l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 2 3 2 5 6 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) EL VOCABVLARIO Of heaven DEl cielo the heauen el cielo the firmament el firmament God Dios The holy Trinitie la sancta Trinidad God the father Dios el padre God the sonne Dios el hijo God the holy Ghost Dios el Espiritu sancto the Godhead la Diedad the Almightie Dios todo poderoso the Lord God el Señor Dios our Sauiour nuestro Saluador our Redeemer nuestro Redemtor our Ladie nuestra Señora a Goddesse vna Diosa the Goddesses los Dioses an Idoll vn Idol an Angell vn Angel the Angels los Angeles a cloud vna ñune the clouds las ñunes the Sunne el Sol the Moone la Luna the light la lumbre the brightnes la claridad a Starre vna estrella the Starres las estrellas a Comet vna Cometa a Planet vna Planeta a rainebow. el arco del cielo. Of the foure Elements. De los quatro Elementos. The earth La tierra the water el agua the ayre el ayre the fier el fuego. Of the windes. De los vientos. the east winde El viento del oriente the west winde El viento del ponente the north winde el viento del norte the south winde el viento del sur the winde bloweth. el haze viento. Of hell. Del infierno. Hell Infierno a deuill vn diablo the prince of the deuils el principe de los diablos an euill spirite vn espiritu maligno the enemy of hell el enimigo del infierno the great Lucifer of hell el gran Lucifer del infierno the great belzebub El gran belzebub sathan of hell sathan del infierno to tempt tentar death la muerte euerlasting fier fuego perdurable darke darknesse escuras tinieblas fier that neuer can be put out fuego que nunca se apaga to racke and to torment arastrar y atormentar the paines of hell las penas del infierno accursed and damned soules almas malditas y condenadas. Of the 7. deadly sinnes, De los siete pecca­ dos mortales. Pride Soberuia couetousnes codicia glotonie golozina, gula lecherie luxuria enuie embidia anger ira slothfulnes pereza Of the earth, moun­ taines and valleys. De la tierra, mon­ tañas y valles. An earthquake Vn terremoto the earth trembleth la tierra trembla the earth la tierra sandie earth tierra arenosa fat earth tierra gorda barren earth tierra sterile slipperie ground tierra resualiza to slide away resualer good ground and drie buena tierra y seca a waterish ground tierra aguosa a hill vna sierra a mountaine vna montañia a plaine vn llano a valley vn valle a little hill vna cuesta a rocke vna roca a great rocke vn peñasco a headlong rocke downe­ ward despeñadero a steepe hill­ ward derumbadero a stone vna piedra a flint stone vn pedernall a ditch vn hoyo a denne vna cauerna a ditcher vn cauador a heape vn monton a bottomles pit vn abismo a pond vn estanque a reed vna caña a rish vn junco durt lodo durtie lodoso foule suzio filthie suziedad Of landes. De tierras. England Inglatierra Ireland Irlanda Flanders Flandres Portugall Portugal Italie Italia Turkie Turquia Muscouie Muscouia Englishmen Ingleses Irishmen Irlandeses Flemings Flemingos Portingals Portuguises Italians Italianos Turkes Turcos Muscouians Muscouienses France Francia Scotland Scotia Almanie Germania Spaine España Iurie Iudea Barbarie Barbaria Tartarie Tartaria Frenchmen Franceses Scotishmen Scotos Germaines Alemanos Spaniardes Españoles Iewes Iudios Barbarians Moros Tartarians Tartares. Of townes and Cities. De villas y ciudades. a towne vna villa a citie vna ciudad it is a strong towne. es vna fuerte villa it is a drawing bridge es vna puente leuadiza "drawing bridge" antedates earliest OED citation (1638). walles murallas gates puertas a chaine cadena a barre of yron maça barreada a locke cerrojo a key llaue a tower torre a castell castillo a bulwarke fortaleza a street vna calle a lane callexuela a corner canton a rampier vn amparo a trench vna trenchea Officers of a towne. Officiales de vna villa. a Mayor vn Mayor an Alderman vna veynte-quatro a Sheriffe vn Senador a Iudge vn Iuez a Counsellour vn Consejero an Auditor vn Oydor an Attorney vn Procurador a Sergeant vn Alguazil a Gaolar vn Carcelero a Porter vn Guarda-puerta Of degrees of birth by descent and first of nobi­ litie. De genero de li­ nage por descenden­ cia, y primeramente de nobilidad. A Monarch Vna Monarchia an Emperour vn Emperador an Empresse vna Emperatriz a King vn Rey a Queene vna Reyna a Prince vn Principe a Princesse vna Princesa a Duke vn Duque a Dutchesse vna Duquesa an Earle vn Conde a Countesse vna Condessa a Lord vn Señor a Ladie vn eñora a Baron vn Baron a Knight vn Cauallero a Gentleman vn Hidalgo a Gentlewoman vna Dama a Marchant vn Mercader the common people el vulgo commun Ecclesiasticall men. Los Ecclesia­ sticos. A Pope Vn Papa a Cardinall vn Cardinal an Archbishop vn Arçobispo a Bishop vn Obispo a Deacon vn Diacono a Prebendarie vn Racionero a Cannon vn Canonigo a Priest vn Clerigo a Prior vn Prior a Prioresse vna Prioressa a Moncke vn Monge a Frier vn Frayle a Nunne vna Monja the Nunnes las Monjas an Abbot vn Abad an Abbesse vna Abadessa Of the Villages, countreymen and fruits of the earth. De las villas, villa­ nos y frutas de la tierra. A citie Vna ciudad a citizen vn ciudadano a village vna aldea a market towne vna villa a countreyman vn aldeano a farmer vn villano a she farmer vna villana "she farmer" not found in OED. a farme vna choça barne vn alholi a stable vn establo, caballeriza a cribbe vn pesebre a manger vn pesebre a waggen vn coche a waggenman vn cochiero a cart vn carro, carreta a carter vn carretero a wheele vna rueda a whippe vn açote a plough vn arado a ploughman vn arador a culter el reja del arado to plough arar to digge cauar a spade vna pala de cauar a mattocke vn açadon a well vn pozo a hole in the ground vn hoyo, vna hoya a fountaine vn fontanal a spring vna fuente manantial a shepheard vn pastor an heard ganado, rebaño de ga­ nado a she shepheard vna pastora a rake vn rastro a forke vn arrexaque de heirro to sow sembrar a sower vn sembrador to harrow the ground peynar o quebran­ tar la tierra, y sa­ char o escardar la tierra. an harrowing sachadura o escarda­ dura good seede buen simiente naughtie seede mal simiente to reape segar a reaper vn segador a sickle vna hoce para segar a syeth vna hoce para heno to moe segar las miesses a moer vn segador de miesses the haruest. la miesse to gather acoger hempe seede lino a field vn campo corne grana barley ceuada wheat trigo oates auena rye centeno tares cizania peason arueja a sheffe vn manojo de trigo stubble la caña de trigo rye bread pan de centeno barly bread pan de ceuada beanes hauas hoppes ombrezillos an hedge vn soto o seto a thorne vna espina a bramble vna çarça gooseberies vuas de la olla a mulberie vna mora a mulberie tree vn moral a flayle vn trillo to thresh trillar a thresher vn trillador a fan vn vieldo, auandor straw paja a sacke vn costal a band vn atadura a garner vn granero a donghill vn muladar doung estiercol a medow vn prado a pasture vn pasto haye heno grasse yerua to dry secar thistles abrojos greene broome retama birche. acelga. Of the garden and his fruites. Del jardin, y de sus frutas. A garden Vn jardin a gardiner vn jardinero a salet vn ensalada an onion vn çebolla garlike ajos leekes puerros coleworts verças cabages berças a gourd vna calabaça persley perexil lettice lechugas sage saluia sorrell romaza fennell-seede simiente de hinojo fennell hinojo purslayne verdolaga spinache bledo rootes rayzes radishes rabanos turneps nabos carrets çanahorias parsnepes chiribias a marigold vna calthra hysope isopo marioram a moradux o axedrea a nettle hortiga cowcumber vn melon a pippin vna camuçca a melon berengena a pumpion calauaça a strawberie mora de la montaña a flower vna flor. a gilliflower vna clauellina a rose vna rosa a rose tree vn rosal a violet vna violeta a lilly vn lirio a white lily açuçena to plucke flowers coger flores rosemarie romero eglantine çarça perrúna a nosegay vn manojo de flores to smell oler a tree vn arbol a leafe vna hoja a blossome vna espiga to bud brotar y echar espigas an apple tree. vn mançano an apple vna mançana a peare tree vn peral a peare vna pera this apple is rotten. esta mançana està podrida pare me this apple múda me essa mançana parings cortezas a walnut vna nuez a walnut tree vn nogal hasell nuts auellanas the kernell el meollo de la nuez he that will eat the kernell let him breake the nut quien comiria el meollo de la nuez es menester que rompe el auellana a cherie vna cereza to be ripe ser madura a cob cherie vna guinda "cob cherie" (a type of cherry with a stone or cob) is not in OED. a cherie tree vn cerezo a peach vn aluarcoque a peach tree el aluarcoque a figge vn higo a vine vna viña a figge tree vna higuera vine leaues hojas de vina a mulberie vna mora grapes vuas a mulberie tree el moral an almond vn almendra a vine branch vn pampano an almond tree el almendro a plumme vna ciruela a plum tree el ciruelo an oliue vn azeytuna an oliue tree el azeytuno a chestnut vna castaña a chestnut tree la castaña an orenge vna naranja an orenge tree el naranja a quince vn membrillo a quince tree el embrillo a pomegranate vna granada a medler vn niespero a medler tree el niespero to plant plantar to graffe enxerir to roote out desarraygar to roote in arraygar nut shels chonchas de nuezes a todestoole vn hongo Of the wood. Del bosque. A wood vn bosque a parke vna caça a warrener vn montañero a wildernes vn deserto a branch vn ramizillo a bough vn ramo a rod vna verga a broome vna escoba a broomeman vn escobero "broomeman" antedates earliest OED citation (1592). a chimney sweeper vn barredor de chime­ neas a willow tree el sauze to shake sacudir to moue menear a faggot vna fagota an oke vn roble an acorne vna bellota acornes bellotas to cogge hazer escarnio a cogger vn escarnecedor a cutpurse vn cortador de bolsas a theefe vpon the hie way vn salteador to spie espiar spies. los espias Of the wild beasts and of hunting. De las fieras, & de la monterea. A beast Vna bestia a wild beast vna fiera beastlinesse bestialidad tamed domada a wild man vn saluage a wild woman vna saluage "wild woman" not found in OED, unlike "wild man." a lion vn leon a lionesse vna leona a hart vna cieruo a hinde vna cierua a beare vna osso hairie peloso Iuorie el marfil a cammell vn camello a wilde boare vn jauali a wolfe vn lobo a she wolfe vna loba a fox raposa a hare vna liebre a cunnie vn conejo an ape vn mono a squerrell vna harda o vn esquilo to hunt montear. caçar a hunter montero, caçador wearie cansado wearines cansancio a hay vna red a dogge vn perro a bitch vna perra a greyhound vn galgo. a blood hound to smel out vn podenco a little rabbet vn gaçapo a blood hound vn perro de rastro a hound vn liebrel a mastife vn sabuesso a band dogge vn alano to barke ladrar the dogs barke los perros estan ladrando to bay balar to bite morder to stray vagar to go about rodear a line. vna cuerda. Of wormes and other venimous beastes. De los gusanos y cosas ponçoñosas que gatean por el suelo. A worme Vn gusano. an ante vna hormiga a flie vna mosca a gnat vn mosquito a grashopper vna cigarra a butterflie vna mariposa o pauelió a kind of worme vn genero de gusano a flea vna pulga a louce vn peojo a nitte vn liendre full of a lice lleno de peojos. a caterpiller el gusano rebolton a moule vn topo a bee vna abeja honnie miel. a honnie combe vn panal gall hiel as bitter as gall tan amargo como hiel wax cera a wax candle vna candela de cera sweete as honie dulce como miel sweetnes dulçura white wax cera blanca bitternes amargura bitter amargo bitterly amargamente softly poco a poco sweetely dulcemente finely lindamente a venimous beast vna bestia ponçonosa venim veneno to poison emponçoñar a serpent vna serpiente a snake vn culebra a dragon vn dragon an adder la culebrá a rat vn raton a mouse ratonzillo mice ratonzillos a cat vn gato cats los gatos a nut vna nuez a nuts nuezes a toad vn sapo a frogge vna rana frogges las ranas a cat of the mountaine vn gato montes a muske cat vn gato de mosco a wesell vn comadreja he swimmeth like a frogge sabe nadar como vna rana a snaile vn galapago a spider vna araña a spiders cobbe vna tela araña an oxe vn buey Oxen Los bueys a cow vna vaca a heardman vn baquero kine vacas beasts la vaca milke leche milke the cow tira la vaca a calfe vn bizerro calues los bizerros hornes cuernos cheese queso butter milke leche de manteca butter manteca creame nata mutton carnero para comer an ewe vna oueja a wedder carnero para casta a ramme carnero cojudo rennet leche azeda to bleate balar a he goate vn cabron a goate vna cabra goates cabras a flocke vna manada a kid vn cabrito a hogge vn puerco hogges. a sowe puercos. vna puerca a pigge vn lechon to pigge parir a pudding vna morçilla salsige vna longaniza a hog heard vn porquero a horse vn caballo a horseman vn hombre de caballo a colt vn potro a mare vna yegua curdes queso fresco a posset vna quajada my horse halteth mi cauallo coxquea a gelding vn cauallo castrado an asse vn asno the iaw of an asse el quixar de vn asno a mule vna mula a curtall cauallo sin cola a double curtall vn cauallo de alquiler an ambling horse vn cauallo amblador my horse ambleth well. mi cauallo bien ambla. Of the birds. De los paxaros. A bird Vn paxaro birds paxaros a hauke vn açor a fowler vn caçador de aues a feather vna pluma the feathers plumas a wing vna ala wings alas a naile vna vña nailes vñas a taile vna cola an eagle vna aguila a crane vna grulla a storke vna cigueña a rauen vn cueruo a pie vna pega, picaça a nightingale el ruyseñor a larke vna cogujada a woodcocke vna estraua a partrich vna perdiz a hearne vna garça a thrush vn zorzal a quaile vna codorniz a blackbird vna merla a howlet vna lechuza a sparrow vn gorion a swallow vna golondrina a cocke vn gallo a pecocke vn pauon a capon vn capon a hen vna gallina a chicken vn pollo to ley poner hueuos to sit or to brood yazer sobre los hueuos a swarme vn enxambre a goose vn ganso gueese ausares a gosselin vn ansarina a phesant vn faisan a pigeon vna paloma a turtle doue vna tortola a faulcon vn halcon// a parret vn papagayo a nest vn nido a bat vn morcielago to tame amansar a cage vna jaula a kite vn milano to take away birds from their nestes quitar los paxarillos de sus nidos the birds begin to make their nestes los paxaros comiencé hazer los nidos a comme vna crespa a becke el pico de aue a cockes combe la crespa del gallo a iay vn grajo a ducke vn pato an egge vn hueuo a hen roost el galliuero Of gold, siluer, and melting things: of merchants & all kind of mer­ ceries. De oro, plata, y derritimiento: de mercaderes y toda suerte de mer­ cerias. Gold Oro fine gold oro puro siluer Plata iewels joyas it is a faire iewel este es vn lindo joyel it is good siluer esta plata es buena quicke siluer azogue brasse bronze pewter, copper estaño, cobre latten laton mettell metal a candlesticke vn candelero a candell vna candela o vela snuffers molletas tallow cebo snuffe the candell despauila la vela o candela a candle weeke el hongo de la candela iron hierro lead plomo steele azero a bell vna campana a rope vna zoga hang him like a bell colgad le como vna campana to melt derritir molted derritido my heart melteth as the waxe before the fire mi coraçon se derrite assi como la cera delante el fuego a kettle vn calderon a naile vn clauo a mercer vn regaton a needle vna aguja needles, threed agujas, hilo , a skeine vna madexa silke seda a pin vn alsiler a pincoushin almohadilla a thimble vn dedal a knife vn cuchillo all kind of trumperie bagaje. all his merchandize is but trumperie toda su mercaduria es bagaje to grinde a knife a molar el cuchillo a sheath vayna an inkehorne vn tintero inke tinta a penknife vn trinchete, ganiuete bumbase algodon a pen vna pluma paraeseri­ uir a penner vn estuche a quill pluma a stoppell vna tapadura counters contantes a brush vna escoba a coyffe vna toca a rubber escoba para fregar spectacles antojos a claspe vna heuilla a pointe vna agujeta a locke vn cerrojo a keye vna llaue a latch of a doore vna aldaba de puerta "door-latch" antedates earliest OED citation (1678). lace parsemana fringing la bordadura hangers los tiros de espada to gyrde ceñir a curry combe vna almohaça a razor vna nauaja a bag vn saco costal a looking glasse vn espejo to looke in the glasse mirarse en el espejo an apron toga del regaço to pin enclauar to vnpin desenclauar to tye atar to vntye desatacar binde my head well I pray you atacad me bien la ca­ beça os ruego vndo my points desatacad me las a­ gujetas a bottell vna botilla a lampe vna lampara oyle azeyte a cup tassa a violl vn vaso a paire of sheeres vnas tiferas a pot vn jarro a combe vn peyne a combebrush vna escobeta "comb-brush" antedates earliest OED citation (1611). to combe peynar to combe your head peynar la cabeça a cap vna gorra a hat vn sombrero a veluet cap vna gorra de terçio­ pelo a night cap vn bonete a bodkin vn punçon veluet terçiopelo damaske damasco purple el carmesi chamelet chamelote sattin raso crimson escarleta saye sayal fustian fustan sarcenet tafetan wosted ostada a marchant vn mercader a retailer of wares un regaton a she marchant vna mercadera "she marchant" not found in OED. to buy comprar to sell vender to offer offrecir to bargaine conciertar de preçio to sell cheape or deare vender arato o caro an ell vna braçada a yard vna vara the length la longura breadth anchura well wrought bien texido it is slender cloth es paño delgado to measure medir to trust fiar to pay pagar to satisfie satishazer to agree conciertar to be agreed estar conciertado we shall neuer agree nunca acuerdaremos to depart away despedirse he is now gone ya es ydo to deliuer entregar to set a price hazer el preçio a shop vna boutica to esteeme estimar to refuse rehusar to pay pagar to breake his promise no guardar la palabra a wollen draper vn trapero a cloth paño Flanders cloth paño de Flandres fine cloth paño fino thicke espeso thinne cloth paño delgado gloues guantes wooll lana a pound vna libra halfe a pound media libra a quarter pound la quarta parte de vna libra "quarter-pound" antedates earliest OED citation (1778). halfe a quarter pound la octaua parte de vna libra a ballance vna balança a weight vn peso a packe of wooll vna carga de lana packes fardajes a tunne vn tonel a bushell. vna celemin. Of handy craftes men and their instruments. De los officiales y sus instru­ mentos. A handycrafts man Vn official a miller vn molinero a she miller vna molinera "she miller" not found in OED. a mill vn molino a water mill molino de agua a winde mill vn molino de viento to grinde moler a paper mill vn molino de papel a millstone vna muela the mill clapper la citola del molino the hopper el embudo a malt mill el atahona a baker vn amassador an ouen vn horno to bake amassar meale harina a sacke vn costal white bread pan blanco browne bread pan baço a loafe vn pan a cake vna torta a toast vna tostada dough pasta leuen leuadura bran saluado new bread pan tierno stale bread pan duro a siue vn cedaço boulter vn cedaço de sirgo to knead souar la massa to boult the meale cernir la harina a bruer vn cozedor de cer­ ueza to brue cozer the brue house la casa a do se coze la cerueza the lead el calderon de plomo a bunge vna tapadura a vessell vn odre a funnell vn embudo a pancake vn hojuela a cooke vn cozinero a pastie vn pastel an apple pie vn pastel de mança­ nas a tarte vna tarta venezon carne de fiera a pastie of good venezon vn pastel de buena carne de fiera a custard vn hojalde a butcher vn carnicero his shoppe la carniceria flesh carne beefe carne de vaca mutton carnero lambe carne de cordero porke carne de puerco veale carne de bezerro the meat is leane la carne està flaca a bone vn huesso bones los huessos how sell you a pound of this meate? como se vende la libra de esta carne? a fishmonger vn pescadero fish pescado to fish pescar a fish pond vn estanque a net vna red a hooke vn anzuelo water agua the sea la mar a mairemaide la serena del mar a dolphin el delfin a whale la vallena a porpes lobo marino a playce vn rodauallo a soule vn lenguado a mackerell vn alache a sturgeon esturion a shad vna alosa an eele vna anguilla a hearring vna harenca the spawne los hueuos del pescado the melt el baço mustles almejas cockles caracol oysters. ostias. Pond-fish. Pescado de estanque A carpe Vn carpio a tench vna tenca a breame vna doradilla a crabbe vn cangrejo a pike vn solo a barbell vn barbo a sammon vn salmon a gudgion vn gobi a trout vna trucha a creuish vn cameron a conger el congrio a shrimpe vna corcaba a cutle vna xibia an eell vna anguilla a vintener vna tauernero a tauerne vna tauerna wine vino draw some wine tirad del vino to spill derramar to stop. atapar full lleno emptie vazio to fill hinchir to mingle mezclar white wine vino blanco red wine vino vermejo bastard wine bastardo bollocke wine vino tinto The meaning of "bollocke" is unclear. allegant wine vino de Alicante canara wine vino de Canaria claret wine vino clareto Gascoigne wine vino de Gasconia french wine vino de françia Rochel wine vino de Rochela vinegar vinagre malmesey vino de Candia muscadel clarea aqua vite agua ardiente sweet wine mosto a quart vn açumbre a pinte medio açumbre a caudell caldo a drinke beuraje A goldsmith Vn platero a cup of gold vna taça de oro a siluer cup vna taça de plata a siluer goblet vna vaso de plata to gild dorar a gold ring vn anillo de oro a siluer spoone vna cucharra de plata a diamond vn diamante a rubie vn rubi a saphire el çafir a turquese vna turquesa a pearle vna perla corrall el coral amber el ambar cristall el cristal a iewel of great price vn joyel de gran precio an emerod stone vn esmalte a smith vn herrero to forge forjar iron hierro a horseshoe vn herradura a pair of tonges vnas tenazas a fire shouell vna pala de hierro a gridyron las parrillas a treuet vna triud a paire of bellowes vños fuelles an andyron hierro para sostener a pothooke vn garauato a pan to frie vn sarten a spit vn assadero a hammer vn martillo a nayle vn clauo a pewterer vn estañero tinne estaño a platter vn plato a sauser vn platillo a basin vn baçin vn ewer vn aguamanil a candelsticke vn candelero a mowld vna forma a pewter pot vn jarro de estaño quicke siluer azogue a shoomaker vn çapatero shoes çapatos leather cuero slippers pantofles pumpes escarpines a last vna forma bootes botas buskins borzeguis pitch pez corkeshoes çapatos de corcha a shoe sole vna suela Spanish leather shoes çapatos de cordaua a cobler vn remendon mend my shoes remendad me los çapa­ tos set me on a good payre of soles on my shoes echad me vnas suelas muy buenas a los çapatos. a tanner vn curtidor de cueros a skinne vn cuero lime cal a stincke vn hedor that stincketh aquello hede a tailor vn sastre a gowne vna ropa larga a doublet vn jubon a cloake vna capa a button vn button a coate vn sayo a sleeue vna manga a payre of hosen vnos calçones to take measure tomar la medida to line forrar a lynning vn forrado bumbase algodon bayes bayetas silke seda to put on vestirse to put of quitar el vestido a hosier vn calçetero stockings medias calças a paire of garters vnas ligas a codpeece vn braguete breeches bragas the soles of the hosen las suelas de las calças a seamster vna cosedura to sew coser linnen cloth lienço a seame vna costura to vnsew descoser to teare rasgar a table cloth manteles a napkin vna seruieta sheetes sabanas shirtes camisas a towell vna toualla a smocke camisa de muger an vpholster vn colchero a cushion vna almohada a pillow vn cabeçal a carpet vna alhombra a bed. vna cama a mattresse vn xergon a couerlet vn cobertor a curtaine vna curtina furniture for a bed jaezes de la cama a diar vn tintero to dye teñir to draw water facar agua to drop gotar a drop vna gota a gutter vn canal the dying la tintura a painter vn pintor to paint pintar a picture vna pintura an image vna imagen a pencill vna pendola coulors colores red vermejo white blanco blacke niegro yellow amarillo greene verde blew azul tawny naranjado gray pardo violet violet to spot manchar spotted manchado a staine vna mancha a spot vna manzilla a lockesmith vn cerrajero a locke vna cerraja a key vna llaue a file vna lima a hammer vn martillo pincers pinças a coyner vn monedero a mint la moneda the master of the mint el maestro de la mo­ neda money dinero to coyne forjar dinero a crowne vn escudo a French crowne vn escudo del sol an English crowne vn escudo de Ingla­ tierra an old angell vn angelote a shilling vn sueldo a peny vn denario a groat vna drachma six pence seys denarios a halfe peny vn obulo a farding vn quadrin a Spanish reall vn real de España a carpenter vn carpintero to build edificar the instruments los instrumentos the tooles los intstrumentos de arte an ads vna azuela a hatchet vna segur an axe vn seguron a beame vna viga a board vna tabla a board vna mesa a staffe vn bordon a compasse vn compas a proppe vn rodrigon a percer vna barrena to proppe rodrigar to beare barrenar a house vna casa a chamber vna camara houshold stuffe axuar alhajas a dore vna puerta a gate vna puerta grande a window vna ventana a hall vna sala a kitchin vna cozina a buttrye la bottelleria a cellar vna cueua a gallery vn passeadizo corre­ dor a pallace vn palaçio a priuy vna priuada to go vp andar arriba to go downe andar abaxo to set vp endressar to fall caer a ladder vna escala to climbe vp subir to cleaue hender a creuise hendedura a wooden pin vn hito de madera chips ripias shauings rajas to shaue rajar a wedge to cleaue vna cuña para hende a ioyner vn caxero cupboord vn aparador a presse vna prensa a trestle tripies a stoole vn banco a footestoole vn banco de pica stooles bancos a chest vna caxa a beere andas a plainer vna readura to plaine raer glue cola to glue encolar to ioyne together ayuntar a sawyer vn sierro to saw asserrar a saw vna sierra a saw pit vn hoyuelo a tinker vn calderero a kettle vn caldero a bricklayer vn albeñi a mason vn architecto to daube limar sand arena grauell tierra arenosa lime cal chalk greda to white a wall emblanquescer la pa­ red a wall vna pared walles muros a piller vna coluna a post vna poste morter barro a chimney vna chimenea a tyler vn tejero to tyle tejar a tyle vna teja the roofe of the house el tejado o techo de la casa the postes and beames las postes y vigas a cooper vn tonellero a tunne vn tonelado a barrel vn barril a tubbe vn odre a paile vna herrada a hoope vn cerco a sadler vn sillero a sadle vna silla a bridle vn freno a stirrup vn estribo a bit vn bocado the raine la rienda a girt vna çincha girts las çinchas a sadle bow el arçon de la silla a target vna rodela a buckler vn broquel a shield vn escudo a halter vn cabestro bridles frenos a crosbow maker vn ballestero a crosbow vna ballesta a quiuer vna aljaua a bow of steele vn arco de azero a bolt vna xara an arrow vna flecha a dart vna saeta an archer vn archero to shoote tirar a hand bow vn arco to draw tirar to shoote right at the white tirar derecho al blanco to bend a bow estendar el arco to vnbend the bow will not heale the wound afloxar el arco no curara la llaga an harquebusier vn harcubuziero a dagge vn pistol a gunne vn arcubuz artillerie artilleria poudre poluora a flaske vn flasco a bullet vna bala a musket vn musquete a musketier vn musquetero a clocke maker vn reloxero a clocke el relox a sunne diall relox del sol "sunne diall" antedates the earliest OED citation (1599). the plummets los contrapesos a bell-maker vn campenero to ring a bell repicar la campana a chaine vna silla a cradle vna cuna to blow soplar a wheele vna rueda a distaffe vna rueca a spindell vn huso a bowle vna bola let vs go to bowles jueguemonos a las bolas a wooden dish vna escudilla de palo a chandeller vn candelero tallow cebo an vrinall vn orinal butter manteca sweete butter is better then salt butter mas vale manteca fres­ ca que manteca sa­ lada salt sal to salt salar con sal it is too much salted demasiado està salada vinegar vinagre sope xabon candles candelas velas oatemeale harina de auena a grocer vn especiero figges higos spices especias sugar açucar sinamom canela pepper pimenta licoris regaliza ginger gingebre saffron çafron a nutmegge vna nuez muscada cloues clauos comfets comfetes conserue of quinces carne de membrillo raisins passas almonds almendras almond milke leche de almendras almendrada almond una almendra a bitter almond almendra amarga "bitter almond" antedates earliest OED citation (a1640). spice bread pan de especias rice arroz a morter vn mortero a pestell vn majadero to stampe majar 1 franckencense escienso incke tinta paper papel bumbast algodon an Apoticarie vn boticario a boxe vna bote a potion xaraue phisicke medicina a glister vn cristel a phisition vn medico a sicke person vn enfermo to sicken enfermar an ague vna calentura the French pockes las buuas the pestilence la pestilencia to be with child empreñarse the mesels las ronchas the squirt fluxo del vientro beshitten cagado a turde vna merda full of fleagme flegmatico a costerdmonger vn mançanero a basket vn canastillo a weauer vn texidor to weaue texer to spin hilar she hath spon a faire thread ella tiene hilado vn buen hilo he hath woue a faire webbe el ha texido buena tela a quill vna trama a shuttell naueta an apple vna mançana a peare vna pera a sheereman vn tondidor a pippin vn camueça a skinner vn pellejero a skinne vn pelleja to furre a gowne a forrar vna roba conny skinne vna pelleja de conejo a cat skinne vna pelleja de gato skinnes pellejas a dogge skinne vna pelleja de perro a barber vn barbero a rasor vna nauaja a basen vn baçin to trimme tresquilar to pole one quitar los cabellos pole my head quita me los cabellos to rubbe fregar oyntment vnguento to annoynt vngir a wound vna herida to wound herir a tent vna mecha, o torcida a plaister vn emplastro to heale sanar, curar my wound is whole tengola herida sana to dresse a wound curar la herida to lay a plaister poner vn emplastro to let bloud sangrar bloud sangre rose water agua de rosada a veyne vna vena flesh carne a surgeon vn çurujano a crutch vn çanco to breake romper to go lamely çanquear andar en çancos he hath broken my legge el me ha quebrado la pierna an Astronomer vn Astrologo Astronomy Astrologia a Printer vn Impressor to Print Imprimir the Print la Impression Printers Impressores a letter vna letra a booke vn libro a booke binder vn librero to binde a booke apretar vn libro the holy Bible la sagrada Biblia the Testament el Testamento the holy Scripture la sancta Escritura a Psalter vn Psalterio a storie vna historia stories historias Esopes Fables las Fabulas de Æsope a Chronicle vna Chronica an armorer vn armero armour armas a man armed vn hombre armado a man of armes vn hombre de armas an helmet vna celada a beuer la sobreuista a shield vn escudo a sword vna espada a dagger vna daga a scabberd vna vayna to draw a sword out of the sheath desembaynar la espada sharpe agudo cutting cortadera a blade vna hoja the edge el filo the gilt el doradera the handle la empuñadura the pummell el puño the point la punta to scoure a coate of maill limpiar vna cota de malla a mace vna maça a breast plate las coraças the gantlets guantes de hierro a speare vna lança an halbard vna hacha de armas a pike vna pica a halbard bearer el que trae aquellas hachas "halbard bearer" antedates the earliest OED citation (1775). to run at the tilt correr a la justa to win the ring ganar el cerco o anillo to breake a speare quebrar vna lança a master of fence vn esgrimidor to play at wasters esgrimir a cutler vn espadero to sharpen a sword amolar la espada a potter vn ollero a pot vna olla clay barro arzilla a forme vna forma a hote house la estufa to wash lauar a bath vn baño to bath or wash bañar en baño let vs go to wash vs vamenos a lauar nos to swimme nadar water agua a packbearer vn ganapan "packbearer" antedates earliest OED citation (1656). to beare lleuar a fardell vn fardaje a burthen vna carga a glouer vn guantero a gloue vn guante gloues guantes leather cuero a tailor vn sastre a butcher vn carnecero a purse maker vn bolsero a purse vna bolsa a hatmaker vn sombrerero a hat vn sombrero a felt vn feltre a Spanish felt vn feltre Despaña a capper vn bonetero a cap vn bonete caps bonetes a iugler vn chocarrero de passa passa a ministrell vn tañedor a pipe vna çamponia a harpe vna harpa a flute vna fluta a guitterne vna guitarra a cithren vna citara a lute vn laud a timbrell vn pandero a violl vna vihuela virginals los clauicordios a dromme vn atambor a trumpet vna trompeta a drommer vn atabalero a trumpetter vn trompetero a fifer vn flautador a singingman vn cantador to sing cantar he hath a good breast a quel tiene linda boz a tune vn tono to keepe tune guardar el tono out of tune desentonado sing aloud canta mas alto sing softly and sweetly canta mas baxo y dulcemente musicke maketh mirth where money is plentie musica haze alegria a do ay mucha requiza but small is the mirth where the purse is emptie mas la bolsa vazia trae siempre tristeza a cooke vn conizero a kitchin vna cozina to tast prouar to frye freir a gallimafrye vn almodrote potage caldo to season meat adobar manjares to scumme espumar a scummer espumero a ladell vna cucharra a breakefast al almuerzo a dinner el comer a supper el çenar a collation betwixt meals vna colaçion to go to bed acostarse en la cama to sleepe dormir to dreame soñar a dreame vn sueño to watch velar a watch vela de la noche to awake out of sleepe despiertar del sueño to snort roncar to spit escupir a vittaling house vn meson a dronckard vn boracho beere cerueza wine vino to vomit gomitar to drinke beuer to drinke to much beuer demasiado to drinke till one be dronke beuer hasta embora­ charse a whore vna puta a whoremonger vn putañero a ruffian vn ruffiano an horlot vna ramera a stewe putaria there are many secret whores where there is no common stewes. muchas putas ay en secreto, do no ay putaria en publico. faire maydens at the stewes, and gallantes at the gallowes. lindas moças a la pu­ taria, y galanos al rollo. a mariner vn marinero a pilote vn piloto a shippe vn nauio the mast vn mastel the sayles las velas the anker la ancla the cable la maroma the tackling la xarçia the boolin la bolina the fore yard la entena the maintacke tacke el chafaldete the top la gata the pullyes la racamenta to sayle nauigar a landerer vna lauandera to wash lauar to rubbe fregat to beat batanar paños a beetell vn batador to wring colar to fould plegar to vnfold desplegar to dry enxugar to stretch estender to presse a pretar to starch almidonar a combemaker vn peynero a combe vn peyne to comb ones head peynar la cabeça a roper vn soguero a rope vna sogua a cord vna cuerda towe estopa a poulter vn pollero the poultrie la polleria a hen vna gallina hennes gallinas chickins pollos a cock vn gallo a goose vn ansar a duck vn pato a workeman vn obrero to worke obrar an vsurer vn logrero vsurie logro a gage vna prenda to borrow emprestar borrowed emprestado to restore tornar lo emprestado a customer vn tributario the tole el tributo haue you paid the custome? aueys pagado el tri­ buto? free libre freedome libremiento to make free hazer libre I am a freeman of London. soy libre ciudadano de Londres. free will franco arbitrio freely francamente speake freely without feare habla libremente sin miedo a gayler vn carcelero a gayle la carcel a prisoner vn catiuo prisoners captiuos giue almes to the poore prisoners dad limosna a los po­ bres captiuos for Gods sake we aske it por amor de Dios la pidimos a theefe vn ladron theeuerie ladronia a murderer vn omiziano a rauisher vn forçador to rauish a mayden forçar y corromper vna donzella a cutpurse vn cortador de bolsas to escape escapar a hangman vn verdugo to hang ahorcar hang him ahorcalde a gallowes la horca rollo to shake sacudir to make a knot hazer vn ñudo to plucke of the garments quitar los vestidos to vndo deshazer to chop of ones head descabeçar to burne quemar to smoke hazer humo the smoke el humo coales carbones a fier brand vn tizon to binde apretar to vnbind desapretar to quench the fier apagar el fuego to put all to the fier and sword meter todo al cuchil­ lo y fuego to draw in peeces despadaçar he hath his head vpon London bridge tiene la cabeça enar­ bolada sobre la puente de Londres to cut of ones eares cortar las orejas. The seuen libe­ rall sciences. Las siete artes liberales. Grammar Grammatica Rhetoricke Rhetorica Logicke Logica Philosophie Philosophia Musicke Musica Arithmeticke Arithmetica Geometrie Geometria Grammarian vn Grammatico a Rhetoritian vn Rhetorico a Logitian vn Logico a Philosopher vn Philosofo a Musition vn Musico an Arithmetitian vn Arithmetico a Geometrian vn Geometrico an Oratour vn Orador an Oration vna Oraçion a messenger vn mensagero letters cartas bring me an answere of the letter which I sent traed me la respuesta de la carta que embie a hyred horse vn cauallo alquilado Of the kindred. Del linage. A great grand father vn bisabuelo a grandfather vn abuelo a father vn padre a grandam vna abuela a mother vna madre an vncle vn tio an aunte vna tia my nephew mi nieto my niece mi nieta my coosin mi primo my she cosin mi prima my father in law mi padastro my mother in law mi madastra my sonne mi hijo my daughter mi hija my sonne in law mi yerno my daughter in law mi nuera my brother mi hermano my sister mi hermana my friend mi amigo friendship amistad to imbrace abraçar to kisse besar an orphelin vn huerfano an heire vn heredero a she heire vna heredera "she heire" not found in OED. to tickle hazer coxquillas do not touch her for she is verie ticklish no la tocays pues que ella esta muy coxquillosa a husband vn marido a wife vna muger a virgin or maid vna donzella the maidenhead la virginidad she hath lost her maidenhead ella ha pierdida la viginidad my brother in law mi cuñado my sister in law mi cuñada a marriage bodas a bridegrome vn esposo a bride vna esposa a gossip vn compadre a she gossip vna commadre "she gossip" not found in OED. a godfather vn padrino a godmother vna madrina a godsonne vn hijastro a goddaughter vna hijastra a midwife vna partera a nurse vna ama to giue sucke dar la mama to sucke mamar a swadling band vna faxa de niños to be borne nascer he hath gotten her with child at the first copulation with her tiene la empreñada a la primera coyuntura to nourish alimentar a still borne vn abortado "still borne" as a noun antedates the earliest OED citation (1977) and the first use there documented at all (1607). to beget engendrar to dance baylar she will make her husband a cuckold ella harà su marido vn cornudo A citizen vn ciudadano a she citizen vna ciudadana "she citizen" not found in OED. he is a free man of London el es vizino da Londres a citizen of London vn ciudadano de Londres a faire vna feria a market vn mercado Bartholomew faire la feria de Bartholome "Bartholomew faire" antedates the earliest citation in the OED (1600). let vs go to the faire vamonos a la feria good lucke buena ventura ill lucke mala ventura a captaine vn capitan a lieutenant vn lúgar tenente an ensigne bearer vn alferez a sergeant vn alguazil a corporall vn corporal a souldier vn soldado a standart vn estandarte an ensigne la seña. vandera a coat of armour vna cota de malla a battell vna batalla a vantgard la vanguardia a rereward la retaguardia a wing vna hilera a square battell vna pauesada "square battle" antedates the earliest OED citation (1710). to assault dar el assalto to kill matar to take tomar to ransome a rescate to yeeld himselfe rendirso arme arma Deleted duplicate entry. a spie vn espia a traitour vn traydor treason traiçion a scoutwatch vn espia to betray hazer traiçion you haue betraied me vos me aueys hecho traiçion I am wounded yo soy herido I am dead yo soy muerto do not kill me no me matays saue my life and I will pay my ransome guarda me la vida y pagaros he mi rescate to strippe one despojar to leese the field perder la battalla to winne the field ganar la batalla to fight pelear to runne away tornar las espaldas to play at cardes jugar a los naypes to play at tick tack jugar a tictac I haue neither wonne nor lost no he ganado ni aun perdido to go backe voluer las espaldas to hide himselfe esconderse he is a great coward el es grandissimo couarde to play at dice jugar a los dados to play at tables jugar a las tablas I haue lost yo he perdido a tenniscourt el juego de la palma to play at tennice jugar a la palma a ball vna pelota a racket vna redilla. raqueta a chase vna caça to marke the chase señalar la caça where is the chase? a do es la caça? I haue wonne the game yo he ganado el juego I haue wonne the sette yo he ganado el apuesta the first that commeth to two a dos de juego I haue the aduantage yo tengo la ventaja I sweat yo estoy sudando I am wearie yo estoy cansado my shirt is wringing wet tengo la camisa muy mojada let vs go change our shirts. vamonos a poner otras camisas Of al the parts of mans bodie De todas las partes del cuerpo humano. A man vn hombre a woman vna muger a tall man vn hombre grande a tall woman vn muger grande a person vna persona the people el pueblo folkes gente the soule el alma the bodie el cuerpo this is a bodie without a soule este es vn cuerpo sin alma a long man vn hombre luengo a long woman vna muger luenga a short man vn hombre corto a short woman vna muger corta a little man vn hombre pequeño a little woman vna muger pequeña a fat man vn hombre gordo a fat woman vna muger gorda a leane man vn hombre magro a leane woman vn muger magra a grosse man vn hombre gruesso a grosse woman vna muger grúessa a slender man vn hombre delgado a slender woman vna muger delgada a hard fauoured man vn hombre feo a hard fauoured woman vna a muger fea the crowne of the head el remolino de la cabeça the head la cabeça the forepart of the head el pestorejo the hinder part of the head el colodrillo the haires lo cabellos the skull la calauerna the braines los meollos the eares las orejas the forehead la frente the face el rostro the eyes los ojos the eye lids las cejas the browes las sobrecejas the cheekes las maxillas the nose el nariz the nosthrels narizes the mouth la boca the tongue la lengua the teeth los dientes the grinders las muelas spittell saluia snot moho o moco the roofe of the mouth el paladar the gummes las enzias the iawes las quixadas the throat la garganta the chinne la barúa the beard las baruas the necke el pescueço the breast el pecho the dugges las tetas the backe las cuestas o espaldas the shoulders los hombros the nauill el ombligo the belly el vientre a mans yard vna pixa the cods los cojones the matrice of a woman el coño an arme vn braço an elbowe vn codo the hands las manos the fingers los dedos a hand vna mano a finger vn dedo a knuckle vn nudo de la mano a ioynt vna coyuntura a naile vna vña nailes vñas a skinne vna pelleja flesh carne she hath a skinne as white as snow, and a breast as white as Iuorie: but she painteth her selfe a little that marreth all the rest. ella tiene la pelleja blanca como nieúe, y los pechos como de marsil: empero ella bien sabe afeytarse vn poco esso echa a perder todo lo demas. she is a proper woman but she hath great buttocks ella es muy linda muger mas tiene espaçiosas nalgas buttocks nalgas the arse el culo the arse hole el saluonor a toord vna merda the squirt el fluxo del vientre the hippe la anca o ciatica the thigh el muslo the thighes los muslos the knee la rodilla to bow the knees echarse de rodillas hincar los enojos the hammes las rodillas the legges las piernas the calfe of the legge la pantorrilla de la pi­ erna the instep el empeyne the foote el pie the heele el calcañar the toes los dedos de los pies a bone vn huesso bones huessos the marrow el tuetano the bosome el seno the lap el regaço a fist el puño de la mano the fistes los puños a ribbe vna costilla the ribbes las costillas a veyne vna vena a sinew vn neruio o nieruo the pulse el pulso the palme of the hand la palma de la mano the bloud la sangre the stomake el estomago the guts las tripas the heart el coraçon the liuer el higado the kidney el riñon the gall la hiel the panch la cruera o el papo to spue gomitar a fart vn pedo to fart peer to stincke heder to shite cagar the ancle bone el touillo del pie the sole of the foote la planta del pie to itch tener comezon an itch la comezon a scabbe sarna scabbed sarnosa a scabbed head vna cabeça sarnosa to scratch escaruar o rascar to pinch pecilgar to fillip dar papirotes a fillip vna floretada to cough tosser the cough la tosse I haue the cough yo tenga la tosse I am hoarse yo estoy ronco I haue the hickes yo tengo el hipar, o el solloço "hickes" in this sense antedates the earliest OED citation (1607). the thombe or great toe el pulgar de pie o de mano to sit like a tailer sentarse en cuelillas she hath a stinking breath ella tiene hedor de la boca the stinking of the teeth la helgadura de dientes the lights los liuianos o bofes o pulmones the milt el baço the bladder la bexiga the muscles los musculos the arteries las arterias the poares los poros the cheekes las sienes the panicles los paniculos "panicules" has no sense associated with the human body in OED. the backbone marow nuca o nucha the haire ouer the browes las pestañas the skinne ouer all the skul el pelicraneo the braine pan el craneo the braine el celebro the call wherein the bowels are lapt. el redaño the intersection of the bowels el entresijo the backbone el espinaço a mans yard la verga a matrix of a woman la madre the tourning ioyntes of the backebone or chine los carrillos The next page is wrongly numbered "152". the lippes los labios the throat garguero. o gargauero. the throat boole el tragadero the ligaments los ligamentes a gristell or tindrill la ternilla the fat la gordura the skinne el cuero the hearing el oydo the feeling el tocar the midrife la diafragma the inward guttes and bowelles los intestinos the inward hart strings las entrañas the bottom of the belly. la yjada. FINIS.