l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 7 3 3 6 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) A SHORT TABLE, expounding all the hard words in this Booke. A AVripigmentum or Orpment , is a yellow hard substance to be bought at the Pothecaries. Aristolochia-longa, otherwise called red Mad­ der, is an hearbe growing almost in euery field. Aristolochia-rotunda,is the hearbe called Galingale. Agrimonie or Egrimonie, is an vsuall and knowne hearbe. Ameos or Comin-royall, is an hearbe of some called Bulwort, Bishops-weed, or hearbe-William. Anyse is that hearbe which beares Ani-seeds. Anet, of some called Dill, is an hearbe like Fenell, onely the seeds are broad like Orenge seeds. Agnus Castus, of some called Tutesaine, is an hearbe with reddish leaues, and sinewie like Plantaine. Ægyptiacum, is a reddish vnguent, to be bought at the Pothecaries, and is soueraine for Fistulas. OED "remollitive" Assafœtida a stinking strong gumme to be bought at the Pothecaries. Adraces or Adarces is that Salt which is ingendred on the salt marshes by the violence of the Sunnes heat after the tide is gone away. Not in OED Asterion is an hearbe growing amongst stones, as on walles, or such like, it appeareth best by night, it hath yellow flowers like Foxegloues, and the leaues are round and blewish. Aloes is a bitter gumme to be bought at the Pothe­ caries. B B Etin or Beets is an hearbe with long broad leaues indented, and growes in hedge-rowes. "betin" not in OED Bolarmoniake is a red hard earthy substance, to be bought at the Pothecaries, and is of a cold and bin­ ting nature. Broomewort is an hearbe with browne coloured leaues, and beareth a blew flower, and most com­ monly groweth in woods. C CResses are two kindes of water-Cresses, and land­ Cresses: they haue broad smoath leaues, and the first growes in moyst places, the latter in Gardens, or by high-waies. Comin, see Ameos. Carthamus is an hearbe in taste like Saffron, and is called bastard-Saffron, or mocke-Saffron. Calamint is an ordinary hearbe, and groweth by ditches sides, by high waies, and sometimes in Gar­ dens. Coleander is an hearbe which beareth a round little seede. Chiues are a small round hearbe growing in Gar­ dens, like little young Onions or Scallions not aboue a weeke old. D D Iapente a soueraine powder made of fiue equall sim­ ples, as Bay-berries, Iuory, Aristolochia-rotunda, Mirrhe, and Gentiana, and may be bought of the Pothecary. Dettonie is an hearbe called Pepper-wort, or horse­ Radish, and groweth in many open fields. Dragons is an hearbe common in euery Garden. E ELecampana is an hearbe of some called Horse­ helme, and growes almost in euery field , and eue­ ry Garden, Eyebright is an hearbe growing in euery meadow. F FEnnegreeke is an hearbe which hath a long slender trayling stalke, hollow within, and sowne in Gar­ dens, but easiest to be had at the Pothecaries. Ferne Osmund is an hearbe, of some called Water­ Ferne, hath a trianguler stalke, and is like Polipody, and it growes in boggs, and in hollow grounds. G GAlingale, see Aristolochia-rotunda. H HOrsemint is an hearbe that growes by waters sides, and is called Water-mint, or Brooke-mint. Horsehelme, see Elecampana. Houseleeke is a weede which growes on the toppes of houses that are thacht, and is like vnto a small Hartichoke. Hearbe-Robert hath leaues like hearbe-Bennet, and small flowers of a purple colour, and growes in most common Fields and Gardens. I IVory is the shauings of the Elephants tooth, or the old Harts or Stagges horne, being the smooth white thereof. K KNot-grasse is a long running weede with little round smoth leaues, and the stalke very knotty and rough, winding and wreathing one seame into another very confusedly, and groweth for the most part in very moist places. L LEttice, is a common sallet-hearbe in euery Gar­ den. Lollium is that weede which we call Cockell, and groweth amongst the corne in euery field. "lollium" not in OED Liuerwort, is a common hearbe in euery Garden. M MAythe, is a weede that growes amongst corne, and is called of some Hogs-Fennell. Mirrhe, is a gumme to be bought at the Pothecaries. Mandragg, is an hearbe which growes in Gardens, and beareth certaine yealow Apples, from whence the Pothecaries draw a soueraine oyle for broken bones. N NEepe, see Calaminte. O ORiganum, is an hearbe called wilde-Marioram, and growes both in open fields, or in low copses. Orifice is the mouth, hole, or open passage, of any wound or vlcer. Opoponax, a drugge, vsuall to be bought at the Po­ thecaries. P PItch of Burgundy is Rossen, and the blacker the better. Antedates earliest OED citation ("Burgundy" 5 [1678]) Plantayne is a flat leafe and sinowie, growing close to the ground, and is called Whay-bred leafe. Pulioll-royall, is an hearbe that groweth both in fields and gardens, and is best when it flowreth. Patch-grease is that tallow which is gotten from the boyling of Shoemakers shreads. Only OED citation Q QVnquefolio of some called Cinquefoyle is that hearbe which is called Fiue-leaued grasse. R REd-Oaker is a hard red stone which we call Raddle Orell, marking-stone. S SEllondine or Tetterwort is a weede growing in the bottome of hedges, which being broke, a yellow iuyce will drop and runne out of it. Shirwit is an hearbe with many small leaues, and growes most in Gardens. Not found in OED Stubwort is an hearbe which growes in wooddy places, and is called wood-Sorrell. Sanguis Draconis, is an hard red gumme to be bought at the Pothecaries. Not in OED Stonecrop is a greene weede growing on the tops of walles. Sparma-Cætæ is the seed of the Whale, excellent for inward bruises, and to be bought at the Pothecaries. Salarmoniake is a drugge vsuall to be bought at the Pothecaries. T TVssilaginis is that weede which we call Colts-foot. Treapharmicon a composition made of three simples, and to be bought at the Pothecaries. Not in OED Turmericke, is a yealow simple, of strong sauour, to be bought at the Pothecaries. V VErdi-greese is a greene fatty gumme drawne from Copper, and is to be bought at the Pothecaries. W WOodrose or wilde-Eglantine, is that small thin flower which growes vpon Bryars in woods or hedge-rowes. Y YArrow, is an hearbe called the water-Violet, and growes in Lakes or marrish grounds. F I N I S. Thine Geruase Markhame.