A TABLE OF SIGNIFI­ CATION OF SOME WORDS AS THEY AR VSED BEFORE. Words. Significations. ABderois. Prophane & delicate Epicurs. Abile. A hill in Affrica, one of the Pillers of Hercules. Abraham. Father of the Iewes or the faithfull. Achelois Ympes. Sirenes or Mermaids. Amram. The father of Moyses. Assur. Assurs head. the countrey of Assyria or their king. Assyrian Prince. Holophernes. Vizroy or genrall. Agamemnon. The generall of the Grekes, being present at the sacrificing of his onely Doughter was painted with a bend about his eies, either for th vnskilfulnes of the painter, who could not sufficiently expres the fathers speciall teares, or els for that he thought it not decent to paint so mightie a Prince weeping, or vnna­ turall not to weepe. Aconite. A poisonable herbe. Autan. the South or south wind. Aurora. the morning. Arphaxat. supposed to be Arbactus, King of Medes. Atlas. A great Gyant. Argus. Had a hundreth eyes. Alexander. The great. Apelles. An excellent painter. Bethull or Bethulia. the Citie where Iudith dwelt. Babell. Babylon, or the whole countrey. Bellona. Goddesse of Battell. Briccoll. an engine of warre. Briarius. a Giant with a hundreth hands. Bacchus. Wyne or drunkennes. Boreas. the north or north wind. Camelion. a beast that chaungeth his collours. Ctesiphon. a cunning Architecture or builder. Chaos. a confusion before the worlds creation. Capharois. TWO perilous Rocks. Cyanes straits Calpe. A hill in Spaine one of the pil­ lours of Hercules. Cyprian Dame Venus, loue, or lust. Cupido. Loue or lust. Coruies. crooked yrons to draw down buildings. Castors sister. Helen the dishonest wife of Menelaus. Canaces. Incestuous wemen. Circes. witches, abusers of louers. Cyrene. a dry sandy countrie, or drouth. Carmell. a montain in Iudea or the whole contrey. Danow. Danubius, a riuer in Germanie. Denis twice borne. Bachus. Diana or Cynthia, The Moone. Dina. The daughter of Iacob. Ægiptian Queene. Cleopatra the Concubine of M. Antonius, who swallowed a rich pearle. Elimia Land. The Elamits. Eurus. The East, or East wind. Ægeans stable. where horses deuoured men. Encelade. a Giant burried vnder mount Etna. Genrall. Holophernes. Gibaltar. A Cittie in Spaine, neare to Calpe-hill, one of the Pillers of Hercules. Holopherne. Vizroy, chiefe of the Armie. Hermon. a Hill in Iudea, or the countrey of Iudea. Hesperian coste. The west. Hyade. a water nymph or watrie star. Heraults. Apostles, or preachers. Iacobs sonnes, the people of Izrell. Izrell or Iacob. the land of Iudea. Izaak. the people of the Iewes. Ismaell. Idumeans or Edom. Ixion. One tormented in Hell Iebus place. Ierusalem or Syon. Iudith. of Bethulia of the trybe of Ru­ ben. Iessies race. Dauid and his seede. Iethro. Father in law to Moyses. Latmies sonne. Endymion, the long sleper sup­ posed to lye with the Moone. Lysippus. a cunning caruer. Monark. One sole gouernour. Memphits. Men of that Cittie in Ægypt. Misraim. The land of Egypt. Mocmur. the riuer neare Bethulia. Momus. a scornfull detractour of all thing. Mars.. God of strife or battell. Myrrhaes & Syllaes. wemen betrayers of their con­ trey. Minotaurs. Vnnaturall monsters. Medusaes. furies of hell. Neptunes back. the Sea. Niphathæi. A mightie strong Roch or mountaine in Syria. Palestene. the land of the Philistins. Pharia. a famous tower in Egypt. Phlegon. One of the foure horses that was supposed to draw the sunne. Phœbus. the sunne. Phœbe. His sister the moone. Proteus. A man changing him selfe in sundry formes, there is a fish of like nature. Priams wife. Hecuba the honorable. Pellmell. all mixt confusedly together. Ramme. an ingine of warre for battrie. Sina-hill. Sinai-hill. Salem. Ierusalem. Solyma. Ierusalem. Sichem. the rauisher of Dina. Sabean Queene. Sabours of Sabaland. Simeon. Dinaes brother. Scythique Rampier. The tombe of Semele, mother of Bacchus. Styx. a Riuer in hell. Sympathie. Concordance of natures and things. Sentinelles. watchmen. Semirames. wemen Viragoes. Syrtes. Dangerous sands. Satrap. Prince. stymphalids. Rauenous foules with female faces Harpyes. Syrian camp. the Hoste of Holophernes. Semels sonne. Bacchus or wine. Transparant. that which may be seene throgh and whole like glasse. Tortusé. An engine of warre. Trepan. An engine of warre. The forrain tyde. Supposed to haue beene the flood of Noah, or the deluge of Deucalion that deuided Affrica from Europe, & Sicilia from Italia. Thetis. The sea. Thurims. Deceitfull Aduocats. Theban knight. Captain of the Grekes army. Theefe that stole the fire. Prometheus, who stole fire from Iupiter. Zedechias. Last king of the Iewes. Zephyrus. West or west wind. Zeuxis. A painter of Italie, who being required to paint the picture of Helen, desired to haue all the fairest wemen of Croton to be pre­ sent for his paterne. F I N I S.