l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 3 7 4 3 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) CHARACTERIE AN ARTE of shorte, swifte, and secrete wri­ ting by Charac­ ter. Inuented by Timothe Bright, Doctor of Phisike. Imprinted at London by I. Windet, the Assigne of Tim. Bright. 1588. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis. Forbidding all other to print the same. Dedicatorie TO THE MOST high, and mightie prince, ELIZABETH, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, Queene: Defen­ der of the faith etc. CIcero did ac­ count it wor­ thie his labor, and no les pro­ fitable to the Roman com­ mon weale (Most gratious Soueraigne,) to inuent a speedie kinde of wryting by Character, a Plu­ tarch reporteth in the life of CATO the yonger. This inuention was increased afterward by Seneca: that the number of Characters grue to 7000. Whether through iniurie of time, or that men gaue it ouer for tediousnes of learning, no­ thing remaineth extant of Ciceros inuention at this day. Vpon consideration of the great vse of such a kinde of writing, I haue inuented the like: of fewe Characters, short, & easie, euery Character answe­ ring a word: My inuenti­ on meere English, without precept, or imitation of a­ ny. The vses are diuers: Short, that a swifte hande may therewith write Ora­ tions or publike actions of speach, vttered as becom­ eth the grauitie of such actions, verbatim. Se­ crete, as no kinde of wry­ ting like, and herein (be­ sides other properties) ex­ celling the writing by let­ ters, and Alphabet, in that, Nations of strange langua­ ges, may hereby communi­ cate their meaning toge­ ther in writing, though of sundrie tonges. It is repor­ ted of the people of Chi­ na, that they haue no o­ ther kinde, and so traf­ fike together many Pro­ uinces of that kingdom, ig­ norant one of an others speach. Their Characters are very long, and harde to make, that a dousen of mine, may be written as soone as one of theirs; Be­ sides, they wanting an Al­ phabet, fal into an infinite number, which is a thing that greatlie chargeth me­ mory, and may discourage the learner. This my inuention I am emboldned to dedicate vnto your Maiesty, in that among other your Prince­ lie vertues, your Maiesty is woont to approue of eue­ rie good and profitable in­ uention of learning: and in duetie of thankefulnesse am I much more bounde thereunto, from whome I haue receiued assurance of the fruite of my stu­ dies, by your Maiesties most gracious Priuiledge. And this my inuention be­ ing altogether of English yeeld, where your Maiestie is the Ladie of the Soyle it appertayneth of right to you onely. So, mooued by duetie, and incouraged by your Maiesties fauoura­ ble disposition to the ver­ tuous, & learned indeuors of your faithfull Subiects, I haue presumed to publish my Charactery vnder the protection of your Maie­ sties name. It is like a ten­ der plant, yong & strange and so it resteth. If it may be so happy, as to inioye the influence of your Maiesties fauoure, and good liking, I doubt not, but it will growe vp, be embraced, & yeeld pro­ fitable fruit vnto many, and I my selfe thereby shal haue atteined for my par­l ticular respect, that which in a lower degree, many shal enioy by the vse of this my inuention, which I hope (be it said with modestie) wanteth little to equall it, with that olde devise of Ciceroes, but your Ma­ iesties alowance, & Cice­ roes name. The later as I can easily spare, so without the former my Characterie dareth presume no farther, but liueth, or dieth, accor­ ding to your Maiesties ac­ count, whose blessed state, as it is to all your loyall subiectes an other life, be­ sides the naturall, so to this new sprong ympe, & to me the parent therof, nothing can bee more comfortable then your Maiesties grati­ ous acceptation, by whom all the land flourisheth, & is at the very heart cheered. The eternall blesse your Maiestie with increase of all happinesse to your com­ fort, and your faithful sub­ iects, that (vnder the great maiestie of God) onely de­ pend vpon you. Your Maiesties faithful Subject, Timothe Bright. An Instruction to the Reader, how the art is to be learned THou hast here gen­ tle Reader, an Art of short, and so of speedie wryting, plainly deliuered vnto thee. So as by thine owne industry, thou mayest attaine vnto it, if thou wilt but one moneth take paines therein, & by con­ tinuance of an other moneth, mayest thou attaine to great readinesse. For thy better in­ strucion, thou art first to learne the Characterie wordes by heart, and therewith the ma­ king of the figure to the Cha­ racter, to doo it readily, and cleane. Then, to be able to joyne euery Character to the worde pronounced, without booke or sight of any patterne before thee. This done, thou art farther to proceede, and to learne how to referre eyther wordes of like signification, or of the same kinde, or contra­ ries vnto those that be called Characterie. Here because e­ uery man by his own reache can not consider how to refer all wordes, thou hast in this booke an English dictionary, with words of reference alrea­ dy thereto adioyned to helpe such as of themselues can not so dispose them. The words which are called appellatiue, if they signifie thinges that haue di­ stinct parts: those parts are to be written in the one side, and the things and all the sortes that kinde, on the other, and where there be many of a kind for cleerer distinction, part them vnto diuerse sides. Likewise, as thou maiest see in the table of them more particularly. In stead of much laborious writing; for thy speedy exercise, and ease, thou mayest cause one to read the Dictionarie to thee, while thou writest it, and so in that small quantitie of paper hast thou to exercise thee more, then if thou shouldest write whole volumes. And if thou wilt take pains to cast the Characterie wordes into some discourse, as liketh thee best, so hast thou a means of reteyning the Art, and keeping it without al dan­ ger of forgetting. Moreouer, thou mayest ex­ ercise this art after a while lear­ ning, as well by reading with­ out writing as if thou diddest write, by calling the Character to thy minde, and the worde of reference. So hast thou the Art of short, swift, and secrete writing, none comparable. Farewell. THE ARTE OF Characterie CHaracterie is an art of writing brieflie. It hath two parts. The first parte is concerning the making of the Characters. The second is concerning the value, and signification of them. A Character is a brief mark of a worde. To Characters doe belong two thinges: Figure, and Ioy­ ning. The Figure ought to be ea­ sie, and briefe. The ioyning of Characters consisteth of situation, and di­ stinction The situation of Character ought to be one directly vnder the other. The distinction ought to be made with a pricke sette vnder the Character, at euery brea­ thing, or pause of the sentence as [shorthand mark] These are properties be­ longing to all Characters. The kindes of Characters are two: Simple or compound. A Simple one is a Character made of no other, and is vari­ ed by euery kinde of position, hanging or lying. It is either a straight line, or crooked. A straight line hanging, direct, as, [shorthand mark] or bias as [shorthand marks] lying, thus, [shorthand mark] A crooked line, is either halfe circle or whole, hanging thus, [shorthand marks] lying thus [shorthand marks] The whole circle thus [shorthand mark] The Compounded Charac­ ters are such as be made of the simple. A Compounded Character hath two partes: the one is the body of the Character, & the other is an addition to it. The bodie of the Character is a single straight Character, & & by it is varied the position of the Character compounded thereof. The Addition is to either side of the bodie, to the head or to the foote. The addition is either sin­ gle, or Compound. Single, when the addition is is of one line onely: and that ey­ ther streight, or croked. Streight line to the head of either side, thus: [shorthand marks] to the foote, thus: [shorthand marks] A compounde addition is when the addition consisteth of two lines. The Compound addition is of two sorts: either of the same kinde of lines, as two crooked as [shorthand mark], or one streight and the o­ ther crooked, at the head thus [shorthand marks], at the foote thus [shorthand marks] Hetherto of the parts of streight lined Characters, and the properties belonging to them. Now of the kinds. THe straight lined Compound is multiplied by varying position, first [shorthand mark] then [shorthand mark] and [shorthand mark] A straightlined Character is either simply Compounded, or double Compound. Simply Comp. at head thus: from [shorthand mark] answering the alphabet sauing k, q, and y, which are answered with c, and i, position, [shorthand marks] at the feete thus: [shorthand marks] posi­ tion [shorthand marks] Double Compounds are such, as haue additions boath at head and foote, as [shorthand marks] &c, and so the rest, the 12. feete added. Position thus [shorthand marks] These are all the streight li­ ned Characters. Thus much concerning the Character, and of the first part of Charactery. The seconde part of Cha­ racterie, touching the sig­ nification of the Character THe signification of the character is of two sorts, Solitarie, or accom­ panied. A solitarie signification is that, which a solitarie Charac­ ter expresseth. That is, certaine wordes whereto all other may bee re­ ferred, called Charactericall. The Charactericall wordes, are a number that haue neither agreement, nor contrarity to­ gether: but stand indifferent­ ly affected. These are all conteyned in a Table following, with the Character adioyned to eache word. Let a short Character, serue an vsuall and short word: and a long one a long word: excepte the order in the Alphabet dis­ posed for memorie, cause alte­ ration. A worde of the same sound, though of diuers sence, is writ­ ten with the same: as, faste, for abstinence from meate, for swiftnes, and surenes: so if it much differ not, as whore, and hore, whole, and hole. Of the properties belon­ ging to words. THe properties belonging to wordes, are shewed by plain expressing them: or are gathe­ red by nature of the speech. They are expressed by pricks added to the side of the Cha­ racter. They are common to all wordes, or peculiar vnto cer­ tayne. The common is, to be pri­ mitiue, or deriued. Of primitiues, or derivatiues. PRimitiues and deriuatiues are known by the language: as, he is a vertuous man, not, a vertue man: feare God, honour the king: not fearful, so not ho­ norable. Deriued words that ende in er, require two prickes at the right side of the Character: as, laborer is deriued of labor. [shorthand mark] Such as ende in shippe, as friendship, or hood, a neigh­ bourhood, require after the word writen, the Character of ship to be placed vnderneath: and whether it, or hood be to be read, the language wil plain­ ly deliuer. For no man wil read either neighborship, or friend­ hood. Let his be written with the Character of h, and a prick on the left side, as: [shorthand mark] Thus much of Primatiues and De­ riuatiues: which are common to all wordes. Now of peculiar properties. THe peculiar to Nownes are Nomber and Comparison Of number. A, going before the word, de­ clareth the singular nomber: as, a man, not, a men. When the, goeth before, place a pricke at the side of the Cha­ racter folowing, to note the plurall nomber, as [shorthand mark] the ages. The Character of this, requi­ reth a pricke on the side, to sig­ nifie thus. [shorthand mark] The rest is declared by the language: as, two men, not two man. Of comparison The Comparative degree is knowen from the other, by then, following: as, gold is bet­ ter then siluer, not good then siluer, nor best. The superlatiue degree is de­ clared by of, following: as, gold is best of metals. When comparison is betwixt two, of, signifieth the Compa­ rative degree: as, better of twain. Hetherto of properties belonging to Nownes: It followeth of such as belong to verbs, as tence, or time. Of Tence. IF the time be parted from the worde, as, I wil against such a day, doe this: then make the marke of the time at the side of the person: as, at j. The time of doing any thing, if it be past, and is signified by haue: let the Character for haue, be written. If had, doe signifie it, make a pricke in the Character of haue, on the left hand. [shorthand mark] If did, make the like pricke in the Character of doe, on the same side. [shorthand mark] For were, write the Charac­ ter of ware. If the worde by reason of tence ende in ed, as, I loued, then make a prick in the Char­ acter of the word, on the lefte side. [shorthand mark] I loued The time to come requireth a prick on the the right side. When woulde is to bee ex­ pressed, write the Character of will for it, and read it would: & for should, make a prick on the right side of well. The present tence wanteth a pricke, and so is knowen from other tences. A worde of doing, that en­ deth in ing, as, eating, drinking &c. requireth two prickes di­ rect vnder the bodie of the Character, as [shorthand mark] Other times or tences, depend vpon these, and are plainly dis­ cerned by the nature of the language. A note of nombers, & propper names. NOmbers are writen by the the heades of the compounde Characters, with a streight bo­ die hanging, and take increase by place, as Ciphers in Arith­ metike: Propper names, if they be sig­ nificant, are written by charac­ ter: as, fielde, day, &c Other­ wise the head of the character bearing the figure of a letter added also to the foote, and so ioyned in one figure, may serue for two letters: as ab [shorthand mark] ac [shorthand mark] ad [shorthand mark] ae [shorthand mark] ba [shorthand mark] be &c and so o­ ther two, till all the worde, or as much as is necessarie, shal be written: with a marke at the side of the first Character, to shewe that it is a name. Hetherto concerning the solitary signification, with properties belonging to words. It fol­ loweth of the accompa­ nied signification The accompanied significa­ tion is that which the Cha­ racter expresseth by an addi­ tion to it. This addition, is the heads of streight characters, each an­ swering a letter in the alpha­ bet. These additions carrie the first letter of the accompanied signification, to declare what it is. If the accompanied signifi­ cation haue two wordes of like beginning as ledde, and latine, take two of the first letters made into one Character, as before in names, for difference. if two, be like, (which is ve­ ry rare) leaue the vouell, or the consonant, of the one, for dif­ ference, as in stretch, & straine, & take that which may make the difference. The accompanied signifi­ cation is of two kinds. Either when the very worde is signified, or the sence only. The very worde, when the presise word is to be signified. Here sometimes falleth out a shortning of writing. First, when and, or, neither, or such coniunctions come be­ twixt two wordes that are of like signification, or contraries: then, in stead of the Character of the second, place the addi­ tion answering the first letter of that word, to the side of the coniunction as [shorthand mark] life and death. And if many synominaes, or contraries be vttered not cou­ pled by any coniunction, make a pricke in stead of the coniun­ ction, and note those synomi­ naes, or contraries, with their marks, as before is said, as part whole, lumpe, peece, thus: [shorthand marks] The second shortning is in repetitions. If the repetition be of sin­ gle wordes, the figure of the number how oft it is repeated is to be added to the left side of the Character of the repea­ ted word, as earth, earth, earth, heare the word of the Lord. If it be of a sentence, or whole part thereof, place a circle on the right side of the first re­ peated woordes Character. thus: In perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of the sea, write thus [shorthand marks] The accompanied significa­ tion in expresse word, is of two sorts. Either of like, & consen­ ting signification with the soli­ tary: or of dissenting. The consenting signification requireth the marke on the left side. The consenting signification is of two kindes. When the accompanied sig­ nification is a synonima to the solitary, or a kind of it. Synonima, as anger, rage, fury, [shorthand marks] A kinde as mettall, brasse, tinne, ledde. [shorthand mark] Thus much of the Consen­ ting signification: It followeth of the Dissenting. The dissenting signification is when the accompanied dissenteth from the solitary. Here the addition is to be placed on the right side, as: When it is a meere deniying it hath onely a dashe through the Character, whose worde it denieth, as, is, is not; good, not good. [shorthand marks] Here place the shortning on the right side, as life, & death, neither good nor badde. [shorthand marks] When such a contrary is first to be written, as is not contey­ ned in the table of Charactery wordes, then write it with the addition, and let the coniun­ ction be accompanied with the marke on the left side, as death and life [shorthand mark] Which marke is a pricke if it be the solitary signification that is to be written, otherwise a marke of synonima, therof Hetherto concerning the accompanied signification, of the expresse word: It followeth of the sense. The sense onlie is to be ta­ ken with the character, when besides that wee desire to bee swift, the very expresse worde is not necessarie. That is, when they doe but fill the speech, or otherwise are not of the sub­ stance of the matter: as, circum­ locutions, and partitions. Of the first sort is, when we leue out the speciall, and pecu­ liar proprieties: as, high hea­ uen, eternall God. Here leaue out high, and eternall. So when a phrase is to be ta­ ken with a worde: as, he tooke himselfe to his heeles, for he fled. Also here may be lefte out the word of like signification, as praise for commend, greeue, for molest, etc. The other sort is when the thing described, or diuided, is put for the description, or di­ uision: as, for creator of heauen and earth, God: the redeemer of mankinde, Christ. So, for master, seruant, chil­ dren, father, mother, olde and young: the whole familie. At the side of the Character of the thing described, place at the divided [shorthand mark] FINIS. The Characterie Table A [shorthand mark] A Bound [shorthand mark] About. [shorthand mark] Accept. [shorthand mark] Accuse. [shorthand mark] Aduance. [shorthand mark] Aer. [shorthand mark] Againe. [shorthand mark] Age. [shorthand mark] All. [shorthand mark] Almost. [shorthand mark] Also. [shorthand mark] Although. [shorthand mark] Alter. [shorthand mark] Am. [shorthand mark] Amend. [shorthand mark] Anger. [shorthand mark] Anoint. [shorthand mark] Apparell. [shorthand mark] Appertaine. [shorthand mark] Appoint. [shorthand mark] Arme. [shorthand mark] Art. [shorthand mark] Asse. [shorthand mark] At. B [shorthand mark] BAnish. [shorthand mark] Bargaine. [shorthand mark] Beare. [shorthand mark] Beast. [shorthand mark] Beate. [shorthand mark] Before. [shorthand mark] Begge. [shorthand mark] Begin. [shorthand mark] Bellie. [shorthand mark] Bende. [shorthand mark] Benefite. [shorthand mark] Bestow. [shorthand mark] Betweene. [shorthand mark] Beware. [shorthand mark] By. [shorthand mark] Bycause. [shorthand mark] Birde. [shorthand mark] Bishop. [shorthand mark] Bite. [shorthand mark] Blase. [shorthand mark] Blowe. [shorthand mark] Bloud. [shorthand mark] Blowe. [shorthand mark] Blush. [shorthand mark] Bone. [shorthand mark] Booke. [shorthand mark] Borrow. [shorthand mark] Both. [shorthand mark] Bottome. [shorthand mark] Bread. [shorthand mark] Breake. [shorthand mark] Breede. [shorthand mark] Brest. [shorthand mark] Bright. [shorthand mark] Brittle. [shorthand mark] Brother. [shorthand mark] Bruise. [shorthand mark] Burne. [shorthand mark] Busie. [shorthand mark] But. C [shorthand mark] CAll. [shorthand mark] Can. [shorthand mark] Captious. [shorthand mark] Care. [shorthand mark] Case. [shorthand mark] Caue. [shorthand mark] Cause. [shorthand mark] Certaine. [shorthand mark] Challenge. [shorthand mark] Change. [shorthand mark] Cristian. [shorthand mark] Church. [shorthand mark] Chuse. [shorthand mark] Cyll. [shorthand mark] Cynde. [shorthand mark] Circumstance. [shorthand mark] Citie. [shorthand mark] Cloth. [shorthand mark] Cnowe. [shorthand mark] Coyne. [shorthand mark] Colour. [shorthand mark] Commaund. [shorthand mark] Comfort. [shorthand mark] Common. [shorthand mark] Compare. [shorthand mark] Companie. [shorthand mark] Compell. [shorthand mark] Continue. [shorthand mark] Conceiue. [shorthand mark] Condition. [shorthand mark] Consent. [shorthand mark] Consider. [shorthand mark] Confesse. [shorthand mark] Conscience. [shorthand mark] Constant. [shorthand mark] Conueigh. [shorthand mark] Content. [shorthand mark] Corne. [shorthand mark] Corner. [shorthand mark] Corrupt. [shorthand mark] Couer. [shorthand mark] Councel. [shorthand mark] Count. [shorthand mark] Crie. [shorthand mark] Cuestion. [shorthand mark] Cuit [shorthand mark] Cumpasse. [shorthand mark] Cut. D [shorthand mark] DAy. [shorthand mark] Danger. [shorthand mark] Deceiue. [shorthand mark] Declare. [shorthand mark] Dedicate. [shorthand mark] Deere. [shorthand mark] Defend. [shorthand mark] Delight. [shorthand mark] Depriue. [shorthand mark] Deputie. [shorthand mark] Descend. [shorthand mark] Desire. [shorthand mark] Despise. [shorthand mark] Destitute. [shorthand mark] Destroy. [shorthand mark] Diet. [shorthand mark] Differ. [shorthand mark] Digge. [shorthand mark] Diligence. [shorthand mark] Dissemble. [shorthand mark] Distresse. [shorthand mark] Difie. [shorthand mark] Doe. [shorthand mark] Dout. [shorthand mark] Draw. [shorthand mark] Dreame. [shorthand mark] Drie. [shorthand mark] Drinke. [shorthand mark] Driue. [shorthand mark] Drop. [shorthand mark] Due. [shorthand mark] Duble. E [shorthand mark] EArth. [shorthand mark] Edge. [shorthand mark] Euen. [shorthand mark] Element. [shorthand mark] Eloquence. [shorthand mark] Enough. [shorthand mark] Enter. [shorthand mark] Enterprise. [shorthand mark] Erect. [shorthand mark] Erre. [shorthand mark] Escape. [shorthand mark] Euer. [shorthand mark] Example. [shorthand mark] Except. [shorthand mark] Exercise. [shorthand mark] Expect. [shorthand mark] Expert. F [shorthand mark] FAce. [shorthand mark] Faith. [shorthand mark] Faire. [shorthand mark] Fall. [shorthand mark] Fare. [shorthand mark] Farre. [shorthand mark] Fast. [shorthand mark] Fatte. [shorthand mark] Feare. [shorthand mark] Feast. [shorthand mark] Feede. [shorthand mark] Field. [shorthand mark] Fetter. [shorthand mark] Fight. [shorthand mark] Figure. [shorthand mark] Fill. [shorthand mark] Filth. [shorthand mark] Fine. [shorthand mark] Finde. [shorthand mark] Fire. [shorthand mark] Fish. [shorthand mark] Flatter. [shorthand mark] Flesh. [shorthand mark] Fly. [shorthand mark] Fling. [shorthand mark] Florish. [shorthand mark] Folow. [shorthand mark] For [shorthand mark] Force. [shorthand mark] Forsake. [shorthand mark] Fortune. [shorthand mark] Foundation. [shorthand mark] Fountaine. [shorthand mark] Free. [shorthand mark] Frend. [shorthand mark] From. [shorthand mark] Frowne. [shorthand mark] Fruite. [shorthand mark] Furnish. G [shorthand mark] GApe. [shorthand mark] Garde. [shorthand mark] Garment. [shorthand mark] Gather. [shorthand mark] Gentle. [shorthand mark] Gest. [shorthand mark] Get. [shorthand mark] Gide. [shorthand mark] Giue. [shorthand mark] Goe. [shorthand mark] God. [shorthand mark] Good. [shorthand mark] Gospel. [shorthand mark] Glasse. [shorthand mark] Glorie. [shorthand mark] Grace. [shorthand mark] Grasse. [shorthand mark] Graine. [shorthand mark] Grasse. [shorthand mark] Graue. [shorthand mark] Great. [shorthand mark] Griefe. [shorthand mark] Grone. H [shorthand mark] HAlfe. [shorthand mark] Hand. [shorthand mark] Hang. [shorthand mark] Hard. [shorthand mark] Hart. [shorthand mark] Haruest. [shorthand mark] Haste. [shorthand mark] Haue. [shorthand mark] Hault. [shorthand mark] Haunt. [shorthand mark] Heale. [shorthand mark] Hee. [shorthand mark] Hedde. [shorthand mark] Helpe. [shorthand mark] Herbe. [shorthand mark] Here. [shorthand mark] Hete. [shorthand mark] Hetherto. [shorthand mark] Heuen. [shorthand mark] Hie. [shorthand mark] Hil. [shorthand mark] Historie. [shorthand mark] Hit. [shorthand mark] Holy. [shorthand mark] Honest. [shorthand mark] Hope. [shorthand mark] How. [shorthand mark] Hould. [shorthand mark] House. [shorthand mark] Husband. [shorthand mark] Hurt. I [shorthand mark] YEt. [shorthand mark] If. [shorthand mark] Inherite. [shorthand mark] Inioy. [shorthand mark] Innocent. [shorthand mark] Inquire. [shorthand mark] Instrument. [shorthand mark] Interteine. [shorthand mark] Inuent. [shorthand mark] You. [shorthand mark] Ioyne. [shorthand mark] Yong. [shorthand mark] Iudge. [shorthand mark] Iuel. L [shorthand mark] LAbour. [shorthand mark] Last. [shorthand mark] Late. [shorthand mark] Laugh. [shorthand mark] Leane. [shorthand mark] Learne. [shorthand mark] Let. [shorthand mark] Lether. [shorthand mark] Leue. [shorthand mark] Ly. [shorthand mark] Liberalitie. [shorthand mark] Life. [shorthand mark] Light. [shorthand mark] Like. [shorthand mark] Limitte. [shorthand mark] Line. [shorthand mark] Lode. [shorthand mark] Loose. [shorthand mark] Loue. M [shorthand mark] MAdde. [shorthand mark] Make. [shorthand mark] Man. [shorthand mark] Maner. [shorthand mark] Many. [shorthand mark] Marchant. [shorthand mark] Marke. [shorthand mark] Marrie. [shorthand mark] Maruayle. [shorthand mark] Masse. [shorthand mark] Master. [shorthand mark] Matter. [shorthand mark] Meane. [shorthand mark] Measure.. [shorthand mark] Meete. [shorthand mark] Mercie. [shorthand mark] Merite. [shorthand mark] Message. [shorthand mark] Metall. [shorthand mark] Minde. [shorthand mark] Mine. [shorthand mark] Mirth. [shorthand mark] Mix. [shorthand mark] Mock. [shorthand mark] Modesty. [shorthand mark] More. [shorthand mark] Moue. [shorthand mark] Mouth. [shorthand mark] Much. [shorthand mark] Murmur. N [shorthand mark] NAile. [shorthand mark] Nature. [shorthand mark] Necessarie. [shorthand mark] Neighbor. [shorthand mark] Nether. [shorthand mark] Nette. [shorthand mark] Neuerthelesse. [shorthand mark] Nippe. [shorthand mark] No. [shorthand mark] Noble. [shorthand mark] Nothing. [shorthand mark] Nothinglesse. [shorthand mark] Now. O [shorthand mark] OBay. [shorthand mark] Office. [shorthand mark] Offend. [shorthand mark] Offer. [shorthand mark] Oft. [shorthand mark] Oh. [shorthand mark] Omit. [shorthand mark] One. [shorthand mark] Open. [shorthand mark] Oppose. [shorthand mark] Oppresse. [shorthand mark] Or. [shorthand mark] Order. [shorthand mark] Othe. [shorthand mark] Other. [shorthand mark] Ouer. [shorthand mark] Ouermuch. [shorthand mark] Ouertake. [shorthand mark] Ought. [shorthand mark] Owne. [shorthand mark] Owre. [shorthand mark] Out. [shorthand mark] Outward. P [shorthand mark] PAcient. [shorthand mark] Parent. [shorthand mark] Part. [shorthand mark] Passe. [shorthand mark] Peace. [shorthand mark] People. [shorthand mark] Perfect. [shorthand mark] Perswade. [shorthand mark] Physicke. [shorthand mark] Place. [shorthand mark] Plague. [shorthand mark] Playe. [shorthand mark] Plaine. [shorthand mark] Plead. [shorthand mark] Pledge. [shorthand mark] Poynt. [shorthand mark] Possible. [shorthand mark] Power. [shorthand mark] Pray. [shorthand mark] Praise. [shorthand mark] Preach. [shorthand mark] Preiudice. [shorthand mark] Prepare. [shorthand mark] Present. [shorthand mark] Pretende. [shorthand mark] Preuayle. [shorthand mark] Preuent. [shorthand mark] Pricke. [shorthand mark] Prince. [shorthand mark] Promis. [shorthand mark] Prophecy. [shorthand mark] Proportion. [shorthand mark] Prosper. [shorthand mark] Proue. [shorthand mark] Pulpet. [shorthand mark] Punish. [shorthand mark] Purge. [shorthand mark] Purpose. R [shorthand mark] RAce. [shorthand mark] Raigne. [shorthand mark] Rebuke. [shorthand mark] Reche. [shorthand mark] Recouer. [shorthand mark] Reade. [shorthand mark] Redy. [shorthand mark] Region. [shorthand mark] Reioyce. [shorthand mark] Religion. [shorthand mark] Remember. [shorthand mark] Repe. [shorthand mark] Repent. [shorthand mark] Reson. [shorthand mark] Resolue. [shorthand mark] Rest. [shorthand mark] Restore. [shorthand mark] Rewarde. [shorthand mark] Reuenge. [shorthand mark] Reuile. [shorthand mark] Riche. [shorthand mark] Right. [shorthand mark] Ripe. [shorthand mark] Robbe. [shorthand mark] Rodd. [shorthand mark] Roote. [shorthand mark] Rough. [shorthand mark] Rubbe. [shorthand mark] Rule. [shorthand mark] Rush. S [shorthand mark] SAlute. [shorthand mark] Saue. [shorthand mark] Scarce. [shorthand mark] Schoole. [shorthand mark] Slaunder. [shorthand mark] See. [shorthand mark] Seede. [shorthand mark] Seeme. [shorthand mark] Sence. [shorthand mark] Shine. [shorthand mark] Shippe. [shorthand mark] Shoote. [shorthand mark] Side. [shorthand mark] Sinke. [shorthand mark] Singe. [shorthand mark] Sitt. [shorthand mark] Skill. [shorthand mark] Slippe. [shorthand mark] Smatter. [shorthand mark] Smoke. [shorthand mark] Soddayn. [shorthand mark] Soeuer. [shorthand mark] Some. [shorthand mark] Sore. [shorthand mark] Sounde. [shorthand mark] Space. [shorthand mark] Spare. [shorthand mark] Sparke. [shorthand mark] Speake. [shorthand mark] Spice. [shorthand mark] Spitt. [shorthand mark] Stringe. [shorthand mark] Staye. [shorthand mark] Start. [shorthand mark] Steppe. [shorthand mark] Steward. [shorthand mark] Stone. [shorthand mark] Strayne. [shorthand mark] Stronge. [shorthand mark] Study. [shorthand mark] Stuffe. [shorthand mark] Stumble. [shorthand mark] Substance. [shorthand mark] Such. [shorthand mark] Sweete. [shorthand mark] Swell. [shorthand mark] Surfeit. [shorthand mark] Sunne. T [shorthand mark] TAme. [shorthand mark] Tast. [shorthand mark] Teare. [shorthand mark] Temper. [shorthand mark] Tempest. [shorthand mark] Thancke. [shorthand mark] That. [shorthand mark] Then. [shorthand mark] Thence. [shorthand mark] There. [shorthand mark] Thether. [shorthand mark] Thine. [shorthand mark] Thinge. [shorthand mark] Thincke. [shorthand mark] This. [shorthand mark] Thriue. [shorthand mark] Tidings. [shorthand mark] Till. [shorthand mark] Time. [shorthand mark] Together. [shorthand mark] Tonge. [shorthand mark] Touch. [shorthand mark] Trade. [shorthand mark] Treason. [shorthand mark] Tree. [shorthand mark] Tribute. [shorthand mark] Triumph. [shorthand mark] Trouble. [shorthand mark] True. [shorthand mark] Turne. W [shorthand mark] WAyne. [shorthand mark] Vaine. [shorthand mark] Waite. [shorthand mark] Ware. [shorthand mark] Warne. [shorthand mark] Watch. [shorthand mark] Water. [shorthand mark] Weapon. [shorthand mark] Weary. [shorthand mark] Venture. [shorthand mark] Very. [shorthand mark] Vertue. [shorthand mark] Vessell. [shorthand mark] Wether. [shorthand mark] What. [shorthand mark] Where. [shorthand mark] Wherefore. [shorthand mark] Which. [shorthand mark] Whore. [shorthand mark] Will. [shorthand mark] Vine. [shorthand mark] Winde. [shorthand mark] Winter. [shorthand mark] Violence. [shorthand mark] Wise. [shorthand mark] Visit. [shorthand mark] Witnesse. [shorthand mark] Wood. [shorthand mark] Woord. [shorthand mark] World. [shorthand mark] Worship. [shorthand mark] Worthy. [shorthand mark] Vp. [shorthand mark] Vprore. [shorthand mark] Wrangle. [shorthand mark] Wright. [shorthand mark] Vse. Particles [shorthand mark] The. [shorthand mark] We. [shorthand mark] I. [shorthand mark] They. [shorthand mark] My selfe. [shorthand mark] Owerselues. [shorthand mark] So. [shorthand mark] So as. [shorthand mark] And. [shorthand mark] In. [shorthand mark] Of. [shorthand mark] To. [shorthand mark] A. [shorthand mark] For. [shorthand mark] With. [shorthand mark] It. [shorthand mark] It is. [shorthand mark] It selfe. [shorthand mark] As it weare. [shorthand mark] That is to saye. [shorthand mark] Without. [shorthand mark] Least that. A Table of English Wordes. A B ABandon Forsake Abase High Abashe Blush Abate Great Abbey Companie Abbote Bishop A bette Defend Abhominable Filthie Abhorring Flee Abyde Continue Abilitie Can Able Can Abolish Destroy Aboue Ouer Abound About Abricott Fruite Abridge Great Abroade In Abrogate Appoint Absent Present Abstaine Flie, Desire Absolute Perfect Absurd Wise Abuse Vse A C Accent Sound Accept Accesse Enter Accessary Appertaine Accompanie Companie Accomplish Beginne Account Count Accord Peace According As Accurse Blesse Accuse Accustome Vse Ache Griefe Atchieve Get Acknowledge Confesse Acorne Fruite Acquaintance Friend Acquitance Quit Acre Measure Act Doe Action Doe Actiue Doe A D Adde Ioyne Adder Flie Addict Giue Addresse Prepare Adioyning Ioyne Adiourne Deferre Administration Rule Admirall Worthie Admiration Maruaile Admitted Accept Adoe Doe Adorne Iewel, or fine Aduance Aduantage Benefite Aduenture Venture Aduersarie Frend Aduersitie Prosperitie Aduertised Learne Aduise Councel Adulterer Whore Aduocate Pleade Aduow Defend A F Affaires Busie Affeard Feare Affect Desire Affections Desire Affiance Faith Affirme Speake Afflicted Grieue Affraide Feare Affresh Againe After Before A G Age Againe Against Againe Aglet Iewell Agoe Sence Agonie Griefe Agrauate Waight Agree Consent Ague Sore A H Ah Oh A I Ayde Helpe Ayer Aer A K Aker Measure Ake Griefe A L Alder Tree Alderman Worship Ale Drinke Alien Friend Alienate Change All Alaide Lie, or Temper Alarme Weapon Alike Like Aliue Life Aledge Witnes Allie Kinde, or Way Alliance Kinde Alofte Vp Alotted Fortune Aloofe Farre Alowe Like, or Geue Alure Drawe Almanake Booke Almes Geue Almonde Fruite Almost Also Alter Alter Alum Mettall A M Am Amased Feare Ambassadour Message Amber Spice Ambiguitie Doubt Amble Goe Ambrie Case Ambushment Waite Amendes Amende Amerce Fine Amiable Loue Amisse Right Amner Steward Among With Amourously Loue Ample Great A N Ancher Shippe Anciently Age Ancle Ioynt Ancome Sore Angel Message Andiron Stuffe Angelica Herbe Anger Angle Corner Anise Seede Anguish Griefe Anoy Trouble Anoint Anon Now Ante Flie Antedate Before Antiquitie Age Anuill Beate Anie Some Anniuersarie Time Answere Question A P Apase Faste Apart A parte Ape Beast Apron Apparel Apte Meete Appaire Great Apparant Open Apparrel Appeach Accuse Appeale Call Appeareth Seeme Appertaine Appease Peace Appetite Desire Applie Lie, or Compare Apple Fruite Appoint Apprentise Learne Approach Goe Approouing Like Appertenance Apperteine Aptnesse Meete A R Array Garment, or Order Arres Cloath Arbitrement Iudge Arbour Tree Archangel Minde Archbishop Bishop Archdeacon Deacon Arch Bende Archer Shoote Argument Prooue Arise Fall Ariue Goe Arme Armie Companie Armorer Armour Weapon Arrest Reste Arrerages Losse Arrogancie High Arrowe Shoote Arse Parte Arsnike Mettall Arswersie Order Artichokes Herbe A S As Ascending Descende Ashamed Blush Ashes Fire Aside Side Aske Question Askewe Side Asleape Watch Asmuch As much Asunder Parte Asquint Side Asse Assay Taste Assayle Assault Prooue Assemble Gather Assent Consent Asseige Compasse Assigne Appoynt Assisteth Helpe Assises Sitte Associate Companie Assoone Late Assure Certaine Asswage Temper, or measure Astonish Stone, or feare Asthough Assure Colour Aswell As good A T Atcheiue Get Attache Rest Attaine Get Attainted Innocent Attempt Enterprise Attentiue Diligent Attire Garment Attonement Peace Attrapped Nette Attributed Geue Attourney Deputie A V Auaileable Strong Auance Great Auarice Liberall Auaunt Out Auborne Colour Audience Here Auditour Here Auenge Revenge Aumble Goe Auncient Age Augment Great Augre Instrument Aunt Parent Auoide Flie Auow Defend Auouch Defend Author Make, or Doe Authoritie Rule, or Power A W Awe Away Awayte Waite Awake Watch Aware Beware Awarde Garde, or Giue Awrye Right Awle All, or poynt A X Axe Question B A BAbble Speake Babie Yong Bable Iewel Bacheler Marrie Backe Backbite Slaunder Backside Backward Before Bacon Flesh Badge Marke Badger Beast Bag Case Baggage Filth Bagpipe Mirth Baye Lette, or Tree Bayle Witnesse Baylie Officer Bayne Water Bayte Byte, Tame Bake Heate Balade Sing Balances Waight Balase Idem Balde Rough or haire Ball Play Balke Sitte Bane FeedeNot identified among possibilities in OED. Banes Fetter Banne Blesse Band Companie Bande Line Bandog Beast Bang Beate Bannish Banke Hill Bancke Sitte Banket Diet Banckrout Thriue Banner Marke Bansticle Bare Open Barbarously Eloquent, or kinde Barbill Fishe Barberie Fruite Barbour Labour Barge Shipp, or beare Bargaine Barke Cry Barlie Grayne Barme Florish Barnacles Birdes Barres Barre Let Barennes Fruite Barrels Measure Barriers Lette Barrister Barrowe Beare Base Highe Bashfull Blush Basill Herbe Basket Vessell Bason Vessell Bastard Sonne Bastarde Idem Basting Anoynte Baste Rodde Battaile Peace Batter Breake Bathes Waters Battlement Edge Baude Whore Baulme Medsine B E Be Am, or fly Beacon Light Beadle Officer Beake Mouth Bealke Winde, or BloweSee OED "belch," v. Beame Wood Beane Grayne Beare Beare Beard Haire Beares foote Herbe Berill Stone Berrie Fruite Beast Beate Bewtie Fayre Bewtifie Faire Beetle Bee Flye Beech Tree Because Becommeth Meete Becken Call Beere Beare Beere Drinke Bed Lie Bedred Lie Bedle Officer Bedlem Mad Befall Fall Before Beget Get Begge Begin Begle Beast Begotten Get Beguile Deceite Behauiour Manner Behaue Manner Behead Head Behinde Before Beholde See Behooueth Due Beyonde Before Beleeu Faith Belike Bell Sound Bellie Belong Appertaine Beloued Love Bellowe Crie Bellowes Blowe Belwether Folow Benche Sitte Bencher Sitte Bende Bende Beneath Ouer Benefice Office Benefit Hurte Benignly Loue Bente Grasse Bent Bende Benumming Sence Bequeath Giue Berayde Filth Bereft Rob Beseech Desire Beseege Compasse Beshrow Blesse Beside Also Besmearing Filth, or anoynt Besomes Purge Bespet Purge Bespew Purge Beste Good Bestow Betake Giue Betell Beat Beetle Flye Bethinke Thinke Betoken Marke Betrayed Treason Betroath Truth Better Good Betweene Bewaile Laugh, or complayne Beware Ware Bewitching Blesse Bewray Open B I Bie Bieway Bibbe Drinke Bicker Fight, or Peace Bidde Commande Beere Beare Bigge Great Bile HillNot identified. Bill Weapon Bill Write Billet Wood Billement Iewell Binde Loose Binne Case Birche Tree Birde Birdlime Birde lyme Birthe Beare Bishop Bisket Breade Bite Bitche She Bitt Byte Bitter Tast, or Sweete B L Blabbe Declare Blacke Colour Blade Herbe, or Weapon Bladder Part Blame Prayse Blame Idem Blanche Colour Blanche Blancke Colour Blanket Lie Blase Blasted Blowe Bleake Colour Blemish Filth, or Graie Bleate Crie Bleared Sore Bleeding Blood Blesse Blewe Colour Blinde See Blister Sore Blockish Wood Blinkeard See Blot Filth Blowe Blowe Blinde See Blunt Edge Blush Blustering Blow, or Tempest B O Boarde Wood Boast Glorie Boate Ship Bodie Minde Bodkin Poynt Boye Young Boyle Heate Boyer Shoote Bolle Woode or Vessell Boulde Feare Bouldster LieNot identified in OED. Bolte Let or Fetter Bone Boade Loose or Free. Bondage Free Bondman Free Bongrace Grace Bonnet Garment Booke Boote Apparell Boothe House Bootie Praye Bore Pricke Boate Hee Border Limit Borne Beare Borrow Bosome Brest Bosses Iewell Boasting Glory Botche Amende Botche Sore Bote Shippe Both Bottle Vessell Bottome Bottome Bottes Flie Boucher Labourer Boucle Fetter Boucler Defende Boudget Case Boughe Tree Bought Buye Boule Vessell Boulster Lye Bolte Shoote Bounde Loose Bounde Limitte Bountyfull Liberall Bourde Wood Bourage Herbe Bousard WiseThe antonym for "wise"? See OED, "buzzard," n. 1, 2. Bouthes House Bowe Bende, or shoote Bowell Bellie Boxe Case B R Brasse Mettall Bracelet Iewell Bracer Arme Brache He, or she Bragge Glory Braye Crie Braie Beate Braine Head Brainsicke Madde Bake Heate Brake Breake Brake Herbe Bramble Tree Branche Tree Brande Fire, or marke Brandish Purge Branne Graine Brasen Mettall Brasier Mettall Brasse Idem Brassel Wood Braue Fine Braule Wrangle Bread Breeches Apparell Breede Bredth Side, or great Breake Breakefast Diet Breast Breastplate Arme Breath Blowe Brewe Brewis Fatte Bribe Rewarde Bricke Stone Bride Husband Bridge Waye Bridegroome Marrie Bridle Fetter Bridemayd Husband, or Marry Briefe Great Brier Tree Brigantine Arme Bright Brimme Limit Brimstone Metall Brine Sauce Bringe Beare Brinke Edge Bristle Hayre Brittle Brooche Iewell Broche Open Brock Beast Broade Side Broderer Skill Boyle Heate Broken Breake Broker Marchant Broode Breede, or kinde Brooke Water Brooke Like Broome PurgeUncertain. Broth Feede Brothell Whore Brother Brought Beare Browe Face Browne Colour Bruise Brewe Make Brushe Purge Bruste BreakeUncertain. B V Bubble Water Bucke Hee Bucke Idem Bucket Vessell Buckle Fetter Buckler Arme Budde Springe Buffes Leather Buffet Beate Bugget Case Bugge Minde Buggerie Whore Builde Make Bull Hee Bullase Fruite Bullions Coyne Bullocke Beast, or he Bulrush Grasse Bulwarke Defence Bumbasing Haire, or lineUncertain. Bunche Gather Bunche Beate Bundle Idem Bungerly Arte Bunting Birde Burden Beare Burre Hearbe Burgesse Worship Burie Graue Burne Burnet Hearbe Burnish Fine Burrow Cittie Burst Breake Bushe Tree Bushe Bushell Measure Busie Buskins Apparell Butcher Labourer But Butter Fatte, or feede Butte But Butterfly Fly Buttes But Butler Steward Buttocke Parte Button Fetter Buttresse Wood Buttrie House Butwine Buzze Sounde C A CAbage Herbe Cabine House Cable Line Cage Case Cake Breade Calfe Young Call Calme Tempest Caltrops Pricke Came Goe Cammoise RightUncertain. Campe Fielde Champion Fight Can Canapie Couer Cancell Cut, or Teare Candle Light Canker Sore Cannell Way Canonised Holy Canuassed Beate Canuasse Cloath Cappe Garment Cape Garment Capacite Houlde, or Space Capon Birde Captaine Principall Captious Carre Drawe Cardes Play Care Carrie Beare Carrire Goe Carke Care Carnation Colour or Flower Carpe Captiouse Carpenter Skill Carpet Stuffe Carte Beare Caruer Graue, or Parte Caruing Cut, or Parte Case Casement Entry Casket Case Cassock Garment Cast Flinge Castrell Birde Catch Gette Catchpole Officer Cater Steward Cattall Beast Caterpiller Fly Candle Light Caudron Vessell Caue Caulfe Younge Cauillour Captiouse Caulle Call Caulme Tempest Cause Causey Way C E Cease Reste Celler Caue Censer Smoke Certaine Cessed Reft Cesterne Water C H Chase Heate Chaseying Idem Chaffe Graine Chaine Fetter Chaire Sitte Challenge Chalice Vessell Chalke Earth Chamberline Steward Chamblet Cloath Champe Bruise Channell, Sincke Change Changeling Chanon Bishop Chappeth Parte Chapman Marchant or buie Chapter Head Chappell Church Chaplaine Bishop Charecole Fyre Charge Charger Vessell Chariot Beare Charme Blisse Charter Write, or Booke Chase Driue Chaste Whore Chastice Beate Chatt Speake Chaunce Fortune Chancell Church Chancelour Worship, or Iudge Chandler Light Chawe Bruyse Cheape Deere Chearfull Mirth Checke Rebuke Checker Place Cheife Prince Cheeke Face Cherie Fruite Cherish Comfort Cheese Feede Chesill Cutte Chesse Playe Chest Case Chesten Fruite Chewe Bruyse Chicken Younge Chide Rebuke Childe Younge Chill Heate Chimney Fyre Chime Mirth Chincough Sore Chinke Teare, or Parte Chinne Face Chippes Parte Chirne Beate Chirpe Sounde Chirurgion Phisicke Chitterling Feede Choyse Choose Cholerike Bloud Chop Cut Choose Choake Let, or Kill Christening Christ Christinatorie AnoyntNot found in OED. Christmas Feast Chronicles Historie Church Churlish Kinde Chuse C I Cicle Measure Cinamon Spice Cipresse Tree Circle Compasse Circuite About Circumspect Wise, or Care Circumstances Cisers Cutte Citie Citizens Citie, or man Citterne Mirth Citron Fruite Ciuillity Maner Ciues Herbe C L Clacke Sounde Cladde Cloth Claie Earth Claime Challenge Clammie Tough Clapper Beate Clap Beate, or sound Claret Drinke Clarke Learne Claspe Fetter Clauicordes Mirth Clause Poynt Clawes Nayle Cleftes Teare, or Parte Clegge Fast, or beate Cleane Filth Cleanse Purge Cleare Bright Cleargie Church Cleaue Ioyne Cleauing Ioyning Clew Gather, or bottome Cliffe Hill Clime Descende Clinch Fast Clippe Parte, or cut Clipped Call Clister Medicine Clocke Time Clodde Earth, or Masse Cloyster House Cloke Garment Closet Open Cloth Cloude Clouen Parte Cloues Spice Clounish Cittie, or Maner Clout Cloath Clubbe Weapon Cluster Gather, or Company Cluttred Ioyne, or Fetter C O Coape Apparell Coaste Limet Cobler Amend Cobwebbe Cloth Couche Lye Cocke Hee Cockatrice Flye Cockish Glory Cockell Grayne Cockerell Younge Cockering Comfort Cockney Graue Cod Couer Codde Fish Cofer Case Coferer Cognisance Marke Coyfe Garment Coyner Coyne Coyte Play, or Fling Cole Burne Collier Labourer Colerake Instrument Colander Strayne Coulde Heate Collect Pray Colle Compasse Coller Fetter Collection Gather Collops Part Coloured Colour Colt Younge Collusion Deceyue Come Goe Commandement Combe Instrument Combate Fight Combrousse Griefe, or Trouble Commedie Playe Commence Beginne Commende Prayse Commentarie Booke Comfort Comming Goe Commissarie Office Commissioner Deputie Commit Giue Comelines Fayre Commander Commaunde Commoditie Benefite Common Commons Commonaltie Commotion Vprore Communication Speake Compact Ioyne Company Companion Friend Compare Compasse Compassion Mercie Compell Compendiously Side, or great Complaine Playnt Complection Nature Complices Companie Composition Mixe or temper Comprehende Hould Compremised Iudge Comprised Hould Comptroller Commaund Compulsion Compell Concealing Open, or couer Conceites Conceiue Conceiue Concerning Appertaine Conclude Begin Concoct Prepare Concord Consent Concubine Whore Concupiscence Desire Condemne Quitte Condescend Consent Condition Conduite Way, or spring Conduct Guide Confection Make Confederates Friends Conferre Compare, or bestow Confesse Confidence Faith Confirme Certaine Confiscation Loose Confit Prepare Conflict Fight Conforme Figure Confound Destroy Confusedly Order Confute Prooue Congealed Gather Conger Fish Congregation Companie Congruance Peace Conie Beast Coniecturing Thinke Compunction Prick Coniure Blesse Coniurer Consent Conquerer Preuayle Conscience Consecrate Holie Consent Consequently So Conserued Destroy Consider Consist Sitte Conspire Constable Office Constant Constraine Compel Construe Declare Consult Councel Consume Spare Contagiousnesse Corrupt Containe Holde Contemne Despise Contempt Despise Contend Wrangle Content Continue Continuallie Continuance Contract Bargaine Contrie Region Contrarietie Like Contrarie Contrariwise Contribute Bestowe, or Geue Contriuer Maker Controler Steward Controuersie Question Conueigh Conuenient Meete Conuenticle Companie Conuersant Be, or Haunt Conuert Turne Conuict Conuince Prooue Cooke Steward Coole Hote Cooper Labourer Coope Case Coople One Coozens Kinde, or Parents Coepartner Part or companie Copie Like Cope Couer Cope Apparrell Coperas Mettall Copiouse Abound Copped Bottome Copper Mettall Cobweb Cloath Corrall Stone Corde Line Corke Wood Cormorant Birde Corne Graine Corner Cornet Mirth Coroner Office Corporall Minde Correct Amende Correspondent Like Corroborate Strong Corrupt Corslet Arme Cost Ritch Costly Costiue Loose Cote Garment Cotage House Cotten Heare Coward Feare Couch Lie Couen Deceite Couenant Bargaine Couer Couering Couerlet Couert Couet Desire Couetouse Liberall Couetousnes Cough Sore Councell Count Counter Countenance Face Counterfaite True Counterpaine Figure Counterpoint Counterpoyse Waight Countie Region Countesse Worship Courage Harte, or feare Couragious Couragiously Courd Feede Courle Right, or rough Course Rase Court Companie Courtlike Companie Courteine Couer Courteous Manner Courteously Courtesie Coushen Sitte Cowe Shee Cowslip Herbe C R Crabbedly Hard, or rough Crabbed Crab Fruite Cratch Case Cracke Sound Crackle Sound Cradle Lie Crafte Deceiue Craftie Craftelie Craker Glorie Crake Craking Cramming Fill Cramme Crampe Drawe, or sore Crane Birde Crased Strong Crash Breake Craue Begge Craule Goe Creake Sound Creame Feede Create Make Credence Faith Credite Creeke Water Creket SitteSee OED, "cricket," n.3, ("A low wooden stool", from a1643). Creepe Goe Creple Hault Cresses Herbe Crest High Creuises Corner Crie Cribbe Case Crimsen Colour Crisped Rough Christened Christ Christall Glasse Croke Groue Cronicle Historie Crooked Right Crooke Crie Crouch Stay Croppe Cut, or Bellie Crosse Fetter, or right Crossbowe Bende, or Bowe Crowe Birde Crowne Iewell Crouper SlayeUncertain. Crucifie Fetter, or hang Crude Prepare Cruell Mercie Cruet Vessell Crumme Bread Crust Bread C V Cubit Measure Cuckoe Birde Cuckoulde Honest Cucumer Fruite, or herbe Cudde Bellie Cudgell Rodde Culle Gather Cullander Strayne Cullers Colour Culpable Innocent Cumber Let, or trouble Cumbersome Cunne Learne Cunning Expert Cunningly Cup Vessel Cupbord Stuffe Cure Phisike, or office Curiositie Diligent, or care Curiouse Curled Rough Currie Rubbe, or beate Currish Mercie Currier Skill Curse Blesse Cursing Curtall Cutte Curtaine Hang, or Couer Custard Feede Custome Vse Cut Cuttell Fish Cutler Skill Cutpurse Robbe D A DAce Fish Dad Parent Daffodill Florish Dagge Shoote Dagger Weapon Daye Daintie Fine Daisies Florish Dale Hill Dally Play Dame Master Damme Parent Dammage Benefite Damaske Silke, colour Damsell Shee Dampe Aier, or water Damson Fruite Dandle Play, or moue Dandeprat Great Dankishe Drie Danger Dare Feare Darke Bright Darling Loue Darnell Grayne Darte Shoote Dasell Moue Dashe Beate Dastard Feare Date Time Dates Fruite Dawe Birde Dawbe Filth Daughter Parent Daunger Dawning Begin Daunce Goe D E Deacon Bishop Dead Liue Deafnesse Heare Deale Dor, or Geue Deane Bishop Dearth Abound Death Life Debarre Let Debase High Debate Wrangle Debilitate Strong Debonaire Mercie Debt Ought Decay Flourish, or abound Deceiue Decently Meete Decerne See Decke Faire Decked Declame Speake, or preach Declare Decline Stande, or bende Decoction Seeth, or water Decrease Abound Decree Apoint Dedicate Deducte Drawe Deede Doe Deeme Thinke Deface Face Defame Praise, or slaunder Defeate Destroy, or Deceiue Default Offend Defect Abound Defend Defence Deferre Differ Defiance Despice, or faith Defile Filth Defloure Florish, Whore Defraude Deceiue Degest Place Degree Order Degresse Forsake Deintie Fine Delay Haste Delectable Delight Delegate Message Deliberate Councel Delicate Fine Delight Deliuer Geue Delue Digge Deluge Floud, or water Deluse Floure, or florishShortening of "flower deluce." Delude Deceiue Demaund Question Demainure Manner Deminish Great, or Abound Demisse Call Demure Graue Denie Confesse Denizen Free Denne House Denmarke Region Denounce Declare Dent Hit Deepe High Depart Goe Depend Hang Depose Place Depraue Depriue Deputie Deare Deere Derision Mock Deriue Drawe Descende Description Declare Desert Merite Desert Forsake Deserne See Desire Deske Case Desolation Destitute Despaire Hope Desperate Despised Despite Despoile Robbe Destinie Fortune Destitute Destroy Destruction Deteyne Houlde Detect Open, or Accuse Determine Appoint Detestable Delight Detract Giue Deuide Part, or Cut Deuill Minde Deuise Inuent Deuour Diligence Deuoutly Holy Dew Water D I Die Liue Die Colour Diademe Iewell Diall Tyme Dice Playe Ditche Digge Diaper Cloth Diet Diffame Glory Difference Differ Differ Difficult Harde Digge Digest Order Dignitie Worthy, or worship Digresse Forsake Dilate Great Dilatory Idem Diligent Dill Seede Diminish Great Dimnesse Bright Dimilance Fight Dinner Diet Dingle Sounde Dint Edge Dioces Region Dippe Water, or drop Direct Gide Dirge Prayer Dirte Filth Disable Can, or strong Disagree Consent Disalow Like Disanull Appoint Disapoint Apoint Disard Wise Disburden Beare, or lode Disburse Bestow Discende Discerne See, or iudge Discharge Quit Disclose Open Discomfite Destroy Discomfort Comfort Discommoditie Benefite Discontent Delight Discontinew Continue Discord Peace Discouer Couer Discoraged Feare Discredit Slaunder Discreete Wise Discription Declare Discusse Resolue Disdayne Despise Disease Sore Disfigure Figure Disfranchise Bonde, or free Disgrace Grace Disgrade Worship Disguised Change, or alter Dishe Vessel Dishclout Cloath Disherit Inherite Dishonest Honest Dishonour Glorie Disloyall Treason Dismayde Feare Dismember Part Dismisse Call Dismall Fortune, or blisse Disobedient Obey Disordered Order Dispaire Hope Disparke SparkeUncertain. Disparkled Gather Dispatch Begin Dispende Spare Dispence Quite Disperkel Gather Dispersed Gather Dispise Dispite Loue Display Open Displease Delight, or content Dispoyle Destroy Disposition Order, or nature Dispossesse Depriue Dispraise Praise Disprooue Proue Dispuruaide Furnish Disputation Reason Disquiet Trouble Dissemble Dissention Consent Dissent Disseuer Part Dissimuling Dissemble Dissipate Gather Disswade Perswade Dissolue Loose Dissolutely Diligently Distaffe Instrument Distaine Colour, or filth Distance Space Distilled Drop Distillation Drop Distincted Part Distract Drawe Distraught Madde Distresse Distribute Giue, or part Disturbe Trouble, or let Disuse Vse Disworship Worship Ditch Digge Dittander Herbe Dittanie Herbe Dittie Songe Diue Sinke, or descende Diuerse Many, or same Diuide Part Diuine God Diuination Prophet Diuision Part Diuorce Marrie Diuulgate Common Dizzinesse D O Doe Doe Doblet Apparell, or double Docke Herbe Dock Docket Coyne Doctrine Learne Doctour Learne, or master Dodkin Coyne Dogge Beast Dole Giue Dolte Wise Domage Benefite Dominion Rule Domme Speake Doe Doer Doing Donne Colour Doune Vp, or heare Domes Iudge Dore Entrie Dormouse Beast Dorre Fly, or butt Dorlour HouseUncertain and not found in OED. Dosen Count, or the figure of number Dote Wise Doue Birde Double Doughter Parent, or sonne Douke Fall Dulcimer Mirth Douche Region Downes Fieldes Downeward Vp Dowe Grayne Dowry Part D R Dragge Drawe Dragon Flie Dragons Herbe Drayne Strayne Drake Birde Dramme Waights Draper Cloath, or marchant Drawe Draught Draught Dread Feare Dreame Dregges Filth Dresse Prepare Drie Drifte Purpose, or driue Drinke Dripping Drop Driue Driuell Filth Droppe Drosse Filth Dropsie Sore Drowne Sinke Drone Diligent Drowsie Watch Drudge Master Drummes Sound Dronken Drinke D V Due Dub Beate Dubble Dublet Apparrell Ducke Birde Dugge Breast Duke Worship Dull Edge Dulcimer Mirth Dumpe Griefe Dumme Speake Dunge Filth Dunghill Filth, hill Dungeon Graue, or caue Dure Continew Dunne Colour During Continew Durt Filth Duskish Bright Dust Earth Dutie Dwarfe Great Dwell House E A EAch All Eager Haste Eare Heare Eare Corne Earle Worship Early Late Earne Merite Earnest Play Earth Ease Easie Labour, or greefe Easement East Worlde Easter Feast Eate Feede Eaues Hange Eawe Shee E B Ebbe Springe E C Eccho Sounde Eclipse Light Eche All E D Edge Edgeling Edge Education Learne Edifie Erect E F Effert Effectuall Perfect Effectuouse Doe, or vertue Effeminately Man Efficacie Strength Eftsoones Late E G Eger Sweete, or hast Egge Feede Egge Draw, or flatter Egle Bird Eglantine Hearbe Egresse Enter E I Eie Eibright Hearbe Eiger Mercie Eigh OhAntedates earliest OED citation (1750). Eight Number Eighteene Eightie Eileth Fare Either Or E L Eele Fish Elbow Ioyne Elder Young, or age Elder Tree Elect Choose Elecampane Herbe Elegancie Eloquence Elegant Fine Elephant Beast Eleuen Count, or number Elfe Minde Elme Tree Elne Measure Eloquence Else Or E M Embassadour Message Embers Fire Embosse Hill Embowed Bende Embrace Salute, or Compasse Embrewe Filth Embring Fast Embroderer Figure, or labor Emote Beast Empaire Great Empeach Lette Emperour Worship Employ Bestowe Empouerish Rich Emptie Fill E N Enamell Iewel Enbalme Anoynt Enchaunt Blisse Enclose Open Encomber Lett Encourage Feare Encrease Abound, or great Encroach Gette Ende Begin Endeuour Enterprise Endite Accuse, or write Endiue Herbe Endomage Benefite Endure Continue, or last Enemie Friend Enmitie Friend Enforce Force, or compell Enforme Learne Engender Breed Enfranchise Free Engin Instrument Engraue Graue Engrosse Great Enhaunse Fall, or great Enioy Haue Enlarge Free Enimitie Friende Enormouse Great Enough Enquire Finde Enrich Riche Enrolle Winde Ensample Example Ensueth Followe Entangle Fetter Entent Purpose Enter Entrie Enter Enterchangeably Chaunge Entercourse Haunt Enterfeare Beate Enterlace Mixe Enterline Enterline Entermeddle Doe Enterprise Entertaine Intertayne Entise Flatter Entire All, or perfect Enuie Loue Enuiron Compasse Enure Vse E P Epitaph Write E Q Equall Euen Equitie Right E R Erect Erle Worship Erne Merite Erne Idem Ernest Play Errand Message Errand Idem Erre Errour Erre Erwhile Late E S Escape Esceate Change Eschecker Place Eschew Flie Especially Prince, or common Espie See Esquire Worship Esquippe Ready Establish Strong, or foundation Estate Condition Esteeme Estimation Counte Estrange Neighbour, or friende E T Eternall Euer E V Eue Man Euen Euen now Euen Euening Daye Euer Euery All Euerlastingly Euer last Euent Begin, or fortune Euident Open Euill Good E W Ewe Hee Ewer Vessell E X Exact Tribute, or commaund Examine Inquire Exasperate Anger Example Like Exceede Abounde Excellent Good Except Exercise Excessiue Measure, or abound Exchange Change Excommunicate Banish Exclamation Call, or crie Exclude Banish Execration Blesse Excuse Accuse Execution Doe Exempt Free Exercise Exhalation Aier, or smoke Exhibite Giue Exhortation Perswade, or councell Exigent Begin, or passe Exiling Banish Expedient Meete Expedition Faste Expelling Driue Expence Spare Experience Prooue Expert Expiration Blowe Expired Beginne Explication Open, or declare Exploiting Enterprize, or doe Expound Declare Expressed Couer Expulsed Call Exquisite Perfect Extende Reach Extenuate Great Extoll Aduance Extortion Rob Extract Drawe Extreame Limitte F A FAlle Face Fashion Manner, or figure Facte Doe Factour Idem Fade Continue, or last Fadome Measure Faggot Gather Faile Fall Faine Desire Faint Strong Fairenesse Faire Faire Idem Fairie Minde Faithfulnes Faith Fall Falchoner Labourer Falcon Birde Fallowe Field Falsehood False True Falslie Falter Speake, or fal Fame Glory Familiar Friend Familie Companie Famous Glorie Famine Feede Fanne Instrument Fantasie Minde Fare Farse Fill Farcy Sore Fardell Gather Fardingale Iewel Farre Farmer Let, or Lord Farte Sound Farthing Coyne Fast Fatall Fortune Father Parent Fathome Measure Fatte Faucet Entrie Fault Offend Faulter Stay, or speake Faune Young Fauour Grace F E Fee Reward Feare Feasant Birde Feasting Feast Feather Heare Feate Fine, or doe Feeble Strong Feeding Feeling Sence Feined True Feilde Fell Fall, or couer Fellon Rob Fellowe Companie Female Hee Fenne Drie, or water Feende Deuil Fence Garde Fennell Seede Feffement Ferme Let, or field Ferne Herbe Ferret Beast Fermour Labourer Ferrie Passe, or goe Fertile Barren Feruent Hoate Festiuall Feast Fetch Beare Feuer Sore Feuerfue Herbe Fetter Fewe Many Fewell Fire F I Fiddle Mirth Fire Fierce Anger Figge Fruite Figtree Fruite, tree Fight Figure File Instrument, or filth Fie Oh Filberd Fruite Fill Fillet Line Fillie Shee, or young Fillip Hit, or blow Filth Filthines Filthy Fine Finally Begin Finch Birde Finde Finger Hand Finish Begin Firme Certaine, or strong Firretree Tree First Last Fish Fist Hand Fitches Graine Fitte Meete Fixed Fast F L Flaggon Vessel Flagging Hang, or moue Flag Marke Flag Herbe Flaile Instrument Flame Fire Flappe Bloew Flash Bright Flatte Euen Flatter Flawe Breake Flawne Feede Flaxe Herbe Fleade Cutte Flea Beast Flesh Fleese Heare Fletcher Shoote Fleete Shippe Flegme Blood Flexible Bende Flie Flight Fling Flintstone Stone Flitch Parte, or ioyne Flitching Change Flixe Loose Flocke Companie Flockbedde Lie Floore Bottome, or florish Floating Sinke Floure Florish Florish Flowe Abound Flounder Fish Floute Laugh Floudgate Water enter Flute Mirth F O Foe Friend Fodder Feede, or grasse Fogge Filth Foine Prick Foison Abound Foist Sound Foistie SweeteAntedates earliest OED citation ("foist," a., 1868)? Fole Young Foulde Winde, or compasse Folke People Foole Foolishnes Foolishly Wise Follow Fome Filthy Fonde Wise Fonte Spring Foode Fede Footemen Goe For Forager Rob Forbeare Forbeare Forbid Commaund Force Compell Forecast Wise Foredone Destroy Forfet Loose Forge True, or make Forget Forgetfull Remember Forgetfulnes Forgiue Quitte, or punish Forehead Forhead Forke Instrument Forme Sit, or figure Former Before Fornace Fire Forrest Wood Forraine Friend Forlorne Forsake Forsake Foresee Foresooth For trueth Forespeake Foreslow For hast Forestall Let Foresight Foresweare Oath Foretell Declare Fortnight Time Forth In Forethinke Forethinke Forthwith Present Forte Defence, or hould Fortification Strong Fortresse Defend Fortune Forward Backe Foster Feede Foule Filth Fouling Birde Founde Foundation Founder Foundation, or Make Fountaine Spring Fourme Sitte, or figure Fourd Passe, or water Fornish Foxe Beast F R Fray Feare, or fight Fraile Brittle, or continue Fraight Fill, or beare Frame Make Francke Free Frankinsence Smoke Frankeling FreeNot found in OED. Franticke Madde Fraternitie Brother Fraude Deceiue Freckell Marke Freedome Free Freendship Friend Frensie Sore Frequent Haunt Frise Rough, or cloath Fresh Age Frette Anger Frie Heate Friday Day Fringe Limit or Iewel Frize Hote Frisled Rough Fritter Feede Frocke Apparrel Frog Beast Frolike Mirth From hence From thence Front Face Frontlet Face Frost Heate Froth Filth Frowardnes Anger, or patient Frowne Frubbish Purge Frumentie Feede Frumpe Mocke Frustrate Vayne Fruite F V Fuell Fire Full Fill Fulfill Doe Fulsome Sweete Fume Smoke Fumetorie Herbe Funnel Entrie Funeral Graue Furre Heare Furie Anger, or minde Furiously Madde Furlong Measure Furnace Fire Furnish Furrowe Hill Further Farre, or help Furtherance Furthermore Also Fustie Sweete Fustian Cloth G A GAble Line Gadde Goe Gage Lie, or witnesse Gaggle Speake Gaye Fine Gaile Fetter Gaine Benefite Gainesay Consent Gainestand Obey Gale Blowe Gallant Fine Gallemaphry Feede Gallie Shippe Gallerie House Galle Pricke Galling Gall Bloud Gallon Measure Gallop Goe Gallowes Hang, or fetter Game Play Gambould Moue Gammon Part Gander He Ganne Begin Gantlet Arme Gape Gappe Breake Garbage Filth Garde Garden Herbe, or florish Garland Iewell Garlicke Roote Garment Garner House Garnishing Faire Garret House Garrison Companie, or garde Garter Line Gashes Cutte Gaspeth Blowe Gate Entrie, or goe Gathering Gather Gaude Iewell Gauling Pricke Gaze See G E Geast Gelde Cut Gellie Tough Gellouere Florish Gelousie Doubt Gemow Ioyne Generally Common Generation Kinde, or breede Gennet Beast Gentil Germander Herbe Gesse Thinke Gester Laugh Gestes Doe Gesture Behaue, or manner Get Giue G H Ghoste Minde G I Giant Man Gibbet Punish Giddines Dizzie Gifte Giue Gile Deceyue Gille Whore Gilde Mettall Gillofer Florish Gilthead Fish Giltie Quit Gimlet Pearce Gimmow Ioyne Ginger Spice Ginne Punish Gird Loose Gridiron Stuffe Girle Yonge Girne Laugh Gitterne Mirth Giue Gift Idem Giue Fetter G L Glade Glasse Glance Moaue, or shoote Gleaning Gather Gleane Idem Glide Slippe Glister Shine Glory Glosse Declare, or bright Gloue Garment Glowe Hote Glue Ioyne Glumming Shine Gluttonie Surfet G N Gnashe Sound Gnat Flie Gnaw Feede G O Goade Prick, or poynt Goale Marke Goast Minde Goate Beast Gobbet Pars Goblet Vessel Godlinesse God Godfathers God parent Goe Gougion Fish Gogle Great Goulde Gouldfinch Birde Good Goome Water Gunne Shoote Goose Brid Gosling Young Goesbery Fruite Gorbelly Great bellie Gorhead Great headNot found in OED. Gorge Bellie Gorgeouse Fine, or faire Gorget Garment Gospell Goshauke Bird Gossip Friend Goate Beast Gouerne Rule Gourd Herbe Gout Sore G R Grace Grasse Graye Colour Graine Grammer Arte Grandam Parent Grandfather Idem Granate Fruite Grange House Grape Vine Grapple Hould Graffier Grafte Grashopper Flie Grate Bite Grauell Graue Grandmother Parent Graunt Giue Grease Fat, or anoynt Great Gridiron Stuffe Greedy Desire Greene Colour Griffe Sowe Greahound Beast Grime Anoynt Grimly Frowne Grinne Laugh Grinde Beate, or bruse Gripings Byte, or pricke Gripe Bite, or holde Grises Degree, or vp Gristle Bone Groate Coyne Grocer Trade Grone Groome Steward Grope Feele Grossenes Great, or fine Groue Wood, or tree Groueling Lie Ground Earth Groundsell Herbe Growe Spring Grubbe Roote Grudge Murmer Gruell Feede Grunt Grone G V Guarded Garde Gueste Guide Guile Deceiue Guidhall Place Guise Manner Gulfe Water Gulligut Feede, or surfet Gumme Mouth Gunne Shoote Gurnard Fishe Gutte Belly Gutter Sinke, or way H A HAberdasher Merchant, or trade Habergion Arme Habitation House Hacke Cutte Hackney Beast Haddocke Fish Hafte Hand Haggesse Feede Haie Grasse Haifare Young Haile Water Halberd Weapon Halfe Hallowe Holy Halte Halter Line Hamme Ioyne Hammer Beate Hamper Nette Hanche Part Hande Handle Handuill BeateUncertain. Handsomely Hand, or fine Hanged Hang Hanger Hang Hapharlat Happen Fortune Happie Blesse Harbour House Harde Hardes Haire Hare Harlot Whore Harebrained Hastie, or mad Harken Heare Harmefull Innocent Harmonie Proportion Harnesse Arme Harpe Mirth Harrould Message Harrowe Till Hart Haruest Hasell Tree Hassocke Seate, or sitte Haste Hatche Breede Hatches Shippe Hatchet Cut, or instrument Hated Loue Hatte Garment Haue Hauen Water Hauke Birde Hall House Hanche Part Haunt Hautily High Hawthorne Tree Hazerd Danger, or fortune H E Head Headstall Raine Heale Healpe Health Heaping Gather, or masse Heare Heare Heardman Labourer Hearne Birde Hearth Fire Heate Heathe Fielde Heath Hearbe Heauen Heauy Waite, or light Hedge Defence Hedgehogge Beast Heede Diligent Heele Ioyne Heifer Ioung Heigh Height Highe Heinous Greeuous Heire Inherit Hell Heauen Helmet Arme Helpe Hemme Limitte Hemerhoides Sore Hemlocke Herbe Hempe Herbe Henne Hee Henbane Herbe Hence Hitherto Herault Officer, or message Herbe Herbour Entertaine Herbinger Prepare Heere Herring Fish Herse Beare Hetherward There garde Hether Thether Hewe Cutte H I Hitchell Instrument, or reape Hicket Sore Hide Open, couer Hide Lether Hidebound Hide, loose Hireling Lette Hideous Feare High Hill Hilt Hand Himne Sing Hinde Hee Hindeer Before Hinder Hurt, or let Hinge Hould or hang Hipocras Drinke Hire Merite Hissop Herbe Histe Sound Histories Hitcocke SoreNot found in OED. Hitte Hiue Case H O Hoary Colour Hoarsenes Speake, or rough Hoate Hobbie Beast Hoble Goe Hogge Beast Hogshead Measure Hoiste High, or erect Houlde Hole Corner Holy Hollow Cry, or sound Holpen Helpe Holesome Whole Homely House, or fine Home House Honest Honisuckle Herbe Honour Glory, or worship Hoode Garment Hoofe Nayle Hooke Draw, or instrument Hoope Compasse Hope Hoppe Goe Hoppes Herbe Hourde Gather, or masse Horehound Herbe Horne Poynt Hornet Flie Horrible Feare Horse Beast Hose Garment Hospitall Place Hoste Gest, or arme Hostage Pledge Hostler Labourer, or officer Hotchpot Mixe Houell House Houering Flie, or moue Howle Crie How Hounde Beast Hower Day House Houseleeke Herbe H V Huckle Ioyne Huckster Marchant, or trade Hue Figure Huge Great Humbling High Humme Sound Hundred Count Hunger Feede Hune Inquire, or hauntUncertain. Hurle Fling Hurt Husband Husher Stewarde Huske Couer Huche Case Huzze Sound I A IAcinct Stone Iacke Honest Iacket Apparell Iakes Sinke Iade Beast Iagge Teare, or cutte Iayler Office Iangler Wrangle Iarre Consent Iauelin Weapon Iandis Sore Iawes Mouth I D Ideot Wise Idlenes Diligent I E Ieate Stone Ieopard Danger Ierkin Apparell Ieffes Uncertain. Iester Mock, or play Iet Goe Iewell I G Ignorance Skill I L Ill Good I M Image Like, or figure Imagine Thinke Imbers Fire Imbossed Hill, or fayre Imbruede Filth Imbroiderer Skill Immediatly Present Imitate Like or follow Immoderate Measure Immortall Life Impatience Patience Impaire Great Impe Grasse Impediment Let Implement Stuffe Imployed Bestowe Importance Waight Impost Tribute Importune Sore Impouerish Rich Imprisoned Fetter Impudently Blush, or modest Impute Count I N Into To Inamell Iewell Incensinges Moue, or smoke Inche Measure Inchantment Blesse Incidently Fortune, or apperteint Inclination Bende Inclose Open Incumber Trouble Incommodiously Benefite Incongruitie Proportion Inconstant Constant Incontinently Present Incontinent Temperate, or Surfet Inconuenient Meete Incountering Fight, or meete Incorage Heart Increase Abound, or great Incroach Gette Incurable Whole Indomage Hurt Indebted Ought Indeede Verie Indenture Binde, or write Indeuour Diligence Indifferently Meane, or differ Indite Accuse, or write Indued Furnish Induce Drawe Indure Last, or beare Inequall Euen Infamie Slaunder, or worship Infect Die, filth, or corrupt Infeoffe Giue Inferiour High Infernall Ouer, or bottom Infinitely Limitte Infixed Fast Inflame Fire Influence Vertue, or power Inforce Force, or violence Informer Declare Infranchise Free Ingender Breede, or hatch Ingraue Graue Ingrosse Great Inhabite House Inioy Inioyne Appoynt Iniunction Rule or appoint Iniurie Right Inke Black Inkeling Warne Inkling Line Inlarge Free, or great Inmost Outward Inne In Inner Out, or in Innocent Inquire Inrich Rich Inroade Enter Inroulle Winde Insatiable Content Inspiration Blowe Instigation Moue Instruct Learne Instrument Intangle Fetter Intent Purpose Intercession Desire, or pray Interchangeable Change Interest Right Interlace Mixe Interlining Line Intermiddle DoeAntedates earliest OED citation (1625). Intermingle Mixe Interpreter Declare Interrupt Lette Interteyne Intised Draw, or flatter Intituled Write Intrals Bellie Intrapped Nette Intreate Pray Intricately Order Inuade Enter Inueye Accuse Inuent Inuincible Preuaile Inuiron Compasse Inure Vse, or custome Inwardes Out I O Iog Moue Ioye Reioyce Iolly Mirth Ioyne Ioynt Iolle Head, or hit Iorney Way, or goe Iotte All I R Iron Mettall I S Is Am Ise Water Issue Goe, or race I T Itche Greefe I V Iudge Iugge Vessel Iugler Deceive, or conueigh Iuice Water, or blood Iuie Tree Iumpe Goe, or steppe Iuniper Tree Iunket Diet Iuorie Bone Iurie Oath, or Iudge Iustice Iudge Iust Right Iutte But K A KAlender Booke Kalend Tyme Kater Steward K E Keie Open Keele Shippe Kell Call Kembe Purge Kennell Sinke Keepe Loose Kerchiefe Garment Kernell Seede Kersey Cloth Kettle Vessell K I Kibe Sore Kicke Hitte, or beate Kidde Yonge Kidney Belly Kilderkin Measure Kill Kinde Kindle Fyre Kinge Prince Kirtle Garment Kisse Salute Kitchin House Kite Birde Kitling Yonge Kiuering CouerNot found in OED. K N Knacke Deede Knagge Hill Knappish Gentle Kneade Beate Knee Ioyne Knife Cutte Knight Worship Knit Ioyne Knob Hill Knocke Beate Knot Rough, or euen Knowe Vnderstand Knuckle Bone, or ioyne Knur Hill L A LAbell Line Labour Lace Line Lacke Abound, or scarce Lackey Message, or master Lad Young Ladder High, or vp Ladie Worship Ladle Stuffe Laie Lie Lambe Young Lamenesse Haule Lament Laugh Lampe Light Lamprey Fish Lane Way Lande Earth Lanke Great Language Speake, or tongue Languedebeefe Herbe Languish Florish Lanterne Light Lapidarie Iewel, or trade Laps Falt Lap Winde Lapwing Birde Larde Fatte Larger Great Larke Birde Lashe Beate Laske Flowe, or loose Last Latchet Line Late Lath Wood Latin Mettall Latine Tongue or speake Latisses Late, or entrie Lauander Herbe Lauer Vessell Laugh Lauishing Spare Lance Weapon Laundresse Purge Laurell Tree Lawe Rule, or commande­ ment Lawne Cloath Lazer Sore L E Leach Phisike Leade Guide Ledde Metall Leafe Leaue League Consent Legacie Giue Leake Drinke Leane Stay Lene Fatte Leape Goe Leaprie Sore Learne Lease Lette Least Great Leasure Haste Leather Leauel Euen Leauen Graine, or sauce Leauer Erect Leueret Young Lecherie Whoore Leeke Roote Leese Loose, or finde Left Rest, or leue Legacie Geue Legge Part Leiger Lie, or continueUncertain. Leysure Busines Lemman Whore Lemon Fruite Lende Borrow Length Great Lent Fast Lesse More Lesson Rule Lette Letter Word, or write Lettis Herbe Lewde Honest L I Lie Libard Beast Liberalitie Libertie Free Librarie Booke Licence Free, or leaue Licke Taste Licourice Roote Licouresnes Temper, or surfet Lidde Couer Lifte Erect Light Like Lillie Floure Lime Earth Limber Hard, or brit Limmes Part, or ioyne Limmit Limpe Hault Line Linnen Cloth Linger Deferre Linked Light, or binde Linke Binde, or light Lion Beast Lip Mouth Listen Heare Lithernes Diligent Litter Gresse Little Great Liue Liuer Belly Liuery Cloth, or garment Liuerwort Herbe L O Locke Heare Locke Loose, or fetter Locker Case Lode Lodestone Lode stone Lodge House Lofte Vp Loftie High Logge Woode Logicke Arte Loiall Obey, or faith Loine Back Loiter Diligent Lome Earth Longe Side Looke See Loope Fast, or hole Loose Loppe Cutte Lopster Fish Lord Master Lose Finde Lotte Fortune Loth Desire Loue Louer Louse Beast Lowde Sound, or high Lowe Vp Low Crie Lowre Frowne L V Lubber Light Luck Fortune Lumpe Masse Lunges Breast Lurche Robbe Lurke Lie, or hide Lust Desire Lustie Strong Lute Mirth M A MAce Rod, or spice Mackerell Fish Madde Maffle Loose Maggot Flie Magnifie Aduance May Can Mayde Marrie Maiestie Worship Maile Case Maime Hurt Mainprize Mainteine Defend Maior Iudge Marierom Herbe Maisils Sore Maister Make Mayden Young Male Case, or he Malepert Modest Mallard Birde Malefactor Offende Mallice Loue Mallet Beate Mallowes Herbe Malmesey Drinke Mane Heare Manly Man Manace Feare Manchet Bread Mansion House Mangle Cutte, or teare Many Manicles Fetters Manifest Open Manifolde Many, winde Manner Manslaughter Man kill Mantell Garment Manumissed Free Manure Till Maple Tree Mare He Marble Stone Marche Goe, or tyme Marchandise Ware Marchant Marches Limitte Marchpaine Bread Marre Make Margent Limitte Marrie Marigould Floure Marriner Ship Marrish Water Marke Market Buy Marmalet Prepare, or medecine Marowe Fatte, or leane Marques Worship Marshall Officer Marshallsea Place, or fetter Marshes Water, or dry Marte Faire Martire Witnesse Martilmas Masse, or feast Masker Play Mason Skill Maste Rod Mast Grayne Mastiue Beast Matches Like Matche Fire Matche Euen Matrimonie Marrie Matte Lie Matter Mattocke Instrument, or dig Mattres Lie Mauger Spite Mault Grayne Mawe Bellie Maxime Rule Mazer Vessel M E Meade Merite Meade Drinke Meale Floure, or grayne Meale Diet Meanely Measils Sore Measure Meate Feede, or measure Medle Doe Mediatour Meane Medicine Phisicke Medler Doe Medler Fruite Meddow Field Meeke Tame, or gentle Meere Very, or mixe Meete Megrim Greefe Melancholie Bloud Melodie Mirth, or musicke Mellow Prepare Melt Heate Members Parte Memorie Remember Mending Amende Mention Speake Mercer Trade Mercement Punish, or fine Mercie Merelie Mirth Merite Meruell Message Messenger Messe Metall M I Midde Meane, in, or out Midnight Day Midriffe Breast Midwife Breede Mightie Power Milde Gentle Mile Measure Milke Feede Mill Bruise, or instrument Millon Fruite Milt Bellie Minced Part, or cut Minde Mingle Mixe, or temper Minikin Fine Minish Great Minister Master Minster Church Minoritie Yong Minstrell Mirth Mint Herbe Mint Coyne Mire Filth Mirth Misse Hitte, or haue Misaduenture Fortune Misbecommeth Seeme Mischance Fall Mischeefe Hurt Miserie Blesse Mishappen Fortune Mislike Like Miste Aier Mistake Take Mistrust Faith Misusing Vse Mite Measure Miter Iewel Mitigated Temper Mixe M O Mocke Moderation Meane, or measure Moo Many Moist Drie Mole Beast Mole Marke Monastry Companie Mone Plaine Money Coyne Moneth Tyme Monke Bishop Monstruously Nature Moone Heauen Moore Mozel FetterUncertain. More Morgage Pledge Morning Morphew Colour Morsell Bite Mortall Liue Morter Beate Morter Earth, or ioyne Mortifie Kill Mosse Herbe Most Mote Filth, or marke Moate Water Mothe Flee Mother Parent Motherworte Herbe Mowe Repe, or mock Mouldie Corrupt, or sweete Mount Descend, or hill Mourne Laugh Mouse Beast Mouth M V Much Muck Filth Mud Idem Mue Muffle Couer Mugwort Herbe Mule Beast Mulberie Fruite Multiplie Abound Multitude Many Mungrel Mixe Munkey Beast Murder Kill Murrey Colour Murmure Murreine Life Muse Consider Muses Learne, or studie Muskadel Drinke Mushroome Herbe Muske Sweete Muskle Fish Mustarde Sauce Muster Count, or shew Mutable Change Mutter Murmur Muzzel Fetter N A NAgge Beast Naile Naked Cloth, or couer Name Call Nape Ioyne Napkin Cloth, or stuffe Nappe Watch Narrow Great Nation Region Natural Nature Naue Shippe Nauell Part Nauew Roote Naught Good N E Neare Farre Neate Fine Neck Back Necessarie Neckercheefe Apparell Neese Sound Needie Scarce, or haue Needle Poynt Negligence Diligent Neigh Crie Neighbor Nephewe Parent Neast House Neastle House Nette Nettle Herbe Nether Vp, or neither Neuer Euer Neuerthelesse Newly Young, or age Next Farre N I Nibbe Bite Nicenesse Fine Niggard Spare,or liberall Nigh Farre Night Day Nitingale Birde Nimblenesse Redie, or haste Nine Count Nippe Nipple N O No Noble Nooke Corner Nodding Mooue Noyance Hurt Noint Anoynt Noise Sound Noneage Young Noone Day Nonsuite Follow, or accuse Northward World Noze Face Nosegay Flower Notable Marke Note Marke Nothing All Notifie Declare Not No Nouice Learne Nourish Feede Nourture Learne Now N V Numme Hote, or sence Number Count Numbles Bellie Nutte Fruite O A OAre Shippe Oates Graine O B Obey Obiected Fling, or oppose Obligation Loose Obloquie Slander Obserue Marke Obscure Bright Obstinacie Obey Obteyne Gette O C Occasion Cause Occupied Busie O D Odde Euen Odious Loue O F Offal Filth Offence Offer Ofspring Kinde, or breede Often O I Oile Fatte Ointment Anoynt Oister Fish O K Oke Tree Oker Metall O L Olde Age Oliue Tree, or fruite O M Omitte Count, or passe O N Once One One Onely One, or companie Onion Roote O P Open Opinion Thinke Opportunitie Time Oppose Oppresse O R Orchard Fruite Ordeine Appoynt Order Ordinance Appoynt Ordinarie Vse Ordure Filth Orenge Fruite Organes Mirth Originall Begin Ornament Iewel Orpin Herbe O S Osier Tree Ostrige Birde O T Oth Other Otherwhere Other Otherwise O V Ouen Fire Ouer Oueragainst Ouer against Ouercast Ouer sling Ouercharge Ouer charge Ouercome Preuayle Ouerflowe Abound Ouergrowe Ouer abound Ouerhastie Ouer hast Ouerly Ouer Ouerliue Ouer life Ouerlooke Ouer see Ouermost Ouer most Ouermuch Ouer much Ouerplus Ouer more Ouerseer Ouer see Ouershoote Ouer shoote Ouerskip Passe, or steppe Ouerthrow Destroy Ouerthwart Right Ouerwhelme Ouer couer Ought Owe Out Outlaw Banish Outragious Madde Outwardly Owe Owle Owne O X Oxe Beast P A PAce Haste, or faste Pacient Pacience Pacifie Peace, or content Packe Goe, or gather Page Master Paie Giue, or merite Paile Wood Paine Greefe Paint Write, or colour Paire Companie Pale Colour, or wood Paile Vessell Pallace House Pallet Lie Palmestry Arte Palsey Mooue, or sore Pamper Fill, or fatte Pancake Feede Panche Bellie Panne Vessell Panges Prick, or greefe Panier Case Pante Beate Pantaple Garment Pantrie House Paper Booke Pappe Breast Pare Cut, or great Paradise Heauen Paramour Loue Parcels Parte Parche Drie Parchment Booke Partially Part, or grace Pardon Quitte Parentage Breede, or parent Parget Anoynt Parish Church Parkes Fieldes Parler House Parliament Counsell Parret Birde Parsnep Roote Partaker Part giue Part Particular Common, or part Partisan Weapon Partlet Apparrell Partrige Birde Pashed Beate, or bruise Passe Passions Doe Pasport Leue, or passe Paste Graine Past Passe Pastie Feede Pastime Play Pasture Field, or feede Patche Amende, or part Patents Open, or write Pathe Way Paterne Example, or like Paue Stone Pauillion House Pause Rest P E Peace Peach Accuse, or fruit Peacocke Birde Peare Fruite Pearcer Pricke, or enter Pearle Iuell Pease Peace, or grayne Peble Stone Pecke Hitte Peculiar Common Pedler Buie, or merchant Pedegree Race, or kinde Peece Part Peece Amende Peele Couer, or cut Peeres Worthy Pearles Worthy Pegge Nayle, or poynt Peittrell Weapon Pelfe Iewell Pellot Shoote Pellitory Herbe Penalty Punish Penie Coyne Penniroyall Herbe Penknife Cut Pennar Case Penne Write Pensill Write, or colour Pensiue Reioyce Pension Due, or reward Pensioner Merit Penthouse House People Pepper Spice Peradventure Fortune Perceiue See Perch Fishe Perch Rod Perfect Perforce Compell, or force Performe Promise, or doe Perfume Smoke Perrill Danger Perish Die, or loose Periurie Oath Permit Lette Perpetuall Euer Perplexitie Doubt Perse Pricke, or enter Persecute Followe Persely Herbe Persist Continew Personage Man, or figure Perswade Peruerse Gentle Peruse Consider, or see Pestle Beate Pester Fill Pestilence Plague Peticoate Apparell Pewter Metall P H Phantesie Conceiue Phisition Phisicke Phisnomie Face P I Pie Feede Picke Steale, or hitte Pickaxe Instrument Pickle Taste Pickrell Fish Picture Like, or figure Pied Marked Piere Noble Pigeon Birde Pigge Young Picke Weapon Pike Fish Pickthanke Accuse, or slander Pile Gather Piles Sore Pill Couer, or cut Pilles Medicine Piller Stay Pilgrime Neighbor Pillorie Fetter Pillow Lie Pimple Hil Pincers Instrument, or nip Pinch Nip Pine Flourish Pinke Flower, or cut Pinne Poynt, or nayle Pinnis Shippe Pinion Arme Pint Measure Pipe Mirth Pipe Measure Pipkin Vessell Pismire Flie Pisse Purge Pispot Vessell, or stuffe Pitte Hill Pitch Place Pitch Fatte Pitchforke Instrument Pitcher Vessell Pitfall Nette, or graue Pith Hart Pittie Mercie P L Place Plaice Fish Plague Play Plaine Euen, or rough Plaint Plaistering Anoint Plaister Medecine Plaited Winde, or open Plannet Heauen Planke Wood Plant Grasse Plantaine Herbe Plate Metall Platte Place Platter Vessell Pleade Please Delight Pleasure Idem Pledge Plentie Abound Pleurisie Sore Pliant Harde, or bende Plight Case, or condition Plouer Birde Plough Till, or instrument Pluck Drawe Plume Haire Plumme Fruite Plummer Skill Plummet Waight Plunging Sinke P O Pockes Sore Point Poize Waight Poison Foode Poke Case Pole Head Poll Rodde Poll Oppresse Policie Arte, or Deceiue Polish Fine, or purge Polute Filth Pomander Sweete Pomegranate Fruite Pommell Hould, or hill Ponder Wayt Ponde Water Ponish Beate Poore Rich Popiniaye Birde Poppet Play, or iewell Poppie Herbe Populous People Poreblind See Porche Enter Pores Way Porke Flesh Porpes Fish Porre Looke Portall Enter Porter Beare Portsale Buy Portculles Entrie Poze Set, or question Posnet Vessell Posset Feede Possesse Haue Posterne Entrie Poste Stay, or haste Pott Vessell Pottage Feede Pottenger Vessell Potlid Couer Pottle Measure Poutch Case Pouder Earth Pouertie Rich Poultrie Birde Pounde Waight Pownse Spread, or sprinckle Power P R Practise Exercise Praye Praise Prattle Speake Preach Preamble Enter Prettie Fine Preferre Aduance Prefixed Fast, or sit before Prey Pray Preiudice Prelate Bishop Prentiship Learne Prepare Preposterous Order Present Preserued Garde President Master, or example Presse Bruise Prease Companie Presumptuousnes High Pretence Preuaile Preuent Prick Pride Modest, or high Prie See Priest Bishop Primerose Flower Prince Principall Principle Rule Printer Write, or Skill Prise Count Prison Fetter Priuate Common Priuet Herbe Priuie Open Proceeding Goe Processe Continue Proclaime Declare, or preach Procter Pleade Procure Get Prodigall Spare, or liberall Proffer Offer Profitable Benefite Profound High Prohibite Lette Prolong Deferre Promise Promote Aduance Prompt Redie Prone Bende Pronounce Speake, or vtter Proofe Proue Proper Common, or fine Prophet Proportion Proppe Stay Prosper Thriue, or florish Prostrate Fall, or lie Protection Garde Proude Modest, or high Proue Prouerbe Speake Prouide Prepare, or get Prouoke Moued, or cause Prowes Vertue Prudence Wise Prune Cut, or fruite P V Publish Blase, or declare Pudle Sinke, or filth Pudding Feede Puffe Blow, or swell Puisance Power, or strong Pull Drawe Pullet Young Pullie Drawe Pulpit Pulse Beate Pumish Stone Pumpe Water Punche Hitte Punish Beate Purchase Gette Pure Purge, or filth Purifie Idem Purge Purple Colour Purpose Purse Case Purslaine Herbe Purseuant Message, or officer Pursenet Nette Pursue Folow Puruey Prepare, or get Pushe Hill Put Place Putrified Corrupt Q V QVafte Drinke Quaile Bird, or preuaile Quaileth Fall Quake Mooue Qualifie Temper Quantitie Measure Quarrell Striue Quarrey Stone Quart Measure Quarter Halfe Quartered Part Quauer Mooue Queene Prince Quench Fire Querister Sing Quest Companie Question Quicke Quiet Peace Quill Heare Quilt Lie, or ioyne Quince Fruite Quinsey Sore Quippes Nippe, or mocke Quitte Quitte Quittance Quite Quiuer Mooue, or case R A RAbat Young Rable Companie Racket Strayne Racke Straine Radish Roote Rage Mad, or anger Ragg Teare Ray Filth Raie Order Rayle Limitte Rayle Reuile Rayment Garment Raygne Rayse Erect Rayson Fruite Rake Gather Ramme He Rammer Beate, or he Rampiers Defence Range Order Ranke Order Rancke Sweete Ranckle Corrupt Ransack Inquire Rappe Beate, or hit Rape Roote Race Raser Cutte Raskals Honest Rash Haste Raspis Fruite Rate Reuile Ratte Beast Rather Leither Ratifie Constant, or certaine Rattle Sound Raue Madde Rauen Birde Rauener Surfette, or feede Rauish Whore Rawe Redie, or prepare Raunsome Free, or tribute R E Reache Reade Readie Realme Region Reape Reason Rebate Great Rebecke Mirth Rebellion Obey, or treason Reboundeth Turne Rebuke Recanteth Alter, or turne Receiue Accept Recite Remember, or speake Rechlesse Diligent, or care Reckon Count Recomfort Comfort Recommende Salute Recompence Reward Recompte Count Reconciled Friend Record Remember Recouer Recourse Rase, or haunt Recreate Delight Recule Turne, or back Redde Colour Redeeme Saue Redresse Amend Reede Reade Reeke Aier, or smoke Reele Mooue, or stay Referre Geue Reflection Turne Reforme Amend Refraine Flie, or Desire Refresh Weary, or reioyce Refuge Defence Refuse Geue Regarde Consider Regent Rule Register Remember Regrater Oppresse Rehearse Speake, or vtter Reiected Fling, or Desire Reines Bellie Reioyce Release Free, or quitte Relent Consent, or bende Releefe Helpe Rellish Taste Reliques Leue Remayne Stay, or rest Remedy Helpe Remember Remitte Quit, or loose Remnant Rest Remorse Repent Remooue Place, or moue Render Restore Renewe Age, or young Renowne Noble Renounced Desire, or forsake Rent Teare Rents Tribute Repare Amend Repast Diet Repeale Call Repeate Againe Repel Accept, or fling Repent Replenish Fill Repleauing Free Report Declare Repose Rest Reprehend Rebuke Represent Present Represse Aduance Reproach Reuile Reprooue Rebuke Repugnant Consent, or oppose Reputation Count, or worship Repute Count Request Praye, or desire Require Desire Requisite Meete Requite Restore, or reuenge Rescue Free Resemble Like Reserue Saue Residue Leue, or rest Resigne Geue, or forsake Resist Obey Resolue Resort Haunt Resoundeth Sound Respect Consider Respite Deferre, or time Rest Restie Rest Restore Restrayned Lette Retaile Count Retaine Hould Retayner Appertayne Retiring Goe Returne Turne Retraite Turne Retriue Finde Reueale Open Reuenge Reuenue Tribute, or fruite Reuerence Feare, or worship Reuerse Turne Reuile Reuiued Liue Rewme Sore, or flowe Reuolt Forsake Reuolued Consider Rewe Herbe Rewarde R I Rie Graine Rib Bone Ribaude Whore Riche Ride Goe Ridde Quitte Riddle Dout, or question Ridge Botome Riele Stand, or winde Rifle Robbe Rifte Breake Right Rigorous Anger, or mercie Rinde Couer Ringe Compasse Ringe Sounde Ringleader Guide Ringworme Sore Rinse Purge Riotous Wanton, or surfet Ripe Prepare Rippe Deuide, or part Rise Lye Rite Right Riue Breake Riuer Water R O Rocket Herbe Robe Garment Robbe Roche Fish Rochet Iewell Rocke Stone Rode Roiall Prince, or noble Roiste ModestUncertain. Rolling Round, or moue Roofe Bottome, or edge Rowme Space Roote Rope Line Rore Crie Rose Floure Rosen Fatte Rosemary Herbe Roste Heat Rotchet Fish Rotte Corrupt Rouers Robbe Rough Round Compasse, or figure Rowse Start Roust House Route Companie Rowe Ship, or order R V Rub Rude Maner Rue Herbe Rugged Rough Ruffion Modest, or honest Ruffling Modest Ruinous Destroy, or fall Ruling Rule Rumbling Sound Rumpe Ioyne Runne Goe Rush Russet Colour Rustie Bright Rusticall Learne Rustling Sound S A SAchel Case Sack Case, or drinke Sacking Destroy, or clothe Sacrifice Offer Sad Reioyce Saddle Sitte Saffron Spice Sage Herbe Sagenesse Graue, or wise Say Speake Saye Taste Saile Shippe Saints Holy Sanctuarie Church, or holy Saker Birde Sake Cause Sallades Taste Sale Buye Saftlie Fast Sallet Arme Salmon Fish Salt Sweete Salue Medecine Sampiere Herbe Sande Earth Sandblinde See Sanders SpiceUncertain. Sappe Bloud Satisfie Content Saucie Modest, or blush Sauadge Tame Saue Destroy Sauing Idem Sauerie Taste Sawe Cut, or instrument Sausage Feede S C Scabbe Sore Scabberd Case Scaffold Stand Scan Reason Scantly Almost, or scarce Scape Flie Scarcitie Abound Scarre Feare Scatter Gather Scauld Heate Scale Heare Scoffer Mock Scould Striue Sconce Defence Score Marke Scorne Mocke Scotfree Free Scouling Frowne Scoured Purge Scourge Beate Scrape Gather, or purge Scratch Bite, or nippe Screaked Crie Scribe Write Scrip Case Scroule Booke, or winde Scrupulous Doubt Scull Bone Scullion Officer Sore Scurfe Scutchion Arme Scuttle Vessell S E Sea Water Seale Marke Seame Ioyne Search Inquire Seare Burne, or drie Season Time Season Taste Seate Sitte Second Secrete Open Secretarie Idem Sect Religion See Seede Seeke Finde Seeth Heate Segs Herbe Seize Sitte Seldome Ofte Selfewill Sell Bie Selfe Semblance Like Sence Sende Message Sensualitie Sence, or surfet Senser Smoke Sent Sence Seperate Part Sepulchre Graue Serche Inquire Sergeant Office Sermon Preach Serpent Flie Serue Master Sessions Sitte Sette Sitte Settle Idem Seuen Seuered Part Seuerne Water Sewer Steward Sewster Ioyne Sexten Church S H Shackles Fetter Shade Shine Shaddow Idem Shake Moue, or fling Shallowe High Shambles Buy Shamelesse Blush, or modest Shanke Bone Shape Figure Shardes Part Sharpe Edge, or cut Shaue Reape Shead Powre Shead Part Sheafe Gather Sheare Cutte Sheath Case Sheild Arme Sheil Couer Shelfe Wood Sheepe Beast Sheriffe Officer Sheete Leafe, or lie Sheeuer Moue Shewe Declare Shifte Change Shine Bright Shingle Sore Shinne Bone Ship Shire Region Shirt Apparrell Shiuer Breake Schocke Gather Shoe Garment Shoomaker Skill Shoote Shop House Shore Limit Short Side, or great Shot Shoote Shouel Instrument Shoulder Back Shoute Crie, or sound Shower Water Shred Cut Shrife Officer Shrewde Anger, or gentle Shrill Sound, or high Shrimpe Fish Shrinke Swell Shriue Confesse, or inquire Shroudes Open Shrub Tree Shun Flee, or follow Shutte Open S I Sick Health Sickle Reape, or instrument Side Sider Drinke Siege CompasseUncertain. Sideling Side Sift Strayne Sieth Reape, or instrument Sighe Reioyce Sight See Signe Marke Signifie Declare Silence Speake Silke Cloth Sillibub Feede Siluer Metall Simnell Bread Simple Mixe, wise, or double Since Sence Sinewe Parte Singe Single Double Singular Good, or company Sinke Sinne Offende Sippe Drinke, or taste Sise Sitt Sister Parent, or brother Sitte Situation Place Siue Appoint Siuet MarkeUncertain. Sixe Count Size Measure, or sitte S K Skie Heauen, or element Skill Skillet Vessell Skinne Couer Skip Step, or goe Skirmisher Fight Skirtes Limitte, or edge Sklise Cut, or part Skoutwatch Watch Skumme Filth S L Slabber Filth, or spitte Slacke Loose Slaine Kill Slaking Measure Slaunder Slaue Free Slaughter Liue, or kill Slea Kill Sleepe Watch Sled Beare Sleeue Garment Sleight Arte Slender Great Slide Slip Slime Fatte Slinge Fling Slip Slipper Garment Slice Parte, or cut Sloe Faste Slop Apparell Slouthfull Diligent Slouen Fine Slowe Fast Sluce Sinke, or way Sluggard Watch Slumber Dreame Sluttish Filth S M Smacketh Taste Smalnesse Great Smarting Greefe Smatter Taste, or smatter Smell Sense Smeered Anoynt Smile Laugh Smite Hit Smith Skill Smocke Apparell Smoke Smother Couer S N Snaffle Stay Snaile Flie Snake Flie, or worme Snares Fetter, or net Snatch Reach, or giue Sneese Purge, or sound Sneuell Filth Snipe Birde Snort Grone Snout Face Snowe Water Snuffe Blowe S O So Sobbe Laugh Sobernes Graue, or modest Societie Companie Socke Garment Sodaine Sodde Heate Softe Harde Soile Earth Soiling Filth Soiourne House, or neighbor Soked Drie Solace Delight Sole Bottome, or companie Sole Fish Solemne Holie Solitary Forsake Solicitour Moue Somme Sommer Winter Sommoned Call Sonder Part Sonne Parent Soone Late Soote Fire, or smoke Soothe True Sope Purge Soppe Feede, or bread Sore Sorrie Reioyce Sorrell Herbe Sorceresse Blesse Sorte Kinde Sothernewood Herbe Southsaier Prophet Souereynety Power Soulder Ioyne Souldier Fight Soule Minde Souple Harde Sourges Waters South World, or winde Sowe Seek, or reape Sowe He Sower Sweete Sound S P Space Spade Dig, or instrument Spangle Iewel Spaniell Beast Spanne Measure Spare Sparke Sparre Spare, or wood Sparrow Birde Spawne Seede Speake Speare Weapon Specifying Speake, or declare Specially Common Speciallitie Idem Specke Drop, or marke Spectacles Glasse Speedy Haste Spell Reade Spende Spare Spit Spie See Spice Spiggot Couer Spider Flie Spill Powre, or drop Spinache Herbe Spinne Line Spindle Instrument Spirite Minde Spitefully Loue, or spite Spittle Purge, or spitte Splaie Part, or right Splene Bellie Splent Breake, or wood Spoile Destroy Sponge Herbe Spoone Stuffe Sporting Play Spotted Drop, filth, or marke Spousals Marrie Spout Way Spread Open, or gather Sprinkle Drop Springe Sproute Spring Spurre Poynt, or pricke Spurne Beate, or hit S Q Squamish Fine Square Figure Squalt Sitte, or lie Squeaking Crie Squint Right, or side Squirrell Beast Squirt Fling Squise Bruise S T Stable House Stablished Certaine, or strong Stationer Arte, or booke Staffe Rod Stage Place, or plaie Stagge Beast Stagger Stumble, or moue Staye Staine Filth, or colour Staiers Vp, or descend Stake Wood, or stay Stale Age, or young Stall Idem Stallion Horse, or she Stammer Speke, or stumble Stampe Beate Stande Sitte Standard Marke Stare See Starke Harde, or quite Starre Heauen, or bright Start Starued Feede Stately High State Condition Stature High, or great Staunche Stay, or let Steade Place Steale Rob Steedily Constant Steele Metall Steepe Water Steeple Church Steppe Steire Beast Sterue Anger, or feede Steward Stewe Prepare, or heate Stewes Whore Sticke Stay, or rod Sticketh Prick Steepe High Stiffe Harde Stile Write Stile Vp, or descende Still Drop Stiltes Stay Stinged Prick, or poynt Stinking Filth, or sweete Stint Stay Stirre Mooue Stirrop Stay Stiche Fetter, or nippe Stiched Beate Stocke Rase, or kinde Stockes Fetter Stomach Bellie Stone Stoole Sitte Stop Let, or stay Store Abounde Storke Birde Stormie Tempest Stouping Stand, or bende Stout Feare, or strong Straddle Step Straye Erre Straight Right Strayne Strake Lie, or anoyntUncertain. Strangle Hang, or kill Stranger Friend Strawe Grasse Strawbery Fruite Streame Water Streate Way Streight Right Strength Strong Streasse Griefe, or strayne Streach Straine, or reach Stride Step Strife Peace, or wrangle Strike Beate, or hit Stringe Line Stripes Beate, or blow Stripling Young Strippe Cloth, or couer Stroke Touch, or flatter Stronge Strouting Stand Struggle Mooue Strumpet Whore Stubble Grasse Stubbornesse Gentle Stud Wood Studie Stuffe Stumble Sturdie Bowe, or hard Sturgeon Fish Sturre Mooue Stutte Speake, or stumble S V Subdued Preuaile Subiect Prince Submit Obey Suborne Appoynt Subscription Write Subsidie Tribute Substance Substitute Deputie Subtile Deceiue Subuert Destroy Suburbes Citie Suchorie Herbe Succeede Folow Succour Helpe Such Sucke Feede Sue Folow, or labor Sure Certaine Suet Fatte Suffer Doe, or beare Sufficient Inough Sugar Sweete Summe Some Summer Winter Summon Call Sumner Officer Sumptuous Rich Sundrie Many Sunne Sonne Superfluous Abound, or inough Suppe Diet, or drinke Supplie Furnish Supplication Pray Support Helpe Suppose Thinke Suppresse Oppresse Supremacie High, or worship Surcease Rest Surcharge Loade Surfetting Surgion Phisike Surmise Thinke Surmount Passe Surname Call Surplusage More Surrender Restore Suspect Thincke Susteyned Beare, or helpe Sustenance Feede Sute Follow, or plead S W Swadle Winde Swage Temper, or abound Swaie Wayte Swallow Birde Swallow Feede Swanne Birde Swarme Companie Swarthe Colour Swarue Erre Swath Beate, or cut Sweate Purge Sweare Oath Sweeper Purge Sweete Swell Swift Fast Swilboules Drinke, or surfet Swimme Sinke Swine Beast Swinge Beate, or moue Sworde Weapon T A TAbber Sound Table Stuffe Tables Play Tablet Iewel Tache Hould Tacket Nayle Taffetie Cloth Tag Mettall Taile Head, or part Tailie Count Tailour Skill Take Geue Tale Lie, or historie Talents Nayle, or wayte Talke Speake Tall High Tallowe Fatte Tame Tankard Vessell Tanner Skill Tansye Herbe Tape Line Taper Light Tapestry Hang Tappe Couer Tares Graine Tarrie Waite, or stay Tarragon Herbe Tarre Fatte Tarte Taste, or sweete Tarte Feede Taske Part, or labor Taste Tauerne Inne Tawnie Colour Taunte Reuile Taxe Tribute T E Teach Learne Teale Birde Teame Drawe Teare Teate Breast Teadious Delight Teinters Nayle Tell Count, or declare Temmes Water Temper Tempest Tempest Temple Church Tempte Prooue Tenaunt Let Tenche Fish Tender Harde Ten Counte Tennis Play Tennon Tent House Tergat Arme Terme Time, or speach Terrible Feare Territory Region Testie Anger Testifie Witnes Testerne Coyne Tetter Sore T H Thanke Thatched Couer Thawe Heate Theefe Rob Thence There Therefore Therefore Thicke Great, or fine Thighe Part Thing Thinke Thinne Great Thirde Count Thirst Drie, or drinke Thirteene Count Thirtie Count Thistle Herbe Thither There Thonge Line Thorne Prick, or poynt Thoroughly Wholly Thought Thinke Thousand Count Threates Feare Thread Line Threshe Beate Three Count Threshold Enter Thirstie Drie, or drinke Throne Sit Thronge Companie Throate Breast Throttle Hang, or sounde Throwe Fling Thrushe Birde Thrust Hit Thumbe Hande Thumpe Beate Thunder Sound T I Tickling Hand, or sence Tide Time Tidings Message Tie Loose Tierce Measure Title Name, or word Tile Stone Till Timber Wood, or tree Time Timerous Feare Tinne Metall Tinsell Cloath Tippe Botome, or edge Tippet Iewel Tipling Drinke Tired Labour Tissue Cloath Tittle Write, or marke T O Toade Beast Toes Hand Together Toies Play, or laugh Toile Labour Token Pledge, or marke Toller Tribute, or officer Tolle Till, or tribute Tombe Graue Tongue Tonges Tongue Toole Instrument Tooth Mouth, or bone Top Botome Top Play Torche Light Torment Greefe, or punish Torne Teare Tosse Fling Totter Stand, or mooue Touche Toughe Brittle Toward To Towardnes Meete, or like Towe LineUncertain. Towell Stuffe Tower Defence Towne Citie T R Trace Race Tract Idem, or space Tractable Touch Trade Traine Companie, or apper­ tain Traiterouse Treason Trample Treade Transitorie Continue Translated Turne, or altar Trappe Nette Trauell Goe, or labour Trauers Right Traunce Mad, or dreame Tree Treachery Honest, or deceiue Treacle Medecine Treade Goe, or step Treason Treasure Rich Treate Speake Treatie Idem Treye Vessell Tremble Moue, or feare Trench Defence, or dig Trencher Stuffe Trespasse Offend Trestle Stay Trie Proue Tribute Trickled Drop, or fall Trifles Iewel Trimme Fine Tripe Foode Triple Many Trip Stumble Triuet Stuffe, or stay Triumph Trotting Goe Troble Trough Vessell Troupe Companie Trout Fish Trewand Learne Truce Peace True Trumpet Mirth Truncheon Rod, or weapon Trunke Case Trusse Gather Trust Faith T V Tub Vessell Tufte Hill Tumble Mooue Tune Musick Tunne Measure Tunnell Way Turfe Earth Turkey Birde Turne Turnep Roote Turpentine Fatte Turret Defence T W Twang Sound Twelue Count Twentie Twig Tree Twilight Day Twined Winde Twinkle Mooue Twinnes Like, or one Twise To Twist Winde Two To V A VAcation Busie Vagabond Erre Vaine Valiant Hart, or vertue Vallie Hill Value Worthy Valerian Herbe Vanish Florish Vanquish Preuaile Vantage Benefite Vapour Aer Varie Differ Vault Bottome, or couer Vaunte Glory Vantguard Foregard V D Vdder Belly V E Veale Feede, or flesh Vehement Effect, or stronge Veluet Cloth Venome Feede, or kill Vengeable Reuenge Venison Feede, or flesh Vented Open, or vtter Venter Verdingale Apparel, or iewel Very Veriuice Taste Vermilion Colour Vernish Anoynt Verse Song Vertue Vessell Vestrie Church Vetche Graine Veruaine Herbe Vexe Greeue V G Vghe Tree V I Victualing Feede Vice Vertue Vicount Worship Victory Preuaile Viewe See Village Citie Villainous Honest Vineger Taste Vine Violence Violet Flower Vision See, or dreame Visit See Visor Face V M Vmpire Iudge V N Vnaccustomed Vse Vnaduised Counsell Vnarme Arme Vnbent Bende Vnbinde Loose Vnbloudy Bloud Vnbrideled Fettor Vnbuckle Idem Vnburden Beare Vnburied Graue Vnce Waight Vncertaine Certaine Vnchangeable Change Vnchast Honest, or whore Vncircumspect Diligent Vncle Parent Vncleane Filth Vncomely Seeme Vnconstant Constant Vnconuenient Meete Vncorrected Punish, or amend Vncorrupt Corrupt Vncouered Vncouple Fetter Vncredible Faith Vncourteous Gentle Vncunningly Arte, or expert Vncureable Heale, or medcin, or sound Vndefiled Filth Vnder Ouer Vnderfoote Vp, or head Vndermine Graue, or dig Vnderprop Ouerstay Vnderset Ouer sitte Vnderstand Know Vndertake Enterprise Vndiscreete Wise Vndied Colour Vndistained Filth Vndoe Doe Vneasie Delight, rest, or hard Vnequally Euen Vneth Scarce Vnfaithfull Faith Vnfed Feede Vnfeyned Very, or true Vnfensed Defence Vnfetter Fetter Vnfould Loose, or winde Vnfortunate Fortune Vnfruitfulnes Fruite Vngentle Gentle Vngird Bende, or loose Vnglue Fetter Vngodly God Vngratiously Grace Vnhallow Holy Vnhandsomely Hand Vnhappy Blesse Vnhealed Heale Vnhoulsome Heale Vnhonest Honest Vnhorse Beast Vnhusbanded Husband Vnyoke Fetter, or loose Vniuersitie Schoole Vnkinde Kinde Vnknit Fetter Vnknowne Know Vnlawfull Rule Vnlearned Learne Vnleauened Tast, or graine Vnlike Like Vnlocke Fetter Vnloade Loade Vnlooked Expect Vnlucky Fortune Vnlusty Diligent, or strong Vnmake Make Vnmannerly Manner Vnmarried Marrie Vnmeasurable Measure Vnmercifull Mercie Vnmeete Meete Vnmoueable Mooue Vnnoble Noble Vnoccupied Busie, or vse Vnpaciently Patient Vnperfect Perfect Vnpleasant Delight Vnpolished Fine Vnpregnable Get Vnprepared Prepare Vnprofitable Benefite Vnprouided Get, or furnish Vnprooued Prooue Vnpunished Punish Vnquiet Rest Vnready Readie Vnreasonable Reason Vnreuerently Feare, or worship Vnruly Rule Vnsatiate Content Vnsay Speake Vnsauourly Taste Vnseasonablenes Time Vnseeming Seeme Vnshamefulnes Blush Vnshorne Reape, or cut Vnskilfully Skill Vnsowed Seede Vnspeakeable Speake Vnsworne Oath Vnthankefull Thanke Vnthrifty Thriue Vnthought Thinke Vntied Loose Vntill Till Vntimely Time Vntouched Touched Vntwist Winde Vntuneable Proportion Vnuincible Preuayle Vnuiolable Holy, or breake Vnwares Diligent Vnweaue Lose Vnwilling Will Vnwisely Wise Vnwitty Knowe, or learne Vnwitting Knowe Vnwont Vse Vnworthy Worthie Vnwrought Doe V O Voiage Goe Voice Speake Voide Fill Vomite Purge Vouche Confesse Vowe Oath, or promise V P Vp Vpbraide Reuile Vpholde Hould Vphoulster Trade Vppermost Vp Vproare Vpward Vp, or gard V S Vse Vsher Steward, or master Vserer Vse Vsurpe Idem V T Vtter Vtterly Vttermost Farre W A WAde Goe Wafer Bread Wager Pledge Wages Merit, or reward Wag Moue, or honest Waggon Beare Way Wayling Laugh Wales Region Waine Beare Wainescoate Hang, or stuffe Waiste Spare Waite Waiward Anger Waken Watch Walke Goe Wall Defend Wallet Case Wallow Moue Walnut Fruite Wane Fill Wanne Colour Wandring Erre Wanton Graue Wanteth Haue Warbeling Sing, or moue Warde Garde Wardship Garde Warden Garde, or master Warderop House Warden Fruite Warie Ware, or care Warehouse Ware house Warme Heate Warne Warre Peace Warrant Certaine Warran Field Wart Hill Washe Water, or purge Waspe Flie Waste Spare Watch Watchet Colour Water Walter Moue Wauereth Moue Waxe Fatte, or abound W E Weake Strong Wealthy Rich Weane Feede Weapone Weare Spare, or abound Weary Weasen Part Weather Weaue Cloath, or make Webbe Cloath Wedge Instrument Wedde Marrie Weeke Time Weede Herbe Weele Sore Weene Thinke Weepe Laugh Weesell Beast Weigh Weight Well Good Welcome Entertaine, or salute Welt Limitte Wench Young Wenne Hill West Winde Wette Drie W H Wharfe Limit Whale Fish Wheale Sore, or hill Wheare Where Wheate Graine Wheele Compasse Whelpe Young Wherefore Whether Whether, or if Whet Edge While Whine Laugh Whippe Beate Whirlepoole Water Whirlewinde Tempest Whistle Song, or mirth Whispering Murmure White Colour Whiting Fish Whitsontide Feast Whole Sound, or corner Whore W I Wicked Good Wicker Rod Wicket Entrie Wide Great Widowe Marrie Wife Marrie Wilde Tame Wildernesse Forsake Wildfire Tame fire Wilie Deceiue Wilfull Will Willow Tree Wimble Instrument Winche Strayne Winde Windepipe Winde mirth Wine Drinke Windowe Entree Winge Hande Winke See Winne Loose Winnow Strayne, or winde Winter Wipe Purge Wise Wishe Desire Wispe Gather, or purge Witche Blesse Witte Wise Withie Line Wither Florish Withdrawe Withdraw Within Within Withhold Withhold Without Within Withstand Oppose Witnes Witwall Wise Withwinde With winde W O Wolfe Beast Wolle Heare Wombe Bellie Woman He, or man Wonder Meruaile Wont Vse Wounded Hurt, to sore Wood Woodbine Herbe Woer Desire, or marrie Worde Worke Doe World Worme Flie Worne Weare, or teare Worse Good Worship Worthy Wourts Herbe W R Wrangle Wrappe Winde Wrestle Striue Wreake Breake Wrenne Birde Wrest Strayne Wretched Blessed Wrinckle Rough, or euen Wringe Strayne Writhe Bende Write Wrong Right Wrought Doe, or labour Y A YArde Measure Yarne Line Yarrow Herbe Yaulpe Crie Yawne Gape Y E Yea I Yellow Colour Yeare Time Yeaste Flower Yeelde Giue Yelke Colour, or feede Yell Laugh, or crie Yerke Greue, or beate Yesterday Day Yet Yewe Hee Yexing Call Y L Yle Earth Y N Ynke Write, or blacke Y O Yoke Fetter Young Yorke Citie Youth Young, or age Y R Yron Mettall FINIS. Appellatiue words A AER Breath Exhalation Miste Reeke Steame Vapour ARTE Alchemie Arithmetike Astrologie Astronomie Chorographie Cosmographie Geographie Geometrie Logike Musike Poetrie Rhetorike APPAREL On the left side Bootes Breeches Buskins Cope Greeues Ierkin Mandilion Shirte On the right side Apron Bongrace Kirtle Neckercher Partlet Raile Smock Stomacher B BEARE Axtree Barrowe Carte Coache Litter Sledde Teme Waggon Wayne BREAD Bisket Bunne Cake Chete Crible Bread Crumme Crust Loafe Manchet Marchpaine Simnel Teames Wafer Wigges BOOKE Almanacke Commentarie Dialogue Kalender Pamflet Postile Treatise Volume BEATE Anuill Beetle Hammer Maule Morter Pestle Stithie BISHOP Abbot Archbishop Chanon Clearke Deacon Deane Frier Minister Monke Nouice Nunne Prebende Priest Subdeacon BEAST On the left side Begle Catte Dogge Gelding Goate Horse Hounde Moyle Mouse Nagge Oxe Ratt Steere Swine On the right side Ape Conie Elephant Fox Leopard Lion Monkey Panther Rinocerus Roe Stagge Vnicorne Wolfe BIRDE Bitter Capon Crane Doue Fesaunt Herne Larke Mallard Partridge Peacocke Plouer Pigeon Rauen Snipe Sparrow Swanne Teale Turkey Turtle BREAST Bosome Cheste Dugge Midrife Pappe Ribbe Teate BACK Loynes Neck Shoulder BELLY Bladder Bowell Croppe Cudde Flanke Fundement Gall Gutte Intrailes Kidney Liuer Mawe Milte Splene Stomacke Wombe Yarde C CASE On the left side. Ambrie Boxe Casket Chest Closet Cofer Hamper Hutch Presse Trunke On the right side Bagge Bouget Male Purse Pouch Poke Quiuer Shelfe Sachell Scrippe Wallet CHVRCH Belfrie Chancel Chappel Minster Quier Steeple CITIE Borough Hamlet Towne Village CLOTH On the left side Arras Broad cloth Carsey Cobweb Dornix Fustian Linsewolfe Rashe Serge Tapestrie Tissue On the right side. Calico Camerike Canuas Chamlet Damaske Holland Lawne Linnen Saten Sarcenet Silke Sipresse Taffatie COLOVR. Black Blewe Carnation Crimson Redde Russet Scarlet Tawney White Yellowe COINE On the left side. Bullion Dodkin Farthing Groate Halfepenie Pennie Shilling Tester On the right side. Angel Crusado Ducket Pistolet Royall Spurroyall Suffraine COVER. Barke Canapie Codde Curtaine Hide Huske Lidde Pill Plug Rinde Shell Spigget Stopple Skin Cap CRIE Barke Baule Clamour Neigh Queste Rore Yalpe CVT Axe Chesil File Hatchet Knife Plane Rasor Sawe Sheres Sickle Sithe Wedge D DAYE Sunday Munday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saterday Cockcrow Dawning Euening Houre Midnight Minute Morning Night Twilight DEFENCE Bulwarke Castle Forte Hedge Pale Rampiere Skonce Tower Wall DIET Banket Beauer Cates Collation Dinner Iunket Meale Repast Supper DIGGE Delue Ditch Hatrowe Mattock Plough Pickaxe Spade Trench DRINKE On the left side. Ale Beare Meade Perrie Sider On the right side Bastarde Claret Ipocrasse Malmesey Muskadel Renish Secke Wine E EARTH Chalke Claye Clodde Duste Grauell Ground Lande Lime Lome Morter Moulde Sande Turfe ENTRIE Casement Clicket Dore Faucet Funnell Gate Hatch Lattis Pentise Porche Portall Posterne Thresholde Wicket Windowe F FAT Butter Grease Goome Larde Masticke Oyle Pitche Rozen Suet Tallowe Tarre Turpentine Waxe FEAST Candlemas Christmas Easter Michaelmas Shrouetide Whitsontide FEEDE Brawne Broath Cheese Creame Curde Custard Egge Flaune Galemaufrey Milke Pastie Pie Pappe Posset Pottage Pudding Tarte Wheie FETTER Bridle Buckle Button Chaine Claspe Couple Girde Glue Grapple Ioyne Knitte Linke Locke Manacle Morter Pinion Quilte Sement Sewe Shackle Soder Stiche Tie Trusse Weaue Yoke FIELD Close Downes Fallowe Forrest Garden Marsh Meadowe Orcharde Parke Pasture FIRE Ashe Blase Brande Chimney Cole Chercole Flame Furnace Herthe Match Ouen Cinder Sparkle Soote FISH On the left side. Crabbe Crayfish Cockle Plaise Haddocke Hearing Linge Muscle Oister Sole Sprat Stockfish Sturgeon Thornebacke Whitings On the right side. Breame Carpe Conger Eele Gougeon Lamprey Pike Roche Rochet Salmon Smelt Tench Trout FLIE On the left side. Bee Beetle Butterfly Gnat Grashopper Hornet Mothe Waspe On the right side. Adder Ant Botts Canker Caterpiller Cockatrice Crocodile Dragon Louse Maggot Nitte Serpent Snake Snayle Scorpion Spider Viper Worme FRVIT On the left side. Apples Acorne Almund Chesnut Citron Cucumber Filbert Figges Gourde Limon Medler Melon Nutt Orenge Peare Pipon Quince Warden On the right side. Berries Abricot Cherry Damsings Gooseberry Grape Hese Peach Plumme Prune Raisons Raspes Seruices Strawberry G GARMENT Biggin Bonnet Cappe Cape Cassocke Cloake Coate Coyfe Girdle Garters Gloues Gowne Hatte Hoode Hose Kercher Mantle Mittins Pantofles Plaite Robe Shoes Skirt Sleeues Slippers Trayne Waste Wastcote GATHER Bundle Clue Cluster Fagot Fardell Heard Packe Pile Quire Reame Reeke Sheafe Shocke Stacke Trusse Wispe GRAINE Barly Beanes Branne Chaffe Corne Doughe Leauen Lintels Maulte Meale Oates Paste Pease Rye Wheate H HEATE Bake Broyle Burne Chill Coulde Freize Melte Numme Parche Roste Skalde Scare Stue Toste HE On the left side. Bucke Cocke Drake Gander Horse Male Man Ramme Stagge Weather On the right side. Bratch Bitche Doe Ducke Eawe Fillie Goose Henne Mare Shee Woman HAIRE Bristle Bumbaste Cotten Downe Fether Fleece Furre Locke Mane Quill Scale Woolle HART Arteries Lightes Lunges Midrife HEAD Braine Iowle Pate Scalpe Sconce HEAVEN. Element Firmament Moone Planet Pole Skie Sunne Starre Zone HEARBE On the left side. Basill Borrays Buglosse Burnet Cabbage Hissope Lettice Marioram Persely Peniroyall Rue Sage Sauery Spinach Spurge Worts On the right side Fagge Flaxe Hemlocke Hempe Henbane Hoppes Mallowes Nettle Pimpernell Rush Sedge Wreth Waod HIL Bile Blister Bosse Bulke Bunche Cragge Knobbe Mountaine Push Snagge Tufte Warte Wenne Wheale HOVSE Barne Buttrie Boothe Cabbine Cage Chamber Cloyster Coate Dayrie Deane Gallerie Garret Garner Hall Hiue Houell Kitchen Neast Pallace Parler Pauilion Roofe Seller Soller Stable Stie I IEWEL Aglet Billement Bracelet Brooche Chaine Crowne Fringe Garlande Ring Spangle Tablet Tippet INSTRVMENT Augar Combe Forke Hooke Pinser Rake Sickle Sithe Wimble IVDGE Arbiter Iurie Mayor Quest Vmpier L LABOVR Barber Butcher Dier Fisher Fowler Hunter Miller Plaisterer Vittayler LIMIT Banke Border Bounde Brimme Brinke Coast Ende Hemme Lift Margent Marke Raile Verge Wharfe Welle LINE Cable Coarde Garter Halter Incle Labell Lace Latchet Rope Stringe Tape Thonge Thread Wier Yarne LIE Bedde Blanket Boulster Couch Cradle Matte Mattresse Pillow Sheete Tester M MARCHANT Apothecarie Draper Grocer Haberdasher Ironmonger Mercer MEASVRE On the left side. Acre Cubite Ell Furlong Inch Mile Roode Spanne On the right side. Barrell Bushell Coome Firkin Gallon Hogshead Peeke Pottell Pint Seame Tunne Tierce METTALL Allume Arsenicke Brasse Brimstone Copperouse Copper Goulde Latten Leade Mercury Nilet Siluer Tinne Vermilion MEDSIN Baulme Conserue Clister Electuary Lozange Ointment Pill Potion Sirope Searecloth MIRTH Bandora Bell Citerne Clericoll Fiddle Fife Flute Harpe Lire Lute Musicke Organ Pipe Recorder Shaulme Trumpet Viall Virginall Whistle MOVTH Chappes Chinne Goomes Iawes Lippe Palate Teeth Throate Weeson O OFFICER Bayly Beadle Catchpole Coroner Commissary Constable Herauld Iayler Purseuant Sergeant Sumner Warden P PARENT Aunt Brother Cosen Father Grandfather Grandmother Kinseman Mother Nephewe Sister Vnkle PARTE Armes Buttocke Gammon Hanche Heele Hoofe Legges Muscles Shanke Thigh Toe Winge PLEAD Aduocate Atturney Barister Clarke Client Lawier Notarie Proctor Sergeant Sheriffe PLACE Chancery Courte Exchecker Guildhall Hospitall Stillyard Theater Westminster PLAIE Balle Bowles Cardes Chesse Comedie Coyte Dice Enterlude Game Mawe Primero Pastime Pageant Ruffe Scales Sporte Tables Tragedie Trumpe POINT Aule Bodkin Goade Horne Needle Pegge Pinne Pricke Spurre Stinge Thorne PREPARE Caroway Comfit Concoct Crude Dresse Marchpaine Marmallet Mature Mellow Rawe Readie Ripe PVNISH Crosse Gallowes Gibbet Ginne Lashe Pillorie Racke Scourge Strappado Whippe PVRGE Beesome Cough Fanne Neese Parbrake Pisse Siuue Slauer Spitte Spue Sweate Vomit R REGION Ile Promonotorie Territorie ROD Bastinado Batte Coudgell Mace Maste Perche Pole Scepter Staffe Trunchion Wicker Wande Waster ROOTE Carrot Garlicke Liqueresse Onion Parsnip Scallion Scerret S SHOOTE Arrow Bowe Dagge Darte Gunne Pistoll Shafte SITTE On the left side. Bancke Bench Chaire Cushon Forme Pannell Sadle Settle Stoole Shrine On the right side. Post Piller Scaffold Stake Stande Studde Treshold SICKNES On the left side. Ague Apoplexi Colicke Crampe Dropsie Flixe Goute Iaundise Negram Palsie Pleuresie Rhewme Schiatica On the right side. Sore Bile Botch Canker Gangrent Measels Pockes Ringworme Scabbe Tettar Wound Vlcer SHIPPE On the left side. Anker Decke Hatch Keele Maste Oare Pumpe Rudder Saile Sterne On the right side Barke Barge Boate Gallie Hulke Pinnes SKIL Baker Brewer Carpenter Chandler Clothier Collier Currier Embroiderer Fletcher Mason Painter Sawier Smith Stationer Tailer Weauer SONG Daunce Fancie Galliard Note Pauen Psalme Rime Tune Verse SOVND Bell Dinne Drumme Lumber Noyse Rattle Taber Thunder SPICE Amber Cinamon Cloues Galangale Ginger Mace Mosche Nutmeg Pepper Sugar SPRING Cesterne Conduite Fountaine Pumpe Well STEWARD Almener Butler Cater Chamberlayne Clarke Controwler Cooke Groome Manciple Porter Vsher STONE On the left side. Agate Amber Ammell Corall Diamond Emeraulde Iacinct Iasper Iette Rubie Saphire On the right side. Bricke Chaulke Flint Freestone Marble Pible Rocke Rubbish Slate Tile Whetstone STVFFE Andiron Carpet Colander Cupbourd Forke Hooke Napkin Salte Spitte Table Tonges Trencher Treuet Towell SWEET Bitter Eger Fell Sharpe Sower Ranke Rellish Tarte T TAST Brine Capers Galentine Mustard Oliues Pickle Salade Sampiere Vineger Veriuice TIME Calendes Clocke Diall Fortnight Moneth Weeke Yeere Ianuarie February March Aprill Maye Iune Iuly August September October Nouember Demcember TONGE Chalde Duche French Greeke Hebrue Latine Sirian TREE On the left side. Ash Aspe Baye Beech Birch Bough Boxe Branche Crabbe Elme Forrest Groue Hasill Laurell Maple Oke Popler Witche On the right side. Bramble Brier Broome Bushe Furres Hawthorne Iuniper Shrubbe Thorne Twigge V VESSEL Basket Bason Bottle Bole Bucket Challice Charger Cuppe Dish Flaggon Iack Kettle Panne Plate Platter Potte Pitcher Sawcer Trough Tubbe VP Ladder Stayre Stile W WATER On the left side. Creeke Gulfe Hauen Mediterran Ocean Sea Surge Tyde Waue On the right side. Bathe Brooke Dewe Floud Hayle Lake Mote Poole Pumpe Puddle Rayne Shower Sleete Snowe Streame Whirlepoole WAIE Allie Bridge Causie Channell Gutter Lane Passage Pathe Porte Rode Since Cracke WEAPON Bill Blade Clubbe Dagger Faulchin Gleue Halberd Iauelin Partisan Pike Speare Whinyeard WEIGHT Dramme Graine Mite Ounce Pound Quarter Scruple WORD Accent Charracter Consonant Element Letter Sillable Titell Vowell WOOD Beame Boarde Billet Block Bracelet Buttons Lathe Morlesse Planke Shelfe Stake Studde Stock WORLD Climate Meridian Pole Sphere East North South West WORSHIP Admirall Alderman Baron Burgesse Captaine Coronella Countie Duke Earle Emperour Esquire Knight Lady Marquess Vicount YOUNG On the left side Babe Boye Child Girl Infant Lad Mother Springhall Stripling Wenche On the right side Calfe Chicken Colte Cubb Fawne Heehfer Lamb Leuete Kidd Kitling Pigg Pullett Rabbet Steere Whelpe FINIS