l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 7 4 6 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) AN EXACT AND NECESSARIE TABLE IN ORDER OF ALPHABET, WHERE­ IN YOV MAY READILIE FINDE THE NAMES of the principall persons treated in this work, with the chiefe matters that concerne them. A Acteon. pag. 85. a notable hunter and a cuckold, and for that cause feyned to haue had hornes for the latter of the two proper­ ties, and to haue bene de­ uoured with his own dogs for the former, because he was beggered and consu­ med by them. Aglaure. 307. daughter of Erictheus king of Athens, she is said to haue bene turned to a stone, and her fault was this, because she presumed to looked vpon Erictho­ nius, that was committed to her custodie by Pallas with charge not to presume to open the basket he was kept in. Agramant Emperour of the Turkes, sonne of Tra­ iano, alias king of Affricke, alias the Southern king. He came into Fraunce to auenge his fathers death. pag. 1. He besiegeth Paris very straightly. 61. musters his men. 103. assaulteth Paris. 110. continueth his assault. 113. 122. is repulsed and besieged in his tents. 142. is rescued. 217. is troubled with the contention of his Princes, and labours to compound them. ibid. is dis­ comfited by Renaldo. 254. flieth to Arly. 255. heares of the siege of Biserta. 320. his Oration to Marsilio, Sobri­ no and the other Princes. ibidem. his challenge on Ro­ geros head. 322. takes an oth of truce. 323. breakes the truce 326. discomfited by land. 331. flies to sea. ibidem. his men mutinous. ibidem. discomfited at sea by Dudon. 332. flyes, and would kill himselfe. 336. meets Gradasso 337. sends a chalenge to Orlando, three to three. 337. his stout answers to Brandimart. 345. fights and is dis­ armed by Brandimart. 348. is slaine by Orlando. 352. Agricane king of Tartarie and father to Mandricard pag. 7. Albracca a towne in the East Indies pag. 7. Alcyna a famous witch or Faerie. She tooke Astol­ so, and transformed him to a mirtle. pag. 44. entertaines Rogero. 50. the discription of her beauty. ib. the descripti­ on of her deformitie. 53. she pursues Roger by land. 58. by sea. 59 she is discomfited by Logestilla. ibid. Aldiger bastard sonne of Bouo entertaineth Rogero the 35. booke. staffe. 63. hurt by Mandricard. pag. 210. Almonio a Scot, seruant to Zerbino, saued in the tem­ pest with Isabella. 96. goes to Rochell. 97. findes Zerbino 194. brings Odericke prisoner. ibidem. executes him and Gabrina, booke 24. staffe. 36. Alzird, a gallant young man king of Tremisen kild by Orlando. 93. Amalthea was Iupiters nurse. By Amaltheas horne is signified plentie. Amazons, looke tales. 153. Amazons a nation of warlike women, so named of α, and μαζόνϵϛ, which is to say, without papps, or of ϰ and μδζϰ, without bread, because they feed on flesh onely. Angelica called also the Indian Queene, daughter of Galafron, came from India with Orlando and is taken from him by the Emperour Charles. pag. 2. giuen to the Duke of Bauier to keep, and scapeth out of his tent. ib. meets with Renaldo and runnes from him. ibidem she meets Sacrapant and goes with him. pag. 5. helpes him to take Bayardo. pag. 6. meets Renaldo againe. pag. 7. leaues Renaldo and Sacrapant, and meets with an Her­ mit pag. 10. flyes from him and is pursued by him. pag. 59. her horse possest with a spirit, caries her into the sea, and after to land. ibidem. her lamentation. ibidem. she is cast into a sleepe by the Hermit, but yet he is not able to winne her maidenhead. pag. 60. She is caried to the Ile of Ebuda. 61. tyed naked at the shore. ibid. is found by Rogero and deliuered. 79. vanisheth from him by helpe of the ring. 82. her beautie. 83. she comes to At­ lants enchaunted Pallace, and by the ring would dis­ close her selfe onely to Sacrapant. 90. she is seene & fol­ lowed by Orlando and Ferraw. 91. vanisheth from them ibid. takes away Orlandos helmet. 92. she is sory because Ferraw gat it. ibidem. she findes Medore wounded. 147. heales him. woes him, weds him. 148. giues her host the bracelet Orlando had giuen her. ibidem. meets with Or­ lando in his madnesse. 238. scapes from him and goes to the Indies and giues her whole state to Medore. 242. Anglant the place of Orlandos Earldome. Anselmus Earle of Maganza father of Pinabell bu­ ries his son. 179. condemnes Zerbino wrongfully. 180. Anselmus, a Doct. of law looke tales. p. 364. staffe. 67. Antheus, a giant of great strength and stature, sonne of Neptune and the earth, looke in the historie of the 23. booke. Aquilant brother to Griffino sonnes of Marques O­ liuero: the elder fights with Orillo. 117. goes to Ierusa­ lem. 118. meets with Martano. 139. beats him, brings him and Origille to Damasco. 140. goes towards France 142. is in a tempest. ibidem. came to the country of the Amazons. 149. Icapeth thence. 157. taken prisoner by Pinabell. 172. goes with Renaldo to rescue Charles. 252. is at Bradamants mariage 402. Arachne, an excellent women in needle worke, and weauing, and is fayned to haue compared with Pallas in that kinde, and therefore to be turned to a spyder. Ardenna a huge forrest or thicket in France, where he fayneth the two fountaines of loue and disdaine pag. 7. Arethusa daughter of Nereus and Doris, one of Dia­ nes companions till Alpheus rauished her, and gat her with child, whereupon Diana turned her into a riuer bearing her name. Argalia sonne of Galafron brother to Angelica slaine by Ferraw, his ghost appeares to him. pag. 3. Argia wife of Polinyse, her husband being killed, & the tyrant Creon forbidding on payne of death to bury him, yet she buried him and liued euer after a widdow. 307. Argia looke tales. 164. Ariodant a Gentleman of Italie a louer of Genewra 33 fight with Lurcanio, and is parted. 38. is knowne to the king of Scots 41. is married to Genewra. 42. rescues Zerbino in France. 125. and is no more spoken of by the author. Arria wife of Peto of Padon, her husband and being con­ demned kild her selfe in his fight, protecting that death was pleasant to her so long as she left him aliue 307. Artimesia wife of Mausoleus, she built that famous sepulcher for her husband, that was counted one of the wonders of the world, in honor of which all sump­ tuous tombes since are called Mausolea. Astolfo king of Lombardie. looke tales 225. Astolfo called the English Duke, sonne of Oton king of England turned into a mirtle. 43. warnes Rogero of Alcina. ibid. comes to Logestilla. 58. goes from Logestil­ la. 114. receiues a booke of her and a horne. ibidem. takes Calligorant. 116. ouercomes Orillo. 118. goes to Damasco. 140 meets Martisa. 141. takes her part. ibid. goes toward France. 142. is in a tempest. ibidem. comes to the Amazons countrey. 149. with his horne scareth the Amazons. 157 turnes to England. 169. dissolues the inchanted Pallace. 170. gets the Griffith horse. 171. meets Bradamant. 177. leaues his horse Rabican, his armour and the inchanted speare with her. 178 goes about the world. 274 comes to Senapo. 275 driues a­ way the Harpias. 281. heares the wofull tale of Lidia, ibid. stops vp the mouth of caue. 284. washes him­ selfe at a well. ibidem. goes vp to Paradise. 285. conferres with S. Iohn ibid. receiues by his meanes Orlandos wit. 287. sees the riuer of Lethe. 292. comes from S. Iohn. 319 heales Senapo. ibid. takes the wind in a bag ibid. turnes stones to horses. ibid. goes to Biserta 328. redeemes Du­ don. ibid. makes ships of leaues. ib. releases diuers Chri­ stian prisoners. ibidem. restores Orlando to his wit. 326. takes Biserta ibid. sends home Senapo. 376. leaues Affri­ ca. 327. lets goe the Griffith horse ibid. comes to France ibid. is at Bradamants marriage. 402. Astraea daughter of Astreus a iust king, and therfore she was called Iustice. 114. Atlant vncle to Rogero. a great Magician makes a Pallace by inchantment. 12. fights with Gradasso and Rogero, ouercomes them and carries them prisoners into the said Castle. 13. fights with Bradamant and is ouercome by her. 26. ouerthrowes his inchaunted Castle, and sets free Rogero, with the rest of his priso­ ners. 17. makes another inchaunted Pallace for Rogero. 90. dyes, and his ghost parteth Rogero and Marfisa. 302. Aurora is feyned by the Poets to haue loued Tytho­ nus, sonne of Laomedon, and to haue maried him: but he growing old she fell in loue with Cephalus. B Ballisard Rogeros sword that had bene sometime Or­ landos & stolen by Brunello, giuen to Rogero, was found by Orlando in the ship 344 restored to Rogero. 376. Bardino findes Brandimart. 329. perswades him to go home. 330. bewayles his death 370. Bayardo Renaldos horse ranne from his master twise. pag. 2. and 3. is found by Sacrapant. pag. 6. recouered. pag. 10. is found by Gradasso pag 274 recouered again by Renaldo. Bertolage one of the house of Maganza slaine by Ri­ chardet. 207. Bireno taken prisoner by Cimosco. 71. deliuered by Orlando. ibid. maried to Olympia. ibid. fals in loue with the king of Frislands daughter, and betrayeth Olympia. 74 is hanged by Oberto. 86. Biserra a towne in Barbary assaulted by Orlando, and Astolfo. 335. is taken. 336 is sacked. 338. Boreas the Northerne winde, is fayned to haue ra­ uished Orithia and to haue begotten of her Calas and Zet. Bradamant meets with Sacrapant and ouerthrowes him. pag. 6. betrayed by Pinnabell. pag. 14. meeteth Me­ lissa in Merlins caue. pag. 18. is shewed all her posteri­ tie. 19.20. instructed how to take the ring from Brunel­ lo. 21. meets Brunello. ibidem. sends Rogero the ring. 52. meets Melissa againe. 99. is instructed of her femall posteritie. 100. is warned of the inchauntment, yet can­ not auoyd it. 101. is freed by Astolfo 170 meets Pina­ bell. 173. kils him. 174. meets Astolfo, and of him hath Rabycano and goldelaunce. ibid. goes to Montalbano. 178. sends Frontino to Rogero by Hippalca. 179. she re­ ceiues Rogeros letter. 247 her complaint. ibidem. iealous of Marfisa. 259. another complaint. ibid. and 261. her dispaire. ibidem. she meets with Vllanie the Queene of Islands messenger. 262. she winnes a lodging at Sir Tristrams Castle. ibidem. she makes a stout Oration for Vllanie. 265. she ouerthrowes three kings againe. 272. she meets Fiordeliege. 292. ouerthrowes Rodomount. 393. sends a chalenge to Rogero. 294. ouerthrowes diuers knights. 295. fights with Marfisa 299. angrie with Roge­ ro and makes another complaint. 300 pacified. 301. a­ gaine fights with Marfisa, but is reconciled 303 as­ saults Marganor. 312. deliuereth him to Vllanie to be put to death. 313. goes to the campe. ib. enters into the battaile. 327. chaseth Agramant. 331. complains to Mar­ sisa of Rogero. 353. refuseth Leon. 378. her complaint. ibid. sues to Charles, and obtaynes to haue a Proclama­ tion for the combat with whomsoeuer would marrie her. 308. writes to Rogero to comfort him 379. her com­ plaint of his absence. 386. the fights with Rogero taking him for Leon. 389. another complaint. 391. she is mar­ ried to Rogero 402. Brandimart sonne of Monodant, king of Damagyre, husband to Fiordeliege, goes out of Parish to seeke his frend Orlando. 63. is in Atlants Pallace. 90. set free by Astolfo. 170. meetes Fiordeliege, and goeth with her to Rodomonts bridge. 254. is taken prisoner by Rodomount. 255. released by Astolfo. 328. found againe by Fiorde­ liege. 329. sees Orlando mad and helps to take him. 330. assaults Byserta and is the first that enters it. 335. is one of the three in the chalenge. 338. hath Frontino giuen him. ibidem. his Oration to Agramant. 345. he fights with Agramant and disarmes him. 348. he is deadly wounded by Gralasso. 349. his speech at his death. 352. his stately funerall, at which Orlando makes a funerall Oration 370. his tombe built by his wife. 371. Bransard Lieutenant to Agramant in Barbarie, sends newes of the danger Affrica was in. 320. redeemeth Bu­ cifer with Dudon. 379. kils himselfe. 336. Briarius a Giant said to haue an 100. armes: Virgil fayns him to be in hell for his conspiracie against Iupi­ ter. Et centrum geminus Briareus & bellualernae it is de­ riued of the Greeke, ΈκατόγΧειρεϛ they call a strong man. Brigliadore, as much to say, Bridle of gold, the name of Orlandos horse. 87. cast off by Orlando in his madnes. 184. found by Mandricardo. 200. giuen by Rogero (who had slaine Mandricard) to Agramant. 247. wonne by Orlando. 352. Brunello is met by Bradamant. described by Melissa to her 21. is Bradamants guide to Atlants Castle. 25 is bound by her vnto a tree, and hath the inchanted ring taken from him. 26 musters his men before Agramant, and was vnbound by Isolir. 104. is arrested by Marfisa and carried away by her 220. is brought backe by Mar­ sisa at ten dayes end to Agramant, and there deliuered to a base villaine to be hanged. 258. Brutus his wife was Porcia: this Brutus was the stout Roman that kild Caesar for his tyrannie, married the daughter of Cato Vucensis, the hearing of her husbands death eate hote coales and kild her selfe so, whereupon Martiall saith. Coningus audissit fatum cum Porcia Bruti, & subtracta sibi quæreret arma dolor, Nun dum scitis ait mortem non posse negari? crediderum satis hoc vos docuisse patrem, Dixit & ardentes auido bibit ore fauillas, I nunc & serrum turba molest a nega. Bulgar a people of Europe in part of Mæsia vpon the riuer Danubrum, where it is called Ister, assaulted by Leon. 380 put to flight. 381. rescued by Rogero. ibid. they make Rogero king 382. send Embassadors to Frãce to Rogero. 397. Bulligant gouerns those of Lyon. 104. Ptolomie cals that Citie Germanica. Bucifer king of Algazer taken. 327. redeemes Dudon. 328. slaine by Oliuero. 336. C Calai and Zet were sonnes of Boreas, and had wings or so fayned, because they sayled in swift ships. Calligorant a Giant taken by Astolfo. 116. is carried about the country by him. 117. comes where Crillo was. ibid and from thence goeth with Astolfo to Ierusalem. 118. Astolfo giueth him to Sansonet gouernour of Ieru­ salem. 119. Castor and Pollux sonnes of Iupiter and Leda, gotten of her in likenesse of a swanne, brothers to Helena, cal­ led Tyndarides, they deliuered the sea of Pyrates, and therefore are counted Gods of the sea. They fayne that Pollux was immortall, and when Castor dyed be­ sought Iupiter that he might part his immortalitie with him, whereupon they are an example of brother­ ly loue. Catalynes the chiefest familie of Spaine, of the house of Arragon, and are often put by myne author for the whole state of Spaine. 104. Ceres called the Goddesse of come, mother of Pro­ serpina. Charlemaine sonne of Pipin gathers his forces toge­ ther against the Turkes. pag. 1. takes vp the quarrell a­ bout Angelica. pag. 2. is ouerthrowne by the Turkes. ib. Charles besieged in Paris sends Renaldo into England pag. 11. He expectes the assault and maketh publicke prayers vnto God. 107 his owne prayer. ibidem. receiues the English succours into Parish. 125. heares newes of the spoyles Rodomont did. 126. his Oration. 128. 129. he sets on Rodomont. ibidem driues him away out of Paris. 138. is discomfited againe by Ferraw, and made retire. ibid. is rescued by Renaldo. 254. Christened Marfisa. 318. takes an oth of truce 323. welcomes Rogero into France 376. makes a Proclamation at request of Brada­ mant. 385 his vprightnesse in iudging the controuersies. 392. he makes a sumptuous feast at the mariage of Bradamant. 398. Cimosco king of Freezeland slaine by Orlando. 70. Circe a notable inchantresse, daughter of the Sunne and a Nymph called Perses, she turned Vlysses men in­ to beasts. Cleopatra Queene of Ægypt, being feasted by An­ thonie bad him to a banket, and dissoluing one huge pearle in vinegar she dranke it, and it was thought in that respect a banket of inestimable cost. Clytemnestra wife of Agamemnon plaid the whore in his absence, and killed him at his returne: it is said she had a Musician plaid chast tunes to her, and so long she continued honest, but when he dyed Ægistus corrupted her: her sonne Orestes in reuenge of his fathers death slue her. Cloridan a companion of Medore goes to seeke the carkasse of Dardanello. 143. kils diuers Christians. ibid. kils two Scots. 146. is kild 146. Corebo one of Zerbins men hurt in defence of Isabella 97. is saued. 194. D Dalinda Genewras maid saued from killing by Re­ naldo. 29 discouers Polynessos trecherie. 32 is pardoned and goes to a Nunrie. 42. Danae daughter of Acrisius, mother to Perseus, she be­ ing lockt vp in a tower by her father, that none might accompanie her, it is said that Iupiter rayned a shower of gold through the tyles of the house into her lap, with helpe of which shower he gat her with child. Danubius the greatest riuer of Europe farre North begins in Germanie, and in long running it is called I­ ster 60 riuers fall into it, and halfe of them nauigable. Dardanello son of Almont musters afore Agramant. 105. hurteth Lurcanio. 138. is killed by Renaldo. 142. found dead by Medore. 143. is buried by him and the helpe of Angelica. 147. Dido Queene of Carthage famous for the fabulous loue of Æneas. Discord sought by the Angell Michaell. 108. found in an Abbey. ibid sent to the Pagans camp ibidem. beaten and sent againe. 217. Doralice comming from Spaine is taken by Mandri­ card. 106. sends priuily to Rodomont. ibidem. agrees well with Mandricard. 107. parts Zerbino and Mandricard. 193. parts Rodomont and Mandricard. Lib. 24. staffe 92. borne away by a spirit in her horse. 213. reiects Rodo­ mont, chuseth Mandricard. 221. her speech to disswade him from fight 243. her lightnes. 246. Drusilla, looke tales of Marganor. 308. Dudon released by Astolfos meanes and made Ad­ mirall 328. discomfiteth Agramant by sea. 32. fights with Rogero on land 339. giueth him seuen kings. 342. comes into Paris 376. is at Bradamants mariage. 402. Durindane Orlandos sword taken by Mandricard. 24. booke. 49. staffe. wonne for Gradasso. 246. lost by Gra­ dasso in battaile with Orlando. 352. giuen to Rogero by Orlando. 375. E Ebuda, I finde no such Ile, but Ebudæ belles in our Brittish sea. Encelladus the greatest of all the Giants that rebelled against Iupiter, for this cause they faine that he was laid vnder mount Ætna, and that the cause of the earthquaks there, is when he sturres to change sides. Erichtonius sonne of Vulcan had feete like a Serpent and deuised a coach to hide them. 307. Euadne wife of Capaneus kild with lightning at the assault of Thebes, his bodie being burned as the man­ ner of buriall was in those dayes, his wife leapt into the fire with it and dyes. 307. F Ferraw a Spanish knight fights with Renaldo for An­ gelica. pag. 2. lost his helmet in the water. ibidem, takes Renaldo vp behind him. 3. meets with the ghost of Ar­ galia. ibidem. vowes to winne Orlandos helmet. ibid. is in Atlants Pallace. 90. freed by Angelica. 91. fights with Orlando. 92. pursues Angelica and sees her. ibidem. gets Orlandos helmet. ibid. musters his band of the king of Spaines guard. 104. restores the battaile lost. 138. his O­ ration. ibid ouerthrowne by Bradamant. 295. Fiordeliege wife of Brandimart goeth to seeke him. 63 heares of Orlandos madnesse Lib. 24. staffe. 46. sees the battaile betweene Mandricard and Zerbin, goeth to­ ward Paris. ibid. staffe 59. comes to Rodomonts bridge. 227. tels Renaldo of Orlandos madnesse. 253. finds Bran­ dimart. 254. sees him ouerthrowne and taken. ib. meets Bradamant, and showes her Rodomonts bridge. 293. deli­ uers Rogero a chalenge from Bradamant. 294. meetes Bardino and goeth with him to Affrica. 329. finds Bran­ dimart. ibid. sees Orlando and descries him. ibidem. she makes a blacke Caparison for Brandimart. 344. her dreame and speech. 370. her death. 371. Fiametta, looke tales. Fiordespina, looke tales. Frontino the name of Rogeros horse is kept by Bra­ damant. 28. sent by her to Rogero. 178. is taken by Rodo­ mont. 179. recouered by Bradamant. 293. sent againe to Rogero. 294 found by Orlando in a ship. 344. restored to Rogero. 375. his praise. 389. Fusberta Renaldos sword. 10. G Gabrina, looke tales: she flies from Orlando. 99. meets Marfisa. 158. is committed to Zerbinos protection. 159. robs Pinnabels corse. 179. betrayes and accuses Zerbino. 180. flyes and is misused by Mandricard. 182. is pardo­ ned of life by Zerbino. 194 committed to Ordickes pro­ tection and by him hanged. Lib. 24. staffe 38. Ganimed is fayned by the Poets to be Iupiters cup­ bearer, and to haue bene caryed vp by an Eagle, it is taken generally in the worst part for Bardassos. Genewra, looke tales. Gibbellius, looke Guelfs. Gradasso king of Serycane taken by Atlant into the inchanted Castle. 13. is deliuered by Bradamant. 27. is in Atlants Palace. 90. freed by Astolfo. 170. come to aide Agramant 216 helps to arme Mandricard. 218. fals out with him. ibid. receiues Durindane of Rogero. 246. fights with Renaldo. 255 fights againe. 273 parted and finds Bayardo. 274. ships at Arlie. 274. meets Agramant in great distresse. 337. is one of the chalenge three to three and kils Brandimart. 349. is killed by Orlando. 352. Grandonio, the gouernour of the Algarbies, which dwell in promontorie cald Celticum Promontorium. 104. Griffin fights with Orillo. 117. is in loue with Origilla. 118. goeth with Astolfo to the holy land. ibid. heares of Origilla. 119. he finds her. 121. goeth to Damasco. 129. heares his hostes tales. 130. winnes the prize there. 133. departs thence. ibid. is betrayed by Origill and Martano. ibidem. is carted. 134. kils and beats the people of Da­ masco. 137. is reconciled to Norandino. 139. meets his brother Aquilant. 140. receiues a costly armour of the king. ibidem. is ouerthrowne by Astolfo. 141. frended by him, he goeth with him and others towards France. ib. tost on the sea with a tempest. 142. comes to the shore of the Amazons & heares their law. 149. scapeth thence 158. is betrayed and taken by Pinnabello to obserue his law. 172. fights in defence thereof. 173. is ouerthrowne by Rogero. 174. goeth toward France. ibid. meets with Renaldo and is entertained into his band. 252. is at Bra­ damants marriage. 402. Griffith horse brought vp by Atlant, and lost by him 26. flyes away with Rogero. 27. carries him to Alcinas Ile 43. caries Melissa and Astolfo from Alcinas Ile. 58. brings them to Logestilla. 77. is brought by Melissa to Rogeros riding. ibidem. Rogero is carried by him ouer the world ibidem. breaks his bridle and flyes to Atlant. 83. is got­ ten by Astolfo. 171. flyes with Astolfo ouer the world. 274 caries him vp to Paradise. 285. brings him backe againe. 319. is let loose by Astolfo. 376. Guelfs and Gibbellius two notable factions rising first of two brothers in Italie and spreading very farre. Guidon Sauage in the Amazons land fights with Marfisa. 150, entertaines her and her company. 153. tels the tale of the Amazons. 154. scapeth thence hauing made prouision. 157. ouerthrowes Richardetto, Alardo and Guicchiardo. 25 1. fights with Renaldo till Sunneset. ibid. makes himselfe knowne vnto Renaldo. 252. goeth with him to ayde Charles. ibidem is at Bradamants ma­ riage. 402. H Hecuba wife of Priamus fell mad for sorrow of the death of her son Polidorus, and is fayned to haue bene turned to a dogge. Helena daughter of Leda, she that was taken by Paris. Hercules sonne of Iupiter and Alcmene, his twelue la­ bours be knowne, howbeit Stephen in his HHistorical Di­ ctionarie sets downe 34. labours. Hillarion a passing deuout Hermit. Hippalca, Bradamants maid caries Frontino towards Rogero. 179. meets Rodomont and is robd ibidem. meets Rogero at Merlins caue. 209. returnes to Bradamant. 211. deliuers Rogeros letter, and comforts her. 246. Homer Prince of Greeke Poets. I Iason sonne of Æson and Alemene comming to Lem­ nos was entertained by Hipsipile, and after wanne the Golden Fleece. Indus or Inde a riuer of the East, a very huge riuer of which India taketh name. Iroldo a Christen Captaine. Isabella found by Orlando in a caue. 94 recites to him the cause of her being there. 96. is deliuered by Orlando 98. prayes him to be her Protectour. 99. finds Zerbino. 180. departs with Zerbino from Orlando. 182. helps to ga­ ther Orlandos armour. Lib. 24. st. 43. entreateth Doralice to part the fray. ibid. staffe. 57. laments Zerbinos death and becomes a Christen. ibidem. staffe 73. meets Rodo­ mont. 231. is wooed by him. 235. saues her chastity with losse of her life. 236. her praise. ibid. her tombe. ibid. L Lada one of Alexanders souldiers, so swift and light of foote that scarce the print of his foot was seen in the sand. 270. Laodemia wife to Protesilaus loued him so dearly, that hearing of his death, she pyned away with griefe. 307. Leon sonne of Constantine repulsed by Rogero. 381. de­ liuers Rogero not knowing him from prison. 387. goeth into France to wooe Bradamant, and winnes her by Rogeros meanes calling himselfe the knight of the Vin­ corne. 389. disturbed and chalenged by Marfisa. 391. misleth Rogero. 392 finds him and recomforts him 396. brings him to Charles 398. his speech. ibidem. frees the Bulgars from further warre by promise ibid. is at Roge­ ros mariage. 402. Lidia looke tales. 281. Logestilla defendeth Rogero against Alcina. 76. the description of her house, by which is ment vertue. 77. en­ tertaines Astolfo, and deliuers him a booke and a horne and lets him depart. 114. Lucina looke tales. 129. Lurcanio brother to Ariodant an Italian Gentleman accuseth Genewra. 36. fights with his brother. 38. is hurt by Dardanello. 138. M Malagige rescued by Rogero and others. 207. ex­ pounds the pictures at Merlins well. 208. makes a spirit carie away Doralice. 213. goeth with Renaldo to aide Charles. 247. coniureth to finde the cause of Renaldos dis­ ease. 353. is at the wedding 402. Mandricard sonne of Agricane king of Tartarie had wonne Hectors armes. 105. he seekes Orlando. ibid. wins Doralice, carries her away & wooes her. 106. lyes with her. 107. fights with Orlando. 181. parted. 182. meets Ga­ brina. ibidem. fights with Zerbino and hurts him. lib. 24. staffe 49 winnes Durindane. ibid. fights with Rodomont. ibid. staffe 80. is parted staffe 93. ouerthrowes Richardet­ to and his brothers. 210. fights with Marfisa. ibidem. quarrels with Rogero. 211. reproued by Rodomont. ibid. fights with Rogero. 212. fights with Marfisa. ibidem. par­ ted. 213. rescues Agramant 216 quarels with Rodomont, Rogero and Marfisa. 217. with Gradasso. 218. is chosen by Doralice. 221. disswaded from fight by Doralice. 243. fights with Rogero. 244. is kild. 246. Manilard ouerthrowne by Orlando. 93. Marsilio king of Spaine musters his men of armes. 104. his Cration to Agramant 320. he flyes into Spaine. 327. Marfisa sister to Rogero meetes Astolfo and goeth to Damasco. 140. takes away the prize. ibid. is reconciled and honored. 141. goeth with Astolfo and others toward France, and are tost with tempest. 142. arriues with them at the Amazons Citie. 149. fights with Guidon. 150 scapeth hence 157. part from her companions in Marsi­ lia. 158. meets Gabrina and carries her behind her. ibid. ouerthrowes Pinnabell for laughing at her. 159. meets Zerbino & commits Gabrina to his custodie. 159. meets Rogero. 206. aids him to rescue Malagige and Viuian. 207. dines at Merlins caue. 208. fights with Mandricard. 210. aids Agramant. 215. craues battaile with Mandri­ card. 217. arresteth Brunelio. 220. brings him backe to Agramant. 258. fights with Bradamant & is ouerthrown 299. fights againe. 300. fights with Rogero. 302. parted by Atlants ghost. ibidem. frends with Bradamant. 303. goeth with Bradamant and Rogero. 307 aids Vilanie and her companions. 308. heares the tale of Marganor. 309. leads Marganor captiue. 312. calles a Parliament and makes a law for women. 313. goeth with Bradamant to Charles. 317. meets Charles and makes an Oration. 318. she is Christned 319. fights with Agramant. 327. chaseth him. 331. disturbeth Don Leon from marrying with Bradamant. 397. makes a chalenge to Leon on Ro­ geros behalfe. 392. was about to strike Rogero not know­ ing him. 398. is at the wedding 402. Marganor looke tales. 309. his law 311. he is killed. 313. Martano a whooremaster keeps Origilla. 122. shames Norandi­ no against him. 134. beaten by Aquilant. 139. punished openly. 140. Mausoleo the tombe of a king so named, one of the seuen wonders. Medea a cruell woman, a notable witch, she killed her owne brother, and her owne sonnes, she sent Creusa a little boxe for a token, in which was closed such arti­ ficiall fire, that as soone as it was opened it burned her and all the Pallace she was in. Medore page of Dardanell goeth to seeke his masters carkas to burie it. 143. kils many Christians asleepe, ibid. carries his maisters corse and is pursued by Scots. 144. hurt by a Scot against Zerbinos will 147. found by Angelica and healed, wooed, and married by Angelica. 147. his Epigramme 148. escapes Orlando hardly. 239. made king of East India. 242. Melyssa showeth Bradamant all Rogeros posteritie 19. 20. instructeth her how to take the ring from Brunello. 21. goeth to deliuer Rogero. 52. her speech to Rogero. 53. comforts Bradamant. 322. in Rodomonts likenes breaks the truce. 326. meeteth Leon and showes him Rogero. 395. bringeth the rich Pauillion by Nigromancie. 399. is at Bradamants mariage 402. Memphis the chiefe Citie of Ægypt neare to which the huge Pyramides were made. Merlins Fountain. 208. his hall in Sir Tristrams lodge and the stories thereof. 258. the English Prophet, of him you shall reade in the notes of the third booke. pag 22. Morgana a passing witch much spoken of in Boyar­ dos booke of Orlando Inamorato. N Nercus sonne of Caropeius and Aglaia a passing beau­ tifull young man, witnes Homer one of those that came against Troy. 269. Nestor is said to haue liued three ages, which some count. 90. yeares, some 300. Nilus the famous riuer of Egypt so called of king Ni­ lus, or as some will haue it of the Greeke Νεῖλοϛ, that is new slime, for with the slime thereof it inricheth all Egypt: some doubt whether it haue any head at all but runnes out of the great lake, it fals deuided into the sea in seuen branches, wherefore Ouid cals it in the 1. Met. Septemfluus. Norandino, looke in the tales, makes a great feast. 129. receiueth Griffin into fauour 139. O Odericke is sent by Zerbino for Isabella. 97 would haue rauisht her. 98. woundeth Corebo. ibidem. is brought by Almonio to Zerbino lib. 24. staffe. 16. is pardoned by him ib. staffe 35. breaketh promise and is hanged. ib. staff. 38. Oberto king of Ireland comes to Ebuda and meetes Orlando there. 85. fals in loue with Olimpia. 86. marries her ibidem. Olimpia looke tales: she is deliuered by Orlando and maried to Bireno. 71. betrayed by him and left on the shore. 75. is found by Orlando at the Ile of Ebuda: and her beautie described, she deliuered. 85. Oberto fals in loue with her. 86, marries her ibidem. Oliuero sent prisoner to Biserta, set free by Astolfo. 328. assaults Biserta. 335. slue Bucifar. 336. is one of the three in the challenge. 338. hath Rogeros armour giuen him. 344. his impreyse a lymehound with the word (till he commeth) ibid. he is hurt by his horse fall. 348. is healed by the Hermit. 372. comes into France with Or­ lando and Rogero. 376. is at Bradamants mariage. 402. Origille a strumpet loued by Griffin. 119. is found with Martano, excuseth it. 122. Orillo a Nigromancer looke tales. 116. Orlando comes from the East Indies with Angelica and hath her taken from him. pag. 1. troubled in his sleepe by a dreame. 62. he leaues Paris. 63. comes vpon the Pagans campe. 65. passeth into Britanie and is put backe to Antwerpe. 66. heares the state of Olimpia. ibid. challengeth Cimosco. 69. kills him. 70. flings the harque­ bush into the sea. 71. comes to Ebuda. 84. kils an Orke ibid. sets free Olimpia againe. 85. goeth backe to Brita­ nie. 87. illuded with the likeness of Angelica. 89. pur­ sues Angelica 91. fights with Ferraw. 92. lost his helmet ibid. foyld two bands of Pagans. 93. findes Isabella. 94. deliuers her. 98. hangs the outlawes. ibid. deliuers Zer­ bino. 180. fights with Mandricard. 181. is parted. 182. hears newes of Angelica. 183. fals starke mad. 185. some mad parts of his. 193. wrastles with Rodomont. 237. meetes Angelica and almost catcheth her. 239. comes to Biserta. 242. troubles Astolfos armie in his madnes. 329. is bound & made wise by Astolfo. 330. assaults Biser­ ta. 334. rescues Brandimart at Biserta. 336. sackes the towne. 338. accepts Agramants chalenge. ibid. findes Ballisard in a voyde ship. 344. fights the combat three to three. 348. kils Gradasso and Agramant. 352. meetes Renaldo. 369. comes to Sicilie. 370. he makes Brandi­ marts funerall. 371. his Oration. ibid. comes to the Her­ mit and meetes Rogero there. 372. goeth backe into France with him. 376. is at Bradamants mariage. 402. Orke a monstrous fish. P Paris sonne to Priamus louer of Helena. Paris fiered by Agramant, and quenced by rayne from heauen. 61. assaulted by Agramant. 110. entred by Rodomont and set on fire. 111. Paule the first Hermit or Anchorit. it is said of him that a crow brought him euerie day halfe a loafe of bread, and that Anthonie a deuout man going to see him, the crow brought him that day a whole loafe. Penelope wife of Vlysses famous for her chastitie in the long absence of her husband: hauing many impor­ tunate sutors in her husbands absence she prayd them to respite her till she had ended a web, which she had begunne to weaue, and that being granted looke what she woue all day she vndid at night. Pegasus a horse that had wings, this horse is sayd to be bred of the blood of Medusa; and that Bellerophon thinking to ride him vp to heauen, fell from him, but the horse held on his course still and was made a starre. Phoebus or Apollo taken for the Sunne. Pinnabell son of Anselmus of Maganza meets with Bradamant. 12. lets Bradamant fall into Merlins pit 14. steales her horse. 17. ouerthrowne by Marfisa. 158. takes Griffin, Aquilant, Guidon Sauage, & Sansonet pri­ soners. 172. makes them sweare to his law. ibid. is met and killed by Bradamant. 173. Polinesso Duke of Albany betrayeth Genewra by Da­ lindas meanes. 35. is killed by Renaldo. 38. Polidorus son of Priamus killed by Polimnestor for couetousnes of the gold that Priamus sent with him. Pollux looke Castor. Prasildo a Christen Captaine. Progue killed her sonne Itis, and is fained to haue bin turned into a swallow. Proteus counted a God of the sea called Vertumnus because he is said to turne himselfe into all shapes. Proteus king of Egypt spoken of in the. 46. booke. Puliano a king musters afore Agramant. 105. slaine by Renaldo 154. Pyramides certaine towers of incredible height built by the Princes of Egypt, of this looke in the seuen won­ ders of the world. R Rabican Astolfos horse. 54. Renaldo fell out with Orlando for Angelica. 2. lost his horse, & in seeking of him found Angelica. ibid. fought with Ferraw. ibidem. rides behind him. 3. parts from him and finds his horse. ibid. he finds Angelica againe. 7. fights with Sacrapant. 10. is parted by the illusion of an Hermit. ibidem. he takes his horse againe. ibidem. he goeth to Paris. 11. is sent in Embassage. ibid. arriues in Scotland. 28. goeth toward the Court. ibidem. is intertai­ ned by an Abbot and his Monks. ibidem. heares of Ge­ newras danger. ibid. is guided to the Court. 29. meetes with Dalinda. ibid. heares the tale of Genewrae 32.33.34. 35.36. fights with Polinesso and kils him. 38. sues for ayd to the Scottish king. 58. goeth by sea to England and is feasted there. 59. brought by Silence to Paris. 123. his Oration. ibidem. he encourageth the Scots. 125. kils Dardanell. 142. troubled with ielousie of Orlando. 216. comes to Mountalbano. 247. goeth to succour Charles. ibid. meets Guidon. 251. fights againe with Gra­ dasso. 257. fights againe. 273. looseth Bayardo. 274. a champion for Charles. 222. fights with Rogero. 223, is trou­ bled with his old loue. 353. heares of Malagige where Angelica is. 354. asketh leaue of Charles to go to India. ibid. assayled by a monster and deliuered by a knight. 355. comes to the knight of Mantua. 356. refuseth to tast the cup to try cuckoldes. 360. goeth by water to Rauenna. 369. meets Orlando at Lyppaduse. ibid. meets Rogero at the Hermits 372. promiseth him Bradamant. 375. comes with him into France. 377. fals out with his father about Rogero. ibidem. and. 391. is at Bradamants mariage 402. Richardet gat Fiordespina with child and should haue dyed, & is set free by Rogero. 199. tels Rogero a tale. 200. comes to Aldigers house. 202. goeth with him to rescue Malagige and Viuian. 203. meets Marfisa. 204. rescues Viuian and Malagige. 207. dines at Merlins caue. 208. is ouerthrowne by Rodomont. 210. by Guidon. 251. is at Bradamants mariage 402. Rifee or Riphe mountaines in Scythia. Rodomont king of Algier a man of passing strength musters afore Agramant. 105. enters Paris. 110. doth much spoile. 122. leaues Paris. 138. meets Discord, Pride and iealousie with Doralices messenger. ibid. takes Fron­ tino from Hippalca. 179. fights with Mandricard. Lib. 24. staffe 80. parted, staffe 93. fights with Rogero. 212, parted. 213. rescues Agramant. 217. fals at variance with Mandricard & with Sacrapant. 219. refused by Doralice goeth away malcontent. 221. his inuectiue against wo­ men. 222. his hosts entertainment. 233. meets Isabella. 231 kils the Priest. 234. is drunke and cuts off Isabellas head. 235. makes a tombe, a vow and a brigde. 236. is cast by Orlando into the water. 237. ouercomes Bran­ dimart. 254. is ouerthrowne by Bradamant. 293. enters into a cell for shame of his foyle receiued by Brada­ mant. 294. challenges Rogero at Bradamants mariage. 401. is killed by Rogero. 404. Rogero taken by Atlant. 13. deliuered by Bradamant. 27. carryed away by the Griffith horse. ibid. comes to Alcinas Ile. 42. is warned by Astolfo 43. fights with the monsters, 46. is rescued by two Ladies. ibidem. ouer­ throwes Erissila. 49. is intertained by Alcina. 50. is war­ ned by Melissa. 53. discouers Alcinas illusions. ibid. de­ ceiues Alcina and flies. 57. is impeacht by a Falkner. 58. tempted in his way by three Ladies. 76. assaulted by sea. ibid. deliuered by Logestilla. ibid. parted from Lo­ gestilla on the winged horse. 77. sees the musters in En­ gland. 78. goes to Ireland. 79. sees Angelica tied to the rocke. ibidem. ouercomes the Orke by helpe of his shield. 80. lends Angelica his ring. ibid. leeseth Angelica 83. leeseth his horse. ibid. is carried by a traine to ano­ ther inchanted Pallace of Atlant 90. freed from the in­ chanted Pallace. 170. goes with Bradamant. 171. van­ quisheth Pinnabells foure knights by his shield. 173. throwes away the shield. 174. sets free Richardet lib. 25. st. 10. comes to Aldiger 202. writes to Bradamant. 203. meets Marfisa. 204. rescues Malagige and Viuian. 207 dines in Merlins caue. 208. goes with Hippalca. 209. finds Rodomont. 211. fights with him and Mandricard. 212. parted. 213. rescues Agramant. 217. offers combat to Rodomont and Mandricard. ibid. kils Mandricard. 245 is sore hurt by him ibid. is chalenged by Bradamant. 294. parts Marfisa and her. 300. fights with Marfisa and is parted. 302 tels Marfisa of his race. 303. promiseth mariage to Bradamãt. assaults Marganor. 312 goes backe to the campe. 313. chosen champion for Agra­ mant. 322. fights with Renaldo. 323. is parted 326. fights with Dudon. 339. takes shipping 343. suffers shipwrack. 344. comes to an Hermit. 346. is christned. ibid. meets Orlando & Renaldo. 372. hath a promise of Bradamant. 376 comes into France with them. 3 77. is refused by Brada­ mants parents, his complaint 378. vowes to kill Leon, and cals himselfe knight of the Vnicorne. 380. is made king of the Bulgars. 381. is prisoner to Theodora. 385. deliuered by Leon. 387 fights for him with Bradamant and wins her. 389. his complaint, and would pine him­ selfe to death. 390. is releeued by Leon. 396. marries Bradamant. 399. killeth Rodomont. 404. S Sacrapant makes great lamentation for Angelica, his complaint begins. 4. st. 41. Angelica discloseth herselfe to him. ibid he encounters with Bradamant. 5. is ouer­ throwne. 6. his horse being slaine takes Bayardo. ibid. fights with Renaldo. 10. is parted by an illusion. ibid. is deliuered from the inchanted Pallace. 27. is in another inchanted Pallace. 90. freed by Angelica. 91. leeseth her, and seekes her. ibid. fals out with Rodomont. 220. folows him. 222. taken, and goes home. 294. Sampson a man of great strength spoken of in the Scripture, his vertue was in his haire, he slue 1000 men with the iaw bone of an Asse. 106. Sansonet gouernor of Ierusalem, intertaines Astolfo. 119. goes to Damasco. 140. wins the prize. 141. comes to the Amazons land. 149. scapeth thence. 157. freed by Astolfo. 328. helpes to take Orlando. 330. assaults Biserta. 335. remaines in Affrica. ibid. Scipio a famous Captaine of the Romans. Senapo blind, looke tales. 275. healed of his eyes. 390. lends Astolfo men and money. ibid. his men assault Bi­ serta. 335. Sobrino a Prince and graue counsellor to Agramant musters before him. 104. his good counsel to Agramant. 221. his answer to Marsilio, a good Oration. 321. flies with Agramant by sea. 334. misliketh of the breach of truce. 327 witholds Agramant from killing himselfe, and comforts him. 337. is one of the challenge 3. to 3. 338. wounded by Orlando 347. hoghs Oliuers horse. 348 is christened. 372. comes to France 577. is at the mariage of Bradamant 402. Stordilano father of Doralice, king of Granada a rich prouince of Spaine, being watered with the riuer of Be­ tica or Bethi. 104. T Tagus a riuer in Lusitania or Portugall, it hath golden sand in some places: by this riuer it is that Pliny writes that Mares conceiue with the wind, and bring forth colts exceeding swift, but they liue but three yeares. Tiberius. 363 there were many of that name, one suc­ ceeded Augustus, and built wonderful sumptuous buil­ dings in the Ile of Capri, and gaue himselfe to drinke and filthinesse of life, insomuch that being named Ti­ berius Nero, they nicknamed him Biberius Mero. Tiberius. 364. was a good Emperor and a Christian, it written of him, that hauing spent much money to good and Christian vses, and beginning to want he saw a crosse of stone lying on the ground, and for reuerence that it should not be troden on, caused it to be digged vp, and vnder that another, and so a third, till at the last he found an infinite treasure that had bene there hidden, which he tooke as a thing sent by God, and employed it to very good and princely works. Tithonus husband to Aurora, and had by her a gift of long life. Traiano father of Agramant slaine by Pypin king of France, as is mentioned in the fift page. Tripoly a citie in Affrica, so called because three sun­ dry people did ioyne in the inhabiting of it, the Tiri­ ans, Sidonians, and Arabians. Tristrams lodge, looke Tales 103. Turpin Archbishop of France alledged often by mine Author, an ancient Historiographer. V Virgil called the Prince of the Latine Poets. Vlysses son of Laertes the famous Grecian captaine, a notable traueller, Qui mores hominum multorum vidit & vrbes, a man of great policie, passing eloquent: the notable exploits that are attributed to him would be too long to set downe, but in his Oration in Ouids Me­ tamorphosis they be repeated by him, Si mea cum vestris valuissent vota Pelasgi &c. Vllany sent by the queene of Island with the golden shield. 262. defended by Bradamant. 265. is found by Bradamant halfe stripped, and goes to Marganors town with her. 308. puts Marganor to death. 313. Vulcan. 10. is fained by the Poets to keepe a shop in the hollownes of the mount Ætna, and there to worke thunderbolts for Iupiter. Z Zenocrates a Stoike, a man of no great wit, but of wonderfull continencie, for when some youths of Athens had couenanted with a harlot to tempt him to her companie, and the said Zenocrates hauing supped with them and drunke well that night, which is a pro­ uoking to venerie, yet the harlot was not able to tempt him, notwithstanding that she was her crafts master, or at least mistres, wherefore they demaunded their mo­ ney againe, but she auoyded them thus, that her bar­ gaine was to tempt a man and not an image. Zerbin Prince of Scotland musters his men by the Theams. 78. his armes the Lyon. ibid. his comely shape. ibid. loues Isabella. 97. sends Odericke for her. ibid. go­ uerns the vaward of Renaldos battell. 124. fights vali­ antly ibid. kils two Spaniards. 125. in perill to be slaine is rescued by Ariodant. 125. after by Renaldo. ibidem. chaseth his enemies all night. 144. spares Medoro, and pursueth him that did hurt him. 146. 147. takes old Ga­ brina into protection. 159. heares newes of Isabella by Gabrina. 160. fights with Hermonide for her. 162. is be­ trayed by her. 180. deliuered by Orlando. ibidem. findes Isabella. 181. pardoneth Odericke with singular clemen­ cie. 194. commits Gabrina to his keeping. lib. 24. st. 35 gathers Orlandos armour. lib. eodem. st. 47. fights with Mandricard in defence of Durindan. eodem. st. 51. dead­ ly hurt. st. 56. his last lamentation. 67. dies. 69. his stately tombe made by Rodomont where Isabella and he are laid. pag. 236. Zeuxes of him I haue spoken in the Notes of the 33. Booke, onely I will adde this that I spake not of there; how he painted a boy bearing a bunch of grapes, and the birds pecking at the grapes, he found fault with his owne worke, saying the boy was not well drawne, for if he had, the birds would haue bene affraid to haue come so neere.