l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a B r i t i s h L i b r a r y L a n s d o w n e M S 1 7 1 n o 1 7 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Verba obsoleta et alia in hoc libro vsitata et exposita per me quantum potui. A Abroca entum Buying vp whole wares before they be brought to the Markett, or out of the Feyre or Markett & selling the same by Retayle. Agistamentum Taking in Cattaile to her­ bage by weeke moneth etcetera. Ancotagium Is a duty taken of shipps for the Poole of the haven where they cast Anker. Annuum et vastuum et medium tempus. when one is attainted who hath Lands, and the Lord of the Mannor doth seize the same as Escheate, Yet the king by Prerogatiue hath a yeares profitt and the wast of the groundes with the meane profittes. Argentum dej. In English a God his peny id est Earnest./ Attincta. An Attaint Averia most comonly called travelling Cattell as horses and Beastes. B. Baleuca. A Baylewyk Barcaria. A Sheephowse & somtyme A Sheepwalke. Batellus A Boate. Bisanatum. Bovata terræ An Oxgang conteyning xvteene Acres./ In Brigam posint id est, he put Land full of trouble through many tytles./ Carucata terræ. A Plough Land com­ monly conteyning 60. acres. Capriola Bestia de warenna Anglice A Rooe. Cavilla A wince. Cheminum A way to drive Cattell in, Also a Cart or foote way. Chivaler script chr Miles. A knight. Ciminum vel Cuminum Cummen seed paid for a a Tenure of Land. Coopertum Covert woody or Brushy grounde fit to defend deere in A Forrest or Parke. Corodium when Abbeys stod was a gift of an Almes place by the king in all howses of the kinges foundacion to haue mans meate, horsemeate, ly­ very fier & chamber etcetera. Cretina A flowing tyde and som­ tyme a floud of Fresh water. D. Dilapidaciones decay of Reperacions of howses etcetera of spirituall livinges E. Espernarius Sorus A soare Sparhawke Expaaltare id est expeditare Canes. Infra Forrestas Regis vel Chaseas, id est, the two foreclawes of the feete of Currs within the forrestes etcetera are to be cutt of ex­ cept they haue a charter to the contrary. F. Falda. Aliquando a Folde of Sheep in the feild, and somtymes taken for a litle Court before a mans dore taken out of the Commen. Forstallamentum Buying of victualls cattell or wares before they come to markettes or Fayers. Also for a rescewe of Cattell arrested or distreyned. Furce The Gailehowse whereon Theeves are hanged. G. Garcio A Footman, a lackey, or Servingman./ Gauelkinde. Land divisible betwixt heires males or Femals. yt is vsed only by the custome of kent, and in some other Lordshipps in other Countreys./ Gildabile or Geldabile That Lande or Lordship that is vnder the liberty of the Sheriffes hunde­ red Courtes keeping -- Quod est sub districcione vices./ Giliforata. A Gilly flower when Land is holden by that tenure to geue a Gilly­ flower./ Genette acra An Acre of Iuniper. H. Hida terre. Containing Cxx. acres. Habelarius A Light horseman. Hutesium et clamor Hewe & crye after theeves etcetera./ I Indefensus One that is impleaded and refuseth to answere./ Infangenthef vel Infangenethef A Thief of the goodes or Cattailes of a felon which is taken or you can seaze within your Mannor./ K. Kaia A wharf where to Land wares from shipps in an haven. L. Lastagium vel lestagium. Custome for wares sold by the Laste as Herringes Gunpowder etcetera Lastum. A word onlie vsed in Kent & Sussex and is called in Eng­ lish a Lathe which is a peece of a Shire conteyning in yt diuers hundredes. M Maeremium. Tymber. Manupastus A houshold servant./ Misa. Th' Issue of a pleading wherevpon the Iury are to geue their verdict. N. Nisus mutatorius A mewed Sparhawke. O. Ordeum palmale Mawlte. P. Pesagium. Custome paid for weight of wares./ Pillorium A Pillory. Pinterna. A Butler. Capitalis Pincerna Angliæ. chief Butler of England./ Purprestura. An Incrochment vpon the kinges Forrestes, high wayes or streetes in a Towne. Putura. A Custome claymed by kee­ pers in Forrestes and some­ tymes by Bayliffes of hundredes to take mans meat horse­ meat and dogges meate of the tenantes & inhabitantes within the perambulation of the hundred forreste etcetera when they come to lodge or dyne, paying nothing there­ fore./ Q. Quarentena. A Furlong Set in London pointer pro re­ spectu habenda per xl. dies post sumonicomem per bre Res vt consultant etcetera. si sibi viderint expe­ diri. S. Salina. A Salt pitt, A salte fatte or howse where salte is made./ Sulling The lower Ground sill of a wodden bridg. A sense not found for the English headword "suling" in the OED. Scutagium. Is a payment made vnto the king or other Lordes by tenantes which hold their Landes by knightes service somtymes xl.s a knightes fee somtymes more, somtyme lesse. Secta Hominum Sute and service of men. Secta Molendini Soken to a Myll. Selia terre Arrable ground lying in divers furlonges in the common feildes by peeces. Seneusia The tyme that a widowe liveth sole from the death of her husband vntill she be married or play the harlott./ Sewera Floud gates a ditch or trench to convey awaie waters of Floudes. Sock and Sack Sute of Court etcetera. T. Theam et Team. Progenies Villanores sive Natiuores. Theolonen sius Tolnetum. Toll in Fayers & arkettes and at passage bridge high waies or Ferryes is called Thorough Toll./ Thesaurum inventum Treasure found in the ground or any where is the kinges in the Realme except by speciall wordes that be geven awaie./ Tostum A litle peece of ground where a howse hath bene but is decayed. Tronagium Custome paid for weighing wool. Tumbellum A Coocking stoole. V Virgata terre A yard Land conteyning xxx. acre. Aliquando xxiiij Aliquando xv. Visnetum. In French called visenage that is a word propre to Iuries to be impanelled by the Sherif of those hundredours Iurors which are next to the Land in question./ Visus Franciplegij. A Leete called viewe of Frankpledg. Vivarium. A Pond Poole or a Stewe to keep fish in. Vtfangthef vel vtfangenthef Bona feloun ex Manor in captores et infra Manor in existens. W. Walda A high mountaine And in Gloucestershire & Leicestershires cal­ led the Oldes or woulds in Yorkshire the Waldes, In Sussex Southhampton & Wilteshire the downes. And in Buck the Chilterne. Wapentach A Leet kept by the Sherif called the county Court Otherwise it is called a part of the Shire wherein are divers hundreds as in Yorkshire. Lincolnshire Notting­ shires etcetera./ Warectum Fallow ground. Wreccum Maris Sea Wrack, As if any Shipp or goodes be cast from the Sea vpon the Shoare of any mans Mannor If so be the shipp haue noe creature Living in yt when yt is wreccked yt is the Lordes. Also great Fishes as whales Sturgions etcetera of which the king is to haue notwith standing by his preroga­ tiue the head & tayle./ Weif Bona per furer derelicta. Withernamium Quod quando bona vel ca­ talla alicnius capta elon­ gata fuerint vices hebit bre ad tanta bona vel Catalla inprimis qui cepit prima Catalla ipius de­ liberanda de quo prima Catall surrepte fuer.