l e m e . l i b r a r y . u t o r o n t o . c a s t c 1 7 9 4 4 v e r . 1 . 0 ( 2 0 1 9 ) [h e a d w o r d s o n l y] ΗΓΕΜΩΝ ΕΙΣ ΤΑΣ ΓΑΩΣΣΑΣ id est, Doctor in Linguas, THE GVIDE INTO TONGVES. Cum illarum harmonia, & Etymologijs, Originationibus, Rationibus, & Deriuationibus in omnibushis vndecim Linguis, viz: 1. Anglica. 2. Cambro-Britanica. 3. Belgica. 4. Germanica. 5. Gallica. 6. Italica. 7. Hispanica. 8. Lusitanica seu Portugallica. 9. Latina. 10. Græca. 11. Hebrea, &c. Quæ etiam ita ordine, & sono consentientes, collocatæ sunt, vt facilinaè & nullo labore, vnusquisq; non solùm, Quatuor, Quinque, vel plures illarum, quàm optimè memoria tenere, verum etiam (per earum Etymologias) sub Nomine, Naturam, Proprietatem, Conditionem, Effectum, Materiam, Formam, vel finem rerum, rectè nosse queat; Discrepans ab alijs Dictionarijs vnquam antehâc editis. Item explicatio vocabulorum forensium Iuris Anglicani, & Descriptio Magistratuum, & Titulorum dignitatum, hac nota ąe; per totum Opus insignita. Opus omnibus humanioris literaturæ amatoribus valdè necessarium & delectabile, imprimis Nostratibus qui nullo negotio ex Anglicane, cæteras linguas cum earum Etymologys, ordine Alphabetico, invenire possunt, denique Extraneis, si ex his congestis, Alphabétum vnius vel plurium linguarum, ubi cum numeris Arithmeticis, concinnare voluerunt. Opera, Studio, Industria, Labore & Sumptibus Iohannis Minshæi in lucem editum & impressum. Anno 1617. The Guide into the tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their Etymolo­ gies, that is, the Reasons and Deriuations of all or the most part of Wordes, in these eleuen Languages, viz. 1. English. 2. British or Welsh. 3. Low Dutch. 4. High Dutch. 5. French. 6. Italian. 7. Spanish. 8. Portuguez. 9. Latine. 10. Greeke. 11. Hebrew, ec. Which are so laid together (for the helpe of memory) that any one with ease and facilitie, may not only re­ member 4. 5. or more of these Languages so laid together, but also by their Etymologies vnder the Name know the Nature, Propertie, Condition, Effect, Matter, Forme, Fashion or End of things there-vnder contayned, differing from all other Dictionaries euer heretofore set forth. Also the Exposition of the Termes of the Lawes of this Land, drawne from their originall the Saxon and Nor­ man tongues, with the description of the Magistracies, Offices, and Officers, and Titles of Dignities, noted with this hand ą throughout the whole Booke. A worke for all Louers of any kinde of Learning, most pleasant and profitable, especially for those of our owne Nation, when by order of the English Alphabet, they may finde out 10. other Tongues, with their Etymologies, most helpfull to Memory, to Speake or Write, then to Strangers, if they will draw out of these one or more Languages, and place them in order of Alphabet and Table, and referre them by figures into this Booke, as they shall best like of. By the Industrie, Studie, Labour, and at the charges of Iohn Minsheu Published and Printed. Anno 1617. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, & vendibiles extant LONDINI, aqud IOANNEM BROWNE Bibliopolam in vico vocato little Brittaine. And are to be sold at IOHN BROWNES shop a Booke-Seller in little Brittaine in London. SECVNDA EPISTOLA LECTORI. The Second Epistle to the Reader. IN the search of Tongues (in which these many yeares I haue) spent my time and substance) I haue alwayes found that the true knowledge and the sure holding of them in our memories, consisted, in the knowing of them, by their Causes, Originalls, and Etymologies, that is, their reasons and deriuations, which is the scope I ayme at in this my Worke Etymologicall, deriued from the Greeke Ετυμόϛ true, and λόγοϛ speach, as Orthographie is said of όρθόϛ right, and γϱαϕή writing. In my Latine Epistle to the Reader I haue alleaged sundry Authors, of high learning, both ancient and moderne, which haue written whole books of this Subiect, and a great number more could I here produce, out of all I haue gathered, as much as I could in manie yeeres search, and haue as well as I could, applied it to my Countreyes vse; by laying the lan­ guages so together that are of one sound, (which I may terme a harmony of Tongues) for that thou mayest with little or no labour, well learne, and fast hold in thy memorie, these languages so layd together: wherefore, for thy better vnderstanding, I giue thee this further instruction, as an Introduction to the same, and say, that many languages dif­ fer one from another, but by these figures, * Próthesis, Aphæresis, Epénthesis, Syncope, Paragóge, Apócope, Met´thesis, &c. which I expound in English thus; Prothesis, a put­ ting to of a letter or syllable, to the beginning of a word; Aphæresis, a taking away of a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; Epenthesis, a putting betweene of a letter or syllable, in the middle of a word; Syncope, a taking away, or cutting of a letter or syllable from the middle of a word; Paragoge, a putting to a letter or syllable to the end of a word; Apócope, the taking away, or cutting of a letter or syllable, from the end of a word; Metáthesis, a transposition when one letter is put for another or in anothers place. All which figures, you may see better expoun­ ded from the Greeke, in this Dictionarie in their proper place, which figures vsed thorow the whole course of this worke, almost in euery word, you may well finde, before you come to the Etymologie of the words, all which being so helpefull to true vnderstanding and memorie, that it might be a sufficient motiue, to men that haue meanes, and desire knowledge, to giue themselues to the vnderstanding of the Tongues from their Originals, the Keyes to vnlocke the Doores, into the Treasurie of all Learning, Diuine and humane: For if we doe but looke in the Etymologies but of the very names of men in the holy Scripture, we shall see, what light they giue, euen to the vnderstanding of the story, and do but marke the Hebrew wordes beginning in * Ab, to signifie a father, Ben, a sonne or Building, * Beer a well, or wildernesse, * Beth a house, and multitudes of others, in other sylla­ bles, of other significations, thorow the whole course of the Bible, deriued not onely from the Hebrew, Chaldie, and Syriack, but also from the Greeke, and Latine, and so to consider the middle and end of words, what they signifie by Etymologizing and deri­ uing them aright, you shall see what vnderstanding they bring into stories: as for example, the *Patriarke Abram, which is by interpretation, a high father, deriued from the Hebrew Ab pater, a father, and ram excelsus, high; but when his name was changed into Abra­ ham, Gen. 17. 5. where it is said, neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but they name shall be Abraham, for a father of many nations haue I made thee, Gen. 17. 5. and Rom. 4. 17. the word Abraham in the Hebrew, importeth the same, being recompounded of A­ bram, pater excelsus, a high father (as aboue) and ham, multitudo, a multitude, so the words in Hebrew Abram-Ham, signifie a high father of multitudes, and by the fi­ gure Syncope, taking away m from the middle, is made Abraham; so * Iaakob his name was called, because in his birth he did Iaakob, that is, hold his brother E­ sau by the gnekeb, that is, the heele, Gen. chap. 25. vers. 26. but Esau his brother, after he was deceiued by him of the blessing, interpreteth his name Iagnakob, Iaakob, of gnakab, supplantauit, he hath supplanted or tripped vp gnekeb, the heele, Gen. 27. 36. but when Iaakob had wrestled with the Angel, and would not let him goe, till he was blessed by him, Gen. 32. 26, 27. be said, Thy name shall be called Iaakob no more, but *Israel, because thou hast power with God, Gen. 32, 28. which commeth of the Hebrew Ish vir, a man, and sharah, præualuit, he hath preuailed with El, God of eial, fortitudo: looke in the word God, in this Dictionarie, there may you see the Tenne names of God in the Hebrew, * Ben­ iamin, is interpreted, the sonne of the right hand, of the Hebrew Ben, a sonne, and iamin the right hand, for his father Iaakob loued him dearly, Gen. 44. vers. 22. & 29. & 30. he was called by Rachel his mother * Ben-oni, the sonne of sorrow, for that he died in trauell with him, Gen. 35. 18. of the Hebrew Ben, a sonne, and oni, sorrow, so * Beer, a well, Num. 21. 16. and Beersheba, the well of the oath, of the Hebrew Beer, a well, and Schabang, iurauit, he sware, as it is written, wherefore he called that place Beersheba, because there they sware both of them, Gen. 21. 31. of this word Beer, may well come the Low-dutch and English, Boorne, a place full of pits and welles of water, and of them, the names of Townes, as Lamboorne, Aboorne, and many other scituated on such Boornes. So *Beth, a house, and Bethel, the house of God, the place where Iaakob slept, and dreamed he saw a ladder, that the toppe thereof reached vnto heauen, then Iaakob awoke, and said, Surely the Lord is in this place, this is none other but the house of God, and called the name of the place Bethel, Gen. 28. verse 16. 17. 18. 19. of the Hebrew baijth, a house, and gneden, de­ liciæ, pleasure, of gnadan, delectari, to delight, and many more in Beth in the Bible, signify­ ing a house: * Daniel, the iudgement of God, of Dan, iudgement, and El, God; *Su­ sanna, a lillie, of the Hebrew Shushan, a lillie, which betokeneth chastitie and good fame, *Vriel, light or fire of God, of the Hebrew vr, ignis, fire, and El, God, *Vrim and *Thummim, light and perfection, of the Hebrew vr, ignis, fire, and in the plurall, Vrim, fires, as the plurall Thummim, perfectiones, of the singular Tom, perfectio, of the verbe Tamam, perfecit: This Vrim and Thummim, light and perfection, God com­ manded to be put in the brest-plate of Iudgement (one of the holy garments appoin­ ted for Aaron, to weare vpon his heart when he went in before the Lord) Exod. 28. 30. Ezra 2. 63. and Deut: 33. 8. by Vrim is meant knowledge, and Thummim holinesse, shewing what vertues are required in Priests: Such like the Bible doth affoord plentifull examples to any that are studious to know * the true significations of the Hebrew words from their rootes; which in those that make profession of Diuinitie, or desire true knowledge therein, it is most requirable, necessary, and most helpefull to true vnderstanding and memorie. The Greeke likewise doth abound with multitudes of Etymologies, hauing so many compounded and recompounded words, whereby we may easily, if we will but looke out the Originall, carrie well in mind diuers words that depend thereon, although I instance in the word night, yet it shall giue some light άβρὸτη the night, deriued of α priuatiue, which signifieth without, and βροτὸ mortalis, as you would say, the time without mortall men stirring abroad, of this word άβρὸτη the night, ariseth ἁβροτάζζω to erre, to goe out of the way as in the night, and ἁβροτήμων Peccator, a sinner, and ἁβροτίνη Peccatum, sinne, also of βροτὸ mortalis com­ meth ἂμβροτοσ immortalis, quasi ἁβροτὶς of a priuatiue, which is not, and βροτὸ mortalis also ἁμβροσια Ambrosia, immortall foode, the foode of Gods, as Nectar their drinke, the let­ ter μ put in by the figure Epenthesis, for sound sake, of such Greeke words, and multitude of others, with all the other languages; I referre you, if you like it, to looke into this volumne for this purpose published, werein also sometimes are proper names set downe, in order of Al­ phabet with the rest, rather to giue notice to those that are ignorant, that Etymologies haue the same force with them as in other ordinary words, all which proper names if I could here set downe with their Etymologies, would not bee contained in such another Vo­ lume; *The Greeke and his Etymologies, doe to all, that but in a little measure know that Tongue, plainely proue it selfe most helpefull to vnderstanding and memories of Philosophers, Physicions, Mathematicians, Orators, Poets, and all louers of humane learning. I had an intent to haue added so many Tables at the end of this Booke; *one I haue done, the Spanish, and that most copious, with diuers thousands of words added to my former Spanish Dicti­ onary, besides I haue interpreted this Spanish Dictionary with the Latine and English, and sometimes French and Italian, and also of all, or the most part of Spanish words therein, I haue giuen there their Etymologies, or referred them by figures in this Volume, where you may finde them, and the reasons of them, with the other tenne Languages. For the rest of Tables I say, seeing there are so many excellent copious Dictionaries in Hebrew, Greeke, Latine, Italian, French and other Languages, I referre you to them as you have vse of them. *If you desire further to haue the Etymologies of words, or the consent of diuers Lan­ guages, here in this Volume so set downe (as heretofore neuer yet published) you may your selfe as you take delight in a Language, or some for you take paines with penne to set downe, and reduce any Language herein contained, to an Alphabet, or Table, for your owne priuate vse, or for others, (as I haue done in the Spanish for the publike) and it may be it will then best please you when you doe it to your owne minde and methode, and by that meanes to draw out an abstract as in other studies men vse to doe. *Touching the obiecting of the Translating Calepine, Megiserus, Decimator, &c. I may answere if I had so done, and turned it to my Countreys vse, I had done a laborious worke, but it is farre otherwise, for they giue the Etymologies but onely of the Latine, and sometime of the Greeke, but I performe it in all the eleuen, as also lay the Languages which are of one sound (for memories sake) together, which none of them, nor others yet euer haue done. And whereas, some conceit as themselues haue told me, led by the opinion of some learned, That if I had placed the Latine first, it would haue had more grace and liking. I say againe as a little aboue, that any one himselfe, or others for him, may reduce all the Latine words, or other Language in this Di­ ctionarie, to an Alphabet or Table, with ioyning what Language together he likes, and so best please himselfe, when hee doth it, to his owne method and minde. *My purpose in placing the English first, before other Tongues, is for the vse chiefly of our owne Nation, or others that vnderstand the English Tongue, to finde out any Word by order of Alphabet they call or looke for, and so by that to haue a fit French, Italian, Spa­ nish word, to speake or write, (in which Calepine is very faultie) beside to haue the Etymo­ logies of them as of all the rest, (the better euer to hold them in their memorie) which none other yet euer hath performed. *The Law-Termes likewise of this land, with the descriptions of Offices, Officers and Ma­ gistrates, and Titles of dignities, are by order of Alphabet at large in this volume set downe, with this marke ą, which may giue delightfull reading to the Master, and Clerkes of any office, or others that seeke to vnderstand the reason or knowledge of them. *What vse Merchants may make of this Booke, especially those that are in person to traficke in forreine Countreys and Tongues, I need not here set downe, when it approoues it selfe so plaine to euery mans vnderstanding, that will vse the same, that by the English Alphabet they may finde any of these Languages to speake or to write, and the Etymologies for memorie of them. And seeing I haue made so dangerous a voyage, and aduenture, in so many tempests in an Ocean of trauailes, troubles, and hard sufferings, and wants, the greater part of this twenty yeeres, to bring this tossed Barke vnwreckt, which here vnlades, and layes in order to your viewes the Commodities that are in the same. I shall be right glad and comforted that Merchants (that for aduentures sake merite money) might make great vse with pleasure of my paynes (being such an aduenturer as I am) and much the rather for that in my yonger time, aboue thrity yeeres since, by meanes of some worthy Merchants (which here and elsewhere with due respect and thanke­ fulnesse I euer shall acknowledge.) I was first furnished according to my then great desires, to tra­ uell into forreine Countreys, and get the knowledge of some of the Tongues (which I haue professed) and at their seruices here present, and truely affirme, that not onely my furnishing forth, my supplie when I wanted abroad, and my transporting from one Countrey to another, as also my last comming home (when I had beene taken prisoner) was still by Merchants. Thus much I thought in generall termes as a Testimonie of the due thankefulnesse, and my euer respect I owe towards them therefore: The particulars I omit for other places and times. *And at this time, to publish to the world, of the helpes that of late I haue had in English, of Honorable, and other worthy persons, some by gifts, others by lending great summes to lift vp this worke to the eye of the World for the generall good, lying languishing for want of Printing, which now being done so much by their good meanes, I doe here to the world first professe my hearty thankefulnesse to the Almighty God, that hath of his goodnesse thus farre enabled my weake bodie and meanes, in so great a worke, and next; due remembrance vnto men, that by their meanes, it is thus published in Print: And if the Bookes now Printed, may be at a reasona­ ble rate sould and vented, I may be incouraged, and others who are ingaged about this Worke, in great summes, may be the sooner satisfied and payed. And if any bee profited or pleasured here­ by, if they will next vnder GOD, acknowledge with me thankefulnesse vnto those, that haue been great meanes to bring it to this passe, I shall bee the more comforted, that they doe Sympathize with mee, in my true affection, and due respect towards them therefore. And whereas I may incurre offence, or suspicion of flattery, to set downe the names of some worthy persons in this Kingdome, who haue much fauoured and furthered this Worke, and without whom I could finde no other meanes at that time, to bring it to this passe: For that their worths are such, that euery day as occasion is offered (being in great places) they may, and doe performe greater matters in the Common-wealth: For these and some other respects, I doe forbeare the here naming of them. And whereas some sixe yeeres since, when I had done this Volume Etymologicall of eleuen Languages as copious as I could for the Presse, being then in Oxford, and hauing my Co­ pie, and company of certaine Strangers and Schollers at mine owne charge about the Worke there, I made suit vnto the Uniuersitie to haue the Testimony of my paines, and ex­ pence, and their approbation of this Worke, which vnder the Seale of the Vniuersitie, with the hands of the Right Worshipfull Mr. Vicechancellour, and the rest of the heads of houses there, they then freely gaue mee (to my first comfort, after my so long and chargeable labours herein:) And for that then I found, I had spent all my substance thereupon, and got­ ten greatly into debt thereby, I laboured for His Maiesties Letters Patents, which by the meanes of certaine Right honourable Personages, by shewing some part of the Worke, I obtained his Maiesties gracious Graunt herein. For which, and other furtherances for set­ ting this Worke forward, I remaine to their Honours much obliged and bound: which Letters Patents, with my Copie, I tendred to the Company of Stationers to be sould, who by reason of my great debts to be paid thereby, refused the same. Whereby I was for­ ced to proiect how I might get it Printed, and thought, if it might be hearkened vnto, that Multorum manibus grande leuetur opus. I first preferred Petition to the Honourable and Right Worshipfull Benchers and Gentlemen, of the honourable Societies of Graies Inne, and Lincolnes Inne, by whose goodnesse and Contributions it was first set on Printing: After them followed diuers Honorable and Right Worshipfull Personages, Bishops and others, which I forbeare to name, for former respects, and returne to the first setters in Print of this Worke, the honourable Societies of the Innes of Court, with my proceedings by Petition to the honourable Societie of the Inner Temple, with like successe, and here likewise publish my due respect and thankefulnesse to them, for furthering this worke, as the former Innes of Court before had done. And whereas before I came to that Inne of Court, and since it hath beene said to me, that I should neuer be able to raise such summes to the Printing of so great a Worke, but that which they then did, they thought well of in respect of my en­ deauours, and therefore did the lesse, because they had no hope, that euer it should be brought to passe (as a thing indeede in these times very hard for that Huad facilè emergunt quorum virtutibus obstat res angusta domi) yet now by Gods blessing, and their goodnesse to set it first on, I haue by that meanes wrought my selfe in credite againe to borrow great summes thereupon, to make an end thereof, to present it to your viewes as you see, (though it hath cost me the hazard of my life therefore.) And I doe here protest, that I neuer had intent to trou­ ble any man with Contribution, if the Worke and my selfe had not beene in these despe­ rate termes; wherefore as soone as I could, I freed the Worke and my selfe from that im­ putation, and little respect (of a thing neuer so good in such needie courses. Yet if a man duely consider, or rather be driuen to prooue, they shall finde, that Necessitie makes men Artists, that neuer meant to be skilled, and Cowards to fight, that durst not otherwise draw weapon, and if honour or profite be also proposed, greater spurres cannot be set to a man that hath spirit euen to performe actions that are seeming beyond his power. I had a minde to haue made suit in like manner to the Middle-Temple, as to the other Innes of Court, but as soone as I could get credite, to borrow money to accomplish the Worke, I did forbeare them, and all others in that kinde; yet one I must acknowledge of that house, whose purse hath payd to the setting forward of this, as of diuers other good workes (if I be silent, dayly his good deeds doe speake the same) who wel knowes a great part of my expense, and paines hereabouts, and also at diuers times, like an honourable Gentleman hath done me about this Worke, sundry former fauours. And that you may now see I meant not to prosecute these courses of Contribution, when that I could borrow elsewhere, I will here set downe that a Gentleman of worth and vnderstanding, Sir Iohn Lawrence Knight, (who not only was one of the first and most bountifullest Benefactors to raise this Worke vp, but also seeing it sticke for want of summes to set it forward, lending and laying downe further out of his purse, a great summe, and ioy­ ning with the Right Worshipfull Mr. Doctor Aileworth of Great Milton, Mr. Paul Peart; and Mr. Henry Brigges, they did at their charge, Print off the rest, and greatest part of the maine Booke of eleuen Languages here done; and a Right Worshipfull and most learned Gentleman, Sir Henry Spelman Knight, and a worthy Citizen Master Richard Booth, and againe the aboue-named Mr. Henry Brigges; (all which had for­ merly likewise furthered the first worke) did lend and lay downe so much money more, to the Compiling and Printing of this new Spanish Dictionary, in Spanish, Latine and English, and sometimes other Languages, with some certaine thousands of words, and their Etymologies, added to my former Spanish Dictionarie, to these Gentlemen, for their helpes and mo­ neys, I do here publish my thankfulnes to them therefore, and vnto one Mr. Robert Tres­ well Esquire, Surueyor of His Maiesties Woods, and Mr. William Caldwell Esquire, both which in the former, and later, haue engaged themselues in good summes for the sooner and better bringing them to passe. I do likewise heere acknowledge the name, and conti­ nued good turnes and fauors to set this Worke forward, of Mr. Thomas Warricke Esquire, and Mr. Iohn Porie, a little before he went to trauell out of England. And whereas I made an end of the Dictionary Etymologicall of eleuen Languages in Oxford, and began and made an end of the Spanish in Cambridge; and much the sooner by the fauourable goodnesse of the Right Worshipfull Vicechancellours and the rest of the heads of houses of both Vniuersities, to animate some Schollers to set to their helping hands, for which their forwardnesse to set foorth this Worke, I doe heere publish my hum­ ble thankefulnesse to them all, and especially to some of them, to whom I remaine more particularly bound, whose names I here forbeare, for priuate respects. And I doe heartily wish, that all those that are pleasured hereby, might acknowledge with mee thanke­ fulnesse to those, by whose good meanes it is thus brought to passe, and would likewise wish (thought not likely to obtaine) Readers, without gaule or bitternesse, ready to excuse, slow to condemne, full of charitable spirit, voide of their owne vaines and opinions: and I doe promise what faults I haue herein committed, being thereof admonished, I will doe my best to make amends, for as yet I cannot winne out time, to reade ouer the Worke, to finde out the Errata: And as for the contenting of some conceited, that make sleight account of making of a Dictionary, I striue not, but appeale to those that haue laboured in this kind, who best by their owne triall, can iudge hereof; and for others I esteeme not their accompt, till they haue made like triall, yet doe in all things submit my selfe, and doings, to the censure of the wiser sort, dis­ creete and learned. If this Epistle or the former seeme to thee too tedious, vnderstand that I meant not to set a little Gate to so great a Building, and so I leaue this Worke, and my selfe, hard to please few, harder to please many, impossible to please all. IOHN MINSHEU. Notas quibus vtimur sic intelligito Letters for a Language, and other Markes, vnderstand thus, 1 A. Anglicum --- English 2 B. Beligum --- Belgick, or Low Dutch. 3 Br. Cambro-Briticannicum --- British, or Welsh. 4 D. & Dan: Danicum --- Danish. 5 Flan: Flandricum -- Flanders Dutch. 6 Fris: Frisicum --- Friesland Dutch. 7 G. Gallicum -- French. 8 H. Hispanicum --- Spanish. 9 Hol: Hollandicum --- Holland Dutch. 10 I. Italicum --- Italian. 11 L. Latinum --- Latine. 12 P. Portugallicum, i. Lusitanicum --- Portueguez. 13 S. & Sax: Saxonicum --- Saxon Tongue. 14 T. Teutonicum seu Germanicum --- Teutonick, high Dutch, or the German tongue. 15 Heb: Hebraicum --- Hebrew. 16 Chald: Chaldaicum --- Chaldie. 17 Syr: Syriacum --- Syriack. 18 Arab: Arabicum -- Arabick. 19 Gr: Græcum --- Greeke. 👉 Hæc manus denotat vel explicationem vocabulorum forensium Iuris Anglicani, aut descriptionem alicuius Magistratus, aut dignitatis huius Regni. 👉 The hand shewes the expositions of the Termes of the Lawes of this Land, with their Etymologies, drawne from their originall, the Saxon and Norman tongues, also the Description of the Offices and of­ ficers, and Titles of Signities. * Stellula denotat vel vocabulum adiectum, aut relationem ad notam in Margine. * The Starre shewes either a word added, or a reference to a Marginall note. ¶ Hac nota anteponitur Autoribus in hoc Operre citatis. ¶ This marke is put before Authors names cited in this Worke. 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 100, 1000, &c. Numeri Arithmetici vocabulis præfixi, numerum declarant vocabulorum Primi­ tiuorum in hoc Dictionario contentorum, &c litera b, c, d, &c. significant vocabula quibus anteponuntur esse deriuatius à Primitiuis præcedentibus. 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 100, 1000, &c. The figures tell the number of Primitiue wordes thorow the whole Di­ ctionarie: and the letters b, c, d, &c. doe note the wordes before whom they are placed, to be deriua­ tiue of their Primitiues next aboue them. m. --- Masculini generis --- of the Masculine f. --- Fœminini generis --- of the Fœminine .i. --- id est --- That is to say. q. --- quasi --- As it were. Vi: --- Vide --- See the word elsewhere expounded. The Saxon Letter or Character here vnder set downe, for the Readers vse, to reade the Saxon wordes, of­ tentimes in this Dictionarie vsed. A a b b c c d d E E e e f f &yogh; g i i l l M M m m n n o o p p q q r r S S s s t t u u &wyn; w X X X x y y Æ Æ æ æ Þ Th ð th þ th &c and þ/ that Saxon characters above are not accurately displayed. DICTIONARIVM ETYMOLOGICVM Copiosissimum (undecim linguárum:) Id est, Ratiónes & Deriuatiónes omnium verbórum, in omnibus his linguis, vt sub Nómine omnium rerum Natura planè describitur: Quæ omnes ità collocatæ sunt, vt facillimè, & nullo labóre vnusquisque, quatuor, quinque, vel plures illarum, quàm optimè, memoria tenére queat. A MOST COPIOUS DICTIONARIE ETYMOLOGICALL (in eleuen lánguages:) That is, The Reasons, and Deriuations of words, in all these tongues; which are so laid together (for the helpe of Memorie) that with ease and facilitie, any one may remember 4, 5. or more lánguages at once; as also vnder the Name, the Nature of all things in directly described, differing from all Dictionaries, euer heretofore set forth: to the honor and aduancement of our English, among other Nations, when it hath as good Etymologies and reasons, as any other tongue. A 2 To Abandon 2b Abandoning 3 To Abase 3b An Abasement, an abasing or bringing low. 4 To Abash, or make ashamed 4b To bee Abashed or ashamed. 4c An Abashment 4d An Abashing 5 To Abate, or diminish 5b An Abatement, Abating or diminishing 6 Abbasie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Abbasie. 7 An Abbat, or Abbot, a Father, Chiefe, or Gouernour among Monckes, Minsheu indicates stress as 'Abbat, 'Abbot. 7b Abbatship, Abbotship 7c Abbatlike, Abbaylike of or belonging to an Abbat or Abbey. 8 An Abbay 9 An Abbay or Barking 10 to Abbay or Barke 11 An Abbess 11b an Abbey, Abbie 12 An Abbot 13 to Abbreuiate 14 to Abbridge 16 An ABC 16b an ABC scholar 17 To Abdicate or renounce 18 Abel, Abelnesse 19 To Abet 19b An Abettor 20 Abhominable Minsheu indicates stress as Ab'hominable. 20b Abhominablie 20c Abhomination Minsheu indicates stress as Abhomi'nation. 21 To Abhorre 22 To Abide 22b An Abiding 23 Abiect 24 Abilitie 25 To Abiure 25b Abiuring 26 The Ablative case 27 Able or sufficient 27b To be Able 27c Ablenesse 28 Abode Minsheu indicates stress as A'bode. 29 To Abolish 29b An Abolishment 29c An Abolishing 30 Abominable, Abominably,Abomination 31 Abortiue 32 Aboue 33 To Abound 33b Aboundance 33c Aboundant 33d Aboundantly 34 About 35 To Abreuiate 35b An Abreuiation Minsheu indicates stress as Abreui'ation. 36 An Abricot 36b An Abricot tree 37 To Abridge 38 An Abridgement 39 To Abroach or set Abroach "abroach" postdates its latest OED citation as a verb (1530). 40 Abroad & Broad 41 To spread Abroad 42 To Abrogate 43-1 An Abrogating 43-2 Abrupt 44 Absense 45 Absent 45b To Absent himselfe 46 To Absolue 46b Absolution 47 Absolute 47b Absolutely 47c Absolutenesse 48 To Abstaine 48b Abstaining 48c Abstinence 48d Abstinently Minsheu indicates stress as 'Abstinently. 49 An Abstract or Abridgement 50 To Abstract 51 Absurd 51b An Absurditie 51c Absurdly 52 Abundant, Abundantly 53 Abuse Minsheu indicates stress as A'buse. 54 To Abuse 54b An Abusing 54c Abusiuely 55 An Abbysse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Abbysse. 56 An Accademian 57 Accademicall 58 An Academie 58b An Academicke 59 An Accent 59b To Accent 60 An Accenting 61 To Accept 61b Acceptable 61c Acceptance 61d Accepting 62 Accessarie, Accessorie 62b Accessarily 63 Accesse 63b An Accesse of an Ague 63c To have an Accesse 63d Having Accesse 64 An Accidence 65 An Accident or Chance 65b An Accident in sicknesse 65c Accidentall 65d Accidentally 66 An Accion Minsheu indicates stress as 'Acdion. 67 To Accommodate Minsheu indicates stress as Ac'comodate. 68 To Accompanie 68b An Accompanying 69 To Accomplish Minsheu indicates stress as Ac'complish. 69b An Accomplishing 70 To Accompt, or esteeme of. 71 To Accompt, or reckon. 72 An Accompt, or reckoning. 72b Accomptable 73 A caster of Accompts 74 An Accord 75 To Accord 76 Of his owne Accord 77 According 77b Accordingly 78 To Account or Reckon. 79 To Account, or esteeme. 79b Accounted, or esteemed. 80 Accoutrement 81 Accrew 82 Accroch 83 To Accumulate 83b Accumulated, Accumulating 84 To Accurse 85 A false and malitious Accusation 86 An Accusation 87 The Accusatiue Case 88 To Accuse 89 To Accuse craftily, falsly, maliciously. 90 An Accuser Minsheu indicates stress as Ac'cuser. 91 A fasle or malitious Accuser 92 An Accusing 93 To Accustome Minsheu indicates stress as Ac'custome. 93b Accustomed 94 The Ace point 95 The Ace at dice or cards. 96 Achapt, Achat Minsheu indicates stress as A'chapt, "A'chat. 97 Achates Minsheu indicates stress as A'chates. 98 An Ache 98b Head Ache 98c To haue an Ache, or to ake. 99 Ache, the name of an hearbe. 100 To Acheiue 100b An Achieuing, or Accomplishing 101 To Acknowledge 101b Acknowledged 101c An Acknowledger 101d An Acknowledging 101e Acknowledging, or Confessing 102 An Acorne 103 Acquaintance 103b Acquainted 104 To Acquit 104b An Acquittance 105 An Acre Minsheu indicates stress as A'cre. 106 An Act, Ordinance, or Decree 107 An Act, or deed 107b A noble Act 107c A notable or vvicked Act, or deed 107d An Act in a Comedie. 107e An Action or doing Minsheu indicates stress as Ac'tion. 107f An Action in Law. 108 Active, or nimble. 108b Actiuitie, or nimblenesse 108c Actiuely or nimbly 109 Acute 110 An Adage, or Prouerbe Minsheu indicates stress as A'dage. 111 An Adamant 111b Adamantine 112 To Adde 112b Added 112c An Addition Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'dition. 113 An Adder 133b Adders wort 113c Adder grasse 113d Adders tongue 114 An Addice, or Coopers Axe 115 To Addict 115b Addicted 115c An Addicting 116 Addition 117 An Addis 118 To Addoulse 119 To Addresse 119b Addressed 199c An Addressing 120 An Adelantado Minsheu indicates stress as Adelan'tado. 121 Adeling 122 An Adherent 123 An Adiectiue 124 Adiew 125 To Adioine 126 Adioining 126b An Adioining 127 Adiourne 127b An Adiourning 128 To Adiudge 128b Adiudged 128c An Adiudging 129 To Adiure 129b Adiured 129c An Adiuration 130 An Adle Egge 131 To Administer 131b An Administration, or Administrating Minsheu indicates stress as Admini'stration, Admini'strating. 131c An Administrator Minsheu indicates stress as Admini'strator. 132 Admirable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Admirable. 132b Admirably Minsheu indicates stress as 'Admirably. 132c Admiration Minsheu indicates stress as Admir'ation. 133 An Admirall Minsheu indicates stress as 'Admirall. 133b The Admiraltie, Admiralship Minsheu indicates stress as 'Admiraltie, 'Admiralship. 134 To Admire 134b An Admirer Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'mirer. 135 To Admit 135b Admitted 135c An Admitting, or Admittance 136 To Admonish Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'monish. 136b An Admonisher Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'monisher. 136c An Admonition Minsheu indicates stress as Admo'nition. 137 To Adnihilate 138 Much Adoe 139 Adolescencie 140 To Adopt 140b An Adopter 140c An Adoption Minsheu indicates stress as A'doption. 141 To Adore Minsheu indicates stress as A'dore. 141b Adored Minsheu indicates stress as A'dored. 141c An Adorer Minsheu indicates stress as A'dorer. 141d An adoration Minsheu indicates stress as Ador'ation. 142 To Adorne Minsheu indicates stress as A'dorne. 142b Adorned Minsheu indicates stress as A'dorned. 142c An Adorning Minsheu indicates stress as A'dorning. 143 To Adoulce, or Adoulse 144 To Adresse to 144b Adressed 145 To Aduance Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uance. 145b Aduancement Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uancement. 146 Aduantage Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uantage. 147 Aduent, or Aduent Sunday 148 To Aduenture 148b Aduenture 148c An Aduenturer 148d Aduenturous 148e Aduenturously 148f At Aduenture, or by chance 149 An Aduerbe Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uerbe. 149b Aduerbially 150 An Aduersarie 150b Aduerse 150c Aduersitie Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uersitie. 151 To Aduertise 151b An Aduertisement Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uertisement. 151c An Aduertiser Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'vertiser. 152 To Aduise 152b To aske Aduice Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uice. 152c Aduice or counsell 152d Well Aduised Minsheu indicates stress as Well Ad'uised. 152e Aduisedly Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uisedly. 152f Aduisement Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uisement. 153 Adulation Minsheu indicates stress as A'dulation. 154 Adulterie Minsheu indicates stress as A'dulterie. 154b To commit Adulterie 154c An Adulterer Minsheu indicates stress as A'dulterer. 154d An Adulteresse Minsheu indicates stress as A'dulteresse. 154e Adulterous 155 An Aduocate 155b To play the Aduocate 156 The Aduouson Minsheu indicates stress as Ad'uouson. 156b To Aduow, or Auow 157 An Adze 158 Aerie 159 Affeard Minsheu indicates stress as Af'feard. 160 Affable 160b Affabilite 160c Affably 161 Affaire 161b Vrgent Affaires 162 Affectation Minsheu indicates stress as Af'fectation. 163 Affection 163b To Affect Minsheu indicates stress as Af'fect. 164 Affeerours 165 To Affiance 166-1 Affiance 166-1b Affianced 166-1c An Affiancing 167 Affinity 168 To Affirme 168b Affirmatione Minsheu indicates stress as Affir'mation. 168c Affirmatiue 168d Affirmatiuely Minsheu indicates stress as Af'firmatiuely" 169 To Afflict 169b An Afflicter Minsheu indicates stress as Af'flicter. 169c Affliction Minsheu indicates stress as Af'fliction. 170 Affluence Minsheu indicates stress as 'Affluence. 171 To Afford in selling 171b To Afford or giue 172 To Afforest 173 An Affraie or Affraye 174 To make Affraide 174b To be Affraide 175-1 Afresh 175-2 To Affront 176 After 176b After that 176c After or behind 176d After or according 176e After or afterward 176f Heereafter 177 Againe Minsheu indicates stress as A'gaine. 177b Againe and againe 178 Against 178b To be Against 178c Ouer Against or right against 178d Against one 179 Agaricke 180 To be Agast 181 An Agath stone Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agath stone. 182 An Age 182b The Age of Infancy vntill 7. yeeres. 182c The Age of boies from 7. yeeres. 182d The Age of 14. in men, and 12. in women 182e Old Age 182f Vnder Age 182g Aged or waxen old 182h Agedly Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agedly. 183 An Agent 184 To Aggrauate Minsheu indicates stress as Ag'grauate. 185 Agility Minsheu indicates stress as A'gility. 186 Agift 187 Agitable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agitable. 187b Agitation Minsheu indicates stress as Agi'tation. 188 An Aglet 189 Agne tree 190 An Agnaile Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agnaile. 191 Agnus castus Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agnus, 'castus. 192 Agoe or past, of agone Minsheu indicates stress as A'goe. 193 An Agonie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agonie. 194 To Agrauate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Agrauate. 195 Agreeable Minsheu indicates stress as A'greeable. 196 To Agree, or consent 196b To Agree, or be of one minde. 196c Agreeable Minsheu indicates stress as A'greeable. 196d Agreeably 196e Agreement Minsheu indicates stress as A'greement. 197 Agrimony 198 An Ague, or feauer 198b The quotidian Ague 198c The tertian Ague 198d The quartane Ague 198e A continuall Ague 198f A burning Ague, or Feuer 198g A fit of an Ague 198h The Hecticke Ague or feauer 199 Ah, or alas 200 To Aide or succour 200b Aide 200c Aide, as a subsidy, lone, custome, tax 200d Aided 200e An Aider 201 Aye 202 What Aileth thee 203 To Aime or leauell at. 204 Aire 205 An Airy of Hawkes 206 To Ake 207 An Aker 208 An Akorne 209 Alabaster 209b An Alabaster box 209c Of Alabaster 210 Alaie 211 Alaluiah, or song of praise 212 Alarum 212b To sound an Alarum 213 Alas 214 Alate 215 To Alaye 215b Alayed 215c An Alayer 215d An Alaying 215e Alayed wine 216 An Albe 217 Albeit 218 The Alchoran 219 The art of Alcumie 219b An Alcumiste 220 An Alderman 221 An Alder tree 222 Ale 223 Alecost Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alecost. 224 An Alehouse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alehouse. 225 Alexanders, or Alizanders Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alexanders, 'Alizanders. 226 Alexanders foot 227 Aliance Minsheu indicates stress as 'Aliance. 228 An Alian of Aliant 229 An Alien or stranger Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alien. 230 To Alienate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alienate. 230b Alienated 230c An Alienating, or Alienation Minsheu indicates stress as 'Alienating, 'Alienation. 231 To Alight from a horse 231b The Alighting off an horse 232 Alike 233 Alive 234 Alkakengi 235 Alkanet 236 All 237 To Allay 238 To Alleage 238b Alleaged 238c An Allegation Minsheu indicates stress as Alle'gation. 239 An Allegorie 239b Allegorically 240 Alleluiah 241 Alleluya 242 An Alley 242b An Alley, or place to walke in. 143 Allgood, or Good Henry 244 All-heale, an hearbe. 245 All-hooue 246 To Allie 246b Alliance 247 An Allocamell 248 To Allot 249 To Allow, or furnish 249b Allowance 250 To Allow, or approoue 250b Allowable 250c Allowed, or approoued 250d An Allowing 251 Allum 252 To Allude 253 To Allure 253b Allurement 253c An Alluring 254 An Allusion 255 An Almaine 256 Almaine or Alman riuets 257 An Almanacke 258 Almes 258b An Almner Almoner, or Amner 258c An Almeshouse 258d Almoine 259 Al-mighty 260 An Almond 260b An Almond-tree 261 Almost 262 Alnegeor 263 Aloes Minsheu indicates stress as 'Aloes. 264 Aloft 265 Alone 266 Along 267 Aloofe 268-1 To Alot 268-2 Aloude 269 Alkakengi 270 The Alpes 271 Alpha 272 An Alphabet 273 Already 274 Al-seede 275 Also 276 An Altar 277 To Alter 277b Altered 277c An Alteration 278 Altercation 279 Alternal 279b An Alternation 280 Although 281 Altitude 282 Altogether 283 Alum 284 Alwaies 285 I Am 286 An Amand 287 To Amase 287b Amased 287c An Amasing 288 To Amasse 289 Amatyste Minsheu indicates stress as Ama'tyste. 290 Ambar, Ambargriece 291 An Ambassador Minsheu indicates stress as Am'bassador. 291b An Ambassage 292 A. B. T. Amber 292b Amber-grise 293 Ambes Ace 294 Ambidexter, or Ambodexter 295 Ambiguitie Minsheu indicates stress as Ambi'guitie. 295b Ambiguous 295c Ambiguouslye 296 Ambition 296b To Ambitionate "ambitionate" antedates its earliest OED citation (?c1642). 296c Ambitious Minsheu indicates stress as Am'biious. 296d Ambitiously 297-1 To Amble 297-1b Ambling 297-1c An Ambling pace Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ambling. 297-1d An Ambling horse 297-2 Ambodexter 298 An Ambrey Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ambrey. 299 Ambrose, an hearbe 300 Ambrosia 301 An Ambushe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ambushe. 301b To lie in Ambush 301c A lying in Ambush Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ambush. 302 Amelcorne Minsheu indicates stress as 'Amelcorne. 303 Amen 304 To Amend 304b Amended 304c An Amender 304d The Amending 304e To make Ammends 305 G. Ameos or Immi 306 Amercement 306-1 Imersing 306-1b To Amerse 306c An Amersement Minsheu indicates stress as A'mersement. 306d An Amersing Minsheu indicates stress as A'mersing. 307 An Amesse for a Priest. 308 An Amethist 308b Of Amethist Minsheu indicates stress as 'Amethist. 309 Amiable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Amiable. 309b Amiably 310 An Amict 311 To doe Amisse 312 Amity Minsheu indicates stress as 'Amity. 313 Ammes Ace 314 An Amner, or Almoner 314b Of or belonging to an Amner 315 Amond or Amande 316 Among 317 Amorouse, or in loue 317b Amorously 318 To Amoue 318b An Amoueing 319 To Amount, or Ascend 320 To Amount in reckoning 320b Amounted 320c An Amounting 321 Amphibologie 322 T. Amphitheater 323 Ample 324 To Amplifie 324b An Amplifying 325 An Amulet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Amulet. 326 An Anabaptist Minsheu indicates stress as Ana'baptist. 327 Anacardium, or beane of Balata Minsheu indicates stress as Ana'cardium. 328 Anadiplosis 329 An Anagramme 330 Analisis Minsheu indicates stress as A'nalisis. 331 Analogie Minsheu indicates stress as A'nalogie. 332 Analysis Minsheu indicates stress as A'nalysis. 333 Anaphora Minsheu indicates stress as A'naphora. 334-1 Anathema 334-2 An Anatomy Minsheu indicates stress as A'natomy. 334-2b An Anatomist Minsheu indicates stress as A'natomist. 334-2c To Anatomize 335 Ancestors 336 Ancestry Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ancestry. 337 An Anchor Minsheu indicates stress as 'Anchor. 337b To Anchor or cast anchor Minsheu indicates stress as 'Anchor. 338 An Anchorite 339 Anchoues Minsheu indicates stress as 'Anchoues. 340 Ancient or old Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ancient. 340b Anciently Minsheu indicates stress as 'Anciently. 341 An Ancient in war. 342 The Ancle bone 343 And 344 Andirons Minsheu indicates stress as 'Andirons. 345 An Androdamant "Androdamant" (a synonym of "fluorite, n." [1814-2001]) is not found in the OED. 346 An Anduil 347 Anemone 348 An Angell 349 Angelicall 350 An Angell of gold 351 Angelica 352 Anet 353-1 To Anex 353-2 Anger 353-2b Angrie 353-2c To bee Angrie 354 An Angle, or corner 354b Full of Angles, or corners 255 An Angle to fish with 355b To Angle 355c An Angler 355d An Angling rodde 355e An Angling line 356 Angrie 357 Anguish 357b Full of Anguish 358 Angular 359 To Anichilate, or Anull 359b An Anichilating or Anulling 360 An Animaduersion Minsheu indicates stress as Anima'duersion. 361 An Animall 362 To Animate 362b Animated 362c An Animating Minsheu indicates stress as Ani'mating. 363 Animositie Minsheu indicates stress as Ani'mositie. 364 Anisfeed 365 An Anker, or Anchor 365b A Anker, or cast Anker. 366 The Ankle 367 Annales 367b An Analist 368 To Annexe 368b Annexed 369 Annis, or Anniseed 370 Anniversarie 371 To Annoy 371b An Annoyance Minsheu indicates stress as An'noyance. 372 To Annoint 372b Annointed 372c An Annointing 373 Annotation Minsheu indicates stress as Anno'tation. 374 Annuall 374b Annuitie 375 To Annull 376 The Annunciation Minsheu indicates stress as Annunci'ation. 377 Anon Minsheu indicates stress as A'non. 378 Anonymous 379 Another 380 To Anounce 381 Anounciation Minsheu indicates stress as Anounci'ation. 382 To Answeare 382b An Answeare 382c Answeared 382d Answearable 383 An Antalope 384 Antanaclasis 385 Antartick pole 386 An Ant 386b A little ant 387 Antecessors 388 An Antheme 389 Anthyllis 390 Anthora Minsheu indicates stress as 'Anthora. 391 Antichrist 392 To Anticipate 392b Anticipated 392c Anticipation Minsheu indicates stress as Antici'paton. 393 An Antidate of a letter or writing 394 An Antidote 395 Antiphrasis 396 A. T.Antimony 397 Antipathie 398-1 Antiperistasis Minsheu indicates stress as Antipe'ristasis. 398-2 The Antipodes 399 Antiptosis Minsheu indicates stress as Antip'tosis. 400 An Antiquarie 401 Antiquitie 402 Antiquities 403 Antistrophe 404 Antithesis 405 Antitheton 406-1 Antonomasia 406-2 Anubis 407 An Anuill 408 An Anuill stocke 409 The Anuntiation 410 Anxietie 411 Any 412 Aorist 413 Apace Minsheu indicates stress as A'pace. 414 Well Apaide 415 Apart Minsheu indicates stress as A'part. 416 An Ape 417-1 An Apel 417-2 Aphœresis 418 An Aphorisme Minsheu indicates stress as 'Aphorisme. 419 An Aple 419b The Aple of the eie. 419c An Apletree Minsheu indicates stress as 'Apletree. 420 The Apocalypse 421 Apocope Minsheu indicates stress as A'pocope. 422 Apocrypha Minsheu indicates stress as A'pocrypha. 423 An Apologie Minsheu indicates stress as A'pologie. 424 An Apophthegme 425 The Apoplexie 425b That hathe the Apoplexie 426 Aposiopesis 427 Apostasie Minsheu indicates stress as A'postasie. 427b An Apostat 248 To Aposte 249 An Apostle 429b The Apostleship Minsheu indicates stress as A'postleship. 429c Apostolike "Apostolike" postdates the earliest OED citation of "apostle-like" ("apostle, n." [1611]). 430 Apostrophe Minsheu indicates stress as A'postrophe. 431 An Apostume Minsheu indicates stress as A'postume. 432 An Apothecarie Minsheu indicates stress as A'pothecarie. 433 An Apothegme 434 To Appale 435 Apparant 436 An Apparator 437 Apparell Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'parell. 437b To Apparell 437c Apparelled 438 An Apparition 439 An Apparitor 440 To Appeach 441 To Appeale to a higher Iudge. Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'peale. 441b An Appealing 442 To Appeare 442b It Appeareth 442c An Appearing Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'pearing. 443 To Appease 443b Appeased 443c An Appeasing 444 An Appell 445 An Appellant 446 An Appellour 447 An Appendix 448 To Appertaine 448b Appertaining 448c Appertinence 449 Appetite 450 To Applaude 451 An Applause 451b To Applause, or applaude 452 To Applause Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'plause. 452b The Apple of theeie 453 To Apply 453b An Application Minsheu indicates stress as Appli'cation. 453c Applied 454 To Appoaste 455 To Appoint 456 To Appoint, or assigne 457 To Appoint, or substitute 457b An Appointing, or ordaining 457c An Appointing, or substitution 458 To Appose 458b Apposed Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'posed. 458c An Apposing Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'posing. 459 To Appost 460 An Appotecary 461 To Apprehend 461b Apprehended Minsheu indicates stress as Appre'hended. 461c An Apprehension Minsheu indicates stress as Appre'hension. 461d Apprehensiue 462 An Apprentis Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'prentis. 462b An Apprentiship 463 Approbation Minsheu indicates stress as Appro'bation. 464 To Approach 464b An Approaching Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'proaching. 465 To Appropriate 465b An Appropriating Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'propriating. 465c Appropriations Minsheu indicates stress as Appropri'ations. 466 To Approue Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'proue. 466b Approued Minsheu indicates stress as Ap'proued. 466c an Approuing, or Approbation Minsheu indicates stress as Appro'bation. 467 Appurtenances 468 Apricock 469 Aprill 470 An Apron 471 Apt 471b Aptnesse Minsheu indicates stress as Apt'nesse. 472 Aptote 473 Aquarius Minsheu indicates stress as A'quarius. 474-1 Aqua vite 474-2 Aquositie Minsheu indicates stress as A'quositie. 475 An Arabian 475b After the Arabian fashion. 476 Arable land Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'able. 477 Arach Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'ach. 478 Array 479 To Aray 480 To set in Aray, or array Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'ay. 481 An Arbiter 481b Arbitrable, or Arbitrarie Minsheu indicates stress as Arbi'trable. 482 To Arbitrate 482b An Arbitrament 482c An Arbitrator, or Arbiter 483 An Arbor 484 Arbut fruit 484b The Arbut tree 485 Arcenall 486 Archangell, an hearbe 487 A. Br. An Archangell 488 An Archbishop 488b An Archbishopricke 489 An Archdeacon 490 An Archouke 491 An Arche 491b To make an Arche 491c Arched 492 Arched tree 493 Water Archer 494 An Archer 495 Arches, or Vaults 496 The Arches, or Court of Arches 497 An Arch-hereticke Minsheu indicates stress as Arch'hereticke. 498 An Architect 498b Architecture 499 Architraue 500 An Archpriest 501 Arcticke and Antarcticke 502 Ardent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ardent. 502b Ardentnesse 502c Ardently 502d Ardour Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ardour. 503 To Arest 504 Argemone 505 Argent 506 To Argue 506b An Arguing 506c an Argument Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ar/f>gument. 506d full of Arguments 507 Aries Minsheu indicates stress as 'Arries. 508 to Arise 508b an Arising 509 an Aristocratie 510 Aristolochia 511 Arithmeticke 511b an Arithmetician Minsheu indicates stress as Arithme'tician. 512 to Ariue, Ariuall, & Ariuing 513 an Arke 514 an Arme 514b the Arme-pit 515 to Arme 515b Armed 516 Armes, or Weapons 517 Armes, or Cognisance 518 an Armie 519 Armonick Armoniack, Armoniacum Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'moniack. 520 an Armorer 521 an Armorie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Armorie. 522 Armour 523 an Armye 524 Arogant 525 Aromaticall 525b Aromaticall reede 525c to Aromatize Minsheu indicates stress as A'rematize. 526 Aron 527 an Arquebuse 527b an Arquebuse a Crocke 527c an Arquebusate 527d an Arquebusier 528 Arraie 529 to Arraigne 530 an Arrand 531 Arrasse cloth 532 Array 533 Arrearage 534 an Arrest 535 to Arrest 535b Arrested Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'rested. 535c an Arresting 536 to Arriue 536b Arriued Minsheu indicates stress as Ar'riued. 536c an Arriuing, or Arriuall 537 Arrogancie 537b Arrogant Minsheu indicates stress as 'Arrogant. 537c to Arrogate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Arrogate. 538 an Arrow 538b an Arrow head 539 Arrow head 540 the Arse 541 an Arsenall 542 Arsenicke 543 Arseuersie 544 Arsinart 545 the Arson 546 an Art 547 an Arterie 547b of or beloning to Arteries 547c full of Arteries 548 an Artichocke 549 Artick and Antartick 550 an Article Minsheu indicates stress as 'Article. 551 an Artificer 552 Artificiall 553 Artificially 554 Artillerie 555 an Artisan 555b an Artist Minsheu indicates stress as 'Artist. 556 an Arzenall 557 As 558 Asarabacca 559 to Ascend 559b an Ascendant 559c an Ascending, or Ascension 559d Ascention day 560 to Ascertaine 561 to Ascribe 562 Ashamed 562b Ashamed 562c to make Ashamed 562d an Ashaming 563 an Ashe tree 564 Ashes 565 Ashwensday 566 Aside 567 to Aske, or inquire 568 to Aske, or require 568b an Asker 568c an Asking 569 Askew, or asquint 570 to bring Asleepe 571 Asonder 572 Asparagus 573 an Aspe 574 an Aspect 575 Asperitie 576 Asphodill 577 an Aspicke, or Aspe 578 an Aspiration 579 to Aspire 580 to Aspire, or be ambitious 581 Asquint 582 to Assay 582b an Assaying 583 an Assaier of the King 584 to Assaile 584b Assailed 585 Assart 586 to Assault 586b an Assault 587 to Assay, Assaying 588 to Assayle, Assayled 589 a hee Asse 589b a shee Asse 589c a wilde Asse 589d a yoong or little Asse 589e a driuer or dresser of Asses 589f an Assehead, or blockhead 589g Asseheaddinesse 590 to Assemble 590b Assembled 590c an Assemblie 591 to Assent, or agree vnto 591b to Assent, or consent 592-1 Assentation 592-2 Assention day 593 Assert 594 Assertion 595 to Assess 596 Assets 597 Assiduitie 598 to Asseige 598b an Asseiging 599 Assignation Minsheu indicates stress as Assig'nation. 600 to Assigne 601 to Assise, or Assises 601b Assise of bread 602 to Assist 602b Assistance 602c an Assistant 603 to Associate Minsheu indicates stress as As'sociate. 604 to Assoile a question 605 to Assume 605b an Assumpût 606 an Assumption 607 to Assure 607b an Assurance 607c Assured 608 to Asswage 609 an Asswaging 610 to Astonish 610b Astonished 610c an Astonishment 611 to go Astraie 611b a going Astraie 612 Astriction, Astrictiue 613 Astringent 614 Astroite 615 an Astrolabe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Astrolabe. 616 Astrologie Minsheu indicates stress as A'strologie. 617 Astronomie Minsheu indicates stress as A'stronomie. 617b an Astronomer Minsheu indicates stress as A'stronomer. 618 Astute 619-1 Asunder 619-2 Alwell 620 At 621 Asyndeton Minsheu indicates stress as A'syndeton. 622 Asyntheton 623 to Atchieue 624 Atheisme 625 an Atheist 626 Atrocitie Minsheu indicates stress as A'trocitie. 627-1 to Attache 627-1b an Attachement 627-2 Attainder 628 to Attaine 629 Attaint, or attainted 629b Attaint, or corrupt 629c Attainted 630 to Attempt 630b Attempted 630c Attempting 631 to Attend, wait, stay or tarrie for 632 to Attend vpon, or serue 632b Attendance 632c an Attendant 633 Attentiue 633b Attentiuenesse, or Attention 633c Attentiuley 634 Attire 634b to Attire 634c an Attirer 635 Attonement 635b to make Attonement 636 Attournement 637 an Attourny 637b Attraction Minsheu indicates stress as At'traction. 638 Attractiue Minsheu indicates stress as At'tractiue. 639 to Attrappe 640 to Attribute 640b Attributed 642 Atturney 643 to Auaile or profit 643b Auaileable 644 to Auaile or abase 645 to Auance 646 Auant 647 Avarice 647b Auaritious 648 Audacitie Minsheu indicates stress as Au'dacitie. 648b Audacious Minsheu indicates stress as Au'dacious. 648c Audaciously Minsheu indicates stress as Au'daciously. 649 Audience Minsheu indicates stress as 'Audience. 650 Audit 651 an Auditor 652 an Auditorie, or Audit 653 to Auenge 654 Auerage 655 Auerie, or the Kings Auerie 656 to Auerre 656b an Auerment 657 to Augment 657b Augmentation Minsheu indicates stress as Augmen'tation. 657c Augmented 658 an Augre, or Wimble 659 August 660 an Aule 661 Aulnegeor, or Alnegeor 662 Auncestors 663 Auncient 664 Auncient Demeasne 665 an Aunte 666 to Auoid or make emptie 667 to Auoid 667b Auoided 667c that may be Auoided 667d an Auoiding 668 Auoir de pois 669 to Auouche 669b Auouched 669c an Auouchment 670 to Auow 671 Auowrie 672 Auricular 672b the Auricular veine 673 Austere 673b Austeritie Minsheu indicates stress as Au'steritie. 673c Austerely Minsheu indicates stress as Au'sterely. 674 Autenticke 675 Authenticke 676 an Author 677 Authoritie Minsheu indicates stress as Au'thoritie. 678 to Authorize Minsheu indicates stress as Au'thorize. 679 Autumne Minsheu indicates stress as 'Autumn. 679b of or belonging to Autumne 680 Aurilium 681 Awaie 682 to Awake 683 to Award, or arbitrate 683b an Award 684 to Award 685 Aware of 686 Away 687 Awe 688 Awgre 689 an Awle 690 Awry or crooked 691 Awry, or asquint 692 an Axe 692b a little Axe or hatchet 692c a broad Axe, a chop Axe, or Adze 692d a battell Axe 693 an Axeltree 694 Axfitch, axseed, Axwort 695 an Axiome 696 the Axis, or diameter of a sphere. 697 to Ayde 697b Ayde 698 Ayde, as a Subsidie, Lone, Custome, Taxe, Prestation, 699 Aye, alas 700 Aye, as for Aye, i. for euer 701 Ayegreene 702 an Ayrie 703 Ayshweede 704 Azure colour 704b an Azure stone B 706 Bab 707 Babble or prattle 707b to Babble or prattle Minsheu indicates stress as 'Babble. 707c a Babbler Minsheu indicates stress as 'Babbler. 707d a Babbling or prattling 708 a Babe or Babie 708b to play the Babe or Babie 708c a great Babe or Lubber 709 Babell, as the tower of Babell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Babell. 710 a Babian Minsheu indicates stress as 'Babian. 711 a Babie or yoong childe 712 a Babie or puppet for children 713 Babiship 714 a Babion Minsheu indicates stress as 'Babion. 715 a Bable for a foole 716 Bables or toies 717 a Baboone, Babion, or great monckie 717b a great Baboone 717c to Baboonize, or vse apish trickes 718 the Bacchanalles or feasts of Bacchus 719 A. G. T. B. L. Bacchus Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bacchus. 720 a Bacheler 721 a Bacheler, as a Bacheler of Arts 722 a Bacheler Knight 723 a Bachelership 724-1 Bachelers Buttons Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bachelors buttons. 724-2 Bachus Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bachus. 725 to Back-bite 725b a Back-biting 725c a Back-biter 726 to Backe 727 to put Backe 728 to keepe Backe 729 to goe Backe 730 to cast Backe 731 the Backe 731b Backberond, or Backeberend, Back-bering Minsheu indicates stress as Back'berond, "Backe'berend, "Back-'bering. 731c-1 Backebite 731c-2 the Backe-bone 731d a Backe-doore 731e a Backside 731f on the Backside 731g to breake the Backe 731h broken Backed 731i Backward 731 Backwort This is the second entry numbered 731. "Backwort" postdates the earliest OED citation of "back-wort" (1598). 732 Bacon Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bacon. 732b a flitch of Bacon 732c a Gammon of Bacon Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bacon. 733 Bad, or euill 733b a Bad fellow 733c Badly 733d Badnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Badnesse. 734 a Badge 735 a Badger, or Graise Minsheu indicates stress as 'Badger. See OED, "grey | gray, adj. and n." 2b. 736 a Badger, or carrier of corne or like necessarie prouision 737 Badly 7738 Badnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Badnesse. 739 Baggage 739b a Baggage, or queane Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baggage. 740 a Bagge or little sacke 741 a cloake Bagge 742 a Bagge-pipe or Bag pipe 742b to play vpon a Bagpipe 742c a Bagpiper 743 a Bagge-pudding 744 Baie colour 745 to Baie or barke 746 a Baie, Pen or stoppe for water 747 a Baie, station, or rode for ships 748 Baieberries 749 Baie salt 750 a Baietree 751 a Baiewindow 752 Baile 753 to Baile 753b a Baile or suretie 754 Bailement 755 a Bailie 755b a Bailiefe for husbandrie 755c a Bailiwicke 755d a Bailiwicke for busbandrie 756-1 a Baine or bath 756-2 Baiesalt 757 to Bait at an Inne 757b a Bait at an Inne 758 a Bait for fish or birds 758b to lay Bait for fish or birds 758c a laying of Bait 759 to Bait a Bull 760 a Baiting place 761 a Bai-window 762 Baize 763 to Bake 763b-1 to Bake in the panne as fritters 763b-2 to Bake twise 763c a Bakehouse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bakehouse. 763d Baked 763e-1 a Baker 763e-2 a woman Baker 763f a Bakers trough to knead 763h a whole Baking 764 a Balace Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balace. 765 a Balade, or Balet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balade. 766 Balance Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balance. 767 the Balasse of a ship 767b to Ballasse or balace a ship Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balasse. 767c Balassed, or balaced Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balassed. 768 Balck 769 Bald 769b to bee Bald, or pilde 769c to wax Bald 769d to make Bald 769e Baldnese 770 a Baldrib 771 a Balet, or ballet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Balet. 772 a Balke 772b to Balke 772c Balkers, of balke 772d-1 a Balking, or making of balkes 772d-2 Ballade 773 a Ball 773b the Ball of the eie, 773c-1 a washing Ball 773c-2 a sweet Ball 773d a foot Ball 773e a hand Ball 773f a little Ball 773g a Ball of wild fire, or a Rocket of wild fire 773h Ball-thistle, or Globe-thistle 774 a Ballad Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ballad. 775 a Ballance Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ballance. 775b the tongue of a Ballance 775c a Ballance maker 775d the scale of a Ballance 775e to Ballance, or weigh 776 the Ballast of a shippe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ballast. 777 to Ballasse a shippe 778 a Balle 778-2 a Printers Balles 779 a Ballet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Ballet. 780 Ballocke, of balle 781 Ballocke grasse 782 a Balloone Minsheu indicates stress as bal'loone. 783 Balme, or Balsame the oile 783b to doe or dresse with Balme 783c Balme hearbe, Baulme mint 784 a Baloone Minsheu indicates stress as Bal'loone. 784b a Baloonier Minsheu indicates stress as Baloo'nier. 785 Balsame 786 Balsamint 787 to Ban 788 a Bancke 789 a Bancket 790 a Band or companie of Souldiers 790b a Band or companie of horsemen 790c a Band of footmen 791 a Band or thong to tie withall 791b a head Band, or fillet 792 a Band for the necke, 792b a falling Band 792c a hat Band 792d a swaddling or swaddle Band 792e a Band or obligation 792f a Banderolle 793 to Bandie, it tennis, or tosse a ball. 794 to Bandie, or follow a faction. 794b a Bandying 795 a Bandogge 796 Bandoleers 797 Bandon Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bandon. 798 a Bandore Minsheu indicates stress as Ban'dore. 799 Bane 799b Woolfe Bane, or Libbards Bane 799c Bane-wort, a bane 800 Banes of matrimonie 801 to Bang 801b a Banging 802 Bangle-eared 803 to Banish Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banish. 803b Banished Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banished. 803c a Banished man 803d a Banisher 803e a Banishing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banishing. 803f a Banishment Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banishment. 804 the Banke of a river 804b the Banke of the sea 804c a Banke of earth 804d to ouerflow or ouerrunne the Bankes 805 the Banke of vsurers, or a Bankers table 805b a Banker 806 Bankerout, or Bankerupt 806b a Bankerout, or Bankerupt 806c to become or play Bankerout or Bankerupt 806d Bankerupt 807 a Banket 808 to Banne 809 a Banner 810 a Banneret Knight 811 a Bannerolle, or Banderolle 812 a Banning 813 to Bannish 814 a Banquerout or Banquerupt 815 a Banquet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banquet. 815b to Banquet 815c a Banquetter 815d a Banqetting Minsheu indicates stress as 'Banquetting. 815e Banquetting dishes 815f a Banquetting house or place 816 Baptim 817 to Baptise 817b Baptised 817c a Baptiser 817d Baptisme or Baptim 817e Baptismall 817f Saint Iohn Baptist 818 Baralipton & Barbara 819 Barbara 820 Barbarisme 821 Barbarous 821b Barbarousnesse, or Barbarisme 821c Barbarously 822 to Barbe or trimme 822b a Barbing 823 a Barberane 824 a Barbed horse 825 a Barbell fish 825b a little Barbell 826 a Barber 826b a Barberesse, or woman Barber 826c a Barbers shoppe 826d a Barbers basin 827 a Barbery tree or bush Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barbery. 828 a Barbican Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barbican. 829 Barbing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barbing. 830 a Barble Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barble. 831 the Barbles in beasts Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barbles. 832 a Barbour Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barbour. 833 to Bard or beard wolles 834 Bardes 834b to Bard 835 Bare 835b Bare-footed 835c Barely 835d Barenesse 836 to Bargaine Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bargaine. 836b a Bargaine Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bargaine. 836c a Bargainer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bargainer. 836d a Bargaining 837 a Barge 837b a Barge-man 838 Barkarie 839 to Barke, as a dogge 840 a Barke, or rind of a tree 840b to Barke or pill trees 841 a Barke, or little shippe, or great boat, or hoy 841b a little Barke 842 a Barking of a dogge Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barking. 843 a Barking or pilling of trees Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barking. 844 a Barkman Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barman. 845 Barkshire 846 Barley 846b great Barley 846c Barley-water 847 Barme 848 a Barnacle, a bird so called Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barnacle. 849 a Barnacle or brake Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barnacle. 850 a Barne 851 a Barnicle Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barnicle. 852-1 Baroco 852 a Baron Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baron. 853 Baronmercurie 854 a Baron of the Exchequer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baron. 855 a Baronnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baronnesse. 856 a Baronet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baronet. 856b a Baronie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baronie. 857 a Barraine 858 a Barrator Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barrator. 859 a Barre 860 Barre 861 Barre fee 862 to Barre, or bolt a doore 863 a Barre where causes are pleaded 864 a Barrell 864b a Barrell-maker "Barrell-maker" antedates the earliest OED citation of "barrel-maker" ("barrel," n. [1883]). 864c a Barrelet 865 Barren Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barren. 865b to wax Barren Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barren. 865c Barrenly Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barrenly. 865d Barrenesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barrennesse. 865e Barren wort 866 a Barrester 867 a Barretour Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barretour. 868 Barricado 869 Barriers Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barriers. 869b to play or fight at Barriers 870-1 a Barrilet 870-2 a Barrister Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barrister. 871 a Barrow Minsheu indicates stress as Barrow". 872 a Barrow hogge 873 to Barter Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barter. 873b a Bartering Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barteriing. 874 a Barton Minsheu indicates stress as 'Barton. 875 Bartram Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bartram. 876 a Base, or seawoolfe, a kinde of fish 877 a Base, or any thing that vpholdeth 877b the Base in musicke 877c-1 Base, vile, abiect 877c-2 Base borne 877d to make Base 877e a Base Court 877f a Base Court or Yard 877g Base Estate or base Fee 877h-1 Baselard 877h-2 Basen 877i Basenesse 877k Basely 878 a Bashaw 879 Bashfull 879b to be Bashfull 879c Bashfully 879d Bashfullnesse 880 a Basilisco 881 a Basiliske 882 Basill Minsheu indicates stress as 'Basill. 883 a Basin 883b Venus Basin 883c a Basinet 884 a Basket 884b a little Basket 884c a maker of Baskets 884d a Basket bearer 885 a Bason 886 a Bassa 887 a Bastard 877b Bastardise, or Bastardie 877c to Bastardise 877d Bastardwine 888 to Baste meat 889 a Bastile, Bastillon, or Fortification 890 a Basting of meat 891 Baston 892 to Bastonado 892b a Bastonado 892c a giuer of Bastonadoes 893-1 a Bat or clubbe 893-2 a Bat or Reermouse 894 Batable ground Minsheu indicates stress as 'Batable. 895 a Batch of bread 896 a Batcheler 897 Batchelers Buttons 898 to Bate, as an hauke doth 899 a Bath or baine 899b to Bathe 899c a Bath-keeper 899d a little Bath 899e a warme Bath 899f a cold Bath 899g a Bathing Tubbe 900 a Battaile or conflict 900b Battaile arraie 900c to Battaile or fight 900d a Battalion, or maine battell Minsheu indicates stress as Bat'talion. 901 a Batte 902 a Batte or clubbe 903 a Battell 904 to Batter with ordinance 904b Batterable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Batterable. 904c Battered 904d Batterie 905 a Battle Minsheu indicates stress as 'Battle. 906 a Battle axe 907 Battle or fruitfull 908 to Battle, as scholars doe in Oxford, and other places 909 a Battledore 910 Battlements Minsheu indicates stress as 'Battlements. 911 Baubels Minsheu indicates stress as 'Baubels. 912 a hee Baude, Ruffian or Paander 912b a shee Baude 912c to play the Baude 912d a yoong Baude 912e Bauderie 912f Baudie or luxurious 912g a Baudie house 913 Baudkin 914 Bauld 915 Baulme 916 to Bawle or barke 916b a Bawler 916c a Bawling 916d to Bay, barke, or hold at a Bay 917 a Bay or stoppe for water 918 a Bay or rod for shippes 919 Bay berries 920 a Bay tree or Laurel 921 Bay of colour 922 Bayle 923 a Bayliefe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bayliefe. 924 Bay salt 925 a Bayt 926 a Baywindow 927 Bayze 928 to Be 929 a Beacon 929b Beaconage, or beakonage 930 Beades 931 a Beadle 932 a Beagle or little hound 933 to Bealch 934 the Beake or bill of a fowle 934b Beaked 934c a Beake full 934d a little Beake or Bill 935 a Beakon 936 a Beame of an house 936b a winde Beame 936c a weavers Beame 936d a Beame of the Sunne 937 a Beane 938 a Beard 938b a little Beard 938c to Beard 938d the Beards in the eares of corne 938e Bearded 938f Beardlesse 938g Bearded grasse 939 Bearding or barding of wooll 940 to Beare or carrie 940b to Beare or suffer 940c to Beare or bring foorth 941 a Beare 941b a shee Beare 941c a little Beare, or bear Cub 941d Beare-like 941f Beare-foote Minsheu lists this as entry number, although he does not list an entry 941e between 941d and 941f. 942 a Bearer, or one that carries Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bearer. 943 a Bearer, or one that suffereth Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bearer. 944 Bearers Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bearers. 945 a Bearing or carrying Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bearing. 946 a Bearing or suffering Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bearring. 947 Beares breech 948 Beares eare 949 Beares garlicke 950 Beastaile 951 a Beast 951b to become a Beast 951c a little Beast 951d Beastly or brutish Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beastly. 951e Beastly or brutishly 951f Beastlinesse 952 to Beat 952b to Beat downe 953 Printers Beaters 954 a Beating 955 a Beater 956 to Beatifie 957 Beatitude Minsheu indicates stress as Be'atitude. 958 a Beauer 959 Beautie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beautie. 959b Beautifull 959c to Beautifie 960 Because 961 to Becke, or nod with the head 961b a Becking, or nodding with the head 962 to Become or beseeme Minsheu indicates stress as Be'come. 962b it Becommeth Minsheu indicates stress as Be'commeth. 963 to Become, wax or to be made 964 to Become or befall Minsheu indicates stress as Be'come. 965 Becomming Minsheu indicates stress as Be'comming. 966 a Becon Minsheu indicates stress as 'Becon. 966b Beconage 967 to Bedaggle or bedurtie 968 to Bedeaw, or moisten with deaw 969 a Bed 969b a Bed of a garden 969c a Bedstead 969d a trundle Bed 969e a flocke Bedde or pallet 969f a little Bed 969g a strawe Bedde 969h a fether Bedde 969i Bedrid 970 Bedellium 971 to Bedew 972 Bedle 973 Bedlem 973b a Bedlem body 974 Ladies Bedstraw 975 a Bee 975b a Bee-hiue 975c a place of Bee-hiues 975d a swarme of Bees 975e an Eat-Bee 976 a Beech tree 977 Beefe 977b martlemas Beefe 977c a Beeing 978 Beere 979 a Beere whereon dead bodies are carried foorth 980 a Beesome 981 Beest, Beestings 982 a Beetle to cleaue with Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beetle. 982b a Beetlehead 983 a Beetle, a flie so called, because it hath a head like a Beetle 984 a Beet 985 Beewort 986 to Befall 987 Before Minsheu indicates stress as Be'fore. 987b to be Before 987c Before all men 987d Before this time, in times past 987e Before that 988 to Befriend 989 to Beget or engender 989b to Beget together 990 to Begge 990b to Begge of 990c a Begger Minsheu indicates stress as 'Begger. 990d a little or yoong Begger Minsheu indicates stress as 'Begger. 990e Beggerie or Beggery Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beggerie. 990f Beggerly or poore Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beggerly. 990g Beggerlie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beggerlie. 990h a Begging Minsheu indicates stress as 'Begging. 991 to Beginne 991b a Beginning Minsheu indicates stress as Be'gining. 991c at or in the Beginning Minsheu indicates stress as Be'gining. 992 to Begrease 993 to Beguile 994 to Behaue himselfe Minsheu indicates stress as Be'have. 994b Behauiour Minsheu indicates stress as Be'haviour. 995 to Behead Minsheu indicates stress as Be'head. 995b a Beheading Minsheu indicates stress as Be'heading. 995c a Beheader or headsman Minsheu indicates stress as Be'header. "Beheader" is not found in the OED. 996 Beheld Minsheu indicates stress as Be'held. 997 Behinde 998 to Behold Minsheu indicates stress as Be'hold. 998b Behold or see Minsheu indicates stress as Be'hold. 998c a Beholder Minsheu indicates stress as Be'holder. 998d to make Beholding vnto 998e a Beholding 999 to Behonie 1000 Behoofe or need Minsheu indicates stress as Be'hoofe. 1000b to Behoue Minsheu indicates stress as Be'houe. 1000c it Behoueth, or it is requisite 1000d Behouable Minsheu indicates stress as Be'houable. 1001 a Being, or the Being 1001b a reall Being Minsheu indicates stress as 'Being. 1002 a Beker 1003 to Belamme 1004 to Belch, or bealch 1004b a Belcher Minsheu indicates stress as 'Belcher. 1004c a Belching 1005 to Beleager Minsheu indicates stress as Be'leager. 1006 Beleefe Minsheu indicates stress as Be'leefe. 1006b light of Beleefe 1006c lightnesse of Beleefe 1006d hard of Beleefe 1006e hardnesse of Beleefe 1007 to Beleeue Minsheu indicates stress as Be'leefe. 1007b Beleeued 1007c not to be Beleeued 1008 to Belie 1009 a Bell 1009b a Bell founder 1009c a sance or sacring Bell 1009d a Bell clapper 1009e a Bell-free Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bell-free. 1009f to iangle or ring Belles 1010 blew Belles or Belflowers 1011 the Bellie 1012 to Bellow, like an oxe or cow 1012b a Bellowing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bellowing. 1013 Bellowes 1014 the Belly 1014b great Belied, panchbellied or gorbellied 1014c a Belly god, or Belly got Minsheu indicates stress as 'Belly. 1015 to Belong or pertaine to 1015b Belonging or pertaining to 1016 Beloued 1017 Below Minsheu indicates stress as Be'low. 1018 blew Bels 1019 a Belt 1020 a Belweather 1021 to Belye one Minsheu indicates stress as Be'lye. 1022 to Bemire or bedurt 1023 to Bemone Minsheu indicates stress as Be'mone. 1024 a Bench 1025 the Kings Bench 1026 to Bend 1026b a Bending Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bending. 1027 to Bend a bow 1027b to Bend backe 1027c easie to Bend 1028 Beneath 1028b from Beneath 1029 a Benediction 1030 a Benefactor 1031 a Benefice 1031b Beneficence 1031c Beneficiall Minsheu indicates stress as Bene'ficiall. 1031d a Benefit or good turne 1031e to Benefit or do a good turne vnto Minsheu indicates stress as 'Benefit. 1032 Beneuolence Minsheu indicates stress as Be'neuolence. 1033 Beniamin 1034 Benigne Minsheu indicates stress as Be'nigne. 1034b Benignitie Minsheu indicates stress as Be'nignitie. 1035 a Benison 1036 hearbe Bennet 1037 Bent or bowed 1038 Bent, an hearbe 1039 to Benumme 1039b to be Benummed Minsheu indicates stress as Be'nummed. 1039c a Benumming Minsheu indicates stress as Be'numming. 1040 Benzoin Minsheu indicates stress as 'Benzoin. 1041 to Bequeathe 1041b a Bequeathing 1041c a Bequest Minsheu indicates stress as Be'quest. 1042 to Beraie Minsheu indicates stress as Be'raie. 1042b a Beraying Minsheu indicates stress as Be'raying. 1043 a Berberie tree Minsheu indicates stress as 'Berberie. 1044 to Bereaue Minsheu indicates stress as Be'reaue. 1044b a Bereauing Minsheu indicates stress as Be'reauing. 1045 a Berie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Berie. 1046 a Berill Minsheu indicates stress as 'Berill. 1047 a Berry 1047b a Seruice Berry 1048 Bertram Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bertram. 1049 to Beseech Minsheu indicates stress as Be'seech. 1049b Beseeching or suppliant 1049c a Beseeching 1050 to Beseeme 1050b to Beseemeth 1051 Besides 1052 to Besiege Minsheu indicates stress as Be'siege. 1052b a siege or Besieging Minsheu indicates stress as Be'sieging. 1053 to Beshit 1053b Beshitten 1054 to Beshrew 1055 to Besmeare Minsheu indicates stress as Be'smeare. 1056 a Besome 1057 to Besmoke Minsheu indicates stress as Be'smoke. 1057-2 to Besot Minsheu indicates stress as Be'sot. 1058 to Bespeake Minsheu indicates stress as Be'speake. 1059 to Bespew 1060 to Bespit 1061 to Bespot 1062 to Besprinkle 1063 the Best 1063b Best of all 1064 to Bestowor lay out 1064b to Bestow or giue 1065 Bestract Minsheu indicates stress as Be'stract. 1066 to Bet, stake, or gage 1066b a Bet or wager 1067 to Bethinke 1067b a Bethinking 1068 to Betide 1069 Betimes 1070 Betle or Betre 1071 to Betoken Minsheu indicates stress as Be'token. 1071b a Betokening Minsheu indicates stress as Be'tokening. 1072 Betonie 1073 to Betray Minsheu indicates stress as Be'tray. 1073b a Betrayer Minsheu indicates stress as Be'trayer. 1073c a Betraying Minsheu indicates stress as Be'traying. 1074 to Betroth 1074b a Betrothing Minsheu indicates stress as Be'trothing. 1075 Better Minsheu indicates stress as 'Better. 1075b to Better, to make Better Minsheu indicates stress as 'Better. 1075c to wax Better Minsheu indicates stress as 'Better. 1075d it is Better 1076 to Betrust 1077 Betweene 1077b a putting Betweene 1077c Betwixt or betweene 1078 a Beuer 1078b to Beuer 1079 a Beuer or castor Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beuer. 1080 the Beuer of a helmet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Beuer. 1081 Beuerage 1082 to Bewaile Minsheu indicates stress as Be'waile. 1082b a Bewailing Minsheu indicates stress as Be'wailing. 1083 to Beware 1084 to Bewitch 1084b a Bewitching 1084c a Bewitcher Minsheu indicates stress as Be'witcher. 1085 Bewort Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bewort. 1086 to Bewraie or disclose Minsheu indicates stress as Be'wraie. 1086b a Bewrayer Minsheu indicates stress as Be'wrayer. 1086c a Bewraying Minsheu indicates stress as Be'wraying. 1087 Beyond 1087b Beyond the sea 1087c to goe Beyond 1088 a Bezoar or Bezar Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bezoar, 'Bezar. 1089 a Biace, or Byas 1089b to goe or run Biace 1090 a Bibbe, mocketer, or clothe to put on a slauering childes breast 1090b a Bibbe, or sucking bottle 1090c to Bibbe or drinke often 1090d a Bibbing 1090e a Bibber or drinker 1091 the Bible 1092 to Buker 1093 to Bid or command 1093b a Bidding or commanding 1094 to Bid or inuite 1094b a Bidding or inuiting 1095 to Bide or abide 1096 Biere 1097 a Bieway 1098 Bigamie 1099 Big or great 1099b Bignes or greatnes Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bignes. 1100 a Biggin or coife for a childe 1101 Bilanciis deferendis 1102 Bilawes 1103 a Bile or botch 1103b full of Biles 1104 Bilinguis "Bilinguis" not found in OED. 1105 a Bill, scroule or roule 1106 a Bill or hand writing of debt 1107 a Bill or Si quis 1108 a Bill of inditement 1109 a Bill or hooke to cut trees or hedges 1109b a Bill-man or faggot-maker 1110 a Bill or halbert 1110b a hedging Bill 1111 a Bill or beake of a bird 1111b to Bill or kisse like a doue 1112 a Billiard ball 1112b to play at Billiards 1113 Billements 1114 a Billet or ticket 1115 Billets in armorie 1116-1 a Billet or Billot 1116-2 a Billot Billet or shide of wood 1116-2b a Billot maker 1117 a Billow 1118 a Bin 11119 to Binde or tie 1119b to Binde together 1119c a Binder 1119d a Binding Minsheu indicates stress as 'Binding. 1119e a Binding together 1120 Bindweed 1121 a Binne 1122 Birch 1123 a Bird 1123b a blacke Bird 1123c a little Bird 1123d a Bird call, or call for a Bird 1123e to Bird or goe a birding 1123f a Birder Minsheu indicates stress as 'Birder. 1123g a Birding Minsheu indicates stress as 'Birding. 1123h a Birding peece 1123i Bifdlime 1123k Birds nest 1123l Birds tongue 1124 a Birlet 1125 a Birth or natiuitie 1125b a Birthright 1125c new Birth 1125d vntimely Birth 1125e a Birth daie 1125f Birthwort 1126 a Bishop 1126b a Bishopricke Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bishopricke. 1126c a Bishops mitre or hat 1126d Bishops weed 1126e Bishops leaues 1127 Bisket 1128 a Bison 1129 Bistorte 1130 Bit 1131 a Bitch 1131b a little Bitch 1131c a proud Bitch 1131d a Bitche foxe 1132 to Bite 1132b a Biting Minsheu indicates stress as 'Biting. 1132c Biting Minsheu indicates stress as 'Biting. 1133 a Bitte, or morsell, of bite 1134 a Bitte or snaffle 1134b Bitten 1134c by little Bittes or morsels 1135 Bitter 1135b Bitterly 1135c Bitternes 1136 a Bittour 1137 Bitume 1138 to Blabbe 1138b Blabber lipped 1138c to Blabber with the lippes 1139 Blacke 1139b the Blacke art 1139c to waxe Blacke 1139d to Blacke or make Blacke 1139e somewhat Blacke 1139f Blacknesse 1139g a Blackbird 1139h a Blackmoore 1139i Blacke rodde 1140 Bladder 1141 the Blade of a sword 1141b the shoulder Blade 1142 a Blaine or blister 1143 to Blake 1144 Blame 1144b to Blame 1144c to discharge or free from Blame 1144d a Blaming Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blaming. 1144e Blamelesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'blamelesse. 1145 to Blanch 1145b a Blanching Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blanching. 1146 a Blancket Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blanket. 1147 to Blandish 1147b Blandishing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blandishing. 1147c a Blandishment 1148-1 a Blanket 1148-2 to Blasse, Blaser, Blazing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blaser, 'Blazing. 1149 to Blaspheme 1149b a Blasphemer Minsheu indicates stress as Bla'sphemer. 1149c a Blasphemie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blasphemie. 1150 to be Blasted Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blasted. 1150b a Blast 1151 a Blay, a kinde of fish 1152 to Blase flame, or flash 1153 to Blaze, publish, or spread abroad 1153b a Blazer or publisher Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blazer. 1153c a Blazing or publishing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blazing. 1153d a Blazing starre Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blazing starre. 1154 Blason of armes 1155 to Bleach 1155b a Bleaching 1156 Bleake, wan, pale 1156b Bleake or blay fish 1157 Bleare eied 1157b to be Bleareied 1157c Blearnesse of the eies Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blearnesse. 1158 to Bleat as a sheepe 1158b a Bleating of sheepe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bleating. 1159 to Bleede 1159b a Bleeding 1160 Bleere-eidnesse 1161 a Bleie, a fish so called 1162 a Blemish 1162b to Blemish 1163 to Blend 1164 to Blesse 1164b Blessed 1164c Blessednesse 1164d a Blessing 1164e Blessed thistle 1165 Blew, or skie-colour 1165b a Blewbottle 1165c Blew inde 1166 Blight 1167 Blinde 1167b to Blinde or make blinde 1167c to Blinde fold 1167d made Blinde 1167e poore Blind 1167f a Blinde worme 1167g Blindnesse 1167h a Blinkard 1168 a Blister 1169 Blite, an hearbe so called 1170 Blith or blithsome 1170b Blithfull 1171 a Blocke 1171b a Blockhead, of block and head 1171c Blockish 1171d Blockishnesse 1172 a Blockhouse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blockhouse. 1173 Blood 1173b Bloodie hand 1173c a Blood hound 1174 to Blossom 1174b a Blassome 1175 to Blote 1176 to Blot out 1176b a Blot 1176c Blotted or wiped out Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blotted. 1176d a Blotting out Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blotting out. 1176e Blotting paper Minsheu indicates stress as 'Blotting paper. 1177 Bloud 1177b to defile with Bloud 1177c defiled with Bloud 1177d to let Bloud 1177e a letting Bloud 1177f to stanch Bloud 1177g a Bloud-hound, of bloud and hound 1177h Bloudie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bloudie. 1177i the Bloudie flix Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bloudie flix. 1177k Bloudie hand Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bloudie hand. 1177l-1 a Blouding 1177l-2 Bloudlesse or without bloud 1177m a Bloudstone 1177n a Bloud-sucker Minsheu indicates stress as Blood 'sucker. 1177o Bloud-thirstie 1178 a Blow, or stroke 1178b a Blow, buffet, or boxe on the ears 1178c to giue a Blow or buffet 1178d a Blow with a staffe or cudgell 1179 to Blow 1179b to Blow as a flower, or to open as a bud 1179c a Blowing 1180 Blunt 1180b to Blunt or make Blunt 1180c Bluntnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'bluntnesse. 1181 to Blurre 1182 to Blush 1182b to make Blush 1182c a Blushing 1183 a Blustering 1184 a Board or planke 1184b a chesse-Board 1184c to Board or planke with boards 1184d a Boarding or planking with boards 1184e a Boarded floore 1184f to Board a shippe 1185 a Boare 1185b a wilde Boare 1186 to Boare 1187 a Boas 1188 to Boast 1188b a Boaster Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boaster. 1188c a Boasting Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boasting. 1189 a Boat 1189b a flie Boat 1189c a shippe-Boat or cooke Boat 1189d a ferrie-Boat or horse boat 1189e a Boatman Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boatman. 1189f a Boatswain Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boatswain. 1190 Bockland Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bockland. 1191 a Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191b a little Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191c some Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191d no Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191e a paire of Bodies for a woman Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodies. 1191f Bodilesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodilesse. 1191g that hath a Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191h a dead Bodie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodie. 1191i Bodily Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodily. 1191k Bodilinesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodilinesse. 1192 a Bodkin Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bodkin. 1193 a Bogge or Quagmire 1194 a Boie 1195 to Boile 1195b a Boiling 1196 Boisterous 1197 Bold 1197b to be Bold, or to Dare 1197c Boldnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boldnesse. 1197d Boldly Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boldly. 1198 Bole armoniacke Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bole" "ar'moniacke. 1199 a Boline Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boline. 1200 a Bolle to drinke in 1200b a Bolle to wash in 1201 Bolmong Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bolmong. 1202 a Bolster of a bed Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bolster. 1202b to Bolster or maintain Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bolster. 1203 a Bolt of a doore 1203b to Bolt 1203c a Bolt or shoot 1203d a thunder Bolt 1204 Bombace Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bombace. 1204b Bombasine 1205 a Bombard Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bombard. 1206 a Bonasus Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bonasus. 1207 Bondage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bondage. 1207b to bring into Bondage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bondage. 1207c a Bondman 1207d a Bond or obligation 1208 a Bone 1208b the backe Bone 1208c the saw Bone 1208d the ankle Bone 1209 a Bonefire 1210 a Bonet or cap Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bonet. 1210b the Bonet of a saile Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bonet. 1210c a little Bonet or cap Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bonet. 1210d a Bonet maker or capper Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bonet. 1211 a Bongrace Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bograce. 1212 a Bonitoe fish 1213 a Boone 1214 a Booke 1214b a little Booke 1214c a Booke of remembrance declaring what is done daily 1214d a Booke-binder 1214e a Bookeseller 1215 a Boord 1216 Boordlands 1217 to Boord or scoffe 1217b a Boorder or scoffer 1218 a Boore or clowne 1219 Boote 1220 a Boote to weare 1220b Booted 1220c Boote-hose 1220d Bootlesse 1221 Bootes 1222 a Booth or Tent 1223 a Bootie or praie 1224 the Booy of an Anchor 1225 to play Bo-peepe 1226 the Spanish Borachoe 1227 Borace Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borace. 1228 Borage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borage. 1229 Borar, or Borace 1230 Borde 1231 the Borderof any thing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Border. 1232 to Border or bound together Minsheu indicates stress as 'Border. 1233 to Border, to brimme, gard or welt 1233b to Borders or marches Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borders. 1233c a Bordure 1234 Bordlandes Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bordlands. 1235 to Bore 1235b a Borer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borer. 1236 Borne or carried 1237 to be Borne 1237b to be Borne anew 1237c first Borne 1237d Borne out of due time 1238 Borrage 1239 Borrar 1240 a Borow 1241 Borow English 1242 Borowhead Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borowhead. 1243 Borowholders Minsheu indicates stress as Borow'holders. 1244 to Borrow 1244b Borrowed Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borrowed. 1244c a Borrower Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borrower. 1244d a Borrowing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Borrowing. 1245 a Borrough 1246 a Bosome 1247 a Bosse or stud 1248 a Botch, bile, or like swelling 1249 to Botch, patch, pecee, or mend 1249b a Botcher, or Boger Minsheu indicates stress as 'Botcher. 1249c a Botching Minsheu indicates stress as 'Botching. 1249d a Botchers shoppe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Botchers shoppe. 1250 Both 1251 Iacke on Both sides 1252 on Both sides 1253 the Bots 1254 a Bottle or flagon 1254b a little Bottle Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bottle. 1254c a Bottle-maker 1255 a Bottle of haie 1256 a Blewbottle 1257 the Bottome of any thing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bottome. 1257b to sinke downe to the Bottome Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bottome. 1257c a Bottomlesse pit Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bottomlesse. 1258 a Bottome or clue of threed or yarne Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bottome. 1259 a Boucher 1259b Bouchers shoppe Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bouchers. 1259c Bouchers broome Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bouchers. 1260 a Bouget Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bouget. 1261 a Bough or branch of a tree 1261b full of Boughes 1261c a little Bough 1262-1 Bought 1262-2 Bould 1263-1 a Boule or dish to drinke in 1263-2 a Boule or any thing that is round 1263-2b a little Boule 1263-2c to Boule 1264 a Boulster or bolster 1265 a Boult or barre 1266 a Boult, such as you shoot at birds, 1267 to Boult or range meale 1267b a Boulter Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boulter. 1267b a little Boulter This is the second entry numbered 1267b. 1267c to Boult or range 1267d a Boulting 1268 a Bound, to Bound, a Bounding as a ball 1269-1 Bound or tied 1269-2 To make Bounden vnto 1270 the Boundes of a country 1271 to Bound or limite 1271b Bounded Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bounded. 1271c Bounding Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bounding. 1272 a Bounse 1273 Bounty Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bounty>. 1274 Bountifull Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bountifull. 1275 to Bourd or iest 1276 a Bourough Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bourough. 1276b Bouroughead Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bouroughead. 1276c a Bourges 1277 Bourage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bourage. 1278 a Bourrough-Master Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bourrough-Master. 1279 a Boutcher 1280 a Boute-feu 1281 to Bowe 1281c a Bowe, or bow Minsheu lists this as entry number 1281c, although he doesnot list an entry 1281b between 1281 and 1281c. 1281d the Raine-bowe 1281e a saddle Bowe 1281f a Bowe to play withall vpon a musicall instrument, or a fiddle-sticke: 1281g a Bow-stringe 1281h a Bowe-case 1281i a crosse-Bowe 1281k-1 the Crosse or tiller of a Crosse-Bowe 1281k-2 a Stone-Bowe 1281l a Bowyer, or maker of bowes 1281m a Kem-Bow, Ken-Bow, Kem-Bol or Ken-bol 1281n a Bow-net 1282 the Bowelles or entrails 1282b to Bowell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bowell. 1283 a Bowle or cuppe 1284 a Bowle to play with 1284b a little Bowle 1285 to Bownce or thumpe 1286 a Bowre 1287 a Box-tree 1287b a place where Box groweth 1287c a Box 1288 a Box on the eare 1289 a Boy 1289b Boyish Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boyish. 1289c Boyishly Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boyishly. 1289d Boyishnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boyishnesse. 1289e Boyes age 1290 Boy of an Anchor 1291 to Boyle 1292 Boysterous 1292b a Boysterous winde Minsheu indicates stress as 'Boysterous. 1293 to Brable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brable. 1293b a Brabling 1294 a Brace, to fasten beames in a building 1295 a Brace or great corde in a ship 1296 a Brace, couple, cast, or paire 1297 a Bracelet 1298 a Bracer for the Arme that Archers vse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bracer. 1298 Braces 1299 Brachygraphie 1299b Brachylogie Minsheu indicates stress as Bra'chylogie. 1300 Brackish Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brackish. 1301 Bracton, alias Henry of Bracton Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brackton. 1302 to Bragge 1302b a Braggard Minsheu indicates stress as 'Braggard. 1302c Braggardise Minsheu indicates stress as 'Braggardise. 1303 Bragget Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bragget. 1304 a Bragget, or Corbell 1305 a Bragging fellow 1306 to Braie, stampe or pound 1307 to Braie, or cry like an Asse 1307b the Braying of an Asse 1308 the Braine 1308b Brainelesse, Braine-sick Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brainelesse, 'Braine-sick. 1308c the Braine-pan 1308d the thin skin or filme enwrapping the Braine 1309 a Brake for Bakers 1309b a Brake or snaffle for Horses 1309c a Brake for Flax or Hempe 1309d to Brake Flax or Hempe 1309e a Brake of ferne 1310 a Bramble or Blackberie-bush 1310b a place full of Brambles 1311 Bran 1312 a Branch of a tree 1312b to Branch, to put out or spread in Branches Minsheu indicates stress as 'Branches. 1312c a Brancher Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brancher. 1312d Branchie 1312e to beare little Branches 1313 Brancke vrsine 1314-1 to Brand or marke 1314-2 a Brand or marke 1315 a Brand of fire, or fire-Brand 1315b a Brandiron Minsheu indicates stress as 'Braniron. 1316 to Brandish 1316b a Brandishing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brandishing. 1317 Branke vrsine 1318 Branne 1319 a Brant 1320 Brases 1321 a Brasier Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brasier. 1322 Brasill Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brasill. 1323 Brasse 1323b a Brassier, or Brasier Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brassier.,'Brasier. 1324 to Brast 1325 a Brauadoe, or boastfull affront 1325b a Brauadoe, an Affront, an Abuse to ones face, 1325 Braue 1326b to Braue 1327 to Braue, Affront, or abuse to ones face, 1328 Brauelie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bravely. 1329 to Brawle 1329b a Brawle 1329c a Brawler 1330 the Brawne 1330b the Brawne of a wilde Boare 1330c to wax hard as Brawne 1330d the Brawne of the armes thighes, legges, &c 1331 to Bray 1332 Brazel 1333 a Brazier 1334 a Breach 1335 Bread 1335b white Bread 1335c browne Bread 1335d mouldie Bread 1335e the crust of bread 1335f sow-Bread 1335g the crum of Bread 1335h a batch of Bread 1336 Breadth 1337 to Breake 1337b Breake of day 1337c a Breaker Minsheu indicates stress as 'Breaker. 1337d a Breaking 1337e a Breakefast 1337f to Breakfast, or to eat a Breakfast Minsheu indicates stress as 'Breakfast. 1338 a Breame 1339 a Breast 1339b a Womans Breast 1339c a Breast-plate 1339d a Breast-clother or stomacher 1340 Breath 1340b to Breath 1340c to Breath into 1340d to Breath out the last or giue vp the Ghost 1340e a Breathing 1340f a Breathing hole 1341 to Breech of a Gunne or peece of Ordinance 1342 Breeches 1342b the weareth Breeches Minsheu indicates stress as 'Breeches. 1342c a maker of Breeches 1343 to Breed child 1343b to Breed or bring vp 1343c Breeding 1344 a Breese 1345 Brent 1346 a Breuiarie, or Brebiat 1347 Breuitie 1348 to Brewe 1348b a Brewer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brewer. 1348c a Brewing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brewing. 1349 Brewes 1350 to Bribe 1351 a Bricke or Tile 1351b a little Bricke or Tile 1351c a Bricke-maker 1351d-1 a place wehere Bricke is made 1351d-2 a Bricke-laier 1352 Brickle 1353-1 a Bridale, or a mariage, of Bride 1353-2 a Bride or Spouse 1353-2b Bride-chamber 1353-2c a Bride-grome 1353-2d a Bride-maide 1354 a Bridewell 1355 a Bridge 1355b a draw Bridge 1355c a little Bridge 1356 a Bridle 1356b the front-stall of a Horses Bridle 1356c to Bridle 1356d a Bridler 1356e not Bridled 1356f a Bridling 1357 a Brie, Brieze, Horsefly, or Gadfly 1358 Briefly 1358c Briefenesse 1359 a Brier 1359b sweet Brier 1360 a Brigandine, Iacke or coate of Male, 1360b a Brigandine or Brigantine or Pinnace 1361 Brigbote 1362 Bright 1362b to be Bright 1362c Brightnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brightnesse. 1363 the Brimme or Brinke of anything, 1363b to Brimme or Border 1364 Brimstone 1364b full of Brimstone 1364c to dresse with Brimstone Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brimstone. 1364d the place where Brimstone is made Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brimstone. 1364e a dressing with Brimstone Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brimstone. 1365-1 Brincke 1365-2 Brine 1365-2b to season with Brine 1366 to Bringe 1366b to Bringe back 1366c to Bring out or forth 1366d to Bring forth before time 1366e to Bring to passe 1366f to Bring, forth as females doe their yoong 1366g to Bringe vp 1367 a Brinke or brimme of any thing 1368 Brionie or white Vine 1369 Briske 1370 the Brisket 1371 a Bristle 1371b to Bristle or set vu the haire Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bristle. 1372 Britaine 1373 Brittle or fraile Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brittle. 1374 Britton was a famous Lawier that liued in the daies of King Ed­ward the First, 1375 a Brize 1376 Broade 1376b Broadely Minsheu indicates stress as 'Broadly. 1376c Broadnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Broadnesse. 1376d to make Broade 1377 to Broach, tap or set on broach, 1377b to Broach, set a Broach or pierce a vessell of wine by the 1377c a Broaching, or setting a broach Minsheu indicates stress as 'Broaching. 1377d Broaching or piercing of wine 1377e a Broach or spit 1377f to Broach meat 1378 a Brocke 1379 a Brocket 1380 a Broderer 1381 to Broile 1382 a Broile 1382b that raiseth Broiles or tumults 1382c to raise Broiles 1383 Broke 1384 Broken 1384b Broken pieces 1385 a Broker, of breake, Minsheu indicates stress as 'Broker. 1385b a Broker or seller of old apparell, 1386 a Brond 1387 a Brooch 1388 to set on Brœde 1388b a Broode of Chickens 1388c a setting on broode 1389-1 Brooke 1389-2 a Brooke 1389-2b Brooke-lime 1390 Broome 1390b butchers Broome 1390c a Broome or besome, 1390d sweet Broome 1391 Broth 1391b a fine thin Broth 1392 a Brothel-house 1392b to haunt Brothel-houses 1392c a haunter of Brothel-houses 1393 a Brother 1393b a husbands Brother 1393c a Brothers wife 1393d a foster Brother 1393e Brothers children Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brothers. 1393f Brother-hood 1393g Brotherlie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brotherlie. 1394 Brought 1395 to Brouze 1396 the Browe 1397 the eye Browe 1397b the space betweene the browes 1397c to bend the Browes 1398 Browne 1398b somewhat Browne 1398c to make browne 1399 to Browse as beasts on the shrubbes or the leaues of Trees 1399b a Browsing Minsheu indicates stress as 'Browsing. 1400 to Broyle 1400b a Broyle 1401 Brugg bote 1402 Bruise 1403 Bruite 1404 to Bruse 1404b to Bruse in peeces 1404c a Bruising 1405 a Brush 1405b to Brush 1405c a Painters Brush 1406 a Bruyt 1406b to Bruyte 1407 Brutish 1407b Brutishnesse or Brutalite Minsheu indicates stress as 'Brutishnesse, "Bru'talitie. 1408 Bryonie 1409 a Bubble 1409b to Bubble as water doth 1409c full of Bubbles 1410 a Bucke 1411 a Bucke goate 1412 a Bucke of cloathes 1412b to Bucke cloathes 1413 a Bucket Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bucket. 1414 Bucke wheate 1415 Buckingham-shire of bucken-trees 1416 a Buckle 1416b to Buckle 1417 Buckler 1417b the round bosse in the middest of a Buckler 1471c a short and little Buckler 1418 Buckram Minsheu indicates stress as 'Buckram. 1419 Bucksome or merry Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bucksome, 'merry. 1420 a Budde 1420b to Budde 1420c a Rose Budde 1420d the Budding 1421 Budge 1421b to Budge 1421c a Budget 1421d a Buffe 1422 a Buffet 1522b to Buffet 1423 a Buffle, bugill or wilde Oxe 1424 Buffoone 1424b to Buffoonize 1424c Buffoonisme 1425 a Bugge 1426 to Bugger 1426b a Buggerer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Buggerer. 1426c Buggerie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Buggerie. 1427 a Buggill, or Bugle 1428 Buglosse 1428b Snakes Buglasse, Vipers Buglasse 1428c wilde buglosse or garden Bouglosse, or orchanet. 1429 to Build 1429b Builded 1429c a Builder 1429d a Building Minsheu indicates stress as 'Building. 1429e the arte of Building Minsheu indicates stress as 'Building. 1430 a Bulfinch 1431 The Bulke of a man, 1432 a Bul 1433 a Bull 1434 a Bullace 1435 Bulle 1436 a Bullet 1437 Bullion money 1438 a Bullion to set on peitrels, Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bullion. 1439 a Bullocke Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bullocke. 1440 a Bullwarke 1441 a Bulrush 1441b a place where Bulrushes grow 1442 Bumbasine Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bumbasine. 1443 Bumbast 1444 a Bunche on the backe 1444b that hath a Bunch on his backe 1444c a Bunche of Garlicke 1444d a Bunche in a Tree 1444e a Bunche of Grapes 1445 a Bundle 1445b a Bundle, or packe 1446 a Bung or stopple 1446b a Bunghole of a barrell 1447 to Bungle Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bungle. 1447b a Bungler Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bungler. 1448 a Bunne 1449 a Burden Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burden. 1449b to Burden, or load 1450 a Burden Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burden. 1451 Burgage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burgage. 1452 a Burganet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burganet. 1453 to Burgeon 1454 Burghbote, cometh of Burgh 1455 Burgh English 1456 Burglary 1457 a Burgonet 1458 a Buriall 1459 to Burie or interre 1459b a Burieinge 1460 a Burlet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burlet. 1461 Burly 1462 to Burne 1462b a Burning coale 1462c a Burning Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burning. 1462d a Burnt-offering 1462e Not to be Burnt 1463 Burnet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Burnet. 1464 to Burnish 1465 Burrage 1466 a Burre 1467 Bourrough 1468 a Burrow 1469 a Burser 1470 to Burst or breake 1470b to Burst in peeces 1470c Burstnesse 1471 a Burthen 1472 a Busard, bald Busard, or bald Kite 1473 a Bush 1473b a Bush of haire 1473c a place where Bushes doe grow Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bushes. 1474 a Bushell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bushel. 1475 Busie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Busie. 1476 Busines 1477 a Buske made of wood or whale-bone 1478 Buskin Minsheu indicates stress as 'buskin. 1479 to Busse, or kisse 1480 to Busse or buzze as Bees 1481 a Bustard Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bustard. 1482 But 1483 a But, or marke to shoote at 1484 to But as Rames 1485 a But or vessel 1486 a Butcher 1487 a Butler 1487b the Buttelry 1488 a Butte, or Vessell contayning two hogsheads 1489 a Butte, or marke to shoote at 1490 Butter 1490b to Butter Minsheu indicates stress as 'Butter. 1491 a Butteresse 1492 a Butter-flie 1493 a Butterie 1494 Butter-milch 1495 Butter-burre 1496 Butter-flowers 1497 Butter-roote 1498 a Buttocke 1498b that hath great Buttockes 1499 a Button Minsheu indicates stress as 'Button. 1499b to Button Minsheu indicates stress as 'Button. 1499c a Button-hole 1500 a Buttor Minsheu indicates stress as 'Buttor. 1501 a Buttresse 1502 a Farriers Buttresse 1503 to Buy 1504 Burome 1505 Burome, or blith 1506 a Buzard 1507 to Buzze, or humme as Bees 1507b a Buzzing or humming of Bees 1508 By 1508b By, as hard by of nigh too 1509 By and By 1510 a By-word 1511 a Bybbe 1512 a Byble Minsheu indicates stress as 'Byble. 1513 to Bydde 1514 Bygge 1515 a Byte 1516 a Byll 1517 a Byll or hand-writing 1518 Byllements Minsheu indicates stress as 'Byllements. 1519 a Byllet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Byllet. 1520 Byllot Minsheu indicates stress as 'Byllot. 1521 to Bynde 1522 Bynde-weed 1523 Bynne 1524 a Byrd 1525 Byrdlime 1526 Byrdes-nest 1527 a Byrlet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Byrlet. 1528 Byrth 1529 Byrth-wort 1530 a Byshop 1531 Bysket Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bysket. 1532 a Byson 1533 a Bystard Minsheu indicates stress as 'Bystard. 1534 a Bytch 1535 a Byt 1536 to Byte 1537 a Bytour 1538 Bytter 1539 Bytume C 1541 a Cabage or Cabige Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cabage, 'Cabige. 1542 the Caball 1542b a Cabalist 1542c Cabalisticall 1543 a Cabanet, or Cabinet 1544 a Caberne, or Cabine of a ship 1545 a Cabige 1546 a Cabine in a ship 1547 a Cabin, or Cottage 1547b a Cabinet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cabinet. 1548 a Cable 1549 Cablish 1550 Cacophaton, or Cacephaton 1551 Cacosyntheton "Cacosyntheton" is not found in the OED but appears as a Latin word in Puttenham's Arte ("misplacer, n. [1589]). 152 to Cackle as a Hen doth 1553 a Cackerell-fish 1554 a Cage 1554b a Cage, or Prison 1555 a Caitif 1556 a Cake 1557 Calamint 1558 Calamity 1559 to Calcinate 1560 to Calculate 1561 a Calender 1562 the Calends 1562b at the Greeke Calends 1563 a Caleeuer 1564 a Calfe 1564b Calfes snout 1564c the Calfe of the legge 1565 a Caliuer 1566 to Call 1566b to Call backe 1566c to Call vpon 1567 a Calling 1568 Calme or quiet 1568b a Calme at sea 1568c Calmnesse 1569 Caltraps 1570 Calues foote 1571 to Calumniate 1572 Cambricke 1573 a Camelion 1574 Camell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Camell. 1574b a keeper or driuer of Camels 1574c a Camelopardall 1575 a Camerade 1576 a Camisado 1577 Cammocke 1578 Cammomill 1579 Camois 1580 Camomill 1581 a Campe 1581b to Campe 1582 Campion 1583 Camphire Minsheu indicates stress as 'Camphire. 1584 I Can 1585 a Canapie, or Canopie 1586 a Canary birde 1586b Canary grasse, or Canary seede, or Canary corne 1587 to Cancell or rase out 1588 Cancer 1589 Cancer-woort 1590 a Candle 1590b a wax Candle 1590c a Candle-sticke 1590d a Candle-maker 1591 Candle-masse 1592 a Caneor Reede 1592b a place where Canes, or Reedes grow 1592c the sweet Cane 1593 a Canker, a worme so called 1593b a Canker, a sore so called 1593c Canker or rust 1593d Canker-woort 1594 a Canne Minsheu indicates stress as 'canne. 1595 a Cannell or Gutter Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannell. 1595b the Cannell or winde-pipe Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannell. 1596 Cannions Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannions. 1597 a Cannon, Rule, Decree, or Ordinance Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannon. 1598 a Cannon, a peece of Ordinance Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannon. 1598b a Canon perrier or peuier Minsheu indicates stress as 'canon. 1598c a Carmonier Minsheu indicates stress as carmoni'er. 1598d to shoote of a Cannon 1599 a Canon or Rule Minsheu indicates stress as 'canon. 1600 a Canon Minsheu indicates stress as 'canon. 1600b a Cannon-ship Minsheu indicates stress as 'cannon-ship. 1601 to Canonize Minsheu indicates stress as canon'ize. 1602 a Canopie Minsheu indicates stress as 'canopie. 1603 a Cantell Minsheu indicates stress as 'cantell. 1604 a Cantharis Minsheu indicates stress as 'cantharis. 1605 a Cantle 1606 a Canton 1607 Cantred 1608 Canuas, course linnen. 1609 to Canuasse Minsheu indicates stress as 'canuasse. 1610 to Canuas, or beat. Minsheu indicates stress as 'canuas. 1611 Caos Minsheu indicates stress as 'caos. 1612 a Cap 1612b a Capper Minsheu indicates stress as 'capper. 1613 Capable Minsheu indicates stress as 'capable. 1613b Capacity Minsheu indicates stress as cap'acity. 1614 a Caparasson Minsheu indicates stress as cap'arasson. 1614b to Caparasson Minsheu indicates stress as cap'arasson. 1615 a Capcase 1616 the Cape of a garment 1616b a Spanish Cape Minsheu indicates stress as 'cape. 1617 a Caper Minsheu indicates stress as 'caper. 1617b to Caper 1618 Capers Minsheu indicates stress as 'capers. 1619 Capias 1619b Capias ad satisfaciendum "Capias ad satisfaciendum" is a writ based on "capias(n)" in the OED. 1619c Capias pro fine Minsheu indicates stress as 'capias. 1619d Capias vtlagatum "Capias utlagatum" is mentioned under "capias(n)" in the OED. 1619e Capias vtlagatum & inquiras de Bonis & Catallis 1619f Capias in Withernamium de auerijs "Capias in Withernamium" is mentioned under "capias(n)" in the OED, which has an entry on "withernam, n."" 1619g Capias in Withernamium de homine "Capias in Withernamium" is mentioned under "capias(n)" in the OED. 1619h Capias conductos ad proficiscendum 1620 Capitall Minsheu indicates stress as 'capitall. 1621 Capite Minsheu indicates stress as capite". 1622 the Capitoll Minsheu indicates stress as 'capitoll. 1623 to Capitulate 1624 a Capon Minsheu indicates stress as 'capon. 1624b Caponet Minsheu indicates stress as 'caponet. 1624c Capons-taile Minsheu indicates stress as 'capons. 1625-1 a Capoche Minsheu indicates stress as cap'oche. 1625-2 a Cappe 1625-2b a Capper 1626 Capricorne Minsheu indicates stress as 'capricorne. 1627 Caprifoile Minsheu indicates stress as 'caprifoile. 1628 a Capstone Minsheu indicates stress as 'capstone. 1629 a Captaine Minsheu indicates stress as 'captaine. 1629b a Captaine ouer a hundred 1629c a cheife Captaine 1630 Captious 1631 a Captiue 1632 a Capuch Minsheu indicates stress as ca'puch. 1633 a Caracter Minsheu indicates stress as 'caracter. 1634-1 a Carack 1634-2 Caraine 1635 a Carauell Minsheu indicates stress as 'carauell. 1636 Carawaie Minsheu indicates stress as 'carawaie. 1637 a Carbonado Minsheu indicates stress as carbon'ado. 1638 a Carbuncle, a precious stone. Minsheu indicates stress as 'carbuncle. 1638b a Carbuncle, a sore in pestilence. Minsheu indicates stress as 'carbuncle. 1639 a Carcanet 1640 a Carcasse Minsheu indicates stress as 'carcasse. 1641 a Carcedony 1642 to Carde woll or flax or such like. 1642b a Carde for woll 1642c Carde-teasell 1643 Cardes to play withall 1643b coate Cardes 1644 a sea Carde 1645 Cardinall Minsheu indicates stress as 'cardinall. 1646 Care Minsheu indicates stress as 'care. 1646b Carefull 1646c Carelesse 1647 Carefox Minsheu indicates stress as 'carefox. 1648 Cariage Minsheu indicates stress as 'cariage. 1649 to Carry or beare Minsheu indicates stress as 'carry. 1649b a Carrier or bearer Minsheu indicates stress as 'carrier. 1649c a Carrier 1649d a Carrier of letters Minsheu indicates stress as 'carrier. 1650 Carke or care Minsheu indicates stress as 'carke. 1651 Carke 1652 Carline Minsheu indicates stress as 'carline. 1653 a Carle 1654 a Carmelite 1655 Carnall 1656 Carnation Minsheu indicates stress as carn'ation. 1657 a Caroache Minsheu indicates stress as caro'ache. 1658 a Carobe 1659 a Carousse Minsheu indicates stress as 'carousse. 1659b to Carousse 1660 a Carpe 1661 to Carpe 1662 a Carpenter Minsheu indicates stress as 'carpenter. 1663 a Carpet Minsheu indicates stress as 'carpet. 1664 a Carracke Minsheu indicates stress as 'carracke. 1665 Carraine Minsheu indicates stress as 'carraine. 1666 a Carre 1666b a Car-man 1667 a Carreere 1668 a Carret 1669 to Carry Minsheu indicates stress as 'carry. 1670 a Carrier Minsheu indicates stress as 'carrier. 1671 a Carriere 1672 a Carrot roote Minsheu indicates stress as 'carrot. 1673 to Carrouse 1674 a Cart 1674b a Carter Minsheu indicates stress as 'carter. 1674c the axeltree of a Cart 1674d a Cart-wright 1674e a Cart-load 1675 Carthamus 1676 a Carthufian Minsheu indicates stress as carth'ufian. 1677 Caruage Minsheu indicates stress as 'caruage. 1678 Carue of land 1679 to Carue, or graue 1679b ti Carue or cut 1680 to Carue meat 1681 a Caruell 1682 a Caruer, or Engraver 1683 a Caruer Minsheu indicates stress as 'caruer. 1684 a Case, cause, matter, or estate. 1685 a Case, to hold something in. 1686 a Case of a Noun 1687 a Case-mate 1688 a Casement 1689 a Trades-mans Cashe 1690 to Casheere Minsheu indicates stress as cas'heere. 1691 a Caske, or wine vessell. 1692 a Caske or casket 1693 a Casket 1694 Cassia, or Cassia fistula Minsheu indicates stress as 'cassia. 1694b Cassia lignea Minsheu indicates stress as 'cassia. For "Cassia lignea," see under OED "cassia(n), 1b" in the OED. 1695 Casses 1696 Casse-weed 1697 Cassidonie 1698 a Cassocke 1699 Cast-me-downe 1700 to Cast or hurle 1700b to Cast off or renounce. 1700c to Cast downe, or abase. 1700d to Cast in ones teeth. 1700e to Cast as a Iury casteth or Condemneth Prisoners. 1700f to Cast anchor 1700g to Cast accounts 1701 a Castell 1701b Castellaine 1701c Castell-warde 1702 to Castigate Minsheu indicates stress as 'castigate. 1703 a Castle Minsheu indicates stress as 'castle. 1704 a Castor Minsheu indicates stress as 'castor. 1705 Casuall Minsheu indicates stress as 'casuall. 1706 a Cat 1707 a Muske-Cat 1708 a Catalogue Minsheu indicates stress as 'catalogue. 1709 a Catarrait 1710 a Catarre Minsheu indicates stress as ca'tarre. 1711 a Catastrophe Minsheu indicates stress as ca'tastrophe. 1712 to Catch or snatch 1712b to Catch in a net 1712c a Catch-flie 1712d a Catch-pole 1713 Cate 1714 to Catechise 1715 a Cater 1716 a Cater-piller 1717 Caterpillers 1718 Cates 1719 a Catharre Minsheu indicates stress as cath'arre. 1720 Cathedrall Minsheu indicates stress as cath'edrall. 1720b a Cathedrall church 1721 Catholique Minsheu indicates stress as 'catholique. 1721b a Catholike Minsheu indicates stress as 'catholike. 1722 Cat-mint 1722b Cats-foote, or Cattes-foot. 1722c Cats-taile, Cattes-taile, or cats-speare. 1723 Cattalls 1724 a Catte 1725 Cattel Minsheu indicates stress as 'cattel. 1726 Cattes-foote 1726b Cattes-taile 1727 a Caudell 1728 a Caue 1729 a Cauechin or Cavesan Minsheu indicates stress as 'cavesan. 1730 a Cavesan, Cavezzan 1730b a Cavesson 1731 Caught 1732 to Cavill 1732b a Cauill 1733 a Cauldron 1734 a Caule for womens heades 1735 the Caule 1736 to Caulke 1737 Caulme 1738 a Cause 1738b to Cause 1738c Caused 1739 a Causey 1740 a Cautell 1740b Cantellous 1741 a Cautere 1741b to Cauterize 1742 a Caution 1742b Cautione admittenda "Cautione admittenda" (law-Latin) not found in OED. 1743 to Cease 1744 a Ceder Minsheu indicates stress as 'ceder. 1745 Celandine 1746 Celantes Minsheu indicates stress as ce'lantes. "Celantes", not found in the OED, is a syllogism added by Theophrastus to Aristotle's list. 1747 to Celebrate Minsheu indicates stress as 'celebrate. 1748 Celeritie Minsheu indicates stress as ce'leritie. 1749 Celestiall 1750 a Cell 1751 a Cellar, or Celler Minsheu indicates stress as 'cellar, 'celler. 1752 Celsitude 1753 Cement Minsheu indicates stress as 'cement. 1754 Cenchris Minsheu indicates stress as 'cenchris. 1755 a Censer Minsheu indicates stress as 'censer. 1756 a Censor, Censour Minsheu indicates stress as 'censor, 'censour. 1756b a Censurer Minsheu indicates stress as 'censurer. 1756c to Censure 1757 a Centaure 1758 Centaurie 1759-1 Centinodie 1759-2 Centory 1760 a Centre 1761 a Centurion Minsheu indicates stress as cen'turion. 1761b a Century Minsheu indicates stress as 'century. 1761c Century 1762 a Ceremonie Minsheu indicates stress as 'ceremonie. 1763 Certaine Minsheu indicates stress as 'certaine. 1763b Certaintie Minsheu indicates stress as 'certaintie. 1764 to Certifie 1765-1 a Certificate 1765-2 Certiorari Minsheu indicates stress as certior'ari. 1766 Ceruse 1767 Cesare Minsheu indicates stress as 'cesare. 1768 to Cesse 1768b a Cessour 1769 a Cesterne Minsheu indicates stress as 'cesterne. 1770 a Chable Minsheu indicates stress as 'chable. 1771 to Chace 1772 a Chace 1773 a Chace at tennis 1774 to Chafe 1775 to Chafe 1776 a Chafer 1777 Chaffe or straw 1778 Chaffe-weed 1779 to Chaffer 1780 a Chafferne 1781 a Chaffinch 1782 a Chaine 1782b a Chaine of gold 1783 a Chaire 1784 to Chalenge 1785 a Chalice 1786 Chalke 1787 to Challenge, or claime to himselfe. 1788 to Challenge into the field 1788b a letter of Challenge 1788c a Challenge 1789 a Challice 1790 a Chamber 1790b a Bed-Chamber 1790c a Chamber of preference 1790d the great Chamber 1790e the with-drawing Chamber 1790f a Kings priuy Chamber 1790g a bride-Chamber 1790h a Chamberlaine 1790i a Chamberlaine of a Citty 1791 Chamblet Minsheu indicates stress as 'chamblet. 1792 Chamelion Minsheu indicates stress as cha'melion. 1792b white Chameleons grasse 1793 a Chamfer Minsheu indicates stress as 'chamfer. 1794 to Chamme 1795 a Chamoy 1795b Champartie 1796 to Champe 1796b Champertie 1797 a Champion 1797b Champion, or Sea-holly 1797c a Champion or plaine ground 1798 a Chance 1799 a Chancell 1800 a Chancelour Minsheu indicates stress as 'chancelour. 1800b Chauncelour 1800c Chancellor 1800d Chancelor of the Duchie of Lancaster 1800e Chancelor of the Order of the Garter 1800f Chancelor of the Vniuersities 1800g Chancelor of the Court of Augmentations 1800h Chancelor of First tiuictes "Tiuictes" is not found in the OED. 1800i Chancelor of Courts 1800k Chancelor of the Diocesse of euery Bishop 1800l the Chancery 1800m Chancery 1801 a Chandler 1802 a Chanell 1802b the Chanell of a Riuer 1802c Chanels in Pillars 1803 to Change 1803b Changeable 1803c a Changer of money 1804 a Chanon Minsheu indicates stress as 'chanon. 1805 a Chanter 1806 Chaos 1807 to Chap 1807b a Chap, or chink 1808 a Chape 1809 a Chaplaine Minsheu indicates stress as 'chaplaine. 1809b Chaplaine 1810 a Chaplet 1811 a Chapman 1812 a Chappell 1812b a Chappellaine 1813 a Chapter 1813b Chapter 1814 a Chapter-house 1815 the Chapter 1816 a Character Minsheu indicates stress as 'character. 1817 Charcoale 1818 a Charge or command 1818b a Charge or Burden 1818c Charge or cost 1818d to Charge or burden 1818e to Charge, or accuse 1819 a Charger Minsheu indicates stress as 'charger. 1820 Chargeable 1821 Charie 1822 Charientismus "Charientismus" is not found in the OED but appears in Puttenham's Arte (1589) as a Greek word, for which see "charientism, n." 1823 a Chariot 1824 Charitie Minsheu indicates stress as 'charitie. 1824b Charitable 1825 to Charme 1826 a Charnell-house 1827 a Charter 1828 Charbill "Charbill" is not found in the OED. 1829 a Chase, at Tennise 1830 a Chase, or Forrest 1831 to Chase or hunt 1832 Chast 1833 to Chat 1834 Chattels 1835 to Chatter 1836 a Chauloron 1837 Chaulke 1838 a Chaunce or Chance 1839 a Chauncell or Chancell 1840 a Chauncellor 1841 a Chaundelour or Chandelour 1842 a Chaunter 1843 to Chaw 1844 to Cheapen 1845 Cheare, as good cheare, or fare. 1846 Cheare, gladnesse or courage 1847 to Cheat 1848 to Checke 1848b a Checke 1849 the Checke at Chesse 1850 a Checker 1851 Checker-worke 1852 a Cheeke Minsheu indicates stress as 'cheeke. 1853 Cheerefull Minsheu indicates stress as 'cheerefull. 1854 Cheese 1854b Cheese-bowles Minsheu indicates stress as 'cheese-bowles. 1854c a Cheese-fat Minsheu indicates stress as 'cheese-fat. 1854d a Cheese-monger 1854e Chees-running 1854f Cheese-running 1855 Cheife, cheife 1856 a Cheife in Heraldrie 1857 Chelidon 1858 a Chery 1858b winter Cheries 1858c a Cherie-tree 1858d a wilde Cherry-tree 1859 to Cherish or make much of. 1859b to Cherish or keepe warme. 1860 wilde Cheruill 1860b great or sweet Cheruill 1860c mocke Cheruill 1861 Chesse 1861b to play at Chesse 1861c a Chesseboord 1861d Chesse-plaie 1862 a Chest 1862b Chest or coffer 1862c the Chest or breast 1862d a Chest-maker 1863 a Chestin 1863b a Chest-nut 1863c water Chestnut 1863d earth Chestnut 1863e a Chestnut-tree 1864 Chestoule 1865 Cheuetill 1866 a Cheueron 1867 Cheuisance 1868 to Chew 1868b to Chewe 1869 a Chibbell 1870 a Chiche pease 1871 Chichorie 1872 a Chicke or Chicken 1873 Chickweede 1874 to Chide 1875 Chiefe or principall 1875b Chiefe a Law terme 1875c Chiefe pledge 1876 Chill 1877 a Chilblaine 1878 a Childe 1878b a little Childe 1878c great with Childe 1878d a womans lying in Childbed 1878e Child-birth, or Child-bed 1878f a Childe borne before or out of due time. 1878g a fatherlesse Childe 1878h Childish 1878i Childhood 1878k Childrens Mercurie 1878l Childwit 1879 Chill 1880 Chilus 1881 Chimeraes 1882 a Chime 1883 Chimicall 1884 Chimin 1884b Chiminage 1885 a Chimist 1886 a Chimney 1886b a Chimney-sweeper 1887 Chincke 1888 a Chine 1889 a Chinke 1890 Chinkes 1891 the Chinne 1892 to Chip 1892b to Chip bread 1892c Chippes or Chippings 1892d Chippings of bread 1893 Chirographer 1894 Chiromancie 1895 to Chirpe as sparrowes doe 1896 a Chirurgion 1896b Chirurgerie 1897 a Chisell 1897b a little Chisell 1898 a Chit or Chitte pease 1899 a Chitterlin 1900 a Chittiface 1901 Chiualrie 1901b Chiluarie a Law terme 1902 Chiues 1903 to Choake 1904 Choice 1905 to Choke 1906 Choler Minsheu indicates stress as 'choler. 1906b Cholericke Minsheu indicates stress as 'cholericke. 1907 to Choose 1907b a Choosing 1908 to Choppe or cut off 1909 to Choppe or change 1910 a Chord 1911 a Chorus 1912 Chorographie Minsheu indicates stress as 'chorographie. 1913 Chorall 1914 a Chough 1915 a Chrismatorie 1916 Chrisme 1917 Chrisocolla 1918 a Chrisolite 1919 Chrisome 1920-1 Chrisse crosse row 1920-2 Christall 1921 Christ 1921b to Christen 1921c a Christening 1921d Christendome 1921e a Christian 1921f Christianitie 1921g Christmas or Cristmas 1922 S. Christophers herbe 1923 the Christs-crosserowe 1924 Christs herbe, or Christs woort 1924b Christs thorne 1925 a Chronicle Minsheu indicates stress as 'chronicle. 1925b a Chronicler Minsheu indicates stress as 'chronicler. 1925c Chronographie Minsheu indicates stress as 'chronographie. 1925d Chronologie 1926 Chrysmatorie Minsheu indicates stress as 'chrysmatorie. 1927 Chrysmocolla Minsheu indicates stress as chryso'colla. 1928 a Chrysolite Minsheu indicates stress as 'Chrysolite. 1929 Chrystall Minsheu indicates stress as 'chrystall. 1930 Chryst 1930b to Chrysten Minsheu indicates stress as 'chrysten. 1930c Chrystmas Minsheu indicates stress as 'chrystmas. 1931 a Church 1931b Churchesset, Churcheset, Churchesed, Chirchesed 1931c Church-wardens 1931d a Church-yard 1932 Churle 1932b Churlish 1933 to Chuse 1934 a Chybboll 1935 a Chych pease 1936 a Chycke or Chycken 1937 to Chyde 1938 Chyefe 1939 Chyll or cold 1939b Chylblaine 1940 a Chylde 1940b Chyldbirth or Chyldbedde 1941 Chylus or Chilus 1942 Chymeraes Minsheu indicates stress as chy'meraes. 1943 Chymes 1944 Chymicall, Chymist 1945 a Chymney, & Chymney-sweeper 1946 a Chyne 1947 a Chyncke or shappe, Chynckes or money. 1948 the Chynne 1949 to Chyppe & Chyppes 1950 Chyromantie 1951 to Chyrpe 1952-1 Chyrurgeon Minsheu indicates stress as chyr'urgeon. 1952-2 a Chysell 1953 a Chytterling 1954 Chyualrie Minsheu indicates stress as chyualrie". 1955 Chyues 1956 Cibboll 1957 a Cicatrice 1958 a Cich 1959 Cicheling 1960 Cichorie 1961 a Cickle 1962 Cider 1963 Ciderage 1964 Cilerie 1965 a Cilinder 1966 a Cimbale 1967 Cinabar 1968 Cinamon 1968b Cinamon-roote 1969-1 Cincke-ports 1969-2 Cinckfoile 1970 Cinckes 1971 Cinders 1972 Cinicke 1973 Cinkefoile 1974 Cinke-ports 1975 Cinkes, Cincks 1976 Cinnaber, Cinnabre 1977 Cinnamon 1978 Cinober 1979 Cinople 1980 Cinque ports 1981 Cinques 1982 a Cipher 1982b to Cipher 1983 Cipres, or Cypres, a fine curled linnen. 1984 Cipres, or Cypres the tree 1985 a Circle 1985b a halfe Circle 1986 a Circuit 1986b Citcuit 1986c to Circuit 1986d Circular 1986e a Circulation Minsheu indicates stress as circu'lation. 1986f to Circulate 1986g Circulatorie 1987 to Circumcise 1988 Circumference 1989 Circumlocution Minsheu indicates stress as circumlo'cution. 1990 Circumspect 1991 Circumstance 1991b a Circumstance 1991c Circumstantibus Minsheu indicates stress as circum'stantibus. 1992 to Circumvent 1993 Cisers 1994 Cistus 1995 a Citadell 1996 to Cite 1997 a Citie 1997b the mother, chiefe, or head Citie 1997c a Citizen 1998 a Citidell 1999 a Citerne 2000 Citisus 2001 a Citron 2001b a Citron tree 2002 Citrull 2002b wilde Citrull 2003 a Cittadell 2004 a Cittie & Cittizen 2005 Ciuell 2006 Ciues 2007 Ciuet 2007b a Ciuet-cat 2008 Ciuilitie or Ciuillitie 2008b Ciuill 2008c Ciuillitie 2009 Ciuots 2010 Cizers 2011 a Clacke 2011b to Clacke or make a noise 2011c to Clacke, force and bard 2012 Clad 2013 Claie 2013b Potters Claie 2013c Fullers Claie 2014 to Claime 2014b a Claime 2015 to Clammer 2016 Clammie 2017 a Clamour 2018 to Clappe 2018b a Clapper of a bell Minsheu indicates stress as 'clapper. 2018c a Clapper of a doore Minsheu indicates stress as 'clapper. 2018d the Clapper of a mill 2018e Clapping of hands for ioy 2019 Clarcke 2020 Clarentieux, or Clarentius Minsheu indicates stress as clar'rentieux. 2021 Claret wine Minsheu indicates stress as 'claret. 2022 Claricoros, or Claricols Minsheu indicates stress as 'claricoros, 'claricols. 2023 Clarie Minsheu indicates stress as 'clarie. 2024 to Clarifie 2025 a Clarion Minsheu indicates stress as 'clarion. 2026 a Clarke 2026b Clarke of the Church 2027 Clarke of the Parlament Rolles 2027b Clarke of the Crowne in the Chauncerie 2027c Clarke of the Crowne 2027d Clarke of the Extreats 2027e Clarke of the Assise 2027f Clarke of the Pell 2027g Clarke of the Warrants 2027h Clarke of the Petit Bagge 2027i Clarke of the Kings great Wardrobe 2027k Clarke or Comptroller of a Market 2027l Clarke of the Kings Siluer 2027m Clarke of the Peace 2027n Clarke of the Signet 2027o Clarke of the Priuie Scale 2027p Clarke of the Juries, or Jurata Writs 2027q Clarke of the Pipe 2027r Clarke of the Hamper or Hanaper Minsheu indicates stress as 'hanaper. 2027s Clarke of the Plees 2027t Clarke of the Treasurie 2027v Clarke of the Essoines 2027w Clarke of the Outlaries 2027x Clarke of the Sewers 2027y Clarke comptroller of the Kings house 2027z Clarke of the Nihils 2027bb Clarke of the Checke 2027cc Clark Marshall of the Kings house 2027dd a writing Clarke 2028 to Claspe 2028b a Claspe 2029 to Clatter 2030 Clauer Minsheu indicates stress as 'clauer. 2031 Clauicols or Clauicords Minsheu indicates stress as 'clauicords. 2032 a Clause 2033 a Claw 2033b to Claw 2033c a Claw-backe 2034 Claye 2034b Potters Clay 2035 Clayme 2036 Cleane 2036b to Cleanse 2036c a Cleansing 2037 Cleare 2037b to Cleare 2037c to make Cleare 2038 a Clearke 2039 to Cleaue 2039b a Cleauer 2040 to Cleaue 2041 Cleere Minsheu indicates stress as 'cleere. 2042 a Cleft 2043 Clemencie Minsheu indicates stress as 'clemencie. 2044 the Clementines 2045-1 a Clepsydre Minsheu indicates stress as 'clepsydre. 2045-2 Clerke 2046 the Clergy Minsheu indicates stress as 'clergy. 2046b Clergie 2047 Clericordes Minsheu indicates stress as 'clericordes. 2048 a Clerke 2048b Clerke of the Church 2049 Clerke of the Parlament Minsheu indicates stress as 'parlament. 2049b Clerke of the Crowne 2049c Clerke 2049d Clerke of the extreates 2049e Clerke Assise 2049f Clerke of the Pell 2049g Clerke warrants 2049h Clerke of the Petit-bagge 2049i Clerke of the Kings Wardrobe 2049k Clerke of the market 2049l Clerke Kings siluer 2049m Clerke of the Peace 2049n Clerke of the signets 2049o Clerke Priuie Seale 2049p Clerke of the Iuries 2049q Clerke of the Pipe 2049r Clerke of the Hamper 2049s Clerke of the Plees 2049t Clerke of the Treausury 2049u Clerke of the Essoins 2049w Clerke of the out-Laweries 2049x Clerke of the Sewers 2049y Clerke of the Nihils 2049z Clerke of the Checke 2049bb Clerke Marshall of the Kings house 2049cc a writing Clerke 2050 a Clewe 2051 the Cleyes 2052 a Client 2053 a Clift 2053b a Clift or cleft 2054 Climactericall Minsheu indicates stress as clima'tericall. 2055 a Climate 2055b Climatecicall Minsheu indicates stress as clima'tecicall. 2055c Climax 2056 to Climbe 2057 to Clime 2058 to Clinch 2059 to Clincke 2060 to Clippe or sheare 2061 to Clippe 2062 a Clister 2063 to Cliue 2063b a Cliuer or chopping knife 2063c Cliuer or cleuer 2064 a Cloake 2065 Cloath 2065b to Cloath 2066 to Clocke 2067 a Clocke 2068 a Clock-maker 2069 a Clod 2070 a Clogge 2070b to Clogge or hinder 2071 to cloie 2072 a Cloister 2073 a Cloke 2073b to Cloke or couer 2073c a Cloke-bag 2074 to Close 2074b Close or secret 2074c a Close, or field enclosed 2074d a Close-stoole 2074e a Closet Minsheu indicates stress as 'closet. Use of wordentry no. 2074d here reflects the number of the previous one. 2075 Closh 2076 a Clot 2076b to Clot or Clotter 2077 Cloth Minsheu indicates stress as 'cloth. 2077b-1 Cloth of gold 2077b-2 Cloth of Arras 2077c-1 a Cloth or garment made of haire, or a haire-cloth 2077c-2 a horse Cloth 2077d-1 linnen-Cloth 2077d-2 a seare or seere-Cloth 2077e a table-Cloth 2077f a Cloth or garment 2077g to Cloth or apparell 2077h Clothed 2077i a Clothier Minsheu indicates stress as 'clothier. 2077k a Cloth-worker 2077l to Clotter 2078 a Cloude 2079-1 Cloue 2079-2 a Cloue, or Cloues 2080 a Cloue-gilliflower 2081 Cloven 2081b Clouen footed 2082 Cloues 2083 a Clout 2083b a shoe Clout 2083c to Clout 2084 a Clowde 2084b a little Clowd 2084c Clowdie 2085 a Clowne 2085b Clownes wound-woort 2085c Clownes lungwoort 2085d Clownish 2085e Clownishnesse 2086 to Cloye 2087 a Cloyster 2088 a Club, or Clubbe 2088b a little Clubbe 2088c Clubbish 2089 to Clucke 2090 a Clue 2091 a Clumperton Minsheu indicates stress as 'clumperton. 2092 a Cluster 2093 Clyent 2094 Clyft, clyffe, or rocke. 2095 Clyft, or cleft 2096 Clymactericall Minsheu indicates stress as clymac'tericall. 2097 Clymate, Clymatericall Minsheu indicates stress as 'clymate, "clyma'tericall. 2098 Clyxmax 2099 to Clymbe 2100 to Clyme 2101 to Clynch 2102 to Clyncke 2103 to Clyppe or sheare. 2104 to Clyppe, as one clippeth about the necke. 2105 a Clyster 2106 a Coache 2107 a Coale 2108 Coequall 2109 a Coape 2110 to Coape 2111 a Coard 2112 the Coare of an apple 2113 a Coast 2114 a Coate 2114b a waste-Coat 2114c a Coat of maile 2114d a Coat or cottage 2114e a sheepe-Coat 2115 a Cob 2116 a sea-Cob 2117 Cobirons 2118 a Cobler Minsheu indicates stress as 'cobler. 2118b to Coble, of Cobler 2119 a Cobloafe 2120 a Cobnut 2121 a Cobwebbe 2122 a Coche 2122b a Cocheman Minsheu indicates stress as 'cocheman. 2123 Corkall 2124 a Cockatrice Minsheu indicates stress as 'cockatrice. 2125 a Cocke 2125b a Cocke of haie, or a haie Cocke 2125c a Cocke or spout 2125d a weather-Cocke 2125e the Cocke of a gunne or piece 2125f a Cock-boate 2125g a Cockes-combe 2125h the Cocke-crow 2125i a Turkie Cocke 2125k to Cocker 2125l-1 Cockell 2125l-2 a Cockerill Minsheu indicates stress as 'cockerill. 2126 Cocket Minsheu indicates stress as 'cocket. 2127 a Cockle 2128 Cockle Minsheu indicates stress as 'cockle. 2129 a Cockney, or Cockny Minsheu indicates stress as 'cockney. 2130 Cockrell 2131 the Cod 2131b a Codde 2131c a Codde-peece 2131d a Codde 2132 the Code 2133 a Codicill Minsheu indicates stress as 'codicill. 2134 Codiniacke 2135 Coequall Minsheu indicates stress as co'equall. 2136 Coeternall 2137 a Coffer Minsheu indicates stress as 'coffer. 2137b a little Coffer 2137c Cofferer Minsheu indicates stress as 'cofferer. 2137d a Coffer-maker 2138 a Coffin Minsheu indicates stress as 'coffin. 2138b a Coffin or cornet of paper 2139 to Cogge 2139b a Cogger Minsheu indicates stress as 'cogger. 2140 Cogitation Minsheu indicates stress as cogit'tation. 2141 Cognisance 2141b Cognisance, Cognizance, Conisance, Conusnace 2141c Cognisee 2141d Cognisiour 2141e Cognitionibus admittendis "Cognitionibus admittendis" (law-Latin) not found in OED. 2142 Cogs 2143 a Coheire 2144 Coherence Minsheu indicates stress as co'herence. 2145 Coie 2146 a Coife 2147 Coine 2147b a Coine or corner 2147c to Coine or make money 2147d a Coiner of money 2148 Coit 2149 C O K E, aliâs Sir Edward Coke 2150 Cokerell, or Cokrell 2151 Cokers Minsheu indicates stress as 'cokers. 2152 a Colander 2153 Cold 2153b Cold 2153c to be Cold 2153d to make Cold 2154 a Cole 2154b Char-Cole 2154c Sea-Cole 2154d a burning Cole 2154e a Cole-pit 2154f a Cole-rake 2155 the Colet of a ring Minsheu indicates stress as 'colet. 2156 Cole-wort 2156b Hares Colewort 2157 Coliander 2158 a Colier 2159 to Coll 2160 a Collar Minsheu indicates stress as 'collar. 2160b a dogs or rather mastiues Coller 2160c a horse Collar 2160d a Collar or necke of brawne 2160e a Collar of Esses 2161 Collaterall Minsheu indicates stress as coll'aterall. 2162 a Collation Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ation. 2162b Collation of a Renefice Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ation. 2163 to Collaud 2164 to Colle 2165 a Collect 2166 to Collect 2166b a Collection Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ection. 2166c a Collectour Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ectour. 2166d a Collectour of tributes Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ectour. 2166e Collects 2167 a Colledge or College Minsheu indicates stress as 'colledge, 'college. 2168 a Coller or collar for the necke. Minsheu indicates stress as 'coller. 2169 Coller or anger Minsheu indicates stress as 'coller. 2170 Collet Minsheu indicates stress as 'collet. 2171 the Collicke 2171b he that is troubled with the Collicke 2172 a Collier 2173 a Colling Minsheu indicates stress as 'colling. 2174 a Collision of a vowell Wordentry no. reads 2274 but should be 2174. 2175 to Colllogue Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ogue. 2175b a Colloguing 2176 a Collonell 2177 a Collop Minsheu indicates stress as 'collop. 2178 to Collude Minsheu indicates stress as coll'ude. 2178b Collusion Minsheu indicates stress as coll'usion. 2179 a Colonie Minsheu indicates stress as 'colonie. 2180 Coloquint, or Coloquintida 2181 a Colosse or Colossus 2182 Colour Minsheu indicates stress as 'colour. 2182b counterfait Colour or painting 2183 a Colt 2183b a mare Colt 2183c Colts-foot 2183d Coltish 2184 Columbine Minsheu indicates stress as 'columbine. 2185 a Columne Minsheu indicates stress as 'columne. 2186 the Colures Minsheu indicates stress as col'ures. 2187 a Colus Minsheu indicates stress as 'colus. "colus" is not found in the OED. 2188 to Combar, Comber 2189 a Combat Minsheu indicates stress as 'combat. 2189b to Combat Minsheu indicates stress as 'combat. 2189c a single Combat 2189d Combat 2189e the place where a Combat is fought Minsheu indicates stress as 'combat. 2190 a Combe 2190b a horse Combe, or currie Combe. 2190c the Combe of a cocke or other bird 2190d a honie-Combe 2191 to Comber 2192 to Combine 2193 Combustible Minsheu indicates stress as com'bustible. 2193b a Combustion Minsheu indicates stress as com'bustion. 2194 to Come 2194b to Come to 2194c to Come to passe 2194d to Come in 2194e to Come vp 2194f to Come downe 2194g Come 2194h Comming 2194i a Comming 2195 a Comedie Minsheu indicates stress as 'comedie. 2195b a Comedian Minsheu indicates stress as com'edian. 2195c the end or vpshot of a Comedie Minsheu indicates stress as 'comedie. 2196 Comelie Minsheu indicates stress as 'comelie. 2197 Comen 2198 to Comence 2199 a Comete Minsheu indicates stress as 'comete. 2200 Comfits 2201 Comfort Minsheu indicates stress as 'comfort. 2201b to Comfort Minsheu indicates stress as 'comfort. 2201c a Comforter 2201d that Comforteth 2201e Comfortlesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'comfortlesse. 2202 Comicall Minsheu indicates stress as 'comicall. 2203 Comin 2204 Coming 2205 Comitatu conmisso "Comitatu conmisso" (law-Latin) not found in OED. 2206 Comlie 2207 Comlinesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'comlinesse. 2208 to Command 2208b a Command 2208c Commandement 2208d the 10. Commandements of God 2208e Commaundrie 2209 to Comme 2210 Commen Minsheu indicates stress as 'commen. 2211 to Commemorate Minsheu indicates stress as com'memorate. 2212 to Commence Minsheu indicates stress as com'mence. 2212b to Coninience Minsheu indicates stress as conini'ence. 2212c to Commence 2213 to Commend Minsheu indicates stress as com'mend. 2213b Commendation 2213c Commendable 2213d Commendation Minsheu indicates stress as commen'dation. 2213e to Commend 2213f to Commend him to one 2214 a Comment Minsheu indicates stress as 'comment. 2215 Commerce Minsheu indicates stress as com'merce. 2216 Comminaltie 2217 a Commination Minsheu indicates stress as commin'ation. 2218 a Comming Minsheu indicates stress as com'ming. 2218b a Comming to 2218c a Comming in 2219 a Commissarie Minsheu indicates stress as 'commissarie. 2219b Commissaris 2219c a Commissarie in warre 2220 Commisseration or Commiseration Minsheu indicates stress as commisser'ation, "commiser'ation. 2221 a Commission 2221b a Commissioner 2222 to Commit vnto one 2222b to Commmit, as to commit an offence. 2222c a Committee, or commissioner 2222d Committee 2223 Commodious Minsheu indicates stress as com'modious. 2223b Commoditie Minsheu indicates stress as com'moditie. 2224 Common Minsheu indicates stress as 'common. 2224b the Common people Minsheu indicates stress as 'common. 2224c the Commonaltie Minsheu indicates stress as 'commonaltie. 2224d Common or vulgar Minsheu indicates stress as 'common. 2224e Common Minsheu indicates stress as 'common. 2224f Common Bench 2224g Common Law 2224h Common Pleas 2224i Commons 2224k a Common-wealth 2224l The state of a Common-wealth wherein one person hath the authoritie. 2224m The state of a Common-wealth wherein few persons haue the authoritie. 2224n The state of a Common-wealth wherein the best doe rule. 2224o The state of a Common-wealth wherein the people haue the authoritie. 2225 a Commotion Minsheu indicates stress as Com'motion. 2226 Commotes Minsheu indicates stress as Com'motes. ) 2227 to Commune Minsheu indicates stress as Com'mune. 2228 to communicate 2228b Communicants Minsheu indicates stress as Com'municants. 2228c the Communion, or Lords supper. Minsheu indicates stress as Com'munion. 2228d Communion or mutuall participation. 2229 Commutation 2230 Compact 2231 a Companie or fellowship. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Companie. 2231b a Companie of souldiers. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Companie. 2231c a Companion or fellow. Minsheu indicates stress as Com'panion. 2231d a Companion of the Garter Minsheu indicates stress as Com'panion. 2231e Companion at table. Minsheu indicates stress as Com'panion. 2232 to Compare 2232b Comparatiue 2232c Comparison Minsheu indicates stress as Com'parison. 2233 a Compasse, an instrument so called, because it serues to make a round circle or compasse about. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Compasse. 2233b a Compasse, circle or circuit. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Compasse. 2233c a Pilots or Mariners Compasse, 2233d to Compasse about 2234 Compassion or pitie Minsheu indicates stress as Com'passion. 2234b to haue Compassion or pitie. Minsheu indicates stress as Com'passion. 2235 to Compell or constraine 2235b a Compelling Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pelling. 2236 Compendious Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pendious. 2236b Compendiousnesse Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pendiousnesse. 2236c Compendiously 2237 Competent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Competent. 2238 a Competitour Minsheu indicates stress as Com'petitour. 2239 to Compile Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pile. 2240 a Compire Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pire. 2241 to Complaine Minsheu indicates stress as Com'plaine. 2241b a Complaint 2241c a bill of Complaint 2242 Complet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Complet. 2243 the Completion Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pletion. 2244 a Complice Minsheu indicates stress as 'Complice. 2245 a Complot 2245b to Complot Minsheu indicates stress as Com'plot. 2246 to Compose Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pose. 2246b a Composition Minsheu indicates stress as Compo'sition. 2246c a Compositour or Composer Minsheu indicates stress as Com'positour" and "Com'poser. 2247 to Compound Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pound. 2248 to Comprehend Minsheu indicates stress as Compre'hend. 2249 to Comprise 2249b Comprised 2250 Compromise Minsheu indicates stress as 'Compromise. 2250b to Compromise 2251 to Compt 2252 Comptroller 2253 Compulsion Minsheu indicates stress as Com'pulsion. 2254 Compunction Minsheu indicates stress as Com'punction. 2255 Computation Minsheu indicates stress as Compu'tation. 2255b de Computo reddendo 2256 Concauitie 2257 to Conceale Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ceale. 2257b Concealers 2258 to Conceaue a childe. 2258b a Conceauing, or conception. 2258c to Conceaue or understand. 2258d to Conceaue or imagine. 2259-1 a Concent or agreement of musicke. 2259-2 a Conception or conceauing. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ception. 2260 to Concerne 2261 a Concitation Minsheu indicates stress as Conci'tation. 2262 a Conclaue 2263 to Conclude 2263b a Conclusion Minsheu indicates stress as Con'clusion. 2264 to Concoct Minsheu indicates stress as Con'coct. 2264b Concoction Minsheu indicates stress as Con'coction. 2265 Concord or agreement. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Concord. 2265b Concord, a Law terme. 2265c a Concord in musicke Minsheu indicates stress as 'Concord. 2265d to Concord or agree. 2266 a Concourse Minsheu indicates stress as Con'course. 2267 Concubinage Minsheu indicates stress as Con'cubinage. 2268 a Concubine Minsheu indicates stress as 'Concubine. 2269 to Conculcate 2270 Concupiscence Minsheu indicates stress as Con'cupiscence. 2271 to Concurre or runne together. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'curre. 2271b to Concurre or agree Minsheu indicates stress as Con'curre. 2271c a Concurrence or running together. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'currence. 2271d a Concurrence or agreement 2271e Concurse 2272 to Condemne 2273 Conders 2274 to Condescend, or Condiscende 2275 Condigne 2276 to Condiscend 2277-1 a Condite for water Minsheu indicates stress as Con'dite. 2277-2 to Condite Minsheu indicates stress as Con'dite. 2278 a Condition 2278b Condition in our Common Law is a rate, manner, or Law annexed to mens Acts, staying or suspending th esame, and making them uncertaine, whether they shall take effect or no. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'dition. 2278c to Condition with one, to agree or grant upon condition. 2278d Conditionall, Conditionarie Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ditional" and "Con'ditionarie. 2278e Conditionally Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ditionally. 2279 to Condole 2280 a Conduct or guiding. 2280b to Conduct or guide. 2280c a Conductor or guide 2281 a Conduit for water 2281b a Conduit pipe 2282 a Cone 2283 a Confection Minsheu indicates stress as Con'fection. 2284 Confederate Minsheu indicates stress as Con'federate. 2284b to Confederate 2285 to Conferre, or talke together. 2285b Conference 2285c to Conferre vpon, 2286 to Confesse or acknowledge. 2286b a Confession Minsheu indicates stress as Con'fession. 2286c a Confessour Minsheu indicates stress as Con'fessour. 2287 Confidence or trust. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Confidence. 2287b to haue Confidence or trust. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Confidence. 2287c Confident or bold. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Confident. 2287d Confidently Minsheu indicates stress as 'Confidently. 2288 Confines or borders. 2289 to Confirme 2289b Confirmatum "Confirmatum" is not found in the OED. 2290 to Confiscate 2290b Confiscate, Confiscatus, a Law terme. "Confiscatus" is not found in the OED. 2291 Confits 2292 a Conflagration 2293 a Conflict or battle 2294 to Conforme Minsheu indicates stress as Con'forme. 2294b Conformable Minsheu indicates stress as Con'formable. 2295 to Confound or mix together. 2295b to Confound or confute 2295c to Confound or destroie. 2296-1 Confrey or Comfrey an herbe, Minsheu indicates stress as 'Confrey. 2296-1b spotted Confrey 2296-2 Confus or confused. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'fus. 2296-2b Confused heape 2296-2c Confusedly or without order. 2297-1 to Confute or disprooue. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'fute. 2297-2 a Congar fish 2298 Cónge d'eslire "Congé d'élire" is a sub-entry of "congee(n)" in the OED. 2298b Congeable 2299 to Congeale Minsheu indicates stress as Con'geale. 2300 Congeon 2301 a Conger 2302 to Conglutinate Minsheu indicates stress as Con'glutinate. 2303 to Congratulate Minsheu indicates stress as Con'gratulate. 2304 a Congre or Conger. 2305 a Congregation or Asssemblie Minsheu indicates stress as Congre'gation. 2305 to Congregate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Congregate. 2306 Congruence 2307 a Conie 2307b a Conie-catcher Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conie-catcher. 2307c a Conieger, Conie-grey, or Warren for Conies. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conieger. 2307d a Conie-hole, or Conie-burrow. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conie-hole. 2308 to Coniecture or ghesse. Minsheu indicates stress as Con'iecture. 2309 Conioined Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ioined. 2310-1 Conisance, Conizance 2310-1b Conisee 2310-1c Conisour 2310-2 Coniuence 2311-1 Coniugates Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coniugates. 2311-2 a Coniugation Minsheu indicates stress as Conu'gation. 2312 a Coniunction Minsheu indicates stress as Con'iunction. 2312b a Coniuncture Minsheu indicates stress as Con'iuncture. 2313 Coniuration or conspiracie. Minsheu indicates stress as Conur'ation. 2313b a Coniuration or coniuring, an exorcising Minsheu indicates stress as Conur'ation. 2313bb Coniuration in the Common Law Minsheu indicates stress as Conur'ation. 2213c to Coniure 2213d a Coniurer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coniurer. 2314 Coniza 2315 Conizance 2316 to Conne 2317 a Connie or Conie. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Connie. 2318 Conniuence 2319 to Conquer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conquer. 2319b a Conquerour Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conquerour. 2319c a Conquest 2320 Consanguinitie 2320b Consanguineo Minsheu indicates stress as Consan'guineo. 2321 the Conscience Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conscience. 2321b Conscionable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conscionable. 2322 to Consecrate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consecrate. 2323 Consecutiue Minsheu indicates stress as Con'secutiue. 2324 to Consent 2325 a Consequence or Consequent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consequence, 'Consequent. 2325b Consequent or following, Adiectiuum Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consequent. 2325c a Consequent, Consequence or Sequele, Substantinum Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consequent. 2325d Consequently Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consequently. 2326-1 Conseruatour or Conseruer of the peace. 2326-2 Conseruatour of the truce and safe conducts Minsheu indicates stress as Conser'uatour. 2326-3 to Conserue or keep. 2326-3b Conserue or Conserues 2327 to Consider 2327b Consideration Minsheu indicates stress as Consider'ation. 2327c Considerately Minsheu indicates stress as Con'siserately. 2327-2 to Consist 2327-2b a Consistorie, or Counsell-house of Ecclesiasticall persons. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consistorie. 2327-2c Consistorie is a word borrowed of the Italians, or rather Lombards, signifying as much as Prætorium or Tribunal Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consistorie. 2328 to Consolidate Minsheu indicates stress as Con'solidate. 2328b Consolidation Minsheu indicates stress as Consoli'dation. 2329 Consolation 2330 Consonant or agreeing. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consonant. 2330b a Consonant, any letter the vowels excepted. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consonant. 2331 a Consort or companion. 2331b a Consort in musicke. 2332 Conspicuous 2333 a Conspiracie 2333b Conspiracie 2233c Conspiratione 2233d to Conspire 2333e a Conspiratour Minsheu indicates stress as Con'spiratour. 2334 a Constable Minsheu indicates stress as 'Constable. 2234b Constable (Constabularius vel Constabulis) Minsheu indicates stress as 'Constable. 2234c Constable-shippe 2335 Constant 2235b Constantie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Constantie. 2336 a Constellation 2337 to Conster 2338 to Constitute or appoint. Minsheu indicates stress as Consti'tute. 2338b a Constitution or appointment. 2338c the Constitution of the bodie. 2339 to Constraine 2340 to Construe 2340b a Construction Minsheu indicates stress as Con'struction. 2341 Consubstantiall Minsheu indicates stress as Consub'stantial. 2342 Consuetudinibus "Consuetudinibus" (law-Latin) not found in OED. 2343 a Consull Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consull. 2343b Consulship Minsheu indicates stress as 'Consulship. 2344 to Consult Minsheu indicates stress as Con'sult. 2344b a Consultation Minsheu indicates stress as Consul'tation. 2344c Consultation is a writ whereby Minsheu indicates stress as Consul'tation. 2344d a Consulter Minsheu indicates stress as Con'sulter. 2345 to Consumate 2346 to Consume Minsheu indicates stress as Con'sume. 2347 to Consummate 2347b a Consummation Minsheu indicates stress as Consu'mation. 2348 a Consumption Minsheu indicates stress as Con'sumption. 2349 a Contagion Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tagion. 2349b Contagious Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tagious. 2350 to Containe Minsheu indicates stress as Con'taine. 2351 to Contaminate Minsheu indicates stress as Con'taminate. 2352 Conteke Minsheu indicates stress as Con'teke. 2353 to Contemne Minsheu indicates stress as Con'temne. 2353b a Contemning or contempt Minsheu indicates stress as Con'temning. 2354 to Contemplate Minsheu indicates stress as 'Contemplate. 2355 Contempt Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tempt. 2356 Contemptible Minsheu indicates stress as Con'temptible. 2356b Contemptuous Minsheu indicates stress as Con'temptuous. 2357 to Contend Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tend. 2357b a Contending Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tending. 2358 Contenement 2359 to Content or please 2359b Content Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tent. 2359c Content or Satisfaction 2360 Contention Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tention. 2360b Contentious Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tentious. 2361 to Contest Minsheu indicates stress as Con'test. 2362 Continencie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Continencie. 2362b Continent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Continent. 2362c the Continent or firme maine land, 2363 to Continue 2363b Continuall Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tinuall. 2363c Continuall Claime (Continuum Clameum) Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tinuall Claime. 2363d Continuance Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tinuance. 2363e Continuance seemeth to be vsed in the Common Law, as Prorogátio in the Ciuill Law. 2364 a Contract Minsheu indicates stress as Con'tract. 2364b Contract 2364c a Contract of mariage 2364d to Contract 2365 to Contradict 2366 Contra formam Collationis Minsheu indicates stress as Contra formam Collati'onis. 2367 Contra formam Feoffamenti 2368 a Contramure 2369 Contrarie 2369b Contrarietie Minsheu indicates stress as Contrar'ietie. 2370 to Contribute Minsheu indicates stress as 'Contribute. 2370b Contributione facienda Minsheu indicates stress as Contributi'one facienda. 2371 Contrite 2372 to Contriue 2373 to Controll Minsheu indicates stress as Con'troll. 2373b a Controller Minsheu indicates stress as Con'troller. 2373c Controller in Rome Minsheu indicates stress as Con'troller. 2373c Controller of the nauie Minsheu indicates stress as Con'troller. 2374 to Controue Minsheu indicates stress as Con'troue. 2375 a Controuersie 2376 a Contumelie Minsheu indicates stress as Contu'melie. 2377 to Conueigh Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ueigh. 2378-1 Conuenable 2378-2 Conuenient 2378-2b Conueniencie Minsheu indicates stress as Con'ueniencie. 2379 a Conuent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Conuent. 2379b a Conuenticle Minsheu indicates stress as Con'uenticle. 2379c a Conuention Minsheu indicates stress as Con'uention. 2380 to Conuerse Minsheu indicates stress as Con'uerse. 2381 to Conuert Minsheu indicates stress as Con'uert. 2381b a Conuerting 2382 Conuict 2382b Conuiction 2382c to Conuict 2382d to Conuince Minsheu indicates stress as Con'uince. 2383 a Conuocation 2383b a Conuocation-house Minsheu indicates stress as Conuo'cation-house. 2384 a Conuoy 2385 Conusance, Conuzance, Conisance 2386 a Convulsion 2387 Cooke 2388 a Cooke 2389 Cookoold 2390 to Coole 2390b a Coolling 2391 a Coope 2392 a Cooper 2393 a Coosen or cousin. 2394 to Coosen, cheat or deceiue. 2395 a Coote 2396 Coparceners 2396b a Copartner 2397 Cope 2398 to Cope or change on thing for another, 2399 to Cope with or encounter 2400 Coper Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coper. 2401 Coperas Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coperas. 2402 Copia libelli deliberanda Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copia libelli deliberanda. "Copia libelli deliberanda" (law-Latin) not found in OED. 2402b a Copie or example. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copie. 2402c to Copie out, or write out of another. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copie. 2402d a Copie of the Authors owne hand. 2402e Copiehold 2402f Copieholder 2403 Copie or abundance. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copie. 2403b Copious Minsheu indicates stress as'Copious. 2404 a Copise 2405 a Coppe 2406 Copper, a kinde of metall Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copper. 2406b a Copper, a spacious kinde of vessell, 2406c Copperas Minsheu indicates stress as 'Copperas. 2407 a Copse 2408-1 Coraage 2408-2 Corage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corage. 2409 Coralyle 2410 Corall Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corall. 2410b Corall-wort 2410c Coralline Minsheu indicates stress as Coral'line. 2411 Corasiue or corosiue. 2412 a Corbell, Corbet, or Corbill Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corbet, 'Corbill. 2413 Corcious and Corciousnesse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corcious. 2414 Cordage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cordage. 2415 a Cord 2416 a Cordelier or Cordilier 2417 Cordeuan Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cordeuan. 2418 Cordiail 2419 Cordewaine, Cordewainer 2420 a Cordiner or Cordwainer Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cordiner. 2420b Cordiner commeth of the French word (Cordeuannier) 2421 Cordone Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cordone. 2422 Cordeuan leather Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cordeuan. 2422b Cordwaine, Cordewane, Cordwainer, Corwauer 2423 the Core 2424 Coriander or Coliander seed Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coriander. 2424-2 Corie 2425-1 Coriour 2425-2 Corke 2426a Cormorant, or sea-rauen. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cormorant. 2426b a Cormorant, or glutten Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cormorant. 2427 Cornage Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornage. 2428 Cornaline Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornaline. 2429 Corne 2429b Corne standing in the field, not yet reaped. 2429c the beard of Corne, 2429d an eare of Corne. 2429e a Corne on the toes. 2429f a Corne or graine of salt. 2429g Corne-flagge 2429h Corne-flower 2429i Corn-grasse 2429k Corne-rose 2429l Corne-sallade 2430 Cornell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornell. 2431 a Corneoll 2432 a Corner 2432b a Corner tile 2433 a Cornet Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornet. 2433b a Cornet of horsemen Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornet. 2433c a Cornet or coffin of paper, Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornet. 2434 a Cornill-tree Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornill-tree. 2434b a Cornill-berie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornill-berie. 2435 a Cornimuse Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornimuse" 2436 a Cornish Chough 2437 a Cornir or cornaline stone Minsheu indicates stress as 'Cornir. 2438 Corodye 2438b Corodio habendo "Corodio habendo" not found in OED. 2439 a Corollarie 2440 a Coronall, Coronell, or Colonell Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coronall, 'Coronell,'Colonall. 2440b Coronatore eligendo Minsheu indicates stress as 'Coronell shippe. 2441 Coronatore eligendo Minsheu indicates stress as Corona'tore eligendo. "Coronatore eligendo" not in OED. 2442 a Coroner 2443 Corosive Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corosine. 2444 a Corowne Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corowne. 2445 a Corporall in an armie. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corporall. 2445b Corporall or belonging to the bodie. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corporall. 2445c Corporall, or hauing a great bodie. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corporall. 2445d the Corporall, the fine linnen wherein the Sacrament is put. Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corporall. 2445e a Corporation Minsheu indicates stress as Corpor'ation. 2445f Corporature Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corporature. 2445g a Corps 2245h Corpulencie Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corpulencie. 2245i Corpulent Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corpulent. 2445k Corpus cum causa 2446 Corrall Minsheu indicates stress as ''Corrall". 2247 Corrasiue Minsheu indicates stress as 'Corrasiue. 2448 to Correct or punish 2448b to Correct or ammend 2448c a Correcteur Minsheu indicates stress as 10646-2 Serapias 10646-3 Serapis Minsheu indicates stress as ser'apis. 10647 Serge 10648-1 Sergeant 10648-1b Sergeantie 10648-2 a Serieant 10648-2b a Sergeant of the mace. 10649 Serious Minsheu indicates stress as 'serious. 10650 a Sermon 10651 a Serpent 10651b Serpentarie 10651c Serpents tongue 10652-1 a Seruant 10652-2 a maide Seruant 10652-3 to Serue 10652-3b-1 Seruice 10652-3b-2 Seruice Minsheu indicates stress as 'seruice. 10652-3b-3 Seruice secular 10652-3b-4 a Seruice berrie 10652-3b-5 Seruientibus "Seruientibus" not found in OED. 10652-3b-6 a Seruing man 10652-3b-7 Seruitÿs acquientandis "Seruitÿs acquientandis" not found in OED. 10652-3b-8 Seruitour of billes 10652-3c-1 Seruitude or bondage Minsheu indicates stress as 'seruitude. 10652-3c-2 the originall of Seruitude 10653 Sesamoides 10654 Sesamum 10655 Seselie 10656-1 Sessions 10656-2 Sessions or Assises 10656-2b-1 Sessions hall 10656-2b-2 Sessour 10657-1 to Set or put any where 10657-2 to Set vpon 10657-3 to Set or plant 10657-4 to Set by 10657-5 to Set nothing by, or to Set at naught. 10657-5b-1 Set clothes 10657-5b-2 sunne Set 10658-1 Setfoile 10658-2 Settergrasse 10658-3 Setterwoort 10658-4 the Setting of the sunne 10658-5 to Settle 10658-5b a Settle to sit downe on 10658-6 Set wall 10658-7 mountaine Set wall 10659 Setwell 10660 Seuen 10660b-1 the Seuen starres 10660b-2 Seuentie 10661 to Seuer 10662 Seuerance 10663 Seuere Minsheu indicates stress as seu'ere. 10663b Seueritie 10664 Sewantlie wouen 10665-1 Sewar 10665-2 Sewar or Sewer 10666 to Sewe 10667 a Sewer or sinke 10668-1 Sewet 10668-2 a Sewster 10669 Sexagesima 10670-1 a Sexe 10670-2 a Sextarie, or Sextarius 10671-1 the Sexte 10671-2 a Sexten 10671-2b the Sextarie, or Vestrie in a church. 10672 to Shackle 10672b a Shackle 10673 a Shadde fish 10674-1 Shaddowe 10674-2 to Shaddow 10674-2b Shaddow-grasse 10675 a Shaft 10676 Shagged 10677-1 to Shake 10677-2 to Shake for feare 10677-3 Shakles 10678-1 a Shale 10678-2 to Shale 10679 a Shallop 10680 a Shallow place 10681 the Shambles 10682-1 Shame 10682-2 to Shame 10682-3 one past all Shame 10682-3b Shamefast 10682-3c Shamelesse 10682-3d Shamelesnesse 10683 a Shamois 10684-1 Shanckes 10684-2 the Shancke 10684-2b the Shancke 10685 a Shape 10686 a Shard 10687 to Share 10687b a Share 10687c a mans Share 10687d a Share of a plough 10687e Share-woort 10688 Shares 10689-1 Sharpe 10689-2 Sharpe or seuere 10689-3 Sharpe witted 10689-4 Sharpe in tast 10689-5 a Sharpe in Musike 10689-6 to Sharpen 10689-7 a Shafte Wordentry no. reads 10689-6 but should be 10689-7. 10690 to Shaue 10690b Shaue-grasse 10690c a ioyners plane os intrsument to Shaue with 10690d A Shauer 10690e Shauing 10691-1 She 10691-2 the Sheade 10691-3 to Shead 10691-4 a Sheafe 10691-4b a Sheafe of arrowes 10692 to Sheare 10692b Sheare grasse 10692c a paire of Sheares 10692d a Shearinge 10693-1 the Sheate 10693-2 a Sheath 10693-2b a Sheath fish or whale of the riuer 10694 a Shed 10695 to Shedde 10695b a Shedding 10696-1 a Shedule 10696-2 Shee 10696-3 a Shee friend 10697 a Sheepe 10697b a Sheepheard 10697c a Sheepe-coate 10697d Sheepe hooke 10697e a flock of Sheepe 10697f Sheepheards needle 10697g Sheepheards purse, or Sheepheards pouch 10697h Sheepe shearing 10698-1 a Sheete of paper 10698-2 a Sheete or linnen 10698-2b a winding Sheete 10699-1 a Shelfe 10699-2 Shelfes 10700 a Shell 10700b Shell fish 10701 thatched Shelters 10702 a Shepheard 10702b Shepheards needle & Shepheards purse 10703-1 Sheriffe 10703-2 to Sheuer 10704 to Shew 10705 Shewing 10706-1 a Shicle or Shikle 10706-2 a Shide 10707 a Shield 10708 a Shier 10709 to Shift 10710 to Shift or change 10710b Shift or subtil dealing 10710c a Shifter 10711-1 a Shilling 10711-2 a Shimitar 10711-3 a Shindle 10711-4 to Shine 10712-1 a Shingle 10712-2 Shingles 10713 the Shinne bone 10714 a Shippe 10714b a Shippeman 10714c Schipper 10714d Shipwrake 10715-1 Shire 10715-2 Shireeve 10715-3 Shire weekes 10715-4 Shireeve weeke of Winchester and Essex 10715-5 Shire-Clerck 10715-6 Shire moote 10716 a Shirt 10717 to Shite 10718-1 a Weauers Shitle 10718-2 a Shittle-cocke 10719-1 a Shiue or shiuer of bread. 10719-2 to Shiuer 10719-3 to Shiuer in peeces 10720-1 a Shoare 10720-2 Shocke 10720-3 Shod 10721 Shoe 10721b to put off or pull off the Soes 10721c a Shoe-sole 10721d a woodden Shoe 10721e a high Shoe 10721f a horse Shoe 10721g to Shoe a horse 10721h a Shoe buckle 10721i a Shoe-cloute 10721k a Shoe latchet 10721l a Shoe maker 10721m a Shoe-makers last 10721n a Shoe-makers nawle 10722 to Shog 10723 a Shoing horne 10724 a Shooe 10725-1 to Shoote an arrow 10725-2 a Shoote 10726-1 a Shooter 10726-2 the Shooter of a locke 10727 a Shoppe 10727b an Apothecaries Shoppe 10728-1 a Shore 10728-2 to Shore by 10729 Shorling 10730 Shorne 10731 Short 10731-2 Short-winde 10731-3 to keepe Short 10732 to Shorten 10732b-1 Shortly 10732b-2 Shortly, ere it be long. 10732c Shortnesse 10732d Shortnesse or speech 10733-1 a Shot or reckoning 10733-2 Shot 10733-3 Shot 10733-4 a Shot, or kinde of Hogge 10733-5 Shot-free 10734-1 a Shouell 10734-2 a Shoueler 10735-2 it Should 10736 a Shoulder 10736b the Shoulder blade 10737-1 to Shout 10737-2 the Shouter 10738 a Show 10739 a Showe 10740 a Shower 10740b a Showing horne 10741 Shreds 10742-1 a Shrew 10742-2 a Shrew mouse 10742-2b Shrewd 10742-2c Shrewdnesse 10743 to Shreeke 10744 Shriefe 10745 Shrift or Shriuing 10746 Shrill 10747 a Shrimpe 10748 a Shrine 10749 to Shrinke 10750-1 Shrof 10750-2 to Shroud 10751 Shroue 10752 a Shrubbe Wordentry no. reads 10751 but should be 10752. 10753 to Shuffle 10754-1 to Shunne 10754-2 to Shutte 10754-3 to Shut out 10755 a weavers Shuttle 10756 Shy 10757-1 Sib or Sibbe 10757-2 Sibyll 10758-1 Sice 10758-2 Sicke 10758-3 to be Sicke 10758-4 a halier Sicke 10759-1 Sickle 10759-2 Sickle woort 10759-3 Sickly 10759-3b Sicknesse 10759-3c the falling Sicknesse 10760-1 a Sicle 10760-2 the Sicomore tree 10761-1 a Sicophant 10761-2 Sicorie 10762 Sicut alias "Sicut alias" not found in OED. 10763 a Side 10763b the Side of a bed 10763c a Side of a leafe in a booke. 10763d Sidelong 10764-1 a Sideman 10764-2 Sideman 10765 Sider 10766-1 Siderites 10766-2 to lay Siege to a towne 10766-2b a Siege 10767-1 to Siele 10676-2 a Sieue 10768 to Sift 10769 to Sigh 10769b a Sigh 10770-1 a Sight 10770-1b a solemne Sight 10770-2 the Sight 10770-2b sharpe Sighted 10771-1 a Signature 10771-2 a Signe 10771-2b to Signe 10771-2c a Signet 10772 to Signifie Minsheu indicates stress as 'signifie. 10773 a Signiorie 10774 Silence 10774b to keepe Silence 10774c Silent 10775 Siler mountaine 10776 Silerie 10777 a Silinder 10778 Silke 10778b a Silke-worme 10779 a Sillable 10780-1 a Sillibub 10780-2 Sillie 10780-3 a Sillogisme 10781 Siluer 10781b quicke-Siluer 10782 a Simball 10783-1 a Simball 10783-2 the Similar parts 10783-3 a Similitude 10783-4 a Simitar 10783-5 Simmitrie 10784 a Simnell 10785 Simon Cananeus 10786-1 Simonie Minsheu indicates stress as 'simonie. 10786-2 Simpathie 10786-3 Simphonie 10787-1 Simple 10787-2 a Simpler 10787-2b Simplicitie 10788-1 Simptome 10788-2 Sinabar 10788-3 Sinagogue 10788-4 Sinalepha 10789-1 Sinamon 10789-2 Sinckfoile 10789-3 Sinckports 10789-4 Sinckes 10790 Since 10790b Since that 10790c not long Since 10791-1 Sincere Minsheu indicates stress as sin'cere. 10791-1b Sinceritie Minsheu indicates stress as sin'ceritie. 10791-2 Sinck 10791-2b Sinckfoile 10791-3 Sincope 10791-4 Sinders 10791-5 Sindicke 10792-1 to Sindge 10792-2 Sinecdoche 10792-3 Sineresis 10793 to Sing 10793b a Singer 10793c a sweet Singing 10794-1 Single Wordentry no. reads 10704-1 but should be 10794-1. 10794-2 a Single of wood 10794-3 a Single man 10794-4 Singreene 10795-1 Singular, or alone. 10795-2 Singular, without peere. 10795-2b Singularitie Minsheu indicates stress as singu'laritie. 10796 Sinister 10797 to Sinke 10797b a Sinke 10797c Sinkefoile 10797d Sinnabar 10798 to Sinne 10798b a Sinne 10799 a Sinnew 10800-1 a Sinode 10800-2 Sinonima 10800-3 Sinoper 10801-1 Sinople 10801-2 Sintaxis 10802-1 to Sip 10802-2 the Siphacke 10802-3 a Sipher 10802-4 to Sippe Wordentry no. reads 10802-3 but should be 10802-4. 10803 Sipres 10804 a Siquis 10805-1 Sir 10805-2 a Sire 10806 a Siren 10807 a Siringe 10808-1 a Sirkin "Sirkin" not recorded in OED as a noun. 10808-2 Sirra 10809 a Sirrope 10809b a Sirrope made of honie and oximell. 10810-1 the Sise at dice 10810-2 the Sise 10810-3 Sisers 10811 a Sisken 10812 Sissers 10813 a Sister 10814-1 Sistole 10814-2 Sistus 10814-3 a Sith 10815-1 to Sit 10815-2 to Sitte 10816 a Sitterne 10817 a Siue 10817b a sifte with a Siue 10817c Siue 10818 Siuet 10819 Sixe 10819b the Sixe Clerks 10819c the Sixt 10819d Sixteene 10819e the Sixteenth 10819f Sixty 10820-1 a Size is a portion of bread or drinke. 10820-2 Size 10821 a paire of Sizzers 10822 Skailes 10823 Skaine 10824 Skale 10824b Skales 10824c Skallion Minsheu indicates stress as 'skallion. 10824d Skallop Minsheu indicates stress as 'skallop. 10825-1 Skarce 10825-2 to Skarifie Minsheu indicates stress as 'skarifie. 10825-3 a Skarre 10825-4 to Skarre 10826 Skatches 10827 Skate fish 10828 Skawe 10829 Skeate 10830 a Skegg 10831 Skeppe 10832 Skere 10833 the Skie 10834-1 a Skiffe 10834-2 Skill 10835 a Skillet 10836-1 to Skimme 10836-1b a Skimmer 10836-2 to Skinck 10837-1 a Skinne 10837-2 the Skinne of a beast. 10837-3 the Skinne that couereth the braine. 10837-4 to Skinne 10837-5 Skinner 10838-1 to Skippe 10838-2 to Skippe ouer 10839 to Skirmish 10839b a Skirmish 10840 Skirret 10841 the Skirtes of a coate 10842 Skittish 10843 Skiuinage "Skiuinage" is not found in the OED. 10844-1 a Sklice 10844-2 to Sklise 10844-3 to Skoffe 10845-1 Skold 10845-2 Skolopender 10846 Skommer 10847-1 Skonce 10847-2 Skonce, or fortified place. 10847-3 a Skope 10847-4 to Skorch 10847-5 Skordium 10847-6 Skore 10847-7 Skorne 10848-1 Skorpion 10848-2 Skot, & Scot-free, & Scot, & lot. 10848-3 Skotall 10848-4 Skotomie 10848-5 Skouell 10848-6 Skoure and Scourge 10848-7 Skoute and Skoute-watches 10848-8 Skraggie 10848-9 to Skrape 10848-10 to Skratch 10848-11 to Skreake 10848-12 a Skreene 10848-13 a Skrew 10848-14 a Skribe 10848-15 a Skrine 10849-1 a Skrine or cabinet. 10849-2 a Skrippe 10849-3 a Skriuenor 10849-4 a Skroule 10849-5 a Skruple 10849-6 Skrutinie 10850-1 the Skull 10850-2 Skullion 10850-3 Skuller 10851-1 Skurfe 10851-2 Skurrillitie 10851-2b Skuruie, Skuruinesse 10852-1 Sky 10852-2 to Slabber 10853-1 Slacke, or loose. 10853-2 Slacke or slow in doing. 10853-2b Slackly 10853-2c Slacknesse 10854-1 Slaie 10854-2 the Slaie of a weauers loome 10854-2b a man Slaier 10854-3 to Slake 10854-4 Slander, & Slanderous 10855 a Slapsauce 10856 to Slash 10857 a Slate 10858 a Slaue 10859 to Slauer 10860-1 Slauerie 10860-2 the origiinall of Slauerie 10861 Slaughter 10861b a Slaughter-man 10861c a Slaughter-house 10862 Slaunder, & to Slaunder 10862b Slaunderous 10863-1 Slaye 10863-2 to Slea 10864 to Sleake 10865 a Sledde 10866 a smiths Sledge 10867 to Sleeke 10868 to Sleepe 10868b Sleepe 10869 a Sleeue 10870-1 to Slicke 10870-2 Sleite 10870-3 Slender 10871-1 Slice 10871-1b a Slice of bacon 10871-2 a Slice 10871-3 a Slidde 10872 to Slide 10873 a Slie fellow 10874 a Slight 10875 Slime 10876 a Slimme 10877 Slinesse 10878 a Sling 10879-1 to Slippe 10879-2 a Slippe 10879-3 a Slipper 10879-3b Ladies Slipper 10880 Slippery 10881-1 Slise 10881-2 to Slitte 10881-2b a Slitte 10882-1 Slonthfull 10882-2 a Slockster 10883 a Sloe 10883b a Sloe-worme 10884 a Slokster 10884b Slope 10885-1 Sloppe 10885-2 to Slorie 10885-3 Sloth 10886 a Slouch 10887 a Slouen or filthy fellow 10888 Slouthful 10889-1 Slow 10889-1b Slowthfulnesse 10889-2 to Slubber 10890 a Sluce 10891 Sluggard, or sluggish Minsheu indicates stress as 'sluggard. 10892 to Slumber 10893-1 Sluse 10893-2 a Slutte, or sluttish 10894 Slynesse 10895-1 to Smack or taste 10895-2 to Smacke or kisse 10895-2b a Smacking 10895-2c Smacklesse "Smacklesse" is not found in the OED but see "smack, n.1". 10896 Small 10897-1 Smallage 10897-2 marish Smallage 10898 to Smart 10899 a Smatterer in any learning 10900-1 Smeare 10900-2 to Smeare 10901 to Smell 10901b a Smell-feast 10902 a Smelt 10903 Smeth 10904 to Smile 10905-1 to Smire 10905-2 a Smiter 10905-2b Smiting 10906 an iron Smith 10906b a gould-Smith 10906c a locke-Smith 10906d a Smiths hammer 10907-1 a Smocke 10907-2 Smoke 10908-1 Smooth 10908-2 to Smooth 10909 to Smoother 10909b a Smoother or soother 10909c a Smootherie 10910 Smugge 10911 to Smutch 10912 a Snaffle 10913 a Snaile 10914 a Snake 10914b a water-Snake 10914c Snake-weede or Snake-woort 10914d Snakes buglosse 10914e Snakes garlicke 10915 Snapdragon 10916 a Snappe-dragon 10917-1 to Snappe 10917-2 a Snappe with the fingers 10918-1 a Snappe-haunse 10918-2 a Snare 10918-3 to Snare 10919 to Snarle 10920 to Snatch 10921 Snatte 10922 a Sneaksbee 10923 to Sneese 10923b Sneese-woort 10923c Sneese-woort of Austrich 10923d Sneesing-pouder 10924 Sneeuell 10925 a Snite 10926 to Snort 10927 Snot 10928 Snoute 10929-1 Snow 10929-2 to Snowe 10929-3 it Snoweth 10930-1 a Snowte 10930-2 the Snowte of an Elephant 10930-3 to Snuffe 10930-4 the Snuffe of socket of the Lampe 10930-5 to Snuffe the candle 10930-6 a paire of Snuffers 10931-1 Sny 10931-2 So 10931-3 to Soake 10932-1 Soaked 10932-2 a Soale fish 10933 Soape 10934 to Soare 10935 a Sobbe 10936 Sober 10936b Sobernesse 10937-1 Soc 10937-2 Soccage 10938-1 Sociable Minsheu indicates stress as 'sociable. 10938-2 to Sociate 10938-2b Societie 10939-1 a woollen Socke 10939-2 a linnen Socke 10940 Sod 10941-1 Sodaine 10941-2 a Sodde 10941-3 Sodden 10942 Sodeine 10943 Sodomie 10943b a Sodomite Minsheu indicates stress as 'sodomite. 10944 Soe 10945 Soe be it 10946 Soft 10946b to Soften 10946c Softly 10947 to Soile 10948 Soile 10949 to Soiorne 10950 Sok & Soke 10951 to Soke 10952 Soken 10953 Sokmans 10954 Sok-reeue 10955 Solace 10956 to Solace 10957 a Solar 10958-1 Sold 10958-2 the great Soldane or Sultan among the Turkes or Persi­ ans. 10959 to Solder 10960 a Soldier 10961 Sole 10962-1 the Sole of a shooe 10962-2 the Sole of the foot 10962-3 a Sole fish 10962-4 a Solecisme 10962-5 Solemne or sad 10962-6 Solemne 10962-6b Solemnitie Minsheu indicates stress as sol'emnitie. 10962-6c to Solemnize 10963 Solet & Debet "Solet & Debet" not found in OED. 10964 a Solezisme 10965 to Solicite 10965b a Soliciteur Minsheu indicates stress as sol'iciteur. 10965c Solicitude Minsheu indicates stress as sol'icitude. 10966 Solidata tette "Solidata tette" not found in OED. 10967-1 Solid 10967-2 Solitarie Minsheu indicates stress as 'solitarie. 10967-2b a Solitarinesse 10967-2c Solitude 10968 Sollacre 10969 a Sollar 10970-1 a Sollar 10970-2 to Sollicite 10970-3 Sollide 10970-4 Sollitarie 10970-5 Solemne 10970-6 Solstice Minsheu indicates stress as 'solstice. 10970-7 Soluble 10971-1 Solution Minsheu indicates stress as sol'ution. 10971-2 Solutione feodi militis Parlamenti, and Soluti­ one feodi Burgen : Parlamenti "Solutione feodi militis Parlamenti, and Solutione feodi Burgen: Parlamenti" not found in OED. 10971-3 Solutiue 10972 Some 10972b Some bodie 10972c Some certaine 10972d Sometimes 10972e Somewhat 10972f in Some measure 10973-1 a Somme 10973-2 Sommer 10973-3 the Sommer 10974 to Sommon 10975 Sonday 10976 Sondrie 10977 a Song 10977b a Song of praise 10977c a lamentable Song at burials 10978-1 the Sonne the Planet 10978-2 Sonne 10978-2b a God Sonne 10978-2c a Sonne in Law 10978-2d a Sonne in law 10978-3 Sonnet 10979 Sontage 10980-1 Soone 10980-2 Soote 10980-3 to Soothe 10980-3b a Soother 10981 a Soothsayer 10982 a Sootie 10983 Sope 10983b Sopeweed 10983c Sopewort 10983d Sope-bales 10984 a Sophisine 10984b a Sophister 10984c Sophisticall 10984d-1 to Sophisticate 10984d-2 Sophistrie 10985-1 a Soppe 10985-2 a Sorbe apple 10986 a Sorcerer 10986b Sorcerie 10987 a Sordine 10988 a Sore 10989-1 a Sore 10989-2 Sore or cruell 10989-3 a Sorell colour 10989-4 Sorell hearbe 10990 Sorie 10991-1 Sorrell 10991-2 Sorrell colour 10992-1 Sorrow Wordentry no. reads 10962-1 but should be 10992-1. 10992-2 to Sorrow 10992-2b Sorrowing 10992-2c Sorrowes bane 10993-1 a Sorte 10993-2 to Sorte 10993-2b Sorteable 10994 Sothale 10995 Sothernwood 10996 a Sotte 10997 Soueraine 10997b Soueraintie 10998 Sought 10999-1 Sould 10999-2 the great Souldan 10999-3 Soulder or Souder 10999-4 a kinde of Soulder 10999-5 to Soulder 11000 a Souldiour 11000b a Souldiers boy or page 11001-1 the Soule 11001-2 the Soule vegetatiue 11001-3 the sensitiue Soule 11001-4 all Soules day 11002-1 Sound 11002-2 a Sounde 11002-3 to Sound or giue a Sound 11002-4 to Sound 11002-4b-1 a mariners Sounding plummet 11002-4b-2 Trumpets Sound 11003-1 a Souper 11003-2 a Source 11004-1 a Sourdet 11004-2 Soure 11004-3 Soure docke 11004-3b Sourenesse 11005 to Sourge 11006 a Sowter 11007 a Southerne-wood 11008 South vicount 11009 the Southwinde 11010 a Southsayer 11011 South-east winde 11012-1 Sowe 11012-2 to Sowe 11012-3 a Sowe 11012-3b Sowe-bread 11012-3c a Sow-snoute, or groine. 11012-3d Sow-thistle 11013-1 Sower 11013-2 Sowlder 11013-3 Sowldier 11013-4 Sowle 11013-5 Sownd 11013-6 to Sowne 11013-7 Sowne 11013-8 Sowrce 11013-9 Sowre 11013-10 Sowrge 11013-11 a Sowter 11014-1 a Space 11014-2 the Space of fiue years 11015 a Spade 11016 to Spaie 11017-1 Spangles 11017-2 a Spaniel 11018 a Spanne 11019-1 Sparage 11019-2 a Spara hauke 11019-3 Sparahauke-weede 11020 to Spare 11020b Spare 11021-1 a Sparke 11021-2 to Sparckle 11022-1 Sparre 11022-2 a Sparrow 11022-2b a Sparrow hauke 11023-1 Spatious 11023-2 a Spatte 11023-3 a Spauine 11024 the Spawne 11025 Speach 11026 to Speake 11026b to Speake against 11026c a Speaker 11026d Speaker of the Parlament 11027 a Speare 11027b a Speare-man 11027c an Eele or Trowte Speare 11027d Speare for a King, or the Kings Speare 11027e Speare woort 11028-1 a Specht 11028-2 Speciall Wordentry no. reads 1128-2 but should be 11028-2. 11028-2b Speciall matter in Euidence 11029 to Specifie 11030 a Specke 11031-1 a Spectacle 11031-2 a paire of Spectacles 11032 Speculation Minsheu indicates stress as specu'lation. 11033 Speech 11033b grace of Speech 11034-1 to Speed 11034-1b Speedie 11034-2 to make Speede 11034-2b Speedwell 11035 a Speigh 11036 to Spell 11037 Spelt 11038-1 a Spence Minsheu indicates stress as 'spence. 11038-2 Spence 11039 to Spende 11039b to Mispend 11039c a Spend thrift 11040 Sperage 11041-1 a Sperhauke 11041-2 Sperhauke weed 11042-1 Sperme 11042-2 to Spette 11042-3 to Spew 11043 a Sphere 11044 Spices 11045 a Spicknel 11045b bastard Spicknel 11046 a Spider 11046b Spider woort 11047-1 a Spye 11047-2 to Spie 11048 Spignell 11049 a Spigot 11050 Spike 11050b Spikenard 11050c ploughmans Spikenard 11050d wilde Spikenard 11051 to Spill 11051b a Spilling 11051c a Spill good, a Spill-thrift 11052 Spinach or Spinage 11052b Spinage 11053-1 a Spindle 11053-2 Spindle shanked Wordentry no. reads 11353-2 but should be 11053-2. 11054 a Spinke 11055 to Spinne 11055b a Spinning wheele 11055c a Spinster 11056 a Spire 11057-1 the Spirit or life of man. 11057-2 the Spirits or ghosts of the dead. 11057-2b Spirituall 11057-2c Spiritualties 11058-1 a Spit 11058-2 Spite 11058-2b Spitefull 11058-2c Spitefull or malicious 11059-1 a Spitte 11059-1b a turne-Spitte 11059-2 to Spitte 11060 a Spitter 11061-1 Spittle 11061-2 a Spittle house 11062 Splay footed 11063 the Spleene 11063b Spleene-woort 11064-1 Splendor 11064-2 Splents 11065 to Split, à splitteren 11065b Splits, or splents of wood 11066-1 to Spoile 11066-2 to Spoile, or waste Countries or Cities. 11066-2b a Spoile 11066-2c Spoile 11067 Spoke 11068-1 Spoken 11068-2 Spokesman 11069 a weauers Spole 11070 Spoliation 11071 Sponge 11072 a Spoone 11072b a Spoonefull 11072c Spoone-woort 11073 to Sport 11074 a Spotte 11074b Spotted 11075-1 a Spouse, bridegroome, or new maried man. 11075-2 a Spouse, Bride. 11076 a Spout 11077 a Sprat 11078-1 to Spread 11078-2 to Spread abroad 11078-3 to Spread out 11079 the branch or Spriege of a vine, à springen 11080-1 a Spring 11080-2 to Spring 11080-3 the Spring 11080-4 to Spring or budde. 11080-4b a Springall 11081 to Sprinkle 11081b a holy water Sprinkle 11082-1 the Sprite 11082-2 the Sprite saile of a ship. 11083 to Sprowte 11084 Sprace 11085 to Spue 11086 Spume 11087 a Spunge or Sponge 11088-1 Spunne 11088-2 Spurge 11089 to Spurne or kicke, of spurre 11089b a Spurre 11090 a Squadron 11091-1 Squaimish 11091-2 Squalley 11092-1 a Square 11092-1b four-Square 11092-2 to make Square 11093-1 to Squatte 11093-2 to Squeake 11093-3 to Squeese 11094 a Squibbe 11095 Squiers 11096-1 Squill 11096-2 the Squinancie in the throat, or Squince. 11096-2b Squince 11097 a Squint 11098-1 a Squire 11098-2 a Squire or rule 11099 a Squirrell 11100-1 the Squirt 11100-2 a Squirt 11101-1 to Squise 11101-2 to Stabbe 11102-1 Stable 11102-2 a Stable Minsheu indicates stress as 'stable. 11102-2b a Groome of the Stable 11102-3 Stable stand 11103-1 Stablenesse 11103-2 to Stablish 11104-1 a Stacke or reeke of straw 11104-2 a Stacke of wood 11105-1 a Staffe There is no wordentry no. 11105-2. 11105-3 a Bishops Staffe 11105-4 a hunting Staffe 11105-5 a Staffe 11106 a Stage 11106b a Stage player 11106c a Stage play 11107 a Stagge 11108 to Stagger 11108b Staggers 11109-1 to Stay 11109-2 to Staie vp 11110 to Staine 11111 a Staire 11111b a winding Staire 11112-1 a Stake 11112-2 to Stake 11112-3 a Stake, or gage. 11113 a Stalant 11114-1 Stale 11114-2 a Stale 11115-1 the Stalke of any fruite Wordentry no. reads 11115-2 but should be 11115-1. 11115-2 to Stalke vp and downe 11116 Stalkers 11117-1 Stall 11117-2 a Stall or stable 11117-2b an oxe Stall 11118 Stallage 11119 a Stallion 11120 to Stammer 11121-1 to Stampe 11121-2 to Stampe or coine money 11121-3 to Stampe or print 11121-4 a Stance 11122 to Stanch 11123 a Standard 11123b a Standard bearer 11123c he that goeth before the Standard to defend it 11124-1 a Stande for Ale or Beere 11124-2 to Stand 11124-3 to Stand against 11124-4 to Stand still 11124-5 Standergrasse 11124-5b a Standing water 11125 Stanford The proper noun "Stanford" is not found in the OED. 11126 Stannaries 11127 Stanze 11128 Staple 11129 Starboord 11130-1 Starch 11130-2 Starch-corne 11130-3 Starch-wort 11130-4 a Stare 11130-5 to Stare vpon 11131 Starke 11132 a Starling or Stare 11133-1 a Starre 11133-1b the morning Starre, or day starre 11133-1c the euening Starre 11133-1d-1 a wandring Starre 11133-1d-2 a blazing Starre 11133-1e te seuen Starres 11133-1f one that hath knowledge or skill in the Starres 11133-1g a little Starre 11133-1h Starre-wort, or Starre-grasse 11133-1i a Starre or Ierusalem 11133-2 Starre-chamber 11134-1 to Starte backs 11134-2 to Starte as some horses doe 11134-3 a Startup 11135-1 to Starve 11136 a State 11136-2 the State 11136-2b Statelie 11136-2c Statelinesse 11137-1 States 11137-2 Stathomes "Stathomes" is not found in the OED. 11138 Stationer 11139-1 a Statuarie 11139-2 a Statue Minsheu indicates stress as 'statue. 11139-3 Stature Minsheu indicates stress as 'stature. 11140-1 a Statute 11140-2 Statute 11140-3 Statute staple 11140-4 Statute Sessions See OED, "session, n." 4d for "petty or statute sessions" (no dates). 11140-5 Statuto stapulae and Statuto mercatorio 11140-6 Statutum delaboriis "Statutum delaboriis" not found in OED. 11141 Stauerworte or Staggerworte 11142-1 Stauesacre; lowseworte or Stauesaker or Stafisaker. 11143-1 Staulke 11143-2 to Staunche 11144 Staunford 11145-1 to Staye 11145-2 to Stayne 11145-3 to Stayre 11146 a Stead 11147 Steadie 11148 Steakes 11149-1 to Steale 11149-1b-1 to Steale vppon 11149-1b-2 a Stealer 11149-1c Stealth or stealing 11150 a Steare 11151-1 Steccado 11151-2 Stecados 11152-1 Stedfast 11152-2 to make Stedfast 11152-2b Stedfastnesse 11153-1 a Steede 11153-2 Steede or place 11154 Steele 11154b a Steele to strike fire 11154c a Steele-cap 11154d Steeliard 11155-1 Steepe vp 11155-2 Steepe downe 11155-3 to Steepe 11156 a Steeple 11157-1 a Steere 11157-2 a Steeres man 11158-1 a Stemme or stalk of any hearbe. 11158-2 a Stemme, Pedegree, or Genealogie. 11159 to Stench 11160 Stenneries 11161-1 Stenographie 11161-2 a Step 11162-1 a Step-mother 11162-1b a Step-father 11162-1c a Step-sonne 11162-1d a Step-daughter 11162-2 to Step ouer or stride 11162-2b a Step of a ladder 11162-2c a Steppe 11162-2d a foote-Steppe 11162-2e Steppe, vpright 11162-2f Steppe downe 11163 Sterill or barren 11163b Sterilitie 11164-1 Sterling 11164-2 Sterling 11165-1 Sterne 11165-2 the Sterne of a ship 11165-2b a Sternman 11166-1 Steward 11166-2 Steward, aliâs Stuard 11166-3 Steward or Stuard of the Kings most honourable hous­ hold 11167-1 a Stewe 11167-2 to Stewe meate 11167-3 a Stewe or hot-house 11167-4 the Stewes, or Brothell-house. 11167-5 Stewes 11168 to Stich 11168b Stichwoort 11169 Stickadoue 11170-1 to Sticke 11170-2 to Sticke or cleaue vnto 11170-2b a Sticke 11170-2c a Sticke for setting 11170-2d a Candle-Sticke 11170-2e Stickes that will soone bee set on fire. 11170-2f Stickler 11170-2g a Stickling 11171-1 a Stie 11171-2 a Stier 11172-1 Stiffe for cold. 11172-2 Stiffe in his purpose or opinion. 11172-3 to Stifle 11172-3b Stifnecked 11173-1 Stile 11173-2 Stile 11174-1 Still 11174-1b to be Still 11174-2 to Still 11174-3 Still, alwayes, continually 11174-3b a Stillatorie 11175 Stilliard 11176 Stilts 11177 Stinch 11178 to Sting 11178b a Sting 11179 to Stinke 11179b a Stinke 11180-1 to Stint 11180-2 to Stipe 11181 a Stipend 11182 Stipticke 11183 Stipulation Minsheu indicates stress as stipu'lation. 11184-1 to Stirre or moue 11184-2 to Stirre or prouoke 11184-3 to Stirre vp 11184-4 a great Stirre 11184-4b a Stirrop 11185 to Stitch 11185b a Stitch, or paine 11185c a Stitchie 11186-1 a Stoale 11186-2 Stoare 11186-3 a Stocada 11187-1 Stock 11187-2 a Stock or race 11187-3 a Stocke of a tree 11187-3b Stocke or grasse set in the ground 11187-3c a Stockdoue 11187-3d a Stockfish 11187-3e a Stock gilloflower 11187-3f a paire of Stocks 11187-3g a Stocking 11188 a Stock 11189 Stoically 11190 Stoicke 11191 Stole 11192 Stolne 11193-1 a Stomacher 11193-2 the Stomacke 11193-2b a greate stomacke 11194-1 Stoone of woll 11194-2 a Stone 11194-2b-1 a Stone-bowe 11194-2b-2 Stonecroppe 11194-2c Iewes Stone 11194-2d Stone ferne 11194-2e a Stone-hewer or cutter 11194-2f a Stone-iugg 11194-2g-1 the Bloudstone 11194-2g-2 the loade Stone 11194-2h to Stone 11194-2i Stone Faulcon 11194-2k the Stone of a plum, cherrie, date, oliue. 11194-2l a pretious Stone 11194-2m-1 the Stone or grauell in the raynes. 11194-2m-2 Stone-breake 11194-2n Stone-hore, or little Stone crop 11194-2o Stone of man, or beast 11194-2p-1 a Touch Stone 11194-2p-2 a Flint Stone 11194-2q Stonie hatred 11195-1 a Stole 11195-1b a Foote Stoole 11195-1c a close Stoole 11195-1d to goe to Stoole 11196 to Stoope 11197-1 to Stop 11197-2 to Stoppe or staye 11197-3 to Stoppe or shut vp 11197-3b a Stoppe 11197-3c a Stop 11197-3d a Stopping 11197-3e a Stopple 11198 Storar Minsheu indicates stress as 'storar. Wordentry no. reads 198 but should be 11198. 11199-1 Storck 11199-2 Storckes bill 11200-1 Store 11200-2 a Store house 11201 a Storie 11201b a writer of Stories 11202 a Storke 11202b Storkes bille 11203-1 a Storme 11203-2 to Storme 11204 a Stoue 11205 Stouers 11206 Stoute 11207 Stoutnes 11208 to Straddle 11209 to Stragle 11209b a Stragler 11210-1 to Straie abroad 11210-2 Straie 11211 Straight, or narrow 11211b Straight, or right 11211c Straight waie 11211d Straights 11212-1 to Straine licor 11212-2 to Straine, or presse 11212-3 to Straine or tkae a distresse 11212-4 a Strainer 11213 Straites 11214 Strake 11215 Straked 11216-1 the Seastrand 11216-2 Strand 11217 Strange 11217b-1 a Stranger 11217b-2 Stranger 11218 to Strangle 11218b Strangle weed 11219-1 Strangullion 11219-2 the Strangurie Minsheu indicates stress as 'strangurie. 11220 a Strap 11221 the Strappado Minsheu indicates stress as strap'pado. 11222-1 a Stratageme Minsheu indicates stress as 'stratageme. 11222-2 Straund 11222-3 Straunge, & Straunger 11222-4 Straungullion 11222-5 to Strawe 11223 a Strawe 11223b a Straw-house 11223c a Straw-bed 11224 a Strawberrie 11225-1 Strawnde 11225-2 Strawnge, Strawnger 11225-3 Stray 11226 a Streake 11227 the Streame 11227b-1 a swift Streame 11227b-2 a Streamer 11227c Streame-workes 11228-1 a Streate or Streete 11229-1 Streight 11229-2 to Streighten 11229-3 to Streigne or Streine 11229-4 a Streme, & Stremer 11230 Streme-workes 11231-1 Strength 11231-2 to Strengthen 11232 a Strepsiceros 11233 Stresse 11234 to Stretch out 11234b Stretched out 11235-1 a Strete 11235-2 to Strewe 11235-3 a Stritchell 11236 a Stride 11237 Strife 11238-1 a Strike 11238-2 to Strike or smite 11238-3 to Strike out 11238-4 to Strik throw 11238-5 to Strike saile 11239 a Strikle 11240 a Stringe 11240b Heart Strings or Stringes of the heart 11241-1 Strip 11241-2 a Stripe 11241-3 a Striplinge 11242 to Strippe 11242b to Strip naked 11243 to Striuen 11243b to Striue 11244-1 a Stroake 11244-2 a stroake or stripe 11244-3 to Stroake 11245 the sea Strond 11246 Strong 11246b Heade Strong 11247 to Strowte out 11248-1 to Stroye 11248-2 Structure 11248-3 Sturdie 11249 to Strugle 11250 a Strumpet 11251 Stuard 11252 Stubble 11253 a Stubborne or obstinate, quasi Stoutborne 11254 Stub-woort 11255 a Studde 11255b a Studde maker 11256-1 a Student 11256-2 Doctor & Student 11257-1 Studie 11257-2 to Studie 11257-2b a Studie 11257-2c Studious 11258 a Stue 11259 to Stuffe 11260 to Stumble 11261 Stumpe 11262-1 Stupide Minsheu indicates stress as 'stupide. 11262-2 to Stupifie 11262-3 Sturdie 11263 a Sturgion 11264-1 to Sturre 11264-2 to Stutter 11264-2b a Stutterer 11265 Sty 11266 Su 11267 a Sub-Deacon 11268 to Subdue 11269 a Subject 11269b to make Subiect 11269c Subiection 11270-1 the Subiunctiue moode 11270-2 Submarshall 11271 Submisse 11271b Submission 11272-1 to Submit 11272-2 to Suborne 11272-3 Subpœna 11273 to Subrogate 11274 to Subscribe 11275 Subsidie 11276-1 Substance 11276-2 Substance 11276-3 a Noune Substantiue 11277 to Substitute Minsheu indicates stress as 'substitute. 11278-1 Subtile or thinne 11278-2 Subtile or craftie 11278-2b Subtiltie 11278-2c Subtilities 11279 to Substract 11280 to Subuert 11281 the Suburbs of a Citie 11282 to Suceede 11283 Sucesse 11284-1 a Successour 11284-2 Succinctly 11285 Succorie 11286-1 Succour 11286-2 to Succour 11286-3 Succulent 11287 Such 11288-1 to giue Sucke 11288-2 to Sucke 11288-2b a Sucking pigge 11288-2c a Sucke-stone 11289-1 to Suckle 11289-2 Suckle 11290 Suddaine 11291-1 Sudden 11291-2 to Sue in Law 11291-3 to Sue or entreat 11292-1 Suertie of the peace 11292-2 a Suertie 11292-2b Suertieship 11293 Suet Minsheu indicates stress as 'suet. 11294-1 to Suffer or beare 11294-2 to Suffer or permit 11294-3 Sufferable Minsheu indicates stress as 'sufferable. 11294-3b-1 Sufferance 11294-3b-2 long Sufferance 11294-3b-3 Sufferance, or permission 11294-3b-4 Sufferance, or constancie 11295 to Suffice 11295b Sufficient 11296 to Suffocate 11297-1 Suffragan 11297-2 a Suffrage 11298 Sugar Minsheu indicates stress as 'sugar. 11298b Sugar cane Minsheu indicates stress as 'sugar. 11299 to Suggest 11300-1 a Suite of clothes or apparell. 11300-2 a Suite, or processe in law 11300-3 Suite 11300-3b Suite of the Kings peace 11300-3c Suite or request 11301-1 Sulfer 11301-2 Sullen 11302 a Sullibub 11303-1 Sullied 11303-2 Sulpher 11304 Sulphur Minsheu indicates stress as 'sulphur. 11305 the great Sultan or Soldan 11306-1 Sumach, sumake, or sumaque 11306-2 Sumage 11307 a Sumarie 11308 a Summe 11308-2 to Summe 11308-3 a Summer 11309 Summer 11310-1 to Summon 11310-1b Summoner 11310-1c Summons 11310-2 a Sumner 11310-2b Sumoner 11311 a Sumpter 11312-1 Sumptuous 11313-1 Sunday 11313-2 to Sunder 11314-1 Sundrie 11314-2 Sundrie 11314-3 Sunk Wordentry no. reads 11325-3 but should be 11314-3. 11315-1 the Sunne 11315-2 to Sunne 11315-2b the stay of the Sunne 11315-2c a Sunne-beame 11315-2d a Sunne-diall 11315-2e the eclipse of the Sunne 11315-2f to sette or lay anie thing in the Sunne 11315-2g to Sunne-burne 11315-2h Sunne-deaw 11315-2i Sunne-flower 11315-2k Sunnelett of the setting of the Sunne "Sunnelet" ("sunlet") in the sense of "the setting of the sun" is not found in the OED. 11316 the Superficies 11317-1 Superfluitie Minsheu indicates stress as super'fluitie. 11317-2 Superfluous Minsheu indicates stress as su'perfluous. 11318 a Superintendent 11319-1 Superioritye 11319-2 the Superiours 11320-1 the Superlatiue 11320-2 Supernaturall 11321 a Superscription 11321b the Superscription of a tombe 11322-1 Supersedeas 11322-2 Super statutum "Super statutum" not found in OED. 11322-3 Super statuto de york quo Nul ne sera viteller "Super statuto de york quo Nul ne sera viteller" not found in OED. 11322-4 Super prærogatiua Regis "Super prærogatiua Regis" not found in OED. 11323 Superstition 11324-1 to Suppe or soupe 11324-2 to Suppe or eate ones Supper 11324-2b a place where men vse to Suppe 11324-2c a Supper 11324-2d a reare Supper, or after-Supper 11324-2e the Lords Supper 11324-2f a Supping 11325 to Supplant 11326-1 Supple 11326-2 to Supple 11326-3 a Supplement 11327-1 a Suppliant 11327-2 a Supplication 11327-3 to make a Supplication 11327-4 Supplicauit 11328 to Supplie 11328b a Suppliment Minsheu indicates stress as 'suppliment. 11329-1 to Support 11329-2 to Suppose 11330 a Suppositorie 11331 to Suppresse 11332 to Suppurate Minsheu indicates stress as 'suppurate. 11333 Supremacie 11334 a Surbating 11335 to Surcease 11336-1 to Surcharge 11336-2 to Surcharge or oppresse. 11336-2b Surcharger of the forest 11337 a Surcingle 11338 Sur cui in vita "Sur cui in vita" not found in OED. 11339-1 Sure 11339-2 Sure or safe 11339-2b Suretie 11339-2c Suretiship 11340 the Surface 11341 a Surfet 11342-1 a Surge 11342-2 a Surgeon 11342-3 Surgerie 11343 Surioynder 11344 Surlie 11345 to Surmise 11346 to Surmount 11347 a Surname 11348 to Surpasse 11349 a Surplisse 11350-1 a Surplus 11350-2 Surplusage 11351 to Surprise 11352-1 to Surrender 11352-2 to Surrogate 11353 to Surround 11354 a Sursengle 11355 Sursise 11356 Surtie 11357-1 to Surueie 11358 to Suruiue 11359 to Suspect 11360 Suspence 11361 Suspension 11362 Suspicion 11363 Suspirall 11364-1 Suspition 11364-2 Suffer 11365 to Sustaine 11365b Sustenance 11366-1 Sutable 11366-2 to Sute 11366-2b-1 a Sute in Law 11366-2b-2 a Sute of apparell 11366-2b-3 a Suture 11367-1 to Swaddle 11367-1b a Swaddling-band 11367-2 to Swaddle or ribbe-baste 11368 to Swage 11369-1 to Swagger 11369-2 to Swagger with affront or abuse to one face 11369-2b a Swaggerer 11370 to Sway 11370b Sway 11371-1 a countrie Swaine 11371-2 Swainmot 11372-1 to Swallow 11372-2 a Swallow 11372-3 a sea-Swallow 11372-4 a Swallow, or gulfe 11372-4b a Swallow-taile 11372-4c Swallow woort 11373 a Swan 11374 Swarde 11375 a Swarme of Bees 11376-1 Swart 11376-2 Swart Ryters 11377 Swarue from 11378 to Swash 11378b a Swash-bucklar 11379-1 a Swath 11379-2 to Swathe 11380 to Sway 11381-1 to Sweare 11381-2 to Sweare deepely 11381-3 to Sweare an untrueth 11381-4 to for-Sweare 11381-4b a Swearing 11381-4c a false Swearing 11382-1 Sweate Minsheu indicates stress as sw'eate. 11382-2 to Sweate 11382-3 to Sweepe 11382-3b a Sweepe net 11382-3c a chimney Sweeper 11382-3d Sweepings 11383-1 Sweete 11383-2 a Sweet-heart 11383-3 to Sweeten 11383-3b Sweetenes 11384-1 to Swell 11384-2 to Swell with winde 11385 the Sweuians 11386 Swift 11387 to Swill 11387b a Swilboule 11388 to Swimme 11388b Swimming 11389-1 to Swindge 11389-2 a Swine 11389-2b a Swines-bread 11389-2c a Swines-grasse 11389-2d a Swine-hearde 11389-2e a Swine-stie 11389-2f Swines grease 11390-1 to Swinge or swindge 11390-2 to Swinge or turne about 11390-2b a Swinge 11390-2c a Swingle-staffe 11391-1 a Swipe 11391-2 a Swiuell 11392 Swollen 11393 to Swoone 11393b a Swooning 11394-1 a Sword 11394-1b a Sword player 11394-2 a short-Sword 11394-3 a Sword bearer 11395 a Sword fish 11396-1 Sword hangers 11396-2 Sworne 11396-3 Si 11396-4 the Sycomore tree 11397 a Sycophant 11398-1 Syder 11398-2 Syderites 11399-1 a Syllogisme 11399-2 Symmetrie Minsheu indicates stress as 'symmetrie. 11399-3 Sympathie 11399-4 Symphonie 11400 a Symptome 11401-1 Synabar Wordentry no. reads 1041-1 but should be 11401-1. 11401-2 a Synagogue Wordentry no. reads 10401-2 but should be 11401-2. 11401-3 a Synalepha Minsheu indicates stress as syna'lepha. Wordentry no. reads 1140-3 but should be 11401-3. 11401-4 Synamon 11402-1 to Synck 11402-2 Synckfoile 11402-3 Synckes 11402-4 Synckports 11403-1 Syncope 11403-2 Synders 11403-3 a Syndicke 11404 Synecdoche 11405 Syneresis 11405.5 Synnabar Use of wordentry no. "11405" here reflects the number of the previous one. 11406-1 a Synode Minsheu indicates stress as 'synode. 11406-2 a Synonima Minsheu indicates stress as syn'onima. 11407-1 Synoper Minsheu indicates stress as 'synoper. 11407-2 Syntaxis 11407-3 Sypher 11407-4 Sypres 11407-5 Syr & Syre 11408-1 a Syren 11408-2 a Syringe 11409-1 a Syrope 11409-1b a Syrope made of honie and vinegar 11409-2 Syrtes 11410-1 Sysers 11410-2 Systole 11410-3 Systus 11411 a Sythe 11412-1 Syze 11412-2 Syzers Wordentry no. reads 11442-2 but should be 11412-2. T 11414 Tabaco 11414b the keeper of a Tabaco shoppe 11415-1 a Taber 11415-2 to play on the Tabor 11415-2b a Taberer Minsheu indicates stress as 'taberer. 11416 a Tabernacle 11417-1 a Table 11417-1b to lay or couer the Table 11417-1c a Table cloth 11417-1d a Table napkin 11417-1e-1 a counting Table 11417-1e-2 a Table whereon bankers tell their money. 11417-1f a Table with one foot. 11417-1g a Table set on the Arke of the Old Testament. 11417-1h a Table in a booke or Index. 11417-1i Table of fines 11417-2 Tables 11417-3 a paire of Tables to play. 11417-3b to play at Tables 11417-3c a game at Tables called Lurch 11417-3d a Table man 11417-4 a Tablet 11418-1 a Tabret 11418-2 Taces 11419-1 to Tache 11419-2 a Tacke 11419-3 Taciturnitie 11419-4 a Tacket 11419-5 the Tackle 11419-6 ground Tackles 11420 Taffetie 11421 a Tag 11422 Tailage 11423-1 Taile 11423-2 a Taile 11423-2b a docke of a horses Taile 11423-2c the plough-Taile 11424 a Tailer 11425 a Taillie 11426 Taint 11427-1 to Take 11427-2 to Take away 11427-3 to Take away by violence. 11427-4 to Take away or diminish. 11427-5 to Take away or depriue. 11427-6 to Take one vnawares. 11427-7 to Take hold on. 11427-8 to Take before. 11427-9 to Take againe. 11427-10 to Take vp before or by the way. 11427-11 to Take to wife. 11427-12 to Take out. 11427-13 to Take heede. 11427-14 to Take in a net. 11428-1 Tale 11428-2 a Tale 11428-3 to tell Tales 11428-3b a Tale-bearer 11428-3c a teller of a Tale 11428-3d a tell-Tale 11428-4 a Talei 11428-5 Tales 11429 a Taley 11430-1 a Talent 11430-2 Talkatiue 11480-3 to Talke 11430-4 Talke 11430-5 a Talker 11430-6 a vaine Talker 11431 Taliage 11432 Talle or Tale 11433 a Tallie 11434 a haukes Talon 11435 Tallow 11436 Talmud 11437 a Talon 11438 Talshiede 11439 Talwood 11440-1 Tame 11440-2 to Tame 11440-3 a Tamer 11440-4 Tamely 11441 the shrub Tameriske 11442 a Tankard 11442b a Tankard-bearer 11443 a Tanner 11444-1 a Tansie 11444-2 wilde Tansie 11444-3 Tantalus Minsheu indicates stress as 'tantalus. 11445 Tape 11446 a Taper 11447 Tapestrie 11447b to hang with Tapestrie 11448 Tapinosis 11449-1 a Tappe 11449-2 to Tappe 11449-2b a Tapster Minsheu indicates stress as 'tapster. 11450-1 Taragon 11450-2 the Tarantola 11451 Tarboord 11452 to take Tardie 11453 a Tare 11453b a strangle-Tare 11454 Tares 11455-1 a Target 11455-2 a Target like a halfe-moone. 11455-3 to Tarie 11456-1 a Tarragon 11456-2 Tarre 11457 to Tarrie, abide, or remaine. 11458 to waxe Tarte 11459-1 a Tarte 11459-2 Tarte or sharpe 11460-1 Tasels 11460-2 Tases 11461-1 a Taske 11461-2 Taske alias Taxe 11461-2b a Taske or taxe. Wordentry no. reads 11461-2c but should be 11461-2b. 11462-1 a Tassell 11462-2 a Tassel 11463 to Taste 11464 to Tast 11464b Tast, or the sense of tastinge. 11464c that hath a good Tast 11464d the Taster of a King 11465 to Tatle 11465b a Tatler 11466 Tatta 11467 Tatters 11468 a Tauerne 11468b a Tauerner 11469 Taught 11470 a Taunt 11471 Taurus 11472 Tautologie 11473 a Tawer 11473b Tawnie 11474-1 Taxe 11474-2 to Taxe 11474-3 Tay 11475 Tazel 11476-1 to Teach, or instruct. 11476-2 to Teach otherwise then was taught before. 11477 a Teale 11478 Team 11479-1 a Teame 11479-2 a Teare in weeping 11479-3 to Teare, or rent. 11479-4 to shed Teares 11480-1 Teasels 11480-2 Teastie 11481 a Teate 11482 Teazill 11483 Tedious 11484-1 a Teeme 11484-1.5 a Teeme use of wordentry no. "11484-1" here reflects the number of the previous one. 11484-2 Teeth 11485-1 to Tell or say 11485-2 to Tell or number 11485-3 to Tell or declare 11485-4 to Tell one what he shall write 11485-5 I can Tell or I cannot tell 11486-1 Teller 11487 Telonium "telonium" not found in OED but see "theolony, n." 11488 Temeritie 11489 to Temper 11489b-1 Temperance Minsheu indicates stress as 'temperance. 11489b-2 a Temperature Minsheu indicates stress as 'temperature. 11490 a Tempest Minsheu indicates stress as 'tempest. 11491-1 a Temple 11491-1b Templars 11491-2 Temples of the head 11492-1 Temporall Minsheu indicates stress as 'temporall. 11492-2 Temporalities of Bishops 11492-3 to Temporise 11493 to Tempt 11494 Ten 11495-1 a Tenant Wordentry no. reads 11495-5 but should be 11495-1. 11495-2 Tenant, or Tenaunt 11495-3 a Tench 11496-1 to Tend 11496-2 to Tend, as to some conclusion, or end. 11496-3 Tend 11497 Tendeheued "Tendeheyed" is not found in the OED. 11498-1 Tender, or soft 11498-2 Tender 11499-1 a Tendrell, or yong branch of a tree. 11499-2 the Tendrell of a vine. 11500 Tenement Minsheu indicates stress as 'tenement. 11500b Tenent 11501 Tenne 11501b Ten Commandements 11501c Ten times 11501d Tenfold 11502 Tennis 11502b a Tennis court 11503-1 a Tenon 11503-2 a Tenon 11504-1 a Tenor in singing 11504-2 the Tenor 11505-1 a Tent, or pauillon 11505-2 a Tent for a wound 11506-1 the Tenth 11506-2 Tenthes 11507 Tenure 11508-1 a Terme of the yeare 11508-2 Terme 11508-2b Termination Minsheu indicates stress as termin'ation. 11509 Termour 11510 Terpsichore 11511 a Terrace 11512 Terretenent 11513-1 Terrible Minsheu indicates stress as 'terrible. 11513-2 Terrible in countenance 11513-3 the herbe Terrible 11514 to Terrifie 11515 a Territorie 11516 a Terour 11517 Ters or Tiers 11518 Tertian 11519-1 a Testament Minsheu indicates stress as 'testament. 11519-2 Testament 11519-2b a Testator 11520 Teste 11521 Testie 11522-1 Testification Minsheu indicates stress as testifi'cation. 11522-2 to Testifie 11522-2b a Testimoniall 11522-2c a Testimonie 11522-3 Tetragrammaton Minsheu indicates stress as tetra'grammaton. 11523-1 a Tetter 11523-1b Tetter-woort 11523-1c a Tetter-berrie 11523-2 the Text 11523-3 Tey 11524 Thactile 11525 Thalia Minsheu indicates stress as 'thalia. 11526-1 a Thalmud 11526-2 Thanagium 11526-3 Thane 11527-1 to Thanke 11527-2 Thankfull 11527-2b Thankfulnesse 11528 Thanus 11529-1 That 11529-1b That coniunct 11529-1c so That 11529-1d That way 11529-2 to Thatch 11529-2b a Thatcher 11530-1 to Thaw 11530-2 Theam 11531 Theame 11532 a Theater Minsheu indicates stress as 'theater. 11533-1 a Theefe 11533-2 Theeuerie 11533-3 Theeuish 11533-4 Theft 11533-4b Theft 11533-4c Theftbote 11534 Thegne 11535 Thelonium "Thelonium" is not found in the OED. 11536-1 Theme 11536-2 Theme 11537-1 Then 11537-2 Then 11537-3 Thence 11538-1 Theodore 11538-2 Theologie 11538-3 Theorie 11538-4 Theorique or Theorie 11539-1 There 11539-2 Therefore 11539-3 Thereof 11540 Thesbiæ 11541-1 Thicke 11541-2 to Thicken or make thicke. 11541-3 to Thicken, or waxe thicke. 11541-3b a Thicket 11542 the Thigh 11543-1 a Thimble 11543-2 the Thilles of a cart. 11544-1 a Thimble 11544-2 Thime 11544-3 Thin 11544-4 Thinck 11545 Thine 11546-1 a Thing 11546-2 Thingus Wordentry no. reads 11546-3 but should be 11546-2. 11547-1 to Thinke 11547-2 to Thinke, deeme, weene, iudge, or suppose. 11547-3 to Thinke or imagine 11547-4 to Thinke or muse vpon 11547-5 to Thinke or meditate 11547-5b me Thinketh 11547-5c a Thinckinge 11548-1 Thinne 11548-2 to make Thinne 11549-1 the Third 11549-2 Third 11550-1 a Thirst 11550-2 to Thirst 11550-2b bloud Thirstie 11551-1 Thirteene a thretton 11551-1b the Thirteenth 11551-2 Thirtie 11552 This 11553-1 a Thistie 11553-2 a sowe Thistle 11553-2b a charline Thistle 11554-1 Thither 11554-2 Thither-ward 11554-3 Thitherto 11554-4 Hither and Thither 11555 Thokes of fish 11556 Tholl 11557 Thomas 11558 a Thombe 11559 a Thong 11560-1 a Thorne 11560-2 a Thorne-back 11560-3 Thornie 11560-4 Thornie, or made of Thornes 11561-1 Thorough 11561-2 Thorow 11562 Thou 11563-1 Though 11563-2 Thought 11564 Thourough 11565 a Thousand 11566-1 Thraldome 11566-2 to Thrash 11567 Thraue of corne 11568 a Thred 11568b a Thread spunne 11568c to Thread a needle 11568d a skeine of Thread 11569-1 to Threashe 11569-2 to Threaten 11569-2b a Threatner 11569-2c Threatening 11569-3 Thred 11570 Three 11570b Three-fold 11570c to make Three fould, or three double. 11571-1 to Thresh 11571-1b a Thresher 11571-2 a Threshold 11572-1 Thridborow 11572-2 Thrid with hawan man 11573-1 Thrift 11573-2 Thrift 11573-2b Thriftie 11574 Thrimsa 11575 to Thriue 11576-1 a Throane 11576-2 a Throat 11577-1 to Throbbe 11577-1b a Throbbing Minsheu indicates stress as 'throbbing. 11577-2 a Throne 11578 to Throng 11578b a Throng or heape of people. 11579-1 the Throte 11579-2 Throte woort 11580 to Throtle 11581 Though 11582-1 to Throwe forth 11582-2 to Throppe 11582-3 a Thrummed 11582-4 silke Thrummes 11583 a Thrush 11584-1 to Thrust 11584-2 to Thrust 11584-3 to Thrust through 11585 a Thumbe 11586 to Thumpe 11587-1 Thunder 11587-2 to Thunder 11587-2b a Thunder bolt 11587-2c a Thunder clappe 11588-1 Thursday 11588-2 Maundie Thursday 11589 to Thwack 11590-1 Thwart 11590-2 Thyme 11591 Tichie 11592-1 a Ticke 11592-2 a beds Ticke 11593-1 a Ticket 11593-2 Ticket 11594 to Tickle 11595-1 Tick tack 11595-2 the Tide 11595-3 Tidings 11595-3b to bring Tidings 11595-3c a Tiding-bringer 11595-3d good Tiding 11596 to Tie or binde 11597-1 to Tiercell 11597-2 Tiers 11598 a Tiger 11599-1 a Tike 11599-2 the Tike of a bed 11600-1 a Tile 11600-2 a gutter or roofe Tile 11600-2b a Tiler 11601-1 a Till 11601-2 to Till 11601-3 Tillage 11601-4 Till, a till 11602-1 a Till-man 11602-2 bookes entreating of Tilling the ground. 11603 Tilsen 11604 to runne at Tilt 11604b a Tiltyard 11605 a Timber 11605b belly Timber 11606 a Timbrell 11607-1 Time 11607-2 Time, or leasure. 11607-2b a distance of Time 11607-2c due Time 11607-2d Time of ceasing 11607-2e at what Time 11607-2f at that Time 11607-2g-1 often Times 11607-2g-2 some Time 11607-2h that commeth in very good Time 11607-2i in Time 11607-3 Time 11607-3b dodder Time 11607-3c wilde Time 11608-1 Timerous 11608-1b Timerousnesse 11608-2 Timpane 11609 Timpanie 11610-1 Tincell 11610-2 to Tinde 11610-2b Tinder 11610-2c a Tinder boxe 11611 to Tingle 11612 a Tinker 11613 Tinne 11614 Tinsell 11615 a Type 11616-1 a Tippe 11616-2 a Tippet 11617 to Tipple 11617b a Tipling house 11618 a Tirant 11618b Tyrannie 11619 Tirdles 11620-1 to Tire 11620-2 Tisane 11621-1 the Tissicke 11621-2 Tissu 11621-3 Tissue 11622-1 Tithes 11622-2 to Tithe 11622-3 Tithe 11622-4 Tithing 11623-1 Title in Law 11623-2 a Title 11623-2b a Title or point in letters Wordentry no. reads 11623-2c but should be 11623-2b. 11624 a Titmouse 11625 a Tittle-tattle 11626-1 To 11626-2 To 11626-3 To lang & te bred 11627 a Toade 11627b a Toade-stoole 11627c Toade-flaxe 11628 Tobaco 11629-1 Todde 11629-2 Todde of wooll 11630 Tode, Tode-flaxe, Tode-stoole. 11631-1 a Toe 11631-2 the great Toe 11632 Together 11632b Together with 11633 Toies 11634-1 Toile 11634-1b Toilesome 11634-1c Extreame toile or labour 11634-2 Toile 11634-2b Toiles to take wilde beasts 11635-1 a Token 11635-2 a Token, note, or marke. 11635-3 a Token, or signe of some great good or euill chance to come. 11636-1 Told, or numbred. 11636-2 Told, or declared. 11637-1 Tolle 11637-2 Toll 11637-2b Turne Tolle 11637-2c Toll trauers 11637-2d Thorow-Tolle 11637-3 Tolle 11637-4 Tolonium "Tolonium" not found in OED (common today in "tolonium chloride". 11637-4b a Toll or Taxe-gatherer. 11637-5 to Toll a Bell 11637-6 to Tolle, draw on, or entice. 11638-1 Tollerable Minsheu indicates stress as 'tollerable. 11628-2 to Tollerate 11639 Tolt 11640 a Tombe 11641-1 a Tomboye 11641-2 a Tome 11641-3 a Tone 11642 a Tonel 11643 a paire of Tonges 11644 a Tongue 11644b the Mother Tongue 11644c Tongue-tied 11644d Tongue-blade 11644e long-Tongued 11644f euill-Tongued 11645 Tonnage 11646 Tonne 11647 a Tonnell 11648 a Toole 11649 a Tooth 11649b a Tooth-picker 11649c a Tooth-picke 11649d the iawe, or cheeke Tooth 11649e Tooth-some, or sweet of Tooth 11650-1 Top 11650-2 a Topace 11651 Topickes 11652 Topographie 11653 Topothesia "Topothesia" is not found in the OED. 11654-1 the Toppe 11654-2 a Toppe to play withall 11655-1 Toppickes 11655-2 a Topsiturnie Minsheu indicates stress as topsit'urnie. 11656 a Torche 11657-1 a Torment 11657-2 to Torment Minsheu indicates stress as tor'ment. 11657-2b a Torment or racke 11658 Tormentill 11659 Torne 11660-1 Torney 11660-2 Turnesol 11661-1 a Tortoise 11661-2 a Torture 11662 a Tospotte 11663-1 to tosse 11663-2 to Tosse vppe & downe 11664-1 to Tost 11664-2 Toste 11665-1 Totall 11665-2 Toth 11666 Totted 11667 to Touch Wordentry no. reads 19667 but should be 11667. 11667b Touchstone 11667c Touch wood 11667d a Touching 11667e Touch menot 11668 Tough 11669-1 Tould 11669-2 Toule 11669-3 a Toure 11669-4 a Toungue 11670 Tournay Tournament 11670b a Tourneying 11671 Tout temps prest & encore est "Tout temps prest & encore est" not found in OED. 11672 to Touse 11673 Tow 11674 Towardes 11674b Towardes or Towardlines Wordentry no. reads 11674c but should be 11674b. 11675-1 Towche, Towching, Towchstone, Towchwood. 11675-2 a Towell 11676 a Tower 11677 a Towne 11677b a Countries towne 11677c a Towne incorporate 11677d a Townesman 11678-1 a Towre 11678-2 a Trace or Tracke 11679-1 Tractable Minsheu indicates stress as 'tractable. 11679-2 to make tractable 11680 to Tracte 11681 a Trade 11682 a Tradition Minsheu indicates stress as 'tradition. 11683-1 Trafique 11683-2 to Trafique 11683-2b Hee that trafiqueth 11684 Tragedie Minsheu indicates stress as 'tragedie. 11685 a Traie 11686-1 Traile baston 11686-2 to Traile or Dragge 11687-1 to Traine, or Draine waters. 11687-2 a Traine, or companie of seruants 11687-2b the Traine of a womans gowne. 11687-2c to Traine vp use of wordentry no. "11687-2b" here reflects the number of the previous one. 11688-1 Traitor 11688-2 a Traitour 11688-2b Traiterous 11689 a Tramel 11690 to Trample 11691 a Trance 11692 Tranquillitie 11693 to Transcribe 11693b Transcript 11694 Transitorie Minsheu indicates stress as 'transitorie. 11695-1 Translation, or transportinge Minsheu indicates stress as trans'lation. 11695-2 to Transporte 11696-1 a Trappe 11696-2 to Trappe 11696-3 to Trappe 11696-3b a Trappe for mice or rats 11697-1 Trauaile, paines, or labour 11697-2 to Trauail 11697-3 Trauaile 11697-4 to Trauaile, or goe on a iourney. 11697-5 to Trauaile, or be in labour or trauail with child. 11697-6 to Trauaile before time. 11697-7 a Trauailler or Countries or iourneies. 11698 Trauers 11699 a Traunce 11700 Treacherie 11701 Treacle 11702 to Treade 11703 a Treadle 11704-1 Treason 11704-2 Treason 11705-1 Treasure 11705-2 Treasure troue 11705-2b-1 Treasurer 11705-2b-2 Treasurer of the Kings houshould 11706-1 to Treate of 11706-2 Treate 11706-2b-1 Bread of Treate 11706-2b-2 a Treate or Treatie 11707 Treble 11708 a Tree 11709 Tre-foile 11710 to Tremble 11711-1 a Trenche 11711-2 a Trencher 11711-2b a good Trencherman 11711-2c a Trencher friend 11712 Trentalles 11713-1 Tresorer & Tresure 11713-2 to Trespasse 11713-2b a Trespasse 11714 a Trestle Minsheu indicates stress as 'trestle. 11715 a Treuet 11716-1 a Trewant 11716-2 Trewe 11717 Triacle or treacle 11718 Triall or trie 11719 a Triangle 11720 a Tribe 11721 Tribulation 11722-1 Tribunall Minsheu indicates stress as tri'bunnall. 11722-2 a Tribune 11723 Tribute 11723b a gatherer of Tribute 11724 to Tricke 11725 to Trickle 11726-1 a Trident 11726-2 to Trie, proue, or assay. 11726-3 to Trie, or examine. 11726-3b Tried 11727-1 to Trifle 11727-2 Trifles 11727-2b Trifling 11728 a Trigger 11729 Trihing 11730-1 to Trimme, or pranke vp 11730-2 to Trimme vp a thing 11730-2b Trimme 11730-2c Trimnesse 11731-1 Trinitie House 11731-2 the holie Trinitie 11731-3 Trinitie hearbe 11732 Trink 11733 Trinkette 11734 Triours 11735 a Tripe 11735b the Triperie 11735c a Tripe-wife 11736-1 Triple 11736-2 to Triple 11737-1 to Trippe 11737-2 to Trippe with the foote 11738 Tritis See OED, "Trist, n.2" (Cowell, 1607). 11739-1 a Triuet 11739-2 Triuiall 11740-1 a Triumph 11740-2 to Triumph 11741-1 a Trochiske 11741-2 Troie weight 11742-1 Trompe 11742-2 a Trompet 11743-1 Tronage 11743-2 a Tronck 11744-1 a Trophye 11744-2 the twoe Tropickes 11744-3 a Troske 11745 to Trotte 11745b a Trotter 11746-1 to Trouble 11746-2 Trouble 11746-2b Troublous 11747 Troouer 11748-1 a kneading Trough 11748-2 a Trough 11748-3 a Trough 11749-1 Troumpe & Troumpet 11750 a Troupe 11750b a Troupe of souldiers 11751-1 to Trousse 11751-2 a Troute 11752 a Trowel 11753-1 Troy 11753-2 a Truant 11754 a Truce 11755 a Truchman Minsheu indicates stress as 'truchman. 11756-1 to Trucke 11756-2 a Truckle 11757-1 True 11757-2 a Truell 11757-3 Trueth 11757-4 Trueth 11758-1 the Trumpe 11758-2 the Trumpe in cardes 11758-3 to Trumpe 11758-3b Trumperie 11759 a Trumpet 11759b to sound a Trumpet 11760 a Truncheon Minsheu indicates stress as 'truncheon. 11761-1 a Truncke 11761-2 the Truncke 11762-1 to Trusse or tie vp 11762-2 to Trusse or bundle vp 11763 to Trust 11763b Trust or confidence 11763c Trustie 11763d a Trustinesse 11764-1 Truth 11764-2 Tuaine nithes guest 11765-1 a Tubbe 11765-2 a powdring Tubbe 11766 Tuch-wood 11767-1 to Tucke 11767-2 to Tucke 11768 a Tucker 11768b Tuckers 11769 Tuseday 11770 a Tufte 11771 to Tugge 11772 Tuition 11773-1 Tulipe Minsheu indicates stress as 'tulipe. 11773-2 a Tumbe 11773-2b to put in a Tumbe 11774 to Tumble 11775-1 Tumbrell 11775-2 a Tumour 11776 a Tumulte 11777-1 a Tune 11777-2 to Tune 11778 a Tunicle 11779 Tunnage 11780-1 a Tunne 11780-2 Tunne 11780-3 a Tunnell 11780-4 a Tunnie 11781 a Turbant 11782 Turbarie 11783 a Turbith 11784 a Turbot 11785 a Turde 11786 a Turfe 11787 a Turke, Turk 11787b Turkes 11787c a Turky 11787d a Turkie 11788 a Turkie 11789 Tumerick 11790 to Turmoile 11791 Turnament 11792-1 Turne 11792-2 to Turne 11792-3 to Turne or change 11792-4 to Turne or winde 11792-5 to Turne vp side downe 11792-6 to Turne away or to diuert 11792-7 to Turne aside 11792-8 a Turne of course 11792-9 by Turne 11792-10 a goode Turne 11792-11 a Turne-spitte, or Turne-broach 11792-12 an ill Turne 11792-13 to Turne as Turners doe 11792-14 a Turne coate 11792-15 Turnement 11792-16 Turney 11792-17 to Turney 11793 Turnep 11794-1 Turnesol 11794-1b a Turning path 11795 Turno Vicecomitum "Turno Vicecomitum" not found in OED. 11796 a Turne-spit 11797 Turpentine 11798 a Turquoise 11799-1 a Turret 11799-2 a Turtle 11799-3 Tush or Tut 11800 Tuske 11801 Tut 11802 Tut-mouthed 11803 a Tutor Minsheu indicates stress as 'tutor. 11804 a Tutorship 11805 a Tutsan 11806 a Tuttie 11807 Twaine 11808 Twain nithes guest 11809 to Twang 11810 Tway-blade Minsheu indicates stress as tw'ay. 11811 Twelfe 11812 Twelue 11813 Twelue moneth 11814 Twenty 11815 Twelfdaye 11816 a Twibill 11817 a Twigge 11818 a Twigge of a tree cut off. 11819 the Twi-light 11820 to Twinckle 11821 Twinkling 11822 to Twine 11823 a Twinne 11824 Twise 11825 to Twifte 11826 to Twite 11826b a Twittinge 11827 Two 11827b Two-fold 11827c Two-penie-grasse 11828 Ty V 11829-1 Vacant 11829-2 to be Vacant 11830 Vacarie alias Vacharie 11831-1 Vacation 11831-2 Vacation 11832 Vacuitie 11833 to Vade 11834 Vagabond Minsheu indicates stress as 'uagabond. 11835-1 a Vaile 11835-2 to Vaile 11836-1 a Vaine or veine 11836-2 cutting of a Vaine 11836-3 Vaine 11836-4 a Vaine 11836-5 Vaine-glorie 11836-6 Vaine glorious 11836-7 Vainelie 11836-8 a Vale 11837 Valeriane 11837b Valerous Minsheu indicates stress as 'valerous. 11838 Valiant Minsheu indicates stress as 'valiant. 11838b Valiant in armes 11839-1 a Valley 11839-2 Valorous Minsheu indicates stress as 'valorous. 11839-3 Valour Minsheu indicates stress as 'valour. 11840 Valiasour 11841-1 Ualue 11841-2 to Value 11842-1 a Vambrace 11842-2 Vanbrace 11843 a Vane 11844-1 a Vangard 11844-2 to Vanish 11844-2b Vanitie Minsheu indicates stress as 'vanitie. 11845 Vanne 11846 to Vanquish 11847-1 a Vanquisher 11847-2 a Vapour Minsheu indicates stress as 'vapour. 11848 a Vardingale 11849-1 Variable 11849-2 Variance 11849-3 to Varie or change 11849-4 to Varie or be at variance 11850-1 a Varlet 11850-2 Varmine 11850-3 Varnish 11850-4 Varuelles 11851 Vassal 11852 Vassal 11853-1 a Vate 11853-1b a cheese Vate 11853-2 the Vatican 11854 Vauasour 11855-1 a Vault 11855-2 to vault 11855-2b a Vaulter 11856-1 to Vaunt Wordentry no. reads 21856-1 but should be 11856-1. 11856-1b a Vaunter 11856-2 the Vauntgarde 11857 an Vdder 11858 Veale 11859 Veer 11860-1 Vegetable Minsheu indicates stress as 'vegetable. 11860-2 Vehement 11861 Veiours 11862 Velame 11863 Velvet 11864 Vendible Minsheu indicates stress as 'vendible. 11865-1 Veneme 11865-2 Venemous 11865-3 Venew, vicinetum 11865-4 to Venge 11865-5 Vengeance Minsheu indicates stress as 'vengeance. 11866 Veniall 11867 Venime 11868 to Venime 11869 Venire facias 11870-1 Venison 11870-2 Venome 11870-3 to Vent 11871-1 To Vent or wind as spaniell doeth 11871-2 to Venture 11871-3 Ventosttie Minsheu indicates stress as vent'osttie. 11872 Ventre inspiciendo "Ventre inspiciendo" not found in OED. 11873 Ventricle 11874 Venture 11875 Venus 11875b Venus bason 11875c Venus haire 11875d Venus combe 11876-1 a Verbale 11876-2 a Verb 11876-3 Verderer or Verdour 11877-1 Verdict 11877-2 Verdict 11878-1 Verdigrease 11878-2 Verdingall 11878-3 Verdiuice 11878-4 Verdour 11879-1 Verge 11879-2 Vergers or Vergerers 11880 Verginalls 11881-1 Verie abuerbium intensiuum. 11881-2 to Verifie 11881-2b Verilie 11881-2c Veritie Minsheu indicates stress as 'veritie. 11882-1 Veriuice 11882-2 a Verlet 11883 Vermilion 11884 Vermine 11885 Vernish Minsheu indicates stress as 'vernish. 11886 a Verse 11887 Vert 11888 Vertue 11888b Vertuous 11889-1 Veruaine 11889-2 Veruelles of a hauke 11889-3 Veruine 11890 Veruise 11891 Very Lord, and very Tenent 11892-1 a Vessell 11892-2 a Vessell 11892-3 Vesses 11893 Vestment 11894-1 a Vestrie 11894-2 a Vestrie in a Church 11894-2b a Vestrie keeper 11895-1 Vesture 11895-2 Vesture of an acre of land 11896 a Vetch 11896b a bitter Vetch 11897 to Vexe 11898 Vglie 11899 a Viage 11900 a Viall 11900b a Viall, an instrument of musicke. 11900c a Viaticum Minsheu indicates stress as vi'aticum. 11901 a Vicar 11901b a Vicarage Minsheu indicates stress as vic'arage. 11902-1 Vice in the stead or turne. 11902-1b Vice Treasurer of the Exchequer 11902-1c Vice-chamberlaine 11902-1d a Vice Imitator or Iester 11902-2 Vice 11902-3 a Vice, or ginne 11902-3b a Vicecount 11902-3c a Vicegerent 11902-3d a Viceroy 11903-1 to Viciate 11903-2 Vicount 11903-2b Vicountie 11904 a Victorie 11905 Victuals 11905b a Victualing house 11906 a Vie 11907-1 to View 11907-2 View 11907-2b View of frank pledge 11907-3 Viewers 11908-1 Vigilancie 11908-2 Vigour 11909 Ville 11910 a Village 11911-1 the originall of Villainage 11911-2 a Villaine 11911-2b Villaine or bondman 11911-2c Villanie 11912 Villein 11912b Villein fleeces 11912c Villenage 11912d Villenous Judgement 11913-1 a Vine 11913-1b a Vine branch 11913-1c a Vine leafe 11913-1d a Vine-fretter 11913-1e a Vine-dresser 11913-2 Vinegar 11913-2b Vineiard 11913-2c Vinewednesse 11913-2d Vintage 11913-2e a Vintener 11914 to Violate Minsheu indicates stress as vi'olate. 11915-1 a Viole de Gamba 11915-2 a Viole, or little Glasse 11916 Violence 11917 a Violet 11918 a Viper 11918b Vipers grasse 11918c a Vipers Buglosse 11918d Vipers hearbe 11919-1 a Virago 11919-2 Virgata terre "Virgata terre" not found in OED. 11920 a Virger 11921 Virginalls 11922-1 a Virgine 11922-2 Virgo 11923 Viridario eligendo "Viridario eligendo" not found in OED. 11924 Virtue 11925-1 Visage 11925-2 a Visard 11926-1 Viscount 11926-2 the Viser 11927 Visible 11928-1 a Vision 11928-1b a vaine Vision 11928-2 a Vision in ones sleepe. 11929 to Visit 11930 Visitation of maners 11931 Visne 11932 Visu franciplegij "Visu franciplegij" not found in OED. 11933-1 Vitall 11933-2 Vitels 11933-3 to Vitiate 11934 Vitriall 11935-1 Vittualles 11935-2 Viuactie Minsheu indicates stress as viu'acitie. 11935-3 the Viues 11936 an Vlcer 11937 the Vmbles of a Stag. 11938 Vmbrage 11938b an Vmbrello 11939 an Vmpire 11940 Vmple 11941 Vn-Able 11941b Vn-Ablenesse 11942-1 Vn-Acceptable Minsheu indicates stress as Vn-Ac'ceptable. 11942-2 Vn-Accessable 11943 Vn-Accoastable "Vn-Accoastable" is not found in the OED. 11944 Vn-Accustomed 11945 Vn-Acquainted 11946 Vn-Aduised 11946b Vn-Aduisedly 11947-1 Vn-Affected 11947-2 Vn-Agreeing 11947-3 Vn-Allowed 11947-4 Vn-Amazed 11948 Vnanimitie 11949 to Vn-Apparrell 11950 Vn-Appeasable 11951 Vn-Approchable 11952 Vn-Apt 11953 to Vn-Arme 11954-1 Vn-Artificially 11954-2 Vn-Aswaged 11954-3 Vn-Awaked 11955 Vn-Awares 11956 Vn-Barre, or Vn-bolt 11957-1 Vn-Begotten 11957-2 Vn-Beleefe 11957-3 to Vn-Bend 11958 to Vn-Bewitch 11959 Vn-Bidden 11960 to Vn-Binde 11961 Vn-Blameable Minsheu indicates stress as Vn-'Blameable. 11962 Vn-Boiled 11963 Vn-Bolt 11964 Vn-boote 11965-1 Vn-borne 11965-2 Vn-Bought 11966 Vn-Bound 11967 to Vn-Bow 11968 to Vn-Bowell 11968b Vn-Bownd 11969 Vn-Boyled 11970 to Vn-brace 11971-1 to Vn-Bridle 11971-2 Vn-Broken 11971-3 Vn-Broken or Vn-Tamed as Colts 11971-4 to Vn-Buckle 11971-5 Vn-Built 11971-6 to Vn-Burden 11971-7 Vn-Buried 11971-8 Vn-Burned or vn-burnt 11972 to Vn-Button 11973-1 Vn-Called 11973-2 Vn-Capable Minsheu indicates stress as Vn-'capable. 11973-3 Vn-cased 11974-1 Vn-caught 11974-2 an Vnce 11975 Vn-Certaine 11976-1 Vn-Cessantlie 11976-2 to Vn-Chaine 11977 Vn-Changeable 11978 to Vn-Charme 11979 Vn-Chast 11980 Vn-Circumspect 11981-1 Vn-Ciuill 11981-2 Vn-Clad 11981-3 Vn-Claspe 11982 an Vnckle 11983 an Vncle 11984 Vncleane 11984b Vncleannesse 11984c Vn-Clensed Minsheu indicates stress as vn-'clensed. 11985 to Vn-Cloatn 11986 to Vn-Close 11987 to Vn-Cod 11988 Vn-Comely 11989 Vn-Commodious 11990 Vn-Condemned 11991-1 Vn-Constancie 11991-2 Vn-Constant 11992 Vn-Constrained 11993 Vn-Consumed 11994 Vn-Contemned 11995 Vn-Convenient 11996 Vncore prist yet readie 11997 Vn-Corrected Minsheu indicates stress as vn-cor'rected. 11998 Vn-Corrupted 11999 to Vn-Couer 11999b Vn-Couered 12000 to Vn-Couple 12001 Vn-Courteous 12002-1 Vn-Couth 12002-2 Vn-Credible 12003 Vn-Crested 12004 Vnction 12005 Vn-Cunningly 12006 Vn-Curable 12007-1 Vn-Cuth 12007-2 Vn-Cutt 12008 Vn-Decent 12009 Vn-Decided 12010 Vn-Declined 12011 Vn-Decked 12012-1 Vn-Declined 12012-2 Vn-Defiled 12013 Vn-Definite 12014 Vn-Der 12015 to Vn-Der-goe 12015b an Vn-Derling 12016 to Vn-Der-mine 12016b an Vn-Derminer 12017 Vn-Derneath 12018 to Vn-Derproppe 12018b an Vn-Derpropping 12019 to Vn-Derset 12019b Vn-Dersitter 12020 to Vn-Derstand 12020b Vn-Derstanding 12020c Vn-Derstood 12021-1 to Vnder-take 12021-2 Vnder-takers 12022 Vnder-treasurer of England 12023 Vnderwoods 12024 Vnder-peares 12025 Vndeserued 12026 Vn-Determined 12027 Vn-Deuided 12028 Vndie 12028b Vn-Died 12029 Vn-Discreet 12030 Vn-Dissolued 12031-1 Vn-Distained 12031-2 Vn-Deuoute 12032 Vn-Distinctly 12033-1 to Vndoe 12033-2 to Vnde 12033-2b Vn-Done, defeated, or ruinated. 12033-3 Vn-Done, not. 12034-1 Vn-Doubted 12035 Vn-Dried 12036 Vn-Easie 12037 Vn-Equall 12038-1 Vn-Estimable 12038-2 Vn-Euen 12039 Vn-Euitable 12040 Vn-Excusable Minsheu indicates stress as vn-ex'cusable. 12041 Vn-Exorable 12042 Vn-Expected 12043-1 Vn-Expert 12043-2 Vn-Expiable 12044 Vn-Expugnable 12045 Vn-faigned 12046 Vnfaithfull 12047-1 Vn-falliable 12047-2 Vn-fashioned 12047-3 Vn-fastened 12048 to Vn-feather 12049 Vn-fed 12050 Vn-feigned 12051-1 Vn-fensed 12051-2 to Vn-fetter 12051-3 Vn-finished 12052 Vn-fitt 12053 to Vn-fold 12054-1 Vn-fortunate 12054-2 Vn-found 12054-3 Vn-friendlie 12055-1 Vn-fruitfull 12055-2 Vn-furnished 12056-1 Vn-gainefull 12056-2 Vn-garded 12056-3 Vn-Garnished 12056-4 Vn-Gathered 12057-1 Vn-Gentle 12057-2 Vn-Gentle of bloud. 12058 to Vngird 12059 to Vn-glue 12060 Vn-Godly 12061 Vn-Gratefull 12061b Vn-Gratefulnes Minsheu indicates stress as vn-'gratefulnes. 12061c Vn-Gratious 12062-1 Vn-Guelded 12062-2 Vn-habitable 12063 to Vn-hallow 12064 to Vn-halter 12065 Vn-handsome 12066 Vn-happy 12066b Vn-happines Minsheu indicates stress as vn-'happines. 12067-1 Vn-harmefull 12067-2 Vn-healed 12068-1 Vn-healthfull 12068-2 Vn-heard of 12068-3 Vn-heedfull 12068-4 Vn-holy 12069 Vn-holesome or vnhwholesome. 12070 Vn-honest 12071-1 to Vn-hoofe 12071-2 to Vn-hooke 12072-1 to Vn-horse 12072-2 to Vn-hose 12073 Vnhospitable 12074 Vn-humane 12075 Vn-hurt 12076 Vn-husbandad 12077 to Vn-Duske "Un-Duske" is not found in the OED. 12078 an Vnicorne 12079 Vniforme 12080 Vnimitable 12081-1 to Vn-Joyne 12081-1b Vn-Joyned 12081-2 an Vnion 12082 Vnion 12083 to Vnite 12084-1 Vnitie 12084-2 Vnitie of possession 12085 Vniuersall 12086-1 an Vniuersitie 12086-2 Vniuersitie 12087 Vn-iust 12087b Vn-Justice 12087-2 Vn-kemmed 12087-3 Vn-kept 12088 Vn-kinde 12089 to Vn-knit 12090-1 Vn-knowen 12090-2 Vn-kemmed 12091 Vn-Laboured 12092 to Vn-Lace 12093 Vn-Lamented 12094 Vn-Lawfull 12095 to Vn-Learne 12095b Vnlearned 12096 to Vn-Leaue 12096b Vn-Leauened 12097 Vn-Lesse 12098 Vn-Like 12099-1 Vn-Limited 12099-2 to Vn-Loade 12100 to Vn-Locke 12101 to Vn-Lode 12102 Vn-Looked for 12103 to Vn-Loose 12104 Vn-Louing 12105 Vn-Luckie 12106 Vn-Lustie 12107 Vn-Made 12108 Vn-Mannorly 12109 Vn-manuired 12110 Vn-maried 12111 to Vn-maske 12112 Vn-measurable 12113 Vn-meet 12114 Vn-mercifull 12115 Vn-mindfull 12116 Vn-Mitigated 12117-1 Vn-Moderate 12117-2 Vn-Modest 12118 Vn-Moueable 12119 to Vn-narle "Un-narle" (un-gnarl) and an adjectival form of "gnarl" are not found in the OED. 12120 Vn-naturall 12121-1 Vn-needfull 12121-2 Vn-Noble 12122 Vn-Occupied 12123 Vn-Orderly 12124 to Vn-pack 12125-1 Vn-paid 12125-2 Vn-Pardonable 12126 Vn-Patient 12127 to Vn-Pawne 12128 Vnperfect 12129 to Vn-Pester "Vn-Pester" is not found in the OED. 12130 Vn Pleasant 12131-1 Vn-Polled 12131-2 Vn-Polished 12132-1 Vn-Polluted 12132-2 Vn-Possible 12133 Vn-Pregnable Minsheu indicates stress as vn-'pregnable. 12134 Vn-Prepared 12135 Vn-prisable 12136-1 Vn-proffitable 12136-2 Vn-Proper 12136-3 Vn-Prosperous 12137 Vn-Prowed 12138-1 Vn-prouided 12138-2 Vn-prouident 12139 Vn-Punished 12140 Vn-Pure 12141-1 Vn-Quailed 12141-2 Vn-Quencheable 12141-2b Vnques prist 12142 Vn-quiet 12142b Vn-Quietnes 12143 to Vn-Raie 12144-1 Vn-Razeable "Un-Razeable" is not found in the OED. 12144-2 Vn-Read 12144-3 Vn-Readie 12145 Vn-Reasonable 12146 Vn-Recouerable 12147 Vn-Reformeable 12148 Vn-Regarded 12149 Vn-Reprouable 12150-1 Vn-Revenged 12150-2 Vn-Reuerent 12151 Vn-Righteous 12152 Vn-Ripe 12153 to Vn-Roote 12154-1 to Vn-Roule 12154-2 Vn-Rulie 12155 to Vn-Saddle 12156-1 Vn-Safe 12156-2 to Vn-Saie 12157 Vnfailable 12158-1 Vn-Salted 12158-2 Vn-saluted 12159 Vn-Satiable 12160 Vn-Sauorie 12161-1 to Vn-Say 12161-2b to Vn-Scaled 12162 to Vn-Seale 12163 Vn-Searchable 12164 Vn-Seasonable 12165-1 Vn-Seemlie 12165-2 Vn-Seene Wordentry no. reads 13165-2 but should be 12165-2. 12166 Vn-sensible 12167-1 Vn-Separable 12167-2 Vn-Seruiceable 12168 to Vn-Shale 12169 Vn-Shamefast 12169b Vn-Shamefastnes 12170-1 Vn-Shapen 12170-2 Vn-Shauen 12171 to Vn-Sheath 12172 to Vn-Shoe 12172b to Vn-Shoe a Horse. 12173 Vn-Shorne 12174 to Vn-Shut 12175 Vn-Skaled 12176 Vn-Skilfull 12177 to Vn-Snare 12178 Vn-Sober 12179 Vn-Sociable Minsheu indicates stress as vn-'sociable. 12180 Vn-Sodden 12181 Vn-Soiled 12182-1 Vn-Solde 12182-2 to Vn-Solder 12182-3 Vn-Solide 12183-1 Vn-Sounde 12183-2 to Vn-Sowe 12184 to Vn-Sparre a doore. 12185 Vn-Speakable 12186-1 Vn-Spent 12186-2 Vn-Spoken 12186-3 Vn-Spotted 12186-4 Vn-Stable 12186-5 Vn-Staied 12186-6 Vn-Stedfast 12186-7 Vn-Stirred 12187 to Vn-Stitch 12188 to Vn-Stop 12189 Vn-Sufferable 12190-1 Vn-Sufficient 12190-2 Vn-Sundred 12191 Vn-Superable 12192 Vn-Sworne 12193-1 Vn-Tainted 12193-2 Vn-Taken 12194 Vn-Tamed 12195 Vn-Tasted 12196 Vn-Taught 12197 Vn-Temperate 12198 Vn-Testate 12199 Vn-Thankfull 12199b Vn-Thankfullnes 12199c Vn-Thought 12200 Vn-Thriftie 12201 to Vn-Tie 12202 Vntill 12203 Vn-Tilled 12204 Vn-Timelie 12205-1 Vn-Tireable 12205-2 Vnto 12205-3 Vn-Tolde 12206 Vn-Tollerable 12207 Vn-Touched 12208 Vn-Toward 12209 Vn-Tractable 12210 Vn-Trimmed 12211 Vn-True 12212 to Vn-Trusse 12213 to Vn-Tune 12214-1 to Vn-Twine 12214-2 to Vn-Twist 12215 Vn-Vanquished 12216 Vn-Vincible 12217 Vn-Violable 12218 Vn-Voluntarie 12219 Vn-Vsed 12220-1 Vn-Walled 12220-2 Vn-Warie 12221-1 Vn-wasched 12221-2 Vn-Wasted 12221-3 Vn-Watched 12221-3 Vn-Watred 12222 Vn-Weariable 12223 to Vn-Weaue 12224 Vn-Wedded 12225 Vn-Weildinesse 12226 Vn-wholesome 12227 Vn-willing 12228 to Vn-Winde 12229-1 Vn-Wise 12229-2 Vn-Wished for 12230 Vn-Witting 12231 Vn-Wonted 12232 Vn-Worne 12233 Vn-Worthie 12234-1 Vn-Woundable 12234-2 to Vn-Wrappe 12235 Vn-Written 12236 to Vn-Yoke 12237-1 Vocall 12237-2 a Vocation Minsheu indicates stress as vo'cation. 12237-3 the Vocatiue case 12237-4 a Voiage 12237-5 a Voice 12238-1 Voidance 12238-2 Voide 12238-3 Voluble Minsheu indicates stress as 'voluble. 12239 Volume Minsheu indicates stress as 'volume. 12239b a portable or manuall Volume 12239c a Volume of fiue Bookes. 12240-1 Volunt 12240-2 Voluntarie Minsheu indicates stress as 'voluntarie. 12241 Voluptuous Minsheu indicates stress as vol'uptuous. 12242 to Vomite Minsheu indicates stress as 'vomite. 12243-1 to Vouch 12243-2 a Voucher 12243-3 Voucher 12244 to Vouchsafe 12245-1 to Vowe 12445-1b a Vowe 12445-2 a Vowell 12446 a Voyage 12447-1 a Voyce 12247-2 a Voyce, or suffrage. 12248-1 Voydance 12248-2 Voyde 12248-3 Voyde, or of no effect. 12249-1 Vp 12249-2 a going Vp 12250-1 to Vpbraide 12250-2 to Vphold 12250-2b an Vpholster 12251 Vplands 12251b Vplandish 12252-1 Vpon 12252-2 Vpper 12252-2b Vpperest 12253-1 Vpright 12253-2 Vpright, or iust 12253-2b Vprightnesse 12254 An Vprore 12255 Vpwards 12256 Vrania 12257 Vrbanitie Minsheu indicates stress as vr'banitie. 12258 an Vrchin 12258b a Sea-Vrchin 12259-1 Vse 12259-1b brought in Vse 12259-2 to Vrge 12559-2b Vrgent 12260 Vrine 12260b an Vrinall 12261 an Vrus 12262-1 Vs 12262-2 Vsage 12262-3 Vse, or Vsage. 12262-4 to Vse 12262-5 Vse, or exercise. 12262-6 Vse 12262-7 to be out of Vse 12263-1 an Vsher 12263-2 Vsher 12264 Vsurie 12264b a Vsurer 12265 to Vsurpe 12266-1 Vtas 12266-2 Vtensels 12267 Vtfangthef 12268 Utilitie 12269-1 Vtlaghe 12269-2 Vtlarie or Vtlawrie 12270 Vtlepe 12271 Vtrum 12272-1 to Vtter 12272-2 Vtter Barristers 12272-2b Vutterly 12272-2c an Vutterance or sale. 12272-2d the Vttermost 12273 the Vulgar tongue 12274 a Vultour 12275-1 the Vvula 12275-2 Vy W 12275-2b Wad 12276 to Wade 12277 a Wafer 12278-1 Wage 12278-2 to Wage 12279 a Wager 12279-2 Wages 12279-2b Souldiors Wages 12280 to Wagge 12280b a Wagge-halter 12281 a Wagleg Minsheu indicates stress as 'wagleg. 12282 a Wagon 12282b a Wagoner 12283 a Wagtaile 12284-1 a Waie 12284-2 a Waie or passage. 12284-3 a Waie or entrie. 12284-4 a Waie or manner. 12284-4b the turnings or windings of a Waie 12284-4c a By-Waie 12284-4d a crosse Waie 12284-4e the Kings high Waie 12284-4f by the Waie 12284-4g out of the Waie 12284-4g the milke Waie 12284-4i Waie-broade 12284-4k a Waie-faring man 12284-4l of many Waies or sorts. 12284-4m of many Waies or manners. 12285 Waie-wardnesse 12286 Waife 12287 a Waight 12288 to Waile 12289 Wainage 12290-1 a Waine 12290-2 the Waine of the Moone 12290-3 the starres called Charles Waine 12291-1 Wainscot 12291-2 to Wainscot 12292 the Waist 12293-1 to Waite for 12293-2 to lie in Waite 12293-2b Waites 12293-2c a Waiting woman 12294 Waiue, Waife, Weif, Weive 12294b Waiuiaria mulieris "Waiuiaria mulieris" not found in OED. 12295 Waiward 12296-1 to Wake or watch. 12296-2 to Wake, or waken out of sleepe. 12296-2b a Wake, or a countrie townes or village feast. 12296-2c a Wake robin 12297 Wakes 12298 Wales 12299 to Walke 12299b walkers 12299c a Walke 12300 a Wall 12300b a Wall of a house. 12300c a wallet 12300d a Wall nut 12301 to Wallow 12301b a Wallowing 12301c a Wallowse 12301d Wall-pepper 12301e Wall-woort 12302-1 a Wamble 12303 a Wande 12304 to Wander 12304b a Wanderer 12305 the Wane 12306 Wanne 12306b Wannesse 12307-1 to Want or lack 12307-2 to Want, or to be wanting. 12307-2b Want or pouertie. 12307-2c Want or lack. 12307-2d Want of knowledge. 12307-2e Want of Parents or Children. 12307-3 a Want, or Mole 12308 a Wanton 12309-1 Wapentake 12309-2 War 12309-3 Warant, Warantie. 12310 to Warble in singing 12310b a Warbling 12311-1 Ward 12311-2 Warden 12311-2b Ward Mote 12311-2c Ward peny 12311-2d Wardes and Liueries 12311-3 to Warde 12311-3b a Ward 12311-3c a Warden of the Portes. 12311-3d a Church-Warden 12311-3e a Warden or great Peare. 12312 a Wardrobe 12312b Maister of the Wardrobe 12313 Wardwit 12314 Ware 12314b a Ware house 12314c to be Warie 12315 Warie 12315b warinesse 12316 War-like 12317-1 Warme 12317-2 to Warme 12317-2b Warmenesse 12317-2c Warmed with the Sunne. 12317-2d a Warming-panne 12318-1 to Warne 12318-2 to Warne to appeare. 12319-1 the Warpe of cloth. 12319-2 to Warpe 12319-3 to Warpe, as boards awrie 12320-1 Warrant 12320-1b Warrant of Atturney 12320-2 to Warrant 12321-1 Warre 12321-1b a ciuil Warre 12321-2 to Warre 12321-2b-1 a man of Warre on the Sea. 12321-2b-2 a setting forth towards Warre 12321-2b-3 Warre-fare 12321-2c Warrelick 12322-1 a Warren 12322-2 Warren 12322-3 a Warrieur Minsheu indicates stress as 'warrieur. 12323 Warscot 12324 a Wart 12324b Wart-woort 12325 Warwit 12326-1 to Wash 12326-2 a Washdish 12326-3 to Wash the mouth and throat. 12326-3b the Washes 12326-3c a Washing place 12327 a Waspe 12328 Wassaile 12329-1 Wast 12329-2 to Wast 12329-3 to Wast or spoile. 12329-4 to Wast or destroy. 12329-5 to Wast or consume. 12329-6 Wast 12329-6b Wastrell bread 12329-6c Wasters 12329-6d Wasters or cudgells to fence withall. 12330 a Wast-coat 12330b Wastefull 12330c a Wast-good 12331-1 to Watch 12331-2 to Watch and worke by candle light. 12331-3 to Watch or marke 12331-4 to Watch or Ward 12331-4b very Watchfull man 12331-5 to Watch or spie. 12331-5b scoute Watches 12331-5c a Watch-Tower 12331-5d a Watch-word 12332 Water 12332b Court holy Water 12332c to make Water 12332d a Water or Riuer 12332e to Water 12332f to Water beasts 12332g a Watering place for cattell 12332h Water Archer 12332i Water bayliefes 12332k a Water-banck 12332l a Water bearer 12332m a Water-man 12332n a Water-man, or Boate-man 12332o that liueth as well on the land, as in the Water. 12332p Water course 12332q to draine Waters 12332r Water-furrowes 12332bb Water mallowes 12332cc a Water mill 12332dd Water-nut 12332ee Water pepper 12332ff a Water pot 12332gg a Water rat 12332hh a Water shoot 12332ii a Water snake 12332kk a Water-swallow 12332ll holy Water 12332mm Court holy Water 12332nn a holy Water sprinkle 12332oo Watrishnesse 12333 Watling street 12334-1 a Waue 12334-2 to Waue up and downe. 12334-3 to Wauer 12335-1 Waxe 12335-2 to Waxe, or dresse with waxe. 12335-3 to Waxe or grow 12336 Waye 12337-1 Weake 12337-2 Weake of courage 12337-3 to Weaken 12337-3b-1 Weaknes 12337-3b-2 Weaknesse of courage 12338 Weald of Kent 12339-1 Weale 12339-2 a common Weale, or Weale publike 12340 Wealth 12340b Wealthie 12341 to Weane 12342 Weapons 12342b to put on the Weapons 12342c to put off the Weapons 12342d Weaponlesse 12343-1 to Weare 12343-2 to Weare a garment 12343-3 a Weare to stoppe the water. 12344-1 Wearie 12344-2 to Wearie, or make Wearie. 12345-1 the Weasand of a mans throate. Minsheu indicates stress as 'weasand. 12345-2 the Weasand, or winde pipe of the lungs. Minsheu indicates stress as 'weasand. 12345-3 a Weasell 12346-1 Weather 12346-1b fairenesse of Weather 12346-2 a Weather 12346-2b-1 a bell-Weather 12346-2b-2 a Weather-cock 12347 to Weaue 12347b a Weauer 12347c a Weauers loome 12347d a Weauers beame 12347e a Weauers spole 12347f a Weauers shuttle 12348 a Webbe of cloth 12348b the warpe and weafe of the Webbe. 12348c a Webbe or pearle in the eye. 12349 to Wedd 12349b Wedding 12349c Wedding 12349d a Wedding Song 12350-1 a Wedge 12350-2 a cleaue with a Wedge. 12350-2b a Wedge of gold 12350-2c a Wedge 12350-2d a Wedge or peece. 12351 Wedlocke, of Wedde & locke 12352 Wednesdaye 12353 Wee 12354-1 to Weede 12354-2 a Weede 12354-3 Hauke Weede 12354-3b Maie Weede 12354-3c a Weeding hooke 12355-1 a Weeke 12355-1b gang Weeke 12355-2 the Weeke of a candle 12356 a Weele 12357 to Weene 12358-1 to Weepe 12358-2 to Weepe for 12359 a Weesell 12360-1 to Weete 12360-2 a Weeuill 12361 Weife 12362-1 Weigh 12362-2 to Weigh 12362-2b to Weigh or consider 12362-2c a Weight, or poise. 12362-3 Weights 12362-3b Weightie 12362-4 Weiue 12362-5 Welch man 12362-6 Welcome 12363 Welde 12364 Welkin 12365-1 a Well 12365-2 Well 12365-2b very Well 12365-2c Well-borne 12365-2d Well-come 12365-2e Well-nigh 12365-2f Well-spoken 12365-2g Well willing 12366 a Welshman 12367-1 Welt 12367-2 to Welt, or hemme. 12367-3 Welth 12368 a Wench 12369 a Wenne 12370 Wensdaie 12371-1 Were alias Werre 12371-2 Weregelt thef 12371-3 as it Were 12371-4 Werie 12371-5 Wesand 12372 the West 12372b West Minister 12373-1 Wet 12373-2 to Wete 12373-3 Wether 12373-4 a Wether 12373-5 Wette 12373-6 to Wette 12374 a Weuill 12375 to Wey 12376 Whaie 12377 a Whale 12378 Whan 12379-1 a Wharfe 12379-2 Wharfage 12379-3 Wharfe 12379-4 Wharfinger 12380 a Wharle 12381 What 12382 Why 12383-1 a Wheale 12384 Wheate 12385 a Wheele 12385b the strake of a Wheele 12385c a water Wheele 12385d a Spinners Wheele 12385e the spoke of a Wheele 12385f a Turners Wheele 12385g a Wheele-barrow 12385h to work with a Wheele 12386 Wheie 12387 a Whelke 12387b Whelke flye 12388 a Whelpe 12388b the Whelpe of a Lyon 12389 When 12389b Whensoeuer 12390 Whence 12391-1 Where 12391-2 Wherefore 12391-3 Whereto 12392 Wherle 12393 a Wherrie 12394-1 Whether 12394-2 Whether 12395 to Whette 12395b a Whetstone 12396-1 Whey 12396-2 Whi 12396-3 Which 12396-4 Whie 12396-5 a Whifler 12397-1 While 12397-2 a great While 12397-3 after a While 12398-1 Whin 12398-2 to Whine 12399 a Whinneard 12400 to Whinnie 12401 a Whippe 12401b to Whippe 12402 to Whirle 12403 a Whirle of a spindle 12403b a Whirlebatte 12403c a Whirle-gig 12403d a Whirle-poole 12403e the Sea-monster, called the Whirle-poole. 12403f a Whirle-winde 12404 a Whirret 12405 to Whisper 12406-1 to Whistle 12406-2 Whistle 12407-1 White 12407-2 a White, or gray for age. 12407-2b the White of an egge. 12407-2c White hart siluer 12407-2d Whiteblow 12407-2e Whither 12407-2f Whithie winde 12407-2g a Whiting 12408 Whitled 12409 Whitsuntide 12410 Whoe 12410b Whosoeuer 12411 Whole, or sound. 12412-1 Whole or safe. 12412-2 to make Whole 12412-3 Whole, or vniversall. 12412-3b Wholely 12412-3c Wholesome 12412-3d Whome 12413-1 to Whoope 12413-2 a Whoop 12413-3 a Whoope of a barrell. 12414 a Whore 12414b Whoredome 12414c a Whore-monger, or Whore-hunter 12415-1 Whose? 12415-2 Why 12416 Wicked 12416b Wickednesse 12417 a Wicker 12418 aWicket 12419 Wide 12419b Widenesse 12420-1 a Widowe 12420-1b Widow 12420-1c the Kings Widow 12420-1d-1 a Widow that hath beene twice maried. 12420-1d-2 a Widower 12420-1e Widowhood 12420-1f a Widow-waile 12421 a Wife 12421b Good-Wife 12421c a house-Wife 12421d an old Wife 12421e a new maried Wife 12421f the sonnes Wife 12421g the Fathers second Wife 12422 a Wigen 12423 Wilde 12423b a Wildernesse 12423c he that dwelleth in the Wildernesse 12423d a Wilding 12424 Wilie 12424b Wilienesse 12425 a Wilke 12426-1 the Will 12426-2 a Will or minde. 12426-3 the last Will 12426-4 to make a Will 12426-4b he that maketh a Will 12426-4c to Will 12426-5 to Will, or be willing. 12426-5b a good Will 12426-5c an ill Will 12426-5d Wilfull 12427 Sweet Williams 12428-1 Willow hearbe 12428-2 a Willow tree 12429-1 a Wimble 12429-2 a pearce with a Wimble 12429-3 a Wimple 12430 to Wince 12431 to Wincke 12432 the Winde 12432b the East Winde 12432c the West-Winde 12432d the South-Winde 12432e the North-Winde 12432f the South-east Winde 12432g the South-west Winde 12432h the North-west Winde 12432i whirle-Winde 12432k short Winded 12432-2 to Winde or twist. 12432-3 to Winde, or make into hottomes. "Hottome" is not found in the OED. 12432-4 to Winde silke 12432-4b-1 withie Winde 12432-4b-2 a Winde, or breath. 12432-4c the Winde-beame of a house. 12432-4d Winde-flower 12432-4e Winde-galles 12433 Windelosor or Windesor 12434-1 the Winde-pipe 12434-1b Windie 12434-2 a Winding-sheet 12432-3 a Winding staire 12434-4 a Windelesse 12435 a Window 12435b a bay Window 12435c lattice Window, & glasse Window 12436 Wine 12436b a second Wine 12436c new Wine 12436d-1 Claret Wine 12436d-2 Spanish Wine 12436d-3 a Wine presse 12436d-4 Wine presser 12436e a thinne Wine 12436f to allay Wine 12436g a Wine-tauerne 12436h a Wine vessell 12436i the God of Wine 12437 a Winge 12438-1 to Winke 12438-2 to hood-Winke 12438-2b a Winking 12439 to Winne 12440 to Winnow 12441 to Winscot 12442 to Winse 12443 the Winter 12443b Winter 12443c Winter gilloflower 12444-1 to Wipe 12444-1b to Wipe out 12444-2 to Wipe the nose. 12444-2b a Wiping 12444-2c a Wiping cloth 12444-3 Wisanck 12444-4 a Wisard 12445-1 Wise 12445-2 Wise 12445-2b Wisedome 12445-2c the loue or studie of Wisedome 12446 to Wish 12447-1 Wispe 12447-2 Wit 12448 a Witch 12448b to Witche 12448c Witch-craft 12449-1 to doe one to Wite 12449-2 With 12449-3 a With 12450 to Withdraw 12451 to Wither 12452 Withernam 12453 a Withie tree 12454 a within 12455 Without-dores 12456 Without 12457 to With-hould 12458-1 a Witnesse 12458-2 to Witnesse 12460-1 Witte 12460-2 to Witte 12461 a Wittal 12461b to be out of ones Wittes 12461c Wittie 12461d Wittie saying 12461e Wittinesse 12461f Wittingly 12461g a Witt-wall 12461h a Wiuell 12461i one that hath had two Wiues 12462 Wizzard 12463 Woade 12464 Woe 12465-1 Woefull 12465-2 to Woe 12465-2b a Woer 12466-1 Wolfe 12466-1b Wolfes bane 12466-1c a Wolfe catte 12466-1d Woolfes fiste 12466-2 a Wolfe 12466-3 Wolle 12467 a Woman 12467b a Woman in childbirth 12467c an old Woman 12467d a manly Woman 12467e a Woman with two husbands 12467f Womanlie 12468 Wombe 12469 to Wonder 12469b a Wonder 12470-1 Wonderfull 12470-2 Wonne 12470-3 a Wont 12470-4 to be Wont 12470b Wont 12471-1 Wood 12471-2 Wood 12471-2b a Wood 12471-2c a Wood of high trees 12471-2d vnder-Wood 12471-2e Wood or mad 12471-2f Wood-binde 12471-2g a Wood-cocke 12471-2h a Wood-culuer 12471-2i-1 Wooden shoe 12471-2i-2 Wood-geld 12471-2k a Wood-knife 12471-2l Woodmen 12471-2m a Wood-monger 12471-2n Woodmote 12471-2o Wood-nightshade 12471-2p a Wood-pecker 12471-2q-1 a Wood pigeoni 12471-2q-2 a Wood-pile 12471-2r Wood-roofe 12471-2s Wood-sage 12471-2t Woodward 12471-2v touch-Wood 12472 to Wooe 12472b a Wooer 12473-1 Woofe 12473-2 Wooldriuer 12474 a Woolfe 12475 Woolfetchsod 12475b a Woolfe-cat 12475c Woolfes fist 12475d Woolfes bane 12476 Wooll 12476b Woolstaple 12476c Woolwinders 12477 Word 12477b full of Words 12477c in a Word 12477d a coiner of Words 12478-1 a Worke 12478-2 a Worke, or labour. 12478-3 to Worke 12478-4 to Worke artificially 12478-4b a Workeman 12478-4c Workemanlie 12478-4d a Worke-house 12479 the World 12479b a little World 12479c the desription of the World 12479d Worldy 12479e Wordly pleasure 12480-1 Worme 12480-2 a Worme 12480-2b the earth Worme 12480-2c Worme seede 12480-2d the Worme in a mans belly 12480-2e a grasse Worme 12480-2f a timber Worme 12480-2g a band Worme, or Worme in the band. 12480-2h silke Worme 12480-2i gloe Worme 12480-2k greedie Worme 12480-2l a greene Worme 12480-2m a ring Worme 12480-2n a palmer Worme 12480-2o a floe Worme 12480-2p Wormwood 12480-2q the Worme of conscience 12480-2r a Worme that is in a dogs tongue that maketh him madde. 12480-2s the Worme breeding in wood, and eating it. 12481 Worne 12482-1 Worse 12482-2 to make Worse 12482-3 to Worshippe 12482-4 the Worshippe of God 12482-4b Worshipping of Idols 12482-4c Worshipfull 12483 Worth 12483b Worthie 12483c to thinke Worthie 12483d Worthinesse 12484-1 to Wotte 12484-2 Wouen 12485 the Woufe of cloth 12486-1 Would 12486-2 Would to God 12487-1 Wound 12487-2 to Wound 12487-3 to Wound to death. 12487-3b Hercules Wound-woort 12487-3c Clownes Wound woort 12487-4 Wound vp 12487-5 Shippe-Wrack 12488-1 Wranglands 12488-2 to Wrangle 12489 to Wrap 12490 to Wrastle 12490b a Wrastling 12491 to be Wrath 12491b Wrath 12492 Wreake 12493 to Wreath 12494-1 Wreck 12494-2 to Wreke ones selfe 12495 a Wrenne 12496-1 to Wrest 12496-2 the hand-Wrest 12496-2b a Wrestler 12496-3 Wretched 12496-3b Wretchednesse 12497 to Wreth 12498 Wrie aray 12498b Wrie-necke 12499-1 a Wrinckle 12499-2 to Wrinckle 12499-3 Wrineck 12500 to Wring 12501-1 a Wrist-band 12501-2 the Wrist 12502-1 to Write 12502-2 Writ 12502-2b Writ of Rebellion 12502-2c-1 Writer of the Tallies 12502-2c-2 a Writer 12502-3 a holy Writ 12503-1 Wrong 12503-2 to Wrong 12504 Wroth 12505 Wrought 12506 to Wryth 12507 a Wrynecke 12508 Wrong 12509 Wrought, the Participle of to worke. 12510 Wy Y 12511 to Yalpe 12512 a Yarde to measure with 12512b a mans Yarde 12512c Yard of an house 12512d a Saile Yard 12512e Yard land 12513 Yarne 12513b a bottome of Yarne 12513c a skaine of Yarne 12513d to reele Yarne 12514 Yarrow 12515 to Yawne 12516 Yce 12517 Yea 12518 a Yeare 12519-1 Yeare & Day 12519-2 Yeare, Day, & Waft 12519-2b a Leape Yeare 12519-2c Yearely 12519-2d space of fiue Yeares 12520-1 Yeast 12520-2 Yee 12521 to Yeeld 12522-1 Yeld Hall 12522-2 the Yelke of an egge 12523 to Yell 12524 Yellow 12524b the Yellowes 12525 to Yelpe 12526 Yeoman 12526b Yeoman of the Gard 12527 Yesterday 12527b Yesternight 12528 Yet 12529-1 the Yew 12529-2 a Yew sheepe 12530-1 the Yexe 12530-2 to Yexe 12530-2b a Yexing 12530-2c a Yle 12531 an Ynch 12531b Yncke 12532-1 a Yoke 12532-2 to Yoke 12533 the Yolke 12534 a Yoncker 12535 a Yong 12536-1 You 12536-2 Your, or Yours. 12537 Youth 12537b Youth woort 12538 Yrksome 12539 Yron 12540 Yuca 12541 Yuraye Z 12542 Zeale 12543 Zebedeus "Zebedeus" is not found in the OED. 12544 a Zebel "zebel" not found in OED. 12545 Zeland 12546 Zeugma 12547 a Zibetth 12548 the Zodiacke 12549 Zoïlus 12550 Zone FINIS. Apocal. 7.v. 12. Benedictio, & Gloria & Sapientia, & Gratiarum actio, Honor & Virtus & Fortitudo Deo Nostro in secula seculorum, Amen.