l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a B o d l e i a n M S R a w l i n s o n 1 0 8 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A. b. abandon -- forsake abaleanate -- Abase -- humble. abash. abate -- diminish abreuiate +-- abstract abbridge + abstract abhomination -- offence abhoure -- loath abide -- -- tarry abide -- suffer. abiect -- -- forsake abiure -- forsweare able -- power. abolish -- destroy -- abound -- plenty -- abrogate -- destroy -- absolue -- pardon -- absolutnesse -- per­ fection -- absurdity -- foolish­ nesse ------------------------ -- abbot -- abbey -- ablatiue case abortiue abricot appl absence abstinence abstract abuse ------------------------ abstract A. c. academy -- vniversity accesse vnto -- accomplish -- perfection Accoumpt accorde -- agreement account - estimation. Accumulate -- Accusation accustome -- vse ace -- dice Ache . achieue -- perfection acknowledgment confes­ sion Acorne Aquaintance Aquittance Acre act -- statute action -- deed Action in the law Actiuity ------------------------ accent acceptance accidens accompany accoumpt ------------------------ accuse acorne act actiuity action A. d. Adamant - stonn. Addition Adder addicting -- employing adherent -- partaker Adiectiue adiourne -- delay adiunct adiure -- coniure Administration admiral of the seas admiration Admission admonition adoption adonation -- a worship­ ing adoune aduancement -- prefer- ment aduantage -- gaine aduenture -- enterpuise aduenturing -- proue aduenture fortune aduerse aduersary aduersity aduertisment -- admoni­ tion aduise -- councell Adultery aduocate aduowson ------------------------ admonition A. f affability -- courtesy affaires -- business Affection affectation -- -- curi­ osity affiancing -- affiance - faith affinity -- kindred. af Affirmation Affliction affluence -- plenty ------------------------ A. G Age Agent -- action Agrauate agility -- actiuity Aglet agnaile -- corne agnition -- kowledg agony -- anguish agreement ague ------------------------ agreement ------------------------ a l ------------------------ A. H I. Aide Aime Aire ------------------------ A. K ake -- ache akorne -- acorne ------------------------ A . L Alabaster alacrity -- mirth alarum - watch-word alay -- Albe Alchymy Alderman alder -- tree alembick -- stillatory ale alehouse -- inne aliant -- strainger alienation -- forsaking alegation -- proofe of matter allegory alley alliance -- kindred allot -- appoint allowance allurement -- entisment alusion almanack -- calender almes house of almes -- hospital almond aloes alpes alpha alphabet altar alteration -- chainge altitud -- height allum. ------------------------ A . M Ample -- feaue ambage -- circumstance Ambassage Amber ambiguity -- doubtfulnes Ambition Ambling pace ambrey -- cupboord ambusment amend -- repaire amend -- correct amerse -- fine Amesse -- robe amity -- frindship Amphitheatre amphibology ------------------------ A. N. Analogy analosys anarchy an anatomy anatomy out. ancestors anchor -- anker ancientness -- antiquity ancients -- ensigne ancle andiron anuil -- anuile angell anger angle -- rod angle - corner anguish animaduersion -- coun­ sell aniseed anker annals -- cronicles anihilation -- frustra­ tion anniuersary annotations -- notes annoyance -- loathing annoynting -- oyntment annuity answeare antheme -- song antichrist antik-work antidote antiquity antipathy anuile ------------------------ auprile antiquity auer anguish A. P. Ape Aphorisme aple -- apple apocalyps -- vision apocripha -- apology -- defence Apoplexy apostasy -- forsaking Apostle apostume -- impostume apothegme -- sentence apothecary appaire -- deminish appale -- discorage Apparrell apparition -- vision appeach -- accuse appealing appeare appease -- pacify appendix appendent appetite applause aple apple oth eye -- eye applycation appointing appose -- examine apprehension apprentise approach approuement -- inlarging approbation appurtenance Apron aptness - fitness ------------------------ appoynt apple ------------------------ Art Artechoke artery -- sinow Article Artificer artillery -- gun A. R. aray -- apparell aray -- order arbitrator iudge arbitrement iudgment Arbour Archangell - herbs Archangell Archbishopp Arch deacon Arch-duke Arch. Archer -- shooter Arch -- heretick arch prist architect. -- builder Argument arising Arithmetick Arke Arme Armes Armye Armour army arquebre -- pistoll arrainge -- accuse Arras -- cloth Arest arriue -- approach arrogancy -- pride arrow Arsnick -- vid supra A. S. Ascend. Asiuile -- impulse aschamed -- bashfull- ness. Ash -- tree Asties Ash wednesday askeng -- demaund Aspe aspiration -- breathing aspire -- ambition assay -- proue Assaile -- assault asse Assembly assent -- agreement assentation -- flattery assertion -- affirmation assiduity -- asseige -- beseige assigne -- appoint Assise assistance -- aide associat -- accompany assoile -- pardon assure-- + affirme assure -- + warrant Aswage astonish -- feare astray -- wander Astrolabe -- instru­ ment Astrology Astronomy. ---------------------- A. T. atchieue -- perfection Atheiste attach -- arrest attaine -- obtaine attainture -- corruption attempt -- -- enterprise attendance -- seruice. Attentiuenesse attenuat -- diminish attire -- -- ap­ parrell attonement -- agreement Attoorney attrap -- trapping attribute -- impute ------------------------ A. V. auaile -- profit auarice -- coueteousness audacity -- boldnesse audience -- attention Auditor . - Keep Reciptes auenge - reuenge averr -- affirme augment -- Augue auguration -- conniue August Aunt Auoid -- + eschew Auoid -- loath Auoid -- + empty auouch -- affirme author authority. autumne - haruest ------------------------ awe -- feare Awake award -- iudgment award a blow -- defend ------------------------ A. W. Awake award -- + iudgmennt award-- + defend award blow awe -- feare ------------------------ A. X Axe Axell-tree axiome -- aphorisme Azure -- color. B. A. babe. baby - child. Batcheler - vnmarr. Batcheler of art. B. Baccus -- god put back -- repulse Keep back -- reteine giue-backe -- recoile goe back - returne. Back sliding -- apostasy Backe. Back-bonn. backbite - slaunder. bacon badge - armes. Badger -- gray badger. for corne. bagg bagge.-- pipe. -- pipe. bagg pudding - pudding. bag & baggage bay. for shipps to lie in bay tree. baile. -- maineprise bailife. -- or ser­ geant baite . for fish baize . - frise. bakeing . er -- house bakeing-- pan. balad. bay tree. balasse for ships Baldness. bale -- baile Balk - furrow. Ball. -- hand foote ball. stow ball. ball of eye -- eye. ballance Balme band of souldiers band to bind. band hat band. bane -- poison banneret bang -- banish. banke . hillock. banker. for money. banne -- curse bannings. - fish. banner -- -- en­ signe. banquerupt banquett baptisement barber Barbarian Barbarisme barenesse -- nakednesse bargane. barge. barke like a dogg bark of a tree bark or little shipe barly barme or yest. barne barnaile for horse baron bar -- or bolt barne or Couer barre where ye plead barrell barren. barrier barrester barrow barter -- chaunge base - musicke. baleneshe bashfulnesse. basolike baskett B.E beseige B. I B. O B. R breath B V builder businesse C A C. E C. H chaing C. I. C. L C. O M N R confession conniue counsell courtesy corne connect corner corruption coueteousnes C. R cronicles C. V cupboard curiosity C Y D. A I. V D E demaund dyseued delay deade destroy D I K diuorce -- forsake discorage died diminish D. O doubtfulnesse D. R. D. V D W D Y E A E B E C. E D E F E G E I E L E M emty E enlarge ensigne entisment enterprise E P E Q E R. E S eschew estimation E I E V E X E Y eye F A faith F E feare F I fitnesse find F L flattery F O fortune foolishnesses forsweare forsake F R frustration frindship F V G A game G E G I G L G G O G R. G V gan G Y H A haruest H E height. H I H O hospitall H V Humble I A I D I E I F I G I L I M impulse impostume imploying I inne I O I R I S K A K E Kindred K Kouwledg L A D E L I g. L O loathing L V M A M E m M I mirth M O M V N A N E N I N O notes N V O A O B obtaine O C O D O F offence O I O K O L O M O O P O R order O S. O T O V O W O X oyntment {col. 2] pardon pacify partaker P E perfection P H P I pistoll. P L perfection pardon plenty P O power P R profit pride. proof of matter preferment P S P V Q V R A R E R H. Reuenge Repaire R I R O R V S A S C S E service sentence S H S I sinow S K S L S M S N S O song S P S Q S T strainger stillatory statute S V suffer S W S Y T A tarrying T E T H T I T O T R trapping T V T W V A V E V I vision V L V M V vniuersity V O V P V S vse V T W A wandering warrant. watch-word W E W H W I W O worshiping W R Y A Y E Y O Z E Z O A Table to the Queens closet Opened. 1655. I V iudgment A b A c A d A e A f A g A j A k Al A m An A o A p A q A R A S A T A V A W A X y z. A abbot. ----o abbey ablatiue-case abortiue abricot-apple absence abstinance abstract abuse. ------------c accent. acceptance accident. accompany accoumpt accusation ache acorne aquaintance aquittance acre action oth law actiuity ---------------d adamant ston addition adder adiectiue adiunct administration admirall seas admiration admission admonition adoption aduers aduersary aduersity adulery aduocate aduowson -----------f affection affirmation affliction -----------g age agrauation aglet aguement ague -------------h -------------i aide aiune aied --------------l alabaster albe alchymy alderman alder-tree ale allegory alley allowance allusion almes almond aloes alpes alpha alphabet altar allum -------------m ambassage amber ambition ambling pace B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X. Y. Z. A -------------- ambushment amesse robe amphitheatre amphilology --------------n analogy analosys anauely anatomy anatomy ad ancestors ancle andiron angell anger angle rod anguish aniseed anker anniuersary annuity answeare anticrist antick -- work antidote antiquity antipathy anuled ------------p ape aphourisme apology aposed apothecary apparrell appendix appendant appetite applause apple application appointing apprehension apprentise approach approbation appurtenance apron ---------------------q ---------------------R