l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 2 0 9 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A BRIEF TABLE OF THE IN­ TERPRETATION OF THE PROPRE NAMES which are chiefly founde in the olde Testament, whe­ rein the first nomber signifieth the chapter: the se­ conde the verse. WHereas the wickednes of time, and the blindnes of the former age hathe bene suche that all things altogether haue bene abused and corrupted, so that the very right names of di­ uerse of the holie men named in the Scriptures haue bene forgotten, and now seme strange vnto vs, and the names of infants that shulde euer haue some godlie aduertisements in them, and shulde be memorials and markes of the children of God receiued into his housholde, hathe bene hereby also changed and made the signes and badges of idolatrie and heathenish impietie, we haue now set forthe this table of the names that be moste vsed in the olde Testament with their interpretations, as the Ebrewe importeth, partly to call backe the godlie from that abuse, when they shal know the true names of the godlie fathers, & what they signifie, that their children now named after them may haue testimonies by their very names, that they are within that faithful familie that in all their doings had euer God before their eyes, and that they are bounde by these their names to serue God from their infancie & haue occasion to praise him for his workes wroght in them & their fathers: but chiefly to restore the names to their integritie, whereby many places of the Scriptures and se­ cret mysteries of the holie Gost shal better be vnderstand. We haue medled rarely with the Greke names, because their interpretation is vncerteine, & many of them are corrupted from their original, as we may also se these Ebrewe names set in the margent of this table, which haue bene corrupted by the Grecians. Now for the other Ebrewe names that are not here interpretate, let not the diligent reader be careful: for he shal finde them in places moste conuenient amongs the annotations; at least so many as may seme to make for any edification, and vnderstanding of the Ftaking Scriptures. A AArón, or Aháron. a teacher Exod. 4, 14 ¶ Abdá, a seruant. 1. King. chap. 4. ver. 6. Abdeéel, a seruant of God, Ierem. 36, 26. Abdí, my seruant. 1. Chron. 6.7 Abdiáh, a seruant of the Lord. 1. King. 18, 3. & Obadiáh one of the twelue Prophetes. Abdiél, the same. 1. Chron. 5, 15 Abéd-negó, seruant of shining. Dan. i, 44. Abél, mourning, the name of a citie, but Hab­ él, the name of a man, doeth signifie va­ nitie. Gen. 4, 2 Abgathá, father of the wine presse. Abiáh, the wil of the Lord. 2. Chro. 29, 1 Abiám, father of the sea. 1. King. 14, 31 Abiasáph, a gathering father. 1. Chro. 6, 33 Abiathár, father of the remnant, or excel­ lent father. 1. King. 22, 21 Abidá, father of knowledge. Gen. 25, 4 Abidán, father of iudgement. Nomb. i, ii Abiél, my father is God. 1. King. 9, 1 Abiézer, the fathers helpe. Iof. 17, 2 Abigáil, the fathers ioye. 1. King. 25, 3 Abiháil, the father of strength. Nom. 3, 35 Abihú, he is a father. Exod. 6, 23 Abihúd, the father of praise. 1. Chro. 8, 3 Abilene, lamentable. Luk. 3, i Abimáel, a father from God. gen. 10, 25 Abimélech, the Kings father, or a father of counsel, or the chief King. Gen. 20, 3 Abinadád, a father of a vowe, or of a free minde, or prince. 1. King. 16, 8 Abinoám, father of beautie. Iud. 4, 6 Abirám, an high father. 1. King. 16, 34 Abishág, the fathers ignorance. 1. King. 1, 3 Abishái, the fathers rewarde. 1. King. 26, 6 Abishalóm, the father of peace, or the peace of the father. 1. King. 15, 2 Abishúa, the father of saluation. 1. Chro. 6. 4 Abishúr, the father of a song, or of a wall, or of righteousnes. 1, Chro. 2, 29 Abitál, the father of the dew. 2. King. 3, 4 Abitób, the father of goodnes. 1. Chro. 8, 11 Abnér, the fathers candel. 1. Sam. 14, 49 Abrám, an high father. Gen. 11, 31 Abrahám, a father of a great multitude, as the; name was changed. Gen. 17, 5 Abshalóm, a father of peace, or the fathers peace, or rewarde. 2. Sam. 3, 3 ¶ Achan, troubling. Ioshu. 7, 1. who is called Achár. 1. Chron. 2, 7 ¶ Adadézer, read Adarézer, beautiful helpe. Adaiáh, the witnes of the Lord. 1. Chro. 6, 41 Adaliáh, pouertie. Ester. 9, 8 Adam, man, earthlie, read Gen. 2, 15 Adiél, the witnes of God. 1. Chro. 4, 36 Adoniáh, the Lord is the ruler. 2. Sam. 3, 4 Adonibézek, the Lords thunder. Iud, 1, 5 Adonikám, the Lord is risen. Neh. 2, 13 Adoniram, the high Lord. 1. King. 4, 6 Adonizédek, the Lords iustice. Iof. 10, 1 ¶ Agabús, a greshopper. Act. 11, 28 Agár, a stranger. Gen. 16, 1 ¶ Aház, taking, or possessing. 2. King. 16, 1 Ahasuéros, a prince or head. Dan. 9, 1 Ahbá, a brother of vnderstanding. 1. Chr. 2, 29 Ahiiáh, brother of the Lord. 1. Chro. 2, 26 Ahimáaz, brother of councel. 1. Sam. 14, 49 Ahimán, brother of the right hand. Nom. 13, 23 Ahimélech, a Kings brother. 1. Sam. 21, 1 Ahimóth, a brother of death. 1. Chro. 5, 25 Ahinóam, the brothers beautie. 1. Sam, 14, 49 Ahiór, the brothers light. Iud. 5, 5 Ahiláb, an heartie brother. Iud, 1, 31 Ahráh, a swete sauoring medow. 1. Chro. 8, 1 Ahikám, a brother arising, or aduenging. 2. King. 22, 12 Ahiézer, the brothers helpe. Nomb. 1, 12 Aholáh, a mansion or dwelling in her self. Aholibáh, my mansion in her. Ezek. 23, 4 Ahud, praising or confessing. Iud. 3, 15 ¶Alián, high. 1. Chro. 1, 40 ¶ Amálek, a licking people. Gen. 36, 21 Amariáh, the Lord said, or the Lambe of the Lord. Zephan. 1, 1 Amasá, sparing the people. 2. Sam. 17, 25 Amashái, the gift of the people. 1. Chro. 6, 24 Amashsi, the treading of the people. Neh. 11, 12 Amasiáh, the burden of the Lord. 2. Chro. 17, 15 Amithí, true or fearing. 2. King. 14, 25 Ammiél, a people of God, or God with me. 1. Chron. 3, 5 Ammishádai, the people of the Almightie. Nomb. 1, 12 Ammon, a people. Gen. 19, 38 Amon, faithful. 2. King. 21, 18 Amos, a burden, one of the twelue Prophets. Amoz, strong, the father of Ishai. Isa. 1, 1 Amzí, strong. 1. Chron. 6, 46 ¶ Anáh, afflicting, answering, or singing. Ge. 36, 2 & Hanna, gratious or merciful. 1. Sam. 1, 2 Ananiáh, the cloude of the Lord. Act. 5, 1 Andréas, manlie. Mat. 4, 18 Anúb, a grape. 1. Chron. 4, 8 Antipas, for all, or against all. Reuela. 2, 13 ¶ Apadno, the wrath of his iudgement. Da. 11, 46 Apolló, a destroyer. 18, 24. the name also of an idole. Apphía, bringing forthe, or encreasing. Phile. 2 ¶ Arám, hight or their curse. Gen. 10, 23 Arbel, Bel or God hathe aduenged. Hos. 10, 15 Archelás, a prince of the people. Mat. 2, 22 Arelí, the altar of God. Gen. 46, 16 Arétas, verteous. 2. Macc. 5 Artahsháfte, feruent to spoile. Ezra 7, 21 ¶ Asá, a physicion. 1. King. 15, 8 Asaél, God hathe wroght. 2. Sam. 2, 18 Asáph, gathering. 1. Chron. 6, 39 Asharélah, the blessedness of God. 1. Chr. 25, 2 Ashbél, an olde fyre. 46, 21 Ashér, blessednes. Gen. 30, 13 Ashiél, the worke of God. 1. Chro. 4, 35 Ashúr, blessed or trauailing. Gen. 10, 21 Asmodeus, a destroyer. Tob 3, 8 Astyages, gouernour of the citie. Dan. 13, 64 ¶ Ataráh, a crowne. 1. Chron. 2, 26. Athaiáh, the time of the Lord. Nehe. 11, 4 Athaliáh, time for the Lord. 2. King. 8, 26 ¶ Aza, strength. Esra 2, 47 Azaniáh, hearkening the Lord. Neh. 10, 9 Azaréel, the helpe of God. 1. Chro. 12, 6 Azariáh, helpe of the Lord. 4. King. 14, 21 Azarikám, helpe rising vp. Neh. 11, 14 Azmáueth strength of death. 2. Sam. 23, 30 Azubáh, forsaken. 1. King. 22, 43 Azúr, holpen or helper. Ierem. 28, 1 B BAal, Bealim, lord, lords: the name of the idole of the Sydonians, or a general name to all idoles, because they were as the lords and owners of all that worshiped them. Baaliada, a master of knowledge. 1. Chr. 14, 7 Báal-meón, the Lord or master of the man­ sion or the house, as also Báalzibúl, signi­ fieth the same. Luk. 11, 15 Báal-zebúb, the master of flies. Baanáh, in affliction. 2. Sam. 4, 2 Babél, confusion. Gen. 10, 10. & 11, 9 Bacchides, one that holdeth of Bacchus, or a dronkard. 1. Macc. 7, 8. Bacchenor & bacenor the same. 2. Mac. 12, 15 Badaiáh, the Lord alone. Ezr. 10, 31 Baladán, ancient in iudgement. 2. King. 20, 12 Baldád, olde loue or without loue. Iob 8, 1 Barachél, blessing God. Iob 32, 2 Barachiáh, blessing the Lord. Zech. 1, 2 Bar-ionáh, sonne of a doue. Mat. 16, 17 Barnabas, the sonne of consolation. Act. 4, 36 Barabbas, sonne of confusion. Mat. 27, 16 Barúch, blessed. Ier. 32, 10 Bathséba, the seuenth daughter, or the daughter of an othe. 1. Sam. 11, 3 Bathshúa the daughter of saluation. 1. Chr. 3, 5 ¶ Belshatsar, without treasure, or searcher of treasure. Dan. 5, 1 Benaiáh, the Lords buylding. 1. Chro. 4, 36 Beniamín, sonne of the right hand who was first called Benoni the sonne of sorow. Ge. 35, 18 Beraiáh, the Lords creature. 1. Chro. 8, 20 Berák, lightening. Iud. 4, 6 Béred, hail. 1. Chron. 7, 21 Bethiáh, the Lords daughter. 1. Chr. 4, 18 Bezaleél, in the shadow of God. Exod 31, 2 ¶ Bileám, the ancient of the people. Nom. 22, 5 Bilháh,, olde, or fading. Gen. 29, 29 ¶ Boas, in powre, or strength. Ruth 2, 3 C CAiaphas, a searcher. Mat. 26, 57 Calcól, nourishing. 1. King. 4, 31 Caléb, as a heart, Nomb. 13, 6 Canáan, a merchant. Gen. 9, 18. Carmí, my vine. Gen. 46, 9 Caseluhím, as pardoned. Gen. 10, 14. ¶ Cephás, a stone. Ioh. 1. 42 Cephiráh, a lionesse. Ezr. 2, 28 ¶ Cherúb, as a childe. Ezr. 2, 57 Chileáb, the restraint of the father. 2. Sam. 3, 3 Chilion perfite, or all like a doue. Ruth 1, 2 ¶ Cislón, hope, or confidens. Nomb. 34, 21 ¶ Clemens, meke. Philip. 4, 3 Cleopatra, the glorie of the countrie. 1. Mac. 10, 57 ¶ Col-hózeth, seing all. Neh. 3, 15 Coneniah, the stabilitie of the Lord. 2. Chr. 31, 13 Cosbi, a liar. Nomb. 25, 18 ¶ Cusán, Cusi, blacke or an Ethiopian. 2. Sa. 18 D DAlaiáh, the poore of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 24 Daliláh, a bucket or consumer. Iud. 16, 4 Damaris, a litle wyfe. Act. 17, 34 Dan, a iudgement. Gen. 14, 15 Daniél, iudgement of God. Dan. 1, 6 Dathán, statute or law. Nomb. 16, 1 Dauíd, beloued. 1. Sam. 17, 12 ¶ Deboráh, a worde or a bee. Gen. 35, 8 Delphón, a droping downe. Est. 9, 7 Demas, fauoring the people. Col. 4, 14 Demophón, slaying the people. 2. Mac. 12, 2 Deu-el, knowe God. Nomb. 1, 14 ¶ Diblám, a cluster of figges. Hos. 1, 2 Didymus, a twinne. Iohn 11, 16 Dináh, iudgement, Gen. 30, 21 Diotrephés, nourished of Iupiter Dishán, a threshing. Gen. 36, 21 ¶ Dodanáh, loue. 2. Chro. 20, 37 Dodaním, beloued. Gen. 10, 4 Doég, careful. 1. Sam. 21, 7 Dorcas, a do. Act. 9, 39 Dordá, generation of knowledge. 3. Kin. 4, 31 Dositheus, giuen to God. 2. Mac. 19 E EBer, passing or passage. Gen. 10, 23 ¶ Edén, pleasure. 2. King. 19, 12 Edeér, a flocke. 1. Chron. 23, 23 Edóm, reddie or earthie. Gen. 25, 30 ¶ Elchánan, the mercie of God. 2. Sam. 23, 24 Eldaáh, the knowledge of God. Gen. 25, 4 Eldád, the loue of God. Nomb. 11, 26 Eleadáh, witnes of God. 1. Chr. 7, 21 Eleasáh, the worke of God. 1. Chro. 2, 39 Eleazár, the helpe of God. Exod. 6, 22 Eliáb, my God the father. Nomb. 6, 8 Eliáh, God the lord. 1. Chron. 8, 26 Eliakím, God ariseth. Isa. 22, 20 Eliám, the people of God. 2. Sam. 23, 34 Elisáph, the Lord encreaseth. Nomb. i, 14 Eliashíb, the Lord returneth. 1. Chr. 3, 24 Eliathá, thou art my God. 1. Chr. 25, 4 Eliehoenái, to the Lord mine eyes. 1. Chr. 26, 3 Elidád, the beloued of God. Nomb. 34, 21 Elihú, he is my God. 1. Chro. 12, 10 Elimélech, my God the King, or the counsel of God. Ruth 1, 2 Elioenái, to him mine eyes. 1. Chro. 3, 23 Eliphál, a miracle of God. 1. Chr. 11, 36 Eliphálet, the God of deliuerance. 2. Sam. 5, 16 Elishá, my God saueth. 1. King. 19, 16 Elisháh, the lambe of God. Gen. 10, 4 Elishaphát, my God iudgeth. 2. Chr. 23, 1 Elishéba, the othe of God, or the fulnes of God. Exod. 6, 23 Elizúr, the strength of God. Nomb. 1, 5 Elkanáh, the zeale of God. Exod. 6, 24 Elmodéd, God measureth. Gen. 10, 24 Elnath´n, Gods gifte. Ierem. 26, 22 Elphaal, Gods worke. 2. Chro. 8, 11 Eluzái, God my strength. 1. Chr. 12, 5 Elymás, a corrupter, or sorcerer. Act. 13, 8 ¶ Enós, man or miserable. Gen. 4, 27 ¶ Epaphroditus, pleasant. Philip. 2, 25 Epenetus, laudable. Rom. 16, 5 Epháh, wearie. Gen. 25, 4 Epher, dust. Gen. 25, 4 Ephráim, fruteful, or encreasing. Gen. 41, 52 ¶ Erastus, amiable. Act. 19, 22 ¶ Esau, working. Genes. 25, 25 Eshcól, a cluster. Gen. 14, 14 Eshék, violence. 1. Chron. 8, 38 Estér, hidde. Est. 2, 7 ¶ Ethán, strength. 1. Kings 4, 31 ¶ Eubulus, wife or of good counsel. 2. Tim. 4, 21 Eupolemus, a good warriour. 1. Macc. 8, 27 Eutychus, fortunate. Act. 20, 9 ¶ Ezbón, hasting to vnderstand. 1. Chro. 7, 7 Ezekiél, strength of the Lord. Ezek. 1, 3 Ezeliáh, nere the Lord. 2. Chro. 34, 7 Ezer, an helpe. 1. Chro. 4, 4 Ezrá, an helper. Ezr. 1, 7 Ezriél, the helpe of God. Ier. 36, 26 Ezrikám, an helpe arising. 1. Chro. 3, 23 G GAál, an abomination. Iud. 9, 35 Gabriél, a man of God, or the strength of God, the name of an Angel. Dan. 30, 11 Gad, a band, or garrison. Gen. 30, 11 Galál, a rolle. 1. Chron. 9, 15 Gamaliél, Gods rewarde. Act. 5, 34 Gamariá, a consuming of the Lord. Ier. 29, 3. Gazabár, a treasurer. Ezr. 1, 8 ¶ Gedaliáh, the greatnes of the Lord. Ier. 38, 1 Gedeon, a breaker or destroyer. Iud. 6, 13 Gehazí, vallie of vision. 2. King. 4, 12 Gerá, a pilgrime, or stranger. Gen. 46, 21 ¶ Gináth, a garden. 1. King. 16, 21 ¶ Gog, a roofe of an house. Ezek. 38, 2 Goliath, a captiuitie. 1. King. 7, 4 Gomer, a consumer. Gen. 10, 2 Gorgias, terrible. 1. Macc. 3, 38 H HAbakúk, a wrasteler. Hab. 1, 1 Habazaniáh, the hiding of the Lords shilde. Habiáh, the hiding of the Lord. Nehem. 7, 63 Hacaliáh, waiting of the Lord. 2. Nehem. 10, 1 Hadád, ioye. Gen. 25, 15, 1. Chr. 1, 30 Hagáb, a grashopper. Nehem. 2, 46 Haggiáh, the Lords feast. 1. Chro. 6, 29 Ham, Hamathí, indignation, or heat. Ge. 10, 17 Hamdán, heat of iudgement. Gen. 36, 26 Hamúl, merciful. Gen. 46, 12 Hanaméel, the mercie of God. Ier. 32, 7 Hananéel, the grace of God. Neb. 3, 1 Hanáni, gratious or merciful. 1. King. 16, 7 Hananiáh, grace of the Lord. Iere. 37, 12 Harím, dedicate to God. 1. Chro. 24, 8 Hasadiáh, the mercie of the Lord. 1. Chr. 3, 20 Hattíl, an howling for sinne. Ezr. 2, 57 Hauáh, liuing, or giuing life. Genes. 3, 20 Hazaél, seing God. 1. King. 19, 17 Hazaráh, seing the Lord. Neh. 11, 5 ¶ Heber, a companion. Gen. 46, 17 Helkiáh, the portion of the Lord. 2. Kin. 18, 18 Henóch, taught or dedicate. Gen. 5, 18 Hépher, a digger or deluer. 1. Chr 4, 6 Hephzi-báh, my delite in her. 2. King. 2, 1 Heth, feare or breaking. Gen. 23, 3 Hezrí, or Hezro, Hezron, Asari, Esrí ¶ Hiél, the Lord liueth. 1. King. 16, 34 Hirám, the hight of life. 2. Sam. 5, 11 Hizkiiáh, strength of the Lord. 2. King. 18 ¶ Hobab, beloued. Nomb. 10, 29 Hori, a prince. Genes. 36, 22 Hoshaiáh, saluation of the Lord. Iere. 42, 1 Hoshea, saluation. Hos. 1, 1 Hosa, trusting. 1. Chron. 26, 10 Hothám, a seale or signet. 1. Chron. 7, 32 Hoziél, seing God. 1. Chron. 23, 9 ¶ Hul, sorow or infirmitie. Genes. 10, 23 Hur, libertie or prince. 1. Chron. 4, 1 Husháh, hasting. 1. Chron. 4, 4 I IAakób, a supplanter. Genes. 25, 26 Iaakán, destroying. 1. Chron. 5, 13 Iaasiél, the worke of God. 1. Chron. 11, 47 Iaazaniah, the hearkening of the Lord. 2. Kings. 25, 23 Iabál, bringing or budding. Gen. 4, 20 Iabesh, drought. 2. Kings 15, 10 Iabez, sorowe. 1. Chron. 4, 9 Iabin, vnderstanding. Iosh. 11, 1 Iachin, stabilitie. Genes. 46, 10 Iadiáh, knowing the Lord. Nehem. 2, 36 Iaél, a do or ascending. Iud. 4, 16 Iahalleél, praising God. 1 Chr. 4, 16 Iahaziél, God hasteth. Gen. 46, 24 Iahaziel, seing God. Ezr. 8, 5 Iahehel, hope in God or beginning in God. Genes. 46, 14 Iair, lightened. Deut. 3, 14 Iakim, stablishing. 1. Chron. 8, 19 Iambrí, rebellious. 1. Macc. 9, 37 Iamín, right hand. Gen. 46, 10 Iamuél, God is his day. Genes. 46, 10 Ianoháh, resting. Ios. 16, 6 Ianúm, sleping. Ios. 15, 53 Iápheth, persuading or enticing. Gen. 5, 32 Iaphía, lightning. 2. Sam. 5, 16 Iarephél, helth of God. Ios. 18, 27 Iaríb, fighting or aduenging. Gen. 46, 10 Iashén, ancient. 2. Sam. 23, 32 Iashér, righteous. Ios. 21, 39 Iashúb, a returning. 1. Chron. 7, 1 Iathniél, a gifte of God. 1. Chron. 26, 2 Iattír, a remnant or excellent. Iosh. 15, 48 Ithri, Ithro, Ithron the same. Iauán, making sad. gen. 10, 1 Iaziél, the strength of God. 1. Chron. 15, 18 Iazíz, brightnes. 1. Chro. 27, 31 ¶ Ibhác, chosen. 2. Kings 5, 15 ¶ Ichahód, where is glorie? 1. Sam. 4, 21 ¶ Iddo, his confession. 1. Chron. 27, 21 ¶ Iechoniáh, stabilitie of the Lord. 1. Chr. 3, 16 Iedaiáh, the hand of the Lord or confessing the Lord. 1. Chron. 4, 37 Iedidáh, beloued. 2. Sam. 22, 1 Iediel, knowledge of God. 1. Chron. 7, 6 Ieduthun, confessing. 1. Chro. 9, 16 Iehiáh, the Lord liueth. 1. Chro. 5, 23 Iehiél, God liueth. 1. Chr. 26, 21 Iehoadán, the Lords pleasure. 2. King. 14, 2 Iehoahás, the possession of the Lord. 2. Kings 23, 34 Iehoásh, the fyre of the Lord. 2. Kings 11, 21 Iehohanán, grace or mercie of the Lord. 2. Chro. 26, 3 Iehoiada, the knowledge of the Lord. 2. King. 11, 15 Iehoiakím, the rising or aduenging of the Lord. 2. Kings 23, 34 Iehoshaphát, the Lord is the iudge. 1. Chr. 3, 10 Iehoshúa, the Lords saluation. Zach. 3, 1 Iehozadák, the iustice of the Lord. 1. Chr. 6, 14 Iehudáth, confession or praise. Gen. 29, 35 Iekannáh, the Lord shal arise, establish, or aduenge. 1. Chr. 2, 41 Iekodeám, the burning of the people. Ios. 15, 56 Iephlét, deliuered. 1. Chron. 7, 32 Iephunnéh, beholding. Nomb. 13, 7 Ierahmeél, the mercie of God. Ier. 36, 36 Iéred, ruling. Gen. 5, 15 Ieriél, the feare of God. 1. Chro. 7, 2 Ierimóth, fearing death. 1. Chr. 7, 7 Ieroboám, encreasing the people. 2. Kin. 14, 23 Ierohám, high. 1. Chro 6, 27 Ierubbaá, let baal aduenge. Iud. 6, 32 Ieshaiáh, saluation of the Lord. Isa. 1, 1 Ieshúa, a sauiour. Mat. 1, 16 ¶ Igál, redemed. 2. Chr. 3, 22 Igdaliáh, the greatnes of the Lord. Ier. 15, 4 ¶ Ioáb, willing or voluntarie. 1. Chro. 2, 16 Iob, sorowful or hated. Iob 1, 1 Iobamáh, the buylding of the Lord. 1. Chr. 9, 8 Iochébed, glorious. Exod. 6, 20 Ioél, willing or beginning. Ioel 1, 1 Iokshán, an offence. Gen. 25, 2 Ioktán, a litle one. Gen. 10, 25 Ionáh, a doue. 2. Kings 14, 25 Ionadáb, voluntarie or willing. 2. King. 13, 5 Ionathán, the gifte of the Lord. Iud. 18, 30 Ioseph, encreasing. Gen. 30, 24 Ioshabéth, the fulnes of the Lord. 2. Chr. 22, 11 Ioshiáh, the fyre of the Lord. 2. King. 22, 3 Iothám, perfite. 2. Kings 15, 23 Iozabád, endwed. 1. Chro. 12, 20 ¶ Iphdiáh, the redemption of the Lord. 1. Chro. 8, 25 Iphtáh, opening. Iud. 11, 1 ¶ Irá, a watchman. 1. Chro. 11, 28 Irád, a wilde asse. Gen. 4, 18 Iriáh, the feare of the Lord. Ier. 37, 12 Irmeiáh, exalting the Lord. 1. Chro. 5, 24 ¶ Ishacar, a wages. Gen. 30, 18 Ishái, a gifte or oblation. Rut 4, 17 Ishbósheth, a man of shame. 2. Sam. 2, 12 Ishcariót, an hyreling, or man of death. Mat. 10, 1 Ishmaél, God hath heard. Gen. 16, 11 Ishtób, good man. 2. Sam. 10, 8 Israél, a prince of God, or preuailing with God. Gen. 35, 10 ¶ Ithamár, wo to the change. Exod. 6, 23 Ittái, strong. 2. Sam. 23, 29 Ittiél, God with me. Nehem. 11, 6 ¶ Iubal, bringing, or fading. Gen. 4, 21 Iuchal, mightie. Ierem. 38, 1 ¶ Izebel, wo to the house. 1. King. 16, 31 Izhak, laughter. Gen. 17, 19 Izrahiáh, the Lord ariseth, or the clearnes of the Lord. 1. Chro. 7, 3 Izreél, the seed of God. Iosh. 15, 56 K KAháth, a congregacion. Gen. 46, 11 Kainán, a biar, or owner. Gen. 5, 9 Káin, a possession. Gen. 4, 1 Kamuél, God is risen. Gen. 22, 21 Karéah, balde. 2. King. 25, ¶ Kedár, blackenes. Gen. 25, 13 Kédem, East. Ierem. 49, 26 Kéren-happúch, the horne of beautie. Kallaiáh, the voyce of the Lord. Nehem. 12, 19 ¶ Kish, harde, or sore. 1. Sam. 9, 1 ¶ Kolaiáh, the voyce of the Lord. Nehem. 11, 2 Kórah, balde. Gen. 36, 5 Koré, crying. 1. Chro. 9, 19 ¶ Kushaiá, hardenes. 1. Chro. 15, 17 L LAadáh, to gather, or testifie. 1. Chro. 4, 21 Laadán, for pleasure. 1. Chro. 7, 16 Labán, white. Gen. 24, 29 Laél, to God, or to the mightie. Nomb. 3, 24 Láhad, to praise. 1. Chro. 4, 2 Lamuél, with whome is God? Prou. 31, 1 Lehabím, enflamed. Gen. 10, 13 Lémech, poore, or smitten. Gen. 4, 18 Lappidóth lightenings. Iudg. 4, 4 Letushim, hammer men. Gen. 25, 3 Leuí, ioyned, or coupled. Gen. 29, 34 Leáh, painful, or wearied. Gen. 29, 16 ¶ Lobín, whitenes. Exod. 6, 17 Lot wrapped, or ioyned. Gen. 11, 27 ¶ Lud, a natiuitie, or generacion. Gen. 10, 22 ¶ Lysias, dissoluing. 1. Mac. 3, 32 Lysimachus, dissoluing battel. 2. Mac. 4, 29 M MAachathí, broken. 2. King. 25, 23 Mahazióth, seing a signe. 1. Chro. 25, 4 Mahseiáh, the protection of the Lord. Ierem. 32, 12 Mahlá, weakenes, or a dance. Nomb. 26, 33 Maasai, my worke. 1. Chro. 9, 12 Maaseiáh, the worke of the Lord. 1. Chro. 15, 18 Maaziáh, the strength of the Lord. 1. Chro. 24, 18 Makáz, finishing, or watching. 1. King. 4, 9 Macbanái, my poore sonne. 1. Chro. 12, 13 Machí, poore, or a smiter. Nomb. 13, 16 Machír, selling, or knowing. Gen. 50, 23 Madái, a measure, or iudging. Gen. 10, 2 Madán, strife. Gen. 25, 2 Magdalena, magnified, or exalted. Mat. 27, 56 Magdiél, preaching God. Gen. 36, 43 Magóg, couering, or melting. Gen. 10, 2 Mahaláh, infirmitie, or sickenes. 2. Chro. 11, 18 Maharái, hasting. 2. Chro. 11, 30 Mahath, wiping away, or fearing. 1. Chro. 6, 35 Malachí, my messenger. Malach. 1, 1 Mahaleél, praising God. Gen. 5, 12 Mamzér, a bastard. Deut. 23, 2 Manahém, a comforter. 2. King. 15, 14 Manoách, rest. Iudg. 13, 2 Maón, a dwelling place. Iosh. 15, 55 Mordechái, bitter, contricion. Ester 2, 5 Marthá, bitter, or prouoking. Luk. 10, 38 Mattán, a gift. 2. Chro. 23, 17 Mattaní, Mattaniáh, Matthaniáh, Mattha­ táh his gift. Ezr. 10, 33 Mattithía, a gift of the Lord. 1. Chro. 9, 31 Malchiél, God is my King. Gen. 46, 17 Malchiáh, the Lord my King. Ierem. 21, 1 Malchi-zédek, King of righteousnes. Gen. 14, 18 Malchishúa, my King the sauiour. 1. Sam. 14, 49 ¶ Mehetabél, how good is God! Gen. 36, 39 Mehumán, troubled. Ester. 1, 10 Mehuiaél, teaching God. Gen. 4, 18 Methushaél, asking death. Gen. 4, 18 Methushélah, spoyling his death. Gen. 5, 21 Melatiáh, deliuerance of the Lord. Nehem. 3, 7 Menelaus, strength of the people. 2. Mac. 4, 23 Menashéh, forgetting. Gen. 41, 51 Meraióth, bitterness. 1. Chro. 9, 11 Méred, rebellious. 1. Chro. 4, 17 Meshá, saluacion. 1. Chro. 2, 42 Meshelemiáh, the peace of the Lord. 1. Chro. 26, 1 Meshullám, peaceable. 2. King. 22, 3 Mephiboshéth, shame of mouth. 2. Sam. 4, 4 Méshech prolonging. Gen. 10, 2 Milcháh, a woman of counsel. Gen. 11, 29 Milchóm, their King, or counseller, the ido­ le of the Ammonites. 2. King. 23, 13 Mizzáh, a dropping, or consuming. Gen. 36, 13 Micháh, poore, or smitten, or who is here? 2. Chro. 34, 20 Michaiáh, who is like the Lord? 2. King. 22, 12 Michael, who is like God? 1. Chro. 7, 3 Michal, who is perfect? 1. Sam. 14, 49 Mishael, who demandeth? Exod. 6, 22 Miriám, exalted, or teaching. Exod. 6, 20 Mithredath, dissoluing the Law. Ezr. 1, 8 ¶ Moáb, of the father. Gen. 19, 36 Moshéh, drawne vp. Exod. 10, 2 Mozá, founde, or vnleauened. 1. Chro. 2, 46 ¶ Musach, anointing. 2. King. 16, 18 Mushí, departing. Exod. 6, 19 N NAamáh, beautiful. Gen. 4, 28 Naamán, faire, or beautiful. Gen. 46, 21 Naaráh, a maide, or watching. Iosh. 16, 7 Naariáh, a childe of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 22 Nabaióth, buddes, or prophesies. Gen. 25, 13 Nabál, a foole. 1. Sam. 25, 3 Nadáb, a prince, or liberal. Exod. 6, 23 Naggái, clearenes, Luk. 3, 25 Nahaliél, the inheritance of God. Nomb. 21, 19 Nahám, Nahúm, a comforter, or repentant. 1. Chro. 4, 19 Nahás, a serpent. 1. Chro. 4, 12 Nahór, hoarse, or angrie. Gen. 11, 22 Naióth, beautie, or a dwelling place. 1. Sam. 19, 18 Naphtalí, wrastling, or comparison. Genes. 30, 8 Nathan, giuen. 2. Sam. 5, 14 ¶ Nebuchad-nezzár, which is written for the moste parte in Ieremie, and some times in Ezekiel, Nebuchadrezzar, signifieth the mourning of the generacion. Nepheg, weake. 2. Sam. 5, 15 Nephtúim, an opening. GEn. 10, 13 Ner, a light. 1. Sam. 14, 51 Nethaneél the gift of God. 2. Chro. 35, 9 Nethaniáh, a gift of the Lord. 2. Sam. 25, 23 ¶ Nimrod, rebellious. Gen. 10, 8 ¶ Noadiáh, the witnessing, or testificacion of the Lord. Ezr. 8, 33 Noáh, rest. Gen. 5, 29 Nogah, brightness. 1. Chro. 14, 16 ¶ Nun, sonne, or posteritie. Nomb. 13, 9 O OBadiáh, seruant of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 21 Obed, a seruent. Iudg. 9, 26 Oed-edóm, the seruent of Edóm, or a ser­ uant Edomite. 2. King. 6, 10 Obíl, borne, or broght. 1. Chro. 27, 30 ¶ Omár, speaking, or exalting. Gen. 36, 11 ¶ Onám, sorow, strength. Gen. 36, 23 Onán, sorow, or iniquitie. Gen. 38, 4 ¶ Ophél, a towre, or darkenes. 2. Chro. 27, 3 Ophír, ashes. Gen. 10, 29 ¶ Ornán, reioycing. 1. Chro. 21, 18 Orpáh, a necke. Ruth. 1, 4 Orthosias, rectified. 1. Macc. 15, 17 ¶ Othní, my time. 1. Chro. 26, 7 Otholiáh, time to the Lord. 1. Chro. 8, 26 Othoniél, the time of God. Iosh. 15, 17 ¶ Ozaziáh, the strength of the Lord. 1. Chro. 15, 21 Ozzíel, the helpe of God. 1. Chro. 27, 19 P PAgiél, god hathe met. Nomb. 1, 13 Palál, praying or iudging. Nehem. 3, 25 Paltí, deliuerance. Nomb. 13, 10 Paltiél, deliuerance of God. Nomb. 34, 36 Palú, marueilous. Gen. 46, 19 Paróh, vengeance. Exod. 8, 1 Paruáh, florishing, or fleing. 1. King. 4, 17 Pashúr, encreasing libertie. Ierem. 20, 3 ¶ Pedahél, the redemption of God. Nomb. 34, 28 Pedah-zúr, a mightie redemer. Nomb. 1, 10 Pedaiah, the Lords redeming. 2. King. 22, 1 Pekaiáh, the Lords opening. 2. King. 15, 22 Pelaiáh, the miracle of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 24 Pelaiáh, a miracle of the Lord. Nehem. 8, 7 Pelatiáh, deliuerance of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 21 Péleg, a diuision. Gen. 10, 25 Pélet, deliuerance. 1. Chro. 2, 33 Penuél, seing God. 1. Chro. 4, 4 Péresh, a horseman. 1. Chro. 7, 16 Pérez, a diuision. Gen. 38, 29 Perudáh, a diuision. Ezr. 2, 55 Pethaiáh, the Lord openeth. Ezr. 10, 23 ¶ Picól, the mouth of all. Gen. 21, 22 Pinehás, a bolde countenance. Nomb. 25, 7 ¶ Puah, a mouth. Gen. 46, 13 R RAamiáh, thondre of the Lord. Nehem. 7, 7 Raddái, ruling. 1. Chro. 2, 14 Raháb, proude, or strong. Iosh. 2, 1 Rahám, mercie, or compassion. 1. Chro. 2, 44 Rahél, a shepe. Gen. 29, 9 Rám, high. 1. Chro. 2 Ramiáh, exaltacion of the Lord. Ezr. 10, 25 Raphá, release. or medecine. Gen. 46, 21 ¶ Reaiáh, a vision of the Lord. 1. Chro. 5, 5 Réba, the fourth. Iosh. 13, 21 Rechab, a rider. 2. King. 10, 15 Reelaiáh, a shepherd to the Lord. Ezr. 2, 2 Rehabeam, dilating the people. 1. King. 11, 43 Rehúm, pitieful, or pitied. Ezr. 2, 2 Remaliáh, the exaltation of the Lord. 2 King. 15, 27 Rephaél, medicine of God. 1. Chro. 26, 7 Rephaiáh, medicine of the Lord. 1. Chro. 3, 21 Reú, his shepherd. Gen 11, 19 Reubén, the sonne of vision. so named, be­ cause the Lord did see his mothers afflic­ tion. Gen. 29, 32 Reuél, a shepherd of God. Exod. 2, 19 Rezón, a secretarie, or leane. 1. King. 11, 23 ¶ Ribái, strife, or encreased. 2. Sam. 23, 29 Ribkáh, fed. Gen. 22, 23 Rinnáh, song, or reioycing. 1. Chro. 4, 20 Riphath, medicine, or release. Gen. 10, 3 ¶ Rogel, a foteman, or an accuser. Iosh. 15, 8 ¶ Ruth, watered, or filled. Ruth 1, 4 S SAbtáh, a compasse, or olde age. Gen. 10, 7 Sabteca, the cause of smiting. Gen. 10, 7 Saráh, a ladie, or dame. Gen. 17, 15 Sarai, my dame, or mastres. Gen. 11, 29 ¶ Sebá, a compasse. Gen. 10, 7 Séled, affliction 1. Chron. 2, 30 Semachiáh, cleauing to the Lord. 1. Chr. 26, 7 ¶ Shaál, Shaúl, asked. Ezr. 10, 29. 1. Sam. 9, 2 Sháaph, flying, or thinking. 1. Chro. 4, 7 Shabbethái, my rest. Nehem. 11, 16 Shachír, wages. 1. Chro. 11, 35 Shage, ignorant. 1. Chron. 11, 34 Shallum, peaceable. 2. King. 15, 10 Shalman, peaceable. Hose. 10, 15 Shalmon, peaceable. Ruth 4, 21 Shamgár, desolation of the stranger. Iudg. 3, 31 Shammáh, desolation, destruction. 1. Sam. 16, 9 Shammúa, obedient. Nomb. 13, 5 Shaphán, a conie, or one hidde. 1. Chr. 5, 12 Shaphát, a iudge. Nom. 13, 6 Sharézer, a treasurer. 2. King. 19, 37 Shealthiél, asked of God. Hag. 1, 1 Sheariáh, the gate of the Lord. 1. Chro. 8, 38 Shebá, captiuitie. Gen. 10, 7 Shebarim, hope. Iosh. 7, 5 Sheber, hope, or wheat. 1. Chro. 2, 48 Shecaniáh, the habitation of the Lord. 2. Chron. 3, 21 Shéchem, a parte, or portion. Nom. 26, 31 Shedeúr, a field of fyre, or the light of the almightie. Nomb. 1, 5 Shegúb, exalted. 1. King. 16, 34 Shehariáh, the morning of the Lord. 1. Chr. 8, 26 Sheír, rough, or heerie. Gen. 36, 20 Sheláh, dissoluing. Gen. 38, 5 Sheláh, sending, or spoiling. Gen. 10, 24 Shelemiáh, peace of the Lord. Ezr. 10, 39 Shéleph, drawing out. Gen. 10, 26 Shélesh, a captaine. 1. Chro. 7, 35 Shelomíth, peaceable. Leuit. 24, 11 Shelomóh, peaceable. 2. Sam. 5, 15 Shelumiél, the peace of God. Nomb. 1, 6 Shemaiáh, hearing the Lord. 1. Chr. 4, 37 Shemariáh, the keping of the Lord. Ezr. 10, 32 Shémed, destroying. 1. Chr. 8, 12 Shémer, a keaper. 1. King. 16, 24 Shemidá, a name of knowledge. NOm. 26, 32 Shemuél, appointed of God. Nom. 3, 4 Shemuél, heard of God. 1. Sam. 1, 20 Shephatiáh, the Lord iudgeth. 2. Sam. 3, 4 Sheraiáh, a prince of the Lord. 1. Chr. 4, 14 Sherúg, a bough, or plante. Gen. 11, 20 Sheth, set, or put. Gen. 4, 25 Shethár, a remnant, or hid. Est. 1, 14 Sheuá, vanitie. 1. Chron. 2, 49 Shiciáh, the protection of the Lord. 1. Chr. 8, 10 Shimeí, hearing, or obedient. Exod. 6, 17 Shimeón hearing, or obedient. Gen. 29, 33 Shimshon, there the seconde time, because the Angel appeared the seconde time at the prayer of his father. Iud. 13, 24 Shiphtán, a iudge. Nomb. 34, 24 Shipráh, faire. Exod. 1, 15 Shobáb, returned. 2. Sam. 5, 14 Shobál, a path. Gen. 36, 20 Shobnáh, a buylder. 2. King. 8, 18 Shúa, crying, or sauing. Gen. 38, 2 Shuáh, praying, or humiliation. Gen. 25, 2 Shubaél, the returning of God. 1. Chr. 24, 20 Shuháh, a pitte. 1. Chron. 4, 11 Shumathí, renoumed. 1. Chro. 2, 53 Shuní, changed, or sleping. Gen. 46, 16 ¶ Sithrí, my secret. Exod. 6, 22 ¶ Sodí, my secret. Nomb. 13, 11 ¶ Suáh, rooting vp. 1. Chron. 7, 36 T TAbeél, good God. Isa. 7, 6 Tahásh, hasting. Gen. 22, 24 Taháth, feare. 1. Chro 6, 37 Talmái, a sorow. Iosh. 15, 14 Tamár, a palmetree. Gen. 38, 6 Tanhúmeth, consolation. Ier. 40, 8 Talmón, dew prepared. 1. Chr. 9, 17 Tapháth, a litle one. 1. King. 4, 11 ¶ Tebáh, a cooke. Gen. 22, 24 Tehinnáh, merciful, or prayer. 1. Chr. 4, 12 Térah, smelling. Gen. 11, 24 ¶ Tiknáh, hope. 2. King. 22, 14 Tilón, murmuering. 1. Chro. 4, 20 Tirás, a destroyer. Gen. 10, 2 Tirhanáh, a searcher of mercie. 1. Chro. 2, 48 Tiriá, a searche. 1. Chro. 4, 16 ¶ Tóah, a darte. 1. Chron. 6, 34 Tobiáh, the Lord is good. Ezr. 2, 60 Togarmáh, strong, or bonie. Gen. 10, 3 Tóhu, liuing. 1. King. 1, 1 Tolá, a worme. Gen. 46, 13 Tom, a twine. Mat. 10, 3 ¶ Tubál, borne, or broght, or worldlie. Gen 10, 2 Tubál-káin, worldlie possession. Gen. 4, 22 V VAniáh, nourishment of the Lord. Ezr. 10, 36 Vashni, changed. 1. Chr. 6, 28 Vashtí, drinking. Est. 1, 9 ¶ Vopsí, a thing broken, or patched. Nom. 13, 15 ¶ Vri, my light. 1. Chr. 2, 20 Vriiáh, the light of the Lord. 2. Sam. 11, 3 Vriél, light or fyre of God. 2. Chr. 13, 2 ¶ Vthái, mine iniquitie, or time. 1. Chr. 9, 4 ¶ Vzál, wandering. Gen. 10, 27 Vzzáh, strength. 1. Chron. 6, 29. 2. Sam. 6, 3 Vzzí, my strength. 1. Chr. 6, 5 Vzziél, the strength of God. 1. Chr. 7, 7 Z ZAauan, trembling. Gen. 36, 27 Zabád, a dowrie. 1. Chr. 2, 36 Zabadiáh, a dowry of the Lord. 1. Chr. 8, 15 Zabdiél, a dowrie of God. 1. Chr. 27, 2 Zaccúr, mindeful. 1. Chr. 4, 26 Zachái, pure. Ezr. 2, 9 Zachariáh mindeful of the Lord. 1. Chr. 5, 7 Zadok, iustified, or iuste. 2. Sam. 8, 17 Zalmonáh, our image. Nom. 33, 41 Zanoáh, forgetfulnes. Nehem. 11, 30 ¶ Zebulún, a dwelling. Gen. 30, 20 Zeeb, a wolfe. Iudg. 7, 25 Zelophehád, a shadow of feare. Nom. 26, 33 Zemiráh, a song. 1 Chron. 7, 8 Zephaniáh, the hiding of the Lord. 2 King. 25, 18 Zephí, a honie combe. Gen. 36, 11 Zéra, clearenes, or rising vp. Gen. 36, 13 Zeraiáh, the Lord arising, 1 Chro. 6, 6 Zeresh, scattering heritage. Est. 5, 10 Zerubbabél, strange from confusion, or a stranger at Babel. Hag. 1, 2 Zethan, their oliue. 1 Chron. 26, 22 ¶ Zia, swete, or swelling. 1 Chron. 5, 13 Zidkiáh, the iustice of the Lord. 2 King. 24, 17 Zidón, a hunter. Gen. 10, 15 Zimrí, a song. 1 Chron. 2, 6 Ziphoráh, a mourning. Exod. 2, 21. ¶ Zohéth, a separation. 1 Chro. 4, 10 ¶ Zuph, a watch, or a couering. 1 Chro. 6, 35 Zuriél, the rocke of God. Nom. 3, 35 Zurishadái, the rocke of the almightie. Nom. 1, 6