l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 4 0 3 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) Bulleins Bulwarke of defence againste all Sicknes, Sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche Bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the Gardiner, Health the Phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and pra­ ctised from the moste worthie lear­ ned, bothe old and newe: to the greate comforte of mankinde: Doen by Willyam Bulleyn, and ended this Marche. Anno salutis. 1562. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston. Sicknes. NOw you haue ended your Table, with the names of compoun­ des. There are certain wordes, very harde for me to vnderstand as when you doe name Apophlegmatismus, Dropax, Linement. &c. I knowe not what thei doe meane, by their proper names, I praie you tell me the significacions. Health. WHen you come to Apophlegmatismus, it is a singuler good medicen to purge flegme by vomite, or els to drawe from the hedde, euill and grosse humours, and is vsed somtime, as I haue re­ hersed in the proper place of Apophlegmatismus, before spoken. And by mixture vnderstande, what sondrie Confections and Electuariis, bee mingled together, to be taken in the mornyng, or els three howers be­ fore repaste of meate and drinke, to purge choller. &c. Confectura, is a medicene mingled of simples, or some meat digested: as ribus confectus, meat digested. There are sondrie confections, as Confectio Hamech.&c Electuarium is commonly knowen, made moiste with Honie, Suger, and pouders for to clense humours, beying taken in the mornyng, in Bolo, that is in the same masse, rolled with Suger, or els in Potione, or drunke with waters, accordyng to the complexion: as to the cholle­ ricke least, and moste to the Melancholie persone, by the reason of his yearthly nature. And of Electuarijs be diuers, and of sundrie inuencions, as Rasis made one for an Heathen king, whose name was Almonsor. To this kyng he writeth moche, concernyng bodily health, and to put awaie pensifenes, heauines, and Melancholie, he made Electuarium Lætificans Rasis. Electuarium de succo Rosarum of Roses, Electuarium frigidum Cophonis of one called Cophe. Reade of this man, and many mo, in the worke of Mesuæ. Electuarium gemmarum of precious stones. &c. with many mo worthie Electu­ aries, profitable for mankinde: some warmyng, and some coolyng. &c. Tragia, are sondrie pleasaunt pouders, mingled together, whiche are caste vpon delicate meates, or put in wine against cold in the stomack or Collicke, wholsome for the Melancholie, or Flegmaticke bodie, whiche is colde or windie. Conserue is knowen, as of Prunes, Barberies. &c. and will conserue and kepe the strained fruites, wherein the spices with Suger, and sometyme swete waters are sodden together, to make it bothe to laste in it self, and pleasure moche the receiuer, whiche shall eate thereof, Mornyng and Euenyng. Also young fruites, as Nuttes, Peares. &c. and flowers maie bee conserued, preserued, and condited in Syrupes. Kepyng their forme and goodnes, with moche vertue. Trifera saracenica against fransie, Melancholie, and coldnes. &c. was in­ uented of the Saracens, to be dronke in wine. Esdra was made by Esdras the holie man, when the people of Israel were in captiuitie, the great miserie and affliccion of mynde: thes was the bodily remedie for all the paines of the hedde, commyng of cold. Auria Alexandria was made in Alexander, and for the singuler vertue a­ gainste colde reumes, and to comfort the brain: like as golde excelleth all other mettalles in riches, so doe this all other in vertue. Lohoch is a pleasaunt thyng, as Lohoch Sanum, Lohoch de Pino. &c. This Lohoch is to licke or melte vnder the tongue, against paines in the throate, and lunges, and are good to helpe the cough. Syruppe of Liquorice, Horehounde. &c. are made Simple, or Com­ pounde, to be taken a mornyng and euenyng, some be hotte, and some bee colde. Rob is a certaine thing made harde, and put into medicines: there is Dia Rob, very wholsom for the liuer, and put in medicins for the mouth as in gargarisme. Decoction is a drinke moste wholsome to clense the bodie, or to restrain or els maie bee put in Clisters, either to purge, or stoppe, accordyng to the nature of the sicknesse. When ye will purge, take openyng seedes, leaues, barkes, rootes. &c. with Suger, and seeth theim, then straine them through a cleane wollen clothe, adde to Suger: and let the paci­ ente drinke a Mornynges, twoo or three daies. And when you stoppe, decocte Planten, Shepherdes purse, gumme Arabike. &c. straine it and drinke mornyng and euenyng. Note also, that Syruppes and de­ coctions be best newe, specially the decoction, whiche wil not last long. Iulep is not sodden so thicke as Syrup, but is clere made with sonde­ rie good waters and clene Suger, and are wholsome for the liuer, as of the waters of Chicorie, Endiue, or Sirupes and waters together. Infusion, is when the Apothicarie doe for twelue or xxiiii. howers, put purgyng medicenes in water, as Rhabarbe, Agarike, Succo rosarum. &c. and then straine them forthe to drinke, and purge in the mornyng. Trochist are many, as of Cappers, Wormwoode, Rhabarbe. &c. and are drie like small table men, vsed in medicenes, beaten into pouder, and maie be long kepte. Sufuf is a goodly Aromatike pouder, made of spices, as Galanga. &c. Sief is made for sore iyen, white and hard, in the forme of a little Su­ ger lofe, but skant an ynche long, whiche must be steeped in Rose wa­ ter, and womannes milke, to be applied to the iyen, to helpe them. Collyrium is made of Sief, when it is soft or dissolued for sore iyen. Pilles are of sundrie kindes and natures, of greate strengthe and vertue, to expulse euill matter, and maie bee taken at euenyng, mor­ ning, and Ante Cibum: according to their natures, as I haue written. but old Pilles are daungerous, newe are good, howbeit, perilous for very fat bodies. There are also Pilles restraining, or stopping, as for flixes. Subfimentum is sondrie pouders for women, cast vpon coles, whose smoke doe subtilly passe into the bodie, or matrixe, and sometyme for menne. Nasalia is a wholsome thyng, to be put into the nose, to comforte the braine: and stoppe the bledyng at the nose. Frontaria is good to reconcile slepe, to bee applied to the forehedde, the length twelue inches. Masticatorum, to champe vpon, to drawe forthe flegme from the hedde, and to clense the teeth. Gargarismus, is to gargle in the mouthe, not to swallowe it doune, to clense the mouthe, throte, and teeth, put in warme to. Clister is ministered bee neathe, and are of sonderie kindes: relaxyng, bindyng, and restoryng, and muste bee ministered, neither to colde, for wind, nor to hot, for excoriacion or skalding. But temperate to clense and worke his proper effecte. Clisters are good for the stone, and when one can take no Purgacion by the mouthe, Clisters are moste beste. Athanasia is so named, because it is so excellent in goodnesse, againste the immoderate fluxe menstruall in women, it is called a medicen im­ mortall: of whiche I shall speake of more, in a perticuler booke by it self, God willyng. Epithima, are vsed inwardly for the liuer, and also fine Wolle, or rawe silke twilted, and steped in waters and pouders, accordyngly. Scarlet in Graine, is wholsome for the same purpose. Liniment is made to anointe, or make softe, hauyng no waxe there. Pessis is made to be applied, into the secret place of a woman, to helpe the euilles of the matrixe. Sacculum is a bagge or twilte, wherein spice cordiall, with wholsome herbes are put in, and made warme with wine, vineger, or swete wa­ ter, and so applied to the stomackes of sicke folkes. Cerot is made of Waxe, Spice, and Oile, spread vpon leather, and ap­ lied to the breste. &c. as Cerotum Galenj pro stomacho. Insessus is sweete herbes sodden in sweete water and wine, in whiche the pacient must sit at euen. Suppositor, is to put vnder in at the fundamente, for to relaxe the bellies of weake bodies. Fomentum is to washe the sore bodie with herbes, whiche muste bee moche sodden, and applied to the sore place. &c. Dropax is good for skalde heddes, to clense them: and for women that would haue high forheddes, againste nature. For a Dropax will pull of the heere. Emplastrum is commonly knowen, and is groslie made of herbes, Spi­ ces. &c. and warme to be applied to the sore, or pained place of the body Frication, is rubbyng or chafyng of the bodie, with warme clothes in the mornyng. Dentifricj, is to make thinges to cleanse the teethe, and make theim white: as with dried Mallowe rootes. &c. With many more pretie and apte notes of medicins, but these shall suffice for mannes healthe: whiche the preparers of medicenes, muste wisely make and obserue these. xxi. notes followyng.