Nearewe. Narowe, strayt. Nearewnysse. Narownesse, straytnesse. Item, angustie, miserie, vexation, sorowe. &yogh;eNeat. Cononus inquilinus, parsitus. Neat. Animal, note. Neawest. Nerenesse, presence. Hi slo&yogh;on ealle þa menn þe hiom on neawest wœron. Neb. Face, nose. Neb wið neb. Face to face. Nebwlite. Countinance, comli­ nesse, or fayrenesse of face. Ned. Bread. Corsned. Con­ secrated, conjured or cursed bread whiche was wont to be given to suche as being accused would not confesse their faut. Nedlin&yogh; & Neadlin&yogh;. A bondman, a slave, a drudge. Nefa. A nevewe. Neh. Nigh, nere. Neh&yogh;ebure & Nehtbure. A ney­ bour. Nehsibbe. Nere of kinne. Nellan. To nille, to will not or be unwilling. Nelle ic. Þu nelt. He nele. We nellað. Pret., Ic nolde. Nemnan. To name. &yogh;eNemnad. Named. Neod. Neede, necessitie. Item, constraryne, force, compulsion. Neodhad, idem. Me is neod. Necesse est mihi. Mare þonne his lichoman neod sy. More than is necessarie for his bodie. Neodbehefe & Neodþearf. Neces­ sarie. Neodþeorflic. Necessarily. Neodhyrde, or nyggarde as we calle it. He that layeth up for feare of nede. Neorxnawan&yogh;. Paradise, a place between heaven and earth, 40 fadomes higher than Noes floud swelled, of which thear is a fond description in Ælfric, thabbot. Opere Sermonum, fol. 160. &yogh;eNeosian. To visite. &yogh;eNeosun&yogh;. Visitation. Neowelnesse Abissus; the depth or pite or helle. Hell&yogh;rundas. Neoðweard. Downeward, the lowermost partes belowe. &yogh;eNeran. To deliver, to redeme, absolve. &yogh;Nerod. Delivered. &yogh;eN&emacron;r. Deliverie. He wold him summe &yogh;en&emacron;r secan. Ner. Neare; prope. Nese. A nose. Item, it signifieth a promontorie, a cape, wherof many places by the sea side have their name: Wœternese, Ful­ nese, Sce&yogh;nese, Eastunnese, etc. Nese. No. A woord of deniing. Lind. Nest. A nest. ὁ νεοσσιὰ Nestpoha. Pera. Netle. A nettle. Nette. A nette. Neðersi&yogh;e. Going downe. Þœs sunnes neðersi&yogh;e. Next. Next. Nic. No, may, not. Not I. Properly, Nicc ic. Not I. &yogh;eNided. Constrayned, compelled. Ni&yogh;on. Neene. Ni&yogh;ontyn. 19. Hundni&yogh;onti&yogh;. 90 Niht. Night. Nœt. Lind. Niht&yogh;en&yogh;. Hiena. Niht&yogh;ale. A nightingale, bird. Niht&yogh;ild. Nictilia. Nihræfn. The night raven, the night crowe. Nihtsan&yogh;. Completorium; the complin after evensong. &yogh;eNihtsum. Plentifull. &yogh;Nihtumnesse. Plentie. &yogh;eNihtsumian. To suffice, to be plentifulle. Nimman. To take. beNimman. To deprive, to take from. Nimðe wen wære. Ni forsan. If peradventure, except peradven­ ture. Niole & Niwol. Cernua. Hnifol­ crumb. Nioðan. Byneathe, bilowe. &yogh;eNipa. Nubes. Nirwða. Ergastula. Nis. Is not. Nis n&amacron;n. There is none. Nis hit swa. It is not so. Niwan. Lately, of late. Niwelnesse. Depth; abissus. Niðe. Contention, strife. Mid w&imacron;flic niðe wœs feohtend. Ne miht se nið betweox heom &yogh;e­ lic&yogh;ean. Item, envie. Niðefull. Contentiouse, enviouse. Niðer. Downe. &yogh;eNiðran. To deject, cast downe, pulle downe. Item, to con­ demne. &yogh;eNiðerod. Condemned. Norðmen. Men of Norway; Nor­ mans, for all be one people. Nomboc. A catalogue or bederoll of names of men or a boke or registre conteyning the names of men. Non. Noone; hora nona. Þæt neo&yogh;oða t&imacron;d þœs dœ&yogh;es. The ninth houre of the daye whiche was at 3 a clocke at after noone. Nonmete. A meale or bever at that time. Howbeit of later dayes, noone is middaye & Non­ mete diner. Nonsan&yogh;. An ordinarie sevise in the churche at that houre. Norð. North. Norðdæle. The north part, the north coast. Norðmen. Normans or men of Norwaye. Norðanhymbra ric. The kingdome of Northumberland whiche, con­ teyning in it a coople of king­ domes, Beornicaric & Deoraric, stretched from the rivers of Humber & Mersey in the south to the Scottisshe sea north. Nosu. The nose. Noseðyrlas. The nosethirles. Nostle. Ansa. Nostlena. Vittarum. N&omacron;t. Opus, usus. Use or usage or occupiing of a thing. Notian. To use, to occupie, lanc., to note. Not&yogh;eorn. Diligent. Notwritere. A notarie. Nu & Nu&yogh;u. Nowe. Nu&yogh;el&amacron; & Nul&amacron;. On go to, now go to. A word of exhorta­ tion. Now lawe! beNumen. Deprived. Numestan. Chalke. Numol. Receaving, catching, readie to receave a taker. Nunne. A nunne. Nuteheð. Herb. Nyd. Constrant, compulsion, ne­ cessitie, neede. Nydbehef & Nydþearf. Neces­ sarie. Nydan & forNydan. To compelle, to constrayne. Nydlin&yogh;. A bondman, a slave. Nydneman. To extort, to take by force. Item, to ravisshe. Leg. Inæ Nydhæmed. Rape, force, ravissh­ ing or taking a woman by force. Ny&yogh;on. Neene. Ny&yogh;ontyn. 19. Hundny&yogh;onti&yogh;. 90. Ni&yogh;oða. The neenth. Nyr. Neare; prope. &yogh;eNyrwan. To make strayt or narowe. To strayten. Nyt & Nytnesse & Nitte. Profit, commoditie, aide. Nytt. Profitable. Nytwyrð, idem. Nytwyrðlic. Profitably. Nytan. Not to knowe. To be ignorant. Nyten & Nytennysse. Ignorance. Nytend. Ignorant, not knowing. Nytendlic. Ignorantly. Nytene. A beast, a brute beast. Neate or note, as the northren men say. Nyð. Noughtinesse, contention, envie. Nyðan. From bineath. Wið nyðan. Byneathe. Nyðmest. The nethermost, the lowest. Nyðer. Downeward. Nyðer alœtan. To submitte. Odene A certayne houss of office about husbandrie. Scipene & odene. On odene cylne macian. I suppose it to be the kytchen. Oest. Gratia. Of. Of, from. Crist of deað ar&amacron;s. Ofæt. Sume hi leofodon be ofœt & wyrtum. Ofdruncnian. To be drunke. Ofer. Over. Ofer Eastran. At after Easter. Ofer n&omacron;n. At after noone. In composition for the most part it signifieth ex­ cesse. He oferbad. He over­ lyved. Oferæt. Glotonie, to moche eating. Oferflowennesse. Superfluitie. Ofer & Ofor & Ofre. A margent of a booke or a border of any thing. Oferæt. Glotonie. surfait. Oferetol. A glouton. Oferbrowa. The eyebrowes; su­ percilia. Ofercuman. To overcumme. Ofercymene. Overcomme or astonied. Ofereac. The supperfluitie, the rest. Oferfaran. To passe over. Oferfare. Passage. Oferfere. Passable. Oferfen&yogh;. A claspe or buckle. Oferfylle. Gloutonie, surfayt. Oferflowennysse. Superfluitie. Ofer&yogh;eweorc. A curiouse or costly tomb. Ofer&yogh;eotan. To besprinkle, to water. Ofer&yogh;ytan. To overtake. Oferho&yogh;an. To contemne, to dis­ pise. Oferho&yogh;a. Contemptuouse, a des­ piser. Oferhydi&yogh;. Prowde, arrogant, presumtuouse, haultie. Oferhy&yogh;d & Oferhy&yogh;ðo. Pride, presumption, arrogance. Oferhyrnysse. Contumacia; disobedience, transgression. Oferhryned. Ruined. Oferlede. Overlayde. Mid œte oferlede. Ofermete. Arrogant, presumptu­ ouse. Ofermetto. Arrogance, presump­ tion. Ofermodi&yogh;nysse. Pride, haulti­ nesse, arrogance. Ofermodi&yogh;. Prowde, arrogant. Ofermycle. Immensus; to great, exceeding great. Ofersewennysse. Contempt, de­ spite, negligence. Oferslope. Stola. Oferspræce. A babler, a prayter. Oferstælan. To convince, to proove. Leasun&yogh;e mid soðfœst­ nysse oferstœlan. To convince lyes by truethe. Ofersti&yogh;an. To excede, to excelle. Oferswiðan. To overcumme. Oferyld. Decrepita ætas, extre­ mum, senium. Oferwennysse. Presumption, pride, arrogance, overween­ inge. Oferwreon & Oferwry&yogh;an. To cover, to lappe. Oferwinnan. To overcumme, to subdue. Oferwry&yogh;els. A coover or cover­ ing. Ofest. Hast. Ofestlic. Hastily. Ofestan. To hasten or make hast. Ofet. Fraga. Of&yogh;&amacron;n. Of&yogh;&amacron;n. To offer. Offrun&yogh;. An offring. Offyllan, vide Fyllan. Ofhreowsian. To be sori for, to rewe, to have pitie of. Me ofhreowð þissere meniu. Mi­ seret me populi huius. Oflican. To displease, mislike. Hit oflicad me þearl. Oflyst. He wœs oflyst þoes Hœ­ lendes tocumes. Ofn & Ofen. An oven or furnace. Ofor or Ofre. A margent of a booke, a border of any thing. Ofread. Purple. Ofsceaman. To be ashamed of. Ofsittan. To oppresse. Ofset. Oppressed. Mid mycelum byse&yogh;um ofset. Ofset mid un­ trumnysse. Busied, occupied; distractus; impeditus. Ofsetnysse. Oppression. Ofsceotan. To hit or kille with an arowe. Ninus wœs ofsceoten mid anre fl&amacron;n. Ofspyran. To reveale, to finde out by inquisition. Ofslean. To kille, to slea. Ofsprun&yogh;. Ofspring, issue, pos­ teritie. Ofstin&yogh;an. To thrust thorough, to sticke. He ofstan&yogh; hine sylfne. Oft & &yogh;elome. Oftentimes. Oftorfan & Ofweorpan. To stone, to kill with stones. Hi oftorf­ odon Stephanum mid stanum. Pyrrhus wœs mid stanum of­ worpen. Ofðencan. To repent. Me of­ ðincð. I repent me. Ofðrosmian. Suffocare. Ofðryccan. To oppresse, to leane upon. Ofðriccednesse. Oppression. Ofðrycce. Thrust, preasse of people. O&yogh;a. Feare. O&yogh;en&yogh;le. Obex. Ohyld. Healding, hanging. Ohter. Reproache. Ohwær. Any where. Olæcan. To flatter. Olæcun&yogh;. Flatterie. Olfend. An elefant. Oll. Hi on oll & on edwit bis­ morlic be ðœm Hœlend sprœcon. Olðon&yogh;. A lachet. Om. Erugo. Om & moððan. Oman. Ignisacrum. Onbitan. To taste of or byte of. Ombore. Urceus. Lind. Ompre. Cocilius, varix. Onbeclin&yogh;. Back ward, backe. Hi onbeclin&yogh; feollon. Onbestælan. To steale upon a man before he be ware. Onbu&yogh;an. To obeye. Onbryrdan. To enspire, to insti­ gate. Onbryrdnysse. Inspiration. Onbyr&yogh;an. To taste, to take taste, to eate of. Oncunnan. Compellare; to charge a man. Ondettan. To confesse. Ondetnysse. Confession. Ondlifene. Living, livelyhoode, wages, meate & drinke. Ondo. Tremor. Ondryfenlic. Terrible. Ondspyrnysse. Scandalum. Ondwyrd. Præsent. Onettan. To go. Wið min onette. Onette. Occupavit. &yogh;eOnnet. Prœoccupetum. On&yogh;a. Aquilium. On&yogh;ean. Agaynst, agayne. On&yogh;eanstandan. To withstand, to lette. On&yogh;eancyrran. To returne, to turne agayne. On&yogh;eanfæran, idem. On&yogh;eanfær. Returne. On&yogh;eanryne. Recourse. On&yogh;innan. To beginne. On&yogh;seta. Cronculus, frunculus quasi furunculus, pastula. Onhyldan. Inclinare. Onhyld þin eare. Inclina aurem. Onho&yogh;ian. Onhreosan. To runne upon, to assault fiersly. Onhræse. Impetus. Onlihtan. To lighten, to illumi­ nate, to give light. Onlocian. To behold, to look on. Onman&yogh;. In the meane season. Onsæc&yogh;an. To woorshippe. Hi heora &yogh;odum onsœ&yogh;don. Onsæ&yogh;dnesse. Cerimonies, mis­ teries. Onsa&yogh;a. Report. Onscyte. Invasion. Trymmin&yogh; wið œlces yfeles onscyte. Onscunian. To avoyde, to ab­ horre. Onsione. Facies. Lind. Onsundron. Separatly. Onteon. To take upon a man. Se him wœs onteonde ealdor­ dom ofer þa oðre. Ontendan. To kyndle, to sette on fire. Ontyndnysse. Burning, inflam­ mation. Onwald. Dominion, rule, author­ itie. Onwalh. Integer. Onwealhnysse. Integritas, hostia. Onwry&yogh;an. To reveale, to dis­ cover. Onwreah, pret. Onwry&yogh;en. Unwrayed or be­ wrayed. Detected. Onbe&yogh;nesse. Crookednesse. Onbryrdin&yogh;. Instictus. Onbutan. About. Ic feri&yogh;e on­ butan. I carie about. Oncyrred. Prereposterouse. Ondo. Feare. Ondrædan. To feare. Ic me on­ drœde. I feare me. On effne. E regione; over against. Onfindan. To proove, to proove by experience. Onf&omacron;n. To receave. On&yogh;eansetted. Object, ex oppo­ sito.. On&yogh;irede. Exutus; unarayed, unclothed. Onha&yogh;ian. To doe conveniently or withe oportunitye. Bring eower œmesse swa eowe fyrmest onha&yogh;i&yogh;e. Do þis swa forð swa eowe fyrmest &yogh;eha&yogh;i&yogh;e. Onheawas. Blockes to hewe upon. Onhyr&yogh;endras. Æmulatores. Onhyri&yogh;an. Imitari. Onmitta. Exagium. Onsæc&yogh;un&yogh;. Immolatio. Onsa&yogh;e. Affirmatio. Sed vidde Leg. Inæ, cap. 41. Onoða. Formido. Onsi&yogh;end. Þæt onsi&yogh;end cwealme. Ingruens pestis. Onspræca. Petens; actor. Onufan. Upon. Þæt hors þ he on ufan sœt. Onwended. Preposterouse. Onwreon. To reveale, discover, to wrey or unwray, as some yet speake. Open. Open. Openlic. Openly. Opendid. Time out of Lent. Lanc., opentide. &yogh;eOpenan. To open. Opstlic for Ofestlic. Hastily. Orað. Breath. Ore, Ora. Metall, oore. Oran. A kind of Danisshe money. Orblæd. Without blood, blood­ lese. Orc. Orcus; a goblin, a Robin Goodfelowe. Entas & eotenas & orcas. Orcyrd. An orcheard. Orcyrdwyrd. An orcherd keeper. Orceas. Without choyse. Orcype & Orcypun&yogh;. Gratis; for nothing, on free cost. Ord. The poynt of anything. Item, an edge. Item, acies; the front of a batayle. Item, a beginning. Ordal. A kinde of judgement & examination of them whiche be­ ing accused upon vehement sus­ picion would not confess their fault. It was in two sortes, by water & fire. Eche of whiche was in two sortes also, the first by hote water that should eyther scald the gyltie or not hurt the innocent; the seconde that shoul eyther receyve or cast up the accused, being let downe into the same colde. The firie ordal was eyther by goinge upon barres of hoate iron barefoted or by caryinge sume certein weight of hoate iron hare band­ ed by certein spaces. The cere­ monie & circumstance of eyther appeareth in my table to the translation of the Saxon lawes. It toke the name of the effect for it signifieth expers quasi criminis expers, innocent of the crime, as having no part at all therin. Quasi, Ordœl Ordæle. Expers; without part, partlesse. Ordfruma. A beginning. Orelu. Oraria. Oretmæ&yogh;&yogh;a. A champion; ath­ leta, agonista. Oreð & Oroð. Breathe. Orf & Orof. Catayle. Orfcwealm. Murayne of catayle. Or&yogh;ane. Organie, herb. Or&yogh;lic. Prowdly, opinor. Aure­ lianus andwyrd or&yogh;lic swið Ic ana &yogh;ewealde ealles middan­ eardes. Or&yogh;yrte. Or&yogh;nian. Succinere. Orhlyte. Expers, sine sorte. Ormete. Immensus; of unmeas­ urable greatnesse. Ormod. Desperate. Ormodnysse. Desperation. Oroð & Oreð. Breath. &yogh;eOrrettan. To diffame. Orretscip. Infamie. Orsawle. Without soule, soullesse. Orsorh. Carelesse. Orsorhnysse. Securitie, careles­ nesse, negligence. Ortruwian. To distrust. Orwene. In despayre. Hi wœron orwene hwœðer œfre etc. Or­ wene heora lifes. Orwenun&yogh;. Desperation. Orwened. Desperate. Orwi&yogh;. Imbellis; unwarlike. Orðan & Orðian. To breathe. Orðun&yogh;. Breathing. Orðonc. Argumentum. Osle. Merula. An ousle, bird. Oso&yogh;en. Sugillatus. Ost. Nudus or nodus. Ost sæ. Mare Sarmaticum vel Balticum. Ostre. An oyster. Oswealdesceaster. Oswester. Brytisshe, Croesoswalt, that is Oswaldes Crosse. Oter & Otor. An oter, beast. Loutre, Gallicè a Lutra, La­ tine, eo quod se lutet. Owestmas. Antes. Oxa. An oxe. Oxnaford. Oxford. Brytisshe, Hredughan. Oðbrædan. To take away. Oð brudon. They tooke awaye. Oðbro&yogh;an. Ademptus; taken awaye. Oð. Usque. Oððis. Hitherto. Oððœt. Untill. Oðer. Other. Oðeres cynnes on En&yogh;lisc, oðeres on Lœden. Item, second. Seo oðer boc. The second booke. Oðfleon. To flie away. Þa þe to &YOGH;odes h&umacron;s oðflu&yogh;on. He oðfleah. He fledde away. Oðwitan. To blame, to object, to lay the fault unto. Oðwindan. Aufugere. Oððhwile. Untill. Oððe. Eyther. Oððe &YOGH;od oððe en&yogh;el. Eyther God or elles an angell. Oðyrnan. To escape. Idem quod oðwindan. Paad. Pretersorium. bePæcan. To deceave. bePæht. Deceaved. Pæll. Pallium; a palle. Pærl. Enola. Pæti&yogh;. Craftie. Pæð. A path. Pal. A stake. Palmæpple. A date. Pan&yogh;. Toxi. Papi&yogh;. Popie. Papa. A preist. Papolstanas. Peblestones. Palstre. Cuspis. Pawa. A peacocke. Parian. Admonere. Peaclond. The Peake in Derby­ shire. Pearroc. A parke. Pellena &yogh;yrla, Pellena cyrtlas. Garmentes of pall. Peni&yogh;. A penye. Peni&yogh;mon&yogh;eere. Colobista; an userer. Peohtalond, Pihtland. Peohta. A Picte. Picta in Latine, whiche took the name of πυκτης in Greke, whiche is pugil, a champion, & therof pyctale, is certamen. They seame to have bene so called of their hardynes in fightinge, as the Scottes took their name of their readynes in shootinge. Others faine them to be so called of their painted bodies, etc. Peru. Peares. Perwinc. Periwinkle; vinca. Herb. Petorseli&yogh;e. Persly, herb. Pic, Pix. Pitche. Lanc., picke. Pinere. A tormentour. P&imacron;n. Torment. Pinntreowe. A pine tree. Pinian. To punisshe, to torment, to pyne. Pinun&yogh;. Payne. Pinere. A tormentour. Pinn. Calamus; penne. Writsœx. Pipe. A pipe. Pipere. A piper, a fluter. Pipor. Pepper. Piri&yogh;e. A peare. Pisan. Peasen. Pishosa. Peasshales. Pislic. Hevie. Lind. Plæce. Platæa. Lind. A place. Lanc., a plecke. Plæ&yogh;an. To playe, to daunce. Lind. Plantan. To plante, Wyrtun plantian. To plant a garden for herbes. Plantun&yogh;a. Plantaria. Ple&yogh;a. Playe, sport, game. Ple&yogh;an. To playe. Ple&yogh;end mid his efenyldum. Ple&yogh;stowe. A place for playe or exercise, a theater. Ple&yogh;scyld. A bucler for playe at wasters or suche like. Pleoh. Daunger, jeopardie, perill. Pleolic. Daungerouse, perilouse. Plihtan. To pledge, to lay in pledge. Pluccian. To plucke. Plyme. A plumme. Plymtreowe. A plumtree. Pocca. A bile, a pocke & impos­ tume. Pocca & Poha. A poke. Lind. Pol. A powle, a long staffe. Ponne. A pan. Heafod ponne. Calvarium; the skulle, the brayne panne. Port. A port, a haven towne, a citie. P&omacron;r. Porrum. Portcwœne. Meretrix. Lind. Portic. Porticus; a galerie, an ile of a churche, or a porche. Portman. A citisin, a townesman. Post. A poste. Præti&yogh;. Craftie, deceptfull. Præt. Craft. Prafost. A provost. Predicere. A preachere. Preost. A preest. Preowthwile. A moment; ictus oculi. Pretiwhyle. Price. A pricke. Prician. To pricke. Profentse. Provence in Fraunce. Profian. To prove. Pryt & Prut. Prowde. Pul&yogh;araland. Bulgaria. Pulspere. A reede, a poole speare. Pund. A pownd in weight & in money, whiche conteyned 48 shillings, reckening 5 pence to the shilling, whiche is twentie shillinges reckening 12 pence to the shilling as we nowe doo. Pun&yogh;. Cassidele. Purpur. Purple. Pusa. A powche, a poke, a wallet. Se þearfa bœrð œmti&yogh;e pusan. Pylce. A furred gowne, a pyl­ che, a garment of skyns with the heare. Pyri&yogh;e. A peare tree. Pysan. Peasen. Pynt. A pynt in measure, so called of a pound for that a pinte conteyned 12 ounces even as a pound weighed 12. Pytt. A pitte. A puteo Latino vocabulo vel potius a Græco ποτος, quod potum significat. Bycause it was commonly for cattaile to drynke at. R&amacron;. A roo, beast. A roo bucke or doo. Racate&yogh;e. A chayne. lanc., a racanteth is the chayne wher with the potte hangeth over the fire. Race. A rake to rake hay. Race, Racu. An historie, a tayle. Raculf mynster. Reculvers in Kent. Opinor. Radhere. An armie of horsmen. Rad. A journey on horsbacke, a rode. Radre. Bovecta. Radwæ&yogh;n. A chariot. Ræcan, aRæcan & to&yogh;eRæcan. To reache, to attayne unto, to obtayne. Naðor ne miht on oðrum si&yogh;e &yogh;erœcan. Neyther could attayne to others vic­ torie. utRæcan. To reatche out, to yeld. Ræcc. Aruccus. Ræd. Quicke, readie. Ræd. Counsel, advise, rede. Rœd aredian. To give an ad­ vice. Rædan. To counsell, to advise. Item, to reade; legere. Item, to conjecture. Rœdan swœdan. Rædbora & Ræd&yogh;yfa. A coun­ selour. Rædbora. He that is hable to give counsel, as he that is learned. Rædere. A counseylour. &yogh;Rædnysse. A law made by ad­ vice, an act of parlement. Rædbana. The procurer of mur­ der. Rædels. A riddle, a darke ques­ tion whiche must be enterpreted by conjectures; ænigma. Ræden. Conditions, agrements, statutes. Eald land rœden. Ræden. Bucidones. On þa rœdenne. Upon that condicion. Rædeclæfer. Calta. Rælic. Radisshe. Rælic. Quickly. Rædscamol. A pulpitte, a seate for him that teacheth or preach­ eth to a multitude. Rædsecan. To aske counsel. &yogh;eRædu. Trappers or horss har­ neys. Rædðeahtere. A counselour. Rædðeahtun&yogh;e. Counsell. Ræfeboren. Jurispertus. Ræfen. Ravine. Ræfter. A rafter of a houss. Ræ&yogh;e. Capriola; a roo doo or she roo. aRæht. Stretched along. Ræplin&yogh;. Vinctus. Barabas wœs rœplin&yogh;. aRæran. To sette uppe, to rayse uppe. aRærnesse. Raysing up, setting up. Heora hryse wœs Athenum to arœrnesse. Ræse. A course, a race. Mœ&yogh; rœsa. He that overrunneth his kyndred. In Sermone Lupi. onRæsan. To runne upon vio­ lently. Ræscettan. To cracke, to make a noyse, to crasshe, to rasshe. Ræsn. Laquear; a shingle, a cloven boord, a planke. Ræwe. A carion, a dead bodie. Ra&yogh;onfinc. Scutaticus, bird. Ra&yogh;u. Mosiclum. Rahdeor. A roe bucke. Ram. A ramme. R&amacron;n. Aperta rapina quæ negari nequit. E legibus. Ranc. Prowde. Randbeah & Randbea&yogh;. A buck­ ler or target. Rap. A roape or chorde. Æfter­ rape. A crupper. Rap&yogh;on. Funambulo; he that can walke upon chordes. aRasod. Interceptus. Raran. To roare like a bulle. Raredumle. Onocratalus, bird. Raðe. Soone. Rað þœs. Soone after. Read. Redde colour. Readian. To make redde or to waxe redde. Read&yogh;odweb. Ostrum. Reaf. Garmentes, apparell. Reaf. Spoyle. Herereaf. Spolia. Reafian. To spoyle, to robbe. He hy bereafod heora claða. Reafere. Raptor; a robber, a rover. Reafi&yogh;end. Ravinouse. R&emacron;c. Smoke. &yogh;eRecan. To smoke. lanc., to reeke. Inde: Recels. Frankincense. Evangel. Mat., ca. 2. &yogh;eReccan. To gouverne, to rule. Item, to correct. Reccan. To care, to esteeme. Lanc., to recke. Þu ne recst be œni&yogh;um men. He ne roht. Reccan & &yogh;eReccan. To telle, to declare, to recken. Swœfn rec­ can. To enterprete dreames. &yogh;eRæccednysse & Reccenysse. An historie. beRæccan. Disracionare. on&yogh;eReccan. Criminari. un&yogh;eReccan. Purgare. Reced. A hall or smokye place, for the halles had harthes & no chymneys in those dayes. Receleasnesse. Retchelesnesse. Recceras. Presbyteri; declarers, preachers, commentours, inter­ pretours. Recendom. Regimen; rule. Recone & Recune. Statim, con­ festim. Lind. Redin, id est Ræden. Condition. &yogh;eRefa. Prefectus; a lieutenant. A ruler under the king, the kinges debitie, a reefe. Scir&yogh;e­ refe. The shirive. Port&yogh;erefe. &yogh;eRefscip. Prœfectura. The office of a lieutenant, etc. Re&yogh;ol. A rule. Re&yogh;ollic l&imacron;f. Regulare life. Re&yogh;olsticca. A ruler to rule bookes with. Reht. Perpendiculum. Re&yogh;n & R&emacron;n. Rayne; pluvia. Renc. Pride. Idle renc. Remian. To amend. Remiend hiora net. Resarcientes rete. R&emacron;nbo&yogh;a. The rayne bowe. Renian. To bismore &yogh;erenian. Renwyrm. Lumbricus. Renhund. Canis qui vigilat foris in pluvia. &yogh;eRenod. Mendatio composito. Reod&yogh;nidan. Fucare. Reohnysse. Rughnesse, tempest of wether on the sea. Reol. A reele, womens instru­ ment. Reoma. A thinne skinne, a rimme. Reon. A coverlet. &yogh;eReord. Language. En&yogh;lisc &yogh;e­ reord. Lœden &yogh;ereord. &yogh;eReord. Repast, meate, meale. Gereord h&umacron;s. A hall, the place of repast. &yogh;eReordian. To repaste, to re­ freshe, to eate, to feede. &yogh;eReorded. Refresshed, fedde. &yogh;eReordan. To agree. on&yogh;eReosan. To runne upon vio­ lently. beReowsian. To lament, to re­ pent. Rewan. To rowe, to sayle. Reowlic. Pitiouse, pitifull. Reowu. Tapeta. Repera. Rapax. Reptaceaster. Rutupinus portus. Sandwiche in Kent. aReran, id est aRæran. To sette up. Resian. To conjecture. Resun&yogh;. Conjecture. Rest. Rest. Restan. To rest. onRettan. Deturpare. Reðe. Severe, cruelle. Reðnesse. Crueltie. Reðra. A mariner, a rower. Ribbe. A ribbe; costa. Ribbe. Herb. Ric. A kingdome. Centric, Suð seaxnaric, Westseaxnaric, East­ seaxnaric, Easten&yogh;laric, Myrc­ naric, Norðanhymbraric, Beor­ nicaric & Deoraric, Wealanaric, Scottaric & Peohtaric. Ricu. Kingdomes. Rice. Riche. Ricetere. Richesse, power, ha­ bilitie. Ricene. Quickly, by & by. Ricenne. Diana. Rictere. Tyrannus. Ricsian & Rixian. To raygne, gouvern, rule. Ridan. To ride. beRidan. To compass, besett. Ridda. A horsman. Saloman hœfd 12 þusend riddena. Him com to arwurð ridda. Ridere. A ridere, a horsman, a knight. Riffen&yogh; beor&yogh;as. Riphei montes. &yogh;eRiflod & &yogh;eRifod. Wrinkled. On eald bið se neb &yogh;erifod. Riftre. A reaper or shearer of corne. Rifter. A sicle or sithe. Riht. Right, justice, streight. &yogh;eRihtan. To make right, cor­ recte, amende, make streight. Rightwis. Juste. Rihtwisnesse. Justicia. Rihtleafful. Orthodoxus; fayth­ ful, of true bileefe. Rihtbrede. A squire or rule. Rihtlæcan. To amend, correct, reforme. Rime. Number. Riman & aRiman. To number, to accounte. Rimecræft. Arithmetike. Rima. The brimme of a vesselle. lanc., the rimme. Rimeað. The othe of a hole nom­ ber, as cyrað, the othe of a few chosen. Leg. Æthelst., cap. 9. Rimecræft. Arithmetike, the art of numbering. Rinan. To rayne; pluere. Hit rinð. Pluit. Rinde. The barke of a tree. &yogh;eRine. Misterie. Rindclifre. A woodpecker, bird. &yogh;eRipe. Croppe or corne; messis. Ripian. To waxe ripe. Rippan. To reape corne. Rippere. A reaper. Riordun&yogh; & &yogh;Reordun&yogh;. Refec­ tion. Risc. A risshe. Riscðyfel. Juncetum; a place where risshes growe, a risshe hill. Risenda. Rabula. &yogh;eRisendlic. Fitte, convenient, cumly. Hit &yogh;erist. It is cumly or convenient. &yogh;eRisnian. Convenire; to agree, to be fitt or convenient. &yogh;eRisnian. Convenire; to agree, to be fitt or convenient. Rixian. To rayne, rule, or gouverne. Rið. A river. Riðða. A mastiffe dogge. Rocc. A coate. Roccettan. Ructare; to belche. R&omacron;d & Rod&yogh;al&yogh;an. A crosse, a roode. R&omacron;dtacn. The signe of the Crosse. Rodan ea. The river of Rone in Fraunce. Rodere. The firmament, the skie. Roderlic. Celestiall, hevenly. Rome. Rome. Romwara. The Romanes. Rom­ wara riht. The civile lawe. Romefeoh. Peters pence. Rop. Jus. Ropnesse. Liberalitie. Roppa. Extalia. lanc., roppes, the guttes of foules. &yogh;eRoscod. Passus. Rose. A rose. Rotan & forRotan. To rotte. Rotian. R&omacron;thund & Roðhund. Molossus; a mastife. Rott. Merye, pleasant. Unrot. Sadde. Therof rote, a kind of harpe, so called bycause it maketh meary. "And could wel play on rote." Chaucer. Rowan. To rowe, to sayle, to go by shippe. Þa reowe se cynin&yogh; sylf to ðœm i&yogh;lande. Inde: Roðor. Remus. Roðhund. Molossus; a mastiffe. Rude. Rue, herb; ruta. Ruhsco. A shoo made of a rough hide suche as the Irishe, Red­ shankes, and Ketrickes use. Legi Hesiod, Lib. 2, ἑργών. Rum. Spatiosum; wide, broade. Rum we&yogh;, wherof rowme. Ruman. To give place or rowme. Rum. Liberall. Rum&yogh;yfa & Rumheort. Liberall, bountifull. Rum&yogh;yfelnesse, Rumheortnysse. Liberalitie. Rumlic. Large, sptatiouse. Rummod. Liberall, of a liberall minde. &yogh;eRumpene. Rugosus. &yogh;eRum­ pene nœdre. Cerastis. Runcofan. Runcorn, upon the river of Mersey bineath War­ ington. Runian. To whisper, to telle a tayle in a mans eare. Lanc., to rowne. Runstafas. Þurh drycrœft & runstafum. &yogh;eRunnen. Concretum. Rust. Rust. Rycels. Perfume. Rycelsbuce. A sensour or per­ fume panne. Ryft. Sagum. Hali&yogh;ryft. Sa­ crum velum. Ry&yogh;e Rie corne. &yogh;eRyman. To make rowme. Rymet. Rowme. Ryne. Course or turne, running, race. Ymb &yogh;eares ryne. &yogh;eRyne. Mysterie. &yogh;eRynelic. Misticall. Rynel. A runner, a messagier, a laquay. Ryppan, Rypan, & beRypan. To spoyle, to robbe, to reave. Rysel & Rysl. Grease, talowe, fatte. Ryðða. Molossus; a mastife. Saca. Cause as we say, for your sake or cause. Also quarel, strife, or matter in the lawe. Yfelsacan. Blasphemare. Yfel­ sacun&yogh;. Sacleas. Causelesse, without fault, without accusation. Sacful. Contentiouse. unbeSacne. Quiet; sine querela. ætSacan. Negare. & oðSacan, idem. onSacan. Sacerd. Sacerdos. Sade. Laqueus. Judas mið sade hine awri&yogh;de. Laqueo se sus­ pendit. Lind. Sadl & Sadol. A sadle. Sadlian. To sadle. Sadolfel&yogh; & Sadolfelt. Pella. Sæ. The sea. Wid sœ. The mayne sea. & &YOGH;arsec&yogh;. Oce­ anus. Scottisc sœ. The frith in Scotland. Cwene sœ. Oce­ anus hyperboreus. Ostœ. Mare Balticum. Wendelsœ. Mare Mediterraneum. Sæ æl. A cunger. Sæcol. Gagates; jeat, stone. Sæd. Seede; semen. Sædere. A sower. Sædleap. The seed basket. Looke Chron. Saxon. Petrob., fol 78a. Sæ&yogh;esætu. Maritimi; dwellers on the sea or nere the sea. Sæ&yogh;&yogh;an. To saye. Sæ&yogh;ene. A swerd or skeane. Opinor. Sæhen&yogh;est. Hyppopotamus; a sea horss. Sæl. Summe sœl. Sumtime. On & œt summum sœle. Cuan­ doque. On n&oeligmacron;ne sœle. No time; inde seldome; raro. Sælen. Salignum; of salowe. Sælmeri&yogh;. Salsamentum. Sæleoð. χέλουσμα The mari­ ners crie in hoysing ancre or sayle. Sæli&yogh;. Happie. Of sœli&yogh; they of Lancashyre calle their cake made for the choyce of kinge & queene the selye cake. &yogh;eSæli&yogh;nysse. Happinesse, fæli­ citie. Selða. Fortune, happe. Heard selða. Hard happe. Sæme. Ne selre ne sœmre. Sæn&yogh;an. To senge with fyre. Sæppe. Abices. Item, sappe. Sæppi&yogh;. Sappie. Sæsclif. The sea banke. Sæsceadðan & Sæðeofas. Pyrates. Sæstrand. The sea shore. Sæta. In composition signifieth inhabitantes, dwellers. Wilsœ tas. Wilshire men. Sumorsœe­ tas. Dunsœtas. Inhabitantes of the mountaynes. Sætun&yogh;. Occupation. Sæternedsæ&yogh;. Saturday; dies Saturni. &yogh;eSætnesse. Institution, decree, act. Sa&yogh;a. A sayng, tayle, fable. Sa&yogh;eman. The tayle teller, the taylesman. Sa&yogh;el & Sahle. Fustis. Sala. Habernæ, collarium, nexus. The raynes of a bridle. Sam. Togither. Sam hi fœsten, sam hi na ne fœsten. Whether they fast or whether they fast not. Wifmen feohtad swa sam swa wepned men. Samboren. Dead born; abortivus. Lanc., stilleborn. Sam&yogh;rene. Serotinum. &yogh;eSamnun&yogh;e. An assemblie. Sammæle. Concordes; agreed on a bargaine. Samod. Togither. Sand. A message, legacie. Item, a present, thing sent, messe of meate. Sandesman. A messagier, leg­ ate. He by whome anything is sent. Sand & Sandceosul. Sand, grav­ elle. Sandiht. Sandie. On sandihtre d&umacron;. Sand&yogh;eweorp. Syrtis. Sandes in the sea such (as) the Goodwin upon the coast of Kent. Sandhric&yogh;. A shelf of sand. San&yogh;. A song. Dœ&yogh;rœdsan&yogh;, mattins; Primsan&yogh;, prime: Un­ dernsan&yogh; Middœ&yogh;san&yogh;; Non­ san&yogh; Æfensan&yogh; Uhtsan&yogh; Niht­ san&yogh; ordinarie service in the churche. Sape. Sope to wasshe clothes. Sare, Sar. Sore & sorowe. Sari&yogh;. Sorie, sorowfull. Sari&yogh;nysse. Sorowe. Sarnysse. Sorenesse. Item, þœs modes sarenysse. Animi, ægri­ tudo. Sareheortnysse. Sorowe. Sareclað. A sore cloath, a cloath or rolle for a soore. beSari&yogh;an. To lament. Sarlicleoð. Songes of lamenta­ tion, lamentable songes, trage­ dies. Sareseofun&yogh;. Quærulus; com­ playning. Sawan. To sowe, as to sowe corne. Sawul. A soule. Scadan. To dissever or devide. Lanc., to sheade. Scadwis. Discrete. Scadwisnysse. Discretion. Scæddi&yogh;nysse. Gravitie, consyd­ eration, discretion, circumspec­ tion. Scædan, toScædan. To dissever or devide. Lanc., to sheade. Scæfan. To shave. Scæftmund. A shaftmete or mea­ sure by the hand. Scænan. To breake. Ban scœnan. &yogh;eScænednesse & &yogh;eScænin&yogh;nysse. Collisiones. Scæðe. A sheath or scaberd. Scæða. A theefe; latro. Scæðman & Scæ&yogh;ðman. A py­ rate, a robber. Scæðan. To hurt. Lanc., to scathe. Sceaði&yogh;. Hurtful, giltie; reus. Scafa. A shaver, carpenters in­ strument. Scaffot. Pansa. Scalu. Scales of a balance. Scama & Scamlim. The sham­ fast member; pudendum. Scamol. A foorme, a stoole, a seate, a stall. Inde shambels. Scanca. A legge. Scanclira. The calf of the legge. Sancbeor&yogh;. Bootes or buskinnes, legg harneys. Scaro. Tonsura. Scaru & Mannes scaru. The share of a man. &yogh;eScea. Singultus. Sceacan. To shake. Item, to go away, to slippe away. He sceoc of þœr byri&yogh;. Sceacere. Latro seditiosus. Sceacel. Plectrum. Sceac&yogh;a. A busshe. Sceac&yogh;ed. Hearye, busshed. &yogh;eScead. Reason, discretion, dif­ ference. &yogh;eSceadwis. Discrete, reasonable. &yogh;eSceadwisnysse. Discretion. &yogh;eSceadan. To devide, to dis­ sever. Lanc., to sheade. Scead, Sceadu. Shadowe. Sceadewan. To shadowe. Sceadwi&yogh;. Shadowy. Sceaf. A sheaf. Sceafan. To shave. Sceafða. Shavinges. Sceaft. A shaft, a speare or dart. &yogh;eSceaft. A creature. Godes &yogh;e­ sceaft. Sceal. Sceal rœden to meri&yogh;en. Þis sceal beon. Sceala. Shales, scales of any­ thing. aScealian. To shale or pulle of the shales or skales Scealfor. Mergulus & mergus; bird. Inde Scealfin&yogh;stole. Sceal&yogh;a. Rocea; roche, fisshe. Opinor. Sceamu. Shame. For sceame. Sceami&yogh;an & Sceaman. To be ashamed. Me sceamað. Me pudet. Sceamul. A stoole, foorme, seate, stall. Fotsceamul. A foote stoole. Sceanca. The legges. See Scanca. Sconc, idem. Sconc spices. A gamon of bacon; perna. Sceandlic. Shamfull. &yogh;eSceapan. To shape, to foorme, to make, to frame. &yogh;eSceapa. A mans member. Sceapi&yogh;e. The ile of Shepey in Temmes mouth. Scear. The share of the plough. Sceara. Sheares. Scearp. Sharp. Scearpan. To make sharp. Scearpnysse. Sharpnesse. Sceat. Money, treasure, rent. Cyricsceat. Money due to the churche. Medsceatas. Bribes, rewardes. Deorwyrð sceattas. Sceatta. A pece of money wherof 30 made 120 poundes, after some; cap. deneris, Lat. Other places seeme to make it smal money. Leg. Ethelb. Sceat. A sheete. Sumtime a corner, & therof is derived þrysceat, feðersceat, etc. Sceawian. To behold, to see, to looke upon. Sceawere. A beholder, a seer & overseer. Item, sceawere, a loking glasse. Sceaðan. To robbe, to rove. Sceaða. A robber, a theefe. Sceaðel. A wevers shutel. Sceaðian. Nocere. Scecel. Plectrum. Sce&yogh;ðman. A rover, a pyrate. Scencan. To give drinke. Ic wes þursti&yogh; & &yogh; me scencton. Scencel. Acrum. Scendan. To shame, to dis­ honour, to distroye or undoo. &yogh;eScend. Undoon. Sceo. A shoo & Sceo&yogh;. Sceo&yogh;an. To shoo. Sceocca. Se atolic sceocca. The divle. Sceofan. To shoove or thrust. Sceolea&yogh;. Squint eyed. Sceorp. Apparell, cloathes. He swelce sceorp wered. Sceort. Short. Sceortnysse. Shortnesse. Sceotan. To shoote. Item, to runne, to runne headling or apace. Marcus Curtius mid horse þœr on innan besceat. &yogh;eSceottan. To chew. Scepe. A sheepe. Scephyrd. A sheaperd. Scer. The share of a plough. Sceran. To sheare, to cutte, to shave. Sceran scep. beSceran. To deceave. beScearod. Deceaved. Scenfelda. Tempæ. Scern. Dung, properly of a cowe. Scernwibba. A sharn budde. Sceð dæd. A wicked deede. Sciccin&yogh;. Cappa. Scide. A billet of woode. Lanc., a shide. Scilbrun&yogh;e. Bibramine. aScilian. To shale. Scimian. Micare. Me scimiað mine ea&yogh;an. Lippiunt oculi. Scin. Fantasma; a spirite, a bugge. Nebula, prestigium. Scinfræft. Magicke, incantation, conjuration. Scinlæcan. Conjurers, enchaun­ ters. Scinlac & Scinhiw. A spirite, a divle, a fantasie, a bugge. Scinan. To shine. Scina. The shinnes. Scinb&amacron;n. The shinne bone. &yogh;eScinco. Exugia. Scind&yogh;edwolan, idem quod Scin­ lac. Sciphlæsta. Shippes laden. Scippe. A shippe. See Scyp. Sc&imacron;r. Cleare, pure. Sc&imacron;r wœter. Sc&imacron;. A shire, a countie; prefec­ tura, procuratio. It hath the name of division for that a royaulme is in-devided into shires, that is devisions or partes. Sciran. Hi his sciran ne dorston. Scirfmul. Sorex. Scirburnna. Shirburn. The in­ terpretation is clear brooke. Scir&yogh;erefe. A shireave. Scir&yogh;emote. The assises or ses­ sions of the shire. &yogh;eScirped. Appareyled. beSciten. Notæ significationis. Scitta. The laske, the fluxe. The whomly terme of our forfathers. aScofan. To drive or thrust out. Se teoða en&yogh;la weorod wœs ascofen of heofonlicre myrð. Scofl. A shovel. Scoh. A shoo. Scol. A scoole. Scolmæ&yogh;istre. A scholemayster. Scom. Shame. Scomleas. Shamlesse; impudens. Scond. Shame. Scondhlewun&yogh;. Ignominia; dis­ honour, shame. Scone&yogh;. Sconland, a peece of Denmarke. Scop. A poet. Sealmscop. Psal­ mography. David se sealmscop. It is derived of scapan, facere, as poeta ἀπὸ τοῦ ποιεῖν. Scopcræft. Poetrie; ars poetica. Scoren. Shaven, shorne. Scora. Tricilio. Scotta. A Scotte. It signifieth a shooter, wherof the Scottes had their name & to this daye the Redde shankes are excellent archers. They came out of Ireland into Scotland where driving out the Pightes, aun­ cient inhabitantes of the same, they posessed the whole coun­ trey, wherby we have let the old name of Albanie & calle it Scotland, howbeit the Scottes them selves called (it) yet Albanogh. Scotland. The countrey of the Scottes, by whiche name in times passed we signified Ire­ land, howbeit in time the old name hath take place, & on the other side we have left the auncient name of Scotland, whiche is Albanie & calle it after the name of the inhabi­ tantes. See more of this matter in Ireland. Screaf. A cave or dungeon. aScreapan. Egerere. Screadan. To cutte in small peeces. Screadan an œpple. Screadun&yogh;. Fragmentes of meate. Lind. Screadseax. Screawa. Marsiranus; a shrewe, beast. Scric. Turdus; a turtle. Scridas. Basternæ. Scridefinnas. Certayne people enhabiting on the north coast of Asia betwixt the Moscovite & Swedens dominion. Called nowe Scricfinnes. &yogh;eScrif. Censura; penance. Scrift. Shrift. Item, our goastly Father himself. Ondetton we ure sinna urum &yogh;astlicum scrift. Scriftscire. A parisshe. Scriftspræce. Confession Scrin. Scrinium; a chest or coffin wherin the bodies of dead men are buried. &yogh;eScrincan. To shrinke, to drie. &yogh;eScrunced. Marcidus; rotted, dried up. Scripen. Austerus. Scriðan. Scrobesbyri&yogh;. Shrewesburie. Scrud. Covering, cloathes, gar­ mentes. Scrutnian & Scrudnian. Scru­ tari; to searche. Scrybe. A shrubbe. Scrydan. To cloathe, to putte on cloathes, to shrowde. Ic me scryde & ic me unscryde. Scryd þinne sunu. Scua. Shadowe. Lind. aScufan. To soove, to drive, to thrust. See ascofan, bescufan, idem. Sculea&yogh;ed. Gogle eyed, squint eyed. Sculdru. The shulders. aScunian & onScunian. To avoyde, to shunne. Scur. A shower of rayne. Scurf. Scabbe, scurf. Scuttel. Catinus; a scuttle or charger. &yogh;eScy. Shooes. Scyfe. Shooving, thrusting, driv­ ing; instigatio. &yogh;eScyft, id est &yogh;eSceaft. Scyfla & Scyfele. Mavors. Scyftan, &yogh;Scyftan. To dispose or divide, as to devide goodes or landes. Leg. Canut., bis paulo ante finem. To shyfte land, Kentish. Scyhend. Malistis. toSyland. To separate, devide, distinguisshe. Scylcen. Feower nacod wimmen wœron plœ&yogh;ende & heora &yogh;al­ nysse wœs ontende þurh þœra sylcena ple&yogh;an. Scyld. A shelde. Scyldan. To defende, protect. &yogh;eScyldnysse. Defence, protec­ tion. Syldi&yogh;an. To defende. Scyld&yogh;un&yogh;a. Protector. Inde, God shyeld. Scyld. Fault, offence. Scyldi&yogh;. Gyltie, faultie. Deaðes scyldi&yogh;. Reus mortis. &yogh;eScyldnesse. Offence. Scyldre. A shulder. Scyle & Scylun&yogh;e. Difference, distinction. We willan sœc&yogh;an hwœt scylie betwyx þœm man­ num &; ðœm nytenum. Scylea&yogh;e, Sculea&yogh;e. Strabo. Scylf. The ridge. Þa stycol scylf þœs temples. Scylfas. Ma­ vones. aScylian. Enucleare; to shille or shale. Scyll. A shelle. Scyllin&yogh;. A shilling, whiche in the time of the Saxons con­ teyned five pence. Fif pene&yogh;as &yogh;emaciað œnne scyllin&yogh;. Ælfric in Grammat. &yogh;eScyndan. To undoo, destroye, confunde, shende. &yogh;eScendnysse. Destruction, etc. Scyp. A shippe. Scypfyrd & Scypfyrdun&yogh;. Ex­ pedition by sea, armie by sea, warre on the sea. Scyphere. An armie by sea, a fleat, a navie. Scypwered, idem. Scypmen & Scyprowend. Mari­ ners. Scyplæst. A shippe for burthen. Scypene. An oxe houss or cowe houss. lanc., a shypen. Scyptera. Tarre. &yogh;eScyppan. To creat, to make, to frame, to shape. Scippend. The creatour. Scyre. A province, gouverne­ ment. See Scir. Scyr&yogh;erefe. A shirive. Scyr&yogh;emot. The assises or ses­ sion of the shire. &yogh;eScyrd, id est &yogh;eScryd. Ap­ parelled. aScyrian. To cutte, to sheare. Item, to separate. Sceape scy­ ran. Scyrseax. A rasour. Scyrman. Sometyme a baylife of husbandrye. Scyrpan. To sharpen, to make sharpe. Item, to instigate, to encourage. To pricke forward. Scyrt. Short. Scyrtan. To shorten. Scyte. A sheete. Scyt. Þryscyte. Trigonus. Feð­ erscyte. Quadratus, ect. Scytan. To shoote. Inde, Scytefin&yogh;er, index. Item, to runne violently, to falle. Tiber se ea scyt on Wendel sœ. Scyteræse. Running hedlong, without staye. Scytta. A shooter, wherof the Scithes & Scottes have their name. Scyttisc. Scottisshe. Scyttan. To shutte or locke. Scytle. A locke, a barre. Scytefin&yogh;er. Index; the forfinger. Scytheald. Obliquum, prœceps. Se. The article. Se man. The man. It is also use(d) rela­ tively for þe. Eneas se ofer­ swiðle Turnum. Seale & Sealh. Salowe. Lanc., saugh. Sealf. Saulve. Sealma. Psalmus. Sealt. Salt. Sealtere. A salter. Sealtfæt. The salt or saltseller. Sealtleaf. Mozicia, herb. Seam. A burthen or horss loade, a seame of corne. Seambyrden. Saccus. Lind. Seame. A slifter bitwixt boordes. Also a seame. Seamere. A taylour. Seamestre. A woman taylor, or a seamster. Seara. Insidiæ. Þurh seara of­ sle&yogh;en. Searan. To drie. Therof cum­ meth our searing with a hote yron. forSeari&yogh;od. Dried up. Searobyri&yogh;. Salesburie. Searocræftas. Policies, sleightes, stratagemes, trecherie. Sear&yogh;imme. Unio; a perle. Searmonað. The month of June. Searwa. Insidæ. Searwacrœftas, Searocrœftas. Seað. A lake or mere. Seawe. Glutinum. Inde, Lið seaw, a joint; membrorum com­ pago. Seax. A knife, dagger, a swerd. Seax. Saxonie. Eald Seax. Sax­ onie in Germanie, calles so by our forfathers in difference from our Saxonies, Westseax, Suðseax, etc. Ealdseaxan. The Old Saxons. &yogh;eSecan. To seeke. Item, to go unto. Romburh &yogh;esecan. To go to Rome. Þœm cynin&yogh; &yogh;e­ secan. To go to the king. Sec&yogh;. Carex. A sedge, herb. Item, the thicke skinnes in a mans hand growen with labour, or of other partes. Sec&yogh;an. To say. Se&yogh;e me. Tell me. aSec&yogh;endlic. Hable to be spoken. forSec&yogh;an. To speake evil of anie man. Sec&yogh;a & S&amacron;&yogh;mannus. Tales man. onSa&yogh;e. Affirmatio. Seder. A sower. See Sædere. Seel. Oportunitas. Lind. Se&yogh;bræd. Arnoglossa, herb. Sefa. Sensus. Se&yogh;na. Sagina; a nette. Se&yogh;nas. Signa; standardes, flagges, enseignes. Se&yogh;l&yogh;yrd. Antennæ the sayle yard of a shippe. Selcuð. Straunge, seldom seen. &YOGH;od for&yogh;eaf œlcum selcuð &yogh;e­ reord. Seld. Seldom, unacustomed. Seldon. Seldom. Seldhwænne. Seldome. Seht. contented, pleased. Lanc., saght. Selesea. Selsey in Sussex, a little ile where the bisshope see whiche nowe is at Chichester in times passed was. Selfbona. He that killeth him­ self. Sellic. Wœ his tunece sellic &yogh;e­ worht. He send heom to sellic tacna. Selre. Better. Selost. Best. Seltra. Rubesca, bird. &yogh;eSeman. To agree, to make agreed, to pacifie. Heora &yogh;e& winne &yogh;esemed wœs. Hi wœron &yogh;esemed. He hi ymb þæt rice &yogh;esemed. Semend. A mediatour, a peace­ maker, an agreer. Semnendlic. By happe. Semnin&yogh;a. Soudaynly. beSencan. To sinke, to make to sinke. aSendan. To send. Senepe. Sinapi. Lind. Senwe. A sinowe. Seo. The sight of the eye. Seoc. Sicke, diseased. Seocnynsse. Sicknesse. Seod. A purse. Seofon. Seaven, 7. Seofontyn. 17. Hundseofonti&yogh;. 70. Se seofoða. The seaventh. Seoh. A sie to sie milke. Seol & Seolh. A seale, fisshe. Seolfor. Sylver. Seolforsmið. A silver smith. Seolfren. Of sylver. &yogh;eSeon. To see. Ic &yogh;eseo. Pret., Ic &yogh;esawe. &yogh;eSewen. Seen. Seoðan. To seeth. Serc. A shirt. lanc., a serke. Seran. Concinnare. Sester. Amphora; a certayne mesure. Sermend. Sarmatia. Serðan. Coire. Liberis operam dare. Ne serð ðu oðres monnes w&imacron;f. Non mæchaberis. Lind. Setl. Seat, see, stoole. G&amacron;n on setl. To sette, as the sonne doth. Þœs sunnes setl&yogh;on&yogh;. Sunnsette. Settan. To sette, to putte, to appoint, decree, constitute. Item, componere; to make. Salomon &yogh;esette þreoþusend bi&yogh;spella & 5000 leoða. Setlun&yogh;. Setting. Sunne setlun&yogh;. &yogh;eSetene. Enhabited. &yogh;eSetnesse. Constitution, decree. Setnere. A seditiouse person. Lind. Setnun&yogh;. Seditio. Setten. Plantaria; settes, plantes. &yogh;eSewen. Seen. &yogh;eSewenlic. Visible. Sex & Seax. A knife, a dagger, a swerd. Seðian, aSeðian & &yogh;eSeðian. To affirme; testificari. Seðun&yogh;. Affirmation. Si. To. Si hine. To them. Sibbe, &yogh;eSibbe. Peace. &yogh;eSubsume. Pacificus; a loover of peace, quiet. &yogh;eSibsumnysse. Concord, quiet­ nesse, peashableness. Siblac. Hostia pacifica. Sible&yogh;er. Incest. Fornication committed with kinsfolkes. Siblin&yogh;. A kinsman. &yogh;eSybnysse. Kynrede, affinitie. Sicel & Sicol. A sikle. Sicolwyrte. Sicklewort, an hearb that healeth the cutte of a syckle. Sicetun&yogh;e. Sighing. Side. A side. Sede. Side, broode, farre. Side & wide. Longe lateque. Sida. Customes, usages. Ealle land sida ne synd &yogh;el&imacron;c. The customes of al countries bee not alike. Sidewyrme. A silk woorme. Sifer. Sober, cleane, chast. Sifernysse. Chastitie, clenlinesse. Sifðe. Zizania. Lind. Si&yogh;e. Victorie. Si&yogh;efæst. Victoriouse. Si&yogh;ebeacn. Trophæum; a monu­ ment sette up in token of vic­ torie or overthrowe of the ennimie. Si&yogh;el. A seale. Si&yogh;elan. To seale. Si&yogh;elhweorf. Sollequium, herb. Si&yogh;erian & Si&yogh;rian. To triumph. Si&yogh;riend. Triumphant. Si&yogh;or. Triumphe. Si&yogh;orlic. Triumphall. &yogh;eSihð. Sight, a vision. utSihte. He f&omacron;r on utsihte. He died. Silceaster. Silchester besides Reading. Sildedeor. Bellona. Sillend. Sealand, of Denmarke, the ile wherin is Coppenhaven. Sinne. Sinne. Sinewealt. Round & long as a spere staffe or rolling pinne. Sindrun&yogh;. Divortium; divorce. Sinfulle. Cinqfoyle. Sin&yogh;al. Continuall. Sin&yogh;allic. Continually. Sin&yogh;an. To sing. Sin&yogh;rene. Barba Jovis, herb. &yogh;eSinhywan. Maried folkes. &yogh;eSinscipe. Mariage. Rihtsin­ scipe. Idem. Sinu. A sinowe. Siolc. Silke. Siolcen. Silken. Siolucwyrm. Silke woorme. Looke Sidewyrme. Siota. Tabula. Siotodlic. Oportunus. Sisemus. Glis; a dormouse. Sittan. To sitte. Pret., sœt. Item, to remayne, dwelle, Inde: forSittan. To forslowe, to neglect a thinge. Sæta. Habitator. Six. 6 Siwan. To sowe with a nedle. Ic siwi&yogh;e. &yogh;eSiðe. A felowe or compagnon. Satrapa. &yogh;eSiðmon. Siðcundman. A man able to guyde in journey, a loadesman or guyde. Siðe. A sithe. Siðmæst. The last. Siðian. To journey, to take a voyage, to travayle. Siðfæt. A journeye. Siðon & Siðe. Feowersiðon. Four times. Hund siðon. Þusend siðon. Se &yogh;esið. Hac vice. aSlacan. To aslake, to slacke. Slæ. Petica; a wevers toole. Slæc. Slowe, slacke. Slæ&yogh;an. To strike. &yogh;eSlæ&yogh;en. Striken. He &yogh;eteld &yogh;esla&yogh;en. Tentorium fixit, ta­ bernaculum posuit. Slæ&yogh;e. A stroke. Slæd. A valey, a slade. Slæpern. Dormitorium; the dor­ tor or dormitorie, a bedde chamber. Slæpwyrt. Lactuca. Slæwð. Slouth. Sla&yogh;a. A striker, a killer. Man­ sla&yogh;a. A manqueller. Mœ&yogh; sla&yogh;a. A parricide. Sla&yogh;an. Sloes. lanc., slagh. Sla&yogh;ðorn vel Slahðorn. A slo­ thorne or blackthorn. lanc., slahthorn. Sl&amacron;. Moros. Slapan. To sleape. Slapol. Sleapie. Slap&yogh;eorn. Somnolentus, deses; a sluggard, a sleaper. Slaw. Slowe. Slawere. A sluggard. Slawyrm. A slowoorme. Sleac. Slacke, slowe. Sleacnysse. Slowth, sluggardie. Sleacmodnysse. Slewthe, slouth­ fulnesse. Slean & Sle&yogh;an. To strike. Pret., sl&omacron;&yogh;. Ic befœst m&imacron;n feoh myne­ terum to sleanne. Slec&yogh;. A hammer or sledge. A great smitthes hammer. Slede. A valley. Lanc., a slade. Sle&yogh;e. Slaughter. Sle&yogh;ele. Plectrum; anything to strike with. Sleowe. Mugilis. Slidan & ætSlidan. To slide, to slippe. Slidend. Slipperie. toSlifan. To cleave, to slive. Slife. A sleeve. Sliht. Slaughter. Sl&imacron;m. Midde, slime. Slippan. To slippe. Slipper. Slipper. Slite. A bracke, a slittan. Hundes slite. Canis morsus. toSlittan & forSlittan & Slittan. To teare, to cutte, to rive, to teare. Pret., slat. Sliters. Lurcones. &yogh;eSlit&yogh;liwe. Cavillator. Sliw. Tinctus, piscis. toSlopen. Wearð his lichoma ealle toslopen. Slyht. Slaughter. Manslyht. Manslaughter. Slyttan. Discerpere; to slitte or cleave in sunder. Smæc. Taste. Smæccan. To taste. Smæl. Small, little. Smæðe. Playne, smothe. Smœðe feld. Smæte. Obrizum. Smœte &yogh;old. He hœt smiðian smœtan &yogh;old an rode. Smealic. Smealic secan. Smean & Smea&yogh;an & aSmea&yogh;an. To studie, to contemplate, to searche. Ic smea&yogh;e ymb wis­ dom. To dispute. Smeaðancfulnysse. Smec. Smoke. Smecan. To smoke. Smeortan. To smarte. Smedma. Flowre, meale flowre. Hwœtene medme. Smeran. To annoynt. Smercian. To smile. lanc., to smirke. Ic smerci&yogh;e. Smero. Talowe. Smerowyrt. Sylvatica. Smerwe. Greass, oyntment. Smeð. Smothe. Smeðian. To make smothe. Smeðnesse. Playne, smothnesse. Smic. Smoke. Smicre. Trimme, fine, galant. Smittan. To defile, pollute, spotte, contaminate. Smiten. Defiled, filed, polluted. beSmitnysse. Spotte, contagion. Smitin&yogh;. Contagiouse. Smið. A smith. Smiðian. To coyne, to forge. Item, Smiðian of smœtum &yogh;old an rode. aSmiðian. To forge, to make playne. Asmiðod & asmicerod. Forged & trimmed. Smiððe. A smithes forge. Lanc., a smitthye. Smolt. Fayre, as the wether. Serenum. Smoltnysse. Fayrnesse of wether. aSmoran. To stifle. lanc., to smore. Hi hine on his bedde asmoredon. Smu&yogh;an. Serpere. Smy&yogh;elas. Cuniculi. Smylt & Smolt. Fayre, gentle quiet, stille. Smylt weðer. Smylt wœter. Still water. Smyltnesse. Fayre wether, calme­ nesse. Smyltin&yogh;. Electrum; sowder. Opinor. Smyrian. To anoynt, to smeare. Smyrels. Annoyntment. beSmytan. To defile, to pollute. Lanc., to smitte. beSmitenesse. Spotte, contagion. Snaca. A snake. Snæd. Offa; a soppe. Morsus; a bitte. Snæd. The staffe of a sithe. Snædelðearm. Extale. Snæ&yogh;l. A snayle. aSnæst. Extorsit. onSnæsum. In verubus. Snaw. Snowe. Snawhwite. Snœwhwite hors. Snel. Swift, quicke, couragiouse. He wœs mid his dœdum snelra þonne he mœ&yogh;nes hœfd. Snid. A sawe; serra. Snidan. Dolare. &yogh;eSniðun&yogh;. Dolatio. Snite. Acegia. Sniwan. To snowe. Lanc., to snewe. Hit sniwð. Sniðan. Mactare. Sniðun&yogh;. Mactatio. Snið sceap. Oves mactandæ. Snod. Vitta; a fillet. Snoru. A doughter in lawe; nurus. My sonnes wife. Snotin&yogh;aham. Notingham. Snotor. Wise. Snotornysse. Wisdome. Snotorlic. Wisely. Snyrin&yogh;a. Cautes. Snytro. Wisdome. Socna. Secta. Socn. Refuge, succour. Soft. Soft. &yogh;eSoden & &yogh;eSod. Sodde; coctus. & Asodenes &yogh;old. Sole. Volutabrum; soyle. Opinor. Sol. Orbita. A sowle for to tie an oxe or a cowe in their stalle. Somod, id est Samod. Somodðwyrlic. Concordes. S&omacron;m. Concord. aSolcene. Slouthfull. aSolcannysse. Slouthfulnesse. Solmonað. Februarie. Solsece. Solsequium, herb. Sor&yogh;ian. To lament, to be sorie, to make sorowe. Sor&yogh;iend. Carefull, sorowfull. S&omacron;t. Soote. Soðernwudu. Abrotanum, herb. Soðfæst. Trewe. Soðfæstnysse. Truthe. Soð. True. Soðsa&yogh;ol. A true sayer, south­ sayer. Spacan. Spokes of a whele. Spadu. A spade. Spæc. Tramen de arboribus. Spæce. Speache, oracle. Spæren. Gypsus. Spærhynd. Parcus; sparing. Spærstan. Playster of paris, chalkstone. Spætlan & Spætan. To spitte. Span. Murica. Span. Ubera. Sparian. To spare. on&yogh;eSpanest. Illiciæ; entismentes. Sparran. To shytte. beSparrad. Shitte, stopped. Spattan. To spitte. Spatle. Spittle. Spearca. A sparke. Spearwa. A sparrow. Specan. To speake. Pret., spœc. forSpecen. In cassum; in vayne. Specce. A spotte, a blotte. lanc., a specke. Sp&emacron;d. Proventus; speede, suc­ cesse, substance, riches. Spedi&yogh;. Riche. Spedi&yogh;man. A riche man. Spelian. To playe the part, to be instede, to take upon a man. Crist spelian ofer his hal&yogh;an hyred. To play Christ. Spelia. Persona, vices gerens; a debitie, a lieutenant, a vicare. Hali&yogh;e larewas synd &YOGH;odes spe­ lian. Cristes &yogh;espelia is se abbod, id est vicarius Christi. Hi hit don nellað ne þurh hy sylf ne þurh nœnee &yogh;espelian. Spell. A storie, a tayle, sermon, homelie, doctrine. &YOGH;odspell ἐυαγγέλιον. Se þæt lað spell œt ham &yogh;ebodode. Spellun&yogh;a Histories, tales. Idle spellun&yogh;a. Fabulæ. Spellian. To telle an historie or tayle. &yogh;eSpelle. Laðlic is se hreoflian lic mid mane&yogh;um spryntum & &yogh;espelle. Spelde. Teda; a torche. Be­ ornend spelde. Spere. Lancea; a speare. Sperlira. Calf of the legge. Sperwurt. Enula campana. Spendan. To spende. forSpendan. To spende away unthriftily. Spic. Pork. Flanders, spec. Bacon. Spices. Offella. Spillan. To spend, to marre, to spille. Spild. Destruction, marring, spilling. Spindl & Spinle A spindle. Spinnan. To spinne. Ic span, Pret. Spirt. Cistula. Spitu. A spitte, a broche. Spon. Vestigium; tracke, trodde. Spona & Spoon. A chippe. Spone. Entisement. Leasspon­ un&yogh;. False entisement. Sponere. An entiser. Leno; a bawde. Spor. Inquisitio. To follow the tracke. Spornettan. To spurne, to kicke, to winche. Spracen. Apeletum. Spræce. Speache, oration, homely, sermon, tayle, talke, tong. Lœden sprœce. The Latine tong. Spœce is also a plaint or plee, & therof comethe on­ sprœca, the pleintife; forsprœca, prolocutor. &yogh;eSpræcu. Oracula. Spræcan. To speake. Spræccræft. The art of speaking, rhetoricke. Spræcol. A talker, a babler. Spran&yogh;ettan. To pant. Sprecan, id est Spræcan. Spreota. A polle, a long staffe, a speare. Spryn&yogh;an. To spring. His nama &yogh;eond ealle spran&yogh;. Spryn&yogh;. Carbunculus; a botche, a bile. Laðlic is se hreoflian lic mid meni&yogh;fealdum spryn&yogh;um. Lothelye is the leprouse bodye with many soares. Spryttan. To budde, to bourgion, to sprout. Spryttin&yogh;. Buddes, burgions. aSprytted. Sprouted. Spura. Spurres. &yogh;eSpurnan. To thurst, to hitte, to spurne. ætSpurnan & onSpurnan. To stumble at. Spurner. A fuller of cloathe. Spurnettan. To spurne or kicke. Spyllan & forSpyllan. To de­ stroye, to marre, to spende, to spille. Spyn&yogh;. A spunge. aSpyrian & aSpyri&yogh;an. To en­ quire. Lanc., to spirre. Inde Sp&omacron;r, inquisitio. Spyrt, id est Sporta. A basket. Spywan. To vomite. Stæf. A letter. Item, a staffe. Stæf&yogh;fe&yogh;e. A syllable. Vide &yogh;efe&yogh;an. Stæfcræft. Grammer. Stæfliðere. A sling. Stæfrof. An element, as be the fowre. Stæfsweord. A dagger. Opinor. Stæfwritere. A grammarian. Stælcan. To stalke, to go warely & softly. He hine fyli&yogh;d mid sleaclicre stœlcun&yogh;e. He fol­ owed him with a softe, slowe pace. Stæhranas. Stall rayne deer, wherwith they take the wilde. Stænen. Of stone. aStæned. Sette with stones. Inde, to steane a well. Stæn æx. A picke axe. Stæn&yogh;. A lever or barre. Lanc., a stang. &yogh;eStænan. To stone, to kille with stones. Stæner & Stiener. Petrosum; stonie ground. Lind. Stæp. A steppe, a pase, a degree. Þusend stapa. A myle. Stæppan. To steppe. Stæpsco. Soccus; a kinde of shoo. Stær. A stare, bird. Stærwriteras. Historiographi. Stært. Os sacrum; the rump, the tayle. Stæðe. The banke of a river. Sefernstœðe. &yogh;eStæði&yogh;. Grave, constant. Stafe. A staffe. Stalan. &yogh;eStal. Objectio. Stala & Stalu. Stealth, theft. Stamor. A stutter. Stan. A stone. &YOGH;imstan. A preciouse stone. Stanbill. A picke axe, a masons axe. Stanclud & Stanhrocca & Stan­ scylf. A rocke, a clif of stone. Standan. To stand. Pret., Ic stod. Stanscyle&yogh;ean. Petrosa terra. Stansticce. Crustum. Stanwyrht. A mayson. Stapa. A steppe or passe. Þu­ sendstapa. A myle, a thousand passes. Ex Evangelio Saxon. Staple. Staple. A trestle of a table or suche like. Starian. To stare. Staðe. The banke of a river or sea. Þœs seas staðe. Sefern staðe. Staðelian & Staðolfæstan. To establisshe. Stadol. Stable, constant, sure. Staðolfæst. Idem. Staðolnesse. Stablenesse, con­ stantie. Staðful. Cardo; the seate, the groundwerke, the piller wheron the whole resteth. Steal. Locus; stalle in churche or pewe. Stealfylstan. Selt &yogh;edafenað stealfylstendum & feohtendum. Steam. Smell, breath, ayre. Of heora nœs þyrlum stod stincend steam. Steap. Cyathus. Stearn. Beacita. Steda. A place. Lanc., a styd. Styd. Lind. Steda. A stoned horss, a courser, a steede. Stefn & Stemn. A voyce. Stelan. To steale. Stele. The stalke of an herb. Lanc., the stele. aStellan. To sette, appoint, con­ stitute. To þæt &yogh;ewinn þe his fœder asette. Bysena stellan. To give example. Steman. To smelle, to breathe, to smoke. Stemend. Sweete smelling, sum­ times. Stemn. A voyce. Stemn hœb­ bend. That whiche hath voyce. Stenc. Smell, evle or good. Stencan. To smelle. Stencan sw&omacron;t. To smell sweete. toStenct. Dispersed, devided, separate. Steopfæder. A stepfather. Steop­ modor, Steopsunu, etc. Steopcilde. Pupillus; fatherless. Steopl. A towre, a steple. Steor. A yong bullocke. Lanc., a steere. Steoran. To rule, to gouvern, to correct. Steor. Rule, gouvernment, cor­ rection. Steorbord. Sterbord, whiche is to the right hand. Steorern. The sterne. Steorman. The styreman of the shippe. Steorra. A starre. Steorræðer. The ruther or sterne. of the shippe & Steorsceofol, idem. Steorsetle & Steorern. The sterne & Steortsetl, idem. Steorrede. Frontialis. Steort. A tayle. Inde, Steort­ man. An Inglisheman, as the Flemyngs calle us. Also a promontorie or cape. Penwið steort. The Cape of Cornwale. Sealsteort. By Saltcomb in Devenshire. Sterne. Sharpe, severe, cruelle. Stert, id est Steort. Stican. To sticke. Mid spearum tosticod. Thrust throughe with a speare. Sticce. A peece; offa. Sticce­ mœlum. By peeces. Sticce. Gergenna. Sticcels. A sting, a pricke, a prickle. Sticol. Strayte, narrowe. Sticewyrt. Herb. aStifan. To waxe stiffe. aStifod. Made stiffe. Stife. Stiffe. Sti&yogh;e. A waye, a path. York., the stie. Sti&yogh;e. A stie for swine. Swin sti&yogh;ean. To houss them or putte tem in the stie. Sti&yogh;an. To go up or downe, climb or descend. He oferstah. On heofonas up astah. &yogh;eStihti&yogh;an. To decree, to con­ stitute. &yogh;eStihte. Constitution. &yogh;eStiht­ ung, idem. Stille. Quiet, stille. Styllnesse. Stilleborene. Dead borne; abortivus. Lanc., still borne. Stincan. To smelle well or evle. Ic stinc sw&omacron;t. Item, olfacere. Þurh þa nosu we tostincað. Stin&yogh;an. To pricke, to sting. Crist het stin&yogh;an his sweord on scœðe. of Stin&yogh;an. To thrust thorowe. Stið. Stiffe, hard. Lanc., stithe. Stiðnesse. Stiðwinter. A hard winter or sharp winter. Stiðlic. Sharp, violent. Stidlic scuras. Stiðlic dome. Severa sententia. Stiðmod. Stout, couragiouse. Stocce. A stocke, a blocke. Stocce. A trumpet & bema. Lind. Stodlan. A certayne instrument of houshold. Stodhors. A staliant or wild horss. Stole. A stoole. Stomm. A stutter or stammerer. Stommettan. To stutte. Stommwlisp. A lisper. Stonsuc. Herb. Stoppa. Bothonicla. Butter­ stoppa. A butter stope. Stor. Frankencense. Storcylle. A sensour or perfume panne. Storc. A storke, bird. Storm. A tempest, a storme. Stowe. A place, locus. Wherof so many places in England have their names. Ceapstowe. Chepstowe in Wales, the market place. Godestowe, by Oxenfor. The place of God. Bryc&yogh;stowe. Bristowe. aStræcan. To stretche along. aStræht. Stretched. Strædan & &yogh;eondStrædan. To strowe, to spreade abroade. Stræde. Passus; a stride, a passe. Strælbora. A shoter, an arrowe bearer; arcitenes. Stræt. Streat, way. Wœtlin&yogh;a­ strœt. Strand. The banke of the sea or a river. Stran&yogh;ian. To strayne. Stran&yogh;. Strong. Stre. A strawe. Stream. A stream, a river. Hum­ berstream. Temesastream. Streamrace. The chanell of a river or the mid course of the streame. Streawa. A strawe. Streawbirrian & Streawbirian. Strawbiries. Streawbirian wisan. Strawberie settes. lanc., streabirie wises. aStrecan. To prostrate, to laye downe, cast downe, stretche along. aStreht. Prostrate, layd or stretched along. Streca, id est Sterc. Strong. Streca m&omacron;d. Strece. Force, strenghth. Strec­ nysse, idem. Stren&yogh;. Strong. Stren&yogh;ð. Strength. Modes stren&yogh;ð. Magnanimitas. &yogh;eStreon. Lucre, gayne, treasure. Item, issue, ofspring. Some­ tyme possession. Streoneshealh. Whitbie in York­ shire. Streow. A strowe. Streowu e&yogh;lan. A festuc, a strowe. Streowberi&yogh;. A strawberie. See Streawbirean. Strewian. To strowe. Strewu. A strowe. Stricc. A line. &yogh;eStridan. To stryde. He his hors &yogh;estrade. Strind. Offspring. toStro&yogh;d. Dispersum; strowed abroade. Strudend. Raptor. Strutun&yogh;e. Rapina. Strydere. A prodigall felowe, a spendall, a stryer. &yogh;eStrod. Proscriptio. &yogh;eStrynan. To winne, to gayne, to gette children. He be heora wifum bearn astryndon. &YOGH;od hy&yogh; stryneð. Stryta. An ostrige. Stulor. Furtivus; theevisshe, privie, secrete. Stulor & di&yogh;le swica. Stulur & Stulorlic. By stealth; furtim. &yogh;eSt&umacron;n. Noyse; strepitus. Stundmælum. By times; succes­ sivis horis. Stunta. Foolishe, a foole. Stuntnysse. Foolisshnesse, folie. Stut. Culex. Stuðu. A poaste or studde. Stybbe. A stocke or stubbe. Styccemælum. By litle & lytle, by peeces. Styde, id est Stede. A place. Style. Accearium. Styllan. To stalle. Hryðera styllan. aStyltan. Stupescere. Stymen. To smelle, to steame. aStynt. Dulled. Styple. A towre, a styple. &yogh;eStyran. To rule, to gouverne, to correct, to moove, to stire. Styre. Correction. Styrc. A yong bullocke. Lanc., a stirke. Styria. Ciagacus. Styri&yogh;a. Porcopiscis. Styrn. Stout, sterne, austere, se­ vere, cruelle. Styrin&yogh;. Mooving, motion, tu­ mult, stirring. Earð styrun&yogh;. Terræ motus. Steorun&yogh; & hreohnysse on ðœre sœ. Styðfæst. Constant, stable. Succan. To sucke. Suc&yogh;a. Ficedula, bird. Sufle. Pulmentarium; all meates besides bread & drinke. lanc., sowle. Su&yogh;u. A sowe. Suhtyr&yogh;a. My brothers son. Sul & Sulh. A plowe. Sulbeam. The plowe beame. Sulhæbbere. The plowe holder. Sulhreost. Dentale. Sum. Sume. Sumdæle. Summe part, partly. Sumor. Sumer. Sumorlida. Malleoli. Sumði&yogh;. Sumthing. Sunne. The sunne. &yogh;eSund. In health, sownd. Beo &yogh;esund. Sis sanus. &yogh;eSundfulnysse. Health. Sund. Swimming. Mid sund oferfaran þ ea. Sundmere. A swimming place. Sundcorn. Saxifrage, herb. Sund&yogh;yrd. A powle or long rodde whiche they used to trie the depth of the sea, that is to say, to sownd in stede of plum­ met & line, A sownding yard. Sundmere. A swimming place. Sunderhal&yogh;a. A pharisey, sev­ ered holye. Sunder&yogh;yfe. A prerogative, a special priviledge. Sunderweorðun&yogh;, idem. Sundorland. A ferme, a private hold. Suner & Sunor. A heard; grex. Suner ber&yogh;u. A heard of swine. Lind. Wherof in the Booke of Hunting it is termed a sunder of swine. Sunfeld. Campi Elysii. Sunstede. Solsticium. Þæt su­ morlic sunstede. Solsticium æstivum. Sunset. Sunsette. Suntreowe. Origia. S&umacron;r. Sower. Surnesse. Sowernesse. Surea&yogh;ed. Bleare eyed. Suri&yogh;a ea&yogh;a. Bleared eyes. aSuri&yogh;an. To waxe sowre. Surp & Surf, Syrfen. The Ser­ vians. Susl. Brimstone, fire of brim­ stone. Hellic susl. Cwic susl. Sutere. A shoomaker. Lanc., a sowter. Suwi&yogh;an & Suwian, id est Swi&yogh;an. To keepe silence. Suwod, pret. Suð. South. Suðdæle. The south part. Sudern. Southern, of the south. Suðernwyrt. Herb. Suðernwudu. Southern wood, herb. Swa. So. Swa swa. Like as. Swa &yogh;elic. Likewise. Eal swa eac. Likewise. Swa swa þæt hal&yogh;e &YOGH;odespel sœc&yogh;ð. Swa hwœðer swa hit beo swa heo swa he. Wheather it be he or she. Swa hwœt. Swœt hwœt swa. What so ever. Swa ðeah. Not wwithstanding. Swa hwylc. Who so ever. Swæc. Smelling; odoratus. Smelle. Swæcce. Swæfl. Brimstone. Swælan & forSwælan. To sette on fire, to burne. lanc., to swale, to scolper. Swær. Hevye, sadde, slouthfull. Swærnysse. Hevinesse. Swæsend. Agape, ferculum; sup­ per. Swæsend da&yogh;as. Idus. &yogh;eSwæsnessa. Blanditiæ. Fayre & flattering woordes. Swæsspræce. Fayre speache. Swæslæcan. To speake fayer, to flatter. Swætan. To sweate. Swæð. Vestigium. The print of the foote in the ground & like­ wise of other thinges. The senfue. Swæðer, for Swa hwæðer. Swalewe. A swalowe. Swæm vel Feldsw&amacron;m. Fungus; a mucheron. Sw&amacron;n. A swineheard. Swan&yogh;ettan. To wagge. inSwapen. Instinctus. Swapan. To sweape. Swatan. Cervisia. Sw&amacron;t. Sweat. Sw&amacron;tclað & Swatl&imacron;. A hand­ kercher. Swaðas. Print of anything left behind. Fotswaðas. Vestigia. Swealtan. To die, to give up the goast. Lanc., to swelt. Swealwe. A swalowe. Sweard. Skinne. Lanc., the sward of porke. Swearm. A swarme of bees. Sweart. Blacke. Sweartnysse. Blacknesse. Sweart&yogh;al&yogh;. Melancholie, blacke choler. Swefas. The Swabes or Suevians. &yogh;eSwefan & Swefian. Sopire; to bring asleape, to make to spleape. Swearð. Catrum. Swefecad. Extirpatus. Sweflene. Eðna þæt sweflene fl&ymacron;r. Swefne. A dreame. Swefnan. To dreame. Swefenreccere. An interpretour of dreames. Swe&yogh; & Swei&yogh;. Accentus; sound. Swe&yogh;an & Swei&yogh;ean. To sound, to make the accent. Swe&yogh;el horn. A trumpet, a blow­ ling horne. Swe&yogh;r. Mother in lawe. My wifes mother. Swel&yogh;an. To swalowe. Swel&yogh;nysse. A swalowe or hurl­ poole in the sea. Swell. A plague, a pestilence, a burning. Swellan. To swelle. Swenas. Fibræ. Swencan. To wearye, afflict, trouble. &yogh;eSwenct. Wearied, afflicted, troubled. &yogh;eSwenc. Trouble, affliction. Swen&yogh;an. Excutere; to shake to swinge, to hurle, to tosse. Sweoland. Sweden. Sweon. The Suetians. Sweopan. To sweape. Sweor. The necke. Item, father in lawe. My wifes father. &yogh;eSweorf. Yron gray, swarf. Sweorbea&yogh;a. A collar or chayne. Sweorbeah, idem. Sweostor. A sister. Sweostorbearna. Sister children; sororini. Sweotol. Evident, manifest. Sweotollic. Manifestly. Swer. A piller. Swere. Hevie. Swerian. To sweare. Swesend, see Swæsend. Swetnysse. Sweetnesse. Swetol & Swetollic, see Sweotol. Sweðele. A swadle. Sweðrian. Fatiscere, tabescere; to languisshe. Swice. Osma. Swica. A traytour, a deceavour. Sw&imacron; & beSwican. To betraye, offend, deceave. Swicol. Deceptfull, trayterouse, fals. &yogh;eSwican & aSwican. To ceasse, avoyd, rest. Pret., &yogh;eswac. Item, to leave, to forsake; deficere. Swicdom. Falsnesse, decept, trea­ son, defection. aSwifan. Exorbitare. Þæt sunne hœfð þon eorðan ymbswifen & ymbcerred. aSwifend. Exorbitans. Swift. Swift. Swiftlere. Subtalaris vel sotu­ laris; a slipper. Swi&yogh;an. To keepe silence, to be stille. Swi&yogh;að &yogh;e. Hold your peace. Onswi&yogh;ean midre niht. Intempesta nocte. Sw&imacron;&yogh;. Silence. Swilic. Hote, Soulye. Gif þœs sumere wylm to swilic beoð. Swimman. To swimme. &yogh;eSwinc. Labour, travayle, trou­ ble. Swincan. To labour, to travayle. Swindan. Torpescere. Hrað þis lichoma aswint & forweornað. aSwindun&yogh;. Desidia. Swin&yogh;an. To beat. Pret., swan&yogh;. Swin&yogh;ele & Swin&yogh;elan. Beating, stripes. Swin&yogh;un&yogh;. Melodie, musicke. Swin&yogh;un&yogh;cræt. The art of mu­ sicke, musicke. Swipe & &yogh;Swipe. A whippe. Swipre. Craftie. &yogh;Swipernysse. Versutia; craft, decept. Lind. Swiðe. Valde; greatly. Swiðeripe. Prœcox; time ripes, hastie frute. Swiðor. Rayther. Swiðor wil­ nian. Malle; to have rayther. Swiðor & swiðor. More & more. Swo&yogh;end. Argutus. &yogh;eSwo&yogh;en. He lœ&yogh; &yogh;eswo&yogh;e be­ twux ðœm ofsle&yogh;enum. Swole. Camus. toSwolna. Swollen. Swon. A swanne. aSwond. Enervatus. Swor. Consobrinus; a cousin germayne. Sworan. To siegh. Sworettan. Oscitare. Sworetend & Sworetendlic. An­ helus; blowing & puffing. Out of breathe. Swotstenca. Swete or pleasant savours. Swotstencend. Swetesmelling. aSwunan. Tabescere; to lan­ guisshe, to swowne. aSwunden. Enervatus. Swurbea&yogh;. A coller or chayne. Swustor. A sister. &yogh;eSwutelian. To declare, to ex­ pownd, to open, to make mani­ fest & knowen, to shewe. Swutelic. Manifestly. Swutelun&yogh;. Demonstration. Swyle. A swelling or impostume. Swylc. Suche. Eac swylce. Even so. Swylc swa is hry­ ðera &yogh;eleowe. Swymman. To swimme. Swyn. A swine. Swyra. The necke. Swyrd. A swerd. Swyrdbora. A swerdbearer. Swyrde. Studium. &yogh;Swyrfan. Elimare. Swytol. Evident, manifest. Swytelun&yogh;a. A certificat. Swyðra hand. The right hand. Swyðra healf. The right side. Swyðran. Syððran Crist wœs, þæt helle f&ymacron;r wœs aswyðrad. Syfe. A sive. Syfer. Sober, chast. Syfernysse. Sobernesse, chastitie. Syfeða. Chaffe or branne. Syfelin&yogh;. Sturring; shoffeling. Sy&yogh;e. A sawe. Syl. Basis; the ground poast. Lanc., a sille or ground sylle. Item, a piller. Hercoles syla. Herculis columnæ. Sylle. A sublevando ductum arbitror. Sylæx. A chippe axe, a blocke ax. Sylene. Gyven. Sylh. The plowe. A sullow in Wilteshyre. Sylfdemen. A kind of irregulare nunnes whiche lived after their owne fansie & prescription. Autonomi. Sylfmyrð. Felo de se. He that murthereth himself. Sylfwille. Of his owne accord, willingly, for the nones. Syllan. To give. Syllan wið wurð. Syllic. Þis &YOGH;odspel. þingð dy­ se&yogh;um mannum syllic. Syltan. To salt. &yogh;eSylt. Salted. Syma. Sequester. Syman. To layde, to lode, to charge, to burthen. Therof cometh a seame or loade of corne. Symerin&yogh;wyrt. Malva Crispa. Symbel. A banket, a feast. Hearof symmel, bread for a banket. Symbeldæ&yogh;. A feast, a festivall daye, a holy day. Symble. Solemne. Symbelnesse. Solemnitie. Symle. Alwayes, evermore. Synderlic. Diverse, not agreable. Item, particularly & especially. Syndrian. To devide, to sunder, to separate. Syndrun&yogh;. Division, divorce. Syndri&yogh;. Private. Syndri&yogh;lic. Particularly, pri­ vately. Syn&yogh;ian. To sinne. Ic sin&yogh;i&yogh;e. Pret., Ic sin&yogh;od. unSyn&yogh;ian. Culpa liberare. Synne. Sinne. Synscipe. Mariage. Riht syn­ scipe. &yogh;eSynto. Health, prosperitie. Sypan. To suppe; sorbere. Syrin&yogh;. Sowre milke whiche re­ mayneth after the butter is made. Syrwan. Insidiari. He on&yogh;an syrwan mid þœm folc hu he hine beswican miht. Syrwan. Insidiæ deceptes, sleightes, ambosshe, treacherie. Ymb þœs cynin&yogh;es feorh syr­ wian. Syrwun&yogh;. Insidæ embussh­ ment, treason, trecherie. Systre. A sester, a certayne mesure of licour or corne. Syððan. Sins, afterward. Ta. A too. Ta. A lotte. T&amacron;n. Lottes. Tacn. A token, a signe. Þa twelf tacna. The twelve signes. Tacnbora. A standard bearer, the enseigne. Tacnian. To signifie, to betoken. &yogh;eTacnun&yogh;e. Signification. Tacor. Levir; the husbandes brother. Brother in lawe. Tade. A toade. Tæcan. To teache. Tæcun&yogh;e. Teaching. Tæht. Taught. &yogh;eTæcan. To putt away; dimit­ tere, & Tæcan, idem. Leg. In. Inde oftœh, preripuit; & toteah, sibi arripuit vel vendicavit. Tæfl. A die, the dies. Tæflstan. A tableman. Tæflan. To playe at the dies or tables. Tæ&yogh; tæ&yogh;. Puppup. A interjec­ tion of contempt. &yogh;eTæl. A catalogue, an accoumpt, a bead rolle. Tælan. To backbite, to disprayse, to slaunder; canillari. Tœlan bœftan. To speake evle behind a mans backe. Hi hine teal­ don. They accused him. Tælwyrð. Notable, woorthye to be spoken of. Tælwyrðlic. Notably. onTændan. To kindle, to sette on fire. Ontœndan f&ymacron;r. To tyne. Tæn&yogh;de. Þa tœn&yogh;de Pharo œfter mid mycelre fyrde. Þonne he &yogh;etœn&yogh;d to ðœm cyrice. He mid fleam to wudu &yogh;etan&yogh;d. Se riðða &yogh;etœn&yogh;d wið ðœs drys & him onfleoh. Tæppere. A tapstre, vintner, winseller. Tæppystre. A woman tapster. Tæran & toTæran. To teare in sunder. Tæsan. To plucke, to tease, to teare. &yogh;eTæse. Commodum. &yogh;eTænysse. Commoditie, opor­ tunitie. Tæsl. Tasle, suche as fullers use. Tættecon. Nis se loddere mid his tœttœcon min &yogh;elica. Tale. & Tæle. Nonullis; re­ proache, slaunder. Talian, Talan. To reproache, to slaunde. Item, to esteeme, to accoumpt Ne tali&yogh;e he his yflan dœda to &YOGH;od. Lette him not ascribe his sinnes to God. Tallic. Reprochefull, blasphe­ mouse. He tallic word sprœc be Moises & be Crist. &yogh;eTal. Number, accoumpt. Item, canon; regula. &yogh;eTala. Calculi; counters wher­ with to cast accoumpt. Talu. Tayles. Leases spelles talu. False & feaned tayles. Tana. Lottes. Tanede. Mentagricus. Tan&yogh; & Fyrtan&yogh;. Tonges. Tapor. A taper of waxe. Tas. Acervus; a tasse or mowe of corne. Tare. Tarre. Sciptare. Tarre to rigge shippes. &yogh;eTawan. Þa þe þœr &yogh;efan&yogh;en wœron hi tawedon mid þœr mœsta unieðnesse sume ofslo­ &yogh;on, sume etc. He hy to ðœm bismere &yogh;etawad þe on ðœm dœ&yogh;um mœst wœs, he hy berea­ fod heora claða. Teah. Sceda, cista, scrinium. Teala. Good, welle. Gif ic un­ teala cwœð, &yogh;eseð þæt mid &yogh;e­ witnysse. Gif þonne teala hwœt witest þu me. If I sayd well, if I say evle. Item, Doð þœm teala þe eowe hatiað. Do them good that hate you. Item, health. Hi settað heora honda ofer adli&yogh;um mannum & heom bið teala. Teald. Duxit. He teald ealne his wurðmint to his fœder. He ascribed, referred. He hine be­ teald. He purged or excused himself. &yogh;eTeald. Deligavit. Þa ðœm þe beoð &yogh;eteald to ðœr stowe. Id est, appointed. Tealtian. To reele or stagger. Team. Soboles. Bearnteam. Her team is na lichamlic ac &yogh;astlic. Ductio exercitus. See tyman. Team. Advocatio. That is whan a thing is found with a man that is stolen to bring foorth him of whome he receyved it. To vouche. Auctoris produc­ tio. Teart. Bitter, tart. Teart w&imacron;t. Bitter paynes. Teaslic. Oportunitie. Lind. Tearas. Teares. Tedan. Lentescunt. &yogh;eTeld. A pavilion, a tent. &yogh;eTe&yogh;d. Bound, tyed. &yogh;Tellan. To number, to counte. &yogh;eTele. Number. Tel&yogh;. Fucus; diing, paynting, colouring. Tel&yogh;an. To die, to colour. &yogh;eTel&yogh;od. Died. Tel&yogh;un&yogh;. Dying. Tel&yogh;dea&yogh;. Ostrum. Tel&yogh;an & Tel&yogh;ena. Frondes. Tel&yogh;ra. Shrubbes. Tellan. To telle, to declare. N&amacron;n man a tellan mœ&yogh;. & To ac­ coumpt. He us him to bearn telð. Telnysse. Opprobrium, calum­ nia; tale. Teltre. A tenter or tender hooke. Temian & aTemian. To tame. Tendan & onTendan. To kindle, to sette on fire. Wherof we say tind the candle. Tender. Tinder; matter to kin­ dle or make fire with. Tenel. A basket. Lanc., tenell. &yogh;eTen&yogh;. Heora þurst heom &yogh;e­ ten&yogh; wœs. Se hun&yogh;er þe heom &yogh;eten&yogh; wœs. Swa feala deofla wœron þœm anum men &yogh;eten&yogh;. Heom un&yogh;emetlic mancwealm &yogh;eten&yogh;. Teofor. Sinoper. Minium; a kinde of redde colour used in limming of bookes. Teolun&yogh;. Þa þeowa &yogh;eswicð þœra teolun&yogh;. Se oxa teolað his hla­ ford. Se &yogh;ytsere &yogh;ymð his teo­ lun&yogh;. He wið his crœft his teolod. Teon. Trahere; to towe, to accuse. Ic teo. Þæt race len&yogh; teon. Protrahere historiam. &yogh;eTo&yogh;en. Tractus; drawen, tugged, accused. &yogh;eTeod. Bismorlic &yogh;eteod.. Teon. Wrong, trouble; contu­ melia. Lanc., teene. Ne do ic þe nœnne teon. Teonan. Calumniæ miseries, wronges, troubles. Hi heora teonan &yogh;ewrœcon. Teonful. Infestus; trouble­ summe, injuriouse. Teoncwydan. To reproche; con­ vitiari. Teoncwyda. Reproches. aTeorian. To fayle, to corrupt, to perisshe, to lacke. Þæt win wœs ateoriad. Fayled. Te­ orian œt lade. Cadit in purga­ tione facienda. aTeori&yogh;endlic. Corruptible. Teors. The member of genera­ tion. Teoðe. Tenth. Se teoða. The tenth. Teoðin&yogh;sceat. Decima; tithe. Teoðian. To tithe. Ic teoði&yogh;e ealle m&imacron;n œhta. Teoðin&yogh; ealdor. Decanus. Teoðin&yogh;man. The tithing man in a court. toTeran, see toTæran. Tero. Glue. Terfinnas. Tartarians, men of Tartarie. Tetter. A tetter; impetigo. Teð. The teethe. Foreceorfend t&emacron;ð. The fore teeth. Hundlic t&emacron;ð. Canini; the fanges. Cweornteð & Won&yogh;teð. Mo­ lares; the great or gumme teeth. γόμφοι Tian & Ti&yogh;an. To binde or tie. Ticcen. A kidde. Tic&yogh;en. Lind. A tegge. T&imacron;d. Time. Wherby be signified solemne times of the yeare. Len&yogh;tentide. Mid wintertid. Opentide. Time out of Lent. It signifieth also an howre. An tid. One howre. Twa tida. Two howres, etc. Tidlic. Oportune, in good time. Tidwritere. An historiographer, chronographus. Ti&yogh;. Marsmar, mantega, man­ tica. Opinor. Ti&yogh;el. Tractorium; sumthing about apparell. Ti&yogh;el. A tyle, a bricke. Ti&yogh;elwyrht. A tyler, a bricke­ layer. Tihtan. To entise. Tihtnesse. Entisement. Tihtere. An entiser. Til. Lind. To, unto, untill. Gearuian til eatanne. To pre­ pare to eate. Cweð til him Hœlend. Crist seyd to him. Tilia & Eorðtilia. Agricola; a husbandman, a plowe man. Tilian. To plowe. By transla­ tion, to gett. Niti; to provide, to gette, to winne. He him sylfe nanes lofes ne tilode. Tilnesse. Hi heora life on til­ nesse & clœnnysse adreo&yogh;on. &yogh;eTiman. To chaunce. Swið rihtlic heom swa &yogh;etimod. Tima. Tyme. To timan. Illico; forthwithe. Tin. Tinne, metall. Tinnen. Of tinne. Tinan. To shette. Lanc., to tine. &yogh;eTin&yogh;. Eloquent. &yogh;eTin&yogh;nesse. Eloquence. Dumb­ um he for&yogh;eafe &yogh;etin&yogh;nesse. &yogh;eTin&yogh;lic. Rethoricall. Tintre&yogh;o. Tormentes. Tintrian & Tintri&yogh;an. To tor­ ment. Tinterðe&yogh;nas. Tortours, tormen­ tours, hangment. Tioncwida. Reproches. Titte. A pappe, a teate. Tiwersdæ&yogh;. Tuesday; dies Martis. &yogh;eTiðian. To graunt. Item, to chaunce, to cumme to passe. To. To; ad. In composition it signifieth many times, excesse, to moche. To lœt. To late. To mycel. Item, division. To­ cinnan. To rive. Toadan. Lentescunt. Tobrædan. To enlarge, to delate. Item, to pulle in peeces. Hi þæt lic sticcemœlum tobrudon. Dilaniarunt. Toberennesse. Difference. Tocinan. To rive, to gape, to chinke. Tocnawan. To discerne. Tocowan. To chewe. Tocwedan. To forbidde. Todæ&yogh;. Today. Todælan. To devide. Tofered. Digested. Þæt seo dœ&yogh;es þi&yogh;en tofered sy. Toforlætnysse. Ceassing. Toecan. To adde, to adjoyne. To&yogh;a. A duke, a capitayne. Hereto&yogh;a. The capitayne or generall of an armie. &yogh;eTo&yogh;en. Tractus. Swa &yogh;eto&yogh;en man & swa &yogh;eðun&yogh;ene lareowe. A man of suche birth. It sig­ nifiet also accused. Fram ato&yogh;e. Demptus; taken awaye. To&yogh;eanes. Against. &YOGH;a him to­ &yogh;eanes. Go met him. To&yogh;yfes. Gratis; of free cost, for nothing, for God a mercy. Toh. Tough, as bird lime. Toheald. Leaning, sweying, bending. Tohl & Tol. An instrument, a toole. To læt To late. Tollere. Telonarius; a toller, a taker of toll. Tomeri&yogh;en. To morowe. Tor. A towre, a high scarre or hille suche as is Hellesbie Torre in Chesshire. The Torre at Glastenbury. Tord. Dung, excrement; stercus. Torfian. To throwe, to hurle, to cast, to sling. Stana torfian. ofTorfian. To stone, to kille with stones. Torhtnysse. Luculentum. Torn. Angrie. Opinor. Toscædan. To separate or devide. Toscead. Discretion, discerning, difference. Tosceacan. To shake off, to drive awaye. Tospryn&yogh;an. To leape asundre. Toslitan. To teare, to cutte in peeces. Tostencan. To scatter, to dis­ sever, to devide. Tostencednysse. Scattering, de­ struction. Totridan. Oscillæ. Totwæman. To devide, dissever. Tow. Towe, flaxe. Toweard. To cumme. Toweard t&imacron;d. Time to cumme. Towearpan. To cast downe, to forsake, cast away, to destroye. Toworpen. Destitute, forsaken. Towæsnesse. Dissention. Toð. Toothe. See Teð. Toðas. The teethe. To ðæm swiðe. Adeo ut; so that, so farre, foorth. To ðonne þœt. To thend that, to thentent, so that, in suche sort that. Todriman. The gummes. Toðundan. To swelle, to be prowde. Toðunden. Prowde, stubburne; malapert. Toðundennesse. Pride. Trahtas. Commentaries, exposi­ tions. Trahtun&yogh;. Interprætatio. Trahtnian. To entreat of, to comment upon, to enterprete, dispute. Trahtere. Interpres, commenta­ tor; tractatus. Treahti&yogh;ean. To enterprete, en­ treate, dispute, reason; trac­ tare. Tramet. A page, a side of a leafe. Tredan. To treade. Tre&yogh;. Alucolum. Trehtere, id est Trahtere. A commentarie. Trendl. A globe, a bowle, a circle. &yogh;eTreowan. To trust. North., to trowe. He þe hi best &yogh;e­ treowodon. &yogh;eTreowe, &yogh;eTreowful & &yogh;e­ Trywe. Faithfull, trustie. Treowleas. Fals, untrustie, dis­ ceptfull. &yogh;eTreowde. Fœderatus; a man in trewes with us. Treowe. A tree. Treowen. Of tree. Treowyrhta. A carpentar. Trifelun&yogh;. Tritura. Trinnubytte. A flagon, a bottle. Tro&yogh;. Cantharus; a trogh, a cockbote. Trode. Vestigium; the tracke or trade. Triwþan. &yogh;eTriwan. To trust. &yogh;eTrumman & &yogh;eTrymman. To fortifie, make strong, confirme. He hiora mod swið &yogh;etrymmod. Truma. Cohors; a band, a ranke. Truman. Rankes or bandes in order of batayle. He his folc butan truman lœd. Out of order. Truwian & &yogh;eTruwian. To trust. Ic truwi&yogh;e. Truwa. Fayth, trust. Het hine faran on his truwan œfter ðœm feoh. Habbað &yogh;etruwan. Trymman & ymbTrymman. To fortifie, establisshe, make strong. Trymmin&yogh; & ymbTrymming. Fortification, assurance. Trum. Strong, fast. Truht. A troute, fisshe. Truð. A trumpetour. Truðhorn. A slawme, a cla­ rion, a trumpet. Tudder. Foetus; issue, frute of generation, ofspring. Tuddorfæst. Frutefull, child bearing. Tumbere. A dauncere, a player of commedies. Tumban. To daunce, to playe playes. Tuu. Mars. Tuesdæ&yogh;. Dies Martis. Tun. A towne. Tunman. A townes man. Tuncærs. Nasturtium; herb. Tunece. A coate; tunica. Tun&yogh;e. A tong. Tun&yogh;ebur. Inquilinus; a town dweller. Tun&yogh;el. A planet, a starre or constellation. Tun&yogh;elcræft. Astronomie. Tun&yogh;elwiti&yogh;a & Tun&yogh;elcræfti&yogh;a. An astronomer, an astrologue; magus. Tun&yogh;lere. A mathematicion; mathematicus. Turf. A turfe. Turtle. A turtle. Tuxas. Tuskes of a boare or suche like. Tuwa. Twies. Twa & Twe&yogh;en. Two. Twa hund. 200, etc. Twa. Twise. toTwæman. To devide, separate, disjoyne. Twæmin&yogh;. Separation, division. Twe&yogh;ra manna ealdor. Duumvir. Twelf. Twelve. Hundtwelfti&yogh;. 120. toTwenian. To devide. Tweonti&yogh;. Twentie. Tweonteo&yogh;oða. Twentith. Tweonun&yogh;e. Doubting. Twiccan. To plucke, to twitche. Twihiw. Biformis; of two shappes. Twi&yogh;a. A twigge, a little bowe of a tree. Tw&imacron;n. Bissum; twine. &yogh;eTwinna. Twinnes, two children borne at one burthen. &yogh;eTwisan. To twine. Twy. In composition signifieth dubling. Twyheafod. Twyec&yogh;ed, etc. Twybill. A twibille. Twyfeald. Double. Twyfyldan. To double. Twyfete. Bipes. Twyfyred. Forked. Twynan. To doubt. Me twynað. I am in doubt. Gif hwam twynie be ðam oðrum. If any­ man be in doubt of the others. Twylic. Doubtfull. Twynun&yogh;e. Doubt. Twysnece. Forked. &yogh;eTwysan. Twinnes. Twywyrdi&yogh;. Double in judge­ ment. Tydder. Temporall, frayle, brickle, during but for a time. Tyddernysse. Fragilitie, weak­ nesse. &yogh;eTyddran, Tyddrian. To bring foorth. Tyddrend. Bringing foorth, frutefull. Tyddrun&yogh;. Propago. Tyhtan. To entise. Tyhtend. An entiser. Tyhtla. Accusation. Tyhtbysi&yogh;. He that is often accused. Tyhtlan, beTyhtlan. To accuse. &yogh;eTy&yogh;ðian & &yogh;eTyðian. To graunt. Ty&yogh;e. Þis &YOGH;odespelles traht hœfð &yogh;odne ty&yogh;e, alias, hœfð lan&yogh;ne ty&yogh;e. Tyme. A teame or yoke of oxen. Fif &yogh;etyme oxena. Tyman. Advocare. See Team. Tymbrian. To builde. &yogh;eTymbrun&yogh;. Building. Tyn. Ten in number. Tynmanna ealdor. Decemvir. Tynan & aTynan. To shette. Lanc., to tine. Þa dura wœron betyned. Ostia clausa erant. Tyncena. Mid sund oferfaran þa ea mid twam tyncenum. Tyrf. A turfe. &yogh;eTyr&yogh;e. Pertritus. Tyrian. Lacescere, elidere; to tyre. Me tyrað mine ea&yogh;an. Þa ea&yogh;an me tyrað on ðœm myclan bryne. Tyrnan. To turne. Tyrwa. Hit is &yogh;eworht of ty&yogh;elan & of eorð tyrwan. Asphaltes. Tysca. Butzur, bird. Tytt. A pappe, a dugge, a tete. &yogh;Tyðian, &yogh;eTy&yogh;dian. To graunt. Ufan. From above. Wiðufan. Above. On uferan da&yogh;um. Afterward, therafter. Ufan. Above, on highe. Ufeweard. Above, aloft. &yogh;eUferan. To exalt. Uffin&yogh;as. The kinges of Eastan­ gle were so called of their first king. Uffa, as themprours, Cæsars, of Julius Cæsar first emprour, kings of Egypt, Ptole­ mees, etc. Uht. Æluht. Everything. Nan­ nuht. Nothing. Ælcuht þe on ðœm land wœs. Uhten & Uhtt&imacron;d & Uht. The evening after the sunne sette. Uhtsan&yogh;. A song or service usuall in the churche at after sunne sette. Ule. An howle. Uma. Scaphus; a wevers toole. Uus. An howle. Uut & Uuten & Wuten. Certe. Lind. Unabærendlic. Intollerable. Unabe&yogh;endlic. Inflexible, not hable to be bowed or turned. Unadwæscendlic. Inextinguibile. Unæðel. A rascall, no gentilman, base. Unafyllendlic. Insatiable. Unalyfed. Unlawfull. Unandwis. Unexpert. Unare. Diswoorshipe. Unbe&yogh;&amacron;n. Untilled. Unbehefe. Unprofitable. Unberend. Barayne, as a woman. Unbryce. Unprofitable. Unbletsun&yogh;. Curse. Unbyed. Not inhabited, desert. Unc & Uncre. Our & ours. Uncoðu. Disease, sicknesse. Uncuð. Straunge, unknowen. Lanc., uncouth. Uncuð wines drincas. Uncype. Gratuitum; for noth­ ing, of free cost. Uncyst. Spare. Uncysti&yogh;. Sparing, niggisshe. Undeadlic. Immortall. Undeadlicnysse. Immortalitie. Underbæc. Downeward, back­ ward. Underdyde. Discipulus. Underf&omacron;n. To receave, to take in hand, to enterprise. Swa hwœt swa we underfoð œt oðrum. Fram þe ic underfen&yogh; feoh. Under&yogh;ytan. To perceave, to un­ derstand. Under&yogh;ropen. Mid &yogh;ytsun&yogh; under&yogh;ropen. Underi&yogh;end. Innocent. Underintin&yogh;an. Under coulour or pretext. Underle&yogh;&yogh;an. To undersette, to underlaye. Undermete. Breakefast, diner. Under&yogh;ereord, idem. Quasi undern meate, meate before noone. Undern. Forenoone. Undern tid. Hora tertia; the third howre of the daye. Undern dœ&yogh;as. Forenoone. Underswæsend. Diner. Understandan. To understand. Underwreoðan. To undersette, to underlaye. Underðæm. In the meane time. Underðœm &yogh;ewinn. In the time of the warre. Underðeod. Subdued. Und&omacron;n. To open. He undyde his muð & cwœð. Undyrn. Ascried, discovered, knowen. Unemne. Uneven. Unfacne. Sine dolo. Unfæle. Noughtie, wicked. Unforswiðen. Invincible; invic­ tus. Unfrið. Warre, ennimitie. Unfriðman. An ennimie, one of our ennimies countrey. Unfriðland. Our ennimies coun­ trey. Un&yogh;ebyrd. Beardlesse. Un&yogh;edreht. Infatigable, not hable to be wearied. Un&yogh;ecnyrdnysse. Negligence. Un&yogh;eendod. Infinite. Un&yogh;efoh. Mid un&yogh;efohre &yogh;ytsun&yogh;e. ontœnd. Un&yogh;efohlic swœtan. Un&yogh;efræ&yogh;e. Unheard, never heard before. Un&yogh;ehend. Farre off. Un&yogh;el. Talowe. Un&yogh;elimp. Misfortune, mis­ chaunce. Un&yogh;elyfedlic. Uncredible. Un­ &yogh;elyfedlic to sec&yogh;anne. Un&yogh;emaca. Inpar; unlike, not matche. Un&yogh;emetlic. Huge, of immeasur­ able greatnesse. Un&yogh;emete&yogh;od. Intemperant, in­ continent. Un&yogh;erad. At discord, disagre­ able, discordant. Sicilie un&yogh;e­ r&amacron;d wœron heom betweonan. Un&yogh;erædnesse. Discord, dissen­ tion. Un&yogh;eresco. Tumult. Un&yogh;erim. Innumerable. Un&yogh;erisene. Inconvenient, ab­ surd, contumelious. Un&yogh;erisenlic. Inconvenient, in­ conveniently, reprochefullye. Un&yogh;esæli&yogh;. Unhappie. Un&yogh;esewenlic. Invisible. Un&yogh;escræpe. Unprofitable. Un&yogh;etæsnesse. Incommoditie. Un&yogh;etima. Evel & miserable times. Un&yogh;etima &yogh;e on hun&yogh;re &yogh;e on mancwealme. Un&yogh;ewild. Tamed. Un&yogh;ewis. Uncertayne. Un&yogh;eðwære. Discordant, disagre­ ing. Un&yogh;eðwænysse. Discorde, dis­ sention. Un&yogh;leawnesse. Rudenesse. Unhælo. Lacke of health, sickly­ nesse. Unhlysa. Infamie. Unhlysful. Infamouse. Unhlysead&yogh;an & Unhlysebære. Infamouse. Unhæmed. Unmaried. Unlædlic. Unexcusable. Unlæd. Noughtinesse. Unlaf. Postumus; he that is borne after his fathers death. Unleas. Trewe. Unlibbe. Poyson. Unlibbe wyrhta. Veneficus; a poyson maker. Unlichamlic. Uncorporall, un­ bodily; incorporeum. Unliðewace. Untractable. Unmædlic. Inhumaniter. Unmæne að. Jusiurandum verum. Unlytel. Many, not a fewe. Unlytel folc. Unmea&yogh;le. Unsavorie. Unmed. Unwoorthy. Unmyndlin&yogh;a. At unwares. He unmyndlica on Eumenes becom mid here. &yogh;eUnnan. To graunt. Unne. License, leave, graunt. Unnyt. Unprofitable, unneces­ sarie, superfluouse. Unnytlofe. Vaynglorie. Unrædlic. Rasshely, without con­ sideration. Unriht. Wrong. Unrot. Sadde, sorrowfull. Unrotnysse. Sadnesse, pensive­ nesse. Unrotan & Unrotsian. Contri­ stare; to make sadde. Unscæði&yogh;, Unscaði&yogh; & Unsceðend. Innocent. Unscæðfulnysse. Innocencie. Unscyldi&yogh;. Innocent. Unsibbe. Contention, strife, con­ troversie, discorde. Unsifer. Unclenly, filthie, baw­ die. Unsifernesse. Unclenlynesse, filthinesse. Unsiðe. Misfortune, an infortu­ nate journey. Unsmeð & Unsmoð. Rough, not smothe, uneven, cnottie. Unspædi&yogh;. Poore. Unspræcend. Dumbe. Unsprœ cend cild. An infant or a child that cannot speake. Unstran&yogh;. Weake. Unsin&yogh;ian. Culpa liberare. Leg. Inæ. Untala. Malum. Lind. Untemend. Barayne, a barayne woman. Unt&imacron;d. Intempestium; un­ tydie, out of time, unfitte time. Untinan & Untynan. To open. Untrum. Weake, sick, sickly. Untrumnysse. Weacknesse. Untodæledlic. Indivisible. Untwylic. Undoubtfull, undoubt­ edly. Untymend. Barayne, passed child bearing. Unweder. Tempest, fowle wether. Unwemlic & Unwemmed. Pure, unspotted, uncorrupt. Unweod. Weede, unprofitable herbes. Unweorðan. To dishonest, dis­ honour, diswoorshipe. Unwilles. Unwilling, unwillingly, against wille. Unwlite. Shame, fowlenesse. Unwliti&yogh;. Uncumly, evle favored. Unyðe. Hard, greevouse, un­ easye. Inde unneth, scarcelye. Unwri&yogh;ene. Uncovered. Unwritere. A fals writer. Unðæslic. Uncumly. Unðanca. By force, by constraint, will ye nill ye. Hi þa heora unðances him &yogh;ehyrsum wœron. Unðancful. Ingratus; unkind, unthankfull. Unðeawe. Evle manner. Unðeawful. Unmanerly, evle taught. Unðwær. Discordant, disagreing. Unðwærnysse. Discord, strife, dissention. Unðwærian. To disagree. Up. Up; sursum. Upaweard. Upward. Uppan. Upon. Upahebban & Upahefan. To lift up, to rayse. He &yogh;ewinn upahof wið Athenienses. Upa&yogh;&amacron;n. Arisen. Sunne is up a&yogh;&amacron;n. Upasti&yogh;an. To mount, to ascend, to go up, to climbe. Upasprin&yogh;an. To arise. Sunnan upasprin&yogh;. The sunne rise. Upfeax. Bald before. Upflor. A chamber above or aloft. Upflerin&yogh;, idem. Uphus. A high chamber. Uplandiscman. He that dwelleth farre from the sea. Upwara. Superi; citizins of heaven. User. Our, ours. Lind. & Usih. Nos, nobis & Usich, us & usic. Utacumen & Utancumen. A straunger; advena. Lanc., an outcumling. Uton & Utan. A word of exhort­ ing; agite. Lind. Wutun Porro, preterea. Utanydan. To drive out. Utcumene. Peregrinus, advena; a stranger. Utfæreld. Going out, issue. Utlah & Utla&yogh;a. An outlawe. Utsihte. Death. He f&omacron;r on utsihte. He died. Utucund. A straunger. Uuf. An howle. Unwillum. Invitus. His unwil­ lum. Against his wille. Uðwite. A philosopher. Uðwitian. Philosophari; to be studiouse of wisdome or phi­ losophie. Smea&yogh;an ymb wis­ dom. Wa. Wo. Þæt folc wœs wa. Wa wa. Wa me & Wa is me. Woo is me, alas, woordes of lamenta­ tion. Wa la wa. Alas. Lanc., welaway. Wa eow. Wo be to you. Wœh iuh.. Lind. Wac & Waclic. Vile. Wacnysse. Vilenesse. Wacan. To wake, to awake, to watche. Wacol. Watchefull. Wacor. Lanc., waker. Vigilant, watching. W&amacron;d. Wode; glastum. An herb whiche diers use. Wad, Wadspittan. Linsœd & wadsœd sawan. Wadspitle. A certayne instru­ ment. Wadan. To wade. Wæ. Væ alas. Wœh iuh. Lind. Wæcce. Watche, waking. Wæccan. To watche, to wake. &yogh;eWæccednysse. Brosnun&yogh; oððe &yogh;ewœccednysse. Wæde. Mataxa. Wædbræc. A kinde of breaches, a payre of breaches; campes­ tria, perizomata. Wæderrape. A gable of a shippe. Wædl & Wædlnysse. Povertie, necessitie, lacke, penurie, hun­ ger. &yogh;eWædu. Appareyle. lanc., weede. beWæfan. To lappe, to be­ wrappe. Wæfels. A covering, anything to cover or lappe with. Wæfersyna. Pageauntes, shewes; spectacula. Wæferstowe. A theatre. Wæfernesse. Pompe, shewe, so­ lemnitie. Wæflan. Blaterare; to speake foolisshly. Wæ&yogh;an. To weye. Wæ&yogh;. Weyght. Wæ&yogh;e. Balance. Wæ&yogh;scala. The scales of the balance or a payre of balance. aWæht & &yogh;eWæt. Wearie, wearied. Wæ&yogh;an. To mocke, deceave. Wæ&yogh;ed. Deceaved, mocked. Wæ&yogh;bræde. Plantane, herb. lanc., waybreade. aWæ&yogh;ene. Frustrate, deceaved. Wæ&yogh;nian. To mocke, to deceave. Wæ&yogh;nere. An entiser, a bawde. Wæ&yogh;rift. A curtayne or hanging. Wæ&yogh;scala. A payre of balance. Wæl. A hurlpoole. lanc., a weele. Wæl. Slaughter, death, murayne, pestilence. Wœ on &yogh;efeoht. Þœr wœs mycel wœl &yogh;esla&yogh;en on œ&yogh;ðer healf. Þœr wœs Romana mycel wœl &yogh;esla&yogh;en. He ferd to ðœm wœle his lic secend. Wæfil. Slaughter. Wælcyri&yogh;. Bellona, Alecto; a furie, a plague of mankinde. Wælhreowe. Cruell. Welhreownesse. Crueltie. Wælhreowlie. Cruellye. Wælisc. Opratanum. Wælreaf. The spoyle of the enni­ mies being over throwen & slayne. Wæstowe. The place of the over­ throwe & slaughter of the enni­ mie, the whiche being kept by eyther partie was judgement of the victorie. Þa Deniscan ahton welstowe &yogh;eweald. The Danes had the victorie. The Danes kept the feld. Wæltan. To tumble. Lanc., to walt, to walter. Wæen. A chariot, a cart, a wayne. Item, the Charles wayne in heaven. A wagen. Wæn&yogh;erefa. Carpentarius. Wænere. A carter. Wænfære. Fiscalis. Wæn&yogh;. A cheeke. Wænðol. Aries. Wæpnu. Armes, weapens. &yogh;eWæpnian. To arme. &yogh;eWæpnod. Armed. Wepnh&umacron;s. An armorie. beWæpnian. To unarme. Wæpman. A man, the mayle kinde. Wæpnedcyn. The make kynde, the male sexe. Wæpnedlic lim. The males member. The member of gen­ eration of the male. Wæps. A waspe. Wær. Ware. Item, trues. Wœre niman. To take trues. Wær, Fiscwær. A fissheweare. Lœttað eower nette on dœm fiscwœr. Wær. Ware. Wærlic. Warely, advisedly. Wærc. Ache, sorowe. lanc., wark & warche, as headwarke. &yogh;eWærdan. To endamage or hurt. Wærlotas. Policies, guiles, de­ ceptes, craftes. Wærmian. To warme. Wærna. Littorius, bird. Wærrel. Warye. Wærscip. Warenesse; cautio. Mid maran fultume & mid maran wœrscipe. Wærworda. Antefata; warning. Warning before hand. Wæscan. To wasshe. Wæsch&umacron;s. Landrie. Wæscend. A throate or wesend. Wæshale. Wassale, be in health. Wæsp. A waspe. Wæstlin&yogh;. Stragula; a peece of bedding. Wæstm. Frute. Wœstmas. Frutes. Frumwœstmas. First frutes. Wæstmbære. Frutefull, fertile. Wæstmbærnysse. Frutefulnesse, fertilitie. Wæstlun&yogh;. A coverlet for a bedde. Wæte & Wæta. Moysture, licour, drinke for man & beast, weete. Æte & wœte. Meat & drinke. Wæter. Water. Wæterælfenne. Waterelves, water faries; nymphæ. Wæterful & Wæterseoc. Hi­ dropicus; he that hath the dropsie. Wæter&yogh;eladu. Conduites. Wætermele. A water vessell or basen. Wæterseoc. Hydropicus; sicke of the dropsie. Wæterseocnysse. The dropsie. Wæterwyrt. Callitricum; herb. Wæterwrite. Clepsydra. Wæti&yogh;an. To weete, to moysten. Wætran. To water. Wafian. To be amased, astonied. Wa&yogh;ian. To wagge, shake, nodde. Wa&yogh;rift, Wa&yogh;ryft & Wahreft. A curtine; velum. Wa&yogh;hræ&yogh;l. Idem. Hangings of walles. Wah. A walle. lanc., a wogh. Wald. A wild ground, a wood a forest. Walh. Straunge, a straunger, barbarouse. He that speaketh a straunge tong. Inde Walsh­ man et Walnutt et Wallowishe taste. Walh. Occa; a furowe. Opinor. Walhnutu. Walle nuttes, straunge nuttes. Bryt. Cnyen frankeg. Walmæppla. Nicolaus. Walwyrt. Herb. W&amacron;m. Livor. Wamb. The wombe, the belye. Wambfræcnysse. Glotonie, bely­ cheere. Wan. Pale, wanne of colour. Wana. Lacke. Inde the wane of the moone, her decay of light. Me synd wana pen­ in&yogh;as. I lacke money. Me is feos wana. Idem. Wana sie. Absit; God forbidde. Wandian. To be afrayed, to doubt. &yogh;eWand. &YOGH;ewand him &umacron;t ealle his inneweard. He wand of his swurum. Wanabeam. Wanbeame, tree. Wand. Sandix. &yogh;eWande. Verecundia. Wandrian. To wander. Wandwyrp. A molle, a molde­ warpe. Wan&yogh; & Won&yogh;. A feld, a corn­ feld. Wan&yogh;. A cheeke. Wan&yogh;ere. A pillowe. Wanhale. Weake, sickly, un­ healthye. Wanian. To deminisshe. Wanun&yogh;. Lacke, diminution, losse. &yogh;eWaned. Demptum. Waniht. Idem. Wanian. To lament. Waniend his a&yogh;en sœða. Wanun&yogh;. Lamentation. Wanlytne. Expers. Wanspeda. Povertie. Wanspedi&yogh;. Poore. Wapian. To be amased or as­ tonied. Wapul. Famfaluca; fome. Opinor. W&amacron;r. Plur., waru. Marchandise. Hi wurpon heora wary ofer bord. They turned their marchandize overboord into the sea. War. Alga. Ware. Heed, respect. He n&amacron;m n&amacron;n ware hwylc hi wœron. Hi wœron on ða burh heri&yogh;iend & sleand butan œlcere ware. Hi þone we&yogh; leton buton ware. Wara. In composition signifieth inhabitantes or citisins. Lon­ donwara. Londonienses. Rom­ wara. Romani. Cantwara, Heo­ fonwara. Hellewara. Eorðwara. &yogh;eWarian. To keepe or looke to. Warnian. To take heede, to be­ ware. Warna. Beware, take heede. Warna þæt þu þæt ne d&omacron;. Is &YOGH;odes þeowum &yogh;eorn to warnienne þæt, etc. Ic warni&yogh;e. I take heede. Wœrnian, also. Warð. Littus. Lind. The sea shoore. Wariht. Algosus. Wase. Coenum; mire, dirt. Wasend. Throate, wesend. Wascan. The Gascones or Baskes. Wat. Ic wat. I knowe, I wotte. Þu wast. He wat. &yogh;eW&amacron;t. Went. He &yogh;ewat þanon. He went thence. He feol adune & &yogh;ewat. Died. Watla. Tegulæ tyles. Lind. Lanc., watles be long roddes wher with they make lome walles under the lome or laye under the thatche upon the sparres of a houss. Weal. A whirlpoole. Lanc., a weele. Weal. A bondman. Properly a Walsh bondman or suche one as is of another nation, as the most part ever were & were therfore called Wealas, that is Welshe or straunge. Weallan & Weallenda bryne. The fyre of hell. Wealcere. A fuller of cloathe. Lanc., a walker. &yogh;eWeald. Authoritie, rule, gouv­ ernment. Ic nah na &yogh;eweald. I can not do ther with. His &yogh;ewealdes. With his wille, for the nonest. Un&yogh;ewealdes. Against his wille. Wealdan. To rule, governe. Wealdend. A ruler, a governour. &yogh;eWeald leðera. The reynes of a brydle. Weald. Sylva; a wood, a forest. Wherof the wild or Weald of Kent & Sussex have their name, whiche were in times past conteyned in the great wood called Andredes Weald, whiche stretched out of Kent thorough Sussex into Hampshire. Weald&yogh;en&yogh;. He that wandreth in the woodes. Waythe men. Theeves lying in the woodes. Wealh. A straunger, a Walshe man. Wealh þeod. The Welshe nation. Wealhhafoc. A faulcon, a hauke that cummeth from beyonde the sea. Wealhstod. An interpretour, a trusshman. He that interpre­ teth betwix two of sundrie languages. Wealle. A walle. Andwearc to wealle. Morter for building. Wealmore. Pastinaca, herb. Wealwyrhte. A waller, a maker of walles. Weamod. Angrie, testie, wrothe, impacient. Weamodnysse. Anger, teatissh­ nesse, wrooth. Wear & Wearn & Wearre. Cal­ lus; callus, hardnesse of the hand or foote caused with labour. Weard. Watche, warde, a keper. Wherof be compounded; Weard­ man. A watcheman. Weard­ setle. Place of watche. Sto­ weard. A stewarde or keeper of a house. Weardan. To watche. Weard. Toward. Wið heofonas weard. Towards heaven. Wear&yogh; & Wear&yogh;bærend. Furcifer. Wear&yogh;bræmacron;d. Impetigo, nevum. Wearhrod. A forke. Wearmian. To warme. Wearn, idem quod Wear. Wearnian. To warne. Wearnwislic. Hard; difficile. Wearp. The warpe of cloathe; stamen. Wearpfæt. A basket for the same. Wearriht & Wearri&yogh;. Hard as the hand or foote with labour. Knottie, uneven, rough. Wearrihtnesse. Roughnesse, cnottienesse. Weart. A wart. Weaxan. To growe. lanc., to waxe. Weax. Waxe. Weaxbræde. Tabula. Webbe. A webbe. Webhoc. Apidiseus; a weavers toole. Webtawa. Linea. Weccan & &yogh;eWeccan. Afficere. Weccan. Candle weccan. Candle weeke. Weced & Wecedport. Wachet in Sumersetshire. Wede. Clothes, appareille. Lind. Lanc., weede. aWed. Madde, furiouse. lanc., wood. Wedin&yogh;. Fransie. Wedend. Madde. aWeden, Wedan. To be madde or waxe madde. Wedenheortnysse. Madnesse, rage, furie. Wedbeor&yogh;. Helleborus. Wedde. A pledge. beWeddan. To pledge, to lay in pledge. Ic beweddi&yogh;e. Spon­ deo. Wedla. Poore. Wedlian. To be poore, to live poorely, to sustayne povertie & miserie. Wefta. Weft. Threade or yarne to be woven in cloathe. &yogh;eWef. Weving; textura. Wefl. Cladica. We&yogh;. The waye. We&yogh;a&yogh;eletu. Compita; crossewayes. Twe&yogh;ra we&yogh;a &yogh;elœtu. The meting of two wayes. Þreora we&yogh;a &yogh;elœtu. Three wantes. Þreora we&yogh;a &yogh;emota. Idem. We&yogh;. A wedge. We&yogh;an. To weighe, to beare, to carie. aWe&yogh;an. To lift. We&yogh;c. A wedge. Gylden we&yogh;c&yogh;e. We&yogh;færan. To journey, to tra­ vayle, to go on the waye. We&yogh; fœrend man. A wayfaring man. We&yogh;fereld. Wayfaring, jour­ ney or voyage. We&yogh;fore. Wayfaring, journey, voyage. We&yogh;&yogh;a. Orum; metalles. Ælces cynnes wec&yogh;. Every kinde of metalle. We&yogh;i. Poculum. We&yogh;scala. A payre of balance, a payre of scayles of balance. aWeht. Awaked, troubled. Wel. Well. We la wa. Alas. Well away. Lanc. Wella wel. Interjectio. Welan. Riches, wealth. Weli&yogh;. Riche, wealthye. Wele&yogh;ian & Weli&yogh;an. To enriche. &yogh;eWele&yogh;od. Enriched, anourned, endewed. Welor & Weler. A lippe. Weli&yogh; & Weoli&yogh;. Riche, wealthy. Welhwær. Every where, in many places. Wel me. Well is me: a woord of rejoysing. Welwyllend. A well willer. &yogh;eWeman. To tourne. To soð fœstnysse we&yogh;e &yogh;eweman. To turne to the way of truthe. Fram rihtum &yogh;eleafe &yogh;ewem­ man. To revolte from true be­ leefe or religion. Wemme. A blotte, a spotte, a fault. Lanc., a wemme. &yogh;eWemman. To defile, to marre, to corrupt. &yogh;eWemmod. Spotted, marred, wemmed, corrupted. Wene. Opinion. W&emacron;n is. It is thought. Wenan. To suppose, to weene. Wende, pret. Him mon þœs lifes ne wend. No man thought he would live. Wenun&yogh;. Supposition, peradven­ ture. Wendan & aWendan. To turne, to translate. Wendend ende­ byrdnesse. A preposterouse or­ der. Anwendan &amacron;n b&omacron;c to En&yogh; liscum &yogh;ereorde of Lœden. To translate a booke into the Eng­ lish speache out of Latine. Wendelsæ Mare Mediterraneum; the Midland Sea. Wenn. A wenne. Wenspryn&yogh;. A wart or wenne. Went. South Wales. Wentsætas. South Welshmen; Demetæ Wenun&yogh;e. Peradventure, per­ chaunce. Weoc. A weeke. Weod. Weede, noughtie herbes. Weodian. To weede. Weodwyrtwalian. Idem. Weodh&omacron;c. A weeding hooke. Weodmonað. August. Weofan. To weave. Weofun&yogh;. Weaving. Weofod. An altare. Weo&yogh;ora ceaster. Wurcester. Weolc. Any kinde of shelfisshe. Weolcread. Purple colour. Weonoðland. Wendelland, the countrey nowe called Pomern in Germanie. Weoruld. The world. Weopan. To weepe. Weorc. Woorke. Weorc &yogh;e­ weorcan. In malam partem. flagitium facere. Leg. Canut. Weorcan. To woorke. Weorcst&amacron;n. Stone to build with. Weorcdæ&yogh;. Woorkdaye. Weorf. Asellus. Weornian & forWeornian. To wear awaye. Weorpan. To cast, to hurle. aWeorpan & toWeorpan. To cast awaye. From œlcum &YOGH;odes dœle aworpene. Deprived of suche part as belongeth to God. aWurpe. Cast awaye. &yogh;eWeorð Shal be. Ealra betst þæt œfre &yogh;ewurð oððe &yogh;eweorð. Þonne hi&yogh; mon on hand nimð, þonne weorðað hi&yogh; to axan. Weorðian. To woorshippe. Weorðun&yogh;e. Woorshipping. Weorðfullic. Woorthily. Weorðun&yogh;. Curtellum; a curte­ lage. Weorði&yogh;. Idem. A yard or bar­ ton; cortis, chortis. Weosnian & forWeosnian. fade, to widder. aWeosun&yogh;. Subsistentia, essen­ tia. Weotoma. Dos; dower, mariage good. Wepan & Weopan. To weepe. Wer. A man, a husband, male. &yogh;eWerdan. To endamage, to hurt. Were. Prætum nativitatis; a raunsom, the price of a man's life. Wer&yogh;yld, Werlade. Weran & beWeran. To defende. Weran & aWeran. To weare cloathes. Werborh. Hominis plegium; pledge to aunswer the were of a man slayne. Werc. A dwarf. Werc. Castellum. Lind. Inde Warke, the castle in Northum­ berland. Were. Manipulus. Wered. Wered oððe bitter. Weres. Peradventure. Werh&amacron;d. Male sexe. beWerian & Werian. To de­ fende. Hy sylf wið þeowdom bewerian. Inde &yogh;eWerod, de­ fended, acquitted. Weri&yogh;. Wearye. Weri&yogh;an. To curse. lanc., to warie. Weri&yogh;e&yogh;ast. The devile. Werin&yogh;wic. Warwicke. Wermod. Woormwood, herb. Werlamaceaster. Saint Albons. Werlade. Excuse or purgation after the rate & proportion of a man's weare. Werlic. Manlike, the male. Werlic cynn. The male kinde. Werod. An armie. Werod. Sweete. Werodnysse. Sweetenesse, nectar. Werwulf. The dyvel. Wesan. To be herafter. Wesað h&amacron;l. Be ye in health. God save you. God be with you. Wesend. Being herafter. Wesend. Bubalis. Wesle. A wesel. West. West. Westdæl. The west part. Westweard. Westward. West. Waste, not enhabited. aWestan. To destroyeo, to wast, to make desolate. Westm & Westma. Frute. Westmbær. Frutfull, fertile. Westmbær. Fertilitie, frut­ fulnesse. Westen. Wildernesse. West. Waste, not habited. West­ ern. Lind. Westensetla. An heremite. Westseaxna ric. The kingdome of Westsex. Wexan id est Weaxan. To growe. Wexbræde. A table. Weðer. The wether, fayre or fowle. Weðer. A wether, sheepe. Wibbe. Wibbandun. Where Ceauline, King of Westsex, fought with Ethelbert, King of Kent, who had invaded his kingdome, whiche was the first batayle that ever was fought betwix Englisshe Saxons. Wic. A streate or village, a dwelling. Wherof are com­ pounded so many names of townes in England ending in wic & wiche. Wician & Wican. To dwelle, to remayne. On niht wican. To lie stille in the night or at anker. Spoken of a shippe. Wicce. A witche. Wiccecræft. Witchecraft. Wice. Wiche tree. Wicelian. To wagge or stagger, to reele, to waggle or wigle. Wicda&yogh;as. Nundina. Wicnian. Wicnian & halsian. To beseeke. Wicin&yogh; & Wicin&yogh;sceaðan. A py­ rate, a searover. Wicin&yogh;amere. Wigmore. Edward the Elder fortified it anno 921 against the Danes who immedi­ atly the same yeare laying seege thereunto prevaled not. Wicnian. Of wic. To remayne, to dwelle. Wicnere. A baylife of husban­ drie. Wicstowe. Castra, locus castro­ rum. He þœr wicstowe n&amacron;m. Castra metatus est. Wide. Wide. Wide & side. Farre & wide. Wid&yogh;ill. Large & wide. &yogh;eWidlian. Profanare, coinqui­ nare; to pollute, to suspend. Widl. Illuvies; filth, uclenly­ nesse. &yogh;eWidmærsan. To publisshe, to celebrate. &yogh;eWidmærsan. Publisshed, cele­ brated. Widsæ. The mayne sea, the oceane. Widscriðele A wanderer. Also a kind of nunnes whiche wan­ dred abroade at their pleasure. Widwa. A widowe. Wif. A wife, a woman, the female. Wifcyn. The female kinde. &yogh;eWife. Fortuna, fatum. &yogh;eWifesæli&yogh;. Fortunatus. Wiffæx. Cæsaries. Wifel. Scarabeus; a weefle. Wiffæst. Maried. Wifman. A woman. Þis &yogh;ebyrað to wimmannum. Wifhad. Wifhades man. Wifian. To take a wife, to be maried. Wiflic. Female. Wifesæli&yogh;. Fortunatus. Wift, idem quod Weft. Wifð&yogh;n. A bawde. Wi&yogh;. Warre. Wi&yogh;a & Wi&yogh;man & Wi&yogh;endman, Wi&yogh;bora. A warrior; belliger. Wi&yogh;ian. To fight. Wi&yogh;&yogh;abeorh. Where the Deven­ shirermen overcame the Danes anno 851. Wi&yogh;cræft. Ars militaris; the art of the warre. Wi&yogh;&yogh;ebed. Ara; an altare of superstition. Wi&yogh;bed. Ariolatio; conjecture of thinges to cumme. Wi&yogh;h&umacron;s. A castle or fortresse or towre. Wi&yogh;lian. To conjure, to use sor­ cerie, to jugle. Wi&yogh;ler. A southsayer, a wisard, a jugler. Wi&yogh;man. A man of warre. Wi&yogh;noðes du&yogh;uð. Militia. Wi&yogh;wæ&yogh;en. A chariot of warre, a carte for the warre. Wiht. A creature, a wight. Ealla cwice wihta. Yfel wiht. A spirite, a bugge, a ghost. Inde Whitsonday. Wiht & Wihtealond. The Ile of Wighte, so called of the Bryt­ tishe worde Guythe which sig­ nifieth divortium, a part torne or divyded from the contynent as Scicil is from Italie. Wille. Wille. To heora willum According to their willes. He nold his willes þæt don. With his wille. Wilcuma. Wellcumme. Lind. aWildan. To waxe wilde, to be­ cumme wilde. Wild. Wild, savage. Wild. Silvestris. Derived of weald as sylvestris of sylva. Wildeora. Wilde beastes. Wildeorafernesse. Wilder­ nesse. Wild&yogh;&omacron;s. A wild goose. Wildtæsl. Wildtasel. Wilfæ&yogh;en. Voti compos. He that hath his owne wille. Wilfaresdun. Wilia. A basket to take fishe, a weele. Wilhremi&yogh;. Compos voti. He that hath his wille. Willecærse. Seubritia, herb. Wilme. Heate. Lanc, a walme. Wilme. A heate of water till it boyle. aWilled. Sodde. lanc., welled. &yogh;Wilnan & &yogh;Wilnian. To wille, to desire; ambire. Hi wilnodon friðes. They desired peace. &yogh;eWilnun&yogh;e. Desire, wille, affec­ tion, request. &yogh;eWilsæli&yogh;. Fortunatus. Wilsum. Selfwille. lanc., wil­ summe. Wiltun. W&imacron;n. Wine. Winern. A seller. Winbeam. Pertica; a wind­ beame. Winberian. Grapes. Winbo&yogh;a. A vine. Winbrytte. Caupo. Winburna. Winbyrele. A vintner, a tapster, a yeoman of the seller, a boute­ lier. Wincelcomb. Winchecombe. Wince. Gigrillus. Wincelsea. Winchesea. Wincian. To winke. W&imacron;nd. Winde. Windan. To winde. beWindan. To lappe, to bende, to crooke. Windel. A basket. Lanc., a windle. Windelstreowe. A windelstrowe. Windfona. Scabellum. Windelesora. Windlocas. A payre of com­ passe. Windsobl. Ventilabrum. Windumær. The echo. Windun&yogh;a. Palea; chaffe. Lind. Winedaland. Wendeland, the countrey now called Pomerane. Winedaland þe mon het Sycyle. Ælfred. Winern. A wineseller, a taverne. Win&yogh;yrd. A winyarde, a vinyard. &yogh;eWinn. Strife, contention, warre. Winnan. To strive, to contend, to warre. Hi on þæt folc win­ nend wœron. They continued warre with them. Wiðerwin­ nan. Winscip. Collegium. Winter. Winter. The Saxons used to count yeares by the winter. Syx hund wyntra. Twywintre. Biennis. Þrywin­ tre. Triennis. Wintermonað. Wintersteal. Pullus annotinus; a horse colt of one yeare olde. &yogh;eWintrod. Adultus. Wintreowe. A vine. Wintwi&yogh;as. Palmites. Wintro&yogh;. The vesselle wherin the wine is troden. Winwrin&yogh;. A wine presse. Winwed. Filu. Winwealti&yogh;an. To reele like a dronken man, to reele or stag­ ger for drunkennesse. Wipian. To wipe. Wippedsfleot. Wir. Mirtle. Wirtreowe. Mirtle tree. Wir&yogh;ræfan. Groves of myrtle. Wirheala. Wirall in Chesshire. A tong of the land liing betwixt the rivers of Dee & Mersey. Wirof. A warriour. &yogh;eWis. Certayne, playne, evident. Gewissum ðin&yogh;e. A certeine truthe. &yogh;eWiscian. To wisshe. Wisdom. Wisdome. Wise. Maner, facion, order, wise. On twa wisan. In two sortes. On þreo wisan. Wisle. The river of Wixel or Vistula whiche devided aun­ ciently Germanie from Sar­ matia. Wisteland. The land of Poole or Polonia. forWisnian. To fade, to widder. Lanc., to wisen awaye. forWisnod. Faded, widdred. &yogh;eWissan. To rule, to governe. &yogh;EWissian. To teache, to direct, to rule, to govern. Wist. A dyner. Luk. 14. A banket. Wista. Delicates, jun­ kettes. &yogh;eWistful. Delicate. Wistfullian. To banket, to make good cheere. Wisftfullic. Delicatly, costly. Wista. Terræ; 8 yard land, 4 yeardes, that is halfe a hyde, after thopinion of the Chron. of Battel. See Hydlandes. Wit. We two. &yogh;eWit. Witte, understanding. Wodum he for&yogh;eaf &yogh;ewit. &yogh;eWit, &yogh;eWita & &yogh;eWitnysse. Witnesse. Of knowledge, know­ ing. Leas&yogh;ewita. A fals wit­ nesse. Witan. To weete, to knowe. Is to witanne. It is to be under­ stoode. Witun&yogh;. Knowledge. Wite. Punisshement, payne, forfayture; mulcta. Item, torment, paynes. Feohtwite. Forfayture for fighting. Hlað wite. Forfayture for filling of a man by an unlawfull as­ sembly. Blodwite. Payment or forfature for sheding of blod. Helle wite. The paynes of helle. Witan. To punisshe. Witan. To blame, to lay the fault upon. Hi witon Claudius þone hun&yogh;er. Hi cweðon to Judas: Hwœt wilt þu us witan. Hu nu wite þu na &YOGH;od. Item, to punisshe. He wœs &yogh;ewiti&yogh;.od. &yogh;eWitan. To departe. Inde, He &yogh;ew&amacron;t. Mortuus est. Wita. A wiseman, a man of un­ derstanding, a counselour, a philosopher. &yogh;eWitena mot. A parlament, an assemblie of wise men. Witeclofe. Herb. Witland. Prussia, as it shuld seeme. It lieth upon the river of Wixel towards the east. &yogh;eWitleas. Foolisshe, witlesse, madde. &yogh;eWitlyst. Lacke of witte, mad­ denesse, folie. &yogh;eWitnesse. Witnesse. Leas&yogh;e­ witnesse. Fals witnesse. & Fore&yogh;ewitnesse, idem. &yogh;eWitnian. To punisshe. Ic witni&yogh;e. Witnere. A tormentor, a hang­ man. Witnun&yogh;stowe. Purgatorie, place of punisshment. Witodlic. Certaynly, playnly, evidently, forsooth. &yogh;eWitseoc. Madde, frantike, fool­ isshe. Wið. Against, with. &YOGH;od &yogh;escyld us wið deofol. God defend us against the deofol. Feohtan wið Scottum. To fight against the Scottes. Feohtan mid Scot­ tum. To fight on their side, to take their part. Wið feoh syl­ lan. To give for money, to selle. Stariend wið heofonas wearin&yogh;. Staring up towards heaven. Wið ðœm þæt. Upon condition. Ridan wið œftan þæm cynin&yogh;. To ride after, be­ hinde. Ahredd wiþ Pharao. Delyvered from Pharao. Some­ tyme for, as Feores sceapa wið anum. Quatuor ovis pro una. Wiðer. Agayne. Wiðerbrace. Adversarius. Lind. Wiðercora. An apostate, a rine­ gate. Item, Wiðercorena. Male­ dicti, rejecti. Wiðerian & Wiðrwinnan. To contend, to strive against, ad­ versari. Wiðermetan. To matche, com­ pare, make ægall. Wiðerræde. An adversarie in opinion, a contrarie. Wiðer­ rœd wind. Ventus contrarius. Wiðerrædnesse. Contrarietie in opinion. Wiðersaca. A rinegate, an apo­ state. Wiðersæcan. To renie; aposta­ tare. Wiðersæsæcan. To gaynsaye, to denie. Wiðerstal. A stoppe or object. Wiðerstæ&yogh; & Wiðstæ&yogh;re. Prœ ruptus. Wiðertiht. Injusta causa. Wiðerweard. .An adversarie, an ennimie. Wiðerweardnysse. Ennimitie, contrarietie. Wiðerinnan. To contende with, to strive with. Wiðerwinna. An adversarie, an ennimie. Wiðfeoht. Rebellion. Wiðfeohtan. To rebelle. Wiðflitan. Reprehensores. Wiðmetan. To compare. Wiðmetun&yogh;. & Wiðmetennysse. Comparison. Wiðinnan. Withinne. Wiði&yogh;. A willowe tree. Lanc., a withie. Wiðniðan. Bineath. Wiðsacan. To forsake, refuse. Wiðsteal. A stoppe, a lette, an object. Wiðufan. Above. Wiðutan. Without. Wiðutan þœm. Besides these. Wiððe. A with, a withie. A rope made of willowe or withie tree writhen. Wl&amacron;c. Tepidus; luke warme. Wlacian. To make luke warme. Item, to be luke warm. Wlæcnysse. Tepor. Mid wlœcre. Tepidus. Wlætan. Nauseare. Me wlatað. My stomacke turneth or lotheth. Wlatun&yogh;. Nausea; disposition to vomite. Wlætun&yogh; Melancholie. Wlatan. Nauseare. Me wlatað. My stomache turneth or lotheth. Wlatun&yogh;. Nausea. Wlanc & Wlonc. Dives. Lind. Wlancan. To be proude, stately, galant. Oferwlenced cynin&yogh;. So high & woorthie a prince. Wlanclic. Proudly, arrogantly. beWlatian or ymbWlatian. Con­ templare; to behold, to con­ syder. beWlatun&yogh;a. Sightes, pageantes. Wlence. Pride, arrogance. Wlenceo. Divitæ. Lind. Bra­ verie, statlynesse. Wlisp. A lisper or stutter. Wlite. Beautie, cumlinesse. Priscianus is ealra Lœdensprece wlit & lareowe. Id est, orna­ mentum. Wlitan. Lacescere. Wliti&yogh; & Wliti&yogh;d. Cumly, wel­ favored. Wliti&yogh;an. To beautifie, to be­ cumme. Wlitewomma. Freckles or speck­ les in the face. Wloh. Fimbria. Lind. The edge of a garment. Wlonc & Wlon&yogh;. Dives. Lind. Wocsætena. Wodfreca. Se wodfreca werwulf. Wod & Wodseoc. Madde, furi­ ouse. Lanc., wood. Wodman. A mad man. Wodnysse. Madnesse. Wodnesdæ&yogh;. Wednesdaye. Woenic. Fere; almost. Lind. Woeðe. Molestus. Lind. Wodnesbeorh. Woffun&yogh;e. Blasphemia. Wo&yogh;enysse. Errour. Wo&yogh;ere. A wowere; procus. Woh & W&omacron;&yogh;. Crooked, wrong, errour. Wohnysse. Crookednesse, wrong. Wohful. Naughtie, wrongfull. Woh&yogh;estreon. Userie, unconcion­ able & unjust gayne. Wolcne. A cloude. Wole. Plague, murrayne, death, mortalitie. Wolbærnysse, Wol&yogh;ewinne. idem. Se mycla wolbryne man­ cwealmes. Wold. Locus indigus sylvæ planities, ut Cottswold, Yorks­ wold, et Woldham. Womme. A blotte, a spotte, a specke, a skarre. Won & Wonn. Wanne, pale. &yogh;eWoned. Dempsit. Won&yogh;. A feld, a frutefull feld, a cornfeld. Won&yogh;toð. The wange toothe; caninus dens. Wope. Weeping, lamentation. Word. A word; verbum. Wordcwedene. Verbi gratia; for example. &yogh;eWorden was, &yogh;eWorden Þin&yogh;. Res gesta. A thing whiche was in deede. Wordcærsa. Crissa garina. Wordloca. Argumenta, dialectica. Wordw&imacron;s. Sophister; he that is wise in talke onely. Lippe­ wyse. Worhen & Worhana. A fesant or warhenne. Worian. To wander. Wori&yogh;end. Wandring. Worms. Matter, pus, corruption. Worn. Grex; a flocke. Worn ber&yogh;a. A heard of swine. Lind. Woroht. Abhomination. Lind. Worði&yogh;. Curtillum; a curtelage, ground, a feld, a croft. Pre­ dium. Worð. Atrium. Lind. Wosas. Estote; be ye. Lind. Wowe. Weeping, lamentation. Woð. Eloquence. Woðbora. Rethoricians. Wraca. Revenge. &YOGH;odes wrace. Divina punitio vel vindicta. Wracian. To be banisshed, to live in exile. Wræce. Revenge. Wræcan. To revenge. Lanc., to wreake. Wræc. Banisshment, exile. Wræcsiðe., idem. Wræcca. An exile, a banisshed man. Wræclastod. Exiled, banisshed. Wræcsiðian. To be in exile, to live in exile. Wræcstowe. Ergastulum; the place where a man is confined in exile. Wræd. A wreathe. Wrædmælum. In compagnies, in heapes. Wræn. Lecherouse. Wrænnysse. Libido; lecherie. Wræstlian. To wrastle. Wrat. Fregit. Hi þa lafas wrat to þi&yogh;enne. Wraða. Columna, cimentum. Wraðe. Anger, wrath. Lind. Wraxlun&yogh; Wrastling. Wraxlian. Wrecan. To revenge. See Wræcan. Wreccea. A banisshed man, an exile. See Wræc. Wrecsiðian. To be exiled, to live in exile. Wrecsið. Exile. Wre&yogh;an. To accuse, to bewraye. Wre&yogh;un&yogh;. Accusation. Wre&yogh;ere. An accuser. Wrehtan. To entise, to instigate. Wrehtend. An entisour. Wrenca. Meanes, ginnes, sleightes, subtilties. Lotwren­ cas. Wrenna. A wrenne, bird. Wreon & Oferwreon. To cover. Wreotan. To make a cracking or noyse. Wreoðe. A garland, a circle. Lanc., a wreathe. Item, to cover. Wreoðan. Fulcire; to undersette, to underlaye & Wreoðian. To lappe, to cover. He his wunda &yogh;ewraðe. Wrincle. A wrinkle. &yogh;eWrinclod. Wrinkled. Wri&yogh;an To cover. Pret., wru&yogh;. aWri&yogh;an. To reveale. aWri&yogh;ennysse. Revelation. Wrin&yogh;an. To wringe. Wriðan. To budde, to burgion. Wrislan. To chaunge, to choppe, lende, borowe. Writtan. To write. Writseax. Calamus; a stile or penne. &yogh;eWritta. Writinges. Hali&yogh; &yogh;e­ writ. The Scripture. Writere. A writer. Writðufan. To budde, to bour­ gion. Wrixle & &yogh;eWrixle. Turne, course, chaunge. Wrixiendlic. In course, in turne. One time for another. &yogh;eWriðan. To writhe, binde, wrappe, cover. Wriðan & Wriðian. To budde. Wrida. Ic &yogh;eslea œnne wriðan on his nosu & œnne bridel on his muðe. Wriðels. A bande, a cover. Wroht. Accused, accusation. Item, &YOGH;ramin&yogh; & &yogh;eomrun&yogh; & mycel wroht. Wrot. Bruncus. Wrotan. Subigere; to roote as the swine dooth. lanc., to wroote. Wrun&yogh;an & aWrun&yogh;an. To thrust, to wringe. Wry&yogh;an & oferWry&yogh;an. To cover. Wucu. A weeke. Wudu. A wood. Wudubrun. Buglossa. Wudculfre. A wooddoufe, a stockdowfe. Wuderas. Calones. Wuduælfenne. Faries of the wood; dryades. Wudubil. A woodbille, a hedging bille. Wudubind. The blacke ivie, woodbinde. Wuducoc. A woodcocke. Wudufin. Strues. Wudumær. The echo, the wood­ mare. Wudusnite. Cardiolus; bird. Wuduwind, idem quod Wudu­ binde. Wuduwald. A forest. Wuhun&yogh;a. Furies. Wulbrowa. Lanugo; downe. Wulcamb. Cardes or combes for to combe wulle. Wuldor & Wuldre. Glorie, hon­ our, magnificence. Wuldorbea&yogh; & Wuldorbeah. A crowne. Wuldorbea&yogh;an. To crowne sol­ emnly. Wuldorbea&yogh;od mid si&yogh;e heora þrowun&yogh;a. Wuldrian. To glorie, to glorifie. Wulf. A wulfe. Wulfa&yogh;eðot & Wulfa &yogh;eðyt. Howling of a wulf. Item, a kind of corne. Wulfescamb. Camelea, herb. Wulfesfest. A toadestoole or mucheron. Wulle. Woolle. Wulmod. A distaffe to spinne woolle. &yogh;uWuna. Custome. &yogh;eWunelic. Customably, accord­ ing to custome, customable. Wund. A wounde. beWunden. Lapped, wrapped. aWundene. Contexta. Wundor. Wunder. Wundorlic. Wunderfull, marvel­ ouse. Wundrian. To marveyle, to wunder. Wundrun&yogh;. Marveyling, wun­ dring. Wunian. To dwelle. Lanc., to wunne. Wunun&yogh;. Dwelling. Wunderclofe. Herb. &yogh;eWunian. To use, to accustome, to be wont. &yogh;eWunelic. Customable. Wura. Wrath. Lind. &yogh;eWurd & &yogh;eWurð. Was. Wurma. Murex. Wurmaman. Luto. Wurmille. Origanum, herb. Wurmsi. Purulentus; festred, rancled, matterie. Wurðan. Futurus esse; to be herafter. &yogh;eWurð. Shalbe. &yogh;e­ Wurðe. Sit. &yogh;eWurðe leoht. Sit lumen. Ealle &yogh;ewurðað to naht. Wurð. Prætium. Wurðfulnysse. Dignitie. Wurðnysse. Woorthinesse, dig­ nitie. Wyce. Worwice. Office. Wydewe. A widowe. &yogh;eWyldan. To rule or gouverne. Wylewan & aWylian. To tum­ ble, to walowe, to rolle. Wylisce. Welshe. Wyliscman. Welshman. Wylie. A basket. Wylle. A welle. Wyllesprin&yogh;. A wellspring. Wyllan. To wille. Ic wylle. Þu wylt. He wyle. We wyllað Wyllecærs. Foenigræcum, herb. Wylm. Heate. Þœs sumeres wylm. F&omacron;twylmas. The soles of the feete. Wyln. A mayde servant or bond­ woman. Wyndloccas. A payre of com­ passes. Wynne. Luxus; riot, lecherie. Wynstra hand. The left hand. Wynsume. Pleasant. Wynsumnysse. Pleasantnesse. Wynsumian. To be pleasant, to rejoyse. Wyr. Woorse; peius. Wyr. Mirtle. Wyrtreowe. Mirtle tree. Wyrcan. To woorke, to make. Þa ea wyrcð fenne. Burh wyr­ can. aWyrdnysse. Defect; labes. Wyrd. Destinie. Wyrdan. Violare; to denie. Rihtes wyrde. Deforciare in­ juste, ut nos loquimur. Wyrdwriteras. Historiographes; poetæ. aWyr&yogh;ed. Maledictus; cursed. aWyr&yogh;ian & Wyrian. To curse. Lanc., to warie. Ic wyri&yogh;e. Wyriun&yogh;. Cursing. &yogh;eWyrhte. Woorke. &yogh;eWyrhta. A woorkman, a wright, a common name of all artificers. Leoðwyrhta. A poete. Sealmwyrhta. Wyrian. To curse. Wyldwriter. A cosmographer, a geographer. Wyrm. A woorme. Wyrma. Ostrum. Wyrman. To warme. forWyrnan. Prohibere, deforci­ are. Wyrmella. Origanum. Wyrm&yogh;alere. Marsum. Wyrmaman. Luto. Wyrmhælseras. Maris. &yogh;eWyrms. Festered, rotten, mat­ tered, rancled, corrupted. Wyrms. Consumption; tabes. Matter, poyson. Wyrmsi&yogh;. Purulentus; in con­ sumption, festred, rancled. Wyrmðrowend. Serpens. Wyrnian. To warne. Wyrpan & aWyrpan. To cast, to hurle. Wyrse. Woorse. Wyrst. Woorst. Wyrsian. To waxe woorse. Wyrt. An herbe. Potage of herbes. Wyrtdrencas. Antidota; potions of phisicke. Wyrt&yogh;emin&yogh;. Aromata. Wyrt&yogh;yrd. A gardayne, an herb gardayne. Wyrtmete. Clerius cibus. Wyrttruma. A roote. Wyrtwad. Sandix; wood. aWyrtwalan. Extirpare. &yogh;eWyrðan. Futurus esse; to be herafter. Gewyrð swa to stemn. And so it cummeth to voyce. Wyrð. Woorth. Manwyrð. Vitæ hominis estimatio, vitæ pre­ tium. Wyrðian. To woorshippe. Wyrðenna. Læti. Wyrðland. Terra novalis; fal­ lowed land. Wyrðmint. Honour, woorshippe. aWystlan. Se tun&yogh; awystlað þe œr hœfd &yogh;erade sprœce. Wyt. We two. Þonne beo wyt œt&yogh;œdere. Wytan. To knowe, to weete. Yce. Parruca; a frogge. Opinor. Ydisc. Howshold stuffe, goodes, stuffe. Yfel. Yvel. Yfelian. To harme, to empayre, to hurt. Yfli&yogh;an, idem. Yftian. Nubere; to be maried, as the wife is. Y&yogh;land. An iland. Ylc. Se ylca. The same. Yld & Yldo. Ætas; age, old age. Þa syxtan yld þissere worulde. Sexta ætas mundi huius. Yldan & forYldan. To delaye. Yldin&yogh;. Delaye, tariance. Item: Yldi&yogh;an. To prolong. Ylf. Ylfenb&amacron;n. Ivorie. Ylfette. A swanne. Ylp. An elephant. Ylsta id est Yldesta. The eldest. Yltwist. Aucupium. Ymb. About, of. Ic hœbbe nu &yogh;esœd ymb þissum. Ymbclyppan. To embrace. Ymb&yogh;yrdan. To compasse, to environe. Ymbeaht. Collatio, obsequium. Embiht. Lind. Ymb&yogh;an&yogh;. Circuitus, ambitus. Ymb&yogh;on&yogh;a. Bowinges, turninges, windinges, anfractus. Ymbhydi&yogh;nysse. Care, regarde. Ymbhwyrft. Compasse, circuite. Ymbryne. Circle, cirumference, circuite. Ymbryneda&yogh;as. The ember dayes. Ymbsniden. Circumsised. Ymbsyttan. To beseege. Ymbtrymman. To fortifie. Ymbwlatian. To behold, to con­ sider, to contemplate. Ymbðriodun&yogh;. Deliberation. Ymel. Gurgulio; a mite or weevle. Ymele. Sceda, scedela. Yneleac. Ungio, unio; an onion. Yndsa. Uncia; an ounce in weight. Yndsa &yogh;oldes. And an inche in measure also, being the 1/12 of a foote as the ounce is 1/12 of a pounde. Yppan. To discloase, to discover. &yogh;eYpt. Opened, disclosed. Yrf. Catayle. Orf. Yrf & Yrfnama. A heyre, an en­ heritour. Yrfbec. Testamentes, evidence, deedes of land. Yrfweard. An heyre. Land &yogh;ebocanne on ece irfe. To give land to a man & his heires. Yrhðe. Tedium; wearinesse, irk­ sumnesse. Yrmð & Yrmðo. Miserie, calam­ itie. &yogh;eYrnan. To runne. Pret., œrn. Cyricean &yogh;eyrnan. Ad eccle­ siam confugere. In Leg. Yrre. Angre. Þa &yogh;odas him yrre wœron. Yrsod. Angred. Yrð & Yrðland. Arable land. Yrðlin&yogh;. A plowe man, a plowe churle. Ysle. Embres, whole asshes. Lanc., isles. Ytin&yogh;. Peregre. On ytin&yogh; fœran. To go abroade. Ytmesta. The outmest. Yttre. Utter, extreme, externe, outward. Yttre and&yogh;yt. Out­ ward sense. Yðe. Whave of water. Yðian. To flowe, to wave, to be rough. Yði&yogh;od. Fluctuans. Yðblotan. Þa. Than, tho. Þa. The, those. Þa men. The man. Þa þe. Those whiche. Þa þe etað. Þa þa. Whan, whan that. Þ þa ic wœs &yogh;eon&yogh;. Whan I was yong. Þacian. To thatche. Þacian. To suffer. Vide &yogh;eÞofta. Þanc. Thanke. Þanc hafa ðu. Þancful. Thankful, content. Þancwyrð. Acceptable. Þances. Gratis; freely. A&yogh;enes þances syllan. To give of his owne fre wyll. Þæc. Thatche. Þæcile, Þæcille. A firebrande, a lampe. Þærf. Fermentum. Lind. Leven Þærriht. By & by. Þær&umacron;t. Without doores. Þærto. Therunto. &yogh;eÞæslic. Cumly. Þæslicnysse. Cumlinesse. Þah. Pubesceret. Þ&amacron;n. Moiste, weete. &yogh;eÞance. Thought, minde, wille. Ne com se yfla of &YOGH;odes &yogh;e­ ðance. Þancun&yogh;e. Thankes. Syllan þan cun&yogh;e. To give thankes. Þanian & Þænian. To weete, to moyst, to be moyst or weete. ofÞæned. Madetactus. Inde Thanet Ile, bycause it is penin­ sula in manner watered about. Þanon. Thence, from thence. þe. When. Þeah. Howbeit, though & Þeah ðe. Þeahðe he ne bidde, þeah he hit wylle habban. Although he aske it not, yet he wille have it. Þeah hwœðere. Yet, nevertheless, yet for al that. &yogh;eÞeaht. Counsell. &yogh;eÞeahtere. A counselour. &yogh;eÞeahtian. To consult. &yogh;eÞeahtun&yogh;e. Consultum. Þean. To thrive. Lanc., to thee. Oferðean. To excelle. Þearf. Use, profitt. Þearfa. Poore. Þearfan, beðearfan. To be poore, to lacke, to neede, to have neede. Þæt þu ne þurfe þis d&omacron;n. Ic ne þearf. Non debeo; I owe not. Þearle. Mimis, valde, multum. Þearmas. Bowelles, entrayles, in­ wardes. Þeawe. Use, custome, maner, sect. Æfter &YOGH;reciscum þeawe. Æfter Cantwara þeawe. Juxta morem Cantuariorum. Beda. unÞeawe. Incyvilitie. Þeawfæst. A civile man. Þec & Þeh. The; te, tibi. Lind. Þeccen. Tectum; roofe, of a houss; tent. Inde ðack or thatche. Þefðorn & Þefanðorn. Rhamnus. Þe&yogh;n. A minister, a baron. Cynin&yogh;es þe&yogh;n. Satrapa. Þe&yogh;nscip. Service in warres or greate matters. The estate of a baron or lord. Þe&yogh;nun&yogh;e. Service, the same that auncyently was armiger, attendant on a knight, now an esquyer; baro. Inde the tenure called thenagium. Þe&yogh;nræde, Þe&yogh;nscole. Clientala. Þen, id est Þe&yogh;n. Item, a servant, a free servant. Þenan & aÞenan. To serve, to minister. &yogh;eÞencan. To remember. &yogh;eÞenan. Extendere. Geþen þ&imacron;n hand. Lind. He his hand aðened. Þencan. Reminisci. Þenian. To serve as a free ser­ vant. Þenun&yogh;e. Service, dutie, office. Þenun&yogh; b&emacron;c. Bookes of service or of the church. &yogh;eÞeod. Joyned. &yogh;eÞeodnysse. Conjunction. &yogh;eÞeodan. To joyne. Þeod. People, nation. Of joyn­ ing together. Hwilcere þeod eart þu. Cuias es. Eowre þeod. Vestras. On ure &yogh;eþeod. In our tong. Hit wœs writen on þreo &yogh;ðeodan. Þeof. A theefe. Þeofðe. Theft. Þeofscip. Myopara. Þeoh. A thiegh. Þeohseax. Senspatium. Þeon. To florisshe, to thee. Pret., &yogh;eðu&yogh;e. Þurh fandun&yogh;e he sceal &yogh;eðeon &yogh;if he wiðstent. On hal&yogh;um mœ&yogh;num dœ&yogh;hwœm­ lic þeond. Þeorfhlaf. Unlevened bread. Lanc., therf bread. Þeorflin&yogh;. Azimus. Lanc., therf bread. Þeostre. Darke. Þeostru. Darknesse. Þeostrun&yogh;e. Twylight. Þeota. Conduictes, conduict pipes. Þeowe. A bond man, a bond ser­ vant. Þeowman. A churle, a bondman, a vilayne. Þeowdome. Bondage. Þeowboren. A vilayne or slafe borne. Þeowian. To serve as a bondman or vilayne. Ic þeowi&yogh;e. Þeowrac. Slaveric, drudgerie, slavisshe paynes. Þeowtlin&yogh;. A bondman, a vilayne. Þeowtlic. Servile, bondman like, vilaynlike. Þerh. Through. Lind. For þurh. Þerscel. A flayle. lanc., a thresshel. Þrescan. To beate. Lind. &yogh;e­ þursc. Þicce. Thicke. Þiccol. Corpulent, thick, grosse of bodie. Þic&yogh;aþ &yogh;e. Reseave ye. We þic&yogh;ab. We receive or eate. Þider. Thither. &yogh;eÞidde. Applicuit. Þille. Tabulamen. Þilian. Tabulare. He het ofer­ bric&yogh;an þa ea mid scippum & syððan þilian swa oðer bryc&yogh;e. To cover over with bordes. To planke, as they doe a bridge. Þillice. Such like. Tale quid­ dam. &yogh;eÞincðe. Dignitie. Þinen & Þinenne. A free mayde. A woman servant that is free. &yogh;eÞin&yogh;ian. To pacifie, agree, bar­ gayne, obtayne pardon for an other, reconsile, be intersessour. Þin&yogh;ere. An advocate, attourney, mediator, intercessour. Þin&yogh;un&yogh;e & Þin&yogh;ræden. Inter­ cession, entreatie, agreement. Þin&yogh;stowe. Forum. Lind. Þeond. Thriving; bonæ indolis. Toward. Þisle. Themon; the thilles of a cart. Þistel. A thistle. Þisteltwi&yogh;e. Carduella, bird. Þiu & Þiwa. Ancilla. Lind. Þ&omacron;. Claye. Þoceran. Cursare; to runne up & downe. Þoden. Noyse, dinne; turbo. &yogh;eÞofta. A counselour, a com­ pagnon, a familier. Inde &yogh;e­ Þafian. Coire societatem cum aliquo. &yogh;eÞoftrædene. Familiaritie, counsell. &yogh;eÞo&yogh;en on mæ&yogh;en. Mactus vir­ tute; welboren. Yfel &yogh;eðo&yogh;en. Degener. &yogh;eÞoht. Purpose, decree, thought. Þolan. To suffer. Lanc., to thole. Þolebyrdnysse. Patience. Þolemod. Patient. Þolemodnysse. Patience. Þolian. To lacke, to loose. Þo­ lian summes þin&yogh;es. To lacke. Ic þoli&yogh;e mines feos. I lose. Sometime to forfaite, as: Þol­ i&yogh;e his landes. Let him for­ faite his landes. Þoncun&yogh;e. Thanke. Lytel þonc­ un&yogh; wiston Joseph. They cunned him little thanke. Þonne. Than when. Þonne þu cwydst. Whan thou sayst. Þorn. A thorne. Þoteran & Þotran. To howle like a wulfe. Se wulf þyt. He howleth. Þoðor. Pila. anÞracian. To abhorre, to dreade moche. &yogh;eÞræce. Apparatus. Þræd. Threade. Þræl. Servus; a bond servant, a thrall. Lind. Þræs. Limbus; a list or fringe. Þrafian. Urgere. Þrafun&yogh;e. He þrafod & afandod his &yogh;in&yogh;ran. Inde thraves of corne that be forced together. &yogh;eÞran&yogh;. Thrust, prease, throng of people. Folcan &yogh;eðran&yogh;. Þrawan. To throwe, to hurl rown about; torquere. Þreacs. Caries. Þreale. Discipline, correction. Regollic þreale. Þrea&yogh;an. To chide, to reprehend. Ic þrea&yogh;e & swin&yogh;e þa þe ic lufi&yogh;e. Þreal. A bondman, a thralle, a slave. Þrean. To chide, to reprehend, blame, vexe, torment. Þreasweapu. A whippe. Þreat. A multitude, a compagnie, a flocke, a band. &yogh;eÞreatod. Constrayned, invitus. &yogh;eÞrec. Clangor; noyse. &yogh;eÞreccednysse. Oppression. Þre&yogh;ean, idem quod Þrean. Þreo. Three. Þreotyne. 13. Þrytti&yogh;. 30. Þreoteoða. Thirteenth. Þreohnesse. Turbo. Þreora manna ealdor. Triumvir. aÞreotan. Fastidire. Þrescan. To beate. N&amacron;n myne­ cene oðerne presce. Inde threshyng of corne. Þrexwold. Thresshold of a doore. Þriccan. To thrust. Lanc., to thriche. Þridd. The third. Þritti&yogh;. Thirtie. Þridun&yogh;. Discrepatio. Þriefet. A trivet or sensour. aÞrid. Expilatus. Þrimsa. Trium solidus denari­ orum. Stater þæt wœs feor trymes. Unius. Lind. Stater vero ex quator drachmis con­ stabat et erat unciæ pars dimi­ dia cum ipsa drachma fuerit unciæ pars octava. Þrin&yogh;an. To thrust. Þrisc. A thrusshe, bird. &yogh;eÞristlæcan. To presume. Þritti&yogh;. Thirtie. Þriwa. Thries. Þrop. Compitum; a village. Houses at the meting of two wayes or mo. Þrosle. A throstle. Þrosm. A heape, chaos. Þrosma. Vapour. Þrotu. A throate. Þrotbolla. The throte bowle. aÞrotenysse. Irksumnesse, tedi­ ousnesse. aÞrotsum. Tediouse, wearisume, irksume. Þrowian. To suffer. Þrowun&yogh;. Passion, suffrance, martyrdome. Þurh. A trough or vault; locel­ lum, sarcophagus. Þruh. Bedæ. Þry. Three, masc. Þryccan. To presse, to thrust. ofÞryccan. To opresse. beÞrydian. Hy &amacron;n cyn&yogh; on his &yogh;ewealde beðrydod butan &yogh;e winne. Fram Spenum beðrydod & ofsla&yogh;en. Hi hine wold mid ðœm ylcan wrenc beðridian. Þryfeald. Triple, threefold. Þryfyred & Þrysnece. Trisulcus. aÞryd. Expressum. Þryfete. A trivete. Þryhyrned. Triangle, three cor­ nered. Þrymsetle. Tribunall, the seat of a prince, the royall seat, seat of estate. Þrymme. Majestie, magnificence. Þrymlic. With magestie, mag­ nificent. Þryreðena. Triremes. forÞrysman. Suffocare; to choke, stifle. Þrysmd. Alexander þisne mid­ dan &yogh;eard þrysmd & e&yogh;sade. Hi hine on his bedde asmoredon & aðrysmodon þæt he his lif alete. aÞryt. Me aðryt. Fastidio. Þrywa. Thries. Þufe. A braunche of a tree. Þufan. To burgeon, to spreade. &yogh;eÞu&yogh;on. Hi þe &YOGH;od &yogh;eðu&yogh;on. Þuma. A thumbe. Þunder & Þunor. Thunder. Þundersla&yogh;e. A cracke of thun­ der. Þunnan. To make noyse or dinne, to thunder. Þunnun&yogh;. Noyse. &yogh;eÞunne. Noyse, dynne. Þuniend. Astonied. Þun&yogh;. Helleborus. Þun&yogh;as. Aconita. &yogh;eÞun&yogh;ene. Famouse. Þa cyn­ in&yogh;as & þa oðere heahðun&yogh;ene men. Mightie, woorthie, of authoritie. Þunresdeæ&yogh;. Thursday; dies Iovis. Thunders day. Þunran. To thunder. Hit þun rað. Þ&umacron;r & þunor. Thunder. Þunwen&yogh;a & þunwon&yogh;a. The temples of the head. Þunwan&yogh;. The cheeke or temple. Þurh. By, by meanes, through. Ic sweari&yogh;e þurh &YOGH;od. By God. Þurh min heafod. By my head. Þurhteon. To enterprise. Þurst. Thirst. Þursti&yogh;. Thurstie. Þus. Thus. Þus &yogh;erad. Of this sort. Þwæ&yogh;enesse. Wasshing. Þwære. Agreable. aÞwærian. To agree. &yogh;eÞwærnesse. Concorde. &yogh;eÞwærlæcan. To agree, consent, reconsile. Þwan&yogh;. A thong. Lanc., a thwang. Þwean. To wasshe. Ic þwoh. I wasshed. Ic þwea. I wasshe. Þweal. Wasshing. Þweorhfyra. Anfractus. Þwirse. Overthwart. Þwiril. A charne staffe. Þwon&yogh; & Olðwon&yogh;. A thong. aÞwo&yogh;en. Wasshed. Þwyre. Wrong. Þwyrian. Adversari. Þwyr, Þwyrnesse. Evle, nough­ tie, injuriouse. Þyder. Thither. Þydde. Conspersit, compressit. Beðiddon on þone elpend hin­ dan. Mid sten&yogh;um þurhþyde. Thrust thorowe. He hine sylfne hetelic þydde. Sticked him­ selfe. &yogh;eÞyld. Patience. Þyldi&yogh; & Þyldmodi&yogh;. Patient. Þylæs. Oratores. Þyles. Lest that. Þyfel. Shrubbes; frutex. Þynne. Thinne. Þynhlæne. Marcidus. Þyllic. Of the same or like sort. Eius modi. Þyrl. A hole. Item, striken thorowe, perced. Ic wœs wun­ dum þyrl. Þyrin&yogh;as. Thuringians, people of Germanie. Þyrs. Ciclops, Cacus; hobgoblin. Lanc., a thurse. Þyt. Howling of wulves; ululat. Wulf þyt. Þywan. Minari.