l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 5 3 8 9 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) The way to vnderstande Tryckyng. THe olde order in Tricking of all maner of Ar­ mes, is to vse one letter for one woorde. It is necessarie for heroicall Artificers. As by ensample. The Queenes maiestie of England beareth quar­ terly Fraunce and Englande. The first, B.iii. Flo­ wers de Leus O. The second. G.iii. Lyons passaun­ tes O. The third as the seconde, the fowerth as the fyrste. O. Or. Yelow. A. Argent. whyghte. G. Geules. betwene Red and Tenne. B. Azure. bright Blewe. V. Vert. Grene. P. Purpure. Purple. E. Ermyn. white poudred with Blacke. Es. Ermines. Blacke powdred white T. Tenne. Orynge coloure. M. Sangwine. Murreye. Pr. Proper coloure. Naturall. BB. Blewe. Sad Blewe. FINIS