l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 6 8 3 2 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 8 ) A DICTIONARIE FRENCH AND ENGLISH. ANNO DO. M.D.LXXI. To the Reader. BLinde Bayarde is boldest to launch into the deepe, and rashe Souldiour readiest to giue the first assault: Though wilful blindnesse, and headdy rashnesse be vices intolerable, yet suche blinde­ nesse and suche rashenesse (in my iudgement) is commendable, as either breaketh the yce vnto the better see­ ing, or treadeth the path to the discret and cunning. This perswasion hath made me presume to Englishe this worke: and this mine onset hereafter may prouoke the skilfull to perfit the same. In the mean while (good Rea­ der) vse it to thy profit, so shalt thou encourage me (according to my skill and leasure) to further thy studies. L. H. A The first letter serueth many ti­ mes to expresse the Datiue case: as, Ie l'ay donné à mon pere. I gaue it to my father: Sometime it serueth for the preposition, To: as, Ie m'en vay à mon pere, I go to my father. Aage, Age. Estre plus aagé qu'vn autre, To be older than an other. Abaisser, seke Abbaisser. Abandon, Bandon, licence, li­ bertie. Abandonner, to giue ouer, or to licence, to cast off. Abandonné, giuen ouer, cast of. Abandonnement, a giuing ouer. Abandoneément, licentiously. Abastardir, corrompre, to cor­ rupt or abastardise, to coun­ terfeat. Abbatre, to beate downe, throwe downe, or hurle downe. Abbatement, a throwing down. Abbay, barking. Abbayer, to barke. Abbayement, a barking. Abbayeur, a barker, a teller of faultes. Abbaisser, to abase or bring low. Abbaissé, abased, or brought low. Abbaissement de voix, a spea­ king softe. Abbé, an Abbot. Vn abbregé, an abstract, a short, summe. Abbreger, to shorten, to ab­ bridge. Abbreuer les cheuaux, to water horses. Vn Abbreuoir, a watring place. Vn a b c, an a b c. Abiller, seeke Habiller. Abolir, to abolish, to disalow, to abrogate. Aboli, hors d'vsage, abolished, or out of vse. Abolissement, an abolishing. Auoir en abhommation, to ab­ horre, to loath, to despise. Abonder, to abound, to flowe, to be plentifull. Abondant, abundant, plentifull. Abondance, abundance, plenti­ fulnesse. Abondamment, abundauntly, plentifully. Aborder, to ariue at, or common and talke with, to lande at a­ ny place. Abordement, an arriuyng or bordring. Aboutir, quand quelque apo­ stume aboutit, to draw to hed or wax ripe, whean an apostume draweth to head. Aboutir à quelque lieu, to draw to some place. Aboutissement de terres, the end or limittes of any ground. Abri, ou le soleil frappe tous­ iours, a sunny banke. Abricot, a frute called Apricot. Absent, absent, absence. Absenter, to absent, to be absent. Absouldre, to absolue. Absouls, absolued. Absolution & declaration de n'auoir commis aucune faulte an absolution. Abstenir, to abstaine, to for­ beare. Abstinence, abstinence, forbea­ ring. Abuser de quelque chose, To misuse or abuse a thing. Abuser aucun, to misuse a man, or deceyue him. Abusé, misused, deceyued, begi­ led. Abus, an abuse or deceyte. Abusement, abusing. Abuseur, a beguiler, a decey­ uer. Abysme, a bottomlesse pit. Acariastre, to be madde, or oute of our wit, to be furious. Acabler quelqu'vn, to snarle or entrap a man. Accepter, to accept. Accez, Facile accez & entrée enuers aucun, easy commyng or entry to any man. Accez de fiebure, a fitte of an Ague. Accession, accesse, somtyme be­ longing to. Accident, pour circonstance, ou qualite, & aussi aduersité, a hap, a chaunce, a fortune. s'Accointer d'aucun, to become acquainted. Accointance & familiarité qu'on à les vns auec les autres, ac­ quaintance and familiaritie. Accoinctement, mot peu vsité, an attonement. Accoiser, to assuage, to appease, to mitigate. Qui n'est point Accoisé, which is not yet appeased. Accoller, to coll, to kisse, to im­ brace. vne Accollée doulce & amou­ reuse, a sweete and louely em­ bracing. s'Accommoder au temps, To frame himselfe to the time. Accompaigner aucun, to com­ pany, to kepe felowship. qui Accompaigne, a companion. Accompaigne, accompanied. Accompaignement, keping fe­ lowship. Accomparager, to compare. Accomplir, to fulfill, to finishe or ende, to performe. Accomplissement, an accom­ plishing or fulfilling. Acconsuyure, to followe. Accorder, to agree, to consente, to graunt. Accorder sa fille en mariage, ou son fils, to betrouth or ma­ ke sure a sonne or daughter. Vn son accordant, a concorde in tune. Accordé, agreed on. vne Accordée, a Mayde made sure. Accord de sons & choses diffe­ rentes, agreing of disagreing things. Accord & conuenance, a coue­ nant or agreement. Accord & consentement, an a­ greement or consent. Accord, paction, conuention, a bargayne or composition. Accordance, agreement. Accordailles, a betrouthing or making sure. on fera Accordailles, they shall be made sure. Accoster, to prop or stay vp, to reare. Accosté & appuyé contre vne arbre, stayed vp against a tree, reared vp. Accoucher d'enfant, to lye in chylde bed. Femme qui accouche de son premier, shee that lyeth in of hir first childe. vne Accouchée & gisante, a child bed wyfe. Accouplre, to ioyne, or yoke to­ gither. Accouplement de boeufs, a yo­ king of oxen. Accourber, to crooke, or make croked, to bend. Accourcir, to shorten. Accourir de toutes parts, To runne from all partes. Accourement & assemblement de gents, a running togither, or assemblie of men. s'Accouster à l'oreille d'aucun to whisper in a mans eare. Accoustrer, to decke, to triname, to dresse. Accoustré, decked, trimmed. Accoustrement decking or trim­ ming. Accoustumer, to custome, or to enure. s'Accoustumer, to vse, to custom himselfe. Accoustumé, customed. Accoustumance, custome. Accrocher, to graspe, or to catch. Accroire quelque argent, To trust money. Accroistre, to encrease, to aug­ ment, to multiplie. Accroissement, an encreasing. Accreü, encreased. Accueillir, to approch to a man, to come nere. Accumuler & amasser, to gather togither. Accuser aucun, to accuse. Acertener, to certifye. De l'ache, Perselye, some saye, Smallage. Acheter, to buye, to redeme, to bargayne. Acheté, bought, or redeemed. Acheteur, a buyer. Achet, a bargayne. Acheuer, to ende, to conclude, to finishe. Acheué & parfaict, ended and perfect. Acheuement, an ending, a per­ fection. Vne achoise fort grande, a very good occasion. Acier, steele. Acquerir, to get, to obtaine. Acquis, gotten, obtained. Acquisition de la Seigneurie, the gettyng of the lordshyp by prescription. Acquiescer à ce qui est iugé, S'accorder et obeir de la sen­ tence, to stande to the iudge­ mente, to agree to the sen­ tence. S'acquiter, to be quit, to dispatch, to ridde or vnburthen. Acquitté de son serment, free or quit of an othe. Faire quelque chose laschement, & per manier d'acquit, seule­ ment pour en estre despeché to doo a thyng sleyghtly with riddance only to be dispatcht of it. Estre fort actif, to be actiue. Action & besongne, a dede or woorke. Action & droict de poursuyure en iustice ce qui nous est deü, an action in lawe. Addition, an addition. S'addoner à faire quelque chose to bee giuen or bente to anye thing. Addonné à Amour, giuen to loue. Addoubeur de mauuaises cau­ ses, a forger of euill causes. Addoulcir, to assuage, to appease, to mitigate, to attone. Adoulcissement, an asswaging, an appeasing. Addresser, seeke Adresser. A denerer & apprecier à argent, to prise. Adiancer, to make fit. Adiance, made fit. Adiancement, making fit. Adiection, an addition. Adioindre, to ioyne to. Adioinct, ioyned to. Qui adioinct, a ioyner to, an ad­ der too. Adionction, a ioyning to, an ad­ dition. Adiourner aucun, to summon a man. Vn adiournement, a summons. Adiouster, to adde, to put to. Adiousté, added. Adioustement, an adding. Adiuger, to adiuge, to giue sen­ tence. Administrer & gouuerner vne prouince, to gouerne or rule a prouince. Administrateur, an administra­ tour, a gouernour. Administration, administrati­ on, gouernement. Admiration, wondring, maruay­ ling. Admonester, to admonish, to warne, to charge. Admonesté, warned, charged. Admonition, a warning or ad­ monishment Admonestement, a warning. Adolescence, youth or yong age. Adolescent ou Adolescente, a yong man or mayd. Adonc, than or at that tyme. Adopter & prendre à fils, to a­ dopt, or to make one my son. Adoption, an adopting, Adorer, to worship, to reuerence. Adoration, worshipping. Adresser quel qu'vn au chemin, to set one in the right waye, to direct. Vne adresse & coursiere, a short or direct way. Aduantage, seeke auantage. Aduenant, comly, handsome, de­ cent, sitting. Aduenir, to happen, to chance, to betyde, to come to passe. Il est aduenu, it happened, it chaunced, it came to passe. Qui est aduenu & commis, which came to passe, or was committed. Aduenement, a chaunce, a hap. Aduenture, a chaunce, a fortune, an aduenture. S'aduenturer, to aduenture. Aduersaire, an aduersarie, an e­ nemie. Aduersité, aduersitie, mishappe, misfortune, ill successe. Aduertir, to aduertise, to warne, to declare. Aduerty, monished or warned. Aduertissement, an admoni­ tion. A mon adueü, on my worde, on my fidelitie. Aduis & opinion, aduise, coun­ sell or iudgement. Aduiser, to aduise, to consider, to determine. Aduiser aucun, to giue one aduise Bien aduisé, wel aduised, circum­ spect. Aduisement & esgard qu'on a à faire quelque chose, taking aduise or warynesse in doing any thing. Aduisement, aduisedly, warely, circumspectly. Vn Adultere, an adulterer, one that committeth whoredome in mariage. Commettre Adultere, to com­ mit adulterie. Aduocat, an Aduocate, an at­ torney, a procurator. Aduocasser pour aucun, & le defendre en iugement, to plead or stande in a mannes cause. Aduouër quelque crime & con­ fesser l'auoir commis, to a­ uouche a crime, or confesse the deed. Affable, gentle, courteous, louing, meeke. Affaire, businesse, affaires. C'est ton Affaire, it is thy mat­ ter, it standeth thee vpon. s'Affaisser, to be ouerladen, to shrinke. Affaisement de quelque grande chose pesante quand elle s'est abaissée & affaissée, a shrin­ king vnder a great burthen, an ouerburthening, a quelling. Affamer vne ville, to famishe a towne. Affamé, famished. Affecter de se mettre en la ma­ le grace d'aucun, to get the ill will of any man. Affection, affection, desire, will, the disease of the mynd. Affectionné, affectionate. Affectueusement, affectuously, willingly, desirously. Affermer, to affirme, to confirme, to assure. Affermir, to fortifie, to make firme, to stablish. Qui Affermit, whiche establi­ sheth. Affetterie, sutteltie, craft, wyli­ nesse, dissembling. Affiert ou conuient, it behoueth or beseemeth. Affiller, to whet, to sharp. Affin, write afin, that, or to the end that. Affiner les fins, to beguyle the crafty. Affineur d'or, a gold fyner. Affins & alliez par mariage, kin or allies. Affinité, affinitie or alliance. Affiquets de nulle valeur, try­ fles, toyes, trinkets. Affirmation, an affirmation, a soothing. Affliger & vexer, ou tourmenter, to afflict, to greeue or torment. Affligé & tourmenté, afflicted and tormented. Affliction, affliction. Affluence, plenty, abundance. Entreprendre de s'Affoler soy­ mesme, to goe about to hurte himselfe. Affoiblir, to weaken, to decay. Affoiblé, decayed, waxen weak. Affoiblissement, a weake­ ning. Affoler pour blesser, to hurt, to fell one downe. Affranchir vn seruiteur, & luy donner liberté, to set a Ser­ uant at libertie. Affreux, roughe, horrible, grim. Affreusement, grimly, stourdi­ ly. Affreuseté, stourdinesse, grimli­ nesse. Affriander, Affrioler, to coc­ ker, to make likerishe, to pamper. Affronter aucun & Abuser. to deceyue. Vn Affronteur & Abuseur, a deceyuer, a beguyler. Affubler, to clothe, sometime to muffle. Affublé; clothed. Affublement & conuerture, a clothing or couering. Agaçer aucun, to egge, to stirre, to prouoke. Agacement, a stirring or pro­ uoking. Agaçement de dents, setting the teeth on edge. Agaric, a moshrome. Agate pierre precieuse, an A­ gathe. Agençer to make fitte, iust, or apt. s'Agenoüiller, to kneele. Aggluer, to ioyne, to glue, to sou­ der togither. Aggrandir, to make great, to en­ large. Aggrauanter, to aggrauate, or make heynous. Aggreable, aggreeable, accepta­ ble, pleasant. Il n'Aggree point à l'oreille du commun populaire, it lyketh not the common people. Aggreger, to assemble, to gather togither. Agir personnellement, to as­ signe personally, or to ap­ point. Agitation & esmouuement, mouing, working, exerci­ sing, tossing. Agite, moued, tossed, exerci­ sed. Agneau, a lambe. Agnelet, a little lambe. Vne Agraphe, a boucle of a gird­ le, a claspe, a brace, a grap­ ple. Agreslir sa voix, to squeake out, or or sing shrill. Aguille à couldre, a sowing neelde. Aguillon, a pricke or goad, a sting. Aguillonner, to pricke forward, to stirre, to prouoke. Aguillonnement, a pricking for­ ward. Aguillonneur, a pricker forward, a stirrer, a mouer. Aguiser, to sharpe, to whet, to grind. Aguisement, sharpening, Agüement veoir, sharpe sight. Ahanner, to toyle, or ouerworke. Aheurté en fon opinion, obsti­ nate in opinion, selfe willed, stifnecked. Aheurtement, Le vice d'obsti­ nation, obstinacie, selfe willed­ nesse. Ahy, mot qui se dit quand on a peur, out alas. Aider, to help, to assist, to further, to set forward, to succour. Qui Aide, a helper, or furtherer. Aide, helpe, succour, furtherance. Vn Aigle, an Egle. Aigremoine, Egrimony. Estre Aigre, to be sharp. Aigret, tirant vn peu sur l'aigre, tart, or almost soure. S'aigrir, to waxe soure, or tart. Aigrir & irriter aucun, to stirre or moue one to anger. Aigreur, sharpnesse, tartnesse. Aigrement, sharply, sowerly. Les ailes qu'on baille à vn che­ ual, to giue a horse the heade. Aile d'oyseau, ou d'autre beste qui vole, the wing of a byrde or any other beast that flyeth. Ailleurs, elswhere. Ailleurs enuoyé, sent somewhe­ ther else. D'ailleurs, from some other place. Vne pierre appellée Aimant, the load stone. Aimer, to loue, to delight in any thing. Aimant, a louer, a sweet hart. Digne d'estre Aymé, worthy to be loued. Ainçois, ains, rather. Ainsi, euen so, after the same man­ ner. Ainsi comme, euen as, as it were. Air, the ayre. L'aire d'vne granche, the floure of a barne. Longues Aires és iardins, a bed in a garden. Estre debonnaire, & sans mali­ ce, to be gentle and without malice. Ais, a board. Aisance, ease, commoditie. Aisné, the first borne, or eldest childe. Aisé à faire, easie to be done. Estre fort aisé en son mesnage, to be well settled. Aise, pleasure, ease. Il prend ses aises, he taketh his ease. Aissement, easely, with smal pain. Aisselle, ou les ailes, the arme­ holes. Alaigre, nimble, actiue, lustie. Alaigrement, lustily, actiuely, nymbly. Alebastre, aleblaster. Aleman, a German. Vne alesne, an aule, a bodkin. Alicté perpetuelement de ma­ ladie, he that lyeth bedred. Aliener & estranger, to alienate, to make strange, to take away. Aliené, alienated. Alienation, an alienation or ma­ king away. Alignement, a Card or draught, Prendre les alignements, & mesmes d'vne ville, to take the draught of a town. Aliment & nouriture, food, nou­ rishment. Alisier, a tree that groweth in Afrike, and is called a lote tree. Allaicter, to giue sucke. Qui allaicte, She that giueth sucke. Allaictement, a giuing sucke. Alleguer fausement & malieu­ sement, ou mettre à sus quel­ que chose à quelqu'vn, to al­ leadge falsely, or to laye to ones charge. Alleguer ses moyens, causes & raisons, to alleadge the causes, Alleger, to heaue vp, to ease, to succour, to lighten. Allegeance, an easing or succouring Allegement, easing or succouring. Aller, to go, to walke, to wend, to iourney. Aller à pied, to go a iourney on foote. Aller à Cheual, to go by horse, to ryde. Aller au deuant, to meet with. Aller contre aucun par fureur, to go furiously agaynst one. Aller apres aucun, to goe after one. Aller vers aucun, to goe towardes one. Aller ça & la de costé & d'au­ tre, to wander, to go hither and thither, to stray. Aller ius, to run headlong, to de­ cay. Allée, an alley, a path, a way. Allée ou Gallerie, & autre lieu ou on se pourmene, an alley or gallerie, a walking place. Allure, a going or walking. s'Allier auec aucun, to plight friendship with any, to ioyne with an other. Fort Allié & grand ami, very great friends. Peuples Alliez, people confede­ rate, brethren, fellowes. Alliance, alliance. Faire Alliance, to make alliance, to make peace. Alicher, to allure, to mitigate. Allichoir, an entisement. Allichement, entisement, prouo­ cation, temptation. Allumer, to lighten, to kindle, to enflame. Allumettes, matches made of brimstone. Alonger, to lengthen. Alongé, lengthened. Alors, at that time, then. Alose, a fish named a loch Vne Aloüette, a larke. Aloy, money, alley or value of golde or siluer. Les Alpes, montaynes in Italie called the Alpes. Alterer, to encrease thirst. Qui est Alteré, thirstie. Par Alternations & changemens d'ans, by altering and changing of yeares. Aluine, wormewood. Alum, allum. Amadouër & apaiser de belles parolles, to delite, to flatter with faire wordes. Amadoüeur, a flatterer, a faire speaker. Amadoüement, flatterie, faire speache, lulling on sleape. Amaigrir, to waxe leane. s'Amaigrir, deuenir gresle & menu, to waxe leane or thin. Vne Amande, an almonde. Vn Amandier, an almonde tree. Amantelé, cloaked. l'Amarri ou matrice d'vne fem­ me, the wombe or matrix of a woman. Amas, monceau, & tas, a heape, a number, a sorte, a rout. Amas de blé, a heape of corne. grand Amas de bois, a great pile of wood. Amas de geus & assemblée, a great number of people. Amasser, to gather togither, to heape togither. s'Amasser, to agree or gather in one. Qui est Amassé & amoncelé, which is gathered and heaped. Amassement, a gathering togither. Amateur, a louer. Amathyste, pierre precieuse, a precious stone called Amatist. Ambiguement parler à deux en­ tentes, dire parolles doubteu­ ses, par lesquelles on ne sçait qu'entendre, to speak doubtfully, or with double vnderstanding. Ambiguité, ambiguitie. Ambition, ambition, desire of honor Ambitieux, qui brigue & pour­ chasse honneurs, ambitiouse. Aller les Ambles, to amble, to goe roundly. Ambre, amber. Amende, an amercement, a fine. Condamner à l'Amende, to con­ demne one to paye a fyne. Amender, to correct, to amend. Amendement, a mending. Demander l'Amendement d'au­ cun mesfaict à l'encontre d'aucun, to demaund recompense of a man. Amener, to lead, to bring. Amenement, mot peu vsité, a bringing in. Amenuiser, to make thin, to make slender. Qui est Amer, bitter. Amerement, bitterly. Amertume, bitterenesse. l'Ame, the soule. Amesnager sa maison, to furnish a house. Ami, a friend, a louer. Amiablement, louingly, friendly, gently, amiably. Amieller le peuple par doulces parolles, & luy desrober le cueur, to entise the people with faire words, and to win their hartes. Amignotter, to prank or to trim Amitié, friendship, loue, concord. Gomme Ammoniac, gomme. Amoderer, to moderate, to a­ swage. Amoindrir, to lessen, to diminish. Amoindrissement, a lessening. Amollir, to make soft. Amonceler, to gather, to heape togither. Racourci & amoncelé, shortned or brought in lesse roome. Amoncellement, a gathering to­ gither, a heaping. Amorce, a bayte. Amorçer, to lay bayte. Amour, loue, friendship, chari­ tie. Vn Amoureux, a hee louer. Amoureuse, a she louer. Amourachement, louing. Ample, ample, large. Amplement, largely, aboundant­ ly. Amplié & augmenté, encreased or augmented. Ampliateur & augmentateur, an augmenter. s'Amuser à veoir vn danfeur par dessus la chorde, to spend the time to see one daunce on a corde. Amuser aucun, to sette one in domp, to busie one An, ou année, a yeare. Anatomie, an anatomie. Les Ancesters, our ancestours. Ancien, auncient, old, of long con­ tinuance. Les Anciens, the auncients. Ancienneté, ancientie. Anciennement, in tyme past. Ancoigneure, a wedge. Vn Ancre à retenir les nauires, an ancre. Ancrer au port, to cast ancre. Aneau, seeke Anneau. s'Aneantir & ne tenir compte de soy, to abase or not esteeme himselfe. Aneth, an herbe called Dill. Ange, an Angel. Le bon & mauuais Ange que les Payens estimoyent estre d'eux dieux priuez, & familiers, qui s'appliquoyen à vn chascun dés l'heure de sa naissance, a ghost. L'herbe qu'on appelle Angeli­ que, an herbe called Angelica. Angle, a corner. Vn Anglet, ou coing de toutes choses, the corner of any thing. Angler vne personne, & serrer à l'estroict, to shut one vp in a corner. Angoisse, anguish, grief of mynd Angoisser, to greeue. Angouste, a grassehopper. Anguille, an eele. Animer & inciter à son de fleu­ tes les gents à frapper, to en­ courage, or harten men to fight by the sound of a flute. Animer & bailler courage, to encourage. De l'Any, anniseede. Annales & chroniques, yearly chronicles. Anneau qu'on met au doigt, a ring. Vn Anneau ou cachet, a sealing ring. Annelet qu'on met au doigt, a gimmew. Estre tellement Annichilé, qu'l n'en demeure point vn, so vani­ shed away, that nothing remain. Annuel, yearely. Anombrer, to number, to tell. Anoncer, to shewe, to declare. Anoncer deuant, to giue war­ ning before. Anocer quelque chose aduenir, to foreshowe a thing. Annocement de quelque chose aduenir, ou aduertissement, the foreshewing of a thing. s'Annonchalir, Aneantir, to pine away, to weare away. Anoblir, to make noble. Vne Anse, a handle. Ansette, a little handle. La grand tate de costé paternel the great aunt on the fathers side. Ante de iardin, seke Ente, Anticiper, to preuent. Anticipé, preuented. Antidater vne obligatio.o, to giue an antidate to an obligation. De l'Antimonion, a stone or earth called Antimonium. Antique, auncient. Antiquité, antiquitie. Vn Antrac, ou charbon, a coale, also a sore called a carbuncle, somtim a precious stone so named Anuler, to abolish. Aorner, seke Orner. Aoust, the moneth of August. Apertement, openly, manifestly, playnly, without dissimulation Aphrodille blanc, white daffo­ dil. Apointer, seeke Appointer. Apostres, c'est à dire messan­ gers, ou ambassades,apostles, messangers. Apostume, an empostume, mat­ tering, running. Apostumer & meurir, to empo­ stume, to runne. Apoticaire, a Poticarie. Appaiser & addoulcir aucun, to appease, to asswage, to please, to pacifie, to quiet. S'appaiser, to be quiet, to be paci­ fied and aswaged. Appaisé, appeased, quieted. Appaisement, an appeasing. Aperceuoir, seeke Apperceuoir. Appareil, furniture, preparation. Appareiller, to decke, to trimme, to furnish, to prepare. Estre prest, appareillé, to be rea­ dy, or at a becke. Apparenté, good kinred, a man of a good house. Apparier, to couple, to matche, to appoynt togither. De l'Aparitoire, ou de la parie­ taire, herbe croissant sur les' murs, an herbe called Parie­ tory, commonly Pellitorie. Apparoir, ou Apparoistre, to appeare, to seeme. Faire Apparoir vne chose & monstrer, to cause a thing to seeme or shewe. Apparoissance & apparence de valeur ou de vice qui reluit en ieunesse, the shew, disposi­ tion, or towardnesse of children. l'Apparoissance de quelque chose qui passe oultre vne au­ tre, the apparance or excellen­ cie of one thing by an other. Apparence, appearance, signifi­ fication, signe shewe. Apparation, an appearing. il Appartient, it behoueth. Appartenance d'vn chacun, the due or propertie of a man. Appast, a bayt, an allurement. Appasteler, to feede. Appel, an appeale. Appeller aucun, to cal, to who for, to name. vne Appentise contre vne mai­ son, a penthouse. Apperceuoir, to perceiue, to sp out, to marke. Apperceuance, Knowledge or perceyuance. il Appart, it appecreth, it is ma­ nifest. Appesanter, to burthen, to presse downe. s'Appesantir, to waxe heauy. Appetisser, to diminishe, to lessen, to imbeasill. Appetissement, a diminishing. Appetit, conuoitise, desire. Appeter & souhaiter, to desire or wishe for. Applanir & faire fort vni, to plane, to make smooth, to make euen. Applanissement, a planing. Appliquer, to apply, to giue our selues to. Appliquer son esprit à quelque chose, to giue oure mindes to some thing. Application, an application or applying. Applommer, to lull on sleepe. Appointer le bout de quelque chose, & luy faire vn point bien ague, to sharpen the point of any thing. Appointer & conuenir de quel­ que affaire, qui estoit en doubt, to make agreement, to ende a matter in controuersie, to decide. Appointé, decided, appointed, ended. Appointement & accord qu'on fait entre aucuns qui auoyent esté grans amis, an agreement made betweene frendes fallen out. Appointement que baille le ma­ gistrat sur l'estat de la posses­ sion d'vn chose contentieuse. a sentence or decree whiche is giuen by the magistrate for pos­ session of any thing in strife. Apport, arriuall, resort. Apporter, to bring. Apposer vne peine à ceux que rompront l'alliance, to set a fine for breach of couenants. Apposé, ioyned to, set to. Appourir, to empouerish. Appouris, to waxe poore, Apprecier, to esteme, to prise, to value. Apprecier à argent, to set a prise Apprehension, perceyuyng or vnderstanding. Apprendre, to learne, to conne. Apprendre par cueur, to learne by rote. Apprenant, learning. Apprins & enseigné, taught, in­ structed. Nouueau & Apprenti, newe, a learner. Apprentissage, prentishod. Apprest, preparation, furniture. Apprester, to dresse, to trimme to make ready. s'apprester, to make himself redy. Qui Appreste & appareille, whiche trimmeth or maketh ready. Appriuoiser, to tame. Appriuoisé, tamed. Approbation, approuing or a­ uouching. Approcher, to draw nigh, to ap­ proche. s'Approcher, to come neare, to arriue. s'Approchant, drawing nere. Approchement, a drawing nere. Approprier, to make fit. Approprié, made fit. Approuuer, to approue, to vou­ che, to sooth. Approuué par plusieurs gents d'authorité, auouched by dy­ uers credible men. Approuuement, an approuing. Appuy, a shore, a prop, or stay. Appuyer, to shore vp, to vnder­ prop, to stay. Appuyé, stayed, propped. Estre couche & appuyé sur quelque chose, to stay or leane on a thing. Apres, after. en Apres, afterward, so then. Apuril, seeke Auril. Araignée, & la toile de l'araig­ née, a Spyder with hir web. Arain, Brasse. Arbalestre, a crosbowe. Vn Arbitre esleu par les par­ ties, & amiable compositeur, an arbitratour, an vmpire, a dayes man. Prendre vn arbitre, & s'accor­ der à luy, to put it to days men franc Arbitre, free will. Vn Arbosier, a tree so called. Arbor, a tree. Petit arbre, a little tree. Abrisseau, a shrubbe. Vn lieu ou il y a beaucoup d'A­ brisseaux plantez, a thicket. Arc à fleiches, a long bowe. l'Arc au ciel, the rayne bowe. Arcs triomphans faicts en me­ moire de ceulx qui auoyent esté victorieux, Arches made in remembrance of some greate victorie. Archier, an Archer. l'Archet d'vn rebec, ou autres tels instruments, the bowe of a vyoll, or such like instrument. Ardre ou ardoir, to burne. Ardore de desir, to burn in desire Ardant, burning. Estre fort ardent aux estudes, to be earnestly giuen to study. Fort ardant & bruslant, very hot or burning. Ardeur, ardour, feruencie. Ardamment, ardently, greedily feruently. Arene, ou Sable, ou Grauier, grauell. Arreste de poisson, the smal bone of a fishe. Argent, siluer, money. Argenté, siluered or monyed. Argenter, to siluer. Argenteux, full of money Vn Argentier & autre ayant charge de manier l'argent de son maistre, a steward. herbe appellée Argentine, an herbe called Argentine. de l'Argille, clay. Argument, an argument. Ari, qui à perdu son humeur na­ turel, dryed vp. Arignée, seeke Aregnée. Arithmetique est la science de compter & nombrer, the art of numbring. Armaires, armourers. Armaires à mettre liures, pres­ ses for Bookes. Armée, harneys, weapons. Armer, to arme. Armé, armed. Armée, an armie. Armure, armour. Armoise, Mugwort. Armoiries, armes, cognisance. Arné, feeble backed. Arondelle, a swallow. demi Arpent, halfe an Arpent, that is .900. foote of ground. Arracher, to roote vp, to teare vp, to pluck vp by the roote. Arracher & oster par force, to plucke out with violence. Arraché, pluckt vp, torne away. Arracheur, a plucker vp. Arrachement, plucking vp. Arranger, to place in order, to dispose. Arres, to leaue earnest for a thyng. Arrester, to stay, to arrest. s'Arrester, to staye in a place, to abyde. s'Arrester de faire quelque chose, to forbeare the doing of a thing. Arrester les bestes, to stoppe wilde beastes. Arreste toy, stande, stirre not. I'ay arresté, pensé, & pourpensé J haue stayed, bethought, and aduised my selfe. Arresté, stayed or setled. Arrest & determination de quel­ que chose, laquelle apres a­ uoir esté disceptée & debatue est mise à fin, an ordinance or constitution. Arrest du Senat, a decree of the Senate. Vne Arrest, & toute chose de quoy on retient & arreste ­ on vne autre, an action. Arriere de nous, farre from vs. Arrierages, rerages. Venir & Arriuer, to come or ar­ riue. Arriué à bourd, arriued at the shoare. Arriuement, an arriuing. des Arroches, an herbe called Orace. s'Arroger & attribuer trop, to be arrogant, to ouercome. Arrogant, arrogant, presumptuous. Arrogance, arrogance, presump­ tion, ouerweening. Arrogamment, arrogantly, pre­ sumptuously. Arrondir, to rounde. Arrondissement, rounding. Arrouser, to sprinkle, to wet, to water. Qui est arrousé, that whiche is watred. Arrousement, a watring, a wet­ tyng, a sprinkling, a moyste­ ning. Arruner, to make vp, to dresse, to forme, to put in order. Estre ards & bruslé, to be burnt. Art, arte, crafte, workmanship. vser d'Artifice, to vse some craft. Artificiel, artificiall. Artificiellement, artificially. Artisan, ou artiste, a handycraf­ tes man, a workman. Artere, an artere or vayne. Artichault, an Artichoke. vn article d'vne loy, ou autre chose, an article. Artillerie, artillerie, weapons for warre. As tu cela? hast thou that? Asne, an Asse, a little Asse. des Asperges, Sparage. Aspergest, ou goupillon, a ho­ ly water sprinkle. Aspergoutte mineur, an herbe called in latin Bubónium. Aspersion & arrousement, be­ sprinklyng or bedewyng. des Asphodiles, an herbe called in latin, Hastula regia. Aspic, Spyke. Serpent nommé Aspic, a serpent so named. Aspirer & respirer, to breathe, to aspyre. Aspre & rude, soit à veoir, à oüir à gouster, ou à toucher, sharp eyther in seing, hearing, tasting or in touching. vn homme Aspre, a sharp man, a bitter man. Asprir, to sharpen, to exasperate. Asprement, sharply, bitterly. Aspreté, sharpenesse, bitternesse, straightnesse. Assaillir aucun, to assayle a man, to set vpon him, to inuade him. l'Assault & assemblement de deux armées, ou vn assault & effort de gents de guerre, the assaulte or meeting of two ar­ mies, or an assault or shocke of warriours. Assault qu'on baille à vne ville, the assault of a towne. Assaisonner, to season, to temper. Assaisonnement, a seasoning. Assembler, to gather togither, to assemble. Assemblé, gathered togither. Assemblée de gents, an assembly of people, a company, a congre­ gation. Assemblement de gents, a ga­ thering of people togither. Assemblement de choses ensem­ ble, a gathering, setting, glew­ ing or packing thyngs togither. Assemblure, a couchyng or ioy­ ning togither. Asseurer aucun en ruant quelque chose, to hitte one. Asseoir & mettre en quelque lieu, to set or plant in a place. Asseoir son iugement sur quel­ que chose, to giue iudgemente on a thing. s'Asseoir, to sit downe. Estre assis, to be set. Assiement, sitting. Vne assiette & trencheoir, a tren­ cher. Assesseur ou conseiller, a bencher or counseller. Asseurer & affermer, to assure and affirme. Asseurer & donner asseurance, to assure or giue assurance. s'asseurer & faire quelque chose to be assured to do a thing, to take a good heart. Ferme & asseuré, firme, assured, stable. Asseuré en bien, bolde, without doubt. Asseuré, ou il n'y a point de doubte, assured, without feare. Asseurance, assurance, confidence. Asseurement & hardiment, as­ suredly, hardily. Dire quelque chose asseurément, to tell a thing boldly. Assez, ynough, sufficient. Assieger vne ville, to besiege a towne. Estre assiegé, to be besieged. Qui assiege vne ville, which be­ siegeth. Assiegé, besieged. Assiegement de ville, the besie­ ging of a towne. Assigner & bailler, to assigne, to appoynt, to allotte. Assigner iour, to appoynt a day. Assigner lieu à quelque chose, to appoynt a place. Argent assigné, money assigned. Assignation, an assignation. Assignation d'argent, an assig­ ning of money. Assister à la guerre, to be pre­ sent at warre. Assister à aucun, & luy aider, to helpe one, to be present. L'assistance & assemblée de gents d'authorité qui assistent à leur amy, pendant qu'on plaide sa cause, the assistance of men of authoritie to helpe their frende in pleading his cause. Associer, to company. Associer auec autruy, to kepe fe­ lowship with one. Association, fellowship, company. Assommer vn home, to fel a man. Assopir, to asswage, to appease. Assopir vn guerre, to asswage a warre. Assoubiectir, ou Assubiectir, to subdue. Assouuir & contenter aucun, to satisfie or content any man. Assermenter aucun, To bynde by othe. Plein d'astuçes & de finesses, full of suttletie and deceyt. Coleur d'asur & d'eaue, a sure, or water colour. Athenien, of Athens. Atiner, to moue, prouoke. Attacher, to fasten, to tie, to stick. Attaché, fastned, tyed. Attaindre, to attaine, to bring to passe. Attaindre & gaigner aucun en chemin, to ouertake one in the way. Estre attaints & conuaincu d'au­ cun cas, to bee attaynte of a cryme. Atteler les cheuaux, to spang horse, or fasten them to the charyot. Attelier, a shoppe or a worke ­ house. Attendre, to looke, to wayte for, to tarry, to stay. Faire attendre quelqu'vn, To cause one to tarrie. s'Attendre aux promesses d'au­ cun, to stay vppon the promyse of any. Attente, looking for, expecta­ tion. Attente & desir, desire, hope. Attendrir, to soften, or mollifie. s'Attendrir, to waxe softe or tender. Attenir, to withholde, to staye backe. Attenter, to attempt, to enterprise or take in hande. Attentif, attentiue, diligent. Estre attentif à quelque chose, to marke a thing aduisedly, to ponder it diligently. Attentiuement, attentiuely. Attenuer, to make thinne. Attenurir, To make thinne, to make slender. Attestation, witnesse. Attiedy, soaked or tempered. Attiffer, Orner, Accoustrer, to trimme, to pranke, to decke. Attiffement, pranking. Attirer ou attraire, to drawe, to allure. Attiser & souffler le feu, to blow the fyre. Attoucher, to touche, to feele. Attouchement, touchyng, fee­ lyng. Les Attours d'vne femme, the attyre of a woman. Attourneur on Attourneresse, A waytyng seruaunte, or a mayde. Attraire, ou Allicher, to entice, to allure, to prouoke. Attraict, & Alliché, enticed or allured. Attrayement, enticeement, or al­ lurement. Attrapper, to snare, to entangle, to catche. Attremper & gouuerner, to tem­ perate, to mixe, sometyme to soake or moysten. Attrempé & moderé, tempered or moystned. Attrempement, a tempring, or soaking. Attrempéement, temperéement, & moderéement, temperatly, coolely, moderately. Attrempance, modestie, tempe­ raunce. Attribuer, to attribute, to impute s'Attribuer quelque chose, & en faire son propre, to attri­ bute a thing to him selfe. trop s'Attribuer, to attribute to much to himselfe. s'Auachir, to wither away. Aualler, to swallow. Aualler sans mascher, to swalow downe whole. Aualler du hault en bas, to swa­ low downe right. Auallé en bas, swallowed downe. Auallement de quelque liqueur the swallowing downe of some licour. Auallement do vin, swallowing of wyne. Auançer, & haster, to set forward to hasten. Auançer, mettre plus auant, to aduaunce, to set forward. s'Auançer & profiter, to go for­ ward, to profite. s'Auançer d'aller & de marcher to mende our pace. Auançer argent, to giue money afore hande. Auançé, aduanced, promoted. Aduançement, aduancing, promoting. Auant, depe or farre in. bien Auant dedens, very depe in. venir en Auant, to comme foorth. Mettre en auant quelque chose to put forth a thing. Auant le temps, before the time. d'ley en Auant, from this time for warde. Auant que, before that. d'Auantage, furthermore, besides this. Auoir l'auantage & estre supe­ rieur de l'autre, to haue the van­ tage, and to ouercome the other. Bailler d'auantage, to giue more. Ie di d'Auantage, J say further. Estre plus Auantagé que l'autre to excell other. Auantcoureur, a forerunner. Auancourement, forerunning. Auant hier, this other day, or the day before yesterday. Auanture, Auanturer, seeke Ad­ uenture. vn Auanturier de guerre, a ven­ turer in warre. vn Auanturier vagabond qui fait la regnardiere de peur des coups, a hedgecreeper. Auarice, couetousnesse. Auaricieux, couetous. l'Aube & poinct du iour, the dawning of the day. Aubespín, ou Aube épine, selon que dient aucuns, white thorne as some think. Aubier d'vn arbre, the gomme or fat of a tree. Aubifoin, a precious stone called a Turkise. l'Aubin d'vn oeuf, the gleare of an egge. Aucun, sombody. Aucuns, some persons. En aucun lieu, some where. Aucunefois, sometymes. Aucunement, somewhat. Audace, boldnesse. Audacieux, bold, stout, hardy. Audience, audience. Auditieux, a hearer. Auditoire, an auditorie. Auec, with. Auec soy, with him. Auec ce, with that. Aueindre, to reache out of a cof­ fer, or other such like thing. Auelaine, a filbert, a hasel nut. Digne & Auenant, worthie. Aueneron, barren otes. Auerer quelque meschanceté, to search out the trueth of any thing, to auoutch, to soothe. Chose cogneüe & Auerée, a­ uouched, verified. Il Auesprist, il vient sur le vespre, it waxeth darke, night draw­ eth on. Aueugler, to hide, to make blind, to hide winke. Aueugle, blind. Aueuglement, blindnesse. Augmenter, to augmente, to en­ crease. s'Augmenter, to waxe great, to growe bigger. Augmente, encreased, augmented. Augmentateur, an encreaser, an amplifier. Augmentation, augmentation, encreasse, multiplying. Vn Auge, a troughe. Auget ou petit Auge, a little troughe. Auiner vn vaisseau, to season a vessell. Auiourd' huy, to daye. Vn Auiron, an oare, a scull. Auiser, seeke Ad uis. I'y aduiseray apres, J will be­ thinke me afterward. Vne Aulne à aulner draps, an elle to measure with. Vn Aulne, arbre, an alder tree. Vn Aul, ou Ail, Garlike. Aumosne, almesse. Demander Aumosne, to beg. Auolement, a fleeing to. Auoine, ou Auene, Oates. Auoir, to haue. Auorter, to abort, or when a wo­ man goeth not hir full time. Auortement, aborting. Auorton, that which is brought forth before the time, a castling. Auouër, seeke Aduouër. Aupres, nigh to, at. Auquel, to whom. Aureilles, seeke Oreilles. Auril, Aprill. Auron, wild Oates. Auronne, Southernwood. Aussi, also. Austere, straight, sharpe. Austerité, ou Asprete, straight­ nesse, sharpnesse. Austruche, an austriche. Autant, as much. Autant qui ie puis, as much as I can, what lyeth in mee. Autant que peuuent prendre trois doigts, as much as three fingers could reache. d'Autant plus, so much the more. Autant de fois, so often. Vn Autel, an altare. Autentique & approuué par plu­ sieurs gents d'authorité, an­ cient and allowed by authori­ tie. Autheur qui premier fait ou in­ uente quelque chose, an Au­ thor, which first inuenteth any thing. Authorité, authoritie, grauitie. Authorité & seigneurie, autho­ ritie, power. Authoriser, to authorise, to esta­ blish. Le vent d'Automne ou de midi, the South wind. Le temps d'Automne, the har­ uest tyme. Automnal, southerly. Autour, about. l'Autre, the other. C'est autre chose toute diuerse, it is an other maner of matter. Autre part, on the other side. Autresfois, Le temps pasié, in times past, heretofore. Vne Autre fois, an other time. Autrement, Sans cela, other­ wyse, or without that. Autrement que les Stoiciens, o­ therwyse than the Stoikes. Qui est d'Autruy, which belon­ geth to an other. l'Autruy, an other man. Auuent, an arbour, a shaddow­ ing place. Ayant beaucoup pleu, when it hath rayned much. Ayeul, a grand father. BAailler, to gape, yaske, to yawne. Baailler de sommeil, to gape for sleape. Baaillement, a gaping. Qui a trop de Babil, which hath to much talke. Babillard, a bablar, a prattler, a clatterer, a tittle tattle. Vne Babillarde & languarde, a pratling houswyfe. Vn Bac à passer l'eaüe, a ferrie boate. Vn ieune Bachelier en armes, a fresh water soldiour. Bachelage, Bpprentissage, ba­ chelership, prentishode. Bachot, a shippe boat, a cocke, a whirrie. Bacille ou creste marine, Vne sorté d'herbe dequoy on vse és salades, Sampier. Badault, Badin, a dolt, a foole. Le Bagage de gents de guerre, warriars cariage. Amasser son Bagage, to gather cariage togither. La Bague & pris de la iouste, & de toutes autres ieux, the iew­ el or price of any game. Vne Bague qui se pend au col, a iewell to hang aboute ones necke. Baguenaudeur, a trifler, a linge­ rer, a loyterer. Vn petit arbre dict Baguenau­ dier, a tree called Seney. Bahu, a chist, a garde fiance. Bailler, to giue, to deliuer, to at­ tribute. Baillé & donné, giuen and graun­ ted. Baillement, a giuing, a deliue­ ring. Bailleur, a giuer. Couleur Baillet, ou de paille, horse flesh coullor. Bailli, a Baylife. Bailliage, a bayliwicke. Baillon, a gagge. Bain, a bath. Baigner en quelque liqueur, to bath in any liquor. Baignoire, a bathing tob. Baiser quelqu'vn, to kisse. Vn Baiser, a kisse. Baisement, a kissing. Baisser, to bring lowe, to stoope. Se Baisser, pour s'accouster à l'­ oreille oreille d'autruy, to stoope too harken to one. Baisse contre terre, humble. Bal ou danse, dancing. Balance, a paire of ballance. La Balance d'vn orfeure, a gold­ smiths ballance. Vn Baley, a broome. Ballier & nettoyer, to sweepe to make cleane. Ballieur de maison, a house swee­ per. Les Balleures de la maison, the sweeping of the house. Vne Bale a ioüer, a ball. Vne Balaine, a whale. Balle de marchandise, a bale of any ware. Banc ou siege, a banke, seate, bench, or forme. Se Bander contre quelqu'vn,to resist one of purpose, to assayle one by force, to bende against one. Bande de gens de guerre, a band of warriours. Bande d'hommes, a company of men. Vne Bande & ligne, a bande or string. Vne Bande ou ruben de teste, a heare lace. Vne Bande ou Bandelette, com­ me celle dequoy on lie les pe­ tits enfants, a swathel band. Bander, to tye, to bynd. Bander vn arc, to bend a bowe. Bandé, bound with a lace. Vn Bandeau ou fronteau, a fil­ let or headband. Bandelette, a little string. Bandon, leaue, licence. Banir, to banish, to exile. Vn Bani, a banished man. Bannissement, a banishment. Hors la Banlieue, a myle from the towne. Vne Banne & grand panier, a maund. La Banque, the banke. Banquier, a bankar. Faire Banqueroute, to play bank rout. Banquet, a feast, a banquet. Vn Banquet somptueux & ma­ gnifique, a sumptuouse and princely banket. Banqueter, to banket, to feast. En Banquetant, banketing. Banqueterie, banketing. Banquetement, a banketing. Barat, deceyt, sutteltie. Barbare & qui n'est point de no­ stre langage, barbarous, strange, forein. La Barbe tant d'hommes que de bestes, comme boues, loups, & autres, the beard. Barbette, a little beard. Barbet, a budding beard. Barbu, bearded. Barbute, a little beard. Barbier, a hee barbar. Barbiere, a shee barbar. Barberie & ouuroir d'vn bar­ bier, a barbars shop. Vne herbe appellée Bardane, the herbe called Cloates, that beareth the green burre. Bardes de cheuaux, trappors or barbes for horses. Bardé, trapped or barbed. Bardeau à couurir maison, & aisselles, a shingle. Bariquelle, a boat, or cocke, a whirrie. Barque, a barque. Vne Barre ou Barriere qu'on met au trauers de l'huis, a bar o­ uerthwart a dore. Barreaux ou treillis de quelque chose que ce soit, a barre, or lattise. Bares, Le ieu des Barres, wre­ stling or barriers. Bas, humble. En Bas, ou mieux Embas, be­ lowe. Vn Bas de chausses, nether­ stockes. Basané, dryed vp, withered. Basseur, humblenesse, lownesse. Bascule à tirer l'eau d'vn puis qui n'est pas fort creux, a scoope to throwe water out of a shallow well. Baselic, serpent, a cokatrise. L'herbe dicte Baselic, the herbe called Basile. Vn Bassin à lauer les mains, a basen. Bassin à lauer les pieds, a foote basen. Le Bassin d'vne fontaine, the basen or bole of a fountaine. Des Bassinets, herbe, an herbe called crowfoote, golde crap, or yellow crawe. Bas qu'on met sur vne beste, a pack saddle, a pannell, Bastard, a bastard, a whoreson. Bastards, ou Bastardeaux qu'on fait en l'eau, piles in water worke. Vne Bastardiere, ou pepinerie, & lieu labouré, ou fait d'ais en quarré, plein de terre, ou on plante quelque plante ou semen­ ce, pour apres les planter en pleine terre, a wast garden, or nurserie. Basteau Bastelier, seeke Bateau. Basteleur, a iuggler, a tumbler. Ieu de Basteleur, iuggling or tum­ bling castes. Basteleuse, playes or maygames. Mestier de Bastelerie & farcerie & autres mestiers semblables, light or fond pastimes, or games. Bastir, to buyld, to reare vp. Bastisseur, qui se mesle de faire bastir, a buylder, that is occu­ pied or can skill of buylding. Bastiment & edification, come massonnerie ou charpenterie, a buylding. Bastille ou bastillon, & forteres­ se, a Bastillon, a forteresse, Baston, a staf, a club, a cudgill. Bastonnet, a sticke, a wand. Vn donneur de Bastonnades, a cudgiller. Batail de cloche, the clapper of a bell. Batailler, to fight, to wage bat­ taile, to contend. La Bataille & combat, the bat­ taile, the combat. Vn Bateau, a boat. Vn Batelier, a boat man, or whirry man. Batre, to beate, to strike. Qui est batu, which is beaten. Bateur de gents, a striker of folks. Batement, a striking, a beating. Le Batement de la mer, the bea­ ting of the sea. Vn batoir, instrument de quoy on bat les aires des maisons & granches, a pauing beetle. Vne ceincture & Baudrier à pen­ dre l'espée, a sword girdle. Baudroyeur, a currier of lether. Bauer, to trifle, iest, dally, toy, glauer. Baueur, Bauard, a trifler, a pra­ ter. Bauerie, trifles, toyes, mockes. Bauffrer, to rauen or eat gree­ dily. Du Bausme, baulme. Vn cheual Bay ou Bayart, a bay horse. Bayer à la mamelle, to seeke or baye for the dugge. Bayer l'argent, to lay wayte for money. Il Baye vers la Grece, he wat­ cheth to Greceward, or stan­ deth at a baye. Beau, faire, seemely, beautifull, comly, honest. Bellot, prety, handsome. Beauté, beauty, comlinesse, fair­ nesse. Beaucoup, much. Beaucoup moins, much lesse. Le Bec d'vn oyseau, a byrdes bill. Becasse, a woodcocke. Vn Bec figue, oiseau viuant de figues, a bird like a nightingale feeding on figges and grapes. Vn Bedon, ou Tabourin, a tab­ beret. Becher la terre, to dig the ground. Beeller, to bleat. Beellement, a bleating. Vn Beffroy, ou eschauguette, a beacon. Begue, one that stutteth. Begueyer, to stut, to stammer. Begayement, a stutting, a stam­ mering. Bel, seeke Beau. Vne Belette, a wesell. Belistre, ou belitre, a poore knaue, a begger, a vaga­ bond. Belistrer, to begge. Vn Belier, a ramme. Bellement, gently, leasurely, softly. Belliqueux, warlyke, valiaunt, couragious. Bende, Bender, Bendelette, seeke Bande. Beneuolence, a good will, bene­ uolence. Benigne, gentle, courteouse. Benir aucun, to blesse one, or wish one well. Benisson & bonne priere qu'on fait à Dieu pour aucun, bles­ sing or prayer, that is made to God for any. Du Benioin, Beniamin. Le Berceau d'vn enfant, les lan­ ges & petits drapeaux, a childs cradle, and swathelings clouts. Vn Berceau de treille, an arbor. Besace, a wallet. Besague, a twible to bor holes. Berger, a sheapherd. Bergerie, sheepefold. Berlans, common tippling houses, houses of ill rule. Berlue, poare blind, or sand blind. Bernage, cariage. De la Berle, herbe, yellowe water cresses. Beryl, pierre precieuse, a preci­ ous stone called Beryl. Vne hoüe ou Besche, a pickax, a mattocke. Bescher, to digge. Il est besoing de faire cela, it is needfull to doo that thing. Besongne, workmanship. Besongnette, little worke. Besongner, to worke. Vne Beste, a beast. Bestelette, a little beast. Bestement & lourdement, be­ astly, and doltishly. Bestise & faulte de sens, beastly­ nesse, blockishnesse. Bestial, cattell. Des Bettes, beetes an herbe. De la Betoesne, bittonie. Beturre, a sinck hole. Beuf ou Vache, an Oxe or Cow. Beurre, butter. Breuuage ou bruuage, seeke Boire. Vn Bouuier, a neat heard. Vn bon Biberon, a bibber, a tippler. Biberon ou esguiere, an ewer. La BIBLE, the Bible. Biche, a hinde. Bien, well. Le Bien que le pere delaisse à ses enfants, apres son trespas, the goods which the father lefte his children. Les Biens & successions qu'vn chascun a à soy, meubles ou immeubles, the goods that a­ ny man possesseth. Tous Biens exterieurs, al world­ ly goods. La Bienseance & rapport des parties l'vne à l'autre, well be­ sitting. Vne Biere & coffret ou on met les corps des trespassez, a cof­ fin or bierre. Biere beere. Vne Bieure, a beuer. Biez, biace. Aller de Biez, to go a byace. Bigarrer, to differ. Bigarure de couleurs, varietie of colours. Bigile, to looke a squint. Bigot, superstitious, hypocrite. Par Bigotise, superstitiously. Bignets, vne façon de pain pour les enfants, comme de gof­ fres,waffer cakes for children, bunnes. Monnoye de Billon, bullion mo­ ney. Vn Billot d'or, an ingot of gold. Vn Billot de bois, a billet, a log. Bimauue, ou Guimauue, a marshe mallowe. Biner les vignes, to cut and trim vines. Bineur, a vine worker, a wee­ der. Binement, a vine working, wee­ ding. Bisayeul, le pere de mon pere grand, my grandfathers father. Biscuit, biscit. Vent de Bise, the Northest wind. Bisexte, bisext. Blaffard, pale faced. Blaireau, a graye, a brocke, a badger. Blanc, white. Blancheastre, whytish. Qui est Blanchet, which is whi­ tish. Blancheur, whitnesse. Le Blanchissage ou crepissure d'vne massonnerie, whyte ly­ ming of a house. Blanchir & deuenir blanc, to blanche, to become whyte. Blanchir quelque chose, to whit a thing. Blandir à aucun, to allure one. Blandissement, alluring, flatte­ rie. Blasme & reproche, blame, re­ proche, accusing. Blasmer aucun & luy reprocher ou mettre à sus quelque cas, to blame, to reproche, to lay to ones charge. Estre blasmé & reprins, to be blamed or reproued. Blasonner aucun & dire mal de luy, to blase out ones name, or speake euill of him. Blasphemer, to blaspheme. Blaueoles, ou Aubifoins, the floure called blew bottels. Blé, corne. Toute sorte de Blê, all sortes of corne. Blesme, paale, bleake. Blesser, to hurt, to greeue, to a­ noy, to wound, to offend. Blessé, wounded, offended. Blesseure, a hurt, a wound. Blette, espece de porée, spi­ nage. Bleu, blewe. Blond, yellow heared. Blondelet, yellowish. Vn Bleut eau ou sas, a boleer. Bobans, riotte, excesse, super­ fluitie. Bocage, a thicket or wood. vn Bocal ou esguiere, an ewer. Bosseau, Bosselet, seke, Boisseau. Boire, to drinke, to bib, to quasse. Buuerie, drinking. Buueur, a drinker. Buueter, to sip whole glasses full, to drinke often. Beuuette, Vin de despence, smal houshold wine. Bruuage, drinke, a potion. le Bruuage de petis enfants, chil­ drens drink as they cal it, bum. Le boiré ou boisson, drinke. Bois, wood. Vn bois de pleasance, a pleasant wood or groue. Vne mesure semblable à nostre boisseau, a measure lyke to our bushell. Boisselet, a small bushell. Boiste de bouys, a box. La boiste des os, the pan where­ in the huckle bone falleth. Boister, to halte. Boisteux, lame. Boistement, haltingly. Bolieure, a lyppe. du Bombasyn, Bombasin, cotton. Bon, good, honest, vertuous. Tenir bon, Estre ferme & con­ stant, to stand in a matter, to be firme and constant. Sentir bon, to smell well. Bonté, goodnesse, honestie, vertue Bonasse ce'st à dire, Tranquilli­ té de vent en la mer, a faire weather on Sea. Les Bondes & ouuertures par ou on fait ouuerture à l'eaue, comme d'vn estang, a chanell or gutter from a pond. Bondir, to bound, to leape back. vn Bondon, a bung, a stopple. Qui est debonnaire & doulx de nature, which is gentle and mylde of nature. Bonnaireté, faithfulnes, vpright­ nesse. Bonnairemet, & á la bon foy, vprightly, in good fayth. Pourueu qui bonnement tu le puisses faire, so thou do it wel. Bonnet à couurir sa teste, a cap. Vn bonnet de fer, a scull, a sallet, Bonté, seeke Bon. Le bord d'vn habillement, the hem or seluige. Le bord de quelque chose que ce soit, ou le bout, the brim or ende of a thing. Le bord de l'eaue, the water side or brimme. Le bord & riuage de la mer, ou riuiere, the sea shore, or riuer side. Border & couuir le bord, to border, to welt. Bordeur, & autres qui besong­ nent à l'esguille, an embrou­ derer. Bordure d'habillement, a bor­ der or welt of a garment. Vn bordeau, a brothell house, com­ monly called the Stewes. Bordellier & putier, brothels, or whoorehunters. Bordelage, whoorehunting. Bordereau & petit cáyer, a note, a briefe, a pamphlet. Borgne, one eyed. Borgnet, poare blinde. Vne Borne, a limit, a bound, a lot. Borner quelque chose, to limite out a place. Champ borné, a field lotted out, or diuided. Borneur, a limiter or parter forth Bosquet ou petit bois, a thicket or groue. Vne Bosse en quelque partie du corps, a wenne. La bosle & cabochon, ou ese­ ueure de pierre precieux, the enbossing of a Jewell. Vn bosle de terre, a Mollhill, or hillocke. Bossette, a little heape of earth. Bossette d'os, de bois, ou de corne que les anciens mettoy­ ent sus le liures acheuez, the bosse of a Booke. Bossu, down backed, crooke shol­ dred Lieu sort bossu, a holow or cro­ ked place. Vne Bote comme de lattes, & semblables, a fagot, a bundle of laths Boeau de fom, & autre chose, a bottle of haye. Vn Bouc, a Goate. Vn Bouquin, a Kidde. Bouche, a mouth. Les Bouches de la playe, the en­ trie of a wounde. Bouchette, a little mouth. Bouchée, a morsell, a mouth full. Boucher, seeke Bouscher. Vn Bouchier, a Boucher. Boucherie, a bouchery, a slaugh­ ter. Vne Boucle, a buckle. Bouclier, a bucklar. Boucon, poyson, venyme. Boudin, a pudding. Boüe & fange, dirt, mire, mud. Bouëux, ou plein de boüe, dir­ tie, myrte. Bouffée de vent, a puffe of wind Bouffer de courreux & malta­ lent, to swell with anger. Bouffi, Harenc bouffi, puffed vp a full herring. Bouffons, flatterers for aduantage. Bougie, a Lampe. Se bouger, ou partir du lieu & place ou on est, to remoue or depart from a place. Ne se bouger d'vne place, & ne s'en partir, to remain, not to stir Bougette de cuir, a bouget. Bouys, ou arbre de boüys, boxe, or Boxe tree. Vne Boule, a Boule. Vn arbre dit Bouleau, a Birch­ tree. Boulengier, a baker. Boulengiere, a she baker. Boulengerie, a bakehouse. Vne bouleuert, a bulwarke. Boulie, gruell, pappe. Boullir, to boyle, to perboyle, to seethe. Du boulli, ou boullu, sodden meat Boullon, boyling or bubbling. Boulloner, comme quand sur l'eaue ou vrine se leuent des bouteilles, bubbles, suche as rise in water. Bouquet de fleurs, a nosegay. Vn Bouquet de fleurs, ou pomme de senteurs, a nosgay or pommander Bouquin, seeke Bouc. Bourbe, ou Bourbier, mud, or a muddy place, a slow, a puddle. Bourdes, tales made, inuentions, trifles. Ce sont bourdes, thesee bee but tales. Bourder, to bourd, to iest, to trifle Bourdon, ou mousche gespe, a waspe, a drane. Le Bourdon d'vn pelerin, a pil­ grims staffe. Vn Bourdon dedens lequel est vn estoc caché, a staffe with a sworde in it. Vn bourg & village estant en vn plaine, a borow, a towne. Bourgeois, a citizen, a burgesse. La bourgeoisie, the citizens. Perdre le droict de bourgeoisie to lose the freedome. Le bourgeon, ou bouton de la vigne, the budde of a vyne. Bourgeon de laine, a flocke of wooll. Bourgeon & bube que vient à la face, a pimple in ones face. Bourgeonner & ietter surgeons & iettons, to bud out, to spring. Vn bournal & rayon du miel, a hony combe. Bourre, flockes of woll. Bourreau qui donne la gehenne & torture, a hangman, an exe­ cutioner. Vn Bourrée, a bauen. Bourroche, Bourage. Bourse de cuir, a leather pursse, a pouche, a bagge. Boursette, a little purse. Bouscher, to stoppe, to shut vp. Le fin bout de quelque chose que ce soit, the very point or end of a thing. Le fin bout de quelque chose, comme d'vn montaigne, & d'vn bastiment, the toppe of a mountayne. Le bout d'vne place & rue, the farther end of the strete. Le bout de quelque baston, soit ague, poinctu, trencheant, ou mousse, the point of a weapon. Les bouts, ou les poinctes des costez, the ends or vpper parte of the sides. Bouter & pousser, to put or push De la premiere boutée, at the first pushe. Vn Boutefeu, a matche. Bouteille, a bottle. Boutelier & faiseur de bouteil­ les, a bottle maker. Estre bouteilier & eschanson, to be buttler. Boutique ou ouuroir de mar­ chand, a marchants shop. Le bouton ou bourgeon de la vigne, the bud of the vine. Bouuie, Bouillon, seeke Boeuf. vn Boyau qu'on appelle le long boyau, a bowell or gutte. le Boyau culier, the gut next the bottom of the stomacke. Boyau & entrailles, bowels and entrayles. Bracelet, seeke Brasselet. Bragard, a brag and dapper fel­ lowe. Brauerie excessiue, excessiue brauerie. Braire, to roare, to bray, to grone. Brayant ou brayart, a roarer. Brayement, a roaring. Brayement qui font les petis en­ fants, the crying of children. Brayement & escri qu'on fait de douleur & d'enuy qu'on a, the gronyng or roring in sorow. Braise de feu, a burning coale. du Bran & son, Branne. Branche, a braunche. Branche vrsine, vn sorte d'herbe. Beare breche, an herbe. Branchette, a little bowe. Branchu, bowy. Vn branchage delié comme che­ ueux, thicke branched. Brandon de feu, a fire brand. Bransler, to shake, to nod, to waue Le bransle & maniement du corps se rapportoit bien à la voix, his gestures agree well with his wordes. Braquemar, a woodknife, a han­ ger. Les bras, the arme. Bras de mer, the arme of the sea. Brasser & machiner à aucun quelque mal, to brew or prac­ tise some euill matter. Qui à brassé tout l'affaire, the brewer of all the mischiefe. Brasselet & ornement de bras, a bracelet. Brasselets & gantelets de fer, bracelets and manicles. Brauement marcher, to go neatly. Vne braye ou muselier à che­ uaux, an instrument set on the nose of horses. Des brayes à luicter, breeches for wrastlers. Brayes, breeches, sloppes, vpper ­ stockes. La brayette d'vne balance, the beame of a balance. Vne brebis, a sheepe. Brebiette, a small sheepe. Brebaille, sheepe. Bresche en vn mur, a breache in a wall. Breuuage, seeke Boire. Breuet & tout autre recognois­ sance par laquelle on confesse deuoir, auoir reçeu, ou autre­ ment quelque chose d'aucun, a briefe, a handwriting. Brichet, the brest, the brisket. Vn bride, ou la rene d'vne bride a brydle, the ranes of a bry­ dle. Brider vn cheual, to brydle a horse. Brief, en Brief, briefe, to bee shorte. De Brief, shortly. Brieuement, shortely, briefly, in fewe wordes. Brieueté, shortnesse. Vne Brigandine & cotte de maille, a brigandine or coate of male. Vn Brigantin, a shyppe called a Brigantin. Brigue & course qu'on fait en­ uers les vns & les autres, quand on brigue quelque office, run­ ning vp and downe suyng for an office. Brigue pour estre Consul, sute for a Consulshyp. Briguer, to sue or labour for. Brigueur, ou Brigand & de­ strousseur de gentz, a robber, a theefe. Brigander & destrousser, to rob. Briganderie, robberie. Brigandeau, a yong theefe. Brimballer, to shake lyke the flesh of a foggie person. Brique, Bricke. Briqueterie, bricke worke. Briser, to beate, to bray. Vne Brisure, a brouze. Vn grand broc, a great potte or steane. Brocard & parolle de mocque­ rie, a scoffe, a floute. Brocarder aucun, to floute one. Broche, a spitte, a broache. Brochette soit de bois, ou de fer, a pegge of wood or yron. Brochet, a Pyke. Brodequin, a buskin, a star ­ toppe. Brodeur, Brodure, seeke Bord. Broüet qui n'est point exquis, broath. Brouette, a waggon. Brouillars & brouées d'hyuer, myst or fogge. Broüiller, to confound, to mingle, to tumble togither. Broülleur, ou qui Brouille, a tumbler togither, a slubberer. Brouter & manger, to brouze, to feede lyke an Oxe. Broyer & casser bien menu, To bray, to beate small, to punne. Broyé, brayed, beaten small. Broyeur, a beater small. Vne bruine qui gaste les arbres, a blasting of trees. Bruit, a bruite, a noyse. Faire bruit, to make a noyse. Bruit de quelque chose nou­ uelle, semé entre le peuple, soit bon ou mauuais, a fame or report among people. Petit bruit de ville & nouuelle, a tale or rumour, a talke. Le bruit est, the bruite is. Semer vn bruit par tout & es­ pandre, to spreade a tale a­ broade. Bruire, to make a noyse, to sound, to rumble. Bruiment, a rumbling. Le bruiment de portes, the crac­ king of doores. Brun, browne. Brunet, brownishe. Brunette, a nutbrowne wench. Brunir, to burnish, to fourbish. Se Brunir, to burnish himselfe. Cheuaux qui brunchent, stum­ bling or tripping iades. Bruse, ou murte souuage, wylde brushe. Brusler, to burne. Bruslé, burned. Bruslant, burning. Bruslure, a burning. Bruslement ou embrasement, a burning. Bruuage, seeke Boire. Des Bruyeres, firsses, bryers. Bube, ou Bubette, a wheale, a blister. Vne Bouche de Bois, a stopple. Petites Bouchettes qui chéent des arbres, feuilles ou fleures, the floure that falleth from trees. Vn Buscher, a pyle of wood. Vne buffe, ou soufflette, a blowe on the eare. Vn buffette & dressoir, a cub­ bard, a dresser. Vn buffet d'or & d'argent, c'est à dire, la vaisseille qu'il fault pour le seruice de la table, a cubberd of plate. Bufle, a beast called a Buffe. Bugler comme font les boeufs, to lowe, to bellowe. Buglement, a lowing. De la Buglosse, Buglosse. Vne buire à mettre l'huile, an oyle glasse, a vyole. Vne buire ou buirette, A cruet. Buisart sorte d'oiseau, a Bus­ sarde. Buisson, a thorne or bryer. Vn buletin, pour estre franc du port, a bill, a cocket. Vne habillement de bureau, ou autre drap meslangé, de petit pris, dont les serfs & menu peuple seuloit estre accoustré a coat of changeable colours for seruauntes, sleighte rugge, or pampilion. Vn Burin, a grauing sticke. But, a scope, a but, a prey, or boo­ tie. Butiner, to bootie, or prey. Herbe qui nomme Butoesne, Betonye. Buuetter, Buuette, Buuage, seke Boire. CA & la, hither and thither. Courir ça & la, to runne hi­ ther and thither. Cabaret, a Tauerne or vitling house. Herbe qu'on appelle Cabaret, an herbe called Haselwort. Cabinet, a Cofer. Le Cabinet d'vne femme, tou­ tes sortes d'ornements, ioy­ aux & affiquets qu'elle à pour s'accoustrer, & attifer, a womans casket. Les cabinets des femmes, wo­ mens caskets. Cabochon de pierre precieuse, quand la pierre est taillée en bosse, the bosse or rysing of a precious stone. Cacher, To hide, to conueye a­ waye. Caché, hidden. Vne cachette, a corner, a close place. En cachette, priuily, closely, hiddenly. Cachement, a hidyng. Cachet, a signet or seale. Vn faulx Cachet, ou seau con­ trefaict, a counterfeat seale. Cacheter des lettres, To seale letters. Calcidoine pierre precieuse, A precious stone so named. La cadence des mots, the round vttering of wordes. Caduque, transitorie. Cafart, a flatterer, a glauerer. Cafardie, Flatteryng, dissimu­ lation. Vne cage, a Cage. Caignard, a Mycher, a hedge ­ creeper, a common begger. Cailler le Laict, to turne or curd mylke. Vne caille, a quayle. Vn caillou, a big stone. Caimander & amasser à la boiste, to beg at the grate. Cal, hardnesse of the handes or fete. Auoir de Calles és mains, ou aux pieds, de force de trauail, to haue harde handes or feete with labour. Calamité, miserye, wretched­ nesse. Calculer, to compt, to recken. Calende ou chatepeleuse, petite beste qui ronge le froument, a little beast that eateth corne, called a myte or weauiil. Calendrier, par lequelle on pou­ uoit cognoistre les iours fe­ stes & non festes, a Kalen­ der. Caller & abaisser les voiles, to strike sayle. Vn Calmar & estuy, a case, a pennar. La mer calme, & sans tormente, the calme sea. Calomnie, quand faulsement & mauuaisement on allegue, ou met on à sus quelque chose à quelqu'vn, a false accusation a forged crime. Calomniateur, a false or malici­ ous accuser. Qui'est cambré, ou courbé de­ hors, & contremont, bowed outward, or vpward. Habillement cameloté, a cham­ bler coate. Camomille, Camomill. Le camp, the campe. Camper, to campe. Vne compaignie, a companie. Camus, flatte nosed. Cannall, a cundite pipe, a can­ nell. Le cannal' d'vne riuiere, the cha­ nell of a riuer. Canaille, dogges, a cannell of houndes. Caceler & mettre à neant quel­ ques lettres, to cancell a bill. Cane ou canard, a ducke. Le vray canelle, Synamom. Vne Canepin bien delié qui est prins du dedens de l'escorce du tillet ou bouleau, en quoy les anciens escriuoyent, the in­ ner parte of the barke of a tree, which the men in auncient tyme did write on. Vn caniuet, a penknyfe. Canne ou rouseau, a reede, or Cane. Habillements couuerts de Can­ netilles, Garded or purfled garmentes. Canonizer, to canonise, to make a Saint. Cantharide, vne sorte de ver ve­ nimeux & verd, qui s'engen­ dre au sommet des branches du fresne & de l'oliue, a kind of flye or venimous worme, cal­ led Cantharides. Capable, capable, receyua­ ble. Capacité, capacitie, or receyua­ blenesse. La capacité & portée d'aucun, the capacitie or vnderstanding of any man. Pomme de capendu, ou carpen­ du, quasi qui diroit court pen­ du, a kinde of pepon. Capitaine, a captayne. Cappe, a cloake, a spanish cape. Des Cappres, capers. Captif, a bondman. Captiuité, bondage. Capuchon, a coule or hood. Caquesangue, the blouddy flyx. Caquet, pratling, babling. Caquetter, to prate, to bable. Car, for. Carchiophe, Artichault, an ar­ tichocke. Carder la laine, to card woll. Cardeur de laine, a woll carder. Caresse, chearing, welcoming, making much of. La Carine & fond de la nauire, the keele of the ship. Carme, vne sorte d'arbre, a tree so called. Les Carneaux d'vne muraille; battlements of walles. Vn Carolus, a peece of french money. Carole, carret rootes. Carpie, ou Carme, vne sorte d'­ arbre, a tree so called. Carquois, a quiuer for arrowes. Carreau, seeke Quarreau. Carrefour, seeke Quarrefour. Carillon, a chyming of bels, cour­ fewe. arbre du Carrobe, a tree so named. Cartamus syluestre, a tree so named. Cartilage, a gristle. Cartilagineux, gristly. Carui sauuage, herbe, wilde ca­ rewayes. Cas, a case, a matter. Vn Cas & meschant faict, a mi­ schieuous matter. Vn Cas aigre, & qui est trouué fort mauuais, a heynous mat­ ter. Afin qu'on face Cas de toy, that thou mayst be esteemed. Mets le Cas que, &c.. put the case that. Pren le Cas qu'il soit vaincu, put the case he be ouercome. Casquet, the viser of a hedpeece. Casuel, casuall, transitorie. Case en laquelle on apporte marchandise, a case. De la Casse, Cassia, a fruite of India. Casser, to breake, to crush in pee­ ces. Casser les gents de guerre, to put souldiours out of wages. Cassé, fayled. Cassé & rompu, broken. Cassant & aisé à Casser, easie to be broken, frayle. Vn Castor, a beuer. La Cataracte en l'oeil, a webbe in the eye. Catarrhe, & distillation d'hu­ meurs, the Catarre, or falling downe of humours. Cauer, to digge in, or make hol­ lowe. Caué, made hollowe. Caue à vin, a wine seller, or vaut. Cauerne, a caue or priuy corner. Cause qui faict faire quelque chose, the cause of any thing. A Cause, for bycause. Dire la Cause, to giue a reason. Auoir Cause & occasion, to haue cause or occasion. Vne Cause & proces, a matter or processe. Plaider sa cause, to pleade his matter. Causer & auoir noise l'vn à l'au­ tre, to contend, or striue togi­ ther. Cault & fin, suttle, crafty, deceit­ full, warie. Cautement, suttlely. Cauteleusement, suttlely, craf­ tely. Cauterisation, the searing vp of a wound, called by the Surgions Cautering. Pleige & Caution, pleadge, sure­ tie. Caution bourgeoise, a Citizen suretie. Ce, that. Et ce dés long temps, and that long agone. C'est, pour ce est, that is. Ce signifie, que, &c. this doth si ­ gnifie, that. Est ­ il ceans? Is hee within? N'est ­ il pas ceans? Js he not heere within? Cecy, this. Cecy mesme, this very thing. Ceder à aucun, to graunt or giue place to one. Ceder & transporter quelque heritage, to graunt or make ouer an heritage. Ie te Cede, I giue place to thee. Vn Cedre, a Ceder tree. Cedule, a sedule, a brief, a hand­ writing. Ceindre, to gird. Ceinct, girt. Ceinct, ou Ceincture, a girdle, a girthe. Ceincturette, a little girdle. Cela, that. Celer, to hyd, to dissemble, to couer Celier, vn lieu soubs terre, com­ me caue, & semblables, to sel­ ler any place vnder the earth. Celeste, qui est du ciel, heauen­ ly, of heauen. Celeste, habitans au ciel, heauen­ ly, dwelling in heauen. Celuy, hee. Celuy là, the same man. Cemetiere, ou dortoir, que les Chrestiens appellent ainsi, à cause de l'esperance de la re­ surrection, a churchyarde. Cendre, ashes. Cendrée sauuage, sauerie, mar­ gerome, penyroyall. Cens ou cense, & rente, a rent, a yearely reuenew. Cense, ferme, ou metairie, a farme. Censeur, a Cesser, a highe Con­ stable. Cent, a hundreth. Mettre par Centeines, to put by hundreths. Centenier, a Centurion or cap­ taine of a hundreth men. La centauria maieur, herbe, an herbe called centurie the greater La Centauria mineur, the lesse centurie. Centinodia, & corrigiole, her­ be, knot grasse. Centre, le poinct du milieu de toutes choses, the centre or midle point. Cep, vne sorte de tourment de bois, dedens lequel on met le col & les pieds des malfaicteurs, an instrument of torment made of wood, a timbrel, a pillorie, a paire of stockes. Cercher diligemment, to seke out, to boult out, to search diligently. En cerchant, in seking diligently Cercheur, a seeker. Cercheresse, a she seeker. Cerchement, a seeking, a boul­ ting out, an inquisition. Vne Cercelle, a waterfoule cal­ led a Teale. Cercle, a circle, a compasse. Cerf, an hart, a stagge. Cerfueil, Charuell. Vne cerise, a cherry. Cerisier, a cherry tree. Cerne est autant à dire comme cercle, a circle. Faire Cerne en terre, to close a ground in. Cerner & enciser les arbres, to cut trees round about. Cerner des noix, to cracke nuts. Vn Cerneau, cela qui est bon à manger d'vne noix, amende, & semblables, the carnell of a nut, almond, or any other thing. Cerot, a sere cloth. Certes, certainly, truly, verily. Certain & asseuré, certaine, sure, without doubt. Il est certain, it is certaine, it is doubtlesse. Certainement, certainly, verely, truly, surely. Vne certification qu'escriuent ceux qui sont francs des im­ posts, & l'enuoyent aux fer­ miers, a certificate. Auoir quelque certitude & asseu­ rance de quelque chose, to be assured of any thing. Ceruelle ou cerueau, the braine. De la Ceruoise, beare, or ale. De la Ceruse, ou fard, whitlead. Ces, ou ceux la, these or those. Cesser, & s'arrester, to ceasse, to staye, to forbeare. Cesser & se deporter de faire quelque chose, to staye from doing a thing. Cessé, a ceassing, a forbearing. Declairer Cessation des plaids, to stay a matter. Faire cession, to giue goods ouer. C'est, seeke Ce. Ceste cy, Le feminin de cest, ou cestuy, this woman, the femi­ nine of cest, or cestuy. Cestuy cy mesme, this same man. Cestuy­ cy qui est aupres de moy, this fellow by mee. Cestuy­ là qui est aupres de toy, that fellow by thee. Cestuy­ là Chrysippus, the very same Chrysippus. Ceues ou ceuots, onyons. Vn chable, a cable. Chacieux, qui a de nature les yeux pleurants, bleare eyed, or running eyed. Chagrin & soucy, greefe, care, waywardnesse. Chagrin, soing & solicitude pour autruy, carefulnesse. Chagrigner, to greeue, to trouble a man. Chagrigner quelqu'vn, & le mettre en soucy, to fill one with care. Le chaignon du col, the hinder part of the necke. Vne chaine, a cheyne. Chair, fleshe. Chaircutier, a cooke. Charnier, le lieu ou on met les os des trespassez, a charnell house. Charnu, fleshye. La charnure d'vne personne, the flesh or braune of one. Vne charongne, a careine, a corse. Vne Chaire, a chaire. Chaleur, heat. Ne se chaloir plus de quelque chose, not to passe for any thing. Ne se chaloir de rien, to care for nothing. Chalumeau, a reed, a pipe. Vne chamarre, a shepheardes pelt. Chambellan, Chamberlaine. Chambriere, a mayd seruant. Vne Chambre à coucher & à dormir, a bed chamber. Chambre haulte, a highe cham­ ber. Chambre secrette, a secret cham­ ber, a celle. Chambrette, a little chamber. Vn Chameau, a camell. Vn Champ, a field. Vn Champ & pieces de terre sans bastiment, ou auec ba­ stiment, a plot of ground. Sur le Champ, immediatly, at that instant. Champart, field rent. Champestre, fieldish. Vn champignon ou potiron, a toadestoole, a musherome. Vaillant champion, a valiant champion. Chanceller, to stagger, to reele, to wauer. Chancellement, a staggering, a stutting. Chancre, a cancre. Chandelle, a candle, a light. Vn chandelier, a candlestick. Chanfrain creux, ce sont comme goutiers engrauées du long des colonnes de pierre, a gut­ ter or furrow made in a piller of stone. Changer, to change, to alter, to scorse. Changer quelque chose auec au­ cun, to scorse with one. Changer & innouer, to chaunge, to renewe. Changé, chaunged. Change, a chaunge. Changeur, a changer, a tolle taker. Changement, chopping and chan­ ging. Changement de propos, to chaunge his talke. Chansi, mouldie, filthie, rotten. Chansissure, mouldinesse. Chanteau, a cantle, a gobbet, Chanter, to sing. Chantonner, to chaunt. Chant, song. Chant, and Chanson, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Chanson, a song. Chansonnette, a little song. Chantre, a singer. Chanteresse, a woman singer. Chantement, singing. Chanterie, Musike. Vne chantepleure, a garden pot, a watering pot. Du chanure, Hempe. Vne chapeau ou bonnet à cou­ urir la teste, a hat or cap. Chapeau faict d'espics de blé, a garland of corne eres. Vn chapeau de fleurs, ou bou­ quet, a garland of floures. Petit chapeau de fleurs, a little garland of floures. Chapelier, ou chapeliere, a gar­ land maker. Chapelle, a chappell. Chapeler du pain, to chip bread. Chaperon, ou vne cappe que les femmes portent par temps de pluye, a french hood. Le chapiteau d'vn pilier & co­ lomne, the top of a piller. Vn Chapitre de liure, the chap­ ter of a booke. Chapon, a capon. Vn charbon, a coale. Du charbon esteinct, ou allu­ mé, dead or quicke coales. Vn charbonnier, a collier. Charbonnée, petite piece de chair, & semblables, a collop. Chardon, a thistle. Vn chardonneret, a little birde that feedeth on thistles. Chardonnette, vne sorte d'herbe, a stinking weed of the kinde of thistles. Charge ou fardeau, a burthen, a fardle, a charge. La charge qu'on baille à aucun pour faire quelque chose, the charge that is giuen to one in a­ ny businesse. Bailler ou donner charge & com­ mission à aucun de quelque af­ faire, to giue charge or commis­ sion to any. Charger, to burthen, to charge. Charger ou greuer aucun, too charge or burthen any man. Chargeant, burthenouse, char­ geable. Chargé, charged, burthened. Charité & amour entre les hom­ mes, the charitie and loue that is betweene men. Charmer, too enchaunt, too charme. Charnu, charnure, charongne, seeke chair. Charpentier, ou qui fournit de bois à faire quelque edifice, a carpentar. Maistre charpentier, a maister of workes, or Maister car­ pentar. Charpenterie, carpentrie, or car­ penters worke. Charpie, linnen, or that is made of flax. Char, chariot, a cart, a chariot, a waggen. Charrette, a little cart. Charier, to carry by cart. Chartier, a cartar, a wagener. Charoy, ou par eaüe, ou par ter­ re, cariage by water or land. Chartez, seeke, Cher. Vne chartre, ou prison, a prison. Venir ou estre en Chartre, & tout sec, to wither away. Vne Charue, a ploughe. Charui, seeke Cheruiz. Vn chacun, eche man, euery man. Chacune, eche woman. Chasiere, a cheese presse. Vn Chaslit, ou les costez d'vn chaslit, a bedsteed. Chasse qu'on porte sus les espau­ les és processions, a shrine. Vn herbe nommée Corneole, aucunefois Soulcie aquati­ que, Les Manceaux l'appel­ lent chasse bosse, ou Chasse peste, an herbe called in latin Acesis. Chasser hors, ou arriere de soy, to driue out, to cast out, to ex­ clude. Chassé & iecté hors, cast out. Chasse, chase or hunting. Chasser aux bestes sauuages, courir aux Cerfs, to hunt wild beastes, to hunt the stagge. Chasseur, a hunter. Chassieux, seeke, Chacieux. Chastaigne, ou chastaignier, a chestnut. Chaste, chaste, honest, shamfast. Chastelamerie, a village, a farm ­ house. Chasteté, chastitie. Chastement, chastely. Chasteau, a castle. Chastier, to correct, to punish, to chastise. Chastiment aspre & rude, sharp correction. Chastrer, to geld. Chastré, gelded. Chastrement, a gelding. Vn Chat, a cat. Chatepeleuse, ou Calendre, vne petite beste qui ronge le frou­ ment, a caterpiller. Chathuant ou hibou, an owle. Le Chaton, dedens quoy est la pierre precieuse enchassée, the broad part of the ring where the stone is set. Chatoüiller, to tickle, to clawe. Chatoüillement, a tickeling. Vn Chaudeau, a caudle. Vn Chaudron de cuyure, ou mar­ mite, ou vne chaudiere, a caudron, a kettle, Chaudronnier, a Copper smith. Chauffer, to chafe, to heat, too warme. Chaufournier, a lime kill. Chaume, strawe. Chault, hote. Tenir chaudement quelque chose, & l'entretenir en sa chaleur, to keepe hote, or to maintaine a thing in heat. Conseil prins chaudement, ad­ uised councell. De la Chaulx, lyme. La Chassée & leuée d'vn estang ou riuiere, the causey of a pond or riuer. Chausser, to hose on. Chaussure, hosing. Chaussetrappe, a calthrop for warre, made like three yron pricks, so ioyned, that being throwen, one alwayes standeth vpright. Vne herbe qu'on appelle chausse­ trape: c'est aussi vn fruit qu'on appelle Chastaigne de riuiere ou truffes, ou faligots, a bramble Chauue par deuant, bald headed. Chauueté, baldnesse. Chauuesouris, a Backe, some call it a Batte. Le Chef, the head. Mettre à Chef quelque haulte enterprise, to bring some great enterprise to passe. Venir à Chef de ses besongnes & enterprinses, to bring the work and enterprise to an end Faire Chef d'oeuure, to make a pincipal peece of worke, too make a maisters peece. Celidoine ou esclere, an herbe called Selandine. Chemin, a waye, a path, a street. Chemin, ou rue, a way or street. Cheminer, to walke, to iourney, to goe. Cheminée, a chimney. Vne chemise, a shirt. Chenets, ou Landier, Andirons. Cheneui, hempeseed. Chenille, a worme with many feet that eateth vines, also a snayle. Chenille de vigne, Jdem. Chenu, horeheared, gray heared. Cheoir, to fall. Cheant ou tombant, falling or decaying. Cheu, fallen. Cheute, a fall. Cher & fort aimé, deere and wel beloued. Vne chose chere, a deere thing. Cherté, deerth. Chercher, seeke cercher. Chere, Trongne, Mine, cheare, countenance. Faire grand chere, to make good cheere, to be merie. Des cheruis, a roote called Skir­ wike. Cheruis sauuages, wilde Skir­ wike. Vn chesne, an oke. Vn cheual, a horse. Cheuaucher, to ryde. Vn cheuaucheur, a ryder. Cheuauchement, ryding. Cheualier, ou homme d'armes, a Knight, or man at armes. Cheualier de l'ordre, a Knight of the order. La cheuance d'aucun, richesse, or goods. Vne cheueche, a shreeche owle. Cheueul, ou poil, ou perruque, a heare. Cheuelu, hearie, roughe with heare. Cheueleure, the heare. Cheuet, ou trauersin d'vn lict, a bolster. Cheuestre, ou licol, a halter. Cheuille, a peg, a pin. Cheuir auec aucun, to make an end with one. Vne cheure, a goate. Cheureau, a kid. Cheurette, a little goat. Vn cheuron, a wild goat. Esguillettes de cheurotin, che­ uerell pointes. Vn cheuron, a cheuron, a rafter in the house that beareth vp the roofe. Chez moy, with me, at my house De Chez moy, to mee. Chiche, a niggard, a pinch penny. Chichement, nigardly. Chicheté, nigardlinesse. Chichorêe, seeke cichorée. Vn Chien, ou vne chienne, a dogge, or bitch. Chier, to go to the stoole, to doo our ease. Chimere, a darke or suttle ima­ gination. Chiquaneur, a Somner. Chirurgien, a Surgeon. Le Choc de gents de guerre, a shock or brunt of warriours. Chocquer, to strike, or knocke togither. Chois, choise. Choisir, to choose. Cholere, choler, anger. Cholorique, colerik, angry, testy. Chomer, to tary for, to make ho­ ly day for lacke of worke. Choper, to stumble, to offend. Vne chopine, a measure contey­ ning about a quart. Chordé, seke Cord. Chose, a thing. Des choux, colewortes. Choux cabus, cabages. Chou pour chou, like for like. Choüette, a howlet. Chouquet, a blocke. Choyer, ou contregarder, To spare. Chroniques & Annales, Chro­ nicles. Chucas, sorte d'oyseau, a chough a dawe, a cadesse. Cicatrice, a scarre. Pois ciçes, dryed pease. De la cichorée, Sichorie, an herb Vne cicoigné, a storke. Le Ciel, the heauen, the skie, som­ time the seeling of a bedde. Cy ens, heere within. Cigale, a Grashopper. Vne Cygne, a swan. Cil, pour celuy, hee. Le ciel & peau qui couure les yeux dessoubs & dessus en les clignant, the eye liddes. Ciller à quelqu'vn, to wynke on one. Ciment, sement. Cinq, fiue, fifth. Cinquante, fifty. Vn circuit, a circuit, a compasse. Circution de parolles, a compas­ sing in with wordes. Lieu circonuoisin, place borde­ ring about. Cire, waxe, cirer, to waxe. Cirement, a waxing. Vn ciron, a worme in a mannes hande. Ciseau de quoy on fait incision cissers to make incision. Ciseaux, ou forces, cissers or sheares. Ciselet, small cissers. Vne cisterne ou l'eaue du ciel chet, a cesterne. Cité, a Citie. Citoyen, ou citoyenne, a Citizen. Des citrons, Citrons. Ciuil, qui sçait bien son entre­ gent, ciuill, or one that kno­ weth good behauiour. Ciuilement, ciuilly, courte­ ously. Vne ciuiere à col, à porter ima­ ges, & reliques, & autres cho­ ses sacrées, a coller aboute ones necke, to carry relikes or ima­ ges on. Ciuois, a bed of Onyons. Clabaux, a mastiue, a curre. Clabauderie, Bawlyng, bar­ king. Clair, Clairement, seke cler. Clapier, & tanier, a Coney­ hole. Claquer des mains en signe de faueur, to clap the handes. Claqueter des dens, to chatter with the teeth. Claquette comme celle des la­ dres, a clapper. Clause, a clause. Claye dosier, a lattisse of wic­ kr, a hurdle. Clef, a kay. Cler, manifest & euident, de quoy on n'a point de doubte, cleere, manifest, euident. Faire cler, to make light. Clerement, cleerely, openly, ma­ nifestly. Clerté, ou clarté, Cleerenesse, brightnesse. Vn clere qui sert pour escrire, a Clarke. Il est bon Clere, He is learned, he is a good Clarke. Client, qui s'est donné en la tu­ telle & protection de quelque grand seigneur, lequel prend la defense de toutes ses affai­ res à l'encontre de tous, A Client. Cligner les yeux, to winke, to twinkle with the eye. Clignement des yeux, win­ king. Climat & diuision du ciel, cli­ mate or diuision of heauen. Cloche, a Bell. Clochette, a little Bell. Clocher d'esglise, a steeple. Clocher, to halte. Vn cloistre & lieu enuironné de pillers, a Cloyster. Cloporte & vn espece de ver­ mine se procreant és lieux hu­ mides & vapoureux comme bains, a worme hauing a great many of feete, a palmer. Clorre, to close vp, to shut vp. Clos, enclosed. Vn clos, a close. Ce qui est clos, that whiche is closed. Tout closture, an enclosement. Closture de hayes, a closing in in with hedges. Cloison fait du mortier, a mud wall. Cloison faicte d'ais de bout & trauersants, a bourd wall. Closser, seeke Glosser. Vn clou, a nayle. Vn cloüette, a little nayle, a sprig Cloüer, to nayle. Cloüer contre vn croix, to naile on a Crosse. Vn clistere, a clyster. Vn coche ou cren, A nicke, a notche. Coche, ou truye, a sowe. Vn cochet, a cockrell. Vn cochon, a pyg. Cocque d'oeuf, an egge shell. Coeppeau, a chip. Vn coeffe, a Coyfe, a night cap. Coëffé, coyfed. Coëtiuer, eschauffer, & entre­ tenir en chaleur, to kepe warm to maynteyne in heate. Coetiuement, a keping warme. Coenne de lard, a bakon skin. Coffre, a chest, a coffer. Coffret, a little coffer. Cognoistre, to know, to perceiue to discerne, to vnderstand. Bailler ou donner à cognoi­ stre & à entendre manifeste­ ment, to giue to vnderstande, to declare. Cognoistre parfaictement ou vrayement vne chose d'entre vne autre, to knowe one thing from an other. Cognoissant, knowledging, vn­ derstanding. Cogneu, knowne. La chose est sçeüe & cogneüe, that which is known and come to light. Cognoissance, knowledge, vn­ derstanding, wisdome, science. Coi, seeke cov. Vn coignée & hache, a hatchet. Coigner, to coyne in, to driue in. Le coing de toutes choses, the corner of any thing. Vn coing à fendre bois, a wedge to cleaue wood. Vne pomme de coing, a quince. Coings sauuages, wyld quinces. Vn coignier, a quince tree. Des coignasses, a kind of quince. Coint & ioly, coye, fine, quaint. Le col, the necke. Vn collet, ou gorgias de quoy les femmes couurent leurs poictrines, a partlet. Collier & autre bague pendant au col, a coller or carket. Vn collier qu'on met aux chiens, principalement de chasse, A dog coller. Vn collier à cheuaux, A horse coller. La colique, a collander, a strainer Collique passion, the Collike. Collation & taille, a ioyning to­ gither, a tayle. Collation, Banquette d'aupres soupir, a collation, a bankee after supper. Collauder, to prayse. Collaudation, a praysing. Colle, glewe, paast. Coller, to glewe. Collement, a glewing or coupling togither. Collection, a collection, a gathe­ ring togither. College, a college. Colloquer, to place togither. Colluder & faire semblant de plaider contre aucun, & neant­ moins s'entendre auec luy, to make semblant to doo a thyng, and do cleane contrarie. Collusion, collusion, sometyme deceyte. Vn colombier, a doue cote. Vne colomne, a Doue. Coloquinte, ou courge sauuage Colloquintida. Colporter, porter sur le col, to carrie a coarse to buriall. Le combat & battaille, ou de­ bat, the combat or battaile, the stryfe. Presenter ou donner le combat to bid the combat. Combatre & batailler, to fight togither, to battaile. Combatre en quelque maniere que ce soit, to fight. Le comble, ce qui est adiousté oultre la iuste mesure, abun­ dance, or that whiche is more than the iust measure, somtime fulnesse. Combler, to fil full, to ouerheap. Combien que, although that. Combien estes vous? howe ma­ ny are ye? Combien de fois? how often. Combien penses tu auoir tost faict? how soone thinkest thou to haue done? Combien y a ­ il? how long is it agone? Comedie & farce, a Comedie, a play, an interlude. Comete ou estoile cheuelüe, a Comete or blasing starre. Comin, vne sorte d'herbe, Co­ min, an herbe. Commander & ordonner, To commaunde, to appoynt, to e­ stablishe. Commander de faire, to com­ maunde, to enioyne. Commandé & publié, comman­ ded, proclaymed. Commandement & ordonnance a commandement, an ordi­ naunce. Comme, euen as. Comme i'espere, as J hope. Comme on dit, as men say, as it is reported. Comme si ie y eusse esté, euen as though J had ben there. Comme s'il estoit faict, as if it were done. Commencer à faire quelque chose, to begin a thing, to take a thing in hande. Commencé, begonne. Commencement, a beginnyng. Commensal, qui boit & menge ordinairement auec nous, a dayly companion at table. Comment? Qui? How? Comment cela? Howe so? Comment te portes tu? Howe dost thou? how farest thou? Commettre quelque chose à au cun, Le commetre sus quel­ que affaire, to commyt a busi­ nesse to one. Commetre quelque vilain ou meschant cas, to committe a wicked crime. Commis sus quelque affaire, a­ pointed to some businesse. Commission, a commission. Le commissaire donné par le Magistrat pour cognoistre & iuger d'vne cause, a Com­ missioner appoynted by the ma­ gistrate to heare and iudge a matter. Donner commissaire, To ap­ poynt a commissioner. Commodité, commoditie, pro­ fite, Commune, common, vulgar. Commun & appartenant à tous common to all. Vn commun dict du temps pas­ sé, A common saying of olde tyme. La commune, the common people. Communauté, the Commi­ naltie. Communion, communion, a fel­ lowship or knitting togither. Communiquer, to communicate, to make partaker, to conferre. Comunication, a communication. Compaignon à apprendre, ou d'apprentissage, a schoolefelow or fellow in house. Compaignon de table, a table fellow. Compaignon à cheminer, A walking mate. Compaignon de table à boire & à manger, & à ioüer, a com­ panion bothe at meate and at play. Compaignon en tous labeurs & peines, a felow in al troubles Compaignie, companie, fellow­ shippe. Compaignable, one whose com­ panie is easie to be gotten. Se comparer à vn autre, to com­ pare with an other. Comparager & paragoner, To compare, to lyken. Comparaison, a comparison, a likenyng. Comparer vne faulte, & payer bien cher, to punish a fault. Comparoir au iour de la mon­ stre, to appeare in muster. Comparoistre en iugement, to appere in iudgement. Ne comparoistre point au iour de l'assignation donné par de­ uant le Magistrat, not to ap­ peare at the day appointed by the magistrate. Compas, a compasse. Compasser, to compasse. Compassion, compassion, pitie, mercie. Compenser, to recompence, to make amendes. Compensé, recompenced. Faire cher comperre l'offence, to abye for the offence deerly. Competer & appertenir, to be­ long or appertaine. Competiteur, a suter for right. Se complaindre, to complayne, to finde himselfe greued. Se complaindre à son amy, To complayn to his frende. Complaint, a complaint or mone making, or bewayling. Complaint qu'on fait à aucun, d'vn autre, a complaint of an other, a tell tale. Complaire, to please, to like. Vn complant, a yong Vine­ yarde. La complexion d'aucun, the com­ plexion. Mal complexionné, yll manered of yll behauiour. Complice, a companion in wic­ kednesse. Complot & intelligence qu'on a l'vn auec l'autre, agreement. Accord & complot faict entre plusieurs, agreement betweene many. Par complot, vpon agreement. Composer quelque liure, To make a booke. Composer & escrire des vers, to make verses. Composer auec aucun, to com­ pounde with one. Composé & faict de deux na­ tures, compounde and made of two natures. La composition de quelque li­ ure, the making of any Booke. Composition & confection, a compound, a confection. Composition & accord, a com­ position and agreement. Comprendre, to comprehend, to perceyue, to compasse, to vnder­ stande. Estre comprins au nombre des bienheureux, to bee comprised in the numbre of the happy. Compromettre & se rapporter au iugement de quelque ar­ bitre ius quelque different, to put the difference in arbitrement. Comprins, put in arbitrement. Compter, to compt, to recken, to number. Tout comptant, ready tolde. Vne compt, a compt, a reckning. Compte & payement, a recke­ ning, a payment. Abbreger son compt, to cut off his reckening. Qui tient le compte, that kee­ peth the reckening. Dresseur de compte, an accompt caster. Compteur, a reckener. Comptoir & table, ou ancienne­ ment les argentiers comptoy­ ent, a counter, or table to cast accompt on. Comptement, a telling. Conceder, to graunt. Cela concerne l'vtilité publi­ que, that concerneth the pu­ blike weale. Conceuoir en son esprit, to con­ ceiue with himselfe. Ce qui est conçeu, that which is conceiued. Conception, a conceyte. La conception de nostre enten­ dement, the sence, feeling, or per­ ceyuing. Vn concierge ou portier, a porter Conciergerie & prison, a prison Conciter, to moue, to stirre. Conclure, to conclude. Conclusion, a conclusion. Faire bonne concoction, to haue good digestion. Vne concombre, a coucomber. Concorde, concord, agreement. Concubine, a concubine. Concupiscence, concupiscence, feruent desire or appetite. Concurrence, a running togither, or agreement. Condemner, to damne, to con­ demne. Condemnation, a condemna­ tion. Condemnation d'amende, An amercing, or putting to fine. Condescendre & s'accorder à quelque chose, to condescende or agree to a thing. Condition, a condition, a coue­ naunt. Basse condition, of a poore stock. Soubs & par telle condition, on this condition. Conditions d'vne homme bon­ nes & mauuaises, the conditi­ ons or qualities of a good or e­ uill man. Conduire, to conduct, to gouern, to leade, to traine. Conduit à mener l'eaue en quel­ que lieu, a Cundyte. Conduite, leading, trayning, con­ ducting. Tu es le conducteur de c'est af­ faire, thou art the mayster of all this mischief, or this worke. Confiction ou confiture, a con­ fection or confiting. Conferer ensemble, to conferre togither. Confermer, to confirme, to esta­ blishe, to auoutche. Confermer son opinion, to con­ firme his opinion. Confirmation, a confirmation, an establishing. Confesser, to confesse, to beknow. Confesser franchement & sans contrainte, to confesse freely, and without constraint. On confesse bien qu'il est vray, it is confessed to be true. Confession, a confession. Par la confession d'vn chas, sont deshonnestes, they are vnhonest by the confession of all men. Se confier, to trust, to put con­ fidence in. Confiance & asseurance, Con­ fidence and assurance. Confiner aulcun en quelque lieu & le bannir, to limite one with­ in certain boundes. Confire, to confite. Confiture, confiting. Confitures, Confites. Confisquer les biens d'aucun confiscate ones goodes, to sease on forfayte them vnto the Prince. Confiscation, ou biens confis­ quez, & publication des biens d'aucun, ou de plusieurs, A confiscation. Vne conflant, ou deux riuieres s'assemblent, a place where two riuers mete togither. Conflit & combat, a conflict or combat. Confondre, mesler ensemble, & broüiller, to confounde, to mingle, to tumble togither. Se confermer & accorder à au­ cun, to conforme, or to becom a­ greeable to an other. Confort, comforte, solace, encou­ raging. Conforter, & confermer les gents guerre, to comforte and en­ courage warriours. Confronter l'vn a l'autre, pour en voir la comparaison, to com­ pare one by an other, to see the difference. Confus, qui n'est point diuisé ne separé, confused, not distinct Estre confus, to bee confused, or amazed. Confuséement, confusedly, in­ distinctly. Confusion & trouble, ou des­ ordre de toutes choses, confu­ sion, trouble, or disorder in any thing. Confuter, to confute. Congé, leaue, licence, permission, graunt. Sans mon congé, withoute my leaue. Congedier vne armée, to breake vp an army. Congnoistre, seeke cognoistre. Congre, poislon, a Conger. Il se congrege en pierre preci­ euse, Jt groweth to a precious stone. Coniecturer, to coniecture. Coniecture, a coniecture. Conioindre, to ioyne togither, to glewe togither, to past togither, to fasten. Conioinct, ioyned togither. Coniunction, a ioyning togither, a coniunction. Conioinctement, ioyntly, whol­ ly. Coniurer & adiurer aucun, Le prier pour l'amitié, ou autres choses, to entreat one, on all friendship to vtter some thing. Coniurer, Iurer ensemble pour mal faire à aucun, Faire con­ spiration, to conspire. Coniuration, a conspiracie. Vn connin, ou connil, a conny, a rabbet. Conquester, to conquere, to win. Conroyeur, a courrier. Consacrer, to consecrate, to dedi­ cate, to hallowe. Consacré à Dieu, dedicated to God. Consacré, ou sainct, dedicated or hallowed. Conscience, conscience, know­ ledge, remorse. Dire en sa conscience, to say of conscience. Faire Conscience de quelque chose, to make conscience of a matter, to sticke at a matter. Conscientieux, deuout, scrupu­ louse. Conseil, counsell, aduise. Demander conseil, to aske coun­ cell. Donner conseil, to giue aduise. Conseiller, to councell, to warne, to charge, to aduise. Se conseiller de quelque affaire, to consult on a matter, to take aduisement. Conseillier de ville, a counsailour of a Citie. Conseillier de la ville de Rome, a Counsailour of the Citie of Rome. Estre Consul, to be Consull. Consulter, to consult, to take ad­ uise. Consultation, consultation, deli­ beration, aduisement. Consentir à aucun, to consent to one, to agree. Consentement & accord, con­ sent or agreement. Consequemment, consequently, by the sequell. Chose graue & de consequence, a matter of weight and conse­ quence. Conseruateur, a conseruer, a mayntayner. Conseruation, conseruation. Considerer quelque chose, too consider, to weigh, to ponder. Consideration, consideration, marking, pondering. Consigner, to appoint, to exhi­ bite, to present. Consister, to consist, or to be. Cecy consiste à chercher la ve­ rité, this consisteth in searching the truthe. Consoler, to comfort, to chearish, to solace, to cheare. Consolation, consolation or comfort Consolateur, a comforter. Consommer & parfaite, to make perfite, to end, to fulfill. Conspirer & estre de commun ac­ cord, se vnir & allier ensemble pour faire quelque chose, soit bonne ou mauuaise, to con­ spire, to consent, to agree. Conspiration, a conspiracie. Constant, constant, firme, stable, settled. Estre constant, to be constant. Constance, constancy, perseue­ rance, setlednesse. Constamment, constantly. Constellation & assemblée d'e­ stoilles ensemble en quelque signe, a gathering togither of starres into some signe. Constituer aucun consul sus le peuple, to choose or apointe a Consull ouer the people. Constitu, arrest & determinance de quelque chose, laquelle apres auoir esté disceptée & deba­ tue, est mise à fin, a constitu­ tion, an ordinance. Consumer, to consume, to wast, to weare away. Consumption, a consumption. Consuiure & atteindre, to follow, to ouertake, to get, to obtayne. Contaminer, to spot, to stayne, to defile, to corrupt. Conte, ou contesse, an Earle, a Contesse. Vne conte, a tale. Vne conte, deuis & propos, soit vray au faux qu'on fait à plai­ sir, a fable. Conte des choses veritables, a storie. Conter, to tell. Vn conteur de contes, fables & sornettes, a tale teller. Contemner, to despise, to disdain, to neglect. Contemnement, a contempt, or disdayne. Contempler, to vewe, to behold. Contemplement, quand on pense soigneusement à vne chose, to muse on a matter. Contenir & comprendre, to con­ taine, to comprehend. Contenir & garder de faire oul­ tre, to restraine, to with hold. Se contenir & moderer, too for­ beare, to moderate. Contenu, contayned. Continence, continence. La contenance, the gesture, con­ tenance, or behauiour. Content, content, well pleased. Estre content de ce qu'on a, to be content with that we haue. Ie suis content, I am content. I'en suis content, J am content. Mal content, not content, displea­ sed, offended. Contenter aucun, to please or satisfie one. Contentement de peu & absti­ nence de voluptez, to bee con­ tent with a little. Prendre contentement, too de­ lite in. Contester cause sus quelque dif­ ferent, to make protestation of sute before the Judge. Par vn contexte, Tout d'vn train, Sans rien mesler, continually togither. Continence, seeke contenir. Continu & entier, continuall, for euer. Continu à quelque chose faire comme s'il estoit tousiours soubs le ioug, the continuance of a thing. Continuer, to continue, to goe forward, to last. Continuel, continuall. Continuellement, continually. Continuation, a continuing. Contract, a contract, a couenant, a bargaine. Contracts & conuentions redi­ gées par escript, agreements or conuenants put in writing. Contracter, to contract, too bar­ gayne, to agree. Contradiction, a contradiction. Contraindre aucun, to constraine, to enforce, to compell. Estre contrainct, to be constray­ ned. Estre contrainct par necessité, to be constrayned or driuen by necessitie. Contrainct, a constraint. Sans contraincte, without con­ straint, freely, willingly. Contraire & nuisant, contrarie, hurtfull. Au contraire, contrarywise. Contrarieté, contrarietie, diffe­ rence. Contre, agaynst. Contrecedule, the counterpane of a writing. Il me vient à contrecueur, it go­ eth agaynst my mynde. Contredire, to gaynsay, too mur­ mour, to withstand. Contredisant, ou qui contredit tousiours, a gaynsayer. Contrée & pays, a land or coun­ trey. Contrefaire, to counterfeat, too make like. Contrefaire quel qu'vn, to coun­ terfeat a man. Se contrefaire, to disguise himselfe, Contrefaict, counterfeat. Contregarder, to keepe, to pre­ serue. Se contregarder, to keepe him­ selfe, to spare himselfe, to looke to himselfe. Contremettre, to lay against. Contremont, vpward. Contrepois, a counterpease. Contrepoison, a counterpoyson. Contreporteur, a cariar aboute of letters or other things. Contrerouleur, a Controller. Contreuenir au droict, to with­ stand the right. En contreuenant, in withstan­ ding. Contribuer, to contribute. Contrister aucun, to make one sorrowfull. Se contrister, to bee sorrowfull, to bee carefull. Controuerse ou debat, contro­ uersie or strife. Controuuer & feindre, to inuent or faigne. Controuuer quelque chose en son esprit, to imagine oute of our owne brayne. Chose controuuée, a thing fay­ ned, or inuented. Controuueur de mots, an inuen­ tour of words. Controuueur de parolles & men­ teur, a fayner, a lyer. Controuuement & fiction, fay­ ning, lying. Conuaincre, to conuince, to o­ uercome. Conuenir & s'assembler, to ga­ ther togither. Conuenir & apointer de quelque affaire qui estoit en doubte, to agree on things in controuer­ sie. Faire bien conuenir, to make them well agree. Bien conuenant, fit, apt, hand­ some. Conuenant à quelque affaire, fit for a thing. Il conuient, it behoueth, it is con­ uenient. Conuenant, seemely. Conuenable, Propre ou sortable à quelque chose, conuenient, apt, meete for a thing. Conuenablement, conueniently. Conuenance, agreement, consent. Conuenancer, to promise, to make couenant. Conuention, a bargayne, an a­ greement. Vn conuers, nouueau à la foy, a conuert, one newe come to the faith. Conuerser auec quelqu'vn, to be conuersant with one, too keepe companie. Conuersation & familiarité, con­ uersation and familiaritie. Se conuertir, to bee conuerted, to turne. Conuertir inimitiez en amitiez, to turne enimitie into friendship. Se conuertir en liqueur, to bee conuerted into liquor. Se conuertir en sel, to be conuer­ ted into salt. Conuerti, conuerted. Conuier, Semondre à souper, to bid to supper. Conuoiter, to desire, to couet. Conuoitant, coueting, greedily desiring. Conuoité, desired. Conuoiteux, couetous. Conuoitement, a greedy desiring. Conuoitise, couetousnesse, gree­ dinesse. Conuoitise qu'on a tant de bon­ nes choses, que de mauuaises, concupiscence. Conuoquer, to call togither. Conuoy, a following or wayting on. Conuoy des obseques d'vn tres­ passé, to follow the dead corps, or to bring him home. Conuoyer, to beare companie. Conuoyer aucun par honneur, to beare one companie home. Cophin, ou panier d'osier, a bas­ ket. La copie & le double de quelque escripture, the copie of a writing Abondant & copieux en sçauoir de diuerses choses, aboundant and plentiful in knowledge. Copier, to copie or write out. Vn coq, a cocke. Du coq, herbe, an herbe called costmarie. Coquelourdes, an herbe called of some Rose perseley. Le coqueluchon d'vne cappe, & la cappe que les semmes por­ tent sur leurs testes pour la pluye, a cocks combe on a hood. Vn coquemart ou vne chaudie­ re, a caudron. Des coquerets, herbe, an herbe called Alkakengie. Des coquerettes, Idem. La Coquille d'vn limaçon & semblables, the shell of a snayle or shell fish. Les coquilles de la noix, nut shels. Les coquilles d'oeufs, egge shels. Coquetier, cotqueane. Coquin, a needie fellow, a begger. Corail, corall. Corbeau, a rauen. Vne pierre qu'on appelle Cor­ beau sortant de la muraille pour soustenir vne poultre, a corbell, a stone set out of a wall to beare weight on. Corbeille ou on met la pasture des bestes, a basket to carrie beasts meat in. Corbeille faicte d'osier, a basket of oysers. Corbeille faicte de genest, a maund. "maund" is missing in the original document and has been added here. Corbeillon, ou Picotin, a little basket. Corde, a corde, a band. La ligne ou le cordeau du char­ pentier, the carpentars ligne. Cordelette, ou corde moindre qu'vn cable, a string, a pack ­ threed, a corde. Cordeur de terres, a bounder of landes. Cordialement aimer, to loue har­ tily. Cordouannier, a shoomaker, a cordwayner. Cordouannerie, shoomaker row. Coriandre herbe, Coriandre. Corme, a frute called Seruyce. Vn cormier, a Seruyce tree. Vn Cormorant, a fishe called a Cormorant. Cornaline, pierre precieuse, a stone called a Corneline. Corne, a horne. La Corne du pied d'vne beste, a beasts hoofe. Cornet, ou trompe, an instrument called a cornet, a horne. Cornet à ancre, an inckehorne. Vn Cornet de papier comme d'apoticaire, a cornet or cof­ fin, suche as Grocers make of paper to put spice in. Cornu, ou qui porte des cornes, horned, or that weareth hornes. Corner, to play on the cornet, to blowe in a horne. Corneur, a horner. Vne Corneille, a crowe. Corneole, herbe, seeke, chasse­ bosse, an herbe so called. Vne Cornette des cheuailliers, a cornet or standard of horse­ men, commonly a hundreth. Corniche qu'on met par dessus les colomnes, a cornish on the top of a pillar. Vn Cornillier, a tree whereof there is male and female, the male is not in England, and may be called long cherie tree, the fe­ male of some is called dog tree, such as butchers make priks of. Corniles, ou cornoilles, the frut of the aforenamed tree. Le Corps, the body. Biens corporels & appertenans au corps, bodily or corporal goods Corsu, ou Corporu & fourny, corsif, grosse, fleshy. Corpulence, fleshinesse. Le Corsage, the body or corps of a thing. Corriger, to correct, to amend. Correctement, diligently, or without faulte. Correcteur, a correctour, a con­ troller, a fault finder. Correction, a correction, an a­ mending. de la corrigiole, autrement dicte Saguinaria, qui croit és mon­ taignes, way grasse, knot grasse. Corrompre & gaster, to corrupt to marre, to wast, to peruert. Corrompre & gaster aucun, too marre one. Qui Corrompt & gaste, a cor­ rupter. Casté & corrompu, marred and corrupt. Corrompure & perte, corrupti­ on, losse. Corruption, a corruption. Corrompeur de femmes ou de filles, a defyler of women, a de­ flourer of maydes. Corrosif, putrifactiue, corrosife. Du cost, ou coq, herbe, an herbe called costmary. Vne Coste, a ribbe. Le Costé, the side. De Costé, sideling. de l'autre Costé, at the other side Des tous Costez, on euery side. Estre du Costé d'aucun, & sou­ stenir son parti, to take parts, to hold on ones side. Vne Coste d'armes, a cote ar­ mour. Cottir, to rush togither, to ia­ stle. Du Cotton, cotton, bombasin. Couard, a coward. Couardement, cowardly. Couardise, cowardlynesse, faint­ hartednesse. Vne Couche, a bedsteed. Couchette, a couche. Se coucher par terre, ou estre couché, to lye along. Coucher pour dormir, to go to bed. Coucher, ou rediger par escript, to coutch in writing. Estre Couché, to bee layed a­ long. Couchement, a lying donne, a couching. Vn coucou, a cuckow. Vne couille, a mans yarde, a tayle. Couillon, the coddes. Le Coulde, the elbowe. Vne couldée, a cubite, Vne couldre, arbre, a haseltree. Couldre, to sowe. Cousu, sewed. Coulture, sewing. Couler, to runne like water, to flowe, to glyde. Coulant, flowing. Vn couloir, ou vne couloire, a strainer, a coullander. Coulement d'eaüe, a running of water. Couleur, collour, hewe. Coulourer, to collour. Couleurée, wilde vine. Vne Couleuure, an adder, or snake. Vn Colomb, ou pigeon, a doue, a pigeon. Vn colombier, a douecot, a pi­ geon house. Coulpe, fault, blame. Coulpable, blame worthie. Le coultre d'vne charrue, the coultre of a plowe. Vn Coup, a blowe, a stroake. Coup de dé, a cast at dice. A touts Coups, at euery tyme, at euery blowe. Tout à vn Coup, all togither. Couper, to cutte, to hewe, to fell. Coupure, cutting, shreddes. Vne Coupe, ou vne Taste à boi­ re, a cup, a goblet, a boll. Le Coupeau d'vne montaigne, the top of a hill. Couperouse, coperose. Le Coupet d'vn edifice & au­ tre tre choses, the top of a house, the ridge. Le Coupet de quelque chose, the top of any thing. Vne Couple, a couple, a payre. Courage, courage, stoutnesse, boldnesse. Bon Courage, good hope, cheer­ fulnesse. Couragieux & hardy, hardy, couragious. Couragieusement, couragiously, stoutly. Couramment, vistement, prom­ ptement, sans faillir, running­ ly, swiftly, redily. Courbe, croked. Courber, Plier, Affaisser, too crooke, to plye, to bende, too bowe. Courbé, bowed, bended. Courbement, crookedly. Vne courge, a goorde. Courre, courir, to run. Courir les bestes sauuages & chasser, to hunt wild beastes. Courir quelque chose legiere­ ment, to runne ouer a thing sleightly. Courant, running. Coureur, a runner. Coureurs & cheuaucheurs d'­ escuirie, horse coursers, ryders. Courement ou course, a cour­ sing, a running. Courement ça & là, a running hither and thither. Cours, a course. Course, a smal waggen, a course, a flight. Couronne d'or, a crowne of gold. Couronner, to crowne. Courroye & grande & longe, a lethren thong. La courroye d'vn soullier, the latchet of a shoe. Courroucer fort aucun, to anger one, to displease one. Courroucé, angred, displeased. Courroux, anger, wrath, sto­ macke. Coursaire de mer, a rouer, a pi­ rate, a sea these. Court, short. Pour le faire court, to be short. Courtement, shortly. Vne cour de maison, a court. La cour d'vne metaire, ou autre grande maison, the Court of a farme or great house. Vne cour souueraigne, the high Courte. La cour du prince, the Princes courte. Vn courtizan, a Courtier. Courtois, courteous, gentle, lo­ uing, tractable, meeke. Courtoisie, curtesy, gentlenesse. Courtoisement, courteously. Vne courtier & faiseur de mes­ sages, qui va & vient à la poste & volunté d'autruy, a currier, a messanger. Vn courretier de quelque chose que ce soit, qui moyenne & va & vient de l'vne partie à l'autre, pour faire quelque marché, a curretter, a broker. Courretier de cheuaux, a horse coarser. Couruée, ou Coruée, a quiting of gentlenesse, a thanking. Courtine, a courteyn, a vayle. Deux cousins germains fils des deux freres, ou de deux soeurs cousin germaynes. Vn cousin ou coussinet, a cou­ shin. Coust, cost, charge. Il couste la moitié moins, it cost halfe lesse. Qui couste beaucoup, that co­ steth much, deere. Coustange, cost. Cousteau, ou espée, a knyse, or a swoorde. Coustelet, a penknife. Coutillier ou escuyer, an Es­ quire. Vn Coustume ou maniere de faire qu'on a, a Custome or maner. Les customes particuliers des chasque ville & cité, the pri­ uate custome of euery citie. Les loix & coustumes qui sont propres à vn chacun peuple, the lawes and customes of a people. Selon la coustume, accordyng to the custome. Comme il est de coustume, as it is commonly seene, as it com­ monly falleth out. Auoir de coustume, to vse, or to be woont. Leuer vne coustume, to beginne a custome. Prendre vne coustume, to take a custome. Chose customiere, a commm thyng. Cousturier, a tayler. Cousturiere, a shee tayler. Coutaux, hillocks, little hilles. Vn coutil, ou coiste, a mattresse, a pallet. Couuer, to keepe warme, to hatche. Couué, kept warme, hatched. Couuée de poulsins, hatching of chickens. Faire le couuade, to trench or de­ fende the campe. Couuement, a sitting, or hat­ ching. Couurir, to couer, to hyde, to o­ uerspreade, to close. Couuert, couered, hidden. Couuerture, a couering. Couuerture de lict, a couerlet of a bedde. Couuercle, a couer, a lyd. Vn couurechef, a kerchief. Couurement, a coueryng. Couuertemet, couertly, secret­ ly, wisely, closely. Couoiter, seeke conuoiter. Vne homme fort coy, a still man, a quiet man. Coyement, quietly, stilly. Cracher, to spet. Cracheur, a spetter. Crachat, spettle. Crachement, spetting. Craindre, to feare, to dread. Craignant, fearing, dreading. Craintif, fearefull, dreadfull. Crainte, feare, dread. Auec crainte, fearefully. Sans crainte, without feare. Velours Cramoisi, Crimsin veluet. Les gouttes Crampes, the gou­ tish crampe. Crampon, a cramp of yron. Crapault, a Toade. Crasse & grand amas d'ordure sus quelque chose, sluttishnesse filthinesse. Crasseux, filthy, sluttishe. Craye, seeekeCroye. Vne creance, credite or trust. Vn creancier, A creditoure, a truster. Createur, seeke creer. Crecerelle, A Tymbrell, a rat­ tell. Le credit d'aucun, the credite or authoritie of a man. Credulité, lyght belefe. Creer, & donner estre à quel­ que chose, & mettre pre­ mierement à nature, to create to make, to giue the fyrste be­ ing. Creation & establissement, the creation of a magistrate. La creiche, auge, ou mangeoire d'vne estable, a Cratche or maunger. Cremailliere, ou cremeillée, A hooke to hang any thing on. Vn Cren, ou crenne, a notche, a nocke in a bow or shafte. Frangé & crené, fringed. Crepets, wafer cakes, fritters. Crespe, Sindall, Cipres. Crespu, slyked, curled. Cheueux crespus, curled haire. Crepir, To pargette, to curle also. Cresson, watercresses. Vne creste, a crest. La creste des oyseaux, a birdes combe or crest. Se creuer & rompre, to burst. Creuer les yeux à aucun, to put out ones eyes. Creuer de despit qu'on a, To burst with anger. Vne creuasse, a chynke, a cleft, a creuyse. Se creuasser, to cleaue, to choppe, to parche. Creux, hollowe. Creuser, to make hollow. Vn Crible ou sas, a cribble, a sieue. Cribler & sasser, to sifte. Criblure, a siftyng. Cry, a crie, a shoute, a shrieke. Crier, to crie, to shoute, to shrieke to hallow. Vn crieur, a cryer. Vn crieur public, A common cryer. Crieurs de trespassez, cryers at a funerall arayed in blacke. La criée du crieur, The Cryers crye. Par leur fascherie & crierie, with their griefe and crying. Vn criard, An outcryer, a braw­ ler. Criarde, a vnquiet woman, a Skolde. Criement, a crying. Criement à l'encontre de quel­ que chose, a reclamyng, a cry­ ing agaynst. Crime, a fault. Les crins d'un cheual, qui luy pendent sus le col, ou d'vn Lion, the mane of a horse, or Lyon. Criqueter, to creake, to crackle the fingers. Criquement de fueilles seiches, a rustling of drie leaues. Vn grand Croc, a Grapple, a hooke. Croc à accrocher nauires, A grapple of a shippe. Vn crochet, a fishooke. Crocher à houer la terre, A pyckaxe. Donner le crochet à aucun, & le ruer par terre, to tryppe one. Crocheteur, a common porter, a burthen bearer. Crocheter, to fasten vp. Crochu, crooked, hooked. Crochure, crookednesse.. Crochement des dents, croked­ nesse of teeth. Vn Crocodile, beste d'Egypte, a Crocodyle. Croire, to beleeue, to thynke, to trust. Croire aucun, to beleue one. Qui croit de legier, light of be­ leefe. Croire quelque chose, to beleue a thing. Vn ferme croyance qu'on a de quelque chose, a firme beleefe, or sure persuasion. Croyable, credible, worthy to be beleued. Croisser, to cut ouerthwarte, or crossewise. Croistre, to growe, to encrease, to waxe bigge. Croissant, growing. Croissance, encrease. Vne croix, a crosse. Croupir, to bowe downe, to coure downe. Crucifier, to crucifie, or hang on the crosse. Le cropion, the rumpe. Crosler, ou crouler, to brandish, to shake, to wagge. Croslé & ebranslé, shaken, wag­ ged. Crottes, daglings. Crotté, bedagled. Vn croupiere du cheual, a crou­ per. Crouste, a crust. De la croy, ou cray, chalke. Cru, rawe. Cruauté, seeke cruel. Crueté, rawnesse. Crudité, vnripenesse. Cruche à porter eaue, a water crocke, a steane. Crucifier, seeke croix. Cruel, cruell, fierce, vngentle, vntractable. Cruauté, crueltie, vnmercyful­ nesse. Cruellement, cruelly, tyran­ nously, horribly. Crystal, Christall. Cueillir, to gather togither. Cueilleur ou vendangueur, A gatherer of grapes. Cueillette, a collection, a gathe­ ring togither. Le cueillement, The gatheryng together. Cueur, ou Coeur, a harte. Mon petit cueur, my little hart, my sweet hart. Par cueur, by hart, by rote, with­ out booke. Dire ce qu'on a sus le cueur, to vtter a mannes mynde, to dis­ charge his stomacke. Grand cueur & honneste, a no­ ble heart. Gros cueur, a stout stomacke. Contre son cueur, dissemblingly, or agaynst his hart. Au fin cueur d'yuer, in the hart or middest of winter. Cuider, to thinke, to weene. Cuidereau, a prety hardy fellow spoken in mockage. Vne cuellier, a spoone. De cuir, a hyde, leather. Cuire, ou faire cuire, to seeth. Cuict en eaüe, sodde in water. Cuisson, a seething. Cuisine, a kitchen. Cuisinier, a Cooke. La cuisse, the thigh. Cuissinet, seeke Coussin. Cul, an arse. Qui font la culbute, tumblers. Cultiuer, to till. Cupidité, couetousnesse, greedy desire. Curage, an herbe called in En­ glishe Arssmart. Vne cure ou paroisse, a Cure or parishe. Vn curé d'vne paroisse, the Cu­ rate of a parishe. Cure ou guarison, a cure, or re­ storing to health. Vne curette à nettoyer le coul­ tre de la charrue, the yron wherwith the plowman clenseth the Coulter. Vne curedent, a toothpyker. Vn cure oreille, an eare picker. Cure & soing, Care, thoughte, studye, diligence, woorke, la­ bour. Curateurs, suche as haue charge of any thing. Mettre en curatelle comme fu­ rieux, to lay one in holde. Curiosité, curiositie. Curieusement, curiously. Curialiste, ou courtisan, a Courtyer. Cuues dedens lesquelles on porte la vendange au pressoir oliues & semblables, tubbes, suche as they cary grapes to the wine presse in. Vne cuue à cuuer la vendange, a tubbe. La cuue dedens laquelle le vin du pressoir se recueille, A re­ ceyuing tubbe. Vn cuuier, ou vne cuue à se bai­ gner, a bathing tubbe. Cuyure, copper. Cy, ou ie suis, heere, in thys place. Cygne, seeke Cygale. Cymbale, a Symbale. Du cypres, Cypresse. DActes, le fruit de la Palme, Dates, the frute of the palme tree. Vne Dague, ou poignard, A dagger. Ne Daigner regarder aucun, to vouchsafe, to dayne. Vn daim, a fallow deere. Dam, ou dommage, losse, hin­ derance, damage. Habillement damassé, a damask coate. Dame, ou maistresse, Dame, maystresse. Danger, daunger, perill, ieo­ perdie. Sans danger, without danger. Mettre quelqu'vn en danger, to put one in ieopardie. Se mettre en danger, To ieo­ parde a ioynt, to aduenture, to hazarde. Il y a danger que. &c. It is to be feared least. Dangereux, daungerous, peril­ lous. Dangereusement, daungerously perillously. Danse, a daunce. Danser, to daunce, to hop, to leap. Danseur, a dauncer. Danseresse, a woman dauncer. Dansement, a dauncing, a hop­ ping, a mouing. Tout sort de dard, a Darte, Darder, to throw a dart. Dardeur, a thrower of a dart. Dartre, ou Feu voulage, a tetter or ring worme. Datte, seeke Dactes. D'auantage, seeke Auantage. Vn Dauphin, a Dolphin. Dé, seeke Det. Vn dé à couldre, a thimble. Ouy dea, yea verily, yea many. Debatre de parolles auec aucun & noiser, to cauill, to brabble, to quarell. Debatre quelque propos, to de­ bate a thing. Debat & different de quelque chose, a Debate, a stryfe, a contention. Fort debile & foible, very weak very feeble. Debilité, weakenesse. Debiliter, to weaken. Debilitation de veüe, short sigh­ ted, weake sight. Estre, ou se tenir debout sus ses pieds, to stand vpright. Debouter, To depose, to putte out. Debouter loing des siens, to se­ parate farre from acquayn­ tance. Le deuoir, duetie, office. Ne faire plus son deuoir, Laisser ou delaisser à faire son deuoir, To leaue his businesse, to ne­ glect his duetie. Deuoir quelque chose, to owe. Deü, due, dette. Vne dette, a dette, Payer ses debtes, to paye­ dettes, to discharge the due. Remettre vn debte à quelqu'vn Luy quicter & donner la debte to forgiue a dette. Vn debteur, a d tter. Deça le Rhein, On this syde the Rhyne. Deç, delà, from hence, from thence. Deça & Dela, hither and thither Par Deça, par Dela, on this side, on that side. Deçeuoir ou abuser quelqu'vn, to deceiue, to beguyle, to disap­ poynt. Deçeu, deceyued, beguiled, be­ trayed. Vn deceueur, a deceiuer, a begui­ ler, a craftie fellowe, a suttle fellow. Deception, deceit, suttletie, craft wylinesse. Deçez & trespas, deceasse, or de­ parting out of the worlde. Dechasser, to dryue away, to ex­ pulse. Dechassé, driuen away, expulsed Dechassement, a driuing a­ waye. Dechiqueter, seek Deschiqueter. Dechirer, seeke Deschirer. Decheoir petit à petit, & venir à decadence, to fall awaye, to decay, to lessen. Cela est Decheu de la moitie, it is lessened by the halfe. Decider & mettre fin, to decide, to ende. Decimes, tenthes. Declamateur, a Declaymer, a mooter. Declarer & exposer, to declare, to set foorth, to expounde. Declarer son courage, to declare or shewe his courage. Declarer vne accusation & de­ lation faict d'aucun à l'encon tre d'aucun non reçeuable, to declare agaynste one. Estre declare, to be declared. Decliner, To decline, to bowe from. Declin de l'aage, in decaying age. Decoction, a decoction, a see­ thing. Decouler, To flowe, to runne downewarde. Decoulourer, To stayne, to lose colour. Decolourement, a staining. La decours de la Lune, the wane of the Moone. Decroistre, to decrease, to weare away, to waxe lesse. Decroter, Decrotoire, seeke Descroter. Dedens, within. Dedier, to consecrate, to dedicate Dedié, dedicated. Deduire & rabatre d'vne somme, to deduct, to abate of a summe. Deduction & rabat d'vne som­ me, an abating, a diminishing. Deduit & plaisir qu'on prend à quelque chose, delite, pleasure. Deesse, a she God, a goddesse. Defaillir, to languishe, to waxe feeble. Defaillir & se passer, to weare a­ way, to wither away. Bien ne me deffault, I lacke no­ thing. Default de quelque chose, want lacke, penury, scarcenesse. Defaillance & langueur, defay­ ling, languor. Defaillance de courage, want of courage, faint hartednesse. Defendre, to forbyd. Defendre quelque chose à au­ cun, to forbidde the doing of a thing. Defendeur, a defendant. Defense de ne faire quelque chose, forbidding. Déferer d'aucun d'auoir faict aucune crime & forfaict, To accuse one, to lay to ones charge Delateur ou denonciateur, a pri­ uie accuser, a tale teller. Deffaire, seeke Deffaire. Deffier, seeke Deffier. Deffier aucun, To defie, to pro­ uoke, to chalenge. Defigurer aucun, to disfigure, to misseshape, to disfame. Défiguré, misseshapen. Défigurement, a misseshaping. Defleurer, to defloure. Defluxion ou catharre, a rheume a catarrhe. Defrayer toute la viande, to pro­ uide cates. Vn defrayeur qui nous fournit de tout ce qu'il nous faulte par les chemins, a Cater, a Stuarde. Defricher la terre, to worke nd till ground to make it fertile. Degast, waste, losse. Degastement, wasting. Degeler, to seuer, to put away. Les oiseaux se desgoisent, birds chatter or chirpe. Degoisement, a chattering, a chirping. Degoutter, To droppe out, to destill. Degouttement, a distilling. Degré ou marche, a step, a stair De degré en degré paruenir à honneur, from degree to degre. Esleuer en hault degré d'hon­ neur, to aduaunce to high de­ gree in honour. Estre deshonté, to be shamelesse. Dehors, abroade, without. Deiecter & debouter, to reiect, to cast away, to shake of. Deiecté & mis au bas, cast of, forsaken. Deité, diuinitie of the godhead. Dela, beyond. Dela, and De la mer, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. De la la mer, beyond the sea. Delaisser quelqu'vn, to forsake one, to leaue one of. Delaissé, de qui on ne tient compte a forsaken man, an abiect. Delaissement, a forsaking, a ca­ styng off. Delateur, seke Deferer. Delay, a delay, a putting off, a deferring. Delayer, to delay, to deferre. Delayement, a deferring, a put­ ting off. Delecter, to delite, to pleasé, to solace. Delectable & doux, delectable, sweet. Delectation & plaisir ou deduit qu'on prend à quelque chose, delite, pastime, pleasure. Deliberer, to determine, to pur­ pose. Delibere toy, determine, make thy selfe readie. Deliberation & propos de mou­ rir, determination or purpose to dye. Ie cognoy la Deliberation de Clodius, I know Clodius pur­ pose. Homme delicat & de petite com­ plexion, a daintie man, a ten­ der man. Delicateté, quand on fuit les la­ beurs, fascheries & ennuis, daintinesse, tendernesse. Delices & ébatz, delites, sportes, pastimes, pleasures. Delicieux, delicious, pleasant. Delicieusement, deliciously, pleasantly. Delier & menuiser, to make thinne. Delié, thin, slender. Deliément, thinly, slenderly, scantly. Delire, to choose, to picke out, to cull. Deliurer, to deliuer, to dispatch, to lose. Deliurer aucun & sauuer, to de­ liuer or saue one. Deliurer au plus offrant, to de­ liuer to him that offereth most. Deliurance, a deliuerie. Deluge, a floud. Demain, to morrowe. Le Demaine, ou Domaine & re­ uenu du peuple & de la ville, toll or custome, due to any people or towne. Vne Demande, a demaund, a question, a petition. Demander, to aske, to craue, to begge. Demandé, asked. Le Demandeur en matiere de iustice, the plaintif, the deman­ dant. Se Demanger fort, to itche. Demangement, itching. Demener, Tempester, Esmou­ uoir, to tosse, too tormoyle, too tumble, to wallowe. Demener ioye, to leade great ioye. Demesler, seeke Desmesler. Demettre, seeke Desmettre, Lieu de Demeure, dwelling, abi­ ding place. Longue Demeure, long tarrying Demeurer en quelque lieu, to dwell in a place, to remayne. Le Demeurant du souper ou du disner, the remnant of dinner or supper. Au Demeurant, in the rest. Demeurance, remayning. Demi, halfe. Demolir vne maison, to breake downe a house, to destroy. Demolition, destruction, Demonstrer & faire bien enten­ dre quelque chose, to declare, to shewe at large. Demonstrance, a declaration, a demonstration. Demeurer, Demourant, Demou­ rance, seeke,Demeure. Vn Denier ancien valliant dix­ liures d'argent, an auncient peece of monye being in value six pound of siluer. Denier vaillant quatre petis se­ sterces, c'est à dire trois sols six deniers, an auncient Ro­ main penny. Les deniers communs d'vne ville, the towne treasure. Denier quelque chose, a denial. Denombrement, quand ancien­ nement chascun bailloit aux Censeurs le nombre de ses biens, an inuentorie of goods, a numbring. Denoncer par attaches affichées és lieux publiques, to declare, to publish, to proclame. Denoncer & faire à sçauoir à vne femme qu'on la quicte, to signifie, or declare deuorse­ ment. Denoncement, a signifying, a declaring. Denonciation de guerre, a de­ nouncing of open warre. Denrée, ware, marchandise. Vn Dent, a toothe. Se Departir & s'en aller de la maison, to depart from home. Se Departir de quelque lieu, too depart from a place. Departir & deuiser, to parte, to deuide. Qui Departit, a diuider, a distri­ buter. Depart ou departie & eslongne­ ment, departure. Departement, a departing. Departissement, a distribution, a partition. Depestrer, seeke Desprestrer. Se Deporter, too forbeare, too leaue off. Deposer & porter tesmoignage par deuant vn iuge, & exami­ nateur, to depose, to beare wit­ nesse. Deposer & priuer de la couron­ ne imperialle, to depose or put beside the crowne. Renier vn depost, to denie a gage Deposition de tesmoings, a de­ posing of witnesses. Depuis, since, Depuis ce temps là, since that time Deputer Iuge pour cognoistre de quelque matiere, too ordaine or apoynt a Judge in a matter. Auoir Dequoy, to haue where­ withall to helpe our selues. Dequoy me sert celà?, whereto doth that serue mee? Derechef, agayne. Derision, derision, mocking, flou­ ting. Deriuer, to driue from one to an­ other. Tout le Dernier & le plus recu­ lé de nous, the vttermost, the last, the farthest of vs. Au Dernier, at the last. Dernierement & le plus fresche­ ment, lastly, lately. Derompre, to breake, to brust, to riue. Mur Derompu, a riuen wall. Derompement, a breaking, a ryuing. Derriere, behind, backward. Par Derriere, behind, on the backepart. Dertre, seeke Dartre. Dés le commencement de ma ieunesse, from my youth hi­ therward. Dés le fin poinct du iour, from the dawning of the day. Desaccorder, to disagree, to iarre Desaccordance, disagreement. Desaccoupler, ou descoupler les boeufs, to vncouple, to vnyoke. Desaccoustumer, to vnaccu­ stome, to disuse. Se Desaccoustumer, to vnwont. Desaccustomé, vnaccustomed, vnwonted. Desaccoustumance, disuse. Se Desagenoüiller, to ryse vp from kneeling. Desalterer, to slake thirst. Desancrer & partir du port, too hoise ancer, to depart the hauen. Desapprendré autruy, & l'ensei­ gner tout au rebours qu'il n'a apprins, to new teach, to teache otherwise than one was taught before. Desapprendre & oublier ce qu'on a apprins, to forget, to vnlearne. Se Desarmer, to vnarme, Desarmé, vnarmed. Desassembler, to scatter, to dis­ perse. Desauoüer, to disallowe. Desbaucher aucun, to bring one to wickednesse, or to loose lyfe. Se Desborder, to ouerflowe, too run ouer. Desboitemet des os, bones out of ioynt. Desboucher, to vnstop, to set on broache. grand D'esboursement d'argent, a great vnpursing of money. Descapiter quelqu'vn, to behed one. Desceindre, to vngird. Desceinct, vngirt. Desceler, to discouer, to betraye. Descendre, to descende, to goe downe. Descendus de la ligne des Alba­ nois, descended of the ligne of Albanois. Descente, a going downe, a des­ cending. Descendement, going downe. Deschant, descant, sometyme a recantation. Deschanter, to descant. Descharger aucun, to discharge, to vnburthen. Deschargé & deliuré de beau­ coup de soing, discharged of much care. Descharner les os, to teare the flesh from the boanes. Descharongner, to teare in pee­ ces. Descharongnement, tearing of the flesh. Deschausser, to pull of ones shoes, to vnshoe. Dechaussement, an vnshoing. Descheuelée, a woman with hir heare about hir eares. Deschiqueter, to pink, to cut ful of holes, to mangle, to shred in peeces. Deschiquitement, a mangling. Deschirer & mettre en pieces, to rent, to teare in peeces. Deschiré, rent, torne. Deschirure, a rent. Deschirement, renting, tearing in peeces. Descoller, to vnglewe. Descoler, to behead. Desconfire vn exercite, to dis­ comfite or ouerthrowe an ar­ mie. Desconfiture de guerre, an o­ uerthrowe in warres. Faire Desconfiture de gents de guerre, to discomfite Souldi­ ours. Se Descomforter & desoler, to dis­ comfort, to lament. Desconseiller, to diswade, to councell the contrarie. Desconseillé, disuaded. Dire fa Desconuenuë à quelqu'­ vn, to shewe his greef to one. Descouldre, to rip, to vnsewe. Se Descourager, to bee discoura­ ged, to distrust. Descourager quelqu'vn, to dis­ courage one. Descouragé, discouraged, out of hart. Descouurir, to vncouer, too vn­ hele, to make naked. Descouuert, euident, manifest, vncouered, discried. A Descouuert, openly, manife­ stly. La Descouuerte de quelques gents ayants commis quelque malefice, the disclosing or fin­ ding out of malefactors. Descrier quelque chose, & faire trouuer maunaise, to discredit a thing. Descrire quelque chose, to de­ scribe, to declare at large. Description, a description. Descroistre, to discrease, to di­ minish. Descroter sa robbe auec des de­ scrottoires, to rub with a rub­ bing brush, to vndyrt. Vne Decrottoire, a rubbing brush. Desdaigner quelqu'vn, too dis­ dayne, to dispise. Desdaing, disdayn, despite, sque­ mishnesse. Desdaigneux, squemish, coye, disdaynfull. Desdaignement, a disdayning. Desdier, seeke Dedier. Se Desdire de ce qu'on a dict, to vnsay, to recant. Sans se Desdire, without vnsay­ ing it. Desdommager, to make amends. Desdommagement, a repayring, an amends making. Desduit, seeke Deduit. Se Desembucher, to rush oute of embush or laying wayte. Desempestrer, to ridde himselfe of a thing. Desemplir, to emptie, to lade out. Desendormir, seeke Endormir. Se desenfler, to vnswel, to assuage Se Desenfrongner & faire bon­ ne chere, to leaue frowning, to looke cheerefully. Desenger to pluck vp by the root Desenhorter, to disuade. Desenuyer, to driue away weari­ nesse, to passe the tyme. Desenroulé, put out of wages, or out of the number. Desensoroeler, to vnwitch. Desenyurer, to make sober again. Desert, a desert, a wildernesse. Deseruir, to deserue, to earne. Deseruir sus table, to take vp the table. Se Desesperer, to despaire. Desespoir, desperation. Desfaire & rompre ce qui estoit faict, to breake or vndoe that which is done. Se Desfaire soymesme, to make himselfe away, to kill himselfe. Desfaicte, ou perte de bataille, the defeate or ouerthrowe of a battaill. Desfacher, to take away greefe, to put away anger. Se Desfier, to mistrust. Desfiance, ou diffidence, mi­ strust, diffidence. Desfigurer, seeke Defigurer. Desfiler, to vntwist, to vnweaue. Desfleurer, to defloure. Desfrayer, seeke Defrayer. Desfricher, to ridde a ground of roots and thistles, to make it arable. Heu Desfriché, an arable ground. Soy Desfuler, to put off ones cap, to make obeisance. Desgager, to fetch out of pleadge. Desgaigner vn glaiue, too vn­ sheth, to drawe a sworde. Se Desgarnir de son armée, & la bailler à vn autre, to vnfurnish. Desgarni & descouuert, vnfur­ nisht or lying open. Se Desgeler, to thawe. Desgluer, to vnglue, to lose. Se Desgorger, to vomite, to spue out his venime. Aisé à Degouster, & pour peu de chose, one that will easily loth a thing: a nice or daintie per­ son. Desgoutement de viandes, loth­ somnesse of meates. Desgrader, to degrade, to vnhal­ lowe. Deguiser, to disguise, to alter. Feincts & Desguisez, fayned, countersete, disguised. Desguisement de marchandise, counterfeat or vntrue wares. Desheriter, to disherite. Desherité & priué de la succes­ sion, disherited, put from possession. Desheritement, a disheriting. Deshonnorer, to dishonour. Deshonneur, dishonour, shame. Deshonneste, vnhonest, vnseem­ ly, vnsitting. Deshonnesteté, dishonesty. Deshonnestement, vnhonestly. Il est Desia tard, it is late. Desieuner, seeke Desiuner. Desioindre & separer, to seuer to separate. Desioingnement, a separating. Desir, desire, affection, appetit, lust Desirer, to desire. Fort desiré, much desired, in good estimation. Desirant, desiring. Desister, to leaue off. Desiuner, to breake ones fast. Le Desiuner, breakefast. Se Delasser, to weary himselfe. Desléer & destramper, to soake, to deleye. Deslier, to vnbind, to lose. Deslié, lose, vnbound. Desloger, to depart from home, to vnlodge. Deslogement, departing from home Desloyal, vnfaithful, vntrustie. Desloyauté, vnfaithfulnesse, trecherie, falshode. Desloyalement, falsely, vnfaith­ fully. Desmaintenant, from henceforth. se Desmarier, to vnwed, to diuorse Desmembrer, to dismember, to teare in peeces. Desmembré, rent, torne in peeces. Desmembrement, a tearing in peeces. Il l'a Dementi, he told him he lyed. Desmesler, to rid, not to medle with a thing. Desmesuré, immeasurable. Vne grande Demesure, without all measure Demesurement, vnresonablenesse. Demesuréement, vnmeasura­ bly, without all reason. Desmettre quelque membre hors de son lieu, to put out of ioynt, to misplace. Membres Desmis de leur lieu, & desnouez, membres put out of ioynt or place. Se Desmouuoir de sa constance, to remoue from his constancie. Desnoër, to vnknit, vntye. Se Desnouër quelque membre, to vnknit a bone, to put out of ioynt. Desnuër, to make naked, to spoyle Desnué d'amis, voyd of friends. Desobeir à son maistre, to diso­ bey, to be stubborne. Desobeissant, disobedient, stub­ born. Desobeissance, disobedience. Desolation ou desolement, de­ solation, ouerthrowe. Desoléement, comfortlesse, deso­ lately. Desordonné, disordinate, with­ out measure or order. Desordonnément aymer, too loue without measure. Desordre de toutes choses, con­ fusion, disorder. Desormais, but yet, for all that. Despeçer, to cut in peeces, too breake on sunder. Despeçé à grans coups d'iniu­ res, shaken vp with reuilings, ratled. Despeçement, a renting in peeces. Despendre, to spend, to consume, to wast away. Despendre, dissiper, gaster, & consommer ses biens ou son patrimoine, to spend away all his inheritaunce. La republique Despend de Bru­ tus, the publike weale depen­ deth on Brutus. Despens, expenses, cost. A ses Despens, at his own charge or perill. Despense, expense, charge. Despense & perte, cost, or losse. Despenseur, qui a la garde de la viande, a spencer. Faire bonne despeche & se ha­ ster, to dispatch, to make hast. Se Despecher, to make short. Desespessir, esclarcir vne chose trop espesse, to make thin, too clarifie. Despestrer aucun & deliurer, to rid one out of troubles, Despeupler, to vnpeople, to wast to spoyle. Despit, qui se courouce aise­ ment, a spitefull fellowe. Despit, spite, stomacke, hatred. Se Despiter, to spite, to anger. Despité, spited, angred, vext. Despiteux, angry, wayward. Desplacer, to displace. Desplaire, to displease. Ie me Desplay, it greeueth or dis­ pleaseth mee. Estre Desplaisant de quelque cho­ se, to be displeased with a thing. Faire Desplaisir, to do one a dis­ pleasure, to offend one. Desplaisance, displeasure, greef of mynd. Desplanter, to pul vp by the roote. Desplier, to vnfold, sometyme to make manifest. Desplié & estendu, vnfolden, spred abroad. Despliement & maniement de iambes, the folding or turning of the legges. Despoiller, to spoyle, to vnclothe, to put off. Despouillé, vnclothed. La Despouille des ennemis, the spoyle of enimies. Despouillement, a spoyle. Despouruen, seeke Desprouuen. Despraué, ou Depraué, depra­ ued, marred, corrupted. Despriser, to dispraise, to blame, to contemne, to dispise. Desprisé, dispraysed, dispisid. Despriseur, a dispiser. Despris, contempt, dispising. Desprisable, dequoy on ne doit faire compte, dispraysable. Desprisement, a dispraysing, a contemning, a setting at naught. Desprouuen, vnprouided. A Desprouueu, vnprouided for, vnwares. Despuceler vne vierge, too de­ floure a mayden. Desraciner, to roote out. Desracinement, rooting out. Desraisonnable, vnreasonable. Desrangé, out of order. Desreiglé, vnrulie, vnmannerly, mallapart. Desreiglement, vnrulinesse. Desreigléement, vnruledly. Desridement, the wrinckling of the skin. Desrobber, to steale. Chose Desrobbée, stolen goods. Desrobbeur & pilleur, a theef, a robber, a picker, a pilferer. Desrobement, stelthe. A la Desrobée, priuily, secretly, by stelth. Desrompre, seeke Derompre. Desrondir quelque chose, to bring out of compasse. Desrouler, to scoure, to furbish, to get out rust. Desrouiller, to roll out, to de­ clare. Desroute, a putting to flight. Desruné, out of order, taken downe, taken in peeces. Se Dessaisir, to forgoe, to let lose. Desserrer, to releasse, to vnshut, to open. Desseruir sus table, to take vp table. Desserte de table, the banket or after course. Dessoubs, beneath, below. Dessoulder, to dissolue, to lose. Dessus, aboue, aloft. Le dessus de toutes choses, & comme la face, the vpper part of a thing. Desteler les cheuaux, To loase horses, or vnspang them from the carte. Destendre, to stretche oute, to spreade. Destendu, stretched or reatched forth. Destiltre, to vnweaue. Destiner choses en soymesme & proposer, to apoynt, to pur­ pose. Destiné à la mort, appoynted to die. Vne année destinée & fée à la distruction de la ville, a yeare appoynted to the destruction of the towne. Destituer vn chose commencée, to disappointe or make desti­ tute. Destitution & delaissement, de­ stituting or disappointing. Destordre, to wring or writhe. Destorsé, ou destordement, wroong or writhed. Destorse, & fouruoyement, to stray, to wend out of the way. Destour, lieu entre les monta­ gnes ou on se retire, a by place betwene hilles, where men may hide them. Destourber, to trouble, to di­ sturbe, to hinder. Destourbier, ou destourbement a trouble, let, hindrance. Vn distourbeur, qui par son ca­ quet empesche & destourbe aucune chose, a troublesome man, a prating fellow. Destourner aucun, to dissuade a man from his purpose. Destourner aucun chose, & la desrobber, to conuey a thyng away. Se destournér d'aucun, To for­ beare ones companie. Destourné, dissuaded, turned from his purpose. Lieux destournez, by places. Qui destourne par parolles, A dissuader. Destournement, a dissuading. Destournement d'eaües, a tu­ ning of the course of water an other waye. Destrancher à coups de langue, To rebuke one sharply, to rat­ tle vp. Destranché & despecé à grans coups d'iniure, rattled vp with reuilings. Destremper & mesler ensem­ ble, & ramollir, To soften, to mollifie, to allay as wine wyth water, to soake. Destrempé & meslé parmy d'au­ tre, soaken, softned. Destresse, distresse, griefe, an­ guishe. Vn destroict, a straight, a nar­ row place. Le destroict des chemins, A streight in the way. Destrousser, to spoyle, to robbe. Destrousseur des gents, a robber Destroussement de gents, a rob­ bing of men Destruire, to destroy, to wast, to ouerthrow. Destruisant, destroying, wasting. Destruict & gaste, destroyed, and wasted. Destruiseur, a destroyer. Destruction, destruction, wast. Desueloper, to vnwrap, to shewe forth, to vnfolde. Desuelopé, vnfolden. Desuelopement, an vnfolding. Desuestir, to vnclothe. Desuisager aucun, to disfigure one. Se desuoyer, to erre, to straye, to wander. Desuoyement d'estomach, wea­ kenesse of the stomack. Vn det à ioüer, a dye, a payre of dyce. Detailler & mettre en pieces, to hewe in pieces. Detenir, To holde, to detaine, to occupie. Determiner, To determine, to conclude. Determinance de quelque cho­ se, laquelle apres auoir esté disputée & debatue, est mise à fin, The determining or en­ ding of a thing. Deterrer, to dig out of the ground. Detester, to detest, to abhorre. Detestable & abominable, de­ testable, abhominable. Detracter & mesdire d'autruy, to backbite, to speake euill be­ hinde ones backe. Detracteur, a backbiter, a slan­ derer. Par detraction, slaunderously. Deü, dette, due, seeke Deuoir. Deument, duly, ryghtly. Deualler, To let downe, to tum­ bled downe. Deuancir aucun à courir, To out run one. Deuant quelqu'vn, before one. Deuant & derriere, before and behinde. Deuant que, before that. Vn deuantier, an apron. Deuenir corps, to wax a body. Deuenir riche, to become riche. Regarde deuers moy, wardes mee. De deuers Orient, towards the East. Deuider dú fil par pelotons, To winde vp threede in bottomes. Vn deuideur, ou deuidoir, a rele to winde threede on. Vn deuin, a soothsayer, a gesser. Deuiner, to soothsay, to gesse. Deuinant, gessyng, soothsaying. Deuineresse, a woman sothsayer. Diuinement, coniecturing, diui­ nation, soothsaying. Deuisager, seeke Desuisager. Deuiser, to talke, to deuise, to comfort. Deuis & parlement, a talking togither. Vn deuis & ordonnance, a de­ uise or appointment. Deuoir, seeke Debuoir. Deuorer, to deuoure, to swallow vp. Deuotion, deuotion, religion. Deuot, deuoute. Deux, two. Deux à deux, two by two, by cou­ ples. Tous deux, bothe. D'eulx, pour De eux, of them; or from them. A dextre, on the right hande. Dexterité, nimblenesse, hande­ somnesse. Diable, the diuell, a fiende. Dialectique, ce'st à dire, l'art de bien disputer, Logike, or good order of disputation. Vn Diamant, a Diamant. D'icy, ou Des icy, from hence. Dicy à queltemps, Howe long? in what tyme. Dicy en auant, from hence for­ warde. Diete & regime de viure, Diet dayly fare. Dieu, GOD. Diffame, euill name, euill re­ porte. Diffamer quelqu'vn, to defume one, to slaunder one, to take a­ way ones good name. Estre disfamé, to be defamed. Diffamation, a slaunder. Differer & delayer, to deferre, to delay, to driue off. Differer d'vn iour, to defer from day to day. Dilation & dilayement, defer­ ring, delaying. Vn different & debat, a debate, a stryfe; a contention. Estre en different & discord, to be at variance, to disagree. Difference, difference, diuersiti. Differemment, distinctly. Difficile, harde, difficile. Difficulté, difficultie, hardnesse. Difficilement, hardly, scantly, with muche a doo. Defforme, vnsemely, filthie, out of fashion. Defformité, vnseemelynesse. Digerir quand l'estomach cuit bien la viande qu'il a receüe, to digest. Digestion, digestion. Digne de loyer, worthie reward Dignité, worthynesse, honour. Dignement, worthyly. Digression, digression, by wal­ king. Dilation, seeke Different. Diligent & soigneux à faire quelque chose, diligent, care­ full, studious, circumspect. Se diligenter, to make haste. Diligemment, diligently, circum­ spectly, carefully. Diligence, diligence, industrie. Le Dimenche, Sunday. Diminuer, to diminish, to lessen. Diminution, a lessening, a dimi­ nishing. Dinandier ou Maignen, a cop­ per smith, a tinker. Dinanderie, a place where cop­ per wares are solde. Dire, to say, to speake, to shew, to talke. On Dit, it is sayde abroade. Dict commun, a worde, a com­ mon talke. Mon Dire touche plusieurs, my talke toucheth many. Vn dicton de bon enseignement, a sentence. Vne Diction, a saying. Dicter & nommer à vn autre quelque chose qu'il escriue, to endite letters. Discerner, separer l'vn d'auec l'autre, to discerne, to separate the one from the other. Discretion ou separation, diffe­ rence or separating. Discret, discrete, wyse, aduised. Discretement, discretely. Disciple, a scholer. Discord ou dissention, discorde, strife, dissention, disagreement. Discorder, to disagree. Discordant, disagreeing. Discours desprit de tous costez, quand il pense à quelque chose, to consider well, to caste euery waye. Faire discussion sus les biens dé Debteur, assauoir s'il est sol­ uable, to value the goodes of a detter, to knowe whether hee bee able to pay, Vn Disenier, a Captayne of ten menne. Disette, dearth, neede, penurie, pouertie, lacke. Diseteux, needy. Disionction & separation, to di­ uide, to seuer. Prendre les dismes, to receyue tenthes. Le Disner, dinner. Disner, to dyne. Dispenser, to dispence. Dispenser de la loy, to dispence with the lawe. Dispensé, dispensed. Dispensation, a dispensation. Disposer & mettre par ordre, to dispose, appoint, or set in order. Il est ainsi disposé, Jt is so ap­ poynted. Disposition, a disposing. Disposition & accidens, dispo­ sitions or inclinations of the heauens. Disputer, to dispute, to reason, to debate. Disputation, a disputation. Dissemblable, vnlyke. Dissension, dissention, strife. Dissimuler & cacher quelque cho­ se, to dissemble or couer a thing. Dissimulation, dissimulation, hy­ pocrisie. Dissiper, to scatter, to disparse. Dissipation, a scattering. Dissouldre & abatre ou rompre l'entreprinse d'aucun, to breke or dissolue thenterprise of other Dissolus & maluiuans, of retch­ lesse lyfe, dissolute. Distance ou espace, a distaunce or space betwene. Distiller, to distill. Distillement, a distilling. Distillation d'humeurs, a distil­ ling of humors from the head, a catharre. Distinguer, to diuide, to separate Distinctement, distinctly. Distraire, to withdrawe, to dis­ swade. Distraction, a withdrawing. Distribuer, to distribut, to diuide Distribution, a deuiding. Diuers, diuers, vnlyke. Diuersement, diuersly. Tapis à l'esguille Diuersifiez de couleurs, tapistrie set foorth with diuers colours. Diuersité & difference, diuersi­ tie, difference. Diuertir aucun de son propos, to turne one from his purpose, to chaunge their mynde. Diuin, holy, godly. Diuinement, holyly, godlily. Diuinité, diuinitie. Diuin, Diuiner, seeke Deuin. Diuinance, foreshewing, gessing. Diuination, a gessing. Diuiser, to diuide, to disparse. Diuiser & separer, to diuide, to separate, to parte. Diuiser par cy & par là, To di­ uide hither and thither. Diuisé & parti, diuided, parted. Diuision & separation, a diuisi­ on, a separation. Diuiséement, diuidingly. Diuorce, a diuorse. Diuulguer quelque secret, to o­ pen a secrete, to blabbe. Dix, ten. Dix ans, ten yeares. Dixieme, the tenth. Dixsept, seuentene. Dixhuit, eyghteene. Dixhuitieme, eightenth. Dixneuf, nyneteene. Dixneufieme, nynteenth. Dizain, that containeth the num­ bre of tenne. Vne dizan, a tenthe. Docte & sçauant, a lerned man, a man of knowledge. Estre docile, easy to be taught. Doctrine & enseignement, do­ ctrine, instruction. Vn doigt, a finger. Vn doigtier, a thimble, a finger­ lyng. Doler du bois, to hewe or square tymber. Dolent, sorowfull, heauie, payne­ full, greuous. Doleur de corps & d'esprit, so­ row of mynde, payn of body. Auoir douleur, to haue paine. Faire douleur, to greue. Appaiser la douleur d'aucun, to asswage ones griefe. Se dolouser, to moane, to bewaile. Domestique, homely. Domicile, a house, an abydyng place. Dominer, to gouerne, to rule. Dominateur, a ruler. Domination, rule, power, gouer­ nement. Dommage, losse, hinderaunce, dammage. Dommageable, hurtfull. Dommaine ou Doumaine, seke Demaine. Donq, ou Donques, then, there­ fore, Ergo. Donner, to giue, to delyuer, to graunt. Donné la premier de Ianuier, giuen the first of Januarie. Don, a gifte, a graunt. Donaison, a Donation, a Do­ naizon. Donation, a gyft. Donnement, a gyuing. Dont, whence, or wherby. Donter, to subdue, to ouercome, to rule, to tame, to daunt. Donté, tamed, daunted. Dontement, a taming. Dorade, poison, a fishe of some thoughte to bee called a Gylte­ head. Dorer, to gylde. Doré, gilt. Dorure, gilting. Dorenauant, from hence forward, hereafter. Dormir to sleape, to slumber. Le Dos, the backe. Dost qu'vne femme baille à son mari pour son mariage, The dowrie that the wife giueth hir husbande in mariage. Douaire qui le mari baille à la femme, The dowrie or ioynter that the husbande giueth unto the wyfe. Double, double Le double de quelque escriptu­ re, The copie of a writing. Le Double, the double. Doubler, to double. Doublement, doublely. Vn doublement, a doublyng. Doublement d'escripture, a co­ pying out of a writing. Doubt, doubt, suspition, feare. Mettre quelque chose en doubt to put a thing in dout, to bring a matter in controuersis. Doubtement, a douting. Doubter, to doubt, to feare. Doubteux, doubtfull, vncer­ tayne. Vne chose doubteuse, a doubte­ full thing. Doubteusement, doubtfully. Douillet, Delicate, dayntie, neshe. Doux, gentle, louing, sweete, tra­ ctable. Doucet, somewhat sweete. Douceastre, sweetishe. Douceur, swetenesse, gentlenesse, courtoisie, myldenesse. Doucement, sweetely, gently, lo­ uingly, myldly. Douleur, seeke Dolent. Douze, twelue. Vn douzain, a shilling, in France a soulz. Vn doyen, a Deane. Dragée, dredge, iunket. Dragée aux cheuaux, Prouen­ der for horses. Vn Dragon, a Dragon. Drap, wollen cloth. Petit Drapeau ou Drapelet, A cloute. Draperie, a draperie. Drapier, a Draper. Dresser, to directe, to set vp. Se dresser, to stande vp. Dressoir ou buffet, a Dresser, a court cubborde. Tout drogue bon ou mauuaise, drougs, poticary ware. Droict, right. Tout droict, right foorth. Droictement, directly. Droictement à l'heur, iuste at that houre. Droict & raison, Ryghte and reason. Bon droict, good right. Droicture & raison, Ryght and raison. A bon droict, rightly. Conseil droicturier, & qui va à la rigueur du raison, straight counsell. Droictement, rightly, iustly. Dru & espez, thicke, as the fal­ ling downe of rayne. Dru, comme il cheent dru, they fall thicke. Du milieu, from the middest. Du chemin, from the way. Duc, a Duke. Düel, the combat betwene two. Dueil, dole, sorrowe, heuynesse, greefe. Auec Dueil, with greefe. Duquel i'auoye acheté ceste maison, Of whome J boughte this house. Dur, harde. Homme dur & rude, A harde man. Coucher sur la dure, to lye on the grounde. Duret, hardish. Dureté, hardnesse. Durement, hardly, strayghtly. Durcir, to waxe harde. Durer, to harden, to continue, to last long. Durant ces iours là, during that tyme. Longue durée, of long during or lasting. Qui est durée, durable. Se duire & accoustumer, To be enured with a thing. Duire quelqu'vn à quelque cho­ se par accoustumance, to enure one by custome. Duict à rendre l'equité, brought to yelde to right. Duisant & conuenable, fit, con­ uement. Duisable, fitly, profitable. Duisson, an accustoming. Duuet, downe, soft fethers. Disenterie, ou flux de ventre a­ uec le sang que les Italiens appellent Caquesangue, a pe­ rillous kinde of flixe. EAge, seeke Aage. Eaue, water. Eclypse de Lune, Eclipse of the Moone. Edenter, to dash out ones teeth. Edenté, toothlesse. Edict, ordonnance, ou comman­ dement faict par le prince ou magistrat, an ordonnaunce, a commaundement, a proclama­ tion, an iniunction. Edifiet, to buylde, to edifie. L'edifice qui fait la masson & charpentier, the Mason and carpenters building. Edification, buylding. Effacer, to blot out, to deface. Effacement, a defacing or blot­ ting. Effassure, a blot, a blurre. Effaroucher, to become fierce, to become wilde. Effaict que l'art faict, the effecte of the workmanship. Effect & pouuoir, Effecte and power. Mettre en effect, to bring to effect Esprouuer par effect, To proue in effect. Effeminer, to effeminate, to make womanish. Efficace, force, strength, vertue, efficacie. Effigie, an I mage, or lykenesse. Effundrer, ou efuentrer, too vn­ bowell, to drawe a fishe. l'Effort qu'on met à faire quel­ que chose, the endeuour, or good will that one hath to doe a thing. s'Efforcer, & trauailler à faire quelque chose, to enforce, or labour to do a thing. Effray, feare, astonying, abashing, amasing. Effrayer, to feare, to amase. Effrayant, fearfull. Vn Effronté & eshonté, brasen faced, shamelesse. Effusion d'eauë, pourging out of water. Egratigner, to scratche. Egal, equall, like, payre. Egaler, to make equall. Egalement, equally. Egalizer, to make euen. Egalizement, a making equall. Eguillon, a pricke or sting. l'Eine, qui est vne partie du corps, the gryne. Electeur, a chooser. Election, a choyse. Elegamment, eloquently, hand­ somly, trimly. Element, the Element. Vn Elephant, an Elephant. Eleuation, a heauing vp. Elle, C'est le feminin de Luy, she, the feminine of hee. Elle, comme Bailler les elles à vn cheual, to giue a horse the head. Eloquent, eloquent, well spea­ king. Eloquence, eloquence. Emaillures d'or ou d'argent, bullions or riuets of golde or siluer. Emanciper, to giue ouer, or set at freedome. Emancipé, giuen ouer. Embaboüiner, to deceyue, too bring into fooles paradise. s'Embarquer, to embark, to take ship. Embarquement, a shipping. Embas, ou En bas, belowe. Embassade, a message. Embassadeur, an embassadour, a messanger. Embaumer des corps morts, to embaulme dead corpses. Embellir, to decke, to trim, to furnish, to set forth. Embesongné, occupied. Embler, to steale. A l'Emblée, stealingly, priuily. Emboucher quelqu'vn, too in­ struct one before hand, too tell him his lesson. Emboucler, to boucle, to clapse togither. Embouër, to bedirt, or bemudone Embraser, to sette on fire, to en­ flame. s'Embraser, to kindle. Embrasé, kindled, set on fire. Embrasement, firing, enflaming. Embrasser, to coll, to clip, to em­ brace. Embrassement, a colling, a clip­ ping. Embrener, to beshite one. Embrocher de la chair, to spitte meat. s'Embrouiller en quelque affaire, to comber himself with a matter. Embuches & espies, priuie way­ tings, snares. s'Embucher, to lye in wayte or embushe. Embuscade, embushment. Emendation, an amending, a cor­ recting. Emmener auec soy, to lead with him, to carry abroade. Emmener par force, to lead a­ way by force. Emmeubler & amesnager sa maison, to furnish a house with stuffe. Emmont, vpward. Emolument & proffit, profit, gayne. Emoucer, to make dul or blunt Empenné, fethered. Empecher de faire quelque chose, to hinder, to let, to withstand. Empesché, hindred. Empeschement, a hinderance, a let. Empestrer quelqu'vn, to pester, to trouble, to let, to hinder one. Empire, Empire, rule, gouerne­ ment. Empereur, an Emperour, a head commaunder. Empieter, to tread vnder foote. Empirer, to make worse, to de­ cay, to empayre. s'Empirer, to waxe worse and worse. Vn Emplastre, a plaster. Emplir, to fill. Emplir, and Empli, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Empli, filled. Vn Employ iournel, quand on se sert tous les iours d'vne chose a dayly businesse or occupation. Employer & despendre à quel­ que chose, to bestowe, to laye out on a thing. s'Employer a faire quelque cho­ se, to giue himselfe to doe some thing. Ne s'Employer point, not to do his endeuour. Employer tout le iour, to bestow all the daye. Employé, bestowed. Employement & despense, charge. Enuoyer à l'Emplete, trafiquer ça & là, to send about his busi­ nesse. Empoigner, to lay hands on, to catch. Mal Empoint, in ill plight. Empoisonner, to poyson, to venim Empoysonneur, a poysoner. Empoisonnement, a poysoning. Empoisser, to couer with pitch. Empoissé, pitched. Emporter, to carry away, too take away. Emportement, a carying away. Empoule, a wheale, a blister, a pushe, a bubble. Empreindre, to print in, to presse in. Empreinct, printed, signed. Empreincte & marque, a print or marke. Empresser, to presse out, to thrust togither, to squise. Emprisonner, to emprison, to lay in prison. Estre emprisonné, to be layd in prison. Emprunter, to borrow. Emprunt, borrowing. Emputer, to dilate or driue off the tyme. En apres, afterward. En ce, in that. En chemin, in the way. En iouant, in iest, in playe. En oultre, furthermore. Enaser, to cut of ones nose. Encant, comme vendre à l'En­ cant, port sale. Encauer, to make hollowe. Encauer les nids des poulles, to make hennes nests in a wall. Enceindre & entourer, to girt in, to compasse about. Encens, frankinsence. Encenser, to sence. Encensoir, a censor. Encensiere, herbe, a kinde of Sauerie. Enchainer, to enchayne. Estre Enchaine, to be tyed on a chayne. Enchanter, to enchant, to bewitch, to charme. Enchantement, enchanting. Encharger quelque chose à au­ cun, to charge, to enioyne one the doing of a thing. Enchasser en or, to chace in gold. Mettre à l'Enchere, to rayse the price, to make deere. Encherir les viures d'vne ar­ mée, to rayse the vitayles in an armie. Encherisseur, a rayser of price. Encheuestrer, to halter, to mosel. Encirer, to waxen. Enciser les arbres, to cut trees a­ bout. Enclin, enclined, giuen, bent. Encliner, to encline, to bend too. s'Encliner, to encline too. Encliné vers terre, bent to the groundward. Enclore, to enclose, to parke in. Enclos, enclosed, enparked. Enclosture, ou Clos, a close. Vne Enclume, an anueld. Les Encoigneures des parois, the corners of a wall. Estre encombré de dueil & d'­ ennuy, to be compassed with sorrow and care. Encombriers, troubles, combres. Encommencer, to begin. Encommencement, beginning. Encotre, a chaunce. De bonne Encontre, good lucke. Encore, yet. Encore d'auantage, yet further. Encourir des honneur, to run in ill name. Encre dequoy on escrit, writing ynke. Encre, ou noire peincture, blac­ king. Encrouster ou crespir, to perget, to make hard in a crust. Encuser, to disclose, to appeache, to bewraye. Encusé, a bewraying. Encusement, disclosed. s'Endebter, to become endetted. Estre endebté, to bee endetted, to enioye other mens goods, to bee in other mens daunger. Endesuer, to bee mad, to rage. Enditer, to endite, to accuse. Endommager, to hurt, to hinder to dommage. Endommagement, hindrance. Endormir, to lull a sleape. Endormi, sleapy, drousy. Se desendormir, to fal on sleape. Endormissement, sleapinesse, sluggishnesse. Endormisson & estonnement de membres, the sleaping or be­ nomnesse of the members. Endouille, a sausige. Endroit la maison, about the house. Enduire, to anoint, to besmere. Enduict & frotté, anoynted, rubbed. Enduisson & frottement de quel­ que liqueur, an oyntement. Enduit, ou Enduisson, soit de pla­ stre, ou de chaux, & sable, the plastring of a house. Endurcir, to harden. Endurer & souffrir, to endure, to suffer, to beare. Endurement, a suffering, a bea­ ring. Endurant, suffering, bearing. Enfant, a childe. Enfance, childhode. Enfanter, to bring forth child. Enfanté, brought forth. Enfantement, a childing. Enfermer, to shut vp. Estre Enfermé à la clef, vnder locke and kaye. Vne Enfermerie, a closet, a lod­ ging for a sicke man. Enfermement, a closing or shut­ ting vp. Enferrer, to lay in yrons. Les Enfers, hell. s'Enfierir & s'enorguillir, to wax proud, to wax lofty. Enfieris, become lofty. Enfiler vne aiguille, tothreed a needle, Enflamber, to enflame, to kindle. Estre Enflambé, to bee enflamed. Enflambement, an inflamation. Enfler, to swell. Enflé, swollen. Enflure, a swelling. Enflement, swelling. Enfondrer les nauieres, to sinke ships, to drowne. s'Enfondrer, to bee sonke, too bee drowned. Enfondré, sonke. s'Enfonser, to sinke to the bottom. Enforcir, to enforce, to strengthen. s'Efforcir, to waxe strong, to take a good hart. Enfoüir dedens terre, to digge vnder the ground. Enfoüi & enterré, digged and buried. s'Enfuir, to flee, to run away, to shun. Enfumer, to smoke. Enfumé, smoked. Engager, to gage, or to laye to gage. Engarder & empescher que quel­ que chose ne se face, to with­ hold the doing of a thing. Engeance, the seede or race of a­ ny thing. Engendrer, to engender, to be­ gette. Qui Engendre, which engendreth. Engendreur, an engendrer. Engendrement, a begetting, Engin & instrument, an engine or instrument. Engin & entendement, vnder­ standing, witte. Malengin, deceitfull dealing. Engle, Engler, seeke Angle. s'Engloutir, seeke s'Engloter. Engloutir, to swallowe vp, to de­ uoure. Englué, burdlimed. Le vent s'Engouffre en ce lieu là, & s'entonne, the winde whirleth in that place. Engouler, to deuoure. Engourdi de froid, benoom with colde. Engraisser, to fatten, to cram, to graze. Engraisser vne beste, to fatten a beast. Engraissement de bestes, too graze or fatten cattell. Engrauer, to graue, to cut. s'Engreger, to waxe heauy. s'Engrossir, to waxe grosse, too waxe thicke. Engrossi, growne. Engrossissement de femelles, to be with child, to be with yong. Faire Enhair & trouuer mauuais quelque chose aux citoyens, to bring the people in hatred with a thing. Enhardir, to harten, to bolden, to encourage. s'Enhardir, to waxe hardy, too trust. Enhault, aboue, aloft. Enhorter, to exhort, to persuade, to require. Enhorté & incité, moued, exhor­ ted, stirred. Enhorteur, a persuader, an ex­ horter. Enhortement, an exhortation, a persuasion. Enhui, ou auiourd'huy, to daye. Enioindre quelque chose à faire to apoynt any thing to be done to enioyne, to commaund. Enioué, wanton, full of toyes Enlacer, to snarle, to entrap. Enlaidir, to make soule, to make filthie, to raye. Enlaidissement, a dishonesting, a distayning, a defiling. Enleuer, too rayse vp, too heaue vp. Petite Enleueure, & comme en­ sleure qui se leue sus le pain en cuisant, a little bladder that ri­ seth on bread while it is baking. Ennemi, an enemie, a foe. Ennombrer, seeke Annombrer. Ennuy & fascherie, heauinesse, sorrow, trouble, anger. Ennuyer, to molest, to trouble, to weary one. s'Ennuyer & fascher, too bee weary of a thing. Ennuyé & fasché, heauy, sorrow­ full. Ennuyé de viure, weary of life. Ennuyeux, tedious, wearisome. Enombrager, to shadow, to cloak s'Enorgueillir, to waxe proud. Estre Enossé, to haue bones ta­ ken out. Enquerir, to enquire, to aske, too demaund. s'Enquester, to make enquirie. Enqueste, a quest, an enquirie. Estre fort enraciné, to be rooted in. Enragé, to rage, to wax mad. Enragé, raging mad. Estre Enragé, to be stark mad. Enregistrer, to enroll, to register, to chronicle. Enregistrer ce qu'on a receu, & en tenir compte au chapitre des receptes, to keepe a recko­ ning in writing. Enregistré, enrolled, registred. Enregistrement, an enregistring. Enrichir, to enritche, to make wealthy. s'Enrouër, to be hoarse. Enroué, hoarse. Enrouëment, hoarsenesse. s'Enrouiller, to rust, to canker. Enrouillé, rusty, cankred. Enroüillure, canker. Enrouler aux bandes, to bee en­ tred in the roll of the band. Enrouler, enrolled. Enrouser, to water ground. s'Enruisseler, s'Escouler per ruis­ seaux, to run out in litle chanels. Ens, pour Dedens, within. Cyens, here within. Ensanglanter, to bebloud. Ensanglanté, gore bluddie. Vne Enseigne qu'on pend és maisons, a signe. Enseigne de recognoissance, a token of remembrance. Apparence & Enseigne restant de quelque chose, a marke or signe. Ie vous diray les Enseignes, I will tell ye the tokens. Donner Enseignes, to giue marks Enseignes, signes, tokens, markes, notes. Enseigne & Estendart, a stan­ dart, an enseigne. Enseigner, to teache, to instruct. Enseigné, taught. vn Enseigneur qui en a vn autre par dessus luy, a vsshier of a schoole. Enseignement, instruction, doc­ trine, teaching. Enseignements & papier, in­ structions. Ensemble, likewise, also. Ensemblement, togither. Ensemencer vn champ, to sowe a field. Enseuelir, to burte. Enserrer quelqu 'vn, to close one in, to keepe one fast. Enserrement, a closing. Ensorceler, to bewitche. Vn Ensorceleur, a witche. Ensorcelement, a bewitching. Ensorcelerie, witcherie. Ensuyure, to follow, to do the like. Entablement, setting in a table. Entaché, seeke Entiché. Entailler & grauer, to graue, to carue. Entaillé, carued, grauen. Entaillure, a grauing, a caruing. Entamer, to breake vp meat. Entamure de peau, a breaking of skin. Entant que, in as much as. Entasser, to gather into heapes, to pyle, to packe. Entassé, piled, packed. Entassement, heaping, a piling. Vne Ente, a graffe. Enter les arbres, to graffe trees. Entement, a graffing. Entendre, to heare, to vnderstand. Entendre diligemment, to mark diligently. I'entens, I vnderstand. Entendu & cognoissant, of vn­ derstanding, wittie. Entendement ou esprit que l'hom­ me a de nature, wit or vnder­ standing, conceit. Perdre l'Entendement, to lose his vnderstanding. Mettre son Entente à faire quelque chose, to intend to doe a thing. Entendiblement, vnderstan­ dingly, learnedly. Ententiuement faire quelque chose, to do a thing intentiuely. Ententif, intentiuely. Enter, Entement, seeke Enté. Enterrer, to burie, to lay in earth. Enterré, buried, couered with earth. Enterrement, a buriall. Entiché & corrompu, corrupt. Entier, whole, vnbroken. Entiereté, wholenesse, sinceritie. Entierement, wholly, faithfully, sincerely. Entonnoir, a funnell. Entonner, to tonne wine, or poure it into tonnes. Entortiller, to writhe about, too wriggle, to wrap togither. Entortillé, writhed. Entortillement comme d'vn ser­ pent qui se plie en rond, a writhing like a snake. Entouiller, to snarle, to combre, to entangle. Entour & circuit, aboute, round about. Entourer, to compasse about. Entourement, a compassing. Entournure, a rundel or circle. s'Entr'aider, to help one another. Entrailles, the entrailes, the guttes the inwards. s'Entr'aimer, to loue one another. Entrainer, to drawe away. Entre les gens de bien, among good men, betweene good men. Entrebaaillé, chapped or chin­ ked, clouen, gaping. s'Entrebatre, to fight togither. Entrecognoistre, to know one another. s'Entr'embrasser, to embrase one another. Nous nous Entrecognoissons, we knowe one another. Vn Entredeux de murailles, a space betweene twoo walles. l'Entredeux de quelque chose, the space betwene any two things Ils s'Entr'entendent, they vnder­ stand one another. sus ces Entrefaictes, in this mean whyle, while this was in doing. Qui sçait bien son Entregent, one of good behauioure, that knoweth good fashions. Ils s'Entrehantent, they haunt togither. Ils s'Entrehayent fort, they hate one another to the death. Les moutons s'Entrehurtent, the rammes butte togither. Entreiecter, to cast betweene. Entreiect, a putting or casting betweene. Entreioindre, to ioyne togither. s'Entreiouër, to play togither. Entrelaisser, to interlace, too put betwene. Entrelassé, interlaced, put betwen. Entrelassement, a putting betwene Entreluire, to shine togither. Entremander, to sende togither. Entremesler, to mingle togither. s'entremesler de quelque guer­ re, to intermedle with warres. Entremettre la besongne, la lais ser pour vn temps, to ceasse, to leaue off worke for a time. Entermessé, intermedled, mingled. Vn entremetteur & moyenneur a spokesman, a broker, an in­ terpreter. Ces choses s'entrenuisent, these things hurt one an other. Entr'ouir, to hear here and there a worde. Entroupeter, to gather in com­ panies. Entr'ouuert, chapt, clouen, opened. Estre fort entr'ouuert & entre­ baallié, to be very much chapt. Entreprendre, To enterprise, to take in hande. Entreprinse, begon, taken in hand. Entreprenant & hardy, bolde, of high enterprise. Entreprins de ses membres, be­ nomme of his membres. Entreprenneur, an enterpriser. Entrer, to enter, to go in. Entrement, an entring, a going in. Entrée, an entrey, an alley. Il s'entregardoyent, they looked the one on the other. Entrerompre, to breake off. s'Entresalüer, ou quand plusi­ eurs salüent vn tiers, to salute one an other. Chose qui s'entresuit, ou s'entre tient, that followeth one an o­ ther, a continuance. Entretaillir, to hew one an other. Entretenir vn amour, to mayn­ teyne loue. s'Entretenant, cleauing one to an other, holding one an other. Estre entretenu, to be mayntey­ ned, to be entertayned. Entretenement, an entertaining, a cleauing one to an other. s'Entretoucher, to touche one an other. Entretouiller, to tumble or wrap vp one with an other. Entretenir ou suruenir, to come on a sodayne. Enuahir par trahison ou autre­ ment, to inuade, to set vpon. Enueloper, to wrappe vp, to folde vp. Vne enuelope & couuerture, a wrapper. Enuelopé, wrapped vp. Enuelopement, a wrapping. Enuenimer le boire d'aucun, to poyson ones drinke. Don enuenimé, a poysoned gift. Enuy, sorowfully, against my wil. Enuie, enuie, hatred, malice. Enuier l'autruy, to hate another. Enuieux, enuious, hatefull, mali­ cious. Enuieiller, to waxe olde. Euuiellissement, a waxing olde. Enuers toy, towards thee. Tourner à l'enuers, to turne vp­ side downe. Enuiron dix iours, plus ou moins, aboute ten dayes. Enuiron trois mille, about three thousande. Enuiron ce mois là, About that moneth. Tout à l'enuiron, round about. Enuironner, to compasse aboute, to enuiron. Enuironné, compassed. Enuironnement, a compassing. Enuoyer d'auec soy, to sende a­ way, to put away. Enuoyer quelque chose, to send a thing. Enuoy, message, sending. S'enuoler, to flee away. Enyurer, to make dronke. Epeler, seeke Espeler. Epilepsie, Mal caduque, the fal­ ling sicknesse. Epistre & lettre missiue, an Epi­ stle, a letter. Epitaphe, an Epitaph, verses on ones death. Equalité, equalitie, comparison. Equaliser, to compare. Equierre, ou Esquierre, a Car­ penters squire. Equiparaison, lykening, compa­ ring. Equiper nauires, to trim or make ready shippes. A l'equipolent, of like value. Equité, equitie, vprightnes, iustice Equiualent, like, of like value. Erable, a tree, which some thinke to be Maple. Erain, seeke Arain. Ergots de coqs, a cockes spurre. Ermite, an hermit, one that dwel­ leth in deserte. Ermitage, an hermitage. Vne Ermine, a beaste called an Ermyne. Errer, to stray, to erre. Aller errant par cy par là, par­ my les champs sans tenir or­ dre, to wander hither and thi­ ther. Es, tu es, seeke Estre. S'esbahir, to maruell, to wonder. Esbahy, abashed. Esbahissement, abashing. s'esbatre auec quelqu'vn, to play with one, to passe the tyme. Esbat & recreation d'enfants, childrens play. Esbats, playes, pastimes, recrea­ tions. Prendre ses esbats, To take his pleasure. Par Esbat, in pastyme. Esbatement, pastyming. Erberger, ou Heberger aucun, to lodge one, to harbour. Esbloüir les yeux, To glimmer the eyes, to dasell. Esboulissement, daseling, Esboucher, To rough hewe, to square out. Esborgner, to make poare blinde, to looke a squint. Esburgeonner la vigne, to pluck off the buds of a vine. Esbrancher vn arbre, To loppe a tree. Esbransler & faire trembler, to shake, to wauer. Esbranslement, shaking, waue­ ring. Escacher, to breake in peeces, to brouse. Escachement & froissure, a brea­ king, a brousing. Escailler poisson, to scale fishe. Vne escarboncle, a Carbuncle. Escarlat, scarlet. Escarmouche, Faire des Escar­ mouches, to skirmish. Escarpins, pumpes, single soaled shoes. Escerner autour, To scrape on clense round about. Esceruelé, Hare brayned, cocke brayned, braynlesse. Vn eschaffault, ou sont ceux qui regardent ioüer, a scaffolde or stage. Eschalas, a prop for a vine, com­ monly the stay that is set for a vine to creepe vp vpon. Eschalasser vne vigne, to set vp those stayes in the vine. Eschalotte, a Scallion. Eschanger, to exchange, to chop, to scorse. Eschanson qui fait l'essay du boire & du manger, A taster of meates to kings or other. Eschantillon & monstre de quel­ que marchandise, a scantlin. Eschapper, to escape, to slipaway. Eschappé, slipte away, escaped, saued. Vn eschappatoire, A starting hole, a bypath. Vn escharbot, a scarabey. Escharcement viure, To liue scantly, to liue hardly, niggishly Eschasses, crouches, stiltes. Eschabouillure, a push, a wheale. Eschauffer, to warme, to heate, to chafe. Estre eschauffé, To be warmed, to be chafed. Eschauffement, chafyng, war­ ming, heating. Eschaugette, a Beacon. Vn eschelle, a ladder. L'eschelle d'vn nauire, a ladder in a shippe. Escheller les murs, to skale the walles. Eschemer, comme les mouches à miel eschement, & font leurs petites mouches, To swarme lyke Bees. Escheoir, to happen, to chaunce, to fall out. Escheoir comme par sort, to fall by lot. Des Eschez, the Chessemen. Eschiquier, a checker, a Chesse bourde. Escheuin, conseillier de la ville, Sheriffe of a Citie. Escheuissement de dommage, a scape from hurt. L'eschine, soit de l'homme ou bestes irraisonables, the Chine bone, the backe bone. Les os de l'eschine du dos, & semblables, the bones in the chyne. Eschiner, rompre l'eschine, To chine, to breake the backe. A bon Escient, in good earnest, in good faith. Esclair, Esclairer, Escaircir, seke Escler. Esclaire, herbe, Selandine. Esclandre, a thunder clappe, a slaunder. Esclat ou latte, a shingle, a lath. Son Esclatant, a ratling noyse. Esclaue, a slaue. Escler, qui fait le tonnere, The lightning of the thunder. Esclercir, to make cleere. Esclercissement & reparement, cleeryng, playn shewyng forth. Esclisse ou on met le fourmage pour prendre sa forme, a chese presse. Esclopé, maymed. Esclorre des oeufs, To clocke, to hatche egges. Escole, ou college, a Schole, a College. Maistre d'escolle, a scholemaster Vn escolier, a scholer. Estre esconduict, to be denyed a request, to haue repulse. L'escorce de l'arbre, the barke of a tree, the rinde. Escorcer, to barke trees, or ra­ ther to vnbarke, to pill. Escorcement, a barking of trees, a pilling, a rinding. Escorcher, to flay, to bark, to pill. Escorcheure du siege, the pilde­ nesse of the seate. Escorchement, a flaying. Escort, dapper, hansom, trimme, furnished. L'escosse ou gonsse de febues, pois & semblables, the codof pease, beane, or other pulse. Escot, a schot. S'escouler, to slide down, to glide. Escoulement d'eaue, a slidyng downe, or softe running of water. Escourgée, a thong of leather, a latchet, or scourge. Escouter, to hearken, to listen, to giue eare. Escouteur, ou vn Escoutée, A hearkener, a scoute, an eaues­ dropper. Escoutement, hearkening. Escoüer, to shake off, to fan out, to brushe. Escouuette, a brushe. Escouuillon, an ouen sweeper, a daflin. Faire Escran contre le vent, too set the nose against the wind. Vn Escreuisse, a crab, a creuise. Escrimeur, Ioueur d'espée, a maister of fence, a fencer. Vn Escrin, coffret ou cabbinet, a casket, a little chest. s'Escrier, to crie, to roare out. Escri, ou escriement, a crying out. Escrire, to write. Escripture, writ, scripture, wri­ ting. Escripteau, a writing. Vne Escriptoire, a pennar. Les Escroüelles, the kings euell. Vn Escu, a crowne of gold in mo­ ney, a scutchion, a shield. Escuelle, a porenger, a dish. Vn Escuiel plein de rochers, a rockie place. Escume, scum, drosse, fome. Escumer, Iecter escumes, to fome to scum. Ecumeur de mer, a pirate, a sea theefe. Vn Escurieu, a squirrell. Vn court Escusson ou bouclier, a scutchion or buckler. Escuyer d'escurie, a horse keeper. Escuyer ou coustiler, an es­ quire. Escuyer ou eschanson, a squire to the mouth. Esgard qu'on a de faire quelque chose, the regard, warinesse, and aduise that we haue to do a thing. s'Esgarer, to stray, to wander. Vn Esglantier, eglantine, sweete briar. Eglise ou temple, a church, a temple. Esgorger, to cut ones throte. Esgorgement, a cutting off ones throte. Vn Esgout qui chet de hault, a drop. l'Esgout d'vne ville, the sinke of a towne. Esguiere, an ewer. Esguille, seeke Aguille. Vn Esguillon, a pricke, a stir. Esguilloner, to stirre, to moue, to prouoke. Esguillonné, stirred, prouoked. Esguillonnement, a stirring. Esguillonneur, a prouoker, a setter on. Vne Esguillette, a point. Eshonter, to be shamelesse, to set a good face on it. Eshonté, shamelesse, impudent. Eshontement, shamelesnesse, sau­ sinesse. s'Esiouir, to reioyce, to be glad, to be merry. Qui s'Esiouist, ioyfull. s'Esiouissant, reioycing. Esiouissance, ioye, gladnesse. Esioüissance qu'on fait du bien & prosperité qui nous est ve­ nüe, ou à autruy, the ioy that we haue in prosperitie. Eslargir, to enlarge, to stretch out Eslargi & plein, à qui le ventre tire, stretched out full. Esleuer, to take away, to cary a­ way, to lift. Esleué en hault, heaued vp, lif­ ted vp. Esleuer ou nourrir, to bring vp, to reare. Eslire, to choose, to cull, to pyke out. Esleu entre les autres, picked out. Eslite, choise, election. Eslocher & esbransler, to shake, to wag, to waue. Esloigner, to send aloofe, to con­ uey away, to keepe farre off. Esloigné, kept aloofe. Esloignement, a conueying a­ way. s'Eslourdir, to be astonnyed, to be amazed. Esmail, ammell. Vn Esmeraude, an Emeraude. Esmerillonné, & fort vif d'esprit, liuely, quicke. S'esmerueiller, To maruell, to wonder. Esmerueillable, wonderfull. Esmerueillement, a wondryng, a gazing. L'esmeut d'vn corbeau & fiente the muting of a foule. Esmeute, seeke Esmouuoir. Esmier, To crumme or breake small. Esmonder, to clense, to sweepe, to make cleane. Esmondement d'arbres, & tail­ lement de vignes, a prunyng of trees, cutting of vines. Esmoucher & refouler vn tren­ chant, To make blunte that is sharpe. Esmoudre vn cousteau, to grind a knife. Esmouuoir, to moue, to prouoke, to stirre. Esmeu, stirred, prouoked, moued. Esmeute, a commotion, a tumult, a rising. Esmotion, a motion, a stirryng of the mynde. Esmouuement, a mouing, a tos­ sing. Esmoy ou soulci, care, sorrowe, pensiuenesse. Toute espace & distance, space, distance. Espace de temps, space of tyme. L'espace & certain mesure de terre, comme vinct ou trent pas, & semblables, a space or measure of ground. Espancher, to scatter abroade. Espandre, To sheade, to spill, to poure out. Espandu, spilled, poured out. Espandement, a sheding, a pou­ ryng out. La rose s'Espanit, ou desployé, ou s'estend, to blow out like a Rose or other floure. Espardre ça & là, to scatter. Espars, scattered, disparsed. Espardement, a scattering. Choses dictes esparsement, wor­ des spoken scatteringly. Espargner, to spare, to saue. Espargner la despense, To saue charges. N'espargner personne, to spare no man. Espargnant & qui n'a cure d'ar­ gent, & aussi s'abstient de les autres voluptez, a neare fellow, a wary man. Espargne, scarsitie. De l'espargoutte ou apparitoi­ re, Pellitorie, an herbe. Vne Espatule ou Spatule, A slice. L'espaule, the shoulder. Espauliere, a hoode to weare on the shoulder. Espeautre, Espece de blé ainsi appelée, a kinde of barley as some thinke. Espece vn espece de maladie, a kinde, a kinde of disease. Par especial, especially. Espée, a swoord. Espeler, to spell, as children do. Espelement des syllabes, a spel­ ling of sillables. Esperdu, lost, a forgone man. Esperer, to hope, to trust. Esperance de bien, Hope of goodes. Espoir, hope, trust. Esprit & entedement qui l'homme a de nature, witte and vnder­ standyng that a man hath of nature. Esprit sans repos, A restlesse mynde. Vn Esperon, a spurre. Espessir, to thicken. Espessi, thickened. Espez, thicke. Espesseur, thicknesse. Espessement, thicklie. Espessissement, a thickening. Espi de blé, an eare of corne. Espices ou espicerie, spice. Espier & guetter, to spie, to wat­ che, to marke. Vn Espie ou espion, a spie. Espies, snares. En espiant, espyingly. Espieur, a spyer, a pryer. Espiement, a spying. Espine, a thorne, a bryer. Espineux, thorny, bryerie. Espingle, a pinne. vn Espion & Brigantin, a Bri­ gandine. Esplouré, beblubbered with wee­ ping, bewayled. Esplucher, to cull out. Espluçher chasque lettre d'vne Loy, to searche euery clause of the Lawe. Espoindre, to pricke, to stirre, too prouoke. Esponge, a sponge. Espouuanter, to make afrayd, to feare. Espouuenté, feared. Vn Espouuentail, chose espou­ uentant, a thing to be feared. Espouuentable, fearfull. Espouuantement, a feare, a dread. Espouser vne femme, to marrie a wife. Espouser vn homme, to marrie a man. l'Esposée, ou l'sEpousée, the bryde. Espousailles, brydall, mariage. Espreindre, too presse out, to wring. Espreindre le iust, to wring out the iuyce. Espreinte, pressed out. Tout à Espreu, with diligence. Vn Espreuier, a hauke. Estre Espris de folie, & estre com­ me insensé, too bee taken with follie. Esprouuer, to proue, to assaye. Esprouue, a proofe. Vne petite Esprouuette, a small instrument wherewith Sur­ geons do searche woundes, a probe. Espuiser, to drawe out, as out of a well. Espurge, herbe, an herbe called spurge. Espurger & oster les neuds des arbres, to prume trees, to cutte away the knots. Esquarrir, to square. Esquarteler, to quarter. Faire Esquarter, & espandre ça, & là, to shed, to throwe about, to scatter. Vne Esquierre, a squire. Esquinancie, the squincie. Equipper, seeke Equiper. Qui est Essardé & alteré, which is alwayes drye. Esserter vn bois, to make a glade in a wood. Essayer, to assaye, to proue, to at­ tempt. Essay, an essay or proofe. Esseulez, cast off, giuen ouer, left alone. Vn Essi eu, an axeltree. Essimer, to take away fat. Essorer, to drie vp. Essorillé, deaffe. Essuyer, to wipe, to rub. Il Est, seeke Estre. Estable à cheuaux & autres be­ stes semblables, a stable, a stall, a fold. Establir vn Roy, too establishe a King. Establissement, an establishing. Establier ou estail à boucher, a butchers stall. Vn Estage de maison, a loft of a house. De l'Estain, tin. Estaimmer, to lead, or tin. Estaimmé, leaded, as they lead pots. Estain de lain, wollen yarne. Estaler, to stall out, or shewe wares. Vn Estalon, a stallion, a horse to couer mares. Estamine, chamblet, grogran. Estancher la soif, to slake thirst, to stanche bloud. Estanchement de soif, slaking of thirst. Estang & viuier, a pond. Vn Estanson, a prop, a forke, a shore. l'Estape, the wine market or staple. Estarnuer, seeke Esternuer. l'Estat & condition des hom­ mes, the state and condition of men. Vne Estaye, a prop. Estayer, to shore vp. Estayement, a shoring. l'Esté, Sommer. Esteindre, to quenche, to slake fire. Esteingnement, a quenching. Estelé, starred. Esteler les cheuaux, to spang in horses to the cart. Estendart & enseigne, a stan­ dart, an enseigne. Estendre, to set forth, too shewe forth, to stretch forth, to spread abroade. Estendu, stretched forth, spread abroad. Estendement, a stretching forth. Esternuer, to sneese. Esternuement, a sneesing. Vne Esteule ou estouble, straw, stouble. Esteuf, a tennis ball. Estimer, to esteeme, to value. Penser ou Estimer & iuger, too thinke, to esteeme, to iudge. Estimer, priser & louer, to e­ steeme, to prayse, too allowe, too regarde. Estre Estimé, to bee esteemed. l'Estime qu'on a de vertu, the e­ stimation of vertue. Estimation, estimation. Iuge & Estimateur de quelque chose, a Judge, an esteemer of a thing, a prezer. Estinceler, to sparcle, to twincle. Estincelle, a sparke. Estincellement, a sparkling. l'Estoc & le tronc d'vn arbre, the body of a tree, the stocke. Estoffer, to engraue. Estoffeur, an engrauer. Estoile, a starre. Estomach, the stomacke, the bel­ lie. Estonner, to astonish, to amaze. Estonné, amazed, astonied, a­ gast. Estonnement du corps, ou des parties d'iceluy, prouenant d'­ vne vne catarrhe, benoemnesse of the body, to be taken. Eftorsement, a wresting or wri­ thing. Estouffer quelqu'vn, to smother, to stiffle, to strangle. Estouffement, smothering. Estoupe de lin, ou de chanure, flax or towe. Estouper, to stop vp. Vn Estoupillon, a stopple. Estourdir, to astonish, to trouble ones head. Estourdy, blunt, blockishe, dull witted, foolish, giddie. Estourdissement, amazednesse, giddinesse. Vn Estourgeon, a sturgeon. Estourneau, a bird called a stare. Estrain, ou foarre, strawe. Estranger, to make strange, to alienate. s'Estranger de quelqu'vn, & o­ ster sa fantasie, ou amour, to become strange, to drawe away ones hart from one. Estrangé, straunged, aliena­ ted. Moult Estrange, very strange. Vn Estranger, a straunger, a fo­ rein. Estrangement des autres, quand on se met à part, to waxe straunge, to shun company. Estrangler, to strangle, to choake Estranglé, strangled. Estanglement, a strangling. Donner Estre à quelque chose, to giue being to a thing, too create. Estre, to bee. Tu Es, thou art. Il Est, hee is. Estrecir, to make narrowe, or streight. Estreindre, to straigne, to make streight, to make narrowe, to thrust togither. Estreint & serré, streigned, thrust togither. Estreignement, a streigning. Estreines, presents, newe yeares giftes. Estrier, a stable forke. Estreiller cheuaux, too currie horses. Estriuer & debatre contre quel­ qu'vn, to striue, to contend. Prendre Estrif & debat à l'en­ contre d'aucun, to be at strife with one. Estroict, streight, narrowe. Estroictement, streightly, nar­ rowly. Estrone, a turde. Estudier, to studie, to plye ones booke. Vne Estude, a studie. Estudes de lettres, studie of lear­ ning. Mettre tout son Estude à ap­ prendre, to set all his mynd on learning. Estudie de sapience, philosophie, studie of wisdome. Vn Estudiant qui ne se mesle point des affaires publiques, a scholler. Estuuer vne playe, to bath or soake a wound. Estuuer ses yeux, to soake the eyes. Estuues, stewes, hote houses. Estuuement, a soaking. Estuy de quelque chose que ce soit, a case, a shethe. Vn Estuy d'escriptoire, a pen­ nar. s'Esuanoüir, to vanish, to fade a­ way, to swoune. Esuanoüi, vanished. Euanoüissement & pasmoison, vanishing, swouning. Esueiller, to waken, to rayse vp. s'Esueiller, to wake. Estre Esueillé, to be wakened. Esuenter, to fan, to winowe. Vn Esuentoir, ou Esuentoire, a fan. Vne Esuentoire, à chasser les mouches, a flap for flies. Esuentement, fanning, winow­ ing. Esuier, a sinke, a place to voyde water. Esuolé & eshonté, shamelesse. Et, and. Et aussi, and also. Eternel, euerlasting, ayduring. Eternellement, euerlastingly. Deuenir Etique, to growe into a consumption. Euacuer, to voyde, to emptie. Euacuation de manuaises hu­ meurs, voyding of euyll hu­ moures. Euader, Eschapper, to escape, to slip away. Euenement, a hap, a chaunce, a comming to passe. Euentrer poissons, to drawe or vnbowell fishe. Euertuement il besongne à ce­ cy, hee worketh lustily. Vn Euesque, vn Prelat, a Bis­ shop. Euf, seeke Oeuf. Euident, playne, euident, mani­ fest. Euidence, an euidence. Euidemment, cleerely, apparant­ ly, manifestly. Euiter, to auoyde, to shunne, to shrinke from. Euitement, a shunning, an es­ cheuing. Euoquer au peuple vne chose estant par deuant certains iu­ ges, to bring triall of the mat­ ter from certaine iudges to the people. Eupatoire, herbe, an herbe called Agrimonie. Eur, Eureux, seeke Heureux. si tu n'Eusses esté, ou si ce n'Eust esté toy, if thou hadst not been, if it had not bin for thee. Sans toy, without thee. Euure, seeke Oeuure. Exalter, to prayse aboue measure, to exalt. Examiner quelque chose, to ex­ amine, to weighe, to ponder. Examination, an examination. Exaulcer, to heare gently, to graunt. Exaulser & esleuer, to exalte, to prayse aboue measure. Excellent, surmounting, excelling, passing. Excellemment, excellently, passing well. Excellence, excellency, worthi­ nesse Excepter, to except. l'Exception d'vne generalité, the exception of a generalitie. Excez, excesse, superfluitie, riot. Excessif, passing measure, exces­ siue. Excessiuement, excessiuely. Exciter, to stir vp. Excuser, to excuse. Vne Excuse, an excuse. Excusation, making an excuse. Excuseur, qui excuse quelqu'vn, an excuser. Execrable & detestable, hateful, to be abhorred. Execration, blasphemie, cursing beyond measure. Executer, to streigne for debte. Mettre en Execution qu'on nous a enchargé, too execute our charge. Exemple, an example. Exemplaire plein de faultes, a false sampler. Auoir l'Exemplaire & patron, to haue a sample. Exempter, to exempt. Exempt, qui n'a nulle part, ex­ empt, he that hath no part. Exempt de faire aucune charge exempt, free from the charge. Exemption, libertie, freedome. Exercer quelque art, to exercise an art. s'Exercer, to exercise him selfe, to enure. s'Exerciter à escrire, too vse to write. Exercice, exercise, vse. Exercitation, exercising. Exhalation de la terre, the damp or vapors of the earth. Exiger ou demander, to demand or exact a thing. Exil, banishment, exile. Exonniez par maladie, ou autre encombrier, discharged soul­ diours. Expedier quelque affaire, to ha­ sten or dispatch a matter. Expedition & acheuement, an expedition, a riddance. Experimenter, to proue, to trye, to examine, to assay. Vn homme experimenté, A man of experience. Expert & sçauant, expert, cun­ ning. Experience, experience, know­ ledge, cunning. Expirer, to breath out, to yeld vp the ghost, to ende. Le temps est expiré, the tyme is ended or expired. Expliquer, to expounde, to vn­ folde. Expliqué, Expounded, inter­ preted. Faire Exploiter besongne, to rid businesse. Qui n'exploite guere, slacke in businesse. Exposer quelque chose aux en­ fantz, to bequeath or giue ouer to his children. Vn lieu exposé & tourné au so­ leil, placed directely agaynst the sonne. Exposition, an exposition, a de­ claration. Dire par expres, chiefly or ex­ presly, to tell. Expressement, expresly, namely. Exquis, exquisite, singuler, fine, perfecte. Extorsion pour tort, wrong, ex­ tortion. Extraordinaire, extraordinarie, vnwoonted. Extraordinairement, extraor­ dinaryly. Extraire & transcrire, to drawe out, to write out. Extrauaguer bien loing, to wan­ der farre. Extremement, without measure. l'Extremité & bord ou bout de quelque chose, the brinke or top of any thing. FAble, a tale, a fable. Fabloyer, to fable. La Face, the face. Facile, easie. Facilement, easily, redily, quickly. Facilité, easinesse. Faciliter vne chose, To bring a thyng to easinesse, to make it a sleight. Façon, fashion, forme, making, workmanship. Façonner, to fashion. Facteur, a factour, an agent. Le facteur d'vn Marchand, a marchants factour. Vn fatiste, a player, a Poet. Fruicts qui sont fades, vnsaue­ ry frutes. Vn fagot, a faggot. Fague, the necke piece of a Bore, the fag piece. Faictiz, counterfeat, forged. Faillir, to fayle, to erre, to lacke. Faim, hunger, famine. Faindre, Faintise, seke Feindre. Faire, to do, to go about. Faire quelque chose, to do a thing. C'en est faict, it is done. Faicture, workmanship. Vn Faisant, a Phesant. Vn Faisceau de quelque chose que ce soit, liée ensemble, a bunche, a bundle. Faidardise & paresse, slouthful­ nesse, sluggishnesse, drousinesse. Vn faix, a burthen. Fallacieux, deceytfull. Il Falloit vser de plus long exem­ ples, it behoued to vse longer examples. Fallot, a cresset light. Il Fault, it must, it behoueth. Familier, domestique, familiar, homely. Familiarité, familiaritie. Familierement, familiarly. La Famille & race, the house, kinred, the familie. Famine, hunger, dearth. Vn Fan de biche ou autres be­ stes, a faune. Se faner, to rotte, to putrifie, to corrupt. Fange, mudde, dirt. le Fanon d'vn boeuf, le peau qui luy pend soubs le long du col the dew lap of a rudder beast, hanging downe vnder hys necke. Fantasie & volonté d'vne per­ sonne, the fantasie and minde of a body. Fantastique, fantasticall, inuen­ tiue. Faon, seeke Fan. Faonner, to faune as does doe. Vne Farce, a playe, an interlude. Farceur, a player of such playes. Ioüer de Farces, qui representent contenances selon l'estat des personnes, a player, a coun­ terfeater of personages. De la Farce, a liuering, a pudding Farcir & remplir, To stuffe, to franke, to feede. Fard, white lead, painting colors. Fardé, paynted, as some women vse to paynt themselues. Fardement de vielles choses, pour le mieux vendre, a pain­ ting or setting forth olde things to the shewe. Vne Fardeau, a fardell, a trusse, a burthen. Farine, meale. Farouche, fierse, outragious, cruel Fascher ou ennuyer quelqu'vn, to anger or displease one. Tu me fasches & ennuyes, thou troublest me. Fasché, troubled, angred. Fascheux & ennuyeux, trouble­ some, greeuous. Fascherie, anger, greefe, trouble, vexation. Faseoles, a kind of small pulse. Fau, vn arbre, a Beche tree. Faucher, to mowe the grounde. Faucheur du prez, a mower. Faueur & support, fauoure, sup­ porte. Fauori, ou fauorisé, in fauoure, fauoured. Fauourablement, fauourably. Vne Faucille ou crochet, a sicle, a hooke. Faucon, oyseau de proye, A Falcon. Faudra, seeke Falloir. Faulsaire, a falsifier, a counter­ feater. Faulser des lettres, to counter­ feat letters. Faulsement, falsly, vntruly. Qui fait Faulsetez, he that com­ mitteth falshode. Fault, seeke Falloir. Faulte pour peché, fault, blame, offence. Faulte ou disette, wante, lacke, scarsitie. Faulx, homme Faulx, A false man. Vne Faux ou Faucille, a Sickle, a Sythe. Faulxbourgs, the Suburbes. Fauue, ou Fauueau, a depe yea­ low, a bay. Feal, faithfull, trusty. Feauté, faithfulnesse. Fealement, faithfully. Vne Febue, a beane. Vne petite chose noire qui est au cul d'vne Febue, the blacke spot at the tayle of the beane. Vn Fauat de Febues, a stacke of beanes. le Faiture de quelque chose par laquelle on la met à estre, the making or workmanship of a thing. Feé, destinate, appoynted. Feé, & qui doibt aduenir par necessité, appointed, that must needes come to passe. Par Feerie & destinée, by De­ stinie. Feindre, to feyne, to dissemble. Se feindre, to fayne himselfe. Feintise, faynednesse, hipocrisie, dissimulation. Feintement, faynedly, dissem­ blingly. De la Feine, beeche mast. Du Fein, seke Foinhay. Felicité, happinesse. Fellure en pierre precieuse, the vaynes in a precious stone. Felon, fell, testie, outragious. Felonnie, felnesse, vnmercyful­ nesse. Femelle, the shee of any thing. Femelin, made womannish. Femme, a woman, a wyfe. Femmelette, a little woman. Fendre, to cleaue. Fendu, cleft, chapt. Fendu en deux, cleft in two. Fendement, a cleauing. Fente, a cleft, a rift, a rent. Fener ou fletrit, To wither a­ way. Fenestre, a windowe. Fenestré & percé, windowed or pierced through. Vn fenil ou on garde le fein, A hay lofte. Du Fenoil, Fenell. Fer, yron. Ferrement, yron worke. Ferrailles, olde yron. Ferrer muls & cheuaux, To shoe­ horses or moyles. Ferré, shod. Feries & iours de cessation, holy days, wakes. Ferir, to strike. Vn fermaillet qui se pend au col pour preseruer de poison, a preseruatiue to hang aboute ones necke agaynst poyson. La ferme du prince ou demaine the kings reuenue. Vne Ferme, a ferme, a Man­ nour. Le Fermiers du prince, the kings fermers. Ferme, firme, stable, sure. Estre ferme & constant, To be stable, to be constant. Fermeté, stablenesse, constancie, stedfastnesse. Fermement, constantely, sted­ fastly. Fermer, to shut vp, to close vp. Fermé, shutte, closed. Fermement & closture de bou­ che, a stopping ones mouth. Fertile, frutefull, well yelding, fertile. Fertilité, frutefulnesse. Fertilement, frutefully. Feruent, earnest, feruent. Feruemment, earnestly. Les fesses, the Buttockes, the breeche. Fesser, to breeche boys, to scourge them. Feslu, well buttocked, Well bree­ ched. Le Feste d'vn edifice, the ridge of an house. Feste, holyday. Fester, To keepe Holydaye, to feaste. Festin, a feaste, a banket. Festoyer aucun, to feast one, to cheere one. Vn Festu, a strawe or rushe, a mote. Le Feu, fire. Feuchiere, ou Foiguere, ferne brakes. Feue, seeke Febue. Feurre, seeke Foarre. Fiance & asseurance, trust, affi­ ance, trouth. Fiancer vne fille ou vne femme, to betrouth, to make sure, too handfast. Vne Fiancée, bethrouthed, hand­ fasted. Ficher, to fasten, to sticke in, to set fast. Fiche & arresté, stedfast, stabli­ shed. Fiction & controuuement, a thing feigned, an imagination. Fort Fidele & seur, faithfull, sta­ ble. Fideleté, faithfulnesse. Fidelement, faithfully, vnfay­ nedly. Fiebure, ou Fieure, an ague, a feuer. Fiebureux, subiect to an ague. Fiel, gall. Fiens, dong. Fiens à fumer la terre, dong to dong the earth. La Fiente & ordure d'vne beste, the dong of a beast. Soy Fier à quelqu'vn de quelque secret, to trust one with some secrete talke. Fier & arrogant, proude, lofty, high minded. Fieret, somewhat lofty. Fierement, loftily. Fiereté, hautnesse, loftinesse, pride. Fieure, seeke Fiebure. Sang Figé, bloud cluttered. Vne Figue, a figue. Vn Figuier, a figue tree. Figure, a figure, an image. Figurer, to figure. Figurement, a figuring. Fil, ou Filet, a threede. Vn Filé & verueu à prendre pois­ sons, an angle or bayt to catch fishe. Filet à Filet, thred by thred. Filer, to spin, to twist. Filure & tissure de layne ou de soye, spinning. La Filace qu'on met en la que­ noüille, the flaxe that is put on the distaffe. Les Filamens des veines, the strings on vaynes. Fils, a son, a boye. Vne Fille, a daughter, a wenche. Fillette, a girle, a wenche. La Fin de quelque chose que ce soit, the ende of a thing. A Fin que ie ne, &c. to the ende that. &c. En Fin, in the ende. Finer, to ende, to determine, to conclude. Finé, ended. Finablement, ou Finalement, fi­ nally, in summe. Fin homme, a suttle, crafty or beguyling man. Finesse, suttletie, crafte, deceyte, guyle. Finement, suttely, craftely, de­ ceitfully. Finances, treasures, goods. Fins & limites, boundes, limites, borders. Fistule, a pype. Vn Flaccon, ou boutaille, a fla­ gon, a bottell. Flageolet, a whistle, a pype. Flagorneur & rapporteur, a blab, a tale teller, a tale car­ rier. Flairer, to smell, to sent. Flaireur, a smeller. Flairement, smelling, senting. Flambe, ou Flamme de feu, a flame of fire. Flambeau, ou torche, a torche, a linke. Flamboyer & reluire, to flame, to shine. Flammeche ou estincelle, a sparkle. Les Flancs, the flanks. Flater, Qui est vn mot propre quand les chiens blandissent de la queue, too flatter, to faune as a dog doth. Flateur, a flatterer, a glauerer. Flaterie, flatterie, fauning. Flateresse, a shee flaterer. Flatrer au front d'vne lettre chaulde, to marke one in the forehead with a hoate yron. Flatré, marked for a naughtie packe. Le Fleau & tendon ou ville de la vigne dont elle s'attache, the branche or shooting out of a vine. Vne Fleche & vn traict, a shaft, an arrowe. Flechir & ployer quelque chose to bend, to bowe a thing. Flechi & ployé, bent, bowed. Flechissement, a bowing, a ben­ ding. Flechissure, bought, or bowingnes. Flegme, ou Fleume, fleame. Flegmatique, flegmatike. Se Flestrir, to wither awaye, to drye vp. Flestri, withred. Flestrissure, withring. Vne Flette, a lighter, a small boate. Fleume, seeke Flegme. Fleur, a floure. Fleurette, ou Fleuron, a little floure. Fleurir, to floure. Fleurissant, florishing, or flou­ ring. Fleute, ou Flute, ou Flageolet, a flute, a whistle, a pype, a fife. Fleuteur, ou Fluteur, a pyper, a fluter, a fife. Fleuue ou riuiere, a floude or ri­ uer. Vn Floc & bouton de laine, a flocke of wolle. Flot, a floud. Le Flot de la mer, the flowing of the Sea. Flotter, to flote, to swimme. Flottement, a floting. Flour, Flourir, seeke Fleur. Flute, Fluteur, seeke Fleute. Flux, ou Fluxion, a floud. Flux de ventre, the flyxe, the laske. Foarre, strawe. Foible, weake, feeble. Foiblesse, weakenesse, feeble­ nesse. Foiblement, weakely, feeblely. Foin de pré, grasse of the pa­ sture. Foires d'vne ville, the faire or marte of a towne. Foire, thin dong. Foireux, beshitten. Vne Fois, once. Foison, plentie, aboundance. Fol, a fole, an idiot. Folatre, a wanton. Folatrer, to playe the wanton. Folatrement, & ragement, wan­ tonnesse, follie. Folie, folly, vnaduisednesse. Folement, folishly, fondly, chil­ dishly. Fomentation, a plaster that as­ suageth heat. Le Fond de quelque chose que ce soit, the ground of a thing, the bottome. vn Fond, champ & piece de ter­ re, soyle, a peece of ground. Fonder, to ground. Fondé par dessoubs, founded vnderneath. Vn Fondement, a ground, a foun­ dation. Fondateur, a buylder, a foun­ der. Vne Fonde, a bottome. Fondre, to melt, to cast. Se Fondre, to melt away, to con­ sume. Fondant, melting. Fondement, a melting. Fondriere, a quagmyre, a bog. Fonte, casting or melting. Vne Fontaine, a spring, a foun­ taine. Vn Fontenier, a digger of welles, a seeker of springs. Force, strength, force, power, ver­ tue. Force & puissance, might and power. Force & Vertu, strength and vertue. De toute ma Force, with all my power. Par Force, by force, violently. Forceur, a Conquerour, an en­ forcer. Forcené, mad, furious, out of his wit. Forcement, madnesse. Forces, ou ciseaux, sheares or cis­ sers. Forcette, small sheares. Forclorre, to exclude. Forer, ou percer, to boare a hole. Forer, an auger, a percer. Vne Forest, forest, a wildernesse. Lieu Forestier & sauuage, a wooddy and wild place. Forfaict, faulte, crime, forset. Auoir Forfaict contre quelque loy imposant peine, to forfait against the lawe. Forge à fer, a smithes forge. Forger & marteler, to forge or frame. estre Forgé, to be forged. Forgement, a forging. Forgeron, a forger, a smith. Forgeur, a forger, a framer. Forligner, to degenerate. Forlignant, degenerating. Formage, seeke Fourmage. La Forme, façon & traict de quel que chose, the forme, fashion, or draught of a thing. Former, to frame, to fashion. Fors toy, but onely thee. Fort robuste & puissant, very strong and mighty. Fortelet, somewhat strong, wax­ ing strong. Fortifier to fortifie, to strengthen. Fortification, fortification. Fortifiement, a fortifying. Forteresse, a fortresse, a hold. Vn Fort & camp arresté, a fort or settled campe. Fort, pour Beaucoup, very much. Fort bien, very well. Fortune, fortune, hap, chaunce. Fortunéement, happily. Vne Fosse, a pit, a diche, a graue. Fossette, a little pit. Fossoyeur, a graue maker. Foüet, ou escourgée, a whip or scourge. Foüetter, to whip, to scourge. Fouiller & cercher soigneuse­ ment, to searche diligently. Fouillement, a searching. Fourgere, ou Fouchiere, ferne brakes. Fouine, ou chat, selon aucuns, a beast called a foyne. Fouir la terre, & creuser, to dig or delue the earth. Fouisseur, a digger. Fouissement, digging, deluing. Fouldre, lightening. Fouldroyer, to lighten, to thun­ der. Fouldroyé, striken with lightning. Foule de peuple, a throng of people. Fouler aucun, to oppresse one, to tread vnder foote. Foulement, oppression. Foulon, a fuller. Vn Four, an ouen. Fournier, one that keepeth an o­ uen for folke to bake in. Fourbir, to fourbish, to pollish. Vne Fourche, a forke. Fourché, forked. Fourcher, quand la langue four­ che, to stutte, to trip with the tong. Fourchette, a little forke. Vn Fourgon, an ouen rake. Fourmage, cheese. Fourment, seeke Froment. Fourmy, an ant, an emmont, a pismere. Vne Fournaise, a fournays. Fournier de quelque chose, to furnish, to make vp that wanteth Fournissement, furnishing. Fourniture, furniture. Fourrage, forrage for horses. Fourreau, a scabbard. Fourrer, ou Iecter dedens, to thrust in, to throwe in. Fourrer robbes, to fur gounes. Fourreur, a furrier, a skinner. Fourriers qui ordonnent les quar tiers, they that apoint out ground. Se Fouruoyer, to stray, to erre. Fouruoyement, a straying. Le Fouyer de la maison, fire. Foy, quand on tient sa promes­ se, faith. Le Foye, the lyuer. Fragile, fraile. Fragilité, brittlenesse. Frain & mords d'vne bride, the bit of a bridle. Frais, Fraischement, seeke Frez. Fraiz & despens, charge, cost. Frayer, to bestowe cost. Les Fraises, strawberyes. Fraisne, seeke Fraine. France, Fraunce. Franc, qui ne doibt point de tri­ but, free, at libertie, franke. Franc & liberal, liberall, free, franke. Franchement & sans crainte, freely, without feare. Franchise, freedome. Frange, a fringe. Frangé & crené, fringed. Frapper, to strike, to knocke, to beate. Frappé, striken, knockt, rapt. Frappement, a striking. Fraternel, seeke Frere. Fraude, deceit, guyle. Frayer, & heurter contre la ri­ ue, to rap against the shore. Chemin Frayé, a beaten way. Frayeur, feare, fryting. Frelon, seeke Froilon. Frenaisie, fransie. Frenetique, frantike. Frequenter, ou hanter quelque lieu, to frequent, to hant, to vse a place. Frere, a brother. Fraternel, Belonging to a Bro­ ther. Fraternellement, brotherlie. Fresaye ou cheueche, a shreech howle. Freschement, seeke Frez. Fresle ou Fragile, frayle, brit­ tle. Fresne, arbre, an ashe tree. Fressure ou Fresure, the inwards or entrayles. Freter vne nauire, to freighte a ship. Fretiller, to waue, to moue, to wagge, to wauer. Frez & nouellement faict, fresh, new done. Vn Friand, Friolet, a likerouse fellow, a sweet lips. Friander, to feed likerously. Friandise, likerouse things. Fricassé, fryed. Friche, comme, Terre delaissée en Friche, fallow, ground that lyeth fallowe. Frilleux, chill, colde of nature. Vestements Fripez, clothes that haue bin worne. Vn Fripier, a Seller of olde clo­ thes. Vne Fripiere, a woman seller. Frire, Fricasser, to frye. Frisson, quaking for colde. Frissonner, to quake for cold. Friuole, vayne, trifling, of no va­ lue. Froid, cold. Froidement, coldly. Froidure, coldnesse. Auoir Froid, to be a cold. Froilon, ou Frelon, a hornet. Froisser, to breake in peeces, to quashe asunder. Froissement, a crashing in peeces Froissis, knocked togither. Vn clou ou Froncle, a byle. Le Front, the forehead. Vn Fronteau, a frontlet, a fore­ head cloth. La Frontiere d'vne bride, the face part of the brydle. Les Frontieres d'vn pais, the frontiers of a countrey. Frotter de quelque liqueur, too rubbe with a water, to chafe, to soake. Frottement, a rubbing, a cha­ fing. Froument, wheat. Froumentée, fourmentie. Froyer, seeke Frayer. Fruict, frute. Fruictier, that beareth frute, an orchard. Frustrer & priuer aucun de quel­ que chose, to frustrate, or dis­ apoint one. Estre Frustré de son esperance, to be frustrate of the hope con­ ceyued. La Feuille des arbres, the leaues of trees. Fueille, tant d'arbres que d'her­ be, the leaues of trees or herbes. Fueillet, an arbour. Fueiller, ou iecter fueilles, to bring forth leaues. Fueilleux, full of leaues. Les Fueilles d'vn liure, the leaues of a booke. Fueilletter les liures, to turne ouer bookes. Fugitif, ou Fuitif, fugitif, runne­ away. Fuir, to flee, to run away. Fuir & euiter, to flee, to shun, to auoyde. Fuyant, fleeyng. Fuyeur, a run away. Fuite, a flight. Fumée, smoake. Fumer, to smoake. Fumier, a dunghill. Fumerles Oliuiers, to dong O­ lyue trees. Fumement de terre, donging of ground. Fumetere, herbe, fumitorie. Funerailles, buriall, funeralles. Vn Furet, a ferret. Fureur, furie, rage. Furieux, furious, raging. Furieusement, furiously. Vn Fuseau, a spindle. Vn Fusil, a fusill to strike fire in a tinderboxe. Vn Fust, a staffe, a stake. Vne Fuste legere, a foyst or light ship. Fustoine, ou bombasin, & toute autre chose faicte de cotton, fustian. Fut, seeke Estre. Fut, and Il fut, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Il fut, he was. GAbelle, toll, tribute, Gaber, to mocke, to floute. Gaberies, tales, mockes. Gabeur, a mocker, a flouter. Gabion, a basket of earth, such as they vse for defence in warre Gage, loyer & salaire qu'on don­ ne pour la besongne, wages, reward in respect of worke. Le Gage qu'on met on ieu, a gage, a paune. Les Gages des Gensdarmes, sol­ diours wages. Gager contre aucun, to laye a wager, to gage. Faire Gageure & mettre en ieu, to wage, to paune. Gaigner, to winne, to gayne, to profite. Gaigner vn mal, to gette a di­ sease. Gaignedenier, a porter, a win­ pennie. Gaillard, lustie, frolicke, gallant. Gaillardement, gallantly. Gaing, gayne, gettings. Gaigne, a shethe. Gaiure, ou Gageure, seeke Gage Du Galbanon, a kinde of gum, issuing out of an herbe. Galle, a galling, a fretting, a rub­ bing of the skin. Galler, to galle, to chafe. Galleux, scabbed, itchie. Gallée de trois raines pour banc, a galley with. 3. rewes of ores. Gallee de cinq rames pour banc, a galley with. 5. rewes of ores. Galleres, Galleyes. Gallion, ou Brigantin, vne sorte de nauiere ainsi nommée, a Galliot, a Brigandine. Gallerie, ou on se pourmene, a gallery, a walking place. Galloches, a kind of shoe, a pattin Gallonner & frotter fort en ag­ minotant, to clap on the back, to cherish. Gambades, gambaldes. Vn Gant, a gloue. Gantelets de fer, gantelets. Garance, herbe, madder whiche Diers vse. Grant, a graunt. La Garantie, warantise, authoritie. La Garde, warde, custodie. La Garde du corps d'vn prince, a Kings garde. La Garde du corps d'vn capitai­ ne, a Captaynes warde. Garder, to warde, to keepe, to de­ fend, to sheeld. Bailler en Garde, to giue in ward to commit. Garde que, &c. take heed that, beware least, &c. Gardeur de bestial, a hearde, a pastour. Gardien ou Gardienne, a war­ den, a keeper. Vn Gardemanger, a cubbord, an aumbrie. Garderobbe, a wardrobbe. Gardon, poisson, a goodion. La Gargouille ou siflet, a whistle Gargouiller, to gargle. Gargouillement, a gargling. Garnir d'or, to garnish with gold Garnir sa maison, to furnishe or trim a house. Garny, garnished. Qui Garnit, which garnisheth. Garnison store, preparation. La Garnison qu'on met en vne ville, the garrison of a towne Garson, a boye. Garson fillette, both boye and wench. Garsonner la femme d'autruy, to haue to do with an other mans wife. Vne Gasche, an oare, a skull. Gascher, to rowe. Gascher du plastre, to spred a pla­ ster. Gaschement, a rowing. Gaspiller son propre & despen­ dre follement, to waste and spend away his goods. Vn Gasteau, ou tourteau, a cake. Gaster, to marre, to spill, to wast to consume. Gastement, a marring. La gauche ou main senestre, the left hande. Gaucher ou tortuer, To wring or bende. Gauchi, ou Gauche, wroong. Gaudir & faire grosse cher, to be frolyke, to be liuely. Se gaudir d'aucun, to iest with one to floute. Gaudisseur, a iester. Par gaudisserie, in iest, or flou­ tingly. Gauffre, seeke Goffre. Le Gauion, the throte boll. Vne Gaule, a staffe, a cudgell. La Gaule Celtique, The farther part of Fraunce. Vn Gay, a Jay. Gay & ioyeux, mery, lustie. Gayement & ioyeusement, chere­ fully. Gayeté, myrth. Gazouiller, To whistle, sing, chirp, or warble, as birdes do. Geant, a Gyant. Gect, ou Iect, a throw or cast at dice. Gectons, seeke Getter. Geene, ou Gehenne, torture ou question, a racke, a place of torment. Geiner, ou Geheinner, quel­ qu'vn, to racke one. Gelée, frost. Geler, to freese. Gelement, a freesing. Gelure, Jce. Geline ou poulle, a henne. Gelinier, a hen house, a roust. Gemeau, a twinne. Gemir, to sigh. Gemissement, a sighing. La Genciue, the gummes. Gendre, my sonne in lawe, my daughters husband. General, generall. Generalement, generally, com­ prehending all. Generation, begetting, ingen­ dring. Du genest, an herbe so called. Geneure, Juniper. Genisse, a heffer. Genouil, a knee. Genouillet, a little knee. Genre humain, makinde. Vn Gent & nation, a nation, a kined. Vn Gendarme ou homme de guerre, a souldiour. La Gendarmerie, the rout of sol­ diours. Gent miste & propre, a propre man, a coint fellow. Gentement, seeke Gentil. Gentienne herbe, an herbe cal­ led Gentian. Gentil, feate, proper, comely. Gentillement, Gentiment, ou Gentement, handsomely, pro­ prely, featly. Gentilesse, nobilitie. Geolier, a Jayler, a keper. Gerbe de blé, an eare, an eare of corne. Germain, engendré de mesme germe, come of the same stock that J am. Germandrée, an herbe called Germander. Gemence & semence des ar­ bres, The sprigs or sproutes of trees. Germer, to bud out, to sproute. Germement, a budding, a sprou­ ting. Gesir aupres, to lye by. Sa femme gist, his wyfe lyeth in. Gesine, a lying in. Geste, maintien, contenance, mine, gesture, behauiour, de­ meanour. Getter quelque somme, to caste a summe. Gettons & mereaux pour com­ pter, counters. Gibbeciere, a pouche, a bag, a purse. Gibbet, a gibbet, a payre of gallowes. Gibbier, all kind of fleshe meate. Gingembre, ginger. Gist, seke Gesir. Giroslée, a gillofer. Le Giron, the bosome. Glace, Jce. Glacer, to freese. Glacé de tous costez, yeed, or frosen about. Gladiateur, ioüer d'espée, ou escrimeur, a maister of fence, a fence man. Glais, ou Glayeul, herbe, an herbe so called. Vu glaiue, a sworde, a glaiue. Gland, mast, acorne. La Glane qu'on a amassé, apres moissonieurs, gleaning. Glappir comme vn chein ou regnard, to barke like a dogge or foxe. Glappissement, a barking. Gletteron, ou Glouteron & Bar dane, herbe, a burre. Glason ou motte, a turfe, a clod. Glisser, to slide, to slip. Glissement, a slipping, a sliding. Gloire & louange par bien faire glorie, prayse. Glorieux, qui fait tout pour a­ uoir gloire, glorious, proude. Estre Glorieux, to bee proude, hautie. Glorieuseté, hautinesse, pride. Gloriette, small glorie, some­ what glorious. Se glorifier & vanter, to brag, to boast. Glorieusement, gloriously. Glosser comme les gelines, to clock lyke a henne. Glossement, a clocking. Vn clouteron, a burre. Glout, a glutton. Gloutement, gluttonously. Gloutonie, gluttonie. Glu, glewe. Gluer, to glue. Gluant, gluy, clammy. Gluement, a glewing. Gluon, a lime twig. Gobelet, a goblet, a cup. Gober, to swallow vp, to deuour Vn godet & tout autre vaisseau de terre cuict, a Goddet, a stone cuppe. Goffre & semblable qu'on bail le à petits enfants, a wafre. Vn golfe de mer, a gulfe. Gomme, gumme. Gommement, a gumming. Les gons d'vne porte, the hooks of a doore. La gorge, the throte. Gorgerette, a gorget, a Lawne wherewith women couer their pappes. Vn gorgias ou collet de femme a gorget. Qui est Gorrier, trim, fine, feate. Le Gosier ou Gauion, the throte. Gouffre, a gulfe. Vn Gouiat, a souldiers boy. Gouion, poisson, a godioy. Goulu, a glutton. Deuenir gourd & roide de for­ ce de froidure, crainte, ou au­ tre aduenture, to waxe stiffe with colde. Gourmand, a glutton, a bellygod. Gourmandise, gluttony, papring Gourmander, to rauen, to glut. Gourmanderesse, a she glutton. La Gourme qui vient aux che­ uaux, horses fomyng at the mouth. Gousse de febues, a beane cod. Le Goust, tast, sauour. Gouster, to tast, to sauour. Le Gouster, ou reciner, an after noones banket. Vne Goutte, a droppe. Gouttes nouées ou crampes, the goute, the crampe. La Goutte és mains, the goute in the handes. La Goutte és pieds, the goute in the feete. Goutteux, goutie. Vn Gouteron, ou burette, an ewer, a cruet. Gouttiere, gutter. Le Gouuernal d'vne nauire, the rudder of a ship. Gouuerner, to gouern, to rule, to guyde. Gouuerneur, a gouerner, a ruler Gouuernante, ou gouuerne­ resse, a gouernesse, a woman ruler. Gouuernement, a ruling, a go­ uerning. Guarison, health. Vn Gué, a foorde. Gueer, to wade. Guepiillon, a holy water sprin­ kle. Guerdon, rewarde, recompence, meede. Guerdonner & recompenser, to reward, to recompence. Guerdonnement, a rewar­ ding. Guere, little, small. Guerir, seeke Guarir. Se guermenter, To lamente, to grone. Guernier, seeke Grenier. Guerpir son pais, & s'en aller habiter en terre estrange, to, forsake the countrey. Guerre, warre. Guerroyant & noysif, warryng, fighting. Guerroyeur, a warrier, a fray­ maker. Guesde, woad, such as diers vse. Des guestres, high shoes, star­ tops. Le Guet de nuict, The nighte watche. Vne guette ou espie, a watch­ man, a spiall. Guetter, To watche, to marke, to spie, to prie. Guetteur, a watcher. Guetteur de chemins, a robber by the high way. La Gueule, a beastes mouth. Gueule bée, with open mouth. Du gui, byrdlime. Guichet, a wicket, a hatche. Vn Guide qui meine autruy, a leader, a guide, a lodesman. Guider, to guyde. Guilhedin, ou hacquenée, A gelding. Vne Guilée, a showre of raine. Des guimauues, wilde mallows. Guines, a kinde of cherries. Viure a la guise d'autruy, guyse, maner or fashion, to liue after the maner of other. HA, ha, A, ha. Qui A, seeke Auoir. Habile, able, handsome, nimble, cunning. Habilité & aptitude, nimble­ nesse. Habilement, handsomely, cun­ ningly. Habiller, to cloath, to trimme, to furnishe. Habillement, clothing. Habiter, to remayne, to dwell, to inhabite. Habité, inhabited. Les habitants d'un pays, the in­ habitantes of a countrey. s'Habituer, to settle. pagination error in the original text where Q1r is numbered "Qij" (Q2r) s'Habituer & accoustumer, to settle, to enure. Hache, an axe. Hacher menu, to chop in peeces, to shread. Hachette, an hachet. Hachis, a gallmalfrey. Vne haye, a hedge. Vn haim, ou Hamesson, a hook. Haine, hatred, malice. Hair, to hate. Hai, hated. Haire, sickeHere. Vn Hairon, a hearonsew. Haleine, breath. Halecret, & toute armure de corps, a corslet. Halener, to breath. Haler pour tirer en amont, To pull vp, to hale. Haleter, to gaspe, to drawe the breath. Hamesson, a hooke, seek Haim. Hauap ou tasse à boire, a Tan­ karde, a iacke. La Hanche, the hanch. Hanebane, herbe, henbane. La Hante ou fuste d'vne iaueli­ ne, ou autre baston, the staffe of a iauelyne or other wea­ pon. Hanter, to haunt, to frequent. Haquebutiers, ou Harquebu­ zieres, harquebuziers, gon­ ners. Haquenée, an ambling gelding. Vne Har, Hars, ou Hart, a with made of a greene sticke. Haran, a herring. Harangue, a declaration, an o­ ration, a tale. Haranguer, to declare. Harangueur, an oratour. Vn Haras, a hearde of horses and mares. Harceler, to vexe, to trouble, to annoy. Hardes, stuffe, implements. Hardi, bolde, couragious, stoute, hardy. Hardiesse, boldnesse. Hardiment, boldly, stoutly, cou­ ragiously. Harer les chiens, to cherish dogs to sette them togither by their eares, to clap their backes. Hargneux, wayward, froward, peuishe. Harnois d'hommes d'armes, a harnesse. Harnois à la legere, a light har­ nesse. Harondelle, seeke Arondelle. Vne harpe, a harpe. Hasard, hasarde, venter. Hasarder, to venter. Hasle, sunburning. Vn home tout haslé, a man all to be sunburned. Vn hasle, a spit or broache. Haste, haste, speede, swyfte­ nesse. A la Haste, in hast. Haster, to hasten, to quicken. Se Haster d'aller, to make hast, to make spede. Hastif & soudain, hastye, so­ deine. Hastiueté, hastinesse, sodeinnesse. Hastiuement, hastily, swiftely, spedily. Hau, a manner of calling, a howe; Hau, c'est tresbien fait, Howe, well done. Hau mon pere, Haw father heare ye? Hauet, a hooke. Haui & tout­ bruslé, parched. Hault, high. Hautain, loftie, higher in the in­ steppe. Hautaineté, loftynesse. Hautainement, loftily. Haultement prononcer quel­ que vers, to pronounce a verse aloude. Haulteur, height. Haulser, to set vp, to set aloft. Vn haure, a hauen, an harbour for a shippe. Vne haye, a hedge. Hayer, Hay, seeke Hair. Vn heaulme, a helme. De l'Hebene, a wod called heben Herberger, seke Esberger. Hebeté, dulnesse, blockishnesse. Helas, alas. Hennir, to neigh like a horse. Heraux d'armes, heraldes. Herbe, an herbe. Vn Herbier, A gardener. Toute sorte d'herbe, All sortes of herbes. Vn here, ou estamine, ou saz, a boulter. Heredité, heyrehod. Hereste, seeke Areste de pois­ son. Hergne, burst in the coddes. Herisson, an Hedgehogge, an yrchon. Heritage, inheritance. Heritier, to inherite. Heritier, an heyre. Heremite, seeke Ermite. Heron, seeke Hairou. Vne Herse, a harrowe. La Herse de la porte d'une ville, a port eulleys. Herser & couurir la semence, to harrow the grounde. Herseur, a harrower. Hersement, a harrowing. Hersoir, yesternight. Se heruper, to set vp the bristles. Hestoudeau, a cockrell, a capo­ net. Heur, fortune, hap, chaunce. Bon Heur, good hap, good for­ tune. Heureté, happinesse. Heureux, happye, fortunate, cheeuing. Heureusement, happily, fortu­ nately. Heureuseté, happinesse, blessed­ nesse. Heure, houre. A ceste Heure, at this tyme. A l'Heure, at that houre. Heurler, seeke Hurler. Heurt, a blowe, a dashe, a stroke. Heurter ou frapper à la porte, to knocke at the dore. Heurter & trebucher, to strike downe, to ouerthrowe. Heurtant, striking, knocking. Heurté, stricken, dasht. Heurtement, a striking, a da­ shing. Vn Hibou, an howle. Hideur, a feare, a quaking. Hideux, hideous, terrible, fear­ full. Vne Hie de quoy on bat le pa­ ué, & enfonse on les pilotis en terre, a pauiers betle. Qui est Hié, stamped downe. Hiebles, an herbe called walwort Hier, yesterday. Hierce, vne sorte de liarre, yuie. Vin Hippocras, hyponcrase. Hipothequer & aslubiectir au payement d'aueune chose, to laye a paune to gage. Hisnel, eger, sharpe, tart, sower. l'Histoire des choses saictes d'­ an en an, a storie, a cronicle. Historien, a cronicler. Hobin, a horse called a hobbie. Hocher, to shake, to wag. Hodé, c'est à dire, Las ou lassé, wearie. Hoqueton, a iacket. Ho, ho, si tost, what so soone? Hoir, an heyre. Hoitie, heritage. Hola, hola, soft, soft. Homicide, ou meurtre, a man­ queller, a murtherer. Homme, a man. Homologuer, to establish, to ap­ proue. Hon, hon, quand on a petit à pe­ tit apperceu quelque mal, a ha? Honneste homme, louable, & de vertu, de bonne reputati­ on, an honest man, and of good name. Honneste homme & courtois, an honest and curteous man. Honneste mignon & ioli, an ho­ nest compaignon. Honnestement, honestly, woor­ thily. Honnesteté, honestie. Honneur, honour. Honneur & reuerence, honour, reuerence. Honorable, honorable, reuerend, worshipfull. Honorablement & ornéement, honorably, worthily. Honorer, to honour, to reuerence. Estre Honni & à deshonneur, to bee defamed, to haue ones honesty stayned. Honte, shame. Le Hoquet, the hick op, yexing. Hoqueter, to hickop. Horloge, a diall, a clocke. Hornus vn tel, excepting such a one. Horreur, horrour, feare with trembling. Horrible, horrible, fearfull. Hors, without. Hospital, hospitall. Hospitalité, hospitalitie. Vn Hoste ou Hostelier, an host. Vn Hostel, a lodging. Hostel de ville, a towne house, a guyld hall. Hostelier, an hosteler. Hostelerie, an Inne, a table house, a tauerne. Hostesse, an Hostesse. Hotte, a basket, a dossar. Vne Hoüe, ou besche, a pickax. Houer la terre, to dig the ground, to delue. Houeur, a deluer. Houement, digging, deluing. vne Houllette, a shepherds hook. Des Houseaux, bootes. Vne Housse, the harnesse of a horse. Houstil, seeke Outil. Vn Houx, a holly tree. Vn Hoyau, a spade. Vne Huche, a hutch, a cheste. Hucher, to call. Huché, called. Huile, oyle. Huileux, oyleye. Huilier, a seller of oyle. l'Huis, the dore, the porche. d'Huis en Huis, from dore to dore. Huissier, ou Sergeant, an hu­ sher, a sergeant, a porter. Huissiere, a woman porter. Huict, eight. Huitieme partie, the eight part. Huitres, ou mieulx Ouistres, Oysters. Humain, humaine. Humble, humble, lowly, meeke. Humilité, meeknesse, lowlinesse. Humer, to sup. Humement, a supping. Vn Humet, a broth, a supping. Humeur, humor, moysture. Humide, moyste. Humilité, seeke Humble. Hupe, a bird called a houpe. Hurler, to howle, to shreeke. Hurlement, a houling, a shreeking Huyer, to crye, to shout. Hydropisie, dropsie. Hydropique, one that hath the dropsie. Hypocrite, an hipocrite. Hypothequer, seeke Hipothe­ quer. De l'Hyssope, Jsope. IA, comme, Il y a Ia deux Ans que, &c. already: It is al­ ready twoo yeares. Iasoit, althoughe that. Vne Iachere, terre qu'on laisse reposer en friche, fallowe ground. Vne Iacinthe, a precious stone called a Iacinct. Iadis, ou le temps Iadis, heretofore Ialoux, qui craint que ce qu'il aime ne soit commun à au­ truy, ialous. Ialousie, ialousie. Iamais, neuer. A Iamais, for euer. La Iambe depuis le genouil ius­ ques en bas, the leg from the knee downward. Iambette, a little leg. Vn Iambon, a pestle of porke, a gammon of Bacon. les Iantes d'vne roue, the spokes of a wheele. Le mois de Ianuier, the moneth of Januarie. Iapper, to barke. Iarcer, Se Iarcer, too cleaue, to rent. Iardin, a garden. Iardin à herbes & arbres, a kitchin garden. Iardin ou petit verger, a little garden. Iardinier, a gardener. Iargon, a counterfeat speeche, pedlers Frenche. Le Iarret, the houghes, the hammes. Iartier ou Iartierre, a garter. Iaser, to talke, to chat, to prate. Iaseur, a prater, a babler. Iaserie, pratling. Iasement, a babling. Iaspe, a Iasper stone. Vne Iatte, a boll. Iau, ou roussette, a barbell. Iaueline, ou pique, a iaueline. Vn Iauelot à darder, a dart. Iauelle, ou boteau, a bockle, a trusse, a bundell. Iaulne, yellowe. Deuenir Iaulne, to become yel­ lowe. Iaulnir, to wax yellowe. Iaulnisse, the disease called the iaundise. I'ay, pour Ie ay, J haue. Iceluy, the same man. Icy, ou ie suis, there where I am. Idiot, an Jdeot, a simple per­ son. Vne Idole, an ydoll. Ie, comme, Ie feray cela, J, J will do it. Iecter, to throwe, to caste, to fling. Iectement par dessus, a throw­ ing ouer. faire Iectées, to fling. Iectement, a throwing, a casting. Vn Iecton & sçion d'arbre, a twig or scient of a tree. Vne Ienice, a hegfer, a yong cowe. Ieu, play, game. La Ieune, ou Iune, fast. A Ieun, ou Iun, fasting. Ieuner, ou Iuner, to fast. Vn Ieune garson, a yong boye. Ieunesse, youth, yong age. Ignorer, not to know, to be igno­ rant. Ignorance, ignorance, lacke of knowledge. Ignorant, ignorant, rude, vn­ learned. Il, hee. Il est ainsi, it is so. Il fault, it behoueth. Iliaque passion, Maladie quand vn patient rend ses excre­ ments par la bouche, a disease whiche causeth the pacient too voyd his excrementes at the mouth. Illec, there, in that place, thither. Par Illec, that waye. Illicite, vnlawfull. Illusion, deceyt, phantasie, begy­ ling. Image ou resemblance & pour­ traict faict sus le vif, an image, a likenesse to the quicke. Imagette enleuée, an embossed Jmage. Imaginer, to imagine, to conceaue. Imagination, imagination, con­ ceat. Imiter, to followe, to doe the like. Imitation, following. Imitateur, a follower, a counter­ feater. Immediatement, immediatly, forthwith. Immisericorde, vnmercifulnesse. Immisericordieux, vnmercifull. Immobile, vnmoueable. Immoderé, immoderate, oute of temper. Immolé, offered. Immundice, filth, vncleanesse. Immortel, immortall, euerli­ uing. Immortalité, immortalitie. Immuable, vnchangeable, vn­ mouable. Immunité & exemption qu'on a merité de la Republique, exemption from businesse. Impatient, vnpatient. Impatiemment, impaciently. Imparfaict, vnperfect. Imperfection & corruption, im­ perfection and corruption. Impatience, impatiencie. Impetrer, to obtaine by request. Impetration, obtaining, getting. Impetueux, violent, of mighty power. Impetuosité, violence. Chose d'Importance, a matter of weight, a thing of importance. Importuner, to desire earnestly, to be importunate. Importuner quelqu'vn de force d'oultrages, to enforce one by brauling. Importunité, vntimelinesse, vn­ reasonablenesse. Imposer, to lay to, to put too. Faire Impost, to leuye a Tri­ bute. Impossible, vnpossible. Imprimer, to print. Imprimeur, a PRINTER. Improprement, vnproperly. Imprudent, vnwise, foolish, fond. Imprudemment, vnwisely, foo­ lishly. Impudence & effrontement, shamelesnesse. Impudique & pallard, shame­ lesse, a harlot. Impudiquement, shamelesly. Impudicité, shamelesnesse. Impuni, vnpunished. Impunité, lacke of punishment. Imputer quelque chose à aucun à folie & à blasme, to impute a thing to ones folly. Lieu inaccessible, a place that can not bee come by. Inaduertence, vnaduisednesse. Incomprehensible, vncompre­ hensible. Incertain, vncertaine, doubtfull. Incertaineté de ce qu'on doibt faire, to doubt of our businesse. Incertitude & doute, doubt. Incertainement, doubtfully. Incessamment, continually, vn­ cessantly. Inciser, to cut vp, to make inci­ sion. Incision, an anatoming. Inciter aucun à faire quelque chose, to stirre, to prouoke, to allure, to entice, to enforce. Incitant, prouoking. Incité, prouoked. Incitement, a stirring, a prouo­ king. Incitation, prouoking, stirring, mouing. Inciuilite, vnmannerlynesse, vn­ curtesie. Inciuilement, vncurteously. Incliner, to encline, to bend to. Inclinant à la verité, inclining to truthe. Inclination, inclination. Incognu, vnknowen. Incommodité, incommoditie, dommage, displeasure. Incomparable, incomparable. Inconsiderant, vndiscreat, vn­ aduised, rash. Inconsideration, rashnesse, indi­ scretion. Inconstance, vnstablenesse, light­ nesse. Inconstant & volage, vnstable, shittle witted. Inconstamment, vnconstantly. Incontinent, incontinent, at that present, by and by, immediatly Incontinent quand aux femmes, vnchast. Incontinemment, vnchastly. Inconuenient, misfortune, an inconuenience. Liure Incorrect, a faulty booke Incorrectement, faultily. Incredible, incredible. Incrediblement, incredibly. Incredule, misbeleeuing, misdee­ ming. Incredulité, misbeleef. Incurable, incurable. Indifferent, indifferent. Indifferemment, indifferently. Indigent, needie, poore. Indigence, pouertie, neede, lack. Indigestion, rawnesse, lacke of digestion. Indignation, anger, wrath, cha­ fing, fuming. Indigne, vnworthie. Indignement, vnworthily. l'Indisposition du temps, vntem­ peratnesse of weather. Indiscret, vndiscreat, rashe. Par Indiuis, as not diuided. Indocile, vntractable, vntea­ chable. Indocte, vnlearned. Indoctement, vnlearnedly. Indubitable, vndoubted, most certaine. Indubitablement, vndoubtedly. Induire aucun à quelque chose, to bring one to the doing of a thing. Induict, brought in, allured. Induction, an alluring. Inegal & mal vni, vnequall, vneuen. Inegalement, vnequally. Inequalité, inequalitie. Inexcusable, vnexcusable. Infame, infamous, of ill name. Infamer, to defame, to slaunder. Infamie, defamation, slaunder. Infecter tout vn lieu de mau­ uaise odeur, to infect a place with stinke. Inferer, to gather togither, to put togither, to bring in. Inferieur, vnderling. Infertile, vnfrutefull. Infertilité, vnfrutefulnesse, bar­ rennesse. Infidele, vnfaithful, vntrustie. Infidelité, vnfaithfulnesse. Infini, endlesse, infinite. Infinité, endlesnesse. Infiniement, without end, for e­ uer. Infirmité, weaknesse, infirmitie. Vne inflammation, a swelling, an inflamation. Inflexible, vnbowable. s'Informer de quelque chose, to inquire of a thing. Informateur, an enfourmer, an inquisitour. Information, information. Ingenieux, qui a bon esprit & entendement, wittie, of good vnderstanding. Ingenieusement, wittely, wisely s'Ingerer de faire quelque cho­ se, to thrust him selfe in to do a thing. Ingrat, vnthankefull. Ingratitude, vnthankefulnesse. Inhabile & non suffisant, vna­ ble, vnsufficient. Inhabitable, wild, inhabitable. Inhiber & defendre, too forbid. Inhibition, forbidding. Inhumain, vncurteous, vngentle. Inhumainement, vncurteously, vngently. Inhumanité, vngentlenesse. Inimitié, enimitie, hatred, dis­ pleasure. Inique, wicked, naught. Iniquement, wickedly, naughtily. Iniquité & iniustice, iniquitie, iniustice, wickednesse. Iniure, wrong, iniurie. Iniurier aucun, too wrong one, to doe one iniurie. Iniurieux, hurtfull, hindersome. Iniuste, vniust. Iniustement, vniustly, wrongfully. Iniustice, iniustice, wrong. Innocent de quelque chose, hurtlesse, innocent, giltlesse. Innocemment, innocently. Innocence, hurtlesnesse, innocency Innumerable, innumerable, be­ yond all number. Innumerableté, innumerablenes Inopiné, sodayne, vnlooked for, vnwares. Inquieter, to trouble, to molest. Inquisition, an enquirie, a search Insatiable, vnsatiable, that can not be filled. Vne Inscription, a superscripti­ on, an epigram. Insensé, mad, witlesse. Insensible, insensible, that can not be felt. Insolence, carelesnesse. Estre Inspiré de l'esprit diuin, too be inspired with the holy ghost. Inspiration, inspiring. Instable, vnstable, fickle, chaun­ geable. Instabilité, vnstablenesse. Instamment, instantly. Vne petite Instance, a little point depending on the principal. En vn Instant, in a moment, in an instant. Instinct & Inspiration, instinct, or inspiration, inwarde motion Instigation, a stirring, a prouo­ king. Instruire, to instruct, to teache. Instruict & enseigné, taught, in­ structed. Instruction, an instruction, a teaching, a learning. Instrument à faire quelque chose que ce soit, an instrument, a toole. Insupportable à cause de sa pu­ issance, He that is not to bee borne with. Integrité, innocency, purenesse. Intelligence, knowledge, vnder­ standing. Intelligible, easie to bee vnder­ stande, cleere. Intemperance de l'air, the gros­ nesse of the ayre. Intenter, action de bonne foy, to attempt vprightely. L'intention, fantasie, & volon­ te d'vne personne, the intent mynde, purpose. Interest, interest, exchaunge. Prendre à interest, to take mo­ ney at interest, to receiue at exchange. Tu y as interest, thou haste ti­ tle to it, thou haste interest. Faire intermission d'escrire, to leaue of writing for a time. Estre interesse, to be hindered. Interposer son iugement, to giue his iudgement, to allowe. Interposement, a putting or set­ ting betwene, a pause. Interpreter & donner à cognoi­ stre, to interprete, to expound. Interroguer, To question, to de­ maunde. Interrogation, a questioning. Interruption, interruption, a breaking one of his tale. Vn intestin qui va depuis le ro­ ignon dextre iusque au sene­ stre, en passant sus le fond de l'estomach, a gut that passeth fro the right kidney to the left, an inward. Les intestins, the inwardes, the bowelles. Intituler, to name, to title. Intolerable, intolerable, that can not be borne. Intraictable & farouche, vn­ tractable, outragious. Intriquement, darkly, intricatly Introduire, to bring in. Inualider, To weaken, to make sicke. Inuenter, to inuent, to find out, to deuise. Inuenteur, a deuiser, an inuenter. Inuention, an inuention, a deuise Inuentaire, an inuentorie, a re­ gister. Inuincible, that can not bee o­ uercommen. Inuiter, inciter, & prouoquer aucun, to bidde, to prouoke. Inuiter à soupper, to bid one to supper, to desire. Inuitement, ou inuitation, A bidding, a desiring. Inuoquer Dieu à son aide, To call vpon God. Inutile à toutes choses, vnpro­ fitable. Inutilement, vnprofitably. Ioindre, to ioyne, to couple. Ioinct, ioyned, coupled. Ioignant & aupres, a ioyning to, hard by. Ioincture, a ioynt. Ioli, ioyly, lusty, preatie, lyuely. Ioliet, pretie, fine, nice. Ioliement vestu, brauely clad. Ioliueté d'accoustremens trop exquise, finenesse in apparell aboue measure. Iombarde, ou Ioubarbe, vne herbe, housleeke. Vne ionc, a rushe. Ionc marin, a bull rushe. Ioncées, a bundle of rushes. De la iotte, Beetes, an herbe. La ioüe, the cheeke, the ioll. Ioüée, quand on frappe aucun de la main sus la ioüe, ou de poing, a blowe on the eare. Iouer, to play. Ioueur, a player. En se iouant, in sport. Ioueur de fleute, a player on the Flute. Ioufflu, fat cheeked. Vn ioug, a yoake. Le iour, the day. Iournellement, dayly. Le iour d'vne peincture, The lyghte that is giuen to a Pic­ ture, the painters call it a sha­ dow. Iournée fort doulce, pleasant day, a faire day. Papier iournal, a day booke. Iouir, to enioy, to possesse. Estre iouissant de quelque chose, to possesse a thing. Donner iouissance de volupté, to enioy worldly lust. Ioustes, iustings, tourney. Iouuenceau, a yong man, a strip­ ling, a springall, a lad. Ioye & liesse, ioye, comfort, glee, myrth. Ioyeux, merry, iocund, cherefull. Ioyeusement, ioyfully, cheereful­ ly, merily. Ioyeuseté, cheerefulnesse, mer­ rinesse. Il n'en Ira point ainsi, it shal not go so. Ire, wrath. Ire, and Qui est iré, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Qui est iré, angry. Ireux, wrathfull. Irraisonnable, vnreasonable, out of reason. Irreprehensible, faultlesse, bla­ melesse. Irriter, to prouoke, to stir. Chose irritante, prouokement. Irritation, a prouoking. Irrité, prouoked. Vne isle, an Jslande. Isser hors, to come forthe, to is­ sue out. Issu de bas lieu, borne of poore kinred. Vn Item, article, ou partie, an Jtem, an article. Par petits Item, ou parties, by parcelles. Le Iubilé, the Jubilie, the Popes pardon for forgiuenesse of sin, giuen euery hundreth yeere. Iucheoir, a pearche, a roust. Iue muscate, herbe, an herb cal­ led yuie. Vn Iuge, a iudge. Iuger, to iudge. Vn iuge & arbitre, a iudge, an arbitratour. Iugement, iudgement, opinion. Iugeoline herbe, a white graine growing in Jndia. Iuif, a Jewe. Le mois du Iuillet, July. Iuiubes, herbe, an herb so called. Vne iument, a mare. Iune, Iuner, seek Ieune, Ieuner. Iuoire, ou Yuoire, yuorie. Iurer, to sweare. Iurement, an othe. Iurisdiction, iurisdiction. Iuriste, a Lawyer. De l'Iuroye, darnell. Mettre Ius le saye, to put of his coate. Ruer Ius, to throwe of. Iusques à ce lieu là, To that place. Iusques à maintenant, till this present. Du iust, ou mieulx Ius, ou bro­ uet, ou potage commun, qui n'est point espez, iuyce, broth pottage. Iuste, vpright, iust. Iustement, iustly, vprightly. Iustice, iustice. Se iustifier & lauer, To purge himselfe, to iustifie the cause. Iustifier & esgaller, to make e­ uen, to match. LA, this article La, is signe of the feminine gender. La fem­ me, the woman. Là ou tu es, there where thou art, in that place. Labeur, laboure, toyle, worke. Labeur & trauail, laboure, dili­ gence. Laborieux, diligent, painefull. Labeur ou Labourage, tylthe. Labourer, to labour, to woorke, to toyle. Labourer la terre, to tylle the ground. Laboureur, a husbandman, a hynd. Vn Lac, a snare, a ginne. Laceron, ou Laicteron, herbe, a sowthistle. Ladrerie, leaprie, meseldensse. Du Làict, mylke. Lactaiges, ou toutes choses qui rendent laict d'elles mesmes white meates, all things that haue milke in them. Laictiere qui rend du laict, an herbe that hathe mylke in it. Laictüe, Lettyse. Laictüe Pommée, Cabbige let­ tise. Laid & difforme, mishapen, yll fauoured, foule, filthy. Laidement, yll fauouredly. Laideron, somewhat ylfauou­ red. Laideur, yll fauourednesse, fil­ thinesse. Laidoyer, ou laidenger aucun, to raile, and to staine ones ho­ nestie. la Laine, wooll. Laine auec le sein, vnwashed wooll. Laisarde, a Lizard. Laisser, to leaue off, to forsake. Laiton, latten, brasse. Vn Laiz, a legacie Le Lambeau d'vne robbe, A purfle or garde. Lambris, a seeling, wanscotting. Le Lambris du comble ou plan­ ché d'vne maison, The roofe of a house, the seeling of a house. Lambrisser, to wanscot walles. Vne lame, ou table de cuyure, estain, ou plumb, & sembla­ bles, a plate of copper, tinne, lead or other metal. Lamentation & deüil, wailing, lamenting. Lamenter, too wayle, too la­ ment. Lampe ou luminaire, a lamp, a light. Lamproye, a lamprie. Lance, a speare. Lancer ou darder, to launche forth, to throw forth. Lancette, ciseau, ou autre in­ strument dequoy on fait in­ cision, a surgeons lancet. Landier, an andyron. Langage, language, speech. Grand langageur, a man full of words, a pratler. Les langes & petits drapeaux d'vn enfant, Childrens clou­ tes. Langouste, ou sautereau, A grashopper. Langue, a tongue. Languette, a little tongue. Languette de ballance, the tong of a ballance. Languard, a pratler, a prater, a babbler. Languarde, a tittle tattle, a chat­ ting dame. Langueur, languor, tediousnesse. Languir, to languishe, to pyne a­ way. Languissant d'amour, forespent with loue. Langoureux, languishing, so­ rowfull. Lanieres ou longes à tenir les oyseaux sus les poing, haukes iesses. Vne Lanterne, a lantarne. Lapider, to stone. Lapidaire, a ieweller, a lapidarie Lapper comme les chiens, to lap as dogs doe. Vn Laqs, a snare, a gren, a gin, a trap. Vn Laquey, a Lackie. Laquelle chose, the which thing Du Lard, lard, bacon, porke. Larder des fleches, to pearce with arrowes. Vn Lardon & broquard, a skof­ fer, a iester, a flouter. Large, large, wyde. Largement, largely, bountifully, liberally, aboundantly. Largesse, largesse, liberalitie, boun­ tifulnesse. Largeur, bredth, largenesse. Largeur d'vn poulce, an inche broad. Vne Larme, a teare. Larmette, a little teare. Larmoyer & plourer, to wayle, to weepe, to lament. Larmoyement, a weeping. Le Larmier d'vne muraille, the copping or water table of a wall. Larron, a theefe. Larronneau, a little theefe, a micher. Larrecin, theft. Las, ou Lasset, a snare, a grin. Las, ou Lassé, tant d'esprit que de corps, wearie. Lasser, to wearie. Lassé, wearied. Lasseté, wearinesse. Lasche, slowe, slacke. Laschement, slowly, cowardly, fainthartedly. Lascheté, slownesse, cowardly­ nesse. Lascher les chables des naui­ res, to lose the cables. Lascher d'entre ses mains, too lose out of ones hands, to let go. Estre Lasché & deliuré, too bee released, to be let lose. Cordes Lasches, losed cordes. Lasché, & tenu à vn laqs, en­ trapped, snared. Lasser, Lassé, Lasseté, seeke Las. Vne Late, a lathe. Latin, qui est du pays des La­ tins, Latin, or of the Latins countrey. En Latin, in Latin. Latiter & se cacher de crainte, to lurke, to ly hidden, to mich. Latitude, ou largeur, bredth or widenesse. Latrine, the priuye, the iaxe. Lauande, lauender. Lauer & nettoyer, to washe, to clense, to rense. Laué, washed. Lauement, a washing, a clensing. Vn Lauoir à lauer les mains, a lauer. Vn laurir, a Baye tree, a Lau­ rell. Lay, of the laytie, prophane. Layette, a boxe. Le, an article put before the mas­ culine or neuter gender. Lé, le Lé d'vn drap, the bredth of a cloth. Leans, on Liens, in that place, there. Leicher, Leischer, Licher, to lick. Leçon, a lesson. Lecteur, Lecture, seeke Lire. Legal, lawfull. Legat, a Legate, an Embassa­ dour. Legataire, he to whom any thing is bequeathed. Legiere ou Leger, light, swifte, quicke, sleight. Legierement, swiftly, quickely, lightly. Legiereté, lightnesse, swiftnesse, quickenesse. Vne legion contenant. 12500. hommes de guerre, a Legion contayning. 12500. menne of warre. Legislateur, qui fait vne loy, a lawmaker, a law writer. Legitime, lawfull. Legitiment, lawfully. Leguer, ou laissir, to giue by le­ gacy, to bequeth. Legumage, all manner of pulse. Faire vendre à l'encant, to make port sale. Vne Lende, a grounde or lande. Le Lendemain, the next day af­ ter. Vn Lentif, an asswager. Qui est Lent de nature. slow of nature. Lentement marcher, To goe slowly. Vne Lente, ou Lentille, a kinde of pulse, called lintils. Lentisque, arbre, the mastik tree. L'enuers de la robe, the inside of the garment. Leoparde, beste engendrée d'vn Lion & d'vne Panthere, A lybert. Lepre, rongne & galle, scabbe, scall, leprosie. Lepreux, leprous. Lequel, the which. Lequel de deux qui ce soit, whi­ che of the two so euer it be. Lesquels deux, which two. Lequel est plus digne, which is the worthier. Lese maieste, highe treason. Condemné de Lese Maiesté, condemned of treason. Mener en Lesse, to leade dogs in a leashe. Lethargie, vne maladie, the le­ targie, a drousie disease. Du Leton, a metall called latten Vne Lettre, a letter. Lettres missiues, letters, epistles. Letres patentes du Roy, The kings letters patents. Lettré, learned. Leuain, leuyn. Pain sans leuain, vnleauened bread. Leu, ou Lu, red or perused. Vn Leuée d'vn estang, the bank of a pond, the pits brinke. Leuée qu'on faict pour garde que la riuiere ne desborde, a banke or a causey. Leuer, to heaue vp, to lift vp. Leué, lifted vp. Leuement de deniers, a leuying of money. Leuesche, ou leuesse, herbe, an herb called Lombardy louage. Vn Leuier, a leuer. Vn Leurault, a leueret, a yong hare. Les Leures & bolieures, the lips Vn Leurier, a Grayhounde, a hound for the nones. Lexiue, lye, suche as they washe buckes with. Lez, c'est à dire pres, ou au­ pre, nigh to. Liaison, a baud. Vn Liard, a bande. Vn Liard, a pece of french money conteyning in value somewhat losse than our halfepeny. Du Liarre, yuie. Libelle diffamatoire, a libell of defamation. Liberal, liberal, free harted, frank Liberalement, frakly, liberally. Liberalité, liberalitie, bounty­ fulnesse. Liberté & franchise de parler & viure comme on veult, liber­ tie, fredom, to liue as one will. Libraire, a bookeseller. Librairie, a bookesellers shop. Librement, freely, without con­ trollement. Vne Lice, a listes for men to ride horses in. Licence & permission, licence, libertie. Licher, to licke. Lichement, a licking. Licharder, to licke daintily. Il est Licite & permis, it is lau­ full and sufferable. Licol, a halter. Vne Licorne, an vnicorne. Vn Lict, ou autre Lieu a se coucher, a bed or other place to lye in. Vn Lictiere, a horslitter. La Lie, bourbe & limon, lyes, drosse or scumme. La lie de l'huile qui est par des­ sus, oyle lies. Du liege, corke. Vn lien, a lyne, a bande, a leash. Lier, To bynde, to tye, to make faste. Lié & attaché, bounde or fastned. Liement, a bindyng, a making fast. Liesse, ioy, mirth. Liement, ioyfully. Lieure, ou Liaisson, a bande. Lieu, a place. Petit Lieu, a little place. Au Lieu, in stede, or in place of. Dire en Lieu, to speake in place. Vne Lieure, a hare. Vn Lieutenant, a lieutenant, a deputie. Lieutenant ciuil, a Judge of towne matters. Lieutenant criminel, a iudge of crimes. Lignage, lignage, kinred, of­ spring. De grand Lignage & parenté, of greate kinred, of noble pa­ rentage. Ligne ou traict, A line, a draught. Ligne partissant quelque figure que ce soit tout au trauers, an ouerthwart line. Vn ligne d'escripture, a lyne, a verse of writing. Fait à la ligne ou cordeau, ma­ de by line and leuell, perfecte­ ly done. Lignée, linage, kinred. Lignier & tas de bois, a pyle of wood. Vne ligue ou band, a faction or company diuided. Limace, ou Limaçon, a snayle. Limaìlle, the dust that commeth of filyng. Vne Lime, a file.Limer, to file yron or other thing. Limure, file dust. Vne Limier, a bloud hounde. Limiter & borner, to limitte, to bounde. Limité, determined, bounde. Les Limites & bornes, the limi­ ters and boundes. Limitrofe, & voisin, hee whose grounde lieth next to myne. Le Limon d'vne chariot, chari­ otte, & autres, the beam wher on the yron hangeth. Limon & d'ordure, drosse, fil­ thinesse, off all, earth, Eaue Limonneuse, pudly water Du Lin, linnen, flaxe. Fin Lin, fine linnen. Vne Ligne fort delié, a smal line Vn Lingot, a ingot, a lump, a masse Linot, a bird called a Lynet. le Linteau de dessus l'huis, the transom or lintell ouer a doore. Vn Lion, a lyon. Lionne, a lionnesse Lippe, a lippe. Lippu, thicke lipped. Liqueur, liquour. Liqueur espreincte, pressed li­ cour, iuyce. Lire, to reade.Liseur, a reader. Vn lis, a lilly, a flouredelice. Liseron, an herb of which there are.ij.kindes, the one is called pery winkle. Liset qui rongne la vigne, A worme that eateth vynes. Lisiere, to list or border any thing Lisieres, bounds, borders. La Lisiere & Limite du monde, the bounds of the world. Lisse, seeke Lice, a Lystes for iustlers. Litige, debat, strife, debate. Vne Liure de poix, A pounde weight. Vn Liure, a booke. Liuret, a pamflet. Liurée, a liuerie. Liurer, to deliuer. Locatif, ou Louagier, He that iourneyth. Lodier & couuerture de lict, a çouerlet, a blanket. Vn Loge, a lodge, a Cabin of a shippe. Logette, a little lodge, a cotage. Logis, A lodging, an abydyng place, a dwelling. Loger, To lodge at a place, to hoste, to inne. Loing, farre off. Chemin Loingnet, a metely long way. Fort loingtains, very long. Lieux loingtains, farre places. Loingtaineté, greate distance, farnesse off. Vn Loir, a dormouse, a batte. Il est Loisible, it is lawfull. Qui n'est pas loisible de faire, that is vnlawfull to be done. Loisir, leysure or tyme to doo a thing. Loisir quand on cesse de la be­ songne, leisure, when one re­ steth from worke. Qui loist, & n'est point desplai­ sant à Dieu, a pleaser. Long, long. Longuement, of long time. Assez longuement, of meetely long time. Longueur, length. Longe de veau, a loine of veale. Longes ou lanieres à tenir les oise aux sur le poing, I chels, or gesses hanging at hauks legs. Lopin, a lumpe, a gobbet, a lun­ cheon. Qui suit les Lopins, a smelfeast. Vn Lopin du Laine, a locke of wooll. Lors, then, at that time. Lossec le lieu de la nauire, ou se retire toute l'eaue & tou­ tes immondices, That place of the shippe whither all the filth draweth, a sinke. Lot, a lot. Mon Lot, my lot. Lottir, to cast lots. Lots & ventes, gaines that rise on lands besides the rent. Louable, Louablement, seeke Louer. Louche & bigle, he that loketh a squint, goggle eyed. Louer vne maison, to hyre a house. Louer & marchander la peine d'aucun, to hyre ones labour by the daye or otherwise. Qui est Loué, he that is hyred. Louage, hyring. Louagier, a hyreling, soiourner. Louer aucun, to prayse, to com­ mend, to allowe. Loué, praysed, commended. Louange, prayse, commendation, glorie. Louable, prayse worthie, allow­ able, laudable. Louablement, laudably, prayse worthily. Loueur, a prayser. Loueresse, a shee prayser. Vn Loup, a wolf. Louue, a shee wolfe. Louueteau, a wolues whelpe. Loupe, the roll of a weauers loome. Lourd, blockish, lompish, vnhand­ some, lowtish. Lourdault, a lout, a lob, a grout­ noll. Lourdement, loutishly, vnhand­ somlie. Vn Loutre, vne beste qui vit en l'eaue, & en terre, an Otter. Louue, seeke Loup. Loy, Lawe. Selon la Loy, Lawfully. Loix, Lawes and ordonnances. Loyal, faithfull, trustie. Loyalement, faithfully, tru­ stily. Loyauté, faithfulnesse, trusti­ nesse. Loyer, hyre or reward. Loz qu'on attend, & qui est de­ sia quasi deü, prayse looked for. Lozenge, any square thing, as a dye or such like. Lu, ou Leu, Il ny a ne Feu ne Leu, light, There is neyther fire nor light. Vn Luc, a lute. Lueur, light, brightnesse. Luicte, a wrestling place. Luicter, to wrestle, to struggle. Luicteur, a wrestler. Luictement, wrestling. Luire, to shine, to glimpse. Luisant, shining, bright. Luiton, a wicked spirite. Lumiere, a light, a brightnesse. La Lumiere du iour, the light of the day. Luminaire, a Lampe or other light. Lundi, monday. Lune, the Moone. Lunatique, lunatike. Lune fort resplendissante, a bright shining moone. Lunettes, spectakles. L'vn & l'autre, both the one and the other. Luxure, lust. Luxurieus, lustfull, giuen all to voluptuousnesse. Luy, hee, the same man. MAcerer, macerer son corps to make leane, to punishe ones bodye. Machefer, ou escume de fer, the drosse of yron. Dent Mascheliere, the eye toth. Machiner quelque finesse, to de­ uise or go about some sutteltie. Machiner à aucun quelque mal, to practise some mischiefe a­ gainst one. Machinateur, a maister of mis­ chief. Machination & tromperie, cir­ cumuention or sutteltie. Marquereau, seeke Maquereau. Macule, a spot, a blot. Maculer, to spot, to blot. Maculatures & meschants pa­ piers, fowle or waste papers. Tables de bois Madré, speckled woodden tables. Magicien, a magitian, a wiseman Art Magique & d'enchanterie, the art magike, or enchanting. Magistrat, qui a iurisdiction & empire, a magistrate, a ruler. Magnificence, magnificence, brin­ ging of great things to passe. Magnifique, great, honorable, somptuous. Magnifiquement, honorably, bountifully. Maiesté, maiestie, or power. Maieur, a Maior. Maiguen ou chandronnier, a Thinker, a Copper smith. Maigre, leane, thin. Maigreté, leanesse. Maigreur, leannesse. Maigrement, leanly. La Maille en l'oeil, a webbe in the eye. Maillet, a mallet. Le Maillot des petits enfants, a childes swathell band. Main, a hand. De Main en main, from hande to hand. Mainsné, the yonger. Maint homme, Maintes gents, many men, diuers people. Maintenant, now, at this present Maintenir aucun estre de fran­ che condition, to maintaine or beare one out. Maintenir son opinon, to main­ taine or defend his opinion. Estre Maintenu en son ordre, to bee maintayned in his order Maintesfois, often tymes. Maintien, gesture, countenance, behauiour. Maire, Maieur, a Maiour. Mais, but. Ie n'en pris mais, I can not do with all. Vne Maison, a house. Maisonnette, a little house, a cottage. Maistre, a maister. Maistresse, a mistresse, a Dame. Maistrier, ou Maistriser, to rule to gouerne, to master. Maistrise, mastrie. Toute sorte de Mal, all kinde of euill. Faire Maux, to doo euil, to doo shrewd turnes. Malade, sicke, euell at ease. Maladif, sickly, accrased. Maladie, sicknesse of the bodye, disease. Maladerie, a spittle or hospitall. Homme Mal adroict, a fond man an vnhandsome man. Maladuenture, misfortune, mi­ shap, mischief, mischaunce. Maladuis, vnaduisednesse, indis­ cretion. Malaisé à faire, hard to be done. Malaiséement, very hardly, ve­ ry painfully. Malaisance, hardnesse, difficultie Malauenant, vnseemely, vnco­ mely, vnsitting. Estre Mal content de quelque chose, to be angry or displea­ sed with a thing. Auec Malcontentement, in displeasure, vnwillingly. Male, a male. Malette, a bouget, satchel, or wallet. Vn Malier, a horse that carieth a male or tronke. Malencontre, ou Mal'encontre, misfortune, mishap, il lucke. Malengin, fraud, craft, subtilty, deceit, trecherie. Sans fraude ne Malengin, with­ out deceit, in good faith. Malfaisant, a wicked or hurtful person. Malfaicteur, a malefactour, a giltie person. Vn Malfaict, a shrewd turne, a mischiefe. Malegrace, displeasure, oute of fauour. Estre en la Malegrace d'aucun, to be out of ones fauour. Mettre en la Malegace & haine, to bring one out of fauour, or to displeasure. Mal hardi, cowardly, fearfull. Malheur, mischief, misfortune. A la Malheure, vnhappily, in an ill howre. Grande Malheureté, great mi­ sery, great mishap. Malheureux, vnhappy, vnfor­ tunate, wretched. Maiheureusement, vnhappily, vnluckely, mischeuously. Malice, malice, subtiltie, deceit. Malicieux, malicious. Malicieusement, maliciously, hurtfully. Maling & mauuais, wicked, mischeuous, hurtfull. Malignité, mischeuousnesse. Mal traictement d'hoste, an Host that maketh his gests ill cheare, ill entreating. Malueüillant, an ill willer. Malueuillance, ill willingnesse. Mammelle & tette, a dugge, pappe or breast. Manans & habitans, dwellers or inhabiters. Le Manche de quelque outil que ce soit, the haft of a toole, a helue. La Manche d'vn habillement, the sleue of a garment. Mancherons, bracelets. Manchot, benom, taken, may­ med, or that lacketh one hand, vnperfit. De la Mandragore, an herbe called Mandragon. Mander quelqu'vn, to sende one on an errand. Qui est Mandé à venir, he that is sent for. Mandement, a sending for, a commaundement. Manger, to eate, to feede. Vn grand Mangeur, a great eater, a glutton, a deuourer. Mangeaille, meat, food. Manier, to handle, to vse. Endurer d'estre Manié, too suf­ fer to be handled. Maniable, tractable, that will be handled. Maniement, a handling, an v­ sing, an intreating. Maniere, a manner, a waye, a guyse. La Maniere de parler, manner of speache. ceste Maniere de gents est tres­ meschante, this manner of people is very wicked. La Maniere d'escrire, style, forme or manner of writing. Maniere & façon de faire, manner of behauiour. A la Maniere, after that sorte. Par Maniere de faire, after a fashion. Manifeste, manifest, plain, open, cleere. Manifester, to manifest, to shew abroad, to declare. Manifestement, manifestly, plainly, openly. La manne du ciel, Manna or heauenly food. Vne Manne, ou banne, ou pa­ nier, a basket, a maunde. Mannequin, a tankard, or pot made with bulrushes. Manoir, a dwelling place, a man­ sion. Mannouurier, a handy craftes man. Vne Mante veluë, a roughe man­ tle, an Jrish mantle. Manteau, a cloake. Manumission, a letter of ones hand, a sending for by letter. Maquereau, a man bawde. Maquerelle, a woman bawde. Maquerelage, bawdrie. Maquignon, a horse corser. Marastre, a stepmother, a mo­ ther in Lawe. Marbre, marble. Vn Marc de pois, a weight con­ taining eight vnces. Le Marc de toutes choses, the lyes or grounds of any liquor. Le Marc des raisins, the mother of the wine. Marchand, a marchant, a chap­ man, a copesman. Marchander, to cheapen, to bid money for any thing. La Marchandise, marchandise, commoditie, ware. Marché, a market place, a faire. Bon & grand Marché de toutes choses, good cheape ware. Marche ou degré, a stayre, a step, a degree. Vn Marchepied, a footepace, a threshold, a groundsill. Marcher, to walke, to go, to step, to pase, to march. Le Marcher d'aucun, a mans pase. Marchement plus oultre, a step­ ping forward. Marchure, a goyng, a mar­ ching. Mardi, wednesday. Vne Mare, a fish pond, a poole. Marez & Marescage, marshes or fennes. lieu Marescageux, marshy ground Marée, sea fishe. Vn Mareschal, a ferrier, a horse smith. Mareschal, ou Connestable, a marshall or Constable. Les Mareschaux, the marshals. Le Mareschal du Camp, the marshall of the field. La Marge d'vn liure, the mar­ gine of a booke. Marguiller, qui a la charge des choses qui sont dedens quel­ que lieu, comme temple, ou autres, one that hath the cu­ stodie of any thing, a church­ warden. Vn Mari, a husband. Le Mari de ma mere, my mo­ thers husband. Mariage, mariage, wedlocke. Marier, to marie, to wed, to giue to wife. Se Marier, to bee maried. Mariable, mariageable. Auoir faim d'estre Marié, one that would fayne be maried, to long to be maried. Nouueau Marié, the bridgrom, the new maried man. Mariée, the bride, the spouse. Mariément, a mariage, a wed­ ding. Marin, of the sea. Marinier, a mariner, a shipman. Mariolaine, an herbe called ma­ ierome. vne Marmite, a pot to seeth meat in, a caudron. Marmoner entre fes dents, too mumble betweene the teeth, to mutter, to murmour. Vn Marmot, a Marmoset, a munkey. Marmouset faict en façon d'vne mammelle en vne fontaine, par lequel l'eau sort, the cocke of a cesterne or fountaine made lyke a dugge, out of which the water runneth. Marmousets tels qu'on voit és fontaines iectans l'eaue, the cockes of fountaines. Marne, sort de terre blanche, a kind of earth called Marle, such as husbandmen vse too dong their ground with. Maronnier, seeke Marinier. Marque, a marke, a signe, a note a token. Marque faicte en vn liure, a note, an annotation of a booke. Marque & enseigne, a marke or spot. Marqueur, to marke, to note, to signe. Marqué, comme d'vn fer chault, marked as with a hoat yron. Marqueter, tacheter & mou­ cheter; to marke out, too di­ uide, to bespot. Marqueté d'estoiles, bespotted with starres. Marquote & rossette, the twig or branch of a vyne. Marein dequoy on bastit, tym­ ber wood. Se Marrir & couroucer, too bee greeued or angry. Estre Marry & dolent de quelque chose, to bee greeued with a­ ny thing, to take the matter heauily, to be sory. Marrisson, grief, sorrow. Vn Marron, a kind of rounde chestnut. Le mois de Mars, the moneth of Marche. Marsouin, a sea hog. Vne Marte, a beaste called a Marten. Marteau, a hammer. Marteler, all to be beat or peale with a hammer. Martelet, a little hammer. Martinet oyseau, a birde called a Martlet. Mas de nauire, seeke Maz. Mascher, to chawe or chewe. La Maschoire, the chall, or iawe. Les dens Maschelieres, the eye teeth. Masle, the masle or hee of any beast or foule. Vne Masque, a maske, a mumery Masqué, masked, disguised. Massede quelque chose que ce soit, faicte en forme de pain, a masse of any thing, a lompe, a loafe. Massif, massife. Massiueté, massiuenesse. vn Masson, a mason, a bricklayer Maistre Masson ou charpentier, the Maister mason or chiefe maister of the workes. Vne Massuë, a club. Du Mastic, a gumme called ma­ stike. Vne Masure, a mazer. Materaz d'arbaleste, the quar­ rels of a crosbowe. Materaz à coucher, a matterase bed. Toute sorte de Matiere, al sorte of stuffe, matter or metall. Vn Matin, a mastife, a great curre. Le Matin, the morning, the daw­ ning or twilight. Homme qui est Matineux, an early riser. La Matrice d'vne femme, seeke Amarry. Matrone, femme d'honneur, a Matrone, a woman vertu­ ous and prayse worthy life. Maturité, rypenesse in al things, good season, time conuenient. Maturation, pruning of trees. Maudolé, ill fauoured, misha­ pen. Mauduict, & mal conditionné, mischeuous, vnhappy, accursed Mauldire aucun, to curse one, to warry, to forspeake, to ban. Mauldisson, blasphemie, cur­ sing. Maugratieux, combersome, with­ out grace, loutish, vnhandsome. Maulgré que i'en aye, in spite of my teeth, against my will. Maulgré eux, in despite of their teeth, whether they will or no, against their willes. Maulue, herbe, an herbe called Mallowes. Maulx, seeke Mal. Maunet, slouenly, filthie, vncle­ nely. Maupiteux, cruel, vnmercifull. Mauplaisant, lompish, vnplea­ saunt, without grace. Mauplaisance, lompishnesse, hea­ uinesse. Mauprest, vnready, vnhandsome. Mauplaisamment, vnhandsom­ ly. Mausade, loutishe, rude, vnman­ nerly. Mausadement, il fauouredly, rudely. Mausadeté, rudnesse, barbarous­ nesse. Mauuais, euill, wicked, hurtfull, peruerse, vnhappy, mischeuous naught. Mauuaisement, wickedly, naugh­ tily. Mauuiasetié, wickednesse, vn­ happinesse. Vne Maxime, a proposition, a maxime. Vne May à pestrir pain, a kne­ ding troughe. Le mois de May, the moneth of May. Vn May, a bough. Le Maz d'vne nauire, the mast of a ship. Mediateur & moyen en quelque affaire, Moyenneur, a mode­ ratour, an vmpier, a stickler. Medicamen, a medcine. Medecin, a hee Phisicion. Medecine, a she Phisicion. Medicinal, medicinable, healthful Medeciner, to heale, to cure, too remedie. Medecinement, a healing, a cu­ ring. Mediocrité attrempée, a mode­ ration, a temperature. Meffaict, a misdeed, a shrewde turne, a fault. Messaire à aucun, to misuse one, to do one a shrewd turne. Megisseir, a white tawyer. Megisserie, a tawe house. Meiche de lampe, ou chandelle, the match of a lampe or candle Meilleur, better, worthier. Le Meilleur de tous les autres, the best of al other, the chiefest. Melancholie, melancholy, black colour. Melancholique, melancholyke, peeuish, wayward. Melilot, an herbe called Me­ lilot. De la Melisse, an herbe taken to be sweet Baulme. Melodie, melodie, sweet tune. Melons, a frute. Membre, a member or part of any thing. Vne Membrure de bois, a shin­ gle of wood, a clouen bord. Memoire, memorie, remembrance. Menace, threatning, menasing. Menacer, to threatten, to menace Menaçant, full of threatning. Menacement, a threatning. Mendier, to begge, to aske for Gods sake. Mendiant, a begger. Mendicité, beggerie. Mener, to lead, to guyde. Tout est Mené & gouuerné par le vouloir de Dieu, all thing is lead and gouerned by the will of God. vn faiseur de Menees, a busie bo­ dy, a seditious person. Menage, cariage. Menestrier, a minstrell. Menotes, mannacles. Mensonge, an vntruthe, a lye, a fable. Mensonger & faulx, ful of lyes. De la Mente, an herbe called Minte. Menterie, a lye, a tale, an vn­ truthe. Menteur, a lyer, a fabler. Mentir, to lye, to tell a false tale. Mention, mention or remem­ brance of. Le Menton, the chinne. Menu, small, thinne, fine, slen­ der. Menuet, little, preaty. Menuisier, a Joyner. Menuiseté, thinnesse, slendernesse Menuisement, thinly, scantly. Menuiserie, ioyners worke. La mer, the sea. Mercerie, ware, mercerie. Mercier, ou autre que demeure en petites logis d'ais, mercers or such as keep bouthes. Mercy, pitie, mercye, softhar­ tednesse. Se rendre à la mercy d'aucun, to stande to ones mercy. Mercir & remercier aucun, To thanke one, to giue gramercy. Mercredi, wednesday. Mercuriale, herbe, an herbe cal­ led Mercury. Merde, mans dong, a tourde. Mere, a mother. Des Mereaux ou gettons, coun­ ters to cast with. La mere goutte, vin qui pro­ uient des raisins auant qu'ils soyent foulez, vnpressed wine. Meriter, to deserue, to earne. Merlan vn sorte de poisson, a whiting. Vn Merle, a bird called a Mer­ lyn. Merlu, ou Stocfiz, Stockefish. Merueille, a maruell, a wonder. Merueilleux, meruailous, won­ derfull, passing. Merueilleusement, meruailous­ ly, wonderfully, passingly. Mes de table, a measse, a dishe of meate. Mesaduenance, vncomlynesse, vnhandsomnesse, vnseemely­ nesse. Mesaise, diseased, yll at ease, out of quiet. Mesange oyseau, a birde that dothe eate bees. Meschanceté, Unhappinesse, wickednesse, mischeuousnesse, dishonestie. Meschant, a wicked one, a nau­ ghtie packe, an vngracious graffe, a hooke vnhappy. Il luy Mescherra de ce, this chan­ ceth to him vnhappily. Vne meschine, ou petite cham­ briere, a girle or wenche. Se Mescognoistre, to forget him selfe. Mescognoissant, a vnthankeful person, a churle. Se mescontenter, to bee discon­ tent, to be displeased. Mescontentement, offence, dis­ pleasure. Mescreant, a miscreant, a faith­ lesse fellow. Mesdire & detracteur de quel­ qu'vn, to missay of one, to bak­ bite, to slaunder, to misreport, to detract. Mesdisant, an euill tongued man, a slaunderer. Medisson, yll speche, slaunder. Meseau, ou Mesel, a Leapre, a Lazar man. Mesgard, comme, Ie l'ay faict par mesgard, ouersighte, vn­ wittingly to do a thing. Mesgnie, houshold, meygnie. La Mesgnie & la Famille des serfs, the housholde or meignie seruantes. Mesgue, whey. Meshuy, to day, this day. Meslange, a medley, a mixture, a mingling. Mesler, to mingle, to mixe, to me­ dle, to occupie. Meslé, mingled, mixed. Se mesler de medecine, To oc­ cupie physike. Meslier, ou Nefflier, arbre, a Medlar tree. Mesliers, vines mingled. Cemesme, the very same thing, the same. En ce lieu là mesme, in the very same place. Mesmement que la premiere chose. &c. namely or especial­ ly when the first. &c. Le Mesnage, houshold. Bon mesnager, a good husband, one that looketh well to his bu­ sinesse. En bon Mesnager, like a good husband. Mesprendre & faire contre son debuoir, to mistake, to do con­ trarie. Mespris, disdain, contempt, sque­ mishnesse. Par Mespris, disdainfully, sque­ mishly. Mespriser, to despise, to disdaine. Mesprisé, dequoy on ne tient compte, disdained, nought set by. Mesprisement, a despising, a contempt. Mespriseur, a disdainer, a despi­ ser. Mespriseresse, A coye dame, a squeamishe mistresse. Vn Message, an errand. Messager, a messenger, a post, an Apostle. Messagere, a woman messenger. Messeant, vnseemely, vncomely, vnsitting. Per Messeace, through rudenes. Messeamment, vnmanerly, vn­ seemely. Cela Messied, that is vnsemely. Mestier, an occupation, a craft. Gens de mestier, handy craftsmen S'il en est mestier ou besoing, if he be in need or want. Mesure, a measure. Mesurer, to measure, to met. Mesurant, meting and mesuring Mesurement, Mesurage, a mea­ suring or meeting out. Mesureur & cordeur de terres, a measurer of landes. du Metail, all kinde of mettall. Metairie, A countrey house, a farme. Metaire ou fermier, a farmer. Metal, metall. Metal d'argent, siluer mettall. Methridat, Mithridat, triacle. Metiz, Engendré de diuers gen­ res de bestes, mongrels. Mettre, to put, to place, to set. Mettre à fin, to bring to end. Se mettre à quelque chose, To fall to some thing. Se mettre à bien faire, to fall to to do well. Vn Mets & viande qu'on porte & met on sus la table, any kind of meat set on the table. Meu, seeke Mouuoir. Le Meubles d'vne homme, mo­ uables, houshold stuffe. Vne Meule, a Myll. Meur, rype. Se Meurir, to waxe ripe. Meureté, ripenesse. Vne Meure, a mulbery, or black­ bery. Vne Meurier, a mulbery tree. Meurler, to bellowe lyke a cowe or bull. Les Meurs, ou moeurs, maners, behauiour. Meurte, arbre, a mirtle tree. Meurtrir, to murther. Meurtre, murther, manslaughter. Meurtrier, a murtherer. Meurtrisseur, a broofing of the flesh Vn Meusnier, a miller. Vne Meusniere, a woman miller, Vne Miche, a worm that fedeth on bees. Le Midi, ou Mijour, midday or noone. Mie de pain, the crum of bread. Miel, hony. Miel, and Mien, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Mien, myne. Miettes & toutes telles choses qui cheent de la table, crom­ mes of bread. Mieulx, better, best. A qui Mieulx, mieulx, the best take it. I'aime mieulz, J had rather. Mignard en parolles, A fayre speached man. Dire Mignardement, to speake trimly. Mignardise, trimme, feate. Mignon, mynion, trim, feat, fine. Ma Mignonne, my mynion, my trulle. Mignonnement vestu, mynion­ ly cladde. Mignonneité, trimnesse, neat­ nesse, finenesse. Mignotise, nicenesse. Migraine mal, the Meagrim in the head. Mil, ou Millèt, a pulse called millet. Vn Milan, a kite, a puttocke, a glead. Milieu, the middest. Qui est au milieu, whiche is in the middest. Milieu de quelque chose, The middest or center. Mille, a thousande. Mille, and Mille foix, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Mille foix a thousand tymes. Mille fueille, herbe, an herb cal­ led Millfoyle, yarrowe, or nosebleed. Millepertuis, an herbe called S. Johns wort. Mincé & delié, fine and small. Mine, mesure, a measure so cal­ led. La Mine d'aucun, The counte­ nance of a body. Mine de metail, ou miniere, a mine of mettal. Mineral, mettall. Mine qu'on fait soubs la terre, a mine or caue vnder earth. Miner, to myne or digge vnder earth. Miner & vser, to weare away. Vn Mineur de douze ou que­ torze ans, a minour or one in the age of minoritie. Miniere, a quarrie or mine. Vn minister & seruiteur, a mi­ nister, a seruant. Ministrir & seruir, to minister, to serue. La minuict, midnight. Vne minute, a minute, a copy. Mipartir, to part in halfe, to di­ uide in two. Miracle, a miracle, a maruell, a wonder. Vne miroire, a looking glasse. Se mirer, to toote in a glasse. Miserable, miserable, wretched. Miserablement, en sorte qu'on fait pitié à aucun, miserably, wretchedly. Misere, miserie, wretchednesse. Misericorde, mercy, pitie, com­ passion. Misericordieux, merciful, pitiful Missiue, letters sent. Miste & propre, neate, fine. Mistion, a mingling, a mixing. Mistionner, to mingle, to medle. Mistionné, mingled, mixed. Mistionnement, a minglyng, a myxing. Mitaines, mittens, winter gloues. Mites qui naissent és fourma­ ges, & febues, Mytes that brede in Cheese. Mitre, a Miter. Mitrer quelqu'vn, & le mettre à l'eschelle, to make one weare a paper, to myter one. Se Mocquer de quelqu'vn, To mocke, to floute, to laughe to scorne, to disappoynt. Mocqué, mocked, disappointed. Mocqueur, a mocker, a flouter, a deceiuer. Moquerie, a mocke, a floute, a scoffe, a deceite. La Mode ancienne, the olde ma­ ner or fashion. A la nouuelle mode, after the newe fashion. Moderer les tributs, to mode­ rate, or to ease payments. Estre fort moderé & constant, to be moderate and constant. Moderéement, moderatly, tem­ perately. Sans moderation, immoderat­ ly, rashely. Modeste, modest, discrete. Modesteté, ou modestie, mo­ destie or discretion. Les gros moignons de chair & des muscles, lumpes of fleshe. La grosse charnure, the brawn. La moelle qui est dedens les os the marrow that is within the bones. Moilon, morter, cement, rubbish. Moindre, least. Moineau, a sparrowe. Moins, lesse. Tout au moins, A tout le moins Pour le moins, at the least. Mois, a moneth. Se moisit, rancir, to wax moul­ dy or mustie. Moisi & ranci, mouldy, mustie, stinking.Mossissuremouldines La Moisson, ou le temps de la Moisson, the tyme of haruest. Moissonner, to worke in haruest, to reape. Moissonneur, a haruest man. Moité, moyst, soaked, stieped. Lieu moite & relant, a moyst or dampish place. Moiteur, moysture. Naturelle Moiture de la terre, the moysture or fatte of the earthe. La moitié, the one halfe, equall parte. Mol, soft.Mollementsoftly. Mollet, softe, tender, delicate. Mollesse, softnesse. Moleste, troublesome, combersom Molester quelqu'vn, To trouble one, to comber one, to bee bur­ thenous to one. Vn Moment grand ou petit, a moment or space of tyme. Mon, myne. Monastere, an abbay. Monçeau, a heape. Le Mond, le ciel, & tout le con­ tenu en iceluy, the worlde. Mondain, worldly. Monnoye, money, coyne. Vn monnoyeur, a coiner, a mint man. Monnoyer, to coyne. Monopoles & assemblées fac­ tieuses, priuate assemblies, in­ surrections. Vn monstre, a monster, a rare sighte. Monstreusement, monstrously, very strangely. La Monstre de quelque chose, & eschantillon, a paterne, a scantlin, or shew of any thing. Faire monstre generale de tout son armée, to make a generall muster of the armie. Monstre, to shewe, to declare, to signifie. Se monstrer & presenter, to shew or presente him selfe to stande foorth, to appeare. Monstrer beau semblant, to shew a faire face, to dissemble. Monstrement, a shewing, a de­ claring. Vn Mont ou Montaigne, a hill or mountayne. Montaignard, a mountain man, or that dwelleth on the hilles. Vne montaignette, a hillocke, a little hill. Vne montioye, a heape of sto­ nes or other marke to shew the high way. Vn pays montueux, a hilly coun­ trey. Monter, to mounte, to go vp, to ascende. Vne montée, an ascending or ri­ sing. Le montant d'vne tertre, The rising of a banke or hillock. Vn morceau de quelque chose, a morsell, a gobbet, or lumpe of any thing. Morceau de pain, ou autre cho­ se, a morsell of breade. Morcelet & petit morceau, A little morsell, a bitte. Mordre, to byte, to nippe. Mords de bride, bit of a bridle. Morsure, a byting. Moreau, ou Morel, a black hors or morrell. Morelle, herbe, an herbe called nyghteshade. Se Morfondre, To chatter for colde, to catche colde. Morfondu, almost dead of cold. Morgeline, herbe, an herbe. Morgue, comme, Qui fait la morgue, he that maketh a coun­ tenance, or setteth a good face on the matter. Qui est bien moriginé, wel ma­ nered, mannerly. Vn danseur de morisque, a mo­ resque daunser. Morne, comme sot, & sans ad­ uisement, amazed, or at ones wits end, somtime pensiue, heuy. Temps Morne, a louring wether Moron, herbe, an herbe called Pimpernell: some take it for Chickwede. Bailler vn Mords pour donter, to bridle one. Morsure, seeke Mordre. La Mort, Death. Mortel, deadly, mortall. Mortellement, mortally, deadly Mortalité, death, mortalitie. Appartenant à mortuaire, belon­ ging to mortuaries, or burials. Vne Mortiere, a morter. Du Mortier, morter to plaster withall. Moruë, Mouoluë, poisson, A fishe called Codde. Morue ou Morueau, snot, sniuel. Morueux, snotty, snyuelly. Vn Mot, a woorde. A son Mot, at his worde. Vn Motet, a verse. Motif, a motion, a cause. Motte ou glason, a clod of earth a turfe. Motte, a butte to shoote at. Moucher, to wype ones nose, to blow ones nose. Mouchoir, an hankerchief. Moufles, seke Mitaines. Mouiller, to wet, to soke, to stiep. Mouillé, wette, steeped, soaked, moystned. Mouillure, weatnesse, moistnesse. Moule de bois, a block of wood. Mouldre, to grynde. Moulin à eaue, ou à bras, a wa­ termill, or a handmill. Vn Moule, a moulde, a forme of wood. Moulinier, a Milner. Moulture, gryste, or that is grounde. Le Moule de quoy on fait des images de terre enleuées, a moulde such as images ar for­ med in. Moult different, farre contra­ ry, very different. Moult fort, very strong, exceding Mourir, to die, to departe this life, to reste in the Lorde, to giue vp the ghost. Faire Mourir aucun, to put one to death. Qui est mort, he that is dead. Iouer à la mourre, to play with the fingers. Vne Musche, a flye. Mouches à miel, bees. Moucheguespe, ou bourdon, a waspe. Moucherons, musherons, suche as we call toade stooles. Mouscheter & tascheter, To mark out, to diuide, to separate Moucheture de pres, smal spots or markes. La Mousse des arbres, Mosse such as groweth about the roo­ tes of trees. La Mousse qui vient sus aucuns fruicts, comme sus pommes de coing, semblable à me­ nüe laine & coton, the down on some fruites, as on peaches, and quinces, like a fine cotton. Mousse qui vient sus les bran­ ches des arbres, Mosse that groweth on the braunches of trees. Du Moust, newe wine, newe ale, or any new drinke. Moustarde, mustarde. Mouton, a sheepe, a weather. Espaule de mouton, a shoulder of mutton. Mouuoir, to moue, to stirre, to remoue. Estre Meü, to bee moued, to bee stirred. Mouuement, a mouing. Moy, J. Moymesme, J my selfe. Chose moyenne, a mean thing. Moyennement, meanly. Moyenneté, ne trop ne trop peu, meannesse, neither to lit­ tle, nor to much. Moyen & manniere, a meane, a way, a maner. Moyenneur de quelque chose entre les parties, a meane be­ tweene two parties in contro­ uersie, a moderatour. Le moyeu d'vne oeuf, & le iau­ ne, the yolke of an egge. Le Moyeu d'vne roüe, the naue of a wheele. Muer, to chaunge, to alter. Estre mué en masle, to be chan­ ged to a male. Muable, changeable, vnconstant, Home muable, an vnconstant man. Muableté, ficklenesse. Muement de forme en autre, al­ tring of one form into another. Mutation, chaunging, chopping, altering. Muet, dombe, speechlesse. Rendre muet, to make one dombe, to stop ones mouth. Mugereul, poisson, a fish so cal­ led Vn Muguet, a louer, a wower. Muguet, herbe, an herbe so cal­ led. Muguet, ou Muscade, a nutmuk Vne Mule, a Mule. Vne Mule aux talons, a kibd hecle. Mulet, a Mule feale. Muletier, a mule keeper. Vn Mulon de foin, a hey cock. Mulot, a fielde mouse. Multiplier, to multiplie, to en­ crease. Multipliement, an encreasing, a multiplying. Multiplieur, a multiplier. Multitude & assemblée de gents a multitude or assemblie of people. Munir, To fortifie, to defende, to shielde. Munition & garnison, a garni­ son or warde. Munition de viures, munition of vitayles. Mur, a wall. Les Murs d'vne ville, the towne walles. Vne Muraille, a wall. Muré, walled. Murmure, murmure, muttering, repyning. Murmurer, to murmure, too re­ pyne. Musard, a lingerer, a pauser. Musc, muscke. Muscade, a nutmuke. Muscadet, ou muscadel, Mus­ cadell. Le Muscle, c'est à dire, la partie charnüe de tout le corps, en laquelle gift la force, soit és cuisses, ou és bras, the mus­ cles of the flesh, the braune. Le Museau, ou trompe d'vn E­ lephant, the snoute or mousell of an Elephant. Le Museau d'vn chien, a dogges snout. Museliere de cheual ou mulet, a mousel for a horse or mule. Muser, to take pause, to muse, to bethinke. Musique, musike, or harmonie of instruments. Musicien, a musician or player on instruments. Musnier, seeke Meusnier. Musser, to hyde, to conuey away. Mussé, hidden, conueyed. Mutation, seeke Muer. Mutiler, to mayme, to cut off. Mutilé, mayned, vnperfite. Mutin, a sedition, a tumulte, an vprore. Mutinerie, sedition, tumult. Vn Muy, a tonne, a vessell. Demi Muy, halfe a tonne. Myrabolan fruict, a fruite cal­ led Mirabolan. Myrrhe, a gumme called myrrh. Mytridat, a kinde of triacle, cal­ led Mithridatum. Mystere, a Mysterie, a secrete thing. NAbot, Vsez des formules de Nain, sometyme taken for a dwarffe. Nager, proprement dict des poissons, to swimme. Nare, the nosethril. Nagement, a swimming. Nagueres, not long since, nowe of late. Natif, borne. Naif, liuely, proper. Vn Nain, ou Naintre, a dwarfe Naistre, to growe or be borne of, to spring or bud out. Naissant, being borne, growing or springing out. Naissance, byrth. Qui est Né, which is borne. Né & Natif de ce lieu, borne in such a place. Natiuité, natiuitie, byrth. Nantir, vsez des formules de Saisir, to seaze on, to lay hold on. Nappe, a napkin. Narcisse, herbe, an herbe so cal­ led, some thinke Daffadil. Nard, herbe, an herbe called Spyke. La Narrine, the nosethrill. Naseaux, the snout of a beast. Nasquir, c'est à dire naistre, too be borne, to haue first being. Vne Nasse, a weyre to catch fish in. Vne Nasselle, a small boate, a cock boate. Vn Nation, a nation kindred or people. Natiuité, seeke Naistre. Natte, a matte. Nature, nature. La Nature & maniere de faire, qu'vn chacun a de nature, na­ ture or inclination. Naturel, naturall, kinde. C'est vne chose Naturelle, it is a naturall thing, it stands by reason. Naturellement, naturally, kind­ ly. Bailler lettres de Naturalité, to giue testimoniall of byrth. Nau, seeke Nauire. Vn Nauet, a rape or turnup. Vne Nauetiere, a rape field. De la Nauette, a turnup. La Nauette d'vn Tisserand, a weauers shittle. Nauiger, to sayle, to fleete. Nauigation, nauigation, say­ ling. Nauire, ou Nau, a ship. Naurer, to hurt, to wound. Nauré, hurt, wounded. Naurure, a hurt, a wound. Nautonnier, a Maryner, a shipman. Qui est Né, seeke Naistre. Ne cecy ne cela, neyther this, nor that. Ne à ceste heure mesme, not at this present howre. Ne aussi, nor also. Ne cela aussi, nor that either. Neant, nothing. Vn faitneant, an idle person. Neantmoins, neuerthelesse. Necessaire, necessary, needfull. Necessairement, necessarily. Necessité, necessitie, need. Les Necessitez de nature, the necessities of Nature, the needes. Nef, a ship. La Nef d'vne Eglise, the ridge of a Church. Vne Neffle, a frute called a med­ lar. Vn Nefflier, ou Meslier, a med­ lar tree. Negligence, negligence, careles­ nesse, retchlesnesse. Negligemment, negligently, ca­ relesly. Negligent, negligent, carelesse, retchlesse. Negoce, & affaire, businesse or affayres. Negriez, & Vigne sauuage, wild vyne. Neige, snowe. Neiger, to snowe. Neueu, a Neuewe, a Brothers son. Nerf, a synewe. Nerueux, full of synewes, or strong. Nettoyer, to clense, to make clean to wype, to rub, to purge, too scoure. Net, cleane, neat. Nettement, cleanly. Netteté, cleanlinesse. Neud, a knot. Nouer, to knit, to tye. Noueux, knitting togither. Nouuement, a knitting. Neuf, nine. Le Nez, the nose. Ni, For Ne, before the vow­ els, neyther, nor. Vn Nid d'oyseau, a birds nest. Nicher, too nestle, too buylde nests. Vne Niée de poulsins, a broode of chickens. Niece, a Niece, or my brothers daughter. Nielle, vne maladie qui vient aux bleds par trop d'humeur, blasting of corne. Estre Niellé & gasté du temps, to bee blasted. Nier, to denie, to gaynesay. Niant, a deniar. Niement, denying. Niez, an idiot, a peke hoddie, a simple soule, a snekesbye. Nigelle, herbe, an herbe so cal­ led. Nimbot, a dwarfe, a little man. Niquet, Ie n'en donneroye pas vn Niquet, a thing of no va­ lue, a knicke made with the thombs, nayle and the tooth. Vn Niueau ou plomb, a plombet. Niueler, to sound with a plombet. Niuellement, a sounding. Noble, Noble, of gentle bloud. Noblement, nobly. Noblesse, nobilitie. Noir, blacke coulor. Noirastre, blackish. Noiret, ou Noirault, swart. Noirté, seeke Noirceur. Noircir, to blacke. Noirci, blacked. Noircissure, blackishnesse. Noirceur, blacke. Noise, contention, stryfe, brawle, noyse, desagreement. Noiser, to striue, to contend. Gents Noiseux & malfaisans, troublesome fellowes, brablers. Noisif & quereleux, troublesom and ful of quarels. Noix, a walnut. Noisette, ou Noifelle, a filberd or haselnut. Vn Noyer, a nut tree. Noyer en l'eauë, to drowne. Noyé, drowned. Le Nom de quelque chose, the name of a thing. Les Noms & debtes, the names and debtes. Nommer aucun, to name or al­ leadge a man. Nommer & bailler nom à au­ cun, to name or giue name to one. Nombre, number. Nombrer, to number, to tell, too coumpt, to recken. Nombré, numbred, told. Nombrement, a numbring, a tale. Le Nombril, the nauell. Non, not, nay. Non seulement, not only. Nonante fois, nynetie, or foure­ score and ten times. Nonante, ninetie. Nonchalant, carelesse, retchlesse, negligent. Nonchalamment, negligently. Nonchalance, carelesnesse. Nopces, mariages, wedding, brideale. Nonnain, ou Nonne, a nonne. Nostre, ours. Notable, notable, worthie of marking. Notaire, a notary, a scriuener. Noter, to note, to marke, to sign. Estre Noté, to be noted, or of yll name. Noté & marqué, noted or mar­ ked. Notoire, notorious, playne. Chose Notoire & certaine, a thing manifest. Nouembre, the monethe of No­ uember. Nourrir, to reare vp, to nourish, to feed, to bring vp, too fynde at borde. Qui est Nourri, fed, nourished. Nourrissier, a nourserie. Nourrisse, a nourse. Vn Nourrisson, hee or shee that is brought vp as a childe. Nourriture, meat, food. Nourrissement, bringing vp, finding. Nous, wee, Nousmesmes, wee our selues. Nouueau, new, fresh. Nouuelet, freshe. Nouuelle, newes. Nouuellement, newly, of late. Nouueauté, newnesse, of late. Le Noüeau d'vn fruict, the ker­ nell of any frute. Nud, naked. Nudité, nakednesse. Mettre à Nud, to strippe starke naked, to vnclothe. Nuë, a cloud. La Nuict, the night. Nuire, to hurt, to offende, to an­ noye. Nuisant, hurtfull, full of shrewd turnes. Nuisance, hurt, anoyance. Nul, none, no man. De Nulle valeur, of no value, no­ thing worth. Nulle part, in no place, on no syde. Nullement, nothing at all. O Moy homme perdu, O per­ du que je suis, O wret­ che that J am. O la hardiesse, O what boldnesse O lustie courage. Obeir, to obey, to giue place, to be subiect. Obeissant, obedient, seruisable. Obeissance, obedience, subiecti­ on. Obedience, Idem. Obediemment, obediently. Obeyr, ou opier, arbre, a wych hasell, as some thinke. Obijcier, ou Obiecter & repro­ cher, to laye to ones charge, to hit one in the teeth. Oblation, an oblation, an offering Obliger, to bynd one. Estre Obligé par promesse, too be bound by promesse. Obligation, an obligation, a bond Obmettre, seeke Omettre. Vne obole, qui est vne piece de monnoye vallant sept deniers tournois, a halfe penny En­ glish or thereabout. Obscur, darcke, obscure, duskish Obscurcir, to darken. Ombre Obscurcissant, a darke shadowe. Obscurcissement, a darckning. Obscurement, darkly, obscurly. Obscurité, obscuritie, darknesse. Obsecration & priere affecteu­ se, an earnest prayer, a speci­ all desire. Obseques, burials, obsequies, fu­ nerals. Obseruance ancienne, an aun­ cient custome, an obseruation. s'obstiner à l'encontre de tous, to stand stifly against al men. Obstiné, obstinat, stiffe necked, selfewilled. Obstinement, obstinately, stife­ neckedly. Obstination & aheurtement, selfwillednesse, stubburnesse. Obstination & fermeté de pro­ pos, constancie in that thei stand. Obtemperer & obeir, to obey, to yeld too. Obtenir & impetrer ce qu'on demande, to obtayne or gette that which we demaund. Obtenue, that which is gotten. Obtrectation, il report, disday­ ning, backbyting, slandring. Obuier que quelque chose ne se face, to preuent the doing of any thing. Occasion, occasion. Occident, the west, or sun setting. Occire, to kill, to slaye. Chose occulte, hidden things, priuie things. Occultement, hiddenly, secret­ ly, priuily. Occuper & empescher, to let or hinder. Occupé & addonné, giuen to any thing. De l'ocre, Okre, such as pain­ ters vse. Octante, eightie or foure score. Le mois d'octobre, the moneth of October. Oculaire, qu'on voit à l'oeil, that which is scene, euident. Octroyer, to graunt. Odeur, sauour, scent or smell. Odorer & flairer, to smel. Odorement, a scenting or smelling. Odoriferant, sweet smelling. Odieux, odious, hatefull. Oeil, the eye. Oeillades, wanton eyes, sheepes eyes. Les oillieres, the eye teeth. Vn oeuf, an egge. Oeuure, seeke oeuurer. Of, Mot que dient ceux qui sont estonnez & espouuantez, Oh, a woord that men vse that are afrayd or astonied. Offenser aucun, to offende or hurt one. Offense, an offence, a hurt. Office & charge qu'on saict, the office or charge that a man hath Officier & sergent, an Officer, a Sergeant. Offrir, to offer. Offre qu'on a faicte à aucun, an offre made to one, a condition. Vendre au plus offrant, to sell to him that offreth most. Offrende qu'on faict à Dieu, the offring to God. Ohié, vn homme ohié de son corps, ill at ease, one whose bo­ dy is out of temper. Ohe, is it so? is that true? Oignon, an onion. Oignonnette, scallions. Oindre, to anoynt, to besmeare. Oinct, anoynted. de l'oing, swynes grase, or others Oignement de nard, Oyle of Spyke. Onction, an anoynting. Onguent, an oyntment. Oiseau, a bird, a foule. Oiselet, a smal byrd. Oiseleur, a Fouler or byrde cat­ cher. Oiselerie, fouling. Oiseux, slouthful, slacke. Oisif, Jdem. Oisiueté, slouthfulnesse, slacknes Vn oison, a green goose. Vne oliue, & vn oliuier, an O­ liue, an olyue tree. Ombre, a shadow, a colour. Soubs ombre d'alliance, vnder color or pretence of friendship. Ombrager, to shadow. Ombrage, shadow or couert. Ombrageux, skittish as horses are. Ombragement, a shaddowing. Omettre quelque chose, to omit any thing, to leaue a thing vn­ done. Omis, left vndone. On dit, it is said, men saye. Vne once, an ounce. Once à once, by ounces. Pesant vne once, weighing an ounce. Mon oncle frere de mon pere, myne Vncle. Mon oncle, frere de ma mere, Idem. Oncques, euer. Onde, a floude, a water. Ondoyer & flotter, & faire gran­ des vagues, to flowe or make great waues. Ongle, the nayles of the fingers or tooes. Onglet, a smal nayle. l'Onglée au bout des doigts prouenant de grand froid, the aking of the fingers ends of cold Onze, eleuen. Onzieme, the eleuenth. Operations naturelles, natural operations or workings. Opiner, to weene, to deeme, to hold opinion, to thinke. Opinion & aduis, opinion, ad­ uise, sentence. Opinion & iugement, opinion and iudgement. Opiniastre, selfewilled, standing in opinion, froward. Opiniastrer, to make one obsti­ nate. Opiniatrise, obstinacy, contumacy Opiniatrement, frowardly, stub­ bornly. Opportun, in good season or time. Opportunité, opportunitie, while the time doth serue. s'opposer à quelque chose, too withstand a thing, to stand against. Vn opposant, one that hindreth or letteth a matter. La partie opposite & vis à vis, the partie ouer against. A l'opposite, contrary wyse, on the contrary part. Opposition, a withstanding, a gaynesaying. Oppresser, ou Opprimer, to op­ presse, to thrust downe. Opulent, ritch, weithie. Or auant, Or sus, on forwarde, go too. De l'Or, golde. Vn Oracle, c'est à dire, conseil & response donnée, an O­ racle or answere from God. Orade, ou Dorade, poisson, a fishe called a gilt head. Orage, Fouldre, Tempeste du ciel, a tempest, a storme. Oraison, a prayer. Orateur, an Oratour. Orbatteur, a golde beater. Orchanette, herbe, an herbe so called. Ord & sale, vncleane, filthie, nastie, slouenly. Ordelot, one that is somewhat slouenly. Ordir, to soyle, to beraye, to slub­ ber. Ordure, filth, vnclenlinesse. Ordement, vncleanly, filthily. Ordinaire & accoustumé, ordi­ narie or vsuall. Ordre, ordre, disposition. Par Ordre, orderly, or by order. Sans Ordre, vnorderly, confu­ sedly. Ordoner, to ordayne, to dispose, to appoint. Ordonner & disposer, to or­ dayne, to appoint. Ordonner & mettre en ordre ses besongnes, to sette things in an order. Ordonné par le commun aduis ordayned by the common aduise. Ordonnance & Ordre, ordon­ nance and order. Ordonnance & constitution, ordonance and constitution. Par l'ordonnance des Prelats, by ordonance of the Clergie. Par Ordonnance de la cour, by order of Court. Ordonnances Royaux, The Kings ordonances. Ordonnéement, Orderly, by order. d'Ordre, of order. Ordure, seeke Ord. l'Oreille, the eare. Qui a les oreilles lasches & pen­ dantes, hanging eares or sloutch eared. Ores, nowe. Oreillier, a pillowe. Orfanté, barrennesse or want of children. Orfelin, a childe fatherlesse and motherlesse. Orfeure, a goldsmith. Orge, barley. Orgemonde, Barley water, ty­ sant. Orgueil, pryde, hautinesse, lof­ tinesse. s'Orgueillir, to waxe proud. Orgueilleux, proud, highe min­ ded. Orgueilleusement, proudly. Orgues à flutes, qui sonnent à soufflets, recorders. l'Oriens & soleil leuant, The east or Sun rising. chose Orientale, any thing from the East. l'Oriere, ou l'Orce d'vn bois, the wood side, or entring into the woode. Orifice, the mouth or entring of any thing. l'Original, the firste copie of a writing. Origine, the beginning. Orillier, seeke oreillier. Ormaire, ou Armaire ou on re­ serre les liures, a place where writings are kept, the Rolles. Orme, an elme tree. Orner, to decke, to trimme, to set out, to adorne. Orner, decke, trimmed, set out. Ornement, a decking, a trim­ ming. Orneément, trimly, neatly. Vne Orniere, the rut or tracke of a wheele. Orpin, a yellowe coloure called Orpment. Or primes, now againe. Les Ortils des pieds, the toes of the fete. Ortie, a thistle. Oruale, herbe, an herbe called Clarie. Vn Os, a bone. Vn Os, and Osselet, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Osselet, a small bone. Oser, to dare. Oser, and Osier, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Osier, an osier. Vne Osseraye, a plat of Osyer trees. Osselet, seeke Os. Vn ost, an host, an armie. Ostage, ou Hostage, a hostage, a pledge. Bailler ostages, to giue pledges. Prendre ostages, to take pledges Oster, to take away, to remoue. Osté, taken away, remoued. Ou, where, or whither. Ou vas tu? whither goest thou? D'ou, from whence. Ou aussi, or also. Oublier, to forget. Estre oublié, to be out of minde, or forgotten. Oubliant, forgetfull, obliuious. Oubliance, forgetfulnesse. Oblie, goffre & semblable, qu'on baille aux petits en­ fans, a waffer cake. Oublieur, a waffer baker. Ouy, J, yea. Ouy vrayment, yea verily. Ouir, to heare, to vnderstand. l'Ouir, the hearing. l'Ouy, ou l'oreille des poissons, a fish his gilles. Oultrage & parolle de despris, outrage or spitefull words. Oultrager aucun, to reuile one. Outragement des parolles, re­ uiling wordes. Oultragieux, outragious, impor­ tunate. Oultogieusement, outragiously. Oultre la fleuue, Beyonde the water. Oultre ce, besides. Oultre plus, furthermore. Oltrecuidé, arrogant, ouerwee­ ning, presumptuous. Oultrecuidance, arrogancie, o­ uer weening. Oultrepasser, to cary ouer. Oultrepassement & saillié, far exceeding. Ourdir de la toille, to beginne a web of cloth. Vn Ours, a hee beare. Vne Ourse, a she beare. vn Oustarde, a kinde of Owle. Outil, a toole or instrument. Toutes sortes d'outils, a kinde of tooles. Ouurer, to worke. Ouurage, handyworke. Oeuure, worke, sometimes dutie. Ouurier, a workman. Ouurier, a workewoman. Ouurir, to open. Ouuert, open, playne. Ouuertement, openly, playnly. Ouuerture & trou fait en quel­ que lieu, an opening or clefte made in any thing. l'Ouuroir d'vn chacun mestier, ou on besongne, a working place, a shop. Ouystres, seke Huystres. de l'Oximel, vne composition faicte de Miel, caue & vinai­ gre, oximel, of hony & vineger vn Oye & Iars, a goose or gander. De l'Ozeille, sorrell. Ozeille sauuage, wilde sorrell. PAcifier, to pacifie, to assuage, to appease. Pacifique, peaceable, quiet. Vn pact ou paction, a bargayn, an agreement, a compact. Vn Paeile de fer à porter feu, a fire shouell. Paelle à frire, a frying pan. Paelle à mettre le pain à four, a pele to put bread in the ouen. Vn Paellonnet d'arain, a skillet. Le Page d'vne liure, the page of a booke. Page ou seruiteur, a Page or seruaunt. Paier, ou payer, to pay. Payement, a paying. Paillace, an arbour of bowes. Paillard, a whorehunter, brothel. Vne Paillarde, a whore, a harlot Paillarder, to commit whoredom. Paillandise, whoredom. Paille ou balle, chaffe. La Paille de l'orge, Chaffe of barley. Vn Paillier, a place wher chaffe is kept. Pain, bread. Gros Pain, broune bread. la Panetterie, le lieu ou on serre & garde on le pein, a pantry. Vne paire de quelque chose qui ce soit, a paire or couple of a­ ny thing. Pais, ou pays, a countrey or king­ dome. Vn Paisant, ou paysant, a coun­ treyman, a husbandman. Paisseau, pieu, ou eschallas, a prop such as they stay vines by Paisseler, ou eschalasser, to stay or prop vp. Paistre, to feede as cattell do, too go to pasture. Le Paissage ou paissement de bestes, feeding of beasts. Paix, peace, rest. Paisible & coy, qui ne se cour­ rouce point peaceible, quiet, still. Paisiblement, peacibly, quietly. Paisibleté, peaciblenesse, quiet­ nesse, tranquilitie. Le Palais & la maison royale, a palace, a Kyng or Empe­ rours place. Le Palais de la bouche, the pa­ late of the mouth. Palet a iouer, a small beetell too play at ball with. Vn Pal, ou pali, ou pieu, the pale of a parke, a pale. Pallier ou farder vn cause, To cloke or colour a matter. Se pallir, deuenir palle, to wax pale, to lose colour. Palle, pale coloured. Ancunement palle, palish, wan, bleak. Vn Palletoc, a kinde of garment like a short cloake. Vn Pallissade, a pale of defence vsed in warres. Palme arbre, a palme tree, or date tree. Palumbe ou pigeon ramier, a woodculuer or ringdoue. Vn Palu & marescage, a marsh or quagmire. Pampre ou pampe fueillé de vigne the tender stalk of a vine leafe. Pan ou Panneau dequoy on en ceint & on entoure vn bois pour prendre bestes sauuages toyles or such nets as are set to catche deere in. des Panaiz, an herb called carot Pance, the maw, the panche. Panceau, ou pansu, a Gorbelly, he that hath a great belly. Pancher, ou pencher, to hang as building doth that is not vpright Penché sus le deuant, to hang forward. Panchement, a hanging, a de­ clining. Le Pan d'vn habillement & le plis, the hemme of a garment. Pandects, c'est à dire liures con­ tenants toutes choses, bookes conteyning all things. Panicant, herbe, a kinde of thi­ stle called Huluer, or seaholy. Panicles, little loaues. Vn Panier, a small chest. Vn Panier d'osier, a hamper, a basket. Du paniz, semblable à millet, a kinde of pulse called Mill. Panne, a skin, a fell, a hyde. Panneau de menuiserie, a cof­ fer of ioyners worke. Panthere, beste, a beast called a Panther. Vne Pantoufle, a slipper a pan­ tofle. Paour, seeke Peur. Vn Paon, a Pecocke. Vn Pallissade, a pale of defence, vsed in warres. Paoure, seeke Poure. Vn Papegay, a Parrot, a Po­ pingay. Papier, paper. Papiers de marchands, & au­ tres se meslans de trafique, all kind of writings of mar­ chants or occupiers. Vn Papillon, a butter flye. Du Papin, pappe for children Vn Paquet, a packet, a bundell. Par moyen, ou par mon moy­ en, by my meane. Par ou, which way? Par cy par là, This waye, that way. Par derriere, behinde, or backe­ warde. Par dessus, vpward. Par là, that waye. Parabole, a parable, a simili­ tude, a comparison. Paracheuer, to make an ende, to finishe. Paracheuement, an ending, a finishing. Paradis & iardin, a Paradyse, a garden. Paragon, ou Parangon, an ex­ ample, a proofe, a comparison. Paragonner & comparager, to compare, to conferre. Paralytique, one that hath the palsey. Paralysie, the disease called the palsey. Parastre, ou beau pere, a father in lawe, or stepfather. vn Parc, a parke. Parcelle, a little parke, sometime called a garden. Parchemin, parchement. Parcreu & hors de croissance, full growne, past growth. Pardon, pardon, forgiuenesse. Pardonner, to pardon, to forgiue to remitte. Pardonnement, a pardoning, a forgiuing. Parefrenier, an hostler, a horse­ keeper. Pareil, like, equall, paires. Pareillement, likewyse, also. Pour la pareille, for the lyke good turne ageyne. Pareille, herbe, an herbe called Sorell. Parens & alliez, kinsfolke and alliance. Parenté, kinred, of one bloud. Parentage du costé du pere, kinred on the fathers side. Parer, to deck, to dresse, to trim. Parer aux coups de son enne­ my, to ward the enimes blowe. Parement, decking, trimming. Paresse, slouth, sluggishnesse, la­ zynesse. Paresseux, a slouthfull, lazy, or loytring fellowe. Paresseusement, slothfully, slowly Parfaire, to make perfect, to end, to finishe. Parfaict & acheué, fully ended. Parfaictement, perfectly, redily. A la Parfin, in the ende, at the laste. Parforcer, se parforcer de quel que chose, to enforce himselfe, to do his vttermost. Perfournir les legions, to per­ form vp the number of the bands. Parfum, perfume, swete odour. Parfumer, to parfume, to sweten. De la Parietoire, an herb called paritorie, commonly pellitorie. Se Pariurer, to forsweare. Pariure, a forsworne man, a per­ iure. Pariurement, for swering, periury Parler, to say, to speake, to vtter. Parler à quelqu'vn, to speake to one, to talke with one. Le Parler de l'homme, mans spech. Parlant, speaking. Vn beau Parleur, a faire spoken man, a smooth tongued fellow. Parlement, a talking togither. Vn Parlement, ou vn Plaide, a parliament, a court. Parlementer auec aucun & di­ uiser, to talk or common with one Parole, a worde, a saying. Parlire, to reade through, to rede ouer. Qui est à tout par luy, Qui se gouuerne par soymesme, whi­ che is of himself, which ruleth himself. Parmy, amongst. Parmy la fenestre, ou le gui­ chet, out at the windowe, or wicket. Parmy les rues, abroade in the stretes. Paroiche, ou Paroisse, a parishe. Paroy, a wall. Parquer, to parke or hedge in. Vn Parquet ou sale d'audience, a hall or place of hearing. Parrins, & Marrins, godfathers, and godmothers. Parquoy, wherefore, or through the which cause. Parsomneur, a partner. Par ou portion, a portion, a part. Quelque part, somwher, or some parte. Apart, alone, apart, by himselfe. Partage, seeke Partir. Vn Parterre, a piece of grounde, a plat of grounde, a close. Vn party & condition, a part and condition. Participant, taking part. Propre & particuliere, propre peculiar, or that is a mans own. Particulierement, particularly, specially. Sans rien Particularizer, with­ out particularitie, generally. Partie, a part, a piece. Partie aduerse, an aduerse par­ tie, or one that laweth against o­ ther Partir, to part, to diuide. Party en trois, diuided into thre Partage, a diuiding, or parting. Partiement, a diuiding. Partissement & diuision, a distribu­ tion. Se partir de quelque lieu, to de­ part from a place. Paruenir en quelque lieu, to come to a place at the length. Paruenir au port, to arriue at the hauen. Pas, for point: As Pas trop mal, not very yll. Vn Pas, a pace, a step. A chasque pas, at euery step. Pas à pas, foote by foote. Se Pasmer, to fall in a sowne. Pasmoison, a sowning. Pasquette vne herbe, an herbe called hony suckle. Pasquis, lieu ou les bestes pais­ sent, pasture, ground. Passuer & cheminer, to passe, to go. Passer deuant, to go or passe before Passer la mer, to passe the sea. Passer tout oultre, to passe ouer, or thorowe. Passer vn liqueur par vn linge ou estamine, to strayne any kinde of licour. Oultrepasser, to excell, to passe any other. Passer quelque chose, Laisser quelque chose à dire ou faire, to passe ouer, or leaue to speke of a thing. Passer aucun, & estre plus excel­ lent, to passe any other, to excel. Passer aucun en cheminant, to ouergo any other. Passer le temps, to passe the time Le iour est passé, the day is past. Il se passe à peu de chose, he is content with a little. Passé, passed by. Vn Passant qui passe son chemin a wayfaring man. Passeur, he that carieth folk from hauen to hauen, a passenger. Passement, a passing ouer. Passable, a thing that may bee passed ouer. Passablement, tollerably, that may be borne withall. Passage, a passage, somtime a place Faire vn passedroict, To giue o­ uer right. Passesillons, curled or broided haire. Ioueur de passe passe, a Juggler. Passefleurs, herbe, an herb whi­ che som take to be rose persly. Passemens, comme robbes cou­ uertes de passemens, al kinde of pasment lace. Vne Passeporte, a passeport, a safecondite. Passereau, a sparowe. Passetemps, pastyme. Passeuelours, herbe, a floure, Some call it Floure gentle. Passion & accident d'esprit, a passion or motion of the minde Paste, paast or dough. Vn Pasté, a pastie, a pie. Vn pastiseur, a pyebaker. Pastel de Languedoc, woad of Languedock. des Pastenades, parsneps or ca­ rot rootes. Pasture & nourriture qu'on baille aux bestes, fodder that is giuen to beastes. Pasturer, to fede, to fodder. Pasturage, pasture ground. Pasteur, a pastor, one that hath the charge & keping of beasts Vn Patelin, a flatterer. Lettres patentes du roy, The kings letters patents. Paternel, of the father, fatherly. Patient, pacient. Patience, pacience, ab ding. Ouir Patiemment, to heare pa­ ciently. Porter patiemment, to beare pa­ cientely, to suffer willingly, to abyde constantly. le Patin ou patte d'vne colonne, the foote of a piller. Patrimoine, patrimony, or that falleth to one on his fathers side le Patron de quelque chose, a patern or example of any thing. Vn Patron de nauiere, the pa­ tron of a shippe. le Patron d'innocence, an ex­ ample of innocencie. Patronner quelque chose, To paterne out a thing. vne Patrouille, an ouen rake, or ouen sweeper. Patrouilleur, a carper at euery mans worke. Patte de beste, a beastes pawe. Vn Pau, A stake or pale in a hedge. le Paué d'vne place, the paue­ ment of any place. Pauer, to paue with stone. Pauement, a pauing. vn Pauillion & tente, a pauilli­ on, a tent. La mesure d'vne Paulme, A hand breadth. La paulme de la maine, The palme of the hande. Le ieu de la paume, the Tennys playe. Les paupieres des yeux, the eye liddes. Vn Pauois, a buckler. Vn Pauois en façon de crois­ sant, a shielde. Du Pauot, an herb called poppy. Payer, to pay. Payement, a paying. Les mortes payes, dead payes. Peage, a toll. Peau, a skinne. Peau de parchemin, a skinne of parchement. Peaucier, a skinner. Peautre, the sterne of a ship. Peché, sinne. Peché, and Pecher, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Pecher, to sinne. Peculier & propre, peculiar, a mans owne. Vn Peigne, a combe. Peigné, combed. Peigner, to combe. Peindre, to paint, to set foorth in colours. Peinct, painted. Peintre, a paynter. Peinture, a painting, a picture. Peine, peyne, labour. Mettre Peine, to take payne in a thing. Peine perdue, lost labour. A Peine que ie die, scantely can J say. Perdre sa peine, to lose labour. Prendre peine, to take payne, to labour, to striue to do a thing. Peiner, to enforce to do a thing. seeke Mettre peine. Chose Penible, a peinfull thing, a laboursome worke. Peler, to pill, to pull of the haire, to skalde. Peler, and Pelé, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Pelé, pilde, or balde. Pelerin, a stranger, a pilgrime. Pelegrinage, ou Peregrination. a pilgrimage. Pelure de quelque fruict, The pill or skin of any fruite. Vn Pelican, a birde called a pel­ lican. Pelle, seke Paelle. Pelletier, a skinner. Pelote à iouer, a bal to play with Peloter, to play at ball. Peloton, a bottom of threde. Pelu, ou velu, hairye, or full of small haire. Pendre & estrangler, to hang and strangle. Pendant cela, Jn that meane whyle. Pendant, a pendant or thyng that hangeth. Estre pendu, to be hanged. Pendu, hanged vp. Pendement au gibet, hanging on the gibbet, or gallowes. Vn Pendereau, a crackrope, a gallowclapper. Penderie, a hanging. Pendant que i'iray & viendray, whilest I go and come. Penetrer, entrer bien auant, too pearce in, to enter deepe in. Penetratif, pearcing. Peneux & piteux, out of harte, discouraged. Penil d'homme, ou de femme, la motte, the secret place of man or woman. Vne Pensée, a thought, a mea­ ning. Penser, to thinke, to imagine, too gesse, to esteeme. Pensement, a thinking, a medi­ tating. Se Penser, & faire grand chere, to feed him selfe, to make much of one. Pension, a pension. Pepins, carnels or seedes. Pepinerie, an murserie in an or­ chard where they sowe car­ nels. Les Pepins des raisins, the stone or carnell of the grape. Per ou nom, vne sorte de ieu, payre or not payre, a play cal­ led euen or odde. Per ou compaignon, a peere, ones lyke or fellow. Percer, to pearce, to thrust tho­ rowe. Percé tout oultre, thrust thor­ row. Percher ou iucher sur vn arbre, to pearch as foules do on trees. Percement, a percing, a thru­ sting thorow. Vne Perche, a pearche, a long poll or rod. Vn poisson qu'on appelle Per­ che, a fish called a perche. Perclus de ses membres, hee that hath not the vse of his members, wee saye hee is ta­ ken. Perdre, to lose, to forgo. Perdu, lost, forgon, cast away. Perdition, loosing, forgoing. Perte, losse, dammage, detri­ ment. Vne Perdris, a partrige. Perdurable, euerlasting, aydu­ ring. Pere, a father. Pere grand, grand father. Peré, Breuuage faict de Poi­ res, perry, a drinke made of the iuyce of peares. Perfection, perfection. Perfums, parfums, sweete smels. Perfumer, to perfume. Perfumé perfumed. Perfumement, a perfuming. Perfumeur, a perfumer. Peril, perill, danger. Perilleux, perillous, dangerous. Perir & estre gasté, to perishe, to be marred. Vne Perle, a pearle. Permettre, to permit, to suffer. Permis, permitted, suffered. Il est Permis, hee is permitted, he is licensed. Permission & congé, permission or leaue. Pernicieux, dommageable, hurt­ ful, pernicious. Pernicieusement, perniciously, hurtfully. Pierre de pernis, stones that passe thorough a wall for strength. Perpetrer vn meurdre, to commit a murther. Perpetuel, perpetual, for euer. Pertuer, to leaue to perpetuall memorie. Perpetuité, euerlastingnesse, per­ petuitie. Perplex & doubteux, in a doubt Perplexité, perplexitie, doubt­ fulnesse. Vn Perroquet, a Parrot. vne Perruque ou cheuelure, the tresse, long heare. Pers, ou Couleur perse, skie co­ lour. Persecuter, to vexe, to afflict, to persecute. Persepierre, herbe, an herbe called Sampier. Perser, seeke Percher. Perseuerer, to perseuer, to conti­ nue. Perseuerant en son propos, per­ seuering in his tale. Perseueramment, constantly, stoutly. Perseuerance, perseuerance, pa­ cience, continuance. Persil, an herbe called Persly. Persil bastard, bastard persly. Persister, to persist, to continue. Persister tousiours en son opi­ nion, to persist in opinion. Grand ou excellent personnage, an excellent personage, or high estate. Personnage d'vne farce, a per­ sonage in a playe. La Personne d'vn chacun, eue­ ry person. Persuader, to persuade. Pertinent, Ce que tu dis n'est point pertinent, belonging, that which thou speakest be­ longeth not to the matter. Vn Pertuis, a hole. Perturber aucun, to trouble one, to disturbe. Peruenche, herbe, an herbe cal­ led Perywincle. Peruers, ouerthwart, peruers. Peruertir, to peruert. Pescher, to fish. Pescheur, a fisher. La Pesche, the draught of the net. Pescherie, a fishing. Peschement, fishing. Vne Pesche, a frute called a Peche. Peschenoix, a peche stone. Peser, Pesant, Pesanteur, Peser, seeke Poix. Pesle mesle, confuséement, all on a heape, one with an other, confusedly. La Peste, the pestilence, that which we cal the plague. Pestifiere, qui a la peste, pesti­ lent, or infected with the pla­ gue. Pestilentieux, plagie. Pestrir la paste, to kned dough. Pestrisseur, a knedder, a baker. Vn Pet, a fart. Peter, to fart. Petiller, to stampe, to trample. Petit, small, little. Le plus perit, the least. Petit à Petit, by little and little, faire and softly. Petiteur, smalnesse, littlenesse. Petitesse, Jdem. Petitement, scantly, smally. Petition, ou demande, a request a petition. Peton, seeke Pied. Petocules, poissons, a fish called a Scallop. Petrir, Petrisseur, seeke Pestrir. Petteler & fouler aux pieds, to trample, too stampe with the feete. Peu, very little, scant any, smal. Peu s'en fault, ou à Peu pres, scarse inough, almost. Peuoesne, herbe, an herbe so called. Vn Peuple & nation, a people and nation. Le menu Peuple d'vne Ville, the commons of a Towne or Citie. Se Peupler, to encrease with people. Peuplement de vigne, an in­ crease of vynes. Peuplier, arbre, a poplar tree. Peur, ou paour, feare, terrour. Faire Peur, to feare, to fraye, to fright. Poureux, fearful, timerous. Poureusement, fearfully, time­ rously. Phantasie, phantasie, imagina­ tion. Phasiole, espece de poix, a kind of peaze. Philosophe, a louer of wisdome, a Philosopher. Estudier en Philosophie, to stu­ die Philosophie. Phiole, a viol, a smal glasse. Phlegme, phleame. Phlegmatique, phlegmatike. Physicion, a Phisition, a natu­ ral Philosopher. Pic, nom d'oyseau, Piuert, a bird called a Speicht. Vne Pie, a bird called a Pye. Piece ou morceau qu'on a cou­ pé de quelque chose, a piece cut off from any thing. En Pieces & morceaux, ou par parties, in peeces, morcels or partes. Il y a longue Piece, it is a good whyle since. Le Pied, the foote. A Pied coy, with soft foote, with soft pace. Le Pied de la montaigne, The foote or bottome of a hill. Pied de milan, herbe, an herbe called kitesfoote. Piedestal d'vne colomne, The foote of a piller, a piedestal. Vn Peton, a little foote. Vn Pieton, a footeman. Vn Piege, a snare or grin, a pit­ fall. Vne Pierre, a stone. Pierre precicuse, a Precious stone. La Pierre, ou grauelle, maladie, the disease of the stone. Pierrette, a small stone. Pierreux, stony, rockie. Pietrer, to trample vnderfoote, to tread downe. Vn Pieu, a stake or post. Pigeon ou coulon, a Pigeon, a doue. Pigeon ramier, a stocke doue. Pigeonneau, a yong doue. Vne Pile, ou Pelote à iouër, ou esteuf, a ball to playe with. Piler, a pile to beate. Vn Pilon, a pestle. Piler en vn mortier, to stampe in a morter. Vn Pillier, a piller, a collume. Gaster & piler tout & faire de­ gast, to wast, pyll, and spoyle all. Pilleur, a pyller, a poller, a spoy­ ler. Pillage, preye or pillage. Pillars, filchers, pilferers. Pillerie & rauissement, pylling or rapyne. Pillement, a pilling or polling. Le Pilori, a pillorie. Pilot & patron d'vne nauire, a Pilot or guyder of a ship. Pilotis, a pyling with tymber in water workes. Pilules, pillules, or as wee cal them pilles. Pimpernelle, an herbe called pimpernel. Vn Pin, a pyne tree. Vn Pinceau, a pensil. Vn Pinsemaille, qui n'a esgard que à amasser argent, a pinch penny. Pinser, to pynche. Des Pinsettes, pinsers. Pinte, a pinte. Pionnier, a Pioner, a digger in warres. Piper, to beguyle one, to deceyue one. Pipeur, a deceyuer, a beguy­ ler. La Pipette & petite queuë de laine qui est au sommet d'vn bonnet, the knop on a mans cappe. Pique ou Iaueline, a pique or iauelin. Piquer, to pricke, to lace, to spur, sometime to quilt. Piquer aucun de parolles, too nip one in wordes. Le Piquant d'vn fer, the point or pricke of any yron. Pirate, ou larron & escumeur de mer, a Sea theefe, a Py­ rate. Pire, worse. Pirouette, a wharle for a Spin­ dell. Pis, worst. Pirouetter, to turne round or to go about. Pisser, to pisse. Pissat, pisse, vrine, stale. Pitance, Toute viande oultre le pain & le vin, all meate be­ sydes breade and drinke, a pittance. Pitié & compassion qu'on a de la misere d'aucun, pitie and compassion. Chose Pitoyable à voir, a piti­ full thing to behold. Piteux, one that is to bee pytied, a wretch. Piuerd, oy seau, a byrde called a Speicht. Le Piuot d'vn huis, ou porte, the heudges of a dore. Vne grande place sans maisons, a great place. vne place ou le peuple s'assem­ ble, a place where people doo meete. Faire Place, to make roome, to giue place. Mettre aucun en sa place pour faire son office, too put an o­ ther in his steed or place to ex­ ecute his office. Plaid, debat, question & procez, pleading, stryfe, debate, Plaider, to pleade, to declare the matter. Plaider, Auoir proces, to goe to Lawe. Vn Plaideur, a pleader, a Law­ yer. Plaidereau, a contentious fellow, one that will go to Lawe for e­ uery thing. Vn Playdoé, ou playdoyer, A plea or oration made to the Judges. Vn Playdoyeur criard, a prat­ ling Lawyer, an importunate prater. Plein & vni, playne, smoth, euen. Vne Plaine, a playne field or le­ uel ground. se Plaindre, ou complaindre, to playne or complayne. Qui Plaind sa paine, hee that grudgeth his payne. Pleinte, ou Compleinte, a com­ plaint. Plainte, ou Plaintif, a plaintiue or accuser. Plaire, to please. Plaisant homme, a pleasant or merry fellow. Plaisance, pleasure, delite. Plaisanter, to iest, to scoff. Plaisanteur, a iester, a scoffer. Plaisanterie, iestes, skoffes. Plaisamment, pleasantly, meri­ ly, iocundly. Plaisir mondain & charnel, worldly pleasure or lust. Plaisir qu'on prend à quelque chose, pleasure or delite. Plaisir desordonné, disordonate pleasure. Plaisir & seruice qu'on a faict, the pleasure and seruice that one hath done. Plaisir qu'on faict les vns aux autres, the pleasure which one doth to another. Auoir plaisir & esbat, to haue pleasure, ioye, or delite. Au plaisir de Dieu, and it please God. Faire Plaisir à aucun, to do one a pleasure, to doo one a good turne, to gratifie one. Prendre plaisir à l'estude, to de­ lite or take pleasure in stu­ die. Prendre Plaisir à lire vne lettre to take pleasure in reading a Letter. Vne Planche, a planke, a thicke boord. Plancher, a floore of boords. Plancher ou pauer d'ais, Too floore or planke with boords. Plane, nom d'arbre, a Plane tree. Planete, a Planet. Planir & vnir quelque lieu, too plaine or smothe a place. Du Plantain, an herbe called Plantine. Vn Plantal, Vn sion & iecton d'­ arbre, ou d'herbe qu'on plan­ te en terre, a plante or syon. Vne Plante d'herbe, ou d'ar­ bre, A plante of any tree, a sette. La plante du pied, the sole of the foote. Planté & abondance, plenty, a­ boundance. Planter, to plant, to set. Plante, a graffe. Plantage, a graffing, a setting. Plantement, graffing, setting. Planteur, a graffer, a setter. Plantureux, plentifull, aboun­ dant. Plantureusement, plentifully, abundantly. Plaquars, placards, writings from higher powers. Plaquer contre vne paroy, too dawbe against a wall. Platras, rubbish. Platre, plaster or morter. Platrer, the plaster. Plat ou escuelle, a platter, a dish. Plat & bien vni par dessus, flat and smooth. Vne Playe, a wound. Pleige ou respondant, a Suer­ tie. Pleiger aucun, to be suertie for one. Plein, full. Pleinement, fully. Pleurer, to weepe, to wayle, to la­ ment, to shed teares. Pleurant, weeping. Pleuré & regretté, beweept, be­ wayld, bemoande. Pleureur, a weeper. Pleur, a teare, a tricle. Pleurement, a weeping, a way­ ling. Pleuresie, a disease called the pluresie. Pleuritique, one that hath the pleuresie. Pleust à Dieu qu'il fust venu, I would it pleased God that he were come. Pleuuir vne marchandise bon­ ne & loyale, to warrant ware marchantable. Pleuuine, Bailler quelque cho­ se en Pleuuine, too deliuer ware on trust or vpon waran­ tise. Plier, to plite, to folde, to bowe. Pliement, a pliting, a bowing. Plieure, folding or bowing. Plis de robbes, the plites of gar­ ments. Vne Robbe Plissée, a plitted gowne. Plomb, lead. Le Plomb d'vn masson ou car­ pentier, a Carpenters plom­ bet. Plomber, to plombe or sound the depth of a thing. Vne Plombée, a plombet of lead. Plonger en l'eaue, too diue, too plonge in the water. Plongeon, oyseau, a foule called a Cormorant. Vn Ploton de fil, a bottome of threede. Plourer, seeke Pleurer. Plouuoir, to rayne. Plouminer, & faire vn petit vent, to misle and blowe. Pluye, rayne. Pluuieux, raynie. Vne Plume à escrire, a pen. vn Plumart, a plume of feathers. Vn Plumassier, a feather maker. Plumer, to plucke or to plume. Plus, more. Au Plus, at the most. Plus de fois, oftener, or more tymes. Plusieurs, many. Plusieurs fois, many tymes. Pluuir, seeke Pleuuir. Pluye, Pluuieux, seke Plouuoir. Poale à frire, ou autre chose, seeke Paelle. Poalon, a skillet. Vne Poche ou pouchette, A poket. La Poche d'vn oyseau, the craw of a foule. Pocher, to thruste out with the finger. Pocher l'oeil à quelqu'vn, too thrust out ones eye. Vne Poelle & estuues, a stue, a hoatehouse. Vn Poëte, a Poet. Des Poetrons, ou prunes iau­ nes, white plums. Poictrail de cheual, a horse pe­ trel. La Poictrine, the breast. Poignard, seeke Poing. Poil, heare. Vn Poille, a stew or hoatehouse. Vn Poinct, a point, a pricke. Le Poinct du iour, the dawning of the day. Le Poinct de la matiere, the point of the matter. Pointu, sharpe pointed. Vne Poincte, a bodkin. La Poincte & aspreté d'vn Ro­ cher, the point or top of a rock La poincte de l'oeil, the corner of the eye. La Poincte de quelque chose a­ gue, the point of any thing. En ce point, ou par ce poinct tu m'ostes toute esperance, in this point, or through this point thou takest al hope from mee. A poinct & conuenablement, very aptly and fitly. Bien à Poinct, in good tyme. Bon Poinct, ou mauuais Point, good plight or ill plight. Qui est en bon Poinct & en or­ dre, that is handsome and in good order. Poindre, to pricke, to sticke, to lanche. Poignant, pricking, Poignement, a pricking. Le Poing, the fist. Vne Poighée ou iauelle, A handfull. Vn Poignard, a Poynado, a Daggar. Le Poignet de la main, The grasping of the hand. Poinson d'attourneresse, a bod­ kin to frisell heare withall. Poinson de ser, an yron bodkin or ponsion. Point, ou nullement, not. Point trop, not to much. Point encore, not yet. Vne Poire, a peare. Vn Poirier, a peare tree. Vn Poireau, ou verru, a wart. Poireux, Poire, seeke Porreau, Porree. Vn Pois, a peyse, a weight. Pois dont vient Poser, seeke Pois. Poison, poyson, venim. Poister, seeke Poix. Poisson, fishe. Poissonnet, a little fishe. Poissonnier, a fisher, a fishmon­ ger. La Poissonnerie, the fishmarket. Le poise à peser quelque chose ou le poix d'vn liure, a weight to wey with. Peser, to wey, to peyse. Peser & considerer diligem­ ment quelque chose l'exami­ ner, to consider a thing dili­ gently, to ponder a matter. Pesant, weightie, heauy, burthe­ nous. Pesanteur, weight, heauinesse. Peseur, a weigher. Peson, a wharle to putte on the end of a spindle. De la Poix, pitche. Poisser, to pitche. Vaisseaux poissez, pitched ves­ selles. Poissement, a pitchyng with pitche. Le Pol arctique, the north pole. Police, le faict & gouernement d'vne Republique, the gouer­ nement of a common wealth. Citez bien policies, ou il y a bonne police, cities well or­ dred or gouerned. Polir, to polishe, to clense, to ma­ ke cleane, to scoure. Poli, polished. Poliement & ornement, smoth­ ly and brightly. Polissement, a polishing. Polissure, polishing. Polluer, to defyle, to spotte, to pollute. Pollu, defiled. Pomelée, ou patte de lion, her­ be, an herbe called bearefote. Vne pomme, an apple. Pommes de senteurs, swete bal­ les, pomanders. Pommiers, apple trees. Vn Pommeraye, vn lieu planté d'arbres fruictiers, an Or­ charde. Vn cheual pomelé, A rounde horse. Pompe & appareil solennel, pompe or great solemnitie. Il marche pompeusement, hee goeth pompously. Pompeux, pompous, magnifical. Pompon, a pompion. Pierre ponce, a pomise stone. Poncer, to pounce. Pondre, to lay egges. Vn Pont, a bridge. Vn Pont leuis, a draw bridge. Vn Pontife, a high priest. Vn Porc ou porceau, a hogge, a swyne. Porc espi, a hedgehog. Porc sanglier, a wilde bore. Porcelet, ou cochon, a pigge. Vn Porchier, a swineherde, a hogherde. Porcelaine, Vn grande coquil­ le de mer faicte comme vne corn, a greate shelle of a fishe made like a horne. Porcelaine ou pourpier, An herbe called Purslane. Vn Porche, a porche. Vn Porreau, a leeke. De la Porrée, ou iotte, an herbe called Beetes. Vne Porte, a hauen. Vn Porte, a gate. Portail, an entrie, a portall. Portier, a porter. Portiere, a she porter. Porter, to beare, to carry. Se porter bien, to be in good helth Porter patiemment, to bear pa­ ciently, to suffer. Port enseigne, an enseignbearer Porte faix, a porter, a burdeyn bearer. Porte panier, a basket bearer. Qui est porté, which is caried. Porteur, a bearer, a carrier. Portage, a bearing. Le fruit & portée d'vne beste, the frute or burthen of any beast Vne portiere femelle qu'on gar­ de pour porter des petits, a­ ny female kept to bear yong. Port, ou Portement, a bearing, a carying. La capacité & Portée d'aucun, the capacitie or vnderstanding of any. Portion, a parte, a portion, a deale. La Portion, a portion of any vitayle. Portionner, to deale, to parte, to diuide. Poser & asseoir, to staye on, or set downe. Mis & Posé, placed or situate. Homme posé & rassis, a sober or discrete man. Posé le cas que. &c. put the case that. &c. Pose le cas qu'il soit vaincu, put the case he be ouercome. Pose & repos qu'on prend, rest or pause. Posement, a placing, settyng or disposing of any thing. Position & situation, placyng and situation. Posseder, to possesse, to enioy. Possesseur de quelque chose, an owner of any thing. Possession & heritage, possession or heritage. Possible, possible, that may be. Autant qu'il est possible, As muche as is possible. Poste, a post or messenger. Cheual de Poste, a post horse. Courir la Poste, To ryde in poste. Le posteau d'vn huis, the poste of a doore. Postuler, ou plaider, aduocasser to pleade or to demaunde a thing. Vn pot à boire, comme voirre, gobelet, ou coupe, a potte to drinke in. Vn pot à pisser, ou de chambre, a chamber pot. Pot à caue, a water pot. Vn Potier de terre, a potter. Vne Potiere, ou Potierie, a pot markette. Potage commun qui n'est point espez, potage or broth. Homme potieux, malaizé à contenter & difficile, a way­ warde man. Vn Potiron, ou champignon, a toadstoole, a musherom. Poulain, a colte. Maladie és aines qu'on appelle les poulains, botches in the gryne. Le poulce, the thumbe. Pouldre, dust. Pouldre, and Pouldrer, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Pouldrer, to dust Pouldrer de sel, to pouder with salt, to seazon. Pouldrette, fine pouder. Pouldreux, dusty. Poule, a henne. Vn Poulet, ou poullette, a yong henne. Vn Pullier, Poulaizier, ou Ge­ linier, a henne house, a place where poultrie is kept. Vn Poulallier, a poulter. Poulie, a pulley. Pouliot, herbe, penyroyall. Le Poulmon, the lungs or lights Poulpitre, armaires a liures, a presse to set bookes in. Vn Pouil, a louse. Pouilleux, lousy. Poulser, To pushe, to thruste, to iustle. Poulsé, being thrust, or enforced. Le Pouls, the pulse. Poulsement, a pushing, a thru­ sting Poulsif, poussiue, short winded. Poulsins, chickens. la Poulsinerie du ciel, the seuen starres. Poultre ou tref, the beame of a house. Pouoir faire quelque chose, that can doo a thing. Tant que ie Peu, asmuch as J can Ne Pouoir, that can not. Il Peut estre, it may be. Pouoir, force & puissance, po­ wer, strength and might. Pouoir & authorité, ou seigneu­ rie, power, authoritie, or gouer­ nement. Bailler pouuoir & puissance, to giue power and authoritie. Le Pouoïr, & puisance enbiens, power, or abilitie in goods. Poupe, ou Poulpe, maladie de­ dens le neze, a disese in the nose. Vn Poupée, a yong wench, som­ times a puppet. La poupe, & derriere de la na­ uire, the poope of a ship. Pour, for. Pour ma part, for my parte. Il a iugé pour toy, he hath giuen sentence on thy side. Pource, bycause, for that cause, therefore. Pour neant, & sans rien bailler, for nought, for nothing. Pour vn parole, for one woord. Pourcelaine, seeke Porcelaine. Pourchaser à quelque chose, to seeke to get a thing, too desire to compasse a thing, too sue to one for a thing. Purchasser sa vie d'huis en huis to get his liuing from dore too dore. Pourchas, a purchasing, a get­ ting, a soliciting. Poure, poore, bare, needie. Pouret, a poore soule. Pouretè, pouertie, neede, necessi­ tie, barenesse, want. Mener ou mettre à poureté, to bring one to pouertie to vndo one. Pourement poore, simply. Poureux, Poureusement, seeke Peur. le Pourfil de l'homme, the shape of a man. Se pourmener, to walke. Pourmenement, walking. Pourmenoir, a walking place. Pourpenser, to bethinke one, to deuise on a matter. Pourpier, an herb called purslan. Pourpoint, a doublet. Pourpre, & le poisson dont se prenoit la teincture de pour­ pre, a shell fish called a purple. Vn pourpris & closture, an in­ closure, a cloyster. Pourquoy? why? wherfore. Pourquoy non, why not? Pourrir quelque chose, to rotte a thing. Se pourrir, to rot or wax rotten. Estre Pourri & gasté, to be rot­ ten and marred. Il sente le pourri, Jt smelleth of rottennesse. Pourriture, ou pourrissure, rot­ tennesse. Poursuiure, to pursue, to followe a matter. Poursuitte, ou pourchas, a pur­ sute or following. Pourtant que, forasmuch as, bi­ cause that. Pourtraire, to draw out, to por­ traye. Vn Pourtraict, a draughte or portraicture. Le pourtraict, patron & ordon­ nance d'vn edifice & autres choses, the portraiture or mo­ dell of any building. Pourueu que tu le puisses, So that thou canst not doo it. Pourueu qu'il soit vray, so that it be true. Poruingner, seke Prouin, Pouruoir, Pourueu, Pouruoyant, Pouruoyance, Pouruision, seke Prouuoir. Poussier, seeke Poudre. Poussif, seke Poulsif. Pouuoir, seeke Pouoir. Poyure, pepper. Poyurette, Nielle ou Nigelle, an herbe called Gyth. Practiquer ce que nous enseig­ nons, to practise or put in vre that whiche we teache. Bons Practiciens, gents qui sca­ uent bien les loix & les cou­ stumes, one of great practise in the lawe. Par practique, by practise or subtiltie. Preallablement, formost, or first Vn Pré, a field, a medow. Preau, ou petit pré, a close or first meddow. Preceder, to go before, to be first. Precedent, going before. Predecesseur, our predecessour. Predication, a preaching, a ser­ mon. Predire, to foreshew. Preminence, preeminence, pre­ rogatiue. Preface & prologe d'vn liure, propos iteratif de ce que nous voulons dire puis apres, the preface or prologe of a boke, a short declaration before what we will say after. Preferer & plus estimer, to pre­ ferre, to esteme aboue, to lyke better. Prefiner, borner, & arrester, to determin before, to appoint be­ fore what shall be done after. A iour prefix, at a day apointed Preiudice, preiudice, hindrance. Prelat, a prelate. Premier, first, or primate. Premier que ie. &c. Before J talke. &c. Tout Premierement, first of al. de Prime face, at the first shew. Primerain, that whiche hathe none other beginning. Prendre, to take, to catche, to apprehende. Prins, caught, taken. Prinse, a catching, a prize. Preparer, to prepare, to set in a readinesse. Preparation, & appareil, pre­ paration, making ready. Preparement, a preparation, a preparing. Prerogatiue & auantage, prero­ gatiue or aduantage. Pres ou aupres, nigh. Estre aupres, to be present. A peu pres, almoste, within a little. Prescher, to preache. Prescheur, a preacher. Prescrire, to prescribe, to apoint. Qui est present, whiche is pre­ sent, or harde by. Estre Present, to be present. Presence, presence. En Presence, before or in pre­ sence. Presentation, a setting forth. Presentement & tout à l'heure presentely, at that very instant. Presenter, to present, to offer. Se presenter deuant quelqu'vn, to present him selfe to any, to make a shewe. Vn present, a present, a gift. Preseruer & garder quelqu'vn qu'il n'ait mal, to preserue, to defende or keepe one from harme. Estre preserué, to bee preserued or defended. Vn Preseruatif, a preseruatiue. Presider à quelque affaire, to be chiefe in any businesse. President, a president or chiefe officer. Presque, almost, welnigh. Presque tous, almoste all, the most parte. Presser quelque chose, to presse a thing. Presser aucun de faire quelque chose, to presse or inforce one to do a thing. Pressant, ou pressif, enforcing or vrgent. Chose pressiue, an earnest or vrgent businesse. La Presse, a preace of people. Vn Presse, a presse, to presse or print any thing in. Pressement, a pressing. Des Presses, fruicts, a frute cal­ led a peache. Vn Pressoir, a presser. Pressoirer, to presse out licour. Vn Pressoireur, a presser. Pressoirée, that which is pressed Prest & apparaillé, redy or prest Prestement, redinesse, promptnes. Prester, to lend. Prester l'oreille aux flatteurs, to giue eare to flatterers. Vn Prest, a loane. Prestre, a priest. Prestresse, a she priest. Presumer de soy, to presume. Presomptueux, presumptuous or arrogant. Presomption, presumption, ma­ lapertnesse. Presomptueusement, malapert­ ly, presumptuously. Presupposer, Presupposé qu'­ ainsi soit, to presuppose, to wene Presure, curdes. Il pretend à cela, his pretence is therto. Pretieux, precious. Preu & vaillant cheualier, a va­ liant or couragious knight. Preudhomme feal & loyal, a faithfull man. Preudhommie, feauté & loyauté, faithfulnesse, trustinesse. Preuaricateur, a double dealer or deceytfull person. Preuenir, to preuent. Preuenu, preuented. Preuenement, a preuenting. Preuoir, to foresee. Tu as tout preueu, Thou fore­ sawest all. Preuoyance, foresight. Preuost de la ville, the prouost or chiefe of a towne. Vn Preuost de Mareschaulx, a prouost Marshall, that hath in charge to hang vp theues. Prent, comme, en prent, firste, or first of all. Prier, to pray, to require, to de­ sire, to beseche. Ie te prie, J pray thee. Ie vous en Prie, J hartily praye you. Priant, praying. Priere, a prayer. Par Priere, by prayer. Le Prieur, Prieure, the Priour or prioresse. Prime, seeke Primeur. Primogeniture, the first birth. Prince, ou princesse, a prince or princesse. Estre principale ou plus excel­ lent, to be principall and chief. Principal de college, the prin­ cipall of a colledge. Tout le principal de l'affaire gist en tesmoings, the chiefe of the matter standeth vppon witnesses. Principalement, chiefly, especi­ cially, principally. Principauté & seigneurie, prin­ cipalitie or lordship. Dire de Plainsault & incontinent to tell immediatly, redily, or at the first choppe. Printemps, Springtyme. Pris & valeur, price and value. Mettre Pris, to set a price. Mettre à pris, To bryng to dearth. Priser & estimer, to praise, to e­ steme, to lyke. Prisé, prised. La Prizée, the praising or esti­ mation of a thing. Priseur, a praiser, a price setter. Vne prison, a prison. Prisonnier, a prisoner. Vn priué & retraict, a priuie, or Jakes. Priué auec vn autre, familiar with one. Vne personne priuée qui n'a nulle charge de la republique, a priuate person that hath no charge in a common wealth. Bestes priuées & traictables, tame and tractable beastes. Priueément, priuatly, famili­ arly. Priuoité, acquaintaunce, fami­ liaritie. Priuer aucun de son estat & office, to depriue one from his office or charge. Priué de quelque chose, depri­ ued or bereued of a thing. Priuation, a depriuing. Priuilege, c'est à dire vn loy particuliere pour ou contre aucun, a priuiledge. N'estre point plus priuilegié qui les autres, to haue no more priuiledge or prerogatiue than an other. Probable, seeke Prouuer. Proceder & aller auant, to pro­ cede or goe forwarde. Proces, proces or strife in law. Proces criminel, iudges in cau­ ses criminall. Processions, processions. Prochaine parent, nighe kins­ man. Prochainement, nighly. Prochaineté, nighnes or nerenes Procurer la paix, To procure peace. Procuration charge & admi­ nistration qu'on a des affai­ res d'aultruy, attourneyship. Procureur, an atturney or pro­ ctoure. Prodigue, riottous, prodigall, la­ uish, wastefull. Prodigalement, prodigally, wast­ fully. Prodigalité & degast de biens, consuming of goodes. Proditeur ou traistre, a traytor or betrayer. Produire, to bring foorth, to al­ leage. Produire & mettre hors son fruit, to bring forth fruite. Produire & mettre en auant, to bring forth, or set before ones eyes. Qui Produit beaucoup, That bringeth forth muche. La Production d'vne partie, that whiche a partie bringeth forth to iustifie his cause. Proeme ou preface, a prologue, or preface. Profaner, se seruir en commun vsage des choses consacrées, to profane, or put holy things to common vses. Proferer & prononcer, to pro­ nounce or alledge. Prolation, the pronouncyng of letters. Professeur qui se mesle d'en­ seigner, he that professeth to teach any thing. Faire Profession de quelque cho­ se, & s'en mesler publique­ ment, to professe any thing, or to teache publiquely. Profond, deepe. Profondement, deepely. Profondeur, ou profondité, height or depth. Progenier, faire des petits, too bring foorth yong, or progeny. Prohiber & defendre, to forbid to prohibite. Prolonger, to prolong, to tract time, to defer. Prolongé, prolonged, deferred. Prolongation ou prolonguement a prolonging, a deferring. Promettre, to promise. Promis, promised. Promesse, a promise. Accomplir sa Promesse, to ful­ fill promise. Tenir sa Promesse, to keepe pro­ mise, to stand to his woord. Prompt, prest & appareillé, prompt, ready. Promptement, readily. Prononcer, to pronounce. Vne Prononciation, a pronoun­ cing. Prophete, a Prophete. Prophetie & annoncement des choses aduenir, a prophecie, or foreshewing of things too come. Prophetizer, to prophecie. Propice, mercifull. Proportion, proportion. Propos & intention, a purpose and intent. Propos & deuis, a speache, a talke. Tout à Propos, of purpose. A quel Propos dis­ tu cecy? ou tend ce Propos? to what end or purpose speakest thou that? Parler bien à Propos, to speake to the matter, or to the pur­ pose. C'est bien à Propos, it is very apt. De Propos deliberé, of a sette purpose, determinately. Proposer en soymesme, to pur­ pose in him selfe. Proposer & mettre au deuant sa vie aux ieunes enfans pour le suyure, to set foorth his lyfe for other to follow. Propre & appartenant à aucun proper or belonging to any. De ma Propre malice, of myne one proper malice. Propre & peculier, proper and peculiar. Fort Propre & conuenant, very proper and fit. Mal Propre, vnhandsome. Proprement, properly, aptly, decently, comely. Proprieté & seance, neatnesse, fitnesse. Proprieté & appertenance, pro­ prietie or owning. Proprietaire, an owner. Proprieté de quelque chose ac­ quise par prescription, a pro­ prietie gotten by prescription. Proroguer, ou Prolonger, to pro­ rogue, to prolong, to deferre. Prorogation ou prolongement, deferring. Proscrire & mettre en criée, to put to port sale. Proscription, an attainder. Prose, prose. Prosperer, to prosper, to thriue. Prosperité, quand les choses nous viennent à souhait, prosperitie. Prosterner & ruer par terre, to fall flat to the ground. Demourer en la Protection & sauuegarde du peuple, to re­ maine vnder the protection and safegarde of the people. Protester, to protest. Prothocolles, the firste coppyes or originall of writings. Prou, I'endure Prou de maux, much, as, J haue suffered much sorrow. La Prouë, ou le deuant d'vne na­ uire, the sterne of a ship. Prouerbe, a prouerbe, an adage Les Prouësses & haults saicts de quelqu'vn, the prowesse or noble actes of one. Proufit, profit, gayne, commo­ ditie. Il y a du Proufit en ces choses là, there is profit in those things Proufiter, to profit, to gayne. Proufiter en biens, to wax ritch. Vtile & Proufitable, profitable, commodious. Proufitablement, profitably, commodiously. Vn Prouin, a yong branche of a vyne. Prouigner vne vigne, to plante a vyne. Prouignement, a planting. Prouince, a Prouince. Prouoquer, to prouoke, to stir, to moue. Prouoqué, prouoked. Prouuer, to proue, to approue. Prouuer faulsaire, to proue one false. Prouuer nostre dire, to approue our sayings. Probation, proofe. Prouue, a proofe, a saye, a tri­ all. Prouuoir à quelque chose, too prouide for a thing. Prouuoir & se donner garde, to forsee and beware off. Il t'est Prouueu, Thou wast ware of it. Prouuoyant à ses affaires, pro­ uiding for his businesse. Prouuoyance, prouision. La Prouision de la maison, the prouision belonging to a house. Faire prouision d'argent, to pro­ uide money. Proye, a preye. Prudence, quand quelqu'vn sçait que c'est de bien & de mal, wisdome, prudence. Prudent & sage, wise, sage. Prudemment, wisely. Prune, a prune, a damson. Vn Prunier, a damson tree. Vne Prunelle, a wilde slowe. La Prunelle de l'oeil, the apple of the eye. Publier, to publish. Publié, published. Public, publike, common. Publication de liures, a publi­ shing or setting forth of bookes. Publiquement, publiquely, o­ penly. Pucelle, a mayde, a virgin. Pucellage, maydenhod, virginitie Puir, to stinke. Puant, stinking. Puanteur, on Puantise, stinche or stinke. Puis apres, then after. Puis que ie, &c. seeing that J. Puis qu'ainsi est, ie, &c. seeing it is so. Depuis, since. Depuis le matin, since morning. Puisné, the yonger borne. Vn Puits, a well. Puiser de l'eauë, to draw vp water out of a well. Puisement, a drawing out. Pouoir & puissance, power, might. Force & puissance, strength. Puissance & authorité, power and authoritie. Puissant, mighty, strong, vali­ aunt. Puissamment, mightily, strong­ ly, valiantly. Vne Pulce, a flea. Pulluler, & bourgeonner, Too bud out. Pulueriser, to beat to pouder. Punaise, a weake louse. Vn homme Punais, a slouen. Punir, to punish, to correct. Punition, a punishing, a correc­ ting. Pupile ou mineur, an vnderling. Pur, pure, cleane, neat. Pur & entier, pure and whole, perfit. Purement, purely. Pureté & innocence, purenesse and innocencie. De la Purée de poix, Pease strained. Purer, quand vne apostume rend de la bouë, to cast out mat­ ter as a sore doth. Purger, to purge, to clense. Purgé, purged, clenzed. Purgation, purgation. Purifier, too purifie, too make cleane. Pusillanimité, faint hartednesse, or cowardise. Vne Putaine, a whore, a harlot. Putier, a whore hunter, a ruffi­ an. Putrefaction, rottennesse. QVadran au soleil, A Sunne Diall. Quadrin, Vn Liard, a peece of French money better worth than a farthing. Quadruple, quatrefois autant, foure tymes as much, foure­ folde. Qualité, qualitie. Quand se­ race? when shall it bee? D'icy à Quand? how long? Quand à ce, &c. as for that. Quantesfois? how ofte? Quantiesme? how many? Quantité, quantitie, muchnesse. Quaquet, pratling, babling, chat. Quaqueter, to prate, to chatte. C'est assez Quaqueté, thou hast prated inough. Quaquetement, a pratling. Quaqueteur, a pratler. Quarante, fortie. Quarantieme, the fortith. Vn Quarquan, ornement & ba­ gue qu'on pend au col, A iewel to hang about the necke, a karket. Quarquan à mettre le col des malfaicteurs, a pillory. Quarré, foure square. Vn Quarré, a square. Quarrier, ou escarcir, to square out. Quarrefour, A foure cornerd streete. Quarreaux des iardins, beds in gardens. Quarreler des souliers, to coble shoes. Quarreleure des souliers, a cob­ lar. Quarrieres, quarries of stones. Vn Quarrier, a stone hewer. Le Quart ou quatrieme, The quarter or fowerth part. Quarte à vin, a wyne quart. La Quatre partie de la iournée d'vn iour, The quarter of a dayes worke. Vn Quartier, a quarter. Les Quartiers d'vne ville, The quarters of a towne. Quasi, presque, almost. Quasser & briser, to breake, too quash in pieces. Quatorze, fowerteene. Quatre, fowre. Quatre fois, fower tymes. Le Quatrieme, the fourth. Quatre fois autant, foure times as much. Que fais tu? what doest thou? Qu'est cela? what is that? Qu'en est­ il? what is it? Que veux tu? what wouldest thou haue? Quel? what manner of thing? Quel homme? what man? En Quelle maniere? in what manner? Quelque, something. Quelcunque, chacun, whatsoe­ uer. Quelqu'vn, some man. Vne Quenouille, a dishstaffe. Quenouillée, a dishstaffe full of flaxe. Vne Querelle, a quarrell, a de­ bate, a stryfe. Quereleux, a contentious fellow, a wrangler. Querir, to seeke. Vn Quorquois ou trousse, a quyuer. La Queste ou enqueste que fait vn iuge en vne cause, the in­ quiry or enquest that a Judge maketh on any matter. Quester, to begge. Question ou doute, a question or doubte. Souldre vne Question, to assoyle or resolue a question. Bailler la question, gehenne & torture pour sçauoir d'vn faict, to put one on the racke or pinbancke. Questionnette, a little question La Queüe, the tayle. Queüe d'aronde en matiere de charpenterie ou menuiserie, a fastning of boordes togither in manner of a doues tayle. La Queüe d'vne poire, & autres fruits, the stalke of a peare or other frute. Quoué, qui a vne queue, one that hath a tayle. Queue à aguiser ferrements, a whetstone. Qui suis­ ie? who am I? Quiconque, whosoeuer. Quicter, to acquite. Quicter la place, too leaue the place. Quictance, an acquitance. Bailler Quictance, to giue acqui­ tance. Vn Quinquaillier, a pedler. Quintefueille, herbe, an herbe called Cinkefield. Quinze, fifteene. Vn Quote, ou quelque partie, a part, a portion. Quoter & marquer l'article que on veult impugner, to quote or marke in the margin. Quoy, qu'est cela? what? what is that? Quoy, qu'on l'achette, howe deere so euer it bee bought. Quoy qu'il en soit, what soeuer it bee. Auoir bien dequoy, Too haue somewhat to take too, to be rich. RAbaisser vne personne qui s'esleuoit trop, to pluck one downe that was to presump­ tuous. Rabais, abatement. Rabbatre du pris, too abate the prise. Rabbatre de la somme & dimi nuer, to abate of the summe. Rabailler & racoustrer vn ha­ billement, to mend a garment. Rabillement, mending. Rabiliter, ou Reabiliter, to re­ payre, to amend. Vn Rable, ou rabot à mesler l'­ arene & le sable parmi la chaulx, A siue such as pla­ strers vse to sift their lime in. Le Rable d'vn lieure, the loyne of a hare. Le Rable d'vn sanglier, the loyne of a wild bore. Rabot, a ioyners plane. Raboter, to plane, to make smooth. La Racaille du peuple, the ras­ call sort of the people. Se Racorder & raillier, to agree againe togither. Se Racourcir, to shrinke togi­ ther or to stoope. Raccoustrer, to mende, to trim agayne. Raccoustrement, a mending, a trimming. Raccoustumer, ou Ramener quelque coustume, to bring a custome agayn, to bring in vre agayne. Vn Race, a race, an ofspring, a kindred. Rachasser, to driue awaye again Racheter au poix de l'or, to re­ deme with the weight of gold. Rachet, ou payement de rançon a redeeming or paying of ran­ some. Racine, a roote. Racinette, a little roote. Racler, to rake, to scrape, too grate. Raclé, scraped, grated. Vn Racloir, a grater, a scraper. Raclure, grating. Raconter, to tell, to declare. Raconteurs de nouuelles, tel­ lers of newes. Racourir, to run agayne. Radoter, to deceyue or set one in dotage. Radotement, doting. Radouber, to patch, to peece. Radoubement, a mending. Radoubeur, a botcher, a mender Radresser ou Redresser, too a­ mend, to correct. Radressement, a mending. Radresseur. a correctour. Se Raduiser, to take better ad­ uisement, to change aduise. La Raffle d'vne grappe de Ra­ sin, the stalke of a bunche of grapes. Rafreschir, to refresh, to cheare vp. Rafrechisement, refreshing, chearing. Se Regaillardir, to waxe merry. Regats d'eaue, flouds of water. Rage, rage, furie. Rager & folatrer, too playe the wanton, to ticke and toye. Ragement, wantonnesse, or toying. Raggrandir, to enlarge, to make great. Raieunir, to waxe yong againe. Railler & se gaudir d'aucun, to iest or to floute. En Raillant, iestingly. Raillerie, iest, sport, flouting. Vn Railleur ou Raillard, A Jester. Vne Raine, a Frog. Rainseaux ou Rameaux d'ar­ bres, bowes of trees. Raire, to shaue. Ray ou rasé, shauen. Raiz, seeke Rets. Vne grappe de Raisin, a bunche of grapes. Raison, reason. Raison pourquoy? a reason why? A quelle Raison? by what rea­ son? C'est la Raison, it is reason. Ce qui est Raisonnable, that which is reasonable. ce n'est pas faict Raisonnable­ ment a toy, it is not reasona­ bly done of thee. Raisonner, to reason or argue. Railliement, an attonement, a reconciliation. Ramage, Les petits oiseaux ou­ blient leur Ramage, The branche song of byrds. Ramas & meslange, A gathe­ ring togither, a medley. Ramasser, to gather togither. Ramassé, gathered togither, as­ sembled. Rame de papier, a reme of paper Rameau, a branche of a tree, a bowe. Ramée & fueille, a shaddow. Ramenteuoir, to remember, to put in remembrance. Vne Rame ou auiron, an oare. Ramer, tirer à l'auiron, Too rowe. Ramier, ou coulomb Ramier, a stocke doue. Ramon, ou Ballay, a brome, a besome. Ramoitir, to soake, to moysten. Rampar, seeke Rempar. Ramper ou grimper, to rampe, or climbe. Rampement & trainement sur le ventre ou pieds sur terre, a ramping or creeping on the ground. Ramu, ou branché, full of bowes. Ran, ou Belier, a ram. Ranci, relant, chansi, morsi, ru­ stie, musty, fusty. Rancissure, restinesse, mustines. Rancon, a hedging bill. Rançon, Rançonner, seeke Ren­ çon. Rancune, hatred, malice, ran­ cour. s'enfuir à grand Randon, to run away in hast. Rang, an order, a ranke. Ranger, ou Arranger, to sette in order, to range. Vne Rangée de Rames ou aui­ rons, a rowe of oares. Raouler, seeke Rouler. Vn Rape, A Raspe or roughe Fyle. Rapetacer, & reamender, To patch, to peece. Rapine, rapine, robbery. Rappeller, to call agayne. Rappel, a calling agayne, an ap­ peale. Rapporter, to bring agayne. Faire Rapporter vne chose à vn autre, too make one thing a­ gree with an other. Ce champ Rapporte & rend beaucoup, this fielde yeldeth much frute. Se Rapporter à aucun, to report himselfe to any man. Rapporter tout à aucun, Met­ tre tout entre les mains d'au­ cuns, to report all to one man, to put al into his hands. Rapport, report, or talke. Grand Rapport de terre, great yeelding ground. Rapporteurs de parolles, re­ porters of wordes. Faulx Rapporteur, a false re­ porter, a backebyter. Rapprendre, too learne agayne. Rapt, ou Rauissement, rauishing or taking away by violence. Vne Raquette, a racket. Rare, qui ne se trouue, ou ne se void point souuent, ne par tout, rare, geason, dainty. Raser, ou Raire, to shaue. Rasé, shauen. Rasement, a shauing. Rasoir, a raser. Rasure & effaceure de lettres ou mots, rasing out of words. Rassasier, to satisfie, to content ones appetit. Rassasiement, a satisfying. Rassembler, rabiller, raccoustrer quelque chose bien propre­ ment, to set togither, to mende a thing finely. Rasseoir, to sit downe. Qui est posé & Rassis, a settled man. Vin rassis, settled wyne. Vn Rasteau, a little rake. Rasteler le bled en herbe, To rake the corne while it is grene Rasure, seeke Raser. Rat, a ratte. La Rate, the splene. Vne Ratiere, a mouse trap. Ratifier, & approuuer, to rati­ fie, to approue. Raton, ou petit rat, a yong rat. Ratisser, to rake, to scrape. Vne Ratissoire, a scraper. Ratteindre en cheminant, To ouertake in going. Faire vn Rauage, to make a rode on the enimies. Raualler, rehumer, to swallowe downe againe. Rauellement & amoindrisse­ ment, a falling in price, as the falling of the market. Rauaudeur qui refait les vieux habillements, a botcher. Rauauderesse, a woman botcher Vne Raue, a rape, or turnop. Rauine ou Ragaz d'eaue, great flouds of water. Rauir, to rauishe, to take away by violence, to rob. Raui, rauished. Rauissant, a rauisher. Rauissement, rauishing, robbing Rauiser, seke Raduiser. Se Rauoir, to come agayn to him selfe. Vn Ray ou rayon de soleil, the beame of the Sunne. Vn Rayon pour escouler l'eaue d'vne champ, a drane to drawe the water out of a fielde. Vne Raye, ou ligne, a rowe, or ligne. Rayer, Effacer, to rase, to crosse oute. Ray, crossed out. Reagal, a kinde of poyson. Reaument & de faict, verily, in deede. Rebailler forme à quelque chose to newe make a thing. Rebarbatif, shrewde, sharpe, curste. Il a Rebecqué contre moy, He stoode with me face to face. Rebeller, to rebell. Rebellion, rebellion. Rebondir, to rebounde backe a­ gayne. Reboucher ou Emousser vn trenchant ou pointe, to blun­ ten the edge or point of a thing. Reboucher vn trou, to stop vp a hole. Rebouché, stopped vp. Rebouchement, a stopping vp, A Rebours, arsward, quite con­ trary, backeward. Couler à rebours, To flowe a­ a­ geinst "geinst" in "ageinst" is missing on the next page and has been added here. Reduire à neant, To bryng to naught. Reduire en pouldre, To bryng to dust. Refaire les portes qui sont rom­ pues, to mende broken gates, to make newe. Refection, foode or refection. Refaucher, to new mowe grasse. Refermer, to shut againe. Reflechir, to bowe againe. Reflourir, to flourish againe. Refondre, to cast againe. Reforger, to forge againe. Reformer, to refourme. Reformation, a reformation. Reformateur, a reformer. Vn Refort ou raue, a rape, a ra­ dishe. Refort sauuage, a wild radishe. Refouler le trenchant de quel­ que chose, to blunten the edge of a thing. Refoulé, made blunt. Refoulement, an abating of the edge. Refrains des balades, the bur­ then of a song. Refrapper, to strike againe. Refrappé, stricken againe. Refrappement, a stryking a­ gaine. Se refraindre & moderer, To refrayne, to forbeare. Refrener la hardiesse d'aucun, to abate the boldnesse of one. Refrigerer. &c. Vsés de refroi­ dir, proprement se dit d'vne chose qui par auant boulloit, to coole. Refroidi, cooled. Refroidissement, cooling. Se Refrongner, to frowne. Refrongnement, a frouning. Refrotter, to rub againe. Refuge, refuge, succour, helpe. Refuir, to flee againe. Refuiant le labeur, fleeing from labour. Refuser, to refuse, to denye, to gaynsay, to forsake. Estre refuse, to be refused or for­ saken. Refus qu'on fait d'aucun, The refusing of any person. Regain, foin derriere saison, aftercrop of hay. Regarder, to regarde, to marke, to see, to looke, to espy. Regarder dedens, to looke into. Se regarder & glorifier, to sette muche by himselfe. Regard, ou regardeure, regard, respect. Regarduere basse, down looke. Regardeur, a looker. Regardement, a looking. Regent, a regent, a scholemai­ ster, a gouernour. Regermer, to spring agayn. Regimber, To winse, to kicke and fling. Regimbeur, a winser. Regimbement, a wynsing or kicking. Vn Regime de viure, an order of diet. Region, a Region, a realme, a countrey. Regir & gouerner, to rule and gouerne. Vn registre, a register. Vn Regnard, a foxe. D'vn regnard, of a foxe. Regner, to reigne. Qui Regne, that reigneth. Regorger, to giue vp againe, to parbreake. Regorgement & trop grande abondance, excesse, too great abundance. Regratter quelque vielle rob­ be, & la faire comme neuue, to newe dresse an olde gowne Regrateurs, ou regratier, dres­ sers of olde clothes. Regratement de vieilles cho­ ses pour les mieux vendre a­ pres, the flourishing vp of old things to make them better to sale. Regrediller les cheueux, To frisell the heare. Regret, Sorrowe, griefe. Regretter aucun, To bewayle one, to be sory for one. Rehoüer, to new digge. Rehoüement, a newe digging as they doo yearely aboute the rootes of vines. Rehumer, Too suppe vp a­ gayne. Reiecter, to reiect, to despise, to cast of. Reiecter tout vn affaire au mois de Mars, To put off all a businesse till March. Reiecté, cast off. Reiectement, a casting off. Vn reiecton, the yong spring of a vine. Reigle, a rule. Reigler les choses, To rule things. Reiglement & ancienne ob­ seruance, a rule and auncient custome. Reigléement ou regulierement, orderly. Le Rein, ou roignon, The kid­ neye. Les Reins, the reynes. La raine d'vne bride, the reyns of a bridle. Reinser, to rynse, to washe. Reiterer, to begin againe. Reiteration, beginning againe. Relant, musty or mouldy. Relascher, to release. Relasche, release. Relaschement de labeur, lea­ uing of worke Relater, pour reciter, to shewe forth, to recite. Releguer, Bannir, ou confiner, to bannishe. Releuer, to raise vp againe. Le Relief ou demourat du sou­ per ou disner, the remnant of a supper, or that which is left. Relier des liures, to bynd bokes. Relier vn muy ou cuuier, to hoope a tubbe. Diuerses Religions, diuers reli­ gions. La Reliqua qu'on doibt d'au­ cun, the rest of any summe. Relire, to reade againe. Reliques, relikes. Reluire, to shine, to haue a glosse, to glister. Reluisant, shining, glistering. Remanent, the remnant which is lefte. Remanier, to take in hande a­ gaine. Remascher, to chawe againe. Remaschement, a chawing of the cudde. Rembarrer aucun, to confute one. Remboister vn os, to set a bone that is out of ioynt. Rembourser les deniers despen­ duz en la guerre, to purse the money againe that we spent in the warre. Relais, seates or banks to sit on. R'embrousser chemin, to take the next way. Remede, a remedie, a medi­ cine. Remedier, to heale, to helpe. Remediement, a healing. Remembrance, a remembrance, a similitude. Remener, ou Ramener, to bring againe. Remenement, a bringing again. Remercier, to thanke. Remerciement, a thanking. Remesurer, too measure a­ gaine. Remettre, to place aright, to re­ store to the first estate. Remettre la peine, to forgiue the payne. Remission & pardon, pardon, remission. Remettre à aucun sa faulte, & l'en reprendre aigrement, to reproue one for his faulte, to checke. Remordre, to byte againe. Remouuoir, to remoue. Rempar, a rampart, a forte. Remplir, to fill, to stuffe. Rempli, stuffed, filled. Remplissement, a filling. Remplage, ou Remplissage & fourniture, furniture. Remporter, to bring againe. Remuer, to remoue, to sturre. Remuement, a remouyng. Remunerer, to rewarde, to re­ compence. Renard, a foxe. De Regnard, of a foxe. Renaistre, to be borne againe. Renauiger, to sayle againe. Reng, Rengée, seke Rang. Rencherir, to waxe deere a­ gayne. Rencheoir en maladie, To fall sicke againe. Rançon quasi redemption, ran­ some. Rançonner & piller aucun, to ransome or poll one. Rencontrer, to meete with. Rencontre, a meeting. Rencontreur, qui se mocque d'autruy, mocqueur, a scof­ fer. Rencuser, to bewray. Se Rendormir, to fall a sleepe a­ gayne. Rendormissement, a falling a­ gaine on sleepe. Rendre, to yelde, to restore. Se Rendre à aucun en sa saue­ garde & puissance, to yeld to the sauegard and power of an other. Rendement, a restoring. Renforcir, to waxe stronge, to take a good courage. Renforci, strengthned. Enuoyer du renfort, to send aid Se renfrongner, To frowne, to skoule. Rengendrer, to engender again. Rengreger vn mal, to make a thing worse than it is. Renier auec serment, to denye with othe. Reniement de la chose deüe, to deny a due. Renfler, to puffe vp againe. Renom, Renommée, renoume, good name. Renoncer aucun à gendre, to forsake one for his kinne. Renoncer à l'amitié d'aucun, to forsake frendship with one. Renouer les choses delaissées & rompues, to knit vp things that are a sunder. Renouueler, to renue. Renouuele, racoustré, & re­ gratté, renued, new trimmed. Renouuellement, a renuing. Rente, rent, custome, taxe. Rentraire, to lay in a seam with a nayle. Rentrer, to go in agayne. Renuerser, to ouerthrow. Coup donné à la Renuerse, a crosseblow. Renuersement, an ouerthrowing Renuersure, ouerthrowing. Renuoyer, to send againe. Renuoy, a sending againe. Repaire & logis, a place to re­ paire to, a loding. Repaistre & bailler à manger, to feede. Reparer, to repaire, to mende. Reparation, reparation. Reparement, a repayring. Repargner, seke Respargner. Repas, a meale, repast. Prendre son repas, To take re­ paste. Repasser la mer, par ou on e­ stoit venu, to passe agayne o­ uer sea. Repeigner, to combe againe. Penser & repenser en son es­ prit, to think and think again. Repensement, a chewing of the cudde. Soy repentir d'auoir fait quel­ que chose, to repent of doing a thing. Repentance, repentance. Repeter & redire vn mesme chose, to repete or say oft one thyng. Repetition de quelque chose, the repetition of any thing. Replanter, to plant or set vp a­ gaine. Replier, to bend againe, to folde againe. Replis, bent againe. Replicquer, to replie or answer. Replicque, a reply. Repliques, answers. Repoindre & repiquer, Too pricke againe. Repolir, to polish againe. Reporter, to carry againe. Reportée, caryed againe. Repos, rest, quietnesse. Repos d'esprit, quiete mynde, peace of conscience. Reposer & dormir, to rest and sleape. Se Reposer, to rest, to take ease. Repoulser, to repulse, to with­ stande. Repoulsé, repulsed, withstanden. Repoulsement, a repulsing. Repoulsoir, that whiche repul­ seth. Reprendre, to receyue againe, to take againe. Faire reprendre les choses rom­ pues, To make broken thyngs holde togither ageyne. Reprendre aucun de quelque faulte, to reproue one of some fault committed. Reprins, taken againe. Reprins & repetition, a repetition Repreneur, a reprouer, a carper Reprehension, reprehension, reprofe Representer, To represente, to kepe the place. Representation, a representation. Ie vous prie, & reprie, J pray and pray you againe. Reprimer, to represse & subdue Reprocher, to reproche. Reproche, reproch, vpbraiding. Reprouuer, to reproue, to check. Republique, the publike weale. Repudier sa femme, to forsake his wyfe. Repue, seeke Repas. Apres la Repue, after meale. Repugner, contredire, aller alen­ contre, to repugne, to gayn­ say. Repugnance & contrarieté, re­ pugnance and contrarietie. Reputer aucun pour tel, ou tel, to repute or esteeme one for such. Bonne Reputation, good repu­ tation and estimation. Mauuaise Reputation, ill repu­ tation or name. Requerir, to require instantly, to desire. Racine fort Requise pour faire onguent, an excellent roote to make oyntement. Requeste, a request. Requestes scriptes, requestes or supplications. Faire Requeste à aucun, to make requeste to one. Requoy, seeke Recoy. Resaillir, to start backe. Rasalüer, to salute agayne. Resarcler, to sowe agayne. Reschaper d'vne maladie, to es­ cape or recouer a sicknesse. Reschauffer, to warme agayne. Reschauffoir ou Reschault, A chasing dish. Rescinder vn contract, to breake a bargayne. Se Recourre du danger ou on estoit d'estre mis en oubly, to seeke to forget danger. Rescreer, seeke Recreer. Rescrire, to write agayne. Le Rescript & lettres d'vn Prin­ ce, the aunswere of a Prince by letter. Resembler, to resemble, to bee like. Ne Resemblant rien à vn autre, nothing resembling an other. Resemblance faicte sur le vif, a counterfeate made after the lyfe. Resemblement, resembling. Resemer, to sowe agayne. Resequer & oster du tout, to cut it wholly off. Reserrer, to shut vp, to close. Reserré, shut vp, closed vp. Reseruer, to reserue. Reseruoir, a closet too keepe things in. Resider, estre long temps as­ sis, to bee resident, or to sitte long. Residence, residence. Le Residu, the residue. Resigner, renoncer & quicter son office, to resigne, too re­ nounce, to giue ouer. Resignation, resignation. Resine, vne humeur coulante, principalement du pin, & autres herbes, rosin. Resiouir, to reioyce, to make one merry, to bee merry. Se Resiouir, to be gladde, to bee ioyfull, to be merry. Tu m'as tout Resiouy, thou hast lightned my hart. Fort Resiouissant, very mery. Resiouissance, myrth, pleasure. Resister, to resist, to withstand, to repugne. Resistence, resistance. Ie suis Resolu à cela, J am re­ solued thereto. C'est ma Resolution, Voylace qu'il m'ensemble, this is my resolution or aduise. Resonner, to resound, to ring. Resonnant, ringing, sounding. Resortir en la cour, to demand right in Court. Resort & iurisdiction, iurisdiction Resouldre, to resolue, to breake or vndoe. Faire Resouldre les humeurs du corps, to resolue the humours in mans body. Respandre ça & là, Too spread abroade. Respandre le vin, Too shed wyne. Respandement, shedding, sprinc­ kling abroad. Respargner, to spare. Respargnant, a sparing man. Respargne, sparignesse, hardnes. Les parties ont Respectiue­ ment appellé, the parties haue on both sides appealed. Respi, Delay, respit, delay. Respirer, to gaspe or fetch ones breth. Respirement, Respiration, A breathing. Resplendir, to shine, to glister, to glimse. Resplendissant, shining, glistering Resplendeur, Resplendisseur, brightnesse. Respondre, to aunswere. Respondre de quelque argent, ou aultre chose, to bee suertie for money or other things. Vn Respondant ou pleige, A suertie. Respondement, ou correspon­ dance, an aunswering. Response, an aunswere. Responses, herbe, a little roote that is eaten in sallades. Restaurer, to restore, to repaire, to renewe. Rester, to remayne, or to reast behind. Restituer, to restore, to yeeld a­ gayne. Restraindre, to restraine. Restrainct & serré, ou arresté, restrained and closed vp. Resueiller, to waken or to stirre vp. Resuer, to raue, to rayle. Resuerie, rayling. Resueur, a rayler. Resumer, to take agayne. Resusciter, to rayse from death to lyfe. Retarder, ou Retarger, Too driue off, to slacken, to defer, to hinder. Estre Retargé, to be hindred. Retargement, hindrance. Retenir, to retayne, to withhold. Retenu, retayned, witholden. Retention, Retenue, withholding. Retentir, to sounde agayne, too giue an eccho. Retentissement, ringing or soun­ ding agayne. Beste Retiue & qui rue, a resty horse. Retirer en arriere, Too drawe backward. Retirer ce qu'on donne, too re­ ceyue in that which is giuen. Retirer à quelqu'vn, & luy re­ sembler, to be lyke one in con­ dition. Retirer à soy & derobber, Too scratch to himself, to steale. Se Retirer à part, to withdrawe asyde. Retirement, ou Retraction, A recanting or calling backe of wordes spoken, a retractation. Retistre ce qui est detissu, Too weaue agayn that which was vnwouen. Retondir de toutes parts, Too sound or ring on all sydes. Retordre, to wring, to wreth, to wrest, to twyne. Fil Retort, twyne threed. Vn Retoube, vne terre qu'on seme tous les ans, a fielde that is sowen euery yeare. Retour, retourning agayne. Retourner, to retourne, to come backe agayne. Retracter & reuoir, to correcte a thing and ouersee a thing. Vn priué & Retraict, a priuie or house of office. Vn Retraict public, a common priuie. Retraicte & retour, returning agayne. Sonner à la Retraicte, to sound the retyre. Retraire, to pluck out agayne. Retraire en seruage, to bring to bondage. Retrecir, Too pull or drawe backe. Retrancher, to cut off. Retrencher les gages, to cut off wages. Vne Rets, a net. Reu, ou Ru, a brooke. Reualloir, to recompense, too bee as much worth to him as that comes too. Soy Reuancher, Too wreake himselfe. Bailler la Reuanche, to bee euen with one. Reueler, to reueale, to disclose, to bewraye. Reuelation, reuelation. Reuendre vne chose auec celuy qui l'auoit vendue, too sell a thing agayne to him that sold it. Vn Reuendeur & regrateur, A retayler, or huckster. Reuenir en quelque lieu, Too come agayne into any place. Qui Reuient bien aux gents, & n'est point enuieux, a fellow­ like man. Reuenue, rent, reuenew. Le Reuenu d'aucun, any mans rent or reuenew. Reuoir & retracter vne chose, to correct and ouersee a thing. Reuerberé, ou frappé, reflex or reuerberation. La Reuerberation du soleil, the reflex of the sun. Reuerdir, Too waxe greene a­ gayne. Reuerend, reuerend, worshipful. Reuerence qu'on porte à au cun, the reuerence that is borne to one. Auoir en Reuerence, too haue in reuerence. Reueréement, reuerently. Reuesche, wild, vntamed. Reuisiter, to reuisit, to ouersee. Reuisitement, an ouerseeing. Reuiure, to liue agayne. Reunir, Reunion, seeke Vnir. Reuoler, to flye agayne. Se Reuolter & rendre du party des enemis, to reuolte, to take the enimies part. L'an Reuolu, the yeare being gone about. Reuoquer en doubte, to call in question or doubt. Le Rez de chaussée, Le sol & fondement de toutes cho­ ses, The foundation of any thing. Rhetorique, l'Art & science de bien & sagement dire & par­ ler, Rhetorique. Rhetoriquement, Rhetorical­ ly. Conterfaire le Rheteur, Too counterfeat the rhetorician. Ribault, a ribald, an adulte­ rer. Ribler, to keepe ill rule. Couper tout Ric à Rie, to cut quite in sunder. Ricaner, to playe the wanton. Riche, rich, wealthy. Richesse, richesse, goods, wealth. Richement, richly, aboundant­ ly. Le Rideau des ioueurs de far­ ces, the players courtin. Les Rides qui viennent au vi­ sage, wrincles in the face. Se Rider & refrongner, Too frowne or lowre. Rien, nothing, nought. Rigueur, rigour, sternenesse, sharpnesse. Rigoureux, rigourous, roughe, sharpe, cruell. Rigoureusement, sharply, cru­ elly. Rime, ryme or meeter. Rinser, seeke Reinser. Rioiter, to ryot, to playe the spendthrifte. Rioiteux, riotouse, excessiue, lauishe. Rire, to laughe, to smyle. Ris, laughter. Risée, laughing. Du Riz, ryce, whereof ryce pot­ tage is made. Riuage, the shore or coast. Vne Riuiere, a ryuer Du Ris, Ryce, a kind of grayne. Robbe, an vpper garment, a gowne, a robe. La Robbe d'vne femme, a wo­ mans gowne. Vne longue Robbe, A long gowne. Robre, ou Roure, vne espece de chesne tres­ dure, a hard kind of Oke. Robuste, strong, mightie. Robustement, strongly, migh­ tily, roughly. Roc, ou Roche, ou Rocher, A rocke or stone. Roder le pays, to make a rode on the Countrey. Vn Rodeur ou coureur, a roder or wighrider. Rogue; a presumptuous fellowe, arrogant. Estre Roide de froid, to be stiffe with colde. Roidi, contented. Roideur, roughnesse, sternenesse. Roidement, roughly, strongly. Le Roignon, the kidney. Vn Roitelet, sorte d'oiseau, A birde called a wren. Rolle, Rollet, seeke Rouler. Rosmarin, a braunche called Rosemary. Rompierre, Persepierre, herbe Empetron, an herbe called Empetron. Rompre, to breake, to burste in sunder, to pash in peeces. Rompu, broken. Rompure, a bracke. Rompement, breaking, bursting. Vne Ronce, a bramble. Rond, round. Rondace, ou Rondelle, a target. Rondement, roundly. Vn Rondeau de patissier, A cookes peele. Rondeur, roundnesse. Vne petite Rondelle de guerre, a small target or buckler. Ronfler, to snort, to snore, to rowte. Ronger, to knawe, to knabble. Rongé tout à l'entour, knabled about. Rongement, a knawing. Rongner, to pare, to clip. Rongné, pared, clipped. Rongnement, a paring, a clip­ ping. Rongnure, parings, clippings. Rongne, a scab. Rongneux, scabby. Roquet, habillement de fille ou femme, a womans wastcote. Roquette, herbe, an herbe cal­ led rocket. Rose, a rose. Vn Rosier, a rose arbour. Roseau, a reed. Rosée, the dewe. De la Rosette, a colour called rosset. Vn Rossignol, a nightingale. Rostir ou cuire à la braise, To rost. Rosti, rostmeat. Vne Rostie, a toast. Rostisserie, cookes rowe. Vn Rotisseur, a cooke. Retourier, a carter or villaine. Vne Roüe, a wheele. Rouete, a little wheele. Rouelle d'oignon, a shiue of an oignion. Rouge, red colour. Rougeur, rednesse. Rougeastre, reddish or clarret colour. Rougir de honte, to blushe for shame. Rouget, poisson, a fishe called a rotchet. Rougeole, ou verole, the small pocks. Rouille, ou Rouillure, rustines. Rouler, to roll or tumble. Roulant, rolling. En Roulant, in rolling. Roulement, a rolling. Roule, ou Roole, a skroll, a ca­ talogue. Le Rouleau & racloir des me­ sureurs, a weauers shittle. Vn Rouillier, ou voicturier, A Carriar. Roupie, an issicle, the nose drop­ ping. Vne Roussette, a fishe called a Barbell. Roussir, to waxe red. Rousselet, reddy. Vne Route, a belche. Router, to belche or breake wind La Route du lieure, the hare furme. Vne grande Route de gens, ou de cerfs, a route or multitude of people. Vn vieux Routier ou Roturier, qui de long temps est vsité à sinesses, an old deceyuer. Roux, reddish colour. Roy, a King. Royne, a Queene. Royal, Royal, Kingly. Royalement, royally, princely. Royaulme, a kingdome. Roye, on Royon, seeke Ray. Roytelet, A byrde called a wren. Vn Ru, ou Reu, a brooke. Ruben de teste, a headband or fyllet. Rubis, pierre precieuse, A ru­ bie. Vne Ruche à miel, a Bee hyue. Rude, rude, rustical, lobbishe, blockish. Rude & aspre à manier, rude and hard to be broken. Rudement, rudely, rustically. Rudesse, rudenesse, blockishnesse. Rues d'vne ville, the streates of a towne. Par Rues, by streates. Vne Ruelle ou petite Rue, A Lane. De la Rue, an herbe called Rue, or herbe grace. Ruer, to throwe. Ruer du hault en bas, to throw downe hedlong. Ruer par terre, to throwe downe to the ground. Ruer des pieds, to strike with the heeles, to kicke. Rueur, a kicker. Rufien, a hee baud. Rufienner, to play the baude. Le Lion Rugit, ou Ruit, The Lyon rores. Rugissant, roaring. Rugissement, a roaring. Ruine, ruine or ouerthrowe. Ruiner & destruire, To ouer­ throwe to destroye. Ruineux, ruynous, in decay. Ruir, Ruissement, seeke Rugit. Ruisseau, a cannel, a brocke or running water. Ruisselet, a gutter. Rume, the roume. Ruminer, comme quand les be­ stes remaschent ce qu'elles ont ja mangé: propre aux bestes à pied sourché, Too chewe the kud. Ruminement, a chewing. Rupture, a breaking. Rupture, quand l'intestin des­ cend, bursting of the coddes. Rural, rude, countreylike. Ruse, suttletie, craft, deceit. Rusé, suttle, crafty. Rustault, ou Rustique, a coun­ trey man. Rusticité, rudenesse. SAble, ou sablon, Grauell. Sablon & menu grauois & greue, sand. Vne Sablonniere, A grauelly place. Vn Sabot à se iouër, a toppe. Sabots & souliers de bois, pat­ tens, wodden shoes. Saburre & grosse arene dequoy on charge les nauires, à fin d'estre plus fermes, shingle, or pebble stones. Vn Sac, a sacke. Sachet, a bag, a pocket. S'accouster à l'oreille, too whi­ sper in ones eare. Sacre, oyseau de proye, a kinde of hauke. Sacré à Dieu, consecrated too God. Sacrements, qui sont tenus se­ crets au peuple, Sacraments. Sacrifier, to sacrifice. Sacrifice, a sacrifice. Sacrificateur, a sacrificer. Sacrilege, Larron des choses sa­ crées, sacriledge, theft of holy things. Sadayer vne femme, Too flat­ ter a woman, or speake hir fayre. Sade, ou Sadinet, preatty, faire. Safran, saffron. Safrané, saffroned. Safre, wanton. Sage, wise. Sagement, wysely, aduisedly, discretly. Sagesse & cognoissance, wis­ dome, knowledge, vnderstanding Sagitaire, ou archer, an archer, a shooter. Saigner & iecter sang, too lette bloud. Saigner aucun, to let one bloud. Saigné, a letting of bloud. Saigneux, bloudy, or full of bloud. Saillir, to leape, to skip, to hoppe, to daunce. Saillie, ou Sault, a leape. Saillie auec impetuosité, comme de gensdarmes sur les enne­ mis, an issuing out, as footmen doe on their enimies. La Saillie & cabochon d'vne pierre pretieuse taillée en bosse, the chase wherein a precious stone is enclosed. Sain, health. Sain & entier, whole and perfit. Sain & sauue, safe and sound. Sain doulx, seeme or freshe grease. Sainct & sans aucune tache de de vice, holly, vnspotted. Saincteté, hollynesse. Saisir les meubles d'aucun pour quelque contumace, to seaze or attach the goods of any man Saisine, possession. Saisissement, a seazing or atta­ ching. Saison & temps propre à faire quelque chose, season, or fitte tyme to doe any thing. Vne Salade ou heaulme, a sal­ let, or helmet. Salades d'arbres ou autre cho­ ses, all kinde of salades. Salaire, reward, recompence. Saler, to salte, to season, to pou­ der. Vne saliere, a poudring house. La saline, a salte house, where salt is made. Saligots ou truffes, Salure, poudring or salting. Salir quelque chose, to beray a thing, to soyle. Ord & sale, filthy, lothsom. Saliue, spettle. Vne salle, a hall. Salamandre, a Salamandre. Salpestre, Saltpeter. Saluer aucun, to salute one, to greete. Salut, health. Donner salut, salüer, To giue health. Salutation, salutation, greeting. Salutaire, helthfull, wholsome. Samedy, saterday. Sandal, bois qu'on apporte d'­ Inde, a precious wood that is brought out of Jnde. Sang, bloud. Sanglant, bloudy, full of bloude. Sanguin, of sanguine complexion. Vn sangle, a sengle or girth. Sangler vn cheual, To girth a horse. Porc sanglier, a wilde bore. Des sanues blanches, an herb called wilde cole. Sans, without, besides. Sans toy, without thee. Sans cause, without cause. Sans fin, without ende. Vn sansue, a horsleach, a kinde of worme. Santé, health, welfare. Saouler, to suffise, to satisfie, to fulfill. Saoulé, full. Saouleté, fulnesse. Sapin, a tree called a firre tree Saphir, pierre precieuse, a pre­ cious stone called a Saphire. Sarcler, to rake. Sarclement, a raking. Vn sarclet, a rake. Sarcleur, ou bineur, a weeder. Vn sarcueil, ou biere, a biere or coffin. Sardelle, ou sardine, sorte de poisson, a kinde of fishe cal­ led asardin. Sarfouir, souir par dessoubs, to vnderdig or vndermine. Serment, a vine braunche. Sarpe, ou sarpette, seeke serpe. Sarrer seeke serrer. Sarriette, an herbe called Sa­ uerye. Vn sas, a sieue. Sasser, to sifte. Satisfaire & payer, to satisfie, to paye. Vne sauatte, an olde shoe. Sauetier, a cobbler. Saueur, sauour or tast. Sauourer, to taste. Chose sauoureux, of good tast. Sauf, safe. Sauf vostre honneur, sauyng your reuerence. Saufconduict, a safe conduct. Sauinier, herbe, a tree called Sauin. De la saulge, an herb called sage Saulmon, a Salmon. Saulmure, a cake of salte. Saulnier, a salter. Saupicquet, any kinde of sauce. Saulpoudrer la chair, to corne fleshe with salte. Vne saulsaye, a place wher wil­ lowes growe. Saulse, sauce. Saulser, to sauce. Saulsisse, a sausige. Vn sault, a leape. Saulter, to leape. Saulteler, to hoppe. Saultement de l'vn à l'autre, to leape from one to an other. Saulteur ou danseur, a leaper or daunser. Saultereau, petite beste, a gras­ hopper. Saulteresse, ou danseresse, a wo­ man daunser. Vn saulx, a willow or withy. Du sauon, sope. Sauuage, wylde, vntamed. Sauuageaux & plantes, yong plantes. Sauuageté, wyldenesse. Sauuagine, venson. Sauuegarde, safegarde, suretie. Se mettre en la sauuegarde d'­ aucun, to committe himselfe to the safegarde of one. Sauuer, to saue. Sauué & eschappé, saued and escaped. Salutation, salutation or gree­ tyng. Sauueté, safetie, assurance. Vn saye, ou sayon, a coate, a iacket. Scabelle, scabeau, petit banc, a stoole, a fourme. Scabreux, rough, knaggie. Scandale, offence. Scariole, an herbe called Sikory Sçauoir, to knowe, to kenne, to wote. Sçauoir bon gré, to conne one thanke. C'est à sçauoir, That is to wete. Asçauoir mon, whether or no. Qui sçait, he that knoweth. Sçauant, skilfull, learned, cun­ ning. Sçauamment, skilfully, lerned­ ly, cunningly. Sçauoir & experience, know­ ledge, experience. Scammonie, herbe, a dangerous herbe so called. Scedule & obligation, an obli­ gation, a bill. Sceptreroyal, a kingly scepter. Science, science, knowledge, skil. Schisme ou diuision, schisme or diuision. Sciatique, the sciatica, the goute of the hyp. Scintelle ou estincelle, a spark. Scinteler, to sparkle. Scipioule ou oignon marin, a sea oignion. Scorpion, a scorpion. Scrupule de conscience, feare of conscience. Mettre quelqu'vn en scrupule & crainte de conscience, to bring one into trouble of con­ science. Mettre hors de scrupule, to bring out of feare or doubt. Scrupuleux, scrupulous, religious Seant, sitting, seemely, decente, comely. Seance, comlynesse, seemelynesse. Seamment, comly, decently. vne seau ou seille á porter eaue a water payle. Vne seau ou seel dequoy on scelle, a seale or signet. Sec, seeke seicher. Second, second. Vn second moymesme, an o­ ther my selfe, my fellow. Secondement, secondly. Seconder autruy, to practise, to do as well as an other. Secouër, to shake off. Secousse, shaken off. Secouement, a shaking. Secourir & aider aucun, to suc­ cour or helpe one. Secours, helpe, succour, ayde. Amy secourable, a comfortable or helpful frend. Vn secret, a secrete, a hidden thing. Lieu secret, a secrete or close place. Estre secret, to be secrete, to bee close, to keepe counsell. Secretement,, secretly, closely. Secretain, the keper of writings Vn secretaire, a Secretarie or writer of letters. Vne secte & opinion fuyuie par beaucoup de gens, a secte or opinion. Vne secte & bande, a secte or company. Seculier ou lay, non dedié a dieu seculer or lay. Seder, & appaiser, to pacifie, to assuage. Sedition, sedition. Seditieux, seditious. Seduire, to seduce, to deceiue, to misleade, Sedulité & diligence, diligence. Scel, ou seau à seeller, a seale to seale with. Seeler, toutes choses qui ce soit to seale all things. Seellé, sealed. Seguë, hemlockes. Seiche, vn sorte de poisson, A fishe called a cuttle. Seicher, to dry. Seichement, drying. Sec, drye. Secheresse, drought. Du seigle, rye. Seigneur ou maistre, lord, ma­ ster, owner. Seigneurie & maistrise, lorde­ ship, maistry. Seigneurier, to rule. Vne seille ou vn seau, a payle or kit. Seillon, terre esleuée en vn champ entre les rayons, the ridge betwene the furrowes of corne. Seillonner vn terre, to rydge a grounde. Vne serine, grand file à pescher poisson, a greate net too take fish. Le sein, the bosome. Seiourner en quelque lieu, to soiourne in a place, or remaine for a tyme. Seiour, remainyng, soiorning. Sel, salte. Sans sel, vnsauery, without tast, foolishe. Vne selle, ou banc, a seate or a fourme. Selle ou autre couuerture de cheual, a saddle. Seller les cheuaux, to saddle horses, Vne selle percée pour aller a la selle, a stoole of easement. Aller à la selle, to go to the stoole of easment. Selon ce que ie pense, according to that J thinke. Selon ce que ie peux voir, As far as J can see. Il me semble que i'ay ouy sa voix maintenant deuant la maison, me seemeth I herd his voyce at the doore. Il me semble que i'ay memoire qu'il a esté faict, me thinkes J remember since it was doone. Il te semble ainsi, thou thin­ kest so. Il semble a voir que tu dis la ve­ ritée, it seemeth at the firste shew that thou sayest truth. Ainsi qui bon te semblera, as thou shalt thinke good. Semblant couuert, Beau sem­ blant, a cloked countenaunce, a faire shew. Faulx semblant, a false counte­ naunce. Semblable & pareil, lyke. Semblablement, lykewise, also. Semblance, shewe, likenesse. Semblance d'aucun, the likenesse of one. Semelle de soulier, the soale of a shoe. Semeler, to sole shoes. Semer, to sowe seedes. Semer quelque chose parmy le people, to sowe or spreade a­ mong the people. Semer guerre, to stirre warres. Semé, ou planté, sowen or begot­ ten. Semence, seede. Semaille, ou semoison, seede corne. Semeur, a sower. Semondre quelqu'vn à souper, to bid one to supper. Semondre aux nopces, to bidde one to wedding. Semonneur, a somner. Sempiternel, qui dure tousiours, ayduring, euerlasting, sempi­ ternall. Le senat, la compaignie des senateurs & Conseilliers, the Senate, or companye, coun­ sellors or aldermen. Senateur, a Senatour. Du seneçon, an herbe called groundswell. Du senegré, an herb called Fe­ negreke. Seneschaux, Bailifs, Preuosts Gouuerneurs, & autres iu­ ges de Prouinces, seneschals, bailiffes, and other officers. Seneschaussée, seneshalship. La main senestre, the left hand. Seneué, mustard seede. Sengle, Qui n'est point dou­ ble, single. Robbe sengle, a single gowne. Le senglout, ou hocquet, the hickop. Sengloter ou s'englouter, to hic­ kop. Sens & entendement, witte and vnderstanding. Que s'ensuit il? Qu'en est il? what folowes therof? what ma­ ter maketh it? Vne sente ou sentier, a path. Sentence & opinion d'aucun, the sentence or opinion of one. Sentencier, to giue sentence. Sentir & rendre odeur, to smell sweetly. Sentir & flairer premier, Too smell first. Sentant, sweete smelling. Senteur, sweete sent. Sentement, a perfuming. Sensible, sensible, easie to be vn­ derstoode. Se seoir, to sitte. Vn sep de vigne, the branche of a vine. Separer, to separate, to sunder, to s uer, to vntwine. Separé, separated, sundred. Separation, a separation. Separéement, separately, or a­ sunder. Sept, seuen. Sept fois, seuen tymes. Septieme, the seuenth. Septante, ou soixant & dix, se­ uentie, or threscore and ten. L'an septantieme, the seuentith yeare. Septembre, September. Septentrion, the north. Lieu septentrionel, the northe partes. Vn Septier, seke sextier. Sepulchre, a graue, a sepulchre, a tombe. Sepulture, a buriall. Sequestre, one in whose handes money is left till the parties bee agreed. Sera, seeke Estre. Qui sera, which shall be. Serain, beau temps, faire, mild, and sweete weather. Serancer du lin, Too hetchell flaxe. Vn serf, a seruaunt. Seruitude, ou subiection de ceux qui sont Serfs à quelque seigneur, seruitude, bondage, subiection. Sergeant, a sergeant. Serie, the euen. Le serinent & iurement qu'on fait, an othe. Sermon, a sermon. Seroit, seeke Estre. Seroit ce raison que &c. were it reason? Seroit il possible? were it pos­ sible? Serpe à esmondre les arbres, a hedging bill. Vn serpent, a serpente, an ad­ der. Serpentine, herbe, an herb cal­ led Dragons. Serpeilliere, ou serpillere, A serpcloth. Vn serpette, a sicle. Du serpolet, an herbe like sa­ uorie, and smelleth like time. Serrer, to locke, to shut vp, to put to, to close. Serré, shut vp, thrust togither. Serrement, a thrustyng togi­ ther. Serréement & à l'estroict, nar­ rowly, or straightely, in little roome. Serrure, a locke. Serruriere, a lockesmith. Vne seruiette, a napkin. Seruir, to serue, to obey. Aider & seruir à aucun, to stand one in steed, to helpe. Se seruir de quelque chose, to take the vse of a thing. Cecy sert à cela, this serueth to that vse. Il sert beaucoup de. &c. Jt is very good to knowe. Tu ne sers icy de rien, thou dost no good or seruice here. Seruiable, seruisable, diligent, ready. Seruiteur, a seruant, a prentise. Seruante, a mayde seruant. Seruice, seruice. les arbres sont en seue, the trees cast their leaues. La seue d'vn vin, the bleding of the vine. Vn homme seuere, a cruell man. Seuerité, crueltie, ouerstraight­ nesse. La seueronde du toict d'vn edi­ fice, the eaues of a house. Seul, onely, singular. Seulet, solitarie, all alone. Seulement, onely. Ma seur, my sister. Qui est seur, suresby, he that is faithfull. En lieu Seur, to bee in a sure place. Estre à Seurté, to bee safe, or in suretie. Seureté & gage, surtie or pledge Seurer, to weane from sucke. Qui est Seuré, that is weaned. Sexe, a sexe or kinde. Sextier de bled, a measure of corne. Si son pere estoit retourné, Jf his father were come home a­ gayne. Si tu le fais, if thou doo it. Si comme, so as. Si fort, so strongly. Siche, seeke Chicher. Vn sie, a saw. Vn sie, and Sier, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Sier, to saw. Sié, sawed. Sié, and Sioment de blé, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Sioment de blé, a cutting downe of wheate. De la sieure, sawe dust. Il luy sied bien à parler, it be­ comes him well to speake. C'est habit te Sied bien, This garment becommeth thee well. Le siege de l'homme, that part that a man sitteth on. Siege, ou chaire, a seat or chaire Le siege & parquet des grands iuges, the seat of the Judge. Le siege royal, the kings throne Le siege & assault qu'on baille à vne ville, the siege of a town. Leuer le siege, to raise the siege. Sien, his. Garder le Sien, Too keepe his owne. Des siens, of his. Siffler, to whistle or hisse. Sifflement, a whistling. Le sifflet du poulmon, the whe­ sing of the lungs. Signamment, namely. La signature d'vn notaire, the signature or marke of a No­ tarie. Vn signe au ciel, a signe in hea­ uen. Signe manuel, a manuel signe. Vn signe qui denote quelque chose, a signe that signifieth something. Signes d'amours, signes of loue. Signer to signe. Signer de sa main, to signe with his hande. Vn signet, a signet. Signifier, to signifie, to giue no­ tice, to shewe. Signifiance, signifying. Silence, silence. Similitude, similitude, likenesse. Simple, simple. Simplement, simply. Simplesse, ou simplicité, sim­ plicitie. Simulation, simulation, hipo­ crisie. Simulateur, a dissembler. Vn sing manuel, a handwriting. Vn singe, an ape. Singler sur mer, to sayle, to cut the seas. Singulier, singuler, alone. Per grand singularité, with gret singularitie. Singulierement, singularly. Sinon, except. Sinople, vne sorte de couleur, a kinde of redde colour. Vn sion & iecton d'arbre long d'vn pied, qu'on plante en terre, a scion or plat of a tree. Vne siringue, a squirt. Du sisame ou iugeoline, a kind of white grain so called. Siluer, to place, to sette, to si­ tuate. Situé, placed, situate. La situation de quelque chose, the situation of a place. Du siué, seame, or swines grease. Six, six. Six, and Six foix, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. Six foix, six tymes. Six ans, sixe yeare. Le Sixieme aage, the sixt age. Sobre, sober, continent. Sobrement, soberly. Sobrieté, sobrietie. Le soc d'vne charrue, the coul­ ter of a plowe. Societé, societie, fellowship. Soef, ou souef, sweete. Soefueté, sweetnesse. Soefuement, sweetly. Soeur, seeke seur. Soif, thirst. Auoir soif, to be on thirst. Solure & escorcheure faicte en la peau, a scratch in the skin. Soimesme ou soymesme, him­ selfe Soin, care, diligence. Auoir soing de quelque chose, to care for some thing, to set the mind. Soigner, to care. Soigneux & diligent à faire quel­ que chose, careful, diligent. Soigneux en ses affaires, diligent in his businesse. Soigneusment, diligently, carefully Le soir, the euening. Le soir, and ois, soit, Il vient de estre, are on the same line in the original text but are coded as separate word entries. ois, soit, Il vient de estre, bee thou, be it. Ne sois plus courroucé contre luy, be no more angry with him Soit ainsi, be it so. Soixante, sixtie, or three score. Le Sol & fondement de toutes choses, the foundation of any thing. Vne Sole, poisson, a fishe called a Sole. Soleil, the Sun. Soleil leuant, the Sun rising. Soleil couchant, the Sunne set­ ting. Solenniser, to solemnize, to cele­ brate. Solennization, & feste, solem­ nization. Solennité, sound, tune. Solennel qui se fait tous les ans, solemnities that are vsed euery yeare. Solennellement, solemnely. Solerre, vent, the east wynd. Soliciter aucun, & le presser fort de faire quelque chose, to so­ licite one, to intreat one in­ stantly to do a thing. Soliciter vn homme, à faire quelque chose, & l'en reque­ rir, to solicite or require one to do a thing. Soliciter vn proces, to followe a sute. Vn Soliciteur de proces, an at­ torney. Solicitude, carefulnesse. Solicitation, soliciting. Solide, fast, massy. Vn Solier, ou grenier, a soller or garret. Solitaire, solitarie. Solitude, solitarinesse. Vne Soliue, ou cheurom, the raf­ ter of a house, a beame. Solsie, seeke Soulsie. Estre Soluable, pouuoir payer ses debtes, to bee able to paye his debtes. Solution ou payement, paye­ ment. Vn Sols, ou Sold, a shilling. Vingt Sols, twenty shillings, a pound. Temps Sombre, drousie wether Sommaire, the summe. Sommairement, summarily. Somme d'argent, a summe of money. Sommer, to caste accompt, too summe. Somme, sleepe. Sommeil, slumbring. Sommeiller, to slumber. Somme ou charge, a burthen. Vn Sommelier, a bottle bearer. La Sommelerie, the wyne seller. Le Sommet, ou coupet de quel­ que chose, the top or height of any thing. Vn Sommier, cheual porteba­ huz, a sompter horse. Vn Sommier en charpenterie, a peece of timber called a som­ mer. Somptueux banquet, a sump­ tuous banquet. Somptueusement, sumptuously. Son, sound, tune. Sonner, to sound, to ring. Arains sonnans, ringing plates. Sonnette, a little bell. Du son, bran. Vne sonde à marinier, a soun­ ding plumbet. Sonder la riuiere, to sounde the depth of the ryuer. Songer, to dreame. Songé, dreamed. Songeart, a dreamer. Songemalice, an imaginer of mischiefe. Sorcier, a sorcerer. Sorciere, a sorceresse. Vne sornette, a tale, a iest. Sorte & maniere, sorte and ma­ ner. De ceste sorte, on this maner. Sortable, sortable. Sortir & saillir hors, to go forth, to issue out. Faire sortir à force de coups, to beate him out. Sortie, issuing out, going out. Sorty & garny, sorted and fur­ nished. Vn sot, a foole, an idiot. Sot & legier, a rash fellow. Chose sotte & contraire à soy­ mesme, a fond thing and con­ trary to it selfe. Sottement, foolishly, fondly. Sottie, ou sottise, fondnesse, foo­ lishnesse, dotage. Sotbriquet, a nycke name, a taunt. Vn soubassement de colomne & autre chose, the foote or bases of a columne. Soubchantre, subchanter. Soubdain, sodayne. Soudain, ou soubdainement, sodaynly, immediatly, swiftly. soubdaineté, sodaynnesse, swift­ nesse. Soubdepensier, a butler. Soubhaster, seeke subhaster. Soubhastation, selling of forfet goods by port sale. Soubiect, ou subiect, a subiect. Soubleuer, to heaue vp, to stay. Soubmettre, To vnderprop, too submit. Soubmission, submission. Soubpendues, ou souspendues de maisons, The pentises of houses. Soubpeser, to weighe, to ponder. Faiseur de soubresaults, A fet­ cher of gambolds, a tumbler. Se soubrire, to smyle. Soubris, smyling. Soubs, vnder. Soubscrire, to vnderwrite, or subscribe. Soubsigner, to vndersigne. Soubtenir, ou soubstenir, Too sustayne, to beare. La souche d'vn arbre, the body of a tree. Du souchet, a kind of galingale. Soustenance ou soustenement, maintenance. Soustraire, to drawe awaye. Soustraire & retirer, To with­ drawe. Souffler, to blowe, to brethe. Souffler le feu, to blowe the fire. Souffleurs de charbons, blowers of coles. Vn soufflet à souffler le feu, A paire of bellowes. Vn soufflet sus le ioüe, a boxe on the eare. Souffleter, ou bailler des souf­ flets, to box, to clap on the eare Souffre, seeke soulfre. Souffrir, to beare, to suffer. Souffrance, suffrance forbearance Souffrette, need, penury. Souffreteux, a needy person. Souhait, wishe. Souhaiter, to wish or desire. Souiller, to foyle, to defyle, to be­ raye. Souille, soyled, rayed. Soillure, soyle, filth. Vn souillon, a slouen. Soulas, solace, ease, ioye. Soulager, to cheare vp. Soulagement, easie. Soulcy & esmoy, care & sorrow Mettre en soulcy, to put in sor­ rowe. Se soulcier, to care. Soulder, to sauldre. Souldure, sauldre. Souldoyer & payer la soulde au gents de guerre, To paye souldiours their wages. La soulde & gages qu'on baille aux gents de guerre tous les mois, the souldiours monthly wages. Vn Souldart, a souldiour. Souldre vne question, to resolue a question. Soulfre, brimstone. Vn soulier, a shoe. Souloir, to be wont. Vn soubls, ou sols, ou sold, A shilling. Soulsie, ou soulsi, herbe, mari­ golds. Vne soupe, a soppe. Souper, to suppe. Soupple & aisé à plier, soupple, and easie to be bent. Iouër des soupplesses, to playe with puppets. Source, the spring, the beginning. Le sourcil, the eye browe. Sourd, deaffe. Sourdesse ou Sourdeté, deafnes. Sourdre, se leuer, se dresser, se monstrer, to rise out, to boyle out, to spring out. Sourdant, springing out. Sourgeon & reiecton des ar­ bres, a braunche or twig of a tree. Vne Souri, ou Sori, a mouse. Vne Souciere, a mouse trap. Les Souris du corps qu'on ap­ pelle musches, Les parties charnues du corps, the mus­ cles of the bodye or the mouse peece. Souspeçon, suspition, deeming Souspeçonner, to suspect. Souspeçonné, suspected. Estre Souspeçonné, too bee su­ spected. Souspeçonneux, suspicious. Souspir, a sighe. Souspirer, to sighe. Vn Souspiral de caue, a seller window. Se Souuenir, to remember, to cal to memorie. Il me Souuient, J remember. Faire Souuenir, to put in remem­ brance. Souuenance, remembrance. Souuent, ou Souuentesfois, of­ ten, many tymes. Souuerain remede, & excellent contre la morsure des serpens, a souerayne and excellent re­ medie agaynst the byting of serpents. Soy, hee. Soye, comme de porceau, hogs bristles. Soye à faire habillement, silke. Soymesme, ou Soimesme, him­ selfe. Spasme & retirement de nerfs, shrinking of the senewes. Spatieux & fort large, large, wyde. Vne Spatule, ou Espatule, A slyse. Special, speciall, peculiar. Specialement, especially. Specifier, to specifie. Spectacle public, a common spectacle. Spectateur, lookers on. Speculer, to vewe. Spirituel, ghostly, spirituall. Splendeur, brightnesse. Vn Squadron des gensdarmes, a square battell of soldiours. Squinance, a disease called the squinsey. Stable, stable, firme, constant. Statuer, To appointe, To or­ dayne. Statue ou peincture faicte sus le vif, an Jmage. Stature & grandeur du corps, stature or greatnesse of body. Sterile, frutelesse, barren. Sterilité, barrenesse. Stipuler pour aucun, to demand as attorney from an other. Stipulation, demaunding per­ formance of couenants. Stipulateur, an attourney. Stocfiz, ou Merlu, poisson, stockefish. Stradiot, mot grec, & en adiou­ stant vne e, Estradiot, a soul­ diour. Studieux, qui à vne volonté bien ardente, studious. Studieux de lettres, studious for learning. Sudieux de sapience, studious for wisdome. Style & maniere d'escrire, style and maner of writing. Styptique, ou astringent, bin­ ding or shutting vp. Vn suaire & linge à s'essuyer, a handkerchef. Suaue, ou souef, sweet. Suauité, sweetnesse. Suauement, sweetly. Suader, Tascher d'induire au­ cun à faire quelque chose, to persuade. Suasion & induction, persuasion Iuges Subalternes, secondaries, or vice Judges. Subhaster, vendre les biens d'­ aucun au plus offrant & der­ nier encherisseur, par l'ordon­ nance de iustice, to put goods to port sale. Subhastation, port sale. Subiect, a subiect. Subit & soudain, sodayne, swift Subit, & subitement, & soub­ dainement, sodainly, swiftly. Subiuger & vaincre, to subdue, to ouercome. Suborner vn accusateur ou tes­ moing, to brybe an accuser or witnesse. Suborneur de filles, An entiser of yong wenches to folly. Subroguer, mettre en la place d'vn autre, to appoint one in an others place. Subside, ou secours, subsidie, helpe. Substance, substance. Substituer, ou mettre aucun en la place d'vn autre, to substi­ tute one in an others place. Substitution, substitution. Subtil, suttle, crafty, slye. Subtilement, suttelty, craftily, slyly. Subtilité, suttlety, craft. Sans Subtilité, without suttle­ tie. Subuenir, seeke suruenir. Subuertir, to subuert. Suc, iuyce. Suçer, to sucke. Suçement, a sucking. Succeder à aucun & estre mis en sa place, too succede in the place of another. Nos successeurs, our successors. La succession d'vn trespassé, the succession of one dead. Succinctement & en peu de pa rolles, briefly & in few words Succomber, cheoir, Too fall downe. Sucre, suger. Le Seuil d'vn huis, the threshold Suer, to sweat. La sueur, sweat. Sueur qui sue, a sweater. Suant, sweating. Suffire, to suffise. Suffisamment, sufficiently. Temps à Suffisance, sufficient tyme. Suffoquer & estouffer, to stran­ gle, to smother. Suffocation, smothering. Suggerer, bailler & fournir, To giue or furnish. Suif, tallowe. Suiure, Suite, seeke Suyure. Suin, Laine auec le Suin, The oyle that is in woll. Tout le superflu qu'on iecte de quelque chose que ce soit, the superfluitie or off all of a­ ny thing. superflu & ne seruant de rien, superfluous, seruing to no vse. Superfluité, superfluitie. Auoir la superintendance des affaires de la ville, To haue the charge and ouersight of the Citie. Superscription, Tiltre & escri­ pteau qu'on fait sus quelque chose pour la cognoistre, su­ perscription or note. Superstition, superstition. Superstitieux, qui fait scrupule & danger ou il ne fault pas, superstitious, that maketh scrupule of that he nedeth not. Supplier & amender la faulte de quelque chose par vn au­ tre, to make amends by an o­ ther. Supplement & remplissement, a filling, a performing. Supplier aucun, to beseeche one. Suppliant, a suppliant. Supplication, a supplication. Supporter, endurer, to support to beare, to suffer. Supporter aucun, to maintayne one. Supporte moy, beare with mee. Support faict à aucun, fauoure shewed to one. Supposer & mettre desloubs, to put vnder. Supposé, vnder propt, vnder put. Supposer faux testamens, Too counterfeat false wils. Vne Suppositoire, a supposito­ rie. Supprimer, cacher & receler quelque chose, too suppresse, or conceale a thing. Supprimé, suppressed. Supputation, reckening, coun­ ting. Sur, ou tirant sus l'aigre, sower, or sharpe. Sur, ou Sus quelque chose, vp­ pon. Sur tout que, &c. before all. Sur le vespre, on the euen. Surabonder, to ouerflowe, to ex­ ceede. Suracheter, to ouerbye. Suranné, the great yeare. Surcharger, to ouerlade. Surelle, ou Ozeille, sorrell. Surcroist, qui est baillé oultre la mesure, ouerplus, that which is more than measure. Surcroistre, to ouergrowe. Surfaire vne marchandise, To hold ware at too great a price. Surgeon, seeke Sourgeon. Surmonter & vaincre, to ouer­ come. Surmonté, ouercome. Surmontement, An ouercom­ ming. Surnaistre, to ouergrowe. Surnom & Sobriquet, surname or nickname. Surnommer, to surname one. Surpendant, ouerhanging. Le Surplus & ce qui est reste, the ouerplus, that whiche re­ mayneth. Au Surplus, further, that that more is. Surprendre, to take one at a so­ dayne. Estre Surprins, to bee taken vn­ wares. Surprinse, sodayne taking. Surroguer, seeke Subroguer. En Sursault, vnwares, sodain­ ly. Surseoir, to surceasse, to pause. Surceance, dilating, or defer­ ring. Suruendre, to ouersell. Suruenir, to come on a sodayne, to come by chaunce. Suruenant, come by chaunce. Suruenue ou Suruenement, A sodayne chauncing vpon a com­ pany. Suruestir, to clothe vpon, or put aloft. Suruiure, To ouerliue, To out­ liue. Suruiuant, the outliuer. Suruider, To emptie out of one vessell into another. Sus, ou Sur, vpon. Sus deuant, on afore. Susciter & mettre en auant quel­ que chose, to rayse vp, or bring a thing to light. Susciter à quelqu'vn vn accu­ sateur, to rayse vp an accuser against one. Vn Suseau, ou Sureau, an elder tree. Suspect, suspected. Suspendre aucun de son office, to suspend one from his office. Estre Suspens & en doubte, too bee in suspence or doubte. Sustenter, to maintayne. Suye, the soute of a chymney. Suyure, to follow. Suyure autruy à mal faire, Too follow other in il doing. Suyuant, following. Le iour Suyuant, The daye fol­ lowing. Suyte, following, suite. suyte & accompaignement, the trayne or company of men that noble men haue. Tout de suyte, one following an other. Vne Syllabe, a syllabe. Symmetrie ou proportion, pro­ portion. Syndic & procureur d'vne com­ munauté, an attorney for the whole communaltie. Syringue, a squyrte. TAbellion, A publique No­ tarie. Tabernacle & pauillon, a Ta­ bernacle, a Pauillion. Vne Table de cuiure, d'arain, d'estain, ou plomb, assez es­ pesse, a plate of any metall. La Table ou comptoir de chan­ geurs, banquiers ou Argen­ tiers, the marchants counting table. Table d'vn liure, monstrant som mairement le contenu en i­ celuy, the table of a booke shewshy;ing briefly the contentes of the whole. Les Tables pour iouer aux da­ mes, a payre of playing tables Tablette, a little table. Tablette cirée en laquelle les anciens escriuoyent, waxed tables in which the auncientes wrote. Tablettes bordereaux, ou me­ moires, writing tables. Tableau de peincture, a table of painters worke. Tablier à iouër, a chesse bord. Tablier ou Deuantier, an aprone Vn Tabouret, ou Esplingnier, a pinner. Tabourin, a drum, a tymbrell, a tabber. Tabourineur, a drumsleyer. Tabourineresse, a woman that playes on a tymbrell. Tabuter vne personne, to pushe to iolt, to butte. Vne Tache, a spot, a tatch. Tachette, a little stayne. Tacher, to spot, to stayne. Tacheter & marqueter, to spot, to marke. Tacheté, spotted. Taffetas, taffeta. Vn Tahon, qui tormente les cheuaux ou vaches en Esté, a hornet. Taille & coupure, ou crenure, a cutting a notche. Vne Taille de bois, a tale of wood. Taille ordinaire, ordinarie cu­ stome or taxe. Vne Taille qu'on leue sus le peu­ ple, a taxe leuied on the people Taillable, qui paye tribute & taille, that which payeth tri­ bute or taxe. Tallier, to cut, to hew. Tailler & engrauer, to graue. Taillé, cut. Tailler la vigne, to cut vines. Le Taillement d'vn ferrement, the edge of a toole. Tailleur de pierres, a cutter of stones. Tailleur ou graueur, a cutter, a grauer. Taillure ou coupure, cutting. Vn Tailloir, a trencher. Vn boiz Tailliz, vnder woods. Se Taire, to be still, to holde his peace. Tais toy, holde thy peace. Qui se taict, that holdeth his peace. Tais, seke Tests. Taisson, ou blaireau, a badger, a brocke, a gray, a bauson. Vn Talent qui valoit six cents escus, a talent in money. Le Talon, the heele. Talonner, to kicke, to spurre. Tamaris, nom d'arbre, the name of a tree. Tamis, a boulter. Tamiser, to boult. Tandis, the whilest, in the mean while. Tanesie, herbe, an herbe called tansey. Taniere, & autres lieux ou les bestes se retirent, a beastes caue or hole. Couleur tannée, tawny colour. Tanné obscur, darke tawny. Tanser aucun, to chide, to check. Tansé & reprins aigrement, chidden, checked. Tant & si fort, vntill. Tant seulement, onely. Tant qui i'ay peu, as muche as J coulde. Tant s'en fault que. &c. somuch wantes it. Tant soit peu, howe little soeuer it bee. La Tante, the aunt. Vn Tantinet, a little aunt. Tantost, euen anon, immediatly. En Tapinois, slily, lurkingly. Tapi & caché, hidden or lurking. Tapis, ou tapisserie, tapistry. Vn Taquin & trop tenant, a nig­ gard, a pinchpeny. Qui est Tard, late. Trop Tard, too late. Tarder, to hinder, to slacken. Tardant on demourant, tary­ ing long. Homme tardif, a slow man. Tardement, slowly, slackly. Tardiueté, slacknesse, slownesse. Tare, drosse or wast in any met­ tall. La Tare & dechet pour le chan­ ge de quelque piece d'or ou d'argent, the losse in chaunge of money. Vne petite Targe & bouclier dequoy vsoyent les Espa­ gnols, & ceux d'Afrique, a little target or buckler. Targer, to tarrie, to abyde, to remaine. Targement, a tarying. Targue & pauois en façon de croissant, a shielde. Vne Tariere ou Tarault, an au­ ger or wimble. Tarir, to dry. Vne Tarte, a tarte. Vn Tarte de figues, a Tarte of figges. Vn Tas de quelque chose que ce soit, a sorte or company of any thing. Par Tas, by companies. La Tasche ordinaire que par chasque iour on doibt faire, a dayly taske. Faire ou acheuer sa tasche, to make an ende of his taske. Tascher de prendre auec les mains, too goe aboute to take with his handes. Tascher & s'efforcer de faire quelque chose, to goe aboute or enforce himselfe to doe any thing, to endeuour. Taschement & effort de faire quelque chose, endeuouring to do a thing. Vne Tasse à boire, a cuppe to drinke out of. Taster, Testonner, to stroake. Taster & gouter deuant, to tast before. Tastonner les cheuaux de la main tout doulcement pour les amignoter, Too stroake horses. Vn Tandis, a snayle. Tauelé, Vsés de formules de Marqueter & Moucheter. spotted or marked. Tauerne, a tauerne. Tauernier vne chose, to tauern a thing. Tauernier, a tauerner. Vne Taulpe, a Moll. Vn Taureau, ou Toreau, a bull. Taux, ou Taxe, a sessing. Taxer aucun & reprendre, too reproue or checke one. Taxer le payement aux batail­ lans, to ceasse the payement to those that fought. Vne Taye & Tache blanche en l'oeil, a perle in the eye. Tayes de l'oeil, spottes in the eies. Vne taye d'oreillier, a pyllowe beere. Le Tect d'vne maison, the coue­ ring of a house. Teigne, the scurfe of a scall. Teigneux, skalde. Teindre d'autre couleur que la couleur naiue, to dye into a­ ny colour. Teinct, dyed. Teincture, dying. La Teincturiere, a dyehouse. Teincturier, a dyer. Tel, suche. Tellement, so, in suche wyse. Temeraire, sot & leger, rashe, hardie. Temerairement, rashly. Temerité, rashnesse. Temperé & moderé, tempe­ rate, moderate. Temperance, temperance. Temperéement, temperatly. Temperature, temperatenesse. Tempeste, tempest, storme. Tempester, to storm at a thing. Tempester, & tormenter, Too torment. Homme Teépestatif, a wrang­ ling man. Vn Temple & esglise, a church, a temple. Les Temples, ou mieux Temps de l'homme, the Temples of a man. le Temps, tyme. Bon Temps, good tyme, prospe­ ritie. Beau Temps, fayre weather. Le Temps passez, olde tyme. Passer le Temps, To passe the time, to play. Il est maintenant temps, Jt is now tyme. Le Temps passé, tyme past. Il a esté vn temps que. &c. there was a tyme when. Long temps, long tyme. Long temps deuant, long tyme before. Vn peu de Temps, a little tyme. Vn autre temps, an other tyme. Du Temps de nos peres, The tyme of our fathers. En peu de Temps, in smalle tyme, shortly. Temporiser, s'accommoder au temps, To agree with the tyme. Tenaille, a payre of pinsers. Tendre ou estendre, to stretche out, to spreade abroade. Le tout tend à celá, The whole tendeth thervnto. Cela tend en mont, that giueth vpwarde. Ou Tendez vous, whyther walke ye? Tendon & vuile de la vigne, the tendrell of a vine. Tendre aux oyseaux, to lay for birdes. Tendu, stretched out. Tendu & roidi, stretched out and stiffe. Tenture, a stretching forth. Vne Tente & pauillon, a tent or pauillion. Qui est tendre, which is tender Tendret, tender, soft, nesh. Tendrement, tenderly, softly. Tendreté, tendernesse. Tendron, comme celuy de l'o­ reille, ou du nez, the gristle of the eare or the nose. Le tendron de bout des arbres ou arbreaux, the tender bran­ ches of a tree. Tenebres, darknesse. Tenebreux, darke. Tenir, to holde. Tien, pren, holde, take, haue. Tien, regarde, holde, looke. Tenir compte au chapistre des receptes, to holde accompt of such things as haue ben recey­ ued. Ne Tenir compte de soy, not to care for himselfe. Tenir ordre, to kepe order. Tenir sa promesse, to kepe pro­ myse. Tenir propos auec quelqu'vn, to holde talke with one. Tenir court, to hold short. Se Tenir nettement, to kepe him selfe cleanly. Se Tenir debout, to stande vp­ right, to stand. Ie ne me puis tenir que. &c. J can not forbeare. Tenir à quelque chose, ou con­ tre quelque chose, to hold or cleaue to a thing. Estre tenu à aucun, to be behol­ den to one. Tenir contre aucun, to stande against one. Tiens pour certain que. &c. holde it for certain. Tenant & taquin, a niggarde, a snudge. Le Tenans & aboutissans, The limittes or bounds. Tout d'vn tenant, al of one hold Teneur, suite, ou continuation, the tenour or continuation. le Tenon se met en vne mor­ taise, a staple. Tente, ou pauillon, seke Tendre Vne Tente qu'on met en vne playe, a tent to put in a wound. Tenter & essayer à faire quel­ que chose, to attempt or assay to doo a thing. Tentation & preuuer, temptati­ on or proofe. Tenue ou Tenure, thinne. Tenueté, thinnesse, sleightnesse. Tenuement, ou Tenurement, thinly, weakely. Tercer, Terceer, labourer pour la troisieme fois la terre, To till the ground the third time. Terelle, ou Tarelle, a perser. Terme, terme. Long Terme, long terme. Estre mis en termes, to be put to termes. En mesmes Termes, in the same termes or wordes. Terminer, to end, to finishe. Se Ternir, to waxe pale or wan. Qui est de couleur Terne, pale. Terre, lande, grounde, earth. Le territoire d'vne ville, the ter­ ritories belonging to a towne. Grand Terrien, a man of greate landes. Terreur, terrour, feare. Terrible & donnant effroy, terrible, fearefull. Vne Terrine, an earthen pot. Vn Tertre, an hillocke. Vn Tesme, ou thesme, La chose qu'on a proposée pour en parler & disputer, a theme. Tesmoing, a witnesse. Prendre a Tesmoing, to take to witnesse. Tesmoigner, to witnesse. Tesmoigné & confermé, wit­ nessed and confirmed. Tesmoignant, witnessing. Tesmoignage & deposition, witnesse and deposition. Testament; a Testamente, a wille. Testateur qui à laissée vn laiz, a testatoure that leaueth a le­ gacie. La Teste, the head. Testu, a headestrong fellowe, a wyldebrayne. Vn Testiere ou salade, a skull, or sallet. Testelette, a little head. Vn testicule, a mans stones. Testifier & dire appertement, to testifie and speake plainely. Testonner, to curle or frisle ones head. Testonné, curled or frisled. Vn teston, poisson, a gudgeon. Le Tests de la teste, the scalpe or skull of the head. Tette, Mammelle, a dugge, a teate, a breast. Tetter, to sucke. Texte, the texte. Thalent & ardente volonté, feruent desire. Theatre, Edifice public ou le peuple s'assembloit pour voir ioüer les ieux, a theatre or com­ mon place of shewe. Vn thresor, a treasure. Vn thresorier de guerres, a tre­ sorer in warres. Tresorier de l'espargne, The high treasorer. Du Triacle, triacle. Thun poisson, a kinde of fishe called Tunny. Du thym, an herb called Time. Tiede, ne chauld ne froid, luke warme. Se Tiedir, to waxe warme. Tiedeur, warmth. Tien, thine. Cela est Tien, that is thine. Il est le Tiers, he is the thirde. Tiercement, thirdly. La Tige de quelque herbe que ce soit, the stalke of any herb. Tigne, Tigneux, seeke Teigne. Vn Tigre, a tygre. Le Tillac d'vne nauire, the dec­ king of a shippe. Tillet, ou Tilleul, arbre, a Birch tree. Vn Tiltre ou escripteau, qu'on fait sus quelque chose pour cognostre que c'est, a title written vpon a thing to know it. Timidé & craintif, fearefull. Timon d'vn chariot, the axeltre of a cart. Vne Tinette ou cuue a se bai­ gner, a bathing tub. Tinter & sonner clerement, comme fait vn verre, or, ou argent, to ring as siluer doth. Tintant & resonnant, ringing. Tintement, a ringing. Tont d'vne tire & continue­ ment, all in one length. Tirer & trainer, to drawe or trayle. Tirer par force, to draw by force Tirer ou mettre dehors, to draw out. Tirer a la fin & se mourir, to draw on, or lie in dying. Tirer à l'auiron, to drawe at an oare. Se Tirer pres, to draw nigh. Tirer les vers du nez, to creepe into a man to know his minde. Tiré, drawen. Tireurs à l'auiron, Rowers. Tirement, a drawing. De la Tisane, a kinde of drinke called Tisant. Tisanne de ris, Tisan made of Rise. Vn Tison allumé, a fire brande. Tison de feu esteinct, a quen­ ched brande. Tistre, faire de la toile, to weue. Qui est Tissu, which is wouen. Tissure, weauing. Tissier on Tisserand, a weauer. Tisserand de toile, a linnen weauer. Tisserande, a woman weauer. Vne togue on robbe longue, a long gowne. Le Toict & couuerture d'vne maison, the couering of a house. Estre caché & soubs le toict, to be hidden and vnder couert. Toile, Linnen cloth. Toise, a measure of sixe fote long. Toiser, to measure with such a measure. Toison, a fleese of wooll. Tolerer, endurer, & souffrir, to tolerate, to suffer, to beare with. Tombe, ou Tombeau, a graue or tombe. Tomber, to fal down, seke Cheoir Tomber en vn daunger, to fall in­ to danger. Tombé, fallen. Tombement du hault en bas, a falling downe hedlong. Vn Tombereau, a tumbrell. Tondre, to shaue or clip. Tondu, shauen, clipped. Tonneau, a tunne or fatte. Tonnelier, a Couper. Tonner, to make a noyse. Le Tonnere ou Tonnoire, the thunder. Torche, qu'vn allume, a torch. Porter la torche, to bear a torch Torcher, nettoyer, to wipe, to make cleane. Torché & poli, wiped and poli­ shed. Vn Torchon, à Torcher les sou­ liers, ou vaisselles, a shoe clout. Tordre, to wring, to wreath. Toreau, ou Taureau, a Bull. Tors, ou destors, wreathed. Torsement, a wreathing. Torture ou gehenne, a racke or pin banke. Torment, torment, extreme pain. Tormente & Tempeste de vents, storme or torment of winde. Tormenter, to torment, to vexe, to grieue. Tormentant, tormenting. Estre Tormenté, to be tormented Torpille, poisson, a fishe that when it is taken, benommeth the hands of the taker for a while. Torrent, vne abondance d'eaue qui par grande roideur chet des montaignes, a greate floud of water. Tort & dommage, iniurye, wrong, hurt. A Tort & sans cause, wrongful­ ly, without cause. A Tort ou à droict, by right or by wrong, by one meanes or o­ ther. Torteau, a cake. Tortuer, to wrest, to depraue. Tortu, crooked. Tortuement & pliement de quelque chose, a crooking or bending of any thing. Tortuement, en Tournoyant, wrily, crookedly. Tortuosité, crookednesse. Vne Tortue, a beast called a Tortoise. Torture, seeke Tordre, Tost, quickly, sodainly, swiftly. Vne Tostée, a toste of bread. Totalement, wholy, effectually. Touaile à mains, a towell. Vne piere dicte Touch, sus la­ quelle on esproue l'or, a touchstone. La Touche dequoy on escript sus les tablettes, a penne to write on tables. Toucher, to touch. Toucher deuant soy, & mener son bestail, to driue our beasts before him. Cela me touche, that toucheth me. Touchement, a touching. Touch ant cela, c'est sa faulte, as for that it is his fault. Touchant le pere, aboute his father. Touchant ce que tu m'escris par tes lettres. &c. concerning that which thou writest to me in thy letters. Vne Touffe de cheueux retors les vns entre les autres, a wem­ lock or locke of heare. Touiller & mesler, to mingle, to meddle. Toupil on Toupie, a top. Vne tour, a toure. Touruette, Tourelle, ou Tour­ nelle, a turret. Vn Tour & finesse, a feare or pranke. Le Tour du soleil, the compasse of the sunne. Le Tour d'vne ville, the compasse of the towne. Le Tour & rond des roues, the circle of the wheele. Vn Tour ou tournoir, a turne­ pike. Tourbe, presse, & foulle de gens a prease and thrust of people. Tourbillon de vent, a whirle winde. Vn Touret à cauer, a wimble or perser. Tourner, to turne. Tourner son esprit a faire quel­ que chose, to turne his minde to do some thing. Tourner d'vn language en vn autre, to turne out of one spech into an other. Il tourne & panche vers le mi­ dy, it turneth and hangeth to­ wardes the south. Tourné, turned, conuerted. Par Tournées, Chascun à son tour, Tour à tour, by turns, or euery one in his turne. Tournement, a turning. Tournoyer, to compasse or go a­ bout. Tournoyant, rollyng. Tournoyement, a rolling. Vn tournoy, ou ioustes, a tour­ ney or iustling. Vn Tournois, ou denier, a penie frenche. Vn Tourte, ou Tourterelle, A turtle doue. Tous, all persons. Tonser est autant que Tondre, Tousiours, alwayes, euer, perpe­ tually. Tousir, seeke Tous. Tout, all.Tout aultanteuen as much. Tout au plus, at the moste. Tout par tout, euery where. Tout ce que voudras, plutost que &c. what thou wilt rather. Tout vn, all one. Toute, bonne sorte d'herbe au­ trement dicte Oruale, an herbe like to horehound. Toutesfois, neuerthelesse, as of­ ten. La Toux, the coughe. Toussir, to coughe. En Toussant, in coughing. Toy, thou. Toymesme, thou, thy selfe. Trac, Nier tout à Trac, to deny it flatly. Tracasseur, a busy body, a toyler to little purpose. La Trace, soyt d'homme ou be­ ste, the trace of man or beast. Tracer, to trace. Tracement, a tracing, a seeking for. Traduire, Translater, ou tourner d'vne langue en autre, Too translate out of one speach in­ to an other. Trafique, to trafike, to occupie. Trahir aucun, to betraye one. Trahi, betrayed. Trahison, treason. Traistre & desloyal, a traytour or an vnfaithfull person. Vn Traict ou ligne, a draught or lyne. Les Traicts des lettres, The draught of letters. Le Traict & façon de quelque chose, the draught or figure of any thing. Vn Traict on dard, an arrow or dart. Vn Traict d'are, a bowe shot. Vn Traict d'eaue, a draught of water. Traicter & manier, to treate or to handle. Traicter aucun soit en bien ou en mal, to vse or entreat one eyther wel or ill. Traicter de quelque affaire, to entreat of certayne things. Mal Traicté, ill entreated. Traicté, vsed or entreated. Vn Traicté & liuret, a treatise or small booke. Vn Traicté & accord, a treatie and agreement. Traictement, a treating, an vsing. Traictable, tractable. Tranne, ou Trame, Trame oyle. Le Train d'aucun Prince, The trayne of a Prince. Tout d'vn train, all in one way. Veu le Train ou la disposition en quoy est ton pere, seeing the trade that thy Father is in. Se Trainer, to creepe. Vne Traine, a sledde. Vn Trameau, vne sorte de rets, a tramell net. Traire vne vache, brebis, & au­ tres bestes qui ont du laict, to mylke a cowe or sheepe. La Traicte du laict d'vne beste, ones meales mylke. Traistre, seeke Trahison. Tranchet, Trancheplume, seeke Trencher. Tranquille & paysible, quiet, still, peasible. Tranquillité, quietnesse. Tranquillité d'esprit, quietnesse of conscience. Tranquillement, quietly, pea­ cible. Transcrire & copier, To write out, to coppy. Transfigurer, changer d'vne for­ me en autre, to chaunge from one forme to an other. Transformer, to transforme. Estre en Transe, Too bee in a traunce. Transgresser & outrepasser, too transgresse, to ouerpasse. Transi, in a swoune or traunce. Estre Transi de froid, to bee al­ most dead for cold. Transiger & appointer, to agree, to fall to a point. Vne Transaction, vn accord, an agreement, an attonement. Transitoire, transitory. Translater, ou tourner en autre language, to translate. Translaté, translated. Translation, a translation. Translateur, a translatour. Transmettre, to send one foorth. Transmuer, to change. Transporter, to carry ouer, too transport. Transport d'vn lieu en aultre, the transporting from one place to another. Transportement, a transpor­ ting. Transposer d'vn lieu en autre, to transporte from one place to another. Transposé, ou reiecté, transpor­ ted or reiected. Vn Tracquenart, An ambling gelding. Trauail, Trauayle, laboure, toyle. La peine & Trauail qu'on prend à faire quelque chose, the tra­ uell and labor that wee take to doo a thing. Le Trauail d'vne femme pour enfanter, the trauell of a wo­ man in childbyrth. Le Trauail ou les marichaux mettent les cheuaux pour fer­ rer, ou autrement, that wher­ in the ferrer settels vnruly horses to shoe them. Trauailler, to trauell, to labour, to toyle. Trauailler & ennuyer aucun, to grieue or annoye one. Trauaillé, trauayled, wearied. Trauaillement, trauailing. Iecter au trauers, & faire passer de nauire en autre, to stryke ouerthwart. De Trauers, ouerthwart, crosse. Regarder de Trauers, to loke a skewe, to leere. Trauerser & percer tout oultre to pierce thorow. Trauersé, perced thorowe. Trauersin de lict, a bolster. Trebucher, to fal down, to offend. Trebuchant, offending. Trebuchement & heurt, an of­ fence. Vn Trebuchet à prendre oyse­ aux, a pitfall, to catch birds in. Vn Trebuchet à peser or ou ar­ gent, golde weights. Vn Tref, ou poultre, the beame of a house. Treffle, herbe, an herbe called thre leaued grasse. Tne Treille, an arbour. Treillis, lattises, grates. Tremble, arbre, white poplar. Trembler, to tremble, to shake, to quake. Faire Tembler, to make one quake. Trembler de froid, to quake for colde. Trembler de peur, to quake for feare. Tremblant, quaking. Tremblement, a quaking. La Treme, ou Traime d'vn tis­ serand, a weauers wooffe. La Tremie d'vn moulin, The myll hopper. Tremeur, feare. Tremper, to wet, to moyste. Trempement, a moysting. Trencher, to cut, to thwite. Fort Trenchant, sharpe, well cutting. Le Trenchant ou taillant d'vn ferrement, the edge of a toole. Le Trencher d'vn courdouan­ nier, a shoemakers knife. Vn Trencheoir, a trencher. Vn Trencheoir rond, A round trencher. Vn Trencheplume a penknife. Les Trenchées, maladies de ven­ tre, a disease in the belly, the gnawing of the guttes. Trente, thirtie. Trentefois, thirtie tymes. Trentieme, the thirtith. Vn Trepied, a treuet. Trepiner & danser, to trample, to daunse. Qui est Tresbeau, very faire. Tresbien, very well. Tresbon, very good. Trescher, very deere. Mon Trescher ami, My very deere friend. Tresdigne, very worthy. Tresdoulx, very sweet. Tresexcellent, very excellent. Tresfort, very strong. Trefort, Grandement, moste greatest. Tresfroid, very cold. Tresgrandement, very greatly. Treshardy, very hardy. Treshastiuement, very quickly. Tresheureux, very happy. Tresloing, very farre. Treslong, very long. Tresmal, very euill. Tresmauuais, worst of all. Tresmauuaisement, most mis­ cheuously. Tresmeschant, very mischeuous Tresmeur, very rype. Tresord, very filthy. Trespas & la mort d'aucun, the death of one. Trespasser, seeke Mourir. Trespasser le commandement de Dieu, to trespasse the com­ maundement of God. Trespassé, dead. Trespetit, very little. Tresrenommé, very renoumed. Tressaillir, to leape for ioye. Tresçauant, very learned. Tresuolontiers, very willingly. Tresutile, very profitable. Treues & cessation de guerre iusques à quelque temps dict, truce or ceassing from warre for a tyme. Faire Treues, to take truce. Treize, thirteene. Triacle, seeke Thriacle. Vn Treangle, a triangle, that is three cornered. Vne Tribu, c'estoit ancienne­ ment la trentecinquieme par­ tie du peuple de Rome. Et la douzieme partie du peu­ ple d'Israël, a tribe. Les Tribuns qui furent creez à Rome pour empescher que les grans magistrats ne fou­ laslent le peuple, the Tri­ bunes of the people of Rome. Tribulation, Tribulation, trou­ ble. Tribut, tribute. Tributaire, tributarie. Tricher & tromper, Too de­ ceyue. Trier & eslire, ou separer l'vn d'auec l'autre, to choose. Vne Tringle, a fastning of two peeces of wood togither which the Carpenters call a doue­ tayle. Triomphe, entrée solennelle & magnifique qu'on faisoit à vn Capitaine, a triumphe. Triompher, to triumphe. Triomphant, triumphant. Triomphamment, triumphant­ ly. Triomphement, a triumphing. Triper & fouler aux pieds, Too tread vnder foote. Des Tripes, trypes. Tripiere, a trype wyfe. Triple victoire, triple or three fold victorie. Tripler, to three double. Tripot, ieu de paulme, a tennis court. Tripotage, mingling. Triquehouse, a start vp. Triste, sorowful, heauy. Tristesse, sorowe, heauinesse. Tristesse & douleur de cueur, sorowe, or hartgriefe. De Tristesse & douleur, of so­ row and grief. Tristement, heauily, sorrowful­ ly. Des Troschique, espece de me­ dicine, pilles. Troesue, arbre ayant les fueilles plus larges que l'Oliuer, A tree so called. Trois, three. Trois cens, three hundreth. Troisieme, the third. Trompe & museau d'Elephant, the snout of an Elephant. Trompe, ou sabot dequoy se iouent les enfants, a toppe. Trompe ou Trompette, a trom­ pet. Vn Trompetteur, a trompeter. Tromper, to begile, to deceyue. Trompé & deçeu, begiled and deceyued. Tromperie, deceit, craft, sut­ tletie. Trompeur, a deceyuer, a begiler. Le Tronc d'vn arbre, the bodye of a tree. Vn Tronchet, a troncheon. Trongne, a face or countenance Tronson, Diminutif de Tronc, a troncheon. Tronsonner, to loppetrees. Trop, to much. Troquer, to barter, to change. Trotter, to trotte. Trot de cheual, the trotte of a horse. Trotteur, vn villotier, a trotter, a trampler. Cheual Trotier, a trotting horse Vne Trotiere ou coureuse, A gadder about streates, a fise­ gig. Vn Trou & pertuis, a hole. Trouer, to finde. Vn Trouble, bruict & esmeute, a trouble. Vne chose Trouble, a thicke or vnsettled thing. Troubler, to trouble. Troublé, troubled. Troublement, a troubling. Vne Trouppe & multitude de gents, a troupe or multitude of people. Troupeau de bestes menues ou grosses, a flocke of any kind of beastes, a heard. Troupeau de bestial, a flocke of cattell. Par Troupeaux & bandes, By heapes and bandes. Vne Troussoire, a girdle, a belt. Vne Trousse, ou Carquois, A quyuer. Trousser sa robbe, too tucke or trusse vp his gowne. Trouuer, to finde. Trouuer à la Trace, ou aupres auoir bien cerché, to finde by the trace. Trouuer en chemin, to find by the waye. Trouué, found. Trouué sur le faict, taken with the deed doing. Trouueur, a finder. Vn Trucheman, an interpreter Vne Truelle, a trowell. Truffer, seeke Mocquer. Truffes ou saligots & chastai­ gnes de riuiere, a kind of tree Vne Truite, poisson, a fishe cal­ led a trout. Vne Truye a sowe. Petite Truye, Truyette, a little sowe. Les Tuberositez des os, The roundnesse within the knitting of the bones. Tuer aucun, to kill, to slaye, too murther. Tuer cruellement, to kill cruel­ ly, to murther. Qui est Tué, which is killed. Tueur de gens, a man queller, a murtherer. Tuerie, slaughter. Tuement, a sleyng. Tuile, a tyle. Vne Tuilerie, a tyle kill. Tumbe, Tumber, seeke Tombe, Tomber. Tumbereau, seeke Tombereau. Tumulte, a tumulte, an vproare Tuph, ou Tuf sorte de pierre, a kind of stone. Turbentine, turpentine. Turbit, herbe, an herbe called Turbit. Turquoyse, pierre pretieuse, a precious stone called a Tur­ kis. Tuteur, a tutour, an ouerseer. Tutelle, safegard. Tuyau, A pype, a reede, a Ca­ nell. Tympan, a tympan. Tyran, vn mauuais & cruel roy ou seigneur, a tyrant, a cruel King. Tyrannie, tyrannie, crueltie. Tyranniquement, tyrannously. Tyrannizer, to playe the tyrant VA par cy, goe this way. Va deuant, goe before. Va t'en, goe thy wayes. Va, va, get thee hence. La chose va bien, this geare goeth well. Vacation, ou estat, vacation or estate. Vne Vache, a cowe. Vne Vache pleine, a cowe with calfe. Du Vaciet, a kinde of purple flowre. Vaciller, to wauer, to stagger. Vagabond, a vagabound. Vne Vague, a waue of the sea. Vaguer & aller ça & là, de costé & d'aultre, to wauer, too re­ moue from one place too ano­ ther. Vaillant, vaillamment, seeke valoir. Vain, vayne, vnprofitable. Vainement, vaynely. Vaineté, vanitie. Vaincre, to win, to ouercome, to surmount. Vaincu & surmonté, ouercome and surmounted. Vainqueur, a conqueror. Vaisseau, a vessell. Vaisseau à vin, ou laict, a wyne vessell. Vaisselle, vessell. Vaisselle d'argent, vessell of sil­ uer. Valeur, seeke valoir. Val, & vallée, a valley. Vallet ou Varlet, a Page, a ser­ uant. Vallet de chambre, a grome of the chamber. Vallet de cuisine, grome of the kitchen. Vallet d'huis, c'est vn engin qui ferme l'huis, a deuise too shut a dore after one. Valoir, to be worth, to be of va­ lue or worth. cela vault & sert autant que loy, that is as good as a lawe. Il Vault mieux que, &c. Jt is better that. Il Vault mieux d'aller à luy, Jt is better to goe to him. Estre plus Valable, to bee more worth, of greater price. Vaillant, valiant, hardy, coura­ gious. Vaillamment, couragiously, va­ liantly. Vaillantise, valiantise. Valeur, value or worth. Vn Van, a fan. Vanner, to fan, to winnow. Vanneur, a fanner. Vanger, seeke Venger. Vanité, vanitie. Se Vanter, to vaunt or boast. Vanterie, bragging, vaunting, boasting. Vn Vanteur & glorieux, a brag­ ger, a boaster. Vapeur & exhalation, vapour, brethe. Vaquer & entendre à quelque chose, that can intend to doe a thing. Vacation d'office, the vacation of an office. Varier & desguiser, faire autre, to alter or change a thing. Varier, dire puis d'vn puis d'­ autre, to vary, to hold on both sydes. Variable, chaungeable, vncon­ stant. Varieté & diuersité, varietie, chaunge, diuersitie. Varlet, seeke Vallet. Vne Vase, ou Vaisseau, a Ues­ sell. Vassal, qui tient quelque chose d'aucun à foy & hommage, a Uassall, who oweth hommage by tenour. Vancrer sur la mer, too rowe on the sea. Vault, seeke Valoir. Vaultneant, an vnthrift, one that is nothing worth. Vn vaultour, espece d'oiseau de proye, a grype. Vn Veau, a calfe. Se Veauter en la boue, to wal­ low in the myre. Veautrement, wallowing. Veeller, est, quand la vache fait son petit veau, to calue. Vefue, a widdow. Vefuage, widowhode. Vehement, vehement. Vehementement, vehemently. Vehemence, vehemence. Veiller, to watch. Veillant, watching. Vne Veille, an holly euen. Veillement, watching. De la veillere, ou Liset, herbe, an herbe called byndweed. Veine, a vayne. Vela, seeke Voicy, voyla. Robbe de Velours, A veluet gowne. Velu, roughe. Venaison, seeke Vener. Vendange ou Vendenge, wine­ haruest, vintage. Vendanger, to worke in vin­ tage. Vendangeur, A wyneharuest man. Vendoise, poisson, a kind of fish Vendre, to sell. Vendeur, a seller, a marchant. Vendible, vendible. Vendition, a selling. Vente, sale. Mettre en Vente quelque cho­ se, to put a thing to sale. Exposé en Vente, putte out too sale. Lots & Ventes, cessing by lands Vendredi ou venredi, fryday. Vener, to hunt. Veneur, a hunter. Venaison, venson. Venerable, digne qu'on luy fa­ ce reuerence, & qu'on l'ho­ nore, worshipfull. Venger, to reuenge, to wreake, to auenge. Vengeur, a reuenger. Vengeance, vengeance. Venim, venom, poison. Venimeux, venemous, full of poyson. Venir, to come. Venir & approcher, to come, to approch nigh. Venir & arriuer, to come and arriue. Venir à rien, to come to naught. Venir deuant, to come before, to preuent. Venir au deuant, to come and meete one. Venir en bruit & auoir nom, to come to a name. Venir tout à poinct, to come in season, to come in the nicke. Venant, comming, approching. Venu, come. Vent, winde, vent. Il vente, it venteth, it bloweth. Vente & ventes, seeke Vendre. Flux de Ventre, the flixe, the laxe. Ventru, a gorebelly. Ventrée, ce que la mere port en son ventre, the burthen of a womans wombe. Vne ventose, a vent in a caue. Le Ventre, the belly, the wombe. Venus, ou paillardise, whore­ dome. Veoir, to see, to looke, to spie. On le voit, it is seene. Qui a esté veu, which hath bene seene. La veüe, the sight, the vewe. Vn ver, a worme. Vereux, full of wormes. Vn ver de Poëte, a Poets verse. Du veratre, herbe, an herbe called Helleborus. Verd, greene. Verdir, to waxe greene. Verdeur, ou verdure, greene­ nesse. Verdier, vn sort de crapault ou grenouille de hayrs, aucuns l'appellent Graisset, a kinde of hedge frog or tode. Verdier, ou forestier, a foster, or woodman. Verdillon, greene grapes. Verdoyer, to waxe greene, to flourish. Verdoyant, flourishing. Verdon, petit oiseau qui nou­ rit les petits d'vne aultre pensant qu'ils soyent siens, a hedge sparrow. Vn Verdun, a wine trought. Verge, a wande or rodde. Vergette, a small wande. Poignée de Verges, a handfull of roddes. Verger, a garden. Verglas, frost vpon raine. Vergongne, shamefastnesse. Vergongneux & honteux, shame­ fast, bashfull. Verifier & ratifier, Too verifie and ratifie. Verisimilitude, likelyhode of truthe. Verité, truthe. Veritable, a true man, an vp­ right man. Veritablement, truly, certenly. Verius, vergise. Vermeil, reddish, claret coul­ lor. Du Vermillon, vermillion, a kind of red color made of quicke­ siluer. Vermine, toute sorte de petites bestes qui s'engendrent de pourriture, vermine, all sorte of small beasts that are engen­ dred of filth. se Vermoulir, to mould or wax rotten. Du Vernis, varnish. Verole, ou rougeole de petits enfants, the small pockes. La grosse Verole, The Frenche pockes. Vn Verrat, a boare. Vn Verre, verrier, seeke Voarre. Vn Verroüil, a bolt of a dore. Verrouiller l'huis, Too bolt the dore. Vne Verruë & petit morceau de chair esleuée sus le corps, a warte. Vers, towardes. Vers luy, towards him. Vers la fin, towardes the ende. Regarde Vers moy, looke to­ wardes mee. Verser hors, to powre out. Verser ou conuerser auec aucun, to be conuersant with one. Versé, powred out. Versement, a powring out. Vertau, Tampon, ou Bondon, a stopple, a bung. La Vertebre & os de l'eschino du dos, the chyne bone. Vertus, vertue. Vertu & force, strength and might. Auoir force & Vertu, too haue strength and power. Vertueux, full of vertue. Verueine, an herbe called Ver­ uen. Verueu à prendre poisson, A dragge. De la Vesce, fitches, a kind of pulse. Vescu, seeke Viure. Le Vespre, the euen. La Vesprée, the euening tyde. Vne Vesse, a fyste. Vessir, to fyste. La Vessie, the bladder. Vestir, to clothe, to put on. Vestu de robbe de soye, clothed with a silke garment. Vestement, a garment. Vesture, a clothing, a putting on. Vn Veu, seeke Vouër. Veu, ou A ce que tu me racom­ ptes, seeing either to that that thou tellest mee. Veu l'heure du iour, seeing the howre of the day. Veu l'occasion, seeing the occasi­ on. Ie Veulx, seeke Vouloir. Vexer & tormenter, to vexe, to tormente. Estre Vexé & tormenté de gens de sa maison mesme, Too bee vexed and tormented with his owne houshold. Viagier, Rente viaigiere, Du­ ring ones lyfe, a rente during ones lyfe. Viaire, a visar, a face. Viande, meat, foode. Vibrequin, ou Villebrequin, a percer. Vicaire, a Vicar. Vice, vice. Vicieux, vicious, giuen to noughti­ nesse. Victoire, victorie, triumphe. Rapporter la Victoire, to carry away the victorie. Victorieux, victorious. Estre Victorieux, to be victori­ ous. Victuailles pour vne armée, vittayles for an armie. Vie, lyfe. Vieil, old, auncient. Vieillot, a little old man. Vieillotte, a little old woman. Viellard, an old man. Viellesse, old age. Viellement, aunciently. Vierge, a mayd, a virgin. Virginal, of a virgin. Virginité, Uirginitie, mayden­ hode. Vif, quicke. Viuement, lyuely. Viuacité, quicknesse, lyuely­ nesse. Vigilant, seeke Vieiller. Vigne, a vyne. Vigneron, a vine worker. Vignoble, a vyneyard. Vignottes, & fleurs en Liures imprimés ou enluminés, la taille, drapperie, ou feilla­ ges qu'on faict en menuize­ rie, ou pierres, certayne flow­ ers or deckings printed in bookes, also braunches in any other kind of worke. Vigueur, vigor, strength. Vigoureux, strong, well brawned. Dire Vigoureusement, too de­ clare strongly. Vendre a vil pris, to sel for lowe price. Vileté, ou Vieut, bon & gran­ de marche de toutes choses, good cheape of any thing. Vilain, a villaine. Vilainement, vilelye, villa­ nously. Vilener & enlaidir, to raye or defile. Vilenie, villanie, filthinesse. Village, a village. Petit village, a little village. Vn villageois, a man of the countrie. Ville, ou cité, a towne or citie. Villette, a little towne. Villoter, to run from one towne to another. Vn Villotier, a lande loper, a runagate. Les villes, fleaux, ou tendons de la vigne, the yong braun­ ches of the vine. Vin, wine. Vin de pressourage, the after pressed wine. Le vin des vallets, seruaunts wine. Vinot, Vinet, petit Vin, small wine. Vn Vinotier, Tauernier, a vin­ tener, a tauerner. Vinaigre, vineger. Vinagrette, sallades. Vindicatif, wreakefull, seeking reuenge. Vinette, ou ozeille sauuage, wilde ferrell. Vingt, twentie. Violent, violent. Violence, violence, force. Violemment, violentlye, forci­ blye. Violer vne fille, to rauishe a maide, to defloure. Violation, rauishing, Violateur, a rauisher. Violet, violet colour. Violette, a violet. Violier, a violer or player on the violl. Vipere, vne sorte de serpent, a kinde of serpent called a Vi­ per. Vne vire, ou traict d'arbaleste a quarrell for a Crossebowe. Virer & tourner, to turne. Virement, vireuoustes, tur­ ning, friskes or gamboles. Viril & verteux, manly, coura­ gious. Virilement, couragiously, Vis de pressoir, ou maison à monter par degrez, the vice of a presse, or turning of a paire of staires. Vis à vis, face to face, ouer a­ gainst. Le visage, the face. Viser bien droict, ou frapper dedens le blanc, to leuell right, to hit the white. Visce, leuelling. Qui ne vise point à l'aduenir, that regardeth not the tyme to come. Visible, visible, that may be sene Vision, a vision, a phantasie. Visiter, to visite, to ouersee. Visitation, a visitation. Viste & soubdain, swift, sodain, quicke. Vistement, quickly, swiftly. Vistesse, swiftnesse. Vital, qui à vie, vitall, that hath lyfe. Vitre, Vitrier, seeke Voarriere. Vitriol, ou couperose, coprose. Vituperer & blasmer, to reuile, or blame one. Viuacité, seeke Vif. Vn Viuandier, a vittayler. Vn Viuier ou estang, a ponde. Viure, to liue. S'il eust Vescu, if hee had liued. Homme viuant, a liuing man. Viuoter, to liue poorely. Le Viure, meate. Vlcere, a sore, a bile. Vmbre, Vmbrager, seeke Om­ bre. Vn, one. Vn ou deux, one or twoo. Ce m'est tout Vn, it is all one to mee. Vnguent, seeke Oindre. Vnir, to vnite, to set at one. Plain & vni, playn and smooth. Vniement & applanissement, making playne and smooth. Vniement faict, equally done. Vniforme, vniforme, of one fa­ shion. Vnion, vnion. Vnion & accointement, vnion and acquaintance. Vnité, vnitie. Vniuersel & general, vniuersall and generall. Voarre, ou Verre, a glasse. Voarrier, Verrier, ou Vitrier, a glasier. Voguer, to flote, to sayle. Voguement, sayling. La Voile d'vne nauire, the sayle of a ship. Voiler, couurir & cacher, Too vayle, to couer, to hyde. Voir, to see. Voire & desea, but nowe. Voire dea: Ouy dea, mot dict par mocquerie, yea wisse. Voiries d'vne ville, the lay stall of a towne. Voisin, a neighbour. Voisinaige, ou Voisigné, neigh­ bourhode. Voiture, ou Voicture, cariage, fraught. La voix, the voyce. Voix caslée, hoarse voyce. La voix des eslisants en la crea­ tion de quelque office, The voyce of the choosers. Voler, to flye. Voler aucun, to robbe one. Volerie, robberie. Qui Vole, that flyeth. Le Vol des oyseaus, the flying of birds. Faire quelque chose à la Volée, to doo a thing at all aduen­ tures. Parler à la Volée, to speake at randon. Volage, a shittle hedded fellow, an inconstant man. Volement, flying. Voleter, to flitter. Voliere, a birde cage, or where birds be brought vp. Voltiger vn cheual, too manage a horse. Vn Volume & partie d'vn Li­ ure, A volume or part of a booke. Volunté, Voluntiers, Volontaire Volontairement, seeke vouloir. Volupté, fleshly pleasure. Voluptueux, giuen too fleshly pleasure. Vomir, to parbreake, to vomite, to spue. Vomissement, vomiting. Vostre, yours. Vouër, to vowe. Voué, vowed. Veu, ou Voeu, a vowe. Le Veu que les anciens faisoy­ ent an Diable, the vowe that men of old tyme made too the Diuel. Vouloir, to will. Vouge, a hunting staffe, a boare speare. Le Vouloir & intention, the wil and intent. Bien Voulant, a well willer. Volonté, will. La Volonté ou vouloir d'aucun, the wil of one. Volontiers, willingly, gladly. Volontaire, that is of oure owne free will. Volontairement, freely, wil­ lingly. Vne Voulte, a vaute. Vaulter, to vaute. Voulté, vaulted, sometime croo­ ked backed. Vous, you. Voutrer, seeke Veautrer. Voy­ cy, Voy­ là, comme qui di­ roit Voy­ le cy, Voy­ le là, here, there, see here, see there. La Voye, the waye. vne Voye ou Voicture de quel­ que chose, The weight of a thing. Suiuir la Voye & l'exemple, To follow the waye or example of other. Voyage, a viage, a iourney. Voyager, to iourney. Voyageur, a wayfaring man. Voyagement, a iorneying. Le Voyer, the bounds of landes. Vray, true. C'est vn Vray calomniateur, it is a very wrangler. Vray semblance, likely too bee true. Sçauoir au vray, to knowe cer­ tainly. Vrayement, trulye, certainly. Vrbanité, Ciuilité, good maner, vrbanitie, courtesie. Vrgent, Pressant, vrgent, pressing nighe. Vrine, vrine, chamber lye, pisse. Vriner, to make water, to pisse. Vn Vrinal, a chamber pot, an vrinal. Vne Vrne, ancien vaisseau de terre ayant le col estroict, seruant à porter & garder l'­ eaue comme vne cruche: Ser­ uant aussi anciennement au Preteur à mettre le nom des Iuges & des parties quand il failloit vuider quelque cho­ se par sort: Et à mettre & garder les cendres des tres­ passez, an earthen vessel with a narrowe necke that serued to keepe water in as in a pot, it serued the magistats also to put in the names when they should decide any thing by lot, and also to preserue the asshes of the dead. Vsé, worne. Vser, to weare. Vsiter & exerciter sa memoire, to vse or exercise the memorie. Bien Vsité aux liures, wel exer­ cised at his booke. Vsance, ou Vsage, vsance, vsury, wearing or vse. Vsufruict, droict d'vsage & iou­ issance sus les choses, dont la proprieté appertient à aul­ truy, an vsurping of an other mans ground and reaping the fruites thereof. Vsure de souliers, wearing oute of shoes. Vsure, vsury. Vsurier, an vsurer. Vsurper, to vsurpe. Vtensile, toute chose necessaire à nostre vsage, any kinde of toole that a man doth occupie. Vtile & proufitable, profitable, commodious. Vtilement, profitably, commo­ diously. Vtilité, profite, commoditie. Vuider, to emptie, to voyde. Fay Vuyder ceste tourbe, cause this people to auoyde. Vuide, voyde, emptie. Vuidé, voyded, emptied. Vuidement, a voyding. Vuidance, voyding, emptinesse. Vulgaire & commun, vulgare and common. Le Vulgaire, Tbe common people. Vulgairement, commonly. Droict & Vz de franchise, the right and custome of a free­ dome. Aux vs & coustume, To the vse and customes. YA il chose quoy ie vous puisse seruir? Js there a­ ny thing wherein J maye do you seruice. Yeux, eyes. Yeux verds, gray eyes. Yeux estincelants & esueillés, twinckling eyes. Yeux qui se mouuent ça & là, rolling eyes. Arbre nommé Yf, an ewe tree. Yuer, ou Hyuer, winter. Le cours de l'Yuer, the course of winter. Iour d'Yuer, a winters day. Yuerner, to winter. Yuoire ou Iuoire, dent d'Ele­ phant, Yuory, Elephants, tooth. Qui est d'Yuoire, That is of Yuorie. Yure, dronke. Yurongne, a dronkard. Yurongner, to drinke dronke. Yurongnerie, dronkennesse. Yuroye, herbe, darnell. ZEle, comme Qui ont Zele, zeale, that be zelous. Zelateur, a Zealous man. Zephyre, vent d'Occident, qui commence à souffler au prin­ temps, lequel faict germer toute plante, the West winde. Le Zodiaque, Cercle au ciel ou sont les douze signes, The zodiake or the circle in which the twelue signes be placed. Zizanie, Toute semence bastar de, qui croist parmy le bon blé, autrement appellée Y­ uroye, coccle. FINIS. Imprinted at London, by Henry Bynneman, For Lucas Harrison. An. 1570.