An exposition of the hardest words. Algats, alwaies, evermore, not­ withstanding, forsooth. Axing, demande. Apayed, contented. Appropred, appropriated. A, oh. Anentis, towards. Apertly, openly. Assoile, absolue. Blecked, spotted, defiled. Beene, be, bin. Berowgh , liuing. Not found in OED Beheast, request, commandement Brenne, burne. Brend, burnt. Backed, put backe. Bylawes, Traditions. Cowth, could. Cleaped, called. Calueren, calues. Certes, truely. Chargeous, chargeable. Childer, children. Carmes, Friars Carmelits. Couetise, covetousnes. Chaffering, merchandising. Convienalis, belonging to there covent. Not in OED Caymes, Cayns. Dowyd, endowed. Dymes, tenthes. Dudden, did. Doutouse, doubtful. Doutie, high, deepe. Distourblen, trouble. Dislauy, lauish. Dome, iudgement. Ene, one. Eke, also. Ensampled, declared by example. Enhansen, raise, extoll. Envenimed, poisoned. Fro, from. Forboden, forbidde. Fautors, favourers. Fiend, Deevill. Fore-don, breake, overthrow. Forefending, forbidding. Fore doe, vndoe, breake. Gendrure, generation. Hiled, apparelled. Healing, apparelling. Hylling, apparell. Hests, commandements. Heale, health. Haden, holden. Highen, extoll. Hiddenes, secrecie. Hien, extolle. Hied, extolled, praised. Inanter, peradventure. Kinne, kinde, kinne. Knights, disciples, followers. Leuefull, lawfull. Lifelode, living. Lacked, dispraised. Leasings, lies. Meedefull, helpefull. Medefullie, meritoriouslie. Mawmetrie, Mahometrie, Idola­ trie. Mene. Michel, much. Meynes, houses. Manquellers, murderers. Meede, helpe. Needid, constrained. Ne, nether. Nowght, nothing, not. Nere & more, altogither, right so. Needen, to force. Natheles, nevertheles. Novelries, novelties. O, one. Owen, ought. Pleete, plead. Pelure, furres. Potestatis, powers, great men. Payed, contented. Queeke to cry. Queething, bequeathing, testa­ ments Regalie, or Regalrie, Regalty, the Kings Right, Crowne & dignitie. "regalry" not in OED (perhaps an error for "regalty") Reward, regard. Rauines, oppressions. Recke, esteeme, reckon. Reues, Bailiues, husbands. Sueth, followeth. Sue, to followe. Suers, followers. Siker, true, well, verely. Skille, reason. Sothe, truth. Satrap, A great man ether of the laitie or Clergie. Salarie wages. Sogettis subiects. Sikernes, truth. Sith, sithence, since. Sothely, truely. Traied, betraied. Tho, those, that, althowgh. Tyrauntrie, tyrannie. Trow, to esteeme. Vnwarly, vnwarily. Vnkunning, vnskilfull. Veynelich, vainely. Vnwitty, vnskilfull, vntoward. Vnderlout, vnderling, subiect, obe­ dient. Vnfouled, vndefiled. Winning, getting. Weanes, thinkes. Withouten, without. Wood, madde. Writ, Scripture. Witten, know. Youen, giuen. Yeue, giue. Yiftis, gifts. FINIS