l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 4 6 9 9 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A SHORTE AND briefe narration of the two Nauigations and Discoueries to the Northweast partes called NEWE FRAVNCE: First translated out of French into Italian, by that famous learned man Gio: Bapt: Ramutius, and now turned into English by Iohn Florio: Worthy the rea­ ding of all Venturers, Trauellers, and Discouerers. IMPRINTED AT LON­ don, by H. Bynneman, dwelling in Thames streate, neere vnto Baynardes Castell. Anno Domini. 1580. The language that is spoken in the Land newly disco­ uered, called new Fraunce. God the Sunne Isnetz the Heauen camet the Day the Night aiagla Water ame Sand estogatz a Sayle aganie the Head agonaze the Throate conguedo the Nose hehonguesto the Teeth hesangne the Nayles agetascu the Feete ochedasco the Legges anoudasco a dead man amocdaza a Skinne aionasea that Man yca a Hatchet asogne greene Fish gadagoursere good to be eaten guesande Flesh Almonds anougaza Figges asconda Gold henyosco the priuie members assegnega an Arow cacta a greene Tree haueda an earthen dish audaco a Bow Brasse aignetaze the Brow ansce a Feather yco the Moone casmogan the Earth conda the Winde canut the Rayne onnoscon Bread cacacomy the Sea a met a Shippe casaomy a Man vndo the Heares hoc hosco the Eyes ygata the Mouth hache the Eares hontasco the Armes agescu a Woman enrasesco a sicke Man alouedeche Shoes atta a Skin to couer a mans priuy members ouscozon vondico red cloth cahoneta a Knife goheda a Macrell agedoneta Nuttes caheyra Apples honesta Beanes sahe a Swoord achesco Here foloweth the language of the Country, and Kingdomes of Hochelaga and Canada, of vs called Newe Fraunce: But firste the names of theyr Numbers. Secada. 1 Tigneni. 2 Hasche. 3 Hannaion. 4 Ouiscon. 5 Indahir. 6 Aiaga. 7 Addigue. 8 Madellon, 9 Assem. 10 Here followe the names of the chiefest partes of man, and other wordes necessarie to be knowen. the Heade aggonzi the Browe hergueniascon the Eyes higata the Eares abontascon the mouth esahe the Teeth esgongai the Tongue osnache the Throate agonhon the Bearde hebelim the Face hegouascon the heares aganiscon the Armes atayascon the Flanckes aissonne the Stomacke aggruascon the Bellie eschehendo the Thighes hetnegradascon the Knees agochinegodascon the Legges agouguenehonde the Feete onchidascon the Handes aignoascon the Fingers agenoga the Nailes agedascon a Mans member ainoascon a Womans member castaigne an Ele esgueny a Snaile vndeguezi a Tortois heuleuxime Wooddes conda leaues of Trees hoga God cudragny giue me some drincke quazahoa quea giue me to breakfast quasa hoa quasca­ boa giue me my supper quaza hoa quatfrian let vs goe to bed casigno agnyda hoa a Man aguehum a Woman agruaste a Boy addegesta a Wench agniaquesta a Childe exiasta a Gowne cabata a doublet caioza Hosen hemondoha Shoes atha a Shirte amgoua a Cappe castrua Corne osizi Breade carraconny Water ame Flesh quahouascon Paces. queion Damsons honnesta Figges absconda Grapes ozoba Nuttes quahoya a Hen sahomgahea a Lamprey zisto a Salmon ondacon a Whale ainne honne a Goose sadeguenha a Streete adde Cucumber seede casconda to Morrow achide the Heauen quenhia the Earth damga the Sunne ysmay the Moone assomaha the Starres stgnehohan the Winde cohoa good morrow aignag let vs go to play casigno caudy come & speak with me assigniquaddadia looke vpon me quagathoma Holde your peace aista let vs go with the boate casigno casnouy giue me a knife buazahca agoheda a Hatchet adogne a bowe ahenca a darte quahetan let vs go a hunting quasigno donnascat a Stagge aionnesta a Sheepe asquenondo a Hare Sourhanda a Dogge agayo a Towne canada the Sea agogasy the waues of the Sea codra an Ilande cahena an Hill agacha the Ise honnesca Snowe cama Colde athau Hotte odazani Fier azista Smoke quea a House canoca Beanes sahe Cinamond adhotathny my Father addathy my Mother adanahe my Brother addagrim my Sister adhoasseue They of Canada saye, that it is a monthes sayling to goe to a lande where Cinamonds and Cloues are gathered.