RECORDS ARITHMETICKE: Contayning the ground of Arts: In which is taught the generall parts, rules, and operations, of the same in whole Numbers and Fractions, after a more easie and exact methode then euer heretofore: First written by ROBERT RECORD, Do­ ctor in Phisicke. Since corrected and beautified by many No­ tations, and augmented with most briefe rules of practise and others; necessarie in the trade of Mer­ chandise. Whereunto is added certaine Tables of the valuation of all Coynes as they are current at this present time, with diuers other Tables and their explication. Very profitable and delight­ full vnto all Marchants, Gentlemen, and others, as by the contents of this booke doth appeare. By Iohn Mellis. Also the Art and application of Decimall Arith­ meticke: A Table of Board and Timber measure, and the vse thereof. The Extraction and De­ monstration of the Square and Cubicke roots, with necessary Questions and Tables for interest after ten in the hundreth is newly therevnto adioyned. By R.N. LONDON: Printed by T.S. for Roger Iackson, 1615. A briefe addition of Interest. Definitions of Interest. 1 PRincipal, is the summe from which the interest is reckoned. 2 Interest is the summe reckoned for the lending or forebearance of the Principal for a­ ny termes or time. 3 The proportion betweene the Interest, and the Principall is the reason of Interest. 4 Interest simple, is that which is counted from the Principall only. 5 Interest compound is that which is coun­ ted for the Principall, together with the Arri­ age of Interest, and Principall. 6 Interest profitable, is that which is ad­ ded to the Principall. "Interest profitable" not identified as a phrase by the OED. 7 Interest domageable, is that which is to be subtracted from the Principall. "Interest damageable" not identified as a phrase by the OED.