l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 9 9 0 4 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Pierce the Ploughmans Crede. ¶ For to occupie this leaff, which els shuld haue ben vacant, I haue made an interpretation of certayne hard wordes vsed in this booke for the better vnderstandyng of it. Frayning, forsakyng Wunede, wont Graith, truth See OED "graith," a and adv., 2b. Erde, erth Leue, beleue God, good Byiapeth, deceiueth Glaueryng, flattering Puple, people Tholede, suffered Glees, playes Hobelen, skipping Moneles, monylesse Misreads original form as "money-like". Pulched, polished See OED "pulche." Mightestou, mightest thou Semed, gased yerne, ofte Queintly, strangely Pure, very See OED "pure" a. (n., adv.), C.1. Munte, went Bellich, well. Tild, set Hyrnes, caues Feele, many. Ey, egge Lellich, truely Egged, moued Theigh, though Loresmen, learned men Stightle, stay Cherlich, gladly Louted, bowed Preing, praisyng Uncertain headword. Fonden, walk Possibly OED "find", v. 4 Halt, kept Hetes, commaundements Sigge, say Ho, she Rotheren, oxon Dreccheth, drouneth Lacchen, catchen Lakke, Blame Yerd, rodde Mystremen, nedy men Antedates earliest OED citation: see "mystery-man", n. 1, 2 (1671). Tetre poughe, tar box Priidliik, cheif or young See OED "price, prise" b. Forgabbed, belyed See OED "for-" 5. Wayuen, banysh. ¶ The residue the diligent reader shall you (I trust) well ynough perceiue.