The English PARNASSUS: OR, A HELPE TO English Poesie. Containing A COLLECTION Of all Rhyming Monosyllables, The choicest Epithets, and Phrases: With some General Forms upon all Occasions, Subjects, and Theams, Alphabetically digested By JOSUA POOLE. M. A. Clare Hall Camb. Together with A short Institution to English Poe­ sie, by way of PREFACE. London, Printed for Tho. Johnson, at the golden Key in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1657. TO My Worthily, Honoured FRIEND, Mr. FRANCIS ATKINSON. I Shall not need to derive any confidence from the long acquaintance and friendship hath passed between us, to presse you to the Patronage of this work, when there are so many other Considerations that in a manner force it on you, as ha­ ving a certain right in it; it is the account of many a years Stewardship, the product of many a mid­ night thought, during my relation to you and those young Gentlemen committed by you to my charge and oversight, in a word, it had the first and last hand put to it, that is, ows both its originall and perfection to your house at HAD­ LEY. There are indeed abroad in the world many books conducing to the improvement of youth in good Letters, whereof it may be said of some, they are superfluous, of others they are burthensome, and by multiplicity of instruction di­ stract the Learner. And this proceeds partly from an itch of reputation, which even those of that laborious, (nay, by many sleighted) pro­ fession are not free from, partly from the diffi­ culties that attend the education of youth, and partly from that generall humour, in most men of discovering their invention in furnishing the world with something that is new, or their wit in reforming and advancing what had been done by others. But for this of mine, you are not ignorant of the difficulty of the attempt, what a strange multitude of Authors I have been forced, as it were to anatomise, and that I may say, without any great losse of Modesty, that there never came yet abroad so methodicall an Insti­ tution of ENGLISH POESIE. For you, who look on education through other prospe­ ctive glasses than those of necessity or advantage, know, that it requires a person of generous incli­ nations, that as an exrprest Architect, layes the solid foundations of humane life, and un­ dertakes a businesse that hath the greatest influ­ ence on Policy, Morality, and Religion. This once granted, no pains, no care, no vigi­ lancy can be too great that is spent upon the cul­ tivation of these noble plants, were there only this inducement that we should transmit them such to posterity as that they may in them per­ ceive our care and tendernesse. Upon these grounds did I enter into the present relation to you, which being, as I said, a stewardship, it is but just I should bring something to testifie my faith­ fulnesse. You know how beneficial this work hath been where it was brought forth, and exer­ cised, and I leave it to you, either to communi­ cate it, or conceale it. If ever it come abroad into the world, I desire it may be under the con­ duct of your name, that, for your particular, it may be satisfied how much you have contributed to the the Commonwealth of Learning, and, for mine be convinced, how conscientious I have been in the discharge of my duty, what great re­ spects I have for you, and how passionately desi­ rous I am to expresse my self, Sir, Your most affectionate Friend, and faithful Servant, Josua Poole. To the hopeful young Gentlemen, his Schollers in that private School, at Hadley, Kept in the house of Mr. Francis Atkinson. SWeet impes of early hopes whose smiling brow Beckens the cincture of the laureate bough, Whose lips seem made, to tast no other spring, Than that by which the Thespian virgins sing. Whose sprightly face, and active eyes descry The Muses in a rising majesty: You that without th'edition of a book, Can make men read a Poet in your look; Whose downy plumes with happy augurie, Presage betimes,nwhat the fledge soul will be. For you (Ingenious spirits) thus I trie To find a milkie way to Poesie, That babes, as they the coral nipples lugge, May find an Hippocrene within the dugge, And the first milk that they shall feed upon, May be the sacred dew of Helicon, And when at first their steps the earth shall greete, At once may find their own and verses feete, After as they grow up, Pegasus may Be the first hobby-horse with which they play, And when to higher sports they come, may put An Homers Iliads in their game some nut, And whilst they take their pastime in the sun, Together make their tops and verses run, Nay to that height they shall their phancies raise, That whilst they run at, they shal win the Baies, In all their sports they shall the Poets play, And make the Birch, prevented by the Bay; For they shal need no Masters to rehearse Long tedious precepts of the lawes of verse, In them so printed shall those lawes be seen, As if they had the lawes of Nature been. The only taske their Masters shall impose On them, will be, to learn to speak in prose; In which, they shall have, if they chance t'offend, As boys scan, verses at their fingers ends, Pleading like Ovid for to save their breech, As if Prosodia went before In speech, Or that they had into the world been brought, As Lucan died, with verses in their throat, Their cradles of the verdant laurel been, Or of those learned trees which once were seene After the Thracian Harper dance along, Wedding their motions to his well-tim'd song, And all that shal their sodain raptures hear, That Poets are not made, but born will swear. The early blossoms which I see in you, Makes me believe these my presages true; For, if you can so much already do; What will they that may sooner come unto Parnassus mount? If you so much can see On plainer ground, what will they that shal be Advantag'd by that hill, whose tops do rise In stately height, to parly with the skies? On then (sweet souls) that sacred verse may be No longer call'd the thred-bare mystery; Let the world see, what yet it scarce before Hath known, there are good Poets, yet not poore, Whose inspirations, and rich phancies be More than a Taverns frothy tympany, That conjure not up wit with spirit of wine, Nor make the bay, supported by the vine; Like those whose thirsty fancies ebbe and flow, lust as their cups, greater or lesser grow, Phæbus and Bacchus that together link, And never write, but in or after drink: As when great showers of rain fall from the skies, In standing waters bubbles will arise. And for my selfe (though I did ne'r bestride The winged horse, and through the welkin glide, Unto the forked hill; nor saw the spring, Where those sweet maids of Memory do sing: Whilst their harmonious aires give easie birth Unto the flowers, and help the teeming earth: Whilst shaggy Satyrs yeild their sences thrall To the sweet cadence of their madrigals, And all the leavy standards of the wood, Quitting the place where they before had stood, Came listning on, and every gladsome tree, Link't with his neighbour to an unity, Whisper their mutual joyes, till they had made By their embrace, an unexpected shade, And all the wing'd musitians of the aire, Hid in their branches make a close repaire, That by their tunes, they might learn how to sing, And give a better welcome to the spring; Whilst savage beasts, that thither too were come Offerd themselves a thankful Hecatombe: Though I dare not make title to that tree That growes upon the banks of Castalie, Nor on Parnassus top had ever Theam Presented by the Muses in a dream, Or with my teeth unbarkt the laurel graffe, Yet) can I lend the weaker brains a staff For their supportment, till their riper wit, Shall laugh to see, they ever needed it, Staffes cannot goe, and yet enable him That wants assistance to his feeble limbe; He that is lame, and cannot move, yet may Lie still, and point to others out the way. Many are dumb, and know not how to break Their mind in words, yet by mute signes can speak, And talk so with their fingers, that another May give that language which their dumbnesse smothers. Though whetstones cannot cut at all, they may Do service, and make knives as sharp as they Themselves are blunt, and they who cannot ring By jangling may toll better ringers in, Candles see nought themselves, yet lend a light, VVhich in the dark gives others use of sight. The height of my ambition and intent, Is but to be a luckie instrument For others good, and instruments we know, Are usefull, though themselves can nothing do; Accept and use then this my book, aspire Unto the Mountains top, blow up that fire VVhich yet is but a spark Prometheus stole From Phebus wheels what burns within your soul, Then give it vent, let it advance a flame, VVhich may secure your and the Poets name, From all the malice of invading time, And conquer death with your victorious rime. And though you may perchance meet some of those That in a Satyr of their dough-bak'd Prose, Not able to reach further, lash the horse, They cannot sit, and whil'st they rudely force Their waspish language to disgrace the fount, The horse-hoof-made, scorning the sacred Mount, Too high for them to climb, turn horse themselves, And kick in vain, as waves against the shelves. Crushing their froth, as dogs disturb the night With fruitlesse howling at fair Cynthia's light, Whilst she untroubled still along doth glide, More by their barking envy glorifi'd, In that bright Carre, their snarls cannot impeach, As much above their malice as their reach: Or like that fox, who long with greedy eyes, Did on the grapy clusters tantalise, And last contents himself to call them sower, Which he perceiveth plac'd above his power, And these may tell you that the Poets be, But the fomenters of of obscenitie, Of lust and lewdnesse, verse the Devils bait, To draw youth on to what they else would hate. Be not discourag'd, Muses none despise, That ever gave the Graces Sacrifice; Such Majesty is couch'd in numerous layes, They never understood, which can dispraise. 'Tis true, some spend their ill-disposed hour, Onely the Virgin Muses to deflowr, And in loose language make the Graces be Naked beyond the bounds of Modestie, Who whilst with shamelesse ribaldry they sing, Make Helicon a puddle for a spring, Enough to make their reader, one would think, With blushing change the colour of their ink: But must we, cause some children idly play, And cut their fingers, throw our knives away? Or cause when once their bellies full, they eat No more, but toy, must we forgoe our meat? What if some looser dames to painting fall; Shall chaster Matrons have no face at all? If some for lust their gaudie garments wear, Shall modest Virgins all their cloaths forswear? If some by faggots ruine do conspire, Must our cold chimney therefore want a fire? And shall Lycurgus cut down every vine, Because some Thraoians did exceed in wine? Shall we all modest pictures quite decline, For the lascivious draughts of Aretine? If that abuse could take away the right, And lawfull use, we scarce should use our sight. Scripture may be abus'd, and best things may, By the same argument, be cast away. Though Caesar banish't Ovid far from Rome, He kept Parthenious Virgil still at home. All Poets are not vitious some there be, Like Cato, verse it, yet with modesty, And won to goodnesse, by their verse can show, More souls than many prose-Divines can do; Crown'd with religious bayes: for often those Are chain'd by numbers that contemn loose prose, And those whose souls are come so near the gall, Of bitternesse, as to think stoicall What speaks Religion, yet will dare to try The Poets popular Divinity, And with a yielding fancy lend an ear To all that by the Poet preach't they hear. Many have been, which Pulpits did eschew, Converted from the Poets reading pew, And those that seldome do salute the porch Of Solomon, will come to Herberts Church; For as that English Lyrick sweetly sings, Whilst angels danc'd upon his trembling strings, A verse may find him who a Sermon flies, And turn delight into a sacrifice. Then let the Poet use his lawfull bait, To make men swallow what they else would hate, Like wise Physicians that their pills infold In sugar, paper, or the leaves of gold, And by a vertuous fraud and honest stealth, Cozen unwilling Patients into health; Like winter fires, that with disdainfull heat, The opposition of the cold defeat, And in an angry Spleen do burn more fair, The more encountered by the frosty air; Let your Phebean fires its flame advance, Blown by the cold breath of chill ignorance, And like Amphion build a lofty rhyme, That shall outlast the insolence of time, For there is hidden in a Poets name. A spell that can command the wings of fame, And maugre all oblivions hated birth, Begin your immortality on earth, "And when more spreading titles are forgot, "And spight of all their lead and searcloth rot, "You wrapt and shrin'd in your own sheets shall lye "As reliques fam'd for all posterity. No envious time or age shall ever pierce, The better marble of eternal verse, Nine Muses can cammand the fatall three, And make their baies out-live the Cypresse tree, And though they part with breath they cannot die Whose name's embalm'd in sacred Poesie, For such are the proud miracles of verse, They make men rise up from their drowsie herse, And cause the grave deaths utmost spite but be A larger womb to immortality. The Deities above, and those below, To the learn'd nine auspcious homage ow, And they whose heads the lawrel chaplets bear Can charm the gods in either Hemisphere. What is't the Muses javelin cannot pierce? When heaven and hell are master'd by a verse, The Laurel staffe sway'd by a learned hand Carries more magick than that silver wand, Heavens verger waves, then that Medea shook, When Aeson from the scalding bath she took, Hot as the youth she gave him, or the ram, Which from the Caldron leap't a frisking lamb, Such boundlesse power doth on numbers wait Without a blasphemy they can create, Nor have they fame and strength alone, but can Surfet the unconfin'd desires of man, With soul-transporting pleasure and content, Not to be thought on without ravishment: For when the ranging fancy hath in vain Pursued delight through all things, yet remains Still empty, these with satisfaction fill; Deucalions ship rests on Parnassus hill. For as he sung, that was the blithest swain, That ever finger'd pipe on flowry plain, You may in these as oft as you shall chuse, "Hugge sweet content with your retired Muse, "And in those studies find as much to please, "As others in the greatest Palaces, "Instead of hounds, that make the wooded hils "Talk in an hundred voices to the rills, "Hear you the pleasing cadence of a line; "Struck by the consort of the sacred nine. "In lieu of hawks, the raptures of your soul, "Transcend their pitch, and baser earths controll; "For running horses, let your fancies flie "Like arrows that outrun the hunting eye; "For courtly dancing, you may take more pleasure. "To hear your verse keep time and equall measure, "All this without expence, when others oft, "With their undoings have their pleasures bought, Such are the Poets joyes, as be no lesse Than th' image of eternal happinesse, Like heavens; none these, save the enjoyers know, And they themselves better conceive than show, Reveng'd on their ignorance are those, Which tread the morter of untempred prose, Whose groveling fancies, and too low pitcht eye Cannot reach up unto the Poets skie, And yet like those that to shoot up are bold, At what their dazled sense cannot behold, Against the poet saucily dare vent Their barrn fancies, frothy excrement, Pitiing their ignorance, wish you no worse, Than what was once the noble Sydneys curse, May Cupid wound them, and they lye forlorn, As pitied objects of their mistresse scorn, Wanting that fire which warms the poets brain To thaw the ice of her deserv'd disdain, Till dead with grief, they make the Muses laugh To see their names deni'd an Epitaph, And all their fame inearthed with their herse, Rotting for want of an embalming verse. Contemn their scorns and with a brave disdain, Sleight all those toyes, that others entertain, Which onely study how to wear their clothes, And fill up their imperfect speech with oaths, Scruing their body into every shape, And are content to be the common ape Of every Nation, so they may but be In fashion with their flanting braverie; Whose best discourse can no more skill impart, Than tales of hawks and hounds in terms of art, Who, if they have a tatling spur and bear, Heads light as the gay feathers which they wear, Whistle in silks and sometimes can invent Occasion for a thread-bare complement, And make a gaudie hilted rapier ride, Hid in as fine a scabbard, on their side, As more for shew than use; talk of a wench With more disease than language of the French, In whom inventious tailours forming art, And the spruce barbour claims a greater part, Than nature or their education can, Think themselves are the onely Gentile man, And complete, gallant for this outward dresse, And gilded trim, when they are nothing lesse; But shapes of men, and speaking butterflies, Attracting onely fools, and childrens eyes. Let these enjoy their humours, whose descent, And blood's the best and onely argument That they can use to prove them Gentlemen; Whilst by the raptures of your learned pen, Your sweet pac'd numbers and harmonious layes, You get the solid, and enduring praise, And shew your worth and birth by a divine, And better far than your forefathers line. Pay then the Muses Tithes, and let those powers Of sacred verse, share in your idle hours, Those ravell'd thrums of time on fruitlesse play, And emptinesse should not be thrown away. Those threads of patcht up vacant hours may Make cloths will serve you for a working day; The product rising from such vacant hours Makes this to be what I my self am--- Yours Josua Pool. THE PREFACE, Being a short Institution OF ENGLISH POESIE. IT is the ordinary misfortune of posthumous works, like Orphans, to be exposed to the mer­ cy of others; insomuch, that when they come to appear in the world, they have not those ac­ commodations, which such as are advanced by their own parents and friends, commonly have. Were the learned Author of this laborious work alive to see this production of his abilities, and extraordinary industry come abroad, there nee­ ded not any to give account of it but himself. For who could have said more for the advantage and ornament of Poesy, than a person who had so for­ tunately spent both his time and endeavours to cultivate it in the highest manner that could be? But since he is not, the Reader must accordingly abate of his expectation, and, instead of large In­ stitution of Poesie, such as might well attend the present Work into the world, accept of such as slight account thereof, as may be proportionable to their capacities, for whose improvement, in­ struction, and convenience, these endeavours of his were intended. They indeed were calcula­ ted for their meridian who stood subject to the ferula; which yet hinders not, but they may indif­ ferently contribute to the assistance of all those, who find in themselves any natural inclination or happinesse of thought more than ordinary, to ex­ presse themselves in verse. We are then to note, that as the world became more and more civilized, Harmony, I mean that of speech and mutual expression one to another, grew more and more into reputation. Hence is it that those languages are considered as the most refined that are most susceptible of Harmony, and those most favouring of incivility and barbarisme, wherein a man cannot expresse himselfe without harshnesse and discord. This harmony, in prose, consists in an exact placing of the accent, and an accurate disposition of the words; such as delight­ ing the ear, doth in a manner captivate the passi­ ons and the understanding. Of this, strange in­ stances might be made in the ancient Orators, who may be said to lead the people whither they pleased. In Poesie, it consists besides the afore­ said conditions of Prose in measure, proportion and Rhime. All we have to say relates only to the latter, and in that, confining our selves particular­ ly to English Poesie. There are some, who in point of Poetry attri­ bute so much to Nature that they think all rules and directions absolutely unnecessary, and conse­ quently that it is not reducible to any Art; and this they categorically affirme of some Nations, allowing to others greater advantages and incli­ nations to perfection and excellency therein, as particularly to the Greeks and Latines. But those certainly consider not that we are equally the children of Nature; that wit, and happinesse of conceit are an universal patrimony, and that there are in every language certain heights proportiona­ ble to their Idiome, as may very much advance Poetry. Besides the injustice they do the modern Languages, often comparing their Poetry to that of the Greek and Latines, and finding it some­ what disconsonant they presently condemne it as savage and barbarous, when haply, consider'd with relation to the Languages, it is much the more excellent. To which may be added the advanta­ ges, in point of Poetry, accrewing by Rhime, and consequently that the Languages that are enrich­ ed by it, are the most susceptible of Poesie. But for these and the like controversies arising concer­ ning Poetry, we refer those that are desirous of fur­ ther satisfaction to the defence of Poesie, written by Sir Philip Sidney, printed at the end of the Arca­ dia; Mr. Sa. Daniel's Apologie for Rhime, written in answer to a Pamphlet in his time, entituled Ob­ servations in the Art of English Poesie; and a certain Treatise entituled, The Art of English Poesie, di­ vided into three Books, the first of Poets and Poesie; the second of Proportion, and the third of Ornament, printed in the year 1589. treating of Poesie in generall, and exemplifying in the Eng­ lish. As to English Poesie, we shall lay it down as granted, that it may be fortunate in any kind, and upon any subject, if it meet with a true son of Par­ nassus, and a genius that knowes how to manage it. And yet we find by experience that the most considerable, and for ought can be found, the most fortunate therein were a sort of Chimists, men of much leisure, and sedentary lives, who writ altogether in Stanza's. In so much that for some centuries of years, the greatest part of Eng­ lish Poetry, was spent on those barren and indeed abstruse subjects of Chymistry, and the Philosophers stone, as I have it from a Gentlemans observation, who is excellently well versed in Treatises of that nature, and hath a strange, and almost incre­ dible collection thereof. But the English Lan­ guage ariving daily to greater perfection and pu­ rity, Poesie must needs accordingly extend to all subjects and occasions, incident to humane life; and since it admits of the same division into spe­ cies, as the Greek and Latine, we must, being obli­ ged to them for their Termes, submit to their Method. The chiefest of all the species of Poesie, is the Heroick, or Epick, as being a representation of Heroes, or great and fortunate men, and accor­ dingly requiring a certain state and Majesty suita­ ble to the persons it represents. Some, in Mr. Johnson's time, vainly attempted to write a Hero­ ick poem, in imitation of the Greeks and Latines, by the measures of Spondey and Dactyl, without any regard to rime. Of that number was he, who sent him a coppy of verses beginning thus, Benjamin immortal Johnson most highlie renowned. In this kind were written by the Ancients, all kind of Historical Poesie, performed by most of the Europian Languages, till of late, by way of Stan­ za's. A second species of Posie is the Lyrick, which is of such extent, that it may be made use of on a­ ny occasion. To this head are referred Madrigals, Sonnets, Hymnes, Ballets, Odes, whereof some are amorous, some rural, some military, some jovial, made for drollery and drinking; in a word, what suits best with the Poets humour. To these may be added, Epithalamiums, written upon occasion of Nuptials, Epinicions, of Victories, Genethliacks of Nativities, Congratulatories, &c. The most e­ minent of all writers of this kind, were among the Latines Horace and Catullus. A third species is that of Elegies, Threnodies, and such like long-breathed Poems on luctiferous subjects. To this is reducible, what ever may be said on sad and dolefull occasions. Of this Ovid in his book de Tristibus, is, as it were, the Grand Exemplar. A fourth kind is that which is called Dramatick Poesie, divisible into diverse species, and compre­ hending, Tragedies, Comedies, Interludes, Masks, Entertainments, Dialogues, Satyres, Frolicks, Georgicks, Pastoralls, Piscatories, Nauticals (which three last, passe commonly under the name of Ec­ logues) Memoralls and the like. In these the Poet is not strictly obliged to rhime, but only to mea­ sure, being such as are principally intended for the stage, the main grace hereof consists in repre­ sentation and action. Of all these, the most an­ cient is the Satyre, a kind of writing, reproving common and popular abuses, so called, for the bitternesse and invectives thereof, which was such that to regulate and reforme their li­ centiousnesse and exorbitance Tragedies and Comedies were introduc'd. A fift is the Epigram, a facetious kind of writing, full of spirit, humour, and fancy. It is of a vast extent, as comprehending Epi­ taphs, Characters, Emblems, Devices, Motto's, Hieroglyphicks, Definitions, Aphorisms, Distri­ butions, Paradoxes, Rebus's, Problems. It is full of mirth and salt, sententious, directive, as to Mo­ rality, proverbiall, Mythologicall, Enigmaticall, in a word hath all humane actions and accidents to work upon, closing up all with a certain smartnesse of conceit. The numerous brood of it, are, ingenious fallacies in, and extra dictionem, Encomiasticks, Vi­ tuperatories, Scoffs, Sarcasms, Jeers, Jests, Quibbles, Clinches, Quippes, Bulls, Anagrams, Chronograms, Acrosticks, Criticismes, in a word whatever is of Succinct and concise Poetry, on what subject soe­ ver, handsomly couched, and worded. To these may lastly be added certain Poeticall Treatises concerning Learning, Science, or some particular sect of Philosophy, such as that of Lucretius, Epistolary writings, such as those of Ovid, wherein he hath been imitated by Mr. Drayton, and Historicall as Lucan, imitated by the same Drayton and Daniel, and translated and sup­ plied by Mr. Thomas May, both in Latine and English. Having thus made a hasty dissection of Poesie into its severall species, it is now time we de­ scend to some few particular instructions, which duly observed, may contribute something to the ornament and embellishment thereof. There is, as we hinted before, a certain harmony in Prose, much more necessary is it in Verse, whereof the grace and advantage consists altogether in the Symphony and cadence. The first Observation then, shall be to endea­ vour such a disposition of the words, as that, without much labour to the tongue, they make a certain melody in the ear, which no sooner hears it, but she judges whether the words be placed so, as to be pronounced without violence by the ac­ cent; whence this verse; though it hath the just number of feet, runs harshly to the ear, by rea­ son of the misplacing of the accent. None think reward rendred worthy his worth. The case is the same when by an inconsiderable alteration, as haply that of one word, makes what was before harsh become smooth and pleasant. For instance this, Though death doth consume, yet verue preserves, with a little transposition will run well enough thus, Though death doth ruine, vertue yet preserves. This discovers of what consequence the ex­ act observation of the accent is, which, like right time in Musick, produces harmony, the want of it harshnesse, and discord. In like manner Rhime depends altogether on the accent; whence it comes that many words terminating alike, yet never rhime well, such as wéaknesse and confésse, náture and endúre, fortune and importune, &c. This is soon discovered by the ear. The second, to avoid as much as may be long Parentheses, which are a certain torture to the Rea­ der, forcing him to alter his tone till he come to the close of the Parenthesis, and causing in the hearer a distraction and suspence till the sense be u­ nited. Examples of this are so frequent, we need not quote any. Some late writers have endeavou­ red to avoid them even in Prose, and the attempt ought to be cherished and seconded, nor indeed is it very difficult. To this head may be added a certain licentious­ nesse, which some English Poets have in imitati­ on of the Greek and Latine, presumed on to dis­ member, and disjoyn things that should naturally march together; placing some words at such a di­ stance one from another, as will not stand with the English Idiome. Nay sometimes they fall down into flat prose; a kind of Licentia poetica by no means allowable in English, such is that of these verses. But now that she is wearied with the toil Of balling, and that all her spirits boil With scortching flames of the blind Archers fire, Which kindleth no lesse vehement desire, In her inamorato's, hence she goes, Having farewel'd the company, at whose Earnest entreaty she was pleas'd to come Into afair and well adjusted room, &c. A third caution is, to avoid, as much as may be, frequent Apostrophe's, because of harshnesse and disturbance consequent thereto, such we have in this verse. The husband is the head, as soon's h' unlocks Where the words as and he, are apostrophated, which cannot be well admitted. It is ordinary with the same Author to apostrophate us, his, by, to, be, very, &c. very harshly, and not without vio­ lence to the ear. A fourth is to avoid feminine rimes, such as cha­ rity and parity, double and trouble, Dunstable, and Constable, &c. which in a verse of ten syllables or Heroick, speaks a certain flatnesse derogatory from the Majesty thereof, and if any where they may be allowed, it is in Ditties and Sonnets, and there hardly, Poesie being now arrived to such purity and perfection. With this we forbid the use of polysyllables, such as are proper to prose, and come not into verse without a certain violence, such as representation, skilfulness, remediles, reciprocally, convertible, spright­ fully; as also the frequent use of words, that have the accent on the fourth sillable from the termi­ nation; as territory, disputable, protonotary, & the like. A fifth, may be an exact observation of the rime, as that wherein all the symphony and mu­ sick of a verse consists. In this Sir Thomas Ur­ quhart, a man of an extraordinary fancy, may be said to be negligent, or indeed it is the fault of his Countrey, which being obliged to France for many things, derive thence a liberty not admitta­ ble in English Poesie. Such is that of terminating with the same letters, as conceive, and receive, sun, and son, resent and consent, &c. frequent in French Poetry, or such as not allowed, Poesie, would be lost among them. As also that of making two words that have but any affinity in sound, to serve for rhime, as effects, and takes, expression and copulation, lean and den, late and set; frequent in Scotch Poets, as it were in imitation of the French, among whom it is tole­ rable. Lastly, for the Epithets, which well placed and significant, are no small ornament in a Poeme. These we would have to adde something to the signifi­ cation of the Substantive, that it may not be thought they onely fill up the line. Thus to say, briny sea, is no more than to say, the sea, the woody grove is no more than a grove, nor were it amisse to avoid a sort of harsh compound words, much affected by some, such as Thunder-thumping Jove, tempest-raising winds, which reading and experi­ ence will soon discover to be the issues of hollow brains, filled with nought but wind. Thus having run through this short Anatomy of Poesie, all now remains to do is, in few words, to give some little account of the Author, and the design and scope of the present work, for the Au­ thor he had sometime the charge and management of a private School at Hadley near Barnet in the County of Middlesex, kept in the house of a wor­ thy Gentleman, one Mr. Francis Atkinson, who out of a design truly generous, and publick, ende­ vouring to prevent the inconveniences of irregu­ lated youth, set up a School or Academy, for the education of a select number of Gentlemens sons of good quality. There, it seems, as he confesseth in his Epistle to the said Mr. Atkinson, he writ this elaborate piece. But this is not his first appea­ rance in the world; for in the year 1655. came forth a book of his called the ENGLISH ACCI­ DENCE, very usefull for such as it was intended for, as teaching a way to make him that can but in­ differently read English, to turn any sentence into pure and elegant Latine, Printed for R. Lownds at the white Lion in Pauls Churchyard. For the Work, he hath divided it into three parts. The first treats of all rhimes imaginable in English (as the base and foundation of Poesie) according to their severall terminations. The second furnishes the diligent Lover of the Muses, with excellent choice and variety of apposite Epithets, somewhat in imitation of Textors in the Latine. The third is an ample treasury of phrases, and elegant expres­ sions, gathered out of the best esteemed English Authors that have writ in the severall kinds of Poesie, not unlike that of Thesaurus Poeticus, in Latine. And all this is performed by such an excel­ lent method, and a certain alphabetical disposition, for the greater ease and convenience of those that shall be desirous to advance themselves thereby, that it may be confidently said, the design is ab­ solutely new, there having not any thing of this kind appeared upon the English stage before. So that there seems nothing requisite to com­ pleat the great structure of this ENGLISH PARNASSUS, or Poeticall Institution, but a Rhetoricall Treatise, such as may acquaint and fur­ nish the industrious student with these advantages and imbellishments, that advance as well Prose, as Poetry to the highest pitch. And such a Treatise there is already in the Printers hands, to be sud­ denly put into the Presse, intituled, ENGLISH RHETORICH, and that drawn by the same hand, and polished by the same indefatigable in­ dustry, as this PARNASSUS, And of that RHETORICH, there is the like presumption, that proceeding from the same Author, that is, be­ ing such as pruned off whatever is burdensome, and unnecessary, and comprehending all that is beneficiall and conducing to the improvement of such as shall desire it, it will meet with a reward suitable to an undertaking of such concernment to all learning, a generall encouragement acceptati­ on, and applause. I. D. The ALPHABET OF MONOSYLABLES. AB. BAbe Blabbe Crabbe Drabbe Mab Scabbe Slabbe Stabbe. ACE or AIES. Base, Bayes. Blaze Brace Case Chace Face Daies Fraies Glaze Gaze Graze Grace Jayes Keyes Lace Maze Place Plaies Race Raies Praies Praise Raze Raise Sayes Slaies Spraies Staies Space Straies Swayes Trayes Trace Mace Waies ACK. Back Black Brack Clack Crack Hack Jack Knack Lack Pack Quack Rack Sack Slack Stack Tack Track Whack Wrack ACT. ut ACK. AD. Adde Badde Bad Clad Dad Drad Gadde Gad Glad Had Lad Mad Padde Sad Swadde ADE or AIDE. Aide Blade Brayde Cade Fade Fraid Jade Laid Made Maid Naigh'd Plaid Pray'd Raied Said Shade Spade Splaid Staid Straid Swaid Trade Wade Weigh'd AFE. and AFF. Baffe Calfe Chafe Chaffe Dafte Draffe Halfe Laugh Quaffe Raffe Ralph Safe Staffe Epitaph. AFT. Baffe Chaf'e Craft Dafft Graft Haft Laught Quafft Shaft Taught Waft. AG. AGS. Bag Brag Cag Clag Crag Dag Drag Fag Flag Gag Hag Lag Nag Quag Plague Rag Shag Swag Stag A Wag To Wag. AGE. ADGE. Paren-tage Badge Cage Fadge Gage Madge Pilgri-mage Pupil-lage Page Rage Sage Stage Swage Wage. AIE. AY. Aye Bay Bray De-cay Clay Day Flay Fray Gay Gray Hay Jay Lay De-lay May Dis-may Nay Pay Play Pray Ray Ar-ray Say Slay Splay Spray Stay Stray Sway Tray Be-tray Way Be-wray AKE. Ache Bake Brake Cake Drake Flake Jakes Lake Make Quake Rake Sake Shake Slake Spake Stake Mis-take Be-take Under-take Over-take Wake. ALE. AILE. Ale Ayle Bale Dale Faile Flaile Fraile Gale Goal En-graile Haile Ex-hale Male Naile Pale Paile Quaile Rayle Sale Sayle Scale Shale Snayle Stale En-tayle Re-tale Traile Vale Awayle Pre-vaile Vaile Waile Be-waile. ALL. AULE. All Awle Ball Bawl Braul Call Caule Craule Fall Gaul Hall Maule Paul Pall Appal Shall Small Spawle Sprawl Stall Tall Thrall Wall Whalle Yawle. ALD. Bald Brawld Cald Crawld Gald Mauld Appalld Scauld Spawld Sprawld Stalld Enthralld Walld Yawld. ALDE. AILD. Bayld Faild En-Grayld Hal'd Ex-hal'd Haild Naild Em-pail'd Raild Sail'd Scal'd En-taild Re-tayld Trayld Vaild Pre-veyld Be-wail'd ALFE Calfe Half Ralphe ALK. Balke Chalke Stalke Talke Walke. ALM. Almes Balme Calm Helm Palm Psalm Qualm Shalm. ALS. Alice Else Ayles Balles Bayles Calls Brawles Crawles Falles False Mawles Ap-palls Spawles Sprawles Stalls. En-thralls ALT. Fault Ex-alt Halt Malt Salt Shalt. ALV. Calves Halve Salve AM. Am Cam Cham Clam Cram Dam Dram Flam Ham Lambe Mam Ram Slam AME. AIME. Ayme Blame Came Claim Dame Fame Flame Frame Game Lame Mayme Name Same Shame Tame AN. ANNE Anne Ban Bran Can Canne Dan Fanne to Fanne Gan Man Nan Pan Ran Scan Span Swan Tan Than Vanne Wanne ANCE. Radiance Daliance Chance Dance France Glance Lance Prance Igno-rance Delive-rance In trance. En-hance Countenance Maintenance AND. And Band Brand Fan'd Grand Hand Land Sand Scand Spand Withstand Understand Stand Strand Tan'd Wand ANE. AINE. Bane Blaine Brain Cane Crane Dis-dain Dane Drain Pro-fane A-gain Fane Grain Grane Jane Lane Maine. Paine Counter-Pane Com-plain Raine Raigne Slain Spain Sprain Stain Constrain Disstrain Swain Eenter-tain Abs-tain Con-tain Re-tain De-tain Ob-tain Sus-tain Main-tain Train Restrain Vane Wane Waine. AMP. Camp Champ Cramp Damp Lamp Ramp Stamp Vamp. ANCH. Blanch Branch Hanch Lanch Stanch ANG. Bang Fang Gang Hang Pang Range Sang Sprang Stang Tang Twang ANGE. Ex-change Grange Mange Range Estrange. ANK. Mounte-bank Blank Crank Dank Drank Flank Frank Hank Lank Prank Rank Sank Shank Shrank Slank Stank Thank ANT. Ant Aunt Re-cant Be-chant Daunt Flaunt Gaunt Grant Haunt Pant Scant Taunt Vaunt Want. AINT Faint Paint Com-plaint Ac-quaint Saint AP. Cap Chap Thunder-clap Plap Gap Perhap Lap Map Nap Pap Rap Sap Slap Snap Scrap Strap Swap Tap In-trap Wrap. APE. Ape Gape Grape Jape Nape Rape Escape Scrape Shape Tape. APS. v. AP. Caps Chaps Claps Re-lapse APT. Apt Chapt Clapt Flapt Gapt Lapt Rapt Scap't Scrap't Shap't Slapt Snapt Swapt In-trapt Wrapt. AR. Are Bar Car Far Jar Mar Scar Spar Star Tar War. ARE. AIRE. Are Bare Care Chair Clare Dare Faire Glare Haire Hare Mare Paire Im-pare Re-pare Praier Rare Share En-snare Square Stare Sware Tare Tair Ware. ARB. Barb Garb Hearb Orbe. ARCE. v. ARS. ARCH. Arche March Parch Serch Search Torch. ARD Bard Card Dar'd Guard Hard Far'd Heard Jarr'd Lard Mard Nard Par'd Scar'd Shar'd E-snar'd Spard De-spaird Squard Star'd Starrd Reward Ward Yard. ARF. Dwarf Scarf Warf Wharf. ARGE Barge Charge Large Serge Targe Verge. ARK. Ark Bark Cark Cleark Dark Heark Jerk Lark Mark Park Querk Sark Shark Spark Stark Yark ARLE Carle Charle Marle Parle Snarle Wharl ARM. Arme Barm Charm Farm Harm A-larm Sperme Swarme Terme Warme ARN. Barn Fern Learn Sterne Warne Yarne ARP. Carp Chirp Harp Querp Sharpe Warpe ARS. v. AR. ARE. Arse Barrs Carrs Dares Fares Scarce Mars ARSH. Harsh Marsh ART. Art Cart Clart Dart Fart Heart Hart Mart Parte Quart Smart Start Tart Thwart Wart ARTH. Dearth Earth Girth Hearth Swarth ARV. v. ERVE. AS. Asse Brasse Basse Classe Glasse Grasse Lasse Masse Passe Was. ASE. v. ACE. ASH. Ash Brash Cash Clash Crash Dash Flash Gash Mash Pash Plash Quash Rash Slash Swash Thrash Trash Wash. ASK. Aske Baske Caske Flaske Laske Maske Pasch Taske. ASP. Aspe Claspe Gaspe Graspe Haspe Raspe Waspe. AST. Bast Blast Cast Chast Fast A-gast Hast Last Mast Past Tast Wast AT. At Batt Bratt Cat Chat Fat Flat Hat Mat Pat Rat Squat That What ATE. Bate Deli-cates Date Fate Gate Grate Hate Kate Re-late Mate Pate Plate Prate Consec-Rate Sate Slate State Strait Wait Yate. ATCH. Batch Catch Cratch Hatch Latch Match Dis-patch Patch Scratch Smatch Snatch Swatch Thatch Watch. ATH. Bath Faith Hath Lath Path Rathe Swathe Saith Wrath. ATS. v. AT. AVE. Brave Cave Drave Gave Grave Have Knave Nave Rave Save Shave Slave Stave Wave Thrave. AW. Aw Claw Daw Draw Flaw Haw Jaw Gnaw Maw Paw Raw Saw Spaw Straw Thaw AWD. Bawd Clawd Fraud Laud Applaud Thawd. AWN. Brawn Dawn Drawn Fawn Gnawn Lawn Pawn Prawn Sawn Spawn Thawn Yawn. AX v. ACK. Ax Flax Lax Pax Tax Wax. AY. v. AIE. EA. Flea Key Lea Plea Sea Yea EACE EASE. De-cease Fleas En-crease De-crease Grease Lease Peace Pease Pleas Prease Seas Seize Tease These. EACH. Beach Bleach Breach Leach Preach EACH. Im-peach Reach Teach. EAD. Bead Bread Dead Dread Flead Glead Head Knead Lead Mead Plead Read Shead Shread Spread Stead Tread. EAF. Deaf Leaf Sheaf EAK. Beak Bleak Break Creak Freak Leak Peak Speak Sneak Squeak Streak Weak Wreak. EAL. Deal Heal Con-geal Meal Peal Seale Squeal Steal Sweal Teal Re-veal Weal Wheal Zeal. EAM. Beam Bream Cleam Cream Dream Fleam Gleam Ream Seam Scream Steam Scream Team Theam Extream. EAN. Bean Clean Glean Lean. Mean Quean Rain Skean Spleen Wean Yeane. EAP. Cheap Heap Leap Reap. EAR. ERE. Bear Blear Chear Clear Fear Flear Hear Jear Lear Mear Near Ap-pear Peer Pheer Reer Sheer Be-smear Spear Steer Stear Swear Tear There Weare Were Where Year. EAS. v. EACE. EAST. Beast Breast De-ceast Feast Least. EAT. ETE. Beat Bleat De-ceit Cheat Feat Great Heat Jeat Meat Neat Pleat Seat Sweat Teat Threat In-treat Wheat Repeat EATH. Breath Death Heath Sheath Wreath. EAVE. Cleave De-ceive Heave Leave Be-reave Sleave Weave EB. Gleb Neb Web. ECK. Beck Check Deck Neck Peck Speck. ECT. Checkt Re-flect Neg-lect Cor-rect E-rect Di-rect Peckt Circum-spect Re-spect Dect Pro-tect De-tect. Recol-lect Re-ject De-ject In-fect Dia-lect Archi-tect ED. Bed Bled Bred Bread Dead Dread Fed Fled Head Led Ned Red Read Shed Sped Spread Stead Shred Thred Tread Wed. EDGE. Edge Hedge Al-ledge Pledge Sedge Wedge EE. Be De-cree Dree Fee Glee A-gree De-gree He Knee Lee Me Pee Ree See She Thee Three Tree We Ye. EECE. EESE. Cheese De-crees Fees Geese Freeze Greece Fleece Knees Lees Peece Sees Sneeze Squeeze Trees Wheeze, EECH. Beech Creech Leech Be-seech Speech EED. Bleed Breed De-creed Deed Feed Freed A-greed Heed Meed Need Reed Seed Speed Steed Weed. EEF. Beef Brief Chief Grief Be-lief. EEK. Cheek Creek Gleek Greek Leeke Meeke Reeke Seeke Shreek Sleek Squeak Week, EEL. Deale Eele Feele Heele Keele Kneele Peele Reele Siele, EEM. Re Deeme Be Seeme Es-Teeme. EEN. Seen Green Keene Queen Seen Screen Skene Spleen Ween. EEP. Creep Deep Keep Peepe Sheep Sleep Steep Sweep Weepe EERE. v. EARE. EES. v. EACE. EET. Bee't Feet Fleet Greet Leet Meet Sheet Street Sweet. EETH. Seeth Teeth EEVE. Beeves At-chieve Cleave Grieve Re-lieve Be-lieve Re-prieve Shrieve. EEZE. v. Eece EFT. Cleft Deft Left Be-reft. EG. Beg Dreg Leg Meg Peg Steg. EK. v. ECK. EKE. v. EAK. EL. Bell Cell Dwell Ell Fell Hell Kell Knell Mell Nell Ex-pel Com-pel Re-pel Quell Sell Shell Smell Spell Swell Tell Well Yell ELD. Dwel'd Felld Field Geld Held Queld Reeld Seld Sield Smeld Speld Sweld Wield Yield ELE. v. EALE. ELCH. Belch Welch. ELF. Delf Pelf Self Shelf. ELM. Elm Film Helm Realm Over-whelm. ELS. ELSE. v. EL. ELT. Belt Dealt Dwelt Felt Gelt Melt Pelt Smelt Spelt Swelt Welt. ELTH. Health Stealth Tilth Wealth. ELV. Delve Selves Shelves. EM. Con-demn Gemme Hemme Kemb Stemme. EME. v. EAM. EN. Ben Den Fen Hen Ken Men Pen Skenne Ten Then When Wren. ENCE, ENS, ENSE. In-cense Inno-cence Frankin-cence Consci-ence Of-fence De-fence. Influ-ence Dili-gence Exi-gence Negli-gence Indi-gence Hence Excel-lence Com-mence Im-mense Ex-pence Recom-pense Elo-quence Circum-infer-ence Confer-ence Quintis-sence Tense Pre-tense Thence Whence. ENCH. v. EN. Bench Drench French Quench Stench Tench Trench Wench Wrench END. Bend Blend Tran-es-cend Con-de-scend De-fend Of-fend Be-friend Appre-hend Compre-hend Repre-hend. Lend Com-mend De-ex-pend Rend Send Spend At-tend In-tend Ex-tend Con-tend Wend. ENGTH. Length Strength. ENE. v. EAN. ENS. v. ENCE. ENT. Bent Inno-ascent Inno-decent In-dent Negli-gent Indi-gent Dili-gent Kent Lent Commande-ment Argu-ment Re-pent Meant Elo-quent Shent Spent Sprent Con-straint Re-straint Sent Represent As-sent Con-sent Dis-sent Re-sent Tent In-tent Con-tent Ex-tent At-tent Trent Vent E-vent In-vent Circum-vent Under-went. EP. v. EAP. Crep Hep Skep Step. EPE. v. EAP. EPT. Cept Kept Leapt Ceapt Slept Stept Swept. ER. v. EAR. Her De-ferre Re-ferre Pre-ferre In-terre De-terre. ERB. Hearb Verb. ERCE. ERSE. Fierce me-herse Herse A-merce Pierce Serce Terse Theirs Con-Verse Re-verse Un-verse ERCH. Birch Pearch Search ERD. Beard Bard Cheard En-deard Feard Fleerd Herd Heard Jeerd Ap-peard Sheard Steard Be-Stird. ERGE. v. ARGE. Verge Dirge. ERK. v. ARK. Cleark Ferk Jerk Heark Rick Perke Querke Smerke Yerke. ERL. v. ARL. Earle Girle Pearle Whirle Twirle. ERM. v. ARM. Sperme Firme Terme ERN. Dis-cerne Con-cerne Derne Learn Ferne Spurne Yearne Earne Chirne ERP. Chirpe Quirpe ERS. v. ERCE. Bears Chears In-dears Fears Fleers Jeeres Hers Lears Peers Pears Sears Shears Be-smears Spears Stirres Stears Steers Swears Tears Re-verse Con-verse Wears Years Erres Pre-ferres Re-ferres De-ferres. ERT. v. ART. Heart Male-pert Shirt Skirt Squirt Con-vert Di-vert In-vert Per-vert De-sert In-sert. ERTH. Birth Dearth Girth Mirth Earth Perth. ERV. ARV. Carve De-serve Pre-serve Re-serve Con-serve Serve Nerve. ESS. Besse Blesse Ex-cesse Chesse Addresse Re-dresse Guesse Jesse Lesse Messe Op-presse Re-presse Ex-presse De-presse Sup-presse Yes Di-stresse Re-gresse Di-gresse In-gresse Pro-fesse Con-fesse ESE. v. EAS. ESH. Flesh Fresh. EST. Best Blest Brest In-cest Chest Crest Ad-drest Re-drest Pro-fest Con-fest Hest Jest Guest Lest Nest Ex-prest Op-prest Re-prest De-prest Sup-prest Rest Inte-rest Quest Di-strest Test Pro-test De-test Con-test In-vest De-vest West Wrest. ET. v. EAT. Bet Debt Counter-fet Fret Get Jet Let Pet Set Wet Whet Yet. ETCH. v. EACH. Fetch Stretch Retch Wretch ETH. v. EATH. EVE. v. EAVE. EW. Blew Chew Crew Dew Flew Hew Jew Knew Few Sew Shew Shrew View. Yew. EX. v. ECK. Rex Sex Vex. EY. Key Weigh Whey. I. Y. IE. Eie I By Buy Cry Die Dry Fie Fly Fry Guy Hie High Lie Ly My Nigh Pie Com-ply Re-ply Im-ply Prie Rie Sigh Shie Skie Slie Spie Stie Tie Thigh Thy Try Vie Why Wry IB. Bib Crib Gib Glib Lib Rib Snib Squib Tib. IBE. Bribe Gibe Kibe Scribe Tribe In-scribe De-scribe Circum-scribe Sub-scribe Pre-scribe Tran-scribe ICE. ISE. Circum-cise Pre-cise Cries Dice Para-dise Sacri-fice Suf-fice Eies Flies Fries Frize Dis-guise Grice Hies Lice Tyran-nize Mice Nice Pies Preci-pice Plies Price Com-prize Rice Rise Size Sice Des-cries Skies Slice Spice Sties In-tice Thrice Trice Twice Vice. Ad-vise De-vise Wise. ICH. v. ITCH. Rich Which. ICK. Brick Chick Dick Flick Kick Lick Nick Pick Prick Quick Sick Stick Tick Thick Trick. ID. Bid Chid Did Hid Kid Lid Mid Rid Strid. IDE. A-bide Bride Chide Cryed Dyed Dryed Cruci-fied Fryed Glide Hide Be-lied De-nyed Ap-plyed Re-plyed Com-plyd Im-plyed Pride Pryed Ride Side De-scried Slide Spied Stride Tide Tryde Vied weighd Wide. IDGE A-bridge Didge Flidge Ridge IFE. Fife Knife Life Rife Strife Wife. IFF. Cliffe Quiffe Sriffe Whiffe IFT. Drift Fift Gift Lift Quift Sift Shift Rift Swift Thrift Whift. IG. Big Dig Fig Gig Jig Lig Pig Trig Twige Whig. IGH. v. IE. IGHT. v. ITE. IKE. Dike Hike Pike Spike Strike. ILE. Bile Recon-cile Croca-dile De-file Ile Be-guile Mile Nile Com-pile Sile Smile Stile Tile Vile Wile While ILL. Bill Chill Dill Drill Fill Gill Hill Kill Mill Nill Pill Quill Rill Shrill Skill Spill Squill Still Swill Till Thrill Trill Will ILD. ILL. EILD Build Filld Gild Killd Milld Pilld Skilld Spilld Stilld Swilld Tilld Trilld Willd. ILDE Recon-cil'd Child De-fil'd Be-guild Com-pil'd Smil'd Stil'd Til'd Wilde. ILK. Milke Silke. ILM. v. EIM. ILT. Built Guilt Gilt Milt Quilt Spilt Tilt Wilt. ILTH. v. ELTH. Filth. Tilth. IM. Brim Dim Gim Him Limb Prim Rim Skim Swim Trim. IME Chime Crime Grime Lime Prime Slime Rime Time. IMP. Gimp Limp Pimp Shrimp IN. Bin Blin Chin Din Fin Inne In Gin Be-gin Grin Kin Lin Min Pin Sin Shin Skin Spin Thin Tin Twin Win. INE. Concu-bine Colum-bine Brine In-cline De-cline Chine Dine Fine Kine Line Mine Nine Pine De-signe Re-signe Shine Shrine Swine valen-tine Thine Trine Twine Di-vine Wine Whine Whrine INCE. INS. v. IN. Prince Mince Quince Rinse Since Convince Wince. INCH. v. ENCH. Finch Inch Pinch Stench Winch. IND Friend Grind Lind Pin'd Sind Skind Spind. INDE Binde Blinde In-clin'd De-clin'd Din'd Finde Grinde Be-hinde Lin'd Kind Minde Pin'd Rinde De-sign'd Re-sign'd Shin'd En-shrin'd Twin'd Winde Whin'd Whrin'd ING. Bringe Clinge Dinge Fling Hinge King Ling Ring Sing Sling Spring Sting String Swing Thing Wing. INGE Cringe Fringe Hinge Singe Swinge Re-venge. INK. Brink Blink Cinque Chink Drink Linke Pinke Sinke Shrink Slink Stink Be-think Twink Wink. INS. v. INCE. INT. Dint Flint Hint Lint Mint Splint Squint Stint Im-print IP. Chip Clip Dip Hip Lip Nip Pip Quip Rip Sip Ship Skip Slip Snip Strip Tip Trip Whip. IPE. Gripe Pipe Ripe Snipe Stripe Type Tripe Wipe. IPS. v. IP. IPT. Chipt Clipt Dipt Hipt Quipt Ript Sipt Shipt Skipt Slipt Snipt Stript Tript Whipt IR. v. ER. Firre Mithe Sir Be-stirre. IRE. Buyer Brier Cryer Dire Drier Fier Flier Frier Ire Higher Hire Lyer Ad-mire Lyre Nigher Quire De-sire Shire Ex-spire Con-spire E-squire Re-tire At-tire Tryer Wire. IRK. v. ERK. IRL. v. ERL. IRN. v. ERN. IRP. v. ERP. IRS. v. ERCE. IRT. v. ERT. Dirt Girt Shirt Skirt Squirt IS: Is. Blisse Cis Dis Hisse Kisse Misse Pisse Swisse This Wis. ISE. v. ICE. ISH. Dish Fish Pish Rush Wish. ISK. Brisk Frisk Whisk. ISP. Crisp Lisp Whisp IST. Fist Exor-cist Grist Kist List Mist Wist In-fist Con-sist De-sist Per-sist Re-sist IT. Bit Chit Fit Flit Hit Kit Knit Nit Pit Ac-quit Sit Shit Slit Spit Split Tit Twit Wit Writ. Com-mit Ad-mit Sub-mit Re-mit. ITE. IGHT. Bite Bright Dight Fight Height Kite Knight De-Light Might Mite Be-Night Pight Plight Re-quite Up-right Over-sight Requi-site Oppo-site Shite Smite Spite Sprite Wight White Write Ex-cite In-cite Re-cite. ITCH. Bitch Beech Ditch Fitch Flitch Pitch Rich Stitch Swich Twitch Witch Which. ITH. Blith Lith Sith Tyth Wirh Writhe IVE. Dive Drive Five Give Gyve Hive Live A-live Con-nive De-prive Re-prive Rive Shive Shrive Slive Strive Thrive Wive. IX. v. ICK. IZE. v. ICE. O. v. OW, Doe-dough Foe Fro Goe Loe Moe Noe Po Roe So Shoe Sloe Throe To Toe Though Woe Wooe Who OB. Obe. Globe Job Robe. OACH. Bloach Broach Coach En-croach Loach Poach Ap-proach Re-proach. Roach. OAD. ODE. A Bode A-boad A-broad Goad Load Roade Rode Toade Trode Yode. OAK. OKE. Oake Broake Choke Cloke Croak Poak Soke Smoke Spoke Stroke In-voke Pro-voke Re-voke A-woke Yoke. OALE. OLE. Bole Coale Dole Foale Goale Hole Mole Pole Soale Sole Shoale Stole Whole OAM. OME. Foam Home Combe Roam Tome Womb OAN. ONE. One Bone Cone Drone Flown Gone Groan Hone Joan Loan A-lone Moan None Roan Shone Stone Tone Throne. v. Own. OAP. v. OPE. Ope Cope Coap Grope Hope Pope Rope Sope Scope Sloap Trope OAR. ORE. Oare Ore Boare Bore Core Doore Floore A-dore Be-fore Goare Glore Hoare Lore More Moores De-plore Im-plore Poore Pore Roare Soare Sore Score Shore Snore Re-store Swore Tore Wore Yore OARCE. ORCE. Oares Boares Course Doores A-dores Force Floores Goares Moores Poores De-plores Im-plores Roare Hoarse Source Scores Shores Snores Stores Whores Re-morce OARD. Board Bor'd Ac-cord Re-cord Af-ford Ab-hord Goard Gor'd Hoard Im-plor'd De-plor'd Por'd Roard ORD. Snor'd Sword Whor'd Word Lord. OB. Bob Cob Fob Rob Sob Throb. OCHT. v. OTCHT. OCK. OX. Block Brock Cock Clock Dock Flock Frock Knock Lock Mock Pock Rock Sock Shock Smock Stock OCKT. Blockt Cockt Flockt Knockt Lockt Mockt Rockt Stockt. OD. Cod Clod God Nod Plod Rod Sod Tod Trod. ODGE. Dodge Lodge OFF. Cough Doffe Goffe Scoffe Trough OFT. Cought Croft Dofft Oft Soft Scoft OG. Bog Cog Clog Dog Fog Frog Gog Hog Jog Log Pog OKE. v. OAK. OLE. v. OAL. OLL. Coll Doll Goll Loll Moll Poll Roll Scroll Con-troll Toll. OLD. Old Bold Cold Hold Mold Roll'd Sold Scold Ex-told Told Controll'd OLK. Folk Yolk. OLT. Bolt Colt Dolt Golt Polt Re-volt. OLVE. In-volve Re-volve Wolves OM. Comb Come Comm From Gom Some Plumb Tom Womb Whom OMP. v. OAM. Pompe Rompe. ON. v. OAN. Up-on Conne Donne Gone John None Wonne ONE. v. OAN. ONCE. v. OAN Once Sconce OND. Bond Conn'd Donn'd Pond Strond En-thron'd Bemoan'd Groand. ONG. Long A-mong Song Strong Thong Throng Wrong Young ONS. v. ONCE. ONT. v. OUNT. Front Wont. OP. Crop Chop Drop Fop Hop Knop. Lop Sop Prop. Shop Slop Stop Top. OPE. v. OAP. OPT. Chopt Cropt Hopt Lopt Propt Stopt Topt. OR. Or Dor Fore Nor ORE. v. OAR. ORCE. v. OARCE. Dis-course Re-course Force Horse Hoarse Remors Nource Source. ORCH. Porch Scorch Torch. ORD. v. OARD. ORGE. Forge Dis-gorge Goorge Scourge. ORK. Cork Fork Pork Stork Work York, ORLD. v. URLD. World Hurl'd Curl'd. ORM. Dorm Form Storm Worm. ORN. Born Corn Horn For-lorn Morn Mourn Scorn Shorn Sworn Torn Thorn Worn A-dorn ORN'D. A-dorn'd Horn'd Scorn'd Mourn'd. ORS. v. ORCE. ORT. Court Dort Ex-hort De-hort A-mort Re-port Trans-port Sort Short Sport Re-tort Ex-tort Wort. ORTH. Forth Worth. OS. Im-boss Cross Dross Goss Gloss In-gross Loss Moss Soss Toss. OSE. v. OZE. Chose -close Ens-close Di Dose Gloze Hose Lose Nose Pose Com-pose Ex-pose Re-pose De-pose Im-pose Trans-pose Sup-pose Rose Those Whose OAST. OST: Boast Im-bost Cost Crost Frost In-grost Host Lost Most Im-post Tost. OT. Blot Clot Got Grot Hot Jot Knot Lot Not Pot Plot Rot Sot Scot Shot Snot Spot Trot Wot. OTE. Boat Bloat Coat Doat Float Goat Groat Moat Note Oate Quote Rote Shote Smot Throat Vote Wrote OTCH. v. OCH. Botch Notch Scotch. OTH. Oath Both Broth Cloth Doth Froth Loth Moth Quoth Sloath Troth Wroth OW. Bow Bough Blow Brow Cow Crow Dow Flow Glow Grow Know How Low Mow Now Plow Prow Row Sow Show Shrow Slow Snow Bestow Strow Tow Thou Throw Trow Vow You. OWN. Own Blown Brown Clown Crown Down Drown Flown Frown Gown Known Grown Mown Re-nown Shown Town Thrown OX. OCK. Oxe Boxe Foxe Poxe OY Boy Coy Cloy In-joy An-noy De-stroy Toy Em-ploy OYD. Cloy'd En-joy'd An-noy'd De-stroy'd Voy'd OYLE. Oyle Boile Broile Re-coile Foile Moile Quoile Soyle Spoyle Toyle. OYLD. v. OYLE. OYLS. v. OYLE. OYNE. Foyn Groin Joyn Pur-loin. Coyn. OYNT. Ap-point Dis-appoint Un-joynt An-noynt OYS. v. OY. Choice Hoise Re-joyce Poize Voice. OIST Foist Rejoyc't Voic't OOD. Brood Food Mood With-stood Wood Woed. OOF. Hoof A-loof Re-proof Roof Scroof Woof. OOK. Book Brook Cook Hook Look Rook Shook Mis-took. OOL. Cool Fool Pool School Stool Tool OOM. Bloom Broom Coom Doom Groom Loom Rome Roome Tombe Womb. OON. Boon Moon Noon Spoon OOP. Droop Hoop Loop Poop Stoop Troop Whoop OOS. Boughs Loose Nooze Goose. OOT. Boot Foot Root Soot Shoot. OOTH. Sooth Tooth Youth OUCH. Couch Pouch Crouch Slouch Touch Dis-a-vouch OUD. Bowd Cloud Croud Flow'd Glowd Loud Mow'd Proud Shroud Vow'd OULE. Owle Bowle Cowle Fowle Howle Joule Poule Roule Soul Seroul Toule Con-troule OULD. v. OLD. Could Should Con-troll'd Would. OULT. v. OLT. OUND. A-bound Re-bound Crownd Drownd Found Fround Hound Pound Round Sound Stound Wound. OUNCE. Bounce Plounce Re-nounce Pounce Trounce. OUNT. v. OWN Ac-count Re-count Fount Mount. OUR. Our Bower Foure Flower Houre Lowre Power Pa-ra-mour Con-que-rour Poure Soure Shower Tower Toure De-vour Your. OUS. v. OW. Blouse House Louse Mouse Rouse Souse OUT. OUGHT. A-bout with-Out-through Oought Bought A-bout Brought Clout Doubt Drought Fought Flout Gout Lout Nought Pout Rout Sought Spout Sprout Stout Taught Thought Trout De-vout Wrought. OUTH. Grouth Mouth South Youth. OVE. A-bove Clove Dove Drove Glove Grove Love Move Ap-prove Re-prove Rove Shove Shrove Stove Strove. VB. Cub Chub Club Dub Grub Rub Scrub Shrub Snub Tub. VCE. VSE. A-buse Ac-cuse Ex-cuse Chuse Re-cluse Cruse Dues Re-fuse Con-fuse Dif-fuse Trans fuse Juyce Jewes. Luce Muse Newes Scrues Sluce Spruce Slues Truce Use. VCH. v. VTCH. VCK. Buck Chuck Duck Luck Muck Pluck Suck Stuck. VD. Bud Blood Cud Flood Good Hood Mud Sud Spud Under-stood Wood. VDE. Brewd Im-Breud Es-Chewd Con-clude Ex-clude In-clude Crude Feude Glewd Lewd Mued Re-new'd Rude Scru'd Shrewd Spu'd Stu'd Screwd In-trude Viewd. VDGE. Budge Drudge Grudge Ad Judge Snudge Trudge. VF. Buffe Cuffe Chuff Huffe Muffe Puffe Ruffe Stuffe Tough Through VFT. v. VF. VE. Blue Brue Cue Clue Ac-crue Due Drew Few Flew Glue Hiew Hugh Jew Knew Liew Mue Re-New Pue Rue Scrue Shew En Sue Slue Shew Spue Stue Stew Threw True View You. VG. Bug Dug Drug Hug Jug Lug Rug Shrug Tug Trug. VL. Bull Cull Dull Full Gull Hull Lull Mull Disa-null Pull Trull Wooll VLE. Mule Pule Rule Thule. VLD. Bulld Culld Dulld Gulld Lulld Mulld Disa-nulld Pulld. VLF. En Gulfe Wolfe. VLK. Bulk Hulk Sculk. VLS. v. VLLS. Pulse Repulse. VM. Bum Come Crum Dumb Drum Gum Hum Mum Numb Plum Some Scum Summ Swum Thumb Thrum Wombe Whom VMP. Bump Crump Dump Frump Lump Pump Rump Stump Thump Trump. VME. Fume Plume Rheum As-sume Pre-sume VN. Dun Done Gun Nun Run Sun Sonne Shun Spun Tun Won. VNE. Prune Tune. VNCE. VN. Dunce Once Nonce VNCE. Bunch Clunch Munch Punch. VND. Sund Shund Tund. VNG. Bung Clung Dung Flung Hung Lung Rung Sprung Stung Strung Swung Tongue Young. VNGE. Plunge Spunge. VNK. Drunk Monke Punk Sunk Shrunk Slunk Stunk Trunk VNS. v. VN. VNT. Blunt Bunt Fount Hunt Runt Wont VP. Up Cup Tup Sup. VR. Bur Blur Cur Furre De-murre Slur Spur Sire. VRE. In-ure Cure En-dure Al-lure De-mure Im-mure Pure As-sure Ob scure Skuer VRB. Curbe Di-sturbe VRCE. VRS. Dis-burse Curse Purse Worse. v. VR. VRCH. Birch Church Lurch. VRD. Bird Blurd Fur'd Surd Curd Slurd Spurd Sword Turd Word. VR'D. v. VRE. VRF. Scurfe Turfe VRGE. Forge Purge Surge Scourge Dis-gorge. VRK. Lurke Turke Work: VRLE. Curle Churle Hurle Purle. VRLD. Curl'd Hurld Purld World VRN. Burn Churne Mourne Spurne Turne Vrne. VRS. v. VR. VRT. Blurt Curt Durt Hurt Spurt Wort VS. Busse Trusse Us Thus. VSE. v. VCE. VSH. Bush Blush Brush Crush Flush Hush Gush Push Plush Rush Tush Thrush. VSK. Busk Husk Musk Tusk. VST. Bust Crust Dust Gust Just Lust Must Rust Thrust Trust UT. But Cut Gut Glut Nut Put Rut Scut Slut Stut Strut. VTE. Crute Flute Lute Mute Sute Dis-pute Re-pute Im-pute De-pute Com-pute. VTCH. Clutch Crutch Dutch Grutch Much Such Smuch Touch. VTH. Ruth Truth Youth. VX. v. VCK. VRST. Dis-burst Curst Durst First Nourst Worst. TO THE READER. READER, THou hast here, what some would count big enough to deserve the name of Booke, and give thee arguments from the indu­ stry in the compiling, and benefit in the use, to work thee to a liking, and extort thy appro­ bation. For my own part, if thou wilt be pleased to pardon the aspiring loftinesse of the title, and to consider for whom it was intended; Nec Suffae­ nus sum, nec inscribo Praxitelem. If thou find­ est any thing here either for thy pleasure or profit, thank not me, but the greatnesse of the volume: for could it have been easily transcribed, or any o­ ther way made generally usefull to all them for whose sakes I have principally taken this pains; it had neither troubled thee, nor the Presse: nor had I added one more to the numberlesse multitude of scriblers. Condemn it as unworthy the light in what words thou pleasest, and I shall owe thee thanks for giving my thoughts expression by thy language. If thou disapprovest it and art a wise man; I shall be too proud to know an understanding man of my judgement: if thou beest a foole, I shall not be very sory to see some hopes of an improve­ ment in thy judgement, by beginning in this to know what justly to condemne. If thou commendest any thing, whether thou beest wise or otherwise, I shall be so far from giving thee thanks, that I shall be halfe angry with thee, for so much crossing my expectation. Vale. Qui gravis es nimium potes hic jam Lector abire Quo libet---Mart. The Books principally made use of in the compiling of this Work. DUbart as works. Ben. Johnson. Brownes Pastorals. Randolphs Poems. Drayton. May's Lucan. Quarles divine Poems. Quarles divine fancies. Sandys Ovid's Metam. Sandys Paraphrase on the Canticles. Herberts Poems. Totthams Poems. Withers Poems. Orlando Furioso. Heywoods Dialogues and Dramms. Chapmans Homer. Overburies Characters. Balzacks Epistles. Cowleys Blossoms. Horace translated. Ovids works translated. Johnsonus Virbius. Spencers fairy Queen. Comedies and Tragedies, many. Quarles Solomons Recantation. Gomersals Levites revenge Sr. Philip Sidneys Arcadia Shakespeare Heywood of Angells. Carewes Poems. Danyel. Mayes Edward 3. Quarles Emblems. Quarles Argalus and Par­ thenia. Sandys of Christs passion. Habbingtons Castara. Sr. John Beamounts Poem. The valiant Bruce. Burtons Melancholy. Chapmans Hero and Leand. Blunts Characters. Massingers Secretary. Lovelace's Pastorals. Virgil translated. Cowpers Hill. Elegies on Mr. King. Chaucer. Aviso. Holydaies Persius Quarles Eclogues. Howels Instructions for foraine Travell. Howels vocal Forrest, and Englands Tears. Fullers Holy State. Dunns Poems. Malvezzi. Davenants Poems. Wallers Poems. Miltons Poems. Sandy's Paraphrase on Iob. Sandy's Paraphrase on Psalmes, Ecclesiastes, &c. The ENGLISH PARNASSUS. Aaron. SAcred, mitred, holy, blessed, grave, priestly, pious. Abbey. Rich, wealthy, cloysterd, monkish, religious, old, antient. Abbot. Old, antient, religious, cloysterd, recluse, mitred, reverend, regular, grave, humble, devotious, retired, zealous, abstemious, monkish. Abraham. Obedient, aged, old, prudent, faithfull, blessed, wise, devout, pious, godly, religious, reverend, sage, grave, holy. Absence. Envious, long, prolonged, tedious, unwelcome, constrained, forgetfull, oblivious. Abstinence. Sober, thrifty, honest, frugall, cleanly, chast, lent-like, spa­ ring, chearfull, healthy, wholesome, temperate. Absurdity. Foolish, dotish, clownish, sortish, repugnant, contradictious, grosse, great, improper, ridiculous, incredible, simple, ignorant. Abuse. False, deceitfull, ignorant, vain, malicious, grosse, injurious. Abysse. Gaping, yawning, dreadfull, profound, devouring, darke, in­ satiate, covetous, deepe, vast, dangerous, affrighting, low, dark, unfathomed, hideous, obscure, hellish, dismal, wide, open. Accents. Sweet, harsh, harmonious, well-tuned, wounding, killing, stabbing, dying, short winded, long winded, pleasing, delight­ full, sad, joyfull, mournfull, shrill, flat. Accident. Sodain, unexpected, unthought of, surprizing, casual, fatal, doubtfull, unhoped, unforeseen, usual, common, various. Accomplishment. Perfect, entire, wisht, final, happy, successefull, joyfull,for­ tunate, blest, desired, dispatcht, absolute, total, full. Accord. Peaceable, amiable, mutual, amorous, composed, unjarring, happy, uniting, sweet, gentle, friendly, agreeing, calme. Acheron. Deepe, profound, infernal, hellish, shady, sad, black, deadly, dismal, cursed, unhappy, greedy, devouring, flow, tormenting, flaming, burning, scalding, scorching, boyling, broyling, gloo­ mie, pitchie, joylesse. Achilles. Valourous, couragious, swift, warlike, stout, valiant, subtle, cruel, untamed, angry, hardy, fierce, doughty, inexorable, strong, great, brave, generous, willfull, furious, stormy, proud, undaun­ ted, implacable, violent, passionate, seaborn, stubborn, sturdy, unmooved, bloody, fearlesse. Acquaintance. Familiar, private, sociable, friendly, sweet, long, short. Acres. Rich, well tilld, fruitfull, fat, wealthy, flowry, hearby. Accuser. Odious, quarelous, envious, contentious, malitious, angry, hurtfull, hated, hatefull, shamelesse, litigious, importunate, un­ just, calumnious, loathed, black mouthd. Adam. Old, antient, first born, dust formed. Adamant. Hard, unrelenting, iron-drawing, subtle, lasting, enduring, uxorious, loving, wooing, courting, alluring, obdurate, uncon­ quered, solid, eternal. Adder, v. Snake, Serpent. Writhed, hissing, cold, poysonous, invenoming, long, gliste­ ring, swelling, biting, stinking, creeping, crawling, lurking, deadly, dreadfull, mischievous, crested, malicious, scaly, speckled, slippery, lybian, loathsome, folded, cruell, bowed, knotted. Adieu. Last, tedious, sad, grieved, sighed, loathed, lingering. Adonis. Brave, faire, beautifull, maiden, smooth-chind, neat, spruce, young, amorus, venereous, lovely, sweet, fresh, trimme, tender, soft, pittied, unhappy, deplored. Admonition. Wise, fatherly, christian, usefull, wholsome, healthy, cordial, sage, grave, timely, provident, carefull, prudent. Adventure. Hardy, bold, daring, improvident, doubtfull, casual, rash, sodain, brave, strange, happy, couragious, stout. Adversity, v. Affliction. Infortunate, pittied, calamitous, unhappy, deplored, hated, loathed, ruining, crushing, gauling, wringing, pressing, sad, black, usefull, tutoring. Adultery, Adulterer. Unchast, vicious, infamous, lascivious, odious, loathsome, secret, cautelous, wary, watchfull, nightly, base, lewd, lustfull, bestial, brutish, lawlesse, licentious, rammish, rampant, ranke, baudy, obscene, savage, injurious, neat, spruce. Advocate v. Lawyer. Mindfull, cautelous, wary, subtle, clamorous, eloquent, faire, spoken, knowing, skillfull, ready, consulting, dissembling, col­ loguinge, silver-griping, see, some, ingenious, witty, nimble, at­ tentive, long tayld. Ægypt. Memphian, fruitfull, hearbie, fertil, cornie, reedy, superstiti­ ous, ingenious, witty, swarthy, fat, mysterious. Aeneas. Pious, godly, religious, devout, doughty, hardy, stout, cou­ ragious, valiant, valorous, wandring, Trojan, perjured, fore-­ sworne. Æolus, v. Wind. Tempestuous, windie, bul-heckt, stormie, imperious. Aetna. Smokie, sulphureous, burning, flaming, fiery, Scicilian, dread­ full, vaulty, high, lofty, Trinacrian, vaporeous, unquenched, noysefull, belching. Æacus. Just, grimme, severe, grave, inexorable, unbribed, rigo­ rous, uncorrupted, unfeed, impartiall. Affaires. Important, urgent, importunate, pressing, weighty, great. Affection. v. Love. Vehement, passionate, hot, flaming, hearty, ardent, burning, unfathomd, unmeasurd, immense, great, adventurous, uncon­ trold, couragious, transporting, intrancing, willing, impati­ ent, amorous, disordered, inordinate, doting, blind, fond, officious, strong, obsequious, melting, zealous, tyrant, impe­ rious, wanton, untam'd, thoughtfull, carefull, soft. Affliction. Grievous, bitter, pressing, galling, grating, wringing, pain­ full, dolorous, cruel, hard, sad, rough, sharpe, sowre, insuppor­ table, deadly, vexing, cursed, unhappy, unwelcome, unwisht, laborious, wearying, hated, fretting. Affrica. Affrican. Scorcht, sandy, thirsty, monstrous, monster bearing, hor­ scalding, sweltering, spatious, large, wide, salvage, soultry, broyled, swarthy, tawnie, perfidious, light cloathed, cruel, fierce, rebellious, unfaithfull. Age. Gliding, slipperie, stealing, creeping, flying, swift, fleete, irrevocable, hating, envious, journeying, glib, feathered, wing­ ed, rolling, wheeling, riding, succeeding, encroaching, intruding, assaulting, invading, devouring, growing, running, galloping, light-foot, passing, hasty, nimble, swimming, speedie, leaping soft-foot, posting, spurring, swift-wingd, light-heeld, ambling, greedie, succeeding. Oldage, v. Old. Agate. Indian, precious, spotted, soveraigne, bright, Sicylian, shining, veinie, chearful, painted, streaked, checkerd, scorpion-hating, interlaced, motley, many coloured, chamfered. Agave. Theban, furious, mad, outragious, fierce, cruel, bloudie, raging, savage. Ajax. Unconquered, untamed, fierce, undaunted, couragious, vali­ ant, rash, headie, stout, furious, mad, warlick, sterne, hardy, cruell, valorous, strong, great, fearlesse, sturdy, fullen, grimme. Aire. Fleeting, guilded, pliant, spicie, glowing, sultry, scattered, boundlesse, diffused, dilated, un-inclosed, free, singing, whispe­ ring, yeilding, passive, mooving, whirling, chrystal, casing, in­ trenchant, unwounded, dewie, pressed, sounding, empty, win­ ding, swift, fleete, dispersed, nimble, breathing, shrugging, shapelesse, formelesse, soft, wandring, liquid, enlightned, ambi­ ent, transparent, stirring, buxome, subtle, lightsome, clear, thinne, moist, circumfused, light, rolling, open, beamie, slip­ pery. Aires. Soft, sweet, good, pleasing, enchanting, intrancing, soul mo­ ving, pious, gentle, harmonious, melodious, well-tuned, char­ ming, sprightly, delicious, soul-raping, sence-bereaving, warbling, lulling, syrenian, well composed. Alabaster. White, polisht, compact, clear, bright, shining. Alacrity. Ready, joyfull, chearful, swift, deliberate, speedy, active, nimble, lustie, industrious, youthful, pliant, flexible, briske, live­ ly, stirring, active, sprightly. Alarme. Dreadful, sodain, frighting, hot, martial, noyseful, clamorous, furious, astonishing, warlick, moving, tumultuous, unexpected, assaulting, turbulent, loud. Alcides. Valiant, furious, fierce, great, grimme, sterne, strong, wan­ dring, unconquered, warlike, bloody, v. Hercules, brawny, sul­ len, sturdy, sinewie. Alchymist. Alchymie. Juggling, deceitfull, cozening, cheating, subtle, industrious, potent. Alder. Tall, sea-loving, shadie, loftie, thirsty, sucking, pithy. Alderman. Dew-lapt, slow-pac'd, great ruft, grave, venerable, gowned, cor­ pulent, Lord-Maior-would-be, magisterious, supercilious, tun-bellyd, deliberate, gouty. Ale. Spicy, nappie, nut browne. Alecto. Furious, pitiless, black, mischievous, sad, sterne, grim, sul­ len, sturdy, impatient, balefull, poysonous. Alexander. Ambitious, victorious, insatiate, unconquered, undaunted, couragious, successefull, puissant, hardy, renowned, bold, war­ lick, great, mighty. Allurements. False, cheating, cozening, wary, sweet, flattering, soothing lovely, deceitful honyed, winning, wooing, traiterous, inticing taking, catching, attractive, drawing, mortal, deadly, licorish pleasing, luring, inveagling, syrenian, treacherous. Aloes. Odorous, Indian, black, bitter, strong, Arabian, fragrant. Altar. Burning, flaming, bleeding, smoaking, fat, vaporous, sacred, pious, religious, odorous, solemne, chast, holy, greasie, green, glittering, crowned, adored, marble, garnisht, impaled, priest­ ly, perfumed. Alpes. Cloudy, frozen, windie, cold, high, loftie, hilly, horned, stony, rockie, oakie, northern, proud, icie, snowie, open, naked, spati­ ous, shadie, desert, steep, snow-crownd, towring, craggie, rough, woody, leavie, cavie. Alum. White, icie, stony, chrystal, mineral, rockie, clear, salt, sowre, sharp, tart. Amazement. Dull, dead, wild, deepe, strange, stupid, stounding, sad, frigh­ ful, fearful, pale, astonishing. Amazon. Scythian, warlike, hardy, stout, cavaleering, cruel, fierce, au­ dacious, manly, masculine, bold, strong, Thracian, braving, one-papt, renowned, couragious, valiant, valourous, rash, heady, furious, raging, half-moon-shielded, antient, axe-bearing. Amber. Gummie, perfumed, sweet, fragrant, odorous, fat, greasie, li­ quid, gray, clear, yellow, shining, white, bright, hard, congea­ led, thin, subtle, transparent, unctious, aromarick. Ambrosia. Celestial, heavenly, divine, delicious, sugred, lovely, licorish, healthy, sweet, immortal, honey'd, soveraigne, savory, death-ex-­ pelling. Ambush. Close, lurking, seceret, private. hidden, traitorous, deceitful, surprizing, concealed. Ambition. v. Pride. Big, steepe, blind, vain, jealous, hasty, wild, hot, fearish, fiery, restlesse, unsatisfied, unlimited, lofty, unconfined, haughty, proud, unhappy, infortunate, tall, burning, careful, thoughtful, plotting, pale, impatient, highrooft, bold, audacious, daring, damned, en­ vious, greedy, curious, high, swoln, curious, towring, cankerd. v. Pride. Amethist. Wittie, purple, bright, violet, shining, beaming, blazing spark­ ling. Anarchie. Seditious, factious, disordered, unruly, distempered, confuted, injurious, impetuous, enormous, unbiassed. Ancestors. Honoured, sage, experienc'd, wise, reverend, preceding, grave, knowing. Anchor. Crooked, unweildie, fangie, toothed, hookie, sharpe, sharp­ tooth'd, biting, firme, sure, bowed, curbing, tenacious, writhed, fastning, locking, shackling. Anchorite. v. Hermite. Sullen, zealous, pious, devout, retired, devotious, religious, recluse, abstemious, lonely, melancholy, bookish, studious, sad, pensive, withered, aged, sequestred. Angells. Watchful, winged, glorious, blessed, perfect, celestial, heaven­ ly, divine beauteous, smoothfac'd, heaven-bred, bright-harnest. Anger. v. Rage Boyling, swelling, frantick, furious, raging, flaming, burning, enchested, passionate, waspish, impatient, red-lookt, inflaming, incensed, stormie, scarlet, moody, cholerick, wrathful, revengeful, chasing, foaming, hot, heating, sparkling, rash, blind, heady, disordered, sterne-visaged, giddy, flame-eyed, dizzy-eyed, ghostly, distempered, transporting, tempestuous, blustering, fierce, cruel, violent, impetuous, threatning, menacing, unbridled, untamed, mistaking, overseeing, frothy, implacable, pettish, bitter, rough, wild, stubborn, unruly, litigious, austere, dreadful. Angler. v. Fisher. Patient, cunning, ensnaring, treacherous, expecting, preying, impatient. Anguish. Pinching, griping, hard-sad, painful, grievous, killing, pres­ sing, wringing, extream, dolorous, doleful, gauling, heart-brea­ king, pensive, deep, mortal, pittied, bitter, impatient, gnawing, fretting, stabbing, smarting, torturing, tormenting, martyring racking, disquiet, heart-rending. Annals. Memorable, antient, long, immortal, historious, recording, e­ ternal, long-breathed. Ants. Busie, painful, industrious, active, nimble, stirring, la­ borious, swarming, numerous, frugal, thrifty, storming, laden, toyling, trooping, crawling, tugging, corne-biting, grain-bea­ ring, theeving, creeping, slender, grain-supporting. Anthems. Religious, pious, melodious, harmonious, entrancing, soul­ rapping, ravishing, celestial. Antiquity. Unpartial, sage, grave, wise, rusty, musty, moldie, dusty, gray, hoary, aged, experienc't, prudent, noble, reverend, venerable, faithful, honoured, annal'd, silver-haired. Ape. Toyful, toyish, sportive, gamesome, nimble, active, phanta­ stical, sprightly, counterfeiting, mimick, dissembling, crafty, wise, imitating, moving, mumping. Apennine. High, cold, naked, old, hoary, lofty, oakie, snowie, vast, stony, rockie, icie, hilly, craggie. Apostle. Holy, blessed, divine, faithful, glorious, many-tongued. Apollo. Beautious, unshorne, fair-haired, yellow-haired, Amber-trest, pleasant, blith, neat, buxome, rosy, divine, laureat, quivered, bea­ ming, glorious, radiant, smooth chin'd. Apostacy, Apostate. Damned, curst, hellish, false, faithlesse, perjured, revolting, unruly, irregular, infamous, vicious, rebellious, voluptuous, mu­ tinous, debaucht, dissolute, wretched. Apothecary. Druggie, hearbie, expert, simpling, industrious, hopeful, art­ ful, drug-tongued. Apparel. Sumptuous, magnificent, costly, pompous, gorgeous, neate, trim, spruce, handsome, delicate, rich, gay, gaudie, fashionable. Apples. Dangling, blushing, vermilion, sweet, delicious, yellow, gol­ den, hanging, juycie, roseate, fragrant, odorous, round, wild, swelling, pendent, ripe, tast-pleasing. Appetite. Ranging, insatiare, delicious, unsatisfied, hungry, greedy, gluttonous, desirous, unbridled, untamed, baring, devouring, ar­ dent, unruly, disordered, covetous, insatiable, voluptuous, judi­ cious, gurmandizing, wolvish, sensual, craving, lingring. Apprentice. Sowre, young, novice, unexpert, untaught, tutor'd, unexperi­ enc't, simple, rude, ignorant, learning, saucie, unruly. Apricot. Velvet, dangling, delicious, tast-pleasing, hanging, lurking, soft, hairie, yellow, golden, woolly. April. Flowrie, grassie, verdant, sunnie, chearful, gladsome, amorous, springing, pleasant, delightful, vernal, lively, lovely, smiling, youthful, teeming, wealthy, rich, fruitful, lusty, fragrant, bloom­ ing, budding, blithe, quickning, jocund, buxome, gleesome, merry, pregnant, bridal. Arabia, Arabian. Hot, perfumed, theevish, unchast, happie, fruitful, spicie, wild, salvage, odorous, aromatical, fertile, palm-bearing, rich, wealthy, hot, sweltering, soultry, painted, mitred, remote, un­ shorne. Archer. Quiver-bearing, ayming, warlick, sinewie, strong, ready, ar­ rowing, quick-sighted, pricking. Arbour. Flowrie, tusted, leavie, shadie, cooling, covert, thick, branchy, spreading, coole, silent, screening, refreshing, grassie, green, thick-­ set. Argonautes. Famous, valient, proud, adventurous, stout, hardy, Jasonian, conquering, Ænionian, couragious, Pelasgian, Grecian, bold, au­ dacious. Argument. Subtle, strong, undoubted, confirming, sure, true, false, glo­ reing, inferring, concluding, conclusive, succinct, ergoing, grave, enforcing, slight, rational, authentick, perswading, rational, pro­ ving, probable, satisfying, discoursing, disputing, wrangling, litigi­ ous, contending, undenied, faith-begetting, knotty, easy, hard, opposing, unanswered. Armes of the body. Encircling, twining, clasping, embracing, winding, ivory, gras­ ping, enclosing, yoaking, twisting, twining, sinewie, strong, snowie, brawnie, hugging, fleshie, puissant, valiant, rigorous, veinie, ner­ vous, laborious, toyling, wielding, victorious, extended, industri­ ous, active, working. Armes. Armour. Clashing, clattering, ratling, sounding, angry, warlick, bloody, murthering killing, invasive, offensive, defensive, manly, flaming, sparkling, victorious, conquering, glistering, shining, revengeful, noble, hreatning, menacing, dreadful, destroying, warlick, mar­ tial, unhappy, hurtful, noyseful, tumultuous, jarring, furious, fast, powerful, raging, injurious, devouring, odious, abhorred, detested, hated, trembling, bright, violent, impetuous, mortal, hostile, deadly, cruel, rebellious, fatal, rigid, blood-thirsty. Armie. Numerous, great, puissant, powerful, martial, dreadful, furious, hostile, revengeful, strong, embattelled, conquering, victorious, resolved, couragious, adventurous, bold, thundering. Aristotle. Learned, knowing, industrious, subtle, knotty, famous, wise, grave, divine, eloquent, piercing, judicious. Art. Artizan. Artist. Careful, elaborate, laborious, industrious, studious, curious, running, learned, knowing, expert, experienc't, profitable, con­ ducing, witty, ingenious, judicious, piercing, quick-sighted, ready, active, nimble, subtle, noble, famous, honoured, esteemed, in­ structed, commendable, praiseful, deviceful, quick, inventive, vi­ gilant, early, working, sweating. Arrogance. Frothie, skie-towring, proud, presumptuous, over-weening, self-­ conceived, aspiring, audacious, bold, adventurous, rash, shame­ less, unblushing, stubborn, vaunting, bragging, threatning, at­ temptive. v. Pride. Arrow. Barb'd, bearded, deadly, mortal, poysoned, winged, fatal, piercing, singing, deathful, whistling, whirling, thrilling, sharp, pointed, poynant, wounding, killing, trembling, flying, flutte­ ring, shivering, quivering, digging, sharpned, darted, wingie, Cretian, light-wing'd, swift, swift-pac'd, light-foot, norched, forked, light, Thessalian, Scythian, Thracian, gal-dipped, Par­ thian, Sidonian, cruel, revengeful, speedie, showring, towring, Armenian, sodain, slender, martial, warlick, harmful, brandisht, blood-thirsty, bloodie, impetuous. Asia. Fertile, fruitful, rich, vast, wealthy, spatious. Asse. Tardie, lasie, sleepie, drowzie, sluggish, loytering, slow-pac't, dull, heavie, long eard, cold, chilly, suffering, loadned, patient, pack-bearing, braying, cold-fearing, shivering, quivering, trem­ bling, sottish, lumpish, broadnosed, stiffe-haired, sluttish. Ash. Thick-leaved, tall, shady, snake-hated, rugged, barren, aged, solid, leavie, trembling, quivering. Ashes. Rude, smothering, pale, peaceful, quiet, sad, mournful, re­ pentant, warme, light, hot, hollow, black, trembling, thinne. Aspe. Deadly, poysonous, dangerous, fatal, dull, frighted, dreadful, inflamed, venemous, Ægyptian, drowsie, swelling, sleep-causing. Aspect. Tragical, mild, benigne, favourable, smiling, sad, lowring, frowning, maligne, unhappy, unluckie, envious, sterne, grimme, malicious, gratious, happy, prosperous, successeful, friendly, un­ frienly. Astonishment. v. Amazement. Atchievements. Brave, glorious, great, famous, happie, adventurous, bold, pro­ sperous, stour, valiant, valourous, couragious, generous, ver­ tuous. Atheists. Dull, desperate, dissolute, faithlesse, audacious, heady, daring, rash, presumptuous, adventurous, godlesse, damned, cursed, re­ probate, wicked, impious, vitious, voluptuous, mercilesse, cruel, bloody, wretched. Athens. Learned, ingenious, wel-lettered, studious, industrious, famous, Palladian, fertile, fruitful, towrie, lofty, ancient, eloquent. Athos. Vast, Æmonian, craggie, ragged, icie, Atlas. Heaven-bearing, skie-propping, cold, rough, icie, old, aged, craggie, pine-bearing, Lybian, cloudie, cloud-kissing, heaven-&#shy; knocking, heaven-brushing, star-sweeping, hideous. Atomes. Small, flying, un-divided, un-numbred, wandring, little, dwar­ fish. Attention. Soft, still, silent, quick, obedient, patient, humble, pliant, willing, yeilding, silent, reverent, submisse, officious, obsequious, thirsty. Attempt. Bold, rash, vain, presumptuous, proud, arrogant, daring, brave, glorious, base, valiant, couragious. Avarice. Orsurious, pernicious, cruel, blind, cursed, wretched, detested, abhorted, odious, hateful, ravenous, devouring, impious, vile, base, filthy, loathsome, dishonest, servile, slavish, presumptuous, hoarding, sparing, pinching, griping, raping, greedy, damned, thirsty, gouty, insatiate, stanchlesse, eating, heart-enthralling, muck-worme, mudling, toylesome, laborious, careful, nasty, slut­ tish, scraping, penurious, needy. Augur. Augurie. Learned, knowing, foretelling, sooth-saying, auspicious, luckie, unluckie, happie, divine, lying, presaging, fore-seeing, foreknowing, fatal, jugling, cunning. Auster. v. Wind. Moyst, cold, clowdie, raging, furious, uncertain, deceitful, im­ petuous, swift, speedy, dull, strong, rainie, showrie, watrie, swel­ tring, soultry, remorselesse, black boysterous, cruel, noxious, grim, tempestuous, blasting. Autumn. Wine-pressing, grapie, morst, teeming, aguish, wealthy, lux­ uriant, unhealthy, diseaseful, feavourish, bare, naked, durty, tree-stripping, maturer, sober, yellow, abundant, fruitful, gray, ripe, sun-burnt, mellow, hoary. Aw. Obsequious, humble, obedient, respectful, respective, stern, reverential, princely, grim, majestick, grave, fearful, cowing, re­ verent, restraining, bridling, servile, slavish. Awle. Long, pointed, sharp, industrious, searching, handled, work­ ing. Axe. Sharp, heavie, bloodie, blood-thirsty, edged, sacrificing, heaved, wounding, rigid, dreadful, avenging. Ayd. Succouring, propitious, helpful, friendly, comforting, success­ ful, timely, charitable, auspicious, supplying. B. Babe. SUcking, smiling, whining, harmelesse, simple, soft, toyish, gamesome, pettish, sportive, puling, unpractised, touchie, sillie, blooming, crying, tender, easie, credulous, foolish, young, an­ gry, waspish, plump, fleshie, weak, nesh, fumbling, prating, stam­ mering, swathed, cradled, go-by-ground, soon-pleased, soon-per­ swaded, puppit-dandling, imitating, apish, twatling. Babylon. Ancient, proud, wealthie, spatious, rich, populous, Ægyptian. Bacchus. Frolick, thrice-bearing, Theban, martial, thigh-borne, re­ freshing, cheering, drunken, merry, esteminate, warlick, wine­ pressing, Jonian, horned, vine-dressing, ox-eyed, furious, raving, raging, ivie-crowned, Hymenean, care-killing, revengeful, disso­ lute, childish, plump, blyth, buxome, gamesome, sportive, toyish, babling, apish, sottish, silenian, Semelean, youthful, Indian, free, valiant, grape-crowned, chub-cheekt, twice­ borne, adventurous, wanton, sacred, generous, goatish, Mæonian, Thyonean, Bassardian, shamelesse, immodest, fair-hair'd, bright-hair'd, faire-crest, fire borne, feastful, roseate, beardlesse, smooth chind, frothie, lightsome, delicious, briske, stammering, reeling, spungie, twatling. Baies. Fresh, immortal, triumphant, victorious, glorious, Phæbean, Parnassian, crackling, sacred, chast, virgineous, maiden, broad-­ leav'd, green-leav'd, peaceful, crowning, shadie, leavie, soft, moist, verdant, prophecying, learned, tufted, storm-contemning, Baite. Calling, luring, provoking, training, treacherous, syre­ nian, inveagling, pleasing, wooing, courting, licorish, deadly, mortal, drawing, attractive, pasted, taking, enticing, traytorous, alluring, honeyed, deceitful, lovely, soothing, flatering, inviting, sweet, wary, cheating, false, wanton, soft, cozening. Baldnesse. Smooth, thin-haired, slick, aged, naked. Ball. Round, light, sportive, gamesome, bandied, Balme. Easterne, odourous, sweating, ambrosial, delicious, muskie, ro­ seate, astringent, pretious, genial, fragrant, breathing, aromatick, spicie. Banishment. Sad, cold, detested, abhorred, loathed, uncomfortable, hard, wo­ ful, wretched, bitter, wandring, unhappy, ignominious. Bankes. Flowrie, shadie, lilly-paved, sedgie, hollow, winding, spongie, reed-crowned, traytorous, pregnant, frothy, foaming, sandie, shelving, thirsty, sucking, verdant, herbie, craggie, grassie, hem­ ming, mossie, fringing, river-edging. Banner. v. Ensignes. Waving, royal, streaming, martial, threatning, flowing, rufling, whistling. Banquet. Feastful, costly, delicious, ambrosian, gladsome, sumtuous, mirthful, buxome, frolick, ioyous, luxurious, sweet, pleasant, genial, voluptuous, fat, full-rabled, high-feeding, nectarean, mer­ ry, royal, superfluous. Barbary. Superstitious, savage, cruel, brutish, inhumane, bloodie. Barke. Rugged, wrapping, imbracing, knottie, porous, casing, cloath­ ing, tender, withered, wrinkled, hollow, pimpled, rifty, stiffe, ray, aged, weather-beaten. Bark. v. Ship. Barking. Shrill, frothie, foaming, balling, rayling, dreadful, hideous, grinning, yawling, howling, hoarse, yelling, frantick, furious. Bat. Ambiguous, neutral, melancholy, night-flying, whistling, low­ flying, twilight, limber-winged, milkie. Bath. Hot, cherishing, wholsome, cleansing, sweating, refreshing, healthy. Battell. Furious, bloody, blood-thirstie, cruel, warlick, slaughtering, dreadful, murthering, thundering, deadly, dangerous, adventu­ rous, impetuous, outragious, doubtful, unhappy, fierce, hot, an­ gry, rugged, dreary, surly, strifeful, smoakie, tumultuous, blood-­ sucking, stormy, devouring, rustling, distresseful, sullen, gloomie, rageful, pernicious, blood-flowing, feral, mournful, sad, dis­ quiet. Bawde. Immodest, impudent, shamelesse, enticing, alluring, training, youth-corrupting, old, drunken, infamous, bibbing, loathsome, painted, lustful, gratish, rampant, brutish, beastly, itchie, ram­ mish, pockie, lascivious, obscene, leprous, strumpetting, brocheld, withered, writheld, trecherous, odious, twatling, lying, slie, cun­ ning. Beagle. Yelping, quick-nosed, ranging, well-sented, hungry, greedie, swift, speedie, pursuing, chasing, eager. Beake. Crooked, hookie, wounding, piercing, filching, pilfering, chat­ tering, sharpe, hornie, pointed, pecking. Beams. Glowing, disheveled, majestick, bristling, scattered, garish, gau­ die, dazeling, flaring, radiant, piercing, chearful, golden, life-in­ fusing, bright, beauteous, transpiercing, sparkling, conquering, victorious, thirstie, parching, scorching, burning, flamie, supping, licking, exalted, instructive, thawing, melting, dissolving, uncer­ tain, enlightned, waving, glistering, clear, painted, shining, glit­ tering, subtle, limber, wandering, guilded, deying, tavelled, jag­ ged, dispersed, chearing, blushing, streaming. Bean. Hard, windie, flatuous, black-pated, codded, husked, hulled, pale, spotted. Beard. Bushie, bristly, needle-pointed, dagger, spade, trim, spruce, near, grave, twirled, forked, growing, hoarie, twisted. Beare. Pannonian, pawing, ruthless, salvage, rugged, Russian, rave, nous, devouring, shaggie, nasty, hoarse, Lybian Caledonian, hairie, cruell, bloody, deformed, ugly, Numidian, fierce. Eremanthian, dim-sighted, hungry, rough, drowsie, sleepy, lazie, thievish, preying, Arabian, gluttonous, mis-shapen, ranging, fierce, grim. Bear North-star. Cold, icie, bright, shining, sparkling, Northern, Parrhasian, free-­ Erymanthian, Menalian, chill, rugged, frosty, bleak, stormie. Bear, drink. Strong, muddy, headie, frothy, windy, flatuous, tipling, small, thin, weak, stinging. Beast. Surly, savage, cruel, ranging, wood-haunting, bloody, fierce; grimme, nasty, rough-haird, shaggie, ravenous, devouring, greedy, wandring. Beatitude. Coveted, desired, wisht, sublime, glorious, perfect, fresh, accom­ plisht, lovely, divine, triumphant, celestiall, downy, holy, loftie, high, angelicall, supream, immense, soft, unfathomed, unmeasured, flowry, verdant, joyfull, enamouring, endless, entrancing, ravishing, heavenly. Beautie. Smiling, Enamouring, perswasive, wooing, courting, taintless, untainted, spotless, unspotted, unsullied, clear, bright, shining, glit­ tering, lascivious, wanton, delicious, intermingled, radiant, beamie, sparkling, inflaming, attractive, entrancing, inchanting, charming, garish, gloring, fresh, chast, dazling, flaring, brittle, murdering, assayling, imperious, commanding, alluring, inticing, assayl­ ing, imperious, alluring, inticing, killing, unexampled, un­ patternd, unpararelld, blazing, winning, soul-invading, heart-­ wounding, prompting, unexpressive, bewitching, captivating, rose­ ate, piercing, glorious, divine, exquisite, celestiall, transparent, de­ cent, neat, spruce, trimme, comely, pleasing, magnetick, eye-­ delighting. Bed. Easefull, peacefull, snorting, downy, refreshing, drowsie, sleepie, soft, lazie, idle; wanton, lascivious, sportive, gamesome, Geniall, ve­ ereous, dallying, swelling, yielding, reposefull, quiet, silent, dark­ erne, shrowding, burying, encurtain'd, garnish't, quilted, sociable, fiendly, amorous, secret, fruitfull. Bee. Tugging, industrious, laborious, slowre-sucking, swift, honey-­ bearing, yellow, humming, burring, busie, thriving, thriftie, suck­ ing, active, painfull, early, laden, flowre-robbing, profitable, hired, raw-housed, hie, blean, wanton, quick, nimble, tawnie, slender, carefull, robbing, stealing, theeving, theevish, ingenious, witty, gilded, working, waxie, cleanly, spotted, powdered, pinked, greedy, sucking, stinging, preying, sedulous, Gecropian, Athenian, chast, fanging, forraging, despoyling, sprightfull, fellonious, filching, pilfering, chymick. Beech. Goodly, spreading, branched, shadie, open, leavie, loftie, towring, aspiring, mast-bearing, tufted, thick growing. Beef. Salt, fresh, powdered, fat, lean, well-fed, lustie, fatning, strength­ ning. Beesom. Sweeping, cleansing, cleanly, twiggie, spriggie, bushie, homely. Beetle. Blind, dull, sharded, black, buzzing. Beggar. Stragling, needie, starved, poor, cold, neglected, contemned, nastie, naked, lowsie, ragged, tattered, unclothed, penurious, craving, vile, un-regarded, dis-respected, scorned, flouted, jeered, whining, poore, caitiffe, wretched, lank-bellied, thin-gutted, ill accoutred, slovenly, uncleanly, sordid, patched, clouted, botched, knavish, sturdie, lubberly, impudent, shameless, mangie, scabbie, itchie, scald-headed, scraping, scrap-gathering, bawling, torn, ro­ guish, budger-bearing, weeping, wailing, complaining, unbutto­ ned, unbraced, untrussed, gluttonous, hungry, greedy, devouring, theevish, filching, pilfering. Belides. Cruel, savage, bloody, butchering, murthering, inhumane, wicked, cursed, damned, unhappy. Bell. Sounding, tolling, rolling, ringing, warning, calling, assem­ bling, noyseful, speaking, tatling, twatling, talking, tinkling, waking. Bellie. Idle, lazie, craving, hungry, unthankful, hollow, soft, round, barking, plumpe, child-bearing, smooth, insatiate, rampant, co­ veting, greedie, gluttonous, windie, flatuous, fleshie, loose, de­ vouring, hanging, desiring, sensual, gourmandising, moist, capri­ cious. Bellowes. Breathful, puffing, whistling, panting, kindling, smoakie, flam engendring, hollow, windie, pursie, hoarse. swelling, whizzing. Bellowing. Loud, noyseful, rebounding, complaining, plaintful, mourn­ ful, threatning, affrighting, bemoaning, ruful, loftie, sad, fuming, smoakie, dreadful, redoubled, hoarse, resounding, ecchoed. Bellona. Bloodie, cruel, implacable, furious, warlick, angrie, savage, shrew, fierce, remorselesse, murtherous, dreadful, martial, casked, crested, rough. v. Mars. v. Warre. Benefit. Rich, liberal, free, large, ample, useful, fruitful, deserving, o­ bliging, engaging, binding, enslaving, welcome, courteous, friend­ ly, timely, officious. Benevolence. Mutual, loving, free, friendly, ready, gratious, cordial, hearty, courteous, liberal, affable, gentle patient. Berrie. Juycie, purple, bloodie, swelling, plump, smiling, blushing. Bill. v. Beake. Bile. Swelling, inflamed, angry, smarting, painful, rotten, stinking, aking. Billow. v. Wave. Flitting, bustling, stormie, brinie, surgie, waving, slimie, foam, trembling, churlish, dancing, tripping, panting, chiding, angrie, disquiet, wrathful, restlesse, crowding, thronging, posting, hasty, rising, suily, swelling, roaring, tumbling, rolling. v. Plura, Wave. Birch. White-rinde, tall, aspiring, loftie, strait, awing, dreadful, swing­ ing, mastering. Bird. Industrious, active, nimble, warme clad, nested, pearching, chattering, chirping, warbling, melodious, swift, downie, fea­ therd, tatling, pratling, wandring, stragling, winged, painted, sprightful, pecking, swimming, fearful, shril, recording, towring, Birdlime. Catching, shackling, entangling, ensnaring, clammie, sticking, holding, cleaving, imbracing, amorous, clasping, clinging, gluing, glutonous. Bishop. Sacred, venerable, aged, reverend, grave, sober, pious, learned, sage, prudent, discreet, holy, mitred, religious. Bit. Foamie, hated, curbing, restraing, ruling, stubborn, chasing, champed, taming, conquering, staying, bridling, pliant, slaverd, gingling. Bladder. Flatuous, puffed, windy, stinking, moist. Blade. Slicing, slashing, cutting, wounding, butchering, murthering, stabbing, piercing, sharpe, bloodie-pointed, keene, warlick, dread­ ful, victorious, thirstie, slaughtering, revengeful, reeking, goary, devouring, shining, glittering, biting, quartering. v. Sword. Blindnesse. Dark, dull, stumbling, fumbling, grosse, mistie, foggie, duskie, obscure, ignorant, erroneous. Blasphemie. Hellish, cursed, impious, ungodly, execrable, detested, out­ ragious, injurious, sacrilegious, horrible. Blessednesse. v. Beatitude. Blood. Lusty, reeking, crimson, wanton, dancing, sparkling, streaming, spinning, high, wrought, active, gushing, fluent, ruby, scarlet, pur­ ple, flushing, sporting, goary, sprightly, rising, damaske, frothie, hot, scalding, slowing, bubling, boyling, lavaltoing, capering, rolling. Bloome. Blossom. Bud. Virgin, maiden, verdant, vernal, springing, tender, infant, flow­ ry, early, sprouting, shooting, swelling, gaudie, painted, checkerd, tufted, pregnant, spicie, fragrant, enamel'd, perfumed, smiling, hope­ full, silver, fresh, lively, diapred, short-lived, growing, spreading, soft, velvet, wind-kissed, pride-streaked. Blot. Sullying, infamous, disgracing, fowling, slovenly, nasty, disfigu­ ring, deforming, speckling, freckling, durtie, filthie, spotting, stain­ ing, besmearing, defiling, soyling. Blue. Joyfull, lightsome, glittering, shining delightfull. Blush. Rosie, maiden, chast, virgin, shamefac't, modest, bashfull, betray­ ing, guilty, flushing, conscious, ruddy, purple, scarlet, carnation, vermillion, stammel, soft, fearfull, sanguine. Board. Greasie, feastfull, crowded, groaning, dish-bearing, oppressed, free, liberall, mirthfull frollick, furnisht, voluptuous, delicious, sumptuous, costly, wealthy, hospitable, geniall, daintie, lickorish, joyous, crowching, marshald, delicious, temperate, untemperate, devouring, glutonous, exalted, advanced. Boar. Chafed, foaming, tusked, bristled, sylvan, stiffe-haird, salvage, incensed, yellow, sturdy, angry, sullen, furious, mast-loving, bloody, gnashing, impetuous, rooting, furrowing, nasty, filthy, threatning, fierce, cruel, rough, wounding. Boat. Crooked, swimming, passing, wave-cutting, hollow, open, hurry­ ing, flying, swift-pac't, trackless. Bodie. Frail, weak, imprisoning, diseasefull, fleshie, voluptuous, sensual, earthly, sinewy, solid, feeble, soul-burying, soul-entombing, rotten. Boldness. Audacious, shameless, immodest, fearless, undaunted, unadven­ turous, couragious, proud, impetuous, disdainfull, daring, brave, hardy, presumptuous, presuming, impudent, unblushing, blinde, dangerous, pernicious, endangering, endamaging, impudent, in­ solent, heady, rash, unadvised, unwise, unhappy, peremptory, sawcy. Bondage. Galling, groaning, pressing, oppressing, enslaving, restraining, heavie, crushing, bruising, wretched, constrained, odious, slavish, servile, rigorous, infamous, laborious, toylsome, hard, shame­ full, burdenous, vile, miserable, detested, hated, abhorred, igno­ minious. Bone. Hard, ivory, solid, marrowie, hollow, pithie, firm, sharp, knotty, inclosed, flesh-cloathed, flesh-coated, hoary, white. Bone-fire. Joyfull, mirthfull, feastfull, frolick, applausive, flaming, night-­ enlightning, sparkling, sputtering, crackling. v. Fire. Book. Studious, industrious, learned, instructive, tutoring, silent tu­ tors, elaborate, mute-schoolmaster, treasuries of Knowledge, dumb-scholars, ingenious, wittie, communicative, imparting, vo­ luminous. Boreas, v. Wind. Gray-beard, icie, bleak, chill, cold, stormy, pinching, blustering, cold-mouth, ruffian, Ice bearded, Thracian, Northern, freezing, cloud-scattering, cloud-shattering, rough Scythian, gloomie, rigid, Samaritan, snowie, piercing, raging, impetuous, loud, tempestuous cruel, insulting, boysterous, sweeping, air-clearing, air-brushing, earth-shaving. Bosome. Hollow, boyling, soft, pregnant, warm, amorous, tender, delici­ cious, open, enchearing, cherishing, ambrosian, snowy, roseat, mus­ cly, ivory, enchesting, secret, flowry, swelling, maiden, virgin, enticing, alluring, inveagling, delightful, enamouring. Bosphorus. v Wave. Tempest. Groaning, bellowing, Thracian, stormy. Bounty. v. Benefit. Benevolence. Bough. Pregnant, hanging, laden, shadie, ratling, leavie, dangling, load­ ed, combrous, blooming, arched, tufted, intwining, twisted, spread­ ing, verdant, extended, winding, sprouting, branched, knotted, wa­ ving, trembling, luxuriant fruitfull, writhed, stragling, crooked, spatious, budding, handing, bending, leaning, stooping, declining, prickly, displayed, inter-woven, fragrant, teeming. Bow. Arched, twanging, writhed, crooked, Turkish, Lycian, Parthian, Scythian, bended, horned, stiffe, warlick, martial, stringed, mo­ thering, killing, ivory, vaultie, threatning, iturean. Bowle. Cup. Frolick, feastful, chearing, flowing, swelling, crowned, chirping. Bowle. Gamesome, round, luckie, turning, running, mooving, swift, rolling, smooth, sliding. Bowels. v. Entrailes. Knotted, twisted, secret, winding, seeking, gloomie, smoaking, trembling, fat, rumbling, hot, warme, breathing, soft, inwra­ ped, enclosed, enchested. Bowers. Delightful, pleasant, flowrie, shadie, leavie, fresh, tufted, secret, silent, sun-resisting. Boy. Gamesome, sportive, stirring, active, childish, foolish, sim­ ple, easie, toyish, credulous, soon-pleased, prating, saucie, apish. Braggar. Vaunting, lying, vainglorious, glorying, boasting, gallant, va­ poring, coyning, bravadoing. Bramble. Scratching, sharp-hookt, fruitlesse, idle, combrous, entangling, prickly, briery, bushie, bristlie, biting, catching, holding, rough, twisted, twining, tearing, rending. Braine. Pregnant, shallow, spungie, working, frothie, yestie, feeling, active, inventive, contriving, plotting, plodding, pliant, minting, coyning, discursive, nimble, roving, forging, active, teeming, wandring, shaping. Branch. v. Bough. Brasse. Ringing, solid, resounding, cleare, shining, glittering, glist­ ring, yellow, noyseful, resplendant, gingling, hard, sparkling, straw-coloured, corinthian, tinkling, Cyprian, flaming, lasting. Brawling. Unquiet, noyseful, hot, surly, sullen, tumultuous. Bravery. Flaunting, gallant, gaudie, painted, pompous, portly, compli­ mental, fantastick, affected, gorgeous, courtly, glittering, glamor­ ous, golden, sunnie, smiling, swelling, flashing, stately. Bread. Strengthening, nourishing, savorie, chipped, fatning, cru­ mie, crustie, life-susteyning. Breasts. Snowie, ivory, soft, alabaster, uberous, fluent, sagging, tender, stressed, swelling, milkie, hanging, flagging, lolling, dimpled, veinie, streaked, spicie, delicious, flowing, luxuriant, warme, coursing, azure, streaked. Breath. Ambrosian, muskie, rosied, perfumed, aire-perfuming, spicie, stinking, strong, poysonous, blasting, foggie. Bribe. Underhanding, close-fisted, corrupting, law-perverting, ore­ swaying, blinding, coveteous, injurious, unlawful, guilty. Brick. Babylonian, Ægyptian, well-bak't, hard-burnt, lasting, blush­ ing. Bride. Bridegroome. Blushing, mincing, spruce, trimme, neat, lovely, smiling, mo­ dest, stately, gaudie, gay, spritly, bashful, maiden, expecting, beautious, comely, eyes-attracting. Bridle. Waving, curbing, restraining, taming, frothie, foamie, sawing, staying, ruling, conquering, slavered, champed, gingling. Brier. v. Bramble. Bridge. Arched, bridling, damming, wave-rebounding, water-­ tossing. Brightnesse. Shining, radiant, beaming, flaming, sunny, fiery, trembling, twinkling, glittering, glistering, illustrious, enlightned, light-­ some, aire-guilding, resplendent, piercing, chearful, dazeling, eye-conquering, glorious. Brimstone. Sulphureous, fat, oylie, blue-flam'd, scalding, catching, stin­ king, smell-offending, choaking. Britains. Warlick, valiant, cold, northern, world-divided. Brooke. Murmuring, silver, snakie, sedgie, sable, bubling, rumbling, running, gurgling, whispering, sliding, gliding, rushie, silver-­ breasted, gushing, bank-dividing, christal, glassie, swelling, purling, winding, flowing, rumbling, rolling, rustling, grasse-­ fringed, mosse-fringed, grasse-margend, mosse-margend, trickling, skipping, wanton, amorous, uxorious, bank-kissing, bank-licking, stragling, wandering, pearly, weeping, wrigling, chiding, curled, fleeting, floating, dancing, posting, sullen, silent, muttering, smooth-sliding. Broom. v. Leesome. Brow. Smooth, sleeke, majestick, ivory, bashful, white, arched, stately, beauteous, comely, sparkling, vaulted, spatious, exalted, snowie, threatning, alabaster, furrowed, crumpled, puckered, frowning, low­ ring, scowling, plaited, unplaited, discontented, surly, sullen, clowring, stormie, tempestuous, smiling, supercilious, clear, joyful, polished. Bubble. Glassie, foamie, frothie, rising, swelling, shining, chrystal, brea­ king, gurgling, purling, silver, boyling, impostumed. Bucket. Thirstie, hollow, diving, drinking, swallowing Buckler. v. Shield. Bud. v. Bloome. Building. v. Tower. Bull Lusty, moody, raving, fallacious, lecherous, fuming, furious, sturdie, sullen, slow-pac'd, dewlapt, scowling, rough-browd, be­ lowing, brasse-hoov'd, bigge-bon'd, foaming, enraged, raving. Bullet. Way-enforcing, aire-rending, murthering, thundering, sodain, unexpected, varesisted, dead-striking, transpier­ cing, inevitable, unresisted, pernicious, killing, enflamed, fiery, irrevocable, unrecalled, impetuous. Bulrush. Muddie, straight, slender, picked, limber, smooth, unknotty, soft, moist, round, fruitlesse, pithie, barren, thirstie, sucking, drin­ king, sharpe-pointed, drooping, sullen, lowring, fennie, marish, spungie. Bulwark. Defensive, resisting, guarding, strong, advanced, raised, shiel­ ding. Burthen. Heavie, pressing, weighty, loading, massie, groaning, unwieldy. Bush. Entangling, shrubbie, humble, shadie, prickly, thornie, briery, dark, branched, scactered, grovie. Businesse. Active, stirring, industrious, laborious, disturbing, disquie­ ting, distracting, careful, tedious, working, urgent, pressing, weighty, pelting, Butcher. Greasie, bloody, slaughtering, mercilesse, pittilesse, cruel, rude, grim, harsh, sterne, sturdy, surly, burly, slicing, slashing, lent-­ hating. Butterie. Jolly, frolick, carousing, quaffing, bibbing, tipling, drunken, swimming, frothie. Butter. Soft, melting, yellow, cleaving, bread-kissing, bread-thatching. Butterflie. Gaudie, painted, mealy, guilded, courtly, swift, trembling, checkered, diaperd, silly, simple. Buttock. Round, plump, fleshie, soft, quaking, trembling. C. Cabbidge. TUfred, coated, leavie, squeezed, crispie, curled, tender, lim­ ber, folding, pleated, swellnig. Cable. Writhed, twisted, binding, puchie. Cake. Turned, savoury, delicious, sugred, spicie, honeyed. Calamity. v. Misery. Calfe. Fat, tender, sportive, frisking, wanton, leaping, silly, suckling. Calme Peaceful, quiet, smooth, slumbering, sleeping, Halcyon, smooth-­ fac't, smooth-cheekt, smiling, sleeke, sweet, pleasant, soft, repo­ sed; appeased, happy, sober, stayed, wavelesse, undisturbed. Calumnie. Biting, envious, black-mouth'd, malitious, wounding, false, detracting, defaming, injurious, subtle, crafty, wily, slie, base cunning, deceitful, forging, faining, coyning, devising, inven­ ting, tale-telling, cogging, glozing, colloguing, jealous, suspiti­ ous, reproachful, unhallowed Camamel. Yellow, sweet-smelling, odorous, sun-loving, pain-easing. Camelion. Aire-fed, abstemious, temperate, changing, jugling. Camel. Bunchie, towre-backt, bunch-backt, rough, ugly, deformed, supple-kneed, kneeling, crowching. Campe. Armed, warlick, martial, noiseful, dreadful, clamorous, pike-­ bristled, thundring, military, swarming. Canker. Creeping, infecting, loathsome, eating, fretting, consuming, uncured, contagious. Candle. Shining, burning, enlightning, selfe-consuming, melting, white-coated, flaming, slender, watchful, studious. Cannon. Thundering, thunder-mocking, fire-breathing, clamorous, noiseful, dreadful, stounding, sulphury, pernitious, murthering, flame-belching, wide-mouth'd, loud-voic't, mercilesse, resistlesse. Capon. Brawnie. Capricorne. Tropick, moist, cold, watry, fierce, showry, rough. Captain. Warlick, valorous, couragious, valinant, well-skill'd, experi­ enc't, prudent, politick, engineering, martial, wise, discreeter, deliberate, commanding, impetious, armed, honoured. Captivity. v. Bondage. Sad, sorrowful, slavish, dolorous, insupportable, barbarous, ty­ rannous. Carbuncle. Flaming, sparkling, fiery, shining, glistering, pearly, beamie, ra­ diant, burning, blazing. Cardinal. Scarlet, purple, red-hatted, long-bearded, grave, pompous, generous, honoured, wealthy. Care. Blood-drinking, blood-consuming, biting, swarming, thought­ ful, perplexing, studious, buzzing, boyling, jealous, waking, watchful, anxious, sollicitous, fretting, gauling, pressing, grin­ ding, cumbering, busie, weary, unquiet, disturbing, sullen, thor­ ny, stormie, flinging, obsequious, muddie, combrous, hoary-hea­ ded, griping, consuming, soul-killing, macerating, doubtful, gnawing, painfull, droyling, murthering, cutting, heart-woun­ ding, pricking, wannish, pale-fac't, wrinkled. Carkasse. Soul-lesse, stinking, loathsome, offensive, infectious, contagi­ ous, putrid, dull, dead, unmoving, rotten, noysome, fulsome, nasty. Carthage. Ancient, rich, proud, wealthy, populous, well peopled, Dido­ nian, famous, powerful, warlick, Libian, æmulous, Rome-envy­ ing, Sidonian, perfidious. Cassia. Flowry, ruddy, yellow, spice, flaming. Castle v. Tower. Towred, fensive, lofty, stately, exalted, mosse-grown, walled. Cat. Melancholy, solitary, mouse-chasing, hunting, theeving, spot­ ted, brinded, furred. Cates. Nocterean, ambrosial, delicious, eie-glutting, feastful, costly, delightfull, sumpruous, luxurious, superfluous, pleasant, tast-wa­ ving, tastful, tast-contenting, desired, palat-pleasing. Caucasus. Craggy, rockie, ragged, inhospitable, rough, cold, frosty, free­ zing, high-browd, vaultie, barren, unfrequented, burly, cliffie, lofty, towring, cloud-kissing, icie, Scythian. Cave. Shady, pitchie, hollow, vaultie, rockie, dark some, gloomy, for­ saken, somary, melancholy, uncouth, mossie, black, sad, unknown, silent, unfrequented, dark, desert, obscure, quiet, recluse, musty, nasty, filthy, dreadful, dennie, deepe, noysome, doleful, crooked, loathsome, lonely, sullen, dankish, smoakie, ragged, blind, savage, yawning, ecchoing, theevish, fustie. Cauldron. Boyling, seething, flaming, smoakie, burning, hollow, capaci­ ous, greasie. Cedar. Odorous, loftie, sappie, aged, tall, stately, strait, wind-laring, smooth, slicke, immortal, lasting, un-knotty. Cell. Darksome, melancholy, cloudy, lowly, silent, private. Censure. Judging, carping, rigorous, biting, severe, sharp, harsh, super­ cilious, hard, peevish, pettish, grumbling, muttering, haughty, snarling, lashing, invective. Centaurie. Two-shap't, furious, proud, cruel, shaggie, hairy, cloud-born. Cerberus. Barking, stigian, devouring, dreadful, howling, yelling, ga­ ping, snakie, viperous, watchful, foaming, surly, snarling. Ceremonie. Religious, devour, laudable, antient, solemne, received, pom­ pous. Ceres. Law-giving, golden-haired, wealthy, golden-eared, ingenious, dusty, torch-bearing, sheafie, yellow. Cesar. Victorious, couragious, undaunted, unconqered, warlick, am­ bitious, triumphant, dreadful, proud, attemptive, daring. Chaffe. Light, scattered, wind-driven, dispersed, useless, empty, fruit­ lesse. Chain. Binding, shakling, knottie, linkie, twisted, adamantine, ratling, dangling. Chaos. Disordered, dark, formeless, dull, ugly, empty, hideous, rude, desolate, blind, shapeless, undigested, confused, aged, black, old, Cimerian, obscure, gulphie, blended. Chaps. v. Jawes. Chaplet. v. Garland. Verdant, enamelled, diapred, flowrie, checkerd, enterlaced, lea­ vie, fragrant, roseat, triumphant. Chariot. Rosie, lofty, gorgeous, ratling, hurrying, wheeling, swift, spee­ die, triumphant, painted, pompous. Charmes. v. Magick. Powerful, inchanting, magick, Thessalian, mystick, muttered, mumbled, perplexing, hellish, imperious, commanding, learned, superstitious, exercising, potent, binding, forcing, ceremoneous, mysterious. Charity. Pious, melting, pittying, compassionate, refreshing, hearty, cor­ dial, Christian, holy, sacred, devout, relieving, heaven-ng­ ging. Charon. Stygian, inexorable, grim, sullen, surly, sad, coveteous, unre­ lenting, frowning, lowring, scowling, old, pale. Chastity. Spotles, cold, fruitless, unstained, lilly, snowie, untainted, un­ sullied, maiden, virgin, blameless, firme, uncorrupted, unrepro­ ved, unmooved, constant, white, pale, strict, strait-lac'd, vestal, fresh, holy, pious, untouched, impregnable. Chear. v. Cates. Cheater. Cogging, cunning, crafty, wily, subtle, slie, bold, deceitful, faw­ ning, flattering, fraudulent, shameless, abusive, injurious, slip­ string. Cheeke. Rosie, silken, bashful, roseate, smiling, lovely, delicious, temp­ ting, blushing, soft, smooth, plump, gentle-swelling, purple, beau­ teous, ambrosian. Cheese. Digestive, concocting, feast-closing, milkie, fresh, fat, old, moldie, hard. Cherrie. Blushing, plump, soft, tender, coral, vermillion, delicious, pleasant, lushious. Cherubin. Smooth fac't, smooth-cheekt, rosie-lipt, beauteous, winged, glo­ rious, celestial, joy-ravisht, silver-winged, golden-plumd, helmed. Chevalrie. Active, couragious, adventurous, warlick, renowned, glorious, atchieving. Child. Officious, obedient, gamesome, sportive, tender, pliant, wan­ ton, soon-perswaded, credulous, apish, toyish. Childhood. v. Infancie. Chimney. Smoakie, sooty, grimie, tall, strait, black. Chinke. Gaping, yawning, cranied, hollow, divided, parted, clea­ ving. Chinne. Dimpled, wagging, naked, well-thacht, hairie, slaver'd, hang­ ing, stubble, bushie, bonie. Choler. v. Anger. Chafing, foaming, haughty, testie, touchie, waspish, disdainful, revengeful, boyling, devouring, inflamed, incensed, yellow, passi­ onate, flaming, sodain, pale, angry, unsociable, unfriendly. Chronicles. Ancient, memorable, old, aged, faithful, recording, historious, studious, long-breathed, long-lived, immortal, lasting, never­ ending, eternal. Chrystall. Shining, transparent, clear, bright, glassie, smooth, sleeke, icie, slipperie, cold, azure, polisht, glistering, snowie. Chrysolite. Wise, sparkling, radiant, golden, beaming. Chymick. Industrious, ingenious, sweating, laborious, active, inventive, contriving, smoakie, subtle, nature-devesting. Cicero. Famous, eloquent, ambitious, wel-tongued, fine-spoken, per­ swasive, sweet-tongued, smooth, quaint, witty. Cindars Black, ashie, dead, cold, scattered, warme, smutchie, sootie, dy­ ing, sparkling. Circe. Charming, tempting, enchanting, decitful, transforming. Citie. Noble, wealthy, rich, throng, populous, full, courtly, near, complemental, many-peopled. Clay. Moist, laborious, fat, clammie, compacted, glutinous, pliant, pliable, sticking, daubing, yeilding, crumbling, moldering, weak. Claw. Hookie, crooked, griping, swooping, scratching, theevish, tor­ turing, seising, pouncing, rending, rearing, sharpe, greedy, catching, stiffe, wounding. Client. Thredbare, humble, submissive, crowching, suppliant. Cliffe. v. Rock. Ragged, solid, vaulty, yawning, craggie, uncouth, unfrequented, horned, beetling, hanging. Cloud. Winged, floating, mourning, wandering, hovering, pitchie, hang­ ing, spongy, weeping, threatning, gloomy, dusky, foggy, yellow, shuffling, rambling, envious, drooping, full, dull, thick, stooping, lowring, mounting, aspiring, clusterd, frowning, lowring, swarthish, gathering, drowsie, scattered, dropsie, waving, sweltring, moving, thunder-crashing, flitting, goutie, sweating, moist, watery, ayery, wandering, melting, drunken, slumbering, sleepy, crisped, curled, obscuring, darkning, contagious, smothering, strangling, vapoury, smoaky, sullen, lofty, black, swarthy, Negro, rolling, dark, jea­ lous, thicke-swollen, swelling, bigge-bellied, mistie, stormy, jetty, stifling, chaced, justling, Eclipsing, assembling, smouldring, pregnant, sayling, hollow. Clown. Swarthy, rude, sweaty, toyling, sallow, hide-bound, lowtish, bar­ barous, game-some, gleesome, sportive, laborious, industrious, home-bred, unfashioned, russet, unconceiving, uncurious, un­ comb'd, greazy, sawcy, slovenly, frolick, whistling, mirthfull, piping, sullen, blithe, lusty, robustious, brutish, rough, untuto'rd, rustick, ru­ rall, wild, unlearned, simple, unletterd, unletterd, filly, uncivill. Club. Murdering, cruell, knotty, knocking-striking, heavy, breaking, bruising. Clusters. Gallant, thronged, crowding, sprouting, swelling, full, budding, piled, grainy, juicie, purple, delicious, plump, blushing, hanging, compacted, heapy, dewie. Coach. v. Chariot. Coal. Glowing, sputtering, burning, flaming, crackling, sparkling, smoakie. Cock. Early, crested, bristling, watchful, solacious, lecherous, spurred, armed, jealous, day-presaging, day-proclaiming, watchfull, bloo­ dy, shrill, war-lick, gaming, generous. Cockle. Kissing, curled, crispy, creeping, close, embracing. Cocytus. v. Acheron. Black, Stygian, dull, dark, shady, groaning, devouring, faint, gloomy, duskie, fulsome. Coffin. Stinking, fulsome, loathsome, rotten, interred, black, mourning, vaulty, musty, fusty, moldy. Cold. Rough, sharp, biting, piercing, duskie, gloomie, icie, chattering, freezing, dull, lazie, sleepie, drowsie, whisking, lashing, jerking, slug­ gish, snottie, barren, earth-locking, con-tracting, congealing, angry, stormy, raw, cruel, stiffning, unactive, incroaching, astringent, be­ numming, nipping, pinching, chilling, bleak, blasting, Irksom, hid­ ous, rugged, sap-consuming. Collick. Wringing, pinching, vexing, nipping, painfull, tormenting, win­ die, flatuous, cutting, dolorous, twitching, girding, griping. Combe. Toothed, ivorie, biting, neat, adorning, dressing, hair-plaining. Combate. v. Battell. Furious, martial, bickering, brabling, couragious, bloody, doubt­ full, dangerous, generous, debating, strife-full, contentious, un­ friendly, blood-thirstie. Comet. Hairie, stern, dreadful, vagrant, curled, grimme, curld-head, cris­ py, state-changing, ruine-portending, sad, threatning, slaming, streaming, portentuous, bright-haird, presaging, shag'd, disastrous, prodigious, bearded, waving, gazing, fierce, ruddy, fatal, bloody, bristled, ominous, ill-boding, unluckie. Comfort. Cordial, growing, pleasing, soft, welcome, chearing, friendly, gra­ tious, propitious. Compassion. Melting, relenting, soft, calm, tender, feeling, piteous, tender-­ hearted. Complaint. Puling, soft, whining, just, piteous, sighing, sad, womanish, amor­ rous, passionate, mournfull, bitter, groaning, deep, male-content, querulous, bawling, wayling, weeping, hoarse, powting. Complement. Unappertaining, unconcerning, needless, vain, fruitless, ceremo­ nious, apish, curious, courtly. Concord. v. Accord. Concupiscence. Sensuall, voluptuous, egging, prompting, spurring, tempting. Conduit. Flowing, conveying; gushing; gurgling. Confidence. Bold; couragious; audacious; advedturous; during; pre­ sumptuous, setled, perswaded, aspiring, easie. Confusion. Wild, vast, shapeless, hideous, deformed, ugly, rude. Conquerour. Valiant, valorous, couragious, hardie, martiall, generous, no­ w-renowned, famous, imperious, commanding, victorious, crown-­ laureld, insulting, glorious, triumphant, laureat. Conquest. Glorious, brave, famous, bright, triumphant, victorious, wealthie, laureat, crowned, white-silver, winged. Conscience. Strict, impartial, unbribed, arresting, tormenting, guilty, know­ ing, secret, silent, accusing, torturing. Constancy. Unremoved, resolved, stedfast, persistive, unshrinking, unshaken, assured, persevering, stayed, setled. Contagion. Spreading, infectious, deadly, catching, poysonous. Content Rich, sweet, perfect, happy, blessed, pleasant, heavenly, wished, desired, compleat. Contention. Jarring, wrangling, harsh, snakie, bloodie, strifefull, jangling. Corall. Blushing, vermillion, stammel, scarlet, red-brancht, streaked, branched, tuddey, leaf-less. Cork. Light, swimming, spungie, porous, floating, hollow. Corn. Bearded, bladed, yellow, nourishing, fruitfull, full-ered, tender, ranke. Corrosive. Biting, smarting, eating, burning, fretting. Cottage. Lowly, private, humble, silent, patcht, ragged, turfie, cold, shat­ ered, contry, naked. Cough. Slavery, spitting, spawling, cold, dry, harsh, belching. Countenance. Handsome, gracefull, lovely, modest, disdainfull, setled, shaped, hanging, joyfull, beauteous, smiling, pleasing, winning, wooing, sparkling, attractive, grimme, stern, grave, severe, frowning, low­ ring, sad, mournfull, chearfull, lightsome, threatfull, supercilious, blushing, carefull, sowre, dissembling, murdering, killing, stabbing, powting, affected, disguised. Countrie Clownish, flowry, grassie, fruitfull, merry, spatious, open, woody, down-right, plain-dealing, honest, free-hearted. Courage. v. Valour. Daring, valiant, valorous, adventurous, presumptuous, atten­ tive, audacious, undaunted, untamed, unquelled, stout, masculine, constant, unmoved, unshaken, bold, proud, noble, free, active, Ma­ jestick, undejected, manly, haughty, heroick. Course. Speedy, hasty, winged, unbridled, careering, impetuous, posting, sweaty, breathless, sweeping, industrious, laborious. Courser. v. Horse. Curvetting, prancing, nimble, stirring, panting, high-bounding, spur-obeying, stamping, foamy, trapped, speedy. Court. Complementall, glittering, pompous, costly, expensive, lascivi­ ous, wanton, sportive, envious, smooth, royall, proud, glorious, gaudy. Courtier. Avaritious, soft, smooth, oyly, sleek, near, polisht, spruce, compli­ mentall, well-tongued, fair-spoken, silk-worm, affected, fantastic, rustling, stalking, sprightly, dapper, flaunting, glittering, nimble, starcht, accomplisht, fine-sattin, gay, gaudy, painted, wealthy, de­ ceitfull, perjur'd, stickling, indebted, dapper, brisk, pert, silken, smooth-fac'd. Cow. Lowing, milkie, fruitfull, usefull, straggeling, straying, wan­ dering, uberous. Coward. Pale, fearfull, dull, un-active, un-manly, crest-fallen, heart-less, white-livered, cold, base, ignominious, yielding, crouching, leaden hearted, winking, cruel, desperate, vaunting, sneaking, flinching. Coyness. Dissembling, squeamish, pettish, pievish, froward, slighting, scorning, contemptuous, sowre, bitter, easie, churlish, uncivill, proud, disdainfull, angry, tempting, perswading, wooeing, wayward, untoward. Crab-star. Hot, flaming, crooked, burning, scorching, scalding, broyling, showry. Crab-fish. Slow-pac't, dull, lazie, lither, pawing, lumpish, sleepy, wadling, wayward, crawling, sprawling. Cradle. Rocking, sleepy, peacefull, tottering, shaking, moving, drowsie, easie, warm. Craft. Cunning, fly, cheating, deceitfull, beguiling, wily, wary, jugling, jogging, subtle, injurious, witty, ingenious, artificiall, secret, under­ working, undermining, politick, devicefull, silent, double-tongues, winding, doubling, plotting, inveagling, circumventing. Cramp. Pulling, painfull, torturing, wringing, pinching, nipping, vexing, tormenting, girding, twitching. Crane. Strimonian, Thracian, soaring, mounting, towring, high-flying, chattering, warlike, watchfull, ravenous, long-neckt. Credulitie. Easie, silly, Simple, unwise, foolish, soft, indiscreet, weake, fond, ignorant. Crest. Plumed, lofty, glittering, nodding, waving, advanced, gaudie, proud, braving, radiant, flancing, glistering, jagged, brestly, staring, dreadfull: Crime. Blushless, black, haynous, odious, detested, guilty, infamous, capi­ tall, suspicious, pale, conscience-tearing, light-fearing, mischievous, unhappy, unexcusable, audacious, enormous. Critick. Snarling, supercilious, biting, lashing, captious, censorious, carp­ ing, exceptious, invective, wise, capricious, curious, exact, accurate, judging, rigorous, sharp, sharp tooth'd, severe, pettish, pievish, sponge-using, flouting, gibing, quipping, jeering, girding, rigid, snappish, grinning. Cry. Confused, yelling, noisefull, hideous, amazing, bustling, clame­ rous, aire-rending, tumultuous, rumbling, yawling, re-sounding, re-bounding, re-ecchoing, redoubled, howling. Crocodile. devouring, wily, banefull, deceitfull, noysome, weeping, Aegyp­ tian, deadly. Crop. Wealthy, rich, hopefull, hope-answering, thankfull, fruitfull, joy­ ful, gainfull. Cross. Hard, painfull, cruell, unhappy, afflicting, oppressing, bitter, sa­ cred, victorious. Crow. Predictious, presaging, jetty, sable, hoarse, hungry, devouring, prating, twatling, carrion, jangling, chattering, unluckie, long­ liv'd, shower-divining, thirstie, barking. Crown. Imperiall, Pearl-enchased, dazling, triumphant, victorious, flowry, enameled, enterlaced, noble, guilded, royall, Princely, pear­ ly, honoured, adored, commanding, radiant, beamy, glittering, shi­ ning, majestick, awfull. Cruelty. Barbarous, brutish, Scythian, marble-hearted, flintie, flint-­ hearted, savage, wolvish, inhumane, odious, abhorred, detested, loa­ thed, remorseless, raging, dogged, enraged, incensed, bloody, proud, blood-thirsty, grimme, stern, haughtie, murdering, fleshie, dread­ full, devouring, awfull, frowning, rigid. Cuckold. Horned, cornuted, scorned, jealous, loving, simple, patient, wit­ ting, conniving, contented. Cuckow, Plain-song, gray, scabbie, harsh, unpleasant, stammering, stut­ tering. Cupid v. Love. Idalion, Paphian, wanton, lascivious, winged, feathered, slippery, envious, jealous, swift, joyous, gamesome, sportive, Citherean, in­ constant, deceitfull, false, lying, imperious, blind, ambitious, pitti­ less, bold, audacious, venerous, killing, wandering, ticklish, a­ morous. Cur. v. Dog. Snarling, barking, bawling, ravenous, angry, pievish, chur­ lish, sullen. Curiositie. Nice, studious, affected, womanish, carefull, vain, silly, fruitless, idle, dainty, neat, quaint. Curle. v. Hair. Neat, crispy, shining, twisted, pleated, knotty, snakie, braided, dangling, sleavy, silken, scatterd, flowing, ruffled, art-less, flaring, uncomposed, gracefull, waving, beauteous, frizled. Curse. Hellish, dire, banefull, impious, blasphemous, execrable, hate­ full, heavy, damned, revengefull, mischievous, vilanous, miscreant, winged. Custome. Received, aged, imperious, commanding, tyrannous, observed, laudable, commendable, ancient, long, honoured, reverent, fre­ quent, common. Cyclops. Sooty, grimy, sweaty, smoaky, one-eyed, hideous, strong, robu­ stious, massie, dreadfull, proud, fierce, labouring, industrious, rude, clownish, uncivill, lowtish, stern, grimme, old, bloody. Cymbals. Tinkling, ratling, noysefull, Berecynthian, Cybelian, joyfull, loud, mirthfull, sacred, hollow, brazen, sounding, hoarse, shining. Cynnamon. Odorous, fragrant, spicy, verdant, Pangnan, Indian, spriggie. Cynick. Snarling, currish, snapping, captious, biting, grinning, barking, brawling, bawling, carping, sharp, fanged, sharp-tooth'd, tongue-­ lashing, quipping, girding, jeering, flouting, rigid, tart, sharp, smart, jerking, churlish, sullen, snappish. Cypress. Tall, strait-growing, fatall, dismall, mournfull, sable, sad, verdant, lasting, weeping, smooth, lofty, towring, mounting, aspiring, odo­ rous, funereous, pensive. D. Daffadill. TAwny, guilt-bowly, purple, gaping, open, smiling, vernall. Dagger. Short, stabbing, murdering, desperate, sharp-pointed, bloody, secret, poynant, silent, stealing. Daisie. Tufted, studded, golden, vernall, smiling, sunny. Dale. Flowry, humble, lowly, delightfull, fruitfull, pleasant, sweet-­ cloaths, motly, gaudy, smiling, tufted, enameld, chequer'd, green-­ plusht, sportive, painted, grassie, shadie, ecchoing, resounding, re­ bounding, fragrant. Dance. Gracefull, courtly, skilfull, enamouring, wanton, sportive, at-­ tractive, active, flowing, swimming, nimble, tripping, measur'd, well-ordered, moving, lascivious, modest, well-timed, amorous, pleasing, winning. Danger. Sad, dreadfull, unavoyded, certain, doubtfull, unhappy, bitter, pensive, pressing. Darkness. v. Night. Rusty, gloomy, sullen, sooty, sad, pensive, jetty, pitchy, negro, cloudie, duskie, Ægyptian, Cymerian, sable, Ebon, dull, silen, blind, collied, swarthy, grimme, smoaky, ugly, shapeless, deformed, stumbling, shady, obscuring, sleepy, drowsie, peacefull, confused, deceitfull, dull, lither, lazy, hideous, still, quiet, unactive. Darnell. Black, barren, hurtfull, choaking, over-topping, unlucky, domi­ neering, sleepy, drowsie, injurious, harmfull, bitter, eye-offending. Dart. v. Arrow. Thrilling, pointed, poynant, singing, trembling, flying, flutter­ ing, quivering, whirling, wounding, poysoned, killing, winged. Daw. Pratling, twatling, noysefull, winter-presageing, thievish, pra­ ting, stealing. Dawn. v. Morn. Early, blushing, purple, spicy, rosie, dewie, rosie-fingerd, weep­ ing, pearly, gray-cheekt. Day. Winged, busie, active, lightsome, gladsome, chearfull, laborious, industrious, light, clear, carefull, shining, beamy, enlightned, si­ ding, joyfull, posting, succeeding, sunny, rosie, purple, ambrosian, peering, increasing. Death. v. Destinie. Pale, wan, sable, impartiall, imperious, all-commanding, chi­ ling, cold, tyrannizing, domineering, over-ruling, all-controulling, uncontrouled, inexorable, exacting, invading, encroaching, rest­ full, quiet, silent, peacefull, unresisted, unrelenting, remorseless, hideous, yawning, ingrossing, grasping, lean, dustie, meager, bare­ ribd, flint-hearted, cruell, grimme, stern, awfull, frowning, devour­ ing, ravenous, rigorous, rigid, nasty, fulsome, unwelcome, unexpe­ cted, covetous, insatiate, abhorred, detested, loathed, loathesome, noysome, blood-thirsty, hasty, trembling, ugly, deformed, groa­ ning, timely, untimely, surprizing, arresting, envious, unbribed, implacable, unperswaded, disdainful, uncivil, proud, scornful, dis­ respective, regardlesse, carelesse, audacious, fearlesse, adventurous, saucie, unmannerly, presumptuous, ambitious, gluttonous, deaf, stifling, smothering, choking, injurious, dreadful, bitter, felonious, importunate, glorious, disgraceful, ignominious, shameful, ruthlesse, resistlesse, victorious, triumphant. Death-bed. Cold, pale, quivering, bleake, leane, meager, trembling, groa­ ning, gasping, yawning, sad, pensive. Deceit. v. Craft, December. v. Cold. Frostie, cold, icie, snowie, lither, lazie, drowsie, dull, lumpish, sad, frolick, jolly, mirthful, feastful, drunken, hoary, nipping, pinch­ ing, gamesome, joyous. Deep. v. Sea. Vasty, devouring, unfathomed, unsounded, boyling, swelling, working, floating, angry, aged, wealthy, shelfie, tumbling, stor­ my, ruffled, fretting, rugged, insatiate, gulphy, swallowing, curled, surgie, remorseless. Delay. Lingring, tedious, comfortless, dull, weary, sad, pensive, slow, snail-pac't, tardy, lazie, cold, freezing, dronish, needlesse, fruitlesse, vain. Delicates. v. Cates. Delight. Free, soft, dear, melting, sportive, wanton, effeminate, sensual, voluptuous, fleshly, carnal, enamouring, dallying, dandling, exta­ syde, joyous, intrancing, lavish, raping, loose, fresh, choice, temp­ ting, pleasant, gay, chearing, luxurious, riotous, superfluous, royal, desired, tickling, gaudy, courtly, princely. Den. v. Cave. Gloomie, vaultie, crooked, loathsome, nasty, noysome, fulsome, musty, fusty, dusty, moldy, rockie, doleful, melancholy, hollow, darksome, mossie, uncouth, sullen, pensive, lonely, theevish, Deere. Browsing, feeding, goodly, fearful, tripping, light-foot. Desart, Devious, wild, wide, vast, savage, uncouth, melancholy, sad, silent, unfrequented, sandy, dreaful, sullen, shadowie, gloomie, rockie, hoary, rough, pathlesse, shrubbie, bushie, unpeopled, unfruitful, bar­ ren, inhospitable, scorched, dangerous. Desire. Unsatisfied, uncontroled, uncurb'd, disordinate, irregular, invin­ cible, winged, untamed, covetous, insatiate, ardent, passionate, am­ bitious, flaming, hot, sottish, sollicitous, unfathomed, deep, unmea­ sured, unlimited, unconfined, burning, blind, careful, amorous, un­ speakable, unexpressible, longing. Despaire. Sad, pensive, sorrowful, heavie, dull, cold, pale, comfortlesse, lazie, hellish, damned, faithlesse, hopelesse, snakie, dark, grim, sterne, lean, meager, sullen, enginous, plotting, sighing, groaning, weep­ ing, mournful, chill, low. Destiny. Changelesse, ruthlesse, remorselesse, unrelenting, unbribed, inex­ orable, imperious, commanding, unchanged, unaltered, resistlesse, victorious, triumphing, adamantine, unconquered, compelling, fixed, eternal, everlasting, enforcing, fatal, uncontrolled, impartil, ty­ rannizing, domineering, over-ruling, all-controlling, exacting, unresisted, unprevented, surprizing, arresting, importuning, almigh­ ty, inevitable, unavoyded, blind, secret, silent, unmooved, severe, inclining, deaf, inflexible. Detraction. Envious, foul-mouth'd, calumnious, biting, crafty, black-mouth'd, malicious, injurious, subtle, slie, base, vile, forging, glozing, cog­ ging, jealous, envious, babling, twatling. Device. Queint, choyce, fabulous, pleasant, painted. Devil. Subtle, tempestuous, pernicious, hideous, unclean, lying, deceit­ ful, mischievous, tempting, vigilant, industrious, craftie, malitious, deceiving, vilainous, enchanting, devouring, infernal, seducing, fraudulent, calumniating, cursed, damned, tormented, hurrying, malignant, rebellious, wilie, snakie. Devotion, Holy, sacred, religious, quick, fervent, pious, affectionate, suppli­ ant, humble, solemn, profound, reverent, gracious. Dew. Trickling, pearly, honey-dropping, chrystal, rosie, ambrosial, re­ freshing, vegetating, early, balmie, melting, coole, morning, night­ ly, dropping, showrie, glassie, fruitful, enlivening, flower-courting, kissing, vanishing, short-lived, weeping, fresh, ambrosial, nectare­ ous, sprinkling, scattered. Diamond. Shining, sparkling, Indian, bright, lasting, pointed, glasse-cutting, obduring, hard, solid, unconquered, eternal. Diadem. v. Crown. Dice. Cheating, cogging, gamesome, deceitful, uncertain. Dido. Unhappy, bloody, pensive, despairing, weeping, Carthaginian, Si­ donian, Tyrian-Queen, sad, fair, beauteous, sorrowful. Dirt. Miry, slimy, muddy, filthy, nasty, loathsome, fulsome, putrid, rot­ ten, sordid, stinking, dagling. Discord. Hell-nourish't, sterne, jarring, harsh, snakie, unsociable, unfriendly, hateful, seditious, quarrelsome, ruinous, pernicious, mortal, tumul­ tuous, furious, litigious, inhumane, pittylesse, merciless, bloodie, an­ gry, grumbling, war-breeding, dissentious, blood-thirsty. Disdain. v. Scorne. Proud, contemptuous, malevolous, arrogant, sober, scorneful, unkind, chast, coy, high, wry-mouth'd, insolent, sowre-eyed, pettish, peevish, brave, churlish, haughty, swelling, portly, surly, burly, squint-­ eyed, currish. Discretion. Wise, sage, prudent, mature, advised, reposed, grave, modest, tem­ pered, sound, staid, sober. Disease. v. Malidy. Dull, contagious, infectious, languishing, sterne, pining, pale, grievous, torturing, vexing, incurable, pettish, peevish, angry, fe­ ral, painful, fretting, griping, twitching, girding, sad, pinching, nipping, pulling, cutting, pressing, wringing, gauling, doleful, bitter, gnawing, racking, smarting, lingring, noysome, loath­ some, filthy, fulsome, nasty, cruel, impatient, trembling, raging, plaintful, querulous, whining, puling, wasting, eating, drying, sucking, tedious. Dissobedience. Rebellious, mutinous, unruly, proud, tumultuous, seditious, sau­ cy, impudent, shamelesse, daring, bold, audacious, gracelesse, unseem­ ly, unfitting, uncomely, unbecoming. Disorder. Confused, tumultuous, irregular, Doctor. Knowing, learned, skilful, grave, experienc't, pious, reverend, honoured, famous, ancient, aged, studious, industrious, painful, in­ genious, witty, prudent, discreet. Doe. Swift, light-foot, fearful, tender, flying, savage, tripping, brow­ sing, weak, frightful. Dogge. Ravenous, bawling, hungry, greedy, faithful, headstrong, thee­ vish, fierce, furious, watchful, flat-nosed, muzzeled, gluttonous, swift, fleet, speedy, eager, chasing, fallow, pursuing, wel-trust, nimble, biting, snarling, grinning, yelping, yawling, ranging, deep-mouth'd, ful-mouth'd, well-sented, quick-nosed, spotted, speckled, surly, sul­ len, stubborne, sturdy, shaggie, careful, grim, sterne, grumbling, guarding, breinded, flea-bitten, lowsie, collar'd. Dogge-starre. Hot, enraged, enflamed, scorching, unhealthy, diseaseful, unwhole­ some, smarting, itching, netling, sparkling, broyling, drie, burning, fiery, flaming, pernitious, thirsty, mad, raging, raving. Dormouse. Sleepie, drowsie, idle, lazie, lither, fat, plumpe. Doubt, Distractful, vexing, torturing, tormenting, anxious, netling, care­ ful, sollicitous, perplexing, quaking, jealous, ambiguous, fearful, suspitious, giddie, faint, cold, heartlesse, lazie, amazing, mazie, ma­ sing, jarring, strugling, quandaring, hovering, sagging, muddling, wavering, wavie. Dolphin. Crooked, armed, greene, amorous, venereous, wanton, loving, a­ zure, flattering, scalie, speedie, wandering, ranging, straying, Mu­ sick-enamoured, bowed. Dove. Simple, trembling, sprightly, panting, timorous, fearful, air-­ piercing, silly, melancholy, harmelesse, billing, amorous, venereous, mourning, cliping, gentle, curteous, wanton, lascivious, hot, swift, fleet-winged, paphian, tender, Idalian, crooing, feeled, whee­ ling, weak, tender, grave, whispering, gal-less. Downes. Motly, enamelled, flowry, tufted, dasied, painted, gaudie, smi­ ling, verdant, enflowred, fragrant, hearbie, grassie, embroyderd, sportive, faire-cloathed, green-plush't, fruitful, checkerd, wide-skir­ ted, spatious, pleasant, open, goodly, delightful. Dragon. Quick-eyed, quick-sighted, watchful, waking, yawning, devou­ ring, venemous, poysonous, scaly, crested, writhed, voluminous, curled, winged, wary, azure, hissing, swelling, cruel, fell, greedy, the guardian of the golden fleece, speckled, freckled, spotted. Dreame. Ominous, pleasing, wandering, black, auspicious, bewitching, emptie, vaine, slippery, flushie, fallacious, deceitful, deluding, flattering, fantastick, pale, busie, senceless, lying, flying, careful, dreadful, distracting, disastrous. Dreggs. Muddy, courser, rejected, despised, fruitless, useless. Drone. Lazie, lither, idle, buzzing, humming, yawning, barren, fruit­ less, stingless, injurious. Drop. Liquid, pearly, amber, roping, hanging, distilling, trickling, tril­ ling, frothie, spotting, staining, flowing, falling, swelling. Dropsie. Self-indulgent, swelling, puffing, thirsty, insatiate, spungie. Drosse. Rejected, dreggie, base, muddy, abject, fruitless, barren, use­ lesse. Drugges. Vertuous, aromatick, spicie, outlandish, pretious, healthful, so­ veraign, oriental, easterne, sophistick, medicinal, Indian. Drum. Bellowing, thundering, clamorous, ratling, noyseful, stirring, tatling, spirit-stirring, warlick, martial, affrightning, frightful, threat­ ning, hollow, light, re-ecchoing, courage-working. Drunkennesse. Swelled, nasty, loathsome, filthy, noysome, fulsome, spongie, brutish, beastly, swinish, wallowing, vomiting, spueing, apish, bel­ ching, babling, teltale, foaming, frothie, spawling, sottish, raving, flammering, reeling, lisping, faultering, surferting, diseaseful, fiery, rich-nosed, pot-tossing, infamous, voluptuous, shame lesse, saucy, uncivil, staggering, indenturing, besotting, intoxi­ cating. Duck. Diving, plunged, muddy, fearful, plain-foot, watry, fearful, soft, tender. Duel. v. Combate. Dugge. Sagging, milkie, noursing, soft, flowing, fluent, tender, pressed, hanging, flagging, lolling, veinie, streaked, azure-streaked, spicie, delicious, luxuriant. Dung. v. Dirt. Dungeon. Dark, darkesome, nastie, loathsome, filthy, hollow, vaultie, gloo­ mie, obscure, doleful, dankish, fustie, mustie, fulsome, aire­ lesse. Dust. Scattered, dispersed, dry, small, filthy, thirsty, uncleanly, soy­ ling, summer, country, nasty. Dwarfe. Low, deformed, short, diminutive, little, Pygmie, three-horse-­ loaves-high, short-statured. E. Eagle. TOwring, soaring, generous, imperious, chacing, ravenous, ra­ ping, audacious, hardy, cruel, lofty, clear-seeing, quick-eyed, couragious, yellow-plumed, trussing, stately, princely, royal, ma­ jestick, full-winged, undazled, mounting, sun-confronting, flame-­ bearing, preying, quick-sighted. Eare. Charged, listning, yeilding, attentive, observing, glowing, whis­ pering, tender, winding, drinking, hollow, curious, secret, easie, o­ pen, gristlie, hanging, gaping, cranied, insatiate, judicious, judging, flagging, inquiring. Ears of Corne. Bearded, weighty, dangling, full, fruitful, tender, yellow, fat, hoa­ ry, gilded, slender, grained, flaxen, waving, joyful, smiling, crested, bristled. Earth. Shaggy, sullen, pregnant, teeming, many-peopled, flowry-man­ tled, dull, wealthy, sad, weighty, drossie, thirsty, sluttish, wide-ski­ ted, spatious, mossie, motly, yawning, cranied, porous, melancho­ ly, verdant, flowre-enamelled, tufted, fruitful, checkerd, fostering, embroidered, grassie, clayie, mirie, solid, globous, metal-bearing, wealthie, painted, gaudy, sandie, hanging, cold, fat, uncleanly, dia­ pred, open, vast, extended, turfie, cloddy, gravelly, dusty, foodful. Earthquake. Impetuous, amazing, tumultuous, portentuous, aguish, dread­ ful, affeightful. Ease. Peaceful, quiet, silent, silken, restful, calme, barren, soft, smooth, reposed, happy, pleasant, voluptuous, desired, faint, sleepie, drowsie, lazie, secured, warme, fruitlesse. East. Ruddie, glowing, balmie, early, flowry, pregnant, blushing, gor­ geous, gray-cheekt, radiant, pearly, purple, wealthy, flaming, aroma­ tick, spicie, dawnie, guilded. Eccho. Pratling, twatling, babling, tearing, loud, resounding, shrill, vocal, cavy, talking, solitary, wood-hunting, wandering, roving, piercing. Eclypse. Darke, shady, obscuring, gloomy, sullen, swarthy, predictious, porten­ tuous, presagious, threatning, menacing, dreadful, prodigious, dis­ astrous, Eele. Slippery, glib, snaky, winding, writhing, turning, folding, glister­ ing, glittering, clammy, viscous, glutinous, slimy, muddy, fat, soft, moyst, wrigling. Eie. Flaming, burning, sparkling, piercing, radiant, spungy, enquiring, lively, lovely, wheeling, wounded, wounding, melting, inveigling, perswasive, rolling, longing, inflaming, pleading, hungry, greedy, ex­ pecting, Starry, glistering, betraying, discoursive, speaking, bea­ my, enamouring, gliding, lingering, transparent, instructed, Chry­ stall, soul-wounding, observing, gazefull, judgeing, luring, floa­ ting, swimming, assayling, bashfull, roving, intentive, tempt­ ing, inviting, courting, wooing, conquering, victorious, trium­ phing, attractive, love-aimed, wandering, inflaming, command­ ing, busie, whispering, searching, smiling, beauteous, mur­ thering, bewitching, charming, delicious, trayterous, wanton, spearly, conducting, twinkling, passionate, weeping, lascivious, subtle, dazling, lavish. Egge. Fruitfull, marrowy, lustfull, breeding, hatching. Eglantine. Sweet-smelling, twining, pricklie, twisting. Egypt. v. Aegypt. Fat, fruitful, mysterious, superstitious, swarthy. Elegie. Mournful, wailing, lamenting, whining, whimpering, puling, sad, weeping, complaining, complaintful, flattering, soothing, a­ morous, baudy, wanton. Embassadour. Sage, wise, prudent, reverend, learned, honoured, grave, eloquent, stately, authorized. Embers. v. Cinders. Hissing, glowing, warme, dying, sparkling, dead, ashy, black, sooty, grimie. Embraces. Warme, hot, strict, glueing, close, soft, clasping, hugging, en­ circling, twining, grasping, twisting, yoaking, loving, amorous, ve­ nereous, greedy, mutual, fruitful, dear, sweet, pleasant, delicious, knotty, knitting, wanton, joyful, glutinous. Emrald. Flamie, beamie, radiant, chearful, green, bright, eye-refreshing, Erythrœan, Scythian, sight-chearing, shining. Elephant. Castle-bearing, rough-skinned, stiffe-kneed, fleshie, Indian, massie, robustious, dreadful, warlick, Getulian, sauage, docile, fierce, cruel, untamed, white-tusked, ivory-toothed. Elme. Strait-limbed, spreading, lofty, towring, mounting, aspiring, skie-threatning, cloud-kissing, shady, branching, vine-hugging, le­ vie, spatious, tall, bough-extending. Eloquence. Winning, gaining, encroaching, perswasive, wooing, enamou­ ring, nectareous, intrancing, inchanting, encharming, delicious, ravishing, soul-raping, smooth, oylie, courtly, soft, rich, quaint, painted, glozing, soothing, infinuating, victorious, triumphing, sweet-tongu'd, grave, Ciceronian, well-polisht, deceitful, inveagling, circumventing, attractive, happy, overcoming, successeful, fancy-­ tickling, tempting, soul-invading, conquering, bewitching, trans­ porting, nectar-droping, captivating. Elysium. Soft, flowry, flower-enamelled, quiet, peaceful, blisseful, joyful, soul-ravishing, smiling, blest. Enemy. Bloody, blood-thirsty, hatefull, spitefull, fierce, cruel, malicious, odious, opposing, trayterous, undermining, deceitfull, impetu­ ous, assaulting, assayling, furious, invadng, insulting, murde­ ring, ambitious, hurtfull, pernicious, crafty, despitefull, unjust, injurious, perfidious, dreadfull, proud, daring, cursed. English. Stout, couragious, valiant, true-hearted, hardy, bold, audacious, adventurous, warlick, apish, imitating. Ensigns. v. Banners. Warlick, triumphant, victorious, martiall, painted, displayed, threatning, advanced, waving. Enterprize. Bold, avdacious, adventurous, doubtfull, uncertain, uneasie, dange­ rous, perilous, brave, glorious, famous. Entertainment. Gracious, wellcome, courteous, loving, fair, kind, friendly, willing, ready, rich, liberall, pompous, hearty, glorious, costly, sumptuous, mag­ nificent. Entrails. v. Bowells. Secret, winding, reeking, gloomy, smoaking, trembling, auspici­ ous, predictious, prophetick, sooth-saying, consulted, enchested, enclo­ sed, hidden, abstruse. Envie. Pale, lean, swelling, snarling, blue-eyed, squint-eyed, restless, kil­ ling, stabbing, cutting, wounding, sullen, snaky, viperous, poyso­ nous, blear-eyed, self-eating, self-consuming, self-torturing, self-mar­ tyring, black-mouthed, muttering, whispering, lean-fac't, carping, cen­ sorious, repining, underminining, snake-haird, burning, flaming, boyl­ ing, revengefull, malicious, spightfull, cancred, subtle, sly, crafty, heart-gnawing, deadly, mortall, jealous, cruell, calumnious, detract­ ing, pernicious, out-rageous, proud, disdainfull, haughty, crooked, bi­ ting, currish. Epicure. Godless, voluptuous, sensuall, brutish, bestiall, beastly, irreligi­ ous, ungodly, loose, dissolute, intemperate, vitious, wallowing, swinish, insatiate, gluttonous, gurmandizing, self-pampering, self-­ pleasing. Epigram. Short, witty, loose, wanton, merry, pleasant, rayling, nip­ ping, biting, snarling, soothing, flattering, smooth, neate, facetious. Epitaph. Mournfull, sad, pensive, weeping, moanfull, immortall, lasting, mo­ numentall, re-cording, name-preserving, life-continuing. Equitie. v. Justice. Reasonable, rationall, just, sacred, sober; severe, orate, unbridled, un­ corrupted, unfed, inexorable, constant, Rhadamanthian, equall, im­ partiall, unsiding, holy, unmoved, unchanged, indifferent, unpreju­ dic't, uninclining, strict, riged, even-handed, just-dealing, upright. Erebus. Misty, foggy, black, dark, darksome, vast, dismall, ugly, hideous, ga­ ping, yawning, ghastly. Erinnys, Sad, fatall, ferall, snak-hairy, grimme, cruell, ghastly. Ermin. Spotless, unspotted, speckled, painted, cleanly, checker'd. Errour. Rash, fond, straying, stragling, doubtfull, seducing, fantastick, fana­ tick, obstinate, blind, ambitious, crooked, wandering, credulous, per­ nicious, gloomy, misty, muddy, doltish, audacious, bold, gross, dull, cloudy, foppish, sottish, dark, mole-eyed, beetle-braind, thick, stumb­ bling, furious, mis-guiding, black-mouth'd. Eternitie Immense, unfathom'd, unmeasur'd, unmoved, uninterrupted, last­ ing, lofty, uncorrupt, divine, during, supreame, unexpressible, perma­ nent, incomprehensible, inconceivable, soft, downy, flowry, bright, glo­ rious, unlimited, unconfin'd. Ethiopian. v. Moore. Sun-burnt, swarthy, sooty, soultry, scalded, broyled, schorched, cur­ led, tann'd, black, barbarous, bak'c, wild, brutish, moorish, rosted, fried, naked, collied, bloody, flat-nosed, tawny, misbelieving, Negro, thin-­ lipt, wainscot-faced. Evening. Cur-fue, aged, gray, silent, calm, gloomy, dappled, dewie, blushing, torchy, rheumy, cool, late, black, duskie, smoaky, cloudy, shady, slow-­ pac't, drowsie, lazy, idle, starry. Eunuch. Smooth-fac't, smooth-chinn'd, weak, delicate, soft, weak, unmanly, womanish, effeminate. Euphrates. v. River, Deep, fertile, fruitfull, winding, swift-pac't, wary. Ewe. Wanton, supportive, teeming, fleecy, warm-clothed, uberous, gra­ zing. Europ. Rich, wealthy, fruitfull, healthfull, temperate, populous. Evidence. Convincing, unanswerable, undoubted, strong, firm, confirming, undoubted, certain, authentick, conclusive, perswasive, faith-beger­ ing, satisfying. Exaction. Rigorous, unjust, cruell, pinching, oppressing, tyrannous, tyrani­ call, lawless, imposed, griping, pilling. Example. Leading, teaching, guiding, encouraging, plain, evident, memora­ ble, famous, glorious, sage, wise, prudent. Excess. Dissolute, wanton, loose, vitious, intemperate, unrestrained, out­ ragious, superfluous, needless: Exchequer. Rich, wealthy, swallowing, moneyed, royall. Excrement. Ejected, disrespected, neglected, odious, loathsome, nasty, sluttish, slovenly, superfluous, unnecessary, fulsome, noysome. Excuse. Shifting, lying, cogging, coin'd, forged, painted, dissembling, pro­ bable, studied, fair, subtle, alledged, just. Exercise. Laborious, industrious, active, stirring, studious, wholsome, usefull, beneficiall, advantageous, strength-confirming, health-confirm­ ing. Exhalation. Fat, oyly, aspiring, sinoaky, cloudy, vaporous, earth-engendered, sable, gloomy, dusky, foggy, misty, malignant, smothering, rising, mounting, towering, infectious, unhealthy, breathing. Exile. v. Banishment Exorcisme. Exorcist. Charming, inchanting, magick, hellish, powerfull, commanding, imperious, conjuring, dark, black. Expectation. Longing, long-looking, desirous, waiting, tedious. Experience. Certain, prudent, discreet, sage, wise, approved, infallible, sure, as­ sured, grounded, clear-eyed, aged, old, tutord, long-taught, dear-­ bought, grave, learned, gray-silver-hoary-haird, sober, school­ ing. Extasie. Ravisht, soul-raping, unconceiving, death-like, astounding, admi­ ring, amazed. Extortioner. Rigorous, oppressing, injurious, lawless, cruell, unjust, tyrannous, tyrannicall, heavy. F. Fable. VAin, lying, old, facetious, witty, devised, feined, fictious, vul­ gar, frivolous, idle, ingenious, incredible, popular, doting, truthless, monstrous, mysterious, instructive. Face. v. Countenance. Beauteous, roseate, inchanting, bewitching, enamouring, smiling, wanton, downy, joyfull, pensive, lowring, wooing, unsullied, delici­ ous, entrancing, attractive, heart-wounding, captivating, unpat­ tern'd, unexampled. Faction. Jarring, disagreeing, contentious, strifefull, seditious, furious, tu­ multuous, litigious, siding, dissentious, blood-thirsty, warre-­ breeding. Fagot. Flaming, bundled, sputtering, crackling, consuming, self-eating, heating, pitchy. Fairie. Dancing, night-walking, nimble, active, stirring, tripping, spright­ full, cleanly, nipping, pinching, sporting, night-tripping, light, silent, soft-foot, dairy-hunting, green-cloth'd, yellow-skirted. Faith. Sence-conquering, quick-seeing, almighty, fervent, powerful, wonder-working, miraculous, zealous, assured, firm, adhering, inviola­ ble, constant, stedfast, unmoved, indissoluble, untainted, im­ mortall. Fame. Wide, flitting, lasting, immortall, eternall, enduring, swift, la­ vish, winged, embalming, immortalizing, eternizing, surviving, death-less, swelling, blabing, babling, long-tongued, wide-mouthed, pratling, twatling, gossipping, gracefull, swift-winged, flying, father-footed, nimble-winged, Eagle-winged, unextinguished, renowning, sleek-tongued, glib-tongued, spreading, smiling, bright, airy, glorious, lying, tale-telling, light-heeld, spurring, posting, busie, panting. Famine. Lean, pale, thinne, lean-chapt, pinching, impetuous, cruel, mea­ ger, ravening, devouring, sharp-fang'd, clinging, lanck, lawless, necessitating, constraining, panting, sharp, gaping, yawning, ra­ ping, greedy, gluttonous, barking, tedious, consuming, anxious, hard, torturing, tormenting, vexing, meager-fac't. Fancy. Nimble, contriving, active, stirring, roving, vagrant, roaming, ranging, forging, working, quick, pregnant, teeming, busie, mint­ ing, coyning, spinning, enritched, wealthy, forraign, shaping, in­ dustrious, travelling, inventive, plotting, studious, plodding, wan­ dering, projecting. Fantasmes. v. Phantasmes, Farewell. Tedious, sad, grieved, loathed, last, sighed, lingring, pen­ sive. Fast. Abstemious, lean, temperate, chaste, frugall, cleanly, moderate, healthy, wholesome, faint, meager, mortyfiing, flesh-subduing, re­ ligious, vertuous, sober, penetentiall. Fate. v. Destiny. Driery, resistless. unpittying, flint-hearted, remorseless, unrelent­ ing, rugged, cruel, unchanged, unmoved. Father. Loving, carefull, tender, sollicitous, grave; pious, reverend, honou­ red, indulgent, tender-hearted. Fauchion. v. Blade. Keen, bright, slicing, slashing, cutting, slaughtering, murdering, quartering. Faulcon. Towring, Princely, stooping, swift, thundering, couragious, freck­ led, wheeling, lured, high-pitched. Fault. Secret, grievous, haynous, shamefull, petty, sinnefull, vicious, dishonest. Fawns. v. Satyr. Hairy, shaggy, tripping, rude, horned, nimble, swift-footed, wanton, frisking, wood-haunting, lustfull, salacious, lecherous. Fear. Jealous, sallow, chilly, reverentiall, pale, shallow, trembling, low, presaging, chilling, lumpish, faint, prophetick, superstitious, ominous, wanny, heartless, guiltie, cold, sullen, hovering, anxious, suspitious, bloodless, pressing, ignominious, unresolved, doubtful, distracted, im­ perious, degenerous, restraining, pulling, distempered, impulsive, wa­ vering, boggy, winged, ghastly, suggesting, projecting, contriving, eie, clowdy, muddy, shuddering, shallow, restless, pale-hearted, cream-fac't, startling, wary, modest, blushing, impetuous, assaulting, palsied, para­ lytick, heart-amazing. Feast. Ambrosial, gladsome, mirthful, sumptuous, costly, delicious, deligh­ ful, luxurious, joyous, buxome, frolick, pleasant, genial, ful-tabled, ta­ ble-pressing, voluptuous, royal, Nectarean, tast-contenting, palate-­ pleasing, lavish, love-preserving. Feather. Hovering, waving, tufted, soft, downy, plumy, lightsome, flaunting, gay, gallant, pompous, gaudy, phantastick, trembling, hanging, smooth, velvet, flying, painted, wanton, stiffe, limber, freckled. Feaver. Hateful, hot, burning, panting, malignant, intermitting, contag­ ious, spotted, infectious, pulse-spurring, furious, trembling, pale, vio­ lent, cruel, grievous, pettish, pievish, angry, consuming, drying, tedi­ ous, lingering, inconstant, dry, thirsty, secret, eating, scorching, blocking, boyling. Fee. Bribing, corrupting, unlawful, injurious, secret, eating, schorch­ ing, blood-boyling. Feet. v. Foot. Field. Dusty, warlick, martial, bloody, dreadful, dismal, murdering, tented, blood-flowing. Fields. Spiced, unambitious, gaudy, painted, flowry, tufted, checked, grassie, naked, open, wild, flowre-enamell'd, motly, dasied, smiling, verdant, herby. fragrant, diaperd, enflowred, fruitful, pregnant, teeming, em­ broydered, sportive, spatious, wide-skirted, fair-clothed, green-plush't, pleasant, delightful. Fenne. Moorish, drowsie, slimy, slothful, foggy, vaporous, unhealthy, pudly, stinking, filthy, durty, muddy, black-turf'd, aguish. Fetters. Shackling, binding, locking, close, strait. Fictions. Lying, devised, fabulous, deluding, deceiving, coyned, minted, in­ vented. Figge. Milky, delicious, fat, two-leaved, pleasant, sweet, lushious, broad-­ leaved, autumnal, sugred. Fight. v. Battell. Dusty, furious, cruel, bloody, hot, dreadful. Filberd. Clustered, shady, grovy, bushy, rank, shady, branching, twining, limber. File. Biting, toothed, smoothing, polishing, plaining, laborious, indu­ strious, gnawing, nibling, eating, fretting, wearing, correcting. Fingers. Soft, sleek, delicate, active, nimble, pliant, industrious, curious, dainty, slender, round, unequal, Ivory, bending, wanton, alabaster, trembling, quavering, filching, pilfering. Fire. Sprightly, active, ravenous, greedy, catching, hungry, wandering, devouring, crackling, flashing, licentious, searching, all-consuming, self-eating, glowing, whirling, quick, embracing, clasping, climb­ ing, wastful, subtle, purging, amorous, furious, unsparing, rage­ full, sparkling, flaming, furious, schorching, broyling, roast­ ing, melting, glittering, smoakie, covetous, avaritious, flame-­ belching. Firmament. Azure, wide-skirted, unmeasured, unfathomed, starrie, star-enchased, star-powdered, glittering, gilded, star-studded, rolling, wheeling, whir­ ling, spangled, arched, silver-paved, silver-bosom'd, all-clasping, bright, vaultie, glorious, Chrystal, lofty, open, wide, extended, beamy, radious, cloudy, flaming, turning, painted, all viewing, all-em­ bracing. Firre. Tall, lofty, towring, heaven-kissing, skie-threatning, aspiring, un­ knotty, fragrant, shady, crispy, curled, strait, useful, flaming, oyly, fat, high-topt, rozen-weeping. Fishes. Glittering, gliding, dancing, silver, silver-breasted, crooked, scaly, nibling, nimble, inveagled, credulous, shining, watery, slippery, slimy, hungry, clammy, floating, greedy, silent, dumb, speechless, leaping, skipping, wrigling, azure, glassie, viscuous, glutinous, wandring, strag­ ling, flegmatick, finny, silver-scal'd. Fisher. Inveagling, deluding, tempting, deceiving, baiting, hook­ ing, patient, impatient, jugling, insnaring, trecherous, expecting, hoping, cunning, skilfull. Flag. Spreading, waving, swelling, hanging, pregnant, winged, wind-­ stuft, floating, ruffling, rustling, trembling, dancing, furled, curled. Flame. Insultive, wilder, hungry, catching, devouring, purging, cleansing, sucking, licentious, scattered, wasting, active, sprightly, waving, cursing, crisped, whirling, aspiring, mounting, towring, ragefull, vengeful, clasping, fretting, eating, sputtering, sparkling, lurking, embracing, subtle, amorous, courting, nimble, greedy, licking, trembling, rave­ nous, searching, hungry, crackling, glowing, ruddy, blushing, furious, scorching, piercing, imbosom'd, darting, singing, choaking, glister­ ing, combustious, climbing, clambering, impetuous, violent, untamed, oyly, belched, bright, busie, self-consuming, stragling, cheerfull, light­ some, proud, ambitious, quick, pursuing, carbonadoing. Flash. v. Flame. Flattery. Flatterer. Base, servile, slavish, soft, file-tongu'd, smooth, oyly, courtly, smooth-­ tongu'd, lisping, obsequious, gilt-tongu'd, windy, dissembling, sooth-­ ing, melting, officious, pick-thank, cogging, pliant, sugered, flearing, fawning, traiterous, treacherous, cheating, over-reaching, jugling, circumventing, cunning, deluding, crafty, wily, sly, deceitfull, fair-­ spoken, smooth-worded, raking, winning, dawbing, candid, glass-fac'd, pyde, knee-crooking, clawing, tempting, tickling, colloguing, honey­ ed, crouching, glozing, insinuating. Flegme. Cold, moyst, watery, unactive, dull, flow, noysome, unwholesome, diseasefull, distilling, rheumatick. Flea. Biting, nipping, skipping, twitching, sucking, sable, pestering, sleep, disturbing, peevish, blood-thirsty. Fleece. Rich, wealthy, woolly, snowy, curled, crisped, soft, hary, warm, thirsty, drinking. Flie. Buzzing, pestering, sportive, wanton, tickling, nimble, skipping, stubborn, froward, sucking, blood-thirstie, importuning, provo­ king, saucie, lickorous, stinging, sun-delighting, magot-blowing. Flight. Dustie, speedie, hasty, confused, disordered, guilty, trembling, poasting, breathlesse, panting, fearful, ignominious, shameful, ha­ stened, accelerated. Flint. Obdurate, hard, unrelenting, fiery, sparkling, fire-engende­ ring. Flocks. v. Sheepe. Numerous, thronging, bleating, wealthy, curled, grazing, jolly, wel-fleec'd, gamesome, sportive, wanton, goodly, wandering, stragling, shaggie, trooping, swarming, thriving, encreasing, nibling. Flood. Rolling, rising, swelling, silver; aged, raging, incensed, gliding, spreading, glancing, hurrying, high-wrought, shower-enhanced, foaming, wind-incensed, tumbling, impetuous, enchased, vaulting, leaping, dancing, cleansing, horned, ambitious, sea-ingulphed, roaring, snakie, gulphie, careering, azure, smooth-sliding, silver-­ brested, invading, sweeping, intruding, amorous, chiding, chrystal, licentious, curled, enraged, wavie, glassie, whirling, rustling, rush­ ing, pearly, wandring, stragling, angry, boyling, stormy, swallow­ ing, chafing, incroaching, ruffled, wrinkled, posting, surly, sullen, bustling, murmuring, muttering, surgie, tossing, proud, bubling, rumbling, wrigling, frothy, sandy, muddy, swift-pacing, wheeling, mounting, bank-courting, uxorious. Flora. Merry, mirthful, joyous, pleasant, delightful, painted, gay, gau­ dy, pompous, enamelled, pearly, amorous, wanton, lascivious, per­ fumed. Flower. Pregnant, spicie, fragrant, enamelled, gaudie, pyde, perfumed, checkered, smiling, vernal, verdant, tufted, taintless, unspotted, summer-swelling, odorous, amorous, vermilion, purple, silver, dia­ pered, painted, freckled, blushing, vernal, glittering, delicious, mus­ kie, fading, short-liv'd. Foame. Boyling, hissing, curled, froathie, angry, belched, snowie, hoary, floating, waving, chafing, ayrie, Foe. v. Enemy. Fogge. Unhealthy, unwholsome, diseaseful, gloomy, vaporous, choaking, misty, drowsie, dull, spongie, duskie, mufling, drooping, swarthy, dropsie, sullen, gouty, sleepy, stifling, stinking, ascending, smell-­ offending, contagious, infectious, fen-suckt. Foole. Soft, dul-eyed, lean-witted, motley, knotty-pated, grosse, fun-­ conceiving, silly, shallow, admiring, stupid, sottish, doltish, dul-wi­ ed, beetle-brained. Foote. Swift-pac't, hollow, flying, tripping, vaulting, wanton, nimble, active, dusty, ivory, delicate, tender, soft, silent, beauteous, ambro­ sial, snowie, silver, stalking, trampling. Force. Male, masculine, mastering, manly, domineering, imperious, compulsive, commanding, tyrannizing, couragious, sinewie, robu­ stious, untamed, impetuous. Forehead. v. Brow. Stately, smooth, sleeke, beauteous, comely, delicious, maje­ stick. Forest. Hoary, leavie, shady, salvage, verdant, fragrant, shaggie, gloomy, mossie, grassie, rockie, rough, wild, desert, wide-skirted, devious, vast, uncouth, melancholy, unfrequented, sullen, pathless, unpeo­ pled, beast-haunted, silent, bushie, shrubbie, ecchoing, tufted, brist­ ly, spatious, mast-bearing, dreadful. Forester. v. Swain. Forgetfulnesse. Darke, shady, obscure, rusty, rude, musty, moldy, unkind, dis­ courteous, cruel. Fornace. Flaming, burning, scorching, scalding, flame-belching, sputte­ ring, sparkling, hollow, smoakie, devouring, sulphureous, va­ pouring. Fortitude. Daring, valiant, valourous, adventurous, prudent, attempting, undertaking, undaunted, unquelled, unconquered, noble, unde­ jected, majestick, manly, couragious. Fortune. Wheeling, uncertain, unconstant, giglet, lying, deluding, imperious, commanding, domineering, tyrannizing, trecherous, injurious, envious, cruel, stepdame, dreadful, pernicious, peevish, froward, wanton, malicious, mocking, flattering, audacious, almigh­ ty, disasterous, turning, slippery, perfidious, proud, stubborn, ma­ lignant, sullen, surly, insolent, licentious, lawless, fickle, hood­ winkt. Fountain. Chrystal, gushing, rustling, silver, gliding, purling, pearly, wee­ ping, bubling, gugling, chiding, clear, grasse-fringed, mosse-frin­ ged, sacred, grasse-margend, mosse-margend, trickling, soft, delici­ ous, stragling, dancing, vaulting, murmuring, muttering, wispering, pratling, twatling, sweet-rolling, swelling, rising, sparkling, flow­ ing, frothy. Fowler. Subtle, crafty, wily, skilful, cunning, treacherous, ensnaring, tempting, deceiving, inveagling, alluring, expecting, hoping, wary. Fox. Wily, sly, subtle, theevish, ravenous, greedy, stinking, strong-­ breath'd, bush-taild, inearthing, snarling, cunning, crafty, devou­ ring, pullet-eating. France. French. Fruitful, healthful, rich, wealthy, learned, warlick, courtly, ge­ nerous, ingenious, deviseful, active. industrious, lascivious, wan­ ton, stately, courteous, cavoleering, couragious, complementive. Friend. Friendship. Faithful, constant, cordial, hearty, familiar, ayding, helpful, ad­ vantageous, affectionate, sacred, loyal, trusty, sociable, certain, pleasing, favouring, courteous, dear, loving, happy, firme, equal, agreeing, uniting, cementing, unchanged, inviolated, assured, peace­ ful, sincere, unloosed, united, conjoyned, chained, pliant, stable, glued, riveted, unanimous. Frenzie. Raving, chafing, doting, witless, dreaming, hot, cholerick, fu­ rious, untamed. Frog. Sprawling, croaking, loathsome, fulsome, querulous, complaint­ ful, noiseful, yellow, hoarse, fen-haunting, shrill, babling, gugling, spring-forespeaking. Frost. v. Cold. Sharp, keene, grave, nipping, hoary, silver, chilling, icie, gray-haired, pinching, rough, biting, piercing, chattering, astrin­ gent, benumming, bleak, sap-consuming, stinging, gray-bearded. Froth. v. Foame. Frowne. Surly, sullen, haughty, disdainful, proud, angry, churlish, currish, lumpish, rough, stormie, discontented, brow-pursing, cloudy, tem­ pestuous, supercilious, imperious, domineering, awful, tyrannizing, brow-knitting, brow-puckering, lowring, scowling, ruffled. Fruit. Dangling, delicious, timely, tast-pleasing, palat-wooing, savoury, pleasant, sweet-smelling, leave-enwrapped, hanging, painted, de­ lightful, autumnal, expected, desired, ambrosial. Funeral. v. Obsequies. Fury. v. Anger. Blind, disordered, distempered, frantick, burning, giddie, stern-­ visaged, head-strong, unruly, untamed, flaming, wrathful, snake-­ haired, revengeful, sparkling, flame-eyed, lean-chapt, waspish, cruel, dizzy-eyed, flamie, grim, ghastly, enraged, barbarous, seditious, dreadful, pernicious, boyling, tempestuous, stormie, frothie, fanta­ stick, impatient, unbrideled, transporting, impetuous, tumultuous, incensing, distracted. Furies. Snake-haired, dismal, haggish, hellish, malicious, envious, grim, sullen, ghastly, dreadful, swelling, snarling, blue-eyed, torch-bea­ ring, snake-crowned, squint-eyed, black-mouth'd, torturing, tor­ menting, heart-gnawing, spightful, blood-thirsty, strifeful, conten­ tious, debateful, revengful, Stygian, inexorable, deformed, missha­ pen, ugly, hideous, mischievous, night-borne, flame-eyed, Furre. Soft, warme, shaggie, cold defending, lining. Furrow. Long, sliced, ridged, seed-noursing, crooked, dividing, Furze. Bushie, shrubbie, combrous, prickly, ranke: G. Gain. WElcome, wealthy, fruitful, expected, desired, pleasing, sweet, recompencing, satisfying, contenting, large, am­ ple, thrifty, sweet-smelling, dear-bought, Gale. Gentle, fanning, refreshing, breathing, rustling, whistling, whis­ king, cooling, whispering, flitting, soft, pleasant, flowing, warme, wanton, wholsome, floating, fruitful, puffing, courteous. Gall. Bitter, biting, swelling, black, glassie. Gallowes. Shameful, ignominious, infamous, unlucky, detested, painful, dreadful. Game. Sportive, joyous, mirthful, pleasing, care-killing, time-stealing, refreshing, inchanting, bewitching, facetious, frequented, solemne, unthrifty, wanton, idle, carelesse. Ganges. Silver, rich, wealthy, azure, deepe, wavie, sandie, Indian, guil­ ded, spatious, east-flowing. Ganymed. Phrygian, Trojan, Idean, beauteous, wanton, lascivious, prince­ ly, Jove-beloved, Jove-enamouring, Joves Catamite, faire, young, Eagle-hurryed, Garden. Flowry, gaudy, painted, enameled, checkered, enflowred, fruitful, wel-drest, fragrant, verdant, pleasant, hearby, smiling, delitious, bordered, knotted, squared, enclosed, levelled, diapered, weeded, neat, handsome, embroidered. Gardian. Careful, faithful, watchful, regardful, jealous, observing, atten­ tive, unbribed, officious, diligent. Garland. v. Crownes. Leavie, triumphant, victorious, fragrant, roseal, flowry, enamel'd, checkered, swathing, hooping. Garments. v. Apparrel. Garner. Thrifty, wealthy, swelling, wel-lin'd, storing. Gate, Brasse-rib'd, leavie, folded, plankie, studded, creaking. Geese. v. Goose. Gemmes. v. Jewels. Shining, reflecting, sparkling, radiant, beaming, oriental, Ea­ sterne, pendant, dangling, enchacing, bright, blazing, pearly, costly, rich, sumptuous, glittering, orient, Indian, starry, flaming, aire-­ gilding, aire-enlightning, unvalued. Gentleman. Noble, watlick, valiant, generous, free-hearted, honoured, brave, illustrious, famous, ingenious, pompous, courtly, gaudy, gallant, haughty-spirited. Gentles. Superstitious, paganish, misbelieving, incredulous, obstinate. Germans. Fierce, warlick, audacious, daring, adventurous, valiant, ingeni­ ous, industrious, rebellious, thirsty, drunken. Gesture. Flowing, speaking, graceful, comely, winning, becoming, seem­ ly, affected, unaffected, free, composed, handsome, gracious, plea­ sing, haughty, ingratiating, curteous, stately, portly, humble. Ghosts. Fleeting, thin, affrightful, pale, grizly, ghastly, dreadful, lean, meager, light, deceased, bodiless, airy, wandering, unfathomed, ungrasped, unsubstantial, hollow, gliding, marowless, cold, glaring, unreal, heartless, doleful, deformed, sullen, vanishing, empty, fan­ tastick, bloodless, unbodied. Giant. Massie, robustious, big-limbed, great-rib'd, large-joynted, vast, audacious, stalking, sterne, grim, dreadful, earth-bread, great­ bon'd, lubberly, impetuous, proud, disdainful, haughty. Gift. Rich, free, pretious, liberal, wealthy, large, ample, honourable, bounteous, princely, royal, obliging, engaging, binding, sacred, costly, sumptuous, magnificent, gratious. Ginger. Biting, corroding, knotty, rugged, rough-coated, fragrant, odo­ rous, sharpe, Arabian. Girdle. Embroidered, silken, swathing, gilded, painted, hooping, clasp­ ing, buckled, embossed. Glance, Lascivious, subtle, wanton, amorous, quaint, silent, obsequious, smiling, imperious. Glasse. Smooth, slick, icie, chrystal, reflecting, resembling, represen­ ting, flaring, brittle, melting, clear, transparent. Looking-glasse. v. Mirrour. Glead. v. Kite. Hungry, ravenous, devouring, theevish, swift, greedy, preying, raping, gouty, crow-hating, fox-hating. Gleaner. Needy, poor, stooping, searching, waiting, gathering, picking, attending, following, industrious. Glew. Viscous, clammie, uniting, fastning, tenacious, cementing, com­ pacting. Globe. Round, turning, wheeling, rolling, solid, spacious. Glory. Pompous, painted, costly, envious, glittering, shining, radiant, beaming, ambitious, eternal, enduring, lasting, triumphant, vi­ ctorious, fleeting, empty, fading, insolent, everlasting, desired, vaun­ ting, flaunting, immortal, windie, flatuous, inflaming, encouraging, provoking, egging, spurring, incensing, prompting, swelling, beau­ teous, dazling. Glove. Perfumed, fringed, embroidered, furred, fragrant, hand-shea­ thing, muskie, spruce, neat, handsome, gentile, fashionable. Gluttony. Glutton. v. Luxury. Witty, judicious, high-feeding, gurmandizing, brutish, volup­ tuous, sensual, bestial, beastly, intemperate, loose, dissolute, swinish, insatiate, selfe-pleasing, selfe, pampering, devouring, ingulphing, la­ zie, big-bellyed, swelling, epicurean, lickorous, greedy, ravenous, costly, lascivious, slow-bellied, full-gorging. Gnat. Busie, pestering, biting, pinching, pulling, nipping, sucking, stinging, twitching, disturbing. Goad. Pointed, sharp, poynant, piercing, pricking, biting, inciting, prompting, quickning, spurring, bloody, tutoring, teaching, in­ censing, egging. Goate. Lustful, stinking, climbing, clambering, browsing, nibling, lascivious, bush-haunting, rampant, fearful, rough, hairy, shag­ gie, flat-nosed, savage, wanton, luxurious, vine-browsing, jum­ ping, braying, cliffe-bred, mountain, bearded, salacious, lea­ cherous. Gods. Deathless, almighty, powerful, uncreated, just, immortal, in­ throned, sacred, revengeful, adored, propitious, unpassive, uneyed, invisible, al-seeing, invoked, al-knowing, omnipotent, omniscient, infallible, unerring, unchanged, unresisted, resistless, supream, so­ verain, al-ruling, awful, dreadful, reverenced, eternal, thundering, unconfined, incorporeal, unseen, immaterial, unrestrained, unde­ ceived. Gold. Massie, burnisht, envied, shining, glistering, beamie, glittering, bewitching, enchanting, charming, dazling, gaudy, corrupting, vi­ ctorious, al-conquering, triumphant, almighty, saint-seducing, eye-­ beguiling, tempting, provoking, wealthy, high-esteemed, yellow, imperious, commanding, way-enforcing, pernicious, way-making, care-curing, beamy, audacious, ambitious, desired, fatal, royal, so­ lid, care-remooving, pain-easing, refined, heart-corrupting. eye-­ delighting, eye-rejoycing. Goose. Cackling, gagling, wadling, plain-foot, silly, fenne-laving, de­ vouring, feathered, watchful, flickering, mudling. Gore. Clotted, foamie, froathie, congealing, smoakie, gellied, reing, flushing, flowing, spinning. Gossip. Pratling, twatling, tatling, babling, un-thrifty, talking. Gourd. Round, bellied, drunken, seedy, pilgrime, hollow. Gout. Knotty, rich, wealthy, painful, slow, tardy, impatient, tedious, hereditary, twitching. Gown. Learned, honoured, studious, reverenced, long, low-reaching, feet-hiding, peaceful, grave. Grace. Assisting, preventing, helping, ayding, free, comely, pleasing, smiling, attractive. Graces. Wanton, loose, naked, uncloathed, decent, beauteous, pleasing, smiling, virgin, maiden, youthful, shining, merry, joyous, mirthful, chearful. Grain. Fruitful, sprouting, increasing, propagating, vigorous, seedy, pregnant, teeming. Grape. Gemmous, purple, blushing, swelling, clustered, viny, youthful, wanton, chearing, bleeding, lusty, jucie, generous, delicious, dang­ ling, pleasant, nectareous, soft, plump. Grasse. Rich, proud, soft, springing, matted, flowry, verdant, tufted, slug­ lish, tender, pliant, dewie, herby, moist, pleasant, green-plusht, flowre-enameled, fading, growing, checkered, crisped, snakie, pain­ ted, withered. Grasse-hopper. Stubble, loving, streaming, tatling, hoarse, shrill, querulous, noiseful, slender, summer, dew-fed, dull-eyed. Grave. Quiet, silent, undisturbed, gapeng, yawning, greedy, devouring, ravenous, hated. loathed, detested, tyrannous, exacting, insatiate, dark, pale, blind, swallowing, corrupting, infectious, sluttish, nasty, loathsome, fulsome, moldie, sullen, forsaken, forgotten, peaceful, easeful, rotten, mossie, sad, cold, pensive, moist, obscure, shadie, du­ sty, fusty, dankish, dreadful, gasping, jawstretcht, wide-mouth'd, hollow, gloomy, musty. Gravity. Awful, aw-infusing, reverend, sober, setled, affected, unaffected, severe, mature, timely, sad, untimely, ripe, unripe, proud, haughty, disdainful, supercilious, frowning, aged, stately, censorious, judici­ ous, prudent, sage, beseeming. Greece. Ancient, deviseful, inventive, artful, famous, learned, art-inven­ ting, lying, proud, vaunting, ingenious, subtle. Greeke. Curled, shag-haired, long-haired, faire-haired, learned, subtle, ingenious, witty, lying, fabulous. Greene. Flowry, sportive, checkered, enflowred, wanton, smiling, em­ broidered, tufted, enameled, plushie, soft, velvet, painted, fragrant, verdant, gaudie, speckled, hearby, fair-clothed, diapered, joyful, mirthful, delightful, chearful, youthful. Grief Heart-rending, tearing, contracting, killing, im-bosomed, complaining, whining, pulling, dumpish, lumpish, sullen, gloomy, wrinkling, warping, whimpering, en-aging, carefull, chumpish, dis­ contented, macerating, eating, pensive, melting, pittied, frowning, peevish, pettish, swarthy, pinching, wringing, oppressing, fretting, smarting, torturing, gnawing, impatient, gawling, heart-breaking, disquiet, tear-wringing, eye-wringing, eye-squeesing, unbounded, o­ dious, stormy, rugged, heart-afflicting, drooping, melancholy, soul-­ wounding, heart-confounding. Griffon. Greedy, ravenous, hook-clawed, flame-eyed, winged, ram­ pant, white-winged, couragious, gold-guarding, Indian, horse-­ hurting. Gristle. Bending, flexible, limber, pliant. Groan. v. Sigh. Thrilling, killing, tearing, heart-rending. Groin. Lustfull, bawdy, obsene, hairy, swelling, sweaty. Groom. Base, servile, slavish, serviceable, officious, industrious, obsequious, laborious, obedient, carefull, Grove. Silent, shady, leavy, close, solitary, melancholly, lovely, unfrequen­ ted, arched, wooddy, forsaken, sullen, bushy, shrubby, dark, unknown, gloomy, mossie, shaggy, ecchoing, high, waving, thorny, tufted, ple­ sant, delightfull, secret, bird-hanted, uncouth, quiet, darksome, ob­ scure, dusky, cloudy. Guide. Conducting, leading, convoying, teaching, foregoing, faithfull, sure, assured, directing, prudent, sage, knowing, skilfull. Guile. v. Craft. Guilt. Conscious, fearfull, timerous, trembling, blushing, self-disclosed, suspitious. Gulfe. Devouring, swallowing, ingurgitating, frothy, spatious, deep, per­ nitious, dreadfull, boyling, whirling, yawning, gaping, gasping, wide-­ mouthed, wide-jawed, jaw-stretcht, unfathomed, insatiate, varitious. Gumme. Weeping, sweating, distilling, dropping, spicy, fragrant, medicinal, aromatick, vertuous, viscous, clammy, glewy, odorous, shining, glitter­ ing, rich, wealthy, precious. Guns. v. Canons. Resistless, thunder-mocking, murdering. Gut. Winding, turning, wrigling, writhing, windy, knotty, interwoven, incrementall, flatuous. Gypsie. Stragling, wandering, cheating, jugling, cogging, subtle, babling, dancing, careless, nimble, theevish, swarthy, fulsome, black, nasty, ugly. H. Hagge. MUmbling, withered, unhallowed, hellish, ugly, nasty, fulsome, hideous, furious, malicious, mishapen, cruell, mischievous, ill-­ looking, grumbling, muttering, spightfull, dreadfull, revengefull, frightfull, shameless, five-turning, image-pricking, bloody. Haggard. v. Hawke. Haile. Skipping, icy, pebble, pelting, congealed, scattered, shattered, impestuous, crackling, ratling, impetuous, Crystall, Thundering, Vine-spoyling. Haire. Braided, dangling, sleavy, silken, scattered, shining, pleated, curled, knotty, ruffled, fluent, artless, snarled, flaring, uncomposed, shaggy, ambrosian, gracefull, fragrant, waving, beauteous, amber-orient, angled, crisped, frizled, roseate, bushy, disheveld, disparkled, shady, floating, wrigling, gilded, snaky, spreading, wiry. Hammer. Massie, conquering, victorious, subduing, cruell, tyrannizing, en­ forcing, beating, knocking, working, laborious, industrious, rude, boystererous, robustious. Hand. Officious, snowy, lilly, marble, Ivory, Alabaster, smooth, soft, sleek, satin, velvet, thrifty, frugall, tender, trembling, active, stirring, labo­ rous, industrious, revengefull, veiny, ayding, sinewy, nervous, delicate, ambrosiall, well-proportioned, beauteous. Hangings. Sumptuous, costly, gaudy, painted, embroydered, pendant, state­ ly, curious, courtly. Hanniball. Valiant, couragious, cruell, grimme, stern, fierce, undaunted, furious, Lybian, unconquered, Carthaginian, politick, wise, war­ lick, Martiall, thundering, prudent, adventurous, renowned, stout, subtle. Happiness. v. Beatitude. Coveted, desired, unfathomed, flowry, enamouring, endless, en­ trancing, ravishing, soul-raping, soft, un-disturbed, un-inter­ rupted. Harbenger. Preparing, fore-running, winged, pourveying, providing. Hardness. Stiffe, stiffening, rigid, unrelenting, unmoved, unyeelding, sullen, surly, resisting. Hare. Purblind, fearfull, timerous, trembling, turning, doubling, wind­ ing, fur-footed, short-lived, lecherous, fruitfull, bushy, brownish, brindled, squeaking, speedy. Harlot. Unchaste, uncivill, lascivious, wanton, lustfull, rampant, salaci­ ous, dissolute, immodest, rotten, alluring, enticing, tempting, perjur'd, mercenary, abscene, filthy, persidious, shameless, impudent, dissembling, infamous, dallying, notorious, bawdy, flearing, gadding, musty, nasty, infectious, pocky, loathsome, painted, cancred, training, itchy, goatish, rammish, unblushing. Harmony. According, sweet, numerous, agreeing, melodious, pleasant, joy­ full, gladsome, measur'd, diaposon'd, soul-invading, soul-raping, in­ trancing, Seraphick, delicious, enchanting, encharming, ra­ vishing. Harp. Melodious, harmoneous, stringed, resounding, Thracian, Aonian, crooked, Ivory, gilded, Lesbian, pleasant, warbling, quavering, a­ morous, merry, wanton, sweet-sounding, Bistonian, Arca­ dian. Harpie. Ravenous, devouring, gurmandizing, gluttonous, greedy, theevish, insatiate, saucy, lickerous, glutting, winged, deformed, nasty, ugly, loathsome, raping, Stimphalian. Harrow. Toothed, bruising, raking, clod-breaking. Hart. Long-liv'd, fearfull, timerous, light-foot, fleet, chased, panting, wandering, weeping, braying, long-aged, trembling. Harvest. Joyfull, fruitfull, wealthy, copious, thankfull, rich, hopefull, hope-answearing, sickle-blunting, sun-burnt, thirsty, laborious, toyle­ some, weary, gain-full, teeming, reaping. Hasell. Bushy, branched, moyst, shady, leavy, rank. Hast. Impatient, desperate, Eagle-winged, swift-foot, sweaty, panting, breathless, flying, trembling, undiscovered, undiscerned, unper­ ceived, rash, hudling, expeditious, speedy, important, unheady, busie, sweeping, toyling, ungoverned, regardless, careless, poasting, auspi­ cious, unhappy, labouring, willing, poasting, auspicious, unhappy, laborious, dispatchfull, quick, preposterous, blustering, inconsi­ derate. Hate. Hatered. v. Envie. Heart-gnawing, fretting, sullen, full-rooted, mortall, inveterate, revengefull, murderous, deadly, cancred, blear-eyed, Vatinian, ferall, unreconciled. Haven. Sure, safe, desired, long-expected, joyfull, weedy, wished, anchor­ ing, peacefull, open, spatious. Hawke. Towring, eager, sharp-set, gryping, preying, theeving, killing, soaring, long-wing'd, fleet-wing'd, high-pitchd. Hay. Witherd, foddering, loose, botle, botteld, sun-burnt, stiffe, dry, tann'd. Hazzard. Adventurous, dangerous, doubtfull, uncertain, fatall. Head. Towring, stately, lofty, sence-lodging, understanding, Health. Active, desired-wished, perfect, joyous, sweet. Heap. Crowded, clustered, thronging, massie, unfathomed, unmeasured, mounting, stored, wealthy, copious. Hearb. Powerfull, vertuous, soft, sloory, green-clothed, sprouting, fragrant, pleasant, odorous, sweet-smelling, wholesome, serviceable, usefull, fruitfull, medicinall. Heard. Horned, bellowing, grazing, stragling, wandering, forrest-h­ ing, trouping, numerous, swarming, thronging, wealthy. Heart, Melting, marble, rocky, infractuous, winding, treasurous, thought­ full, passionate, wounded, bleeding, tender, obdurate, relenting, relenting. Hearth. Flaming, chearfull, smoaky. Heat. Sweltering, schorching, parching, quickning, active, boyling, broy­ ling, seething, scalding, roasting, soultry, stewing, baking, burning, glowing, singing, smoaking, smothering, dry, flaming, drying, vent, ardent, sweating, stifling, consuming, devouring, faint, sparkle, swarthy, dusky, smutchy. Heathen. Misbelieving, obstinate, barbarous, superstitious. Heaven. Spangled, azure, arched, silver-paved, rolling, whirling, all-clasped, bright, vaulty, starry, star-enchased, star-enameld, wheeling, silk-­ bosom'd, chrystall, lofty, turning, moving, glittering, unfathomed, unmeasured, star-powdered, all-viewing, all-embracing, wide-­ skirted. Hedge. Thorny, bushy, thick-set, shrubby, woven, leavy. Hedge-hog. Bristly, thorny, prickly, thorn-backt, armed. Height. Towring, stately, ambitious, aspiring, slippery, stupendious. Hell. Insatiate, devouring, dismall, vasty, gaping, yawning, wide-mouth­ ed, jaw-stretcht, dreadfull, pale, dark, stinking, wofull, painfull, tor­ menting. Hellebore. Brain-purging. Helmet. Crested, plumy, dreadfull, massie, pointed, weighty, feathered, bright, glittering, glistering, shining, gilded, bristled, threatning, batter'd, burnisht. Help. v. Aid. Hemlock. Cold, poysonous, green, fatall, deadly. Hen. Clocking, brooding, hatching, loving, young, protecting. Hercules. Brawny, massie, un-conquered, un-wearied, stern, laborious, heaven-­ bearing, victorious, fearless, sullen, sturdy, sinewy, fierce, grimme, wandering. Heresie. Obstinate, wilfull, damned, cursed, dissentious, contradictious, blind, Church-rending, pernitious, seditious, proud, over-weening, fantastick, self-opinioned, factious, war-kindling, unlucky. Hermaphrodite. Ambiguous, promiscuous, mixed, sex-confused, mongrell, neuter, feminate. Hermit. v. Hermitage. Humble, cold; sad, melancholy, pensive, sedentary, pious, devout, religious, sullen, zealous, retir'd, recluse, abstemious, lovely, studious, bookish, thoughtfull, meditating, withered, sequestered, aged, cloystered. Herse. Sable, mournfull, pensive, black, balefull, sullen, dismall, pittied, bemoaned, bewayled. Hill. v. Mountain. Stately, moss-thrumb'd, hearby, climbing, lofty, steepy, proud, aspi­ ring, towring, mounting, sky-kissing, sky-threatning, cloud-in-wrap­ ped, high-browed, shaggy, supercilious, aire-invading, star-brushing, swelling, rising, woody, bushy, ascending, rocky, craggy, insolent, proud-headed. Hind. Nimble, tripping, light-foot, skipping, speedy, swift-pac't, light-­ cold, timorous, fearfull, trembling, shie, skittish, wanton, frisking. Hinges. Grinding, tatling, turning, twatling, creaking, speaking, blabbing, tale-telling. Hippocrene. Wit-infusing, Chrystall, purling, Poet-prompting, Enthusiastick, inspiring, intrancing. Hog. Wallowing, tumbling, rolling, miry, nasty, sluggish, grunting, bristled, greedy, hungry, devouring, gluttonous, filthy, fatted, full-­ forged, drowsie. Holyness. Pious, devout, precise, strict, religious, conscientious, grave, right, obedient, legall, upright. Honesty. Strict, rigid, just, equall, legall, even-hand, uncorrupted, un­ tainted, upright, unmoved, plain-dealing, simple. Honey. Fragrant, Bee-wrought, delicious, lushious, nectareous, yellow, gilded, clammy, viscous, frothy, fulsome. Honey combe, Spongy, delicious, nectareous, porows, parched, sqeezed, Be­ wrought. Honour. Clear, fair, bright, flatuous, windy, blazing, pompous, gaudy, pain­ ted, envied, glittering, radiant, beaming, eternall, enduring, lasting, triumphant, inflaming, encouraging, provoking, egging, spur­ ring, incensing, prompting, swelling, fading, vaunting, flaunting, glorious, tympanizing, shining, popular, prodigious, unfathom'd, frothy, waxen-winged. Hoof. Horned, hollow, arched, crooked, solid, printing, impressive. Hook. Crooked, bowed, catching, intangling, inveagling. Hope. Early, blooming, promising, flattering, fawning, pleasing, heart-up­ holding, encouraging, soothing, towring, mounting, ambitious, au­ dacious, low, dejected, lofty, expecting, becalming, quieting, aspiring, enlarging, feeding, comfortable, deceitfull, trayterous, bewitching, uncertain, inchanting, charming, spurring, covetous, tedious, insolent, inveagling, credulous, couragious, thirsty, quickning, perswa­ sive. Horn. Writheld, sprouting, bending, sounding, crooked, pointed, forked, offensive, branches, rigid, stiffe, moony, hoarse, knaggy, knotty, ragged. Hornet. Waspish, stinging, buzzing, hors-bread, pievish, angry, pettish. Horrour. Cold, pale, wan, ghastly, black, dreadfull, trembling, affrighting, amazing. Horse. foaming, chafed, barbed, warlike, fierce, prancing, horn-hooft, couragious, panting, trapped, insulting, careering, impetuous, in­ dustrious, generous, curvetting, nimble, stirring, laborious, swea­ ting, swift-paced, high-bounding, stamping, bit-champing, spur­ obeying, speedy, hasty, posting, winged. Host. v. Army. Numerous, puissant, powerful, victorious, couragious. Hound. Ranging, yelping, yelling, fulmouth'd, cheared, deep-mouthed, wel-sented, quick-sented, hungry, greedy, devouring, fawning, pu­ rsuing, eager, chasing, swift, speedy, quick-nosed. Hour. Fleet, light, creeping, sliding, gliding, riding, light-foot, light-­ heeld, nimble, running, pacing, posting, galloping, passing, flying, winged, hasty, speedy, swimming, tripping, stealing, leaping, am­ bling, trotting, spurring, feathered, soft-foote, slippery, swift-win­ ged, swift-paced, headstrong, unrestrained, uncurbed, smooth-sli­ ding, equal, unrecalled, succeeding, nere-returning, changing, yeel­ ding, careering, rolling, wheeling. Humility. Low, pliant, submissive, obedient, obsequious, pleasing, grace­ ful, winning, taking, resigned, meeke, mild, crouching. Humour. Distilling, cold, salt, rheumatick, unhealthy, diseaseful, flowing, corrupting, fretting, viscous, clammy, flowing, glewie, vaporous, droping. Hunger. Griping, chearless, meager, starved, leane, pale, thin-chapt, sharp-­ fang'd, clinging, lanke, panting, sharp, gnawing, fretting, barking, torturing, tormenting, thin-gutted. Hunter. Gleesome, jolly, gamesome, eager, wood-ranging, chasing, pur­ suing, patient, speedy, wandering, roaming, toyling, busie, search­ ing. Husband. Loving, careful, loyal, disloyal, jealous, suspitious, embracing, hugging, chearing. Huske. v. Chaffe. Fruitlesse, empty, swelling, useless. Hyacinth. Soft, purple, blushing, beauteous, wanton, tender, way­ ling. Hyades. Showry, stormy, tempestuous, cloudy, weeping. Hybla. Honey-breeding, fruitful, wealthy, Sicilian, flowry, fragrant, rich, lofty, Trinacrian. Hydra. Lernean, snakie, losse-gaining, fruitful, fierce, pernicious, poyse­ nous. Hymen. Joyous, mirthful, frolick, smiling, genial, chast, torchie, crowned, soft, pleasant, feastful, flowry. Hypocrite. Saint-seeming, sniveling, dissembling, jugling, painted, chea­ ting, gulling, glosing, masked, visarded, secret, lurking, hollow-­ hearted, lip-holy, temporizing, time-serving, disguised, formal, double-hearted. Hyssop. Phlegme, purging, cleansing, bitter. I. Jaile. Jailer. Loathsome, nasty, noysome, fulsome, dark, darkesome, filthy, tedious, loathed, hollow, dusty, tattered, doleful, musty, fusty, dankish, aire-lesse, vaultie, ugly, grim, sterne, austere, frowning, lowring, careful, watchful, jealous, dogging, eying. Jakes. Stinking, filthy, loathsome, nasty, fulsome, dirty, dungie, cornered, dark, darksome, obscure. Jambicks. Swift, free, fierce, swift-pac't, wanton, cruel, biting, chafing, ra­ ging, lashing, jerking, satyrical, rayling, stinging. Janus. Two-fac'd, key-bearing, key-carrying, peaceful, old, aged, ancient. January. v. Cold. Snowie, icie, cold, drowsie, sluggish, snow-bearded, barren, un­ fruitful, sterne, grim. Jason. Noble, famous, perjur'd, perfidious, disloyal, deceitful, adventu­ rous, bold, couragious, wandring, proud, insolent, undaunted, thee­ vish, audacious. Jasper. Green, azure, purple, glittering, shining, beamie, transparent, sleeke, smooth, yellow, dicoloured, many-coloured, streaked, checkerd. Javelin. Trembling, thrilling, darted, pointed, mortal, wounding, whir­ led, quivering, singing, killing, bloody, swift-pac'd, sharpe-pointed, impetuous, death-bringing, waving, Jaw. Gaping, yawning, devouring, wide-stretcht, bloody, blood-thir­ sty, vasty, foamy, catching, grinding, lightning, gasping, threatning, dreadful, affrightful, ravenous, sharpe-fang'd, snatching, greedy, champing. Jay. Prating, painted, gaudy, speckled, checkerd, pyde, tatling, twat­ ing, pratling. Ice. Slippery, chrystal, glassie, transparent, shining, crusted, congea­ led, thick-ribd, chilling, stiffned, benumming, united, glistering, frigid, hanging. Idea. Shady, Tojan, leavie, sacred, branching, steepie, pine-bearing, watry, pleasant. Idlenesse, Lazie, lustful, lethargick, stupid, sottish, sluggish, dronish, drow­ sie, easie, cold, unactive, yawning, freezing, soft, lither, restive, dull, lolling, shady, shapeless, truant, resty, careless, neglective, vitious, pernicious, vice-noursing, wanton, mischievous, un-employed, faint, odious, loathsome, detested, nuzling, barren, fruitless. Idolatry. Detestable, Ægyptian, superstitious, doting, gaudy, cursed, lying, erroneous, erring, mad, sinful, bateful, blind, fabulous, prophane; smoakie, damnable, obstinate, ignorant, toyish, paganish, heathenish, fond, nuzling, garish, zealous, ceremonious. Jealousie. Cold, hellish, trembling, fretting, enraged, self-torturing, soul-­ martyring, wakeful, pale, groundless, raging, burning, wary, fear­ ful, timerous, furious, cautelous, peevish, hateful, malicious, reveng­ ful, chumpish, lumpish, brutish, self-harming, green-eyed, over-cu­ rious, sottish, quick-sighted, quick-eyed, yellow, grim, observant, eye-rolling, ghastly, frowning, prying, outragious, raving, suspici­ ous, suggesting, disquiet, careful, rival, waking, searching, distrust­ ful, hair-braind, envious, impatient, unhappy, blind, boyling, tor­ menting, racking, burning, flame-eyed, frantick, distempered, gid­ dy, sterne-visaged, lean-chapt, sparkling, dizzy-eyed, wrathful, an­ gry, transporting, surmizing. Jest. Wanton, sportive, harmeless, sharp-witted, scurrilous, ridiculous, pleasant, mirthful, free, loose, dissolute, neat, handsome, biting, cutting, innocent. Jet. Attractive, Negro, sable, straw-wooing, drawing, straw-courting, straw-embracing, amorous. Jew. Incredulous, unbelieving, usurious, avaritious, griping, cruel, bloody, flint-hearted, oppressing, marble-hearted, wandering, cir­ cumcised, superstitious, wealthy, obstinate, ceremonious, servile, scraping, wary, thrifty, tributary, slavish, hoarding, odious, detestable, hateful. Jewel. v. Gemmes. Pendant, hanging, spangling, glittering, costly, pretious, courtly, dangling, sparkling, radiant, flaming, aire-gilding, aire-en­ lightning, unvalued. Ignorance, Foggie, misty, cloudy, gloomy, uncertain, doubtful, wavering, staggering, stumbling, erroneous, muddy, blind, audacious, bold, raw, rude, unconcieving, dull, grosse, admiring, affected, silly, shal­ low, simple, erring, thick, groping, Cimerian, dark, black, dusty, foppish, dull-eyed, barbarous, doltish, barren, unfruitful, leaden, lead-pated, fat-headed, stupid, blear-eyed, scaly, drowsie, mole-­ eyed, sottish, fond, beetle-braind, pernicious, credulous, soon over-­ reached, grinning, presumptuous. Image. Pourtrayed, resembling, mocking, imitating, mimick, thought-­ reflecting, shape-representing, deceitful, adorned, adored, gilded. Immortality. Soft, flowery, endless, everlasting, never-ending, unfathomed, unconfined, bright, glorious, unconceived, uninterrupted, uncom­ prehended. Impatience. v. Anger. Testy, angry, pettish, cholerick, distempered, frantick, raging, furious, chafing, swelling, malecontent, sterne. Impiety. Tyrannous, atheistical, godlesse, cruel, sacrilegious, furious, dam­ ned, cursed, execrable, detestable, base, irreligious, diabolical, divelish. Imployment. Busie, active, stirring, instant, pressing, urgent, weighty, grave, importunate, great, forcing. Importunity. Uncomely, unhandsome, unmannerly, forcing, urging, odious, impatient, unruly, ungoverned, unanswered, unsatisfied, combrous, molesting. Imposture. Lying, jugling, calumnious, injurious, cheating, fraudulent, flearing, soothing, shamelesse, bold, impudent, fallacious, sly, cunning, sub­ tle, cogging. Imprisonment. Sad, cold, pensive, hard, grievous, painful, ignominious, wofull, wretched, bitter. Impudence. Steeled, flinty, scared, audacious, bold, unblushing, shamelesse, immodest, shallow, brazen, headstrong, shame-confounding, un­ daunted, odious, saucie, fearlesse, unawed, proud, arrogant, insolent, vice-noursing, bold-fac'd, brasse-browd. Incense. Persumed, fragrant, smoky, flaming, gummy, sweet, religious, as­ cending, aspiring, heaven-pleasing, priestly, sacred, vaporous, odo­ rous, superstitious. Inchantment. v. Magick. Magick, strong, charming, victorious, imperious, hellish, learned, mystick, powerful, binding, forcing, undissolved. Inconstancy. Light, vain, wavie, wavering, reeling, changing, mooving, floa­ ting, wheeling, turning. Increase. Fruitful, gainful, joyful, ample, welcome, rich, happy, large, flowing, doubled, blest. India. Indian. Tawny, swarthy, sallow, wealthy, spicy, fruitful, black, barbarous, spatious, pearly, drug-bearing, aromatick, diving, brown, long-liv'd, lean, scorched, sun-burnt. Industry. Eager, active, stirring, working, quick, sharp, fierce, untir'd, painful, sweating, subtile, careful, watchful, ingenious, adventurous, undiscou­ rag'd, couragious. Infamy. Blasting, black-mouthed, shameful, dishonest, divulged, ignominious, scandalous, loathsome, spotted, notorious, leprous. Infancy. Infant. v. Babe. Soft, sucking, simple, harmelesse, toyish, gamesome, sportive, smiling, puling, unpractised, testie, lisping, peevish, froward, pet­ tish, angry, waspish, whimpering, silly, blooming, nonaged, didling, dandled, wadling, sprawling. Infection. Spreading, contagious, stinking, putrid, corrupt, filthy, nasty, noysome, loathsome, pernitious, deadly. Influence. Vertuous, vigorous, masculine, powerful, thriving, working, efficacious, unresisted, luckie, happy, smiling, frowning, favourable, malignant, unhappy, disastrous, heavenly, celestial. Ingratitude. Fowle, base, odious, shamelesse, detestable, vitious, impious, ab­ horred, unacknowledging, proud, insolent, arrogant, saucy, oblivi­ ous. Iniquity. v. Impiety. Injury. Boysterous, wrongful, abusive, outragious, intolerable, unsup­ ported, defaming, contumelious, grievous, displeasing, enormous, ignominious, unlawful, unruly, disordered, lawlesse, unpardoned, bold-fac'd, insulting. Inke. Mourning, sable, gummie, blotting, spotting, flowing, useful, the sable wave. Innocence. Spotless, taintless, untainted, harmeless, unstained, unsullied, white, snowie, simple, unaffected, lillyed, pure, clear, bright, chast, calme, ensoyled, meeke, blameless, faultless, religious, pious, sacred, unwary, conscientious, dove-like, peaceful, quiet, soft, silent, smi­ ling, unappeached, infant, babish, guiltless. Insolence. v. Pride. Proud, haughty, disdainful, arrogant, swelling, stately, triumphing, gay, fantastick, insulting, imperious, lofty, mounting, towring, sul­ len, surly, supercilious, hateful, headie, portly, burly, bold, respect­ lesse, disrespective, presumptuous, rash, audacious, rufling, rustling, bustling, scorneful, over-weening, ambitious, strutting, impetuous, tympanizing, tyranizing, flaming, bubling, currish, churlish, brow-­ beating, puft, pursie, soaring.