THE English Physitian: OR An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation. Being a Compleat Method of Physick, whereby a man may preserve his Body in Health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making Plaisters, Oyntments, Oyls, PultisĀ­ ses, Syrups, Decoctions, Julips, or Waters, of all sorts of Physical Herbs, That you may have them readie for your use at all times of the yeer. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly, and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the yeer. 5. The Way of keeping their Juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all kind of useful Compounds made of Herbs. 7. The way of mixing Medicines according to Cause and Mixture of the Disease, and Part of the Body Afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie. LONDON: Printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange. 1652. AN ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF THE DISEASES SPECIFIED IN THIS TREATISE: Together with the Page where to find the Cure. A ABortion, 17. Adders, 9. Afterbirth, 3 5 11 20 32 34 41 43 50 53 67 86 192 195 212 234. Aconitum, 195 Agues, 2 5 6 8 10 11 15 16 22 26 27 30 34 37 47 49 50 54 55 58 62 66 73 75 77 81 88 196 199 201 209 210 215 219 220 223 224 227 232 234 235. Andicomes, 7 12 20. "Andicomes" found neither in this book nor in the OED. Aposthumes, 2 11 32 49 54 58 65 71 91 231. Appetite lost, 3 10 14 16 31 32 196 201 220 239. Arteries, 10 12 25 61. St. Anthonies fire, 14 3 4 37 45 62 63 70 78 199 205 210 224 237. Almonds of the Ears, 17 89 Ach, 27 195 202 205 210 222 224. Adust Choller, 44. Adust Melancholly, 57. Asthma, 67 237. Apoplexy, 72 81 83 235. B Baldness, 14 47 190. Barrenness, 28 72 89. Belly, 2 8 27 59 77 78 85 87 192 201 206 220 226 231. Belching, 14 24 Binding, 2 3 15 17 38 53 62 86 196 206 228. Beauty, 29 38 47 59. Breath, 12 13 14 24 26 36 48 51 66 67 76 89 189 190 199 217 221 226. Bleeding, 1 6 13 15 17 24 28 53 54 65 67 68 71 72 84 86 194 196 200 220 213 219 228 229 231. Blood, 18 21 36 39 44 45 69 205 209 212 230. Bloody Flux, 2 10 17 34 35 37 53 54 56 59 60 61 71 92 228. Black and blew Spots, 17 20 24 26 41 53 59 66 88 204 214 239. Bowels, 1 40 92. Bees, 216. Black Jaundice, 22. Bladder, 8 22 25 31 38 50 52 73. Blisters 14. Breast, 1 2 3 8 10 41 55 78 88 192. Back, 34 38. Brain, 8 10 27 49 72. Burning, 3 5 7 13 14 25 28 37 42 47 68 69 78 92 192 193 194 200 231. Birth, 50 86. Bruises, 7 12 14 15 22 32 34 37 42 43 50 52 76 78 88 89. Boyls, 10 12 41 220 221. Bees, 11. Breasts 8 12 53 61 82 89 194 200 201. Broken Bones 20 21 37 49 50 52 54 84 213. C Cachexia, 38 42. Cancers 2 29 36 53. Cantharides 17. Cankers 17 24 25 28 33 42 48 53 54 56 60 86 88 196 212 219 220. Childbirth 12 14 52 237. Chops 5 82 197 236. Clensing 2 13 51 56 189 194 214. Chincough 78. Chollick 2 5 9 27 28 45 47 49 50 61 62 64 65 72 87 189 190 197 210 215 235 236. Cough 2 4 12 15 16 18 19 34 36 41 48 50 53 54 58 62 63 66 67 73 75 76 86 87 88 89 91 92 189 190 191 195 199 213 214 210 212 215 232. Choller 2 3 8 10 28 30 37 41 46 50 54 57 64 69 72 77 81 82 194 196 199 210 214 215 209 223 230 233 239. Cold 4 15 27 79 89 236. Chilblains 64. Cods 13 45 64 65 77 210 236. Congealed Blood 7. Cools 9 15 25 53 62 190 196 199 214 220 223 228. Convulsion 9 15 19 26 30 38 48 54 58 59 62 72 78 85 87 192 221. Cramp 9 19 26 27 30 38 48 54 58 59 62 72 78 85 86 87 89 192 195 209 212 221. Consumption 18 25 42 46 67. Corns 68 237. Clotted blood 33 43 209. Costiveness 3. Corrosion 53. Curdled Milk 92. D Dandriff 14 43 78. Dead child 21 53 79 192 195 212 235. Deformity 50 52 193. Deafness 2 64 216 217 221 235. Diabets 17 230. Digests 33. Dissolves 33. Disury 8 9 12 13 15 21 22 24 25 26 28 31 32 37 39 41 42 45 47 49 50 52 53 55 57 58 59 61 62 66 67 70 75 76 89 90 92 201 226 231. Dislocations 21. Dogs 66. Dropsie 3 8 9 11 20 22 27 28 30 46 49 53 55 58 62 63 66 70 78 79 85 92 190 192 195 196 209 210 215 225 227. Dimness of Sight, 49 81 197 202 207 209 215. Dulness, 39 213. Drying 2 4 15 62 90 197 198 235. Drunkenness 69. Dreams 72 82 199. Disjuncture 87 89 235. E Ears, 2 10 12 14 18 31 35 47 52 68 70 82 89 190 197 205 235. Errwigs 64. Epidemical Diseases, 4 14 20 24 32 75 91. Eyes 6 8 10 11 12 18 31 34 41 45 47 51 53 56 63 68 73 77 81 205 215 223 224 236 239. F Fainting 5 10 72 192. Falling-sickness, 18 20 33 38 56 58 61 66 72 77 79 83 92 192 195. Falls 21 32 34 52 78. Felones 7 12. Fatness, 51. Flegm, 3 5 8 19 21 22 25 31 32 40 50 58 67 69 79 81 85 189 192 197 209 215 217 224. Fleas 4 7. Feavers 10 54 65 79 229. Fistulaes 21 28 33 45 53 55 71 88 189 203. Flux, 2 3 5 9 10 12 14 21 25 33 37 8 44 53 54 56 60 67 69 71 72 75 84 85 194 199 201 209 213 225 328 229. Forgetfulness 57. Freckles, 5 20 31 39 41 44 53 75 76 88 191 226 238. Frenzy, 18 38 73 198. French Pox, 49 64 66 206 230. Fundament, 17 41 52. G Gall, 2 27 42 44 45 64. Gangrenes, 20 23 37 42 71 89. Gauls, 13. Gnats, 50. Gout, 2 5 7 8 10 11 12 15 25 34 37 39 41 48 54 55 59 63 64 79 89 90 191 192 193 196 198 200 209 230 231. Gums, 17 23 192 205 226. Guts, 195. Gravel, 17 20 21 28 31 52 57 59 79 82 89 191 194 204 211 214 216 220. Griping, 2. Groyn, 66 87. H Headach, 21 47 54 58 72 85 189 192 205 209 224 232. Head, 28 34 72. Heart, 9 10 47 205 233. Hemorrhoids, 30 33 52 54 55 86 89 195 224. Horses tired, 7. Hortnets, 11. Hoarceness, 25 31 34 73 233. Humors, 31 75 81 82 190 194 197 206 236. Hypochondria, 42 44. Hiccough, 43. I Jaundice, 2 3 8 9 10 11 15 26 27 44 55 57 63 85 88 189 220 223 230. Jaws, 41. Joynts, 7 12 13 22 37 59 88 207 220 222 226. Illiack Passion, 216. Inflamations, 1 4 5 7 12 17 20 21 26 31 34 37 45 47 53 54 62 63 64 67 68 71 72 73 74 77 89 82 90 91 92 190 191 199 220 223 233. Imposthumes, 7 83 191 214 220. Itch, 2 3 11 12 29 32 41 44 57 59 66 196 206. Indigestion, 9 10 28 72 75. K Kings Evil, 7 11 30 35 52 56 59 70 75 78 86 202. Kidneys, 70 225. L Leprosie, 9 11 26 43 47 52 53 83 88 91. Lethergy, 39 51 72 87 91 192 207 212 215. Liver, 35 10 11 13 15 27 29 30 38 41 42 49 57 61 66 74 76 78 92 189 202 203 209 219 227 230. Lice, 3, 210. Lechery, 63. Loathing of meat, 44. Loosness, 5 43. Loose teeth, 48. Longings, 80. Lungs, 3 11 32 53 68 75 197 230 237. Lust provokes, 189. Lust stop, 199. M Mare, 23 193. Madness, 57 193. Mad-dogs, 5 10 15 25 47 57 82 89 91. Meazles, 17 229. Megrim, 12 224. Melancholly, 5 6 10 24 26 42 50 57 58 76 81 82 85 192 193 197 206 226 234. Memory, 8 49 57 212. Mother, 6 9 12 15 17 24 28 29 43 48 50 79 85 89 90 191 193 215 223 235. Mineral Vapors, 58. Mind, 10. Milk in Nurses, 18 50 72 77 234. Milk in Cattel, 36. Mouth, 16 18 23 33 59 78 192 196 200 205 215 219 220 229 233. Morphew, 20 42 43 44 47 48 62 66 73 88 191 210 233. Muscles cut, 37 78 191. Miscarriage, 80 212 225. Mushroms, 88 190 239. N Navil, 200. Nails in the Flesh, 2. Nepples, 54. Nerves, 12 17 37. Nightshade eaten, 89. Noise in the Ears, 2 14 64 66 78. Nits, 225. Nose, 6 15 68 196. ---Nolime tangere, se Polipus. O Obstructions, 3 9 10 11 15 20 21 28 29 30 37 42 44 49 51 53 56 57 66 69 78 87 189 195 210 215 223 227. Opening, 33 42 51 189 190 201 214. Opium, 51 86. P Pain, 2 12 15 35 37 43 63 82 192 195 199 205 209 210 211 221. Palsey, 15 20 32 34 38 47 51 58 67 72 76 83 216 217. Piles, 17 37 41 70 80 191 196. Pissing Blood, 15 22 67. Pin and Web, 63 231 232. Plague, 2 4 9 17 18 19 20 24 32 33 41 42 43 48 57 58 65 69 79 91 194 201 210 217 220 223 232 236. Pleuresy, 4 32 33 54 75 77 88 89 197 217 233. Poyson, 2 4 9 11 17 18 19 20 41 43 48 58 65 67 77 79 88 90 91 194 201 210 220 221 229 234 235. Phthisick, 16 32 37 62 71 73 77 92 196 197 199 207. Purples, 17 54 229. Pushes, 37 206 221 223 239. Pimples, 39 43 53 57 67 206 210 217 224. Polipus, 41 53 89 197. Privities, 2 37 65. Q Quartan Agues, 2 49 197. Quotidian Agues, 49. Quinsie, 33 38 75 92 202 233 239. Quickens the Sences, 212. R Raw Humors, 43. Rhewm, 38 39 40 71 81 89 195 196 199 200 205 207 212. Reds, 19 205. Red Faces, 67 70. Reins, 9 49 50 52 66 86 216 223 225. Rickets, 9. Ringworms, 10 19 20 29 63 66 68 74 82 196 210 217 220 236. Roughness of the skin, 74. Running of the Reins, 18 74 209 211 213 214 222. Ruptures, 9 15 17 26 34 36 37 38 40 45 47 50 59 71 92 211 213 214 226 229. S Scaldheads, 9. Scaldings, 5 10 47 68 69 78 92 191. Scabs, 2 3 9 10 12 14 15 19 23 25 34 39 44 53 57 59 66 189 191. Scars, 39 218 231. Sciatica, 2 5 7 8 12 25 30 34 36 39 51 55 59 61 64 69 70 88 89 198 202 220 226. Scurff, 14 15 39 41 52 76 78 217. Serpents. 3 8 26 50 82. Seed encreaseth, 33 49. Scurvy, 20 39 202 226. Sides, 22 32 55 67. Stifness, 13. Shingles, 34 189 196. Smelling, 14. Smal pox, 17. Sneezing, 55. Sores, 20 23 24 25 26 28 55 71 76 82 215 220 230. Spitting blood, 18 36 37 44 48 69 90 196 212. Splinters, 2 20 34 42 59 63 232. Spleen, 2 3 6 8 10 11 13 15 26 27 30 42 50 57 58 59 61 62 66 69 72 77 78 81 83 88 202 220 221 227 230 235 237. Spots, 5 9 12 20 38 39 41 48 52 62 73 75 218. Stitches, 9 15 20 22 27 28 91 212 227 232. Stomach, 2 3 5 11 12 15 16 22 32 37 40 48 50 55 62 66 68 72 78 80 190 209 220. Stoppings, 45. Surfets, 25 74 239. Swellings, 4 7 21 25 26 27 32 34 37 41 42 43 65 69 82 202 220 224 231 233 239. Strangury, 4 8 21 49 52 60 67 73 198 221 232. Stone, 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 20 21 22 25 27 28 31 36 39 45 47 48 49 60 63 65 67 70 78 80 84 85 91 190 191 202 203 221 214 215 216 221 227. Sunburning 14 38 47 73 191 226. Swoonings 10 44 89. Sinews 12 15 25 27 33 51 55 61 64 87 200. T Teeth loose 3 59. Teeth 52 191 200 233. Tertian Agues, 2. Terms stops, 1 14 18 24 33 53 54 59 62 65 66 67 74 86 91 194 195 219 203 225 235. Terms provokes 11 15 21 24 25 28 33 34 41 43 48 50 55 57 58 59 66 76 81 85 86 87 89 92 192 210 213 215 221 230 232 239, Tetters, 15 29 66 67 74 196 290 220 236. Thorns 2 20 34 49 52 78 217 232, Thirst 196 22 233. Throat 2 41 43 191 205 213 219 220 221 229 233 235. Toothach 3 7 8 14 18 22 34 55 192 196 200 203 225. Travail in Women 36 77. Trembling 72. V Venemous Beasts 11 13 18 25 30 47 48 50 51 55 59 61 66 67 69 71 88 89 192 236 240. Vertigo 12 13 20 38 50 72. Vipers 9. Veins 36 71. Ulcers 5 7 15 18 19 20 25 26 28 31 33 38 39 41 43 45 47 52 53 55 60 65 75 76 79 80 86 89 90 194 196 201 203 210 211 214 215 217 220 221 226 229 236 Venery 973 82 90 189 219 204. Vomiting 1 8 17 22 24 26 36 45 72 82 90 190 192 219 201 220 225 230. W Watching 68. Warts 29 82 87 230. Weariness 13 15. Wens 230. Wind 12 32 43 48 50 51 63 79 81 82 89 91 215 232 235. Witchcraft 14 65. Whites, 1 7 14 18 34 37 74 205 206 207. 91. Whitloes 20. Worms, 5 7 24 29 43 54 69 91 202 211 215 225. Womb 17 20 50 89 233. Wounds 1 2 7 9 15 17 20 22 23 24 26 31 35 36 37 38 39 43 45 47 50 52 56 60 65 69 74 75 79 80 84 85 90 190 191 200 204 213 214 215 217 219 220 224 229 230. Wry Necks 46. Wrinkles 62.