l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a b r i t i s h l i b r a r y s l o a n e m s 1 6 2 2 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A. Dictionarie of the Indian Language for the better enabling of such who shalbe thither ymployed A Ahone God Apome the thighe Apooke Tobacco Apokan a Tobacco pipe. Ananson A Matt Assentamens peas Anath ffarewell Assimnims Walnuttes Assimoest A ffox Amahoth A Targett Ampkone a ffrying pan Akontant a playster Ammomun to sowe Aayxkehake a Spade Atapahan a kixe Asapan a hasty pudding Apquammon a show Amosens a daughter Aramath south Neire } I am sick Auppes. a bow string Anaskoniens acornes Asasqueth the Clay they make pipes off. Amonsoquath a Beare Attomois a dog Arrokoth the skie Apones bread Arathkone a beast like a ffox Aposoun a beast in bignes like a pig and in tast alike. Aquintayne Manggoy } a great ship Aquintayne tanx -- } a little boate or Canoa. Assahampehooke a Lobster Aboue oskeitch vsqwijh vspeuwh Abroad vscound Acorn Anaskimmins Adder keihtascooc Sassacomuwah. Afternoone Aunshecapa Ague Chowhwasuw A king of the head Nindgapamutla meereentecoh. A king of the teeth Vneghiawmdeep­ meputs. All Cheisk an Aule pin or needle -- } Pocohaac All is out Tashoac metatush Neckatam. Alive kekwh Angry Perervimuw Angle Aamowk Apple Maracah. Aproun or any kind of dressed leather -- } Mataheigh Catvmmoik. Arrow Asqweowan. Arme Mese. Armes Menscoh Arse Kensekit Ashes Pungwe Auntes Ariqwossac Awake Aumaumer Aire Rarascaun B. Boketawh ffier Baqwanchy­ basson -- } a girdle Bmseran Apook ffill the pipe with Tobacco a Bag Porasap Vttamancoih To bark Cuttoundg a barrell Ohtamocan. a Batchellor Matawiowijh a Ball Aitowh. Bald Paatchkiscaw a Beare Momonsacqweo. a Bell Maucaqwins Beanes Peccatoas a Beard Weihsatonowans a Bed Cawwaivwh petaocawin To beat one with a Cudgell } Auntemdwn. Nooueshetun. To beat Corne into Meale -- } Vshvccohomen. To beat any Iron to an edge -- } Vtssetecuttaw­ suw To bend Accongaivwh not to bend Sansaqwaivwh Before vtcharund. Behind Taangoqwaijk Below Nousomon. Beneath Vtsheniaijn A Begger Cuttassamais Better wingutscaho a Bird Tshehip Tshetcheindg a small bird or Chicken } Cawahcheims a bird with Car­ natian coloured winges -- } Ahshowcutteis a bird like a Lapwing collour grey which vseth the water -- } Monahamshaw a Bird called a divedapper } Osasianticus the bill or beak Mehkewh To bite Amin Nussacun a Bitch Vsqwausum Black Mahcatawaiuwh Blew osaih to blow any thing Nepotatamen Blew beades Vnetagwushomon Blew berryes of the biggnes of grapes very plea­ sant -- } Accoondews Blunt Wijhwaivwh To make any thing blunt Neihpunsannvwh Block Taccahooc Bluid Nehpaangunnun a Bow Auhtab. a Bow string Aupeis a Boat Acomtan a Bottle Poheewh. a Bourd cutsotahwooc to boyle vp Potopotawh tawh a Bone Woskan. a Boy vscapess. a box in which they play at a certaine kynd of game } Assowpoon. the bob of the gynny wheat without Corne } Okisher. Okmsher. &arrow; Bread &arrow;Appoans Bread made of a woat called } Taccaho appoans a Braser Qwunnumsc a Bridge Metucs to broyle or toast bread }Apetawh poan To breake with ones fingers any thing } Vdesinamun. To breake with stryking on any thing } Paskeaw Vdeistahamun to breake all in pieces -- } Ketarowksumah to be broken or Crakt -- } Perew. Bright or plaine all over -- } Muscaussum to bring into the boat -- } Paaksetower to bring agayne Patow. Brasse Osawas to bruise any thing small -- } Vnetawvnnun a Brother Nemat a Brush vnepawahuman a Bramble or brier -- } Cawmdguc a Broome Tshekehicawwuns a Butterfly Manaang.gwas To burne as if a spake light on any thing } cutchow Matowran. a Bunch of grapes } Metucsmaru­ kimmins C Chamange a Tobacco bag Chapant A shew Curcye Neire I am a cold Commotins a Turtle Cheawanta a Robin red breast Cursine Sister Chippsin Land or earth chichiquanmins a kind of graine to eat Camatinge 6. in nomber Chakasowe a crack in any thing Chucheneppo a woman Crenepo a woman Chesk chamay All ffreindes Ceader Maraak. Calme Cohqwaivwh. to call one Otassapnar a Canoa or small boat } Aquointan a Can or any such like thing to drinck in -- } Ohtamocan a Candle or gammy stick which will keepe light -- } Osanintak. a Cap or Puttaiqwapisson to carry a thing vp & downe -- } Nawwiowashim to carry a thing betweene twoo } Necussaqwus to carry vpon ones showlder } Ahcohkinnemun to Catch in the mouth as doges doe } Onascandamen Opassontamen a Cat or wild beast much bigger and spotled black vnder the belly as a Luzarne -- } Vtchoonggwai Caviare or the Roe of Shirgeon } Woock. to chaw Tawhtagwounta­ men. Cheyne Rarenaw. a Chayne of Copper with long linckes -- } Tapaantaminais Chesnuttes Opommins Cheese or any curded matter made of milke } Ootun a Chamber Vtshecommuc a Child Nechawn a Chest Pacus Chicken Cawahcheims to chop wood Catchcahmun mushe a Circle Mussetaqwaioh a Civet cat Attowrin Clay Pussagwun to clap ones handes Passahicaan the Claw of a Crab -- } Ohtnidge to clense a pipe Iacutteahwoon to clense the grownd & make yt fitt for seed -- } Monascunnemun to climb a tree Ahcoushe the Clowdes Mammaum Arrahqwotuwh to take hold of any thing -- } Mammun. Copper Matassun. a Comb Reihcoan Cold Nonssamats a Cord or small lyne or thread Pemanataon. a Coat of plate Aqwahussun a Coat Ierkin, doblet or ells what -- } Mantchoor to come being spoken familiarly or hard by -- } Caumorowath Caumeir Caumear-ah to come being spoken a far off to one -- } Pijah Pijarowah Pijarah to come in Peintiker. to come agayne or we will come againe -- } Oiacpijann Naantuc-ah pijautch to come quickly vskepijah vskepewh to come vp Vtacqwowsun to come downe Neighsawhor to Coffe Nussuccum. the cock crowes Moninaw cutsecammo a covering or mantle made of feathers -- } Cawassow a Cockle osakescai to cover one Ahgwur a Cob-web Muttassapec a Cookold wmpenton. a Copper kettle Aucutgaqwassun a Crab Tuttascuc a Crane vssac a Crack or Crackt -- } Paskasew Tatumsew a Creeke Meihsutterask. a Crowe Ohawas Crooked Ohorinne to Cry Neighsum to cut the haire of a mans head -- } Moundg Nummundgun Cummundgun. to cut any thinge -- } Vnedishemun Curled haire Vtchepetaiuwh Awrewhmerersk. a womans Secrett } Muttusk Mvcosist./ D. Dawbason quire, warme your self. a Day Cuttepacus darke Raieawk Pahcunnaioh I dare not Necqurissaw Nequtahke. A deare Vttapaantam. dead or to be dead -- } Tsepaih deepe to the middle -- } Tsaqwomoi deepe over the head -- } Nuttahcaam. deafe Cuppotaw. to devide a thing in half } Richewh. the devill Riapoke a dish Outacan to dave Pookewh. to doe Noungat a dog Attemous doe so vtsseneind. to drinck to one Vyaucopen. or Kacopen. I would drinck vgaucopessum to dry by fier or other wise -- } Tsetewh. Gaukenates to be dry or thirstye -- } Paongwussenttawh to dresse or pitch a boat } Ascahamun a dram Ahqwohhooc. a duck Piscoend dust Nepensun. durt Keshackaivwh to dwell Nahapuc a red dye Pohcoons Mataquiwun. E. the Eare of a man -- } Meihtawk. the Eares of a hare or any other beast weihtaooes Mechijn to Eate Mecher. I will eate Nummechijn I'le eate by & by -- } Mechocusk. Eate with me Meihtussuc the Earth Apamuun Ottawm. the East vtchepwoissumia An Eagle Opotenaiok. An eare of weat -- } Autowtaoh. An eare of new wheat } Mancatawatso­ meon Ebbing water Seiscatvwh. An Eele Ascamauk. An Egg wouwh An Elboe Meisquan. Elder Nussaandg the Element Poomp Arrathqwa­ tuwh. Enemy or naught -- } Macherew Marapo. Enough wamat Neimbat Entombing Paiamasuw. the eye Muskiendguk. the eyes Muskiendues. F. ffarewell or the word at parting -- } Anah. the fface vscaentur the ffall of the leaf or the Autome -- } Punsaos. to ffall Ammawskin Adamoin Adamosun. to be like to fall Cawesewh. to fall downe from a tree } Raqwassewh-mushe to let any thing ffall -- -- } Vtamoiahken. the falls at the vpper end of the Kinges River -- } Paqwachowng. to be ffaint Nettencrianges Nummamuntam. a ffather Nows. a ffaune Monattewh ffat wiraokawh a ffart Poket. a long feather Meqwanoc. ffeathers Ahpewk. the ffeathers of an Arrow -- } Assaovnsawh ffeet of a hawk Oremgeis ffeet by a generall name -- } Messetts to feed with a spoon Accoppaatamun to fetch some fier Meshpataan Boco­ taoh. ffish Nammais a ffish hooke Auketuttawh the fore finger Nummeisutteingwah the long ffinger Nuttawwutteindg the ring ffinger Nowqweitut the little ffinger Nummeisutteidg ffilthy Moieh Moiowat the ffins of a fish Wijhcats to fight at ffisty­ Cuffe -- -- } Nummecaxut­ tenax. a fine or small thread Vscook. the fflame Cazahanzamusheis fflowing water Tammuscamauwh the fflower of the Apple Maracah } Tsemahcaug to ffly Awassew. Bauqweuwh. a ffly Mowchesoh. fflax Tshehaoah. a fflea Nuttaqwon. to fflea any thing Poshenaan. a fflying squirrell Aiossapanijk. a ffly Mowchesoh. A ffowle like a Teale with a sharp bill like a black bird -- } Ceumeats A waterffowle in bignes of a duck finely coulored with a Copit crowne } Meihteams a foole Wintuc Wintuccum ffroth Peihtaoh ffrost Tacqwacat a ffreind or the principall word of kindnes } Netab. My ffoot is well Wingan out­ ssemetsumneir the ffur of the beast Arrathcune -- } wehsacoanoc I am full Negeisp. To be full Geispun. ffier Bocuttaw a Cole of fier Mahcatois a spark or fier Accecow. Pahquarra. to make a fier socaquinche­ nimum. Neusakaqwan. the fier is out Otawiaac Bo­ cataw. G. a Garden or plot of grownd to sow Corne } Oronocah. a Garter Kispurracau­ tapus. A gate Cuppenauk. A Garfish Tatamaho. Give yt me or let me see yt } Tangoa. To give Paatch-ah Pasemeh. Give me some Tobacco -- } Paseme vp­ pooke. Give me some water. Mammahe sucqwaham. Give me some meat -- } Meishnah mecher. Give me some butter or ffat to spread on my bread -- } Paatch nah rumgan. vaamushcan Give this to the Child -- } meish micoan chessoyowk. Give yt him Cummeish yoowah a girle Vsqwaseins Girles Vsqwasenis oc the Gills of a sturgeon or any other ffish -- } Woskeqwus. Glew or gum that fasteneth on their arrowheades } Vppeinsaman. a Glove Otenigas Otenicas Glorious smooth or beautifull } Muscaivwh Wingaivwh A Gnatt Peonguwh Good Wingan It is good meat Necoondamen to goe Ireh. Paspeen. to goe abroad Ireh vscoend to go along Cawcawmear Ascamaner to go downe Irehcuppein­ tanaan to go in vscomtain to go softly vdasemeodan to go home Nummacha to go before Nepopawinin to go after Apahhammundg gow lettes go togither -- } caumenaan. cowichawwotun. the ships go home vppoushun Mus­ hower gone Maentchatemayoac not gon vp Kekenchaivwh vspewh. God Rawottonemd. a Goose Kahangoc. a Goosling Marahungoc Good morrow or the word of salutation -- } Kencuttemaum. the Grownd Petawin to grow hie Otsetuns Cutterewh. the grissle of a sturgeon -- } vsocan. Grasse Mehteqweins Grapes Marakimmins A grapes stone or the stone of any plum -- } Macauqs cau­ nomel. A Grashopper Tatacaunshewah A Grave Ourear A grownd Nut Ouhpunnawk. A great deale Moowchick A great way Amaiuwh Netacoon. Gynny wheat Pohcuwtoah. A gun or piece Pucussac-an. the gum that yssueth out of a certaine tree called the virginian Maple } Pickewh. the guttes of any thing Otakeisheheis A Gull Coiahqwus a Gust or Hor­ rocado -- } Iohtummo­ cunnum./ H. Hauquequins A little stone pot Hamkone A ladle. Husque by and by or quickly. Hawtoppe A bow Husquequenatora. Now I vnder­ stand you. Huskpemmo Po­ ketaws -- } to sow wheat Howghweyh takon Neire -- } I am hungry Hawtorinkanaske A black ffox skyn or an overgrowne sables. A Hare wijhcutteis the haire of the head Mererse the haire of a deare Vsheqwonnaih hard by yowhse hard Esepannuwh. a hand Meihtinge to hang one Wawapunnah a hatchet Taccahacan Tamahaac An Indian hatchet Cuusenagwns to haue Nohaivwh. I haue bene Nearnowwan. a hazell nut Paaugahtam uns the head of a man Mendabuccah the head of an arrow that is rownd -- } Assamuwh the head of an arrow Raputtak. the head ake kawmdvppaan. Heaven Mounshaqwatuwh to heare Nowwuntamen. Not to heare Mata-nowwontamen He yoowah Hemp weihkippeis Hell Popogwussur. He hath not or none -- } Tahmocassewh the height of any thing at a good growth -- } Mangeker of a little height Tangasuw. Hearing Aumpsuwk. to hide or cover from the rayne } Cushe a hill or small mount -- } Romuttun a hill or Mountaine Pemotawh hidden vnder a Clowd or Over­ cast -- } Reihcahahcoik. A howse yohacan. A great howse Machacammac. A husband wiowah. a hole woor to make a hole Mbococotamen a great hole Maangairagwa­ towh the hornes of a deare wawirak. hold yt aside Hatacqwoear hot weather vneshawocanassup. how many keis hungry -- -- Noiatewk. Vnapootam the husk of their wheat -- } Pocututauha A hurt or Cut wapewh. to hurt or a thing hurtes me -- } Ahkij vwwaap. It hurtes my leges or my leges ake } vnegapamutta­ mennetatakij. It hurtes me not or yt is whole or well -- } Potterakai. I. Ire assuminge go & run quickly Ioughqueme wath Let vs go or come awaie Iakesan apooke light Tobacco. I my self Near. I or yea Nim. the Iagge of the salvadges habit -- Rassawans. Ice Oreih. An Island Memnunnahqus. the Itch. Vnechikwtchikwssa. Certayne Phrases put vnder Letter because they begyn with I. I am lither or lazie -- } Mushawwacat. I am your friend or at your commaund } Netab. Netapewh. I care not for it Nummaskatamen. I will not give it Matacommeir. I must keepe yt or I love yt } Nuwamatamen I thanck you Kenah. I have none Mahmaindg-no­ haivwh. I will go home Nummacha. I must put Tobacco in yt } Vpococaheih. It stincketh Ahtur. I cannot tell Caivwh. I haue noe Tobacco -- } Matavppoan no­ nuwh. I will not Matush. I haue no shooes Matamawcaswn­ neh I haue no hose Matacawqweo­ wanneth. I understand you not -- } Matagvenatox­ oth I love you Nouiomais you love Commomais I give yt you gratis -- } Thaigwen vm­ meraan. I haue bene asleepe } Mummascushe­ nepo K. Kenah I thanck you. Kayquiose A Boat Kuttchawe I burne Kameyhan Rayne Kowse ffather Kicke Mother Kemotte brother Kouppathe yea truly Konnockonoren quire -- } come look my head. Kan yough I know not Kawwin Sleepe Kawkopen quier I drinck to you. Kicketen quier speak or tell me./ Kikithamots the wynd Kykeytawe 9 in nomber. Koske 10. in nomber. Kantokan to daunce Kantickantie sing & daunce Kequasson a pot to drinck in Kahunge a goose A king or great Lord -- } Wiroance the Kinges name of Roanoak Nanamachauwh to Kick or spurn Keiskecamon. a Kixe Natapahan. to kisse Tsepaantamen a kettle Aucagwins a knife Damisac to knot up haire they tye vpon -- their heades -- } Vdansqwa­ pissun. L. Land Cheipsin a Ladle Tshepoijn. Lame Nepawironowh a Lampray Rahtaws to Laugh Kesshekissun. to lay downe a thing -- } Nawhpomind Leather Vttocais Leather that covereth their Lips & secrettes } Paqwantawun Leather stripes or stringes -- } Rahsawans Leaves Maangwipa­ cus dead leaves Moincaminge To leap as men leap in dauncing or otherwise } Netuspus. to leap Huspissaan to leane against a thing -- } Atcheisqwansun the leane of any flesh -- -- } oiawh wiaaws Lead Windscup. To light any thing Iahcasonaw. It is not lighted Matackesa. Light Keshawtewh. A Lyon Vttacawai to lift vp any thing Vdespunnemun Lightning Kecuttannowas a little peece Paangun give me a little piece -- } Kapessema paan­ gun a little tanx. a lizard or elfe Vtacaskis you have no lice Matavtapaw­ peak. the lippes Nusshaih to look ones head Cuttahcummeis Lost Nowwanus. a Lobster Ahshaham. Long Cunnaivwh. Low Machess. a Lowse Metacum. alone Apopaqwatecus to lye downe to sleepe -- } Machenecawwun to lye with a woman Saccasac to tell a lye Vtchepitchewain to lye togither Cowijhpaantamun. M. Metinge A hand Miske Heare Mintabuckhan the head Muskaun the forehead Muskins the eyes Meskew the nose Mettone the mouth Mepit the tieth Maxatsno the tongue Muckatahone the Arme Meskott the leg Messeate the ffoot Mekouse the nayles of the fingers & toes Metawke the eares Mowhkohan a ffish hooke Maskowhinge a parrat Monowhauk a sword Maquequins small bells Makateweygh Pearle Mattanahayyough I have yt not Machequeo a show Mangoite great Muskeskimmins strawberries Matchkore a stage skyn Minchin quire Minchin -- -- eat you. Mattaquenatorath I vnderstand you not. Mattassumitohook a small bird of divers Cullors Mahawke a gourd Meroathachessum a young boy. Mayanse I have yt not Momuscken A mole in the grownd. Monynawgh A Turkey. Moroke Ceader Makique Snot Musken to run Mayis going in a path Matakuske the leaf of a -- prickle peare Mattath noe Manote A basket Moussomko A squirrell Mussane a beast so called Messetonaance A beard A man Nimatewh. A Mat made of Reedes Anansecoon. A martern Mouhwacus a Married man Nowiowijh Wiowah. Maneaters Mussaangegwah the marrow of a bone -- } weimb. a marryner or Seaman } cheiksew. a match Nintawooc to make bread Apoanocanosutch To make a spoone Ampconomindg to make a dish Ackohican to make a frame or boate -- } Cowcacunnemun Ahtowrun to make a grave Cuttahamunourcar to make a mat Chessunnaansun to make a basket Mannottaihcaun Meale & fflower Rouhcat Rowksewh. Meale made of Gynny wheat callid } Vsketehamun. to melt Pussepussactawas To be melancholly or sad } Maskihaan. Milke made of walnuttes -- } Pocohiquara Milke Mytswn to misse the hole Nembobatsoho A morter -- -- Taccahooc Vttawh. the morning or Sun rise -- } Papasowh the morning is faire -- } Paspasaat vscantewh. a moath Mohwhaiok to morrow Raiab Vnnawh a mother Nek A mouse Apegwus A mulbery Muskimnins a Mushell shell Tshecomah a Muskcat Osasquus. N. Numerothequier your Companion Neir my self Nissakan A reed Nisake A Cane Nepausche the Sun Nepunche Neir I am dead Nehapper sit downe Nuppawen sleepe Nechaun A Child Netap My deare freind Noewanathsoun I have forgotten Nekut 1. in nomber Ninge 2. in nomber Nousough 3. in nomber Nuscawes 8. in nomber Ninge poke 20. in nomber Nocmchaminon Boketaw -- } mend vp the fier Nehapper kupper -- } sit further Namaske Nameche } ffish of any kind Nethkeon the nose Nepputtes the teeth Noraughtoan put on your hat Næhayhough I have yt Naked Nepowwer A Napkin or any lynnen } Matassaih the neck of any thing } Nusqwoik A nett Aussab Nacowus. next Vtakijk a nettle Mauhsaan. the nest of a bird -- } wahchesao. neere by or next hand } Patewh New moone Suckimma Night Tapacoh Reihcawh. No or nay -- -- Matah Tah None Rawwaiend. the Noise of a peece or Fall of a tree -- } Penim no more Tawhs I will drinck no more -- } Nutssequwacup. the North. vtcheiks a nut like a small Acron good meat -- } Chechmqwamins O Opykerough A brent, affowle like a goose Oteyquenimin to teare or rent any thing Ockquetath a Tausell of a goshauke. Oughtaman­ goyth -- A Tobacco bag. owanough. who hath this Ouxe a ffox Ockquins a watchet coulored bird Opomens Chesnuttes Ough. yt is well Oughrath ffar off Owaugh An egge. An oare Tshemacans An Oake tree. Poawamindg Oysters Canwaih An old man Rawerunnuwh. An old woman vtumpeseis to open the dore Tennecatower Rassicokear. to open ones eyes Vdapunqwaren an otter or rather a Bever -- } Pohkevwh. An Otter Cuttack Only one Naantucah-necut Out or yt is pluckt out } Aumpossaioh Out, away, or get you gon Keij to overset or a boat to turne keele vp -- } Cotappesseaw. An Owle Qwangatarask. P. Poketawes wheat Peketawes Beanes Peache ffetch or bring Penninaugh A rope Peymmatan Thread Pasquehamon to eate Powtowhone boketaw, blow the fier with your mouth./ Punguy Asshes. Pettackqueth Thunder. Pokoranse A minirall stone Pokin Pokeyough to dive vnder water Pamyauk. A goard Pokosack A Gun Pichamins an excellent plom Paskamath Mulberries Poughkone the red paint or dye Peyeugh returning Pickutts the gum we hold balsomen Potawaugh a porpus Porance 5 in nomber Paspene to walke about Pisquaon A duck Paskorath the gold sparkes in the sand Penonge Ieron stoue Pocohack A bodkin or Ale Pattihquapisson A hat Pokontats a girdle a Parrett Massacumwindg perle Matacawiack Perle mushell shells -- } Vsasqwoick peaze Ossantamens Otassantamens a peece of a pot or a pot sheard Rummasvwendg Rowcar Appons a peece of bread a pestle Pocohaac the pipe is stopt Opoteyough a pin Pocohaac to pinch Nepkehnaan a pidgion Towacqwoins a wood pidgeon Qwanonats to pisse Shekijn a pike Kijhtoram porredge or broth Noumpqwaam a polcat Cuttenamvwhwa a pot Ancaqwins to power out water Qwatshacum­ caan. to power in water Vsowcunnemun the poxe Nummaqwais to pluck vp Nummonnenien­ naus. a playster Nuttacoondah. a plomb stone Maquascawnomell a plomb very delitious when yt is ripe -- } Pushemins a Playse Keiskis To play at any game -- } Mamantun Terracaun. the privities or secret of a man } Pocohaac Prayer Maunvmvmmaon. to come to praier Pijahtamaon a pumpeon Mahcawq a purse vttamainquoih to pull Nummavmon. to pull yt out Necantvwh. to put yt in Peinder to put on any thing -- } Puttohiqwosur to put off any thing -- } Pussaqwunnenidg purple Ourcrewh. to put out A Candle -- } vtahtahamun. to pull one downe Cuttaqwocum Q Que quoy what is this. Que quoy ternis quire -- } what is your name R Rapantaan Venison Rungan All kind of suet Rocoyhook. an Otter Rickahone a Comb. Rokohamin parched corne grownd small Reconack a Tobacco bag. Rassoum the wynd Riapoke To morrow Riokosick the devill Rekasqiee a knife. Raw Ascunmewh Rayne Camzowan. a Rayn bow Qwannacut a rattle such as they vse in their Ceremonies made of a goard -- } Chingawwonawk. a Ratt Aotawk. a Reed Nehsaakah. rent or torne Tuttasewh. A river yocaanta. Ripe wmgatewh. not ripe vscannewh. to rise vp Passagwear the rynd of a tree like hemp Chesawk. a ring Nekereinskeps a rose Pussaqwembun to roll or tose as aship -- } Vtucotucosa to row Tchijmaoc to rost Apoivssaw the root of Tobacco -- } vppoo-chappoc a root vtchappoc a rope or Cord Pemuntnaw to run Rasannear. Rushes Cakekesqws to cut rushes Maniasc cake­ kesqwus. to rub a thing Vsseqwaha­ mun. S. Suckqwohana water Sawwone salt Sakahooke the Cleere stones we gather Sakahocan to write Secon to spitt Sekehekonaiyh to write./ Sand Racawh. to sacrifice -- Vtakaer to say or be said Kekkuttun. a saile Tsemoasay to see Vnnamun. let me see it Numpenamun. a seat in a boat or a bench -- } Tussan. Seedes Amenacacac Sea weedes Ascaxasqwus Sedge -- Eskowwascus the Sea Yapam. Scum Pihtaoh. the scales of a fish -- } wohaikauk. to scratch ones head -- vnvnnecusso­ pisson to scratch vnecussopisson a skabb vmeqwussum. sharp -- Keneiwuh Sheares Mundgtacan Shells Ohshaangunn­ emuns. a ship Mussow uxuc. yt shyneth Assentewcaiah shoos Mawhcasuns. to shoot Nepomotamen short Tackqwaisuw shut the dore -- Kessohikear to skrub ones head -- Necutchucskuw to sing or dance cante-cante to sit downe -- Nawpin to sit nearer Otassotagwopur to be sick Aroummossouth the single of a deare -- } wushaqwun. a sister -- Nuckaandgum the skyn or fur of a hare -- } Weisacannac. a Sheldrake -- Rowhqwawh. to sleepe -- Nepaun. a sloworme -- Apouscase Smoake Kekepemgwah to Smell Nummeram in to Snort Neqwaxuttound­ wun. to suit ones nose vtanneqwun. Snow -- Coan. yt snoweth Rookewh coan. a snake vide Adder a snaile Pomahaum. to sow or sett wheat -- } Nuttaspin to sow with a needle Husquamun a sore Meihkeih to soak bread Nepokeunnamun the Soule or vi­ tall breath of man } Netshetsunh a sparrowhawke Tatacaumexan to speake softly Kemaantun a Squirrell Mussanek. to looke a squint -- Perrmgqwah. a Sturgeon -- Cuppatoan a string vide leather a stone shacahocan. a little stone Mananst to steale Commotoouh. a stake weputtahoc a stalke -- Mehtacooc to strike -- Nepassmgwahoon to strike with a sword -- } vepacaman. Stockinges -- Cawqweawans a Starre Attaanqwassuwk a straunger Vttassantassowaih to stand Vannatassun streight Majawh. to stirr ones self } vummewsun. to stopp or put in a stopple -- } Muttaqwohoons strong Towawh. to step or go vp Accowson. the stinging of a snake -- } Vtagwoong to strike fier -- Bocata oh kok to stinck Auutus. the Sun Keshowse. Sun rise vide morning. Sunsett -- Qwunsewh. to sup or to haue bene at supper } Meatsun. Summer Cowwotaioh to suck Anowwoninr a sword Monohacan. to sweat Vebowchass. to swym Tooskean. to swell Cunnaqueis a Swan wopussouc to swallow Quantamun. to sweepe Tsekehica to swym as a peece of wood or feather on the water -- } Puppoqwa­ hauns. T. Tanggo let me see yt Towaughe a Crome Tanx smale or little Tamokin to swimme Tauosin a stoole Tangeqwath a furre like a sables Tamohake a Hatchett Take yt -- Vntowh. to take vp with a spoone -- Auutsahamun to take off Rassunnemun. To take one prisoner -- Necakessutten. To take Tobacco vepessemaan­ pooc to take heed -- Anmwoir a Targett Amun whokk. the Taile of any thing -- } wushaqwun. to tell one any thing -- } Cutterah. to throw a thing awaie -- } Apacet. Thunder Vindgruppauk. a thigh Wijhqwaus. these -- yowhs this yowhk. threed Penimathhatoan. the thumb Vketeqwaivtteindg the throat Vegwuntaak. three -- Nus. Tobacco -- Vhpooc a Tobacco pipe vhpoocan. a Tobacco bag vttamancoih the tobacco is good Wingutsee vpooc. the Tobacco is naught -- } Keshemaik.pooc a Towne Mussaran. the trayne of a bird } Ottanneis a tree Meihtucs. a greene tree Aqwataneik a walnut tree Assunnoineindge an oake tree -- Poawnneindg a Turtle -- Accomodemsk. a sea turtle Tuwcuppewk. a turd -- Moich a Turkey Monanaw. a Turky Cock Ospanno to turne or take vp the Coales } Cuskessamun. twyned thread Pemucqwera­ neind. to tye or make fast any thing } Cuspurn. V. Veroance A King or a great man. Vndoth take yt Vsquion An Arrow Vmpsemen. apook. drinck tobacco. Vmpsquoth the Moone Vaugh a word of wonder. a Vaine Abescur. a village Kaasun. Virginia Tsenahcommacah. vnderneath Vtshemaijnd to vncolse handes Penumun. I vnderstand well Kennehautows. I vnderstand not Matakennown­ to rawh. a vine wapapammdge. W. Weyano the leane of any thing. Wekowehees a hare. wapin a Stab. wysotonaoans a beard winpe Marrow woussicket a running brooke woughtathe to swym wecacke the yard of a RacKone wousckan A bone winggapo my beloved freind wingan Good winganouse very good a waare to take ffish -- } Neihsacan. a walnut Ahsmenuns. Paukauns. to wash the face Keseiqwaan. to wash the hand Keseiceindcher. to wash any thing Ketssetawun. water Sucqwahan. a wart Meihkeis to warme one Bahtanomun. yt is warme or hot weather -- } chingissum to waken Vnamun. the waves of the Sea -- } Aquraskawwans to walke Pawpawmear weake kesshemauc weary cuttoxeen. Attasqwus weedes. to weepe Nummawh. yt is well or ynough wamattuwh. welcome or the word of greeting } wingapo chamah Netab. a well ohcawooc the west Atagwassanna wett Neppe. what is your name Cacuttere­ windg yowk. cacuttewingd Near. when Tanoo chirick. where have you ben Tanaowaam. to whet Nusseseqwus. whelpes -- Apowhoh-homins wheat Pocuttawes a wheat plomb Asseseim. wheat parcht in the fier -- } Aparoumenans white -- Opaivwh. to whistle -- Qweisqwesun a whiting Vtteitsouk. the small wynd Rowhsunnvwh. a great wynd Mahqwaih a wife Noungasse a wing Vttocannuc a widgeon Ponomawus. will you goe home Nummacha. winter Puppaannoh to wind about Pasqwuxxaws a woman Cwtssenepo. a womans breast Otaus. a woman with Child Pomevwh. a woman queene wironausqua an old woman Tumpseis. a little worme or magot Mowsah wood -- Musheis a wound -- Nepocuttokean. the world Pamahsaivwh. a woolf -- Naantam. to wrastle Mamarenaretun. to wrap or wind vp any thing Nuwweisqwqaput. Y Yeahaukan -- a howse Yeokanta -- a River Yeough. -- 4 in Nomber to yawne or gape Tawatuttener yellow -- Oussawaik. yesterday -- Osaioh yea or yes -- Cuppeh. yonder or far off Yoaxvwh. younger -- wesuws you -- Kear. Z. Zanckone -- to sneese. Finis / .