A Table of the Lawes contay­ ned in this second part. 1 Blacke arte. Picking of lockes. 2 Courbing Law. Hooking at windowes. 3 Vincents Law. Coosenage at Bowls. 4 Prigging Law. Horse stealing. 5 Lifting Law. Stealing of any parcels. The discouery of the wordes of Art vsed in these Lawes. In blacke Art. The Pickelocke, is called a Charme. He that watcheth, a Stond. There engins, Wresters. Picking the lock, Farsing. The gaines gotten, Pelfrey. In Cour­ bing Law. He that hooks, the Courber. He that watcheth, the Warpe. The hooke, the Courbe The good, Snappings. The gin to open the windowe, the Trickar. In Lifting Law. He that first stealeth, the Lift. He that receiues it, the Markar. He that standeth without and carries it away, the Santar. The goods gotten, Garbage. In Vincents Law. They which play booty, the Bankars. He that betteth, the Gripe. He that is coosend, the Vin­ cent. Gaines gotten, Termage. In Prigging Law. The horse stealer, the Priggar. The horse, the Prancar. The towling place, All-hallo­ wes. The towler, the Rifler. The suerteis, Querris. For the Foist and the Nip, as in the first Booke.