l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 5 5 3 2 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) MANIPVLVS VOCABVLORVM. A Dictionarie of English and Latine wordes, set forthe in suche order, as none heretofore hath ben, the Englishe going before the Latine, necessary not onely for Scholers that want varietie of words, but also for such as vse to write in English Meetre. Gathered and set forth by P. Leuins. ANNO 1570. For the better vnderstanding of the order of this present Dictionarie, read ouer the Preface to the Reader, and the Epistle Dedicatorie, and thou shalt finde it easie and plaine, and further thereof thou shalt gather great profite. Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman, for John Waley. THE PREFACE to the Reader. sO many Dictionaries of Latin and English (gentle Reader) haue now beene of late by diuers sundrye writers set forth, that except some kind of Noueltie should bring delite to the peruser, and some present profite also giue hope and courage to the same, it should be but a vaine thing, and counted but as lost laboure, in so common a kind, and in so familiar a matter, to rea­ sume againe, & to begin a new, the thing so often preuented. Where­ fore I thought it good & expedient, at the beginning briefly to let thee know and vnderstand what and how many commodities, be­ sides other dictionaries, seeme to be contained in the compendious compasse of this little booke, that thy hope may be certaine. Con­ sidering therefore, that whereas he that writeth, meaneth euer to pleasure some body, or to profit many: and yet so that he may sa­ tisfy the best, and helpe them that haue most neede, and seeing that the same thing then also commeth commonly to passe, when in the least charges and paines, most profit & pleasure redoundeth to the perusers, therefore two things be here to be considered: first that the quantitie is small, so that the price being little the poorer sorte may be able to bie it: the other, that in the qualitie & fourme of the little quantitie, as it is deuised, be moe commodities, (than in the common sort be founde) to be receiued: as for the quantitie, thou seest what it is, certainely (as I call it) Manipulum, so it is but an handfull: but as for the qualitie wherein the vertue is conteined, mo peraduenture than thou wouldest easly thinke to be in so little a booke that is hid from thee: what (sayest thou) & how many? surely these. First that for the pleasantnesse of the metre, delectable & pleasant to reade (as it is in other tongs) both the wits be delited and comforted, and the memorie also is nouryshed and confirmed, so that a learned friend, being consulted concerning the edition hereof, said that it would not onely helpe them that were willing to learne, but also which is most necessarie in the negligent & vn­ willing youth, it would excitate & stir them vp, so that they would be willing to reade and to learne of them selues. Secondly wher­ as it foloweth the alphabet of the order of the last sillible (for ther is an alphabet well nigh as easie to be followed of the last sillable as of the first) it commeth to passe, that when al the simple and vn­ compounded words be recited, and so many also of the compounds and Deriuatiues as we thinke necessary and conuenient, all the other, whether they be of Substantiues and Adiectiues out of Verbes, or they be of Substantiues & Aduerbes out of Adiectiues, or they be of Adiectiues out of Substantiues, or fynally of Sub­ stantiues out of Substantiues, & of Adiectiues out of Adiectiues, and so forth of the rest, all the same I say by the rule of the Ter­ mination, in whiche the Art of Deriuing and Compounding for the most parte doth consist, wherein also the chiefe pointes of our Grammer, where vnto the amplification & variation of our tong doth also properly belong, be here in many diuerse precepts, as their places require, set forth & considered. Thirdly, it is necessarie for makers of meeter, so that it seemeth not only to redy him that maketh, but also to giue him the way to learne the arte of the same. Fourthly, wheras the chiefe grace and facilitie of our Eng­ lishe tong, doth cheefly consist in long sillable and short, and in the true pronouncing & writing of the same, and namely in the end of words, whervnto we haue most respect in this little worke, here­ of it commeth to passe, that as wel children and ruder schoolers, as also the Barbarous countries and ruder writers, may not a little (if they wil enioy the offered occasion) well and easely correct and amend, both their pen and speache. Fynally, wheras in the Polli­ sillables, by diuersitie of pronunciation, and voyce of great accent, oftentimes one worde maye haue diuers significations, as, differ, defferre, id est, prolongare: and differ, differre, id est, discrepare, and such other, we haue commonly set the accent, which is onely acute, in that place, and ouer that vowell, where the sillable must go vp & be long. And so in conclusion, whatsoeuer belongeth to the three cheefe poynts of Grammer, or Orthographie, Etimologie, & Pro­ sodie, there is little here omitted, that in suche a worke can be re­ quired: wherfore if thou be minded to peruse this little booke, in consideration of these commodities that we haue described: then for thy better instruction in the order and vse of the same, peruse first these articles and notes following, and so proceed to thy plea­ sure and profit. Amen. Notes for the vse of the booke. First note that this Booke is deuided into ix. partes, according to the ix. vowels, which come before the consonant in the last silla­ ble: of the which vowels these fyue be simple, a.e.i o. and u. & these four, ay.ea.oy. & ou. be Dipthonges: Note also that the Dipthonngs be alwayes long, and that the other be alwayes short, except that after a single Consonant, this letter, e. be the last letter of a word, for then the letter (e) is not the vowel of the sillable, but it is only added at the end, to make the sillable afore it to be long: as in these abe. ebe. ibe obe. ube. (e) is only put to make the other vowels long with (b) which else should be short if (e) were a way, as these ab. eb. ib. ob. ub. &c. whiche also be short, if it be a double consonant though (e) do follow as. abbe. ebbe. ibbe. obbe. ubbe, and, ab. eb. ib ob. and ub. be all one. Note thirdly, that first we set the short silla­ bles and then the long, yet with this difference in both places, that first all the monasillables be by themselues: yea & in either of these first all Substantiues by them selues, after warde all Verbes by them selues, and finally all the adiectiues and other od parts of speach, eche kind by them selues. Fourthly note, that whereas some Terminations haue two or mo consonantes in the sillable after the vowell, thou must follow the vowell, and the first conso­ nant after it, as in these, au, auce, auche, aude, auge, augue. &c. followe the alphabet of A, Ante N. and thou shalt not misse him in his place. Fiftly note, that when as some words here contained be either barbarous, straunge, or fallen out of vse, we haue not so much put them in as imitable, but rather that the rude may re­ forme their tong, and that the Readers of suche bookes, may here learne what the wordes meane, and for that end we haue inter­ preted such words, as kirke, church, myrke, darke, ken, know, and such other. Sixtly, if any word be in diuers clause, the same is witingly doone, in respect of diuerse kindes of writing, both which are in vse, and like wise when one word hath diuers significations we haue by adding some word to both in English and Latin, Di= stincted and expounded the same: as the Gout in the hands Chira­ gra, the Gout in the feete Podagra, a Pike for the eares teeth. &c. scalprum, a Pike pricke, stimulus a Pike fyshe, Lupus fluuialis. Finally wheras the declenson, gender, or coniugation is some­ times hard to know, we haue in the Nownes expressed the gene­ tiue case, encreasing long with this circumflex (o) signifiing to be declined with hec, except an other acticle be erpressed: and the genetiue case encreasing short with this accent called graue (o) signifying to be declined with hic, except an other article be ex­ pressed: all other that haue neyther of these do not en­ crease, and be declined with hec: except they end in, er, or us, (for then they be hic) or in um, and, e, (for then they be hoc) or haue some other article expressed. And to know the coniugations: we haue set ouer (e) the infi­ nitiue moode of the seconde coniugations, this circum­ fler (e) as docere, mereri, and ouer (e) the infini­ tiue moode of the thirde, this accent graue (e) as agere, fynally if any Verbe end not in ari, eri, nor eri, but only in (i) as frui, it is the infinitiue moode of the third coniugation of some Verbe in (or). ¶ To the right worshipful M.Stanley Treasurer of the Queene her Maiesties Mynt P.L. wisheth helth, and all true felicitie. IT is the manner of some writers (right worship­ full) when they will set foorth some peece of worke, that they haue compyled or made, to excuse the rashenesse of the edition thereof, as beeing by their friends counsell, or for some other cause, now mo­ ued to commend & commit that to the vse or iudge­ ment of many, which at first they thought should be but a priuat excercise to them selues, or some priuie pleasure to a few. This thing whether they all do in simplicitie of hart & sinceritie, or some of them for some other cause, I cannot iudge, but I do excase my selfe that I do not follow the lowe steps of such humilitie, because the truth is in deed, that at the beginning, when I first began to collect this booke, which I haue now at last after a long time, and with much more laboure and paines, than ye can possibly thinke, contriued and brought to some perfection (for the gathering of oure Englishe wordes, and deuiding of the same into this alphabet or­ der of the last sillabls, being a trade not of any man afore attemp­ ted, or by the other Dictionaries any thing to recken vpon helped & furthered, must needs be a long trauaile) I thought and did alway entend, with so much speed as I could, to publishe and set abroade the same, as well for the commodities in the preface to the reader contained, as also for conscience sake, thinking that wher I haue bene long conuersant in the schooles, and haue from tyme to tyme lamented to see the youth of our Cuntry (in the studie of the Latin tong) lacke such little instruments, as this fit and needful for their exercises, and sawe no man set his hand to the same, I was bound for the portion of my small talent to do some what therin, though I knowe that I shoulde for my laboure, ieoperd one of these two displeasures: either if I did it not well, (for the world is now fine and disdainefull) to be counted rude and ignorante, or else if I did neuer so well (being harde to escape euill tongs) to be esteemed a foole, as one that for suche a trifling thing as this, with lesse profyt and more paines, would forsake a better and more worthie study, with lesse trauaile and more gaynes. Yea and some will say more ouer, that it is a superfluous & vnnecessarie labour, to set forth this Dictionarie, for so muche as Maister Howlet, hath sette forthe so worthie a worke of the same kinde already. But I answere, that though it be a worthy worke in deede, as it is most worthie, and be also of the same kind in generall, yet it is neyther of the same kind in speciall, nor to the same purpose deuised in many things, for his is great & costly, this is little & of light price, his is for gre­ ter students, & them that are richable to haue it, this is for beginners, & them that are pooreable to haue no better, his is ful of phrases & sentences fit for them that vse oration & oratorie, this is onely stuf­ fed full of words, & the vse thereof fit for them that are not yet come to better exercises, who if they should haue no Dictionarie at all to help them forward, til such time as they were able to haue or vse the other, and ther be no more to be had but halfe ones that be to no good purpose, what time should be lost? what years shoud be spent? surely not alittle: like as if no man should worke in the Mint, but such as brought with them golden hammers, ye should haue little worke done, whilst poore men, that for neede would la­ bour, could not haue such tooles to worke withal, & the rich which peraduenture could haue them, yet for their accustomed ease & idle occupations, would take little paines therwith. Neither can they wel say, that though euery scholer may not priuatly, haue this great Dictionarie, & enioy her priuatly to him self: yet euery schoole hath or may haue one of them in common, which may serue for them al, for neither will all parents so agree to haue one for all: and if they would, yet it should be such a like thing, as if ye had but one toole to worke with in the mynt, which whilst one workeman did occu­ pie, al the other should be idle, and so the worke go little forward, and surely by copie of Dictionaries, are copie of wordes coyned in our schooles. But I neede not much contend in this matter being playne inoughe of it selfe, nether do I so muche care for any of the thinges aforesaide, either profit or paine, tauntes or disdaine, foo­ lishnesse or finenesse, or for any of other such like vanities, as I do (let them say what they wil) for my dutie towards the youth of my Country, if perchance I might do them some pleasure herein: be­ seching your Maistership in like manner, that youre worship will for the same causes (for ye haue euer bene a louer & helper of good studies) neither be ashamed, nor displeased, to let so little and rude a thing proceede in the commendation of youre good name to the same end, seeing that here we seeke not for praise or profit, but for the prosperous good proceeding of our poore youth in good learning and knowledge, which thing if your goodnesse and patience wil do, ye shall both bind and encourage me at all times, to my power to laboure and endeuoure my selfe, both to further our schooles with such poynts of my paines, and to gra­ tifie your worship with a better work an other day, and also ye shall deserue to be the best benefactor in this businesse, and to be partaker of all their prayers, that may take profit hereby, to God for your Mastership, in helth and prosperitie, with en­ crease of much worship long to continue. Amen. Gentle Reader amende these fautes escaped. In the preface. REade differ, deferre, id est prolongare, & differ, dif­ ferre, id est discrepare. pa­ gina. 2. lin 27. Reade we haue not so muche. pagin. 3. lib 28. Rede mereri. pag. 4. lin. 17. In the epistle dedicatorie. Rede recken vpon. pa. 1. li. 24. Reade generall, yet it is. pag. 2. lib. 8. Rede to haue or vse the ether, (and there be. &c.) pa. 2. li. 16. Blach, not a blache, in ache. A lake, lacus, us, in ake. Rede lacinia, & laciniare in ag. Rede quale, coturnix, icis, hæc, in ale. To vaunt, gloriari, in ant. labelled, infulatus, a, In ed. To neede, Egere In eede. To reuerence, reuereri In ence. A daughter, nata, æ. In er. A mowyer, sœniseca, æ, hic. In er. A lyuer, hepor, atis, hoc. In er. A meuer, fyshe, mena, æ, In er. nerste, not merst, proximus. In erste. A preste for books. prelum. in ess Scarlet, coccus, i, In et. sleete, not heete, gelu, u. A magget, termes, etis, hec. In et. To skewe, limis oculis specta­ re. In ew. the residew, residuum, i. In ew. A kewle, pastomis, idis, in eule A legacie, legatio, In cie. A penny, denarius, i, In ny. bryberie, ambitus, us, In ry. In the note of ry, rede thus. Examples declare, these con­ trary signifie eyther. &c. In the note of ilde, reade thus. Participles in iled. &c. tinche, fœtor, not fœter, In inche. In the note of ing rede thus. Adiectiues possessiues, &c. In the note of ship, rede thus. Baylyship, villicatus, us. myre, finius, i, In ire. A plyshe, pustula, ec, in ishe. In the note of isme, rede thus. Do ende in isme, and are dery­ ued of latine and greek wor­ des in isma and in ismus. the itch, prurigo, inis, hec, in itch A slitche in sowyng, ictus, us, In itche. pitche, pix, icis, hec In itche. A rigwith, dorsuale, is, hoc. In ith. A nocke, crena, æ, In ocke. A carocke, herbe, eruca, æ, In ocke. A bloome, germen, inis, hoc, In oome. A glutton, heluo, onis, In on. treason, Maiestatis reatus. In on. yong, iuuenis, is, in ong. hope, spes, ei, hæc, In ope. the pope, papa, e, hic. In ope. for prepos. pro, propter. In or To smoore, supprimere. In oore an aglot, Bracteolum, i. In ot. tallow, aruina, e, In owe. falow land, aruum, i. In ow. to falow lande, arare. In ow. A muffle, fiscella e, In uffle. the suck of a plowe, vomer, eris, hic. In uck. the huckle bone, coxendix. In uckle. Put these in umpe, after them in, umble. a frumpe, floute, sanna, e. a lumpe, massa, e, hæc. the pumpe of a ship, sentina, e, A rumpe, oropigium, i, hoc. A stumpe, stipes, itis, hic. to frumpe, subsannare. flayne, excoriatus, a, In ayn. a fayre, nundinum. In ayre. to stayre, contemplari, in ayre. a wayse, circus, i, in ayse. To wayte on one, Famulari. In ayte. A reache, porrectio, In eache. A bead, not deade, bacca, e, In ead. An head, caput, itis, hoc. In ead Fearne, filix, icis, hæc, In earne. A wreath, circus, i, In eath. A troughbote, linter, tris, hic. In the note of oulde. reade in arium, for in arum. A goose, ansercula, æ, hec, in oose. A mannour, predium. In our. To louse, captat pediculos, In ouse. venemous, venenosus, a, In ouse. A ante B. In A. ALleluia. Laudate dominum. Coloquintida, an herbe. Coloquintida, æ, the Fistula, disease Fistula, æ. Serrha, Heus, io. Ha, ha, laugh, Ha, ha, ha. In ab. A blab Garrula, læ. lin­ guax, acis. A crab, fruite, malum siluestre, ar­ butum, ti. A crab, tree, malus siluestris, ar­ butus, ti. hæc A crab, fish, cancer, cri, hic. A drab, filth, sordida, dæ, A drab, whoore, scortum, i, meretrix, icis, hæc. A scab scabies, ei, hæc. the scab pruritus, us, scabre­ do, inis, hæc. the scab of sheepe mentigo, inis, hæc to blab garrire, multiloqui. to gab, bourd, iocari, scommari. to gab, lye, mentiri, comminisci. to stab, pricke. pungere, stimulare. In abe. A babe, chylde, Infans, antis, hic, hæc, A babe, puppie, pupus, pi, pupa, æ. In able. A bable, pegma, atis, hoc, A cable, rope, rudens, entis, hæc. A cable, horse, caballus, i, A caple, idem, A fable, tale. fabula, æ, narratio A fable, lye, commentum, i, A gable, beame, delicia, æ, A rable, rewe, series, ei, hæc A stable, stabulum, i A table, paynted, tabula, æ, A table for meate. mensa, æ, able, compos, otis: potens. stable, stabilis, le. to bable garire. to brable idem. multiloqui. to fable, talke. confabulari. to fable, lye, mentiri, comminisci. A Syllable, sillaba, æ. A Constable, constabularius, i. E­ thnarca æ hic. the Constable of an hundred. centurio, onis. hic. A Parable, parabola. æ. vnstable, instabilis, æ. vnable inualidus, a. impotens durable, durabilis, e. mutable mutabilis, e. tuneable symphonicus, a sayleable, nauigabilis, e. pledable, dicibilis, e. shedable fusilis, e. semblable consimilis, e. tractable tractabilis, e. teachable docilis, e. serchable scrutabilis, e, peaceable tranquillus, a. pleasable placabilis, e. speakable effabilis, e. breakable fragilis, e. healeable sanabilis, e. sealeable signabilis, e weanable, ablactabilis, e cheapable estimabilis, e reapable messibilis, e earable arabilis, e heatable calefactibilis, e There be many other in Able, deriued of Englishe verbes, almost as many as there be verbs, which are only formed by put­ ting too Able at the ende of the English terme, as these that folow, and such other, whose latin is in bilis, & do signifie, that a thing is conuenient, mete, fit, apt, worthy or able to be done, as, Eatable, comestibilis, bile. meetor fit to be eaten. Treatable, worthy, or able to be treated vpon. fyneable mulctibilis, bile myneable fossilis, le rostable assatilis, le tostable tostilis, le loucable amabilis, bile prooueable probabilis, bile grudgeable murmurabilis, bile iudgeable estimabilis, bile shunnable deuitabilis, bile doutable dubitabilis, bile bowable flexilis, le lowable comprobabilis, bile plowable arabilis, le rowable remigabilis, bile defamable defamabilis, le inflamable inflamabilis, bile comparable comparabilis, bile agreeable concors, ordis amiable amabilis, bile amicable amicabilis, bile charitable pius, pia, delectable delectabilis, le ineffable ineffabilis, bile excusable excusabilis, bile euitable deuitabilis, bile exorable exorabilis, rabile expiable expiabilis, abile explicable explicabilis, bile expugnable expugnabilis, le impugnable impugabilis, abile hospitable hospitabilis, le innumerable innumerabilis, le satiable satiabilis, le tractable tractabilis, bile violable violabilis, le lamentable lamentabilis, le mariable nubilis, le measurable mensurabilis, le merciable misericors, cordis miserable miser, ra personable personabilis, le profitable vtilis, le seruisable seruilis, le sufferable tolerabilis, le variable varius, a venerable venerandus, da changeable mutabilis, le customable consuetus, ta vncurable incurabilis, bile vnhouable impertinens, entis vnloueable inamicabilis, le vnmoueable immobilis, bile vnpalpable impalpabilis, bile vnportable importabilis, bile profitable vtilis, le reasonable rationalis, le reduceable reducibilis, bile refusable recusabilis, bile remediable recuperabilis, bile recuperable idem remouable mobilis, le reparable reparabilis, bile satiable saturabilis, bile saturable satiablis, le vnsaylable innauigabilis, le vnspeakable ineffabilis, le seperable seperabilis, le temperable temperabilis, le tollerable tolerabilis, le vntractable intractabilis, le vntreatable idem vntymeable intempestiuus, ua inexcusable inexcusabilis, le ineuitable ineuitabilis, le inexorable inexorabilis, le inerpiable inexpiabilis, e ingenderable ingenerabilis, e inhospitable inhospitabilis, le innumerable innumerabilis, le insatiable insatiabilis, le inuiolable inuiolabilis, le vnagreable incongruus, a vnamiable inamicabilis, bile vncomparable incomparabilis, le vncustomable inconsuetus, a vnprofitable inutilis, le vnreasonable irrationabilis, le, vnreasonable irrationalis, e irrecuparable irrecuperabilis, le vnremediable idem vnremouable immobilis, le irreparable irreparabilis, le vnsatiable insatiabilis, le vntollerable intolerabilis, le vnuariable inuariabilis, le These maye also be written in abill, as, Laudable, or Laudabill, &c. Loke in (ill) They bee deriued of Verbes, and haue theyr latine in, lis. vse, ble, not bill. A ante C. In acke. A Backe, dorsum, i lacke inopia, æ An hack, mattock. bidens, entis A iacke, armour stigium, i the smacke of taste sapor oris, hic the smack of a kisse suauium, i the snacke of a dog morsus, us A packe sarcina, æ A racke for a cros­ bowe harpax harpacis hic. A racke for fodder presepe, is, hoc A sacke saculum, i A stacke strues is, hæc blacke niger, gra slacke lassus, a to cacke cacare to clacke clangitare to cracke crepitare to lacke carere to smacke, taste. sapere. to smacke, kisse, suauiare. to snacke, byte, morsitare. to packe sarcinare. to racke tortare. to slacke relaxare. to thwacke fustigare. to vnpacke esarcinare. nutcracke nucifrangium, i. setrack, herbe, lepidium, i. Not found in OED. In ache. A Blache, atramentum sutorum A brache, canicula, æ. the ache dolor, oris, hic. A crache, crib presepium, i. A lacke lacus, i. A scache grallus, i. to ache dolere. to wache, vigilare. Spinache, herb. blitum, i. In acle. A Earnacle, bird, chelonalops, idis. barnacles, bonds, pastomis, idis, hæc. a miracle, miraculum, i. portentum. a pinnacle, pinnaculum, i. obstacle, pertinax, acis. ob­ stinatus, ta. a shackle, conpes, edis, hic, hæc. a tackle, capulum, i. In acte. A facte, Factum, i An acte actum, i. An abstract abstractum, i A tracte, semita, callis, is, hic A contract, contractus, us. A distract, distractum, i. An extracte extractum, i. A retracte. retractatio. to contract, contrahere to detracte detrectare. to distract distrahere. to extract extrahere. to retract retractare. to exact exigere. to protract protrahere In ace. An ace Vnitas, atis, hæc. A brace of Deere, duo damæ. A brace of dogs, bini canes. A Dace, a litle fish aphia, æ. A face, facies, ei, hæc. grace gracia, æ. A lace, fibula, æ. mace, scepter, sceptrum, i. mace, spice. macer, acis, hic. A pace. passus, us. A place, locus, i. A race cursus, us. A space spacium. A trace for drawing traha, æ. the trace of a foote. vestigium, i. to brace amplecti. to chace, fugare. to face, gestire. to lace, confibulare. to pace gradi. to place, locare. to race, radere. to trace inuestigare. Dissyllaba substant. Balace, Saburra, æ. fornace, fornax, acis. A Bullace, tree, pruneolus, i, hæc. A bullace, frute, pruneolum, i. A preface. prefacio. prologus. solace solatium, i. to deface dehonestare. to embrace, amplecti. balace, saburrare. to manace minari. to solace solari, iocundari. efficace, adiect. efficax, acis. percase. forte Hypocrace vinum myrrhatum. inefficace inefficax, acis. to enterlace complicare. A ante D. Dad Pater, abba. a gad of steele, Massa chalybis. a gad or goade, partica stimulata, a ladde puer, eri, puellus, i. a padde, saddle, penulatum, i. a padde, tode, bufo, onis, bufumculus, i a shadde, a fishe. acon, onis, hic. alosa. Bad malus, a, vilis, e. glad, lætus, a, hilaris, e. drad, metuendus, formi­ dandus, da. madde, amens, demens, entis radde, agilis, e. promptus, a. sadde, tristis, e. wadde or woad. glastrum, i. Verba. to Adde, addere, apponere. to gadde abrode vagari. to glad exhilarare, letifi­ care. to be madde, dementire, bacchari. bestad well, or well bestad. satisfactus, bene placitus. bestad euill, or e­ uill bestad. destitutus, maletra­ ctatus, a. a shelpad. testudo, inis. hæc. In adge. A Badge, Signum, i. insigne, is. Madge for Margerie, Garbadge for garbage. In addle. A saddle, Ephippium, i. to addle, lucrari, mercri. to maddle, delirare, disapere. to saddle an horse. equum ephippio, vel equo ephippium instrare. In ade. the blade of a sword Ferrum ensis. the blade of an herb talia, æ. a cade, sheepelouse pediculus ouis. a glade, sinus, us. a Iade equila, equilus a lade, onus, eris, hoc. a spade bipalium, i. a slade, valley, vallis, is, hæc. a trade of teching methodus, i, hæc. made, partic. factus, a. to fade. deflorere, deficere. to trade. tradere, consuefacere to wade. vadare. a balade canticum, i. a drunslade. tympanum, i. a pauade. pugio, onis, hic. an emorade smaragdus, i. an ambassade legatus, i an ambassade for peace caduceus, i Ambassad for war fecialis, is, hic marmalad, spice. melaplacus, i to disgrade deponere de gradu to dissuade dissuadere to defade deficere to inuade inuadere to persuade persuadere A ladle rubicula, æ A cradle cunabula, orum to swadle fasciare A cadle. potiuncula ouacea, cuaceum, i. A ante F. In affe. Chaffe, palea, æ draffe exerementa, orum A graffe, planta, æ the naffe of a wheele vmbo, onis. centrum A naffe, a birde. vria, æ A staffe baculus, i the draftes of wine floces, cium. to baffe, as a dog latrare. to graffe plantare to quaffe ebibere A distaffe colus, i, hæc a typstaffe lictor, oris, hic rifraffe. vulgus rerum In aft. A Craft, ars, facultas, atis A flafte carmentum, i Not found in OED and unidentified. an haft manubrium, capuluum the shaft of a toole capulum, i a shaft to shoot. calamus, i dafte, doltishe, stupidus, a witchcraft prestigium, i. In affle. to faffle, balbutire to maffle idem, rudere a snaffle camus, i to snaffle. rudere In afe. Safe saluus, a safe, sure. tutus, ta to chafe wyth fin­ gers, or hands. terere. mollire to chafe, fret. fremere. A ante G. In agge. a Brag, iactantia, æ. ostentatio a bag mantica, æ a crag, rocke rupes is, hæc a dag tormentiolum, a drag, net. tragula, æ a flagge, banner. signum quadratum. a iagge lacuna, æ a nagge equulus, i a ragge panniculus, scrutum a stagge ceruus, i a shragge sarmentum, i the tag of a myter infula, æ to brag iactitare, gloriari to clag berere vt lutum to drag extrahere a flag, a weede. vlua, æ. the tag of a poynt ferretum, i the tag of a purse. appendix, icis. hæc to fag deficere to iag lacinia, & laciniare to lag fatigare. fatiscere to shrag putare arbores to wag mouere. motare. to maggle mactare. excarnifi­ care. In aght. to fraught a ship Nauem implere raught tactus, cta taught doctus, a straught distractus, a the fraught money. naulum, i tatterraggs. panniculi, orum. In age. Age Ætas. ætatis. hæc a cage, cauea. argustulum a gage pignus, oris, hoc a page assecla, æ to gage pignorare to rage furere to swage mitigare to fage adulari. fingere to wage, hyre. conducere to wage battayle. bellum indicere. to plague affligere a plague. plaga, æ baggage Fex, ecis, hæc bondage seruitudo, inis, hæc burrage Buglossa, æ courage animus, i a cottage tugurium, i cariage vectura, ræ a cabage, bedde. stega, gæ damage damnum, ni a galage, a shoe. solea. sandalium the garbage aluus, intestina, orum a language loquela. lingua a cabage, herbe. caules capitati. costage sumptus, us hostage obses, idis, hic Louage, herb. leuisticus, i, hic lastage saburra, ræ a lynage cognatio, tribus, a message legatio, nuntium, ij a morgage pignus, oris, nonage anni pupillares outrage luxus, us, hic a passage exitus, us. aditus, us pynnage inclusionis multa, to asswage mitigare to cabage mactare to damage nocere to forage the countrey depopulare to forage cattell euiscerare to garbage pabulare to language loqui. colloqui to morgage pignorare to outrage luxuriare aduantage lucrum, cri an heritage hæreditas, tatis, hæc an image imago, inis, hæc an embassage legatio, onis, hæc a parentage parentela, patrimo­ nium a patronage patrocinium, i a pilgramage peregrinatio, is, hæc to discourage exanimare to endamage damnum inferre to encourage animos addere. A, ante K. Quære monosyllaba, in, ack, vt supra. In ake. A Brake frangibilum, mactra, æ a brake, ferne. filix, cis, hæc. a cake collyridum, i a brake, birde, anas, atis, hic. a flake matta lignea. a lake, lacus, us, hic. a rake, rastrum, i. a iake, forica, æ. a drake, dragon, draco, onis, hic. a snake anguis, is, hic a stake palus, i, to bake, pinsere, coquere to make facere to quake quatere, tremere to rake rastrare to shake quassare to slake mitigare to take capere to whake trepidare Mandrake, herbe mandragora, æ. a pancake, colyrida, æ. a stomake stomachus, i. a thornbacke, fish, achantia, æ. sweepestake totum simul the Zodiake. Zodiacus, i, hic to awake expergefacere to betake, tradere to forsake deserere to stomake stomachare to vndertake. suscipere A ante L. A Ball, pila, æ. a fall, casus, us, hic. the gall, fel, fellis, hoc. an hall, aula, æ. a mall, malleus, i. a stall stabulum, i. a pall, pallium, i. a wall murus, i, hic. to baull, as cry vociferare to call vocare to fall cadere to wall murum facere all omnis, cunctus, a small paruus, a tall procerus, a thrall obnoxius, a Corall coralium, i the offall of things. reliquiæ, arum metall. metallum, i a pitfall, decipula, æ a portall ante pagmentum, i the rascall vulgus, i, hic a spyall arbiter, tri, hic. a tryall experimentum a viall phiola, æ vitall penu, victus, us. to befall contingere to forestall intercipere dismall sinister, infalix the dismall, deuill diabolus, i. equall æquus, a. carnall carnalis, e fatall fatalis, e fynall finalis, e loyall, liege, legalis, subditus, a morall moralis, e. mortall, mortalis, e paschall paschalis, e penall puniendus, penalis, e plurall. pluralis, e. reall realis, e regall regalis, e royall regalis, heroicus, a. verball verbale, is. a brydall nuptiæ, arum a dyall horologium, i a fyall phiala, æ the hedstall capital, alis, hoc a cymball cymbalum, i a marwall architriclinus, i an hewhall virio, onis, hic vitall. vitalis, le Angelicall Angelicus, a animall animalis, le artificiall artificialis, le autenticall autenticus, a cathedrall cathedralis, le celestiall cælestis, e arithmeticall arithmeticus, a a buryall exequiæ, funerale, is ceremoniall ceremonialis, e colericall cholericus, a condicionall conditionalis, e continuall continuus, a cardinall cardineus, a a Cardinall cardinalis, is, hic comicall comicus, a corporall corporalis, le despowsall desponsalis, e disloyall illegitimus, a, perfidus doctrinall doctrinalis, e domesticall domesticus, a effectuall effectualis, le. equinoctiall equinoctialis, e especiall præcipuus, a extemporall extemporalis, e fantasticall phantasticus, a festuall festiuus, a festiuall festiuus, a funerall funebris, e, funeralis genitall genitalis, le geometricall geometricus, a heroicall heroicus, a hospitall hospitalis, le an hospitall hospitium, ij immortall immortalis, e impersonall impersonalis, e infernall infernalis, e intellectuall intellectualis, e a iournall itinerarium, i iudiciall iudicialis, e liberall liberalis, e magicall magicus, ca manuall manualis, e materiall materialis, e matrimoniall matrimonialis, e memoriall memorialis, e musicall musicus, ca mutuall mutuus, a naturall naturalis, e nominall nominalis, e numerall numeralis, e occidentall occidentalis, e orientall orientalis, e officiall officialis, e originall originalis, e partiall partialis, e philosophicall philosophicus, a poeticall poeticus, a politicall politicus, a pontiflcall portificalis, e principall principalis, e prodigall prodigus, a prouerbiall prouerbialis, e prouinciall prouincialis, e a refusall repudium, i a rehersall catalogus rethoricall rethoricus, a rusticall rusticus, a sacramentall sacramentalis, e sensuall sensualis, e symonicall symoniacus, a sophisticall sophisticus, a speciall specialis, e spirituall spiritualis, e substantiall substantialis, e temporall temporalis, e testimoniall testimonialis, e tertuall textualis, e tropicall tropicus, a veniall venialis, e virginall cymbala, orum vnequall inæqualis, e vnhospitall inhospitus, a vniuersall vniuersalis, e vnliberall illiberalis, e vnnaturall innaturalis, e an vrinall matula, e veneriall venereus, a geometricall geometricus, a mathematicall mathematicus, a supernaturall supernaturalis, e metaphistcall metaphysicus, a. In alde. A gambalde, saltus, us an herald for war fecialis, is, hic. an herald for peace caduceator, oris hic A springald. adolescens, entis, hic=hæc In alfe. A calfe, vitulus, the halfe, medium, i. In alke. a balke trabs, abis, hæc. chalke creta, æ, hæc a stalke caulis is, hic, calamus=mi talke colloquium, i a walke ambulacrum, i to stalke venari to talke confabulari, colloqui to walke ambulare. In alme. Balme balsamum, i the calme sudum, i, serenitas A psalme, psalmus, i, hic a shalme tibia, æ a palme tree palma, æ the palme of a hand palmus, i a talme temo, onis, hic calme serenus, a calme to make sedare, mulcere venstum to balme balsamo, perungere In alte. A falte culpa, crimen, inis A galte, pig. verres, is, hic malte brasium, i a palt calua, æ salte sal, alis, hic a valte camera, æ, arcus, us to falte, blame culpare to falte, offend. offendere, delinque=re to halte claudicare to salte sallere, condire to valte arcum ducere false falsus, a a defalt defectus, us to exalte exaltare In Ale. ale ceruisia, æ bale, sorow dolor, tristitia cale olus, eris, ius, iuris a dale vallis is, hæc a gale bird virio, onis, hic a gale of wynde flatus, us, flamen a male mantica, æ the male kynde mas, aris, hic a pale palus, i a sale venditatio, exauctio a skale squamma, æ a shale testa, æ, putamen a spale, chip assula, æ, a tale fabula, æ a vale vallis, is, hæc a whale, birde. virio, onis, hic Antedates earliest citation in OED (1768). to gale for colde algere Verb not identified. to wale, weepe. lugere, plangere a whale, fish. cæte, is, hoc a bridale sponsalia orum, nuptiæ galingale herb acorus, i galingale spice galanga, æ the intrayles intestina, viscera a Nightingale luscinia, æ Portingale Lusitania portsale exauctio verdingale limus, i, hemicyclum, i A, ante M. In ame. Blame culpa, æ a dame magistra, æ fame fama, æ a flame flamma, æ a frame framea, æ a game ludus, i a name nomen, inis shame contumelia æ the hame of a horse halcium, i. to blame culpare to flame flammare to frame fabricare to game ludere to lame mutilare to name nominare to shame erubescere to tame domare lame claudus, a the same idem this same hic ipse that same ille ipse tame. cicur, uris a byname epitheton madame domina, æ a stepdame nouerca, æ a surname cognomen, inis, hoc an ingrame ignarus, a to declame declamare to defame defamare to exclame exclamare to inflame inflammare to proclame proclamare to reclame reclamare to surname cognominare a grandame auia, æ In am, or in amme. a damme, mother genitrix, icis, hæc a damme, weere cataracta, æ the hamme poples, itis, hic a dramme sextula, æ In Ambe. a lambe agnus, ni- a rambe aries, tis, hic In amble. A bramble, vepres, etis, hæc the shamble macellum, i to amble, tolutare In ample. an ensample exemplum, i an example. exemplum, i In ampe. to rampe rapere to trampe strepitare to stampe, knock. tundere to stamp with the feet calcare A, ante N. In ane. A blane macula, pupula, æ A cane reede conax, acis, hæc A drane bee, fucus, i, hic A lane platea, viculus, i the mane of a horse iuba, æ A pane of cloth panniculus, cento. A prane, fishe. carides, is, tingus, i twane duo, æ to gane, yane. oscitare to spane, weane. oblactare, depellere to wane idem to yane. oscitare Henbane, apolinaris, is, hic Gentian, herbe. gentiana, æ A lourdane dominus danus (ig­ nominiose) nebulo A marchpane panis dulciarius the sea oceane oceanus, i A publicane publicanus, i Purslane, peplis, itis, hic A ruffian, ganeo onis, hic Valeriane, herb pheu valeriana villane verna, æ humane humanus, a mundane mundanus, a orphane orphanus, orbus, a vrbane vrbanus, a A ciuiliane ciuilis, politicus A rusticane rusticus, a A Grecian Græcus, a an Italian Italus, i an Hebretiane Hæbreicus, a an alyane alienus, extraneus, a There be also many names of artificers and other learned professers, in ane. as, an Astrologian, astrologus, a an arithmetrician arithmeticus, a A musitiane musicus, a A logitiane logicus, a Names also of Countreys, as, an Italyane Italus, i A Germane Germanus, i A Brytane, Britanus, i Names also of cities and townes, as, A Romane, Romanus, i an Oxoniane. Oxoniensis A Canterburiane Cantuariensis. Seeke all the other in their primatiues, as Rethoriane, in rethor: Londonian, in Londoni and make their latine ende in one of those three terminations, a­ nus, ensis, or icus, as the examples declare. "Londonian" antedates earliest citation by the OED (1824). In an. Bran furfur, uris, hoc A Can, vessell catharus, i A fan vannus, flabellum A Man homo, vir A pan cacabus, i A span palma, e, us, i A swan cygnus, i to ban, curse. maledicere to can posse, valere to fanne vannare to tan coria condire to vanne vannare than tunc, tum wan pallidus, liuidus, a to span palmare A belman preco ferialis A blockman spiculator, oris A bondman seruus, i A boteman cimbarius, i A chapman institor, trix an Alderman senior, senator A footman pedes, itis, hic hæc A gentleman procer, eris, æques an hangman carnifex, icis hic an headman, primas, atis, hic A chief man idem a kinsman cognatus, a an organ organum, i A tympan tympanum A ptysan ptisana, æ tutsan, herbe. vitex, icis, hic A workman opisex, icis, com. A watchman vigil, ilis com. A woman mulier, eris hæc A yoman libertus, i Many other there be that ende in an, being compounded with this woorde man: and signifie eyther some occu­ pation, as, A shipman, Nauta, æ, slaugh­ terman, Lanius, i, or else to be of some Countrey, as, Frenchman Gallus, i Dutchman Teutonicus, a Scotcheman Scotus, a &c. In ance. A chance, casus, us, euentus, us A dance, tripudium, i A rance of ginger zinziber, eris, hoc France, Gallia, æ a glance, transitus, us a lance lancea, secula, æ a lance staffe hasta, æ a trance extasis, is, hæc to chance contingere to daunce tripudiare to glaunce transire to launce resecare to praunce. exultare affiance affinitas alliaunce idem affirmance affirmatio allegiance obedientia, æ allowance assignatum, i arrogance arrogans, antis the balance bilanx, ancis, hæc a countenance vultus, us, hic constance constantia, æ daliance allusio, onis defyance defensio, onis a deliuerance traditio, onis a dimilaunce æques, itis furtherance expedimentum gouernance regimen, inis hynderance impedimentum importance magnares inconstance inconstantia ignorance ignorantia, æ inheritance bareditas intemperance intemperantia, æ mayntenance suffragium, i miscreance infidelitas, atis a mischance infortunium mumchance oude gry noyance nocumentum obeysance obedientia, æ obseruance obseruantia, æ ordynance institutio, onis penance penitentia, æ perseuerance perseuerantia, æ a pittance refictiuncula, æ the purtenance pertinentia, æ purueyance prouisio, onis remembrance memoria, æ repentance penitentia, æ repugnance repugnantia, æ sufferance tolerantia, æ sustinance sustinentia, æ substance substantia, æ temperance temperantia, æ variance discordia, æ vigilance vigilantia, æ vengeance vindicta, vltio, onis auoydance euacuatio, onis vtterance of spech elocutio, onis, hæc vtterance of sale expeditio, onis mischance male contingere enhance exaltare, subleuare to aduance idem recognisance. recognitio, onis hæc In anche. A branche frons, dis, germen the hanch of a beast. clunis lumbus, i a panche aluus, i, ve nter, tris to blanche deglubere, decorti=care to hanche, snatch arripere to lanch into the sea. in altum ducere to lanch ouer a boke percurrere to panche euiscerare to stanche mitigare, sistere In ande. A bande vinculum, i a brande torris, is, hic an hande manus, us, hæc a lande terra, regio, onis the sande arena, æ, hæc a strande statio, onis, hæc a wande virga, æ and &, ac, atque to lande adportun appellere to stande stare, consistere a demande rogatio, rogatus, us an errande negocium, nuntium England Anglia, æ a garland sertum, i a gyande gigas, antis, hic a gadwande partica, æ Holland hollandia, æ an Husbande coniux, maritus Ierland Hybernia a rybande Zona, næ, fascia, æ Scotland Scotia, æ a seruand seruus i, serua, æ a thousand mille, millia, um a trewande cessator, disculus, i a weysand gula, æ a stalland admissarius, equus to vnderstand intelligere to withstand resistere to gainestand repugnare at hand prope ad manum In andle. to handle tractare to dandle indulgere an handle manubrium, i a candle light lucerna, æ a candle not light candela, æ In ange. a change mutatio, onis to change mutare strange rarus, a an exchange commutatio to exchange commutare to enterchange idem In angue. a bangue fustis, is, hic a fangue dens exertus a pangue agon, onis, dolor, oris a thwangue lorum, i a stangue vectis, is, hic a gamarstangue oblongula, æ to bangue fustigare to fangue comprehendere to twangue resonare In angle. an angle Angulus, i to angle hamo piscari to iangle garrire to mangle mactare to strangle strangulare, ar re to wrangle calumniari, cauillari to entangle implicare, irretire a quadrangle quadrangulus, i a triangle triangulus, i newfangle nouarum rerum cupidus In anke. A bank of exchange argentaria, æ the banke of an hill procliuitas, atis the banke of a riuer ripa, littus, oris, hoc the flanke inguen, inis, hoc A planke asser, eris, hic, A rank of things turba, caterua, æ thanke gratia, æ to franke cattell saginare, alere. to planke coassare, contignare. to pranke exultare, gestire to thanke gratias agere, habe=re ranke, thycke densus, scipatus, a ranke smell. magnus odor, olidus, a franke, free. liberalis, e A pickthanke assentator, trix the ankle talus, i, hic to rankle putrescere a readshanke bæmocopedus, i In ante. an Ant Formica, æ a plant planta, æ a taunt argutia, redargutio a want talpa, æ a wante, lacke, carentia, defectus a sanct sanctus, cælites, is to chant cantillare to grant concedere, fateri to hant frequentare to pant fatiscere to plant plantare to taunt arguere to vaunt gloriari to want carere, egere brant, steepe cliuus, procliuis, e scant rarus, carus, a fant fatigatus, fessus, a A fesant phasianus, i, hic A gyant gigas, antis, hic an infant infans, infanulus, a a marchant mercator, oris, hic a miscreant infidelis, incredulus, a an olyphant elephantus, i a pageant scena, theatrum, i a pesant verna, seruus, i a recreant perfidus, da a remnant residuum, i a seruant seruus, famulus, i Squinant, herb, iuncus odoratus a tyrant tyrannus, i a warrant publica fides the wenyant in malam crucem an adamant adamas, antis a couenant pactum, cti a cognisant insigne, signum, i a lieutenant prætor prouincialis a complaynant quærelus, i to enchant fascinare, incantare to instant instare to recant recantare to supplant supplantare to warant securum facere. distant distans, antis arrant grandis, magnus gallant nitidus, superbus instant instans, antis pendant pendens, pensilis pleasant iucundus, amænus pregnant pregnans, fæcundus vacant vacans, vacuus, a abundant abundans, antis apparant apparens, entis elegant elegans, antis aunciant antiquus, grauis, e plyant obsequens, entis concordant concors, congruus, a discordant discors, dissentiens displeasant inamænus, a ignorant ignarus, a incessant incessabilis, e inelegant inelegans, antis inhabitant inhabitans, incola, a inuigilant inuigilans, solers malignant malignans, antis puissant potens, fortis, e repentant penitens, entis valyant validus, fortis, e vigilant vigilans, antis vnconstant inconstans, instabilis e, vnelegant inelegans antis vnpleasant inamænus, In antle. A cantle portio, partitio A mantle bracca, pallium A, ante P. an Ape, Simius, ij, a, æ A Grape racemus, vua, æ A iape, bourde iocus, i, scomma, atis A rape raptura, rapina, æ A rape roote rapa, pæ A shape forma, figura, æ a skape euatio, aufugium a chape ferretum, i to gape hiare, oscitare to grape palpare to iape, bourd, iocari, scommari to rape rapere to shape plasmare, formare to snape redarguere herbesagape forula, æ to escape aufugere, euadere In appe. a cappe pileus, i, birrus, i a crape mica, granum, i a flappe flabellum, i a gappe, vacuum, interuallun, a mappe mappa, pæ a nappe dormitatiuncula, æ happe fortuna, æ a knappe apex, verruca, æ a lappe ora, gremium, i a pappe mamma, æ, vber pappe pappa, æ a rappe pultatio, onis a snappe idem pultatio, onis the sappe suber, succus, i a shappe forma, figura, æ a snappe correptio onis, hæc a swappe percussio, excisio a tappe fistula, epistomium a trappe transenna, decipula, to clappe hands plaudere to flappe flabellare to nappe dormitare to rappe pultare to hap, chaunce contingere to happe, couer. tegere, velare to lappe lingere to lap vp reuoluere to snappe pultare to tappe fistulam addere to trappe irretire, decipere to wappe motare, agitare to wrappe inuoluere goldknap, herb sysimbrium a mishappe infortunium ij a pantap callopodium i the wyndlappe lingula, æ perhappe forte, fortasse to betrappe irretire, circumuenire to intrappe idem irretire, circumuenire to missehap male vertere In aple. an Apple pomum i an Apple tree pomus i, hæc a maple tree acer er is, h the staple of a doore capulum i the graple of a ship harpago inis, hæc In apte. Apte aptus a, idoneus a Apt, is also the signe of verballes in bilis, and participials in dus. apt to be taught docilis e, apt to be red legibilis e There bee also many other that end in apte, by turning ed, into te: as, capte, for capped pileatus, a hapte for happed tectus a, velatus a A, ante R. care cura æ, cogitatia an hare lepus oris, hic a mare equa a A share. dealt. diuisio, portio onis a pare par aris, hoc a snare laqueus i to bare denudare are sumus, estis, sunt. to care curare to dare audere to fare valere to pare minuere to snare illaqueare to spare parcere to square quadrare to stare inspicere bare nudus a rare rarus ra square quadratus a a stare sturnus ni tares eruum, orobum i ware cautus, prudens an altare altare, is, ara a primare horarium rij a vicare vicarius ria to declare exponere to prepare præparare vnware incautus, a a mortare mortarium mortare cæmentum i A fildfare turdus di A cellare cellaria riœ a collare collare ris, hoc a sollare solarium ry a bladdare vesica cæ a fulmare martes tis, hæc a heckfare bucula, iuuenca a lazare leprosus sa a lollare scismaticus ca poplare populus i, hæc sugare saccarum i peculiare peculiaris e regulare regularis e seculare secularis e singulare singularis e debonare morigerus a In arre. A barre vectis, pessulus A carre currus us the doore harre cardo, vertigo a parre par aris, hoc a scarre cicatrix icis, hæc a sparre asser eris, hic a starre stella æ, sydus tarre pix icis, hæc warre bellum i to barre obdere to iarre dissonare to marre corrumpere to narre ringere to sparre, as cocks (do confligere to warre belligerare farre procul, longe In arbe. Rubarbe Rhabarbum i In arble. A barble, fishe. barbo onis, hic marble, stone. marmor oris, hoc In arche. an arche arcus us, hic march, a month Marcius i, hic to parche incrustare In arde. A carde charta æ a garde of men comitatus us, hic a gard of a garment fimbriale is, hæc larde lardum i A sharde testa, rudus eris, hoc a warde, pupill pupillus i a warde, prison custodia æ to carde woll carminare, pectere to garde communire to warde tutare, protegere harde durus a an awarde arbitramentum i a bastarde spurius a a standarde signum, vexillum i a boggarde spectrum i a bustard buteo, picus i a cowarde cohardus, timidus a a dastarde idem cohardus, timadus a a disarde pantomimus, sannio a dullarde hebes etis, tardus a backward retrorsum forward antrorsum downewarde deorsum vpwarde sursum sydewarde lateraliter a bazelarde ensis, gladiolus a custarde artogala æ a gurnarde, fish, capo onis, hic an haskarde proletarius, ignobilis the hazard play alearum ludus an hopyarde lupuletum i a lybarde leopardus a a lysarde lacertus a a Lambarde longobardus a malarde anas atis, hic mustarde sinapium i a niggarde parcus i an orcharde pomarium a pilcharde gerres is, halecula æ a potcharde testa æ, rudus, eris the rerewarde post, principia a regarde respectus, us a rewarde munus eris, denum, hoc a sauegarde securitas, tutamentum a scabarde vagina æ a sheparde opilio, custos, odis a sluggard dises idis, sonnulentus spikenarde asarum, spica æ a steward procurator, æcono=mus a tabarde timpanum a tankarde amphora, catharus i a wysarde augur uris, hic hæc to awarde arbitrari, adiudi=care to ioparde periclitari to reward remunerare to regarde curare, æstimare frowarde prauus a toward ingenuus a inwarde intrinsecus a outwarde extrinsecus a vnhard mollis e hytherward huc thytherward illuc whitherwarde? quorsum? a fardle sarcinula æ a hardle crates, caula æ a dwarfe nanus, homuncia a quarfe portus us, hic darfe, stubborn. pertinax, obduratus In arge. a barge cimba æ, remulcus i a charge cura, mandatum large largus, amplus, a to charge mandare a discharge inhibitio, absolutio the letharge lethargus i to discharge inhibere, absoluere to enlarge ampliare In argle. the gargle gurgulio onis, hic to gargle gargarizare In arke. an Arke archa æ the bark of a tree cortex icis, hic carke, care. cura, cogitatio A clarke clericus i A larke alauda æ, galarita æ A marke signum, scopus i A parke damarium, viuarium A sparke scintilla æ, mica warke, ache dolor, oris hic darke obscurus, caliginosus to barke latrare to barke a tree decorticare to carke, care, cogitare, accurare to marke signare, notare to marke, heede auscultare to harke audire, auscultare starke, stiffe. robustus a a monarke monarca æ, hic a patriarke. patriarcha æ, hic In arkle. A sparkle scintilla, mica æ to sparkle. scintillare, micare In arle. A carle rusticus a marle marga a to harle trahere to snarle contrahere In arme. an arme brachium i barme flos ceruisiæ a charme incantatio onis a farme beneficium i harme iniuria, nocumentum a swarme examen inis, hoc to arme armare to charme incantare to harme nocere to swarme confluere to warme calefacere warme calidus, tepidus In arne. A barne horreum i the harne cerebrum i a tarne, meare stagnum i yarne filum, pensa orum to warne monere to forewarne præmonere In arpe. A carpe carpio, burbarus i an harpe lyra, psalterium the warpe of a web stamen inis, hoc to carpe, talke colioqui, confabulari to harpe lyrare, citharizare to sharpe a ere to warp an egge ouum ponere to warp, as woode muertere sharpe acutus a A woodwarpe. nemorarius The lemma is a guess. In arse. an arse podex, anus i a barse, fishe tincha æ A garse or gashe. incisura, vulnus to disparse dispergere, dissipare to infarse infercire, intrudere In arte. an arte ars artis, scientia æ A darte spiculum i A carte currus us a farte cre pitus, merda æ an harte cor ordis, hoc an hart, a beast ceruus i a marte bos saginatus a parte pars, partis, hæc a tarte chanona æ a warte verruca æ the smart of a wound æstus us to darte sagi tare, iaculari to farte pedere to harte animare to parte partire to smarte astuare, dolere to starte dissilire a dullarte hæbeo, tardus a the foreparte pars anterior an halbarte falx alcis, hæc a molwart talpa pæ A tabarte tympanum ni A Redstart ruticilla, æ A wagstarte motacilla læ A wodwarte saltuarius ria to departe decedere to ouerthwarte obliquare ouerthwarte obliquus a aparte seorsim, clanculum. In arthe. A garth, orchard pomarium i the harth of a fyre focarium i A churchgarth. cæmiterium i the wodgarth lingarium i There be dyuers other ending in arth, names of places, where things growe, or be kept, as these folowing, and suche other. an Applegarthe pomarium i the caulgarthe herbarium, i, Antedates earliest OED citation ("coal," n., 16; 1593). the herbegarth idem, olerarium i Not found in OED. the leekegarth porretum i the Lilygarth lilietum i &c. Whose latine as the examples do­ clare, doth ende in arium, in etum, or in, ile, as, the sheepgarth ouile is, hoc the cowgarth bouile is, hoc In arue. to carue wood insculpere to swarue aberrare to starue interire, algere A, ante S. an Asse asinus i brasse as æris, hoc glasse vitrum i a glasse speculum i grasse gramen inis, hoc a masse massa æ the masse missa æ the tasse of a purse appendix icis, hæc to basse, kisse basiare, exosculari to passe præterire to quasse ingurgitare as, vt, sicut, ac was, eram, eras, erat A compasse circuitu goosgrasse aliscon i, hoc ribgrasse plantago A wyndlasse tractorium to compasse circuire, comprehendere to ouerpasse præterire to trespasse offendere blaynegrasse trifolium, i In ashe. an ashe fraxinus i, hæc a dashe labes, aspersio onis a gashe incisio, vulnus eris to dashe aspergere to gashe incidere to gnashe stridere to mashe miscere to washe lauare rashe temerarius a to abashe stupefacere In aske. to aske rogare, quærere to taske taxare to maske vicarias personas induere an aske, efte aspis idis, hic a laske fluxus us a maske ludus laruatus, a taske taxatio onis, hæc a taske to do pensa æ, um i damaske dalmaticum sericum to raskle pandiculari In asle. an hasle corylus i, hæc a tasle virga pastoris In aspe. a claspe fibula æ an haspe vertibulumi a waspe vespa æ to claspe confibulare, claudere to haspe obserare to gaspe hiscere, hiare In ast. a blast flamen, flatus us a fast ieiunium i mast glans andis, hæc to fast ieiunare to last durare last vltimus a fast cito at last demum, denique bypast preteritus a handfast desponsatus a shamefast rubicumdus, pudicus soothfast fidelis, fidus a stedfast stabilis e vnshamefast impudicus a vnsoothfast infidelis e vnstedfast instabilis e to forecast prouidere to ouercaste obumbrare an outcast abiectus a to handfast desponsare agast stupefactus a Some of them that are written in ast, are pronounced as if they were written in aaste, as these that folow and other. haste festinatio onis, hic paast gluten inis, hoc the taste gustus us waste consumptio onis to baste linire to chaste castigare to paaste conglutinae to taste gustare to waste consumere vnchast incentinens Moreouer those Participles that end pro­ prely in aced, or ased, may in meter ende in ast, as pleast, pleased, placatus, east, for eased, remissus, ssa. &c. In ase. the base parte basis, solum i the case of a bowe casa æ, theca e a case, cause causa, materia a chase fugatio, fuga æ a blase flamma æ a phrase phrasis is, hæc a rase stadium, cursus us a wase circus i Pase, Easter pasiha atis, hoc to chase fugare to blase efflammare to glase inuitriare a carcase corpus, cadauer a pincase acicularium to purchase potiri, acquirere A, ante T. In atte. A Batte baculus i A bratte panniculus i a Catte felos is, cattus a fat or a vat, orcula æ a gnatte pulex ieis, hic an hatte galerus i a matte matta æ a plat of ground portio terræ a ratte sorex etis, hæc a tratte anus ns, hæc a watte lepus oris, hic fatte pinguis e, crassus flatte planus a, equus a platte, playne, idem, planus a to batte, beate fustigare, tundere to bratte panniculis circumda­ re to fatte saginare, scratte scabere to chatte garrire at ad, apud that vt, caus. that quod, caus. that qui, quæ, quod, rela. what? quid a Parat ps cus a a polcatte martes is hæc a rabbatte cuniculus i rokat, herb. eruca æ an hurlebatte adides is, hæc a rackat reticulum i somewhat nonnihil, aliquid. Somewhat is al so the signe of dimi­ nutiue adiectiues. &c. somwhat redde rubellus, rubicundus somwhat better mebus lus, a somwhat tender renellus a somwhat selender idem fere somwhat reddish rubelius a somewhat whitish albidus da Somewhat saltish, looke diminitiues how their latine endeth for the moste parte in ellus, vsculus, vlus. &c. In atche a batche fermentum i an hatche portella æ a latche vertibulum i a matche lichnus i a matche coæqualis e a natche incisura æ a patche conto onis, particu=la a watche vigilia æ the hatches of a ship fori orum to catche capere, comprehendere to hatch eggs oua excludere to matche adæquare to natche incidere to patche sarcire, reparare to scratche scabere, sialpere to thatche tegere to watch e vigilare to dispatche expedire to ouermatche superare to ouercatche assequi vnmatche inequalis e In attle. A rattle tonitrum i A wattle, rod vibex icis, hie the wattls of a hog neuus i to battle clothes excutere to battle commons sumere to chattle garrire Not in OED as a form of "chatter." to prattle idem garrire to tattle idem garrire to wattle a house gratire to rattle concutere, tonitare In atth. A batth balneum, therm æ A patth callis is, semita æ A latth asser eris, hic A watthe, foorde vadum i to batth balneare In athe. scathe, hurte nocumentum, dannum wrath ira, æ, indignatio a swathe fascia, æ to skath, hurt nocere, ledere to swathe fosciare In ate. A date dactilus i A state status us, conditio A gate porta æ, ianua æ A grate crates, is, hæc A mate socius, sodalis is A pate caput itis, hoc A scate, fishe. batis, raia æ A slate, tyle. tegula æ, later eris A spate torrens entis, hic A tate fibra æ late serus a, tardus a to hate odisse, inuidere to prate garrire to rate estimare, taxare In athe. to scathe nocere scathe nocumentum wrathe ira æ, ir acundia A climate clima atis, hoc A deoate lis itis, iurgium, i an abbate abbas atis, hic an estate status us, dignitas A legate legatus i A prelate prelatus i, the senate senatus us A duckate ducatus us to abate subducere, remitte=re to debate discutere to dilate dilatare, ampliare to inflate inflare to quadrate quadrare Antedates earliest OED citation (1575). to probate probare inflate inflatus a ornate ornatus a priuate priuatus a prostrate prostratus a renate renatus a frustrate frustratus a hoggates, how? quomodo? howgates idem. quomodo? sogate, thus. sic ita, isto modo delicate delicatus, mollis a magistrate magistratus us a potentate potens, magnas. A primate primas atis, hic a runagate apostata æ, hic to dedicate dedicare to diuulgate diuulgare to deriuate deriuare to alternate alternare to derogate derogare to educate educare to emulate emulari to execrate execrari to explicate explicare to abdicate abdicare to abrogate abrogare to adumbrate adumbrare to affectate affectare to altercate altercari to apostate apostatare to berate expostulare to breuiate abbreuiare to celebrats celebrare to coniugate coniungare to cruciate cruciare to erogate erogare to estimate estimare to fatigate fatigare to imitate imitari to impetrate impetrare to nominate nominare to moderate moderare ri to increpate increpare to incrustate incrustare to inculcate inculcare to instigate instigare to iterate iterare to innouate innouare to inuocate inuocare to mediate madiari to meditate meditari to mitigate mitigare to oppilate oppilare to ordinate ordinare to penetrate penetrare to perpetrate perpetrate to perturbate perturbare to populate populari to predicate predicare to procreate procreare to profligate profligare to prouocate prouocare to propagate propagare to recreate recreare to replicate replicare to reputate astimare to reuocate reuocare to satiate saturare to saturate idem, placare to seperate seperare delicate mollis is effeminate effæminatus a fortunate fortunatus a mediate mediatus a moderate modcratus a increate increatus a indurate induratus a fortunate fortunatus a ordinate ordinatus a temperate temperatus a timorate timoratus mediate mediatus a meditate meditatus a obstinate pertinax acis ordinate ordinatus, regularis to abbreuiate abbreuiare to abhominate abhominari to accelerate accelerare to accommodate accommodare to contaminate contaminare to denominate denominare to degegerate degenerare to dilapidate dilapidare to exasperate exasperare to excogitate excogitare to excruciate excruciare to exonerate exonerare to exosculate exosculari to extenuate extenuare to exterminate exterminare to imaginate imaginari to incorporate incorporare to inebriate inebriare to ingurgitate ingurgitare to insinuate insinuare to insimulate insimulare to instimulate inuinstimulare to inuestigate inuestigare to inuigilate inuigilare to occasionate occasionare to participate participare to precipitate præcipitare to predestinate prædestinare to proporcionate proportionare to regenerate regenerare to reiterate reiterare to reduplicate reduplicare to repudiate repudiare to reuerberate reuerberare immediate immediatus ta immaculate immaculatus ta immoderate immoderatus ta importunate importunus ta infortunate infortunatus a inordinate inordinatus, a intemperate intemperatus ta inuiolate inuiolatus ta opportunate opportunus na Many other may be ended in ate, as. efflagitate, efflagitatus, ta. Antedates earliest OED citation (1641) A ante V. In aue. a caue cauea æ, antrum tri a knaue nebulo, scurra æ, hic a slaue verna, mancipiun ij a traue numelli, numellæ, traues idem, numellis, orun to craue rogitare to graue sculpere to haue habere to paue sternere, pauimentum to raue dementire to saue saluare feruare to shaue radere to waue mouere braue splendidus da graue grauis, grandis laue eared plaudus da to ingraue insoulpere. Note that in these afore going in, auc, the letter, w, cannot be put for v, ney­ ther can the letter v, bee put for w, in those that end, in awe: neither can the one of them at any time be put for the other so oft as a vowell foloweth them bycause they both haue diuers signifi­ cations, and also require contrary voice in pronuntiation, as in these six folow­ ing for example. sauing of saue saluans, saluatio rouing of roue predatio louing of loue amans, amatio. But sawing of saw seminatio rowing of row remigatio lowing of low boatio. But whensoeuer in the same word the nexte letter folowing is a consonante, then may ye indifferently wryte v, or w, as daube or dawbe: laude, or lawde stout, or stowt, leude or lewde, &c. But yet bycause this is the first place wee describe all suche wordes by these that end in au, hauing a consonant next let­ ter as foloweth. In aube or in awbe to dawbe oblinire to daube idem. In aude or in awde. a baude meretrix, leno a gaude, toy scomma, nuga gæ laude laus, laudis, hæc to gaude scoffe scommari, nugari to laude laudare to defraude defraudare a cosbaude mirgizona æ In aule or awle. a aule Subula æ the caule of the belly omentum ti a caule, pen. caula læ a caule of the hed capitale, capillare ris, hoc a naule idem quod aule. the scaule scabies ei, hæc a scaule rixosa mulier to baule vociferare to braule rixari, velitari to craule repere, serpere to scaule rixari thraule obnoxius, subditus In aulme. the caulme sudum, cauma, atis calme serenus, tranquillus, a In aulte. a vault arcus cus, fornix to vault arcuari In aune or awne. a bawne balneum brawne caro callata aprina, callum a flaune custard galatyrium a faune hinnulus li a lawne synodon onis, hæc a pawne pignus oris, hoc the spaune of fishe fatus us, auxumæ. In aune. to faune adulari to awne vendicare to paune pignorare to spaune oua gignere. In auke, or in awke. an Hauke accipiter, tris, hic to hauke aucupari A Sparhauke nisus, i an hobyhauke alandarius i a marlynhauke alietus i Antedates earliest OED citation (1588). A goshauke falco onis, hic dauke, weede zizania, æ In ause or awse. A cause causa, res, ei A clause clausula, læ the chawes fauces, cium, hæ a pause pausa, æ sause comdimentum i to cause causare, facere to pause pausare to sause condire Iacksause ganeo impudens In aught. caught captus a raught prehensus, a taught doctus a vntaught indoctus i mistaught immorigerus ra In augh. daughe formentum ti to laugh ridere haute. elatus a & si qua alia sunt huiusmodi. These folowing in, awe cannot for the causes aforesayde in the note of aue, be written in, aue, for in all these, w, hath a vowel after it, by which vowel deri­ uations be made, w, being stil vnchan­ ged, as of chaw, chawed, chawing, cha­ wer, &c. A ante W. A clawe vnguis, falx cis hæc A dawe cornix icis, hæc daw or daugh ferina fermentata an hawe morus sentis the chawebone falx, mandibulum A law lex egis, hæc the mawe ventriculus li A straw calamus, arista æ strawe stramen inis, hoc to awe debere to clawe scabere to chawe mandere, molere to drawe trahere to mawe succidere to sawe corne seminare to sawe wood sarrare, discindere to strawe sternere to tawe leather alutam operari to thrawe, cast iactare, mittere to thraw or turne tornare to wawe as a cat lallare rawe crudus a A iackdaw cornicule æ an outlawe exul, ulis bawwawe, spoken of one that talketh to no purpose. to outlawe exterminare, pro­ scribere to withdrawe detrahere Note, that when a consonant foloweth, w, as dawb, lawde and such other: ye must seeke them in a, ante v, as daube, laude &c. And write whether yee will. A, ante X. An Axe securis is, hæc flaxe linum i A laxe fluxus ventris waxe cara æ to waxe crescere In E desinentia. In ee. A Bee, apes is, hæc A fee alowed, emolumentum ti an eye, oculus i a flee, musca æ glee, mirth gaudium i hee ille, is shee illa, ea A tree arbor oris, hæc wee nos yee vos to bee esse to dree, last durare to flee volare, fugere to glee lippire to see videre, cernere to slee, slea necare, intersicere free liber era slee astutus a, calidus a three tres a, trium an axtree axis is, hic A decree decretumi ti A degree gradus us an haw tree sentis is, hic to agree conuenite to decree decernere to foresee prouidere to misgree dissentire to ouersee superintendere to ouersee omittere E ante B. In ebbe. A nebbe, beake rostrum i A webbe tela æ to ebbe refluere a copwebbe tela, aranea. In eble. Feeble imbecillis e A pebble, stone calculus ti E ante C. In ecke. A becke nutus us, hic A pecke satum i A specke cento onis, hic blecke, bleche atramentum ti to becke nuere, annuere to blecke, bletch nigrare In eckle. A peckle, macula e a freckle neuus i A speckle macula æ an heckle pecten inis, hoc to peckle maculare to speckle idem to heckle pectere Looke mo in E ante K. In ecte. A secte secta æ an affect, affection affectus us an effect, ende effectus us an abiect abiectus a a defecte defectus us a prospect prospectus us a respect respectus us a suspect suspitio onis a subject subditus subiectus a to correct corrigere to direct dirigere to electe eligere to detecte detegere to effecte efficere to neglecte negligere to obiect obijcere to prospecte prospicere to protect protigere to refect reficere to reiect reijcere to respect respicere to suspect suspicari to erecte erigere to affect aff cere circumspect circumspectus, cautus imperfect imperfectus, a subiect subditus ta vnperfect imperfectus a In eece. a neece neptis tis hæc a fleece vellus eris, hoc a greece gradus dus, hic a peece pars partis, hæc a peece massa ssæ to peece sarcire, superaddere In eche. a bech tree fagus gi, hæc a breech lumbare, fimurale a leche, surgeon chirurgus gi a leche sanguisuga æ to bleche albicare eche omnis, quilibes E ante D. In edde. a bedde lectus, cubile is, hoc a sledde traha hæ a wedde pignus noris, hoc to shed effundere to shred minuere to wedde ducere vxorem to yedde, chide iurgare bredde genitus, ortus ta cledde vestitus ta ledde ductus cta redde ruber bra redde lectus, a shedde fusus, effusus sa shred comminutus ta sprede stratus, pansus sa a kynred cognatio, tribus, us a hundred centum aged annosus, senex nis waged conductus ta bagged grauida dæ ragged centosus sa barbed phaleratus ta barded idem plateratus ta cankred ferruginasus æ cankred, froward prauus a copped cristatus ta hoded with yron prapilatus ta crabbed froward prauus, iratus cracked rimosus, ruptus ta curled crisfus pa lettred literatus ta mouled mucidus da naked nudus a slaked remissus a speckled maculosus penned in inclusus a penned, writ conscriptus a rugged pilosus a vgged fædus a tagged laciniatus, insulatus ragged pannosus garded, cote laciniatus a guarded communitus larded lardo adipatus warded munitus, stipatus lopped tonsus a wretched miser, a saused conditus a frymmed vnna­ tural alienus a shrewd prauus, malignus assured certus, securus a deformed deformis e flurlipped labiosus a indebted are alieno, oppxessas indemned indemnis e labelled infulatus, a outkneed varus a outeyed strabus a, straba outbrested pectorosus a Antedates the earliest OED citation ("out-breast," v., a1625). outbelied viscerosus a Antedates earliest OED citation (1610). outlipped labiosus a outbrowed superciliosus a Not found in OED. visored laruatus a vnaduised inconsulius a vnabashed imperculsus a vnbearded imberbus bis, e vnblamed inculpatus a beheaded capite truncatus a vnclipped intonsus a vncoyned rudis e vncomed incomptus a vncommended illaudatus a vncompanied incomitatus a vndecked incultus a vndefyled inuiolatus a vncured insanatus a vndyed non tinctus a vndyned impransus a vnfethered imptumis e vngranted inconcessus a vnhorned incornis e vnlearned indoctus a vnlettered illiteratus a vnleuened infermentaccus a vnmaried cælebs ibis vnmingled immixtus a vnordred inordinatus a vnpacifyed implacatus a vnpleased idem implacatus a vnpolished impolitus a vnpraysed illaudatus a vnprepared imparatus a vnprobated improbatus vnprouided improuisus a vnpunithed impunitus a vnremoued immotus a vnrenowned incelebris e vnrepared irreparatus a vnreuoked irreuo ibilis a vnsoked insopitus a vnsowed insatilis e vnspeckled immaculatus a vnspotted immaculatus a vnsterred immotus a vnstepped inconfertus a vnsupped incenatus a vntamed indomitus vntasted illibatus a vntested intestatus a vnthatched intectus a vntilled incultus a vntraded insolens entis vntryed improbatus a vntrimmed inconcinnus a vntroubled imperturbatus a vntrussed incompactus vnweaponed inermus is, e vnwatred immaceratus a vnwembed immaculatus a vnwyued inuxoratus, cœlebs vnuaried inuariatus a vnuewed inastimatus a vnuowed inuotiuus a vnused inusitatus a vnwowed impetitus a vnwrapped infasciatus a vntouched intactus a There be also many other that ende in ed, but namely of two sortes, the one is of all pretertenses of verbes, both ac­ tiue and passiue: as haue loued amaui, isti, it had redde legeram as, at bene blamed culpatus fui was tamed domabar &c. The other is of Participles of the pre­ tertenses, which for the most part end in ed, as loued amatus, dilectus prooued probatus a To these also may we adde certain per­ ticiples, whiche being formed of Sub­ stantiues, ende in ed, like participles, as, headed of head capitatus a eyed, of eye oculatus a capped of cappe piliatus a coted of cote. tunicatus The latine of these for the most parte do ende in atus, as the exemples declare In edge. the edge acies ei, hæc an hedge sepes is, hæc A pledge obses idis, hic, hæc A wedge clauus i to edge acuere to hedge sepire, to pledge oppignorare to wedge figere, firmare a sledge fistuca æ a colledge collegium i a priuiledge priuilegium i knowledge scientia æ foreknowledge præscientia to alleoge allegare to acknowledge agnosiere In ede, or eed. a deede factum, actum, drede metus us, timor heede animanduersio a rede arundo inis, hæc seede semen inis, hoc speede expedimentum a steede sonipes, equus a threede filum i a weede herba æ meede meritum ti neede opus, necessitas. to breede gignere to bleede sanguinare to dreede timere, metuere. to feede alere, pasiere. to heede aduertere to meede egere to neede Egere to reede legere to shede effundere to speede expedire, maturare to threede acum filo inducere to weede. aberuncare. chickweede anagallis idis, hic. bloodweede polygonon ni, hoc No dated citation of this recognized form in OED. a misdeede malefactum cti to procede procedere to succede succedere the breadth latitudo dinis A Bedle. lictor oris, hic. E ante F. In efte. An efte aspis idis, hic. An heft manubrium ij theft furtum ti wefte, wofte. stamen inis, hoc. lefte relictus cta refte raptus ta sefte cribratus ta A shefte remedium dij clefte scissus ssa In efe, or eefe. Beefe bouina æ, bonilla æ A greefe morbus, dolor A seefe cribrum bri A theefe fur uris, hic, hæc. breefe breuis e cheefe precipuus a a mischiefe flagitium ij a releefe refrigerium ij to mischeefe destruere to releefe refrigerare. E ante G. In egge. an egge ouum, i a clegge, flee, solipunga æ a legge tibia æ a pegge clauus i a tegge damula æ a steggander Anser, eris hic a wynd egge ouum vrinum the dregges fæx æcis, hæc to begge mendicare to egge irritare. In eight. the height altitudo, summit a sleight vafrities ei, hæc. a weight pondus, eris hoc eight octo sleight, smooth. politus æ streight rectus æ to streight dirigere to feight pugnare. In egle. an Egle aquila læ a begle canicula æ treacle theriaca cæ. In ege. a sege obsideo onis hæc sacrilege sacrilegium i A college collegium to besege obsidere E ante K. In ecke. A check argutia æ an heck, hatch portella æ A neck ceruix icis, hic the wreck of the sea naufragium i to check arguere to deck ornare to flock flectere to wreck vindicare. Looke moe in E ante C. In eke, or eeke. A beke rostrum i A cheke bucca æ, A creke, crick. fissura æ A leeke porrum i A reke of hay strues is the reek of fyer fumus i the teke of a bed teca culcitaria A weeke hebdomada æ an eke additamentum eke etiam, atque meeke humilis æ seeke, sicke agrotus a to eke addere, augmentare to seeke quærere fengreek, herb. fænum grecum A rebeke fidicula æ houseleke, herb, sedum i braynseke phreneticus a dropsyscke hydropicus a frenseke freneticus a loungseke plysicus, pulmonicus spleneseke spleneticus a. Yet these ought rather to end in sick. E ante L. A bell campana, nola æ hell barathrum, infirnus A hell mons ontis, hic the fell of a sheepe pellis is, hæc A shell testa æ A well foris ontis, hic A yel, cry. vociferatio an ell vlna æ A smel odor oris, hic to fel deijcere to quel pessundare to sel vendere to smel olfacere to spel syllabam coponere to swel turgescere, tumere to tel dicere, narrare. to dwel habitare to wel iron conflare to yel cifirare fel, bitter. acerbus a Antedates earliest OED citation (1590). wel bene A bundel fasciculus i A bushel modius i A buttel meta æ, terminus i A camel camelus i canel, spice. cinamomum i a canel of dogs. canile is, hoc a canel, gutter. canalis is, hic. Antedates earliest OED citation ("kennel," n.2; 1582). a cantel pars, portio a castel castellum i a corbel, post. mutulus, i cattel boues, inmenta orum a chapel capella æ, sacellum. a chauncel sacrarium, sacellum an hancel prima pecuniæ ac­ ceptio, primus di­ es fructus a chesel celtis is, hæc a cobbel, dullard hæbes, bardus. See "cobble," n.1, 3, but also the next entry. an hobbel idem hæbes, bardus. a cockrel paluster tri, hic a cocknel acersa æ, delicatus, a an hogrel bidens entis, hæc a coystrel mirgizo onis, hic Antedates earliest OED citation (1577). a bottel obba bæ a dottel delinus ra a dumel stupidus da a funnel fundibulum a dummel mutus a a fardel sarcina næ an hardel crates lignea fenel feniculus li fewel combustile is, hoc the gospel euangelium ij an hostel hospscium ij grewel ius uris, hoc greneswel erigeron, pappus i. a grunsel hypotheron i, hoc a spanyel odorisequus canis an hingel cardo mis, hic. a lingel lingula læ an hanuel duarum literarum ho­ mo Not found in OED. an horrel libidinosus a an houel mandra dræ an hewell, bird. virco onis, hic the iowels of a bridge columnæ arum a iewel iocale, monile is the bewelles of a belly. viscera rum a kernel nucleus i a kydgel fustis is a label infulu læ a flabel fiabellum i a layuel libramen inis, hoc laurel laurus ri, hæc a libel libellus i a lorel nebulo, seurra æ a sorel lapathus i a macrel scombrus i a minstrel musicus, aulædus a mixel stercorarium a mungrel spurius a a morsel buccella æ, bolus i a mausel fiscella æ a caudel potio onis an ote caudel auenaceum i an egge caudle ouaceum i a payrel putamen inis, hos a paytrel antilena æ a panel penula æ a pantel pedica æ a parsel particula æ a pestel pilum, pistillum a pewtrel antilena æ a pickrel lupellus i a pincel penicillum li a pomel polus i a puddel palus udis, hæc a quarel calumnia æ, a rebel rebellis is, hic reuel luxus us a rowel rotula læ a roundel teretrum, circus i rubbel rudus eris, hoc a scorel sciurus i sorel lapathus i a shouel pala, sarculum. a squirrel sciurus i a stoppel obstructorium a tarsel appendix icis, hic. a timbrel tympanum ni tynsell intertextus tus A towell mantile lis, hoc A trowell rotula le trauell labor oris, hic A truell thrulla læ A tuncell aduolutorium Not found in OED. Possibly related to "tunnel" or to "volutorium" (Latin for "blades"). A vowell vocalis lis, hæc A handbell tintinnabulum li A rakehell malus, tetricus a iussell, meate. minutal alis, hoc apparell apparatus tus enamell encaustrum muscadell mulsum apianum oximell acetum mulsum pimpernel bipenella æ supposell opinio onis, hæc. Many other ende in ell, deriued of Substantiues, and be diminutiues. Looke there. to excell excellere to expel expellere to fare well beneualere to kydgell fustigare to leyuel librare to moosel es obstruere to quarel calumniari to rebell rebellare to repell repellere to reuell luxuriare to travel laborare to enamell. encaustrare Ther be diuers other that end in ell, namely Substantiues diminutiues: as a kernell nucleolus i hogrel of hog bidens entis, cockrell of cock galliculus li sorel of sore damula læ Whose Latin dothe commonly ende in, ulus, ellus. &c. In elche. A belche ructus us to belche ructare In elde. to gelde castrare selde raro In elfe. pelfe scruta orum an elfe satyrus, faunus ni a shelfe cortinale is, hoc I my selfe egoipse, egomet thou thy selfe tute, tuipse. he himselfe ille ipse we oure selfe nos ipsi, nosmes ye your selfe vosipsi, vosmes they themselfe illi ipsi. In elk. a whelk, push. papuls læ a welk fishe turbo onis, hic. In elme. an elme vlmus mi, hæc. an elne vlna ne. In elpe. help auxilium i a shelp, fish. tenia æ a whelp catulus i, catellus i to help auxiliare. In elte. A belt, girdle. cingulum, baltheum. A pelt pellis, is, hac A felte galerus i A smelt, fish. halecula æ A welte fimbria æ to belt, gird. cingere to melt liquefacere to spelt corne tundere, eglumare to swelt, dye. expirare to welt. actine. euertere to welt. neuter. decidere In elth. the twelfth duodecimus welth abundantiarerum helth salus utis, hæc stelth furtum i In elue. to helue potitare, deglutire. twelue duodecim to delue fodere. In ele, or eele. A beele spelunca æ a deeie portio, pars. an eele anguilla læ an heele calx cis, hic A meele cæna næ A peele pala, scalmus i A reele alabrum i steele chalybs ybis, hic. A weele nassa ssæ A wheele rota tæ zeele zelus li to feele sentire to kneele genua ponere to peele deglubere to reele nutare, vacillare. to cele cælare to zele zelare In elde. a feeld ager gri to yeeld dedere a sequele sequela le. E ante M. In em. an hemme fimbria æ the stem or stalke of a thing, stemma stemma­ tis, hoc. hempe canabis is, hæc. a kemp, haire. grandebala, æ A wemb macula læ A temple templum to hemme fimbriare to stemme tutubare to kembe comere to tempt tentare to semble simulare to tremble tremere to assemble adunare to dissemble dissimulare to resemble adsimulare, præ se­ firre In eme. A reame of paper 20. libri A teeme temo onis, hic. breeme densus, sensibilis. queeme æquus, compar. to deeme æstimare to fleeme fugare to seeme videri A diadeeme diadema atis, hoc. extreeme extremus a to blaspheme blasphemare to esteme astimare to redeme redimere to exempt eximere. E ante N. In en. a denne Antrum, spelumca æ a fenne palus udis, hæc an henne gallina næ men homines num a pen to wryte calamus, penna a penne, or coup. caula æ a wenne nenus i a wrenne regulus to kenne, know. noscere tenne decem an alien alienus na a borwen cumulus i. a burden onus eris, hoc a burgen germen inis, hoc. a chesten castanea æ a cheuen laccia æ a chicken pullus li ditten, herb tondris is a freken neuus ui a garden hortus ti a guarden custos odis, hic a warden volemum i a griffen grips ipis, hic an hauen portus us a rauen coruus i an irchen histrix icis, hæc a kytchen culina næ a dosein duodeni æ latten aurichalcum i A patten prototypon i, hoc A pehen paua uæ rosen resina næ a scochen tholos i, hic. a token arra, signum, symbo­ lum veruen, herb. verbena æ a sexten ædituus i a shyppen bouile is, hoc a slouen sordidus da a sludden pedisequus, sangui­ secus, canis to burden onerare to burgen germinare to happen contingere to harden obdurare to harken auscultare to lessen minuere to leuen fermentare to lighten leuigare to meeken humiliare to quicken viuificare to recken ratiocinari to nighten aduesperascere to open patefacerc, operire. to shorten abbreuiare to soften mollire, linire to sleken extinguere to storken congelari to strengthen corroborare to threaten minari to vnburden exonerar to disburden idem exonerar to examen examinare miscelden viscus cum i parmazen parmensis caseus vnshaken inconcussus a vnstriken impeercussus a vnstriden horse inconsensus a vnsweapen informis me vntroden non calcatus vnwollen non laneus a vnwritten non scriptus a worme eaten vermicatus a vnbidden iniussus a vnbroken infractus a A citizen ciuis is hic, hæc barren sterilis e broken fractus a certen certus ta drunken ebrius a brosten ruptus a flaxen lineus a frosen congelatus a golden aureus a brasen æneus a gotten nactus a grauen sculptilis le heauen cælum li knowen cognitus ta moulten liquidus da northen borealis le oken querceus a open apertus, patens riuen scissus, fissus a risen ortus a rotten putridus da sawen satus a seuen septem shaken percussus a shauen rasus a sodden lixus a solen solennis ne swolen turgidus, tumidus. taken captus ta wheaten frumentaceus a wouen textus ta written scriptus ta mylken lacteus a sylken sericus a, byssinus a clothen panneus a earthen terreus a 1 There be also many other in en, of three kynds, the first is of materials, that is to say, of such woords as sig­ nifie the substaunce wherof a thing is made, as, lynnen lineus a leaden plumbeus a woollen laneus a leatherne pelliceus a &c. The latine of these do ende in ens, as the examples declare. 2 The seconde kynde is of preter­ tenses of verbes, actiues, and passiues, and of participles, as, haue beaten flagellaui bin beaten flagellatus fui beaten flagellatus a eaten esus a. &c. 3 The thirde kind is of certayn plu­ rall numbers of nounes, as treen for trees, arbores. Stonen for stones, lapi­ des, housen for houses, ædes, iun. &c. In ence. a fence defensio, valluns i to fence munire hence hinc pence denarij sence a quo, vnde tense tempus oris, hoc. A defence defensio, vallum, A defence apologia æ expence sumptus, expensum dispence dispendium ij essence essentia æ insence insensum si A licence licentia æ an offence offensio, offensa æ A science scientia, æ A pretence prætextus us A presence præsentia æ prudence prudentia æ A sentence sententia æ silence silentia æ audience audientia æ confidence confidentia æ congruence congruentia æ conscience conscientia æ continence continentia æ eloquence eloquentia æ euidence euidentia æ experience experientia æ influence influentia æ innocence innocentia æ magnificence magnificentia negligence negligentia æ obedience obedientia æ patience patientia æ pestilence pestilentia æ preeminence præeminentia prescience præscientia æ recompence redditio, retributio residence residentia æ resistence resistentia æ reuerence reuerentia æ sapience sapientia æ violence violentia æ vnpatience impatientia æ to recompence rependere to reuerence reuereri frankinsence themiama tis, hos If there be any moe, that end in ence they be substantiues denominatiues formed of participles, and adiectiues in ens as. sufficience sufficientia æ intelligeuce inteiligentia. Of sufficiens, entis, and of intelligens, entis, which rule is to, be folowed in all the other. In enche. A bench scamnum ni an enche. vncia æ, latus pollex A tench fishe tincha, æ A trench vallum i A wench puella æ to quench extinguere to trench vallare. In ende. an ende finis, terminus. A frende amicus a to bend flectere to blend, mixt. miscere to lend mut re to mend emendare to send mittere to shend perdere, confindere to spend sumere to tend tendere, pertinere the kalends kalendæ arum prouende pabalum i a stipende stipendium i reuerende reuerendus a to amende emendare to ascende ascendere to defend defendere to depend dependere to expend expendere to extend extendere to dispende dispendere to entend intendere to descend descendere to offend offendere to pertende pertendere Not found in OED but see Perseus database (Charlton T. Lewis) for the Latin form. to portend portendere to pretende prætexere to suspende suspendere to vnbend a bow remittere to apprehend apprehendere to condescende consentire to commend commendare to recommend resalutare to comprehende comprehendere to reprehend reprehendere. In endle. the trendle of a bed rotula læ the trendle of a mil molucrum i to trendle rotare In enge. A frenge lacinia æ, fimbriale an orenge malum punicum to auenge vlcisci to reuenge idem, vindicare vlcisci to calenge vendicare A callenge vendicatio In engthe. the length longitudo inis, hæc strength vis robur oris, hoc In ens. innocens innocens entis sapience sapientia æ All those that seen e lyke these to end in ens, must be written in, ence, and do belong to the terminacion, ence, that is aforesayd. In ent. bent, smal rushes luncus i A rent redditus us A tent turunda æ A vent meatus us porus i A went, lane. viculus, angiportus. A tent tentorium, castrum. to hent, snach eripere, arripere. to rent laniare, lacerare. bent tensus sa brent combustus sta gent, gentle. mitis tæ lent mutuatus a ment propositus a "ment" antedates earliest OED citation (1590). rent lacer ra rum sent missus a spent consumptus a to vent aperire, euacuare shent perditus a A casement transenna, fenestra A clyent cliens entis an intent intentio, institutum an accent accentus us A feffement possessio onis, hæc A fragment fragmentum A foundment colos li, anus ni a garment vestimentum ti iudgement iuditium ij a margent margo inis, hæc a moment momentum an oynctment vnguentum ti a payment solutio onis, hæc parchement membrana æ A parent parens entis the pauement pauimentum i rayment vestitus us a serpent serpens entis a talent talentum the talant of an hauk vngula læ a torment tormentum, cruciatus i a vestment vestimentum ti cement cæmentum i to absent absentare to accent accinere to acquent adsciscere to dissent dissentire to frequent frequentare to inuent inuenire lament lamentari to present præsentare to preuent deferbere to relent præuenire to repent pænitere to wayment, lament plangere absent absens entis decent decorus a accident accidens entis clement clemens entis feruent feruidus a frequent frequens entis prudent prudens entis sylent taciturnus a vnkent, vntaught incorrectus a vnspent inconsumptus æ vrgent instans, vrgens an agreement concordia æ an aduisement deliberatio the battilments minæ arum a building antæ arum It is unclear what this word is doing in this context, where it does not rhyme. the element elementum emolument emolumentum en oyntment vnctio onis an enrolement inscriptio onis entycement tentatio onis an expediment expedimentum a diuident diuidentia æ the firmament firmamentum the embattlements pinnæ, ante mnæ. an imbushment insidiæ arum an impediment impedimentum an inchauntment incantatio an increment incrementum an inforcement coactio an instrument instrumentum A mercement multa æ A meriment iocus i Antedates earliest OED citation (1574). the occident occidens entis, hic the ponent idem occidens entis, hic the orient oriens entis, hic A norishement nutrimentum an ornament ornamentum A punnishment pæna næ a rablement series rerum A rauishmente rapina æ A preferment promotio onis a remanent residuum i a presentment presentatio onis a sacrament sacramentum A president præses idis A tenement beneficium, ij A tournament hastæ ludus A parlament senatus consultus veriment veritas atis There bee also many Substantiues verbals besides these ending in ent, whose latine commonly endeth in amen amentum, en entium: as those that folow and such other. A testament testamentum i A document documentum i A gouernement regimen inis, hoc A fragment fragmen inis, hoc aunciente antiquus a congruent congruus a beneuolent beneuolus a diligent diligens, solers discontent displicitus a disobedient inobediens eloquent eloquens entis eminent imminens entis equiualent æquiualens entis euident euidens entis excellent excellens entis fraudulent fraudulentus a imminent imminens entis impatient impatiens entis impudent impudicus a imprudente imprudens entis incident incidens entis incontinent incontinens entis inconuenient incongruus a indifferent indifferens entis magnificent magnificus a negligent negligens entis obedient obediens entis omnipotent omnipotens entis patient patiens entis penitent pænitens entis permanent permanens entis pestilent pestilens entis preeminente præeminens entis prouident prouidus a resident residens entis reuerent reuerendus a conuenient conueniens, aptus a sapiente sapiens entis vnconuenient absurdus a vndiligent incurius a vneloquent ineloquens entis vneuident ineuidens entis. In enth. the leuenthe vndecimus a the seuenth septimus a the tenth decimus a the thirteenth decimus tertius the fourtenth decimus quartus, the fiuetenth decimus quintus the sixtenth decimus sextus the seuententh decimus septimus the eightenth decimus octauus the nineteenth. decimus nonus In ene, or eene A Queene Regina næ A screene scrinium ij tene cura, mæror to ween, suppose. opinari greene viridis e keene feruidus da sheene clarus a besene visus a betwene inter nynetene nouendecim seuenteene septendecim thirtene tresdecim vnsene ignarus a selfegreene semper viuum fourteene quatuordecim fyueteene quindecim sixteene sexdecim eyghteene octodecim E ante P. In eppe. A steppe gradus us, passus us A skeppe, a measure of corne. neppe, herb. nepeta æ to steppe gradi, gressus ponere In eepe or epe. A sheepe ouis is, hæc slepe somnus ni to cheepe pipilare to creepe repere to keepe seruare to peepe inspicere to sleepe dormire to steepe macerare to sweepe scopare to weepe flere deepe altus a, profundus a In ept. to accept acceptare to except excipere a keslep, renet bag coagulum i Antedates earliest OED citation (1611). A precept præceptum to intercept intercipere except ni, nisi. In eple. A steeple campanile, is, hoc the people populus i, plebs. E ante R. In erre. a sterre stella æ her illa, illius ner propior us to erre errare an aker iugerum ri a baker pistor oris an alder tree alnus i, hic amber ambra æ, electrum. an anker anchora ræ an ancher anachorita æ A brasier ærarius a a glasier hyalargus i anger ira æ an archer sagitarius, arquites a bacheler cælebs, agamus. a bacheler of arts artium, candidatus. a badger grumus i a banner signum, vexillum. a manner mos, modus di a beuer, beast. meles itis, hic a beuer, drinck. potatiuncula æ a bilder, horse. equulus, equila a bitter, bird. busio onis, hic a blader vesica cæ a ladder scala æ a blister pusula æ, vlcus mister egestas, inopia æ a butcher lanius i, carnifex A moucher manduco onis, hic A bolster ceruical alis, hoc A broker proxeneta æ, pa­ rarius A brother frater tris, hic A mother mater, tris, hæc A butler clipeus, parma butter butyrum i, A gutter canalis is, hic the canker cangrena æ, the canker on iron ferrugo inis, hæc A carter auriga æ, A martir martyr yris, A kater opsonator trix, A slater tector oris, A Ceder tree cedrus i, hæc the center centrum i, chaffer merces is, hæc an haifer iuuencula e, A chamber cubiculum i, A chapter capitulum i, A charger lanx ancis, hæc A charter diploma atis, hoc chaster (herbe) vitex icis, hic A chanceler cancellarius i, A chanter cantor oris, hic choler, humor. cholera æ, A coller collare is, hoc A cypher circulus i, A styfer stater eris, hic A clapper lingua campanæ, A flapper flabellum, i cissers forfeculæ arum, cliuers, herbe. rubea minor A clister clyster eris, hic A cloyster claustrum i, an oyster ostrea æ, a cluster of graps botrus i, a cluster of nuts cumulus i, a cobler sartor oris, hic a coffer cistella scrinium a colier carbonarius i, a conger congrus er, i, hunger fames is, hæc copper cuprum i, the hopper of a mil infundibulum a cropper postilena æ, a corner angulus i, a crowner coronator, questor, paricidius, a coulter culter i, hic a courser equus admissarius, a courtier aulicus a, a dagger sica, pugio onis, a bragger gloriosus iactator, daunger periculum i, a maunger presepium i, a dinner prandium i, a pynner claustrinus i, a daughter filia, naua æ, a draper vestiarius i Easter pascha atis, hoc an elder tree alnus i, hæc an ewer imbrex icis, hæc an adder coluber i, madder rubea tinctorium an amner elemosinarius i, an answer responsum i, a gransier auus i, a begger mendicus i, a birder auceps upis, hic a border terminus, finis order ordo inis, his A bracher brachiale is, hoc A racer scalprum i campher, herb. camphora æ an hamper calathus i A skynner pellio onis hic A letter littera æ A setter compes edis, hic A setter positor oris A tetter petigo inis hæc A scholer scholaris is, hic A toller telon onis, hic A roller cylindrus i A soller solarium i A corier coriarius i A dresser, table. mensa culinariæ A presser pressorium i A farmar beneficiarius i A charmer incantator A father pater tris, hic A fether pluma mæ a fester festuca, pennæ næ a tester canopus i a feuer febris is, hæc a leuer vectis is, hæc fyer ignis is, hic a squyer armiger i hyer merces edis, hæc myer limus i, lutum a shyer comitatus us a syer senior, pater. a wyer filum æreum a fynger digitus i a singer canter oris a fluter aulædus i a luter citharedus i a flounder pectunculus a bounder terminator a bower conclaue is, hoc a flowre flos oris, hic an howre hora æ, power virtus, potestas, a showre nymbus i, imber is a towre turris is, hæc a wower procus i fodder pabulum li a modder pupa, puella a rodder anquiromagus a fosper vestigium i a foster saltuarius i an hostler caupo, stabularius a fudder plaustrum one­ ratum a rudder rutabulum an vdder vber eris hoc a fuller fullo onis hic a gayler custos, carcerarius a rayler rabula læ a tayler vestiarius i a gander anser eris, hic a lander lotrix icis hæc a sclander scandalum li a chandler sebator, candelarius a garner granarium, fru­ mentarium. a garter subligar aris a quarter quarta æ a gylder pedica æ gynger zynziber, hoc a syster soror oris, hæc a glyster clyster eris, hic grammer grammatica æ an hammer malleus i a rammer fistuca æ a grater tritorium i a water aqua æ a gripper harpax agis a slipper calopodium ij crepida æ a grosser aromacopola æ groser idem, polypola æ aromacopola æ an halter capistrum i a psalter psalterium i a salter salarius i an heyer hæres edis hic a mayre maior, prætor a prayer oratio preces a hookster caupo onis, hic an hooper vietor oris a kercher peplum, tenia a pylcher, fish. mena æ a keuer operculum i a larder carnarium ij a lauer lauacrum, imbrex hauer auena æ a lawyer iurisconsultus i a mawer seuiseca æ A mowyer sœniseca, æ, hic. a tawer alutarius a laughter risus us A lyuer hepar, atis, hoc. slaughter cades is, hæc lether aluta æ, corium a pedder circuitor oris the wether aura æ, tempestas a lymmer hybrida æ See OED, "limer." a lyuer hepar aris, hoc a lopster gammarus a lubber mediastinus, tardus. a rubber tritorium luker lucrum, quæstus us a mazer patera æ a lazer leprosus æ a razer nouacula æ a masker laruatus a a tasker taxator oris a playster pharmacum i a maister magister, dominus a taster gustator oris a matter materies res causa a water aqua æ a medlar, aple. mepilum i a pedler circuitor the embers fauilla æ a member membrum i a mercer mercator trix a mener, fishe. meua e a miser miser a the gizer of a bird ingluuies ei a byter mordicus a, mor­ dax a myter mitra æ a wryter scriptor scriba æ A monster monstrum i a muffler focale is hoc a ruffler elatus a lasciuus murder homicidium i a number multitudo inis hæc a slumber sopor oris, hic ocker vsura ei fænus oker ochra e an otter lutra e a potter figulus i a palmer in schole ferula æ a palmer, stranger. peregrinus i a panter panthera æ a pantrer panarius paper charta æ a taper cæreus i a parker saltuarius i a partner particeps is, hic hæc pepper piper eris, hoc a pillor columna næ pincer forpeculæ arum a plaister for a sore emplasticum a pismer formica æ a pitcher vrceus i a playster for walling cæmentum a wayster fustis, bachlus i a plouer vpupa æ a couer operculum a porter ostiarius ij a potter figulus i powder puluis eris poulder idem puluis eris a shoulder humerus ri a poulter auiarius i moulter emolumentum i a quauer octaua pars mensu­ ræ terminus musicus a quiuer pharetra æ a ryuer riuulus, fluuius a rafter tigillum i a ramper remex icis, hic Uncertain. a rapier ensis is, hæc a roper restio, onis, hic the rother of a ship gubernaculum a roder anquiromagus i a saucer patena æ sauder firrumen inis, hic a scoler scholaris is, hic a sclander scandalum slaughter cædes is, hæc a scraper scralprum i a sculler scapharius i myster, nede. carentia æ, opus a lifter, forke. suscina næ a shiuer of a bro­ ken thing fragmentum syluer argentum ti a synder scoria æ slydder pruina næ slubber limus i sommer astas atis, hæc a sumpter sarcina æ, bulga. a sowter sutor calcearius a spyder araneus i a strayner cola, colum li a stranger peregrinus ni a stutter balbus ba a supper cæna næ a tapster promus mi a tatter panniculus li the thunder tonitruus i a wonder miraculum a tyger tygris idis tymber meremium, tignum. tynder incendium i a tynker sartor ærarius a tinkler idem sartor ærarius trappers phalaræ arum a tuter tutor oris, hic a fluter aulædus i a twinter bidens entis a printer chalcographus i a wynter byems emis hæc a viner vinitor oris, hic a vintner ænopola, viniuendus a viper vipera æ a voyder lanx ancis, hæc an vsher ostiarius, hypodida (scalus a waffer placenta æ a wager pignus oris, hoc a wicker vimen inis, hoc the wether aura æ to daunger periclitari to differ differre, prolongare to defer differre, discrepare to enter intrare to venter periclitari to bicker velitare to chatter, prate garrire to scatter dispergere to clatter prate balbutire to flatter adulari to batter walles demolsri mures to water ground irrigare to water fisb macerare to water an horse potare, adaquare to number numerare to cumber interturbare to houer eminere to couer opertre, velare to dadder trepidare to father patrem nominare to gather colligere to fether plumare to fyer incendere, accendere to hyre conducere to tyre fatigare to flounder, stumble. cespitare The verb "to flounder" antedates its earliest OED citation (1592). to pounder tritumare to flowre florere to powre fundere to fodder pabulari to foster pascere to further expedire to murder interficere to garter hose succingere caligas to martyr martyrem facere to glister splendere to mister, lack egere to hynder impedire to hunger esurire to keuer operire to sheuer minutim scindere to linger languere to loyter languere, tardare to lower caperare frontem to luker lucrari to maister superare, subigere to plaister a sore pharmacum adhibe­ re to mutter mussitare to plaister a wall gypsare, cæmeentare to butter butyrare, butyrum addere to vtter profirre, pronunciare to offer offerre to proffer idem. offerre to pamper indulgere to hamper fustigare to ponder ponderare, librare to pouder condire, sallere to prosper prosperare to quauer a note vibrare to quiuer trepidare to haue liefer malle to render reddere, recensere to sauer conferruminare to sclander scandalizare to wander vagari, errare to seuer seperare, seiungere to snapper titubare, cespitare. to stagger titubare, vacillare to stamber titubare to stutter titubare to suffer pati, sufferre to sunder seperare, seiungere to thunder tonitare to wonder mirari to temper temperare to tender zelare, suffragari to totter mutare, vacillare to whysper mussitare to wynter bybernare an aduouterer adulter A bargander vulpancer eris the belwether veruex sectarius A calender kalendarium ij A carpenter faber lignarius A cellerer pincerna, promus i A chanceler cancellarius i A cloysterer claustrarius i A cordweiner calcearius i December Decembis ris, hic A demeaner gestus us A flaxener linarius i A falconer accipitrarius i A forainer extraneus a the forefinger index icis, hic A forefather protopater tris, hic A gardener bortulanus ni A gelofer garrophyllus i A gourmander manduco, beluo onis A gormander idem, edax acis manduco, beluo onis A grandfather auus i A grandmother auia a gunpouder puluus factitius an harbager hospitator trix an householder paterfamilias an inholder hospes, caupo onis. an imbroderer acupictor oris A iuniper tree iuniperus i, hæc lauander nardus i, hæc lauander cotten sautonicum i A limiter limitator oris manslaughter homicidium i A maryner nauta œ, hic, naus­ ta, œ miniuer armiliun i A messanger nuncius ij A milhopper infundibulum i A minister minister i October October bris, hic an officer officialis an oysier coix icis, vimen inis A pomander diapasma atis, hoc A potanger patella æ A prologer prologus i A prisoner captiuus, argastulus prouender pabulum i A querister chorusca œ, hic quicksiluer argentum viuum A rauener rapax, heluo onis A reteyner cliens entis A ringpigger potator, bibax acis A ringleader præsultor, dux September Septembris is, hic A sepulchre sepulchrum i synoper minium i A soiorner accola, inquilinus a A sophister sophista æ, hic A sorcerer præstigiator A stationer stationarius i A stepfather vitricus i A stepmother nouerca æ A stepdaughter priuigna æ A tauerner ænopola æ, caupo A treasorer thesaurarius i A treageter proditor oris a trumpeter tubicina næ a villager villicus i a waghalter furcifer, perditus. a warrier miles itis, hic warreyner viuarius i alabaster alabastrum i an astronomer astronomus i a commissioner missus, legatus. an extortioner exactor oris coriander coriandrum i an haberdasher minutarius i a historiographer historiographus a nicromancer magus, præstigiator A gallowclapper furcifer a philosopher philosophus i In erbe an herb herba æ a verb verbum bi In erche. a perche ames itis, hic a serch scrutinium i In erd. a berd barba æ a herd, keeper, pastor oris an herd of cattell grex egis, hic a swerd gladius i a globerd lampyris idis, hic a sheperd opilio onis, hic a asseherd asinarius i aferd timidus a In erke. a clerke clericus i a ierk verber eris, hoc a sperke scintilla æ to herke auscultare In erle. an Erle comes itis, hic a wherle spondilus i. In erne. a cherne fidelia æ ferne filix icis, hæc an herne ardea æ the kerne of a nut nucleus i a wherne molatrina æ the sterne of a ship gubernaculum i sterne, fierce. ferus a to gerne ringere the gisern or giser of a bird ingluuies ei to erne mæreri, lucrari to lerne discere systerne sorores rum a cesterne cisterna æ a gyterne fidicula æ a lanterne laterna æ a pasterne talus i a paterne prototypon i, hoc a tauerne taberna næ to decerne decernere to discerne discernere to sowerne acescere easterne orientalis e westerne occidentalis e northerne borialis e southerne australis e Seuern a riuer sabina æ In erse. an herse monumentum i A verse versus us A serse scrutinium i to perse penetrare peruerse peruersus a diuerse diuersus a to disperse dispergere to reherse recensere In erste. erste ante, prius nerste proximus a In erte. to conuert conuertere to diuert diuertere to peruerte peruertere to subuerte subuertere to transuerte transuertere to departe decedere expert expertus a A dyzert, player histrio onis, hic A desert desertum ti A philbert tree corylus i, hic A filberte, nutte, auellana æ malapert impudens, audaculus vnexpert inexpertus In erth. derth caritas, atis the herth of a fyer focarium i A gerth cingulum i In erue. A wherue spondilus li to kerue, graue sculpere to kerue meate resecare, struere to serue seruire to sterue actiue. cibum subducere to sterue neuter. perire, interire to conserue conseruare to deserue demereri to preserue preseruare to reserue reseruare to deliuer liberare to deliuer to one tradere to dismember deartuare to embroder acupingere to encounter se apponere to encomber interturbare to engender ingignere to gurmander abligurire to perseuer perseuerare to recouer recuperare to regester inscribere to sequester sequestrare to surrender resignare to wyther arescere, deflorere propre proprius a familier familiaris e synister sinister a vnproper improprius a vnsure incertus ta. Ther be many other in er, the which we omit for breuines sake, namely of three kyndes. The first kynd is of the comparatiue degree as harder, durior, of hard, du­ rus: softer, mollior, of softe mollis: whiter albior, of white albus: blac­ ker, nigrior, of black niger &c. The second kynd is of noune substan­ tiues verbals, aunswering to the la­ tins in tor and trix: as of make facio, maker factor: of bake pinsere, baker, pistor: of heare, audio, hearer, auditor of rede, lego, reder, lector, &c. The third kynd is of them that aun­ swer to the latins, called gentiles: as of London, Londoner. Londinensis of Louan, Louaner, Louaniensis. of Bristow, bristoner, Bristoniensis. of Preston, Prestoner, Prastonensis of Britayn, Britaner, Britannus. of Rome, Romaner, Romanus. &c. Where note that this laste kynde is both of countreis & cities, and their latine in ensis, and anus, as the exam­ ples declare. In ere. bere potus lupinatus rere recens entis there ibi, istic where vbi here hic syncere syncerus ra nowhere nullubi, nusquam somwhere alicubi euerywhere vbiquam E ante S. In esse. the chesse tesserarius ludus a gesse coniectura æ a presse for wine torcular aris hoc A presse for books prelum. a stresse taken pignoratio a stresse, endeuor conatus us cresse nasturtium i a presse for cloths pressorium i a presse for backs prælium lij to blesse beare, benedicere to dresse cloth concinnare to dresse meate parare, coquere Antedates earliest OED citation (1582). to dresse the haire ornare, comere to gesse coniectare to dresse a wound curare to presse præmere to stresse stringere yes ita, etiam, sic est lesse minor us an almes eleemosyna næ balesse saburra æ A cadesse, bird. monedula æ A burgesse municeps ipis, hic A buttresse fulcimentum coppresse chalcantum i A diocesse diocesis esios, hæc A distresse pignoris captio distractio an empresse imperatrix tricis an excesse excessus us, hic an accesse accessus us an abbesse abbatissa æ, hæc canmesse canabis is, hæc canuesse idem. cannabum, i canabis is, hæc A countesse comes itis, hæc A fortresse vallum i A baggesse tucetum i harnesse arma orum, hæc largesse largitas atis, hæc lawlesse illex icis, com. A lionesse leena, æ, hæc maistresse domina, magistra mattresse culcitra æ, hæc A mortresse cumphus i, hic A mortesse idem, incastratura æ cumphus i, hic A portesse portiforium breuiarium A portcullesse cataracta æ a porpesse phoca æ a processe processus us a progresse progressus us a prophetesse prophetissa æ sicknesse ægritudo, morbus i successe successus us tyrlesse cancelli orum a lattesse idem. cancelli orum lettesse lactuca æ a wildernesse solitudo inis a witnesse testis is, hic hæc wodwesse glastum i a redresse reformatio onis to digresse digredi, diuerti to distresse distrahere to expresse exprimere Loke for mo words of E ante S, and E ante T, after E ante V. E ante T. In ette. a iet or toy gestus us, iocus i a lette impedimentum i a nette rete is, hoc a sette planta æ spet or spetting sputum i a tette papilla æ, vber to fet, or fetch adferre to slete plicare to get issue gignere to get goods acquirere to get or obtein nancisci, consequi to iette gestire to lette impedire to mete or mesure metiri to sette ponere, statuere to sette plantes plantare to spette spuere to whette acuere, vibrare. to yette metal fundere, liquefacere hette calefactus a sette positus a sette plantatus a yet tamen, attamen. a bonette birrus i, pileus i a bracelet brachiale is, hoc an aglot bracteolum i, a bouget scriniolum i a bucket, beame tollo onis, hic a bucket, vessel. mergus oris, hoc bragget, drink. promulsis idis, hæc a bragget, post mutulus i The noun "bracket" antedates its earliest OED citation (1580). a fagget fascis is, hic a carpet tapes etis, hic a cornet, pipe meluina tibia a flasket lintearium viminaceum a casket scriniolum i a closet conclaue is, hoc a couerlet stragulum i chamblet, cloth. sericum vndulatum an hatchet securis is, hæc a basket cophinus i, sporta æ the renet for chese coagulum i benet, herb. garyophyllata æ a genet of Spayne astur equus a linnet bird acanthis idis, hæc a billet cala æ a phillet, band. vitta æ, tenia æ a phillet of flesh musculus i a byrlet, tyring calantica æ a ferret furo onis, viuerra garrettes proiecta, orum A parret psitacus i an helmette cassis idis, hæc a triuette tripes, edis, hic a reuette clauus i a partlet strophium i a mullet mullus, i, trigla. a pullet pullus i a pellet glans, globulus veluet sericum villosum a planet planeta æ a plummet plumbetum a rundlet semicadus i a poet poeta æ a poppet pupa, pupus a puppet idem pupa, pupus a pocket sacculum i a rochet rubellio onis, hic a postnet vrceolus i a posset ceruisia lacte cale­ facta a pricket subulo onis a wysket sportula æ a thicket dumetum i a wicket portella æ profet vtilitas atis a pursnet funda æ, hæc quiet quies etis, hæc riet intemperantia æ respet respectus us scarlet coccus, i a varlet verna nœ suet liquamen inis, hoc a puet phalaris idis, hic a signet, seale. sigillum i a Cignet cignus i a strumpet scortum i a surfet crapula æ a tablet bulla æ a chaplet corona æ a typpet stola æ a trippet tripus odis, hic a banket conuiuium i a blanket lodix lanea a basnet cassida æ a doublet diplois idis, hic a creket salamandra æ an egret asterias adis, hic an emmet formica æ an euet lacertus ti a gannet, bird. penelops opis, a skyllet patella æ burnet, herb. prunella æ a reuet clauus i a gobbet bolus i a goblet cyrnea, phiala a gorget torques is, hic, hæc a gantlet manica firrea a frontlet frontale is, hoc the gullet lingula, gula æ a pullet pullus i an hulet or oule vlula æ A iacket tunica æ A racket reticulum A tacket clauulus a iunkets bellaria orum A latchet corrigia æ a ratchet superpelliceum A lyueret lepusculus i A mallet tudes etis, hæc a wallet mantica æ In etche. bletche atramentum i a vetche mos, consuetudo. A fetch idem. mos, consuetudo. A wretch miser a to fetch afferre to reche distendi to stretch distrahere In eth. the twenteth vigesimus the thirteth trigesimus a the forteth quadragesimus a the fifteth quinquagesimus a the sixteth sexagesimus a the seuenteth septuagesimus a the eighteth octogesimus a the ninteth nonagesimus a the hundreth centesimus a benethe infra vnderneth infra, inferius Note also that all the third persons of the present tenses of verbs actiues and of verbs neuters, do ende in eth as, he loueth amat he redeth legit he teacheth docet In ete, or eete. A bete beta æ A blete blitum i the feete pedes greete sabulum, i A sheete lodix linea hete gelu u to fleete superfirri to greete, weepe. lachrymari to greete one salutare to meete obuiare to wet humectare A sheete of paper integra, lata chartæ swete dulcis e weete humidus da Mahumet mahumetes is, hic to replete replere to repete repetere discrete discretus, prudens explete expletus a complete completus a replete repletus a secrete secretus a A secrete secretum i meete aptus a, idoneus a Wher note that mete is also the signe of some verbals in bilis, and of pati­ cipials in dus as mete to beloued, amabilis e. meete to be red, legendus a. And so forth of others. In eth. to seeth. actiue. bullire to seethe. neuter lixare, coquere to teethe decimare eth facilis e vneth difficliis e teeth dentes ium beneth infra, subtus E ante V. E ante V. greue dolor, moleste A reeue villicus i A sleeue manica æ leue venia a, licentia æ beleeue fides ei, hæc to cleue scindere, findere to geue dare, conferre. to greeue molestare to beleeue credere to forgeue dimittere, ignosiere to releue reficere, releuare These can not bee written in, ewe, loke the note of aue. Here folowe certaine words omitted before of E ante S, and E ante T. to harnesse armare to oppresse opprimere to possesse possidire to professe profiteri to redresse reformare to represse reprimere to suppresse supprimere to transgresse transgredi to witnesse contestari There be also many other that end in nesse, deriued of adiectiues, called of grammatians substantiues denominati­ ues, and must be sought in the place of adiectiues in the order of metre if ye will: as of bay, baynesse: of gay, gay­ nesse: of glad gladnesse: of bad, bad­ nesse &c. Where it is to be noted, that though many write this termination in, nes, as goodnes, blacknes shortnes, &c. yet it is better to write them in nesse, as goodnesse, blacknesse, shorte­ nesse, &c. Yea else some wold rede gre­ dines, for gredinesse, law lines, for law­ linesse, &c. two sillables for three, the latine of these end in tas, tudo, cies, cia, ies, ias: es, is also a termination con­ monly of the plurall number of sub­ stantiues, & be so many plural as there be substantiues singular, as stone, stones bone, bones, way, wayes, day, dayes &c. There be moreouer many words that ende in lesse, and be adiectiues, signi­ fying lacke of that which the substan­ tiue signifieth, as in these that follow. beardlesse imberbis a carelesse incurius a endlesse infinitus a harmelesse innocuus a harborlesse inhospitus a lawlesse illex icis mercylesse immisericors ordis fatherlesse orbus patre motherlesse idem, orphanus a. paynlesse indolens entis partlesse expers ertis recklesse negligens entis shamelesse impudicus a strengthlesse infirmus a toothlesse edentulus a tonguelesse elinguis e witlesse demens entis neuerthelesse nihilominus The Latine of these bee compounded with in, e, de, ex, as in the examples: or else may be rendred by the preposition sine, or absque, as headlesse sine absque capite footelesse sine absque pede eyelesse sine oculo heerlesse sine capillo In eshe fleshe caro arnis, hæc A resh iuncus i weshe lotium i to thresh triturare freshe, new. recens entis fresh, vnsalted. insulsus a neshe tener a to refreshe recreare, refrigera­ re In este. A brest pectus oris, hoc A chest cista æ A crest crista æ A guest hospes tis, hic, hæc an hest, promisse promissio onis A nest nidus i A quest inquisitio onis hæc rest requies ei, hæc the west occidens entis, hæc the wrest of the hand metacarpion i. A wrest for an instrument plectrum to nest nidulari to rest requiesoere to wreste torquere best optimus a blest beatus a prest paratus a lest ne, ne forts A behest promissio A bequest logatum i A conquest acquisitio onis A forest nemus oris, hoc haruest messis is, hæc interest possessio onss A redbrest, bird. erithacus i. A request rogatus us A tempest procella æ to bequest legare to behest promittere to conquest potiri acquirere to digest digerere to dishonest dehonestare to fyest pedere to honest honestare to inhonest in vel dehonestare. to manifest manifestare to molest molestare to protest protestari to suggest suggerere dishonest inhonestus a vnhonest idem, improbus inhonestus a eldest maximus natu earnest serius a, feruidus a fewest paucissimi æ furthest vltimus a honest honestus, probus a inmost intimus a manifest manifestus a modest modestius, pudicus vndigest inconcestus a immodest immedestus. Est is also the terminacion of the se­ cond persons singular of the present tenses of all verbes actiues and neu­ ters as. thou louest amas thou readest legis thou playest ludis thou prayest oras, &c. This must be considered in metring and in coniugating verbes of the a­ ctiue and neuter signification. Est is also the sign of the superlatiue degree: as of fayre, fayrest, foule, fou­ lest, &c. For the Latine looke thy Grammer. In eese. cheese caseus i fleese vellus eris, hoc geese anseres, rum. Vide reliqua in ece. E ante T. manchet, panis siligneus A sallet acetarium i a pallet culcitra æ a magget termes etis, hec marmalet melaphac us i A martlet apedes is, hæc a trumpet tuba æ A turbet fish. rhombus i A turret turricula læ sucket, spice. succus i to discomfite deuincere to disquiet inquietare to forfet perdere to forget obliuisci to parget crustare to profet proficere. to respet respicere to surfet crapulari to buffet colophizari to vnderset suffulcire to banket conuiuari quiet quietus a secrete secretus a scarlet coccineus a russet aquilus a wachet scutulatus a violet violaceus a If any moe end in ette, they be sub­ stantiues diminutiues whiche may be formed thus as a caponet, of capon capunculus i a laneret of laner hieraculus i a pricket of prick damunculus i a thicket of thick dumetum i. that is to say, a litle capon. the little or lesse laner. &c. their latin endeth commonly in ulus, or ellus. &c. E ante W. E ante W. the Dewe res roris, hic A clewe glomus i, hic A crewe caterua æ glewe gluten inis, hoc A Iewe Iudeus i A mewe motio, ames tis, hic newes noua orum A rewe series oi, hic rewe, herbe. ruta æ A shrew prauus a A yew tree taxus i hæc A stewe hypocanstum i A view of things astimatio to brewe potum coquere to glewe conglutinare to hewe dolare to mew an hauke mouere, transen­ nare to rewe penitere to sewe suere to shewe estendere to skewe limis oculis specta­ re to spewe spuere, vomere to sew one to the lawe in ius vocare to tewe ledder pelles condire to vewe astimare blewe ceruleus a dewe debitus a fewe paucus a newe nouus a trewe verus ra a fitchewe martes is, hæc fetherfew, herb parthenium i an Hebrew Hæbræus a issew proles, hæc a kerlewe ciconia æ meldewe melligo inis, hæc the menstrew menstruum i a nephew nepos otis, hic a pedigrew generatio, genealo­ gia ragmanrew series ei, hæc A reskew receptus us, recupe­ ratio the residew residuum i A reuenew reditus, prouentus u A synewe artus us, arteria æ A nauew, roote napus i the valew valor, æstimatio vertue virtus utis, hæc to endew induere to eschew effugere. to beshrew imprecari male to continew perseuerare to discontinew desuescere to issew exire to pursew rersequi to reskew recuperare to renew renouare to subtew subligere to valew æstimare to wynewe euentilare A skewe limus a vntrewe non verus adewe vale anewe denuo. Where note that none of these en­ ding in ew, can be written in eue, bycause a vowel foloweth it, con­ cerning which rule loke the note in aue as is aforesayd. In ewce. a sleuce emissorium i a trewce, league. fœdus eris, hoc. In ewge. hewge vastus a, horribilis In ewle. a kewle pastomis, idis, hæc a rewle regula æ to kewle an horse os obstruere to rewle regere, gubernare misrewle excessus, luxus us In ewme. the flewme phlegma atis, hoc the rewme rheuma atis hoc a fleume, lance. phlebotomum, i In ewth. rewth dolor tristitia æ trewth veritas atis, hæc. vntruth error oris, hic In Ey, or Eie desinentia. By, nygh, iuxta, prope By, through per to bye emere, mercari. A babie pupus, pupa an Hobie, hauke, alandarius wherby quo, quare herebye hic in proximo therby, illo modo In cye, or cie. A confederacie coniuratio onis the supremacye primatus us gramercye habeo gratias a legacye legatio onis piracye piratica ars a prelacie prælatus us essencie essentia æ adolescencie adolescentia æ vehemencie vehementia æ infancie infantia æ mercye misericordia æ policye politia æ A prophecie prophetia æ A monarchie monarchia æ A dutchie ducatus, us to amercie multare to prophesie prophetare In dye, or die. to dye, death. morior ri, obire mor­ tem to dye cloth. tingere, imbuere A dye alea æ an eye oculus i A maladie morbus i A Ladye domina æ A comedy comædia æ A remedie remedium i A tragedie tragedia æ A body corpus oris, hoc Polypody polipodium i A custodie custodia æ melody melodia æ A noddy morio onis, hic A study studium i A stidye fabrica æ to studie studere to remedie redintegrare, reme­ deri bawdye turpis e blondie cruentus a broudie fæcundus a cloudy nubilus, nimbosus a fourdye vadosus a mouldie mucidus a foolehardy temerarius audax a ieopardie periculum i hardy audax hedye effrænis e leadie plumbosus a wealdy firmus, robustus a vnwealdy infirmus, imbecillis gyddie vertiginosus a greedie cupidus auidus a needie indignus, inops ready promptus, paratus speedy expeditus a tydye agilis e muddy limosus, luteus a ruddie rubicundus a woddie syluosus a sandie arenosus a wyndie ventosus a vnbloudie incruentus æ vnredie imparatus æ sturdye peruicax the sturdy vertigo iris hæc sturdye sicke vertiginosus In fye, or fie. fye hem, vah Cosmography cosmographia æ orthographie orthogrophia æ philosophie philosophia æ to exemplifye assimulare to amplifye amplificare to bewtifie decorare to crucifye crucifigere to falsifie falsificare to fortifye fortificare to gratifye gratificari to iustifie iustificare to magnifye magnificare to mollifye mollire to mortifie mortificare to notifie notificare to pacifye pacare to purifye purificare to putrifye putrifacere to ratifye ratum facere to sanctifie sanctificare to satisfye satisfacere to signifie significare to verifie verificare to vnbeautifie dedecorare There be many that end in fye deri­ ued of verbs, compound with facio. In gye, or gie. to gye obliquare the clergie clærus ri an apologie apoligia æ the lethergie lethargia æ claggye lubricus a In hye, or hie. hye, or high altus a to hye, hast festinare thy, or thyne tuus a why, wherfore cur, quare. worthy dignus na Note also that this woorde worthy is the signe of many verbaells in bilis, and of participials in dus, as in these folowing. worthy to be loued, amabilis e worthy to be herd audiendus a In kye, or kie. kye, or kyne. vaccæ arum A lackie pedisequa æ A munkye cæbus i Turkie Tartaria æ hookie bamosus a huskye siliquosus a buskye dumosus a luckye faustus a muckye fimosus a vnluckye infaustus us rocky saxosus a In lye, or lie. lye for washing lixiuium i to lye, rest. iacere, cumbere to lye, say false mentiri to flye as a bird volare, volitare. to flye, run away figere to glye lippire to plye, apply incumbere to plye, bend flectere slie, nimble agilis le slye, craftie astutus a A bellye venter, aluus i A familie familia æ A farlye miraculum li. follie stultitia æ A fyllie equila æ gellie coagulum i A gallye phacellus i A gorbelye helluo onis, hic an holye, tree. ilex icis, hæc an homilie homilia æ an hurlyburly commotio onis, hæc Italie Italia æ Iulie, moneth Iulius i A Lyllie Lilium i Parcelye apium ij A pullie orbiculum i A rowgalye phacellus i to dallie illudere to gellie congelare Antedates earliest OED citation (1601). to multiplie multiplicare to replye replicare beastly bestialis e bodylye corporalis e cleanlie mundus da comelye decorus a costly sumptuosus a courtlye basilicus a daylie quotidianus a deadlye mortalis le disrulie irregularis e fatherly paternus na motherly maternus na brotherly fraternus na sisterly sororius a fleshly carnalis le forcedlye inuitus ta frendly amicus ca ghostly spiritualis le grysely horribilis le heauenly cælestis ste holy sanctus cta hougly horridus da iolly iocundus da kyndly benignus a kingly regalis e, regius lyuely viuus a, vigorosus lordely imperiosus sa lowly humilis le manly virilis le manerly ciuilis le misruly enormis me mully puluerulentus a nighhtly nocturnus na only solus la partly partim preestly sacerdotalis le princely principalis le sylly miserandus da semely decorus ra serly imperiosus sa sightly visibilis le slouenly sordidus da southly australis æ stately elatus a vgely horridus da vngodly impius a godly pius a vnmanerly inciuilis le vnruly irregularis e vnsemely indecorus ra vnwysely imprudens vnwillingly inuitus ta rightly iuste vtterly prorsus, omnino weetingly sciens & prudens wylye subdolus, astutus a workemanly artificiosus a worldly mundanus, secularis yeerely annuatim, quotannis Partly is also the signe of diminuti­ ues as adiectiues: as, partly redde rubicundus a partly fayre pulchrellus a. There be deriued of adiectiues, and haue their latine in ellus, ulus, uscu­ lus. &c. mætly, mediocriter, is vsed also in the same sense that partly: as, meetly fayre, pulchrellus. &c. There be also many other ending in ly, perteyning to this place which we omit for breuitie sake, but namely of qualitie, as these that folowe, and such other. gladly of glad læte, lubenter madly of mad stulte barely of bare nude, iter rarely of rare raro The english of all whiche is alwayes thus fourmed by putting to, lye: and the latin is formed of the adiectiue, by turning us into e as durus dure or by putting ter to the first case in i, as duri, dunter &c. neyther doth this rule on­ ly holde in the positiue degree, but al­ so in the comparatiue and superlatiue degrees: As of durior, durius, hardlyer or more hardly, of durissimus, duris­ sime, hardliest, or most hardly. &c. Antedates earliest occurrence of "hardliest" in OED "hardly, adv." (6; 1597). "Hardlier" is not noted there. In my. my or myne meus a an armie exercitus us astronomie astronomia æ blasphemie blasphemia æ an enemie inimicus, hostis a phisonomie effigies ei, hæc an infamie infamia æ clammye tenax, viscosus æ fomye spumosus famye fumosus lymye, clam viscosus a slymye limosus a stormye procellosus a wormye vermicosus a In nye or nigh. nye, or nigh prope, iuxta nie welnigh fere, prope to nie as an horse hinnire armonye armonia æ monye pecunia æ brionie, herb. bryonia æ a ceremonie ceremonia æ a companie comitatus us companie commercium ij a connye cuniculus, li egrymonye eupatorium destenie fatum i felonie furtum i gluttony gastrimergia æ honye mel, lis, hoc. matrimonie coniugiun ij, matri­ monium a meany multitudo dinis a patrimonie patrimonium a pennye denarius ij pionie pæonia æ a progenye progenies ei, hæc rauenie rapina æ symonye symonia æ the styonie sycosis ios, hæc a testimonie testimonium i tyrannie tyrannis idis, hic A tuny fish Thunnus i villanie violentia æ wodpenie betonica pauli Any vllus la many multus a bonye scitus, facetus a fenny palustris e fernye silicosus sa momentany momentaneus a raynye pluuiosus a raynye pluuialis le sunny apricus a stony saxosus a bony osseus a taunye bæticus a thornye spinosus a wynie vinosus sa In pye, or pie. A pye, bird. pica æ A pye, meate. artocrea æ A spie arbiter i, speculator to spie spectare, obseruare copie copia æ A canopie canopus i popie papauer eris, hoc to espye speculari to occupye occupare happye fælix icis sappie succusus a slepy somnulentus a A copie exemplar aris, hoc In rye, or rie. rie, corne. rinca æ siligo inis, A cry clamor oris, hic A cry, proclamation diuulgatio to cry clamare, vociferare to crye, proclame proclamare drye aridus a, siccus a to frye frigere, ixi to gry obliquare oculos to prye obseruare, inspicere to try, proue probare, tentare to trie, fyne. defæare A barbery tree oxochanta æ An almerie scrinium, almariolum. An armorie armarium i scrinium, almariolum. "armorie" antedates earliest OED citation (1602). Artillarie arma, apparatus bel­ licus aduoutrie adulterium i Baudry lenocinium i beggerie mendicitas atis butcherie carnarium i brothelrie lenocinium i buggery pæderastia æ A butterie promptuarium centorie centaurum i A chery tree cerasus i, hæc A chery cerasum i chiualry militia æ cycorie ambubeia æ, intybum Clarye, herb. heraclia æ A comentarie commentarium i A contributarie contributor A countrey patria æ, rus, uris Cookerie coquinaria æ Costmary piperitis itidis, hic A dietarie dietarium i drapery voluta æ A Dromedarie Dromedarius i an entrie additus us, vestibu­ lum an aduersarie aduersarius i an accessarie accessarius a brauery superbia vestitus A breuiarie breuiarium i bribery ambitus us A cunnerye leporarium i dowrye dos otis, hæc drabbery meretricium ij drudgerie seruilitas atis, hæc A drumbledarie Dromedarius ij A fayrye faunus i Februarie Februarius A ferry bote cymba bæ A ferie feria æ flatterye adulatio onis A fryerye monasterium ij fumitorye capnion, fumaria æ A furye furia æ A galerye porticus us, hæc A granarie granarium i geometrie geometria æ the glarye of an eg albumen inis, hoc glorie gloria æ A gooseberrie vua crispa harborie hospitium ij harlotrie meretricium i an hyndbury rubus idæus A historie historia æ A hostrye hospitium i A hurtlebery morum ri A mulbery tree morus ri husbandrye agricultura æ huswyuerye lana & tela Ianuarie Ianuarius ij Iury Iudæa æ A iury inquisitio duodena­ ria industrie industria æ iniurie ininria æ an introductorie introduxio onis an inuentorie inuentorium i an itinerarye itinerium i iuerye ebur oris, hoc A lauatorie lauacrum i A lazarye lepra æ lecherye libido inis, hæc A leprye lepra æ A lybrarye librarium i A lottery sortilicium i Mercurye mercurialis is, hæc the maistrye victoria æ Mahumetry ritus mahumeticus the memorie memoria æ midwifery obstetricium i A ministery ministerium ij miserie miseria æ A mysterye mysterium ij A monastery monasterium ij mockerye ludibrium, irrisio A mulbery morum ri An oratorie oratorium i A outlawrye exilium i palmestrie chiromantia æ A pantrie panarium i A pastrye pistorium i pellitorie pyretrum tri A pentionarie pensionarius i penury penuria æ peritorie astericum i periurie periurium i A pillarie patibulum li poetrie poema atis, hoc an apotecarye aromacopola æ poultrie auiarium ij A prebendary canonicus a A promontorie promentorium A propitiatorie propitiatorium purgatorie purgatorium i A quarry latonia æ A repositorie repositorium rybaudry lenocinium i robberye rapina, prædatio A rosarie rosarium i rosmary rosamarina næ sauerye cimilago inis, hæc A secundarie secundarius i a sectarie sectarius i a signorie signatorium i a sentuarie sanctuarium rij a secretarie secrarius i a sextry sacrarium i slouenrie sordities ei, hæc soldiourie militia æ sorcerye nicromantia æ a stipendarie stipendiarus, mercena­ rius a storie. historia æ a strawbery fragrum gri a straubery, herb. fragraria æ a sudarie sudarium i a summarie summarium i surgery chirurgia æ succoury, herb. cichoria æ tapstrye tapetum ti a territorie territorium i a testamentarie testamentarius ij theeuery furtum ti traytorie proditio onis treachery idem. proditio onis A tresorie thesaurarium i a tributarie tributarius i trumperie scruta orun, obexicis venerie Venus eris, hæc vestrie vestiarium i victorie victoria æ vsurie vsura æ, fænus eris a whyrry, boate ponto onis, hic to curry an horse pectere to carry portare, vehere to fary ædere suem to harry depopulari to mary matrimonium contra­ here to vary variare to tary operiri, morari to wary, curse execrari, maledicc=re to miscary desicere, interire to fery feriari to bury sepelire to glorie gloriari to iniurie iniuriari. angrye iracundus a contrary contrarius a defensory defensorius a accessarie acessarius a cheyrye parcus ca heyry pilosus a dreary mæstus sta fyerye igneus a flowrye floridus da hungry familicus ca euery omnis, quilibet mery hilaris re myerie lubricus a necessarie necessarius a primary primarius a propitiatory propitiatorius a satisfactory satisfactorius a sauory sapidus a slyppery lubricus a slubbie idem lubricus solitarie solitarius a sory tristis e, miser a sundrie diuersi æ, a tarrye piceus a transitorie transitorius a varye varius a very verus a vnsauerye imsipidus a vnvoluntaree inuitus a voluntarie voluntarius waterie aquosus a wearie fessus a There be also diuerse other that ende in rye here omitted for breuities sake, which may be called a kinde of deno­ minatiues, but muche differing from the nature of them in tie or, in nesse, for two causes: first that wher as those are deriued of adiectiues, and formed of the same, as, of grauis, e, heauie, are formed heauinesse or grauitie: and of bonus, a, good, are formed goodnesse, or bountie, for bountie is written for bonity: these contrarie in rye are for­ med of substantiues: as of armour ar­ morie, of draper draperie of slaue sla­ uerie, and such other: secondly bycause that where as the other do signifie for the moste parte some qualitie, as the foresayd examples declare, these contrary signifie ey­ ther some place as of harbour harbou­ rie, hospitium, of coney conyrie, lepo­ rarium: or else some office as of baud, baudrye, lenocinium, of begger beg­ ger beggerie mendicitas, or else some instrument, as of dyet dyetarie, dieta­ rium: of briefe breuiare, breuiatium &c. fynally though these be the chiefe naturs of oure english woords in rie, yet haue we not excluded certeine o­ ther which come of adiectiues and of verbs, as of braue, brauerie, splendor, of flatter flatterye, adulatio. But by­ cause these be so few that they require no rule, we leue them to be obserued, noting this finally, that the other in rie, which come of substantiues, haue their latine commonly in arium, as the examples declare. Antedates earliest OED citation for "bonity" (1585). In sie, or sye. a controuersie controuersia æ the dropsy hydrops opis, hæc the farsy petimen inis, hæc the fransey mania æ fansy phantasma atis, hoc the frensy phrenesis, esios, hæc heresy hæresis eos, hæc hypocrisie hypocrisis eos, hæc gelosie zelotypia æ a pleurisie pleuritis, idis, hæc a poesie satyra ræ the swinsie cynanche as, hæc to fansie admirari, amare busie satagens, intentus a corsye corpulentus a horsy raucus a easye facilis le greasye squallidus a dissye vertiginosus spissy, massy. spissus a drowsie deses idis lowsie pediculosus a glassy vitreus a grassy graminosus a mosy puber, eris rossy roseus, a. mossy muscosus, a. pursy cardiacus, a. sausy impudens, entis. vneasy difficiles, e. In tye, or tie. to tye ligare, figere A stye, for swyne, porcile, is, hoc A flye musca æ, to flye, as a bird volare to flye, auoyd fugere Amitie amicitia, æ. auncientie antiquitas, atis. antiquitie vetustas, atis. barbaritie barbaries, ei. bewtye pulchritudo inis, bountie bonitas atis. calamitie calamitas atis capacitie capacitas atis carnalitie carnalitas atis chastitie castitas atis A citie ciuitas, atis, hæc commoditie commoditas, atis a countye, erle, comes, itis, hic a countie, shiere comitatus, us debilitye debilitas atis a deyntye delitiæ arum plentye copia æ, abundantia a deputie deputatus vicarius i a dewtye officium, i dewtie debitum i dexteritie dexteritas atis a dignitie dignitas atis ebrietie ebrietas atis Antedates earliest OED citation (1582). equitie equitas atis a dittie of a song argumentum, ma­ teria eyghtie ostogenta eternitie eternititas atis chieftie primatus us a facultie facultas atis facilitye facilitas atis fealtie fidelitas atis felicitie felicitas atis fertilitie fertilitas atis fidelitie fidelitas atis fraternitie fraternitas atis frugalitie frugalitas atis frumentye frumentum i fumositie fumositas atis gentilitie gentilitas atis habilitie facultas, potentia æ humiditie humiditas atis impietie impietas atis importunitie importunitas atis imbecillitie imbecillitas atis infirmitie infirmitas atis iniquitie iniquitas atis integritie integritas atis intreatie persuasio onis iolitie iocunditas atis libertye libertas atis liberalitie liberalitas atis loyaltie fidelitas atis magnanimitie magnanimitas tis maiestie maiestas atis minoritie minoritas atis necessitie necessitas atis nobilitie nobilitas atis perpetuitie perpetuitas atis possibilitie possibilitas atis a pasty pastillum li postie potestas atis pittie pietas atis a citie vrbs, vrbis, hæc pouertie paupertas atis principalitie præeminentia æ priuitie consilium arcanum probitie probitas atis profunditie profunditas, atis prolixitie prolixitas atis propretie proprietas atis propinquitie propinquitas atis prosperitie prosperitas atis puritie puritas atis quantity quantitas atis qualitie qualitas atis sacietie satietas atis sagacitie sagacitas atis seueritie seueritas atis a suertie vas adis, hic simplicitie simplicitas atis sobrietie sobrietas atis superfluitie superfluitas atis superioritie superioritas atis tranquilitie tranquillitas atis treatie exhortamentum i A trinitie trinitas atis virginitie virginitas an vniuersitie academia æ vrbanitie vrbanitas atis vanitie vanitas atis verytie veritas atis A booty, pray præda dæ to emptie euacuare to pitie miserescere, misere­ ri dirtie lutulentus a weighty grauis e, ponderosius sleyghtie callidus da empty vacuus a deintie delicatus a plentie copiosus a bootye particeps cipis sooty fuliginosus a crusty crustulentus a dustie puluerulentus mustie mucidus da lusty validus da rusty rubiginosus a trusty fidelis le doughty fortis e boughty intricatus a boughy ramosus a noughty malus la, vilis le faltie reus a, culpahilis fifty quinquaginta shifty astutus, prouidus a clifty fortilis le thrifty frugi, frugalis le vnthrifty infrugi vnshifty improuidus da filthy fædus, a, turpis e healthy incolumis me pithye efficax acis teastie iracundus da flighty velox, locis mighty potens entis sighty visibilis le fortye quadraginta frothy spumosus a foystye insipidus da frosty pruinosus a goutie podagricus ca heartie cordatus a hasty, festinus, temerarius a lofty elatus a, sublimis mystie, mist nebulosus a mysty, mistery mysticus a thrifty sitibundus da wartie verrucosus sa listy libens entis nynetie nonaginta seuentie septuaginta twentie viginti thirtie triginta fortie quadraginta sixtie sexaginta nitty culicosus wytty ingeniosus sa petie secundarius a pretie scitus a, facetus a snotty purulentus a spottie maculosus sa totty vacillans, ebriolus a sweatie desudans antis worthie dignus a vnworthy indignus a giltie reus a, conscius a There bee also many other in tye, here for breuite sake omitted, which thou mayst form when thou wilt, of this termination, tas, being one kynd of denominatiues, whose english al­ so endeth in nesse, of which we haue sayd in this place before: neyther do they differ any thing in sense or sig­ nification, but only in the end or ter­ minacion as these that folow. felicitie, or happynesse fælscitas dignitie, or worthyuesse dignitas For dignitie and worthynesse be all one: and felicitie and happynesse be all one: and so forth in others. Final­ ly in this they only differ, that those in tye are formed of the latyn word, and the other in nesse, are formed of the englishe woord. In vie, or vye. enuie inuidia æ A nauy nauigium i a repleuie repignoratio obloquie obloquium ij to enuie inuidere to repleuie repignorare heauie grauis e priuie secretus a There be also many other that ende in ie, or ye, formed of substantiues, and they be adiectiues signifying plenty of that thing, which the sub­ stantiues betoken, and they aunswer to the adiectiues in osus, and in en­ tus, as these that folow. of stone lapis stony lapidosus a of bone es bony cometh ossosus a of bloud cruor bloudy cruentus a of floud fluctus floudy fluctuosus, a and they be expounded by the word full, as faxosus, a, stony, or full of stones, sanguinulentus, a, bloudy or full of bloud, &c. These be common to all terminacions in ie, or in ye. I ante B. In ibbe. A cribbe præsepe is, hos A ribbe costa æ to bibbe potitare to dibbe, dip. intingere to libbe, gelde, castrare sybbe cognatus a In ibble. A dibble pastiuum i A kibble baculus li ribble, riuer riblia æ to bibble biblere to nibble with the fingers gesticulari In ibe. A bribe largitio onis, hæc A cribe cribrum i A kybe pernio onis, hic A tribe tribus us, hæc to bribe largari, munerare to cribe cribrare A scribe scriba æ, hic to ascribe adscribere to describe describere to inscribe inscribere to prescribe præscribere to proscribe proscribere to subscribe subscribere. In ible. a Byble Biblion i, hoc a twyble bipennis is, hæc flexible flexilis le horrible horridus da possible possibilis le impossible impossibilis le credible credibilis le incredible incredibilis le diuisible diuisibilis le indiuisible indiuisibilis le sensible sensibilis le insensible insensibilis e vendible vendibilis le terrible terribilis le There are also many of this kynd be­ side these, which are of the same signi­ fication, that those which end in able, but they differ in forming. For those in able, are formed of the english the­ me: as speakable, effabilis, eatable, co­ mestilis, le, treatable, tractabilis le: of speake, eate and treate: but these in ible are formed of the latin theme: as legi­ ble, legibilis, e: audible, audibilis le, sen­ sible, sensibilis le: of lego, audio, sen­ tio. &c. Yet in this they agree, that both of them are deriued of verbs: and that they haue both one verbe answe­ ring to their signification in latin: for both readable, and legible, signifie le­ gibilis le, deriued of Lego. And feele­ able and sensible, signifie sensibilis of Sentio. &c. I ante C. In ick quære in I, ante K. In ice or yce. the dice or dyes aleæ arum Ice glacies ei, hæc lyce pediculi orum mice mures ium, bij a price precium ij rice oriza æ sice sex a slyce minutal alis, hoc spice species aromatum a vice player histrio, sannio a vice, sinne vitium a price on the sea præda æ to dice aleas mittere to price appreciare, æstima­ re to slyce dissecare to spice condire to rise surgere to tyce allicere nyce mollis le auarice auaritia æ a chalice calix icis, hic a benefice beneficium ij a sacrifice sacrificium i a cockatrice basiliscus i an enterprice incæptum ti a iustice iudex icis Iustice iustitia a malice malitia æ a marrice palus udis the matrice matrix icis an office officium ij Paradice Paradisus i, hæc a practice praxis eos, hæc preiudice præiuditium i seruice seruitium i iniustice iniustitia æ to despice despicere to enterprice attentare to enfranchice manumittere to malice infestare to practice exercere to preiudice præiudicare to sacrifice sacrificare to do seruice seruire In iche. Ciche cicer eris, hoc A piche corbiculus li A wiche opulus i, hæc riche diues, diuitis to mych suffurari an Ostrich Struthio onis, hic to enriche ditare In ict. to addict addicere to afflict affligere to addict addictus a to afflict afflictus a In ickle. an article articulus li A particle particula læ A versicle versiculus li I ante D. In idde A kydde hædus dis, hæc the mid of a thing medium dij to bidde iubere to ridde expedire haterid inuidia æ A potlid operculum i the midridde diaphragma atis, to forbid interdicere lyquide liquidus da vnkydde incognitus ta In iddle. A fiddle fidicula læ hydles latebræ arum the middle medium i A riddle, sieue cribrum i The noun "sieve" antedates its earliest OED citation (1596). A riddle, question. problema atis, hoc to fyddle facere fidiculam reso­ nare to riddle cribrare to stridle varicarire In idle. A bridle frænum ni to bridle refrænare idle ociosus sa In idge. A bridge pons ontis, hic A midge muscella æ the ridge bone spina næ the ridge of a house culmen a ridge of ground lira ræ to abbridge abbreuiare In ide. A bride sponsa æ, nympha æ A gyde dux ucis, hic, hæc an hyde tergus oris, hoc the ides idus iduum, hæ pride superbia æ A shyde byllet. cala æ A syde latus eris, hoc the tyde accessus maris to byde morari, manere. to chyde obiurgare to gyde deducere to glyde vp ascendere to glyde downe descendere to glyde forward prolabi to hyde abscondore to slyde labi to ryde equitare syde as a long garment talaris e, longus a. wyde amplus a an homicide homicida æ shraftyde caput ieiunij to betide contingere to diuide diuidere to abyde operiri, morari. to deryde deridere to foreryde præcurrere besyde, neare. propinquus a beside, nigh. inxta, prope. byside, except præter a syde lateraliter I ante F. In ife. A clif, rock. rupes is, hæc A gliffe respectus us to clyffe scindere to glyffe respicere stif robustus a if si A baylif of an hundred centurio onis, his A bailife, reue. villicus a the playntif quærulus la neckstiff peruicax acis pensif mæstus a pursif anhelus a costif stipatus ventre In ift. A clift scissura æ A drift of snow cumulus li the drift of a matter actio, scopus A drift of cattell acumen inis, hoc pecus oris, hoc A drift, betle festuca æ A gift donum, datum A shift remedium i shrift confissio onis thift furtum ti thrift fiugalitas atis A lift alleuamen A rift ruptura ræ A rift, belch rectus us, hic to lifte alleuare to shift from a place remouere to shift, or make shift expedire to sift cribrare to rift ructare the fifth quintus a swift velox ocis In ife. A knyfe cultellus i lyfe vita æ A sherife pretor prouincialis strife contentio A wyfe vxor oris, hæc ryfe, ready promptus a an huswyfe materfamilias A mydwyfe obstetrix icis, hæc A penknyfe scalpellum i A woodknif falco onis, hic I ante G. In igge. bigge, corne. hordeum quadratum drigges fuaelig;ces cum, hæ A figge ficus us, hæc, A brigge pons A gygge garrula mulier A nigge parca mulier A pigge porcellus li A rigge of land sura, æ, porca the rig of a house culmen the rig of a beaste dorsum, spina A snig anguillæ genus A twig vimen inis, hoc whig, & whay, idem. scrum lactis to big, or build. ædificare A wygge, cake subucula læ to digge fodere to twig verberare to twygge putare viburna to rigge lasciuire puellam A nutmig nux myristicæ In igh. A thigh femur, oris, hoc to sigh suspirare A sigh suspirium i high altus ta nigh propinquus, a, prope In ight. A Knyght miles itis, hic the light lux ucis, hæc might vis, robur, oris hoc night nox, noctis, hæc plight valitudo inis, hæc right ius, iuris, hoc syght visus us, A wight creatura æ A wright faber lignarius to dight parare, colere to lyght, fyre accendere to light on horse ascendere to light from horse descendere to light on one contingere to plight spondere, promittere to right dirigere bright lucidus da light clarus ra ryght rectus a wight, strong robustus a foresyght prouidentia æ foreflight profugium ij A seuenyght septimana næ a fortnyght semensis is, hic insight of hous­ hold supellex insight of know­ ledge scientia midnight nox intempestiua ouersight negligentia æ ouersight procuratio onis vnbright illucidus da vnlight obscurus a vnright iniustus sta vpright æquus a vnwight inualidus da In igne. A signe signum ni to signe signare to resigne resignare to assigne assignare I ante K. In icke. A brick later eris, hic the crick, disease episthotonus ni A crick rima mæ A flick succidia æ, lardum A nick incisura æ, crcua æ A prick stimulus li A prick, marke meta æ A stick virgula æ A ticke pediculus li A trick facinus noris, hoc brick to burne lateres coquere to brick recalcitrare to lick lambere, lirgere to nick incidere to pick iaculari to pricke stimulare to be sick agrotare to stick vnto adberere to stick one confodere to trick, or trim concinnare to trick or trippe, cespitare quick citus a, agilis le whick, alyue viuus a, superstes sick ægrotus, infirmus a thick spissus, densus a trick nitidus a, concinnus a arsnick, herb artonicum i A carrick, ship. cyrserum i magick magia æ the colick colica æ A bolick scortum ti logick logica, dialectica æ an ethnick ethnicus a garlick allium ij musick musica æ phisick physica æ the tisick ptysis is, hæc A potstick rudicula æ A candelstick candelabrum i arithmetick arithmetica æ metaphisick metaphysica æ rethorick rhetorica æ tamerick myrica æ There be dyuers other that ende in ricke, or wicke, signifying offices, which haue their latine commonly in atus, or in ura: as, A bishopriche Episcopatus us A bishopwick idem Diocesis is, hæc A baylyrick villicatus us A baylywick villicatura ræ braynsicke phreneticus æ ethnicke ethnicus a franticke cerebrosus a frensicke phreneticus a logicke logicus a magicke magicus a practicke practicus a splensicke spleneticus a vntricke inconcinnus a catholicke catholicus a apostolicke apostolicus a cholericke colericus a fleumaticke fleumaticus a harmonicke harmonicus lunaticke lunaticus a magnificke magnificus a pleureticke pleureticus a publicke publicus a In ickle. A sickle falx dentata A prickle stimulus i A pickle, sause tharia æ brickle fragilis e fickle futilis e mickle multus a tickle impatiens, intactilis sickle valetudinarius a to pickle, flesh condire, salire to pickle, eat nice­ ly edere minutim to prickle stimulare to stickle in a mat­ ter comtendere, litigare to tickle titillare to trickle downe destillare a banstickle trachyda æ a chronickle chronica, orum a conuentickle conuenticula æ a manickle manicæ, arum to manickle manicis tortare In ickt. an afflickt afflictio, onis a conflickt conflictus us to afflickt affligere to conflickt confligere In ike. a dike, or ditch fossa æ, scrob, obes a pike, pricke aculeus i the wike of the eye hirquus i a tyke, dogge canis is a pike, for the ear scalprum i a pike, fish lupus i a strike for mea­ sure. hostorium to dike, or ditch fodere to be lyke simulare to like, or allow approbare to pike, woll, &c. carpere to strike ferire, percutere lyke similis e lyke sicut, vt, quasi to mislyke improbare, displi­ cere. to publike publicare maydenlike virginalis e manlike virilis e mislike dissimilis e vnlike idem dissimilis e motherlike maternus æ fatherlike paternus æ brotherlike fraternus a publike publicus a womanlike muliebris e Many other there be that end in ike, bere omitted, but namely adiectiues and aduerbes of qualitie deriued of substantiues: as of King, kinglike, regalis, iter, Lord, Lordlike, imperiosus, ose man, manlike, virilis, viriliter. beast, beastlike, brutalis, aliter. and such other: where note, that this termination, lyke, is put for lye, and lye, for lyke in many places, but namely in meter. I ante L. In il. A bil written scriptum, epistola A bil of hand syngraphum i A bil, staffe falx, alcis, hæc A dil herbe anethum i gils of fish branchiæ, arum An hil collis, is, hic A mil mola æ mil, herbe. milium i A pil, medicine. catapotium i A quil calamus, i. penna A stil stillatorium i wil voluntas, atis A wil testamentum i A fil saturitas, atis to chil with cold algere to fil implere to kil occidere, interficere to mil molere to pil and pol depeculari to pil off barke decorticare to pil of skin deglubere to hil, couer operire, tegere to spil effundere to stil a trouble quietare, sedare to stil waters, concoquere to stil downe destillare to swil drinke ingurgitare to thil perstringere Not in OED except as noun. to til colere, arare to tril circumuertere to wil velle to be stil quiescere, tacere chil, cold algidus a gril idem algidus il malus a, perperam shil or shirle argutus, canorus, a acutus a stil iugis e, continuus a stil iugiter il male basil, herb basilica æ azel acetuus i An anuil incus, udis, hæc A maruil miraculum i marbil marmor, oris, hoc beril, cristal glossum i peril periculum i A bittil, flee scarabeus i A tittil apex, icis, hic A caril cauticum i A baril cadus i Carlil a towne Carliolum cheruil, herbe tærrefolium i A chesil celtis, is, hæc A deuil demon, onis, hic the deuil diabolus i A driuil mancipium i An apple pomum i A stappil capulum i A bable pegma, atis, hoc Aprill aprilis is, hic brambles, briers dumi, rubus, i the shambles macella, orum A rabil series, ei A capil caballus, i, hic A bristle seta æ A whistle fistula æ A byndle fasciculus i A spindel fusum i A cauill calumnia æ couples copulæ arum A cople copula æ A stopple obstructorium i A credil crepundia, orum A damsyl puella, æ A dybbil pastiuum i. a ridle loke riddle problema atis, hoc a bedil lictor, oris the gargil gurgulio, onis, hic a gyrdil cingulum i a gristil cartilago, inis, hæc the handil manubrium i hydles latebræ, arum an hirdle traha æ the houswil eucharistia æ the ickles stiria, orum a kettyl ahenum i a nettyl vrtica æ a kyrtil interula æ a mirtle tree myrtus, i, hæc a ladil rubicula æ lentil lens, entis, hæc lyntil of a cart radius i a pin penis, is, hic the maysilles variolæ, arum a mantill gausape, is, hoc the middil medium i a dungil stercorarium i a mungril spurius a a muckhil fumarium i a muskil concha, æ, hæc a mousil fiscella a nauil vmbelicus i an ousyl, bird merula a needil acus, us, hæc a nypil papilla æ a pybble stone calculus i a kyble baculus i a peckil macula æ an heckyl pecten, inis, hoc a speckil macula æ a pynsil penicillum i tynsil, cloth, intertextus i peril periculum purpil purpura æ a pupil pupillus i a saddil ephippium a stadyl vestigium i a shackil compes, edes, hic a tackyl retinaculum i a shingil scandula æ the sniuil mucus i the driuil at nose pus, uris, hoc a weuil curculio, onis, hic the spercil subtegulancum i a sperkil scintilla æ a sprinkil spergillum i a stabil stabulum i a labil infula æ a steepil campanile, is, hoc the stubbil arista æ rubbil rudus eris, hoc a sweapil partica æ a neapil papilla æ a tabil mensa, tabula æ a sabil appendix icis, hæc the tables to play tessare, tesserarum the lables of a mi­ ter insulæ arum a tasil virga pastoris a tauil liciatorium i a thymbil digitale is, hoc a wymbil terebrum i a thyuil rubicula æ a throttil guttus uris, hoc a throppil idem, iugulum guttus uris, hoc a tirdil rudus eris, hoc an hirdil caula æ a titil titulus i a tittil apex icis, hic treakil theriaca æ the trebbil part triplex icis a trendil rota æ a thistil carduus a a tristil tripes edis, hic a trifill nuga æ troubil turbatio onis, hic a twybil bipennis i, hæc a vigil vigilia æ an vnkil auunculus i, paternus a wesil mustela æ an hasil corylus i, hic to anil ad nihilare to defil, neutre stupere to destil, act. perstringere to addil demerere to maddil delirare to ambil tolutare to crambil reptitare to babil garrire to brabil idem, multum loqui garrire to iabil idem garrire to bibil biblere to cauil calumniari, cauillari to toppil copulare to crimbil micare, minuere to trimbil tremere, to destil destillare to fulfil adimplere to doubil duplicare to soupil macerare to do euil malefacere to faffil balbutire to maffil rudere to fumbil ineptire to rumbil tonitare to stumbil titubare to tumbil volutare to gargil gargarizare to gingil tinnire to tingil idem tinnire to handil tractare to dandil mulcere to iuggil fascinare, præstigi­ ari to kindil accendere to mangil laniare to iangil garrire to maggil mactitare to mingil miscere to muffil, the face velare to ruffil magnifice grassari to meddil mediari to mumbil balbutire to nestil nidulari to wrestil luctari to prattil gannire to rattil tonitare to rifil inuertere to stifil suffocare to sadil ephippium insternere to swadil fasciare to resembil simulare to sembil simultare to trembil tremere to settil considere to fettil componere to shingil scandulare to swingil, hemp verberare to shuffil confundere to soupil sopire, linire to strangil suffocare to intangil illaqueare to wrangil cauillare to rankill putrescere to sparkil scintillari to sparpil segregare to sprinkil spergere to wrinkyl plicare, rugas contra­ here to trifle nugas agere to stathil mingere equum The verb "staddle" ante dates its earliest OED citation (1573). to swathil fascijs inuoluere to striddil varicari to ridle cribrare to throtil suffocare to thropple idem, iugulare suffocare to tickil titillare to prickle stimulare to typpil potitare to ripple rescindere to titil intitulare to pickil sallere to trickil destillare to troubil turbare to whistil fistula modulari camomil camomilla æ a daffadil anthercum i A dungil latomia æ an epistil epistola læ an exampil exemplum i an Apostil apostolus li A crocodil crocodilus li A Discipil discipulus li hony suckle locusta æ A periwinkil cochlea æ A pinnakl pinnaculum li A principil principium i A sowthistle cicerbita æ A spectakle spectaculum li A tabernakil tabernaculum i tormentil heptaphillon A triangil triangulus li a quadrangil quadrangulus li a versickil versiculus li docil docilis le facil facilis le fertil firtilis le gentil benignus æ humbil humilis le idil ociosus a littil paruus a brittil fragilis e myckil, much multus a sickil valetudinarius a nobil nobilis e rakyl insolens entis soupil lentus a stabil stabilis e steril sterilis le subtil subdolus la suttil idem. astutus a subdolus la tickil titillenus na flexibil flexilis, le horribil horridus da impossibil impossibilis le incredibil incredibilis le indiuistbil indiuisibilis e inuiolabil inuiolabilis e newfangil nouorum cipidus possisbil possibilis le semblabil similis le solubil solubilis e vngentil immitis e Antedates earliest OED citation (1633). vtensile vtensilis le Note, that ofttimes ble, is written for bil, dle, for dil, fle, for fil, gle, for gil, kle, for kil ple, for pil, sle, for fil, tle, for til, ule, for uil. And these for the other agayne indifferently as amble, or ambil. sadle, or sadil. stifle, or stifil pigil, for pigil: verbasculum gargle, or gargil Antedates earliest OED citation (1657). muskle, or muskil. staple, or stapil hastle, or hastil. hasle, or hasil. title, or titil. taule, or tauil, &c. Wherfore, if ye fynd not in the one of these seeke in the other and yee shal not misse. More ouer, this termination bil, an­ swereth in englishe, commonly to the adiectiues in bilis, as we haue sayd in the terminations able, and ible, for which, the termination bil is putte, looke in the other In ilch. Milch, milk. lac, lactis, hoc The noun "milch" antedates its earliest OED citation (1603). to milch mulgere to filch, steale surripere to filch, beate fustigare to pilch, miche. suffurari In ilde. A chyld puer, eri, hic A field ager i, hic mylde blandus da wylde ferus ra This terminacion, ilde, is oftymes in metre put for participles in iled, as, fylde, for filed, tyld, for tyled, but I think, that they should be written in` yeld: as defield, for defiled: begielde for begyled, &c. In ilte. the hilt of a sworde. manubrium ij A quilt culcitra æ A stilt grallus li bilt ædificatus a This termination, ilte, is also often written for participles in, illed, with double, ll, as fillde, for filled: spilt for spilled: kylte, for killed, and such o­ ther. A filth, drab scortum ti the filth at nose pus uris; hoc the filth of a wound lues is, hoc fylth dirt situs us, lutum ti stilth, furtum ti tilth, tillage, agriculturæ a In ile. A bile vlcus eris, hoec Antedates earliest OED citation (1665). A file lima æ A gyle dolus li A kyle bilis is, hæc A mile milliarum i A pile strues is, hæc A sile colum li A stile formula æ, stilus, i A stile at an hedg scabellum li A tyle tegula æ A wyle astutia æ an Ile insula æ to fyle, foyle deturpare to fyle limare to syle, milke. colare lac. to wyll persuadere vile vilis le exile exilium lij A gentile gentilis le to defile deturpare to exile in exilium agere. to compile compilare to concile conciliare to reconcile reconciliare to reuile expostulare seruile seruilis le vtile vtilis le somewhile aliquando otherwhyle aliquando erwhyle dudum, nuper. I ante M. In im. the brim of a cup labrum, ripa æ an himne hymnus ni A limbe membrum bri to climme scandere to dimme obscurare to skimme despumare to swimme natare to trim concinnare dymme obscurus ra grymme horridus da hym illius i, illum, in ob­ liquis trimme nitidus, concinnus vntrym inconcinnus i A bosym sinus us, hic margerim amaricus i the migrim hemecrania, æ A panym ethnicus a A pilgrym peregrinus ni venim venenum ni to venym venenare In imble. A thymble digitale is, hoc A wymble terebrum i to crimble comminuere to trimble tremere nymble agilis le In impe. an impe surculus i A shrimp squilla æ A Nymphe Nympha a to himp surculare to limp claudicare In imple. A wymple focale is, hoc a pimple pupula æ symple simplex icis In ime. A lyme lithocolla læ a clyme clima atis, hoc a chyme of belles classicum i fyme fimus i lyme for birds viscum i lyme, burnt calx, calcis, hæc the pryme aureus numerus the pryme, tyme ver, veris, hoc a ryme metrum, rithmus i slyme limus mi tyme tempus oris, hoc to cryme criminari to gryme criminari to lyme gypsare to lyme birds inuiscare aues to ryme metrificare, versifi­ care a pastyme recreatio to pastyme recreare I ante N. In inne. a binne scrinium, vimineum a chinne mentum ti dynne, noyse. clamor, sonus, ni a fynne of fish pinna næ a ginne machina æ a grinne pedica æ an Inne hospitium, diuer­ sorium a kinne cognatio, tribus us linne, linnen linteum a pin for clothes acicula æ a pin of iron spinthrum i a pin for a wall clauus i a shin tibia æ sinne peccatum ti the skin of a man cutis is, hæc the skin of a sheepe pellis is, hæc the skin of a beast tergus oris, hoc a skin tawed aluta æ a skin tanned corium i Tinne stannum i a whin rhamnus i twinnes abies ei, hæc gemelli orum to blinne desistere to grin ringere to pinne configere to sinne peccare to skinne cutem inducere to spin nere to twyn seiungere to win vincere thinne gracilis e, tenuis e in in a Bodkin pugiunculus a dodkin hilum i a damsin prunum i not a dodkin ne hilum, nihilum an ermin, mouse. scytala æ a termin, bound. terminus ni a bunkin, bird terraneola e a bunkin, felow batauus, strigo, onis a buskin cothurnus ni a bramlin, bird. montifrugella æ a butwin, bird. capella æ a cousin cognatus ta a coffin, chest capsa æ a coffyn, pye artocrea æ an engin machina næ famin fames is, hæc a Delphine, fish. Delphin, inis, hic the foreskin præputium i a fruskin saltus, us A gryffin Gryps, ypis, hic A iauelyn lancea æ A ierkin tunicella æ A kemelin sinum i A kytchin culina æ A kylderkin semicadium i A laykin, babie crepundia, orum lattin aurichalcum A malkin panniculus i A marlin alietus i A myddin fimarium i A napkin mantile, is, hoc orpin telepinum i A porkin porcellus i A porpin histrix, icis, hæc A poppin oscillum i rosin resina æ A puddin fartum i seasin possessio, onis vermin vermis, is, hic A virgin virgo, inis, hæc A wardin volemum i the welkin, aire aura, æ: aër, eris, hic wodbin periclimenon i to imagin imaginari, machi­ nari to begyn incipere In inche. a binch scannum, subsellium a chince parcus a a finch, bird achantis, itis, hic an inch vncia æ stinch fœtor, oris, hic to clinche clingere, stringere to linche claudicare to pinche premere, vrgere to stinche fætere to winche calcitrare to mince minuere to rince deluere to wince calcitrare a bulfinche, bird ribicilla æ a cafinche, bird frugella æ a goldfinch, bird carduelis, es hæc In inde. a kinde genus, eris, hoc the minde mens, entis, hæc the rinde, of bark cortex, icis, hic the winde ventus i to binde ligare, vincere to grinde molere to minde meminisse, intendere to finde inuenire, reperire to winde insinuare, colligere blinde cæcus a kinde humanus a mankinde genus humanum. humanitas withwind, herb cassutha æ wodbinde periclimenon i behinde pone, posterus a poreblinde lippus a sandblinde idem lippus stoneblinde cæcus a the hurlewinde turbo, inis, his hodeman blind, play. mya æ In ing. a bing scrinium, vimineum a king rex a ring annulus ling, or heath erix, erice, es a sling funda, tormentum a spring fons, ontis, hic, origo a string chorda æ a thing res, ei, hæc, eus a sting aculeus, i: stigma,­ atis a wing ala æ to bring afferre, apportare to fling iacere, mittere to ging tinnire to cling clingere to hing, hang pendere The verb "hinge" antedates its earliest OED citation (1758). to sing cantare, canere to spring oriri, crescere to thring artare, stringere to ting tinuire to wring torquere, tortare a chyttering omasum i a chitterling idem omasum i a darling electus, a, charus, a banning maledictio: impre­ catio the dawning diluculus i a driueling scraptia æ a duckling anaticula æ the dripping of rost liquamen, inis, hoc a dwelling habitatio, onis the euening vespera e the euesing suggrundiatio birding aucupium i cunning peritia æ a farthing semiobolus i fauning adulatio, onis flattering assentatio a flemming teutonus i forewarning præmonitio a frankling libertus, us, muni­ ceps a gelding spado, onis, hic a gosling anserculus i thegrasing of cloths sublitio the grasing of catel pastio, onis an herring halec, is, hæc a lapwing vpupa æ the morning aurora æ a merling fish merula æ nothing nihil An ofspring proles, is, hæc paynting pictura æ A poppling populus, i, hoc A pudding fartum i winning, gains lucrum i wynning victoria æ A wonning habitatio iutting proiectus a A wageling mercenarius æ A whyting, fish merula æ A wylding arbatum i A wedding nuptiæ, arum agreing conueniens congruus a being existens, entis. bowing lentus, a, flexilis æ cunning gnarus, peritus, a fauning blandus a florishing floridus a grousling pronus a headling præceps, itis according secundum, iuxta lasting permanens, entis nilling nolens, inuitus a willing volens, spontaneus a ontaking capax, acis vnbeleuing incredulus a vnbragging inglorius a vncunning imperitus a vnknowing inscius, ignarus a vnliking displicitus a vnlouing inamicabilis e vnsuffering impatiens, oniis vntrembling intrepidus a vnwauering immotus a vnweeting inscius a vnwilling inuitus a beleuing credulus a bragging gloriosus a knowing conscius a suffering patiens, entis trembling trepidus a wauering instabilis e edgling cesim Belonging: pertinens, spectans: Belonging, is also the signe of adie­ ctiues possessiues, as, belonging the gar­ den, hortensis, belonging the field, a­ grestis. The lyke is to be thought of this woorde perteynyng, pertinens, spectans, as perteyning to my father, paternus, a, perteyning my mother, maternus. &c. There be also certaine nounes ending in ling, here to be formed, when ye will, as. Gosling of goose, anserculus i duckling of ducke, anaticulus i porkling of porke, porcellus i These be diminitiues, & may be ex­ pounded by this signe little, as gos­ ling, or little goose, porkling or lit­ tle porke And their Latin endeth for the most parte in, ulus, or in ellus, as, anserculus porcellus &c. There be also many other that end in ing, here not expressed, because they may be deriued out of verbes three maner of wayes when ye will, after this sort, first participles of the pre­ sent tenses, as louing, teaching, rea­ ding, of loue, teach, rede by putting to (ing) whose Latine is easely formed of the gerund in, di, by turning di in­ to, s, as, amandi, amans, docendi, do­ cens, legendi, legens. &c. 2 The second kinde is of the ge­ rundes of verbs, as amandi of louing, docendi of teching, legendi of reding. 3 The third kind is of nounes ver­ bals, whose Latine ending in, io, or us is formed of the latter supine, as, lo­ uing amatio, onis, hæc, of amatu, rea­ ding, lectio, onis, hæc, of lectu, hea­ ring auditio, onis, hæc, auditus, vs, do­ ing actio, onis, hæc, actus, us, hic. Of al these kindes the englishe is one, but the Latine is diuers, as the examples declare In inke. the brink of a riuer ripa æ, labrum drinke potus us, hic A chincke rima æ, hiatus us A linke, torche lichnus i, hic A linke, chaine vinculum i A sinke cloaca æ sentina æ stinke fætor oris, hic inke atramentum i to drinke bibere, potare to linke concatinare to shrinke cedere, contrahi to sinke descendere to swinke desudare, inuigila­ re to stinke fæteri to thinke cogitare to winke conniuere a periwinke cochlea æ to bethinke cogitare to forthinke pænitere In inkle. a periwynkle cochlea æ a sprinkle spergillum i strinkle idem spergillum a wrinkle ruga æ to sprinkle spergere to twynkle conniuere, nictare to wrynkle rugare In inct. to distinct distinguere to extinct extinguere distinct distinctus a extinct extinctus a In int. a dint impetus us calamint calamintha æ asquint obliquus a In ine. brine salsugo, inis, hæc the chine of a beast spina æ an hine villicus i kine vaccæ, arum a line linea æ a mine fodina æ a shrine statua æ, ossuarium i a signe signum i a scrine scrinium i a swine porcus i a vine vitis, is, hæc wine vinum i to dine prandere to line clothes duplicare to pine away tabescere to shine lucere to signe signare to twine contorquere to mine suffodere to whine vociferare vt canis to wrine vociferare, vt porcus mine meus a nine nouem thine tuus a a brygantine catascopium i a concubine concubina æ carrine cadauer, eris, hoc a dyuine theologus i eglantine cynorrodos i discipline disciplina æ doctrine doctrina æ an engine machina æ a medicine medicina æ sauine, herbe sabina æ celendine, herb chælidonia æ ruine ruina æ turpentine terebinthina æ the matines matutina officia to declyne declinare to defyne definare to diuine, gesse diuinare to enterlyne interponere to inclyne inclinare to medicine mederi to vndermyne supplantare to vntwyne retractare, retor­ quere. I ante P. In ippe. a chippe assula a, fragmentum a drippe, droppe gutta æ the hippe coxendix icis, hæc A lippe labuim bij A nippe compressio onis the pippe pituita æ A quippe flagellum li A skrippe pera æ A slippe lorum ri the tippe of a staffe ferretum ti the tip of my finger extremitas A tip, shepe. aries etis, hic to dip intingere to drip destillare to nip with fingers comprimere to nip, taunt. arguere to quip flagellare to rip refuere, rescindere to slip labi to sip sorbillare, pitissare to ship nauigare to skip exultare to clip sheepe tondere to clip imbrace amplecti to clip, name. nominare to strip denudare to tip ærare to trip cæspitare A collip cremium ij cowslip herb herba paralysis A gossip compotrix icis frendship amicitia æ A princeship principatus us A lordeship dominatio onis A lordship, towne prædum i A parsnip partinaca æ A wardship tutela æ worship honor, dignitas cousinship cognatio, affinitas a deaconship diaconatus a A phillip talurum i A sillabe syllaba æ felowship sodalitium i maistership magisterium ij niggarship tenacitas atis the questorship quæstura ræ A reteynership chentela læ A stewardship æconomia æ workemanship artificium ij Egipt Ægiptus ti to fyllip talitrum infligere to ouerskip præterire, omittere There be also many other, that ende in, shippe, signifying artes or offices, and be deriued of substantiues, as are these folowing, maiorship of maior, maioratus us The noun "majorship" antedates its earliest OED citation (1717). baylyship of bayly, villicatus us byshopship of byshop, episcopatus us The latine of these for the most part endeth either in atus, us, of the fourth declenson, as the examples declare: or else in ura, e, of the first declenson, as prelatura, æ, prætura e, quæ stura, &c. In iple. A criple claudipes ides A principle principium ij A Disciple discipulus li A manciple pincerna næ A participle participium ij to tipple potitare to sypple sorbillare the eclypse eclipsis ios, hæc In ipe. A Grype Gryps, ipis A pype fistula læ a snype ibis, is, hæc the gripe of a hand pugnus i, manipulus to grype palmare to pipe fistulare to ripe maturare rype maturus ra to wype tergere to type a ball. profligere I ante R. In irre. firre abies ei, hæc mirre myrrha æ a blirre deceptio onis to blirre fallere to flirre & laugh ridere A gird, fit actus us, passio a gird, vehemence impetus us a bird auis is, volucres is to gird cingere, stringere, In irke. hirk, or irk. tædium i A kirk, church templum i to hirk, pigere, tædere mirke, dark. obscurus ra tenebrosa æ In irkle. a cirkle circulus, li, zona æ an half circle hemicyclus i the circkle round orbis, sphæra æ the cirkle of cancer, tropicus cancri the circle of capricorn, tropicus capricor­ ni the cirkle meridional, meridionalis e the cirkle equinoctial, equinectialis e. In irle. A girle ancilla æ, puella æ A whyrle spondilus li to birle promere, haurire to whirle cireumagere, vertere toruare, rotare In irme. firme firmus a to firme firmare, stabilire to affirme affirmare to confirme confirmare In irne. a chirne fidelia æ to chirne creare butyrum In irt. a birt, fish rhombus i dirt lutum ti In irth. a birth natiuitas, partus us a girth cingulum li. In ire. a byre, cowhouse bouile is, hoc fyre ignis is, hic hyre merces edis, hæc ire, anger ira æ, furor myre fimus i, lutum i a shyre comitatus us an empire imperium ij to aspire aspirare to enquire inquirere to require requirere to inspire inspirare an esquire armiger eri, hic I ante S. In isse. blisse beatitude inis, hæc a kisse osculum li a misse delictum, error. pisse lotium, vrins. A creuisse, fish. cammarus i to hisse sibilare to kisse osculari to misse delinquere, errare. to pisse mingere his suus a amisse perperam iwisse sane, scilices In ishe. A dish of meate ferculum li A dish, for meate patina æ fish piscis is, hic A glish coruscatio A rish iuncus i A plish pustula æ A wish optatum ti to fish piscari to glish corruscare to wish optare A skermish velitatio, turbatio A blemish labes is, hæc A bulrish tropice es, hic an anguish angustia æ florish germen inis, hoc a garnish of peuter patinæ A mauish, bird turdus i A pumishe, glasse pumex icis, hæc A radish roote rhaphanus ni vernish encaustum A warish callus i, hic to admonish maculare to abolish abolere to accomplish perficere, complere to diminish diminuere to famish fame perire, perdere to finish finire to cherish indulgere, mulcere to florish florere to frubbish fricando polire to furnish exornare, to lauish largiri to rauish rapere, viciare to anguish angustare to languish languere to mynish minuere to monish monere to nourish nutrire to punish pumicare to vanish euanesiere to vanquish euincere to brandish vibrare to pattish pacisci to perish perire to polish polire to empouerish depauperare to publish publicare to relinquish relinquere to replenish replere to vernish encaustare to warish occallescere to punish punire apish simialis e babish puerilis e boyish puerilis e coyish lasciuus a bookish studiosus, librosus blockysh stupidus a cockish salax acis carlish rusticanus a chyldish puerilis e churlish inhumanus a currish caninus a coltish effrenus ne doltish stupidus da cowish vaccinius a sowish suilliss a clownish rusticus a, agrestis brownish rudis e clayish latulentus a cowardish timidus da diuillish diabolicus a fyerish feruidus, igneus a doggish caninus, muidus foggish pinguis e hoggish porcinus na English Anglicus a Irish Hybernicus a dankish vuidus, nebulosus foolish fatuus a glewish glutinosus sa blewish subcæruleus a newish recentulus, nouitsus Iewish Iudaicus a gotish caprinus na dotish delirus ra harrish leperinus na hellish infernalis le fellish montanus a knauish peruersus sa lumpish tardus a, stupidus a momish mimicus, bardus Romish Romanus na niggish parcus ca riggish licentiosus a niggardish tenaculus la peakish mimicus a sneakish bardus a, mimus peuish prauus a theuish furax acis petish effrænis e, iracundus rammish hircosus a, olidus a saltish salsulus a serwish imperiosus a sheepish ouinus a shrimpish pusillus a sluggish languidus a sluttish sordidus a snakish anguinus a snappish argutus a swamish inaudaculus wolfish lupinus a sleepish somnulentus a lympish claudus a There be many in ishe besyde these, namely of two sorts: the one deriued of substantiues, the other of adiectiues, and bothe be adiectiues diminutiues, signifying some affection, inclination or degree of the primitiue: as of wa­ ter, aqua, cometh waterish, or some­ what watry, aqueus, aquaticus, a: of red rubeus, a, someth reddish, rubicundus, da. &c. These bee also put often for those in ie, whose latine end in, osus, and entus, as aforsayde,, as slepyshe or full of slepe, sleepy, somnulentus, ta. &c. The Latine of these ende in eus, ellus, or ulus. In isme. A scisme scnismus, mi baptisme baptismus A sophisme sophisma atis, hoc an exorcisme exorcismus mi There be diuers other, that do end in isma, are derined of latine woords and greeke wordes, in isma, and inising, and they be of three fortes. The first is of the common speche, as these aforesayd: The second be ta­ ken of a countrey or language, as of latine latinisma, latinismus, i, Grecke, Græcisme, Græcismus, i, Hæbrew, He­ braisme, hæbraismus, i, Barbarie, bar­ barisme, barbarismus, i, laconic, laco­ nisme, lacomsmus, i, atticke, atticisme Atticismus, i, Britannie, Britanisme, Britanismus, i. Scotte, Scotisme, scotis­ mus, i, and many other. The third, is of sectes and factions, whom we cal af­ ter the masters and beginners of o­ pinions and doctrines, as of pape, pa­ pisme, papismus, i, Luther, Lucherams­ me, Lutheranismus, Ariane, Arianis­ me, Aranismus, i, Caluine, Caluynis­ me, Caluinismus, i. Plato, Platonisme, Platonismus, and such other sects, the folowers wherof do end in ist, as, Bap tiste, baptista, æ, hic, sophiste, sophista, e latioiste, latinista. e, laconiste, laconista papiste, papista, æ, Platoniste, Platoni­ sta, æ, and such other, as many or mo as ende in isme, and are deryued of latine and greek wordes in isma and in ismus: for commonly they haue bothe one primitiue: the first, signifying the sect it selfe, tongue, or manner of people, and the latter bee­ tokening him, that eyther is good & canning, or else is studious and ear­ nest in the same. In iste. A fiste pugnus i the liste of cloth simbria æ the miste nebulæ arum to liste lilere A colligioniste collegionista æ, hec A confessioniste confessionista æ, hic A exorciste exorcista æ, hic A questioniste questionista æ, hic A psalmiste psalmista æ, hic A sophiste sophista æ, hic Many other end in, iste, concerning which, loke the note of isme, as afore to assiste assistere to consiste consistere to desiste desistere to persiste persistere to resiste resistere In istle. A bristle sæta æ A gristle cartilago, inis, hæc A thistle carduus i A tristle tripes, edis, hic A whystle fistula æ A southistle cicerbita æ to whystle fistula modulars grysle coloure glauculus a In ise. A gyse ritus, us, mos, cris A guyse idem ritus, us, mos, cris to rise surgere to sise taxare anise, herbe anetum i A diuise inuentio, machina æ the iandise aurigo, inis, hæc lattise cancelli, orum licorise glycirriza æ A mainpryse vadimonium i merchandise mercatura æ A mortyse cumphus i A nouise neophitus i A promise promissum i A prouise prouisum i A surmise figmentum i A enterprise incæptum i A quentise modus, mos insolitus to decise decidere, discutere to deuise diuiaere, excogitare to aduise aduertere, delibera­ re to canonise canonizare to circumcise circumcidere to disgyse commutare to exorcise exorcizare to intise allicere to maynprise vadimonio obstrin­ gere to manumise manumittere to patise pacisci, conspirare to promise promittere to recognise recognoscere to solemnise celebrare to surmise comminisci, fingere lykewise similiter otherwyse aliter thiswyse sic, hoc modo rightwyse instus a I ante T. In it. a bridle bit chamus i a bit buccella æ, minutal a brit, fish rhombus i Antedates earliest OED citation (1602). a fit of a storie pars, artis, hæc a fit of a play actus, us a fit of sicknesse passio, onis git, herbe nigella æ grit for scouring scrobs, obis it illud, id, istud a kit, a litle vessel cantharus i fidelia, æ a knit lens, endis, hæc a nit idem lens, endis, hæc a pit puteus i a slit scissura æ a spit veru, u, obelus, i a titmose, bird todus i a tit, little iade equulus, equula a whyt hilum i wyt ingenium i A writ scriptum i chits, pulse lenticula æ to flit from a place migrare to flit, straw plicare to git, get acquirere to git, beget gignere to hit tangere, attingere to knit nectere to quit rependere to sit sedere to slit discindere to spit transfigere fit aptus a Fit, is also a signe of verbals in bilis, & of participials in dust: as, fit to be loued, amabilis e fit to be red, legendus a fit to be done, faciendus a fit to be sayd, effabilis e a condit aquagium i a fleabit morsus culicis the forewrit titulus, prescriptum an habit habitus, us a hermit heremita æ a limit limes, itis, hic a meritit meritum i nowhit ne hilum, nihil a pulpit scabellum, pulpitum a tuit, lapwing vpupa æ puit phalaris, idis, hic vomit vomitus us to acquit rependere to admit admittere to commit committere to omit omittere to permitte permittere to disherit exhæredare to habit habitare to inhabit inhabitare to inherit hæreditare to inhibit inhibere to limit limitare to merit demereri to profite proficere, prodesse to prohibit prohibere to acquit parpari referre to vomit vomere to exhibit exhibere out of wit insanus amens vnfitte ineptus a In iche. A bitche canicula æ citche cicer eris, hoc A ditche fossa æ A fitche vicia æ the itche prurigo, inis, hæc the stitch dolor, lateris a stitch in sowing ictus us A kintch of wood fascis is hæc pitche pix icis, hec A witche fascinatrix icis A wrytche miser a A flitch succidia æ to ditche fodere, sepire to itch prurire to stitche acupingere to bewitche fascinare In ith. a with restis is, hic, hæc a writh cesticillus a rigwith dorsuale is hoc the tugwith traha æ, helcinum i with cum foorthwith actutum, mox a kith, or kin cognatio a smith faber firrarius In ittle. a tittle apex icis, hic a bittle scarabeus i Little loke litle and seeke al the other in, itle, in yll. In ite. a byte morsus us, rictus a kyte miluus i a lyte, or litle parum i a myte, vermin curculio onis, hie a myte of money minutum i a snyte ibis is, hæc spite inuidentia æ plite plight habitudo inis to lyte mordere to dryte, for shyte cacare The noun "shit" ante dates its earliest OED citation (1585). to flyte, chyde fligere, iurgare to cyte citare to lyte or trust fretus esse to quyte par pari referre to shyte cacare to smyte percutere, ferire to spyte inuidere to thwite excidere to wite culpare to write scribere lite, or littil paruus a white albus a tite, quicke cito as tite quam cito, tam cito the appetite appetitus, us dispite despectio, inuidia An hypocrite hypocrita æ A leuite leuita, æ, diaconus A margarete margarita æ A parasite parasytus i A spirite spiritus i to delyte delectare to endyte dictare to inuite inuitare to recite recitare, recensere to requite reddere, rependere to incite incitare to solicite sollicitare exquisite exquisitus a infinite infinitus a perite peritus a partyte partitus a bipartite bipartitus a tripartite tripartitus a quadripartite quadripartitus, us In ythe. blythe, mery blandus, a, alacris lythe, calme serenus a a sythe falx fæniseca swythe ocyus to kythe, acknow­ lege agnoscere to lythe, herke auscultare to tythe decimare In itle. A little parum i A title titulus i to tytle inscribere litle paruus a The woord little is also the signe of diminitiues, as these deriued of sub­ stantiues A litle king, regulus i A litle boke, libellus i A litle man, homunculus i A litle woman, muliercula æ A litle flye, muscella æ and such other, whose Latine endeth in, vlus, ellus, vla, ella, æ. &c. I ante V. In iue. chiues cæpulæ, arum ciues idem cæpulæ, arum gyues manicæ, arum an hiue alueus i a syue cribrum i A shiue of bread sectio panis A striue certamen, inis, hoc to diue vrinare to driue agere, vrgere to giue compedire to hiue in aluum colligere Antedates earliest OED citation (1577). to liue viuere to priue priuare to riue, eate. rumpere to shiue dissecare to sliue, teare. disrumpere to striue certare to thriue prosperare to wiue vxerem ducere to shriue confiteri endiue, herbe. intybus i a captiue captiuus a an abortiue abortiuum i a disiunctiue disiunctiua comiunc. a fugitiue profuga æ a relatiue relatiuum i a prerogatiue prærogatiuum i to depriue depriuare to descriue describere to atchieue perficere to arriue appellere to captiue captiuare to deriue deriuare to retriue retrudere to reuiue reuiuificare defectiue defectiuus a intentiue intentus a excessiue excessiuus a actiue actiuus a natiue natiuus a primatiue primatiuus a captiue captiuus a procliue procliuis ue There be many other in iue, deriued out of verbes, whereof some signifie actiuely, as affections whiche moue, and othersome passiuely, as affected with some thing: the next folowing be actiues and such other. defensiue defensiuus, defensorius demonstratiue demonstratiuus exhortatiue exhortatiuus a disiunctiue disiunctiuus a exclusiue exclusiuus a infectiue infictiuus a inuentiue inuentiuus a laxatiue prouocans aluum nominatiue nominatiuus a perspectiue perspectiuus a purgatiue purgatiuus a putrifactiue putrifactiuus a stupefactiue stupefactiuus a These folowing, and such other, doo rather signifie passiuely: as incostiue stipatus ventre costiue stipticus a deriuatiue deriuatiuus a figuratiue figuratiuus a fugitiue fugitiuus a positiue positiuus a possessiue possessiuus a Finally these in iue, can not be wri­ ten in iwe, for the causes recited in the termination aue, if thou doubt, loke there. In O, definentia. In D. A doe dama æ, hæc A foe hostis, inimicus a A roe buck. dorcas adis, hic A roe doe capræa æ A toe digitus pedis woe dolor, tristitia æ A sloe spinectum, prunellum li A shooe calceus i an horse shooe solea æ the echo echo to doo agere, facere to shooe calceare to goe ire, vadere to fordoe abolere to forgoe amittere to misdoe iniuriari to vndoe perdere blo, blackblew. liuidus da moe plures ra twoo duo æ, o, fro a, ab, abs, hoe reuocantis vox est, loe ecce no non, nullus la so sic tho, though si, licet to ad, vsque vnto ad, vsque, donec. to too nimis, valde to and fro buc illucque wherto quorsum hitherto hactenus, hucusque O ante B. In ob. a bob of flowers floretum i a bobbe of leaues frondetum ti a blob on the water bulla æ a knob on a tree callus, bruscum In oble. noble nobilis le a noble aureus i vnnoble ignobilis le In obe. a robe pallium, stola æ a globe globus bi the astrolobe astrolabium i O ante C. For them in ocke, looke in O ante K. In oche. a broch veru ru, hoc a reproch approbrium i to coce cambire to imboche insculpere to encroch intercipere to reproch vituperare O ante D. In odde. a clodde, clot gleba æ a codde, fish. capito onis, hic. a codde cushion puluinar, aris, hoc. God Deus, dei a rodde virga æ a sod, turfe cespes itis, hic a todde, weight. sexdecim pondo a trod, path callis is, hæc the codde of a beast scortum, coleus the codde of peason siliqua æ a wood lucus i wood lignum i to codde peason siliquas legere to podde, or porre pungere to nodde nutare shodde calceatus Antedates earliest OED citation (1840). sodde costus, elixus a odde impar aris, hoc a metrod partica æ a synod synodus i, hæc In oode. blood sanguis, inis, hic a flood flumen inis, hoc foode esca æ, cibns i an hoode cuculus i, hic a moode, mynd animus mi A moode modus di the roode crucifixus i stoode stabam, as, at. good bonus na woode ferus a, furibundus a falshood perfidia, fallacia knyghthood militar is ordo A liuelode patrimonium ij manhood virilit as, virtus preesthood sacerdotium ij Looke in head for moe. to beblood funestare, cruentare Antedates earliest OED citation (1580). In ode. A gode partica stimulata a lode onus cris, hoc A rode, in warre expeditio onis. to lode onerare A tode bufo onis, hic brode latus ta an abode mansio onis, hæc In odge. A lodge hospitium ij to bodge sarcire to dodge illiberaliter se ha­ bere to lodge hospitare O ante F. In offe. A scoffe scomma atis hoc A goffe, foole morio, bardus i to doffe, for do of, exuere to skoffe scommari to woff like a dog latritare Antedates earliest OED citation (1804). of a, ab, de. therof inde wherof vnde Of, is also the signe of the genitiue case, as of me, mei, of thee, tui. &c. al­ so the signe of an ablatiue, or datiue after passiues: as I am taught of thee, Doccor a te: seene of me, visus mihi, also the signe of adiectiues, possessi­ ues, and materialls: as paternus, a of my father maternus a, of my mother: aureus, a of gold, argenteus, a, of siluer. Finally, it is the signe of a datiue case, after adiectiues in bilis, and partici­ pials in dus, as visibilis omnibus, able to be seene of all men, amandus om­ nibus to be loued of all men. In ost. A loft stristegum i, tabulatum the woft of a web subtegmen soft mollis le aloft sublimis e aloft in also, sublime oft sæpe to loft contignare soft to make mollire In ofe. the hoof of a foote vngula læ A lofe massa panis A proofe probatio onis the roofe of an house rectum the roofe of the motuh palatum the woofe of a web subtegmen inis O ante G. In ogge. A clog, log truncus i A dog canis is, hic, hæc A bogge charybdis is, hæc fogge postfænium i A frogge rana æ An hogge porcus i A clogge at the foote impedimentum Agogge obliquus a A bandogge canis catenarius In oge. A dialoge dialogus i An epiloge epilogus i An hedgehog herinaceus i A prologe prologus i to proroge prorogare A roge vagabundus a to roge vagari O ante K. In ocke. A blocke truncus i A brocke, beast taxo, onic, hic A clocke horologium i A clocke, flee scarabejus i A cocke, bird gallus i A cocke of hay meta æ A cocke of dung collis is the docke clunis, is, hæc A docke, herbe lapathum i the dock of a ship puppis, is, hæc A crocke, shepe adaria æ the croks of a house bijuges um A stocke grex, egis, hic A frocke sagum i A knocke ictus us, percutio A locke sera æ A locke of woll solox, ocis, hæc A flock, or sherling floccus i A mocke irrisio, illusio the nock of an arow crena æ A pocke phagedæna æ A rocke, distaffe colus i, hæc A smocke supparum i A socke soccus i A stocke stips itis, hic A rocke of stone petra æ rupes is to flocke congregare to knocke tundere the stockes cippus i, pedicæ to locke serare, obdere to mocke irridere, illudere A ballocke testiculus, scortum A buttocke clunis is, hæc A carlocke, herb eruca æ the french pocke morbus gallicus a gymlocke tere bellum i an haddocke, fish asellus i an hemlocke cicuta æ a mattocke bidens entis, hic mullocke puluis eris, hic a parocke fundus i a pecocke pauo onis, hic a pinnocke, hedge sparow curruca æ a princocke precox, lasciuus a puttocke miluus i a ruddocke frigilla æ wedlocke coniugium i a artochocke cynara æ a physbuttocke trossulus a Ocke, is also the signe of diminitiues forined of substantiues, as hillocke, Colliculus i bullocke, iuuencus i pillocke, pilula æ millocke, parua mola and other, whose Latin is in vlus, vla, ellus, ella, as the examples declare, & must be expounded be this signe, lit­ tle,or small, as, hillocke, or litle hil, pillock, or small pill, &c. In ockle. a cockle concha æ to cockle, cherish indulgere In ooke. a booke liber i, codex icis a brooke riuus i, fluuius i a cooke coquus i a crooke, hooke hamus i, curuamen a flooke, fish poctunculus i a hooke hamus i a nooke, corner angulus i a rooke, crow cornix icis, hæc the smooke fumus i to hooke hamare, incuruare to looke videre, spectare to smooke fumare to snooke olfacere to forlooke fascinare Antedates earliest OED citation (1596). In oke. an oke quercus i, hæc a poke, litle sacke sacculus i thespoke of a wheel radius i a stroke ictus us, percutio a cloke chlamis idis, hic holyocke alihea æ to proke procare to stroke mulcere to prouoke prouocare to reuoke reuocare the hore roke pruina a O ante L. In oll. to poll pil spoliare a boll caligna æ to poll the head tondere the doll of the hand vola æ a fyoll, potte anuila æ a gymoll vertibulum i an idoll idolum i a chibol talia æ to enroll inscribere to extoll exaltare In old. the cold frigus oris, hoc the mold humus i, hæc a mold talpa æ Antedates earliest OED citation (1573). bold audax cold frigidus a Secke other in ould: for olte, seeke also, oulte In ole. the bole of a tree corpus, stemma a cole cold carbo onis, hic a cole hote pruna æ a dole elecmosynæ distri­ butio a fole pullus equinus a gole, or marke meta æ an hole foramen inis, hoc a iole of fish fauces um a pole partica æ the pole north arcticus i, hæc the pole south anctarcticus i, a sole, fish solea æ the sole of a shoe solum i A catchpoll lictor aparitor A thirlepoole balena æ A hurlepoole idem. balena æ the sole of the foote planta pedis to hole perforare to sole solum adhibere to thole, suffer sustinere sole, alone. sanus a whole intiger a In oole. A foole stultus, morio A poole palus udis, hæc a scoole schola æ a stoole sella æ a toole instrumentum Yool, Cristmas Natiuitas Christi toole, sorow. dolor oris, hic to coole deferbere to doole, sorow. dolere to schoole corrigere, instruere coole quietus a a padstoole tuber eris, hoc a todestoole fungus gi. O ante M. In ome. a come or comb pecten inis, hoc fome spuma æ home domus mi a mome morio, bardus. to come, or comb. comere to fome spumare a besome scopa æ a botom of yarne glomus mi the botom of the water fundum di a cockome crista æ a dukedome ducatus us an edgelome culter i, hæc an earldome comitatus us a worke loome instrumentum an epitome epitome es, hæc a fathome hexapedia æ fredome libertas atis an horsecome strigil ilis, hic a kingdome regnum ni martirdome martyrium ij a phantome phantasma atis a ransome redemptio onis, hoc synamon synamomum i the transome of a bed. trabula æ an income incola, aduena æ an oncome disease emorbus aduentitius whordome meretricium ij wysdome sapientia æ There bee dyuers other that ende in dome, as princedome, principatus, us: kyngdom, regnum ni: Christendem, Christianitas atis, and both in latine and english are deriued of substan­ tiues signifying gouerners or officers as the examples do declare. fulsome fædus da growsome horridus da handsome scitus a handersome factiosus sa Archaic Northern Word for "meddling" or "handy", not currently in the OED. to ouercome vincere to misbecome dedecere to ransome redimere to vncustome desuefacere to accustome assuefacere lothsome nausibundus a noysome nocuus a, nociuus seldome rarus a, raro quilome quandoque buxome pronus a, promptus In ompt. to accompt computare an accompt computus ti prompt promptus a In oome. a doome astimatio, iuditium a bloome germen inis, hoc a groome subcubicularius to doome æstimare, iudicare to bloome germinare O ante N. In onne. a sonne filius i, gnatus i the sonne sol olis, hic to don, do on induere to sonne insolare to wonne habitare a baron baro onis, hic Alcoron Alcoranum ni an andiron andela æ bacon lardum di a brandiron andena æ a button fibula, apex icis a glutton edax, heluo, onis. a capon capo onis, hic a caldrone lebes etis, hic cynamon cynamomum i a common compascuum i a comparison comparatio onis cotton bambucum i a Deacon Diaconus ni a meacon, segge. carex icis, hic The noun "makinboy" antedates its earliest OED citation (1652). a babbon pupus pi a cabbon gurgustium, cubile is a basson sinus ni a beacon spectaculum, pharus celidon cælidonia æ centron centaurum i a chanon canonicus i a chanon gunne tormenti genus a culpen particula encheason causa, necessitas treason Maiestatis reatus, proditio. season oportunitas, tem­ pestas a faction factio, secta æ a fashion mos, ritus, us a falcon falco onis, hic a falcheon ensis falcata a fellon transgressor, fur. a felon sore furunculus i a flagon lagena æ foyson fæcunditas a gallon semiurna æ a gogeon, fish gobio onis, hic a gammon perna æ a garison turma æ, caterua a garnison idem. manipulus li turma æ, caterua a gybbon poderis is, hæc a gyrdiron craticula æ a habergeon lorica æ an hearon ardea æ a iargon, rime. fabula metrica iron ferrum ri a laggon lagena æ a wagon vehiculum li A lampron murena æ A legion legio onis, hic A lesson lectio onis, hæc A limon limon onis, hic A lemmon amasia æ A Lyon Leo onis, hic A mason lapicida æ A musheron fungus i, hic A motion motio, sollicitatio A niggon parcus a A nigion morio, ideota æ an onyon cæpa æ A pardon indulgentia æ A persone persona æ A patrone patronus ni pedilion leontopodion i A peapon pepo onis, hic A pompon idem pepo onis, hic A pinsone osa æ poyson venenum ni A prisone carcer eris, hæc A randon, race. petitus cursus reason ratio onis, hic saffron crocum i A samon salmo onis, hic A sermon sermo onis, hic the sessions sessiones num A step son priuignus ni taragon tragonia æ A tenon impages, agis, hæc A trenshon fragmentum ti venison ferina æ vermilion minium i A condition conditio onis, hæc A wanton procas, lasciuus a A weapon arma orum, telum vpon super A wigion, bird glaucea æ to abandon exterminare to burden onerare to condition pacisci to emprison incarcerare to enuiron communire to iargon nugari to misfashion deformare to motion mouere to pardon indulgere to poyson venenare to reason ratiocinari to season condire to summon summonere to vnburdon exonerare Albion Britannia æ, Alba­ niæ an assertion assertio onis A benediction benedictio onis A champion pugil ilis, hic A companion comes itis, hic hæc, A complexion complexio onis a condition conditio onis, hæc a dominion dominio onis an extortion exactio onis an action actio, causa an addition additio onis ambition ambitio onis an exhalation exhalatio onis a fundation fundamentum fruition fruitio onis function functio onis fustion gossopineum i indignation indignatio onis iurisdiction iurisdictio onis manumission manumissio onis mention mentio onis a minion bellulus a a nation natio: gens entis an occasion occasio onis an opinion opinio onis an oration oratio onis a pauillion castrum i a pension pensio onis perdition perditio: interitus­ us a phisicion phisicus i a pigion pipio onis, hic a pinnion pinula æ a portion portio onis a possession possessio onis a potion potio onis a proclamation vulgatio onis a proportion proportio, onis a question quæstio problema a region regio, natio onis religion relligio onis resurrection resurrectio onis a reuersion residuum i saluation saluatio onis a skalion scirtum i a scorpion scorpio onis a scullion lixa æ a sedition seditio onis, hæc a station statio onis the stranguilion stranguria æ a surgion chirurgus i a suggestion suggestio onis superstition superstitio onis a supplication supplicatio onis a succession successio onis a tradition traditio onis a tuition tuitio onis, tutela an vnion vnio onis, hæc There bee also many other beside these which end in on, and are to bee deriued, when ye wil of the later su­ pine of the Latine verbe, by turning v, into, iou, like as the Latine nounes (for they be nounes verbals) are for­ med of the same, by turning, u, into io, as in these that folowe and suche other. relation relatio reuelation reuelatio reuolution reuolutio a vocation vocatio a visitation visitatio vnction vnctio. &c. All which make the genetiue case in onis, and are declined with hæc, there be almost as many of them as there be Latine verbes of the actiue signi­ fication to be found. In once. a sconce laterna æ once semel, olim In onde. an almonde amigdalum i a diamonde adamas antis, hic a bonde vinculum a sonde missio onis a ponde piscina æ beyonde vltra the seconde secundus a fonde stolidus a In ongue. a prongue hastafurcata a songue canticum, cantilena a thongue lorum i a throng stipatio, densitas a tongue lingua æ to longue languere, appetere A wrongue iniuria æ wrong iniurius a, perperam strong fortis e, validus a long longus a A dipthong diphthongus i, hæc adders tong lingua serpentina dogtong cynoglossus i euensong vespertina officia A furlong stadium dy harts tongue hemionitis idis, hæc to belong pertinere, spectare to prolong prolongare, ptrahere along directe, recta. among inter awrong perperam, male endlong erecte yongue iuuenis, i, iuuenilis e Yong is also a signe of diminutiues, as these. yong kyng regulus i A yong bird auicula æ A yong boy puerulus i A yong wench puellula æ A yong goose anserculus i a yong whelp caniculus i And such other whose latine endeth in ulus, ellus: or in ula, ella, and be de­ riued and formed of substantiues, as, regulus of rex, and auicula, of auis. In onge. A gonge forica æ A sponge spongia æ to plonge cespitare to sponge spongiare In onke. A monke monachus i the donk, rayne. nebulæ arum In ont. A month mensis is, hic A font fons ontis, hic A front frons ontis, acies In one. A bone os, ossis, hoc A drone bee fuciu i lone mutuum i an hone coticula æ A stone lapis idis, hic, saxum A stone, weight. octopondium i A throne thronus ni A wone habitatie to grone ingemere to throne inthronizare gone prateritus a Antedates earliest OED citation (1598). prone pronus a, promptus a the backbone spina næ brimstone sulphus uris, hoc A grynestone mola æ, cos, stis A matrone matrona æ A milstone mola æ A pompone pepo onis, hic A tutchstone lydius lapis good, wone abundantia æ euil, wone inopia æ to vnbone exossare alone solus a, tantum anone mox, actutum eftsones deinceps In oone. A boone petitio onis, hæc the groon of a swin probossis idis, hæc the moone luna æ noone meridies ei, hic A spoone coclear aris, hoc A toone tonus ni to toone modulari the new moone nouilunium i doone actus, præteritus soone cito vndoone perditus a O ante P. In oppe. the crop of a bird ingluuies ei, hæc a drop gutta æ, stilla æ the coppe of a cap apex icis, hic the cop on a birds head cristale A proppe fulcrum i A shoppe officina æ A sloppe lumbare is, hoc A soppe offa æ A stoppe impedimentum i A toppe trochus i the toppe of a thing culmen inis, hoc cacumen inis, hoc to chop herbs concidere to droppe destillare to hoppe saltare to lop a tree tondere, putare to loppe as milk coagulare to moppe, maw mouere l??bia to poppe coniectare to proppe suffulcire to soppe offam intingere to stoppe obstruere to stoppe, let resistere to toppe tondere A hoppe humulus, lupulus li A bishop Episcopus pi A caltrop hamus i A gallop extensus cursus A garnop basis poculi A grashop cicada dæ horseknop sysimbrium i A milksoppe lactiphagus i A stirrop strapes edis, hic to gallop fundere gradus to wallop idem. cursitare fundere gradus In opt. This termination opt, is written for opped, in the participles of the preter tense: as stopt, for stopped, lopt, for lopped, propt, for propped, &c. In ope. A cope cappa æ, pallium A trope tropus pi hope spes ei, hæc the pope papa æ, hic A rope funis is, hic, hæc sope sapo onis, hic to cope cambire, emere to hope sperare Europe Europa pæ wanhope falsa spes a wardrope vestiarium i an handgrope furcifer i hysope, herb. hysopus i a syrope apozema atis, hoc In ople. A copple copula æ A stopple epistomium i A thropple guttur, iugulum to copple copulare to popple bullire, scaturire to thropple iugulare synople. sinopis idis, hic O ante R. In orre. A dorre, bee fucus i A dorre, blanke argutia æ to dorre arguere for, coniunct. nam, quia for, prepos. pro, propter. nor nec, neque A leasor locator An humor humor oris, hic A rumor rumor oris, hic a pretor prætor oris, hic a rethor rhethor oris, hic a doctor doctor oris, hic a proctor procurator oris a progenitor progenitor oris a questor quæstor oris a testor testator oris a rancor inuidia æ a rasor nouacula æ rigor rigor oris, hic a senior senior oris a iunior iunior oris a superior superior oris inferior inferior oris a tenor tenor oris, hic traytor proditor oris a vapor vapor oris, hic a victor victor oris a visor laruale is, hoc to abhorre abhorrere to vapor euaporare In orche. a porche vestibulum i a torche tæda æ In orde. a borde asser eris, hic a corde funiculus i a lorde dominus i a sworde gladius i, ensis, hic a worde verbum i concorde concordia æ discorde discordia æ a recorde testis is, hic, hæc a watcheworde symbolum i to accorde concordare to recorde contestari In orge. a forge fabrica æ a gorge ingluuies ei to forge, smythe fabricare to forge, feygne adumbrare, fingere In orke. corke suber eris, hoc a forcke furca æ, hæc a porke porcus i porke porcina æ a storke ciconia æ a worke, done opus eris, hoc worke, labour opera æ, labor yorke, citie eboracum i a pitcheforke hasta furcata wolworke lanificium i to worke laborare, operari any worke opificium In orle. a whorle verticillum, splen­ dilus i to whorle contorquere, rotare Antedates earliest OED citation (1805). the world mundus i, seculun i, In orme. a forme, bench scannum i a forme fashion forma æ the form of an hare sedes is, hæc a storme procella æ, tempestas. a worme vermis is, hic to forme formare, fingere to storme sæuire a ringworme impetigo igis, hæc to conforme conformare to enforme informare to deforme deformare to performe perficere to transforme transformarthe conforme conformis e In orne. corne annona æ, far an horne cornu u, hoc a scorne ludibrium i, irrisio to scorne illudere, subsannare borne natus a, genitus shorne tonsus a sworne iuratus a torne lacer ra, laceratus worne tritus a worne on indutus a, gestus, latus a an accorne balanus i numcorne trimestre hordeum Numcorne is apparently a misreading of muncorne, a variant of mongcorn. a vnicorne vnicornis is, hic to adorne adornare to suborne subornare foresworne periurus a forlorne perditus a mysborne obortiuus æ stubborne pertinax, peruicax. vushorne intonsus æ vnsworne iniuratus a vntorne illacerus a In orse. a corse, perizonium i a corse, corps corpus, cadauer forse vis, violentia an horse equus i remorse remorsus us, instin­ ctus us to force cogere to diuorse dimittere, repudi­ are. to enforse cogere, compellere perforse vi, violenter horse raucus a worse peior us In orte. a porte, gate porta æ a porte, hauen portus us a porte, behauyor gestus, habitudo porte, power magnificentia a sorte genus eris, hoc a sort, many multitudo a sport iocus i, scomma to snorte stertere to sorte digerere, distinguere to sporte ludere, iocundari shorte breuis e, curtus a coleworte brassica, caulis is comforte solatium i chafewort cartafilago inis cudwort idem. cartafilago inis figwort chelidonium i lingwort helleborus ri longwort verbascum i motherworte artemisia æ mugwort idem. artemisia æ penywort sysimbrium i ragworte elephabascum i A reporte rumor oris hic a resorte frequentatio ribwort arnoglossa æ A misreporte defamatio onis spearwort flamula a A supporte adminiculum li to comfort confortare, consolari to exhorte exhortari to extort extorquere to report referre, publicare to resorte frequentare to misreport defamare to support supportare, admini­ culari extorte extortus a contort contortus a In orthe. the north aquilo onis by northe Boreas æ, hic the worth of a thing precium, dignitas In ore. A bore aper i, hic the core of an aple cor ordis, hoc A gore gremiale is, hoc lore, lerning doctrina æ an ore remus i, hic A pore porus i, meatus us a skore crenale is, hoc the shore of the sea latus oris, hoc A sore morbus i, vlcus store of vituall penu u, hoc store of cattell pecuaria æ store of house supellex, res familia­ riæ A score viginti A whore meretrix, scortum i to bore terebrare, perforare to glore, gase. patulis oculis spects­ re to store instaurare to gore perfodere, confodere to pore, prye. spectare to rore rugire to score crenare, incidere to shore obliquare to snore, snort. stertere more plus uris, hoc more magis, plus sore morbosus, molestus sore, cruel. dirus a, durus a yore, before. ante, prius to adore adorare to restore restaurare an vprore simultas, commotio before, presence coram afore, presence coram, in conspectu before tyme ante prius affore tyme ante prius furthermore porro, præterea wherfore quare, ideo, igitur. In oore. A doore porta, ostium i A floore area æ, solum oore of brasse cadmia æ oore of siluer molybdena æ oore of leade plumbago inis, hæc oore of golde aluta æ A moore, heath. montana orum A Moore Maurus ri A stoore commotio, turbatio to floore contabulare to stoore tumultuare Antedates earliest OED citation (1788; "stour," v.). to smoore supprimere In oord. A boord asser eris, hic A boord, table. mensa æ A foord vadum i an hoord thesaurum i A swoord gladius i A toord stercus oris, hoc to boord contignare to boord mensam facere to hoord thesaurizare O ante S. In osse the bosse of a buc­ kler vmbo onis, hic mosse muscus i A crosse crux ucis, hæc drosse fex ecis, hæc losse damnum i, iactura æ to crosse obliquare to tosse agitare grosse grossus a buglosse euphrasinum i wodwosse glastum i to engrosse inseribere acrosse obliquus a In oste. A coste terminus i, sinis coste sumptus us the frost gelu u, hoc, frigus a ghoste spiritus, larua an hoste, of men exercitus us an hoste hospes itis, hic A poste postis is, hic rost meate assatura æ A toste offa æ, tostura A post, runner. veredarius i Antedates earliest OED citation (1596). to coaste circuire to coste constare to poste properare to roste assare to toste torrere, assare formost primus a furthermost vltimus a midlemost medius a inmoste intimus a outmoste extremus a nermost proximus a an Apostle apostolus i O ante T. In otte. A blotte labes is, hæc the bottes verminatie A clot gleba æ, hæc A dot obstructorium i A knot nodus i, hic A lot sors, ortis, hæc A pot olla æ the rotte tabes is, hæc A Scot Scotus i the slot of a doore pessulus i snot pus uris, hoc A sot foole morio, stultus a A spot macula æ A stot, bullock. iuuencus i A sprot halecula æ a trot succussorius gradus to blotte maculare to clotte glebas, vel, colles rus­ ere to rotte, neuter putrescere to rotte, actiue putrefacere to spotte maculare to trotte succussare not non, haud an eglotte brackolum i a chariotte vehiculun, quadriga an emmotte formica æ a faggotte fascis is, hic a gyglotte ridicula æ an harlotte mereticula, æ an hotchpotte incisium i a iegotte idem incisium i an idiotte ideota æ, hic a maggotte termes etis, hæc a pilotte nauarchus i a pispotte vrinale is, matula riotte luxuria, luxus us the sabbotte sabbatum i A spiggotte epistonium i A tostpotte bibax, compotator A verlotte verna æ, scurra æ waynscotte contignatio, tabu­ latum to forgotte obliuisci to riotte luxuriare to waynscotte contabulare In ottle. A bottle obba æ, vter eris A bottle of hay manipulus i A throttle iugulum i to throttle iugulare. In otch. A botch bilis, vleus eris, hoc the botch pestilentia æ to potch an egge putamine lixare In othe. A brothe pulmentum i clothe pannus i a mothe erugo, tinea æ bothe ambo æ frothe spuma æ to clothe vestire to frothe spumare to lothe nausere wrothe iratus a lothe inuitus a An othe iusiurandum i In ote. A bote cymba æ, acatum i A cote tunica æ A gote capra æ A grote drachma æ grotes auenaceum i otes auena æ A mote atomus i, hic A mote, ponde amnis is, hic A note nota æ A stote, vermine furnuculus i A throte iugulum i to cote tunicare to dote delirare to note notare I wote scio, nosco I wrote scribebam as hote calidus a A carote pastinaca æ A parrote spitacus i A kydcote argastulum i melilote melilothos i A peticote interula æ to promote promouere In oote. A boote ocrea æ A coote, bird fulica æ A foote pes edis, hic A roote radix icis, hæc soote fuligo inis, hæc A soote, of things genus eris, hoc hare foote, herb. lagopus i to foote gressus ponere to foote, a stoole pedem addere to moote arguere, mouere du­ bia to roote radices ponere to vnroote eradicare to stoote, stutte titubare to wroote vertere, depopulari to shoote sagittare In oothe. A boothe, stall tentorium i the soothe veritas atis, hæc A toothe dens entis, hic smothe politus a O ante V. In oue. A droue agmen inis, hoc A groue arboretum i cloues, spice garyophilli orum to roue, robbe rapere to roue about errare, vagari In ooue. A dooue columbus a, æ A glooue chiroteca æ looue amor oris, hic to looue amare, diligere to mooue mouere A disprooue improbatio, confutatio A foxglooue digitalis is, hæc to disprooue improbare, confutare to remooue remouere, migrare to reprooue reprobare aboue supra, superius Note that oue, can not be written, owe, for the causes recited in the ter­ mination, aue, looke there. O ante W. In owe. A bowe arcus us, hic A browe supercilium i A cowe vacca æ A crowe cornix icis, hæc A frowe vxor, matrona æ A scrowe sheda æ A shrowe praua mulier the snowe nix iuis, hæc A sowe sus, uis, hæc A throwe iactus us towe stupa æ A vowe votum, iuramentum to glowe, burne. as the eare flammescere, arde­ re to growe crescere to knowe cognoscere to lowe boare to mowe mouere labia to owe debere to rowe remigare to snowe ningere to sowe suere to trowe existimare to vowe vouere to wowe procare, ambire lowe humilis e slowe tærdus a, piger a howe quomodo? qui? nowe nunc, iam An arowe sagitta æ A barrowe vehiculum, foretrum A belowe follis is, hic A felowe socius a, comes A borow, pledge vas adis, hic, obses A cuckowe cocix, cuculus the cockrow gallicantus us An elbowe cubitus i fenowe mucor oris, hic A foreshowe præludium i A furrowe sulcus i the gallowes crux ucis, hæc talowe aruina, e. An harowe pecten inis, hoc marowe medulla æ A sparow, bird passer eris, hic An hubbleshowe tumultus us harborowe hospitum i A malowe malua æ falow land aruum i A swalowe hirundo inis, hæc A medowe pratum i A menowe, fish mena æ the morowe aurora æ sorowe dolor oris, hic A wyllowe salix icis, hæc A pillowe puluinar aris, hoc A salowe tree salix icis, hæc A shadowe vmbra æ A wyndowe fenestra æ yarowe, herb millefolium i to bestowe conferre, impertire to beshrowe imprecari to borowe mutuari to sorowe dolere, moueri to folowe sequi to furrowe sulcare to foreslowe negligere, omittere to foreknowe præscire, agnoscere to foreshowe prædicere to falow land aruum, i. to halowe sanctificare to halowe, land arare to barowe triturare to harowe occare to farowe suem parere to ouerflowe prætermittere to ouerstrowe supersternere to ouerflowe superfluere to ouergrowe supercrescere to ouerthrowe euertere to shadowe obumbrare to swalowe deglutire to walowe volutare holowe cauus a narrowe angustus a to morowe cras, crastine Antedates earliest OED citation (1839). yelowe flauus a Seeke other in, ou, hauing conso­ nantes after them in theyr places, as, ou, ante , b, ou, ante , c, ou, ante , d. &c. for, ou is a letter compounded, that is a Diphthonge vowell, and hathe his place in the Alphabete order afore the consonantes, and is the last of the same, in this booke, V ante B. In ubbe. A cubbe vulpecula æ A club fustis is, hic A chubbe bruscum i A iubbe cantharus, scy­ phus i A knubbe bruscum, callum A shrubbe viburnum, virgul­ tum A snubbe correptio A stubbe stipes itis, hic A tubbe dolum, labrum A trullibubbe aulicocia æ Belzebub a deuil beelzebub to dub the house exornare, putare to dubbe a cocke coronare to dubbe a knight decuriare to rubbe fricare to snubbe arguere culpare In ubble. A bubble bulla æ rubble rudus eris, hoc stubble stipula, arista æ to bubble bullire, biblere to dubble duplicare dubble duplex icis, geminus soluble solutilis e V ante C. In uce. A cruce cherchesia e, pocu­ lum auritum A luce, fish lupus fluuialis A sluce emissorium i truce fædus eris, hoc spruce corium pumicatum iuce of herbes succus i to induce inducere to reduce reducere to seduce seducere In uct. to induct inducere to instruct instruere to introduct introducere An introduct introductio onis In uche. muche multus a suche talis e A crutche grallus i to tutche tangere A eunuche ennuchus i, hic In ucre. lucre lucrum i to lucre lucrari V ante D. In udde. A budde germen inis, hoc the cudde rumen inis, hoc A fludde flumen inis, hoc mudde limus i A studde bulla æ, bacca æ cruddes coagulum i to crudde coagulare to chawe cudde ruminare to scudde cursitare to studde baccis ornare, ge­ minare In udge. A drudge mancipium, verna A iudge iudex icis, hic A grudge murmuratio A grudge of sick­ nesse. præsagium, recur­ sus us A snudge parcus a to grudge murmurare to iudge iudicare to foriudge abiudicare to foreiudge præiudicare to adiudge adiudicare In ude. An interlude comædia, fabula æ A multitude multitudo, cætus us magnitude magnitudo promptitude promptitudo A similitude similitudo, parabola to allude alludere to delude, mocke deludere to exclude excludere to conclude concludere to extrude extrudere to illude, mocke illudere to seclude secludere rude rudis e V ante F. In uffe. A buffe bubalus i buffe, lether aluta bouinacea bubalicea Antedates earliest OED citation (1580). A cuffe colaphus i A puffe of wind flatus us A ruffe, fish melanurus i the ruffe of a shirt sinus us the ruffe of a house culmen inis, hoc the ruffe of a candle finale is, hoc A snuffe argutia æ A tuffe, or bush dumetum i A tuffe of haires crinetum i A tufte idem crinetum i stuffe res, supellex, ectilis, to cuffe colaphizare to puffe flare to snuffe nasum suspendere to stuffe suffercire danruffe furfures rum In uffle. A muffle focale is, hoc A muffle for a dog fiscella æ to muffle the face velare to muffle the mouth obturare to ruffle the heare disturbare to ruffle, as roi­ sters magnifice quas­ sari to shuffle cardes confundere V ante G. In ugge. A bugge spectrum, larua æ A iugge poculum i A mugge, potte ollula æ the tugges of a cart trahæ arum to hugge horrescere to scugge nausere to lugge trahere, vellere to tugge idem trahere, vellere In ugle. A bugle bubalus i A bugle, horne cornicinium i to iuggle incantare In ugne. to impugne impugnare to repugne repugnare to propugne propugnare V ante K. In ucke. A bucke dama æ, hic A ducke anas atis, hic lucke fortuna æ, omen mucke fimus i the sucke of a plow vomer, eris, hic to plucke vellere to sucke sugere In uckle. A buckle fibula æ the hucklebone coxendix icis hæc A truckle bed cubile is, hoc to buckle fibulare to buckle him parare se hony suckle locusta æ periclimenum i V ante L. In ul. A bull taurus i A gull, bird platalea æ, platea An hul for hogs porcile is, hoc mul rudus eris, hic A scul calua æ, caluitium i A trul trossula æ dul hæbes etis, tardus a ful plenus a A consul consul ulis, hic An handful manipulus i bashful stupidus a, vere­ cundus a blisful beatus, a, fælix careful curiosus, sollicitus a cheareful hilaris e comfortful consolabundus a fearful timidus a doubtful dubius a faythful fidus a, fidelis e feastful festiuus a grateful gratus a hateful inuidiosus a healthful incolumis e lawful legitimus a awful austerus a manful virilis e merciful misericors meedeful meritorius a needeful indignus a speedeful maturus, expeditus myndfull memor oris noyful nociuus a pittiful pius a, misericors scatheful damnosus a skylful peritus, artifex wylful effrænis, licentiosus a incontinens spiteful infestus a sportful iocosus a thankful gratus a vnbashful impudicus, imper­ culsus vnbeutiful informis, indecorus vnblameful inculpabilis e vnshameful impudicus a vndoubtful indubitabilis e vnfaythful infidelis e, apistus a vnchearful inincundus a vnfearful intrepidus a vnfruteful inutilis, sterilis e vnheedful incautus a vnspeedful inexpeditus a vnhurtful innocuus æ vnlawful illegitimus a vnmerciful immisericors vnmindful immemor òris vnpaynful immolestus, indolens vngrateful ingratus a vnhatefull non inuidus a vnskilfull imperitus a vnwilfull illicentiosus, conti­ nens vnthankfull ingratus a waystfull dispendiosus a vnwaystful frugalis e woful mæstus a vnwoful indolens There bee also many other which end in full, heere omitted, whose La­ tine doth end in (osus) entus, lis or in (dus) these ye may forme out of sub­ stantiues, as we also sayde of them, that ende in (ic) when ye will: and they signifie plentie, or much of that which the substantiue betokeneth, as In osus. bewtiful decorus, formosus a deceiptful insidiosus a disdaynful fastidiosus a dreedful formidolosus a dewtiful officiosus a dispiteful inuidiosus a forgetful obliuiosus a fruitful fructuosus a hateful inuidiosus a hirkful tædiosus a paynful laboriosus a plentiful copiosus a shameful contumeliosus a slowthful desidiosus a wrathful iracundus a wrongful iniursosus a In lis. dreedful horribilis e reprocheful reprehensibilis e scornful ridiculus a wonderful mirabilis e In dus. rebukeful culpandus a rewthful dolendus a wonderful mirandus a In ulke. the bulke thorax acis, hic An hulke stlata æ See OED, "hulk," n. 2. In ulfe. A gulfe gurges itis, hic A wulfe lupus i In ulse. pulse legumen inis, hoc dulse, sweete dulcis e A repulse repulsa æ In ulte. A tumulte tumultus us, hic difficulte difficilis e to exulte exultare to tumulte tumultuare to resulte resultare V ante M. In um. bum, drinke potus us the bum of a pipe oblonga fistula A crum mica æ to crum minuere, micare dumbe mutus a to cum venire, accedere In ume. fume fumus i spume, fome spuma æ the spume of lead molybditis itis, hæc the spume of syluer argyritis itis, hæc to fume, as fire fumare to fume, freat fremere alume alumen inis, An apostume rumentum i. to perfume fumigare to presume præsumere to resume resumere In umble. to fumble balbutire to rumble strepitare, tonitare humble humilis e to mumble murmurare In ump. a frumpe, floute sanna. e. a lumpe, massa, e, hæc. the pumpe of a ship, sentina, e. A rumpe, oropigium, i, hoc. A stumpe, stipes, itis, hic. to frumpe, subfannare. V ante N. In unne. A bunne crocotyrium i A gunne tormentum i A nunne sanctimonialis is A tunne dolium i the sunne sol olis, hic to runne currere to shunne deuitare to sunne insolare dunne fuscus a spunne filatus a to cunne lesson incumbere, colere, mandare to forerunne præcurrere to ouerrunne anteuertere In unche. A bunche bruscum i A bunche of flow­ ers. floretum i A punche punctorium, pugio to punche pungere In uncle. An vncle auunculus i, patruus A carbuncle carbunculus i In ungue. dungue fumus i to dungue stercorare to bungle infabre facere In unke. drunke ebrius a sunke immersus a In unt. A cun= vulua æ A frunt acies ei, hæc A brunt impetus us An hunt venator oris to grunt grunnire to hunt venari blunt obtusus a brunt. adustus a In une. Iune, monthe Junius i A prune prunum i, prunæ fortune fortuna æ misfortune infortunium i V ante P. In uppe. A cuppe poculum i A suppe sorbillum i A tuppe aries etis, hic to suppe sorbere to suppe cænare Vp in composition, ad, as to rise vp, assurgere, to stand vp, astare assurgere. A syrruppe apozema a??s, hoc A styrruppe strapes edis, hic In upte. to corrupte corrumpere to interrupte interrumpere corrupte corruptus a V ante D. In upple. A scrupple scrupulus i supple lentus a A cupple duo, binæ V ante R. In urre. A burre lappa a, glis iris, A curre canis is, hic, hæc furre pellicium i A knurre bruscum gibbus i the murre grauedo inis, hæc A spurre calcar aris, hoc A sturre tumultus us, commotio to flurre with the lyppes labia promittere to furre pelliculare, dupli­ care to spurre stimulare to sturre, actiue mouere to sturre, neutre tumultuare A murmur murmur uris, hoc to besturre mouere se to incurre incurrere to murmur murmurare In urche. A churche ecclesia, templum to lurche latitare In urfe. the scurff of the head furfures rum scurfe, itch prurigo inis, hæc A turfe cespes itis, hic In urfle. curfle operitio ignis purfle effilatum, orarium In urge. spurge tithymalus i to purge purgare to vrge. vrgere In urle. A churle ingratus, parcus a an hurle iactus us to curle crispare to hurle iactare In urke A turke turca æ, hic to lurke latitare In urne. A churne fidelia æ turne vicissitudo, cursus us to burne vrere, incendere to burne, sore ardere to churne butyrum creare to spurne calcitrare to turne vertere to ouerturne euertere to returne reuertere stubburne pertinax acis In vrpe. to churpe pipilare to vsurpe vsurpare purple purpurea æ In urse. A burse bursa æ A curse maledictio, anathe­ ma A nurse nutrix icis, hæc A purse marsupium i to busle imbursare, repo­ nere to curse maledicere to nurse nutrire, educare to purse looke burse. A pickpurse manticularius a A cutpurse idem, saccularius manticularius a to accurse excommunicare to dispurse expendere Antedates earliest OED citation (1593). to disburse idem, insumere expendere to vnburse, and vnpurse. idem expendere In urt. A hurt nocumentum i to hurt nocere, lædere hurt læsus a In urtle. A turtle turtur uris, hic to churtle pipilare In ure. A cure cura æ, officium to cure curare pure purus a sure certus a, solidus a a creature creatura æ a friture fritilla æ a coniecture coniectura æ a confecture confictio onis incorporature incorporatio onis a countermure promurale is, hoc a demeanure gestus us a displeasure maleficium i a departure decessio, abitio a discomfeyture deuictio, euertio a festure penna æ, festuca æ a gesture gestus us a vesture vestitus us an aduenture fortuna, casus, euentus a indenture syngraphum i a ioyncture iunctura æ laysure otium i a raysure nouacula æ a lecture lectura æ a measure mensura æ a mixture mixtura æ a misaduenture infortunium i a cloysture claustrum i moysture humiditas nature natura æ a stature statura æ nurture ciuilitas atis a pasture pascuum i a picture pictura æ pleasure voluptas atis a pleasure beneficium i treasure thesaurus i portrature pictura æ a porture idem, effigies ei pictura æ a pressure pressorium i a dressure mensa structoria scripture scriptura æ a temperature temperamentum a forfeture fallonia æ to assure securum facere to ensure idem securum facere to adiure adiurare to indure durare to aduenture periclitari to coniure coniurare to gesture gesticulari to measure mensurare to moysture humectare to nurture nutrire, educare to pasture pascere to pleasure gratificari to porture pingere to procure procurare to put in vre in vsum trahere demure pudicus a impure impurus a obscure obscurus a secure securus a vnsure incertus a V ante S. In vsse. A trusse sarcina æ to trusse sarcinare to discusse discutere A trusse for hose strigil ilis, hic In ushe. a brushe verres is, hæc a bushe dumetum i the bush of the hed cæsaries, coma æ a pushe pustula æ a thrushe turdus i a tush of bryers vipretum a tushe of heyres crinetum a tushe of thornes dumetum a tushe of trees arboretum tushe vah, hui to blushe erubescere to brushe verrere to flushe fluctare to gushe out effluere, prorumpere to pushe pellere, tundere In uske. a buske, bushe & tushe idem quod the huske of corne cluma æ a luske, lubber iners ertis muskle moschum i a tuske dens exartus In vskle. A muskle concha æ to ruskle pandiculari to mustle strepere In uste. A bruste seta æ duste puluis eris, hic A cruste crustum i A fluste flustrum i luste libido inis, hic ruste erugo inis, hæc truste fiducia æ to cruste crustare to huste silere to luste concupiscere to muste oportere, debere to ruste rubiginare to truste fidere, confidere to thruste pellere, trudere iuste iustus a, æquus a A locuste locusta æ mistruste diffidentia æ to mistruste diffidere vniuste iniustus a aduste adustus a In use. A cruse cantharus i vse vsus us, ritus us the muse musa æ to muse mirari, meditari to vse vti, fungi An abuse abusus us disuse desuetudinis An excuse excusatio onis A mysuse abusus us the refuse repudium i to abuse abuti to mysuse idem abuti to disuse desuescere to excuse excusare to accuse accusare to incuse incusare to peruse peruti to refuse recusare confuse confusus a V ante T. In utte. A butte vessel orca æ See OED, "butt," n. 1. a butte of land iugerum i a butte to shote at meta butte sed, verum, at a gutte intestinum i a nutte nux ucis, hæc a slutte sordida, spilumenes to butte adiacere to cutte secare to putte ponere to shutte claudere to stutte titubare a chesnutte castanea æ a gulygutte heluo onis, hic halybutte, fish vmbrina æ turbutte, fish chalchis, rhombus i a walnutte nuglans andis, hæc In utche. a crutche grallus i an hutche thesaurarium i dutche teutonicus a Seeke the others in vche. In uttle. a scuttle sportula a a shuttle radius i In ute. a brute, beast brutum i a brute, rumor fama æ a flute aulus i frute fructus us a lute barbiton i a mute, letter muta æ to bruite prouulgare to lute cytherizare to tute in a horne cornucinere a circuite circuitus us a depute deputatus i an institute institutum i a mynute minutum i a substitute substitutus i a tribute tributum i to depute deputare to impute imputare to execute exequi, perdgere to destribute distribuere to constitute constituere to institue instituere to restitute restituere to persecute persequi to prosecute prosequi to pollute polluere to prolocute proloqui to repute reputare to salute salutare to solute soluere to substitute substituere to tribute tribuere to contribute contribuere absolute absolutus æ dissolute dissolutus a Antedates earliest OED citation (1679). In ay. A day dies ei to day hodie to morow cras Antedates earliest OED citation (1839). yesterday heri eueryday quotiaie one day olim, aliquando hey day euax hoy day idem euax wel aday heu, hei welaway idem, disperij heu, hei alway semper away ab, a haway ehodum, quid stas? Spelling not in OED. parfay medius fideus astray, adiec deuius a astray, aduerb erronice whatway qua, quomodo? someway aliqua this way hac, hoc modo that way istac, isto modo yonderway illac, illo modo euery way omni mado, quauis noway nullo modo out of the way deuius a right way recta any way quauis, vllomode neyther way neutra least any way neqna to tournay hastis concurrere to iournay itincrari, iter sacere to disobey inobedire to dismay stupesacere to vnderlay supponere to ouerlay superponere to ouerweygh superare Ay ante D. In ayd. ayd auxiliam, præsidium a brayde impetiu us, vis a mayde virgo inis, hæc a mayd seruaunt ancilla æ an abrayd impetus us an handmayd ancilla æ a maremayd syren enis, hæc to abrayd irruere to vmbrayd exprobrare sayd dictus a layd positus a vnsayd non dictus a vnlayd non positus a In ayge. A gayge pignus oris, hoc wayge merces eais, hæc stipendium rayge furor oris, hic to gayge pignorare to rayge furere, dementire to wayge conducere to wayge battail bellum indicere In eyghe. to weyghe ponderare to ouerweyghe superponderare to purueyghe prouidere In eyght. eyght octo weyght pondus eris, hoc Ay ante K. In ayke. a layke, play ludus i a snayke anguis is, hic a rayke ambulacrum i to layke, play ludere to rayke ambulare blayke flauus a wayke imbecillis e Ay ante L. In ayle. a bayle vadimonium i fayle defectus us a flayle flagellum i a iayle carcer eris, hic hayle grando inis, hæc a nayle clauus i a payle caulus i a payle for milke mulctrum i a quale, bird coturnix icis, hæc a rayle, bird rusticula æ a rayle perche cantherium i a rayl for a woman amictorium the rayle of a pale longulus i a sayle velum i a snayle limax acis, hæc a tayle caudex icis, hæc a tayle, score crena æ a trayle, sledde traha æ a vayle velamen inis, hoc to hayle vademoniare to ayle dolere to fayle deficere to hayle grandinare to nayle affigere to quayle deferbere to rayle rixari, conuiciari to sayle nauigare to trayle trahere to wayle plangere, plorare A battayle pugna æ prælium catayle boues oum, obus counsayle consilium i a countretayle anticopa æ an agnayle pterigium i a curtayle curtatus a the foresayle antemna æ a frontayle frontale is, hoc horstayle equisetum i a meruayle miraculum i a ringtayle pygargus i trauayle labor oris, hic a wagtayle motacilla æ a wartwayle pterigium i vitayle victus us, penu nu to auayle præualere to counsayle consulers to entayle land addicere, adoptare hæredes to intayle, graue insculpere to meruayle mirari to preuayle praualere to trauayle laborare to trauayle coun­ tries peregrinars to vitayle obsonari Ay ante M. In ayme. ayme præsagium i a clayme vendicatio onis to clayme vendicare to reclayme reclamare a mayme mutulatio to mayme mutilare Ay ante N. In ayne. a bayne balneum i a blayne pupula æ the brayne cerebrum i a chayne torques is, hic a drayne, beeee fucus i gayne emolumentum a grayne granum i graynes, spice cardimonium an hayne vorna æ payne pena æ, dolor the rayne pluuia æ a skayne forago inis, hæc Spayne hispania æ a squayne assecla æ a trayne comitatus us a trayne, deceit proditio a vayne vena æ a wayne plaustrum i a playne planula æ to brayne excerebrare to feygne fingere to fain in singing succinere to gayne, lucrari to layne reticers, occultare to mayme mutilare to payne molestare to playne queri to playne a bourd polire to rayne pluere to stayne contaminare, im­ buere to strayne stringere to strayn through a cloth colare to trayne a childe assuefacere to wayne a childe ablactare to wayne lambes idem, depellere ablactare bayne, buxum promptus, obse­ quens fayne lubens, conten­ tus flayne excoriatus, a. slayne excoriatus a playne, euen planus, æquus æ playne, mani­ fest apertus, lucidus a slayne occisus, interemp­ tus a twayne duo, æ, o vayne vanus a fayne lubenter a bargayne pactum, condi­ tio a Brittayne Britannus a a captayne dux ucis a chieftayne primas atis, hic chaplayne sacellanus, capel­ lanus a curtayne cortina æ disdayne contemptus us, fa­ stidiosus dittayne, herb condris Almayne alemama æ a forayne forica æ a lorayne furcifer i, hic a fountayne fons ontis, hic a mountaine mons ontis, hic a dagswayne, garment gausape is, hoc a gardayne hortus i, hic a wardayne volemum i a wardeyne, tree volemus i a guardayne custos, suter legerdemayne præstigium i molayne, herb blattaria æ a sullayne, fishe salmo paruus According to the OED, "sullayne" is an erroneous form of "sewin". the murrayne lues is, hæc, con­ tagio plantayn, herb plantago inis a quartayne Fe­ uer. quartana a soueraygne princeps, singula­ ris a villayne verna æ to bargayne pacisci, contrahe­ re. to disdayne spernere, fastidi­ re to entertayne recipere, excipe­ re to explayne explanare to absteyne abstinere to restreyne retinere to distayne violare, macula­ re to perteyne pertinere, specta­ re to atteyne attingere to reteyne to one attingere ad ali­ quem to maintayne fouere, defendere to mainteyne house domum continuare to ordeyne ordinare, institu­ ere to refrayne, act. refranare, cohi­ bere, conti­ nuare to conteyne continere, compræ­ hendere to remayne, bide remanere, commo­ rari to remayn, leaue redundare, super­ esse to susteyne sustinere barrayne sterelis e certayne, sure certus a certayne, some aliquis, quidam forayne extraneus a sodayne subitus, subetane­ us a solayne subdolus, c a soueraygne clemens, benignus agayne rursus, iterum In aynge. a chaynge mutatio onis, hæc a graynge predium i to chaynge mutare to raynge abrode diuagari to raynge a place explorare straynge peregrinus a to staynche sistere, sedare agaynste contra, aduersus In aynte. a playnte quæremonia to paynte pingere a complaynte quæremonia æ a constraynte coactio a restraynt retentio onis to acquaynte asciscere quaynte mirus a, rarus a faynte fessus a, debilis Ay ante R. In ayre. the ayre aër aëris, hic an haire of hauks hæres edis, hæc a chayre cathedra, sella æ a fayre nundinum. a payre par aris, hoc a quayre quaternio onis, hic a snayre laqueus i, pedica a stayre greece gradus us, ascensus to payre minuere, putare to snayre illaqueare to stayre aspicere, contem­ plari fayre pulcher a, formosus An effayre negotium i, res A coheyre cohares edis, hic dispayre desperatio onis, to empayre peiorare, minuere to dispayre desperare to repayre reparare Ay ante S. In ayse. A maise of hering quingenta A payse pondus eris, hoc prayse laus audis, hæc A wayse circus, i, cesticillus i to gayse contemplari, spectare to payse ponderare to prayse laudare to rayse excitare, exuscitare a disprayse vituperium i a pomayse pumex icu, hic to disprayse vuuperare to pomayse pumicare In ayste. wayste consumptis, perditio wayst of body tabes is, hæe a swrayste plectrum i Not found in OED. the wayste cinctura æ to wayste consumere to wayste in sub­ stance tabescere to wrayste torquere Ay ante T. In ayt. a bayt esca æ, illecebra a bayt refrigerium, refectio the bayt of a beare vrsiprelium the bayt of a bul tauri venatio a gayt, or gote capra æ the playt of a cote plica, ruga æ playt thin bet lamina æ playt vessel vasa calata the waytes aulædi orum to bayt inescare to bayt by the way reficere to bayt a beast vcnari, captare to playt a cote plicare, rugare to playt a nayle replicare to rayt iurgare, expostulare to wayt for one expictare to wayt vpon one Famulari. to wayt or spie obseruare deceyt deceptio, fallatia æ a forfayt fallonia æ receyt recepta orum the receit in warre receptus us a retreit in war idem, refugium receptus us to forfayt transgreds to refreyte cedere, pedem referre. Ay ante V. to wayue, wag. agitare to deceyue decipere, fallere to conceyue concipere to perceyue percipere to receyue recipere In ea desinentia. In ea. a flea pulex icis, hic the sea mare is, hoc to slea occidere, necare yea etiam, ita. Ea ante C. In eace. A deace, table. mensa æ A fleace vellus eris, hoc greace inguen, alluuies A mease of men quatuor A mease of meat. ferculum i A lease letter locator, dimissor the lease byer conductor trix peace pax, acis, hæc A preace of people confertus populus pressura æ harts ease caltba æ to lease or let leas locare dimittere the lease letting locatio, dimissio the lease let locatum, dimissum to peace tacere, silere to preace vpon instare, irruere to please placere peace tace, au. In eache. A beache tree fagus i, hæc A peache apple pomum persicum A peache tree malus persica speache loquela sermo A reache porrectio, onis leache, gelly gelu, coagulum to bleache cloth insolare, candidare to preache predicare, docere to reache porrigere to streache extendere to teache docere, erudire an horseleach, man hippatrus i an horseleache­ worme. sanguisuga to depeache absoluere to impeache incusare, prodere to ouerreache anteuertere to misteache dedosere In eacle Treacle theriaca æ a freckle neuus i the freckles variolæ arum Ea ante D. a bead, bacca æ, calcului breade panis is, hæc feade odium i a gleade, kyte miluus i an head caput itis, hoc. leade plumbum i a meade pratum ti meade, drinke promulcis idis, hic a steade, place statio, status, locus to heade decollare to kneade subigere fermentum to leade ducere to pleade dicere causam to shreade comminuere to spreade sternere to tread vpon calcare to treade, go gressus ponere dead mortuus a read ruber a, um An assehead stupidus, bardus a A blockhead stupidus a a grouthead capito onis, hic A forhead frons ontis, hæc A gyldhead, fish searus ri the gyrdlestead cinctura æ A hogshead dolium i maydenhead virgmitas atis neyghborhead vicinia æ Ther be also many other in head, and in hood, deriued of substantiues, sig­ nifying the state or degree of a man and therfore may be called denomi­ natiues: as chyldhead pueritia æ womanhead muliebritas atis godhead numen inis, hoc manhood humanitas atis and suche other, the latin wherof are also deriued and fourmed lyke those that come of adiectiues, as the exam­ ples declare. to behead decollare euenheads coæquales the bredth of a thing latitudo In eafe. A leafe folium ij A sheaf of corne manipulus i a sheafe of arows, xxiiij. calam i deafe surdus da deafe to be surdesiere In eague. A league of peace fædus eris, hoc A league or myle milliarium A beagle eanicula æ In eake. the beake of a bird rostrum i A fleake matta lignea A freake gigantulus li the weak of a candle lichnus ni to breake frangere to cleake corripere to peake into a place inspuere to screake screare to speake loqui to wreake vlcisci, vindicare?? A hornbeak, fish acus i A thornbeak, fish. idem. beilium i acus i to forespeake prædicere to forspeake fascinare. Ea ante L. In eale. An Eale anguilla æ A beale, den spelunca æ A deale portio onis meale farina næ A peale of gunnes &c. classicum i A queale pupula læ A seale, fishe. phoca æ, vitulus ma­ rmus A seale, signet sigillun li A teale, birde querquedula æ veale velum i veale, meate vitulina næ A wheale pupula æ A veale, calfe vitulus li to beale boare to ceele a house cælare to deale distribuere to feale velare, abscondere to heale mederi, sanare to seale signare to steale furari, surripere to sweal, as the fyre efflammare to weale, choyce eligere "weal" not identified except as noun in OED. leale legittimus a A lyttle deale parum ri A great deale mulium ti by flock meale minutim to appeale vnto appellare ad to appeal, apeach. accusare to repeale repellere, rescindere to reueals reuelare, detegere In eald. eald age ætas atis, hæc eald, olde age. senium, senectus the beald, for we­ ther vmbraculum to beald ædificare to beald, succour. adunbrare, protegere Ea ante M. In eame. A beame trabs abis, hæc An eame, vncle auunculus li A dreame somnium, visio a leame of light­ ning corruscatio fleame flegma atis, hoc A leame of fyre fax, acis, hæc the leams of the son radij solares a seame fimbria, sutura æ a streame flustrum aquæ a teame, cheane temo onis, hic a teame of cattell iugum i to dreame somniare to gleame corne spiciligere to streame fluctuare to sweame somniare neamble agilis le Ea ante N. In eane. a beane faba æ a cheane catena æ a meane via, modus i the meane mediocritas atis a queane scortum, meretrix. to leane innitor eris to meane velle, intendere to weane a chylde ablactare to weane lambes depellere leane gracilis le meane medius, mediocris e to demeane gerere se vncleane impurus, immundus a Ea ante P. In eape. an heape cumulus i, aceruus i a leape saltus us to cheape licitari, appreciare to heape cumulare to leape saltare to reape metere In eaple. a sweaple partica æ a steaple campanile is, hoc a neaple, teate papilla æ Ea ante R. In eare a beare feretrum i a Beare, beast vrsus i, vrsa æ a bryar vepres etis, hæc a deare dama æ an eare auris is, hæc an eare of corne spica æ feare metus us a ferre, mate familiaris is, hic a fryar frater iris, hic geare res ei, hæs a meare stagnum i a peare pyrum i a speare hasta æ a teare stilla æ, lachryma æ a whyer chorus ri a quear of paper liber, ri a yeare annus i, hic sheares forsex icis, hæc to beare ferre, gerere to bleare lippire to ceare carare to cheare exhilarare to deare, hurt molestare to feare timere, metuere to heare audire to reare erigere to sheare tondere to smeare vngere to sweare iurare to teare lacerare to weare on forre to weare, waste. conterere cleere clarus a deare carus a meare merus æ neere propinquus a reare recens entis neare prope an hearb herba æ In earche. a pearche ames itis, hic a searche inquisitio onis to serche inquirere In eard. a bearde barba æ an heard of catel grex egis, hic a sweard gladius i a yearde virga æ a yeard mesure verber the yard of a house atrium i the yeard of a beast penis is, hic a globerd, worm lampyris ios, hæc a charchyeard cæmiterium i the wodyeard lignarium i There be diuers other ending in yerd names of places where thyngs grow, or are kept, as these that folow. an hopyard lupularium i the appleyard pomarium i the fygyeard ficetum i the swynyeard porcile is, hoc and suche other, whose latine as the examples declare, do commonly end in arium, i, or in ile, or in etum, i. a cearge careus i an Earle Comes itis, hic a pearle gemma æ In earme. A tearme terminus ni A tearme, woord. vox, thema to tearme terminare to tearme, name nominare, vocare In earne. fearne filix icis, hæc an hearne ardea a to earne mæreri to lerne discere dearne dirus ra In earse. A cearse incerniculum li to searse scrutari fierse ferox ocis to perse penitrare oldfarne years anni præteriti, secu­ lum prius. In earte. pearte audax, impudens malapert audaculus a the earth terra, arida æ Ea ante S. In ease. ease, quietnesse ocium i ease of paynes refrigerium i ease of labour remissio enis the ease or eues of a house suggrundia orum Looke other in eace. pease pisum i to ease himselfe requiescere to ease payne mollire, to ease labour remittere to lease perdere to sneese sternutare to disease molestare to displease displicere an heasle corylus i, hæc A wesyll mustela æ In east. the East oriens entis, hic A beast, tame iumentum ti A beast, wylde fera ræ A beast bestia animal A brest pectus oris, hoc A feast cæna, conuiuium i A ieast, scoffe iocus i, scomma at is A gest or story gesta orum A smelfeast parasytus i to feast conuiuari to ieast iocari least,adiect. minimus a least, prohib. ne A leashe lorum i In eate. A feate facinus oris, hoc the frets of a lute paralelli orum geate electrum i The lemma is a guess: jet and electrum have different properties. heate astus us, calor meate cibus i, esca æ A peate cespes itis, hic A seate sedes is, hæc, sellæ sweate sudor, oris, hic A teate vber, papilla æ weate humiditas atis wheate triticum, frumentum to eate edere, manducare to beate eædere, flagellare to bleate balare to freate fremere to heate calefacere to sweate sudare to threate minari to weate humectare the escheat fiscum i to defeate destituere, decipere to excheate confiscare to entreat inuitare, exhortari to entreat, handle. tractare to repeate repetere neate nitidus a great magnus na Great is also the signe of certayne ad­ iectiues, deriued of verbes called ver­ bals in ax: as great eater edax acis great drinker bibax acis great lyer mendax acis great flyer fugax acis great speaker loquax acis. It is also the signe of diuers other ad­ iectiues that answer to them in osur, when this signe full can not be vsed, as ventrosus, we cal great bellyed, bi­ cause we can not wel say, full of bel­ lyes. &c. great brested pectorosus a great backed tergosus a great necked ceruicosus a gretbuttocked lambosus a great legged tibiosus a great lipped labiosus a And suche other. Fynally it is also the signe of certeine substantiues in o, deriued of substant. great headed capito onis, hic great cheeked bucco onis, hic great nosed naso onis, hic great toothed dento onis, hic In eath. A breath spiritus, us, an heath ealuetum i a sheath vagina æ A wreath circus, i, cesticillus i heath, herbe erix icis, hic to breath spirare, respirare. eath facilis le vneathe difficilis le vneath difficulter. Ea ante V. In eaue. the eues of a house suggrundiæ, orum A leaue folium ij to heaue attollere, eleuare to leaue relinquere to reaue rapere to weaue texere, ordior itus to bereaue spoliare, priuare. Ea ante W. In eawe. to breawe coquere potum to heawe tingere to teawe lether terere, condire to veawe æstimare. to teawe wax mollire, terere to speawe spuere, vomere. In Oy desinentia. In Oy. A boy puer eri, hic ioy gaudium i the roy hares, princeps. A toy nuga, scomma, iocus Troy, a citie Troiæ, æ, Ilium i to cloy fame consumere to noy nocere to be coy lasciuire coire to ioy gaudere, lætare coy lasciuus, a, salax. to enioy habere, frui. to imploy nauare, elaborare to supploy vice fungi to destroy destruere In oyce. A choyce delectus us A voyce, election. vox ocis, hæc A voyce in election suffragium ij Looke in oyse for mo. In oyde. voyde vacuus a, cassus to voyde euacuare to auoyde deuitare Hemoroydes. mariscæ arum A coyfe pileolus li In oyle. Oyle oleum i A royle oblongula mulier soyle solum li spoyle spolium, præda to coyle seligere to foyle violare, polluere to royle abroade diuagari to soyle as a sowe luto volutare A toyle instrumentum ti to spoyle spoliare to toyle elaborare synkfoyle pentaphillon i, hoc goldfoyle bractea æ a grounsoyle hypothyron i mylfoyle millefolium i A recoyle recessus us terfoyle trifolium ij tynfoyle bractea æ tryfoyle trifolium ij to despoyle despoliare to parboyle præcoquere to recoyle recedere Oy ante N. In oyne. A coyne numisma atis, hoc A foyne punctus us A loyne lumbus bi A printers quoyn cuneus, cuneolus i to coyne cudere, signare to hoyne hærere, pausare to ioyne iungere to eniayne iniungere to vnioyne depangere to reioyne repangere. to adioyne. adiungere In oynct. A poynt, pricke punctus us A poinct ligula æ the point of a knife cuspis idis, hæc A ioynct iunctura æ A ioynt of body membrum i the ioynt of a straw nodus di the ioynt of a finger articulus li to ioynct iungere to vnioynct disiungere to poynt pungere to poynt a knyfe acuere to poynt with the fynger demonstrare A counterpoynt stragulum i to disappoynte destituere. Oy ante 'S. In oyse. the ioyse of a house trabula æ A noyse sonus us, strepitus A froyse fritilla æ A poyse pondus eris, hoc to choyse eligere to hoyse vp attollere to poyse ponderare, librare A tortoyse, fishe chelys idis, hic to reioyse lætare, resultare In oyst. A foyst, shyp. liburna æ to foyst suffercire to moyst humectare to royst susque deque grassari moyst humidus da In oyte. A coyte discum us, i to coyte discum mittere. Ou ante B. In oubt. A doubt dubium i to doubt dubitare In ouble. trouble turba æ, tribulatio to double duplicare to trouble turbare, vexare Ou ante C. In ouche. A brouche monile is, hoc, mure­ nula A clouche pugnus ni A couche cubile is, hoc, grab­ batum A pouche sacculum i to couche nigh to­ gither comprimere to couche downe cumbere, decumbere to touche tangere to auouche asserere to mouche, eate mandere Ou ante D. In oude. Bloude sanguis inis, hic A cloude nubes is, hæc A floud fluuius i A shroude amiculun, funerale is to shroude tegere, velare proude superbus, gloriosus vnproude inglorius a Ou ante F. In oufe. the houfe of a horse vngula æ A proufe probatio, tentatio A disproufe improbatio to proufe probare to disproufe improbare Ou ante G. A bough ramus mi A chough cornicula æ the cough tussis is, hac A plough aratrum i a slough exuuiæ arum A through of sto­ ne, of paper quadratus lapis integra charta A troughbote, linter tris, hic. through per to plough arare roughe asper, pilosus a tough tenax In ought. A bought plica æ, ambages nought nihil, nihilum i thought cogitatio onis brought allatus, adductus a bought emptus a wrought laboratus a vnthought incogitatus a vnwrought illaboratus a the longue sought pulmoma æ Ou ante K. In ouke. A slouke iners ertis, ignar us the couk of an opple cor ordis, hoc A iouke in warre expeditio onis A stouke of corne strues manipulorum to douke vrinare to souke sugere Ou ante L. In oule. A boule globus i the boule of a potte ansa, capulum A foule volucres is, hæc A goule, gole meta æ A moule talpa æ An oule vlula æ, bubo A scoule rixosa mulier A soule anima æ the toule census us, i to boule mittere globum to oule vlulare to poule an head tondere to poule by bribes depeculari to proule for fishe percontari to proule for ri­ ches omnia appetere to scoule rixari to toule, take censum exigere toule, pay censum dare, soluere foule turpis e, fædus a A swylboule helluo, bibax the boult of a doore pessulus i A coult pullus equinus A boult to shoote sagitta æ An hoult of wood arboretum i In ould. the could frigus oris, hoc gould aurum i An hould in war vallum, turris the hould of a thing retinaculum the mould of the­ earth humus i, hæs A mould talpa æ A scould rixosa mulier A fould, or playt plica æ A fould for cattel claustrum i A fould, for shepe ouile is, hoc could to be frigescere to fould plicare to mould inhumare to scould rixari to hould tenere bould audax acis could frigidus a ould senex, antiquus æ sould venditus a tould dictus a An houshould familia æ, hæc A marygould calendula æ A scaffould theatrum, scena æ A threshould limen inis, hoc to vnfould replicare, explicare to wythhould retinere, detinere manifould multiplex icis vnbould timidus, ignauus æ A sheepefould ouile is, hoc There be dyuers other, which ending in foulde, do signifie the place where some thing is kept: as these. A wodfould lignarium i A pinfould argustulum i And such other, whose Latine endeth in arium, or in, ile, as the examples de­ clare in oune. In oulne. to boulne tumere, turgescere stoulne surreptus a Ou ante M. In oume. A bloume germen inis, hoc broume genesta æ A broume scopa æ A ploume prunum i A roume locus i, sedes is to bloume germinare, florere to gloume, froune caperare frontem renoume gloria, laus audis Ou ante N. In oune. a cloune rusticus a a croune corona æ the crowne of the head vertex icis, hic. a goune toga æ, sagum i a noune nomen inis, hoc a toune oppidum i to boune parare, accingere to broune obfuscare to drowne immergere, aquis suffocare to croune coronare to froune caperare to poune spice tundere to roune in aurem loqui to soune deficere to swoune idem, extasin pati deficere oune debitus a boune, redy paratus a broune, blacke ater a broune fuscus a doune deorsum A pronoune pronomen inis, hoc renoune gloria æ, fama æ In ounce. an ounce vncia æ a bounce, leape saltus us a bounce, of sound bombus i to pounce insoulpere to denounce denunciare to pronounce pronunciare to renounce renunciare In ounche. A bounche bruscum i In ound. A bound terminus, limes itis the ground tellus uris, hæc the ground of a buil­ ding solum, fundamentum An hound canis venaticus a A pound libra æ, æs, pondus, A sound sonus i A stound statio, terminus i A wound vulnus eris, hoc to bound terminare to found fundare to ground idem, fundare to pound ponderare to rond the nayls putare to round rotundare to sound sonare to wound vulnerare bound ligatus, deuinctus round rotundus a an helhound tricerberus i horehound marubium i mawhound mahumetes is to expound exponere to confound confundere to redound redundare profound profundus a vnbound liber a In ount. A mount mons ontis, hic to count computare to mount ascendere an accoumpt computus i to accoumpt rationem facere to ouermount transcendere to surmount excellere, excedere Ou ante P. In oupe. a coupe, pen caula æ an houpe annulus i, canthus i a loupe ansa, capulum i to soupe cænare to stoupe humiliare se. In ouple. souple lentus, mollis e to souple mollire, linire Certaine wordes omitted in Ou ante S. In ose. a close fundus i a glose glossa æ an hose caliga æ a nose nasus i a prose prosa æ a rose rosa æ to close claudere to glose commentari to lose perdere close clausus a almose eleemosyna æ perelose vacerra æ a primrose verbascum i a purpose propositum i to depose deponere to disclose detegere to dispose disponere to enclose includere to appose apponere to purpose proponere to repose refuere to suppose supponere, putare In oose. a boose, stall bouile is, hoc a goose ansercula, æ, hec. a booste, boxe pixis idis, hic Ou ante R. In oure. a boure conclaue is, hoc a floure flos oris, hic an houre hora æ a toure turris is, hæc to coure cumbere, occultare to floure florere to poure fundere to scoure mundare, polire our, oures noster a your, yours vester a An arboure arboretum i An herboure viretum, herbaretum harboure bospitium i armoure armatura æ An augoure terebrum i An auctoure author oris, hic An auntiatoure senior, antiquior An ambassadour fecialis, legaius i An auditoure auditor, rationarius A barboure tonsor oris, hic A barratoure factiosus a behauoure gestus us, hic A coloure color oris, hic dishonoure dedecus oris, hoc honoure honor oris, hic A dressoure, table tabula structoria An emperoure imperator endeuoure conatus us, opera An erroure error oris, hic A confessour confessor oris, hic A factoure factor, aduocatus A fatoure fallax acis fauoure fauor oris, hic A fautoure fautor oris, A genitoure genitor oris the genitoures testiculi orum An inquisitoure inquisitor oris laboure labor oris, hic A lechoure mæchus i liquoure liquor oris, hic A manoure prædium i A myrroure speculum i A neyghboure vicinus, propinquus An oratoure orator oris, hic A paramoure amasius i A parloure conclaue, cænaculum A sauioure seruator, saluator A senatoure senator oris succoure auxilium, præsidium A sodioure miles itis, bellator A taboure tympanum i A vapoure vapor oris, hic A visoure larua æ to coloure colorare, tingere to deflowre viciare, violare to deuoure deuorare to honoure honorare to dishonoure dehonorare to endeuoure conari, niti to fauoure fauere to laboure laborare to sauoure sapere to succoure succurrere to vapoure euaporare exterioure exterior oris interioure interior oris superioure superior oris inferioure inferior oris Some write oure, for er, as sodioure, for sodier, pilloure for piller, sclan­ doure, for sclander, dangeoure for danger, printoure for printer, tea­ choure for teacher, redoure for reder &c. Some also oure, for or, as doctoure for doctor, proctoure for proctor, seni­ oure for senior, iuniour, for iunior &c. Wherfore if any be here not expressed, seeke them in one of the other, and thou shalt finde it, or some rule how to knowe it and to deriue it, if it bee such lyke. In ourd. A bourd scomma atis, iocus the courd of milke coagulum i A gourd, herbe cucurbita æ A gourd, cup calix icis, hic A tourd stercus oris, hoc merda æ to bourd iocari, scommari to courd as milke coagulare ri In ourge. A scourge flagellum, naruus i A sourge of the sea fluctus us, flustrum i to scourge flagellare to sourge fluctuare In ourne to mourne lugere to adiourne comperendinare to adourne adornare, exornare to seiourne commorari In ourse A course cursus us, stadium i An entercourse commertium i A concourse concursus us A recourse recursus us to course cursitare course vilis e, grossus a Ou ante S. In ouse. a crouse cherchesia an house domus us, hæc a louse pediculus i, hic a mouse mus uris, hic a spouse sponsus a to bouse captare pediculos to louse, lose captat pediculos. to rouse a deare elustrare to spouse desponsare to towse laniare louse laxus a, solutus a coperouse chalcantum i a dormouse glis iris, hic a milhouse p??strinum, moletrina a reremouse vespertilio onis scabiouse, herb scabiosa æ a titmouse, bird todus i a penthouse proiectum i a workhouse officina æ a wodhouse lignarium a bakehouse pistrina æ There bee many other endyng in house, which signifie the place where things bee kept and occupied: the latine endeth in arium i, or ile is, as these: a wolhouse lanarium i a cowhouse bouile is, hoc a shepehouse ouile is, hoc the henhouse gallinarium i effectuouse efficax, acis amarouse amicabilis e barbarouse barbarus a bounteouse bonus, munificus a captiouse captiosus a compendiouse compendiosus, breuis contagiouse contagiosus a contrariouse contrarius a couetouse cupidus a couragiouse animosus, audax dangerouse periculosus a ebriouse ebriosus a enuiouse inuidiosus a ambitiouse ambitiosus a commodiouse commodus a courtiouse blandus, effabilis dolerouse dolore plenus enuyouse inimicabilis e exterouse exterus a factiouse factiosus a felonouse furax acis foysonouse fæcundus a gaudiouse solennis e gorgiouse sumptuosus a greuouse mælestus a ielouse zelotypus a incuriouse incuriosus a infamouse infamis e industriouse industrius a ioyouse lætus a lasciuiouse lasciuus a lazarouse leprosus a lecherouse libidinosus a lycorouse delicatus a lethargiouse lethargicus a lucriouse lucriosus a merualouse mirandus a melodiouse harmonicus a meritoriouse meritorius a notoriouse noto??ius a, insignis odoriferouse odorifer, aromatic_us_ outragiouse immoderatus a pestiferouse pestifer a pitiouse pius a, misericors plentiouse copiosus a, abundan preposterouse præposterus a riottouse luxuriosus a sklanderouse scandalosus a seriouse seriosus a tempestuouse tempestuosus a timerouse timidus, verecundus tyrannouse tyrannicus a trayterouse perfidiosus a treacherouse proditorius a variouse varius a, instabilis auaritiouse cupidus a, auidus villanouse flagitiosus a vncommodiouse incommodus a vncurtiouse immitis e vncuriouse incurius a, ignauus vngratiouse peruicax, perditus vnpretiouse imprætiosus a, vilis vnrebelliouse impertinax acis vnreligiouse irreligiosus a There bee many other, that ende in (ouse) beside these, namely adiectiues formed of substantiues, and common­ ly those, which answere to the Latine adiectiues in (osus) and in (entus) and signifie fulnesse or plentye of that thing which the substantiue betoke­ neth, as disdaynouse signifieth full of disdayn, fastidiosus, a, contagiouse ful of contageon contagiosus, a, and such lyke as these that folow. copiouse copiosus a famouse celebris e, famosus furiouse furiosus a, dirus a gloriouse gloriosus a glutonouse gulosus a gorgiouse prætiosus a gratiouse gratiosus a ieoperoouse periculosus a iniuriouse iniuriosus a inuidouse inuidiosus a ioyouse latabundus a laboriouse laboriosus a licentiouse licentiosus a malitiouse malitiosus a menstruouse menstruosus a mischeuouse flagitiosus a monstruouse monstrosus a odiouse odiosus a, infestus a penuriouse penuriosus a rerliouse periculosus a pernitiouse pernitiosus a ponderouse ponderosus a populouse populosus a preciouse præciosus a presumptiouse præsumptucsus a prodigiouse prodigiosus a prosperouse prosper a rauenouse rapax acis religiouse religiosus a righteouse iustus a rigorouse rigidus a ruinouse ruinosus a scrupulouse scrupulosus a seditiouse sediticsus a sententiouse sententiosus a studiouse studiosus a sumptuouse sumptuosus a superfluouse superfluus a superstitiouse superstitiosus a surfectouse crapulos??s a suspiciouse suspiciosus a tediouse tædiosus a troublouse turbidus a venemouse venenosus a vertuouse studiosus a vitiouse viciosus a victoriouse victoriosus a All which be of the same significati­ on that some of those deriuatiues are of, which end in, ie, as we sayde in his place, and seeme for the moste part to be borowed and formed of the La­ tine themes as copiouse of copiesus, furiouse of furiosus, famouse of fa­ mosus, and so forth of other. The La­ tine of these commonly endeth in (o­ sus) sometime in entus, and in other terminations. Ou ante T. In oute. A doubte dubium i A floute, mocke illusio, fucus i the goute in the hand chiragra æ the goute in the feete podagra æ a loute verna, nebulo onis a route of men caterua æ, turba the snoute of a dog rostrum i the snoute of a ship rostrum i the snout of a fish idem a spoute imbrex icis, hæc a troute, fish varius i a troute spere fusciua a a cloute panniculus i the clout set on a garment, or on a shoe cento onis, hic to cloute sarcire to doubte dubitare to poute caperare to route, snorte stertere to route, or royst grassari to spout water exspuere stout, proud superbus, elatus a stout, valiant validus, strenuus a out foras a bankerout fidifragus a, are alieno oppressus a wonderclout, blabbe garrulus, a, linguax a roundabout circulus i to bankerout fidem fallere to mysdoubt diffidere deuout pius a, deuotus, re­ ligiosus a about circum, circa wythout sine, absque wythout dore extra foris to go about circuire to turne about circumuertere Compounde other verbes, signifying to do about, wyth circum, as, circum­ ducere, to lead about or wyth, am, as amputare: to cut about. &c. In outhe. a bouthe tentorium i a mouthe os oris, hoc the southe auster i, hic the southwest lybs ybis, hic the southeast notus i, hic slouthe accedia a, ignauia, inertia æ the trouthe veritas atis, hæc youthe iuuentus utis, hæc smouthe politus a a smouth tong lingua compta to smouthe polire, comere, con­ cinnare. DEO GRATIAS. FINIS.