THE NEW TESTAMENT OF IESVS CHRIST, TRANS&SHY: LATED FAITHFULLY INTO ENGLISH, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best cor­ rected copies of the same, diligently conferred with the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages: with ARGVMENTS of bookes and chapters, ANNOTA­ TIONS, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnder­ standing of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the CORRVPTIONS of diuers late translations, and for cleering the CONTROVERSIES in religion, of these daies: IN THE ENGLISH COLLEGE OF RHEMES. Psal. 118. Da mihi intellectum, & scrutabor legem tuam, & custodiam illam in toto meo. That is, Giue me vnderstanding, and I wil searche thy law, and wil keepe it with my whole hart. S. Aug. tract. 2. in Epist. Ioan. Omnia qua leguntur in Scripturis sanctis, ad instructionem & salutem nostrum intentè oportes audire: maxime tamen memoria commendanda sunt, qua aduersus Hæreticos valent plu­ rimùm: quorum insidia, infirmiores quosque & negligentiores circumuenire non cessant. That is, Al things that are readde in holy Scriptures, we must heare with great attention, to our instruction and saluation: but those things specially must be commended to me­ morie, which make most against Heretikes: whose deceites cease not to cir­ cumuent and beguile al the weaker sort and the more negligent persons. PRINTED AT RHEMES, by Iohn Forny. 1582. CVM PRIVILEGIO. THE EXPLICATION OF CERTAINE WORDES IN THIS TRANSLATION, NOT FAMILIAR to the vulgar reader, which might not conue­ ly be vttered otherwise. A Abstracted, Drawn away. pag. 642. Acquisition, Getting, purchasing. pag 514. Aduent, The comming. pag 69. Adulterating, Corrupting. See pag. 475. 478. Agnition, knowledge or acknowledging. p. 600. Allegorie, a Mystical speache, more then the bare letter. pag. 505. See the Annot. p. 508. Amen, expounded pag. 244. Anathema, expounded p. 405. Archisynagogue, expounded pag. 99. Assist. pag. 135, signifieth the Angels standing and attending, alwaies readie to doe their ministerie. Assumption, p. 165, Christs departure out of this world by his death and Ascension. Azymes, Vnleauened bread. p. 75. C Calumniate, By this word is signified violent op­ pression by word or deede. pag. 143. Catechizeth, and, Catechized. p. 510. He catechizeth that teacheth the principles of the Christian faith: and they that heare and learne, are ca­ techized, and are therfore called often in the Annotations, Catechumens. Character, a marke or stampe. pag. 713. Commessations, Immoderate bankets, and belly cheere, with wanton riotousnes. p. 509. Condigne, comparable. p. 400. Contristate, This word signifieth to make heauie and sad. pag 519. "Contristate" antedates the earliest OED citation (1616). Cooperate, signifieth working with others, p. 401. likewise Cooperation, Cooperateurs. Corbana, expounded pag. 80. D Depositum. p. 582. See the Annot. pag. 584. It may signifie also, Gods graces giuen vs to keepe, pa. 587. v. 14. Also v. 12 ibid. See the Annot. Didrachme, expounded pag. 49. Dominical day, Sunday. See Annot, p. 701. 702. Donaries, giftes offered to God for his Temple, &c. 199. E Euacuated from Christ, that is, Made voide and hauing no part with him. p. 508. The scaffold of the crosse euacuated, that is, made voide, cleane taken away. ibidem. Euangelize, signifieth such preaching of good ti­ dinges, as concerneth the Gospel. See the preface, Eunuches, gelded men Euro-aquilo. A north-eastwinde. p. 368. Exinanited, abased excedingly. p. 528. "Exinanited" not a headword in the OED. G Gratis, an vsual word to signifie, for nothing, free­ ly, for Godamercie, without desert. H Holocauste, a kinde of sacrifice where al was burnt in the honour of God. p. 625. Hostes, sacrifices. p. 445. I Inuocated, called vpon, praied vnto. p. 316. Hereof we say, Inuocation of Saincts, and to inuocate. Issue, good euent. pag. 445. Iustice, taken in the new Testament, not as it is con­ trarie to wrong or iniurie, but for that qualitie where of a man is iust and iustified. p. 391. N Noophyte, expounded p. 569. P Paraclete, expounded pag. 260. Parasceue, the Iewes Sabboth-eue, Good friday. p. 130. v. 43. See the Preface. Pasche, Easter, and, the Paschal Iambe. p. 201. Pentecost, whitsuntide, & the space of fifte daies. Prefinition, A determination before. p. 517. Prepuce, expounded pag. 387. Prescience, foreknowledge. p. 294. Preuaricatour, transgressor: and preuarication, trans­ gression. p. 386. 387. Loaues of Proposition, so called, because they were proposed and for vpon the table in the Temple, before God. pag. 31. R Repropitiate the sinnes. pag. 605. that is, make a re­ concillation for them. Resolution, the separation of the body and the soule, the departing out of this life. p. 592. Resuscitate the grace, that is, Raise, quicken, renew and reviue the grace which otherwise langui­ sheth and decaieth. pag. 586. S Sabbatisme, A time of resting and ceasing from la­ bours. pag. 607. Sacrament, for mysterie. p. 513. Sancta Sanctorum, The holies of holies, that is, the inmost and holiest place of the Iewes Tem­ ple, as it were the Chauncel. pag. 621. Superedified, Builded vpon Christ the principal stone pag. 657. "Superedified" not a headword in the OED. T Tetrarch, Gouernour or Prince of the 4 part of a countrie. p. 33. Thrones, an higher order of Angels. p. 537. V Victims, Sacrifices. p. 308.