The Boock of Physicke Wherin Throughe commaundement of the most Illustrious, & renoumned Duke & Lorde, Lorde Lodewijcke, Duke of Wirtenberghe, & of Teck, Earle of Mompelgart, &c. Most of them selected, and approued remedyes, for all corporall diseases, and sicknesses, which out of manye highe, and com­ mon Persons written Physick-boockes, are com­ pacted, and vnited together. Through his renoumned Graces most famous Physition Mr. Doctour Oswaldus Gabelhouer. Faithfullye translated out of High-duche by the right worshipfull Mr. Doctour Charles Battus, ordi­ narye Physitione of the Citye of Dorte. And now nuelye translatede out of Low-duche into Englishe by A. M. IMPRINTED At Dorte by Isaacke Caen, 1599. The expositione of such wordes which are in this Booke deriued of the Latines, which for the common, and vulger poeple is made, because they should the better vnderstande the meaninge of the harde wordes. Therfore I will explaine one worde, and so forth may you reade (gentle Reader) whersoeuer that worde shall shew it selfe agayne in other places of this sayed Booke. Puluerisated, reade beaten, p.1. Frigifye, reade coole p.2. Madefye, reade dipp. ibid. ca­ lefye, reade heat, ibid. circumligate, reade binde. ibid. Insparge, read sprinckle. ibid. infuse, reade power. p.2. ebullient, reade seething, p 4. Exsiccated, reade dried, p.4. obdurate, read harden, ibid. ebulliated, reade boyled, p. 3. immature, reade vnripe. p.5. feruide, read hott, p.6. circumuolue, reade rowle, p.7. combure, reade, burne, p.8. lixiuye, reade Lye, p.9. Li­ quefye, reade melt, p.10. acetositye, reade sharpnes, p. 12. vertiginousnes, read lightnes of the head. ibid. virulent, read stronge, p, 13. perfricated, read rubbed, p.15. discide, read cutt, p.16. imbicille, read weake, p.17. amaritude, reade bitternes, p.18. ossicle, reade bone p.18 cibaries, reade meates, p.20. adustion, read burninge, p.21. diurnallye, reade daylye, p.22. seclude, reade shutt, pap.23, humide, reade wett, p.25. rubicunde read redde, p.27. forami­ nated, read holed p.28. puluers, reade pouders p.28. pingueditye, read fatt, p.28. acute, read sharpe, p.29. defude, read power owte, p.29. occludinge, reade shuttinge p.30. effodicated read digged p.34. perforationes, reade holes p.34. ientatione, read breack fast, p.36. inocu­ lated, read vnholed p.36. reduplicated, read dubbled p. 36. ligate, reade tye p.37. melioriza­ tion, reade amendinge p.38. impose, reade put p.40. respire, read breath. ibid- floscles, reade flowers p.41. cenation, read supper p.42. feruor, read heat, [p.42] vigor reade strength p.43. agi­ tate, read stirre p.44. eradicated, reade rooted out p.46. pluuiatile, read raine p.47. periclita­ tione, reade daunger p.49. inscende, reade kindle p.50. concauitie, reade hollownes p.51. sepult, read burie p.54. domicilles, read houses p.55. mature, read ripe p.58. claritude, read clearnes p.58. angust, read narrow p.61. permutated, read chaunged p.61. puluiscle, reade powder p.62. pistated, read baked p.63. viuificent, read liue p.65. corroded, reade gnawed p.71. carnositie, read flesh p.85. minutlye, read smalely p.69. crassitude, read thicknes p.93 excauate, read make hollowe p.95. resudate, read sweate p.97. gustatione, read taste p.106 imperated, read commaunded p. 109. debile, read weake p.110. curuefye, read be crooked p.111. gibbositie, read croockednes p.114. dulcor, read sweetnes p 616. pellicles, read skin­ nes p.118. proiect, reade cast p.125. fuluide, read yellow p.132. snipperinges, read paringes p 143. dulcifye, reade sweeten p.152. victitations, read meates p.155. foetide, reade filthye p.159. altitude, reade highth p.169. ana, reade of each in all places whersoeuer you shall finde it sit downe, genitalles, read priuities p.175. tumor, reade swellinge p.181. ternalle reduplicated, read trebled. p 193. ariditie, reade dryinge p.199. fermentated, reade leauened p.209. menstruosities, read tearmes p.220. præterlapsed, read passed p.216. suffocated, read choacked p.231. illiquifacted, read vnmelted p.267. fastidiousnes, reade loothinge p.267. crughe, read coughe p.284. eleuatione, read swellinge p.288. contaminous, read infectious p.154. contaminatione, read infection p,296. interpellate, reade hinder p.302. combine, reade heale p.308. orifice, reade mouth p.311. demonstrate, reade showe p.312. intrude, reade thrust p.315. Polus, read piles p.332. contusion, read brusinge p.336. distended, read out of ioynte p.341. supranominated, read, aforesayed 344. subsequent reade followinge p.446. oppugneth, read resisteth p.355. contunde, read beate, & vnguent, reade ointment, whersoeuer in this booke you shall finde it.