l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 3 6 0 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A Table of Simples AND since I haue so nar­ rowely touched the curation of Vlcers in the former trea­ tises, I thinke it more ex­ pedient then vnneedeful, and more worthie the labour, then out of the waye, to set foorth in order the natu­ rall temperatures, and diuers operations of suche simple medicines, as my slender diligence at oportunitie of tyme, hathe collected and drawen out of diuers wor­ thie and approued writers: and for the more easie finding of them. I haue tradu­ ced and brought them into the order of an alphabet, as followeth. Aqua, water, colde and moist, in the firste degree, repercussiue. Acetum, Vineger, colde in the first, drie in the thirde degree aperitiue. Aqua aluminosa, Alom water, drie in the fourth degree, abstersiue and repercus­ siue. Agresta nota, Veriuse, colde in the second degree, in the thirde repercussiue. Acasia, the iuyce of Sloes, colde and drie in the thirde degree, repercussiue. Acedula, litle Sorel, colde and drie in the seconde degree, repercussiue. Anthera, the yellowe of the Rose, colde & drie in the firste degree, repercussiue. Atriplex, Arage, colde and moist tempe­ ratly, maturatiue and lenitiue. Absinthium. Wormewood, hoate in the first degree, drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Apium, Smaledge, hote in the first, drie in the seconde degree maturatiue, and mundificatiue. Agrimonia, Egrimonie, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Acusmuscate, vide pes Columbinus. Aristolochia, Aristologie, hoat and drie in the fourth degree, adustiue and attractiue. Allium, Garlike, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, adustiue and attractiue. Aloes, a Gumme, hoate in the seconde, drie in the firste degree, consolidatiue. Auena, Oates, hoate and moiste tempo­ ratly, maturatiue and abstersiue. Amilum, Starche, colde and drie in the first degree, lightly binding. Axungia, fatte or grease of a swyne, hoat and moist in the first degree, mollifieth and ripeneth. Argentum viuum, Quicksiluer, the tem­ perature wherof is diuersly supposed and iudged of, for Auicen saith, it is colde and moist in the seconde degree. Dioscorides saith, it is hoate and moiste in the fourth degree. Paulus saith, it is hoate and drie in the fourth degree, & Montanus (whose iudgement I suppose moste allowable) saith it is colde and moist vehementlye, it is penetratiue. Anisum, Anysseede, hoat in the third, drie in the second degree, dissolueth and cor­ recteth windines. Anethum, Dill, hoate and drie in the se­ conde degree, resolutiue. Asphodeli radices, Daffadil rootes, hoat & drie in the second degree, abstersiue, and corrosiue. Anacardus, A kinde of fruite, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, vlceratiue. Arsenicum, Arsnicke, hoate in the third, drie in the seconde degree, mortificatiue. Auripigmentum, Orpiment, of the pro­ pertie of arsnicke. Alumen rochinum, Roche alome, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, stipticke. Argilla, Claie, colde in the first, drie in the second degree, repercussiue. Antimonium or Stibium, colde in the firste degree, drie in the seconde, mundifieth and purgeth with correctiues. Ammoniacum, a gumme, hoat in the third, drie in the first degree, mollifieth with attraction. Assa foetida, a Gumme, hoate in the third, drie in the firste degree, abstersiue and attractiue. Asphaltum, a fome hardened of a part of the sea, named Mare mortuum, & it is hoate and drie, and consolidatiue. Acanthus, Bearfoote, hoate and drie in the first degree, maturatiue. Atramentum, a mineral, hot & drie in the third degree, corrosiue with stipticitie. Aconitum woulfes wort, it is deadly by reason of putrefaction. Acorus Gladin, hoate & drie in the thirde degree, resolutiue. Adiantum, vide capillus veneris. Antedates earliest OED citation (1706) Aiuga, seu abiga, Ground pine, hoate in the seconde, drie in the thirde, astringent. Aizoon, vide Semperuiuum. Altea, Highe Mallowe drie without no­ table heate or colde, loseth and scatte­ reth humors. Alcibiadicum, wilde Buglosse, hoate with­ out manifest drines, expelleth venime. Alisma, Water plantaine, hoate, abster­ siue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1736) Amaracum, Fetherfew, hote in the third, drie in the seconde, it mollifieth and de­ laieth inflammation. Amarantus, flower amour, hoate and drie aperitiue. Ambubeia, vide Endiuia. Ammi, Ameos, hoat and drie in the third degree, aperitiue. Anagallis, Chickweede, hoate and drie, conglutinatiue. Anagallis aquatica, Water pimpernell, hoate and drie, aperitiue. Androsemon, vide Ipericon. Anetum vaccinum, Oxe eye, hoate and drie, resolutiue. Angelica, Angelicke roote, hoate & drie in the thirde degree, dissolueth and o­ peneth. Angurium, vide Cucumer. Anisum, Anise, hoat and drie in the third degree, digesteth and dissolueth. Annonis, Arkangel, hoate and drie in the firste degree, abstersiue and aperitiue. Anthemis, vide Camomilla. Apium agreste, Wilde smaledge, hoate & drie vehemently, vlceratiue. Apium hortense, Garden smaledge, hoat in the seconde, moiste in the thirde de­ gree, openeth and mundifieth. Arnoglosson. vide Plantago, Artemisia, Mugwort, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, aperitiue. Aron. wake Robin, hoate and drie in the thirde, it wipeth and maketh tender. Asarum or Asara bacca, Hoate and drie in the thirde degree, the leafe is astrin­ gent, and the roote is aperitiue. Asperagus, vide Speragus. Atractilis, vide Carduus benedictus. Auricula muris, Mouseare, colde & moist attractiue, and mundificatiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1655) Agaricus, Agaricke, hoate and drie in the firste degree, resolutiue. Amigdala, Almondes, hoate and moiste in the firste degree, prouoketh vrine. Ambra, Amber, hoate and drie in the se­ conde degree, comforteth the braine. Argentum & scoria eius, Siluer, and the drosse or filinges thereof, colde & drie, conglutinatiue. Aurum, Golde, temperatly hoat, comfortatiue. Alcakengi, Winter cherie, a kynde of nightshade, colde and drie in the seconde degree, aperitiue. B Basilicon, vide Ozimum. Blacte bizantia, a kinde of Cocles, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, mundifi­ catiue. Been, hoate and drie in the second degree, confortatiue. Bombax, Bombast or Cotton, hoate and drie, constringent. Balaustia, Pomegranet flowers, colde & drie in the second degree, repercussiue. Berberi, Berberies, colde and drie in the seconde degree, repercussiue. Brionia, Brionie, the roote hoate and drie in the second degree, abstersiue and ma­ turatiue. Bolus armenus, Bolarmoniacke, cold and drie in the second degree, repercussiue restringent. OED "ammoniac" 2 Baucia, wilde persenep, hoate and moiste in the firste degree, maturatiue. Borago, Borage, hoate and moiste, tem­ peratly, clenseth the bloud. Buglossum, Buglosse, is of like tempera­ ture, but more drie, maturatiue. Balsamum, a Gumme of a tree so called, hoate and drie in the second degree, ab­ stersiue, attractiue, and confortatiue. Butyrum, Butter, hoate in the first degree, and more moiste, maturatiue. Bdellium, A gumme, hoate and moiste in the firste degree, mollificatiue. Bursa Pastoris, Shepeherdes purse, colde and drie, astringent. Borax, Borase, hoate and drie, temperat­ lie, consolidatiue. Bugiæ, the Barberie barke, colde & drie, consolidatiue. Berbena, Veruaine, hoate and drie, mean­ ly, consolidatiue. Betonica, Betonie, hoate and drie, in the first degree, mundificatiue. Bedegar, Eglantine, colde in the firste de­ gree, drie meanly. Predates earliest OED citation (1578) Ballote, vide Prassium fætidum. Batrachium, vide Pes corui. Barba caprina, Goates bearde, hoate and drie, abstersiue, Beta, Betes, colde & moist, mundificatiue. Bellis, Litle Daisies, hoate and drie, con­ solidatiue, and abstersiue. Blitum, a kynd of Bete, rare in England, colde and moist in the seconde degree. Botris, Oke of Hierusalem, hoate & drie, resolutiue. Bulbus syluestris, wylde Onion, drie, astringent. C Camomilla, Camomill, hoate and drie in the firste degree. resol. mollif. Crassula, Orpin. Fuch. saith, it is hoate & drie in the thirde degree. Vigo & Gui­ do, colde in the thirde, moiste in the se­ conde, repercussiue. Corallus, Corall, colde in the firste, drie in the seconde, restrictiue. Cerusa, Ceruse, colde and drie in the se­ conde degree, consolidatiue. Caulis, Colewortes, hoate in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, maturatiue, and abstersiue. Centaurea, Centorie, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, consolidatiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1829) Cera, Waxe, temperate, maturatiue. Crocus, Saffron, hoate in the first, drie in the seconde, resolutiue and comforta. Costus, a roote, hoate in the thirde drie in the seconde. Predates earliest OED citation (1829) Cinamomum, Cinamon, hoate and drie in the third degree, confortatiue. Cepa, Onion, hoate in the fourth degree, abstersiue, aperitiue. Ciperus, the Cipresse roote, hoate and drie in the second degree, consolidatiue. Chelidonia, Salendine, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, abstersiue. Cuperosa, Coperise, hoate and drie in the beginning of the fourth degree, stiptick, and corrosiue. Cupressus, Cipresse tree, hoat in the first, drie in the second, consolidatiue. Cauda equina, Mares tayles, colde in the first, drie in the seconde, consolidatiue. OED "cauda" ("cauda equina"), earliest citation (1848) Calx viua, Lime vnquenched, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, adustiue. OED "calx" 2, earliest citation 1581 Curcuma, the lesse Salendine roote, drie, consolidatiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1617) Cantharides, Flies, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, adustiue, vlceratiue. Castoreum, Beuer stones, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, conforteth the si­ newes. Canabis, Hempseed, hoate and drie, ma­ turatiue. Capitellum, Lee, hoate adustiue. Cinis, Asshes, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, abstersiue. Cucumer asininus, wilde Cowcumer, hoate and drie in the second degree, resolutiue. Cresones, vide Nasturtium aquaticum. Ciminum, Comin, hoate in the third, & drie in the seconde degree, carminatiue. Calamentum, Calaminte, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, resolutiue, attract. Caseus recens, newe Cheese, the newe is consolidatiue, but the olde is contrarie. Cichorea, vide rostrum porcinum. Caltha, Marigouldes, hoate and drie, a­ peritiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1599) Candelaria, Tassill, drie in the seconde de­ gree, abstersiue. Capillus veneris, Maidenhere, drie with­ out notable heate or colde, astringent. Caprifolium, Woodbind, hoate and drie vehement, restringent. Cardopatium, Woulfes thistle, hoat and drie in the third degree. Carduus benedictus, Our Ladies thistle, hoate and drie, inflatiue, and moderat­ ly pearsing. Cartamum, garden Saffron, hoate in the second, drie in the firste degree, matura­ tiue and digestiue. Carui, Carawayes, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, aperitiue, abstersiue. Castrangula, Water Betonie, drie, mun­ dificatiue. Cataputia, Spourge, hoate in the thirde degree, moist in the seconde, purgeth grosse humors. Centumnodia, Knotgrasse, colde in the seconde, drie in the thirde, astringent. Centumcapita, Sea hollie, drie, and of a meane temperature. Camedris, vide quercula minor. Cherifolium, Cheruell, drie astringent. Cheiri, white Violet, hote, astringent. Cicer nigrum, Blacke fetches, hoate and drie in the first degree, flatuous. Cicuta, Hemlocke, colde immoderatlye, a poyson to man, and stupefactiue. Cidonium malum, Quince, colde in the firste, drie in the second degree, astringent. Citrulli, Citrons cold and moist in the se­ conde degree, abstersiue, penetratiue. Coloquintida, Hote and drie in the third degree, mundificatiue. Consolida maior, the great Comfrey, hote and drie in the seconde degree, con­ glutinatiue. Consolida minor, litle Daises, hoate and drie, resolutiue, conglutinatiue. Coriandrum, Coriander, colde and drie, somewhat astringent. Cotum, vide Bombax. Cresio hortensis, vide Nasturtium hortens. Cucumer, Cucumber, colde and moist in the second degree, mundificatiue. Cucurbita, Gourdes, colde and moist in the second degree, delayeth inflammation. Cassutha, Doder, hoate in the first, drie in the seconde degree, mundificatiue, re­ stringent. Ciclamen, vide panis Porcinus. Cinoglosson, Houndes tongue, colde and drie in the seconde degree, restringent. Cassia fistula, of an equall temperature, and resolutiue. Colophonia, Greeke pitche, hoate & drie in the thirde degree, conglutinatiue. Calamus aromaticus, hoat and drie in the seconde degree, aperitiue. Cardamomum, hoate and drie in the firste degree, resolutiue. Camipitheos, hoate and drie in the second degree, mundificatiue, resolutiue. Cubebes, hoate and drie, meanly mundifi­ catiue. Capparus, the roote, hoate in the first de­ gree, drie in the seconde, mundificatiue, comfortatiue. Cassia lignea, hoate and drie, mundifica­ tiue, and aperitiue. Calcanthum, A mineral constringent, adustiue. Camfora, Camphere, cold and drie in the thirde degree astringent. Cinabrium, Vermilion, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, stipticke. D Digitalis, Ladie finger, hoate and drie, mundificatiue, and aperitiue. Digiti citrini, Dogges stones, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, helpeth the sinewes. Damasonium, waterplantaine, hoate, mundificatiue. Daphnoeides, vide Laureola. Daucus, Wilde perseneppe, hoate & drie, prouoketh vrine and Menstrua. Dragunculus, Dragons, hoate and drie, astringent. Dulcis radix, vide liquiritia. Dragagantum Gumme Dragagant, hoate and drie consolidatiue. Dactili, Dates, hoate and moist in the se­ conde degree, resolutiue. Diptanum. Ditanie, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, attractiue. Doronicum, Doronick rootes, hoate and drie in the third degree, resolutiue, at­ tractiue. Diagredium, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, resolutiue, mundificatiue. E Epatica Liuerworte, Guydo. colde and moist, repercussiue. Enula campana, Elecampane, hoate and drie in the second degree, comfortatiue Ebulus, Walwoort, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, resolutiue. Euforbium, A gumme, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, abstersiue. Aeris flos, Verdegrease, hoat & drie in the thirde degree, corrosiue, and stipticke. Ermodactilus, vide Asphodeli radices. Ematitis lapis, A stone, whiche vnquen­ ched is hoate in the first degree, & drie in the seconde, consolidatiue. Elleborus albus, white Elebor, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, prouoketh menstrua, and vomiting. Endiuia vera, trewe Endiue, colde & drie, astringent. Equina mentha. Horseminte, hoat in the third degree, drie in the second, astrin­ gent. Eruca. Rocket, the seede, hoate and drie, expelling venim and wormes. Predates earliest OED citation (1609) Esula, Woulfes milke, hoat in the fourth degree, drie vehemently, mundificatiue. Euiscum, vide Althea. Eufrasia, Eie bright, hoate & drie, it quic­ keneth the sight and memorie. Eupatorium adulterinum, counterfaite Egri­ monie, hoate and drie in the seconde de­ gree. Mundifieth and loseth. Epithymum, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, purgeth melancholike humors. F Flammula, vide pes corui. Fabaria. wylde Mynte, hoate in the firste degree, drie in the beginning of the third mundificatiue. Fumus terræ. Fumitorie, cold in the first, drie in the seconde, mundificatiue. Feniculus, Fenill, the seede is hoate and drie in the seconde degree, resolutiue. Frumentum, Wheate, hoate and moist temperatly, maturatiue, and mundifi­ catiue. Furfur, Branne, hoate and drie in the first degree, resolutiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1621) Fabæ, Beanes, colde and drie, resolutiue, and mundificatiue. Fex ceræ, Dregges of the Waxe, hoater then the waxe, and more mollifying. Fex olei, Dregges of Oile, hoater & drier then the Oile. Ferrum, Iron, cold and drie in the second degree, constrictiue, and consolidatiue. Ferrugo, Rust, hoate and drie in the second degree, restringent, and consolidatiue. Fenugrecum, Fenugreeke, hoate & drie in the first degree, maturatiue and reso­ lutiue. Ficus recentes, grene Figges, hoate and moiste, the drie be hoate and drie, matu­ ratiue, and mollificatiue. Fermentum, Leuen, hoate and moist with mixte operations. Fuligo, Soote, hoate and drie, maruei­ lously drying. Antedates earliest OED citation (1646) Farina volatilis, Myldust, colde and drie, conglutinatiue. Fraxinus, Ashe tree, colde and drie in the seconde degree, repercussiue. Folia Oliuarum, Oliue leaues, colde and drie, stipticke. Filex, Fearne, hoate and drie in the second degree, mundificatiue, and resolutiue. Faba crassa, vide crassula. Faseoli, vide Dolichi. Ficaria, water Betonie, drie, mundificatiue. Filago, vide Papyrus. Filipendula, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, diureticke. Flos amoris, Purple violet flower, hoate and drie, aperitiue. Feniculus porcinus, Hogges fenel, hoate in the seconde, drie in the third degree, mundificatiue, incarnatiue, and cica­ trisatiue. Fortis herba Drie, astringent. Fuga Demonum, Saint Iohns herbe, hote and drie, mundificatiue, and aperitiue. OED "John" 5 Fungus, Funges, colde and moiste in the thirde degree, constringent. Fel, Gall, hoate and drie, more or lesse ac­ cording to the creature, mundificatiue, and abstersiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1590) G Galla, Galles, the grene are colde in the second degree, and drie in the thirde, stipticke. Glandes, Acornes, colde and drie in the se­ conde degree, consolidatiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1631) Gratia Dei, Pinkenedle, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, mundificatiue, and consolidatiue. Gariofili, Cloues, hoate & drie in the third degree, confortatiue. Gluten, Glewe, hoate and drie in the firste degree, conglutinatiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1639) Gentiana, Gentian, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, abstersiue. Gallithricum, vide Speragus. Gummi Arabica, Colde, with a certayne drienes, and glewenes. Granum Tinctorum, Madder, drie, con­ solidatiue, and incarnatiue. Gipsum Lyme, vide Calx viua. Galbanum, hoate in the thirde, drie in the seconde degree, attractiue. Genista, Brome, hoate and drie in the se­ conde degree, diureticke. Predates earliest OED citation (1625) Guadum, Woad, drie astringent. Galanga, Galingall, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, confortatiue. H Hiosciamus, Henbane, colde in the thirde degree, stupefactiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1706) Herba diui Iohannis, vide Fuga demonum. Herba Stellæ, vide pes corui. Hermodactilus, vide Ermodactilus. Hispanach, Spinage, colde and moist in the first degree, mollificatiue. Hordeum, Barley, colde and drie in the firste degree, mundificatiue. Humulus, Hoppes, hoate and drie, aperi­ tiue, and mundificatiue. Hipericon, vide fuga Demonum. Hissopus. Hissope, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, mundificatiue, and ape­ ritiue. Harmel, Some cal it wylde Rewe, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, it cutteth and mundifieth grosse humors. I Isatis, vide Dragagantum. Iposistis, Toade stooles iuyce, colde and drie in the seconde degree, stipticke. Issopus, vide Hissopus. Iuniperus, Iuniper, hoate and drie, con­ solidatiue. Ipericon, vide fuga Demonum. Iarus. vide Aron. Ireos, Flowre deluce roote, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, resolueth, mundi­ fieth and incarnateth. Iacobi flos, hoate and drie astringent. Indicum, vide Gnadum. Iouis barba, vide Semperuiua, Iringus, vide centum capita. Iua muscata. Ground pine, hoate in the se­ cond, drie in the third degree astringent. Iusquiamus, vide Hiosciamus. Iuiubes, a fruite so called, hoate and drie in the first degree, resolutiue. K Keirim. white Violet, hoat, mundificatiue. Kerna. vide Catapucia. Karaba. Amber, hoate in the thirde, drie meanly, astringent, confortatiue. L Lithargyrus. Letharge, drie, regenera­ tiue, and consolidatiue. Lupini. Lupines, hoate in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, mundificatiue. Lilium. Lillies, the roote hoate & moiste in the second degree, maturatiue. Lini semen. Linseede, hoate and drie, ma­ turatiue. Lac. Milke, temperate, whose mitiga­ tiue is water, consolidatiue. Lapathum, Docke, colde and drie in the second degree, abstersiue. Liquiritia, Licorise, temperate, with a cer­ taine humiditie, maturatiue. Licium. temperate and moist in the second degree, mitigatiue. Labdanum, hoate and moist in the firste degree, mollificatiue. Lentes, Lintelles, temperate & stipticke. Lingua canis, vide Cinoglosson. Lixiuium, Lee, hoate & drie in the thirde degree, abstersiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1612) Lactuca, Lettuse, colde & drie in the third degree, loseth and cooleth. Lactucella, Sowthistle, being greene it is colde, but dried, hath some heate and astriction Lappa inuersa, clot burre, hoate and drie, seperateth and mundifieth. Lappa maior, the great burre, drie, dige­ stiue, and astringent. Larga, the larche tree, astringent. Laureola, Ribwort, hoate and drie aperi­ tiue. Linaria, Toad flaxe, hoate and drie, ape­ ritiue, mundificatiue. Predates earliest OED citation (1579) Lingua bouis, vide Buglossum. Lingua ceruina, hoate in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, astringent. Luparia, vide Aconitum. Lapis spongiæ, Sponge stones, drie, con­ glutinatiue. Lignum aloes, hoat and drie in the second degree, comforteth the brayne. Laurus, Laurell, or Baie, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, abstersiue, & mun­ dificatiue. Lapis smaragdus The Smaragde stone, colde and drie, driueth away venim. Lapis Adamas, cold and drie in the fourth degree, abstersiue. Lapis hematitis, vide Ematitis lapis. Lapis lazulus, Asure, cold and moist, pur­ geth melancholie. Limon, the Lemon frute, colde and drie, confortatiue. M Margarita, Pearle, cold and drie, confor­ tatiue. Merda ferri, Iron drosse, colde and drie, consolidatiue. Malua, Mallowes, colde and moist, miti­ gatiue. Malmauiscus, vide Althea. Mandragora, Mandrage, colde and drie in the thirde degree, stupefactiue. Marubium, Horehounde, hoate in the se­ conde, drie in the thirde degree, aperi­ tiue. Mastix, Masticke, hoate and drie in the se­ conde degree, mollificatiue. Melilotum, Melilot, hoat and drie in the first degree, resolutiue. Medulla, Marrey, hoate and moist, molli­ ficatiue. Mel, Honie, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, mundificatiue. Mira, Mirre, hoat and drie in the second degree, incarnatiue. Memitha, The lesse Salendine, drie in the first degree, restrictiue. Mespila, Medlars, constrictiue. Mummia. Mummie, hoat and drie in the seconde degree, constrictiue. Minium, Read lead, cold & drie, cicatrix. Maiorana, Maioram, hoat and drie in the thirde degree, digesteth. Mater syluæ, vide caprefolium. Matricaria, Mugwort, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, aperitiue. Malauinzana, Mad apples, cold & moist, stupefactiue. Antedating earliest OED citation (1597) Melissa, Balme, hoate in the seconde, drie in the first degree, abstersiue, conglut. Mentha, Minte, hoate in the thirde, drie in the second degree, astringent. Mercurialis, the trewe Mercurie hoate & drie in the firste degree, solutiue. Millium, Millet, colde in the first, drie in the thirde degree, aperitiue. Millefolium, Yarrowe, drie astringent. Millemorbia, vide Ficaria. Mora vaticana. Bramble, hoate and drie astringent. Morella. Lesse nightshade or Alkakengi, colde in the seconde degree, and meane betweene moist and drie, astringent. Morsus Diaboli. Diuels bitte, hoate and drie, dissolueth and ripeneth. Morsus Gallinæ. Mouseare, colde and moist, mundificatiue. Morus Mulberie, Colde and moist, ab­ stersiue. Malum Granatum. Pomegranates, the sower be colde and drie, the sweete cold and moist, comforting the stomacke. Malum medicum. Orenge, colde and moiste in the firste degree, the rinde is hoate and drie, and comforteth the stomacke. Macis. Mace, drie in the thirde degree, without manifest heate, astringent. Manna, hoate and drie in the seconde de­ gree, constringent, sayth Paule Egineta. Mirobalani, Mirabolanes, colde in the firste degree, drie in the seconde, stip­ tickes. Malacidonea, vide cidon Malum. Marathrum, vide Fœniculum, Marcasita, hoate and drie, consolidatiue, and astringent. Malecoria, the rindes of Pomegranetes, colde in the seconde, drie in the thirde, restrictiue. N Nenuphar, Water Lilies, colde & moist in the second degree, delaying inflam­ mations. Nuces auellanæ, Small nuttes, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Nux Indica, hoate and moist in the firste degree, confortatiue. Nuces cupressi, Cipresse nuttes, hoat and drie, astringent. Nux vomica, the vomiting nutte, hoate & drie, prouoking strong vomite. Nux Muscata, Nutmigges, hoate & drie in the seconde degree, confortatiue. Nepita, vide Calamentum. Nux iuglams, wal nuttes, the withered are hoat in the thirde degree, and drie in the beginning of the second, but the greene are not so hoate and drie, they lose the bellie. Nasturtium satiuum, Garden Cresses, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, ab­ iue. Nasturtium aquaticum, water Cresses, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, a­ peritiue. Nasturtium tectorum, wilde mustard seede, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, a­ peritiue. Nil, vide Guadum. Predates earliest OED citation (1583) Nigella Romana, A seede so called, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, clenseth the skinne. Nitrum, Salt peter, subtillatiue & mun­ dificatiue. O Opium, The iuyce of black Poppie dried, colde and drie in the fourth degree, stu­ pefactiue, and mortificatiue. Ordeum, Barley, colde and drie in the first degree, maturatiue and abstersiue. Oleum oliuarum. Oile Oliue, tempe­ rate, and according to the qualities of simples altered. Oleum muscelinum. hoate, mollificatiue. Orobus. Fetches, hoate in the firste, drie in the second degree, apertitiue and ab­ stersiue. Oua. Egges, temperate, the whyte cold, the yolke hoate, mitigatiue. Opopanax, A gumme, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, remollitiue. Occularia, vide eufrasia. Oculus boum. Oxe eie, hoate & drie, reso­ lutiue. Oleander. hoate in the thirde, drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Opthalmia, vide Eufrasia. Origanum. Penirial, hote & drie in the 3. deg. Os mundi A fetch, hote & drie, astringent Oriza. Rise, hote & drie in the first degree, astringent. Ocimum, Gariofilatum Basill, hoate in the firste, drie in the second degree, mun­ dificatiue, and confortatiue. Olibanum. A gumme, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, consolidatiue. Ossa combusta. Burnt bones, drie, a­ stringent. P Plantago. Plantaine, colde and drie, re­ percussiue, and consolidatiue. Portulaca. Purslaine, colde in the thirde, moist in the seconde, mitigatiue. Populus. The Poplar tree, colde & drie repercussiue. Psillium. Fleewort, the seede is colde in the seconde degree, and moiste in the firste. Psidia vide Malecoria. Polium. Wylde time, hoat in the second, drie in the thirde degree, resolutiue. Parietaria. Pellitorie, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, resolutiue. Piper. Pepper, hoate & drie in the fourth degree, attractiue, mundificatiue. Petroleum. A stone of a rocke, hoate and drie in the fourth degree. Pix. Common pitche, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, maturatiue, abster­ siue. Pinguedo. Fatte, hoate and moist, matu­ ratiue, mollificatiue. Palma The Date tree, colde and drie in the seconde degree, astringent. Pentaphilon. Vide quinque folium. Pimpenella, Pimpernell, hoate and drie, consolidatiue. Porrum, Leekes, hoate & drie in the third degree, attractiue. Pinus, The Pine tree, the kirnels of the whiche be hoate & moist, but the barke is colde and drie, with much stipticitie. Plumbum, Lead, colde and drie in the se­ cond degree, resolutiue. Peonia, Pionie, hoate and drie, astringent. Pagana lingua, great Laurell, hoate and drie, aperitiue. Palma Christi, Spourge, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, mundificatiue. Panis cuculus, Cocowes meate, colde and drie, conglutinatiue. Panis Porcinus, hoat and drie in the third degree, mundificatiue. Papauer satiuum, Garden Popie, cold in the fourth degree, stupefactiue. Pastinaca, Persnep, hoate in the seconde, drie in the first degree, aperitiue. Pastoris bursa, vide Bursa pastoris. Perforata, vide Fuga demonum. Persica, Peaches, cold and moist in the se­ cond degree astringent. Peruinca, vide Laureola. Pes Anserinus, Goose foote, colde in the seconde degree, astringent. Pes Columbinus, Doues foote, drie, a­ stringent Pes Corui, Crowe foote, hoate and drie, Vehement Vlceratiue. Pes Leonis, Lions foote, drie, astringent. Pes Vituli, vide Aron. Petroselinum, Perseley, hoate in the se­ conde, drie in the thirde degree, aperi­ tiue. Pilosella, vide auricula muris. Predates earliest OED citation (1578) Podagra lini, vide Cassutha. Polipodium, Oke fearne, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, mundificatiue, at­ tractiue. Pollitricon, vide capillus veneris. Potentilla, Wylde tansey, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, astringent. Prassium, Horehound, hoate in the second, drie in the thirde degree, aperitiue. Prassium fetidum, the stinking black ho­ rehounde, hoate and drie in the thirde degree. Primula veris, Primrose, hoate and drie, conglutinatiue. Prunella, Burnette, hoate & drie, conglut. Antedating earliest OED citation (1578) Prunus Damacens, colde & drie, meanly astringent. Antedating earliest OED citation (1706) Pseudomelanthion. Coccle, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Pulegium, vide Origanum. Pirethrum syluestræ. Wilde Pellitorie, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, mundificatiue. Papirus. Paper, cold and drie, astringent. Panis. Bread, hoate and drie in the firste degree, resolutiue, attractiue. Passulæ. Reasins, hoate & moist, resolut. Penidiæ Penittes, hoat and moist in the first degree, conglutinatiue. Panicum. A graine like grommell, colde in the first, drie in the beginning of the seconde, astringent. Predates earliest OED citation (1844) Pira. Peares, the ripe are colde and moist in the first degree, the sower or greene, are colde and drie in the second degree, and the halfe ripe, are colde and drie in the first degree. Pruna. Prunes, colde and moist in the se­ cond degree, loseth the belly. Q Quercus the Oke, hoat & drie, astringent. Quinque folium. Fiue leaued grasse, drie astringent. Quercula minor. Germander, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, resolutiue, a­ peritiue. R Rosæ flos. Rose flower, colde in the firste, drie in the second, lightly binding, this is the white, the read is more astringent and lesse colde, the damaske is partaker of both in lighter substaunce. Rubus arbustus. Bramble, cold and drie, stipticke, and consolidatiue. Rubea tinctorum, vide granum tinctorum. Raphanus. Radishe, hoate and drie, incis­ siue, abstersiue. Antedating earliest OED citation (1730-36) Rapa. Rapes, hoate in the second, moiste in the first degree, maturatiue. Realgar Roseager, hoate, mortificatiue. Predates OED earliest citation (1684) Rapiastrum. Charlocke, hoat and drie re­ solutiue, mundificatiue. Remora aratri, vide amonis. Rhabarbarum monachorum. Monkes Ru­ barbe, cold & drie in the second degree astringent. Ribes. Small reasins, cold and drie in the second degree, astringent. Rosinarinus. Rosemarie, hoate and drie, abstesiue, resolutiue. Rosemarinus aculeatus, Gorse, drie a­ stringent. Rostrum Ciconiæ, Pinkenedle, drie, a­ stringent. Rostrum Porcinum, Suckerie, cold and drie, astringent. Ruta, Rewe, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, Vlceratiue, aperitiue, digestiue. Resina, Rosin, hoate & drie, mundificatiue. S Solatrum, great nightshade, colde & drie in the fourth degree, stupefactiue. Salix, Willowes, colde and drie in the se­ conde degree, stipticke meanely. Antedating earliest OED citation (1775) Siligo, Rie, colde and drie, abstersiue. Sumach, colde in the seconde, drie in the thirde degree, stipticke. Semperuiua, Houseleeke, cold in the third drie in the first, repercussiue. Cf. OED "sempervive" Spica nardi, Spikenard, hoate in the first, drie in the seconde, confortatiue. Sal, Salt, hoate and drie in the seconde de­ gree, abstersiue. Sulphur, Brimstone, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, attractiue. Squinantum, Squinant, hoate and drie, stipticke. Saluia, Sage, hoate and drie in the second degree, stipticke, Antedating earliest OED citation (1844) Sandalus, Saunders, cold and drie in the seconde degree, repercussiue. Spodium, colde in the seconde, drie in the thirde degree, consolidatiue. Scroffularia, The lesse Salendine, drie, resolutiue. Serapinum, A gumme, hoate and drie in the second degree, mollificatiue. Squilla, Sea Onion, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, attractiue. Stercus, Donge, hoate and drie, according to the temperature of the creature. Sepium, Sewet, hoate and temperate ac­ cording to the temperature of the crea­ ture. Sarcocolla, Sarcocoll, hoate in the second drie in the first degree, incarnatiue. Antedating earliest OED citation (1599) Sanguis Draconis, Drie in the second de­ gree, consolidatiue, constringent. Sanguis animalium, Creatures bloude, this hath temperature according to the nature of the creature. Scoria, Filinges, drie and muche consoli­ datiue. Sapo, Sope, hoate adustiue. Guydo Spongia maris, Sponges, hoate in the first, drie in the seconde degree, consump­ tiue, and desiccatiue. Spuma maris, Fome of the Sea, hoate in the firste, drie in the thirde degree, ab­ stersiue. Sinapis, Mustardseede, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, attractiue Staphisagria, Staues acre, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, attractiue. Scabiosa, Scabious, hoate and drie in the seconde degree regeneratiue. Stirax calamit. A gumme, hoate and drie, mollificatiue. Simissomis, Blessed thistle, colde, & ma­ turatiue. Sambucus, Eldar, hoate in the seconde, drie in the first degree, resolutiue. Sacerdotis virile, vide Aron. Salicaria, Lowstrif, drie astringent. Sanamunda, Bennet, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, consolidatiue and a­ stringent. Sancti spiritus radix. vide Angelica. Sanguisorba, A kinde of Pimpernell, drie astringent. Sanicula, Sanicle, hoat and drie in the se­ conde degree, astringent. Sardiana glans, Chestenuttes, hoate and drie in the first degree, astringent. Satureia, Sauerie, hoate and drie in the third degree, abstersiue, aperitiue. Sabina, Sauin, hoate and drie in the third degree, dissolueth and openeth. Saxifraga, Saxifrage, hoate and drie a­ stringent. Scariola, vide Endiuia. Scelerata, vide pes corui. Scolopendria, Hartes tongue, hoat in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, astrin­ gent. Antedating earliest OED citation (1611) Sena, Senec, hoat in the second, drie in the first degree, abstersiue, and aperitiue. Serratula, vide Quecula minor. Serpentaria, vide Aron. Antedating earliest OED citation (1803) Serpillum, vide satureia. Serpillum Romanum, Time, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, aperitiue, dis­ soluing and separating. Seruilla, vide Pastinaca. Sirutum ibidem. Sigillum Salamonis, Salamons seale, of a meane temperature, astringent. Siler montanum, Silermountaine, hoate and drie in the second degree, aperitiue. Simionis herba, vide Althea. Sorbes, the Sorbe tree, colde and drie a­ stringent. Sorgi, an Italian graine, whiche is colde and drie, astringent. Sparagus, Sperage, abstersiue, without manifest heate or colde. Spatula fœtida, A flagge bearing coddes with read beries, hoate and drie, ab­ stersiue. Stellæ herba, vide pes corui. Sebesten, a fruite, temperate of complexion and lenitiue. Sal armoniacum, Salt armoniack, hoate and drie in the fourth degree, abster­ siue. Sal gemmæ, an other kinde of Salte, hoat and drie, abstersiue, mundificatiue. Siseleos, a Seede, hoat and drie in the end of the seconde degree, prouoketh vrine. Scamonia, vide Diagredium. T Thimus, vide Serpillum Romanum. Thus, Frankincense, hoate in the second, drie in the first degree, incarnatiue, con­ solidatiue. Terebentina. Terebentine, hoate & drie, consolidatiue. Thucia, lapis. A stone or minerall, colde in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, quickeneth the eie sight. Tartarum. Wine Lees, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, abstersiue. Tanacetum. Tansey, hoate and drie, con­ solidatiue. Tapsus barbatus. Mollen, drie, abstersiue. Turmentilla. Turmentil, hoate and drie, abstersiue. Tamarix. Brier, drie, astringent. Taraxacon. vide Rostrum porciuum. Antedating earliest OED citation (1706) Testiculus canis. Dogges stones, hoate & moist, resolutiue. Tilia. A kinde of Birche, hoate and drie, astringent. Tinctorius flos. vide granum tinctorum. Trifolium. Three leaued grasse, hoat and drie in the thirde degree, aperitiue, ab­ stersiue. Trinitatis herba. Iupiters flower, hoate and drie, abstersiue, and conglu­ tinatiue. Triticum. Wheate, hoate in the first de­ gree, without manifest drienes or moi­ sture, attractiue, and digestiue. Turcium frumentum. Turkishe corne, hoate and drie meanly, abstersiue. Tela aranea. Copweb, colde & drie, astrin­ gent, and consolidatiue. Tamarindi. Tamarindes, colde and drie in the thirde degree, mundifieth and se­ perateth. Titimalus. A kinde of spourge, hoate and drie in the fourth degre, abstersiue. Terra sigillata. hoate and drie astringent. Tubera. round puffes like Musheromes, they engendre grosse humors. Turbita. Turbith, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, mundifieth and loseth the bellie. V Vinum, Wyne, hoate and drie, or moiste euen according to the age there of, ma­ turatiue, and consolidatiue. Vua passa, vide passulæ. Viola. Violet, colde and moist in the first degree, ripeneth hoate impostumes, & coleth inflamations. Vmbelicus veneris. Penigrasse, cold and moist in the second degree, delaieth in­ flammations. Veruena. vide Berbena. Vrtica. Nettle, hoate and drie, mordifica­ tiue. Antedating earliest OED citation (1682) Virga pastoris. Wilde tasill, colde in the thirde degree, drie temperate, consoli­ datiue, and astringent. Vrina. Vrine, hoate and drie, abstersiue, adustiue. Vernix. Vernish, hoate and drie in the se­ conde degree, incarnatiue, abstersiue. Vermes terrestres, Earth wormes, con­ glutinatiue, & conforting the sinewes. Vsnea quercina. The white mosse of the Oke, hoate and drie, confortatiue. Verdetum. vide æris flos. Vitrium Glasse, hoate in the firste, drie in the seconde degree, abstersiue. Vitriolum. Vitrioll, hoate and drie in the thirde degree, stipticke and corrosiue. Vzifur. vide Cinabrium. Valeriana. Valerian, hoate and drie in the seconde degree, aperitiue, abstersiue. Veronica. Speedewel, hoat and drie, con­ solidatiue, constringent. Antedates earliest OED citation (1578) Vinca peruinca. Perwinke, drie a­ stringent. Viscum. Miscledine, hoate, attractiue, re­ solutiue. Vitealis. Withwinde, hoate and drie, di­ gestiue. Viticella. vide Brionia. Vngula caballina. Horsehouse, colde and moist, mundificatiue. Volubilis maior. vide Caprefolium. Vrinaris herba. Toadflax, aperitiue, mun­ dificatiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1578) Vua Lupina. A kinde of nightshade, cold & drie in the second degree, repercussiue. Vua vulpina vide Aconitum Vuularia. great Laurell, hoate and drie, aperitiue. X Xilobalsamum. The wood of the tree Balsam, hoate and drie in the seconde degree. Xilo aloes. vide lignum aloes. Xilon vide Bombax. Z Zinziber caninum. Indie pepper, hoate and drie vehemently, attractiue, and ab­ stersiue. Antedates earliest OED citation (1578) Zea. A kinde of wheate, hoate and drie, meanely abstersiue, and consolidatiue. Antedating earliest OED citation (1577) Zedoaria. A roote, hoate in the third, drie in the seconde degree, conforteth, and mundifieth, and scattreth humors. Zaccharum. Suger, hoate and moiste, meanly consolidatiue. Zinziber. Ginger, being green, it is hote in the thirde degree, and moiste in the firste, but being dried, it is drie in the first degree, it heateth the stomake, and scattreth moist humors.