The first booke of Cattell: Wherein is shewed the gouernment of Oxen, Kine, Calues, and how to vse Bulles and other cattell to the yoake, and fell. With diuers ap­ proued remedies, to helpe most diseases among cat­ tell: most necessarie for all, especially for hus­ band men, hauing the gouernment of any such cattell. Gathered and set forth by Leonard Mascall. Thou Heardman, keeper of thy beastes, when any beast is sickly: Search herein, and thou shalt find, of proued remedies quickly, London Printed by Iohn Wolfe , 1587 . To know where these diseases do grow on Horse bodies. BAgges, is in the wekes of the horse mouth. Barbes, are two teates growing vnder the toong. Bottes doe breed in the maw, and guttes. Blister, on his bodie commeth with heate and cold. Camery, is in his mouth venomed. Colt euil, is a swelling of the coddes. Clouing, is in the hoofe of the feete. Cordes, is a slacke sinow on the sore legges. Curbe, is a swelling sinow, behinde the hough. Craches, is a rough scuruines aboue the fetter locke. Enterfeering, is striking on the ioynt aboue the pastorne. Facion, is a scabbe or knobbes breaking in diuers places of his bodie. Feuer, is a sicknes taken with cold, & wil make him shake. Fistula, is a deepe rotten vlcer on his bodie. Founding, is taken by cold in the bodie, and feete also. Fraying, is a stifnesse (taken with cold) in his legs and feet. "fraying" not found in OED in this sense. Frounce, is pimples in the pallet of his mouth. Giges or flappes, is pimples or teates in the in side of his mouth. Glanders, are kirnels vnder his iawes, and when they be ripe, they wil run at the nose, and there breake out. Gorge, is a swelling of blood in the legges. Graueling, is taken in the feete. Haw, is a gristle on the corner of his eyes. Hide bound, is when the skin cleaueth to the flesh and ribs. Hoofe bound, is in pinching of the hoofe. Itch, is first in the taile, by excesse of blood. Lampasse, is hie flesh in the mouth, nigh the vpper teeth. Maunge, is taken by some venomed scabbe or byting. Malender, is a scabbe in the bought of the knees. Matelong, is pinching of a strait hoofe. Mourning of the chine, is a wasting from the backe. Nauelgaull, is a sore on the backe against the nauel. Paines, is a sorenes aboue the hoofe. Pole euil, is on the nape of the necke, bred by stripes. Pinne and webbe, is a white that couereth the corner of the eie sight. Reume, is taken by cold, and so his teethe wil wax lose, and seeme long, by shrinking vp of his gummes, and then hee can eate no meate, but lye in lumpes in his iawes. Kingbone, is a hard rough gristle aboue the hoofes. Quinsie, is a sorenes in the throat. Selander, is a scabbe in the hammes on the hinder legges. Shakel gall, is on the pastornes. Spauin, is on the ioynt in the houghes behinde. Splent, is a sprainde swelling sinowe aboue the fetter­ locke. Staggers, is a disines in the head, bredde of colde, and yea-­ lowes. Strangle, is a swelling in the throat. Surbatting, is vnder the soles of his feete.