THE HERBALL OR GENERALL Historie of Plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in CHIRVRGERIE Very much Enlarged and Amended by Thomas Johnson Citizen and Apothecarye of LONDON London Printed by Adam Islip Ioice Norton and Richard Whitakers Anno 1633. A Table of such English names as are attributed to the Herbes, Shrubs, and Trees mentioned in this Historie. A ABreceke 1449 Acatia 1331 Aconite 968. 969 Ach, that is, Smallage. Adams Apple 1464. 1516 Adders Grasse, i. Dogs ballocks. Adderwort, i. Snake weed. Adders tongue 404 African Marigold 750 Ethiopian Apples 347 Agaricke 1365 Agrimonie 712 Bastard and water Agrimony 711 Agnus Castus 1387 Ague tree 1525 Alecost, i. Costmary. All-good, i. false Mercury. All-good, i. Henry, or English Mercury. All-heale 1003. 1005 Alehoofe, i. ground Iuy. Alexanders, or Alixsanders 1019 Alexanders foot, i. Pellitory of Spaine. Aller or Alder, and his kindes, 1469 1477 All-seed, i. wilde Orach 324 Alleluya, i. wood Sorrel. Almond tree 1445 Almond of Pera 1552 Almond Plum tree 1497 Aloes or Aygreen, and his kindes 507 Alkakenry, i. winter Cherry. Alkanet, or wilde Buglosse 800 Ameos and his kindes 1036 Ambrosy, .i demy gods food 1108 Amell corne 69 Anacardium, .i bean of Malaca 1544 Anemone and his kindes, from 374. to 386 Anise, or Anise seed 1035 Anet, i. Dill 1033 Angelica and his kindes 999 Anthryllis, or stinking ground pine 622 Anthora 969 Apple and his kindes. 1459 Apple of the earth 845 Apples of loue, or golden Apples 346 prickly Apples, or of Peru, see Thorney 348 Apples of Ierusalem 363 mad Apples 345 Aprecocke 1449 Arach and his kindes 324 Archangel and his kindes 702 blacke Archangell, i. stinking Horehound 702 water Archer or Arrowhead & his kinds, 416 Arbute tree, or Strawberry tree 1496 Arched tree, looke vaulted Fig tree 1514 Argemony, .i bastard Poppy & his kinds 373. Aristolochia 846 Aromaticall reed 63 Acon 834 Artichokes 1153 Arsmart, .i water Pepper 445 Asara bacca 836 Asparagus and his kindes 1110 Aspe tree, or Aspen tree 1487 Asphodil and his kinds, from 93 to 97 Ash tree 1472 Ash keyes ibid. Wilde Ash, or Quicken tree 1473 Asses Box tree 1332 Assyrian Apple tree 1474 Assyrian Plum 1499 Avens and his kindes 994, 995 Axfich 1233 Axseed ib- Axwort ibid. Ayshweed 1001 Aygreene 511 B Backwort, or Knit backe 807 Baldmoine, or Baldmony 532 533 Bastard Baldmony 1052 Ball thistle 1152 Balme 689. 690 Balme Mint 684 Balsamint 684 Balme tree 1528 1530 Balme Apples, see Apples of Ierusalem, 363 Balsam Tree with the Fruit and wood, 1528 Ballocke grasse, i. Dogs Cullions, 207 triple Ballocke, (i. e.) triple Lady traces, 218 sweet Ballocke 218 Banewort. .i Sperwort 961 Bannanas 1516 S. Barbaraes herbe 243 Barberry bush and his kind 1326 Barley and his kindes 70 Barnacle tree 1587 Barnacles, or tree geese 1587 S. Barnabees thistle 1166 Barrenwort 480 Basil and his kindes 673 wilde Basil 675 red Cow Basil 678 cow Basil 492 Bastard dwarfe Box 1597 Batchelors buttons 472. 957 Baume and his kindes 689. 690 Bay tree and his kindes, 1407. 1409 Bay willow, or Bay Willow herbe, 477 cherry Bay 1603 wilde Bay tree 1409 Orange Bay 1612 Beade tree 1492 Beane tree 1429 Beane Caper 897 Beane and his kindes 1209 flat Beane, i. Lupins 1217 Bearded Grasse 16 Beares breech 1147 Beares eare and his kindes 784, 785 Beares Garlicke 179 Bearewort 1052 Bearefoot 976 our Ladies Bedstraw 1126 Blew Bells 450, 451 Indian Morrice bells 1545 1545 Autumne Bell-floure 438 Steeple Bell-floure, or Peach bells, or Steeple bells 451 Sea bells 838 Bell floures 450, 451 Wilde Bell floures 455 Haruest Bells 438 Beet and his kindes 319 Beech tree 1444 Beech Mast 1444 Bees nest 1028 Besom weed 554 Marish Beetle, i. i. Cats taile. white Behen 678 [Behen] red 602 Bent 5 Bertram 758 Betle, or Betre, .i Bastard pepper 1541 Pauls Betony and his kinds 629 Betony 714 water Betony 715 Big, or big Barley 70 Bindeweed and his kindes, from 861 to 865 Sea Bindeweed, or Withweed 838 Rough Bindweed, or Bindeweed of Peru 859 Blew Bindeweed 865 purging Bindeweed 866 Bindweed, Inchanters Nightshade 352 Bishops weed 1036 Bishops leaues 715 Bilberries or Bulberries 1417 Birch tree 1478 Birds tongue 1565 Birds foot 1241 Birds eine 783 Birds nest 228 Birthwort and his kindes 846. 847 Bistort and his kindes 399 Bitter sweet 350 Bitter worts 533 Blacke berries, looke Bramble bush-. Bladder nut 1437 Blew ball, i. Blew bottle Blessed thistle 1171 Blew bottle 732 Blites or Blytes 320 Bloodwort, .i Bloody Docke 389 Bloodstrange, .i Mouse taile 426 May Blossomes, i. Conual Lilly 410 Bolbonac, .i white satten 464 Bombast, or Bumbast 901 Borage and his kindes 797. 807 Boots 818 Box thorne 1332 dwarfe Box. or ground Box 1410 bastard dwarfe Box 1597 Box tree 1410 Bramble bush 1272 Brake and his kindes, see Ferne Branch pease 1221 Branke visine 1147 Bright wheat 66 Brimstonewort, i. Sow Fennel 1053 Bryonie and his kindes 869 Indian Briony, .i Mechoacan. Broome and his kindes 1311 Broome and his kindes 1311 sweet Brief bush, see Eglantine. Brier bush, i. Hep tree 1271 Broomewort is Treacle mustard. Brownewort 716 base Broome Sopewort 1316 bastard Spanish Broome, 1318 Brooke lime 621 Brusewort, i. Sopewort 444 Bucks beanes 1194 Bucks horne and his kindes 427 Bucke wheat 89 Buckler thorne, i. Christs thorne 1336 Buckrames 179 Buckthorne 1338 Buckmast 1444 Buglosse and his kindes 798. 799 Bugle 631 Bulfoot. see Coltsfoot. Bullocks Lungwort 773 Bullocks eye 746 Bull weed 728 Bulwort 1136 Bullesse tree 1497 Bullimong, .i Buck wheat 89 Burnet 1045 Burgundy Trefoile 1189 Burre and his kindes 810 Burre reed 45 water Burre docke 814 Burstwort 569 Butterfly Satyrion 211 Butterwort or Butter root 788 Butter burre 814 Butter floures 951 Butchers broome 907 Butchers pricke tree 1468 C Cabbage. i. Coleworts 312 Caiocus, or Caious 1544 Calathian violets 438, 449 Calamint and his kindes 687 Water Caltrops 823. 824 Calues foot 834 Caltrop 1166 Calues snout and his kindes 549 Calamus Aromaticus 63 Camels hay, see Schenanthum, Cammocke, .i Rest harrow 1323 Cammomil and his kindes 754, 755 red Cammomil i. Flos Adonis 387 wilde Cammomil 757 Campion and his kindes 467 Canaria grasse, seed or corne 86 Cane, Cane reed and his kindes 36 Cankerwort, .i Pisse in bed. Cankerwort, .i Fluellin 625 Canker rose, .i red Poppy. Candy Mustard, or Candy Thlaspi 265 Candy Alisanders 1024 Candy Carrots 1029 Canturbury bells 261. 450 Capers and his kindes 895 Capons taile, i. great wilde Valerian. 1075 Card Tesell 1167 Carlocke or Charlocke, and his Kindes 233 wilde Carline thistle 1159 Carobe tree 1429 white Caroline thistle 1157 Carrot and his kindes 1028 wilde Carrot 1028 stinking and deadly Carrots 1030. 1031 Carawa and Caraway seed 1034 Casses or Caxes 1039 Cassidony 586 Castle Gillofloures, i. stock Gillofloures Cast me downe 586 Cassia Fistuia 1431 Caterpillers, i. Scorpion grasse, and his kindes 337 Cat mint or nep 683 Catch fly 601 Cats foot 856 Cats taile, or Cats speare 46 Cats taile grasse 12 prickly or Iuniper Cedar tree 1374 Cedar of Libanus 1352 Celandine 816. 1069 Centory 546. 547 Cesars tree spurge 501 Ceterach 1140 Chameleon thistle 1157 Champion sea Holly 1164 Chadlocke, see Cadlocke. white Chameleon grasse 26 Chaste tree and his kindes 1387 Chast ward, .i Cotton weed 644 Cherry and his kindes from 1550 to 1577 Cherry bay 1603 winter Cherries 342 long Cherry tree 1466 Cheruill 1038. 1039 great or sweet Cheruil 1039 mocke Cheruill, i. Shepheards Needle, 1040 water Chestnut 824 Cheese bowles 400 Cheese renning, i. Ladies Bed-straw, 1126 Chestnut tree 1442 earth Chestnut 1064 Checquered Daffodil 149. 150 Chickweed and his kindes from 611, to 617 bastard Chickweed 616. 617 Childrens Mercury, i. wilde Mercuris, 333 Chinaroot 1618 Choking Spurge, .i sea Spurge 497 Christs wort, or Christs herbe, & Christ| mas herbe, i. blacke Ellebor 977 Christs thorne 1336 S. Christophers herbe 979. 1131 Chichling and his kinds 1230. 1231 Chiches and his kindes 1222. 1223 wilde Chiches 1223 Cichory 281 Cinkfoile, or fiue finger grasse. from 987 to 992 Cinamome root 790 of the Cinamome tree, the leafe and trunks 1532 silken Ciceley 898 Cistus and his kindes, from 1275, to 1281 Cistus Ledon from 1285, to 1292 Citisus bush, i.milke Trefoile, or shrub Trefoile from 1304, to 1309 Citron Apple tree 1464 [Citron Apple tree] Citrul Cucumbers 913 [Citron Apple tree] the wilde Citrul 913 Ciues or Chiues 176 Strange Clary, .i Iupiters Distaffe, 769 Clary, or Cleary 770 wilde Clary 769. 771 Clauer 1185 1186 horned or blacke Clauer 1191 Clauer gentle 1187 Marish Clauer 1194 garden Clauer 1195 snaile or sea Clauer 1199 Cleauers, or goose grasse 1122 biting Clematis 888 Clot burre 810 Cloud berries 1420. 1630 Cloue Gillofer and his kindes. from 588 to 597 Cluster of Grapes 875 Clownes Woodwort or All-heale 1005 Clownes Lungwort 1585 the Cloue tree 1535 the Cloue berry tree 1610 Sea Cole 838 Clusius Hawkweeds 289. 301. 302 Cocks foot grasse 27 Cocks heads, i. medow Trefoile 1186 Cocks heads, i. red Fitchling 1243 Cockle 1087 Codded Trefoile 1190 Sweet Cods 218 Colewort and his kindes from 312, to 317 Coloquintida, or Coloquint, & his kinds. 915 Hares Colewort 295 Coleflory 314 Colts foot and his kindes 811, 812 Cone, i. Pine Apple 1355 Columbine and his kinds 1093, 1094 Conyza, i. Fleabane. Mullet from 481 to 485 Consound 806 [Consound] middle and little. 634, 637 Conuall Lilly 410 Contra-yerua 1621 Comfrey 806 [Comfrey] spotted 808 Coral and his kindes 1575. 1576 Coral tree 1614 Coral priuet 1397 Coral worts 984. 985 Coralline or Coral mosse 1572, 1573 Corke tree 1347 Coriander and his kindes 1012 Corne 65 Corne Flag and his kindes 104 Corne grasse 5 Corne Rose or Poppy 401 [Corne Rose or Poppy] gilliflower or pinke 438 [Corne Rose or Poppy] sallad 311 [Corne Rose or Poppy] floure 732 [Corne Rose or Poppy] marigold 743 Cornel tree and his kinds 1466. 1467 Cotula and his kindes 757 Cotton grasse 29 [Cotton grasse] plant 901 [Cotton grasse] thistle 1149 [Cotton grasse] weed 644 Cowslip and his kindes 781 Cowslip of Ierusalem, or Sage of Ie| rusalem 808 mountaine Cowslips 784 Cow Basil 492 Cow wheat 90 [Cow wheat] Wilde 91 Coriars Sumach 1474 Costmary 649 Costus 1620 Couch grasse 23 &c. Couentry bells 385. 448 Couentry Rapes 448 Cow parsneps 1009 Cocks combes, or Hens combes, i. yellow Rattle 1071 Crab grasse 535 Crab tree 1461 Crabs claw or fresh water Souldiour, 826 Crayfish 761 Cranes bill from 940 to 948 Craw or Rape Crowfoot 953 Cresses and his kindes 243, 250, 253, 254, 257, 261 Crestmarine 534 Crimson Cedar 1374 Crosse floute 564 Crossewort and his kindes 433, 1123 Crowfoot and his kindes from 829 to 865. yellow Crow bells, or yellow Narcissus 133 Crow sops, i. wilde Rose Campian, 471 Crow toes, i. Hyacinths 107 Crow floures 600 water Crowfoot 829 Crowfoot Cranes bill 943 double Crowfoot 957 [double Crowfoot] white ib. Crow garlicke 179 Cuckow pint or pintle, and his kindes, 834 Cuckow Gillofloures 600 Cuckow Orchis 208 Cuckow floures or Lady Smocks 259 Cuckowes meate, or Cuckowes sorrell, i. wood Sorrell 1202 Cucumbers and his kindes 910 [Cucumbers and his kindes] wilde 912 Cudweed, see Cotton weed. Sweet Cullions 218 Cull me to you 855 Ladies Cushion 602 Culrage, .i Arsmart 445 Cullions and their kindes, from 205. to 228 Cumberland Hawthorne 1327 Cumin and his kindes 1066 [Cumin and his kindes] wilde 1067 Curans or small raisons 874 [Curans or small raisons] red, white, and blacke 1393 garden Cypres, (i.) Lauandir Cotton 1109 Cypres tree 1367 Cypresse grasse and his kindes 12, 19, 21, 22, 29, 30. Cypres Wormewood, looke Wormewood, 1098 Cypres spurge, see Spurge 498 field Cypres 525 Cypres wood Grasse 19 D DAffodill and his kindes from 123 to 137 Daffodowndilly 133 Day Lilly 99 Datsies 634, &c. Dalmatian Floure de luce 52 Dalmatian cap, .i Tulipa 137 Dandelion 291 Danewort 1425 Darnel 78 Darnel grasse 7, 30 Datetree 1517 drunken Date tree 1520 Daucus 1023, 1028. 1029 Dead nettle and his kindes 702, 703 Dew grasse 27 Diers weed 494 [Diers weed]greening weed 1316, 1317 Dill 1033 Diptame 797 Dittander 241 bastard Dittany 797 Diuels bit 726 Docke 388, 389 Dodder 577 Dogs grasse 23. &c. Dogs rib 422 Dogs tooth 204 [Dogs tooth] violet 984, 985 Dogs bane 903 [Dogs bane] cole 334 [Dogs bane] Cheries 1296 [Dogs bane] Rose 1271 [Dogs bane] pisse or tongue 804 [Dogs bane] Thorne 1274 [Dogs bane] Mercury 334 [Dogs bane] Cullions or stones 207 [Dogs bane] berry tree 1467 [Dogs bane] Camomil. 757 [Dogs bane] Leeke 106 Dorlas his Woundwort 431 Downe thistle 1152 Doues foot 938 Dragons 831 Dragons blood, .i Bloodwort 390 Dragons blood, see Dragons tree biting Dragon, .i Tarragon. 249 Dragon tree 1523 Drakes root 1621 Drancke or Drake 76 Dropwort 1058 Double leafe, i. Twayblade 403 Double tongue 909 Duck bill wheat 66 Ducks meat 829 Dug tree 1609 Dunce downe, i. Cats tafle 46 Dwale, Nightshade 339 Dwarfe grasse red and white 3 Dwarfe Cistus 1284 E EAsterlin Priuet 1396 Eglantine, sweet Brier Egrimonie, Agrimony 712 Egyptian Wormwood 1101 Egyptian thorne 1330 Egyptians herbe, i. water Horehound 700 Egyptian Fig tree 1509 Egyptian Malberry tree ib. Elder and his kindes 142 &c. [Elder and his kindes] marish 1425 [Elder and his kindes] dwarfe 1426 Elwe and his kindes 1481. 1482 Elichore, see Hellebore. Elecampane 793 Endiue and his kindes 281, 282 [Endiue and his kindes] wilde 284 English Mercury 329 Eringus and his kindes 1162 Ers, .i bitter Vetch 1231 Earth nut 1064 Ethyopian pepper 1539 Ethiopian Mullein 779 Euphorbium, .i gum thistle 1178 [Euphorbium] Torch or thorny 1179 Ew or Yew tree 1370 Eyebright 663 Euer green Priuet 1398 Euer green thorne 1604 F Three Faces in a hood 855 Faire haired Iacinth 117 False Mercury, i. All-good 329 Faseles 1209 Feaberry bush 1324 Feather top grasse 9 Felwort and his kindes 432. 433 [Felwort and his kindes] Hollow leafed 435 [Felwort and his kindes] Bastard 436 Fennel and his kindes 1032 Fennel gyant i. Fernia 1056 Fen berry. i. Marish worts 1419 Sow Fennel 1055 Fennal tree 1530 Fenny stones 222 Fenugreeke and his kindes 1196 Ferne and his kindes 1128 [Ferne and his kindes] wall 1132: 1133 [Ferne and his kindes] water 1131 [Ferne and his kindes] petty 1136 [Ferne and his kindes] blacke Oke 1137 [Ferne and his kindes] Oke ib. [Ferne and his kindes] dwarfe sea 1143 Fedderfew or Feuerfew 652 Fig tree 1510 [Fig tree] dwarfe ib. [1510] Figwort, .i small Celandins 816 Fig beane 1217 [Fig beane]arched or vaulted Fig tree 1514 Indian Fig tree with the fruit 1512 Filberd tree 1438 Filipenvula and his kindes, i. Dropwort 1058 Fir tree 1363 Fisticke nut tree 1436 Wolfes Fists 1584 Red Fitching 1245 Bitter Fitch 1225 Wilde Fitch or Vetch 1227. 1228 Indian Fitch 1627 Fingered Orchis 220 medow Fiue-finger 991 Fiue leaued grasse & his kinds, i Cinque­ foile, from 987 to 992 Corne Flag 104 Wilde Flag and his kindes 50 garden Flax 556 [garden Flax] Wilde 558 to 560 Toad flax and Flax-weed with his kinds from 550 to 555 Flaxen Wheat, i. White Wheat. Fleabane Mullet 481 Fleawort and his kindes 587 Flymilke wort 563 Flybane and his kindes. see Catch fly. Flixweed and Flixwort 1068 Florence Floure de Iuce 52 Flotegrasse or Flotergrasse 14 Floure gentle, or Floure of loue & his kinds 322. 323 Wilde Floure gentle, looke Blitum maius 321 Floure of Constantinople or of Bristow, 467 Floure of Candy or of Jerusalem, ib. [467] Floure velure, .i Passe velours 333 [Floure velure] Sunne 751 [Floure velure] Adonis 387 Floure de luce and his kindes from 50 to 59 [Floure de luce and his kindes] bulbed from 99 to 102 Idols golden Floure 645 soone fading Floure 936 Flouring Reed 39 Floreamor, or purple veluet floure, i. floure gentle 322 female Fluelin 625 [female Fluelin] his kindes 627 Demy gods food, .i Ambrosie 1108 [Demy gods food] looke Oke of Paradise Folefoot, .i Colts foot. sea Folefoot 838 Fooles stones 208 Forebit 726 Forget menot, .i ground Pine 527 Foure leafed graise 1198 For gloues or finger floure, and his kinds 790 Fox stones 207 Fox taile and his kindes 87 Fox talie grasse 10. 11 Forcible plant, see Bupleurum. Framboise, .i Raspis 1272 Franke i. spurry 1125 Frankincense Rosemary 1010 Frankincense tree 1435 Frieseland Orchis 219 Fresh water souldier, i. water Sengreen 826 French Mercury 332 French Sage, or wooddy Mullein 767 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Starwort 486 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Marygold and his kindes 749 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Mallowes 931 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Leekes, or Vine leekes 176 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Lungwort 304 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Lauander 585 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Worm wood 1098 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Beans 1211 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Pease 1221 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Wheat 89 [French Sage, or wooddy Mullein] Oke 1344 Friers pisse, i. Vrine wort 1079 Friers coule, or Friers hood 835 Friers crowne 1152 Frog-bit 818 Frog grasse 535 Blood Frog grasse, see Cragon 1117 diuers strange Indian Fruits, from 1547 to 1556. Fullers Teasell 1167 Fumitory and his kindes 1088 [Fumitory and his kindes] bulbous 190 Furrowed grasse 26 Futz and Futzen bushes 1319 Fusseballs 1583 G GAllant, .i Anemous: Winde-floure. English or Spanish Galingall, i. Cyperus. Galingal great and small 33 Gallow grasse. i. Hempe. Gall tree and Gail Oke with his kindes 1348 Gangflours 564 Gardeners delight, or Gardeners Eye, 467 Gardrobe 1293 Garlicke and his kindes 178, &c. Garlicke Sage 662 Garland thorne, see Christs thorne. Garlicke Treaclewort, or Garlicke mu| stard and his kindes. See Treacle mu| stard Stags or Harts Garlicke 179 Garlicke Germander, see Scordium. Garnsey violets, (i. e.) Stocke Gillo­ floures. Gaten or Gater tree 1467 Gaule, or sweet willow 1414 Gelded Satyrion 223 Geldres Rose 1425 Gentian, or Felwort and his Kindes 432 Germander and his kindes 656 [Germander and his kindes] great or tree 658 [Germander and his kindes] water or garlicke 661 Gessemine 892 Gill creep by the ground 856 Gillofloure and his kindes 588 [Gillofloure and his kindes] sea stocks 460 [Gillofloure and his kindes] winter or Rogues 463 [Gillofloure and his kindes] water 826 [Gillofloure and his kindes] wilde 599 [Gillofloure and his kindes] marish 600 [Gillofloure and his kindes] wallor yellow stocke 457 [Gillofloure and his kindes] Queenes, Dames, i. violets 463 [Gillofloure and his kindes] bulbed stocke 147 [Gillofloure and his kindes] stocke 458 Ginger 61 Ginny hen floure 149 Gith .i Nigella 1084 stinking Gladdon 55 water Gladiole 29 Glassewort 535 Globe Crowfoot 559 Globe thistle 1151 Globe Daisy 637 Gods floure 647 Goodnight at nine before noone 936 Gold floure 645 Golden Mothwort, or golden Cudweed, 647 Golden floure of Peru 751 Golden thistle. 1155 Golden Thistle of Peru 401. 1156 Golden Trefoile 1123 Gold of pleasure 273 Goldylocks or golden mosse 1559 Golden Ox eye, see Buphthalmum & his kindes Golden floure gentle, and Goldilockes, 646 Goldenwort of Languedocke, see Herba Dorea. Golden Saxafrage 841 Golden rod and his kindes 429 Golden Apples, see Apples of Loue 346 Gold cup and Gold knop, and his kindes, 951 Degenerate French Golde, or single French Marigolds Looke Flos A| fricanus. Goose tree, .i Barnacle tree. [Goose tree] brant or tree Geese 1587 Gorse, .i Furz. Gooseberry bush 1324 Goose grasse, i. Cleauers1122 Goose foot, .i wilde Arach, 329 Goose nest 228 Goose share, .i Goose grasse. Go to bed at noone 735 Goats beard, .i Mede-sweet, or Trago­ pogon Goats Origan, or Goats Marierome. 668 Goats Raly, see Tragon 1117 Goats thorne and his kindes 1328 Goats Rue 1252 Goats stones 210 Gourd and his kindes 923 [Gourd and his kindes] wilde 915 Goutwort. .i Herbe Gerard. Grace of God, or S. Johns grasse. See S. Johns wort. Gratia Dei 581. 943 sea Grape, see Kaly Grapes 876 sea Graps, .i Raisons of the sea 1615 Grapewort, that is, Saint Christophers herbe Grape floure 118 [Grape floure] musked 119 Parnassus grasse and his kindes 840 Grasse and his kindes, from 1 to 31. Graines of Paradise 1542 Winter green 408 Greening weed and his kindes 1316 Gromil and his kindes 609 Gromil reed 88 wilde Gromil, see Anchusa 555 Ground saligot, .i land Caltrops Ground furz 1323 sea Ground Pine 622 Gum thistle, .i Euphorbium Gutwort 507 Groundswell and his kindes 279 Gnaiacum tree 1611 H HAiry grasse 17. 19 Hairy wood grasse 19 Hardbeame 1479 Hares bells 111 Hares ballocke, .i Fox stones. Hares foot Trefoile 1192 Hares Lettuce. see Sonchus læuis. Hares eare 608 Hares stones 225 Good King Harry, .i English Mercury. Harts case 855 Hartichoke, see Artichoke. Hartworts of Candy 1049 stone Harts tongue 1138 Hartwort of Ethiopia 1421 Heart TRrefoile 1190 Harts Clauer 1206 Harte thorne 1338 Harts horne and Buckes horne 427 Harts tongue and his kindes 1138 Hartwort and his kindes 1010 Hartwort, .i Aristolochia. Hasel. .i Filberd or Nut tree Haselwort 536 Haskwort and his kindes 450 Hatchet Fetch 1236 Hather, see heath Hauke weed and his Kindes. from 296 to 293. also 305, 1625 Hauer, .i Oats. [Hauer] Grasse 73 Hawthorne tree 1327 Heals dog 465 Herons bill 940 Heath of Iericho, or Heath rose 1386 Heath and his kindes 1380. to 1386 [Heath and his kindes] spurge 1505 Hedgehog thistle 1177 Hedgehog grasse 17 Hedgehog liquorice 302 Hedge bells 861 Hedge Hyssop 564 581 Hellebore and his Kindes, White, 440 [Hellebore and his Kindes,] blacke 978 blacke Hellebore of Dioscorides 1002 bastard blacke Hellebore 976 Helmet floure 972 yellow Helmet floure 970 Hemlocke and his Kindes 1061. 1062 Hempe and his Kindes 708 Hempe tree 1487 Wilde or nettle Hempe 709 Water Hompe 711 Henbane and his Kindes 353. to 359 [Henbane and his Kindes] of Peru 358 [Henbane and his Kindes] yellow 356 Henne 8 Henbit 617 Hens bill. see Onobrychis. Hens foot. .i Hedge Fumitory. Hens combe, see Cocks combe. Good Henry, .i English Mercury. Hep tree 1269 Herbe terrible 507 Herbe Ferula 1056 Herbe Carpenter 633 Herbe William 1036 [Herbe William] Gerard, .i Goutwort 1001 [Herbe William] Paris 405 [Herbe William] Grace, .i Rue, and his Kindes [Herbe William] Benet 996 [Herbe William] Trinity 1203 [Herbe William] Iuy, i. Harts Horne Plantaine. [Herbe William] Robert 939 [Herbe William] Two pence 630 [Herbe William] Aloes 507 [Herbe William] Iuy, or ground Pine 525 [Herbe William] Willow 480 [Herbe William] swimming herbe, or Ducks meate 829 [Herbe William] Herbe Frankincense 1010 [Herbe William] holy Herbe 778 Hercules his Wound Wort 1003 Higtaper 773 Hermodactylus 164 Hindeberry and his Kindes 1272 Hipwort 530 Turky hirse 83 Hissop and his Kindes 379 Hockes, see Hollihocke Hogs beans i. blew Daisies 413 Hogs Fennell 1053 Holme, Holly, and Huluer, with his kinds 1339 Holme. or Holyoke 1342 Holyhocke and his Kinds 928 Holy Thistle, see blessed Thistle. Holy seed 1101 Holly rose and his Kindes from 1275 to 1292 Sea Holly, sea Holme, sea Huluer 1162. 1163 bastard sea Hollies 1164 Holwort or Hollow root and his Kindes. 190 Homlocks, .i herbe Bennet 1061 Homlocks also is Filipendula. Wilde or Water Homlocks 1063 Stinking Homlocke 1062 Small Honesty, .i Pinckes Honewort, 1018 Honywort, see 538 538 Honysuckle and his Kindes 891, 1294 1185 Hop and his Kindes 885 Hop Trefoile 1186 Hooded willow herbe 477 Hooke heale 633 Horehound and his Kindes 694 [Horehound and his Kindes] Wilde 702 [Horehound and his Kindes] Water or marish 700 [Horehound and his Kindes] blacke or stinking 701 Horne: beame or Hard-beame tree 1479 Horned sea Poppy 367 Horestrong or Horestrange 1055 Horse-tongue 908 Horse floure, see Melampirum 90 Horse-heale, .i Elecampane. Horse hoofe 812 Horse foot 814 Horshooe 1235 Horsetaile, i. Shauegrasse, and his kinds 1113 Horsemint 684 Water Housleeke 826 [Water Housleeke] sea 507 [Water Housleeke] great 510 Hounds tongue or pisse 804 Hound-berry tree 1467 Hundred headed Thistle, see Champion sea Holly 1163 Hurt sickle, i. Blew bottle. Hyacinths, see Jacinths. Hyssop, see Hissop. I IAcke of the buttery 515 Iacke by the hedge, .i Turners gar­ lickwort 796 Iacinth and his Kindes from 106 to 120 S Iames wort: Ragwort 280 Iasemine, Iesmine, or Iesse 892 Iewes thorne, .i Christs thorne. Ierusalem Artichoke 753 Imperiall Lilly, or Crowne Imperiall, 202 Incense root. see Frankincense Rosema­ tic. Indian Spikenard 1080 [Indian Spikenard] reed. .i Flouring reed 39 [Indian Spikenard] Molly or Molle 1530 [Indian Spikenard] Sun floure 751 [Indian Spikenard] Fig tree 1512, 1514 [Indian Spikenard] Tobaco 358 [Indian Spikenard] Oatmeale 85 [Indian Spikenard] Wheat 83 [Indian Spikenard] Millet 83 [Indian Spikenard] Mirabolans or plums 1500 [Indian Spikenard] morrice bells 1545 [Indian Spikenard] nut trees 1522 [Indian Spikenard] Cresses 252 [Indian Spikenard] Pannicke 84 [Indian Spikenard] Beanes 1544 [Indian Spikenard] Poplar 1487 [Indian Spikenard] Mourner, . Sorrowfull tree 1527 [Indian Spikenard] Swallow wort, .i Wisanck 899 [Indian Spikenard] leafe, i. Tamalapatra 1534 Sweet Iohns and his kindes 599 Square S. Iohns wort 542 S, Iohns wort and his Kindes 540 S. Iohns bread 1429 Iobs teares or drops 88 Ione siluer pin. .i double Poppy. Iosephs floure, that is, Goe to Bed at noone. Ireos. .i the root of the white Flower de luce. [Ireos.]Isop. i. Hyssop. Isewood, i. stony Wood, or wood made stones. Italian Fitch 1252 [Italian Fitch] wood of life, commonly called Lignum vitæ, 1495 [Italian Fitch] Cedar tree 1369 [Italian Fitch] Nanelwort 530 [Italian Fitch] Oatmeale, looke Panicum 84, 85 [Italian Fitch] Rocket, see Rheseda 277 Iucca or Yucca 1543 Iudas tree 1428 Ivy and his Kindes 858 Ground Iuy 856 Iuniper and his Kindes 1372, 1629 Iuiube tree 1501 [Iuiube tree]the greater 1605 Ianos teares 718 Iupiters eye or beard 511 Iupiters distaffe 769 Iuray, Darnell. K KArse see Cresses. S. Katharines floure 1085 Kedlocke 233 Kernelwort 716 Kexe 1062 Kidney bean and his Kindes from 1211 to 1216 Kidney beane of Brasil 1214 Kidney beane of Egypt & America. 1214 1215 Kidney Vetch 1240 Kik and Kikaion, see Palma Christi. 496 Kindely Sauine, i. Berried Sauine. 1376 Kings speare 96 King Cob, .i Crowfoot. Kipper nut 1064 Kite Keyes 1472 siluer Knapweed. see Siluer. Knee hulver 907 Knapweed and his Kindes 727 Knawell and Parsly piert, .i small Saxi­ frage 566 Kneeholme 907 Kneed grasse 15 Knights spurre 1083 Knights Milfoile 1074 Knights water Sengreen 826 gold Knops, i. Crowfoot. Knot berry 1630 Knot grasse 1565 1566. 1567 Knotty Couch grasse 23 L LAcca and his rotten tree 1533 Our Ladies shooe, see our Ladies slipper Ladies Bedstraw 1126 Our Ladies haire 1144 Ladies combe 1040 Ladies glasse, see Venns looking glasse. Ladies bower 887 our Ladies Thistle 1150 Lady laces 26 Lady smocks 259, 260 Ladies seale. i. wilde Briony 871 Ladies mantle, .i great Sancile 949 Lambes Lettuce 310 Lancashire Asphodil 96 Land Caltrops 1246 Londoners May bush, .i White thorne. Langdebeefe or wilde Buglosse 798 Landcleapers Spurge, see Esula maior, or Quackslauers Turbith Larks spurre and Larkes heele, or Larkes clam 1083 Larks spurre or Larks heele wolfes bane 971. 973 Larch or Larix tree 1365 Laserwort 1006 Lauender cotton 1019 Lauender spike cotton sea Lauender 411 Launce for a Lad, see Cats tasle, Laurel of Alexandria 909 Laurel or Bay tree 1407 Laurel or spurge Laurell 1405 Leeke and his Kindes 174. 176 Leadwort 447. 1254 Leather Sumach 1474 Lentill and his Kindes 1224 Lentiske or Masticke tree 1432 Leopards bane, see Aconite 969 Lettuce and his kindes 306. &c. Liblong 590 Lichwale 609 Lignum Aloes 1622 Lignum vite 1495. 1611 Lilly Conual, i May Lilly 410 [Lilly Conual] red or purple 192. 193 [Lilly Conual] great and small mountaine Lilly, 196 200 [Lilly Conual] Water 819 [Lilly Conual] red of Constantinople 197 [Lilly Conual] Persian 201 [Lilly Conual] Lilly. .i Moly White Lilly, and also White Lilly of Con­ stantinople 190 Limon tree 1464 Limewort, see Viscaria 601 Linden or Lins tree and his Kindes 1483 Ling, see Heath. Lingwort 441 Lions Turnep 236 Lions foot, see Leontopodion 642 643 Lions leafe, see Lions turnep. Lions foot or paw 949 Liquerice or Licorice and his Kindes, 1302 Liriconfancy, .i May Lilly. Liue in Idlenesse 854 Liue long, i. Spanish Orpine. Liuer wort and his Kindes 1565 [Liuer wort and his Kindes] white 840 [Liuer wort and his Kindes] wood 1567 [Liuer wort and his Kindes] noble Liuerwort, .i Garden Trefoile 1203 Lockrom Goulons 955 London Tufts 599 Lote tree 1493 Louage 1008 [Louage] bastard 1048 Louse herbe or Lousewort, i. Staues­ acre. 774 Louse ponder 1549 Loose strife. .i Lysimachia 474 Lowry. .i Louriel 1405 Lowsis grasse 977 Lungwort 304. 808. 1585 [Lungwort] sea 1567 [Lungwort] tree 1566 Lung floure 438 Lupines and his Kindes 1217 Lustwort. .i Sun Dew. Lysimachia, .i Loose strife, M Mad apples 345 Madder and his kindes 1118 Madney 1009 Galens Madwoort. 465 Magydare. 1007 Maidenhaire and his kindes 1143. 1144 1146 Common Maidenhaire 1146 Garden Mallow and his kindes 928 The Wilde Mallow. 930 Verueine Mallow or cut Mallow 931 Marsh Mallow 933 Yellow Mallow 935 Venice Mallow 936 Mamoera 1608 Mandrake and his kindes 352 Mannagrasse 27 Maple and his kindes 1485 Maracocke 1592 Margerites herbe 637 Maricrome and his kindes 664 Wilde or bastard or ground Marierome 666 Goats Marierome 668 Map weed 757 Maiorane see Marierome Makebate 1310 Mariets 448 Marigold and his kindes 739 [Marigold and his kindes] Golden Marigolds 742 Corne 743 of Peru 751 Marsh 817 Martagons 293 Maruellous apples. 363 Maruell of Peru 343 Master worts 1001 [Master worts]Blacke 978 Masticke and his tree 1432 [Masticke and his tree] Masticke Time 670 Bastard i. Goats Marierome 671 Mast tree, i. Fir tree Matchwood, .i Touchwood Matfellon 727 Matweed and the kindes 41, 42, 43 1630 Mandeline 649 Maithes, .i Mayweed Red 387 Meat Sumach 1474 Michoatan 873 Meddicke Fetch 1243 [Meddicke Fetch] Fodder 1199 Mead sweet 1043 Meadow parsnep 1009 [Meadow parsnep] Saffron, 157. Trefoile, 1185. Grasse, 2 Medlar 1453 Melon thistle 177 Melilote 1204 Melons 917, 921 Mercurie true 332 [Mercurie true] Wilde, 333. English, 329 Mercuries violets 448 Dutch Mezercon 1403 Bastard Meuinwoob 1495 Mew or Meon 1052 Milfoile and his kindes 1072 Mater Milfoile 827 Milke Trefoile or shrub Trefoile. 1304 Milke vetch 1242 Milkwoort and his kindes 563 [Milkwoort and his kindes] Blacke and white 1243 Millet 80 Millet grasse 6 Miltwaste see Spleenewort Milmountaine 560 Mint and his kindes 680 Water-mint, Fish, or. Brooke Mint 684 Mountainemint 687 Mirtle and his kindes 1411 Mirobalane and his kindes 3500 Misseltoe or Mistletoo 1350 Mithridate mustard 262 Mithridate wolfes bane 969 Mocke-willow 1601 Mocke-priuet 1395. 1600 Moly or sorcerers Garlicke 183, 184 Molle Clusii & Lobelii 1530 Money-wort 630 Moonewort and his, kindes 405, 464. 1132 Moone-ferne 1138, 1139 Morrice bells of India 1545 Moore-grasse 1516 Morell or petty morell, i. Nightshade Mosses and his kindes 1558, to 1563 Mosse Ferne, i. Polypoby Sea mosse, i. Corailine Mother-wort 705, 652 Mother of time 570 Mouse eare and his kinde 337, 639 Mouse-taile 426 Mugwort and his kindes 1103 Mugwet, .i Woodroofe Petty Mugwet 1127 Mulberrie tree and his kindes 1507 Mulberrie fig tree 1509 Mulleine and his kindes 774, 775 Wooddy Mulleine, .i French sage 767 Base Mulleinne 782 Moth Mulleine 777 Woolly or Ethiopian Mulleine 779 Petty Mulleines 782 Munkes hood 972 [Munkes hood] Rubarbe 391 Muske 941 [Muske] Melons 917 [Muske] Rose 1266 Mustard common 244 [Mustard common] Treacle 262 [Mustard common] Towers 272 Murrein grasse, i Scrophularia Much good 1016 Mushrums 1579 Tree Mushrum, .i Touchwood 1584 N NAilewort 624 Nauelwort 529 Ladies Nauill 529 Nauet gentle 236 Navew and his kindes 236 Navew Thorowwax 537 Neckweed. .i Hempe Neesing powder 441 Nenuphar, i Water lilly Nep see Cat mint Neesing wort or Neesewort and his kinds 606. 607 Nettle and his kinds 706 Nettle tree 1493 Dead or blinde Nettle 702 Neuer dying borage 797 Nicotian, .i Tabacco Nigella and his kindes 1084, 1985 [Nigella and his kindes] Field or wilde 1087 Nightshade 339, 340 [Nightshade] Sleeping or deadly 339, 340 [Nightshade] Red 350 [Nightshade] Inchanters 351 [Nightshade] Tree 360 Normandy wheat 66 Nosebeed, .i Yarrow Noone tide. see Go to bed at Noone Nuts and his kindes 1438, 1437, 1441 1522, 1547 Nutmeg tree 1537 Indian Nut 1522 Spanish Nut 103 Mad nuts 1548 Purging or vomiting Nuts 1547 Water nuts 823 O OCulus Christi, .i wilde Clary 772 Oysterloit i. Bistort. Oyster greene, .i Sea Lung-wort Oily Puise, or Sesamum 1232 Oke and his kinds 1339 [Oke and his kinds] Ferne 1135 [Oke and his kinds] Of Jerusalem, of Cappadocia, or Para­ dice .i 8 [Oke and his kinds] scarlet 1342 [Oke and his kinds] Great Holme oke 1344 Oliander. i Rose bay Oliue tree and his kindes 1392, 1393 Oliue Spurge 1402 One berry, i. herbe Paris One blade, .i one leafe Onion and his kindes 169 Onion or bulbed Asphodill 97 Open arse, .i Medlar Ople, .i Marrish Elder Orach and his kindes 324 [Orach and his kindes] Stinking 328 [Orach and his kindes] Wilde 325, 326, 327 Orchanet .i Alkernet Orchis and his kindes to 228 Orenge tree 1463 Orenge bay 1613 Organy i wilde Marierome. Goats Organy 668 Orobanch 1311, 1312 Orobus .i bitter Vetch Orpine and his kindes 519, 520 Orrice, .i Floure-de-luce Osier 1389 Osmund the Water man, .i Waterferne 1131 Indian Oatmeale 85 Oats and his kindes 75 Ote Thistle 1173 Outlandish Rose 929 Oxe eye and his kindes 746, 747 Oxe tongue, .i Wilde Buglosle Great Oxeheale 979 Oxelips 780 P PAdelion 949 Paddocke stooles 1584 Paigles or Cowslips and his kindes 780, 781 Painted grasse 26 Palme tree, see Datetree Palma Christi 120, and 466 Panax or Wound wort, & his kinds, 1003 1005 Pannicke and his kinds 84, 852 Pannicke grasse 16 Small Pannicke grasse 16 Pansies or Harts-ease 855 Paper reed 40 Parke leaues 544 Poore mans parmacety, .i Shepheards Purse Passeworts 781 Pratling parnell 788 Parsely and his kinds 1013 [Parsely and his kinds] Breake stone 1594 Parsely piert, .i knawell [Parsely piert,] Water and his kinds 1014 Bastard, or red Parsly 1021 Throughbored Parsely 1024 [Throughbored Parsely] Parsely knotted, 1022, mountain, 1022, hedge, 1022 stone, 1016, wild, 1020 Garden & wilde Parsnep. 1025 Cow Parsnep Parsnep 1009 Passe floure, or Passe velour. 385 Passions. i. Snakeweed Passion floure 1592 Pasque floure see Passe floure Pastell, .i woad Patience, .i Docke Paules Betony 629 Peach tree and his kindes 1447 Peach-wort. .i dead arsesmart Peare tree and his kindes 1456 Wilde Pearetree 1457 1458 Peason and his kindes 1219, 1220 [Peason and his kindes] Long ib. [Peason and his kindes] Square veluet 1198 [Peason and his kindes] Heath Pease 1237 [Peason and his kindes] Euerlasting 1229 [Peason and his kindes] Norfolke sea Pease 1251 Pease earthnut 1237 Pearle grasse 87 Pearle plant, .i Gromill Pellamountaine 571, 653 Pellitory of Spaine 758 [Pellitory of Spaine] False Pellitory 1001. 607 Pellitory of the wall 331 Penny grasse 1071 Penny Mountaine, i. Wilde time Penny royall and his kindes 671 Peny wort, or wall Penywort 529 Water Penywort 529 Sea Penny wort 532 Sheepes killing penuy grasse 529 Penny rot 1529 Pyony and his kindes 980 Pepon and his kindes 919 Pepper plant and his kindes 1538 Pepperwort, .i Dittander Water Pepper, .i Arsmart [Water Pepper] Wall and countrie 517 [Water Pepper] Bastard called Beetle 1541 [Water Pepper] Genny, or Indian 366 Percepier 1594 Perseum Plin. 1606 Pescod tree looke Anagyris 1427 Pestilent worts, id est, Water Burdocke 814 Peruincle and his kindes 894 [Peruincle and his kindes] Biting, or purging 888 S. Peters corne 73 S. Peters wort 542 Petty Cotty 644 Pety whin, that is, small Thorne broome Petygree, i. butchers broome Pharaoh his fig tree 1509 Pickepurse, i. Sheepheards purse Pigions grasse i. Columbine Pigeons foot 938 Pild corne, i. Wilde oats Pilewort, .i Small Celandine Pimpernell and his kindes 617 Water Pimpernell 620 Sea Pimpernell 622 Pinkes and his kindes 597. 599 Pincke needle, .i Musked storkes bill Pine tree and his kindes 1355 White and blew pipe 1299 Pisse a[ bed], or pisse in bed 291 Pitch tree 1354 Pitch, or stinking treefoile 1187 Plaiter Clauer 1206 Plantaine and his kindes 419. 420. 422 423. [Plantaine and his kindes] Water and his kindes 417 [Plantaine and his kindes] Sea 423 [Plantaine and his kindes] Sea Buckhorne 425 [Plantaine and his kindes] Wilde sea 426 Plantaine a fruit 1516 Plane tree 1489 [Plane tree] Dwarfe, i. Marsh elder Plowmans spickward 790 Plums and his kindes 1497 Pockwood 1611. 1495 Poets Rosemary 1293 Pole reed 36 Poley and his kindes 653. 654 Polipody of the wall 1132 Polypody of the Oke 1233 Powander Priuet, or bastard priuet. 1397 Pomecitron 1464 Pomegranate tree 1451 Pompion 919 Wilde Pompion 922 Pondweed and his kindes 821, 822 Knights Pondwort 826 Pooremans Treacle, i. Garlicke Poplar and his kindes 1486 Wilde Poppy 400 [Wilde Poppy] Sea or horned 367 [Wilde Poppy] Bostard wilde 373 [Wilde Poppy] Spatling, or frothy 679 Poppy and his kindes 369 Porcelane 521 Portingale trefoile 1189 Potatoes 925 [Potatoes] Virginia 927 White Potherbe 311 Sheepheards Pouch 276 Prickmadame and his kindes 412 Prick timber, or prick wood tree 1468 Prickly box 1332 Pricket 517 Priests Pintle 834 Primrose Peerelesse and his kindes, that is, a Daffodill Primrose with the red floures, and prim­ rose with the white 783 Tree Primrose 475 Priuate or Prim print 1394 [Priuate or Prim print] Mocke 1395 [Priuate or Prim print] Bastard 1397 [Priuate or Prim print] Fruitelesse 1398 Prunell 632 Pudding grasse, i. Pennyroyall Pudding pipe 1431 Puffe fists 1584 Puliall Mountaine 572 Pulse from 1209 to 1253 Purslane 521 [Purslane] Sea 524 Water Purslane 614 Purple moth Mulleine 778 Purple wort 1199 Sheepheards purse 276 Q QUacsaluers spurge 503 Quacksaluers Turbith 500 Quakers or quaking grasse 86 Queenes Gillofloures 463 Queene of the Medows, that is, Mead-sweet. Queene Mother herbe, i. Tabaco. Quickbeane, and quickentree, i. Wilde ash 1473 Quickly gone floure, id est, Venice Mal­ low Quichgrasse, i Dogs grasse Quiquefoile, i. Cinquefoile Quince tree 1452 R RAbone see Radish Racket. .i Rocket Radish and his kindes 237. 238 [Radish and his kindes]Horse or mountaine 241 Rapwort 280 Raifort 241 Raisons of the Sunne 877 Rampions and his kindes 454 Ramsons 179 Ram of Lybia. i. Christs thorne Ram or Harts thorne 1334 Ram Laxatiue 1337 Ramps 835 Rape and his kindes 232 Rape Crowfoot 953 Rape Broome, see Drobanch Rape Cole 318 Raspes or, Frambales and his kindes 1272 Yellow Rattle, or White Rattle 1071 Red Rattle, or Rattle grasse 1072 Red Cole 313 Red Curans 1593 Reed and his kindes 36. 37 Reeds mace, .i Catstaile Reedegrasse, .i But Reed Reed wilde 7 [Reed wilde] Thorny of Peru 1179 [Reed wilde] Sweet, .i Calamus Aromaticus 63 [Reed wilde] Sweet or sugar 38 Red ray, .i Darnell Rest harrow 1323 Rhein berries 1337 Ribwort and his kindes 422 Rocket 247 Rock Rose 1595. 1596 Sheepheards Rod, that is, Wilde Tea­ zell Rogation floure 564 Romane Beanes 1216 Romaine Pease 1221 Rose and his kindes, from 1259 to 1270 Rose Bay, or Rose Bay tree. 1406 Dwarfe Rose Bay 477. 1407 Rose Elder 1425 English Rose Willow 1390 Rose wood 1624 Ros solis. .i Sundeaw 1556 Wilde Rose 1269 Rosewort, or roseroot 532 Water Rose see water Lilly [Water Rose see water Lilly] Winter see Hollyhocke [Water Rose see water Lilly] Campion 467 [Water Rose see water Lilly] Wilde Campion 469 [Water Rose see water Lilly] Ruby 387 Rosemary and his kindes 1292 White Rot 529 Red Rot, .i Sundeaw 1556 Roote of the holy Ghost 999 Rounsiualls 1221 Rubarbe and his kindes 393. 499 Monkes Rubarbe 391 Bastard Rubarbe 391 English Bastard Rubarbe 1252 Ruddes, .i Marigolds Rue and his kindes 1255 Wall Rue, or Rue Maiden: haire 1144 Rupture wort 569. 1594 Rush Sea grasse 44 Rushleeke or sweth 176 Common Rush 35 Bull or water Rush 34 Sharpe or hard Rush 35 Rush Daffodill and his kindes 129 Rush grasse 4 Rushy sea grasse 21 Ryce 79 Rye and his kindes 68 S SAffron and his kindes from 151 to 157 Vernall Saffron 152. 153 &c. Bastard Saffron, and his kindes 1170 Wilde Bastard 1171 Sage and his kindes 764. 765 Sage Rose and his kindes 1275. 1276 French Sage looke Verbascum Matthioli 767 Sage Mullein ib. Sage of Ierusalem 808 Sage of Bethlem ib. Saligot or water nuts and his kindes 823 Salomons seale and his kindes 903. 904 905 Salt wort and his kindes looke Sea Grape 135 Blacke Saltwort 562 Sallow, see willow 1390 Sampier, and his kindes 533 Sandeuer 535 Sandwoort 428 Sanicle, and his kindes 948 Neesewort Sanicle 949 Mountaine, or spotted Sanicle 788 Sarsa parilla 859 Saracens consound, or Saracens Coun­ trey or woundwoort 429 Saracens Birthwoort 847 Sassafras, or ague tree 1525 Sattin, or Sattin floure and his kindes 464 Satyreon and his kinds from 205 to 128 Sauory and his kindes 575. 576 Sauin and his kindes 1376 Sawce Sumach 1474 Saunders tree 1586 Saucealone .i Iacke by the hedge Saucewoort 713 English Saxifrage 1047 Burnet Saxifrage 1044 White, and golden Saxifrage 847 Saxifrage of the Ancients 604 Scabious and his kindes 719 and so to 725 Siluer Scabious 730 Scale ferne, or stony ferne 1136 Scabwoort, .i Elecampane Scammony and his kindes 866 Scariole 283 Scarlet Oke 1342 Sciatica grasse, i. Wilde cresses Scœnanthum 43 Close Scienses, .i Dames violets Shepheards Scrip 276 Scorpion grasse and his kindes 337. 338 Scordium, .i water Germander 661 Scorsoner 736 Scuruy-grasse, i. Spoonewort 401 Scottish Scuruie: grasse 838 Sea caule, i. Soldanellaib. Sea Feather 1616 Sea Fan 1617 Sea Onion 171 Sea Lentill. 1615 Sea Spikegrasse 20 Sea dogs grasse 25 Sebesten, or Assyrian plumme 1499 Selfe heale and his kindes. 632 Sene bush 1297 Bastard Sene, or Sene tree 1299 Sengreene 510 Water Sengreene 826 Field Senuie, Mustard Sensitiue herbe 1599 Serpents tongue see Adders tongue. Serapias stones 222. 223 &c. Seruice tree 1471 Wilde Seruice tree 1473 Sesamoides, or bastard woad 493 Sesamum, i. oily pulse 1232 Seseli i. Hartwoort 1050 Seseli of Candy ib. Mountaine Setwall. .i Nardus Celtica Setfoile. i. Tormentill Setter grasse 976 Setterwort ib. Setwall. 1076. 1076. 1077 Shadow grasse. see woodgrasse Shane grasse, i. Horsetaile Sharewort 490 Shepheards needle 1040 Shepheards purse, scrip, or pouch 276 Sheere-grasse 7 Sicomore tree 1509 Sicklewort, see Bugle Siler mountaine. 1048 silken Sumach 1476 Siluer Knapweed and his kindes 730 Siluer Thistle 1149 Siluer weed, id est, Wilde Tansie 993 Sinkfield 987. 988 Skirtwort 1026 Ladies Slipper 443 Sloe-tree 1497 Smallage and his kindes 1015 Small hard grasse 4 Garden Smilax 1211 Snakeweed and his kindes 399 [Snake weed] of Virginia 848 Snakes Buglosse. 802 Snakes Garlicke 181 Snaile Clauer 1199 Snapdragon and his kindes, 549 Sneesewort 606. 607 Souldiers Yarrow 1074 Sommer fooles and his kindes 147 148 Sope-wort and his kindes 444 Sorbe tree and his kindes 1471 Sorrell and his kindes 397. 398 Sorrell du Bois 1202 Sorrowfull tree 1527 Sothern wood and his kindes 1105 Sowbread and his kindes 843. 844 Southistle and his kindes 292 Spanish broome, or Spanish base broomes 1314 Sparrowes tongue, .i Knotgrasse, also see 554 Sparrowes toad-flax 554 Speare for a King 94 Spearewort and his kindes 961 Speare Crowfoot. 961 Speed well looke Fluellen 627 Speltcorne and his kindes 69 Speerhauke, i. Haukeweed Sperage, .i asparagus Sperage Beanes, i. French Beanes Spicknell 1052 Bastard Spicknell ib. Spiderwort 57. 58. 59 Spiked water grasse 13 Spike Cypresse grasse. 22 Spignell, .i Bald mony 1052 Water Spike 821, 822 Spiknard 1080 Rough, or wilde Spleenewort 1140 Spinage and his kindes 330 Spindel tree 1468 Spleenewoort and his kindes 1140. 1141 Spurg and his kindes 497 to 505 Heath spurge. 1595. 1596 Spurgwoort, looke stinking gladin Spurge Oliue, or widowwaile 1402 Germaine oliue spurg 1403 Spurge flax or mountaine widdow waile 1404 Spurge Laurell 1405 Squill, .i Sea Onion 171 Squinanth 43 Staffe tree 1600 Stagerwort or Stauerwoort see Rag­ wort Standergrasse .i Dogs Cullions Starch corne 69 Starchwort 834 Sea starwort 413 Starre Thistle 1166 Staues acre 495 Starwort, or Sharewort and his kindes 490 491. 492 Stars of Bethlehem 165 Starres of Ierusalem. id est, Iosephs floure Stæchados and his kindes 585 Golden St&ecedil;has 646 Stichwort 47 Stocke Gillofloures and his kindes 456 Stone liuerwort 1203 Stonecrop 517 Stone hore, .i stone Pepper, or stone Crop 517 White and golden stonebreake 841 Stonywood, that is, turned to a stone 1587 Storkes bill and his kindes 938. 939. 940 Musked Storkesbill 941 Violets Storkesbill 945 Storax tree 1526 Straked grasse 26 Strangle Weed and strangle tare i. Oro­ banch Strawberry and his kindes 997 Strawberry tree, or Arbute tree 1496 Strawberry bay 1602 Stabwort .i wood sorrell Succory and his kindes 281. 282. 283 284 Gumme Succory and his kindes 286 287 Wilde Succory 284 Suckles, see honysuckles Sugar reed 38 Sugar cane 38 Sulpher wort, .i Hogs fennell Swallowort and kindes 898 Sweet willow, .i Gaule Sumach 1474 Red Sumach 1475 Sun dew 1556 Sunfloure 751 Swines Cresses i. Ruellius his buckhorue 527 Swines-grasse that is knotgrasse Stickedoue 585 T TAbaco and his kindes 358 Tamarinde 1607 Tamariske and his kindes 1379 Tansie and his kindes 650 Wilde Tansie 993 Tare and his kinds 1227 Tare euerlasting 1231 Great wilde Tare 1230 Dioscorides his milke Tare 1242 Tarragon 249 Teasell and his kindes 1167 Terrible herbe 507 Tetterwort 1069 Tetterberry see Briony Thistle and his kindes &c. 1149. 1150. Thistle vpon Thistle and diuers other wilde Thistles 1174 Thlaspy 262, 263 Thorne and his kindes 1327 White Thorne 1327 Thorne box 1332 Thorne broome and his kindes 1319 Thorne Apple, or of Peru 348 Thorne Grape, that is, Gooseberries Purging Thorne or Laxatiue Ramme 1337 Thorow wax, or thorow leafe 536 Three leafed grasse 1185 Three leaued liuerwort 1203 Thrift 603 Throatwort and his kindes 450 Throughwort and his kindes 536 Time and his kindes 573 Tine or wilde Tetch 1228 Wilde Time 570 Creeping, or running Time 570 Dodder, or laced Time 577 Muske Time 574 Toadstoole and his kindes 1579 Toadflax or wilde flax and his kindes from 550 to 555 Tolmainers 599 Tormentill and his kindes 992 Toongeblade 908 Tooth picke Cheruill 1041 Great Toothwort 1585 Torches 774 Tornsole 734 Touch me not 261. 447 912 Touchwood, .i Tree Mushrom Towring mustard 272 Toywort, .i Shepherds purse Lady Traces 218 Triple Lady Traces ib. [218] Traueliers ioy. 886 Tree of life. 1369 Tree Primrose 475 Tree Spurge 501 Trefoile and his kindes 1185 Beane Trefoile 1427 [Beane Trefoile] of America 1189 [Beane Trefoile] Water or marish 1194 [Beane Trefoile] shrub 1305 [Beane Trefoile] sweet 1195 Beane Trefoile] soure 1202 [Beane Trefoile] bastard shrub 1308 [Beane Trefoile] Venomous tree 1309 [Beane Trefoile] shrub, or makebate, or Marcellus his milke Trefoile 1310 Treacle mustard and his kindes 262 Treacle Wormeseed 273 Treaclewort, see Scorodothlaspi. Treacle Clauer 1187 Tree bearing geese 1587 Trinity herbe 1203 Troll floures 955 True loue, i. herbe Paris. Tulip and his kindes. from 137 to 146 Tun hoofe 856 Turbith of Antioch 415 Scrapia's Turbith, .i sea Starfloure. Turks herbe. see Herniaria. Turky Balme 690 Turky corne and wheat 83 [Turky corne and wheat] Crowfoot 958 [Turky corne and wheat] Cresses 274 [Turky corne and wheat] Millet 1232 [Turky corne and wheat] Turky-Henflour 149 Turmericke 34. 1631 Turnep and his Kindes 232 Turpentine tree and his kindes 1433 Tutsan 544 Twayblade 403 Twig Withy or small Withy 1391 Two penny grasse 630 V VAlerian and his kindes 1075 [VAlerian and his kindes] red 678 Veluet-Floure de luce 103 Venice Sumach 1476 Venus bason, .i Teasell. [Venus bason,] haire, see Maidenhairs [Venus bason,] Combe 1040 [Venus bason,] Looking glasse 438 Veruaine and his kindes 778 Vetch 1227 Bitter Vetch 1225 Vine and his kindes 875 [Vine and his kindes] Wilde 871 [Vine and his kindes] White, .i Bryony. Violet and his kindes 850 [Violet and his kindes] Dames, and Damaske 463 [Violetand his kindes] Water 826 [Violet and his kindes] Vpright three coloured 851 [Violet and his kindes] Toothed 984 [Violet and his kindes] Bulbed 147 Vipers grasse 736 Vipers Buglosse and Viper-herbe 802 Virgins bower 887 Vpright Dogs grasse 25 W Wading Pondweed 823 Waybread, i. Plantaine. Way thorne, .i Buckthorne Waifaring tree 886 Wake robin 834 Wall floures 457 Wall Barley, or Waybeunet 73 Walnut 1440 Wallwort, .i Danewort. sea Wartwort 505 Great Water grasse 6. 13 Water Cypres grasse 21. 22 Water Archer and his kindes 416 Water nut, .i Saligot, and his kindes 824 Weedwinde, .i Withywinde. Welcome to our house 505 Weld, .i Dyars weed. Wheat and his kindes 65. 66 [Wheat and his kindes] Three moneths 69 Whin and his kindes 1319 Whicken tree, .i wilde Ash. Whitblow or Whitlow Grasse 624 Whitwort, i. Feuerfew. White root and his kindes, i. Solomons seale. Whitten tree, i. Water elder, or wilde Ash Whorts, or Whortle Berries and his kindes 1415 [Whorts, or Whortle Berries and his kindes] marish 1419 Widow wisse, i. greening weed Widow Waile 1402 The wilding tree, see Crab tree. Sweet Williams 598 Willow and his kindes 1389 Sweet, .i Gaule. Willow herbe 474 Winde rose 385 Winde flours 385 Winged Windeweed 1598 Wilde Windefloure 385 Withywinde, 861 Withy 1391 Withy winde, i. Withy and his kindes. Witch Elme 1481. 1582 Witch Hasell 1479. 1481 Woad 491 Wood grasse 9 Wood rushy grasse 22 Wood waxen, i Greenweed, Woodbinde and his kindes 891 [Woodbinde and his kindes] blew, or Ladies bower. 887 [Woodbinde and his kindes] vpright 1294 Woodreefe or Woodrow 1124 Wood made stones 1587 Woodsower, or Wood Sorrell, i. Alleluia, 1202 Woodrowell 1124 Wood or Garlicke Sage 662 Wooddy Nightshade 350 Wood Clickweed or Wood Millet 92 Woolly Iacinth 122 Woollen, .i Mullein. Wolfes bane and his kindes 969 Wolfes claw 1562 Winter Wolfes bane 968 yellow Wolfes bane 969 Wolfes fists 1584 Wormegrasse, i. Stonecrop, Wormeseed 1101 [Wormeseed] English see Cameline. Wormewood 1096 [Wormewood] Holy 1101 [Wormewood] Romane 1098 [Wormewood] Sea 1099 [Wormewood] small leafed garden, or Cypresse 1102 [Wormewood] Forrein or bastard 1101 Woundwort, i. Consound his Kinds 826. 1005. 1074 Y YArrow 1072 Yew tree 1370 Yoke Elme 1479 Youthwort, .i Sundew 1556 Yuca, .i Iucca. 1543 Z Zedoarie 34, 1631 A Supplement or Appendix vnto the generall Table, and to the Table of English Names, gathered out of antient written and printed Copies, and from the mouthes of plaine and simple country people. A Anet is Dill. Amee, Ameos. Argentil, Percepier. Ache, Smallage. Alliaria, in written copies Cardiaca. B Baldmoine, Gentian. Baldmonie, Meum. Baldwein, Gentian. Belweed, Iacea nigra. Bishops worts, Betony. Birds nest, wilde Parsney. Birds tongue, Stitchwort Bigold, Carysanthemum segetum. Blew ball, Blew bottle. Bolts, Ranunculus globosus. Bow-wood, Knapweed. Browne begle, Bugle. Broosewort Consolida minor. Brother wort. Puliol mountaine. Bride wort, Vlmaria. Bright, Cheledonia. Brokeleake, Water Dragons. Brusewort, Sopewort. Bucks beans, Trifolium paludosum. Buckram, Aron. C CArdiacke, Alliaria. Carles, Cresses. Catmint, Nepta. Concleffe, Daffodill. Chaffeweed, Cottonweed. Cheruell or Cheuerell was called (though vntruly) Apium risus. Churles Treacle, Allium. Churchwort, Penny-royall. Ciderage, Arsmart. Arsmart, the Burre docke. Citheren, Goose grasse or Cliuers. Clite, Lappa. Cloue tongue, Elleborus niger. Cocks foot, Columbine. Cocke foot, Cheledonia maior. Cow fat, Cow Basil. Cristaldre, the lesser Centory. Croneberries, Vaccinia palustris. Crowbell, yellow Daffodil. Crow berries, Erica baccifera. Crowfoot is Orchis, in Lincolneshire and Yorkshire. Crow sope, Sopewort. Crow leeke, Hyacinthus Anglicus. Cropweed, Iacea nigra. Culuerweed, Columbine. Culrage, Arsmart. Cutberdole and Cutbertill is Branke vrsine. D DIlnote, Cyelamen, Donuinethel. wilde Hempe. Dragons female, water Dragons. Dropwort, Filipendula. Duncedowne, Catstaile. Dwaie is Nightshade. E EDderwort, Dracontium. Elleber, Alliaria. Elfedocke, Enula Campana. Earth gall, great Centory, or rather small. Euerferne is wall Ferne. Exan, Croswort, yet not our Cruciata. F FAne, white Floure deluce. Fauerell, Cepea. Field Cypresse is Chamæpitys. Fieldwort, Felwort or Gentian. Filewort, Filago minor. Fleadocke, Petasites. Fleawort, Psyllium. Forget me not, Chamæpitys. Forebitten more, Diuels bit. Fauerole, water Dragons. Franke, Spurry. Freiser is the herbe that beareth Straw­ berries, Strawberrier. G GAlingal meke is Aristot. rotunda. Gaten tree or Gater tree is Dogs berry tree. Gandergosses is &YOGH;eekes. Geckdox, Aparine. Good King Harry, English Mercury. Goosechite, Agrimony. Goosegrasse was sometime called Argen­ tina. Goose bill, Aparine. Garden Ginger, Piperitis. Glond, Cow Basil. Grace of God, S. Johns wort, Greene Mustard, Dittander. Groundwill, Groundswell. Ground needle, Geranium muscatum. Ground Enel, Venus combe. H HAireue, Cliuers. Hammerwort, Pellitory of the wall. Hardhow, Marygolds. Hares eye, Lychnis syluestris. Harebell, Crow leeke. Herbe Iuy. Chamæpitys. Henbell, Henbane. Heihow, Hedera terrestris. Herbe Bennet, Hemlocke. Herbe Peter, Cowslip. Herba martis, Martagon. Hertelowre, Chamæedryos. Hertwort, Fraxinus. Hilwort, Puliol mountaine. Hippia maior. common Pimpernel, Holy rope, wilde Pempe. Houndberry, Solanum. Horewort, Filago. Horsechire, Germander. Horseheale, Elecampane. Horse thistle, wilde Lettuce. Honesty, Bulbonack. Horselder, Enula campana. Horsemint, Watermint, Hulwort, Polium. Hyndheele, Ambrosia. I IAcca alba, Wilde or White Tansy. Imbrecke, Housleeke. Ioane siluer pin double Poppy. K KAndlegosts, Goosegrasse. Kings crowne Melilotus. King cob or King cup is Crowfoot. Kisse me ere I rise, Pansies. Kidneywort, Nanelwort. L LUngwort, Helleborus albus. Little Wale is Gromell. Lichwort is Pellitory of the wall. Longwort, Pellitory of Spaine. Lilly leeke, Moly. Lilly riall, Pennyroyall. Lodewort, water Crowfoot. Lousewort, Staphisacre. Lustwort is Sundew. Lyngwort, Helleborus albus. M MAns Motherwort Palma Christi. May blossomes, Conual Lillies. Mawroll, White Horehound. Mauthen or Mathes, Corula fœtida. March, Smallage. March beetle, Cats taile. Meedles Arage. Merecrop. Pimpernel. Morel Nightshade Mousepease, Orobus. Mugwet, Woodroofe. N NEle, Lollium. Nespite, Calamint. Nep, Cats mint. Nosebleed, Yarrow. O ORual, Orpin. Oxan, Cruciata. Oxtongue, Lingua bouis. P PAgle, Stitchwort. Palme de Dieu, Palma Christi. Papwort, Mercury. Pastell, Woade. Peledion Helleborus niger. Peters staffe. Tapsus barbatus. Peuterwort, Horsetaile. Pimentary, Baulme. Powkneedle, Storks bill. Primrose, Ligustrum. Pygie, Gramen Leucanthemum. R RAms foot is water Crowfoot. Red knees is Hydropiper. Robin in the hose is Lychnis syl­ vestris. Rods gold is Marigold. S Scab wort is Enula Campana. Sea Docke is Branke vrsine. Seggrom is Ragwort. Selfe heale was sometimes called Pim­ pernel. Sheep killing is Cotyledon aquatica. Sleepewort is Lettuce. Staggerwort and Stauerwort is Iaco­ bea. Stanmarch is Alisander. Standelwelks is Satyrion. S. Maries seed is Sow thistle seed. Small honesty is Pinks. Somerwort is Aristolochia. Stike pile is Storks bill. Stedfast is Palma Christi. Stobwort is Oxys. Sparrow tongue is Knot grasse. Stonnord and Stonchore is Stone­ crop. Stubwort is Wood Sorrell. Swines grasse is Knot grasse. Swine Carse is Knot grasse. Swichen is Groundswell. Sowdwort is Columbine. T TAblewort is wilde Borage. Tanke is wilde Parsnep. Tetterwort is great Celandine. Toothwort is Shepheards purse. Tutsane is Clymenum Italorum. W WAlwort is Ebulus, which was sometime called Filipendula. Warence is Madder. Warmot is Wormwood. Waywort is Pimpernell. Waybreed is Plantago. Waywort is Hippia maior. Water wort is Maidenhaire. Weythernoy is Feuerfew. White Bothen is great Daisy. Wilde Sanager is Cockle. Wilde Nardus is Asarum. White Golds is great Daisy. Wood march is Sanicle. Wood sower is Oxys, Woodbroney is Fraxinus. Woodnep is Ameos. Wolfes thistle is Chamæleon. Wyneberry is Vaccinea. Wymot is Ibiscus. Wit is Hyoscyamyus luteus. Y Yron head is Knapweed. Z &YOGH;eekes was counted Satyrion minor, and is that which Lobel calleth Scrapias fœmina pratensis. A Catalogue of the Brittish Names of Plants, sent me by Master Robert Dauyes of Guissaney in Flint-Shire. A ANet. Dill. Aurddanadl. Red Archangell Nettles. Aúrvanadl. vide Hwb yr ychen. B BAnadyl. Broome. Banatlos. Furze. Berw yr Frengie. Cresses. Berw yr dwr. water Cresses. Bedwen. a Birch tree. Biattus. Beets. Blaen yr Ywrch. Mercury. Blaen y gwayw. Spearewort. Bleidd dug, Wolfes bane. Brialbv Mair. Cowslips. Brwynen. a Rush. Bylwg. Cockle, or field Cockle, or field Nigella. Bvst yl y Ddayar. Centorie. C Carn yr ebol. Folefoot. Cas gan gytbrel. Veruaine. Cacamweej. Burre. Caliwlyn y mél. Agrimonie. Cancwlwm, Knot grasse. Camamill. Camomil. Ceirch. Oats. Cennin. Leekes. Cennin Pedr. Daffodill. Gedor y Wrach. Horsetaile. Cegid. Hemlocke. Celynen. Holly. Chwerwlys yr kithin. Wood Sage. Clust yr ewie. Laurell. Closilops. Gillofloures. Clustiev yr Derw. vide Galladr. Clust llygoden, Mouse eare. Claiarlys y dwr. Brookelime. Coed Ceri. Seruice tree. Cowarcb. Hempe. Cower y llaeth, Caliwlyn y mél, Coed kirin. Plum trees. Corsen. a Poole reed. Cribe y Bleiddiev. v. Cacamwcci. Craith vnnes. Prunel or Selfe heale. Crafankc y vrán. Crowfoot. Cribe san Fraid. Betony. Cynglennydd. white Mullen. Cynson y Celioc. Setwell. D DAil y gwaed. Penny royall. Danadl. Nettles. Danadlen wenu. White Archangell Nettle. Danit y llew. Dandeleon. Danadien ddall. dead Nettle. E EBolgarn yr ardd. Assarabacca. Efrev. Darnell. Eiddew. Iuy. Eiddew y ddayar. ground Iuy. Eldral. [ground Iuy.] Eithin yr ieir, v. Hwb yr ychen. Erienlys. S Iohns wort. Erbin. Calamint. Eulvn persis, bastard Partley. F FA. Beanes. Fenich y Cwn. wild Cammomil. Fenich. Fenell. Fettes. Fitches. G GAlladr. Lungwort like Liuerwort. Garllec. Garlicke. Glesyn y Coed, Bugle. Gladyn. Gladiol or Corne Flag. Geleudrem, v. Llysie Ewfras. Gold Mair, Marigold. Gruc. v. Banatlos. Grayanllys y dwr. Brooke lime. Gwlydd. small Chickweed. Gwlydd Mair. Pimpernell. Gwenynddail. Gwenynoc. Balme. Gxyddsyd. Woodbind or Honisuckle Gwden y Coed. Smooth Bindewood. Gwallt gwener. Venus haire. Gwallt y forwyn. Maiden haire. Gwayw yr Brenbin. Daffodil. Gwenith. Wheat. Gwinwydden. Vine. H HAd y gramandi. Gromel. Haidd. Barly. Hese melfedoc. Water Torch, of Typha palust. Hoccys. Mallowes. Hoccys y gors Marish Mallowes. Hwb yr ychen Camock, or rest harrow LL LLaeth bron Mair Sage of Ierusalem. Llaulys. Stauesacre. Llawenllys. Borage, Llewic ychwannen, v. y Benselen. Llewic yr idr. Henbane. Llewpard dûg. Aconitum. Llysie Ivan. Mugwort. Llysie llwydion, v, Lifie Ivan. Llysie llewelyn. Pauls Betony. Llysie y wennel. Celandine. Llym y llygaid, v. Llysie y wennol. Llysie Effras. Eyebright. Llysie yr Crymman, v. Gwylydd Mair. Llysie lliw, vide Dyars weed. Llysie pen iû. Housleeke. Llysie yr gwaedlin. Yarrow or Milfoile Llysie Mair. vide Gold mair. Llysie Amor. Floure gentle. Llygaid y Dydd. Daisies. Llysie yr pwdin, v. Dail y gwatd. Llysie yr gâth, v. Erbin. Llysie y Blaidd, v. Bleid dûg. Llysie y moch. Nightshade. Llysit y Cribev. Teasell. Llysie Simion, v. Cas gan gytbrel. Llysie yr Cyrph. Periwinckle. Llysie Eva. Sea banke horne. Lyriaid y mor. [Sea banke horne]. Llysie yr meddyglyn. wilde Carrot. Llwysen. Elme tree. Llwynlys, Seuruy grasse. M MAfon. Raspis. Marchalan. Elecampane. March rhedyn y derw, Polypody, Oke Ferne Maip. Turneps. March ysgaly gerddi, Artichoke. Mesys. Strawberries. Menig ellyllion. Fox gloues. Meirw. Iuniper tree. Meillionen y meirch . Right Trefoile. Mintas. Mints. Moron. Parsneps. Moron y maes. wilde Parsneps. Mwg y ddayar. Fumetory. Mwssogl. Mosse. Mynawyd y bigail. Storks bill. N Nyddoes. Spinage. O Onnen. an Ash tree. P PAwen yr Arth. Beares breech. Padere Mair. Crossewort. Persli y dwr. water Parsley. Persli Frengic. Smallage. Phion ffewyth v. Menic yellyllion. Pidni y goc. Aron, or Cuckow pint. Poerlys, v. y laselys. Poplys. a Poplar. Pwrs. y Bigail. Shepheatds purse. Pys y Ceirw. Tares. R RHedyn. Ferne. Rhedegat y derw. v. Galladr. Rhúg. Rie. Rhosyn. a Rose. S SAeds gwyllt, v. Cowerwlys. Siwdrmwt. Sothernwood. Siaceked y melaydd, v. Cynsson llwynoc. Sirian. Cherrier. Snoden Fair. English Galingall. Sowdl y Crydd. v. Blaen yr yiwrch. Suran y gôc. wood Sorrell. Suran. Sorrell. Sysi, v. Mesys. T TAsod y ki. Dogs tongue. Tasod y neidr. Adders tongue. Tasod yr bydd. Harts tongue. Tafol. a Docke. Tafol yr hydd. Bistort. Tagaradr, v. Hwb yr ychen. Tafod yr edn. Birds tongue. Tafod ych. Buglosse. Telepbin. Orpin. Tormaen, Filipendula. Tryw, v. Caliwlyn y mél. Troed y glomen. Columbine. Triacl y tylodion. Tormentilla. Troed y dryw. Parsley Breakstone, or smal Saxifrage. Triacly Cymro. Germander. Troed yr bedydd. Larke heele. W Wilffraev, v. Llysie yr gwardlin Winniwn. Onions. Y Y Bewfelen. Fleabane. Y benlas wenn, v. Clafrlyt. Y bengaled. red Scabious. Y beulas. Blewbottle, or Cornfloure. Y bengoch. Horehound. Y Clafrlyes. Scabious. Y Dorfagl. medow three leafed grasse. Y Droedrydd. Herbe Robert. Y Drwynsawr. Caliwlyny mél. Y Ddwy genuloc. herb Twopence, or Moneywort. Y Dorllwyd. wild tansy or Siluerweed Y dew bannoc, v. Cynffon Llwynoc. Y Dinboeth. Arsmart. Y Ddayarlys. Peony. Y Doddedigc wenn. Pilewort. Y fendigedi. Tutsan or Parke leaues. Y Fabgoll. Poppy. Y fiolud. Violet. Y fylfen. Y fronwys. small Celandine. Y feidioc lâs, v. llyssie Ivan. Y fyddarlys. Prickmadam. Y fyddygyn, v. Craith vn nos. Y fyw fyth. Llyssiev pentû. Y gauri goch. v. Bvstl y Ddayar. Y gynga, v. Llysie yr bidl. Y gloria. wilde Rose, or Spargwort. Y gâs wenwyn. Diuels bit. Y gyfog. a kinde of Spurge. Y glaiarlys. Y grevlvs. Groundswell. Y gysgadvr. Nightshade or Morell. Y gingroen. Todeflax. Y llew gwynn dóf. Garden Orach. Y llew gwynn gwylls. wilde Orach. Y lliwlys, v. Llysiev lliw. Y llwynbidydd. Ribwort. Y llindro. Doder. Y llyfiewyn bendigedic. Valerian. Y lleûadlys. Lunaria. Y Mór relyn. Sea Holly. Y Mûrlys. Pellitory of the wall. Y Papi coch, v. red Poppy, or corne Rose. Yr Escarlys Hîr geon bychan Aristolochia, or Birthwort, or Hartwort, long, round, small. Yr Alaw. Water Lilly. Yr bên lydan, i. ffordd. Waybread. Yr Rhût. Rue, or herbe Grace. Yr vchelfa. Misseltoe. Yr yscallen Fraith. our Ladies thistle. Yr yscallen Fendigedic. Card. Benedict. Yr holliach. Clownes wort. Yscall drain gwynn Carline Thistle. Yscall. wilde Thistles. Yscall y moch. Sow thistle. Yscol fair. Peters wall or square, S, Iohns wort. Yscaw. Elder trees. Yscaw Mair. Walwort. Yspaddaden. White thorne. Ysniah. Mustard. Y wermod. Wormwood. Y wermod wenn. Feuerfew. Y winwydden wenn. white Bryonie. Y winwydden ddû. blacke Bryony. Y wilffrae. Llysie yr gwaedlin. Y wennwlydd. Great Thickweed.