VINDEX ANGLICVS; OR, THE PERFECTIONS OF THE ENGLISH LANGVAGE. Defended, and asserted, Printed, Anno Dom. 1644. VINDEX ANGLICVS, OR, The perfections of the English Language defended and asserted. Mothes and Cankers, who with their shallow inventions and silly fancyes, must still be engrafting new coyned words in our English nursery, without either art or judgement. I seeke not to discredit their worthy and immortall labours, who with unmatchable industry, have fetcht hither the best inhabitants of other climates, and made them denizens in our Colonies: those who with a skilfull felicity have bought, brought, or borrowed, the richest ornaments of other Lan­ guages to make ours abound with plenty, and variety; but those I disclaime, who when the worke is excellently performed already, must still be fingring; and when the Quintessence and life of other tongues are ours already, must now trafficke for the dregges, to the end they may be said to have done somewhat .... How ridiculous if well considered is the merchandise they seeke to sell for currant, Let me afford you a few examples, and I am deceived if they will not move both your anger, and laughter, read and censure. Adpugne, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Algale, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband suggests "algate." Adstupiate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. daffe, Branded word. In OED. defust, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. depex, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Brochity, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Bulbitate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. ex­ torque, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. ebriolate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Caprious, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Contrast, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Catillate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Fraxate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Froyce, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband suggests "froise", as such in Cockeram (1623) and OED. Imporcate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Incenabe, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband suggests "icenate" (v). incasse, Branded word. Possibly OED, "encase | incase," v. Gingreate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Glabretall, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Halitate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Liguri­ tion, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Lurcate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Kemand, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband mentions "cement." Mephitick, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Mirminodizd, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband emends as "mirmidoniz'd", as such in both Cockeram (1623) and OED. Obsalutate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Or­ bation, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Nixious, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Naustible, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Plumative, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Prodigity, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Puellation, Branded word. Not found. Raption, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Rerest, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband emends as "rereft", as such in both Cockeram (1623) and OED. Rumatize, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Sudate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Solestick, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Sracone, Branded word. Not found. Subgrund, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Tri­ diculate, Branded word. Not found. Tristfull, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Wadshaw, Branded word. Not found. Gerhard Graband suggests "woodshaw," as in Cockeram (1623) and OED. Xanticall, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) but not OED. Yexate, Branded word. Not found. Vitulate, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Vndosous, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Vambrash, Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. Zoografe. Branded word. In Cockeram (1623) and OED. A thousand other so unnaturall phrases, that they cause a loathing in a curious and judicious eye. These and such as these, that set up mints for such base coyn would I have the Arts to persecute & not suf­ fer them to mix their counterfeit stuffe amongst our purer ingredients so to canonize them for currant. Our Language is copious enough al­ ready, we need traffick no more to enrich it; at least not so oft, for yet I will not deny, but some pearle or other may be left behinde uncheapened by our former factors, which is worth the buying, yet would I have it naturallized here with judgement, and authority.