Abigall ffathers Ioye Hebrew Adelyne. Noble, or discending from Noble Agatha. Good: Greek / Guth. Saxon / Agnes. Chaste Albert, Albright. German Aldred. All reverent ffeare / Sax. Alunn an hound / in the Sclauonian tongue Alexander. Soccourman. Gr / alij. Conquerour. Aletheia. verytie, or truthe (Gr. Alexria defendres, Noble, or discendinge from Noble }Frenche Alice, vel Adelize, Noble Adelize, vel. Alice, the same / Alphone. the .1. kinge of Spayne discended from the Gothes Anno. 740 / Alwyne, All victoryous, or wynnynge all. Aldryan. Grosse or welthie Amata. belouid. frenche Amye the same Amyas the mans name / beloued Amicicia in old deedes. beloued Amandus, wynlove, or to bee belouid / vide Leofin. & Erasmus. / Ambrose, devyne, Immortall. Gr. Abram an highe ffather. Hebr. Abraham. a ffather of a great multitud, Hebr. Abshalome, the fathers peace. Hebr. Abell mourninge / but habell is vanyty. Hebr. Adam. Man, or earthely. Hebr or livinge / breathe / Agar. a Stranger. Hebr. Ammon. a people, Hebr Amon, faithfull. Hebr Amos, A burden Amoz. Stronge Andreas. Manly Ancus, Crooked arme Anchoret. Solitary liver, or that retireth him self, from the world to serve God / Anna, Gracyous or mercyfull. Hebr. Anastasia, vel. Eustace / in remembrance of Christes resurreccion Andrewe, Manly Amery allwayes ritche, able & powerfull. Angell. Messenger. Gr. Anselme, defend of aucthoryty, German. Anthony of Anthose, a flower: Gr. therefore florishing. vide floreus. Anton, a companyon to hercules / Arbalaster. Id est Archer. Appollo, a Distroyer. Hebr. the name also of an Idoll. / Arbell. God hathe avenged. Archelaus. prince of the People Asu a phisicion Ashe. de Fracimus Aron Mountayne of fortitude vide Dunstan. Arnold. honest. / Ger. Arletta / Harlott Arthure derived from Arctus. the fixed Starre / Arbella. vt Arbell. antea. Hebr. Asteley. olim Estley Astowe Lutinest a sculphus. id est Speedie helpe Askwithe Askouthe } the same / Arondell. Swallowe Aurelius. vide Gilbert, Goldbright a pledge. Aureliamus the same / Augustine, encreasinge or Maiesticall Awbrey. hope of roiall power / Aulmus. Nourished of the Godes. / Awdrey. Noble adwyse vide Etheldred. Sax. the same / Aurelia. prettie little golden dame, latine Avice vel Hanisia, Ladies defence / Helivisia, the same Azanias. harkeninge the lord. Azariah. helpe of the lord Astiages. Governour, of the Cyttie / Bache A Ryver. vide Becke. Baldwyne speedy Conquerour, victoryous power, alij. Bold and confident alij powerful in victorye / Bagot, a Staye or walkingestaff vide Blundell. & Russell. Balthazar. Sercher of Measure ^alij treasurur. Hebr. Banester, Id est Balneator, Master of the Baynes, or Stewes. / Barbarossa redbeard. Italian Barbara. Strange, or of an unknowen countrey. Sainct Barbara martired by Maximilian the Tirant. Gr. Barrett Subtill Bardolphe. ffaire helpe Barrabas Sonne of confusion Hebr. Barnaby also. Barthilmewe. his sonne that maks the waters to mount Baal, Lord. or Lordes, the name of the Idole of the Sidonyans, or a generall name to all Idoles, becaus they were as the Lordes, and ownours of all that worshipped them / Barnabus Sonne of Consolation Hebr Baruche. Blessid Hebr. Barnarde. Childishe disposicion Idem, Id est bona Nardus, hard child Barne is a child / Bassus. ffatte Bassett the same Bawde. Pleasant Bazill. Royall. kingelie, or Pryncely. Gr. Beatryce or Beatrix. Blessed / Latina / Beaupres id est, de Bello prato Beamonde, de Bello Monte Beauchampe, de Bello Campo / Beavys. Id est Bellovesus, A Celtique kinge / Beautye Beame. A. tronck, or Stock of a tree. Bearne. A. wood Brinamyne, Sonne of the right hand who. was first called Benoni. the Sonne of Sorrowe / also filius Dierum Beckvet, Litle sharpe Nose. Becke a River. vide Bache Bede a devoute man, Saxoner. Bedowe d.uve from Bede. Bell. ffayre Bellott. proper. Begyn a Buildinge Bellewe de Bella Aqua. Bennet. Id est Benedictus Benedictus Blessied. Benson deryved from Benson / Bent, A Russhie place. Bentley. A Russhie plotte. Beningna, mylde, gentle. Latin Berrye, a Courte Bertha. Bright, or famous. Ger. vide Albert / Bengen. olim Berniger Berta. vt Clara. & Claricia, Latin bright / Betts. Id est Beatus Bertwyn famous victour Bewfoye. de bella. Iago. Id est. ffayre Beeche Bigod, a. Norman. or Supersticious becaus at euery word they vsed to. Sweare By. god. Bilhagh, old or fadinge Bye, an Habitacioun / Bissett, a dove Blanche. white or faire. ffr. Blanc. the same Blande. ffaire spoken / Blaze. buildinge fourth. Gr. Blithe. Id est merry Blondell, fflaxenhayre Blundell a Staie or walking Staff vide Bagott. & Russell. Blount. flanne: Id est yellowe, or flaxenhayre Boyse a wood. fr. de Bosco. Lat. Bonaventure. Good adventure Bona. Good. / Bold. derived of Boll. a ferme. in dutche Bolingsham. Id est. Baker. or Baxster. Bonyface, welldoe, Good, or Swerteface. Bosve. Id est Crookeback Boke. Id est Beeche Bucke, the same Botle, a howse in the Northe Botolphe. helpshipp. Sax. Bovill. de Bovis villa / Boude. Id est pater familias, or husbande Bourne, a Ryver. Bourcheire, de Burgochúro Bowes. Id est de Aecubus / Braybrook vide Megge. who changed his name by matching with Braybrook. Brewyerre. In healthe / Bride, or Bridgett. Irishe Bryall. Shrillvoice / Brighthelme, ffaire defence. Edhelme the same / Brooke. Torrentius, Lat. Brune, vel. Bourne a River / Butler. Cmes Ormond. so called by beinge Butler of Irelande. Brand or Brend. a stirringe upp. Caleb. hartye. Hebr. As a harte Caiphas A. Srcher. Hebr. Calvus Baldpate Calisthenes beautyfull and stronge Gr. Cadwallader. warlik name, deduced from Cad: Id est battle. britt. / Candishe, olim Cavendishe Cantelowe. de Cantelupo / Capell. de Capella. Chappell idem Capett the name of a kinge of ffrance so called for that beinge yonge he vsed to snatche of his fellowes cuppes/ Capito. Iobernolle. Caradocke dearelie belouid. Britt / Carre a fortified place or Cyttye. Cassandra. enflaminge men with love Gr. Catherine pure, and chaste / Gr. Calinicus. Faire victor / Cesar. / In the moores language is killinge of an Eliphant, or that he that he was cutt out of his mothers wombe, or borne withe haire or graie eyes / Cesnis Catts eyes / Chamond, de Calvo monte, Id est baldmount Champayne de Campania / Champernon de Campo dirunlphi Champelour de Campo florido Chaworthe. de Cadurcis olim Casors Charles. from Carl. Id est stronge stoute, couragious & valiant. Gr. Cheney de Casineto & de Querceto Id est Chesney an oke / grove of oks. Chester. Castrum, A Cittie or walled place, Cave, or denne / Chilo. fflapplippes / Ciceley a. Cecilia Gray eyed. / Cilo. pettie longe pate / Cicero. Chichepease. Cipryan soe named of the Ile Ciprus where venus was especiallie honored / Chawcer. Id est hosyer / Cirus in the persian longe A dogge / Clare. Bright. Latin. Clara. & Claricia the same / Clement, meeke, myld & gentle / latin. / Clere. Id est Shire, vide Shere Cloughe a deepe discent betwene hills Cob. a forced harborowe for Shippes / Cocles. one eye. Coigne. valiant Combe. a valley bet. 2. hills. Conyers. Id est Qwynce / Constable. from a Constable of a castle / Constantyne, fast and firme. Latin. Constance the same Conrade Able councell Cope the lopps of an hill Corbel a Raven Cornelius a Cornn / a horne / Cove a smalle creek. Covert. a shadowed place. Cotgrave vide le Remaynes. 123. Crevecure de Crepito Corde. Cneus. that had a wart / Cowlaray. haselwood Crofte a. farme. Christofer. Id est nosce teipmo/ Gr. Crisostome. Golden monthe. Gr. Crispus. Curld pate. Crispe also. Cristian soe named from our christian profession. Curwen. olim Culwen Curson the stock of a tree / Cursie also. Cleopatra, the glory of the Contrey Cosbie. a lyar. Cuthred Skilfull in Councell. Cuthbert famous, bright, clere skill, and knowledge. Saxon. Cuthe. id est knowledge vncouthe vnknowen. Cuthwyne Skilfull victor / Danyell Iudgement of God. Hebr. Dan a Iudgement. Hebr. Dayrell. olim Le dayherell. Dallison, olim de Allison Davridgcourt olim damprecourt Davscott the same at this daie / Dathane Statute or lawe. Daphnis florishinge like a baye tree Dalilah a Buckett or consumer. Hebr. Dalbeny de Albendio / David belovid Hebr. Darcye olim Adrecye Dacres cote was Hermethes wate / Dawbeney de Albendio / Dawney de Alneto. An Alder. Dawtrey de Altaripa. Darius in the persian tongue, an excellent warriour, or he that subdueth Deborah. a word, or a bee. Det. black. Brittan Dell a. Small valley Dennys. id est dios nous, devyne mynd. Demetrius. belonginge to Ceres Demosthenes. strengthe of the people Demas. fauouringe the people Derne a Standinge poole Deuoreux de Ebroicis Diana Gods daughter Gr. Demophon staienge the people / Dido. a phenisian name. Id est a warlik woman Dionisius. Latin. dennys. Denyson. derived from dennys Dynah Iudgement / Dynham. olim dinant Dyre. Id est welbelouid. Doyley olim de Oileio. Done an hill or mountayne Downe also. Dorcas a Roebuck, a name that amorous knights saluted. fieckled wartie, and wooden faced wenches Dorcas a. doe. Dorothie Guifte of God. Gr. Dowze. Id est sweet wenche Duchia the same. Latin Dowsabell. sweete & faire as Hlicecion Dowglas a Scottishe name from the River dowglas Drewe subtile, livelie & lustie / Drewry. Id est Iewell Dun. A mountayne or highe hill Dunstan Mountayn of fortitud Edhelme happie defens / Edgar. happie or blessed honour or pouer Latine Felix potestas / Edwyne happie victour Edulphe happie helpe Sax. Edmond happie, or blessed peace Sax Edwarde happie keeper. ward is a keeper. as woodward Milward Eadeth happynes Sax. / Idonea. latin. Egbert famous allwayes bright Elfred. all peace Sax. Eldred all councell. or all reuerent feare / Ela. vt Alice Elianour pitifull. eedured from Elena. Elfwyn victoryous helpe Elfwold helpinge governour Eliza. God saveth. Hebr. Elizabeth peace of the lord, or a quiet nest of the lord. Hebr Elianus id est Alan. Sounbright Ephraim frutefull or encreasing Hebr Esau. workinge Ester. huld Emme or Amy Goodnurse/ Erlewyn. glorious victor Ethewold. noblie bold. Ethelred. noblie aduise vide Awdrey Eva, gyuinge liest. Hebr. Erasmus, wynlove, or to bee belouid Gr. vide Leofwin. Eustacius vide Anastacia Eugenius, vide Owen / ffabus. Beaneman / ffairfax. faire locks, or white locks ffane. Sclender. ffaithe a fide Latin. ffell. craggie, barrein or stony hills Sax. ffelix. happie. Latin. fferdinando, pure peace / ffleete, a smalle streame fflishmershe, a frisce marisu ffenne, id est paludimus. latin. fferrers. de ferrarijs / fflacius lolle eares, or flagge eared. ffineulx. fine conveyans ffludd, or lluhid, russet. brit. fflorence. florishinge Latin. vide Anthony. ffont. a springe / ffortescue. id est stronge sheild / ffortune a fortuna latin ffoster. Id est nourisher ffoulgiers. id est fferne ffoulk noble & galland Ger. people Sax / ffrancis from. fraunce, id est free, not servill or bond. liberius the same, latin. ffremonde. ffree peace. Sax. ffrediswid very free, truly. free. Sax. ffreestoole. id est pacis Cathedra / ffriderick. ritch peace, or peaceable raigne / ffrithe a plaine amiddest woods or streight bet. 2. lands. latine. fretum / ffronto. Bettlebrowed. ffulbert. fulbright. Sax. ffulcher. lorde of people. Sax. Gay. Ioyfull. Galba. Magott. Galliard. frolick. fr. Gam. crooked Gabriell, Man of God or strengthe of God. Hebr. the name of an Angell. Gamaliel gods reward Hebr. Garnishe. olim Gernous Garthe a yard. Garnet. a great Granary Garrett, Gerard, or. Gerald all olim fitzgerald. towardnes Gerrard. all hardye. Gawen, id est. walwyn. a Conquerour Geele. yellowe. Sax. Gedeon a breaker or distroier. Hebr. Gad. a band or garrison / Hebr. Gehazi valley of vision Hebr. Gernon by marrienge the daughter of Cauendish left that name to his issue / Gernous. nunc. Garnishe Germaine all. Man Gerneshe, whose coat assinned by dacres is nowe holden for dacres coate / Gertende all true and amyable Germyn vel. Iermyn. all victorious German. true no counterfeit of the kinred George husbandman. Gr. Agricola. latin. Geoffrey Id est ioyefull peace Gervois all. Sure, firme, fast alij. grave and auncient, or honorable / Gill. a smalle water. Gilbert. Goldlikebright Gyles. little kidde, Some derive it from Iulynes. Gislebert vt hilbert. id est be ane pledge Aurelius Gifford liberall. disposicion Gladus, from Clandia. britan Glynne a . Dale. brit / Godarde, godes man or godlie disposicion, or towardnes. Godfrey. godlie, or gods peace Godfreyt also Godwyne victorious in God. Ger. Godithe from Goodwiefe. Sax. Goodrich. ritche or powerfull in God. Ger. Goffe. Smithe. brit. / Gought redd, brit. Goodman & Golborne doe disceind from Belward remayns. fo. 123. Gorste. Busshes. Gracchus. Thynne. vide helder / Grace of Gracia. lat. Grange. A Barme. fr. Grave a trenche, a ditche or wood Grove / Gravenour olim Grosvenour / latine Gra­ ndis venator. a hunter. Gregorie. Watchfull. Grigge hoarse. Grice Gray. Gryme. Stronge. Greystockes cote borne by Redman / Gripus. id est hawkesnose. Griffithe stronge faithed britt Grymald power over anger. Ger. Grishild Gray Ladie / Gernegan, nunc Ierningham / Gunter. fauorable lord. Gunther. Gruffin, Id est Rufinus, Redd. britan / Guy. Guido. lat. A hind, leader or director Gwynne, white / Hamen Id est homen Hamon faithfull. Hebr. Hannyball. gracious lord a punyck name / Harman. Generall of an Army. Ger. Harolde. gouernour. or generall of an Army Sax. Handlowe by marriage. the daughtur and heire of Burnell is so called Harrington olim Haverington / Hector defender. Gr. Heyle. helthfull. Helein pitifull. vide Elianour. helder. Thynne vide Gracchus Henry. riche lord, or ever ritche or powerfull / Hengise. horsman. Sax. Herbert famous lord. bright lord or glorie of the Armye. Ger. Herward. conservour of the Army. Hercules. glory. or Illumynacion of the ayre. Herwyn victoryous lord, or victor in the Army. Hierome, holiemanne. Gr. Hildebert, bright or. famous lord Ger. hillary. merry or pleasant. Latin hilda a religious ladie in the prymitive englishe Churche Holiman, Id est Oswonder Horne a. Cornour Horatio well. sighted. Horden. Steward Hortensius Gardener / Horscy toke that name of de la vale of northumber. whose daughter he marryde Howard, high warden, or Guardian / Howell. Sound or whole Hubert, bright, ffaire shape; or faire hope Hughe Slassher. or cutter. alij. comsort Huddard Loke. duttons name / Hussey de hosut. & hosatter Hurste vel. herst. a. wood. Humfrey. Howspeace Ger. Huttyn. Id est Mutyner. Hutton. Iacobe a tripper or Supplanter. Hebr. Iane. vt Ioane / Iames, wrested from Iacob. in Spanishe Iago. in frenche Iaques / Ibell. or. Eubulus. Good councellour. brit / Ieremye highe of the lord. Hebr. Iennet. demynytive of Ioane. Iesop. contracted from Iosephe. Iewle. vel yewle. Christinas / Iernyngham, olim Gernegan. Iochim preparacion of the lord. Hebr. Ioas. fatherhood. Hebr. Iohan Gracyous. Ioon also. Ionathan. Gods guifte. Hebr. Ioice mery or pleasant / Ioice / Iocosu. the Same. Iaquet. id est Iacoba. Iosias. fier of the lord. Hebr. Iosua. Saviour / Iordaine the River of Iudgement this name is soe named of the river / Iosephe. increasing. Hebr. vide Iesop. Isubell. as Elizabeth / Isaac. laughter. Hebr. Iaire. lightned. Hebr. Iapheth perswadinge or inticing Iob. sorrowfull, or hated. Hebr. Ionas, a dove Hebr Israill. the Seed of God. Hebr. / seinge the lord. Idem a prince of God, or prevaylinge with God Ismaell god hath hard Hebr. Ithell. or Euthalius verie florishing. brit Iudith praysinge Iulius, softe haired or mossie bearded Gr. Iulian derived from Iulius / Ivge. A medowe, or lowe ground Kay a landinge place or wharfe / kempe in old english a Soldier / kenard, kinde disposicioun & affectioun to his kinred Knelme, defence of his Kinred Sax. helme is defence / Knevett. olim dunevet Knolle. the toppe of an hill Kriche, curld pate / Lambert. farre famous or fairlambe. Laomedon Ruler of the people / Laodamas Tamer of the people Laban. white. Hebr. Lamnel.. with whom is God. Hebr. Lameche. poore or Smytten. Hebr. Levie ioyned or coupled. Hebr. Leah. paynefull or weryed. Lancelott a lawnce in Spanishe Labeo. blabberlippe Lade passage of water. Lancaster by licence of h.2. changed his name from Fitzgillbert baron of kendall Lathe a Barne Lawe. an hill. Laura. Baie. as daphne. in Gr. Latymer. Id est Interpretour / Lawrence, florishinge like a bay Lazarus. lords helpe. Hebr. Leodegar. gatherer of people, or altogether popular. Ger. Leodpolle or. loodpold. defender of the people Leonard lionlike disposicioun Leoftan. moost belouid Sax. Leofwyn wynlove. or to bee belovid Vide Erasmus. Lawnde a plaine amonge trees / Lee. a place. britt Leighe or ley. a place or pasture / Lenlulus. lentill seed. Lenthroppe. vere Leventhrop. Lettice. de leticiu latin. mirthe or Ioifulnes. Lewys, wrenched from Lodwick. refuge of the people / Lewlin. lionlike Lyonel. litle lion. Latin. Livia. Stockdove. Lisle. id est de Insula / Locke, a place where Rivers are vnstopped or a Lake / Loppe an vneven place, not to be passed without leapinge / Lora. discipline, or learninge. Sax. Love. id est. lupus. loupe potius/ Lortie. de vrtiaco. Lovelt litle wolphe, lupettus / Lovell lupellus. Id est a litle pickerell Lucius, borne in daie dawninge Lucia bright. lightsome, or borne by daielight Lucretia. Chaste ladie. latin. llohid russet. britan Luke. risinge or liftinge vp. Hebr. Lud. a. natyuyty or generacon Hebr Lott. wrapped or ioyned Hebr. Lisias dissoluinge. Hebr. Madocte Good or beloued. brit / Mabell. maide, or faire daughter. from Amabilis, loveable or lovely Magdalen maiesticall Hebr. or magnified or exalted. Magoge wveringe, or meltinge Mathias guifte of the lord Hebr Mattan a guifte. Hebr. Magnus, doctor. And a great learned man in his tyme. was found at Newark vpon Trent where he erected a grammer Schole and the people called him, Amonge vs. for that he was there found, and profitinge in all learninge, his name for (amonge vs) was tourned into Magnus. & by that name was famous not onelie in England. but in forein parts. where he was often Embassadour / Macrinus. longe. Maynard, powerfull dispoisiioun / Malachius my Messenger. Hebr. Mallett derived from a mallet, or hammer becaus in courage and fortitude hee beateth downe the enemy as witha mallet or hammer / Martell. derived vt Mallett / Malduyf. Ill Scollership. or Ill taught. Malivory. Id est malus leporarius, or Ill huntinge the hare. Mallien, vt Malivory Malovell. Id est malus lupellus, an Ill pickerelle Manasses. Not forgotten. Hebr. Mainwaringe. olim Mesnilwaringe / Menil or. mesnil. a mansion howse. Mannours. Id est de Manerijs Mandevill. de Magna villa Manius, borne in the morninge Marcus. borne in Marche Marke. highe. Hebr. Marcellus dervied from Mars. warlik or. Martiall or a hammer / Margaret. Pearle, or precyous Gr. Ma: Margarite: a daysie. fr. Margery a Marioria. an herbe called Mariorum marie. Exalted. Hebr. alij. teachinge Marmaduke. more mightie, Ger. Marche a limytt or confyne. Macrinus longe, A natura hominis Marshe. de Marisco Martyn. deduced from Martius Martin bushoppe of Towres made this name famous for his admirable pietie / Mathewe. Godes guifte / Hebr. Mattyson, from Mathewe Mawde or Matild, late noble or honorable Ladie of Maides Mawley de malo. lacu Mauritius. a moore. a quo Morice Maximilian composed by friderick the 3. Emperour of Maximily Emilianus. Megges. tooke the name of Braibrook vide Braybrook his mother beinge one of the heires / Melicent. hony sweete. fr. Melanchon. Id est blackland: Ger. Menelaus. strengthe of the people. Hebr. Menasse. forgettinge Mered. rebellious. Meredith britan / Mereducius. Latin. Mercury a mediat Cursitour betwene God & men / Hebr. Michaell perfect, or like God / Hebr. Michaias who is like the lord. Hebr. Miles a grayne called millett derived thens / Merawe or Emeraud. / Corunber Menil. or. Mesnil . a Mansion howse vide Maynwaringe / waring all victorious, vide warin. Mevus de Melsa. Mynours. de Minerijs Moigne, Id est Monarchus Molius de Molendinis Molineux. id est molendinarius Montchensey. de monte Caniso. Moell bald. Montioye. de MonteIovis Montfichet de Montefixe Monthermer. de monte hermdrij Montpesson. de Monte pessoins Montacute. de Monte acuto. Monthalt. de monte Alto. Montfort. de monte fortis, seu forti Mountford beinge lord of hatton in Counti warwick was respect thereof called hatton in the posteritie / Mortimer de mortuo mari Morgan Seaman brit / Mor. the Sta / Morice, a Mauritio a Moore / Maurus. Moab. of the father. Hebr. Moses. drawen vp. Hebr. Remayns.li.125 Mowbray erle of Northumberli had an 120. knightes fees in Normandy and an 140. knightes fees in England / Mnemon, Myndfull. Muriell, a Murion Gr. a swete perfume. Musard. Id est delayer. Musters. de monasterijs Manna. id est. what shall I call it Naso. Bottlenosed. Nathaniell. guifte of God. Hebr. Neale blackishe, or Swart abridged Nigell. .fr. Neale look. the name of Mowbray. Nelson deduced from Neale or Nigell Nessa a. promontory, as a nose of land into the Sea / Nero. Stronge. / Nevill. de Nova villa Newman. Id est Neander. Newemarch. de Novo mercatum Newton whose name was Cradock. but lost that name, & tooke to him the name of his habitacioun, called Newton Nicholas. Conquerour of the people. Gr. Nichola. deduced from Nicholas / Nicodemus vt Nicholas Gawen the same Navall. a foole. Hebr. Nathan. Given. Hebr. Nimrod. / rebellious. Hebr. Noell. Id est latine Natalis, Christmas tyme. fr. Norman. Id est Northernman. Nore. Id est of northe Nosia victorious. Gr. Noah. Equidem. Hebr. Nowers de Nodorijs. / Olimpias heavenlie. Gr. Orabilis easilie entreated. Latin. Obadiah. Seruant of the Lord. Hebr. Obed. Seruant. Hebr. Oliver a name fetched from the peaceable bringinge olive Osberne housechild. Sax / Filius familias Osbert domesticall brightnes or. light of the ffamylie / Osmond. howspeace. Sax. Oswold. howsruler or steward / for wold in old englishe & high dutch is a Ruler; the holie lief of Sainct Oswald kinge of Northumberland who lived in incessant contemplacion hath giuen much honour to this name / Otho. or Odo, or Endo. in Sax. Odun. a faithfull. reconciler Olwell and Ottey are Nurse names drawen from Othes. Owen in latine Audoenus. the Brittains drawe this name from old kinge Oenus. father in lawe to hercules. Eugenius, vt Owen Noble or welborn for Ireland is called in latine records (Tir. Oen) id est latine terra Eugenij there is no latine of the Irish prests for. Oen. but Eugenius. Owen Ogle. knight his name, as is affirmed is wrytten in latine records Eugenius Ogle. Originall deduced from the Greek Origenes, that is borne in Good tyme / Okircer olim okeover Orland. id est rowland in Italian / Payne in latin. Paganus, a military Man Pansa. brodefoote Paln marveilous Hebr. Parnell a petronella prettie stone. Palmer id est pilgryme, as carrienge palme in retourninge from Ierusa­ lem Pascall deduced from the passeover Patrick from Patricus, a peere or state Pawle wonderfull or rest, but the learned Baronius drawinge it from the latine maketh it litle, or humble / Pawlin or palyn from Pawle As Nigrinus from Niger / Paternoster so called. for devout prayinge. Pedo. is longeshancks. Peche. vel peccam, deduced from peccato. Peregrine. lattin strange or outlandish Pen the top of an hill or mountayn brittan Penelope. chaste, or constant, the wief of Vlisses, so called for that shee fedd the birds called penelopes with purple necks Perpoynte, de petra ponte. Pertinax, Id est resolute for that his father wold haue had him bene a Scoller when he wold haue bene a woodmonger Percivall. a place in Normandy called Perchevall. alij. volunt per st valdus per allusionem / Percy. soe named of Percy forrest in the Country of Maen / Petsin, olim Poitevin Petus. pinckeyed. Pettor. a iestour & so named for his often fartinge & therefore held his land per subtum, sufflum & pettum sive bumbutum Pharamond, true mouthe Philadelphus a lover of hir Susters & brothers. Gr. Peter. a Stone, a name of great account amonge Christians sithence our Sauiour named Simon. Cephas. which is by interpretacion a Stone Philebert muche bright fame, or very bright famous Ger. as poliphemus is in Gr. Philippe Gr. a lover of horses. philippe Beroald conceydinge this his name clarklie proved, that Philipp is an appostolicall name by Saint philip the appostle a roiall name by philip kinge of Macedonia, And an imperiall name by philip. the first christyan Emperour. / Philippa. from philippus Phillis lovelie. Gr. in latine Amy. Pickeringe, beares Mithorps coate / Piso. Id est pescodman / Plantagenet Plantagenet so called for wearinge in his bonnet a Bromestalk. Platt. playne ground. fr. Pigott. Specked. Poly. olim Pogly Polixena an entertaynour of many guests and strangers / Porter. Id est doreward Posthumus, borne after his fathers deathe Pratt. a meadowe fr. & Subtill vide Barret & Rushe / Prenx nicknamed longe, beinge full of Stature & was therefore called longe henry. & thence tooke his name & was called henry longe. Prindle vide Crofte Prisca auncyent. latin. Prisilla derived thens Pudsey. de Puteaco Pendence a prudencia id est Sophia wisdome in .Gr. Purfrey. olim Purefoy. Id est purefaith. fr. Raynsford olim Ravensford. Raymond quiet peace. Ger. as is hesechius in Gr. Raynold, or Reynhold or Reginald Sincere or purelove, for the germans call theire greatest and goodliest rivers for purenes Rheins and the old english vsed hold. for love. or fauour Radegond fauorable councell. Sax. Ralphe or Ralfe Ger. contracted from Radulphe whiche is Rodulphe which signifieth help councell / Randall Sax. corrupted from Ranulf that is faire helpe/ Raphaell the phisick of. God. Hebr. Rahab. proud or. stronge Hebr Ram. highe, Hebr. Ramsey. hihle seated. Rachab. a Rider Hebr Rebecca. fatt. and full. Hebr. Redman beares Graistocks cote Rye a Shore. or banck. fr. Ric. a kingedome, ritch and mightie / Richard powerfull. and riche disposicion treasure of the kingedome / Rhese a brittish name, Rhesi a Giant. Ger. Richer powerfull in the Army, or riche lord. herric reuersed treasure of the kingdome / Rithie a foord: brit. / Ringe an enclosure. Roc. Rad. and Red. signifie councell and aduise / Robert. but it is more aunciently written Robert. famous in Councell / vide albert / Roger. quiet. Ger. tranquillus in latin. all Councell. or Strongecouncell. Roland ab antiquo Rodland id est councell for the land. the Italians vse Orland for Rowland by Mitathesis. / Romane Stronge in latine valdus Revell a Sheppard of God. Hebr. Rob. an heathe. britan Roche de Rupe Rose. a Rosa. Sweete / Susan the same Hebr. Rosamonde rose of peace or of the world. Rawe in the northe a Street Rowe with vs the same, also. renowmed. Rowsa. reill Ruben Sonne of visions, Hebr. Renyfred pure peace. Sax. Russell is redd or flaxen haire vide Blonte / Idem looke gorges name to him & his heires, for that his mother was Suster & one of the heires of Gorge. Russe. & Rushe.is Subtill vide Barret SainctAmonde. de Sancto Amando. Sayntclere de Sancta Clara. Sainct foster. de Sancto vedasto Sainct Mawre de Sancto Mauro. Seymor. the same / Saintleger vulgo. Selenger / Id est Sancto leodegario / Saintlis. de Sancto lizdo / & Silnan-ectensis / Saiglis de Sancto Helasio. in hiberina Saintloe de Sancto lando. Saintlowe de Sancto lupo. Sampole de Sancto paulo Saintomer. de Sancto Andamaro / Saintowen de Sancto Andoew / Saltmarshe de Salso marisco / Sanitpere de Sancto peiro / Salomon peaceable. Hebr. Salustius helthfull. Sabridgecourt. corrupte Sapfford. Sale. an hall. or entrans fr. Sabina, religious as a Sabine / Saller. Id est Constable or Standardberer. Sanchier, or Sancta. holie Sara. Ladie, Mistres, or dame Hebr. Samnel. placed of God. Hebr. or hard of God Saule lent of the lord. Hebr. or as some will. / fox. / Sampson. there the second tyme. Hebr. becaus the Angell appeared the. 2. tyme at his fathers praye[r] Scaurus. knobheele. Scarre a craggie stony hill Scolastica leasure from busines Gr. Scipio as Bagott a Stay or walking staff. Scales de Scalarijs / Seamark de Sancto Medardo. Semartin de Sancto martino Seabright fame by victory Seward victorious presenter. vide Sigward Sebastian honorable or maiesticall. Hebr. Servius borne a Slave Sett an habitacion or Seat / Seulis. Silvanectensis & de Sancto. lizio / Sigbert victorious fame Sighere Conquerour of an Army or victorious lord. Sighelme victoryous defence. Sigward victorious presenter / Sigismond victorious peace or victory with peace. Ger. Sibell Godes councell, or devine doctrine Hebr. Silo Apesuose Sileto corrupte Suleto to be silent. Silvanus. Woodgod, or Woodman vide walter. Silvester. the same in latin. Simberb de Sancta barbara / Simon obedient. listeninge. Hebr. Sheale a Cottage or Sheltre. Shawe a. Shadoe of trees. Spelman. Id est learned man. Shire id est clere / vide clere Spencer. le dispenser or dispensator. Steward. Spigurnell. Id est sealer of writs an office hereditary to the Bohuns of Midherst / Slowe a foule miry place Smethe a smothe playne feild Suillins. or Suellinge corrupte Swynheard Skell. a. Springe or well Sody my secret. Hebr. Seyre roughe or hayry. Hebr. Salmon desolacion of the Stranger Hebr. Shage. Ignorant Hebr. Sophronia modest and temperat Gr. Sophia wysdome. Gr. a name peculiarly applied by the prymytive Christians to our moost blessid Sauiour who is the wisdome of his father by whom all thinges were made, and therefore some godlie men dislike it as more then ireligious that that name should be communycated to any other / Staple a Storehous or Stale / Sted a standinge place or Station / Stey. a. Banck. Stephen a. Crowne. Gr. Stelo. Branche / Stowe a place. Stradlinge Id est Esterlinge or one comen from the East parts of Germany. Strabo. Squiteyed. Strange Id est extranens. / Strande, or Stronde a Riverbanck Strowde the same Surteys Id est super Trisam / Sulla. white and redd Susan. a rose, or lyllie. Hebr. vide Rose / Swithin from the old englishe Swithehan Sax. verie highe, as is Celsus or Exuperius with the Romains, this name hathe bene taken vp in honour of Saint Swithin the holie Busshop of winchester aboute Anno 860 / and called the weeping Saint Swithin for that aboute his feast day Præspece and Aselli rayny constellacions doe Cosmically arrise & commonly cause rayne to fall / Tace. Silent Tabitha Roebuck. Hebr. Tailboys. Id est Cutwood. Talvas of a Sheild soe called, whereof william the sonne of Robert de Belismo had his name / Tatwyna learned victour Tate. learned. Scholler Thales florishinge Gr. vide Anthony Thorpe a village Thomas. A. Twynne / Tome also. Hebr. Bottomles deepe Thurne a Tower. Thwaite a pasture. Theodosia Gods guifte. Gr. Theodosius vt Theodore. Gods. guifte Theodoric powerable, or ritche in people Theophilus a lover of God Tuder. vt Theodore / Thurmym & vrim Id est light of the knowledge of Christe & perfection of vertue so imbrace the same / Theobald, or Thibald or Tibald, godes power, or powerfull, or bold over people. / Thurstan true & trustie. Sax. Terne vt derne a Standinge poole / Terentius tender. secundum varro / Timothie honoringe God Gr. from Timotheus. Tobias the lord is Good. Hebr. Tofte a peice of ground where did sometymes stand a howse / Torre, a tower. or highe place / Torquatus. Chayned. Trey a Towne, in brittan Tref. Tristram. a knight of prince arthurs order. deduced from Tristan -- Sorrod Turstan for Trustan. Sax. moost true and trustie / Trowtbeck. soe called of a Ryver. Temperance, latin well knowen the Significacion. Troblefeild olim Turbervill / Tiras a distroier Vale or dale in Englishe Valens puissant Latin. Valentyne the same / Vaulx a dale. fr. Varus Bowlegged. Vaughan litle. britan. Vdall. olim Vuedall. Uchelred highe Councell. German. venus. a veniendo. comynnge to all a fitt name for a good wenche / Madfolly. Verdugo in Spanishe hangman, it is the name of a Spanyard gentleman Vincent victoryous. Lat Vitall. livelie Vivian he that may live longe. Vipount de veteri ponte/ Vnwyn. Invincible Vrbanus Courteous, or Civill Vryan, vt George / danes say it / Vrsula a litle beare, heretofore a name of great reputacion in honour of vesula the brittaine virgin Saint martired vnder Gods Scourge Attila / Vrim & Thurmym vide Thrmym / Walde a denne. Wild the same Walburge or Werburge gracious Walker. in old englishe a fuller. Walter a pilgryme, woodlord or woodman. Walwyn a Conquerour. vide Hawen / Warder Id est keeper / Waryn. Id est all victorious Ewaryn the same Warke. a work or buildinge Waste. a desert, or solitary place / Wathe a ford. Welsborne yongest sonne of Simon de Montfort erle of Leicester. Remaynes 123. Wenefride, wynne or gett peace, or faire, or beautifull countenance / Sax. Wiche. a Salt springe Wick, a Castle or litle fort / Wibert holie and bright / william, or wilhelme per lather muche defence, or defence to mary, vt wilwald Rulinge many, alij tourne this name for a willinge defendour, a tuendo, as some affirme, In Italian. this name is Haleazo. for helme, this name hathe bene moost comon in England since william the Conquerour, Insomuche that vpon a festivall daie in the court of. Saint Iohan, and. Sir william fitzhamond speciall officers commanded that none, but of that name should dyne in the great chamber with them Soe they were accompanied with 120. williams all knightes / Robert Montdusis reports it. 1173. / wilbram olim Wilburnham / wildred muche reverend feare wilfred. muche peace willibert muche increase wymond Sacred or holy peace Sax. Wischard wilie or craftie shifter or wanderer Norman witheringeton olim Wodringeton wold hills without wood. Wolstan comelie or decent Sax. Wolpher helper. Sax. Worthe. a ferme, or possession A corte, or place, a fort. or Ile / xerxes. A warriour. darius the same / Zachary the memory of the lord / Hebr. Zabadiah a dowry of the lord. Hebr. Zeeb. a wolphe / Hebr. Zidon a hunter Hebr. Zacheus pure. Hebr. Zebulon. a. dwellinge Hebr. Zephi an hony combe / Hebr. Zouche, Id est de Slipite saco, a drie stock Idem the Stock of a tree. fr. Zorobabell free from confusion /