DICTIONARIOLVM vocum Anglicarum, cuæ pas­ sim in libello occurrunt. A to Abide Moror About Circum Aboue Supra to Accord Consentio Affayres Negotia After Post Agilitie Agilitas Against Contra Alacke Ah Alas Hei Almonde Amygdalum Almost Pene Aloft Superne Alreadie Iamducum Also Etiam Although Licet Alwaies Semper Am Sum And Et Apparell Vestitus Apple Pomum As Sicut Asse Asinus At Apud Authoritie Authoritas B Becon Lardum Baulme Balsamum Barbes Phaleræ Barley Hordeum Beane Faba to Beare Fero Beast Brutum to Beate Verbero Beautie Pulchrituas Because Quoniam Before Ante Behinde Pone Bellowes Folles to Bende Flecto Beneath Infra Beseemeth Decet Besides Præter Betweene Inter Beyonde Vltra to Bidde Iubeo to Binde Ligo to Bite Mordeo Blacke Niger to Bleede Sanguino Bloud Sanguis to Blow Flo Booke Liber Bowels Viscera Branch Ramus Branne Furfur Brasse AEs Bread Panis to Breake Frango to Breede Genero to Bring Duco Brother Frater Bumbast Pillium But At Butter Butirum Buy Emo By Per C Cage Cavea to Call Voco to Can Possum Canvas Cannabuno to Cast Iacio Cates Obsonia Censure Censura Chaffe Palea Chalke Creta to Chide Iurgio Childe Puer Christopher Christopherus Clarke Clericus Clay Lutum Clemencie Clementia to Climbe Scando Clocke Horrologium Clubbe Clava Cider Sicera Citie Vrbs Civet Zibethum Cockel Zizania to Come Venio Companion Comes Condition Conditio Copper Orichalcum Corn Frumentum Cow Vacca Cowardise Pusillaminitas Crab Arbutum to Creepe Serpo Crest Crista Crime Culpa Custome Consuetudo to Cut Seco D Darnell Lolium Day Dies Daily Quotidie Dainties Delitiæ Deere Fera to Devise Excogito to Dip Tingo Durt Cænum to Doe Ago Dolefull Tristis Donge Fimus Draffe Segisterium Dreame Somnium to Drink Bibo to Drive Pello Drosse Scoria Dust Pulius to Dwell Habito E Earth Terra Eight Octo Eighth Octavus Eighteene Octodecem Eightenth Decimus oct. Eightie Octoginta Eightieth Octogessimus Eleven Vndecem Eleventh Vndecimus Els Præterea to Embrew Tingo Enough Satis Entrals vide Bowels Ever Vnquam Evermore Perpetuo Evill Malus Evilly Male Except Nisi F Facilitie Facilitas Faire Pulcher Faith Fides Februarie Februarius Feede Pasco Feele Tracto Fetch Affero Fiercely Ferociter Figge Ficus Fight Pugno Finde Reperio First Primus Fitch Vicia Five Quinque to Fixe Pigo Flax Linum Fleagme Pituita Flesh Caro Flint Silex to Flie Volo Fodder Pabulum Food Alimentum For Pro Forage vide Fodder Fortie Quadraginta Fortieth Quadragesimus Foure Quatuor Fourth Quartus Fourteene Quatuordecem Fourthteenth Decimusquartus Fraunce Gallia Frog Rana From A. Ab. Fro Abs Froth Spuma Frumenty Alica G Garlicke Allium to Get Paro, gigno Ginger Gingiber Glasse Vitrum Glove Chirotheca Glue Gluten Gnat Culex Godly Pie Godlines Pietas to Goe Eo Good Bonus Goodnes Bonitas Goose Anser Grasse Gramen Grave Sepulchrum Grease Adeps to Grinde Molo to Growe Cresco H Hay Fœnum to Hang Pendeo Have Habeo Hee Ille Hell Barathrum Hempe Canabus Helpe Auxilium Here Huc Hers Sua to Hide Occulto Hinde Cerva His Suus Hither Hic Hog Porcus to Hould Teneo Honest Honestus Honestly Honeste Horne Cornu Horsse Equus Hose Caliga How Quomodo Hundred Centum Hundreth Centesimus to Hurt Noceo I I Ego If Si to Imagine Reor In In Invention Inventio K to Keepe Servo King Rex Knave Nebulo Knife Cultrum Knots Nodi to Knowe Scio L Lard vide Bacon to Leade Duco to Leape Salto to Leave Desino to Lend Accomodo Life Vita Lime Calx Line Linum Little Parvus to Liue Vivo to Loose Perdo to Love Amo Louse Pediculus Lucre Lucrum to Lye Iacio M to Make Facio Mallice Malitia Man Vir Marle Merga to May vid. Can to Meete Gbvio Milke Lac Milian Milio from Latin "milio", a kite, or "millio," a hawk? Mirth Hilaritas Modestie Modestia Monster Monstrum Morter Cæmentum Mouse Mus to Mow Meto Much Multat Mud Limus Muck vid. Donge Mustarde Sinapis My Meus Mine [[Meus]] N Neither Neque Never Nunquam Neverthelesse Verum Newes Nova Nigh Prope Nine Novem Ninth Nonus Nineteene Novendecem Nineteenth Decimus nonu Ninety Nonaginta Nintieth Nonagesimus No Non Nor Nec Not Minime Notwithstanding Attamen Now Iam Nutmegge Nux myristica O Oare Remus Oate Avena Obiect Obiectum Of De, E, Ex Offence Peccatum Often Sæpe Oh Oh On Super One,& An Vnus Or Vel Otherwise Secus Ould Vetus Out Noster to Owe Debeo Oxe Bos P Penknife Scalpellum People Populus Pepper Piper Perfectly Absolute Persley Apium Pitch Pix Place Locus Pleasure Voluptas Prisoner Captivus Purely Sincere to Put Pono Q to Quake Tremo R Rather Potius Raison Vva passa to Read Lego Reason Ratio to Receive Accipio to Rend Lacero Rhetorique Rhetorica to Ride Equito to Rise Surgo to Ring Pulso Rope Funis Runne Curro S Saffron Crocus Sage Salvia to Say Dico Scarse Vix Seaven Septem Seaventh Septimus Seventeene Septemdecem Seventieth Septuagesimus Seventeenth Decimus septimus Seventie Septuaginta to Seeke Quæo Seldome Raro to Sell Vendo to Send Mitto to Set Pono Shadow Vmbra to Shake Quatio Shambles Macellum Sheafe Fascis to Sheare Tondeo Shee Illa Sheepe Ovis to Shine Luceo to Shote Sagitto to Shrinke Contraho to Shut Claudo to Sing Canto Sissers Forfex to Sit Sedeo Six Sex Sixt Sextus Sixteene Sexdecim Sixteenth Decimus sextus Sixtie Sexaginta Sixtieth Sexagesimus to Slay Trucido to Sleepe Dormio to Slide Labor Slime vid Mud to Smite Percutio Smoke Fumus Smooth Planus Snake Anguis So Sic Soberly. Sobrie Soone Cito Soote Fuligo to Sowe Semino to Speake Loquor to Spend Consumo Spice Aroma to Spin Neo to Spread Pando to Spring Germino Staffe Baculus to Stand Sto to Steale Furor to Steepe Immergo Sticke Igniculum Still Assiduè to Sting Pungo Stone Lapis Straight Illico to Strip Exuo to Strive Certo Strength Fortitudo Strong Fortis to Subdue Subdo Such Talis Sewet Sævum Sugar Saccharum Swanne Cignus to Sweare Iuro to Sweepe Verro Sweete Dulcis to Swimme No Swine Sus T to Take Capio Tallow vid. Sewet Tarre vid. Pitch to Teach Doceo to Teare Lacero to Tell Narro Ten Decem Tenth Decimus Terrible Horribilis Terror Terror That Illuà Then Tunc Therefore Idcirco Thing Res to Thinke Cogito Third Tertius Thirteene Tredecem Thirteenth Decimus tertius Thirtie Triginta Thirtieth Trigesimus This Hic, Hæc, hoc Thou Tu Thousand Mille Three Tres to Throw Iacto Timber Lignum Time Tempus Tinder Igniareum To Ad Togither Vna Tooth Dens Towe Stupa to Tread Calco Trencher Quadra Tweede Tuesis Twelve Duodecim Twelft Duodecimus Twentie Viginti Twentieth Vigesimus. V Vertue Virtus Vnder Subter Vnlesse Nisi Vntill Donec Vnto Ad Void Vacuus Vpon Supra W Water Aqua Waxe Cera Weare Gesto Weepe Ploro Wet Humecto Well Bene What Quid Wheate Triticum Whence Vnde Where Vbi Wherefore Quamobrem Whither Vtrum Whetstone Cos Which Qui, quæ, quod Whip Flagello to Will Volo Who Quis Whose Cuius Wine Vinum to Winke Niveo to Winne Lucror to Wish Opto With Cum Within Intus Without Foras Wit Ingenium Woe Vah Worke Opus World Mundus Worthy Dignus to Write Scribo Y Yea Etiam Yet Adhuc Yoked Iugatus Yonder Ibi VOCABVLA Chauceriana quædam se­ LECTIORA, ET MINVS VVLGARIA IPSÆ HO­ die Poetarum deliciæ, vnà cum eorum significatis. In gratiam omnium huius linguæ studio so­ rum præcipue vero Poematum, di scerp­ ta, & in hunc or dinem digesta. Eodem Authore. Stellis, ac herbis vis est, sed maxima verbis. Chauceriana. A Ander Other Anempst Against side by side Antique Auncient to Appall Affray, scare, terrifie B Bale Ruth, pinching care, miserie Banne Curse, and execrate Barne Childe, babie Behest Will, purpose, or precepts Belt Girdle to Bidde To pray Bilive By and by, anon Blandishment Flattering, smooth speaking to Blazon To blow, to sit abroch, or publish Bleake A storme to Blend To mixe, or mingle to Boote To auaile, helpe, or profit to Bourd Jest, mocke, or taunt Bowne Readie, prepared Bowrs Lodgings, roomes, secret places of a­ boade Breme Bitter, chill, or cold to Busse Kisse Bust To goe, about, or meddle C to Carroll To sing, daunce Carre Chariot, or wagon to Cleape To call or name Cointe Queiat, nicely strange to Con To can Cragge Necke to Craule To Creepe D to Deare To trouble, molest, or grieue Deele A part to Deeme Judge, thinke, suppose Din Noise to Doffe By Apostrophe to doe off, vndresse, to Don For doe on, put on, or to apparell Drerie Dolsome, vnluckie, terrible E Ennaunter Least that Erst First F to Feime To rage to chafe to Flite To chide, or scold Fremd Strange, not of kinne G Gab A Lie to Garre To cause make, constraine Glee Mirth, melodie to Greete To weepe, mourne, lament Guerdon Reward, in lieu, of desert H Hight Called, tearmed, named I Ick I Ilke Each, euery one K Keene Sharpe, fierce to Keene To know Kerne a Churle Kirke Church Kole Pottage, broth L Lamkins Young lambes Lasse Wench, maide, or girle Lay Song, dittie, or tune to Leake To play, to sport as children doe Leife Deare, beloued to Ligge To lie downe, as in bed Lither Idle, slouthfull, lasie Lore Practise, deede to Lout To reuerence, to doe obeysance with the legge Lundey Sturdy, stubborne, froward M Macht Might, power, strength Meede vide Guerdon to Mell To meddle Meth Might, power, authoritie Mickle Much Midding Dunghill to Ming To speake of, to shew in words Mirke Marke Darke, obscure Mone Lamentation, sorrow, waylinge N Neue Fist Nooke Corner, or angle P to Pight To pitch, set downe, addresse Q Quell To abate, or kill R Rayes Sunbeames to Reede To shew, tell, declare, expound Recke To care, regard, or account of Reeke Smoke Ruth Griefe, pitie, sorrow S Sam Together Sarke A shirt or smocke Scathe Hurt, losse, hindrance to Shend To blame, or reprooue Sib Of kin, like Sith Times to Sneb Checke, or controll Soore Sweete Source Originall, fountaine, welspring Spell A charme, verse, or worde vsed of exorcists in their magicall con­ clusions, but sometimes vsed in better part, as Gospell, for Gods spell. Stanke Faint, wearie Starke Strong, also stiffe, deade, or benum­ med Stowre or Stownd Fit, pardon, perplexitie T Teene Revengefull wrath, inveterate ma­ lice Thoile To suffer, permit to be willing, to im­ port to another to Thrill To pearce Throb A sigh, groane V Vncouth Vnknowne, vnkent, strange W to Waxen To begin, to grow, to increase Weede Attire, apparell to Weene To thinke, purpose, intende, gesse, trowe. Welkin Skie or firmament Weele Prosperitie, good plight to Wend To goe, to turne to Weete To know, to vnderstand Whilke Which Whilom Once, lately to Wield To rule, gouerne, direct Wight Any liue creature Wimble Nimble, quicke deliuer to Wite Reprooue Woode Madde, furious, outragious to Wonne To frequent, dwell, inhabite Wracke Ruine, violence to Wreake To revenge Y Yore Long agoe, afore-time to Yeede To goe, to wende FINIS.