THE TECHNOLOGICALL AND GEOGRAPHICALL WORDS mentioned in this Worke, defined and explained. The World called in Latine Orbis, in respect of the Orbicular round forme, and in Greeke Κοσὸς in non-Latin alphabet ­ in respect of the beauty thereof, is devided by Geographers into parts: Reall, viz. Imaginary, viz. A Continent which containeth many Coun­ tries and Territories. An Island in La­ tine Insula, quasi in sa­ lo sita, a Land situated in the Sea. A Peninsula is so called quasi Paenè In­ sula, in Greeke Cher­ sonesus, being a com­ pound word of χέρος and νῆσος, signifying a a forsaken Island. A Promontory is a part of Land lying out farther than the rest, and is contrary to a Bay, the uttermost end is called a Cape, A Bay or Sinus, is a Bosome of Land recei­ ving the Sea into it, and so making a Ha­ ven. The Ocean is so cal­ led from the Greeke word ὠκὺς signifying swift. Imaginary, viz. The Aequinoctiall so stiled because when the Sunne is under this Circle in the Heaven which answeres to this on the Earth, the dayes and nights bee of one length. The Tropickes are two nominate Circles that be Parallel to the Ae­ quator, from which the Northerne Tro­ picke of Cancer is di­ stant 23. degrees, and the Southerne called the Tropick of Capri­ corne, as much. Parallels are defined by Keckerman, quod sint lineæ quæ in infi­ nitum ductæ nunquam concurrunt, that they are two equidistant lines, which being in­ finitely drawne forth, yet do not, nor will ever meete. Latitude is the di­ stance of a place North or South from the Æ­ quator or middle of the World. Longitude is the di­ stance of any place East and West, from the chiefe Meridian, and is measured by the de­ grees of the Æquator, it is placed in the Iland of St. Michael one of the 9. Azores in the Atlantick Sea. A Clime is a space of the Earth comprehen­ ded betweene 3. Pa­ rallels, lesser innomi­ nate Circles which compasse the Earth from East to West. A sense not noted in OED, "clime," n. Periæci so called from the Greeke word περιοικέω, i. e. habito circum, are those that dwell under the same Parallel. Antaeci so named from αντοικεω, i. e. ex adver­ so habitare, are those that dwell alike di­ stant from the Æ­ quator, but the one Northward, and the other Southward. "Antaeci" not found in OED. Antipodes so stiled from αντι & πόδας, q.d. adversa vestigia si­ gentes, are people dwelling on the other side of the Earth, with their feet directly a­ gainst ours. The Artick Pole so called for its neerenesse to a constellation in the North Hemisphere called Αρητος which signifieth a Beare. Antartick Pole so called because it is op­ posite to the Articke Pole. FINIS. Finem habet hic Mundus, finem terrenus habebit. Sit Soli dempto Gloria fine Deo.