l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 8 0 4 1 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) THE ESSAYES Or Morall, Politike and Millitarie Discourses: of Lo: Michaell de Montaigne, Knight Of the noble Order of St. Michaell, and one of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French king, Henry the third his Chamber. The first Booke. * * * First written by him in French. And now done into English By him that hath inviolably vowed his labors to the Æternitie of their Honors, whose names he hath severally inscribed on these his consecrated Altares. The first Booke. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE LVCIE CO: OF BEDFORD: AND LADIE ANNE HARRINGTON HER HO: MOTHER. The second Booke. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ELIZABETH CO: OF RUTLAND, AND LADIE PENELOPE RICHE. The third Booke. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE LADIE ELIZABETH GREY, AND LADIE MARIE NEVILL. IOHN FLORIO. ¶Printed at London by Val. Sims for Edward Blount dwelling in Paules churchyard. 1603. .... But some errors are mine, and mine by more then translation. Are they in Grammer, or Ortographie? as easie for you to right, as me to be wrong; or in construction, as mis-attributing him, her, or it, to things alive, or dead, or newter; you may soone know my meaning, and eftsoones vse your mending: or are they in some vncouth termes; as entraine, conscientious, endeare, tarnish, comporte, efface, facilitate, am­ musing, debauching, regret, effort, emotion, and such like; if you like them not, take other most com­ monly set by them to expound them, since there they were set to make such likely French words fami­ liar with our English, which well may beare them. If any be capitall in sense mistaking, be I admo­ nished, and they shall be recanted ... Florio in his translator's introduction brands all these terms as barbarous.