Because many have desired to heare some of the Na­ tives Language, I have here inserted a small Nomen­ clator, with the Names of their chiefe Kings, Rivers, Moneths, and dayes, whereby such as have in-sight into the Tongues, may know to what Language it is most inclining; and such as desire it as an unknowne Language onely, may reape delight, if they can get no profit. A Aberginian an Indian Abbamocho the divell Aunum a dogge Ausupp a Rackoone Au so hau nauc hoc Lobstar Assawog will you play A saw upp to morrow Ascoscoi greene Ausomma petuc quanocke give me some bread Appepes naw aug when I see it I will tell you my minde Anno ke nugge a sieve An nu ocke a bed Autchu wompocke to day Appause the morne Ascom quom pauputchim thankes be given to God Boquoquo the head Bisquant the shoulderbones C Chesco kean you lye Commouton kean you steale Cram to kill Chicka chava osculari podicem Cowimms sleepes Cocam the navell Cos the nailes Conomma a spoone Cossaquot bow and arrowes Cone the Sunne Cotattup I drinke to you Coetop will you drinke To­ bacco Connucke sommona It is almost night Connu good night to you Cowompaum sin God morrow Coepot ice D Dottaguck the backe bone Docke taugh he necke what is your name E Et chossucke a knife Eat chumnis Indian corne Eans causuacke 4 fathomes Easu tommoc quocke halfe a skin of Beaver Epimetsis much good may your meate doe you F is not used. G Gettoquaset the great toe Genebuncke the fore finger Gettoquacke the knees Gettoquun the knuckles Gettoquan the thumb Gegnewaw og let me see H Haha yes Hoc the body Hamucke almost Hub hub hub come come come Haddo quo dunna moquonash where did you buy that Haddogoe weage who lives here I Isattonaneise the bread Icattop faint with hunger Icattoquam very sleepie K Kean I Keisseanchacke backe of the hand Ksitta it hurts me Kawkenog wampompeage let me see money Kagmatcheu will you eate meate Ketottug a whetstone Kenie very sharpe Kettotanese lend me monie Kekechoi much paine M Matchet It is naught Mattamoi to die Mitchin meat Misquantum very angrie Mauncheake be gonne Matta no Meseig haire Mamanock the eye brees Matchanne the nose Mattone the lippes Mepeiteis the teeth Mattickeis the shoulders Mettosowset the little toe Metosaunige the little finger Misquish the veines Mohoc the wast Menisowhock the genitals Mocossa the black of the naile Matchanni very sicke Monacus bowes and arrowes Manehops sit downe Monakinne a coate Mawcus sinnus a paire of shooes Matchemauquot it stinketh Muskana a bone Menota a basket Meatchis be merrie Mawpaw it snowes Mawnaucoi very strong Mutchecu a very poore man Monosketenog whats this Mouskett the breech Matchet wequon very blunt Matta ka tau caushana will you not trade Mowhacheis Indian gold N Nuncompees a boy Nicke squaw a maide Nean you Nippe water Nasamp pottadge Nota sixe Nisquan the elbow Noenaset the third toe Nahenan a Turkie Niccone a blacke bird Naw naunidge the middle finger Napet the arme Nitchicke the hand Nottoquap the skinne Nogcus the heart Nobpaw nocke the breast bone Nequaw the thighes Netop a friend Nenmia give me Noeicantop how doe you Nawhaw nissis farewell Noei pauketan by and by kill Nenetah ha Ile fight with you Noei comquocke a codfish Nepaupe stand by No ottut a great journie Necautauh han no such matter Noewamma he laugheth Noeshow a father Nitka a mother Netchaw a brother Notonquous a kinseman Nenomous a kinswoman Nau mau nais my sonne Taunais my daughter No einshom give me corne Nemnis take it Nenimma nequitta ta auchu give me a span of any thing. Nees nis ca su acke 2 fathome Notchumoi a little strong Negacawgh hi lend me Nebuks quam adiew Noe winyah come in Naut seam much wearie Noe wammaw ause I love you Net noe whaw missu a man of a middle stature O Ottucke a Deere Occone a Deere skinne Oquan the heele Ottump a bow Ottommaocke Tobacco Ottannapeake the chinne Occotucke the throate Occasu halfe a quarter Unquagh saw au you are cunning Ontoquos a Wolfe P Pow-wow a conjurer or wizard Petta sinna give me a pipe of To­ baco Pooke Colts-foote Pappouse a child Petucquanocke bread Picke a pipe Ponesanto make a fire Papowne winter Pequas a Foxe Pausochu a little journie Peamissin a little Peacumshis worke hard Pokitta smoake Petogge a bagge Paucasu a quarter Pausawniscosu halfe a fathome Peunctaumocke much pray Pesissu a little man Pausepissoi the sunne is rising Pouckshaa it is broken Poebugketaas you burne Poussu a big bellied woman Q Quequas nummos what cheare Quequas nim it is almost day Quog quosh make haste Quenobpuuncke a stoole Quenops be quiet R is never used. S Sagamore a king Sachem idem Sannup a man Squaw a woman Squitta a fire sparke Suggig a Basse Seasicke a rattle snake Shannucke a Squerill Skesicos the eyes Sickeubecke the necke Supskinge the wrist bones Socottocanus the breast bone Squehincke blood Siccaw quant the hammes Sis sau causke the shinnes Suppiske ancle bones Seat the foote Seaseap a ducke Suckis suacke a Clam Sequan the summer Soekepup he will bite Sis come out Squi red Swanscaw suacko 3 fathomes Sawawampeago very weake Succomme I will eate you Sasketupe a great man T Taubut nean hee Thankes heartily Tantacum beate him Tap in goe in Titta I cannot tell Tahanyah what newes Tonagus the eares Tannicke a cranie Thaw the calfe of the leg Tahaseat the sole of the foote Tasseche quonunck the insteppe Tonokete naum whither goe you Tannissin may which is the way Tunketappin where live you Tonocco wam where have you bin Tasis a paire of stockings Tockucke a hatchet Towwow a sister Tom maushew a husband Tookesin enough sleepe Titto kean Icatoquam doe you nod and sleepe Tau kequam very heavie Tauh coi it is very cold V Vkepemanour the breast bone Vnkesheto will you trucke W Wampompeage Indian money Winnet very good Web a wife Wigwam a house Wawmott enough Whenan the tongue Whauksis a Foxe Wawpatucke a Goose Wawpiske the bellie Whoe nuncke a ditch Wappinne the wind Wawtom understand you Wompey white Wa aoy the sunne is downe Waacoh the day breakes Wekemawquot it smells sweete Weneikinne it is very handsome Whissu hochuck the kettle boyleth Waawnew you have lost your way Woenaunta it is a warme summer Wompoca to morrow Wawmauseu an honest man Weneicu a rich man Weitagcone a cleere day Wawnauco yesterday X never used Y yeips sit downe yaus the sides yaugh there yough yough now yoakes lice The number of 20. A quit 1 Nees 2 Nis 3 Yoaw 4 Abbona 5 Ocquinta 6 Enotta 7 Sonaske 8 Assaquoquin 9 Piocke 10 Apponna qiut 11 Apponees 12 Apponis 13 Appoyoaw 14 Apponabonna 15 Apponaquinta 16 Apponenotta 17 Apponsoaske 18 Apponasquoquin 19 Neenisschicke 20 The Indians count their time by nights, and not by dayes, as followeth. Sawup sleepes Isoqunnocquock 2 sleepes Sucqunnocquocke 3 sleepes Yoawqunnocquock 4 sleepes Abonetta ta sucquunocquock 5 sleepes Nequitta ta sucqunnocquock 6 sleepes Enotta ta sucqunnocquock 7 sleepes Suesicta sucqunnocquock 8 sleepes Pausa quoquia sucqunnocquock 9 sleepes Pawquo qunnocquock 10 sleepes How they call their Moneths. A quit-appause moneths Nees-appause 2 moneths Nis-appause 3 moneths Yoaw appause 4 moneths Abonna appause 5 moneths Nequit appause 6 moneths Enotta appause 7 moneths Sonaske appause 8 moneths Assaquoquin appause 9 moneths Piocke appause 10 moneths Appona quit appause 11 moneths Appon nees appause 12 moneths Appon nis appause 13 moneths Appon yoaw appause 14 moneths Nap nappona appause 15 moneths Nap napocquint appause 16 moneths Nap nap enotta appause 17 moneths Napsoe sicke appause 18 moneths Nappawsoquoquin appause 19 moneths Neesnischicke appause 20 moneths Neesnischicke appon a quit appause 21 moneths Neesnischicke apponees appause 22 moneths Neesnischick apponis appause 23 moneths Neesnischick appo yoaw appause 24 moneths The names of the Indians as they be divided into severall Countries. Tarrenteens Churchers Aberginians Narragansets Pequants Nipnets Connectacuts Mowhacks The Names of Sagamores. Woenohaquahham Anglice King Iohn Montowompate Anglice King Iames Mausquonomend Igowam Sagamore Chickkatawbut Naponset Sagamore Nassawwhonan Woesemagen Two Sagamoes of Nipust. Canonicus Narraganset Sagamore Osomeagen Sagamore of the Pèquants Kekut Petchutacut Sagamore Pissacannua A Sagamore and most noted Nigromancer. Nepawhamis Asteco Assotomowite Nannopounacund Nattonanite, Noenotchuock Sagamores to the East and North-east, bea­ ring rule amongst the Churchers and Tar­ renteens. The names of the noted Habitations. Anglice. Merrimack Igowam Igosbaum Chobocco Nahumkeake Salem Saugus Swampscot Nahant Winnisimmet Mishaum Mishaumut Charles towne Massachusets Boston Mistick Pigsgusset Water towne Naponset Matampan Dorchester Pawtuxet Plymouth Wessagusus Conihosset Mannimeed Soewampset Situate Amuskeage Pemmiquid Saketehoe Piscataqua Cannibek Penopscot Pantoquid Nawquot Musketoquid Nipnet Whawcheusets At what places be Rivers of note. Cannibeck River Merrimacke River Tchobocco River Saugus River Mistick River Mishaum River Naponset River Wessaguscus River Luddams Foard Narragausets River Muske toquid River Hunniborne River Connectacut River FINIS.