AN ALPHABETICAL DICTIONARY, Wherein all ENGLISH WORDS According to their VARIOUS SIGNIFICATIONS, Are either referred to their Places in the PHILOSOPHICAL TABLES, Or explained by such Words as are in those TABLES. LONDON, Printed by J. M. for Samuel Gellibrand and Iohn Martin, 1668. AN ADVERTISEMENT TO THE READER. FOr the better understanding of the References in the following Dictionary, the Reader is desired to take notice, that the Ab­ breviations therein used, are thus to be explained; A. Affinis. a. active AC. Action Corporeal adj. adjective Adv. Adverb underived adv. adverb derived (aggr. aggregate (apt aptitude, or proneness. AS. Action Spiritual (arm. armament (aug. augmentative Be. Beast Bi. Bird Conj. Conjunction (corr. corruptive D. Deficient extreme D. Discourse (def. defective (dim. diminutive E. Exceeding extreme El. Element (end. endeavour Ex. Exanguious (ex. excessive (fem. female Fi. Fish (freq. frequentative G. God Ha. Habit HF. Herb considered according to the Flower HL. Herb considered according to the Leafe HS. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel (inc. inceptive (imp. impetus, or fit (instr. instrument Int. Interjection (jug. jugament (lam. lamin (mach machin. Mag. Magnitude Man. Manners Mea. Measure (mech mechanic (merc. merchant Met. Metal Mo. Motion NP. Natural Power O. Operation O. Opposite (off. Officer p. passive (perf. perfective PG. Parts General Po. Possessions (pot. Power, or ability PP. Parts Peculiar Pr. Provisions Pre. Preposition Pro. Pronoun Q. Quality sensible RC. Relation Civil RE. Relation Ecclesiastical RJ. Relation Judicial RM. Relation Military RN. Relation Naval RO. Relation Oeconomical S. Sickness (segr. segregate Sh. Shrub Sp. Space sp. specially St. Stone T. or TG. Transcend. General TA. Transcendental Action TM. Transcendental Mixed Tr. Tree v. verb W. World The Literal Figures, as I, II, V, &c. denote the order of the Differences under each Genus; and the other Figures, the order of the Species under each Difference. So the word Sheep in the Dictio­ nary is marked Be. II.2. The meaning of which is, That the thing signified by that word is described in the Philosophical Tables under the Genus of BEAST, the second difference, and the second Species. And Goat is Be. II.2. Affinis. (i.e.) 'tis joyned as an Affinis to the same Species. The Design of the Philosophical Tables is to enumerate and describe all kinds of Things and Notions: And the Design of this Dictionary, is to reckon up and explain all kinds of words, or names of things. And that the Reader may the better understand the usefulness of having all words set down according to their different Acceptions, and by what kind of Analogy they come to be used in such various sences (which is one of the particular advantages of this Dictionary) I shall here select out of it one particular Instance, for each of these several kinds of words, viz. a Substantive, an Adjective, a Verb, a Par­ ticle; by which it will be easie to understand any of the rest. So the word CORRVPTION, according to that Notion of it which is Primary and proper, doth denote theBeing, or Making of a thing, evil, or worse, whether by Admixtion with that which is bad, and then it is of the same importance with the word Defiling. Privation, as to a thing Being, so corruption is destroying. Vsefulness, so corruption is spoiling. Secondary, as applied to things Natural, so Corruption will denote according to the Degree of it, either Infection, or Decay, or Putrefaction. Moral, whether more General, so it denotes the Evilness of the mind or manners, Vnholiness, Viciousness. Special, so 'tis peculiarly applied to Vnchastity and Bribery. So the word CLEAR, may signifie either Entire of it self; so clearly is wholly. Not mingled with others; so Clear is Simple. specially not with worse; so Clear is Pure. Being free from impediments, or not being hindered from Being, doing, or receiving, which notion of Clear may be often exprest by the Transcendental mark of Perfe­ ctive. There may be Instances of it given in every Ge­ nus; as particularly, Quality, whether Natural Power, so a clear sight or understanding is a good s. or u. It is applied to the Mind, as a clear Wit, or Spirit. Body, so we say one is clear of sickness or pain, has a clear skin, &c. Habit, as a clear Reputation, that is a good R. sp. Sagacity and Sincerity are thus called Clear­ ness. Manners, as Clear Dealing, that is Candor or Frank­ ness. Sensible Quality. Visible, as clear weather, or sky or water, &c. Audible, as clear sound. Sickness, as clear of any disease (i. e.) not Infected, or not Diseased. Relation. Civil, as a Clear Estate. Judicial, as Clear of any Crime. Military, as Clear Coast. Ecclesiastic, as Clear of any Censure. Being Done, so Clear is Easie, or not difficult; Being Known, so Clear is Plain or manifest; Being come to, or Passed through, so Clear is Accessible, or Passable, or Empty. So the word DELIVER, according to its primary sence, is the mo­ tion (Met.) or the passing of a thing, or of the Possession of it, or of the Power over it, from one to another. It is commonly used in rela­ tion either to the Subject, or thing deliver'd, whether Things; so Deliver may signifie Depositing, Paying, Resigning. Words, as to the Matter, whether concerning Fact, so Delivering is Narration Doctrine, so Delivering is Teaching Manner, whether Immediately by Mouth, so to deliver, is to speak. Pen, so to deliver, is to write Mediately, so Delivering is Tradition Terms of this motion, either from a Better condition to a worse, being used Passively, so Delivering is Dereliction Actively, whether Involuntary, so Delivering is yielding Voluntary, so Delivering is Betraying Worse condition to a better. Temporal, whether by way of Prevention, so Delivering is Preserving, or Causing to escape: Remedy, from Captivity, so to deliver, is to Vncaptivate. Bondage, so to deliver, is to Vnslave. Prison, so to deliver, is to Vnimprison. Danger of Child-birth, so to deliver, is the Active of Parturition. Eternal, so delivering is Redemption. So the Particle BY, is sometimes used in the sence of an Integral, signifying the notion of Digression or Accessory, as on the by; and is of the same importance with such kind of Ne­ gatives, as not principal, not pertinent, not public, not ordi­ nary; as a By-way: And sometimes 'tis used to denote a common speech implying something of contempt, as a By-­ word. Preposition Causal, Efficient, By such an Author. Instrumental, Slain by the sword. Final, or end, By reason of, &c. Local or Temporal, being sometimes used in that same sence with those other Prepositions. Before, as, By God, (i.) before God. At, as, Come by, (i.) obtain, or come at. In, as, by day, (i.) in the day time. Through, as, by such a street,(i.) through such a street. Besides, as, by the mark, (i.) besides. Adverbs denoting the Circumstance of Nearness, whether Local. So By, or hard by, is near such a Place. Temporal. So By and by, is nearness in Time, signifying future (dim.) Besides those Phraseologies wherein the Particle is used to signifie the Manner of things, as, By the By, By the Great, By Retail, By it self, &c. Which Phrases are to be expressed by the Adverbs Neuter of Digression, Aggregate, Segregate, Solitary, &c. So those Forms of Speech, By course, By the day, or day by day, By degrees, By turns, House by House, Year by Year, &c. are to be expressed by the Adverbs of Course, Day, Degree, Turn, House, Year, with the Transcendental Note of Segregate. The Alphabetical DICTIONARY. A Article, 1. Abandon. Transcendental Action II. 2. Operation or Opposite Abase. [active Lowness,] Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Operation or Opposite [active Meanness,] Habit II. 5. Operation or Opposite [active Humility,] Manners V. 2. Abash, [active Shame.] Action Spiritual VI. 2. Affinis. Abate [active Little,] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse [active Diminution,] Transcendental Mixed I. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse [active Remission,] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [active Subduction,] Transcendental Mixed VI. 7. Abbat, [Abby's (Officer.] Abbie, [Colledge of Monks.] Abbreviate, [active Brevity,] Transcendental Mixed II. 1. Operation or Opposite [active Epitome,] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 6. Abbridge, [active Abbreviate.] Abdicate, Transcendental Action I. 3. Operation or Opposite Abecedarian, [Learner of ele­ ments,] Deficient extreme or Discourse I. Abed, [in bed,] brought, [adjective pret. parturition.] Abet. [verb Accessary,] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite [verb Incourage,] Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. [active Help.] Trancendental General II. 5. Abhor. [verb Hate, Action Spiritual V. 3. Operation or Opposite augmentative] [verb Aversation, Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite augmentative] Abide. [continue.] [verb Duration,] Measure V. Affinis. [verb Permanent,] Space I. 6. [verb Constancy,] Habit IV. 7. [verb stay] Transcendental Action VI. Operation or Opposite [dwell] Possessions I. Affinis. suffer. [verb Passion,] Trancendental General I. 7. Operation or Opposite [verb Patience,] Manners I. 8. Abject. [Mean,] Habit II. 5. Operation or Opposite augmentative) [Contemptible,] Action Spiritual II. 8. Operation or Opposite augmentative) excess of modesty, Manners III. 9. Exceeding extreme Ability. [Potentialness] Trancendental General III. 5. Operation or Opposite [Nat. Power] Natural Power per tot. [Possessions] Possessions Abjure, [Swear. Relation Civil VI. 4. (against.] Ablatum, Transcendental Mixed VI. 7. Able, [adjective Ability.] Abode, vid. Abide. Abolish. [active Nothing] Trancendental General I. 1. Operation or Opposite [Annihilate] Action Spiritual I. 1. Operation or Opposite [Destroy] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite --- Law [verb Law (un.] --- Act [verb Act (un.] Abominate. [verb Hate] Action Spiritual V. 3. Operation or Opposite augmentative) [Aversation] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite augmentative) Aboord [into, or in Ship.] Abortion, Action Corporeal I. 3. Operation or Opposite Above, Prep. V. 1. Operation or Opposite [Adverb derived Upper] Space III. 5. [More then, &c.] Abound, verb Transcendental Mixed I. 2. Exceeding extreme [verb Redundance,] Transcendental Mixed I. 3. Exceeding extreme About, as round --- Prep. III. 3. Operation or Opposite [more or less] Adverb underived V. 3. [concerning] Prep. I. 3. Operation or Opposite Abroad, [out of] Prep. IV. 2. [without] Prep. IV. 2. Operation or Opposite [in public] Adverb derived Transcendental Mixed V. 4. Abrogate [un-law.] Relation Civil IV. 3. Abrupt. [confused] Transcendental Mixed V. 2. Operation or Opposite specially ended confusedly.] discontinued confusedly.] Absence, Space II. 1. Operation or Opposite Absolving. [Acquitting,] Relation Judicial II. 7. [un-excommunicate,] Relation Ecclesiastical V. 5. Absolute. [perfect] Trancendental General III. 9. op. to dependent, Transcendental Mixed IV. 3. Operation or Opposite op. to relative, Trancendental General I. 8. Operation or Opposite Absolution, vid. Absolve. Abstein, Transcendental Action V. 6. Operation or Opposite [verb Abstinence] Manners II. 2. Abstemious, [adjective Abstinence,] Manners II. 2. specially from Wine. Abstersive, adjective [active purgation diminutive] [active purity] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Abstinence, Transcendental Action V. 6. Operation or Opposite vertue, Manners II. 2. Abstract, Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 2. [epitome] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 7. Abstruse. [obscure] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 9. Operation or Opposite [concealed] Transcendental Action I. 8. Operation or Opposite Absurd. [foolish] HA. VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse [nor congruous] Trancendental General V. 5. Abundance, Transcendental Mixed I. 2. Exceeding extreme Abuse, [Use, Transcendental Action V. 6. corruptive] [speak Injuriously] Relation Judicial IV. 1. Abusiveness. [proneness to abuse.] [scurrility] Manners IV. 9. Exceeding extreme Abutt [verb Margin,] Space III. 4. Affinis. Abysse [Deep] Transcendental Mixed II. 3. augmentative) Academy, Relation Civil III. 6. Acara, Fish V. 8. Affinis. Accelerate. [active Swift] Natural Power V. 9. [active Soon] Space I. 4. Accent, Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 9. Accept, Transcendental Action IV. 4. Affinis. Acceptable. [adjective passive Accept,] Transcendental Action IV. 4. Affinis. specially aptitude, or proneness..] [delighting] Action Spiritual IV. 7. Acception of a word. [meaning] Deficient extreme or Discourse II. Affinis. Access. [verb Come] Transcendental Action VI. 1. [power of a p to come.] [leave of a p to come.] [opportunity of a p to come.] Accessary, Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Accident. op. to Subst. Trancendental General I. 5. Operation or Opposite [adjective Contingent] Trancendental General V. 8. Operation or Opposite (thing.) [adjective Fortune] Action Spiritual I. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse (thing) specially Event. Transcendental Action V. Acclamation. Action Corporeal III. 3. Operation or Opposite [Exclamation through Joy] of Praise] Accommodate. [active Congruous, Trancendental General V. 6. (make] [active Means] Trancendental General II. 6. Operation or Opposite [active Provision] Provisions Accompany. [verb Companion] Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. [verb Being, Trancendental General I. 1. with or together] [verb Going, Transcendental Action VI. with or together] Accomplish. [active Perfect] Trancendental General III. 9. (make) [Perform] Transcendental Action III. 6. [Finish] Transcendental Action III. 7. Accord. [active Assent] Action Spiritual II. 3. [active Congruous] Trancendental General V. 5. Of one --- [with simultaneous Spontaneity] Of ones own --- [Adverb derived Spontaneous,] Action Spiritual IV. 9 According. [Adverb derived Congruous,] Trancendental General V. 5. --- as. Adverb underived I. 3. --- to. Prep. II. 1. Accordingly. Adverb underived I. 3. Operation or Opposite Accost. [active Near] Space II. 3. [Address] Action Corporeal V. 2. [Salute] Action Corporeal V. 3. Accounting. [Reckoning] Transcendental Action IV. 6. [Esteeming] Action Spiritual II. 8. Accoutred. [Clothed] Provisions IV. [Armamented] Provisions IV. Affinis. Accrue. [passive Effect] Trancendental General II. Operation or Opposite [verb Event] Transcendental Action V. Accumulate, [active Heap] Operation or Opposite II. 6. Accurate. adjective Perfect. Trancendental General III. 9. Accurse [Curse] Action Spiritual I. 3. Operation or Opposite Accuse. [as Informer] Relation Judicial I. 3. [as Plaintiff] Relation Judicial I. 4. --- falsly. active Calumny. Relation Judicial IV. 7. Accustom. active Custom. Relation Civil IV. 1. Affinis. --- to doe, &c. active do, &c. (frequent) Ace. [One,] Measure II. 1. [Point] Magnitude I. 1. Acerbity. Quality sensible IV. 3. Affinis. Ach [Pain] Natural Power V. 3. Operation or Opposite Achieve. [active Perfect] Trancendental General III. 9. [Perform] Transcendental Action III. 6. [active Action] Trancendental General 1. 7. Acid. Quality sensible IV. 4. Acknowledge. [Assent] Action Spiritual II. 3. [Concession] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Affinis. [Confess] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 9. Aconite. (Woolv's-bane] Winter.Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 3. Acorn [Mast of the Oke.] Acquaint. [Know (make] Acquaintance. Relation Oeconomical IV. 4. Acquiesce. [verb Rest.] Motion Operation or Opposite [verb Content] Habit I. 3. Acquire. [Obtain] Transcendental Action V. 1. [Gain] Transcendental Action V. 2. Acquitting. --- of debt. Transcendental Action IV. 9. --- of guilt. Relation Judicial II. 7. Acre. [Area of 160 Pole square.] Acrimony. Quality sensible IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Act. [Action] Trancendental General I. 7. [Chapter] (as an act in a Play) Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 3. [Law] Relation Civil IV. 3. [Edict] Relation Civil IV. 3. Affinis. [real existence] Transcendental General III. 5. to active Action. --- in a Play. Relation Civil III. 9. Action. Transcendental General 1. 7. Spiritual --- Action Spiritual --- of God. Action Spiritual I. --- of the Speculative Vnderstanding. Action Spiritual II. --- of the Practical Vnderstanding. Action Spiritual III. --- of the Will. Action Spiritual IV. Corporeal --- Action Corporeal --- of Vegetative. Action Corporeal I. --- of Sensitive. Action Corporeal II. --- of Manners Action Corporeal III. [Gesture] Action Corporeal VI. Affinis. Iudicial. --- Relation Judicial II. [Suit] Relation Judicial II. Affinis. Active. [adjective Action aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Business, aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Nimbleness] N P. V. 8. Actual. Transcendental General III. 5. Acus Aristotelis, Fish VIII. 5. Acute. Sharp. [adjective cut. aptitude, or proneness.] --- angle. Magnitude III. 3. Operation or Opposite [Intense] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Exceeding extreme [Sprightly] Natural Power IV. 2. --- Sound. Quality sensible III. 1. Exceeding extreme [Sagacious] Habit III. 1. Adage Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 1. Affinis. Adamant [Diamond] Stone IV. 1. Adapt. [active Proportion perfective] [active Congruous.] Add. [to --- pur.] [together --- pur.] [adjective Sum (make] [adjective Aggregate, (make] [Find [reckon Sum] Aggregate] Adder, [Viper] Beast VI. 7. Affinis. --- s Bolt. Exanguious IV. 7. --- s Tongue. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 9. Affinis. Addice. [Cuting Hammer --- of Barrel mech.] Instrument of Barrel mech.] Addict. [verb Incline naturally] habitually] Addition. Transcendental Mixed VI. 6. vid. Add. Addle [Putrid] Natural Power V. 2. Address. Action Corporeal V. 2. Adequate. adjective Equality. Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Adhere. Transcendental Action II. 2. Adherent, [adjective active Transcendental Action II. 2.] [Accessary] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Adjacent. [Margining] Space III. 4. Affinis. [Near] Space II. 3. Adjective. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 3. Operation or Opposite Adieu, [Valediction.] Action Corporeal V. 8. Operation or Opposite Adjoin. [Join] Transcendental Action II. 1. [Margin] Space III. 4. Affinis. [Near] Space II. 3. Adjourn. [discontinue till a set day] [active Late. Space I. 4. Operation or Opposite] by discontinuing. Transcendental Mixed III. Adjudge to --- active Sentence. Relation Judicial II. 5. Affinis. Adjunct. Transcendental General VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Adjure. [active Swear] Relation Civil VI. 4. (make) [Entreat [Command for God's sake. Adjust. [active Equal] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. (make) [active Congruous] Transcendental General V. 5. (make) [Balance] Transcendental Action IV. 6. Affinis. Adjutant. Relation Military III. 4. Affinis. Adjuvant. Transcendental General II. 5. Administer. [Serve] [Yield] Transcendental Action IV. 1. [Give] Transcendental Action IV. 4. Administration, [Vice-Executorship to --- sentenced.] Male Manners VI. 5. Admiral, [Navy (Officer.] Admiring. Action Spiritual V. I. Admit. [Permit] specially to enter.] [Concession] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Affinis. [Allow of] Admonish, Warn. Relation Oeconomical V. 4. Affinis. Adolescence. Me. VI. 2. Adonis-flower. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 5. Adoo, [Endeavour.] Transcendental Action III. 4. Adopt. [instead-active child, Relation Oeconomical I. 2. Operation or Opposite (make] Adore, [worship.] Relation Ecclesiastical IV. Adorn, [active ornate.] Transcendental Mixed V. 5. Advance. [go forward] Relation Military II. 2. Exceeding extreme [active Direct. Magnitude II. 8. Exceeding extreme (make] [active Lift] Operation or Opposite I. 1. Affinis. [active Upper] Space III. 5. [active Superiority [active High] Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Exceeding extreme Relation Oeconomical III. Prefer. [active Dignity.] H. II. 5. Advantage. [Superiority] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Exceeding extreme [Gain] Transcendental Action V. 2. [Occasion] Transcendental General II. 4. Affinis. Advent, [to-Coming.] Transcendental Action VI. 1. Adventitious. [besides Intention Space Casual.] Expectation. Space Casual.] [Accessory] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Adventure. [Contingency] Transcendental General V. 7. Operation or Opposite [Fortune] Action Spiritual I. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Essay] Transcendental Action III. 4. Affinis. [Danger] Transcendental General V. 3. Operation or Opposite [Out-sent, adjective Commerce thing] At --- [without fear of the event.] Adverb. Derived. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 4. Vnderived. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 9. Adverse. [Opposite] Transcendental General VI. 8. Operation or Opposite [Contrary] Transcendental General V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Enemy] Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. Operation or Opposite [Adversity] Habit I. 2. Operation or Opposite Adversary, [Enemy] Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Adversity. Habit I. 2. Operation or Opposite Advert, [observe] Action Spiritual III. 1. Affinis. Advertise. [Know, Action Spiritual II. 5. (make] [Warn] Relation Oeconomical V. 4. Affinis. Advise. Giving --- [active Advice.] Relation Oeconomical V. 4. Taking --- [passive Advice.] Relation Oeconomical V. 4. Advised. [adjective passive Advise.] [adjective Considerate] Habit IV. 1. [adjective Heedful] Habit IV. 2. Adulation, [Fawning] Manners IV. 7. Exceeding extreme Adult, [adjective Adolescence.] Me. VI. 2. Adulterate, [Forgery] Relation Judicial IV. 4. Affinis. Adultery. Relation Judicial IV. 2. Affinis. Adumbrate, [active Shadow.] Quality sensible I. 2. Operation or Opposite Advocate. [Pleader] Relation Judicial I. 7. [Mediator] Relation Judicial I. 2. Affinis. Advowson, [Right Relation Civil IV. of future giving Presbyters (place] Adust. [adjective passive preter. Fire.] Afar. [Adverb derived Remote.] Space II. 3. Operation or Opposite Affable. [adjective Manners VI. 3.] [adjective Courtesie] Manners IV. 7. Affair. [adjective passive fur. Do (thing) [Business] Transcendental Action III. [Thing] Transcendental General I. 2. Affect. [verb Affectation.] [verb Affection.] [Delight] Action Spiritual IV. 7. Affectation., [Conceitedness.] HA. III. 3. Operation or Opposite --- of Empire [Ambition.] MA. III. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse Affection. Passion, Action Spiritual V. & Action Spiritual VI. [Desire] Action Spiritual V. 4. [Love] Action Spiritual V. 2. Affiance. [Betrothing] Relation Oeconomical II. 3. [Confidence] Action Spiritual V. 6. Affidavit, [Sworn Testimony.] Relation Judicial I. 7. Affinis. Affinity. Relation Oeconomical II. Affirming, Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 2. Affix [to fasten.] Put.] Afflict, [active Adversity,] Habit I. 2. Operation or Opposite Affluence, [Abundance.] Transcendental Mixed II. 2. Exceeding extreme Afford, [permit to have.] [Yield] Transcendental Action IV. 1. [Grant] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Affinis. [Give] Transcendental Action IV. 4. [Sell] Relation Civil V. 3. Affraid, [adjective Fear.] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite Affront, Relation Judicial IV. 1. Affinis. Afresh. [Adverb derived New. Space I. 3. Repeated. Transcendental Action II. 6. [again] Adverb underived IV. 2. After. [op. to before] [behind] Prep. V. 3. Operation or Opposite [Adverb derived Posterior] [Adverb derived Follow] [According to] As by patern. Prep. II. 1. [Adverb derived Congruous to] --- Birth, [secundine.] Parts Peculiar VI. 7. Affinis. --- Noon, [after --- adjective noon. (time.] --- Time, [adjective Future.] Space I. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse (Time.] Again. Adverb underived IV. 2. [Adverb derived p repeating.] Transcendental Action II. 6. Against. Prep. II 3. Operation or Opposite Over --- Prep. VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Agaric, [Fungus of Larix-tree.] Agast, [adjective Fear. AS V. 5. Operation or Opposite augmentative] Agat. Stone II. 1. Affinis. Age. [Life-time] Measure VI. of what --- [adjective preter. Age, how many years?] under --- [of Pupillar age.] of full --- [Un-pupilled by Age] [adjective pret. Adolescence.] middle --- [Manhood.] Me. VI. 3. Declining --- Measure VI. 3. A Old --- Measure VI. 4. Decrepit --- Measure VI. 4. Affinis. [Generation] Measure VI. Affinis. Agent. [adjective active Action. (person] [pro --- adjective Business, Transcendental Action III. (Officer.] (Person.] Aggravate. [active Great] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Exceeding extreme [active Intension] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Exceeding extreme Aggregate. Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Operation or Opposite Agility. Nimble, Natural Power V. 8. [Swift] Natural Power V. 9. Agitate [Move] Motion frequentative) [Drive] Transcendental Action VI. 5. Operation or Opposite [Swing] Motion VI. 3. [active vice-business. Transcendental Action III. Aglet, [round Lamin. diminutive] Agnus-Castus. Shrub I. 6. Affinis. Agoe, [Adverb derived Past.] Space I.1. Exceeding extreme Agony, Action Spiritual VI. 8. [Grief (Impetus.] [Anger (Impetus.] Agree. [verb Congruous] Transcendental General V. 5. [active Contract] Relation Civil V. --- to [Consent] Action Spiritual II. 3. [Grant] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Operation or Opposite --- together. V. Manners IV. 3. Agreeable. [Congruous] Transcendental General V. 5. [Expedient,] Transcendental General V. 6. Agriculture. Operation or Opposite III. Agrimony, Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 3. Dutch --- Herb considered according to the Flower III. 8. Aground on earth] contiguous to the earth.] Ague, Sickness II. 1. Affinis. Ah, Interject. specially Love. Sorrow. Desire. Insinuation. Ay, [Adverb derived Ever.] Space I. 1. Aid, [Adjuvant.] Transcendental General II. 5. Ail. [verb Passion] Transcendental General I. 7. Operation or Opposite [verb Impot.] Natural Power V. Operation or Opposite [verb Want] Transcendental Action I. 5. Operation or Opposite Aim. [Object] Transcendental General VI. 2. [End] Transcendental General II. 6. Air, Element II. --- Ethereal, Element II. 1. --- of face, [Figure, (modus] [Tune.] Wood, [Maple tuberous augmentative) to --- abroad, [put in the Air.] Airy. [adjective Air.] [Wanton] Natural Power IV. 3. Operation or Opposite [Conceited] Habit III. 3. Operation or Opposite --- of Hawks, [Younglings (aggreg.) of Hawks.] Ake, Action Corporeal II. 7. Akorn, [Mast of the Oke.] Alabaster, Stone II. 1. Alacrity, Habit IV. 3. Alarm. [Arming (sign] [Assaulting (sign] Alass, Interject. II. 1. Alate, [Past. Space I. 1. Exceeding extreme diminutive] Alaternus, Shrub IV. 4. Albeit, [Although.] Conjunction II. 2. Alchimy, [Chimic.] Operation or Opposite VI. Alcoran, [Scripture of Mahometans.] Alcyon [King-fisher.] Bi. III. 9. Alder, Tree V. 3. Berry bearing, --- Shrub II. 7. Alderman, [Assessor of Corporation (Officer.] Ale, Provisions I. 7. Ale-cost, Herb considered according to the Flower II. 4. Ale-hoof, [Ground-Ivy] Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 11. Ale-house, [adjective Selling (house) of Ale.] Alembick, [adjective Distillation (vessel.] Alexanders, Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 4. Algebra, [adjective Invention (art) in quantity (Science.] Alien, [Foreiner.] Relation Oeconomical IV. 3. Operation or Opposite Alienate, Possessions Operation or Opposite [un- active Propriety from himself.] [active Stranger] Relation Oeconomical IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Alight. [un- Ride] Sit] Down-go] Transcendental Action VI. Alike. [Adverb derived Like.] Transcendental Mixed V. 1. [Adverb derived Equal] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Aliment, [adjective Nutrition. Action Corporeal I. 6. (thing] Alimony, [Proportioned (thing) for Provisions.] Alisanders, Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 4. Alive, [adjective Action Corporeal I. 7.] --- Cole, [n. adjective Fire cole.] Alkakengi, [Winter-cherry.] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 8. Alkanet, Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 2. All, Pron. V. 3. at --- [Adverb derived Any.] --- be it Conjunction II. 2. --- though Conjunction II. 2. --- one, [Equal.] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. --- ready, vid. Already. --- together. [Adverb derived Total] Transcendental Mixed VI. [Adverb derived Aggregate] Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Operation or Opposite [Adverb derived Perfect] Transcendental Mixed III. 9. --- waies in all (times) Adverb derived all (times) Space in all times when it ought to be.] Allay. [active Remiss] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [active Little] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse [verb more-remiss, &c.] Allege. [active Argumentation.] [active Quotation.] Allegiance. [Loyalty] Manners V. 6. [Duty of Subjection.] Allegory, [continued Trope,] specially Metaphor.] Alley. [narrow Street Way Area All-heal, Herb considered according to the Flower V. 8. Hercules --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 10. Alligator [Crocodile] Beast VI. 3. Ally, vid. Alliance. Alliance. [League] Relation Civil III. 8. [Affinity] Relation Oeconomical II. Alloy Stiffen by mixture] un-price by mixture] Allot, [Appoint Measure] Proportion] Allow. [Appoint specially Measure] [Permit specially Proportion] [Stipendiate] Relation Oeconomical VI. 4. Affinis. [Give] Transcendental Action IV. 4. [Yield] Transcendental Action IV. 1. [Grant] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Affinis. [Approve] Action Spiritual III. 3. [Consent] Action Spiritual II. 3. Allowance. [appointed Measure] [Permitted Proportion] [Stipend] Relation Oeconomical VI. 4. Affinis. [Maintenance] Relation Oeconomical VI. 4. Allude, [active Allusion.] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 9. Affinis. Allure. Relation Oeconomical V. 5. Allusion. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 9. Affinis. Almanack, [adjective Year-book, of pl. Series of Daies, of every Month,] Almes, [adjective passive Almsgiving (thing] --- giving. the Virtue, Manners III. 5. the Act, [active Almsgiving.] Manners III. 5. Almicantar. World VI. 7. Affinis. Almighty, [all-adjective Power.] Habit II. 6. Almner, [Alms (officer] Almond. Tree, Tree IV. 1. Affinis. Fruit, Tree IV. 1. Affinis. (Fruit) [Glandule] Parts General II. 7. Place of them, Parts General III. 9. Affinis. Almost. Adverb underived V. 1. Aloe. Herb, Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 1. Affinis. Tree, Tree VIII. 1. Aloft [Adverb underived High.] Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Alone. [Solitary] Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. Operation or Opposite [Only] Adverb underived IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Along. [on this side] Prep. VI. 2. [beside] Prep. IV. 3. Operation or Opposite [Adverb derived passive continue.] all --- [Adverb derived Lying] Action Corporeal VI. 7. Affinis. Aloof [Adverb derived Remote.] Space II. 3. Operation or Opposite Aloud [Adverb derived Sound. Quality sensible III. augmentative] Alpe [Bullfinch] Bi. III. 5. Alphabet Series of Letters.] Catalogue of Letters.] Already. [having been before] [Adverb derived preter. Past.] Space I. 1. Exceeding extreme [which is now] [before this time] Also. Conjunction IV. 2. Altar, Sacrificing (place.) Possessions II. 4. Affinis. Alter, [Change.] Transcendental Action II. 6. Affinis. Altercation, [Contentiousness.] Manners IV. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Alternation, [Turn.] Transcendental General VI. 7. Althæa, Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 7. Altitude, [Height.] Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Alum. Stone V. 2. Am. [verb Being] Transcendental General I. 1. Copula. Amain, [Adverb derived Intension.] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Exceeding extreme Amalgama, Mingle with Quicksilver. Amaranthus. [Princes Feather] Herb considered according to the Flower I. 15. Affinis. Amass, [active Heap.] Operation or Opposite II. 6. Amate, [active Fear.] Action Spiritual V. 6. Operation or Opposite Amaze. [active Extasie] Action Spiritual VI. 8. Affinis. [active Stupor] Natural Power II. 1. Operation or Opposite with admiration, Action Spiritual V. 1. Ambages, [about --- Wandring Speeches.] Ambassage. [Political Relation Civil Sending] Transcendental Action VI. 4. Amber Stone II. 8 Affinis. --- --- gris. Stone V. 9. Ambient. [about the outside] Space III. 6. Operation or Opposite [adjective Periphery] Ambiguous, [adjective passive abst. Doubt.] [adjective Equivocation.] Ambition, Man III. 9. Exceeding extreme Ambling, Motion II. 2. Ambedexter. [using equally all his hands.] [seeming of all parties.] Ambulatory, [adj Walk] Motion II. 1. Ambush. Relation Military I. 9. Affinis. Amen [it Imper. Being] Copula.] Amend, [verb Better.] Transcendental Mixed I. 9. Exceeding extreme make --- s [verb compens.] Transcendental Action II. 7. Affinis. Amerce, [Mulct.] Relation Judicial VI. 7. Amethyst, Stone IV. 6. Amia Fish IV. 1. "amia" (Latin), the bowfin, not found in OED. Amiable [adjective passive Love (abstr.] Amicable, [adjective active Friend.] Relation Oeconomical IV. 1 Amiss. Adverb derived Adverb derived Evil.] Transcendental General III. 2 Operation or Opposite Err.] Transcendental Action III. 8. Transc. (corruptiue] Amity, [active Friend Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. (abst.) Ammi, [Bishops-weed.] Herb considered according to the Flower V. 4. Affinis. Ammunition. Relation Military V. Amomum.   Among, [betwixt.] Prep. VI. 3. Amorous, [adjective a Love. Action Spiritual V. 3. (Abstr.] Amort, [adj Grief. Action Spiritual V. 4. Operation or Opposite (impetus] Amount, [p Sum.] Transcendental Mixed VI. 6. A Amphibious, [Inhabiting Land and Water.] Amphiboly, [Doubtfulness of sense.] Amphitheatre, [Round building for Shews.] Ample. Wide, Space II. 5. [Great] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Exceeding extreme [Broad] Transcendental Mixed II. 2. Ampliation. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Amplifie, active Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Amulet, [adjective active Physitian (thing) with --- adjective passive carry (abstr.) adjective hang at neck, &c.] An Article. I. Anabaptist, [Rebaptizing Schismatic.] Anacardium. Tree IV. 8. Affinis. "anacardium" (Latin), the cashew, not found in OED. Anagram, [Play of changing the orders of Letters.] Analem, [Representing (thing) by lines;] specially of the Sphere imaginary.] Analogy, [Proportion.] Me. Operation or Opposite Analysis, [Artificial Segregation.] Anarchy. Relation Civil Operation or Opposite Anas Campestris Bellonii. Bi. II. 4. Affinis. Anathema, [Excommunication.] Relation Ecclesiastical V. 5. Anatomy. Cutting up, [Segregation by cutting.] Body cut up, [Body segrega­ ted by cutting.] Ancestor. [Progenitor.] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Anchor. Relation Naval III. 9. Anchorite, [Hermit. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 7. Affinis. circumsepimented.] Anchove. Fish III. 12. Ancient. [adjective Old] Space I. 3. Operation or Opposite [adjective Old-age.] Measure VI. 4. [Ensign] Relation Military III. 2. --- --- of ship. Relation Naval III. 7. Affinis. Anckle, [Protuberant end of the Leg-bone.] Ancome, [Porous bile.] And, Conjunction I. 2. Andiron. [Fewel-supporting (Instrument.] Anemony, Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 3. Aneuresma. Sickness III. 8. Affinis. Anew. [Adverb derived New. Space I. 3. Repeat. Transcendental Action II. 6. [again] Adverb underived IV. 2. Angel. [Spirit.] World I. 1. Good --- World I. 2. Bad --- World I. 2. Operation or Opposite In money, Measure IV. 4. Fish. [Scate] Fish II. 5. Angelica. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 5. Anger. Action Spiritual V. 9. vitious --- Manners I. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse Angle. Magnitude III. 2. Operation or Opposite right --- Magnitude III. 3. obtuse --- Magnitude III. 3. Exceeding extreme acute --- Magnitude III. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse to --- [Hunt Fish with Wand and Line.] Anguish. [Anxiety.] Habit I. 3. Operation or Opposite [Pain] Natural Power V. 3. Operation or Opposite augmentative) [Grief] Action Spiritual V. 4. Operation or Opposite augmentative) [Trouble] Transcendental Action V. 9. Operation or Opposite augmentative) Angular, [adjective Angle.] Magnitude III. 2. Operation or Opposite Any. the particular, Pron. II. 3. Operation or Opposite the Indefinite, Pron. III. 1. --- whither, [to any (place] --- where, [in any (place.] Animadversion, [Observation.] Action Spiritual III. 1. Affinis. Animal. World V. 4. Animate parts of the world. World V. to --- [Encourage] Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. Animosity old anger.] perverse anger.] Aniseed. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 1. Ankle, vid. Anckle. Annals, [adjective Year segregate] History] Annats [Tribute out of the Years Revenue.] Annex, [to-joyn.] Transcendental Action II. 1. Annihilate. Action Spiritual I. 1. Operation or Opposite Anniversary. [adjective Year segregate] specially Solemnity.] Annoy. [active Hurt] Transcendental General IV. 1. Operation or Opposite [active Trouble] Transcendental Action V. 9. Operation or Opposite Annotations, [Comment.] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Annual. [adjective Year (segreg.] Annuity. [adjective year segregate) Paiment.] Rent.] Stipend.] Annull. [active Nothing] Transcendental General I. 1. Operation or Opposite [Annihilate] Action Spiritual I. 1. Operation or Opposite [un-do] Annulet, Magnitude V. 2. diminutive) Annunciation, [Narration] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 3. Anoint, [smear] Operation or Opposite V. 6. Affinis. Anomalous. [not- (adjective passive) Rule] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 5. [exorbitant] Anon, [Adverb underived Futur. Space I. 1. Operation or Opposite] Anonymous, [not- (adjective passive) name.] Transcendental General I. 4. Another. Pron. V. I. & diff. Transcendental General III. Answer. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 1. Operation or Opposite --- able. [adjective Congruity] Transcendental General V. 5. [adjective Fur. Reckoning] Transcendental Action IV. 6. Ant. EX. IV. 5. --- bear, Beast V. 5. Antagonist. [Enemy] Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. Operation or Opposite [Contrary] Transcendental General V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Opposite] Transcendental General VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Antarctic. --- Circle. World VI. 5. Operation or Opposite --- Pole. [adjective South pole.] Antecedent, [Preceding.] Space I. 2. Exceeding extreme Antedate, [before- active date.] Space I. 5. Anthem. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 2. Affinis. Saint Anthony's fire, [Erysipelas.] Sickness II. 7. Affinis. Antic, [Old] Space I. 3. Operation or Opposite Corrupt.] Manner.] Antichrist, God 2. Operation or Opposite Anticipate. [Prevent] Transcendental Action III. 9. [verb Soon] Space I. 4. Exceeding extreme Antidote, [adjective against-poyson (thing.] Antilope, [goat (kind) having straight wreathed horns.] Antimony, Metal III. 2. Antipathy, [natural Aversation.] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite Antiperistasis, [Resistance of contrary quality.] Antipodes, [Over against- sited in the remotest parts of the Globe diametrically opposite] Antiquary, [Learned (Artist) in Old (things.] Antiquated, [Annull'd by being un-custom'd.] Antique, vid. Antic. Antiquity. [Oldness] Space I. 3. Operation or Opposite [Old-age] Me. VI. 4. Antithesis, [Opposition.] Transcendental General VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Antitype, [typed. Transcendental General II. 3. Affinis. (thing] Anvil, [the Iron supporting (Instr.) of the hammered (thing.] Anxiety, HA. I. 3. Operation or Opposite Apace, [Adverb derived Swift.] Natural Power V. 9. Apart. [Adverb derived Segregate] Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Transc. (Segreg.) Ape. Beast III. 1. Affinis. Aper. Fish IV. 9. Affinis. Aphorism. [brief Rule] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 5. [Authentic sentence] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 1. Affinis. Aphua gobites. Fish III. 9. Apocryphal, [doubtfully authoriz'd.] Apologue. [Fictitious example] [Instructive Fiction] Apology, [Plea.] Relation Judicial II. 3. Affinis. Apophthegm, [wise Sentence.] Apoplexy. Sickness IV. 3. Affinis. Aporrhais. EX. VII. 3. Affinis. Apostasie. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 6. Operation or Opposite Apostem. Sickness I. 6. Affinis. Apostle. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 3. Apothecary. Operation or Opposite VI. Affinis. Appale. active Pale. Action Corporeal IV. 9. Operation or Opposite] active Fear. Action Spiritual V. 6. Operation or Opposite] Apparel. Provisions IV. Apparence. [seeming] Transcendental Action I. 9. Affinis. --- at Law. Relation Judicial II. 2. Affinis. [ens apparens] Transcendental General I. 2. Operation or Opposite Apparent. [adjective Seeming] Transcendental Action I. 9. Affinis. [adjective Manifest.] Transcendental Action I. 9. Apparition, [passive See] of Spirits.. Apparitor, [adjective active Citation. Relation Judicial II. 1. (Officer.] Appartment. Possessions III. 2. Affinis. Appeal. Relation Judicial II. 8. Affinis. Appear. [verb as Thing] Transcendental General I. 2. Operation or Opposite [verb Manifest] Transcendental Action I. 9. [verb Seeming] Transcendental Action I. 9. Operation or Opposite [ --- Iudicially] Relation Judicial II. 2. Affinis. Appearing Meteor. Element V. Appease, [un --- active Anger] Action Spiritual V. 9. Appendage, [adjective Accessary. (thing.] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Appertein, [verb Pertinence.] Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. Appetite. Natural Power II. 4. Applaud. Commend. Relation Oeconomical V. 7. (sign.] Praise. Relation Oeconomical V. 8. augmentative] Apple. Tree, Tree I. 1. Fruit, Parts Peculiar III. 1. Thorn. --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 7. Affinis. --- of Love. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 2. Adams, --- Tree I. 7. Affinis. Mad --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 2. Affinis. --- of the Eye [Black (part) of the Eye.] Apply. Transcendental Action II. 3. [Together-joyn] Transcendental Action I. 1. Appoint. [Intend] Action Spiritual IV. 3. [Design] Transcendental Action HI. 1. [active Command] Relation Oeconomical V. 1. Apposite [Congruous. Transcendental General V. 5. [Pertinent. Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. Apprehend. [understand] Natural Power I. 1. [active common Sense] Natural Power II. 1. [active Opinion] Action Spiritual II. 6. Operation or Opposite [arrest] R J. II. 1. Affinis. Apprentice. [Learner. Relation Oeconomical III. 3. O (Merchant.] (Mechanic.] Approch, [verb Near.] Space II. 3. Approbation Action Spiritual III. 3. Appropriate. Transcendental Action I. 2. [active Proper, Transcendental Mixed IV. 6. (make] Approve. Action Spiritual III. 3. Appurtenance. [Pertinent] Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. [Accessory] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Apricock. Tree II. 2. April, [the fourth Month.] Apron, [hanging (Vest) before the Belly.] Apt. Transc. (abstr.) [adjective Congruous] Transcendental General V. 5. [adj passive Disposition] HA. Operation or Opposite Aptitude. [Congruity] Transcendental General III. 5. [Sagacity] Habit III. 2. [Alacrity] [Disciple (abstr.] Aquarius, [11th. of the 12 parts of the Zodiac.] Aqueduct. Possessions II. 8. Affinis. Aquila, Fish II. 1. A, Aquosity, [Water (abstr.] Arable, Po I. 4. Aray. [Cloath] Provisions IV. [Order] Transcendental Mixed V.. 2. Arbalist, [adjective active Crosbow. Relation Military V. 4. Affinis. (person] Arbitrary, [adjective Liberty.] Action Spiritual IV. 8. Arbitrator. Relation Judicial I. 2. Arbitrement, verb Relation Judicial I. 2. Arbor [Room of Trees.] Arbutus, [Strawberry Tree] Shrub III. 4. Arch [Principal.] an Arch,Possessions III. 6. Affinis. --- of Circle, [part of adjective Cir­ cle-line.] Archangel, [Principal Angel.] dead Nettle, Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 10. Archbishop, [Primat.] Relation Ecclesiastical II. 4. Archdeacon, [Bishops Substitute.] Archer, [adjective active Bow. Relation Military V. 4. (person.] Architecture, [active Buildings. (Art.] Architrave, [Chief beam.] Archives, [Store (place) of old Writings.] Arctic, [adjective North.] --- Circle, World VI. 5. --- Pole, [adjective North pole.] Ardent. [adjective Fire] Element I. [adjective Heat, Quality sensible V. 1. Exceeding extreme augmentative] [adjective Zeal] Action Spiritual VI. 1. Area, [Surface.] Magnitude I. 3. Argent, [of Silver Colour.] Argue. verb Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 6. Argument. [Matter] Transcendental General II. 7. [Object] Transcendental General VI. 2. [adjective active Argumentation, Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 6. (thing.] Arid, [Dry.] Quality sensible V. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Aries, [first of the 12 parts of the Zodiac.] Aright. Transc. (Perf.) [Adverb derived Good] Transcendental General III. 2. Arise. Action Corporeal VI. 1. as Sun [above- adjective Horizon (incept.] as Hill [upward- Oblique.] Magnitude II. 8. Aristocracy, [Government by the Nobles.] Aristolochy, [Birth-wort.] Arithmetic, [Numbring (art] Ark, (Box.] Provisions V. 2. Arm. --- of Manners Parts General V. 1. --- of the Sea. [Bay.] --- of a Tree, [Branch.] Parts Peculiar I. 3. to --- [Arms.] Armada, [Army of Ships.] Armadillo, Beast V. 5. Affinis. Armament. Provisions IV. active Army, Relation Military IV. 1. Armor, Arms defensive, Relation Military V. 1. Affinis. Armorer, [Arms (mechanic.] Armory, [Arms (place.] Arms. offensive [Weapons] Relation Military V. I. defensive. Relation Military V. 1. Affinis. man at --- [armed (pft) Horse-man.] as in a Scutcheon [adjective Degree Relation Civil I. (sign) picture.] Aromatic. [adjective Spice.] Provisions II. 4. Arquebus, [Relation Military V. 6. augmentative] Array, vid. Aray. Arraign, [active Bill.] Relation Judicial II. 3. Arrant, [Genuin.] Transcendental General III. 4. Arras, [Room (vest) weaved picture (like.] Arrear, [Residue Debt.] Arrest. Relation Judicial II. 1. Affinis. Arrive, [to- come.] Transcendental Action VI. 1, Arrogance. [Pride] Manners V. 2. Operation or Opposite [Magisterialness] Manners IV. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Supercisiousness] Manners VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Arrogate, [Claim.] Transcendental Action I. 3. Arrow. Relation Military V. 5. Affinis. --- head. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 1. Affinis. Arse, [Buttock.] Parts General IV. 6. Arsenal, [Ammunition (place.] Arsenick. Stone VI. 4. Affinis. Arsmart. Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 6. codded --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 9. Art. Ha VI. 3. Artemisia, [Mugwort.] Herb considered according to the Flower II. 2. Affinis. Artery. Parts General II. 4. Affinis. rough --- [Wind-pipe.] Parts General VI. 1. Affinis. Artichoke. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 1. Affinis. Article. [Section] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 2. Affinis. [Pact] Relation Civil VI. Affinis. [adjective Accusation, Relation Judicial I. 3. (thing] as, Affinis. The Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 8. Affinis. Articulate. Quality sensible III. 3. Affinis. Artificer. Relation Civil II. 5. Affinis. Artificial. [adjective Art] Habit VI. 3. [Factitious] Transcendental General III. 7. Operation or Opposite Artillery, [Ordnance. Relation Military V. 6. Affinis. (aggreg.] Artist, [adjective Art. Habit VI. 3. (person.] Artizan. Relation Civil II. 5. Affinis. As. opp. to So, Adverb underived I. 3. --- Ear --- --- Long --- --- Much --- - So far how far long how long much how much --- for, [concerning] Prep. I. 3. Operation or Opposite --- for example, [ex. gr.] Con. IV. 3. Operation or Opposite --- if Adverb underived III. 2. Operation or Opposite --- it were Adverb underived III. 2. Operation or Opposite --- though Adverb underived III. 2. Operation or Opposite where --- Conjunction IV. 1. for --- much Conjunction IV. 1. [whilst] Adverb derived III. 1. Asarabacca Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 6. Ascarides. Exanguious I. 3. Ascend, [upward. Prep. V. 1. Ition Transcendental Action 6.] Ascertain, [verb Certain. Action Spiritual II. 6. Affinis. (make] Ascribe. [active Predicate] Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 8. Operation or Opposite [Claim] Transcendental Action I. 3. Ash. Tree VI. 5. --- colour, [adjective ashes. Element IV. 3. (colour.] Ashamed, [adjective Shame.] Action Spiritual VI. 2. Affinis. Ashes. Element IV. 3. Ashore, [on- shore] Aside. [Adverb derived Separation] Transcendental Action II. 1. O Solitary] Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. Operation or Opposite. Lay --- or cast --- Rejection] Action Spiritual IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Desist] Action Spiritual IV. 6. Operation or Opposite Intermit] Asilus. Exanguious I. 4. Affinis. Ask. (Enquire [active Question.] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 1 Require Necessary Expedient make] Entreat] Relation Oeconomical V. 3. Beg. [active Begger.] Relation Civil I. 8. Affinis. Demand. as price, Relation Civil VI. 2. Operation or Opposite as due, Transcendental Action IV 2. A, [Command] Relation Oeconomical V. 1. Askew, [Oblique] Magnitude II. 8. Asleep, [adjective Sleep,] Action Corporeal II. 3. Operation or Opposite numb'd, [adjective passive Stupor] Natural Power II. 1. Operation or Opposite Aslope, [Oblique] Magnitude II. 8. Asp. Serpent, [Viper] Beast VI. 7. Affinis. Tree, [White poplar] Tree VI. 7. Affinis. Asparagus. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 6. Aspect, [Face, Parts General III. 1. (manner] Asperity. [roughness] Quality sensible VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse [austereness] Manners VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Aspersion, [Calumny] Relation Judicial IV. 7. Asphodel, [Kings-spear] Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 1. Aspiration, [Respiration. Motion III. 2. (Impetus.] Aspire [active Ambition.] Manners III. 9. Exceeding extreme Asquint, [Oblique (corrupt) Vision (manner] Ass Beast I. 2. Assa fœtida, [the gum of Lazar­ wort.] Assay. [Essay] Transcendental Action III. 4. Affinis. [Endeavour] Transcendental Action III. 4. Assail, [Assault.] Relation Military I. 3. Assassin, [active Murther, RI. III. 4. specially under pretence of Religion.] Assault, Relation Military I. 3. Assemble, [active Convention.] Relation Civil III. Assent. Action Spiritual II. 3. Assentation, [Fawning] Manners IV. 8. Exceeding extreme Assertion, [Affirmation.] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI 2. Assess. [active Tax] Relation Civil V. 9. Operation or Opposite [Impose, Adverb derived Proportion.] Assessor. in Iudgment, Relation Judicial I. 1. Affinis. of Taxes, [verb Assess (Officer] Asseveration, [Affirmation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 2. augmentative] Assiduity, [Diligence.] Habit IV. 5. Assign. Transfer right. Relation Civil V. 1. [Design] Transcendental Action III. 1. Assimilate, [active Likeness. Transcendental Mixed V. 1. (make] Assist. [v Adjuvant] Transcendental General II. 5. [verb Assessor] Relation Judicial I. 1. Affinis. Assize. Judgment [adjective Shire, Judicial Convention.] [adjective Law Authority Measure] Associate, [active Companion. Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. (make] Assoil, [Absolve.] Relation Judicial II. 7. Assume. to --- take] Transcendental Action I. 4. together-take] Transcendental Action I. 4. Assure. [verb Certain] Action Spiritual II. 6. [verb Assurance] Action Spiritual III. 6. Asswage, [verb Remission.] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse Asterisk. Magnitude IV. 6. Affinis. Asthma. Sickness V. 2. Astonish. [active Wonder, augmentative) Action Spiritual V. 1. (make] [active Extasie. Action Spiritual VI. 8. Affinis. (make] [Stupifie with Wonder.] Fear.] Astray. [adjective Err] Transcendental Action III. 8. Wander] Transcendental Action VI. 3. Affinis. Astride, [adjective Stride.] Motion II. 3. Operation or Opposite Astringent. --- in Virtue, [Binding.] Motion IV. Operation or Opposite in Tast, [Austere] Quality sensible IV. 3. Astrolabe, [Star-measuring (Instr.] Astrology, [Conjecturing (Art) by the stars.] Astronomy, Measuring (Art) of Heavenly (things] Asunder. [Adverb derived Segregate] Transcendental Mixed III. 6. [Adverb derived Separate] Transcendental Action II. 1. Operation or Opposite At. [Near, augmentative] Prep. III. 1. Operation or Opposite [In] Prep. IV. 1. Operation or Opposite --- all. [in any Thing. Manner. --- last Adverb underived III. 3. Operation or Opposite --- length Adverb underived III. 3. Operation or Opposite --- last Adverb derived last. --- least Adverb derived least. --- most Adverb derived most. --- once Adverb derived One.] in one (time] with one blow, &c. Atchieve. [active Action] Transcendental General I. 7. [Perform] Transcendental Action III. 6. [active Perfect. Transcendental General III. 9. (make] Atheism. Relation Ecclesiastical I. Operation or Opposite Atmosphere. Element II. 1. Affinis. [Sphere of Vapors.] Atom, [Indivisible body diminutive] Atone. [un --- Enemy Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. Operation or Opposite (make] [active Friend, Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. (make] Attac. [Besiege] Relation Military I. 4. [Assault] Relation Military I. 3. Affinis. Attach, [Arrest] Relation Judicial II. 2. Attagen. Bi. II. 3. Affinis. Attein: [Obtein] Transcendental Action V. 1. Atteint. [active Accuser] Relation Judicial I. 3. [un-active Noble, Relation Civil I. 3. (make] Attempt, [Essay] Transcendental Action III. 4. Affinis. Attend. [Continue expecting] [Wait] Action Corporeal V. 1. Affinis. Hearken [Hear (endeavor] --- unto, [active Observe.] Action Spiritual III. 1. Affinis. Attention, vid. Attend. Heedfulness] Habit IV. 2. Diligence] Habit IV. 5. Attenuate [active Rarity. Quality sensible V. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse (make] Attest. [active witness] Relation Judicial I. 7. Affinis. [active Protestation] Attire, [Clothing.] Provisions 4. Attourney, [for --- businessing (person] specially Lawyer.] Attract, [to --- draw.] Attribute, [Predicate.] Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 8. Operation or Opposite Attrition. [Rubbing] Operation or Opposite V. 8. [Grinding] upon a body, Operation or Opposite IV. 2. between bodies, Operation or Opposite VI. 1. [Decay, Natural Power V. 4. Operation or Opposite by use.] Avail. [active Adjuvant] Transcendental General II. 5. [active Profit] Transcendental General IV. 1. Avant, [from --- Imperat. Ition.] Transcendental Action VI. Avarice, [Covetousness] Manners III. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Audacity, [Boldness.] Action Spiritual V. 8. Audible, [adjective passive Hear aptitude, or proneness..] --- Quality. Quality sensible III. Audience. [Hearing] [Convention for Hearing.] [Hearers (Aggreg.] Audit, [Convention for reckoning.] to --- [active reckon.] Transcendental Action IV. 2. Auditor. Hearer [hearing (person] Accountant [reckoning. Transcendental Action IV. 6. (Officer] Auditory, vid. Audience. Avenge, [Revenge.] Action Spiritual V. 9. Affinis. Avens. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 1. Affinis. Avenue, [to --- way.] Averr, [Affirm Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 2. augmentative] Aversation. Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite Aversion. Action Spiritual IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Avert, [from-turn.] Transcendental Action VI. 2. Operation or Opposite Auger, [great Boring. Operation or Opposite IV. 3. instrument] Augment. [increase] Great (make] Intense (make] more Great (make] more Intense (make] Augury, [Divination by Birds.] August, [eighth Month.] Aunt, [Uncle.] Relation Oeconomical I. 3. female] Avocetta, [long reversed bill-gull (kind] Avoid. Transcendental Action VI. 7. Operation or Opposite [active Aversation] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite Avouch, [Affirm solemnly.] Avow, [Affirm solemnly.] Avrelia [Chrysolite.] Parts Peculiar V. 6. Affinis. Auricular, [adjective Ear.] Auspicious, [Prosperous.] Habit I. 2. Austerity. Tast. Quality sensible IV. 3. Vice, Manners VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Authentic, [adjective Authority.] Relation Civil IV. 6. Author. [Efficient] Transcendental General II. 1. [adjective active preter. Invention.] Action Spiritual III. 2. Operation or Opposite Authority. [Right] Relation Civil IV. 6. [Testimony] specially Credible.] Autumn. Me. V. 3. Auxiliary, [Adjuvant.] Transcendental General II. 5. Aw. [Fear] Action Spiritual V. 6. Operation or Opposite [Reverence] Manners V. 3. --- full, [adjective Fearing aptitude, or proneness..] Away. [From] Prep. III. 2. [Off] Prep. III. 2. Affinis. [Absent] Space II. 1. Operation or Opposite [From --- Imper. Go.] Transcendental Action VI. 1. Operation or Opposite --- with, [Off] Prep. III. 2. Operation or Opposite specially with an Imperative.] Fling --- [From --- go Hastily.] Angrily.] Stand --- [Be more distant.] Awake, [adjective Action Corporeal II. 4. to --- [un-sleep.] Award, [Sentence.] Relation Judicial II. 5. Affinis. specially of Arbitrators.] Aware. [Before-knowing] [adjective Heedfulness] Habit IV. 2. Awkward. [not Skilful.] Agil.] [Perverse] Natural Power IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Awle, [adjective Iron diminutive) boring (Instr.] Awry. [Oblique] Magnitude II. 8. [Crooked] Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite [adjective Err] Transcendental Action III. 8. Ax, [Carpenters (Instrument) for to cut strikingly.] Battle- Cutting Club.] Relation Military V. 2.] Hammer. Pole --- Cutting Club.] Relation Military V. 2.] Hammer. Pick --- [hammer for pecking.] Axiom. [adjective passive Authority Sentence] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 1. Affinis. [Rule] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 5. Axis Axle-tree. --- of Globe. Magnitude II. 5. Affinis. --- of Cart. Possessions V. 6. Affinis. Ay, [Sloth] Beast III. 2. Affinis. Not found in OED. Azimuth. World VI. 4. Affinis. Azure. [Blew.] Quality sensible II. 3. Affinis. --- Azure Stone. Stone II. 3. Affinis. B BAbble, [active Loquacity.] Man IV. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Babe, [adjective Infancy (person.] Me. VI. 1. Baby, [Factitious Manners diminutive] Bable, [adjective Vanity. Transcendental General IV. 5. (thing] Baboon, Beast III. 1. Bachelor, [adjective Coelibat. Relation Oeconomical II. 1. (person] --- of Arts, [having the first Academical degree.] --- s Button, [Campion.] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 2. Back. Noun. --- of Body. [Hinder part] Space III. 8. Operation or Opposite --- of Animal. Parts General IV. 3. Adverb. [Un] Adverb underived IV. 3. [Re] Adverb underived IV. 3. Operation or Opposite --- to the same Place Person Condition again Preposition. [From] Prep. III. 2. [to --- one. [active Accessory] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Operation or Opposite [Incourage] Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. [active Adjuvant] Transcendental General II. 5. give --- [Retire] Relation Military II. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Keep --- Abstein] Transcendental Action V. 6. Operation or Opposite Keep one --- Detein] [active Cohibit] Transcendental General II. 2. Operation or Opposite [active Hinder] Transcendental General II. 5. Operation or Opposite --- door. [adjective hinder-part door] [door of the hinder part of the house.] --- friend, [Conceal'd Enemy.] Backbite. Relation Judicial IV. 7. Affinis. Back-slide, [active Apostate.] Relation Ecclesiastical III. 6. Operation or Opposite Backward. [adjective Backwardness] toward- the hinder part] to --- the hinder part] Backwardness. [Aversation] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Nolleity] Action Spiritual IV. 1. Operation or Opposite diminutive) Bacon, [Condited Hogs-flesh.] Bad, [Evil.] Transcendental General III. 2. Operation or Opposite Badge, [Sign] Transcendental General VI. 5. Badger. Beast, Beast V. 2. Affinis. [Merchant] corruptive) of Corn] Bag, Provisions V. 1. cloak --- [behind-riding bag.] --- pipe, Musical (Instr.) of Pipes and Bag.] Baggage, [Carried (things) adjective active hinder aptitude, or proneness.] [utensils of the Army.] Relation Military V. Affinis. Bay. --- tree, Tree III. 5. Rose --- [Oleander] Shrub VI. 1. Affinis. Wild --- Shrub III. 9. --- colour, Chesnut colour.] brown --- [black. Quality sensible II. 1. Operation or Opposite (dim) adjective Chesnut co­ lour.] --- in Water, [Transverse bank.] --- of Sea. World IV. 4. --- of Building. Possessions III. Affinis. --- windows, [Prominent windows.] to --- at [against-active Dog (voice] Bail. Relation Judicial II. 2. Baily,   Bailiff. Magistrate [adjective Town (officer.] Serjeant [adjective Citation (Officer.] Arresting (Officer.] Servant. [adjective Agriculture (Officer.] Bain, [Bath.] Possessions II. 5. Affinis. Bait, [Sustenance.] Provisions I. specially adjective Hunting.] to --- [Refresh] Transcendental Action V. 8. specially with Sustenance in journey.] [Allure] Relation Oeconomical V. 5 specially with Sustenance. as Hook or Trap, [make adjective allure aptitude, or proneness..] [Provoke] Relation Military I. 2. Bake. Provisions III. 5. Affinis. --- er, [Baking (Officer.] (Mechanic.] Balad, [Plebeian Song.] Balance, [adjective librating Operation or Opposite I. 2. jugament] to --- [Librating] Operation or Opposite I. 2. [Equal the weight] [active Equal (make) Even Accounts. Transcendental Action IV. 2. Affinis. Balast, [Weight, un- adjective active roll aptitude, or proneness.] Balcony, [Prominent doored window.] Bald. [Un-hair'd] [not-ornate] [not-congruous] Bale. [Heap. together-bound.] [Aggregate together-bound.] Balk. --- of Earth, [Area not ploughed.] to --- [Omit] Transcendental Action III. 8. Affinis. [Discourage] Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. Affinis. Ball. [Balling. Motion V. 4. Affinis. (Instr.] [Sphere] Magnitude III. 5. specially diminutive] [Convention for dancing] Balloting, [active Suffrage (sign) with Balls.] Balm. Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 2. Assyrian --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 3. Iuice. Parts Peculiar I. 7. Affinis. Balsam. Plant. Male --- HS VII. 5. True --- SH. III. 1. Juice. Parts Peculiar I. 7. Affinis. Balsamum. Peruvianum. Tree VIII. 9. Affinis. Ban. [Curse] Action Spiritual I. 3. Operation or Opposite --- role, [Flag.] Magnitude IV. 7. Affinis. Band. [adjective active Binde (thing) [Obligation] Relation Civil VI. [writing Obligatory] Relation Civil VI. 5. [Company] Relation Military IV. 3. Bandy, [Cast alternly.] specially various waies] Bandito. Proscribed (person.] Military robbing (person.] Bandog, [Dog tied for Guard.] Bane. [Destruction] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite ratts --- [Arsenic] St, VI. 4. Affinis. Banes. [Promulgation of sut. Marri­ age] Bang, [Strike.] Motion VI. 4. Banish [a Exile.] Relation Judicial VI. 5. Bank. [Oblong, more-high (part] [Ridge] Magnitude V. 7. [Shore] World IV. 6. [Shelf] World III. 5. Affinis. [Series] Transcendental Mixed III. 7. --- of Mony, [Mony (Aggr.) specially to be lett (segreg.)] Banker, [adj demising (person (Merchant of Money.] Banket. Provisions II. 1. Affinis. Bankrout, [adjective failing (person] [Debtor Declared sentenced not-solutiye] Banner. [adjective Ensign. Relation Military III. 2. Cornet. Relation Military III. 2. Affinis. (thing] Banquet. Provisions II. 1. Affinis. Banstickle. Fish IX. 13. Affinis. Baptism. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 5. Bar. [Bolt] Possessions IV. 5. --- of, &c. Cylinder, Magnitude III. 6. of &c. Prism. Magnitude III. 6. Affinis. of &c. [adjective Impedient (thing) [adjective Pleading] Relation Judicial I. 7. (place] to --- [active Impedient] Transcendental General II. 5. Operation or Opposite [active Forbid] Relation Oeconomical V. 1. Operation or Opposite Barb. [Back-diverging Cuspis] to --- the Hair. [active Figure (Perf.) by cut­ ting.] specially the Beard.] Barbarism Manners IV. Operation or Opposite Barbarous. [adjective Barbarism] Manners IV. Operation or Opposite [adjective Rusticity] Manners IV. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse [adjective Fierceness] Natural Power IV. 4. Operation or Opposite [adjective Cruelty] Manners I. 5. Operation or Opposite Barber, [Hair cutting (Mechanic.] Barbery. Shrub I. 4. Affinis. Barbil. Fish IX. 8. Bard, [Old (manner) Poet.] Bare. [not-clothed] [Lean] Natural Power V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Scarce] Transcendental Mixed I. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse to --- [un-clothe] Bargain. Contract.] Relation Civil V. Thing dealt for, Relation Civil V. 8. Barge. Relation Naval I. 2. Bark. [Rinde] Parts Peculiar I. 5. [Ship] Relation Naval I. 2. Affinis. to --- Peel [un-rinde.] Yelp, as Dog. Fox. to active Dog (voice] to active Fox (voice] Barly. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 3. wild --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 4. Affinis. Barm. [adjective active ferment (thing) of Beer. Barn, [House for Straw.] Barnacle. Fish. Exanguious VIII. 9. Instrument [Nose Compressing instrument] Baron. [Noble (person.] specially of the fifth degree downward] --- of Exchequer, [Judge of Court for King's Revenue.] Baronet, [Gentleman of the first Degree.] Barrel. Vessel, Provisions V. 3. Measure. Me. II. 4. Barrenness. Natural Power VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Barren-wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 7. Barreter, [Contentious (person) adjective active Suit. Relation Judicial II. Affinis. aptitude, or proneness.] Barricado, [Transvers shutting (sepiment] Barriers, [Sepimented end of Race (place] Barrister, [Pleading Lawyer.] Barrow, [un-testicled Hog] Jugament. Possessions V. 3. Affinis. Barter, [Exchange.] Relation Civil V. Affinis. Base. Subst. --- of Column, [Bottom.] Space III. 7. Operation or Opposite --- in Song, [Grave] Quality sensible III. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Adj. [Low] Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Operation or Opposite [Ignoble] [Rabble] Relation Civil I. 7. [Villain] Relation Civil I. 8. [Spurious] Transcendental General III. 4. Operation or Opposite [Vitious] Manners I. Operation or Opposite [Pusillanimous] Manners III. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Sordid] Manners III. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Bashfull. adjective Shame (habit)] Action Spiritual VI. 2. Affinis. Abjectness] Manners III. 9. Exceeding extreme Basil. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 5. Stone --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 5. Affinis. Cow --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 6. Basilisk. [Serpent killing by seeing] [Great Ordnance] Basket. Provisions V. 2. Affinis. Bason, [Dish. Provisions V. 4. deep.] Bass. [Bed. Possessions VI. 7. Affinis. of rushes.] Bastard. [Spurious] Transcendental General III. 4. Operation or Opposite [begot of Parents not toge­ ther-married.] Baste, active [Whip] Relation Judicial VI. 2. [Cudgel] Relation Judicial VI. 2. Affinis. Moisten. Provisions III. 7. Baston. Staff.] Parts Peculiar I. 4. Club.] Relation Military V. 2. Bastonade, [Cudgelling.] Relation Judicial VI. 2. Affinis. Bat. [Club] Relation Military V. 2. Bird flying-Mouse (kind.) --- fowling, [Hunting Birds by Night.] Batch, [Bread. (Aggreg.] specially in one (time) baking.] Bath Possessions II. 5. Affinis. --- ing, [Soking] Operation or Opposite III. 5. Operation or Opposite Battaglia, [ordered Army.] Battel. Part of Army. Action. Relation Military I. 8. Affinis. --- ax. [Cutting Club] Hammer] Batter, [Bruise by Striking.] Knocking.] a --- y, [Assault with Cannon.] Battle, [adjective Fatt.] Natural Power V. 5. to --- [Score for Diet (segreg.] Battle-door, [Lamin (Instr.) for striking.] Battlements. Figure. Magnitude IV. 9. Affinis. [Margin (sepiment) of the Roof.] Bavin [together bound (aggreg) of Twigs.] Bawd, [adjective Fornication (Merchant.] Bawdy, [adjective Unchast.] Manners II. 7. Operation or Opposite Bawl, [Exclaim.] Action Corporeal III. 3. Operation or Opposite Bdellium. Tree VIII. 7. Beach. Shrub IV. 2. Affinis. Beacon, [adjective Fire (sign) of passive invaded.] Bead. [Sphere (dim) perforated.] [Cube (dim) perforated.] --- s-man. [for praying (person] [adjective passive Almes (person] Bede-tree. Tree III. 9. Affinis. "bede-tree" not found in OED. Beadle. [Before-walking (Officer] [adjective active Citation (Officer] [Arresting Relation Judicial II. 1. Affinis. (Officer.] [Whipping (Officer] Beagle. [Dog (dim) hunting Beasts by smell.] Beak. --- of a Bird. Parts Peculiar V. 4. --- of a Ship. Beaker, [Cylinder (manner) Cup.] Beam. --- of an house. Possessions III. 5. Affinis. --- of a Cart. [Pole] Provisions V. 5. Affinis. --- of Balance, [Transverse (part, of B.] Weavers --- Transverse line of Wood.] --- of the Sun, [Line of Light.] Meteor. Element I. 4. Beam-tree. White --- Shrub II. 3. Affinis. Bean. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 3.French --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 1.Ginny --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 1. Kidney --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 1. --- of the Ancients. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 2. binding --- tree. Shrub IV. 6. --- trefoile. Shrub II. 7. Affinis. Bear. verb Beast IV. 1. Affinis. --- s foot. Sea --- Exanguious VI. 2. --- s breech [brank ursin] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 8. --- s-ear. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 2. --- Sanicle. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 3. Bear. verb Support. Motion VI. 1. Affinis. [Carry] Motion VI. 1. [Parturition] Action Corporeal I. 3. Suffer. [a Passion] Transcendental General I. 7. Operation or Opposite [active Patience] Manners I. 8. --- down. [Fall (make)] [Compel to grant] --- off. [adjective active distant (endeavour] [Suffer (endeavour] --- out. [adjective active Safety (make] --- up against. [Continue Suffering] [Continue Resisting] --- with. [active Patience] Manners I. 8. [active Condescention] Manners VI. 2. --- CompanyCompanion --- Respect verb Respect --- SwaySway --- WitnessWitness. --- ones self, [active Demeanour.] Beard. --- of Animal. Parts Peculiar VI. 4. --- of Corn. Parts Peculiar II. 3. Affinis. Bearded Creeper. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 5. Beast Beast Beastly, [adjective Beast. (Metaph.] Beat. [Knock] Motion VI. 4. Affinis. [Strike] Motion VI. 4. [Overcome] --- back. [back- Drive. back- Put. by Striking.] by Fighting.] --- the Price. Relation Civil VI. 1. Affinis. Beatitude. [Happiness] Habit I. 1. specially Blessing] Action Spiritual I. 3. Beaver. (Castor] Beast IV. 8. Beauty. Natural Power V. 6. Becalm, [Quiet.] Transcendental Action V. 9. Because. Conjunction III. 2. Operation or Opposite Beccafigo. Bi. V. 6. Beckon [verb Head (sign] Becometh. Transc. (Inceptive) is done [is, adjective passive Action.] is made. [is, adjective passive Efficient] [is Effect] Transcendental General II. Operation or Opposite [is Event] Transcendental Action V. [is decent] Transcendental General V. 2. Bed. Houshold-stuff. Possessions V. 7. Affinis. --- sted. Possessions V. 7. --- rid, not-adjective rise (pot) out of --- ] --- of Earth, [Superficies.] Magnitude I. 3. Ladies Bedstraw. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 6. Affinis. Bedaub, [active Defilement.] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Operation or Opposite Bedding, [adjective Bed. (things] Bedewed, [adjective passive Dew. (make] Bedlam, [Prison of mad (persons.] Bee. Exanguious IV. 1. humble. Exanguious IV. 1. Affinis. --- like fly. Exanguious IV. 3. --- eater. Bi. III. 9. --- flower.[orchis] Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 8. to --- [verb Being] Transcendental General I. 1. Copula. Beech. Tree IV. 4. Affinis. Beef, [Beev's flesh.] Beeing. Transcendental General I. 1. as --- [as] Adverb underived I. 3. Beer. [Drink] Provisions I. 7. Affinis. [adjective Carrying jugament) for dead bodies.] Beestings. [Milk of Adverb derived new adjective preter. parturition.] Beet. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 10. Beetle. [Insect] Exanguious V. Common --- Exanguious V. 4. Dung --- Exanguious V. 4. Affinis. Knobbed horned --- Exanguious V. 3. Affinis. Instrument [wooden Mallet augmentative] Befal [verb Event.] TA V. Befool, [active Fool. (make] Before. --- in place. Prep. V. 3. --- in comparison, [more then.] --- in time, [adv, Preceding] Space I. 2. Exceeding extreme --- hand. [Having Gained] Transcendental Action V. 2. Having Prepared] Transcendental Having Action III. 2. Prevented] Transcendental Action III. 9. Beg. [active Begger] Relation Civil I. 8. Affinis. [Entreat. Relation Oeconomical V. 3. augmentative] --- ger.Relation Civil I. 8. Affinis. Beget. [active Generation] Action Corporeal I. 1. [active Efficient] Transcendental General II. 1. Begin. Transcendental Action III. 3. Transc. (Incep.) Beginning. Space III. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Beguile, [active Fraud.] Relation Judicial IV. 4. Behave. [active Conversation] Manners Affinis. [active Demeanour] Action Corporeal V. [active Gesture] Action Corporeal VI. Behead. Relation Judicial V. 1. Behind. Prep. V. 3. Operation or Opposite [Hinder part] Space III. 8. Operation or Opposite left --- [Staying] Transcendental Action VI. Operation or Opposite [Remaining] [Residue] Transcendental Mixed VI. 7. Operation or Opposite --- in Arrears, [Debtor.] Transcendental Action IV. 7. Operation or Opposite [Inferior] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- hand, [having Lost] Transcendental Action V. 2. Operation or Opposite having not-prepared.] having been Prevented.] Behold. [active Eye] See] Observe] Beholding. [Beneficiary] Relation Oeconomical III. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Owing thanks] Behove. [verb Expedient] Transcendental General V. 6. it --- ed, &c. [&c ought] Mood II. 2. --- full, [Expedient.] Transcendental General V. 6. Bel, [adjective Ringing. Quality sensible III. 2. (Instr.] --- fry, [adjective Convention (place) for adjective active Ringing (persons.] --- flower. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 9. Affinis. "bel-imperia" not found in OED. Belching. Motion IV. 2. Beldame, [Old corruptive) man. (foem.] Beleaguer, [Besiege] Relation Military I. 4. Bely, [active Calumny.] RJ, IV. 7. Believe. Action Spiritual II. 4. Easiness to --- [Credulity.] Habit III. 2. Exceeding extreme Belly. Parts General IV. 6. --- Worm. Exanguious I. 1. Affinis. Bellis, [Daisie] Herb considered according to the Flower II. 3. Affinis. Bellow, [active Bull (voice] Bellows, [adjective active Wind (Instr.] Belluine, [adjective Beast (Metaph.] Belong, [verb Pertinent.] Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. Beloved, [adjective passive Love.] Action Spiritual V. 2. Below. [Beneath] Prep. V. 2. Operation or Opposite [Inferior] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Belt, [to-binding (Armament) Sword] Bemoning. with sorrow (sign] for sorrow (sign] specially With Voice.] Bench. [long fixed Seat] [adjective Judg. (place)] Relation Judicial I. 1. [Assessors, aggregate] Relation Judicial I. 1. Affinis. Bencher, [Assessor in College of Relation Judicial (person.] Bend. Operation or Opposite I. 7. Affinis. [adjective active Crooked] Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite [Shrink] Action Corporeal VI. 3. [be crumpled] Action Corporeal VI. 3. Affinis. [passive Oblique] Magnitude II. 8. --- ones fist, [together-fold.] Operation or Opposite V. 5. Beneath. [Inferior] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Below] Prep. V. 2. Operation or Opposite Benediction, [Blessing.] Action Spiritual I. 3. Benefactor. Relation Oeconomical III. 8. Benefice, [Presbyter's (place] Beneficence. Vertue, [Goodness] Manners I. 4. Action, [active Benefactor.] Beneficial, [active Benefactor.] Beneficiary. Relation Oeconomical III. 8. Operation or Opposite Benefit, [adjective active Benefactor (thing] Benevolence, [Favour] Action Spiritual V. 9. Benjamin. Tree VIII. 5. Affinis. Benighted.   Benignity. [Favour] Action Spiritual V. 9. [Courtesie] Manners IV. 7. [Gratiousness] Manners VI. 1. Bent. [adj passive bend.] [adjective pret. purposing] Action Spiritual IV. 3. --- of Grass, [Ear] Parts Peculiar II. 4. Affinis. Benum, [active Stupor.] Natural Power II. 1. Operation or Opposite Bequeath. Relation Civil V. 2. Beray, [active Defile.] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Operation or Opposite Berbery. Shrub III. 4. Bereave, [active Privative.] Transcendental General III. 3. Operation or Opposite Berry. Parts Peculiar III. 2. Affinis. one --- [Herb true love] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 5. Affinis. Beseech. [Entreat. Relation Oeconomical V. 3. humbly.] Beseeging. Relation Military I. 4. Beseem, [adjective Decency.] Beset. [About-gard] [Besiege] Relation Military I. 4. Beshrew. [active remorse.] [active Velleity Miscarrying.] Velleity Event corruptive] Beside. [Near] Prep. IV. 3. Operation or Opposite [not to not at not &c. --- the mark, Erring from] Wandring from] --- himself, [Mad.] [Also] Conjunction IV. 2. Redundant. Besmear, [Defile.] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Operation or Opposite Besom, [adjective sweeping instrument] Besot. [active Dotage. Natural Power II. 2. Operation or Opposite (make] [specially with Love, (Excess] Drunkenness.] Bespawl. [Defile with upon-spitting.] Bespeak. Relation Civil VI. 1. Besprinkle, [Wet (make) with Drops.] Bespue. [Defile with upon-spuing] Best, [most-good.] Transcendental General III. 2. --- part. Transcendental Mixed VI. 1. doe ones --- [most-endeavour.] Transcendental Action III. 4. Bestiality. Relation Judicial III. 6. Bestir. [Move augmentative] Motion [Endeavour] Transcendental Action III. 4. [Diligence] Habit IV. 5. Bestow. [Give] Transcendental Action IV. 4. [Disburse] Transcendental Action IV. 5. [Spend] Bet. Relation Civil VI. 8. Affinis. Betake. [to-Ition] Transcendental Action VI. specially for Safety.] Bethink. Cogitation, Action Spiritual II. 1. [Consider] Action Spiritual III. 2. Betide, [verb Event.] Transcendental Action V. Betime. [Adverb derived Soon] Space I. 4. [Adverb derived Morn] Me. V. 7. Betoken, [before-sign] Transcendental General VI. 5. Betony. AF. VII. 15. Betraying. Evil. [active Treachery] Manners V. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse [active Perfidiousness] Manners V. 6. Operation or Opposite [active Treason] Relation Judicial III. 2. Indiff. [Shewing] Transcendental Action I. 8. [Manifesting] Transcendental Action I. 9. Betrothed,] Relation Oeconomical II. 3. Better, [more-good.] Transcendental Mixed I. 6. Exceeding extreme [Victory.] Relation Military II. 1. [Superiority] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Exceeding extreme Ones --- s. Relation Oeconomical III. Between. Prep. VI. 3. --- themselves. [Privately] Adverb derived Transcendental Mixed V. 4. --- Both. [Middle.] Space III. 3. [Indifferent.] Bever. [Refection] Provisions I. 1. Affinis. Beast, [Castor] Hat, [Head (vest) of Fur of Bever.] Armour, [For-head (Armor] Beverage. Provisions II. 6. Affinis. Bevy. [Aggreg.] Bewail. [for-grief (sign] specially with Exclaiming.] Beware. [adjective a Heedfulness] Habit IV. 2. [active Aversation] Action Spiritual V. 4. Operation or Opposite Bewitch. Relation Judicial III. 1. Bewray. [Shew] Transcendental Action I. 8. [Manifest] Transcendental Action I. 9. Beyond. Prep. VI 2. Operation or Opposite [Superior] Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Exceeding extreme Bezoar. [Contra-poison] specially Stone of the Persian Goat.] By. the --- [Digression] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 9. Affinis. Adjective. [adjective Digression] Deficient extreme Discourse V. 9. Affinis. [adjective Accessory.] Transcendental Mixed IV. 9. Operation Opposite --- word, [accessary (thing) of common discourse] specially with contempt.] [not-adjective Principal.] Pertinent.] Public.] Ordinary.] Preposition. Efficient. Preposition I. 2. Instrument. Preposition I. 1. Affinis. End. --- reason of. Preposition I. 2. Affinis. Local Temporal [before] --- God. [at] come --- [obtein] Transcendental Action V. 1. [in] --- day. [through] [beside] [Adverb] Local [nigh.] Temporal [nigh.] --- and --- Nearly after.] --- and --- Adverb derived future diminutive] Manner. --- the by --- great --- retail --- it self Adverb [by the by (1) [Digression] Adverb [by g. (1.) [Ag­ gregate.] Adverb [by r. (1) [Se­ gregate.]Adverb [by it s. (1) [So­ litary.] Adverb [by --- it self Segregation. --- course [c (Segr.] --- the day [d (Segr.] --- degrees [d (Segr.] Segr.] --- turns [t (Segr.] Day --- day [d.] [d. Segr.] House --- house [h. Segr.] Year --- year [y. Segr.] Bib. a --- [Child's breast (vest] to --- [Drink, Action Corporeal II. 2. Affinis. frequentative] Bible, [Book of Scripture.] Bicker. [active Fight, RM I. 7. diminutive] [active Contention. Manners IV. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Bid. [Command] Relation Oeconomical V. 1. Invite [Intreat to come.] --- Banes publish b. fut.] --- Festival publish f. fut.] --- Battel [Offer b.] --- Defiance [Offer d.] --- Money [Offer m.] --- Prayer, [Exhort to together-­ pray.] --- Price. Relation Civil VI. 2. Biennial. During 2 years] Returning 2 years] Big. [Great] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Exceeding extreme --- with Child, [adjective passive Great through having been impregnated.] to look --- [to look angrily.] Action Spiritual V. 8. to look proudly.] Manners V. 2. Operation or Opposite Bigamy, [Having together-two Marrieds.] Biggin, [adjective Linnen Head (vest.] Bilberry. Shrub II. 2. Bile. Sickness III. 3. Affinis. Bill. --- of Bird, [Beak.] Parts Peculiar V. 4 Hook, [Cutting-hook.] Scroll, [Lamin of Paper.] [Catalogue] Transcendental Mixed III. 7. Affinis. [Accusation, &c.] Relation Judicial II. 3. [Obligation.] Relation Civil VI. 5. --- of Exchange, [Bill for Exch.] Relation Civil V. Affinis. Billet. --- of Paper, [adjective Paper (Lamin.] Appointment for Lodging] --- of Wood, [Stick augmentative) specially for Fuel.] Billow, [Wave.] World IV. 1. Exceeding extreme Bin. [Box, Provisions V. 2. specially for Bread.] Binde. [Ty] Operation or Opposite II. 1. [active Bonds] Relation Judicial VI. 4. Affinis. make Costive [active binding] Motion IV. O, [Oblige] verb Relation Civil VI. --- by Script. Relation Civil VI. 5. --- a Book, [active Mechanic --- ] Bindweed. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 6. Sea --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 13. Affinis. black --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 3. Affinis. prickly --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 7. Biographer, [active History (person) of Lives.] Bipartite, [divided into two parts.] Birch. Tree VI. 7. Bird. Bi. --- lime, [Viscous (thing) for taking Birds.] --- 's-Cherry. Shrub II. 8. --- 's-Ey. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 2. Affinis. --- 's-Foot. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 9. --- 's-nest.Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 7. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 6. Affinis. Birt, [Turbut.] Fish V. 2. Birth. Extraction, [passive Progenitor.] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Nativity, [passive Parturition.] Action Corporeal I. 3. Bearing, [active Parturition.] that is born, [adjective passive Parturition.] Action Corporeal I. 3. after --- [Secundine] Parts Peculiar VI. 7. Affinis. --- wort. Action Spiritual VIII. 5. Bishop. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 4. Affinis. --- 's-weed. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 4. Affinis. Bisket. [Bread bak'd for duration] [dried, Bread (Lamin) Bismute. Metal III. 3. Bisons, [Bull (kind) having a bunch on the back] Bissextile, [Excedent fourth year.] Bistort. [Snakeweed] Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 3. Bit. [piece] from-broken (part)] --- of Bridle, [Horse-restreining (Armament)] Bitch, [Dog. Beast III. 1. (fem.] Biting. as with Teeth, [active Tooth.] --- in, [un-speak (endeavour.] as in Tast or Smell [active Acrimonious] Bitter. --- in Taste. Quality sensible IV. 3. Operation or Opposite [Austere] Manners VI. 8 Operation or Opposite Doleful, [adjective active Grief, Action Spiritual V. 3. Operation or Opposite (cause] Bittour. Bi. VIII. 5. Brasileen --- Bi. VIII. 5. Affinis. Bitumen. Stone V. 8. Blab. [adjective active Loquacity] Manners IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Black. Quality sensible II. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- art, [Witchcraft.] Relation Judicial III. 1. --- berry, [Berry of Bramble.] --- bird. Bi. III. 6. --- and blew, [Blew Black.] as Bruise (sign) Bladder. Parts General VI. 7. Affinis. swimming --- Parts Peculiar IV. 5. --- nut. Tree IV. 7. Affinis. Blade, [Lamin.) Magnitude V. 4. --- of Plant, [Leaf] Parts Peculiar II. 5. Affinis. One --- HM. VI. 22. Twy --- HM. VI. 22. Affinis. --- of Shoulder, [Flat bone of Shoulder.] to --- it [active Riotousness.] Blain [Boil] Sickness III. 3. Affinis. --- worm Blame, [Impute fault.] --- less, [Innocent.] Relation Judicial II. 6. Blanch, [active White.] Quality sensible II. 1. Exceeding extreme Blandishment, [active Fawning.] Manners IV. 7. Exceeding extreme Blank. [White.] Quality sensible II. 1. Exceeding extreme [not upon-written] Action Corporeal III. 7. a --- to --- [active Mute.] Action Corporeal III. 1. Operation or Opposite Blanket. [woollen Covering (thing.] woollen Bed (vest.] Blaspheme. [Speak Evil of God.] [Speak Evil of Prin­ ces [Speak Injury {of God] Speak Injury of Princes] Blast. [Decay. Natural Power IV. 4. Operation or Opposite (make.] Vapor. Element VI. 5. [Blowing. Motion III. 3. (impe­ tus.] [Wind. Element II. 4. (impe­ tus.] Blatta fœtida. In. III. 4. Affinis. Blaze. [active Flame.] Element I. 1. [adjective active Public.] Transcendental Mixed V. 4. Blazing-star, [Comet] Element I. 2. Blazon. [adjective active Public (make] [active Description adjective Degree (sign] Blea, [Bleak] Fish IX. 10. Affinis. Bleach, [open to the Wind. open to the Sun. specially for white (make] Bleak. [Piercing Cold] Fish. F. IX. 10. Affinis. Bleared, [Diseased by Inflamma­ tion of the Membranes.] Bleat. active Sheep (voice.] Goat (voice.] Bleed. [active Bloud] Parts General I. 5. Phlebotomy. Motion IV. 6. Blemish, [active Spotted.] Quality sensible I. 5. Operation or Opposite Blend, [Mix] Transcendental General III. 8. Operation or Opposite Blenn. Fish III. 14. Blessedness, [Happiness.] Habit I. 1. Blessing. Action Spiritual I. 3. Blew. Quality sensible II. 3. Affinis. --- bottle. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 2. Blight. Vapor, Element VI. 5. Decay, Natural Power V. 4. Operation or Opposite Blind. Natural Power I. 1. Operation or Opposite a --- [False pretence] Blink. [Dim] Quality sensible I. 3. Operation or Opposite [Tremble with the Eye-lids] Bliss, [Happiness.] Habit I. 1. Blissom, [active Lust.] specially of Sheep.] Blister. Motion IV. 7. Blite. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 15. Blitheness, [Mirth.] Action Spiritual V. 3. Block. [Stock] Parts Peculiar I. 2. --- of Wood, [Thick piece --- ] --- head, [Dull] Habit III. 1. Operation or Opposite --- house, Relation Military VI. 2. Affinis. to --- up, [Besiege. Relation Military I. 4. re­ motely.] Blood, vide Bloud. Bloom, [Flower.] Parts Peculiar II. 1. Blossom, [Flower.] Parts Peculiar II. 1. Blot, [adjective active Spot. Q I. 5, Operation or Opposite (thing.] --- out. Destroy Writing.] Null Writing.] Blote. active Swell with Smoke] active Condite diminutive) with Smoke] Bloud. Proper. Red juice of perfect Animals. Parts General I. 5. One of the four humors. Parts General I. 6. --- bound, [Dog. adjective hunt aptitude, or proneness.) men by sent.] --- shot, [Spotted with Bloud within the Tunicle.] --- stone, [Cornelian.] --- thirsty [adjective active Mur­ ther. aptitude, or proneness.] --- thirsty [adjective active Kill. (apt] aptitude, or proneness.] --- wort. HA. II. 10. let --- active Motion IV. 6. [Descendent (kinde] [Consanguinity] Relation Oeconomical I. of the whole [adjective Con­ sang. by both Parents.] of the half- [adjective Con­ sang. by one Parent.] [Murther] Relation Judicial III. 4. Bloudy Flix. [Dysentery] Sickness VI. 6. Affinis. Blow a --- [Stroke] Motion VI. 4. [Knock] Motion VI. 4. Affinis. to --- [active Breath] Motion III. 3. [active Winde] --- an Horn, [active Sound.] Quality sensible III (make] --- one's Nose. Motion IV. 4. Affinis. [active Flower] Parts Peculiar II. 1. Blubber. Fish. Exanguious IX. 5. [Fat of Whale.] to --- [wet with weeping] Blunder. [adjective Unskilful] Habit VI. 3. [adjective Stumble. Motion II. 3. A, frequentative] [Confused (make] Blunt. [Dull] Natural Power IV. 2. Operation or Opposite [Rustic.] Manners IV. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse [not-adjective active Cutt aptitude, or proneness..) [Obtuse.] Blur. [active Spot. Quality sensible I. 5. Operation or Opposite frequentative] Blush. Action Corporeal IV. 9. at first- appearance.] passive See.] Bluster, [active Winde violently.] Boar, vid. Bore. Boord. Plank, [adjective Wood (Lamin.] Entertainment, [verb Hoste.] Relation Oeconomical IV. 5. --- er, [Guest.] Relation Oeconomical IV. 5. Operation or Opposite to --- a Ship, [into-goe.] specially by Storm. Boast. [Glorying] Action Spiritual VI. 1. Operation or Opposite [Oversaying] Manners IV. 1. Exceeding extreme Boat. Relation Naval I. 1. --- Swain, Relation Naval V. 6. Bob. [Strike diminutive) with hand. [Mock diminutive) Bode [before Shew] before Sign] Body. Op. to Spirit. World I. Operation or Opposite [Solid] Magnitude I. 4. Op. to Head. Parts General III. Operation or Opposite [Trunk.] Parts General IV. --- of Tree, [Stock] Parts Peculiar I. 2. --- of Army, [adjective Middle (part] Bodkin, [adj Boring (Instr.) Cone] Bog. Possessions I. 9. Affinis. Boy, [adjective Childhood (male] Boil. Provisions III. 2. a --- Sickness III. 3. Affinis. Boisterous, [adjective Tempest] World VI. 7. A Fierceness] Stoutness, corruptive] Boldness. Temper, [Stoutness.] Natural Power IV. 6. Affection, Action Spiritual V. 8. Virtue, [Fortitude] Manners I. 7. Bole, [Lump.] Transcendental Mixed VI. 4. --- armoniac. Bolled, [adjective Husk.] Bolster, [Bed diminutive] specially for the Head] --- up. [Bear] Motion VI. 1. Affinis. [Encourage] Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. Bolt, Bar. Possessions IV. 5. prisoners --- [Pin of fetters] [obtuse Arrow.] to shoot ones --- [Declare ones Opinion.] thunder, --- [pibble (kind] --- upright, [adjective Direct.] to --- Meal. [Sift, m. --- through Bag.] [Sift, m. --- through Linnen.] [Sift, m. --- through Sive.] Bond. [Obligation] Relation Civil VI. 5. --- s. Relation Judicial VI. 4. Affinis. Bondage, [Slave. (abstr.] Bondman, [Slave.] Relation Oeconomical III. 6. Operation or Opposite Bone. Parts General II. 1. Bone-fire, [Fire built for Joy.] Fire adjective Festival.] Bon-grace, [Shadowing (Vest) for the Forehead.] Bonnet Low Head (vest.] Flat Head (vest.] --- of Sail. Relation Naval III. 6. Affinis. Book. aggr. of Leaves. Provisions VI. 7. Operation or Opposite without --- [Adverb derived Memory] --- binder, [adjective Book (Me­ chanic] --- seller, [adjective Book (Mer­ chant] agg. of Chapters. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 3. Affinis. Boom. [Stick] [Pole] [Beam] [Tree] --- of Sail. Relation Naval III. 2. --- on Shore, [Direct beam for flat (signe] Boon, [adjective passive Petition. (thing] Boope. Fish V. 12. Affinis. Boot. [adjective Leather. (vest) for Leg and Foot] [Vantage] Transcendental Mixed VI 2. Affinis. what boots it? [what doth it Profit?] [what doth it Help?] Fire --- Materials permitted for f.] Gate --- Materials permitted for g.] Plough. --- Materials permitted for p.] Booth, [Tent.] Possessions II. 1. Affinis. Booty. Relation Military II. 5. Exceeding extreme make --- of, [Take for --- ] Borage. HA. II. 9. Borax, [Chrysocolla.] Stone V. 6. Affinis. Bord, vid. Board. Bordell, [adjective Fornication (house] Border, [Margin.] Space III. 4. Affinis. Bore, [Hog. Beast II. 4. (male] to --- Operation or Opposite IV. 3. Born, [adjective passive Parturition.] Borne, [adjective passive Bear] Borough, [Town] Relation Civil III. 2. Affinis. [City] Relation Civil III. 3. Affinis. Borrow. Relation Civil V. 4. Operation or Opposite Bosom. Space betwixt Clothes and Breast.] [Space between the Dugs. Boss, [Protuberance] Magnitude IV. 3. Botanic, [adjective Herb (Science.] Botargo, [Condited Spawn of Mullet.] Botch. [Swoln Ulcer] [Piece unskilful- ly joined to Mend] [Piece unskilful- ly joined to Fill] to --- [verb Unskilfulness] Habit VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Both. --- this and that, [and --- ] --- waies, [All --- ] Botrys. HP. VI. 12. Bots, Exanguious I. 3. Affinis. Bottle. [Pot with narrow mouth] Figure. Magnitude VI. 2. --- nose, [adjective Protuberance augmentative) --- ] --- flower. HP. I. 7. blew --- --- of hay, [about-tied aggregate)-] Bottom. Lowest part. Space III. 7. Operation or Opposite --- of the Heart, [Inmost (part)-] [Foundation] Possessions III. 4. --- of Thread. Magnitude VI. 7. [Ship.] Bouget, [Bag diminutive] specially adjective Leather.] Bough [Branch] Parts Peculiar I. 3: Bought, [adjective passive Buy.] Boule. Figure. Magnitude VI. 6. Affinis. [adjective Bouling (Instr.] Motion V. 4. Bounce. Knock (Impetus) Sound (Impetus) Bound. [adjective passive Bind] [Beholding] [Beneficiary] Relation Oeconomical III. 8. Operation or Opposite [Owing thanks] [Limit] [Common, Margin] Space III. 4. Affinis. [adjective End (Place.] End (Thing.] End (Sign.] [Motion, adjective Reflexion.] Bounty, [Liberality.] Manners III. 1. Bourn, [River diminutive) Bout, [Course.] Boutefew, [active Contention (make.] [active Sedition (make.] Bow. [Bend] Operation or Opposite I. 7. Affinis. [active Crooked. Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite (make.] --- outward, [active Convex (make] --- inward, [active Concave (make] Bowe. Weapon Relation Military V. 4. Cross --- Relation Military V. 4. Affinis. Figure. Magnitude V. 3. rain --- Element V. 1, saddle --- [Convex (part) of the Saddle.] Bowell, [Gutt.] Parts General VI. 4. Affinis. Bower. [adjective active Shadow (thing)] [Tent of Leaves and Bran­ ches.] Ladies --- Shrub II. 2. Affinis. Virgins --- HM. I. 7. Affinis. Bowl. Magnitude VI. 6. Affinis. to --- Motion V. 4. Bowle, [Wide Cup.] Bowline. Relation Naval IV. 7. Affinis. Bowsprit. Relation Naval III. 4. Bowyer, [adjective Bow (Mechanic.] Box. Tree. Tree III. 7. Chest. Provisions V. 2. Stroke, [Striking with flat hand.] Brabble, [Contention in words.] specially about Contracts.] Brace. Buckle, [Together-ty.] Couple, [Together-two.] --- s of a Ship. Relation Naval IV. 4. Bracelet, [Ornament of the Wrist.] Brach, [Dog female] Brachygraphy, [short-Writing (art] Bracket, [Up-bearing piece.] Brackishness. Q IV. 5. Brag. Action Spiritual VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Bragget, [Ale made with Spice.] Bray. [Pound] Motion VI. 5. Voice. [a Ass (voice.] a Elephant (voice.] a &c. (voice.] Braid, [Weave with fingers.] Brail. Relation Naval IV. 6. Brain. Parts General I. 8. --- pan, [Bone that conteins the Brain.] --- sick. [adjective active fancy (Excess) [adjective active fancy (Disease) [Mad, (dim) hair --- [adjective Habit IV. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse] Brake. [Aggr. of Fern] Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 4. [Breaking (Jugament) for Flax] Hemp] Bramble. Shrub I. 1. Affinis. Brambling. Bi. VI. 7. Affinis. Bran, [Courser (Part) of ground Corn.] Branch. Parts Peculiar I. 3. Brand. fire --- [Fire wood.] Mark [Stigmatization (sign] to --- [Stigmatize] Relation Judicial VI. 6. A Brandy. Provisions II. 7. Affinis. Brandish, [Swing.] Motion VI. 3. Brangle, [active Contention (voice] Brank, [Buck-wheat] Herb considered according to the Flower I. 3. Brank Vrsin. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 8. Brant goose, [black headed goose (kind.] Brasil. Tree VII. 5. Brass, Metal II. 1. Bravado, [Glorying (impet.) of his active fut. Action.] Brave. Heroic. [adjective Virtue. augmentative] Noble. [adjective Generosity.] Gawdy. [adjective Ornate, augmentative] Brawl, [active Contention (voice.] Brawn. [hard Muscle] [hard Fleshy (part)] [Bore's flesh soused.] Braze, [adjective passive Superficies (make) with Brass.] Brazier, [Brass (Mechanic.] Breach. vid. Break. Bread. white --- [fine --- ] brown --- [course --- ] sweet --- [principal Glandule.] Breadth. Transcendental Mixed II. 2. Break, discontinue the parts, Adverb derived impetus. Break. Proper. Motion VI. 6. --- ones neck. Relation Judicial V. 3. Affinis. --- on the Wheel. Relation Judicial V. 9. Affinis. [Tear] Motion VI. 6. Affinis. --- one's belly,[- one's peri­ tonæum.] --- one's winde [- one's dia­ phragm.] [adjective passive Asthma. (make] [Violate] Transcendental Action III. 6. Operation or Opposite --- Covenant violate c.] --- Law violate l.] --- Oath violate violate o.] --- Promise violate p.] Discontinue, [adjective passive Transcendental Mixed III. (make.] --- Company discont. c.] --- Course discont. c.] --- Custom. [Reclaim] --- an Horse, [un-adjective fierce (make.] [Cease] --- fast, [Cease to --- ] --- up, as Convention --- up, as Ill weather --- up, as &c. [Cease confusedly.] [Fail] Transcendental Action IV. 8. Operation or Opposite --- State [Decay] --- with Age --- with Sorrow [Ruine] --- one's heart. --- one's winde, [active Perish.] --- Superficies. --- out in botches. [Discont. the skin with, &c. [Wound] --- one's head. [Wound the skin of --- ] [Plow] [Dig.] &c. --- up land. [Open] --- one's minde. --- up a letter. [Appear] --- out as Fire. --- out as Light. --- out as Sickness. [active Impetus] --- a Iest [active Jest. impetus, or fit] --- in, [In-ition. impetus, or fit] --- open, [active Open. impetus, or fit] --- out, [Out-ition. impetus, or fit] --- winde, [active Wind. impetus, or fit] --- upward. Motion IV. 2. --- downward. Motion IV. 2. Affinis. Breakfast, [adjective Morning refe­ ction.] Bream. Fish IX. 9. Sea --- [Gilt-head] Fish V. 1. Breast, vid. Brest. Breath. [adjective passive Respiration. Motion III. 2. (thing.] Sucking up the --- Action Corporeal IV. 6. Affinis. [Air] [Fume] [Vapor] --- ing. [Respiration.] Motion III. 2. --- sweat, [Sweat (remiss.] Breech. Parts General IV. 6. --- es, [Vest for the lower (part) of Trunk.] Bear's --- HM. IV. 2. Affinis. Breed. Ingender, [active Generation.] [passive Impregnate] [Educate] Relation Oeconomical VI. a --- [Kind] [Race] [descendent (aggreg.) [descendent (kind) Breef. Adj. [Shortness] Transcendental Mixed II. 1. Operation or Opposite [passive Epitome] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 7. Subst. [Edict] [Commission] Relation Civil IV. 4. Affinis. Breez. Insect Gentle Wind, Element VI. 6. Brest. PG IV. 2. [Dugg] Parts General IV. 2. Affinis. --- plate, [adjective Brest (armor] Bret. Fish VII. 3. Affinis. Breviary, [Epitome.] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 7. Breviature. [Shortning] [Shrinking] Brevity, [Shortness.] Transcendental Mixed II. 1. Operation or Opposite Brew. Beer (make) Ale (make) [Mingle] Transcendental General III. 8. Operation or Opposite Brewes, [Lamins of Bread steep­ ed.] specially in Fat of boiled meat.] Bribe. Relation Judicial IV. 6. Brick. Stone I. 1. Affinis. Bride, [adjective present Marriage female] --- groom, [adjective pres. Marriage (male.] --- maid, [Companion female) of the Bridegroom.] --- man, [Companion (male) of the Bride.] Bridal, [adjective Marriage Solemnity.] Bridewell, [Public. adjective Correcti­ on (house.] Bridge. Possessions II. 6. --- of Lute, [Ridge supporting the Strings.] --- of Nose, [Prominent Gri­ stle.] Bridle. Possessions V. 9. to --- [active Cohibit.] Transcendental General II. 2. Operation or Opposite Brier. Shrub I. 2. Affinis. Brigade. Relation Military IV. 2. Brigandine. [Coat of Male.] [Ship adjective active Booty aptitude, or proneness..] Brightness. Quality sensible I. 3. Brim [Margin.] Space III. 4. Operation or Opposite Brimstone. Stone V. 4. Brine, [Salt dissolv'd.] --- y taste, [Saltishness.] Quality sensible IV. 5. Bring, [Cause to with- go. [Cause to with- come. Bring, [with- go. (make.] Bring, [with- come. (make.] [to- carry.] to- drive.] to- lead.] go to --- [fetch.] Transcendental Action VI. 4. Affinis. [Cause,] [Cause to be. [Cause,] [Cause to go. [Cause,] [Cause to come. --- down. [adjective active Low (make.] [adjective active Inferior (make.] [adjective active Under (make.] [diminish] Transcendental Mixed I. 7. Operation or Opposite [weaken] Natural Power V. 7. Operation or Opposite --- forth. [active Parturition.] Action Corporeal I. 3. --- low. [diminish] Transcendental Mixed I. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse [decay] --- to nought. [adjective passive ruine (make.] [active destroy] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite [annihilate.] Action Spiritual I. 1. Operation or Opposite --- to pass. [active Cause] Transcendental General II. [active Efficient.] Transcendental General II. 1. --- under. [overcome] Relation Military II. 1. Exceeding extreme [conquer] Relation Military II. 7. Exceeding extreme --- up. [begin] Transcendental Action III. 3. [educate] Relation Oeconomical VI. [with- go. [with- come. --- on the way. [accompany in Travel (in­ cept.] --- to bed. [assist in parturition.] --- word, [ --- Narration.] Brink, [Margin.] SP. III. 4. Operation or Opposite Briony. white --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 6. black --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 6. Affinis. Brisk, [Sprightly.] Natural Power IV. 2. Bristle. Parts Peculiar VI. 2. to --- [active direct (make) one's Bri­ stles.] Bristow Non-such. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 4. Affinis. Brittleness. Quality sensible VI. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Broach, [adjective Rosting instrument] to --- [active un-barrel (incept.] Broad, [adjective Breadth.] speak --- [Plain corr.] [pronounce Rurally] specially opening augmentative) one's mouth.] [active openness.] --- awake, [Perfectly --- ] Brock, [Badger.] Beast V. 2. Affinis. Brocket, [Hart (male) of the se­ cond year.] Broil. Provisions III. 4. Affinis. Broils. [Contentions] Manners IV. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Troubles] Transcendental Action V. 9. Operation or Opposite Broken-winded, [adjective passive Asthma.] Broker. [Substitute (Merc.] [Merchant of old things] Brooch, [Gemmed Ornament.] Brood. [Children aggregate) [Aggregate (young) to --- [active Fotion by over-sitting] Brook, [River diminutive) --- lime. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 10. garden --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 3. Affinis. to --- [adjective active Patience.] Manners I. 8. Broom. Shrub IV. 8. butchers --- Shrub III. 8. thorny --- Shrub IV. 2. Affinis. --- Rape. Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 8. a --- [Brushing instrument] --- ing. Relation Naval VI. 2. Broth. Provisions I. 5. Brothel [Fornication (house.] Brother. Relation Oeconomical I. 4. half --- Relation Oeconomical I. 4. Affinis. --- in Law, [Brother by Affi­ nity.] --- hood. [Brother (abstr.] [Corporation] Relation Civil III. 7. Brow, [Forehead.] Parts General III. 6. Moving the --- Action Corporeal IV. 1. Operation or Opposite --- of an Hill. [Protuberance.] Magnitude IV. 3. --- Brown [Dark diminutive] [Black diminutive] Browzing. [Mastication] Motion III. 5. specially of Boughs.] Bruise. [Contusion] Operation or Opposite IV. 1. Affinis. Hurt. Sickness I. 1. Affinis. Brunt, [Impetus.] Transcendental General VI. 6. Affinis. Brush. [Branch. Parts Peculiar I. 3. diminutive] Instrument. [Brushing instrument) clothes.] [Painting instrument] to --- Operation or Opposite V. 9. Brute. [Animal] World V. 3. [Rumor] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 3. Brutish. [adjective Beast (like] [adjective Irrational] Bubble. Element III. 1. Affinis. Buccinum. Exanguious VII. 5. Buck. [Deer] Beast II. 4. specially adult (Male.] --- of Clothes. [Clothes aggregate) for wash­ ing by Lixiviation.] --- for fishing, [adjective take machin..] of Fish.] --- s horne. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 2. Affinis. --- s thorne. Shrub I. 7. --- mast, [Mast of Beech.] --- weed. --- wheat. HA. V. 5. Affinis. Bucket. [Tub, adjective passive carry aptitude, or proneness.) by handle.] Buckle. Provisions IV. 8. Affinis. Buckler. Relation Military V. 9. Buckram, [Canvas stiffened.] Bucksom, [adjective Vigor face (man­ ner.] Bud, [Sprout.] Parts Peculiar II. 5. Budge. to --- [Move diminutive] Budget [Bag (dim] specially adj Leather] Buff, [adjective Leather (Arms.] specially of Buffals Skin limber.] Buffal, [Bull. (kind) having flat rugged horns.] Buffet, [Strike with hand toge­ ther-folded.] Buffoon, [adjective Scurrility (person.] Bug. In. II. 1. Affinis. Bugbear, [adjective active Fear, aptitude, or proneness..) adjective Fiction (thing.] Buggery. Relation Judicial III. 5. Affinis. Bugle. [adjective Glass-bead] [Horn diminutive) for sounding] Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 16. Affinis. Bugloss. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 1. Affinis. Vipers --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 2. Affinis. Wall --- Buying. Relation Civil V. 3. Operation or Opposite Build. --- ing. Possessions II. Greater parts of --- Possessions III. Lesser parts of --- Possessions IV. --- upon, [Be confident of.] Bul, vid. Bull. Bulbocastanon. Bulbonach. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 2. Bulbous, Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. Bulfinch. Bird IV. 3. Bulge, [Mar. by in-crushing.] Bulk [Massiness] [Solid] Magnitude I. 4. [Total] Transcendental Mixed VI. [Aggregate] Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Operation or Opposite Bull. [Beast, Beast II. 1. (male] Writing, [Edict.] Relation Civil IV. 3. Operation or Opposite specially of Pope.] --- Beetle. Exanguious V. 2. Affinis. --- finch. Bird IV. 5. --- head [Miller's thumb.] Fi IX. 12. --- rush, [Great (kind) rush.] Bullace, [Plum of Black-thorn.] Bullet. Relation Military V. 8. Bullion Gold not-coin'd] Silver not-coin'd] Bullock, [Bull, Beast II. 1. diminutive] Bulwark, [Rampier] Relation Military VI. 3. Bumbast. [adjective Cotton stuffing (thing] [not-necessary (thing) in­ thrusted.] [affected words] Bunch. [Protuberance] Magnitude IV. 3. [Cluster] Parts Peculiar II. 4. [Aggregate] adjective Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Operation or Opposite (thing.] specially together-tied.] Bundle, [adjective aggregate. Transcendental Mixed III. 6. Operation or Opposite (thing.] specially together-tied.] Bung. [Upper Orifice of the Barrel] specially for Infusion.] Bungling, [Unskilfulness.] Habit VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Bunting. Bird IV. 1. Bunt-line. Relation Naval IV. 6. Affinis. Buoy. Figure. Magnitude VI. 5. [Anchor, (sign) Bur. [Principal Glandule] --- of the Ear, [Lower Protuberance --- ] --- of Dock, [Ear] Parts Peculiar II. 4. Affinis. Butter --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 1. Affinis. --- reed. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 15. Affinis. Great --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 2. Little --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 2. Affinis. Burden. --- of a Song, [Repeated verse] Load, Possessions V. Affinis. to --- [adjective active Heavy (make) upon, &c.] Burgeon, [Sprout] Parts Peculiar II. 5. Burgess Magistrate of a Town.] Free-man of a Town.] Burglary. Relation Judicial III. 8. Affinis. Bury. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 8. --- alive. Relation Judicial V. 6. Affinis. Burl, [Pick the knots and motes out of Cloth.] Burlesque. [Facetious imitation corruptive] [Mocking imitation of Poem.] Burly. [adjective Ample.] Space II. 5. [adjective Fat. augmentative] Burnet. Herb considered according to the Flower VIII 4. Thorny --- Shrub III. 1. Affinis. Burning. Proper, [adjective active Fire.] Element 1. house --- Relation Judicial III. 7. --- alive. Relation Judicial V. 7. Affinis. --- in the hand, [Stigmat.] Relation Judicial VI. 6. --- --- Lance, [Dart] Element I. 4. Affinis. [Improper] [Rosting (Exc.] --- Fever. Sickness II. 1. Sun --- [adjective passive Colouring corruptive) by the Sun.] Burnish Smooth by rubbing] Brighten by rubbing] Burrage. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 1. Burrow, [Hole in the Earth.] Cony --- [Cony's (house.] Burser, (adjective disbursing Officer] Burst, vid. Break. --- Cow, [Blain-worm.] Burstenness, [hernia.] Burt. [Turbut.] Fish V. 2. Bush Shrubs aggregate] Hairs aggregate] Silver --- Shrub VI. 6. Affinis. Bushel [8 Gallons.] Busie. [adjective active Business] [adjective active Double diligence] Habit IV. 5. Exceeding extreme --- body, [adjective active Diligence corruptive] Business. Employment, Transcendental Action III. [adjective active Troubling (thing] Busk, Lamin for Woman's breast (vest.] Buskin, [Vest until middle of Leg.] Bustard. Bi. II. 4. But. Conjunction. but. Conjunction II. 1. Operation or Opposite --- [indeed] Conjunction II. 1. as, but lately, &c. --- [onely] Adverb underived IV. 1. Operation or Opposite --- that, [unless.] Conjunction I. 3. Operation or Opposite --- yet. [notwithstanding] Conjunction II. 2. Operation or Opposite Preposition. [beside] Prep. IV. 3. Operation or Opposite a --- [thick extremity] specially of Stock.] [Barrel augmentative] [measure] [Mark] [Bank at-adjective passive shoot aptitude, or proneness..] [Sign, adjective passive aim aptitude, or proneness..] to --- [knock thrusting] specially with Forehead.] Butcher, [Butchering (Mechanic.] --- ing. Provisions III. 1. --- bird. Bi. I. 3. Affinis. --- 's broom. Shrub IV. 5. Affinis. Butler, [adjective Provisions (Officer] for adjective passive drink (thing.] Butter. Provisions I. 3. --- milk, [Milk after Butter (make.] --- fly. Exanguious IV. 9. Hawke --- Exanguious IV. 10. --- bur. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 1. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. Buttery, [adjective Drinking (room.] Buttock. Parts General IV. 8. Button. Magnitude VI. 2. --- hole. Magnitude V. 2. Affinis. --- Fish. Exanguious VIII, 2. Batchelour's --- [Campion] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 2. Buttress. Po, III. 7. Affinis. Butwin.   Buz, [active Bee (voice.] Buzzard, [Kite] Bi. I. 2. Affinis. bald --- [White-headed --- ] C CAbala, [Tradition.] Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 1. Affinis. Cabbage. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 6. --- Tree. Tree VII. 8. Cabbin, [Chamber diminutive] specially in a Ship.] Cabinet. [Box for precious most esteemed things] Cable. Relation Naval IV. 8. Cacao. [Chocolate] Tree IV. 7. Cackle, [active Hen (voice.] Cacochymia. Sickness I. 3. Affinis. Cade. [Lamb educated in house.] Cadence, [adjective Concluding Sound.] Cadet, [Dependent.] Cadew. Exanguious III. 4. Affinis. Cage. [Imprisonment (room.] specially for Birds.] Cayman [Crocodile] Beast VI. 3. Cajole. [perswade by Craft.] Flattering.] Caitiff. Wicked augmentative) Miserable augmentative) Cake, [Flat bread.] Calaminaris. Stone II. 7. Affinis. Calamint. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 2. Affinis. Calamity, [Misery.] Calcine. Operation or Opposite VI. 8. Calculate, [Reckon.] Transcendental Action IV. 6. Calendar, [adjective Year-book of Series of daies of every month.] Calender, [active smoothness] specially of Cloth. a --- [adjective calendring mechanic.] Calends, [First day of the month.] Calenture, [Feaver augmentative] Calf, Beast. [Bull, Beast II. 1. (young.] --- 's snout [Snap-dragon.] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 6. [Hart (male) of the first year.] Sea --- [Seal.] Beast V. 3. Affinis. --- of the Leg. [Protuberance behind the Leg.] [Hinder Muscles of the Leg.] Calif. [Successor of Mahomet.] Calk. Relation Naval VI. 1. Sense of "calk" not found in OED. Call. [active Voice] [active Name] [Summon] --- to mind, [re-active memory.] --- to witness, [active Witness (make.] --- in, [un-public] [active annihilation] --- upon, [Invocate.] --- ing,] Profession.] Callous. [Hard skin.] Muscle.] Callow. [Downy] [not-feathered] Calm. Element VI. 6. Affinis. [adjective Peaceableness] [adjective Meekness] Calo. Relation Military III. 8. Affinis. Caltrops. Iron instrument) having four points most distant from each other. land --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 9 Affinis. water --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 8. Affinis. Calumny. Relation Judicial IV. 7. Cambuge, [Concrete juice purgative.] Camel. Beast I. 3. --- 's Hay. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 11. Affinis. Camelopard, [Giraffa.] Beast II. 7. Camerade. [adjective Chamber Companion] Cammock, [Rest-harrow.] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 14. Camomil. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 8. Camp. Relation Military VI. 1. --- master, [adjective Camp. (Officer.] Campania, [Plain.] [Summers war.] Camphire, Tree. Tree VIII. 6. Gum. [Gum of Camphire tree. Campion. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 2. Can. Active. [adjective Potentialness] [adjective Natural Power] [adjective Power.] Pass. [adjective Possibility.] [May] Mod. I. 1. a --- [Footless Cup] Canary. --- bird. Bi. IV. 6. Affinis. --- grass. HL III. 1. --- wine, [Wine of the Canaries.] Cancel. [active Annihilation] [active Spoil] [un --- ] Cancer. Ulcer. Sickness III. 4. Constellation, [Star aggregate) call'd the Crab.] Sign [the fourth of the twelve parts of the Zodiac.] tropic of --- W VI. 5. Cancer Majus. Exanguious VI. 7. Candy, [Condite with Sugar.] --- Alexander. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 13. Candid. [adjective Candor.] Candidate. Relation Civil I. 4. Affinis. Candle. Provisions VI. 3. --- stick, [Supporting (vess.) for Candle.] Candor. Manners I. 3. Cane. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 13. Canel. --- bone, [Bone next to the Weasand.] --- tree, [Cinamon] Tree VIII. 8. Canibal, [adjective Eating (person) of men.] Canis. --- major, [Stars (aggr) called Greater Dog.] --- minor, [Stars aggregate) called Lesser Dog.] Canker. [Vlcer,] specially within the mouth.] [Rust] Metal IV. 5. specially of Brass.] Worm, [Caterpiller.] Cankered, [adjective p Canker.] --- stomach. [Old Wrath] Hatred.] Cannibal, [adjective Eating (person) of men.] Canons. --- of breeches, &c. [Hollow Cylinders --- ] --- of a Cathedral, [Assessors of the Bishop.] Rules, [adjective Relation Ecclesiastical Laws.] [Ordnance] Relation Military VI. 5. Affinis. Canonize. Make one a Saint] Sentence one a Saint] Declare one a Saint] Canoo, [Boat of one Tree.] Canopy, [over-adjective Head.] adjective Shadowing Covering (thing.] Canorous, [adjective active Sing. aptitude, or proneness..] Cantharides. Exanguious V. 9. Cantharus. Fish V. 2. Not found in this sense in OED. Canticle, [adjective passive Sing (thing.] specially Little, &c. Cantle, [Fragment.] Transcendental Mixed VI. 5. Affinis. Canto, [Treble (part) of a Song.] Cantonize, [Divide into little Governments.] Canvas, [Linnen of Hemp.] --- ing. active Suter for suffrages.] Contend for suffrages.] [Examin augmentative] Cap. [adj Head (vest] specially Congruous to the Head] --- case, [Box (dim] to --- [un-vest the Head.] [Wooden jugament) fastning Top-mast to the Mast] Flag-staff to the Mast] --- a pe, [from head to foot.] --- Verses, [Play at repeating Verses.] Capable. [adjective active Receive Power, or ability] [adjective Subject (pot] [adjective Passion (pot] Capacity. Subject Power, or ability] Receive Power, or ability] Passion Power, or ability] Caparison, [adjective Ornat. (armam.) of Saddle.] Cape. --- of Cloke, [adjective passive fold (Lamin.] [Promontory] World III. 4. --- Merchant. Relation Naval V. 5. Caper. [Leap] specially with trembling (like) of the Leggs.] Fruit. Shrub IV. 2. Ship. [Private man of War] [Ship prædatory.] Capital. [adjective Head.] [adjective active Dy aptitude, or proneness..] crime, [cr. punishable with dying (make] [Cheef] Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Capitulate, [Treat about Conditions.] Capon., [un-testicled Cock.] Capra saltans. Element I. 5 Caprichious, [Fantastic] corruptive Capricorn, [Tenth of the 12 parts of the Zodiac] tropic of --- World VI. 5. Capriscus. Fish IV. 9. Capstain. Relation Naval II. 3. Captain. --- of Foot, [adjective Company (Officer.] --- of Horse, [adjective Troop (Offi.] --- of a Ship. Relation Naval V. 1. Captious. [Censorious] [prone to be displeased dispute quarrel Captivate. Relation Military II. 6. Exceeding extreme Captive, [adjective passive Captivate (person.] Caput Mort [Sediment remaining of distilled (thing] Car, [Cart.] Caract, [Eighteenth part of a Dram.] Caraguia. Beast V. 6. Caramosel. Relation Naval I. 4. Caranna. Tree VIII. 5. Caravan, [Travelling aggregate) of Merchants.] Caravel, [Ship augmentative] Caraway. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 7. Carbine, [Gun augmentative) of Horseman.] Carbonado, [Broil'd adjective passive flashing] Provisions III. 5. Carbuncle. Sore. Sickness III. 4. Affinis. Gem, [Ruby augmentative] Card playing --- [adjective Card. Motion V. 2. (Instr.] playing at --- s [Motion V. 2. Geographic --- [Description by picture.] to --- wool. [Un-intangle by Comb] Operation or Opposite V. 9. Affinis. [Prepare for Spinning by Combing] Cardamom.   Cardialgia. Sickness VI. 1. Cardinal, [Principal.] Chief, [Clergy of Rome] --- points, [East, West, North, and South.] Care, [Thinking augmentative] Carefulness. [Heedfulness] Habit IV. 2. specially with Trouble.] Affliction.] [Diligence] Carelesness. [Heedlesness] Habit IV. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Sloth] Caressing, [active Seem. (sign) love (augm] Cargo, [Catalogue of Ships merchandize.] Carine. Relation Naval VI. 4. Cark. Habit IV. 2. Exceeding extreme Carkanet, [Jewel aggregate) Carkass, [Dead body.] of a Fowl, [Trunk.] Carnal. [adjective Flesh] [Natural] [Worldly] [adjective Lust] [Ungracious] Carnation, [adjective Flesh-colour.] Carnosity, [Flesh abstr.] a --- [Excrescence, adjective Flesh.] Carob. Tree VI. 1. Caroll, [Joyful Song.] Carowse [Drink augmentative] Carp. Fish IX. 7. to --- [Calumniate words] [Except contentiously.] Carpenter. [adjective House faber] [adjective Wood (Mechanic.] Carpet. [Woolen Ornament Vest for Table.] Carract, [Eighteenth part of a Dram.] Carraway. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 7. Carreer, [Running impetus, or fit] Carrot. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 6. wilde. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 6. Affinis. Carry. Go supporting. Motion VI. 1. er. --- Relation Civil II. 8. Affinis. Instruments for --- ing. Possessions V. [active Demeanour] [active Converse] [Support] Motion VI. 1. Affinis. Carriage. [adjective passive Carry (thing) [adjective active Carry (manner) [Demeanour] Action Corporeal V. [Converse] Manners Affinis. Carrick. Relation Naval I. 4. Carrion. [Dead body] specially putrid.] [Lean augmentative] Cart. Possessions V. II. Affinis. welsh --- Possessions V. 4. Affinis. Cartilage, [Gristle.] Parts General II. 1. Affinis. Carve. Operation or Opposite IV. 6. --- meat. Unjoint the Limbs.] Segregate the Limbs.] Distribute the Limbs.] Carvel.   Case. Condition of dubitable Event [Condition] Transcendental General II. 4. [State.] Transcendental General VI. 4. [Doubtful (thing] [Question] [adjective passive Doubt Question (thing] [State specially of Question.] --- of Conscience, [Moral Question] in Law. [Questionable Action (kinde.] [Cause of Suit] [Supposition] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. in --- [If] in no --- [Not redupl.] put --- [imp. Suppose.] [Event] Transcendental Action V. [specially Doubtful Supposed Vessel. Provisions V. 1. Affinis. --- of a word. Obliquity of termination.] Change of termination.] Casement, [Door of Window.] Cash, [Present Mony.] --- keeper, [Private Mony (Officer.] Cashire. [un-active Souldier (make) penally.] [active Incapacitating] specially active Souldier.] Cask, [Vessel] Provisions V. specially Barrel.] Provisions V. 3. Casket. [Vessel diminutive] [Box for precious (things.] Cassaware. Bi. II. 9. Affinis. Cassia. Tree VI. 2.Shrub --- Shrub II. 11. Affinis. Cassidony. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 5. Affinis. Cassock, [Upper close (vest.] Cast. adjective passive Motion (make.) specially Impetuously. & specially from the Contiguity passive Support Capacity. of its mover. throwing, Motion VI. 2. as Metal. Operation or Opposite IV. 5. Affinis. as Guilty, [Condemn.] as Nauseous, [Vomit] --- about. Think Action Spiritual II. 1. Consider Action Spiritual III. 1. Contrive Action Spiritual III. 7. --- away. vid. --- off. --- down, [down-cast.] Sorrowful (make.] Despondent (make.] --- in ones mind, vid. --- about. --- in ones teeth, [Upraid.] Relation Judicial IV. 8. Affinis. --- into form active Form specially by casting.] active Figure specially by casting.] --- into Sleep, [adjective active Sleeping (make.] --- off. [active Reject] Action Spiritual .V. 5. Operation or Opposite [active Abdicate] Transcendental Action I. 3. Operation or Opposite [active Abandon] Transcendental Action II. 2. Operation or Opposite [active Dereliction] Action Spiritual I 5. Operation or Opposite --- up. --- into heap, [active Heap,] --- into sum, [active Sum.] --- clothes, [not-fut. used cl.] --- dice, [active Dice] --- lots, [active Lots] --- skin. [adjective active Let go. Ta. I. 6. O --- ] [adjective active Change. Transcendental Action II. 6. O --- ] --- water. [active Inquisition. Relation Judicial II, 2. --- ] [active Try. Relation Judicial II. 4. Affinis. --- ] --- Young, [active Abortion.] Castle. Possessions II. 2. Affinis. Castor. Beast IV. 8. Castrate, [Un- adjective active testicle (make.] Castrel, Kestrel. Casual, [adjective Fortune. Action Spiritual I. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse] Casuist. [Teacher of moral Doctrine.] [Solver of moral Doubts] Cat. Beast IV. 4. Civet --- Beast IV. 4. Affinis. --- mint, --- s-tail. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 3. Affinis.. Catalogue. Transcendental Mixed III. 7. Affinis. Catamite, [adjective passive Sodomy (person.] Cataplasm [Plaster.] Pronoun VI. 4. Affinis. Cataract, [Direct fall of River.] --- in the eye, [Opacous (thing) in the water of the Eye.] Catarrh. Sickness IV. 4. Catastrophe, [adjective active Altering Conclusion.] specially Altering to worse.] Catch. [adjective passive Rest (make) specially Impetuously. & specially in its Comprehension. Catch, Motion VI. 2. Operation or Opposite [Arrest] Relation Judicial II. 1. Affinis. --- poll, [Arresting (Officer] [Pursevant] Relation Judicial I. 6. [Obtain] as Fire, [active Fire impetus, or fit] as Infection, [passive Contagion.] [Take] Transcendental Action I. 4. --- at. desire to get] endeavour to take] offer to Catch] [Overtake] Transcendental Action VI. 6. Affinis. --- fly. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 2. Affinis. Cate. [Provisions II. (thing] Catechizing. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 3. Affinis. Category, [Predicament.] Transcendental Action Categorical, [absolute.] Cater, [Buy provisions.] Caterpiller. Exanguious III. 6. Flower, Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 12. Affinis. Cathedral, [Temple of Bishop's (place.] Catholic. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 2. Catmint. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 1. Affinis. Cattel, [Beasts] specially Cloven footed.] Cavalry. [Horsemen (kind (aggreg. Candle, [Broth of Egg, Wine, &c.] Cave, [Cavity in the Earth.) [Under-ground Room] House] Hole augmentative] Caveare, [Condited spawn of Sturgeons.] Caveat, [Caution (sign.] Cavern, vid. Cave. Caught, [adjective passive Catch.] Cavill. Objection Contentious] corruptive] Dispute Contentious] corruptive] Cavity, [Hollowness.] Magnitude VI. 1. Exceeding extreme Caul. Parts General VI. 6. Affinis. --- for the head, [adjective Net (figure) head (vest.] Cauldron, [Kettle augmentative] Cause. Proper. Transcendental General II. [Efficient] Transcendental General II. 1. [Impulsive] Transcendental General II. 2. [Occasion] Transcendental General II. 4. [End] Transcendental General II. 6. In discourse. [Reason] [adj active Argumentation (thing] In Law. [Cause of Suit] [Suit] Relation Judicial II. Affinis. [Proceeding] Relation Judicial II. Causey. [Factitious way] [Way pav'd with Stones] Caustic active Burning Medicine.] active Corroding Medicine.] Cautelousness, [Heedfulness.] Habit IV. 2. Cauterizing, [Stigmatize.] Relation Judicial VI. 6. Affinis. Caution [a Heedfulness.] --- money, [Stipulatory-money before-paid.] Cautiousness, [Heedfulness.] Habit IV. 2. Cease Discontinue.] Desist.] Cecily, vid. Ciceley. Cedar. Tree V. 4. Cell, [Room diminutive] [Regular's (toom] Celandine. HS IV. 10. Affinis. Celebrate, [active Solemnity] Celebs. Relation Oeconomical II. 1. Celerity. [Swiftness] Natural Power V. 9. [Dispatch] Transcendental Action III. 5. Celestial, [adjective Heaven.] World II. Celibate, [Celebs (abstr.] Cellar, [adjective Store (room) for adjective passive Drink (thing.] Cement, [Glue of Stones.] Censer, [adjective Burning (vessel) of Incense.] Censor, [Judge] specially of manners.] Censorious. Manners I. 3. Operation or Opposite Censure, [active --- Judge.] Sentence.] --- ecclesiastic. Relation Ecclesiastical V. 3. Centaur, [adjective Fiction Horseman.] Center. Magnitude II. 1. Center-fish. Exanguious VIII. 1. Affinis. Centon. [adjective aggregate (thing) of divers fragments] Centory. Greater --- Herb considered according to the Flower III. 3 Affinis. Lesser --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 5. Century. 100. Centurion, [adjective Company (Officer.] Cerecloth, [Plaster'd cloth.] Ceremony, [Circumstance] specially solemn.] Certain. [Sure] adjective Action Spiritual II. 6. --- ly. Adverb underived I. 2. Operation or Opposite [Manifest] [Some] Pron. II. 3. Certainty. Action Spiritual II. 6. Certifie. [adjective Certainty (make] [adjective active Know (make] Ceruse. Metal IV. 5. Affinis. Cess [tax] specially according to-his proportion] Cessation Discontinue. Desist. Chas Recrement of winnowed Grain Husks of winnowed Grain Chafe. [Heat by rubbing.] [Ruo] Operation or Opposite V. 8. [Heat] Quality sensible V. 1. Exceeding extreme --- ing-dish, [adjective Table (vessel) for Fire.] Stomach, [adjective Angry augmentative] Chafer. [Bay Scarab] Goat --- Exanguious V. 3. Green --- Exanguious V. 5. Affinis. Chaffer. [Treat concerning the Price] [Exchange] Chaffinch. Bi. IV. 7. Chain, [Cord of Loops for Binding.] Ornament.] Chair. Possessions VI. 6. Chalcedony. Stone V. 6. Chalcis. Fish III. 12. Affinis. Chaldron, [36. Bushels.] Chalenge. [Claim] [Provoke] [Accuse] Chalice, [Footed drinking (vessel.] Chalk. Stone VI. 1. Chama. Exanguious VIII. 6. Chamaecyparissus. Chamber, [Room] specially Sleeping (room] Chamberlein. [adjective Chamber (Off.] [adjective City mony (Off.] Chameleon. Beast VI. 4. Affinis. Chamfer, [Gutter frequentative) Chamomil. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 8. Champ, [Mastication] Champain, [Plain.] World III. 1. Exceeding extreme Champion, [Instead-fighting (person.] Chance, [Fortune.] Chancel, [Chief adjective Temple (Room.] Chancellor, [Judge of Equity.] Chancery, [Court of Equity.] Chandler, [Candle (Mech. (Merch. Chanel. World IV. 5. Affinis. Change. [Alter] Transcendental Action I. 1. Operation or Opposite Mutation, Transcendental Action II. 6. Affinis. --- of the Moon. [Time when the Moon ends one Course, and begins another] [Exchange] Changeable. Mutable, [adjective Change aptitude, or proneness..] Of divers Colours. Quality sensible II. 5. Affinis. Changeling. [Instead-put] [Idiot] Channa. Fish V. 11. Affinis. Chant, [Sing.] Chanter, [Chief Singer.] Chantry, [Ecclesiastical singing (place.] Chaos, [Unformed matter.] Chap. [Chink] Magnitude V. 4. Operation or Opposite --- of mouth. [Jaw] specially Bone of it.] Chape, [End armament) of the Swords case.] Chaplain Domestic Presbyter.] Private Presbyter.] Chaplet, [Wreath of Flowers for the head.] Chapman, [adjective active Buying (person.] Chappel, [Temple diminutive accessory. Chapter. --- of book. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 3. --- of Cathedral. [Bishop's Assessors aggregate] [Their Convention] [And Convention-house.] --- of Pillar, [Top of Column.] Character. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 1. Affinis. [Description] Charcole, [Cole made by charking.] Chare, [Business diminutive] [Instead-business] Charge, Proper [Load] Possessions V. Affinis. --- a Gun. [adjective passive Ammunition (make] In Oeconomic. [Command] In Civil sense. [Trust] have --- of, Be intrusted with. [Office] Cost, [Expence] In Judicial. [Accuse] Lay to one's --- [active Accuser.] In Military. [Assault] Charger, [Dish augmentative) for Esculents.] Chary. [adjective Indulgence] [Heedful for] [Loth that it should suffer] Chariot. Possessions V. 2. Charity. Habit V. 6. Chark. Operation or Opposite VI. 7. Charleswain, [Stars aggregate) called, &c.] Charlock. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 9. Affinis. Charm Witch with words. Wizard with words. Charnel, [Room for dead bodies.] Charr. Fish IX. 3. Affinis. Charring. Operation or Opposite VI. 7. Charter, [Patent] specially For grant of Privilege] Chase. [Treey Country] specially for Deer. [Forrest] Possessions I. 2. Affinis. to --- [Hunt] [Drive] [Persue] Chasm, [Emptiness.] --- in the Skie. Element V. 5. Chast, [adjective Chastity.] --- tree Shrub V. 1. Chastise, [Correct.] Chatt, [Loquacity.] Chattels, [Goods not inheritable.] Chatter. with ones Tongue. as Birds. active Swallow voice] active Pie voice] [Prate] with ones Teeth. [Tremble --- ] specially with Sound augmentative] Cheap. [adjective Price Value diminutive] [Sorry] Transcendental Mixed I. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Cheapen, [Treat concerning the price.] Cheat, [Fraud.] Check. [Interrupt Motion] [Hinder] [Cohibit] [Reprove] Checker, vid. Exchequer. --- 'd with Colours. Quality sensible II. 7. Cheef, [Principal.] Cheek. Parts General III. 7. [Side] Space III. 4. Cheer. Diet, [Quantity of Food.] [Face (manner] to --- [Encourage] [Merry (make.] [Cheerful (make.] Cheerfulness, [Alacrity.] Habit IV. 3. Cheese. Pronoun I. 3. Affinis. Cheeslip, [Sow.] Exanguious II. 9. Cheesrunning [Ladies bedstraw] Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 6. Affinis. Cherish. [active Fotion] Action Corporeal I. 4. [Preserve indulgently] Cherry. Tree II. 3. Birds --- Shrub II. 5. Winter --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 8. Wildrock --- of Austria. Shrub II. 5. Affinis. Cherub. [Angel] [Image of Angel] Chervil. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 8. Affinis. Chesil. [Prism. for Cutting Carving Chess-playing. Motion V. 3. Chest. [Box] Provisions V. 2. of the Body. [Trunk] specially the Cavity of it.] Chestnut. Tree IV. 4. Cheverel, [Leather of Gote's skin.] Cheveron, [Tooth (like) lines.] Chevin, [Chub.] Fish IX. 8. Affinis. Chew, [Mastication.] --- the Cud, [Re-masticate.] Chibbol, [Young Onion.] Chickling. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 5. under-ground --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 7. Chick, [Hen (young.] --- weed. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 9. Affinis. Bastard --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 10. berry bearing --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 8. Affinis. Chide, [Reprove angrily.] Chill, [Cold (dim] Chilblain. Sickness III. 7. Child. By Relation. Natural. Relation Oeconomical I. 2. Operation or Opposite to be with --- [to have conceived.] --- in the womb, [Embryo.] --- birth, [Parturition] --- bed, [the Bed in which adjective active pret. Parturition lies.] in --- [adjective active pret. Parturition.] Adventitious. Foster --- Relation Oeconomical III 2. Operation or Opposite God --- Relation Oeconomical III. 1. Operation or Opposite Ward --- Relation Oeconomical III. 4. Operation or Opposite By Age. [Infant] Boy. Childhood. [Infancy] Measure VI. 1. Boy's age, Measure VI. 1. Affinis. Childish, [adjective Child (like.] Childless, [Not-parent.] Chime. [Tune with the Bells] [Ring melodiously] Chimaera, [adjective Fiction (thing.] Chimist. [Operation or Opposite VI. mechanic.] Chimny. Possessions III. 9. Affinis. Chin. Parts General III. 8. Affinis. China, [root of an Indian climbing plant.] Chine, [Bone of the Back.] Chin-cough, [adjective active pret. Duration augmentative) Cough.] Chink, Chap. Magnitude V. 4. Operation or Opposite Chip. Transcendental Mixed VI. 5. to --- [Cut into Chips.] [From-cut the outside.] Chiromancy, [Wizarding by the sight of hand.] Chirp. dim. Singing. Action Corporeal III. 5. Affinis. Voice of Birds, [active Sparrow (voice] Chirurgeon. [adjective Relation Civil III. 2. (person] Chit, [Cat (young] Chitterling, [Smallest guts.] Chivalry, [War (art.] specially adjective Horseman.] Chives, vid. Cive. Chocolate. Tree IV. 7. Choice. Subst. [Election] Relation Civil IV. 2. [Diversity] [Many of divers Kinds.] Valors.] Adject. [Excellent] Choke, [Strangle.] Relation Civil V. 8. Choler. Parts General I. 6. Affinis. --- adust, [melancholy] Choleric. [adjective Choler] [adjective Anger aptitude, or proneness..] Choose, [active Election.] As to do. Action Spiritual IV. 5. As to Office. Relation Civil IV. 2. may --- [is adjective Liberty.] cannot --- but, [is adjective passive Determination.] Chop. [Mince] Provisions III. 6. Affinis. --- ing knife, [Mincing (inst.] --- ing block. [Supporting (inst.) for the chopped (thing.] [Cut by striking] --- of mutton. [From cut (part) --- ] specially adjective Proportion.] --- in, [Come sudden.] [Exchange] Chord. Magnitude II. 6. Affinis. Chorister, [adjective Singing (Off.] Chorus. [together-Singers (Aggr.] [Players together-speaking aggregate] Chough. Bi. I. 6. Affinis. Chrism, [Anointing.] Christ. God II. Christen, [Baptize.] Christendom, [World of Christians.] Christianity. Relation Ecclesiastical I. 4. Christmas, [Festival (time) of Christ's birth.] --- day, [Festival day of Christ's birth.] Chromis. Fish V. 7. Chronicle. [Relation of things done according to the Series of times.] Chronology. [History of times.] [Computing (art) of times] Chrysocoll, [Borax] Chrysolite. Parts Peculiar V. 6. Affinis. Chub. Fish IX. 8. Affinis. Chuckle, [Laugh augmentative] specially Inwardly.] Church. Society, [Relation Ecclesiastical aggregate] Temple. Possessions II. 4. --- warden, [adjective Temple (Off.] --- yard, [Court of Temple] Churching. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 6. Churl, [adjective Churlishness (person.] Churlishness. [Rusticity] Manners IV. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Moroseness] Manners IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse op. to Alms. Manners III. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Roughness] Churn, [Motion frequentative) vicissitudinary.] Chur-worm. [Fen-Cricket.] Exanguious II. 2. Affinis. Chyle. Parts General I. 3. Chymic Operation. Operation or Opposite VI. Cicada. Exanguious IV. 6. --- aquatica. EX. II. 4. Affinis. Cicely. Sweet --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 3. wild --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 3. Affinis. Cicutaria.   Cider, [Wine of Apples.] Cimex, [Punice] Exanguious II. 6. Affinis. --- sylvestris. Exanguious II. 3. Cinders, [Fiery ashes] --- of Sea-cole, [Charred remainders --- ] Cinnabar. Metal III. 5. Cinnamion, Tree VII. 8. Cinqfoil. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 2. Cipher. [adjective Number (sign) Character.] [Character] [Secret Character] [Number] to --- [adjective active Number (art.] [Nothing (sign) Character.] Cypres, [Transparent Linnen.] --- Tree V. 6. Circle. Magnitude III. 2. By which the World is divided. World VI. Circuit. [Region] [Margin of Circle] Circular, [adjective Circle.] Circulate, [About-going] Circumcision. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 5. Circumference, [Circle about- adjective Margin.] Circumflex, [Long sounding.] Circumlocution, [Express by many words.] [Paraphrase] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 5. Affinis. Circumscribe, [About --- active compass.] Circumspect, [Cautious.] Circumstance. Transcendental General VI. 3. Circumvent, [active Fraud.] Cistern, [active Keeping (vessel) for Water.] Citadel, [Castle.] Possessions II. 2. Citation. Summons Relation Judicial II. 1. [Quotation] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 9. Citerior. Space II. 2. Exceeding extreme City. Relation Civil III. 3. Affinis. Citizen. Relation Civil I. 6. Citrine, [adjective Citron colour.] Citrinella. Bi. VI. 2. Citron. Tree I. 8. Citrull. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 2. Affinis. Cittern, [Little musical instrument) having brass strings.] Citysus. Shrub II. 6. Affinis. Cive, Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 10. Affinis. Civet, [Sweat of the Civet Cat.] --- Cat. Beast IV. 4. Affinis. Civil. [adjective Civility] [adjective City] [adjective Civil relation] --- Relation. Relation Civil --- Lawyer. Relation Civil II. 2. --- War. [War between men of the same Nation.] Commonwealth.] Civility. [Courtesie] Manners IV. 7. [Complaisance] Manners IV. 8. Clack, [Knock frequentative) sound.]a --- [adjective Knock (machin.] Clad, [Clothed] Clay. Element IV. 4. Claim. Transcendental Action I. 3. Clamber, [Climbe Adverb derived Difficult.] corruptive] Clamminess. Quality sensible VI. 4. Exceeding extreme Clamor, [Exclaim] Action Corporeal III. 3. Operation or Opposite Clancular, [Secret.] Clandestine, [Secret.] Clap. Action Corporeal V. 5. --- up. [Finish Adverb derived sudden] [Imprison] specially suddenly. --- of thunder, [sound impetus, or fit) of th.] Clapboard, [Oaken (lamins) for lining Rooms.] Clapper. [Box] Provisions V. 2. Instrument, [Striking (part) of ringing instrument] Claret, [Red French Wine] Clary. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 10. Wild --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 10. Affinis. Clarifie. [Separating the course (parts.] [active Clear (make.] Clash. [against-Strike] specially reciprocally.] [active Contention] Clasp. [Hook] [Embrace] Clasper, [Tendril.] Parts Peculiar II. 7. Affinis. Class, [Series.] Classic, [Authentic.] Clatter, [Jarring.] Clause. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 1. Claw. as of man, [Nail.] a --- back, [Fawner.] as of Beast. Parts Peculiar VI. 5. Affinis. as of Bird. Parts Peculiar V. 3. as of Shell-fish. Parts Peculiar IV. 7. to --- [Scratch.] Clean. [Pure] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Quite and --- perfectly] Totally] Cleanliness. Manners II. 6. Cleanse. [Clean (make.] [active Innocent (make.] [Vndefiled (make.] [Un active guilty (make.] Clear. Entire of it self. --- ly. [Wholly.] Not mingled with other. [Simple.] specially not with worse. [Pure] [Not hinder'd from being doing Receiving perfective] E.g. in any genus, as of Quality or Relation Natural Power --- understanding, [Und. perfective] --- sight, [Sight perfective] as to Mind. [Ingenuous] [Sprightly] as to the Body. [Sound] [Indolent] [Beautiful] Habit --- repute, [Rep. perfective] specially [Sagacious] [Sincere] Manners [Candid] [Frank] Quality. Visible. [Lightsom] --- weather. Element VI. 1. [Bright] [Transparent] Unspotted. Q I. 5. Audible. --- sound. Quality sensible III. 7. Relation Civil [Not in Debt] Transcendental Action IV. 9. Relation Judicial [Not in Guilt] Relation Judicial II. 7. Relation Military [Not in War] Relation Military II. 7. RE [Not under Censure] Relation Ecclesiastical V. 5. Operation or Opposite Sickness [Not Infected.] Diseased.] Not hinder'd from being done. [Easie] Not hinder'd from being known. [Plain] [Manifest] Not hinderd from being Come to. Pass'd through. [Accessible] [Empty] [Passable] Cleaver. [Cleaving instrument] [Knife augmentative) to strike with] Cleavers. [goose-grass] Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 9. Affinis. Cleaving. Sticking. [active Clammy] [Adhering] Chapping, [apj. passive Chink.] as with a Wedge. Operation or Opposite I. 3. Cloven-footed. Cleer, vid. Clear. Cleft. [Chink] Magnitude V. 4. Operation or Opposite [adjective passive Cleave] Clematis. Shrub V. 7. Clemency. Manners VI. 8. Clergy. Relation Ecclesiastical II. Clerk. [adjective Church- Writing (Officer.] [adjective Clergy (person] [adj Church Officer] --- of Church, [Minister's subordinate (officer.] [adjective Writing (offic] --- of Exchequer. --- of Rolls. Gentleman's --- --- of Market. [adjective Market Officer] Clew, [Bottom.] Click, [active Sound as Watch.] Clicket, [Lust.] specially of Rabbets.] Client. [Dependent] [adjective passive Advocate (person] Cliff. World III. 3. Affinis. Climacteric, [adjective active Altering aptitude, or proneness..) seventh year.] Climate, [adjective passive Latitude (place) of 13 hours, 13 and a half, &c] Climbe. Motion II. 5. Climber of Virginia. Shrub V. 8. Clinch. --- a Nail, [Fix it by re-knocking folding the point of it.] --- ones Fist, [Fold the hand.] a --- [Urbanity (endeavor) by similitude of words.] Cling. Action Corporeal VI. 9. Clink, [active Sound as Chains.] Clip. [Cut] Operation or Opposite V. 4. Affinis. [Embrace] Clock. Possessions VI. 6. Affinis. what is it of --- [what hour is it according to the --- ] Clod, [Lump.] Clog, [Hinder.] Cloy. [adjective passive Excess (make] [adjective active Nauseate with abundance.] Cloister. [House of Monks] [Roofed walking (place] Cloke, [Wide outer (Vest] to --- [Cover] [Pretence] [Conceal] Cloke-bag, [Sack to be tied behind the Saddle.] Closeness, Nearness impeditive of Penetration. Nearness of thing to thing. [Nearness] [Contiguity] [Continuity] of the parts of a thing. The Extremes. [Narrowness] The Middle parts. Closeness, Quality sensible V. 3. [Densness] Quality sensible V. 3. Exceeding extreme Impeditive as to the Surface. to close. [adjective Hide.] [adjective Conceal] Periphery. to close. [adjective active Sepiment] a Close. [adjective passive Sepiment (place] Top. to close. with its own. [adjective Shut] [adjective passive Whole] as a Wound. with anothers. [adjective Cover] Side. to close. [Together-join] [Together-fold] as a Letter. End. to close, [adjective active Finish.] Of Penetration; by Ey, [Darkness] as of weather. Ear, [Silence.] Reservedness.] Hand, &c. [Fastness] [Penuriousness] Closet, Room diminutive) for privacy] Clot. --- bird. --- burr. Cloth. Stuff for Clothing [adjective Clothing thing] Cotton --- Provisions IV. 4. Affinis. Hair --- Provisions IV. 1. Affinis. LinnOn --- Provisions IV. 4. Woollen --- Pronoun IV. 1. --- worker, [adjective cloth (Mechanic.] Clothe. [make Cloth] put on [adjective passive Clothing (make] Clothing. Provisions IV. Clottered, [Coagulated] Cloud. Element III. 2. Clove. --- of Garlick, [Bulb of the root] --- tree. Tree III. 9. Cloun, vid. Clown. Clout. [Fragment of Cloth] [adjective Mending (thing] to --- [Mend by addition.] [Strengthen by addition.] Clown. [adj Country corruptive] [adjective Rusticity (person] --- ishness, [Rusticity.] Clu, [Bottom.] Magnitude VI. 7. Club. Weapon, Relation Military V. 2. [Society.] Cluck, as a Hen. [Calling (voice] Clung. [adjective active preter. Cling] [together-adhering] Cluster. Parts Peculiar II. 4. [adjective aggregate (thing] Clutch. [Talon. Parts Peculiar V. 3. (Aggreg.] [Hand] Parts General V. 3. Holding. Transcendental Action V. 5. augmentative] to --- [Shrink] Action Corporeal V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Together-fold] Operation or Opposite III. 5. [Hold corruptive] Clutter. [Confused Motion] Sound] Clyster, [Medicinal drink for fundament.] Coach. Possessions V. 1. --- man, [Coach (Officer.] --- box, [Seat of Coach (Officer.] Coaction. Action Spiritual IV. 9. Operation or Opposite Coadjutor, [With-helper.] Coagulating. Operation or Opposite VI. 2. Affinis. Coalition [active Uniting. [passive Uniting. Coarctation. [together-joyning augmentative] [Shrinking] Coast. Quarter, [Country near.] Sea-coast, [nigh- adjective Sea Country.]to --- [Travail endeavour) by conjecture.] Coat. Garment, [Outward close (vest.] --- of Male, [Woven (like) armour.] --- of Arms, [Nobility [Gentility (sign. Cottage, [Rustic house diminutive] Cobble. [Mend, corruptive] [active Unskilful] Habit VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Cob-iron, [Supporting instrument) for Spit.] Cobler, [Mending mechanic.) of Leather (vest) for foot.] Cobweb, [Spider's woven (thing] Cock [Male] specially bird] [Bird, Bi. II. 1. (male] --- 's comb. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 7. --- 's head. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 5. Affinis. heath --- Bi. II. 5. Affinis. --- of the wood. Bi. II. 5. Exanguious. Sea --- Exanguious VI. 6. Affinis. --- Roches. Exanguious I. 7. Affinis. winged --- Exanguious II. 3. Affinis. Instrument. --- of Dial, [Pin --- ] --- of Gun-lock. [adjective active Fire (machin.] --- for Water, [Lock of Pipe.] Weather --- [Winde (sign) instrument.] --- of Hay, [Heap --- ] --- boat, [Boat diminutive] --- swain. Relation Naval V. 6. Affinis. Cockall, [Dicing with heelbones.] Cockatrice, [Serpent killing by Sight.] Cocker, [adjective active Fondness.] Manners VI. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Cocket, [Writing of Tribute Officer) for import export of wares] Cockle. Fish. Exanguious VIII. 5 Affinis. Herb. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 6. Affinis. Cockrel, [Hen (male) (young.] Coco. Tree IV. 6. Cocothraustes. Bi. IV. 4. --- Cristatus. Bi. IV. 4. Affinis. Cod. Fish. Fish III. 1. --- of Plant. Parts Peculiar III. 5. Affinis. --- of Animal, [Testicles (vessel.] --- piece, [adjective Privities (vest.] Codicil, [Added writing.] Coequal, [Equal.] Coerce, [Cohibit.] Coessential, [Of the same Essence.] Coetaneous, [Together in Age.] Coeternal, [Together-eternal.] Coexistent, [Together-existent.] Coffee. Tree IV. 7. Affinis. Coffer, [Chest.] --- er, [Keeping Officer) of Treasure.] Coffi. Tree IV. 7. Affinis. Coffin. [Receiving (vessel] [Box for dead body] Cog. --- of Mill, [Tooth of wheel.]to --- [Fawn.] [active Fraud.] Cogitation, [Thinking] Cognation of things. Transcendental General VI. 8. Cognisance. [Acknowledging] of Cause. Relation Judicial II. 4. Badge, [Service (sign.] Coheir, [Together-heir.] Coherent. [Together Sticking.] Joining.] [adjective Congruity] Cohibitive cause Transcendental General II. 2. Operation or Opposite Cohobation, [Repeated Distillation.] Cohort, [Troop.] Coy, [adjective Aversation aptitude, or proneness..] Coif, [Close adjective head (vest.] Coil, [Confused Motion.] Sound.] to --- a rope, [active Spiral.] Coin --- of a Wall., [Corner --- ] [Mony] to --- [active Mony (make] [active Print] specially in Metal] [active Fiction] [active Forgery] Coincident, [Together-adjective Event] Coistrel, [adjective Adolescence (male.] Coit. [Lamin. adjective passive cast aptitude, or proneness..] Coition. Action Corporeal II. 5. Affinis. Colander, [adjective Streining (vess.] Cold. --- to sense. Quality sensible V. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Remiss] a --- [Disease from cold] Cole. Live --- [Fired fuel (Part]Dead --- [un-fired fuel (part]Sea --- Stone VI. 3. Affinis. --- black, [Black augmentative] Cole-rake, Instr. Cole-mouse. Bi. VI. 7. Affinis. Cole-wort, [Cabbage.] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 6. Colet, Concave (place of Ring. Gem (place of Ring. Colic Sickness VI. 5. Coll, [Embrace.] Collar, [Environing (armam.] for neck.] Collateral. [of the same Series] [Accessary] Collation. [Giving] [Right of giving] [Refection. Provisions I. 1. Affinis.] [Comparing. Transcendental Action II. 5.] Collect, [adjective Epitome prayer.] Collection. [active Gathering] [adjective passive Gathering (thing.] Collective. [Together-gathering] [adjective Aggregate] Collector, [adjective active Gathering Person.] Officer.] College. Relation Civil III. 7 Affinis. specially of Schollars.] Collegue. [Companion.] [Together adjective passive Leag.] adjective passive Colledg.] Officer.] Collier, [Fuel mechanic.] mechant] Colli-flower, [Cabbage] Collision. [Together striking.] [Reciprocal striking.] Collogue, [Fawn.] Collop. [Chip] [Slice] Colloquy, [Together-discourse.] Collusion, [Agreeing to cheat.] Colon. [adjective Fundament Gut.] Period. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 6. Colonel, [Regiment (Off.] Colony. Relation Civil III. 1. Affinis. Coloquintida. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 4. Color. Quality sensible II. [Pretext] --- s [adjective Ensign Cornet (thing] Coloss, [Image augmentative] Colt Horse (young] Ass (young] --- s-foot. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 1. mountain -[Horse foot] Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 3. Columbine. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 2. Affinis. Column, [Pillar Poss. III. 5.] Colure, [Meridian through Tro­ pics.] Comb. [Combing instrument] to --- Operation or Opposite V. 9. Affinis. Crest. Parts Peculiar V. 7. Cox --- Herb. [adjective Folly (person] [adjective Formalness, Manners IV. 6. Exceeding extreme (person] Hony --- [Bees Chambers aggregate] Combat, [Fighting.] Comber. [Burthen] [Trouble] [Hinder.] Combine. [Together-a, join.] league.] faction.] Combustion. [Burning.] [Contention] [Sedition.] Come. Motion toward to Transcendental Action VI. 1. specially from a remoter term to a nearer. --- about, [Turn.] --- after, [Follow.] --- again, [Return.] --- at a thing, [Obtain.] a person, [Assault.] --- back [Return.] --- by, [Obtain.] --- forth. [become visible.] known.] [be manifested] --- forward Proceed.] passive Increase.] --- in, [Submit.] --- off, [passive Event.] --- upon equal terms. Relation Military II. 1. --- Victor. Relation Military II. 1. Exceeding extreme --- Loser. Relation Military II. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- on, [Proceed.] --- over, [P. Convert.] --- a person, active Craft.] a Fraud.] --- out. [become visible.] known.] [be manifested.] --- to verb Event.] passive Sum.] --- to good, [verb Event. perfective] --- to hand, [verb Event --- ] --- to light passive Manifest.] passive Public.] --- to Minde, [adjective passive Memory.] --- to nought, [verb Event] corruptive] nothing.] --- to pass, [verb Event.] --- to self, [Return to former Condition.] --- up, Become visible.] Grow visible.] --- upon, [Assault.] --- with, [Bring.] Being. [future.] to --- [adjective future.] [near.] [present.] inceptive) [Adverb derived End.] --- short. [verb Defect Adverb derived End.] --- to, [passive Sum Adverb derived End.] [Adverb derived Total.] --- to, [passive Total.] Being the Effect. --- of it, [Be the Effect --- ] Being the Event. Vide supra. Appearing. Forth --- ing, [adjective fut. Appear.] Parturition. Comedy, [Play with merry Conclusion.] Comely. [Decent] [Handsom] Comet. World II. 3. Affinis. Meteor. Element I. 2. Comfet, [adjective passive Confection (thing) with Sugar.] Comfort. Relation Oeconomical VI. 3. Comfrey. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 4. Comical, [adjective Comedy] [adjective Mirth] Comity, [Courtesie.] Manners IV. 7. Comma. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 5. Command. verb Precept. Relation Oeconomical V. 1. [active Master] [active Magistrate]at ones --- [adjective passive Command Govern by one.] a commanded Party. Relation Military IV. 6. Commander. [Commanding (Person. (Off. [adjective Wood instrument) for indriving Columns] Commemorate [Re- active memory (make.] [active Memory solemnly.] Commence. [Begin] [Take a Degree] [Be made --- Doctor.] Master.] --- an Action, [active Action.] Relation Judicial II. Operation or Opposite Commend. [Praise.] --- to self. Relation Oeconomical V. 7. --- to others. Relation Oeconomical V. 8. Entrust, [Deposit] [Speak ones Salutations to remembrance (another.] Commendations. To do ones --- Speak ones Love.] Be Messenger of ones Salutation.] Instead-salute.] Letters o- Praise. active Trust (make. Commensurate, [Together-proportioned.] Comment. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 6. --- ary. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 6. Commerce. Transcendental Action IV. Commination, [Threat.] Relation Oeconomical V. 6. Operation or Opposite Commiserate, [active Pity.] Action Spiritual VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Commissary, [Officer.] Ecclesiastic, [Instead-Judge Eccles.] Military, [adjective Provisions Officer] Commission. Relation Civil IV. 4. Affinis. --- er, [Commission'd (person.] Commit. [Doe] fp. as Fault.] [Entrust] as Prisoner, [active Imprisonment.] Committee, [Authorized persons aggregate] [Council diminutive] Commixtion. [Mixture] [Together-mixture] Commodious. [Congruous] [Convenient] [Profitable] Commodity. [Convenience] [Profit] [Ware] Common. [adjective All Every Many Op. to Proper. Transcendental Mixed IV. 6. O [Public.] Transcendental Mixed V. 4. [adjective People] --- wealth. [adjective Relation Civil (thing] [Common Prosperity.] [Government by the People.] [Obvious] [Frequent] [Usual] [Not-consecrated] Commonalty, [People (kind] Commons, [not-Lords.] --- of Victual. [Proportioned Food. Provisions --- for Cattel. [Common Pasture] [Peoples Pasture] Commotion. [Motion] [Sedition] [Trouble] Commune, [Confer.] Action Corporeal V. 7. Affinis. Communicate. [Common (make] [Partnership (make] [Known (make] Communication. [Conversation] [Conference] Action Corporeal V. 7. Affinis. [Discourse] Communion. [Together --- Union.] Partnership.] [Lord's Supper.] Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 6. Affinis. Community, [Common (kinde] Commutation. [Commerce] [Exchange] Compact. [Together-join augmentative] [Close augmentative] [Agreement] [Together-league] [Covenant] Company. [Together Being Going Travelling [Companion (abst.] [adjective aggregate (thing] [adjective Multitude aggregate] [Society] [Convention] [Corporation] of Souldiers. Relation Military IV. 2. To --- [Together- Be Go Travel Companion. Fellow. Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. [Accessary (person] [Urbane (person] [Sorry (person] Compare. Transcendental Action II. 5. In Comparison of, [Being compared with] Compass. [About-goe] [Goe about the out-side] fetch --- [Go, Adverb derived Curve] [About-sepiment] [verb Circle] Mariners --- [Box to direct Navigation] [adjective Magnet (Jug.) (Vess.) Pair of --- [Writing instrument) of Circles.] [Comprehend] [Obtain] --- of a year, &c. [Space --- &c.] Compassion, [Pity] Transcendental Action VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Compatible [Together- agreeing. adjective Congruous. Compeer. [Like] [Companion] Compell, [active Coaction] Compellation, [active Name.] Compendious. [adjective Shortness] [adjective passive Epitome] Compendium. [Epitome] [Short method] Compensate. Transcendental Action II. 7. Affinis. Competent, [Sufficient.] Competitor, [Rival.] Compile. [Compound] [active Book (make] Complacence. [Delight] Action Spiritual IV. 7. Vertue. Manners IV. 8. Complain. [Grief (sign] [active Accuser] Complaisance. Manners IV. 8. Complementing. Action Corporeal V. 7. Complete. [Perfect] [adjective passive Finishing] Complexion. [Aggregate] [Composition] [Temper] [Colour of Face] Complie. [verb Congruity] [Follow] [Imitate] [Please by verb Congruity.] Complicated, [Together aggregated intangled Mingled. Complices. [Together-leagued (persons] [Companions] [Accessories] Comportment. [Gesture] [Demeanor] [Conversation (manner] Compose. [Together-put] --- a Book, [active Book Verse, [active Verse (make [active Order perfective] [Un-confused (make] [adjective active Agree (make] [active Quiet] Compound. [Together put join [Make of many parts] [active Mixture] [Covenant to pay Less than ones debt.] Comprehend. active Capacity. Transcendental Action II. 4. [Understand All Perfectly Totally Compression. Operation or Opposite I. 3. Operation or Opposite Comprize, vid. Comprehend. Compromise, [together-submit to Arbitration] Compulsion, [Coaction] Compunction. [Remorse] [Repentance inceptive] Compurgation. [active Innocent by witness] Computation. [Account] [Numbring] Con-over, [again-say frequentative) for remembring.] Concatenation, [Together-chaining.] Concave. Magnitude III. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Conceal. Transcendental Action I. 8. Operation or Opposite Conceit. [Fancy] [Opinion] [Witty saying] Conceitedness, Habit III. 3. D Conceiving. [active Common sense] [active Fancy] [active Understanding] [active Thought] --- with young. Action Corporeal I. 2. Affinis. Concentre, together --- centre] Adverb derived Same centre] Conception. Action Corporeal I. 2. Affinis. Concern, [verb Pertinent.] Proper.] Profitable.] Concerning. [Pertinent] [Of] Concession. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 3. Affinis. Conciliator, [Reconciler.] Concise, [adjective Shortness.] Concitation, [Impulsion.] Conclave [Chamber specially Secret.] [Council specially Secret.] Conclude. [End] [Finish] [Determine] [verb Inference] Concoct, [active Digestion.] Concomitant. [adjective Simultaneity] [Together-being] Concord. [Agreeing] Symphony. Quality sensible III. 8. Concordance, [Catalog. for finding of words] things] Concorporate, [Together- active Body active Corporation Concourse. [Together-coming augmentative] [Convention augmentative] Concrete. [Coagulate] op. to Abstract. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 2. Operation or Opposite Concubine. Appropriated Whore] instead-Wife] Concupiscence. [Appetite.] [Desire] [Lust] [Nature corruptive] [Original Sin] Concur. [Meet] [Together --- be agree come Concussion, [Shaking] Condemn. Sentence. Relation Judicial II. 7. Operation or Opposite [Blame] [Disapprove] Condense, [dense.] Condescend. [active Manners VI. 2.] [Permit] Condescension. Manners VI. 2. Condign [Worthy] Conditing. Provisions III. 9. Affinis. Condition. Transcendental General II. 4. [Quality] [Disposition] Capacity. Transcendental Action II. 4. [State] [Supposition] [Covenant] Condole, [Together-grieve] Conduce, [active Help.] Conduct. [Leading] Transcendental Action VI. 5. [active Officer] Safe --- [Licence of safe going] Conduit, [Aqueduct] Possessions II. 8. Affinis. Cone. Magnitude III. 7. Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. 5. Confection. Provisions II. 2. Affinis. Confederacy, [League] Relation Civil III. 8. Confer. [Give] Transcendental Action IV. 4. [Compare.] Transcendental Action II. 5. Discourse together. Action Corporeal V. 7. Affinis. Confess. [Acknowledge] anothers praise. our own. Sin. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 2. Error. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 9. Confessor. adjective Hearing (Person (Officer for confession of Sins] Sufferer for Religion. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 3. Confidence. Affection. Action Spiritual V. 7. [Assuredness] Action Spiritual III. 6. Confident, [adjective Confidence.] ones --- [ones adjective active counsel adjective passive trust friend] Confine. [active Finite] [active Cohibit] Transcendental Action II. 2. Operation or Opposite [active Imprisonment] Confines, [Margining Countries] Confirm. [Strengthen] specially More strengthen.] [More-assure] [active Witness.] --- ation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 6. Affinis. --- Ecclesiastic. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 8. Confiscation. Relation Judicial VI. 7. Affinis. Conflict. [Fight] Relation Military I. 7. [active Contention] Confluence [Together- Coming augmentative Convention Conform. [Adverb derived Congruous-do] [So-do] [active Obedience] Confound. [adjective passive Confused (make] [Mingle] [adjective passive Shame (make] [Posing] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 8. [Destroy] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite Confraternity. [Colledge] [Corporation] [Penitents, aggregate] Relation Ecclesiastical II. 6. Affinis. Confront, [active Opposite present] Confused, [adjective Confusion.] Confusion. Disorder, Transcendental Mixed V. 2. Operation or Opposite [Shame augmentative] [Destruction] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite Confutation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 7. Confute, [active Confutation.] Congeal. [active Coagulate] [active Gelly Ice (make] Congee. Action Corporeal V. 4. Conger. Fish VI. 1. Conglutinate, [together- glue] join] Congratulate, [active Joy for good of others.] Action Spiritual VI. 6 Congregation, [Convention] Congruous, [adjective Transcendental General V. 5.] Conic [adjective Cone.] Conie. Beast III. 4. Conjecture. --- ing. Action Spiritual II. 7. Affinis. Conjugal, [adjective Marriage] Conjugate. [Together-derived] Conjugation, [Forming (manner) of endings of Verbs] Conjunction. [Joining] Particle. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 9. Affinis. --- of Planets [neerness] Conjure. [active Witchcraft] [active Entreat augmentative] Conjurer, [active Witchcraft (person.] Connexion, [Joyning (manner] Connive. [Tolerate secretly] [Not hinder] [Not-punish] Conquer. Relation Military II. 7. Exceeding extreme Consanguinity. Relation Oeconomical I. Conscience. Natural Power I. 3.Stupidity of --- Natural Power I. 3. Operation or Opposite Consciencious, [adjective Conscience perfective] Conscionable. [According to Conscience] [adjective Equity] Conscious. [Knowing] [Together-knowing] [Accessory] Consecration. Relation Ecclesiastical V. I. --- of Bishop, [active Bishop (make] Consectary [Inference Additional] Accessory] Consent. Action Spiritual II 3. with one --- [Together-Adverb underived IV. 1. consenting] Consequence. [Illation] [Importance] specially Future] Consequent, [Inference] Conserve. [Confection] Provisions II. 2. Affinis. to --- [Preserve] [Confect] --- ation. Action Spiritual I. 4. Consider. Think. Action Spiritual III. 2. [Compensate] Transcendental Action II. 7. Affinis. --- ing. Action Spiritual III. 2. --- that, [Whereas] Con. IV. 1. Considerable, [Important.] Considerateness. Habit IV. 1. Consideration. [Impulsive] [Respect] [Compensation] Consign, [Assign] Relation Civil V. 1. Consist. [adjective passive Simultaneous] [Agree] --- ence. Tactil Quality. Quality sensible V. 5. Consistory. Council Council (place specially Ecclesiastic.] specially Of Bishops.] Consolation, [Comfort] Consolidate. [active Wholeness] [active Closeness] Consonant. [Congruous] Letter. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 2. Affinis. Consort. [Companion] [Harmony] --- of Music. Quality sensible III. 6. Affinis. Conspicuous. [adjective passive See aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Manifest augmentative] Conspire, [active Faction] Constable, [Subordinate adjective active peace (Off.] Constancy. Habit IV. 7. Constellation, [Stars aggregate] Consternation. [Fear augmentative] [Extasie] specially through Fear.] Constipation. [Together-thrusting] [active Close] Constitute. [a Cause] [active Efficient] Constitution. [active Efficient] [Appointment] [Law] [Edict] [Mixture] [Disposition] [Temper of mind] Natural Power IV. [Temper of body] Natural Power V. Constrain, [active Coaction] Construction. [active Efficient] [a.Interpret] Consul, [Magistrate of City.] Consult. [Together- Consider] Counsel] [Ask advice] [Take advice] Consume, vid. Consumption. Consummate. [active Perfect] [a Finish] Consumption. [active Decay (make] [Diminish] [Spoil] [Destroy] [Corruption] Disease. Sickness II. 2. Affinis. --- of the Lungs. Sickness V. 3. Contact. [Touch] [Contiguity] Contagion. Sickness I. 1. Contaminate, [Defile.] Contein. [Comprehend] Transcendental Action II. 4. [Keep chast] Contemn. Action Spiritual II. 8. Operation or Opposite Contemplate, [Meditate.] Action Spiritual II. 1. Affinis. Contemporary, [adjective Simultaneity.] Contemptible, [adjective passive Contemn aptitude, or proneness..] Contend, [active Contention.] Content. [Capacity] [Contentation] Habit I. 3. [Satisfaction] Action Spiritual III. 5. Contentation. Habit I. 3. Contentiousness. Man IV. 3 Deficient extreme or Discourse Contest, [Contention in words] Contexture, [Together --- Weaving] Joining] Contignation, [Together joining of Floors.] Contiguity. Space II. 2. Continence, [Chastity] Continent. [adjective Chastity] Land. World III. 2. Contingent. Transcendental General V. 7. Operation or Opposite Continue. [active Permanence] [active Duration] [Stay] --- ed --- Quantity. Transcendental Mixed II. Continual. [Permanent] [Perpetual] Continuance. --- of Place. Space II. 7. --- of Time, [Permanence.] In --- of Time. [After much Time] [At length] Contrabanded, [Forbidden to be imported.) Contract. [Together-draw] [Bargain] Relation Civil V. [Betroth] [Obtain] --- a disease, [adjective passive Disease.] Contradiction. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 4. Affinis. Contradictory, [adjective Contradiction] Contrary. Transcendental General V. 5. Operation or Opposite Contribution. [Giving] specially Proportionable] specially Free.] [Tax] Contrition, [Remorse] Contrive. Action Spiritual III. 7. Controle. [Observe Faults] [Censure Faults] [Reprehend] [Cohibit] --- er, [adjective Cohibiting (Off.] Controversie. [Dispute] [Suit] Contumacy. Constancy (Exc.) Habit IV. 7. Exceeding extreme op to Obedience Manners V. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse Contumely, [Affront.] Contusion Operation or Opposite IV. 1. Affinis. [Bruise] Sickness I. 1. Affinis. Convey. [verb Way] [Lead] [Carry] [Send] --- ance. [Carriage] [Sending] [Contrivement] [Alienating Writing] Convene. [active Citation] [verb Convention] Convenience. Agreeableness. Transcendental General IV. Operation or Opposite [Congruity] [Expedience] Convenient. [Congruous] [Expedient] Conventicle, [Secret Convention corruptive] Convention. Relation Civil III. Converging. Magnitude II. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Conversant. [adjective Conversation] [Accustomed] [Expert] Conversation. Manners Affinis. Qualification for --- Manners IV. Convert. [Turn (make] [Apply] [Proselyte] Relation Ecclesiastical III. 6. [Penitent] Relation Ecclesiastical II. 6. Affinis. [Reform] Relation Oeconomical VI. 7. Convex. Magnitude III. 4. Exceeding extreme Conviction. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 8. Affinis. --- by Law, [Prove Guilty.] Convocation, [Convention Ecclesiastic.] Convoy, [Travelling Guard.] Convulsion, Sickness IV. 7. Cook, [Cookery mechanic.] --- ery. Provisions III. 1. Affinis. Cool, [Cold diminutive] [active Cold] Coop, [Prison of Parallel Sticks] to --- [Imprison] [Environ] Cooper, [adjective Barrel (mec.] Cooperate, [Together-operate] Coordinate, [Of equal Height] Degree] Coot. Bi. VIII. 8. Copal. Tree VIII. 4 Affinis. Copartner. [Partner] [Accessary] Cope. [Change] [Fight] [Prune] Priest's --- Copy. Original. Transcendental General II. 3 Set a --- [active Transcendental General II. 3.] Transcript. Transcendental General II. 3. Operation or Opposite --- out. [active Transcendental General II. 3. Operation or Opposite] --- hold [Estate for life] [Tenement for life] Copious, [Abundant] Copped. [Sharp topped] [adjective passive Point] Copper. Metal. Metal I. 4. [Kettle] Copperas, [Vitriol.] Stone V. 2. Affinis. Coppis, [Place of Trees diminutive] Copula. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 6. Copulation, [Coition.] Copulative, [Joining.] Coracinus. Fish IV. 2. Coral. Stone II. 6. Cord Provisions IV. 7. Affinis. Cordage, [Cord (kind] Cordial. [adjective Heart] [Heart-strengthning Medicin] [adjective Sincerity.] Cordylus [Lizard (kind) having a tail annulated with scales.] Core. [Heart (like) part] [Middle (part] specially Hardest part] Coriander. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 1. Affinis. Cork. Tree. Tree V. 2. Affinis. [Wood of Cork Tree] [Stopple of Cork-wood] Cormorant. Bi. IX. 5. Corn. [Plant for adjective Bread] Standing --- [Not-reaped] --- field, [Field of --- ] --- flagg. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 6. Affinis. [Seed for Bread] [Grain] Parts Peculiar III. 6. --- on the Toe. Sickness III. 6. Affinis. [Powder] Transcendental Mixed VI. 4. Affinis. To --- [active Powder] Provisions III. 7. Affinis. specially with Salt.] Cornel-tree. Tree II. 3. Affinis. Cornelian, [Sardius] Stone III. 3. Corner. [Angle] Magnitude III. 2. Affinis. [Tooth] Magnitude IV. 2. [Notch] Magnitude IV. 2. Operation or Opposite --- of the eye, [Dent --- ] [adjective Hiding (place] Corner. Ensign. Relation Military III. 2. Affinis. Music, [Bass pipe.] Corollary, [Inference additional.] Coronation, [Solemnity of a King (make.] Coroner, [Enquiring (Off.) of Murther.] Coronet, [Head-environing, Nobility-sign, Ornament.] Corporal, [adjective Body.] --- of Souldiers, [Subordinate, adjective Watch (Off.] --- of a Ship Relation Naval V. 2. Affinis. Corporation. Relation Civil III. 7. Corporeal [adjective World I. Op.] Corps, [Body.] --- dugard, [Gard aggregate] Corpulent. [Having great Body] [Fat augmentative] Correct. End or Effect. General. [Repair] Transcendental Action II. 9. [active Right] [Mend] Transcendental Mixed I. 9. Exceeding extreme Moral. [Reform] Relation Oeconomical VI. 7. Means or Instrument. Words. [Reprehend] Relation Oeconomical V. 7. Operation or Opposite Deeds. [Punish] Habit I. Operation or Opposite Chastise. Relation Oeconomical VI. 6. Correlative, [Together-relative.] Correspond. [active Congruity] [active Reciprocation] [Adverb derived Reciprocal Congruity] Friendship] Known (make] Corrival, [Rival] Corroborate. [Strengthen] [Confirm] Corrode. Operation or Opposite VI. 3. Corrosive, [adjective active Corroding aptitude, or proneness..] Corruption. General, [active Evil] Transcendental General III. 2. Operation or Opposite [active Worse] Transcendental Mixed I. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse By Admixtion. [Defiling] Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Operation or Opposite By Privation. Of its Being. [Destruction] Action Spiritual I. 4. Operation or Opposite Of its Usefulness. [Spoiling] Transcendental Action II. 9. Operation or Opposite Natural. [Infection] Sickness I. 1. [Decay] Natural Power V. 4. Operation or Opposite [Putrefaction] Natural Power V. 2. Operation or Opposite Moral. General. [Unholiness] Habit V. 2. Operation or Opposite [Vice] Manners I. 1. Operation or Opposite Special. [Unchastness] Manners II. 7. Operation or Opposite [Bribery] Relation Judicial IV. 6. Corslet. [adjective Trunk (armour] [Pike-man] Cortex. --- febrifugus Peruvianus. Tree VII. 9. --- Winterianus. Tree VII. 9. A. Coruscation. [Flame impetus, or fit] [Brightness] specially Trembling (like.] Cosmography, [Science of the World.] Cost. [Expence] [Price] Costard, [Apple.] Costive, [adjective passive Binding.] Costly, [adjective Cost augmentative] Costmary, [Ale-cost.] Herb considered according to the Flower II. 4. Cottage, [House diminutive] Cotton. --- tree. Tree IV. 8.. --- cloth. Provisions IV. 4. Affinis. --- weed [Cudweed] Herb considered according to the Flower II. 5. A Couch. [Contrive together] [adjective active Prostrate.] specially Shrinking] [a --- Possessions VI. 6. Affinis. --- weed, [Dogs grass] Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 3. A Covenant, [Paction.] Covent, [House of Monks.] Coventry Bell. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 7. Cover. [un-seen (make.] Put over. Operation or Opposite II. 3. [active Clothing] Provisions IV. --- a book, [active Book mechanic.] [active Coition] Action Corporeal II. 5. Affinis. [Un-seen (make] [Conceal] Coverlet, [Upper Vest Covering of Bed.] Covert, Hiding (place.] Protection (place.] Defence (place.] Coverture, [Protection.] Covet, [active Desire.] Covetousness. Manners III. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Cough. Motion IV. 5. Covie, [Birds aggregate] Coul. [Tub] Monk's --- [ --- head (vest.] Could, [Mood. II. 1.] Coulter, [active Ploughing iron (inst.] Council. Relation Civil III. 5. Affinis. Counsel, [Advise.] Relation Oeconomical V. 4. keep --- [active Taciturnity.] Count. Earl, [Third degree of Nobility.] to --- [Esteem] [Reckon] Transcendental Action IV. 6. [active Sum] Countenance [Face (Habit.] (Manner.] out of --- [not knowing which way to look.] [Posed] [Ashamed] to --- [Encourage] [adjective passive Reputation (make] Counter. [Mony (like) of base Metal] [Prison for Offenders diminutive] Debtors diminutive] [Adverb derived Contrary.] --- bond, [Bond for indemnifying-Surety.] --- charge, [Accuse Adverb derived Reciprocation.] Counterfeit. [active Likeness] [Imitate] specially Fraudulently.] [active seem (make] [active Feign] [active Forge] [active Hypocrisie] Countermand, [Command contrary.] Countermine. Relation Military I. 5. Operation or Opposite Countermure, [Opposite wall.] Counterpane, [Upper (vest) for bed] Counterpart, [Other Example.] Copy.] Counterpoint, [Congruous part in Music,] Counterpoise, [Oppositely weigh] Counterpoison, [Medicin against poison.] Counter-scarf, [Opposite Rampier.] Counter-tenor, [High Mean] Countervail, [Compensate equally.] Countess, [Earl (fem.] County, [Shire,] Country. op. to Town. Relation Civil III. 2. [Region] World III. Affinis. ones own --- [Ones Nation (place] Country-man, vid. Country. Couple. [Together-two] specially Join'd.] [Necks --- joining Bonds.] Armam.] [Unite] [Join-two] [active Coition] Courage, [Fortitude.] Courier, [Messenger for dispatch.] Course. Subst. [Way] Water --- [Stream] [Journey] [Running] [Hunting] [Persuit] [Order] [Series] first --- [ --- dishes aggregate] [Turn] [Sail] [Custom] words of --- [adjective Custome words] [Manner] --- of life Doing Living (manner. Adj. [Profession] Gross. Quality sensible VI. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Sorry.] Transcendental Mixed I. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Courser. [adjective passive ride aptitude, or proneness.) horse] [Horse for running] Courses, [Menstruum.] Parts General I. 4. Affinis. Court. --- yard. Possessions III. 3. [King's Family] RC. III. 5. [King's House] [Judgment (place] [Judicial Convention] --- daies, [Daies of judicial Convention.] to --- [active Suitor] Courteous, [adjective Courtesie.] Courtesan. [Common Whore] Courtesie. Vertue. [Civility] Manners IV. 7. [Affability] Manners VI. 2. Thing, [adjective active Benefactor (thing] Salutation. Action Corporeal V. 4. Affinis. Courtier. [King's domestic.] [adjective Courtesie augmentative] Complement (person] Courtliness, [Complement (abstr.] Courtship, [Converse adjective Complement augmentative] Cousen. Relation Oeconomical I. 5. Affinis. first --- Relation Oeconomical I. 5. to --- [active Fraud] Cow, [Bull. Be. II. 1. female] --- with Calf, [Pregnant Cow.] --- heard, [adjective Cow (Off.] to --- [active Coward (make.] Cowardise. Manners I. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Cowcumber. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 3. wild --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 4. A. Affinis. Cowring, [Stooping] Cowslip. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 1. Affinis. Cow wheat. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 8. Affinis. Coxcomb, [adjective Manners IV. 6. Exceeding extreme (person.] Crab. --- fish. Exanguious VI. 6. Molucca --- Exanguious VI. 7. Affinis.Little --- Exanguious VI. 4. --- louse, [Crab (like) --- ] --- tree, [Sour Apple-tree.] Fruit, [Sour Apple.] Crabbed. [Austere face (manner] [Morose] [Difficult] Crack. [Break] sp Incept.] [Chink] [Sound as of Breaking] [Brag] --- brain'd, [Mad diminutive] Crackle, [Sound frequentative) of breaking inceptive] Cradle. [Bedstead diminutive) adjective passive Volutation aptitude, or proneness..] Crafish. Exanguious VI. 3. Craft. Cunning. Habit VI. 2. Exceeding extreme [Mechanic (art.] Crag, [Rough augm. Rock.] Rocky hill.] Cram, [Fill augmentative] specially by thrusting.] Cramp. Sickness IV. 7. Affinis. --- fish, [Torpedo.] Fish II. 4. --- iron, [Iron hooks for joining.] Crane. Bird. Bi. VIII. 1. --- fly. Exanguious IV. 8. --- 's bill. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 5. Machin, [Great listing (machin.] Crank. [Vigorous] [adjective Mirth] Cranny, [Chink.] Crash, [Break.] [Sound of breaking] [Fit] Crassitude. [Thickness] Transcendental Mixed II. 5. [Density] Quality sensible V. 3. Exceeding extreme [Courseness] Cratch, [Vessel in which Ox feeds.] Crave. [active Desire] [Entreat] [Petition] Craven, [Coward.] Cravingness, Covetousness] Scrapingness] Craw, [Stomach] specially of Bird.] Crawling, Creeping] Motion I. 6. Wriggling] Craze, [Bruise.] specially the Superficies.] Crazy, [adjective Sickness aptitude, or proneness..] Creak, [Acute sound of solid bodies mutually rubbing.] Cream, [Best Part.] specially of Milk.] Create. Proper. Action Spiritual I. 1. [active Efficient] Creature, [adjective passive Create (thing] Credence, [Belief] Credible, [adjective passive Believe Power, or ability] Credit. [Believe] Action Spiritual II. 4. [Esteem] Action Spiritual II. 8. [Reputation] Ha.II. 4. [Trust.] Action Spiritual III. 4. Creditor. Transcendental Action IV. 7. Credulity. Habit III. 2. Exceeding extreme --- in Religion. Habit V. 4. Exceeding extreme Creed, [Epitome of adjective passive ought-believe (things.] specially in Christianity.] Creek, [Bay diminutive] Creep. Crawl. Motion I. 6. [Wriggle] Motion I. 6. Affinis. as Ivy, [Grow contiguous.] [active Fawning] --- in, [Get in Secretly.] Gradually.] Crescent, [Increasing.] specially Moon.] Cresses. garden. --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 5. Indian --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 12. Sciatica --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 5. Affinis. Swines --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 6. Affinis. Water --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 15. Winter --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 7. Affinis. Crescet. Supporting (jug.) for boiling vess.] --- light, [Not-cover'd Lantern.] Crest. [Comb] Parts Peculiar V. 7. --- fallen, [Discouraged augmentative] --- of Helmet, [Comb (like) --- ] --- of Arms, [The Gentry (sign) upon the head (armour.] [Mane] Parts Peculiar VI. 4. Affinis. Crevit [Chink] [Crafish] French "crevette." Crew, [Companions aggregate] Crewet, [adjective Glass-pot diminutive] Cry. [Grief] [Weep] Action Corporeal IV. 3. Operation or Opposite Vocal. [Exclaim] Action Corporeal III. 3. --- out, [active Parturition inceptive] --- out upon [Accuse publicly. [Blame publicly. --- mercy, [Entreat for pardon.] --- quittance, [compensate] Proclaim, [active Cryer.] Crib. Pinch] [Penurious (person] [Oxe's Eating (place] Crick, [Pricking] AC. II. 7. specially through Cold] Cricket. Exanguious II. 2. Fen --- [Eve-churr.] Exanguious II. 2. Affinis. Crier. Relation Judicial I. 5. Affinis. Crime. Relation Judicial III. --- not-capital. Relation Judicial IV. Crimson, [Red adjective blood (like.] Cringe, Congee augmentative] (freq] Cripple, [adjective passive Impotence in Limbs.] Crisis, [adjective Judgment (time] (sign] Crisping, [Curling.] Operation or Opposite V. 5. Affinis. Critic. [Judger of words] Critical, [adjective Judge aptitude, or proneness..] Crochet, vid. Crotchet. Crocodile. Beast VI. 3. Crocus. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 7. Affinis. Croft, [Field diminutive] Croke. [active Toad Raven (voice] As the Bowels, [Sound through wind enclosed.] Crone, [adjective Decrepit person.] Crook. a --- [adjective Crookedness (thing] Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite [Hook] [Saddle of sticks curved upward.] to --- [adjective active Bend] [adjective passive crooked (make] [Hook (make] Crookedness. Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite Crop. --- of Bird, [first Stomach --- ] --- of Corn, [adjective passive Heap aggregate) --- ] to --- [Off- pluck] tear.] break.] Crosier, [adjective Bishop's Staff.] Cross. Figure or Site. [Oblique] Magnitude II. 8. [Transverse] Magnitude II. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- cloth, [adjective Transverse forehead (vest.] to --- a River, [To go over a River.] Decussated. Magnitude IV. 4. Affinis. --- of wood, &c. [adjective Crucifying (jug) --- &c.] specially adjective Cross (fig.] [Image of adjective Crucifying jugament] to --- himself, [To active Cross (sign) upon --- ] --- bow. Relation Military V. 4. Affinis. --- way, [adjective Cross-way] Quality. transcendent. [Contrary] [Opposite] moral. [Perverse] [Contentious] [Morose] [Disobedient] Event corruptive) [adversity] of action. to --- [Frustrate.] of instrument. to --- [Spoil] specially with transverse line.] Crossbill. Bi. IV. 5. Affinis. Crosswort. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 8. Affinis. Crotchet. [Hook diminutive] [adjective Music Letter] [Invention corruptive] [active Craft diminutive] Crouch. [Stoop] Action Corporeal VI. 4. specially Adoration (sign.] [Fawn] Croud. Throng, [Together-thrusted aggregate] Fiddle, [Music instrument) adjective] passive strike sound with Bow] Crow. Bird. Bi. I. 5. Affinis. --- 's foot. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 4. Instrument, [adjective iron adjective lifting instrument] to --- [active Cock (voice] [active Triumph (voice] [active Boast corruptive] Crown. Diadem, [Head-environing Kingship (sign) Ornament] --- of the head, [Top --- ] --- imperial. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 1. Mony, [5 shillings aggregate] Crucible, [Vessel for melting of metals by Fire.] Crucifie. Relation Judicial V. 8. Crucifix, [Image of Christ crucified.] Crude, [not boil'd prepared digested Provisions III. Operation or Opposite Cruelty. Manners I. 5.. Deficient extreme or Discourse Cruet, [Small Glass (vess.) for oil, &c.] Crum, [Powder] --- of bread, [adjective Inside (part) --- ] Crumble, [Crums (make] Crump, [Sinew-contracted.] --- foot, [Shrunk --- ] --- shoulder, [Prominent --- ] Crumpled. HC. VI. 3. Affinis. Crupper. [Rump] [Hinder stay of Saddle] [adjective Rump (armam.] Cruse. [Bottle diminutive) of Glass.]to --- [active Scout.] specially for Booty.] Crushing, [Bruising.] specially by Compression.] Crust. --- of Shel-fish. Parts Peculiar IV. 2. Affinis. --- of Bread, [Out-side --- ] specially Hard.] Crustaceous [adjective Parts Peculiar IV. 2. Affinis.] Crutch. [fig. T] Magnitude IV. 4. Staff of lame (person] Cryptography, [Secret writing art.] Crystal. Stone II. 4. Cu. [Sign] [Beginning (sign] [Foot (armam.) for Ox] "cu" unidentified from OED. Cub Bear (young.] Fox diminutive] Cube. Magnitude III. 5. Operation or Opposite Cubeb.   Cubit. Limb. Parts General V. 2. Measure, [Length from Elbow to fingers top.] Cucking-stool, [adjective active Diving jugament) of Scolds.] Cuckold, [Husband of Adulteress] Cuckoo. Bi. I. 3. --- flower. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 15. Affinis. Cuckquean, [Wife of Adulterer] Cucumber. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 3. Cud, [Upper Stomach.] chew the --- [Again-masticate, adjective passive pret. Swallowed (thing.] Cudgel. [Staff] [Club diminutive] [Cudgelling instrument] --- ing. Relation Judicial VI. 2. Affinis. Cudwort. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 5. Affinis. Cuff, [Ornament for Handwrist.] to --- [Strike with folded hand.] Cuirase. [adjective Trunk (armor.] Cull, [Elect] specially to have.] Cullis, [Broth of Poultry.] Culpable, [adjective passive Blame Reprehend aptitude, or proneness..] Cultivate, [Manure.] Culture, [Manure.] Culver, [Pigeon] Culverin, [Great Ordnance (kind] Cumber. [active Burthen] [active Trouble] [active Hinder] Cummin. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 7. Affinis. Cunctation. Habit IV. 1. Exceeding extreme Cunny. Beast III. 4. Cunning. [Art] [Craft] Cup. Provisions V. 9. Affinis. --- bearer. [adjective Cup (Off.] --- of a flower. Parts Peculiar II. 8. to --- Motion IV. 7. Affinis. Cupboard [Table [Box specially for Cups] Cur, [Dog of ignoble breed, good only to accompany.] Curasier, [Armed perfective) Horseman.] Curate, adjective Parish Priest] Subordinate Priest] Instead- Priest] Curb. [Cohibiting (part) of Bridle] [Cohibiting augmentative) Bridle] to --- [Cohibit] Curdle, [Coagulate.] Cure, [Re-health] --- of Souls, [Officership for Souls.] Curiosity. [Perfection] [Excellence] [Beauty augmentative] [Diligence augmentative] op. to Science. Habit VI. 1. Exceeding extreme [Niceness] Manners II. 6. Exceeding extreme [Intemperance. Manners II. Operation or Opposite as to Ornaments] Dainties] Curlew. Bi. VIII. 9. Curling. Operation or Opposite V. 5. Affinis. Curr, vid. Cur. Currants. Shrub I. 1. Affinis. Current. Subst. [Stream] Adj. [Genuine] [Perfect] [Approved] [Adj. Custom] Relation Civil IV. 1. Affinis. [Common] Transcendental Mixed IV. 6. Affinis. [Ordinary] Transcendental Mixed V. 3.Year --- [ --- present] Curry. [Comb] Operation or Opposite V. 9. Operation or Opposite specially Horse.] --- combe, [adjective Combing (inst.) for Horse.] [Prepare Leather.] --- favour. [Fawn for --- ] [Endeavour corruptive] for --- ] Currish [Dog (like.] Curse. Action of God. Action Spiritual I. 3. Operation or Opposite Action of man. [Excommunicate] [Imprecate] Cursy. Action Corporeal V. 4. Affinis. Cursory. [Swift] [Rash] [Slight] Curst. [Execrable] [Fierce] Natural Power IV. 4. Operation or Opposite [Angry] Manners I. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Morose] Curtain. [Shadowing (vest) before- adjective hang aptitude, or proneness.] specially about Bed.] Curtal. [Off-cut Tail] [adjective active Brevity] Curtesan, [Common adjective Fornicator female] Curtle-ax, [Short Sword.] Curve. [Crooked.] Magnitude III. 1. Operation or Opposite Curvet. [Go leaping.] Cushion. Possessions VI. 5. Affinis. Cusp, [Point.] Magnitude IV. 2. Custard, [Pie of Milk and Eggs, &c.] Custody. [Keeping] [Garding] [Imprisonment] Custom. Use. Relation Civil IV. 1. Affinis. [Habit] [Manners] [Tribute upon Merchandize.] --- er. In buying or selling. Relation Oeconomical IV. 6. Cut. Discontinue. specially by edged (thing) interpos'd. Body, specially Consistent. Motion VI. 7. Earth. [Dig] water --- [Furrow for --- ] [Plough] Stone, &c. [Carve] [Grave] Plant. [Fell] [Prune] Animal. [Wound] horse --- s [-wounds himself.] [Un --- active Testicle] Parts excrementitious. [Pare] [Shave] [Clip] Flesh, &c. [Mince] [Chip] [Slice] [Slash] Plain or Line, [active Intersection.] Room, [active Partition] --- a caper, [Leap with Leggs trembling (like.] Hurt. Sense. --- ing, [Acrimonious.] [Intense] Minde. [active Grief (augm] [active Anger (augm] Estate, [active Fraud.] Diminish. [active Short] [Dispatch] Separate. --- off, [active Separate.] [Excommunicate.] [Destroy.] --- purse, [Thief] --- throat, [Murtherer.] [Lot] Cuticle, [Skin. Parts General II. 3. outermost] Cutler. [Sword mechanic.] [Fabrile mechanic) of cutting (instr] Cutter, [Robber.] [Swaggerer] Cuttle-fish Exanguious IX. 2. Lesser --- Exanguious IX. 2. Affinis. Cycle. --- of Sun, [Revolution of 28 years, in which the Dominical Letter returns to be the same.] --- of Moon, [Revolution of 19 years, in which the same Lunations return.] Cygnet, [Swan (young.] Cylinder. Magnitude III. 6. Cylindroides. Exanguious VII. 3. Cymbal, [Round brazen Music instrument] Cynical. [adjective Dog (like.] [Morose] Cypress. Tree V. 6. Keep the --- Relation Military II. 3. Win the --- Relation Military II. 1. Exceeding extreme Quit the --- Relation Military II. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Fieldfare. Bi. III. 5. Fiend. World I. 2. Operation or Opposite Fierce. Natural Power IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Wilde, [adjective Natural Power IV. 4. Operation or Opposite] op. to Moderate, [adjective Habit III. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse] op. to Meek, [adjective Manners I. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse] Fife, [Musical Pipe.] Fifteen.   Fifty.   Fig. Tree I. 5. Indian --- Tree I. 9 Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 5. Affinis. Fight. Relation Military I. 7. Figment, [adjective Fiction (thing.] Figulation. Operation or Opposite IV. Affinis. "figulation" (evidently from the Latin "figulatio") not found in OED. Figure. Shape. Mag III. Affinis. Scheme line pictur'd fig.] Rhetorical. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 7. Affinis. Fil. Operation or Opposite II. 7. Filament, [Fibre.] Filberd. Tree IV. 3. Filch, [Theft diminutive] File. --- ing. Operation or Opposite IV. 2. Affinis. a --- Instrument, [adjective filing instrument] As of Souldiers. Relation Military IV. 4. Affinis. Filial, (adjective Son.] Filipendula, [Dropwort.] Fill. Operation or Opposite II. 7. Fillet. [Riband] specially adjective Linen.] --- of Beast. --- of Pillar, [Square (part.] Filly, [young horse (sem.] Fillip, [Strike with the nail of the finger springingly.] Film, [Thin Membrane.] Parts General II. 3. Affinis. Filthy. [adjective active Defile (abstr.] [adjective Slovenliness augmentative] a --- deal, [Much corruptive] Filtring. Operation or Opposite VI. 4. Affinis. Fin. Parts Peculiar IV. 6. Final, [adjective End.] Finch. Chaff --- Bi. IV. 7. Bul --- Bi. IV. 5. Gold --- Bi. Green --- Bi. IV. 6. Finde. --- by Seeking. Transcendental Action I. 7. Operation or Opposite Perceive, [active Common sense.] Discover.] Action Spiritual II. 2. Affinis. Invent.] Action Spiritual III. 2. Affinis. Contrive.] Action Spiritual III. 7. --- by Experience. [Discover by Essaying.] [a, Experience] Habit VI. 4. --- the Bill, [Approve the Bill.] --- Fault. [a Censoriousness] [Blame] [Reprehend] --- without seeking. [active Fortune to see.] have.] &c. [Obtein] Transcendental Action V. 1. [Maintein] Relation Oeconomical VI. 4. Fine. Adj. [Simple.] --- force, [Simple. f.] [Pure] [adjective Transcendental Mixed V. 6.] [Refined] [Un-adjective passive Worst part.] Sediment.] [Thin.] [adjective Transcendental Mixed II. 5. Operation or Opposite] --- linen, [Thin augmentative) --- ] [Soft] [adjective Manners I. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse] [Tender] [adjective Natural Power IV. 7. Operation or Opposite] [Nice] [adjective Manners II. 6. Exceeding extreme] [adjective active Dainties aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Ornateness] [Crafry.] Subst. [Mulct] Relation Judicial VI. 7, in --- [In the End.] Finger. Parts General V. 7. Fore --- [Second --- ] Middle --- [Third --- ] Ring --- [Fourth --- ] Little --- [Fifth --- ] at ones --- 's end, [Adverb derived Memory perfective] light --- 'd, [adjective Theft aptitude, or proneness..] --- fern. Ladies --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 4. Finical. Nice, [adjective Manners II. 6. Exceeding extreme] [Conceited. adjective Habit III. Operation or Opposite] Finish. Transcendental Action III. 7. Finite. Transcendental General III. 6. Fir. male --- Tree V. 5. female --- Tree V. 5. Affinis. Fire. Proper. Element I. bone --- [Fire built for Joy.] Triumph.] light --- [adjective Flame --- ] wild --- [Confection of Powder, adjective active Fire aptitude, or proneness..] --- works. --- brand. --- Fork F. for --- --- Shovel Shrub for --- ] --- lock. Meteor. --- drake. Element I. 4. licking --- Element I. 6. Affinis. Disease. Stone Anthonie's --- [Erysipelas.] Firestone, [Marchasite] Stone I. 3. Affinis. Firing, [Fuell.] Firkin. [Barrel diminutive] Measure. Firm. Fast, [adjective Quality sensible VI. 5.] --- land, [Continent.] World III. 2. Constant, [adjective Habit IV. 7.] Firmament. [Starry heaven] World II. [Ether] Element II. 1. First. In Number, [adjective Measure II. 1.] In Dignity. [Principal.] Fiscal, [adjective Exchequer.] Fisgig.   Fish. Fish --- hook, [Hook for --- ] --- monger, [adjective Fish mechant] --- pond. Possessions I. 6. to --- [Hunt Fish] [active Confess (end] Fisherman, [Hunting (artist) of Fish.] Fisk. [Motion II. corruptive] Fist, [Hand Folded.] Contracted.] Fistic, [Pistach.] Fistula. Sickness I. 7. Affinis. Fit. [adjective Congruity. Transcendental General V. 5.] [Congruously proportion'd] disposed] prepared] furnished] Opportune [adjective Time perfective] [Decent] [Expedient] a --- Transcendental General VI. 6. Affinis. --- of sickness, [active Sickness.] --- of the mother. Sickness VI. 7. to --- [active Fit.] --- with the like, [Compensate.] Fitch, vid. Vetch. Fitcher. Motion II. frequentative)cross --- "fitcher" not found in OED. Fitchow, [Polecat.] Beast IV. 5. Affinis. Fitting, vid. Fit. adjective Five. Measure II. 5. --- hundred, &c. Fixed. Fast, [adjective Quality sensible VI. 6. Exceeding extreme] [Not adjective passive move aptitude, or proneness..] [Observing (int.] Flag. Figure. Magnitude IV. 7. Affinis. --- of a Ship. Relation Naval III. 7. --- Ship. [Sedge.] --- flower, [Iris.]to --- [Be weak] [Decay] [Be limber] specially Through Weakness.] Decay.] [Hang Adverb derived limber] Flagitious, [Vitious augmentative] Flagon, [Cylindrical pot.] Flagrant. [Intense] [Manifest] Flay, [Un-skin.] Flail, [adjective active Threshing instrument] Flake, [Lamin.] Flam, [Ly,] Flame. Element I. 1. Flank. Side. --- of Animal. Parts General IV. 5. --- [active Side.] Flanker. Relation Military VI. 6. Affinis. Flap. vid. Flag. [Strike] specially with Lamin.] a --- [adjective Limber lamin] specially Hanging.] flie --- [Flap to drive away Flies.] Throat --- Cover (thing) of the rough Artery.] Flash. [Impetus.] --- of fire, [Flame impetus, or fit] --- of water, [Stream impetus, or fit] --- y. Taste. Waterish, [adjective Water (like.] [Fresh] Quality sensible IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Discourse, [Light.] Manners IV. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Flask. [Box for Gunpowder.] [Carriage for Ordnance] Flasket, [Long Basket without Lid.] Flat. Corpor. [Plain] World III. 1. [adjective Lamin] [Shallow] Transcendental Mixed II. 3. Operation or Opposite [Low] Transcendental Mixed II.4. Operation or Opposite [adjective Lying] Action Corporeal VI. 7. Operation or Opposite --- foot. Parts Peculiar V. 3. Affinis. Transcendent [Manifest] Absolute, [adjective Transcendental General I. 8. Operation or Opposite] [Sorry. Transcendental Mixed I. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse] a --- --- in the Sea, [Shallow (place) in the Sea.] --- in Music. Quality sensible III. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Flattery. [Fawning] [Assentation] Flatulent, [adjective active Wind Inflation make] Flaunt, [adj passive Ornate (exc.] Flaw. [Break diminutive Outside. [Notch] [Bruise] [Spot] --- of wind, [Wind impetus, or fit] Flawn, [Py of Milk and Eggs.] Flax. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 12. Toad's --- Flea, Exanguious I. 8. Affinis. --- bane. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 9. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 4 Affinis. Sea --- Exanguious II. 2. Affinis. to --- [Un-skin.] Fleam. Vid. Phlegm. [adjective Phlebotomy instrument] Fled, [adjective pret. Flie.] Fledge, [Feathered] Flee, vid. Fly. Fleece. Parts Peculiar VI. 3. to --- [Un-fleece.] Fleet, [Swift] to --- vid. Flit. a --- Navy, [Ships aggregate] Flegmatic, adjective Phlegm.] Flesh. Parts General II. 6. --- ly. vid. Carnal. Natural] Worldly] [adjective Lust] Action Corporeal II. 5. --- y [adjective Flesh] [Having much Flesh] to --- one, [Encourage.] Fletcher, [adjective Bow mechanic.] Flew. [adjective pret. Flie] Vid. Flu. Flexible. [adjective Quality sensible V. 6.] [adjective p Persuade aptitude, or proneness..] Fly. As Bird. Motion I. 2. As routed. Relation Military II. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- out. [a Excess] [active Squander] Let --- [Shoot] [Strike at] a --- [Flying Insect] Crane --- Exanguious IV. 8. Dung --- Exanguious IV. 4. Affinis. Flesh --- Exanguious IV. 4. Shepherd's --- [Crane-fly.] Spanish --- [Cantharides] Exanguious V. 9. Catch --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 2. Affinis. --- boat. Flicker, vid. Flutter. Flight, vid. Fly. Flinch. [Start] Action Corporeal IV. 5. intermit timorously forsake unfaithfully abandon cowardly Fling. [Cast] Motion VI. 2. --- away, [Away-goe suddenly.] Kick, [Strike with the heel.] Flint. Stone I. 3. Flirt. [Impetus] [Woman corruptive] Flit. [Remove] [Depart] [Transitory] Flitch, [Half the Trunk and Limms.] specially of a Hogg.] Flitter, [Torn fragment.] --- mouse, [Bat.] Flittern.   Flix, [Disease of Dunging (exc.] bloody --- [Disentery] --- weed. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 11. Flock. Aggregate. --- together, [active Convention] --- of Wool. [Course part of --- ] [Curls of Fleece.] Flook, [Barb of Anchor.] Floor. Possessions III. 4. Affinis. Florentine.   Florid. [adjective Beauty] Vigor] [adjective Flourishing] Ornament] Flosculous. [adjective Flower] [adjective Ornateness] Flote. Motion I. 3. a --- [Boat (like) of together tied timber.] Floud. [River] [Water (exc.] [Inundation] --- gate. [Door for floud] [Gate to in-shut water] Flounder. Fish VII. 4. Affinis. Flour. [Best part] Transcendental Mixed VI. 1. specially of ground corn.] Blossom. Parts Peculiar II. 1. --- gentle. our Ladie's --- --- de luce, [Iris] --- bulbous. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 6. --- tuberous. Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 3. Affinis. to --- [active Powder] Provisions III. 7. Affinis. active Blossom. Parts Peculiar II. 1. Flourish. [active Flour] [active Vigor.] active Prosper] Discourse ornately] Boast] Prelude, [Preparatory Music.] [Vibrate] Flout, [Mock.] --- cream. Flow. [active River] --- ing tide, [Upward-tide.] [Abound] Flower, vid Flour. Flu, [Not-adjective passive fat Power, or ability] the --- of a rabbet, [-Fleece --- ] Fluctuate. [active Wave] [Waver] Action Spiritual IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Fluellin. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 9. Affinis. Fluent. [abounding] [adjective Discourse aptitude, or proneness..] Fluidness. Quality sensible V. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Fluke. Exanguious I. 4. Flung. [adjective pret. Fling.] Flurt, vid. Flirt. Flush. [Abundance] [Mellow] [Blush (like] [Wholly of the same colour] Flute, [pipe] specially Musical.] Flutter, [Fly endeavour] [Shake frequentative) the wings.] Flux. vid. Flix. [Streaming] to --- [Melt] [Purge] specially by Salivation.] Fluxion. [Flowing] [Fluxing] Foe, [Enemy] Fodder Hay Straw Eatable.] Fog, [Thick mist.] --- gy, [Fat (exc.] Foil. [Overthrow diminutive] [Accessory beauty] specially by Worse Contrary compar'd with it.] Play at --- s, [Fence with blunt Weapons.] Foin, [Prick (end) by thrusting impetus, or fit] Foist. to --- [Adverb derived Silent. Motion IV. 2. Affinis.] [Forge] --- in [Add secretly.] fraudulently.] forgingly.] Gally --- [Predatory Ship diminutive] Fold. Pleit. Operation or Opposite V. 5. [Shut] Sheep --- [Sepiment for Shrub] Fole, [Horse (young.] to --- [Parturition] specially of Mare.] Foliage, [Leaf aggregate] specially Factitious.] Folio, [Biggest book (figure.] Folk. [Person (kinde] [Man aggregate] Folly. Habit VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Follow. Go after. Transcendental Action VI. 6. As Enemy. Persue] Hunt] As dependent. Relation Oeconomical III. 5. Operation or Opposite [Wait] Action Corporeal V. 1. Affinis. Obey Imitate Practise] Be diligent about] As consequent [passive Inference.] As Successor, [Succeed.] Fome, [Bubbles aggregate] Foment, [active Fotion] [Supple by soking] specially In hot (remiss.] Fondness. Indulgence. Manners VI. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Vainness] Manners IV. 6. Operation or Opposite [Folly] Habit VI 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Font, [adjective Baptism (vessel] Food. [Feeding (thing] [Nourishing (thing] Fool. [adjective Folly (person] --- hardy, [Rash.] Manners I. 7. Exceeding extreme natural --- [adjective Natural Power I. 1. Operation or Opposite (person.] to --- one, [active Fraud.] to --- with one, [active Wantonness.] Foolishness, [Folly.] Foord. [Shallow (part) of River] specially over-adjective passive travel Power, or ability) Foot. --- of Animal. Parts General V. 6. --- ball, [Play of Striking Ball with Foot.] [Ball for play by, &] --- cloth. --- man, [adjective Running aptitude, or proneness.) Servant] --- souldier. Relation Military III. 1. --- stall, [adjective Foot (armam.] --- step, [Foot (sign.] --- stool, [Foot-supporting (armam.] by --- [By Foot (sign.] Crump --- ed, [Shrunk --- ed.] Flat --- ed. Parts Peculiar V. 3. Affinis. Splay --- ed, [Divergingly --- ed.] to --- it, [Travel on his Feet.] --- of Cup [Foot like --- ] --- of Pillar [Foot like --- ] Measure. --- of Length. Measure I. 3. --- of Verse [Verse part.] Footing. [active Foot (place] Foppery. [Vanity] Transcendental General IV. 5. Operation or Opposite M. IV. 6. Operation or Opposite [Folly] Habit VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse For. Prep. [Because of] Prep. I. 2. Affinis. if it had not been --- [Unless it had been --- ] [Concerning] Prep. I. 3. Operation or Opposite as --- me [ --- me] let him --- me, [Let him --- me.] [Instead of] Prep. II. 1. Affinis. op. to Against.] Adverb underived --- a time, [Adverb derived Transitory.] --- ever, [Adverb derived Ever.] Conjunction [Because] Conjunction III. 2. --- all that, [Notwithstanding] Conjunction II.2. Affinis. --- fear, [Lest that.] Conjunction III. 1. Operation or Opposite --- as much as, [Whereas.] Conjunction IV. 1. --- Example, [e. g.] Conjunction IV. 3. Operation or Opposite Forage. [Provisions] specially for Horses.] [Booty]to --- [Goe forth to bring in Provisions.] [active Booty] Forbear. [Abstein] Omit] Desist] Spare] active Patience] Forbid. Relation Oeconomical V. 1. Operation or Opposite God --- [Let God Prevent] Hinder] [Be it not that] Force. Coaction] Violence] Strength] Ability] Efficientness] Importance] of --- [Adverb derived Necessity] --- s. Relation Military IV. Forcer. [adjective active Force (Person (Instr. Fore. [Before] [Adverb derived Preventing] Fore-appoint, [Before-appoint.] Fore-arm, [Before-arm.] Fore-cast. [Before. Consider] Contrive] [Providence] Manners III. 2. Fore-castle. Relation Naval II. 4. Fore-conceiv'd, [Before-conceived] [Meditated] Fore-deem. Before judge.] Preventingly judge.] Fore-door, [adjective Forepart-door.] Fore-father Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Fore-foot, [adjective Forepart-foot.] Fore-front, [Fore-part] Fore-going, [Preceding] Fore-hand. [Fore-part] [Prevent] Fore-head. Parts General III. 6. Fore-judge. Before --- judge] Preventingly --- judge] Fore-know, [Before-know.] Fore-land. World III. 4. Fore-man, [First (person.] [Principal (person.] Fore-mast. Relation Naval III. 4. A Fore-noon, [Preceding part of the day.] Fore-ordein, [Before-ordein.] Fore-part. Space III. 8. Fore-run. [Before- Go] Run] [active Van-currier] Fore-sail, [Mizzen-sail.] Fore-see, [Before- See] Know] Fore-shew, [Before-shew.] Fore-sight. [Fore-seeing] [Providence] Fore-skin, [adjective Forepart-skin.] Fore-sleeve, [Sleeve from the elbow to the wrist.] [adjective cubit (vest] Fore-slow. [active Slow] [Protract] [Hinder] Fore-speak. [Before-speak of] [Witch with words] Fore-stall. Before --- buy] Preventingly --- buy] Fore-teeth, [adjective Forepart-teeth.] Fore-tell, [Before-tell.] [active Prophet] Fore-think, [Before- Think] Meditate] Fore-thought, adjective active pret. adjective passive Fore-think.] Fore-token, [Before active Sign.] Fore-top, [adjective Forepart-hair.] specially Above the Fore-head.] Fore-warn, [Before-warm.] Forfeit. [un-adjective passive right] [Lose right] specially Penally.] [Lose by confiscation] Forge. to --- Fabricate. Operation or Opposite IV. 5. Falsifie. Relation Judicial IV. 4. Affinis. Feign, [adjective active Fiction.] a --- [Fabricating (room) (place) of adjective Iron mechanic.] Forget, [active Natural Power II. 3. O] --- fulness. Natural Power II. 3. Operation or Opposite Forgive. As Crime. Relation Judicial II. 2. Operation or Opposite As Debt. Transcendental Action IV. 9 Operation or Opposite Forgo, [Be un-adjective passive Possession of] Voluntarily, [Let go.] Transcendental Action I. 6. Operation or Opposite Begin to be so, [passive Dereliction.] Continue so, [Abandon.] Unvoluntarily, [Lose.] Fork. Figure. Magnitude IV. 8. Affinis. Instrument, [adjective Fork instrument] pitch --- [Preparing instrument) of Hay.] Forlorn. [adjective passive Destruction] [adjective passive Despair.] [adjective passive Dereliction.] --- hope. Relation Military IV. 6. Affinis. Form. Cause. Transcendental General II. 7. Affinis. [Manner] set --- [Determined expression (manner.] [Figure] [Hare's (Bed] (Place] Seat. Magnitude V.8. Formal. --- cause. Transcendental General II. 7. Affinis. [adjective Formality] Formality. [Form, (manner.] Vice. Manners IV. 6. Exceeding extreme Former. [Preceding] --- ly, [Adverb derived Preceding (time.] [Past] Formidable, [adj passive Fear (abstr.] Formost, [First.] Formulary. [Set-form] [Epitome] Fornication. Relation Judicial IV.2. Forrage, vid. Forage. Forrain, [adjective Relation Oeconomical IV. 3. Operation or Opposite] --- er. Relation Oeconomical IV. 3. Operation or Opposite Forrest. Possessions I. 2. Affinis. --- er, [adjective Forrest (Off.] Forsake. As God, [Dereliction.] As Manners [Desertion.] --- the Right, [Abdicate.] --- the Possession, [Forgo.] --- his Religion, [Apostasie.] Forsooth. Truly. Adverb underived I. 2. Operation or Opposite Ironic. Interjection I. 3. Forswear. Abjure. Against-swear] [Deny] with Oath.] [Renounce] with Oath.] [Swear false] Fort, [Sconse.] Relation Military VI. 2. Forth. Out of] Prep. IV. 2. [Without] Prep. IV. 2. Affinis. [Public] --- coming. [Forth-adjective passive bring Power, or ability] [Ready to be brought forth] --- with, [Soon] Fortie.   Fortifie. Strengthen] [adjective active Relation Military VI.] Fortitude. Manners I. 7. Fortress, [Sconse.] Fortuitous, vid. Casual. Fortunateness. adjective Fortune perfective] [adjective Prosperity] Fortune. Action Spiritual I. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- teller, [Before-telling (person) of events] to --- [adjective passive Event] Forward. adjective Forepart] adjective Alacrity] adjective Incline augmentative] adjective passive Prepared Begin perfective adjective pret. Proceed] to --- adjective active Adjuvant] Proceed make] Dispatch] egg --- [active Impulsive.] going --- Ition adjective active forepart] Proceed] Foss. Furrow] [Ditch] Fosset. Provisions V. 7. Affinis. Foster. [Nurse] --- father. Relation Oeconomical III. 2. --- child. Relation Oeconomical III. 2. Operation or Opposite --- brother, [Together-foster-child.] [Fotion] [Educate] Fotion. Action Corporeal I. 4. Fought, vid. Fight. Foul. [adjective passive Defilement] [Deformed] [Vitious] [Slovenly] [Sordid] a --- deal, [Much corruptive] [Birds] to --- [active Foul (make] [Hunt Birds] Found. adjective passive find] pret. find] to --- [active Foundation] [Cast] Operation or Opposite IV. 5. Foundation. Possessions III. 4. Founder. [adjective active Found (person] (Mech.] to --- [active Impotent in going aptitude, or proneness..] [Un-make adjective going aptitude, or proneness..] Foundling, [adjective passive find (person.] Fountain. World IV. 3. Affinis. Four. Measure II. 4. --- fold, [four] --- score, [Eighty.] --- square, [Square.] Magnitude V. 1. Affinis. Fourm, vid. Form. Fowl, vid. Foul. Fox. Beast. Beast V. 2. --- Fish. Fish I. 7. Affinis. --- glove. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 10. --- tail. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 2. [active Drunkenness] Fraction, [Breaking] Fracture, [Breaking] Fragment. Transcendental Mixed VI. 5. Affinis. Fragrant, [Sweet] Quality sensible IV.1. Fray. [Skirmish] [Fight diminutive] to --- adjective active Fear (make.] Fraight. [Burthen] specially for Ship]1 [Wages for Carriage] Frail. [Brittle] Quality sensible VI. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Transitory] a --- [Spherical Basket] specially of Rushes.] Frame. --- of Building. Possessions III.1. Figure. in --- [adjective passive Order perfective] out of --- [adjective passive Confusion] Machin.] Jugament.] to --- [active Efficient] [Feign] [Contrive] [active Build] [verb Congruity] Franchise, [privilege.] Frank. Manners IV. 4. Frankincense. Tree. Tree VIII. 3. [Resin of Frankincense-tree] Frantic, [Mad.] Sickness IV. 1. Fraternity, [Corporation.] Fraud. Relation Judicial IV. 4. Fraudulent, [ad. Fraud.] Fraught. [Loaded] [Full] Fraxinella. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 1. Affinis. Freak. adj. Conceitedness (thing] [adjective Lightness (thing] Freckle, [Spot diminutive) yellow.] Free. [adjective Liberty Habit II. 1. Action Spiritual IV. 8. [not- Prisoner] Slave] [adjective passive Deliver] Action Spiritual I. 5. --- from, [Without.] [adjective Spontaneity] Action Spiritual IV. 9. [adjective Alacrity] [Not-recompensed] [Liberal] Frank [adjective Manners IV. 4.] --- booter, [adjective active Booty (person.] --- hold, [Right not-rented.] --- man. [Not-villain] [Citizen] [adjective Immunity Privilege person.] Freedom. [Liberty] [Ingenuity] [Immunity] [Privilege] Fre-Mason, [adjective Free-stone mechanic.] Free-stone. St. I. 1. Freez. Colour, [Gray.] Cloth, [Napt augmentative] to --- [active Frost] Ice] Freight, vid. Fraught. Frenzy. Sickness IV. 1. Frequent. Space I. 7. to --- [To come frequentative] Fresh. [New] --- air, [Breez.] --- man. [New-comer] [Unexpert (person] [adjective Vigor] --- taste. Quality sensible IV. 6. Un-salted. Quality sensible IV. 5. Operation or Opposite a --- [Adverb derived Repeating] Adverb underived IV. 2. Fresh water souldier. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 1. Fret. [Rub] Operation or Opposite V. 8. --- of musical instrument. [Under-touching aptitude, or proneness..) transverse (thing.] [Corrode] Operation or Opposite VI. 3. Wine --- s. Un-skin by rubbing] Pain by corrosion] --- Work, Spirally, &c. [Graving Spirally, &c. Vex, [active Anger.] Fretum. World IV. 5. "fretum" (Latin, "strait") not in OED. Fry. [Children aggregate] specially Of Fish.] to --- Provisions III. 4. Fricass, [adjective passive Fry (thing.] Frication, Rubbing.] Friction, Rubbing.] Friday, [The sixth day of the Week.] Friend. Relation Oeconomical IV. 1. a --- ship, [adjective Benefactor (thing.] Frier, [Monk] Relation Ecclesiastical II. 7. Friars cowl Broad leaved --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 10. Narrow leaved --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 10. Affinis. Frigat [Man of War.] Fright, [adjective active Fear (make.] Frigid. [Cold] [Slight] Frigat, [Man of War.] Fringe, [Tufted line.] Frippery, [adjective Sorry (thing.] Frisk, [Leap Nimble.] frequentative] Fritter, [Fried pudding (like.] Frittillary. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 3. Affinis. Frivolousness, [Vanity.] Transcendental General IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Frize, vid. Freez: Frizle, [Curl. augmentative] Fro. Prep. vid. From. to and --- [Forward and Backward.] a --- [Man female] Frock, [Upper vest of Horse (Off.] Frog. BE. VI. 2. Frolic, [adjective Mirth.] From. Prep. III. 2. --- henceforth. [From this time] [At all times after this] Front. [Forehead] [Forepart] Frontier, [Margin.] Frontispice, [Forepart] Frontlet, [Forehead (vest.] Frost. Element III. 4. --- nail, [Nail un-adjective active slide aptitude, or proneness..] Froth, [Bubble aggregate] Frowardness. [Disingeniousness] [Moroseness] Frown. Action Corporeal IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Frozen, [adjective passive Freez.] Fructifie, [adjective active Fruitful.] Frugality. Manners III. 3. Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. Effect] Event] Profit] --- fulness Natural Power VI. 3. --- less, Unprofitable.] Vain.] Fruiterer, [Fruit (merch.] Fruition, [Enjoying.] Transcendental Action V. 7. Frumenty, [Pottage of Wheat.] Frump, [Mock diminutive] Frustrate. Transcendental Action V. 1. Operation or Opposite Fucus, [Paint] specially for the Face.] Fuddle, [active Drunkenness.] "fuddle" antedates earliest OED noun for the form (1680). Fuel. Provisions VI. 2. Fugitive. [Flying] [Apostate] Ful. [adjective passive Fill] [Whole] [Sufficient] [Perfect] --- moon, [Moon in the midst of her month] to --- Cloth. Operation or Opposite V. 3. Fulfil. [Perform] [Finish] Fuliginous, [adjective Soot.] Element IV. 3. Affinis. Fuller, [Fulling mechanic.] Fulsom. [Sweet, exc.] [Nauseative] Natural Power II. 4. Operation or Opposite Fumaria, [Hollow-root.] "Fumaria" (Latin) not found in OED. Fumble, [active Hand corruptive] Fume. [Smoak] [Exhalation] [Indignation] Fumigation, [Smoking.] Fumitory. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 4. Affinis. Function. [Calling] [Action in ones Calling] Fundament. Parts General IV. 8. Affinis. Fundamental. [adjective Foundation] [Chief] Funeral, [adjective Burial.] specially the Solemnity.] Fungous, [Porous.] Funnel, Cone (vessel) for through-pouring.] [adjective Fur. Parts Peculiar VI. 3. to --- Relation Naval VI. 3. Affinis. Furbish, [active Bright (make] Fury, [Anger augmentative] the --- es, [Devils female] Furious. [adjective Anger augmentative] [Fierce augmentative] Furling, [Tying loose.] Furlong. Measure I. 6. Furnace. [Concave (place) to build Fire (in.] [Kettle augmentative] --- hole in Fortification. Relation Military VI. 7. Affinis. Furnish Transcendental Action III. 2. Affinis. Furniture, [adjective Furnishing (thing] [Provisions] [Tackle.] [Utensils] Furrier, [adjective Fur mechanic.] (merch.] Furrow. Magnitude V. 7. Operation or Opposite Further, vid. Farther. --- more, [Also.] to --- [adjective a Adjuvant] Furthest, vid. Farthest. Furz, [Shrub IV. 8. Affinis. Fuse, [Cone notched spirally.] Fusil. [Notched] [adjective passive Cast] [Meltable] Fusty, [Musty.] Quality sensible IV. 7. Fustian. [Course Cotton-cloth] [Sorry mixt (thing] Fustick.   Future. Space L. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Fuzbal. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 2. Affinis. G. GAbardin, [Sorry (garment.] Gabble, [active Loquacity not intelligible.] Gabel, [Tribute.] Gabion. Relation Military VI. 9. Affinis. Gable-end, [End of roof.] Gad. [Pin] --- --- [Wander] Gag, [active Gaping instrument] Gage. [Pledge]to --- Essay Depth] Essay Capacity] Gaggle [Goose (voice.] Gay, [adjective passive Ornateness (exc.] Gain. Lucre. Transcendental Action V. 2. [Obtain] [Increase] Gain-say. [Against-say] Deny] Contradict] Galades. Exanguious VIII. 3. Affinis. "galades" not found in OED. Galangal. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 12. Galaxy.   Galbanum, [Concrete juice of Gyant Fennel.] Galbula. Bi. III. 8. "Galbula" not found in OED. Gale. gentle --- Element VI. 6.stiff --- Element VI. 7. Galeass.   Galcot. Relation Naval I. 4. "Galcot" not found in OED. Galingale. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 12. Gall. [Choler] [Bladder of --- ] Excrescence of Oke. Parts Peculiar III. Operation or Oppositeto --- Un-skin] Hurt] Anger] specially by Rubbing] Wearing.] Gallant. [Ornate augmentative] [Excellent] Galley. Relation Naval I. 3. --- foist. --- pot Gallery, [adjective passive walking (room.] Gallimaufry, [Confused mixture.] Gallinula serica. Bi. VIII. 9. Affinis. "Gallinula serica" not in OED but cf. "gallinule." Gallion.   Galliot. Relation Naval I. 4. Galloche, [Outermost foot (vest.] Gallon.   Galloon. Lace. Gallop, [Run.] Gallows, [Jugament for hanging.] Galls. Shrub V. 5. Gambado, [Leg armament) for riding.] Gambol. [active Activity] specially with Legs.] Wanton Vain (thing] Game. Play. Motion V. Affinis. --- ster, [Game mechanic.] [Hunting.] --- some, [Wanton.] Gammon, [Leg of Hog.] specially Smok'd.] Ganch, [Precipitating on hooks.] Gander, [Goose (male.] Gang. [Society] [Faction] Ganglion. Sickness III. 9. Gangrel, [Long corruptive] Gangrene. Sickness I. 8. Gantlet, [Armor for the hand.] Gantlope.   Gap, [Notch.] Gape. [Open augmentative] specially the mouth.] --- after, augmentative] [Expect (earnestly.] [Yawning] [Chasm] Garb, [Manner.] specially of Garments.] Demeanor.] Garbage, [Entrails] [Worst part] Garble, [Un- active worst-part.] specially Spice.] Garboil. [Contention] [Trouble] Gard. --- of Souldiers. Relation Military III. 6. to --- Defend] Protect] Safe (make.] Princes- Servants for safety.] Officers for safety.] --- of vestment, [Margin strengthned.] specially with Lace.] Garden. Possessions I. 3. Gardian. Relation Oeconomical III. 4. [Monks Officer] Gargane, [White headed Teale (kind.] Gargarism, [Gargling.] Gargle, [Gullet.] to --- [Wash the top of the Gullet.] Wind-pipe.] Garish, [adjective passive Ornate (exe.] Garland, [Head-environing, Joy-sign ornament.] Garlick. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 11. Garment, [adjective Clothing (thing.] Garner, [adjective active Keeping (room) for Corn.] Garnish, [adjective active Ornate.] Garret, [Highest (room.] Garrison. Relation Military VI. 1. Affinis. Garrulity, [Loquacity.] Garter. [Ribband for Leg] [Binding (vest.] Gash, [Slash.] Provisions III. 5. Affinis. Gasp, [Gape for breath.] Gastly, [adjective active Fear (make.] [Pale] Action Corporeal IV. 9. Operation or Opposite (exe.] Gate. [Dore] Poss. IV. 2. [Going (manner] Motion I. 1. Gather. [active Aggregate] [active Convention] Collect. Operation or Opposite II. 5. --- as Curd, [Coagulate.] --- as Fruits, [Take F.] --- as Wind, [adjective passive wind.] [Contract] --- up his Gown, &c. [Lift contracted,] Calv's --- [Cal'vs Parts General VI.] Gaud. [Mock] Vain, [adjective Transcendental General IV. 5. Operation or Opposite (thing.] --- y. [Ornate (exc.] [Feast] Gavelkind, [Distribution of Inheritance equally.] Gaul, vid. Gall. Gaunch, [Precipitate on hooks.] Gaunt, [Lean augmentative] Gauntlet, [adjective Hand armament] Gaze, [Look intently.] --- hound, [Dog hunting by Sight.] Gazel, [Antilope.] Gazet, [adjective Narration (thing) of News.] Gear, [Thing corruptive] Geese, [Goose plural.] Geld, vid. Gueld. Gelder rose, [Shrub II. 12.] Gelly. Provisions I. 5. Affinis. Gem. Stone III. Gemini [Third Constellation [Third Twelfth part of the Zodiac.] Gender, [Sex.] to --- [active Generation.] Genealogy, [Catalogue of Ancestors.] General. Op. to Special. Transcendental Mixed III. 4. [adjective Genus] [All] [Common] [Total.] [Universal] a --- [Army (Off.] [Monks chief (Off.] Generation. Begetting Action Corporeal I. 1. [Descendent aggregate] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Operation or Opposite [Age] Measure VI. Operation or Opposite] Generative faculty. Natural Power VI. Generousness. Manners III. 4. Genesis, [Generation.] Genet, [Spanish Horse.] [Martin] Genial, [Festival.] Genitals, [Privities.] Parts General VI. 8. Genius. [Temper of mind] [Disposition] good --- [Proper Angel] evil --- [Proper Devil] Gentian. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 6. Dwarfe --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 6. Affinis. Gentil. [Pagan] [Maggot] Exanguious I. 5. Affinis. Gentile, [adjective Gentleman] Gentle. Transcendental General V. 5. [Tame] Natural Power IV. 4. Courteous] Clement] Gracious] Affable] [Easie] [Remiss] --- man. Relation Civil I. 3. Affinis. --- woman. Relation Civil I. 3. Affinis. female [Maggot] Gentry. Relation Civil I. 3. Affinis. (kind.] Genuflexion. [Bending knee] Action Corporeal VI. 6. [Kneeling] Action Corporeal VI. 6. Affinis. Genuin. Transcendental General III. 4. Genus, [Kind.] Transcendental General I. Geography, [Science of the World.] Geomancy, [Wizarding by the Earth.] Geometra. Exanguious III. 7. Geometry. [Science of Magnitude.] Georgic, [adjective Agriculture.] German. Cosin --- Relation Oeconomical I. 5. Germander. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 2. Tree --- Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 2. Affinis. water --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 9. wild --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 11. Affinis. Germinate, [verb Sprout.] Parts Peculiar II. 5. Gerund, [Case of Participle Substantive.] Gesses, [Foot-bonds for Hawk.] Gesticulation, [Gesturing augmentative] (exc.] Gesture. Action Corporeal VI. Get. [Gain] Transcendental Action V. 2. [Obtain] Transcendental Action V. 1. [Obtain to be] doe] --- before Obtain to be before.] Prevent.] --- by Heart, [Obtain to remember] --- out. --- from person, [Obtain to be out, &c.] --- a nail, [Pull out a nail.] --- with childe, [Impregnate] --- Children, [Generate ch.] --- clear, Obtain to be freeed.] Escape] --- gone, [From-goe.] Transcendental Action VI. 1. Operation or Opposite --- rid of, [Obtain to be freed from.] [Mineral.] Stone VI. 3. Gewgaw, [adjective Vanity. Transcendental General IV. 5. Operation or Opposite (thing.] Ghess, [Conjecture.] Ghost, [Spirit.] give up the --- [Dy.] holy --- God III. --- root. Giant, [Great augmentative) person.] Gib, [Cat (male.] Gibberish, [Speech not-intelligible.] Gibbet, [adjective hanging jugament) with one stem.] Gibbous, [adjective Protuberance.] Gibe, [Mock.] Giblets, [Entrals.] Parts General VI. specially Edible.] Giddy. [adjective Vertigo] [adjective Fancy corruptive] [Wanton] [Conceited] [adjective Light] Habit IV. 7. Operation or Opposite Giddiness, [Vertigo.] Gift. [adjective Give (thing] --- of God. spiritual. Habit V. Gig. [Cone adjective horn to be vertiginated with whipping.] [Whimzy] [adjective Conceitedness (thing.] Gigantic, [Great augmentative] (exc.] Giggle, [Laugh augmentative] frequentative] (exc.] Gigglet, [adjective Laugh aptitude, or proneness..] Gild, [Colour with Gold.] Gilden-pole.   Gill. --- of Bird. Parts Peculiar V. 7. Affinis. --- of Fish. Parts Peculiar IV. 3. Gilliflower. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 1. Sea --- Herb considered according to the Flower II. 14. Affinis. Stock --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 1. Wall --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 1. Affinis. Gilt-head. Fish V. 1. Gimlet, [Little-boring instrument] Gimmal, [Factitious joynt.] Gimp, [Shamois.] Gin. [Machin] [Trap] Ginger, [Root of an Indian Iris of a hot biting tast.] --- ly Gently Slowly without noise.] Gingle. [Ringing diminutive] [Affect sound of Words] Ginny. --- hen, [adjective Ginny-hen.] --- pig, Beast III. 6. Affinis. Gipsie.   Giraffa. Beast II. 7. Gird, vid. Guird. Girdle, vid. Guirdle. Girl, [Child female] Girn, vid. Grin. Girt, uid. Guirt. Gith, [Nigella] Gittern, vid. Guittern. Give. --- back, [Retire] --- over. [Desist] [Abandon] Correct no more. Relation Oeconomical VI. 6. Operation or Opposite --- up. [Yield] [Submit] --- alms, [active Alms.] --- ear. [Hear endeavour] [Observe with Ear] --- law, [active Law.] --- name, [active Name.] --- ones mind self to, adjective passive Disposition augmentative] --- oath. [Swear (make] [Oblige by oath] --- place. --- way. --- to understand, [active Know (make.] mind --- 's me. [I conjecture] [I expect] table --- s. weather --- s. Gives, [Bonds for legs] Gizzard, [Second musculous stomach of Bird.] Glad. [adjective Mirth] [adjective Alacrity] [adjective Delectation] Gladden. Glade, [Open (place) through a Wood.] Gladiator, [adjective Fencing (person.] Gladiolus, [Corn-flagg] Glaive, [Long Sword.] Glance. [Oblique impetus, or fit] active Ey impetus, or fit] active Object impetus, or fit] specially Adverb derived Accessory.] Digression.] [Allusion diminutive] witty --- [Urbane diminutive] Glandule. Parts General II. 7. Affinis. Glans. [Mast.] Parts Peculiar III. 4. Glass. Stone II. 4. Affinis. drinking --- [adjective Glass-cup.] looking --- [Face-shewing instrument) by reflexion.] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 7. [Splendor] Glaucus. Fish I. 3. Affinis. Fish IV. 1. Affinis. Glave, [Long Sword.] Glavering, [Fawning] Glaze. [active Glass.] [To Shut Wall with Glass.] [active brightness] Glazier, [adjective active Glass mechanic.] Glean, [Gather the left things.] scattered Ears.] Glebe, [Land.] specially Priest's.] Glede, [Kite.] Bi. I. 2. Affinis. Glee. [Mirth] [adjective Mirth Song] Gleek. [Three] [Play] Glib. [Smooth] Quality sensible VI. 2. Exceeding extreme [Slippery] Glide, [Kite.] Bi. I. 2. Affinis. to --- [Slide] Motion II. 4. Glimmer, [Trembling light impetus, or fit] Glimps, [Sudden Light Sight diminutive] Glistering, [Trembling (like) brightness.] Glitter, [Bright] Globe, [Sphere] Magnitude III. 5. --- fish. Fish VIII. 1. Gloomy. [Cloudy] [Dark diminutive] [Dim] Q I. 3. Affinis. Glory, Public Praise. Universal Reputation. to --- Action Spiritual VI. 1. Affinis. Glorifie, [active Glory.] Gloss. [Comment diminutive] [Brightness diminutive] Glote, [Look obliquely.] Glove, [adjective Hand (vest,] Fox --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 10. Glow. [Be hot] [Shine white] [Shine fire-like] --- worm Exanguious I. 5. --- fly. Exanguious V. 9. Affinis. Gloze, [Assentation] Glue, [adjective Gluing (thing.] --- ing. Operation or Opposite IV. 4. Affinis. --- y, [Clammy augmentative] Glut. [Fill augmentative] (exc.] [Loathe (make) with abundance] Glutinous. [adjective Glue] [Clammy] Gluttony. Manners II. 2. Exceeding extreme Glyster, [Medicinal drink for the Fundament.] Gnash. [Together-strike teeth.] [noise (make) with teeth.] Gnat. Exanguious IV. 5. Affinis. --- snapper. Gnaw. [Mastication] [Bite (end] [Corrode] Gnomon, [Hour-shewing pin.] Go. Proper. [Ition] Transcendental Action VI. --- of Animal. Motion I. specially On legs. Motion II. --- on toes, [Stalk.] Motion II. 3. [Walk] Motion II. 1. Depart. Transcendental Action VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Figurate. [Move] [Event] --- about, [Endeavour inceptive] --- about [Begin] --- in hand with [Begin] --- after, [verb Succeed.] --- against me. [I active Nolleity] [I grudge it] [I loath it] [I nauseate it] --- astray, [Err] --- back, [Retire] --- ward [verb Worse] --- before, [verb Precede] --- beyond one. [Superior] [Defraud] --- down, [active Downward.] --- forward, [Proceed.] --- on, [Proceed] --- out, [Cease.] [quick, [active Quick,] --- through with it, [Finish.] --- to. Interjection --- up, [active Upward.] Goad, [Long pricking instrument) to drive with.] Goal. [adjective passive Object (place] specially of Race.] [End] Transcendental General II. 6. Goat. Beast II. 2. Affinis. --- 's beard. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 13. --- Chafer. Exanguious V. 3. --- sucker, [Owle of a short small Bill, and wide mouth.] --- 's thorn. skipping --- Element I. 5. Gobbet. [Lump] [Fragment] Gobble, [Swallow greedily.] Gobius marinus. Fish III. 7. Goblet, [Cup augmentative] Goblin, [Devil (like) fiction] God. God --- head, [God (abstr.] Action of --- Action Spiritual 1. --- the Father. God I. --- the Son. God II. --- the Holy Ghost. God III. God-child. Relation Oeconomical III. 1. Operation or Opposite God-father. Relation Oeconomical III. 1. God-mother. Relation Oeconomical III. 1. female) Godless, [Ungodly.] Godliness. [Holiness] [Religion perfective] [Worship perfective] Godwit. Bi. VII. 8. Affinis. Goggle-eyed, [Protuberantly eyed.] Gold. Metal I. 1. --- mine. [ --- (place] --- oar Crude g. not-prepared g. --- smith, [g. mechanic.] (merch.] --- of Pleasure. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 8. Affinis. --- en locks. --- rod. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 8. Affinis. Gome, [Grease black'd by agitation.] Gone. [adjective passive active pret. go] [adjective Excess] [Spoil'd] [Destroy'd] Good. Proper. Transcendental General III. 2. Profitable Sufficient Convenient [Perfect] [Happy] --- against, [Medicinal against] --- at, [adjective Art in.] --- for, [Profitable to.] --- face. [Face perfective] [Handsom] --- fellow. --- luck, [Prosperity.] --- man of the House, [Master of the Family.] --- success, [Event perfective] --- turn, [adjective Benefactor (thing.] --- will, [Favor.] make. --- [Perform] [Repair] [Compensate] find --- [Approve] think --- [Approve] Goodly, [Handsom.] Goodness. Manners I. 4. Goods. [Possessions] [Houshold-stuff] Googe.   Goose. Bi. IX. 1. Affinis. green --- [young --- ] stubble --- [autumnal --- ] Soland --- Bi. IX. 4. --- berry. Shrub I. 3. --- foot. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 9. Affinis. --- grass. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 9. Affinis. --- nest. Gorbellied, [Protuberantly bellied.] Gore, Congealed blood] Coagulated blood] Gellied blood] to --- [Prick augmentative] specially with Horn.] Gorge. [Gullet] [Stomach] specially of Bird.] to --- [Feed] [Fill] Gorgeous, [Ornamented augmentative] (exc.] Gorget. [adjective Neck (armor] [Linen (vest) for shoulder] Gors, [Furz.] Gosling, [Goose (young.] Gospel, [adjective Evangelist (thing.] Gosshawk, [Biggest long winged Hawk.] Gossip. [Child's Godfather] [Companion for mirth] --- ing, [Women's Convention for mirth.] Govern. [verb Magistrate] [Authority] [Direction] good --- ance. Manners VI. 5. ill --- ance. Manners VI. 5. Operation or Opposite Governor, [adjective Govern (person.] Gougeon. Fish IX. 11. Gourd. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 2. Gourmandize [verb Gluttony] [Eat gluttonously] Gournet Red --- Fish IV. 4. Grey --- Fish IV. 4. Affinis. Gout. Sickness II. 7. Gown, [Loose long (vest] Gozling, [Goose (young.] Grace. Favour] Respect] active Graciousness] Privilege] Elegance] Ornament] Infused habit. Habit V. --- less, [Ungracious] --- Before meat. --- After meat. [Thanksgiving] Relation Ecclesiastical IV. Gracious. [adjective passive Favour] --- ness. Manners VI. 1. Gradation, [Degree segregate] Gradual, [adjective Degree.] Graduate. Relation Civil I. 4. Graffing. Operation or Opposite III. 7. Gray. Quality sensible II. 1. Hoary, [White inceptive) with age.] a --- [Badger] Beast V. 2. Affinis. Grayhound, [Dog-hunting beast by swiftness.] Grayling. Fish IX. 4. Grain. Corn. Parts Peculiar III. 6 --- s, [Infused Corns of Malt.] Weight. Measure III. 1. [Berry] specially of Spice.] --- s of Paradise, [Cardamoms.] in --- [Died with Alkermes] [Powder] Transcendental Mixed VI. 4. Affinis. --- of Leather, [Crenated Superficies] --- of wood, [Fibres --- ] Gramercy, [Thanks augmentative] Grammar, [Art of speaking properly] --- parts of discourse. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. Grammarian, [adjective Grammar (artist.] Granado. Relation Military V. 8. Granary, [adjective Grain (room.] Granat-pome. Tree I. 6. Grand, [Great] Grandame, [Grandmother] Grandchild, [Child's Child] Grandeur. [Solemnity augmentative] Generosity] Magnanimity] Grandfather, [Parent's Parent (male] Grandmother, [Parent's Parent female] Grandsire, [Parent's Parent (male.] Grange, [Farm] Grant. [Concession] [Yield] [Give.] Grape, [Berry of Vine.] Shrub. Shrub II. 1. Sea --- Shrub II. 14. Graphical, [figured perfective] Plain] Express] Grapple. Relation Naval III. 9. Affinis. to --- [Catch with hands] [Wrestle] Grasp. [About-hand] [Embrace] Grass. World V. 3. Affinis. Cotton --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 14. Affinis. Crested --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 6. Dogs --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 5. Affinis. Feather --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 14. Finger --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 8. Affinis. Goose --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 9. Affinis. Hairy --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 9. A Knot --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 4. Medow --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 10. Oate --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 8. Pearle --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 9. Quaking --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 9. Scorpion --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 12. Scurvy --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 13 Silk --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 3. Affinis. --- of Parnassus. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 7. Affinis. --- hopper, [Locust] Exanguious II. 1. Grate. a --- [Squares (plain] [Fewel jugament) of parallel pins augmentative) Net (like] to --- [Rub] Powder with rubbing.] Un-skin with rubbing.] [active Displeasing] Grateful, [adjective Gratitude.] Gratifie. [Merit thanks] [active Benefactor] [active Complaisance] Gratings, [adjective Net (fig.) Scuttle.] Gratis. [Not-hired] [Without wages] Gratitude, Manners I. 6. Gratuity, [Gift] Gratulate, Action Spiritual VI. 6. Grave. --- Disposition. Natural Power IV. 3. --- Converse. Manners IV. 6. [Old (like] --- Sound. Quality sensible III. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- ing Operation or Opposite IV. 6. Affinis. Relation Naval VI. 2. Affinis. a --- [Burial (room] Gravel. Stone I. 8. Affinis. to --- [make not adjective active travel (abstr.] Gravy, Provisions I. 6. Affinis. Gravity, Weight. Q V. 4. Exceeding extreme [Seriousness] Natural Power IV. 3. Discreet carriage. Manners IV. 6. Graze. [Eat Grass] --- ier, [Merchant of fat Cattel.] [Touch with reflecting.] Greas. [Soft fat] [Worst parts of fat] Great. adjective Magnitude. Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Exceeding extreme --- with Child, [adjective passive impregnate.] --- with one, [Familiar augmentative] how --- [Of what magnitude] the --- [Total-work to be done] [adjective Dignity] Power] [Transc augm. Intense --- many, [Many augmentative] Greave, [Leg-armor.] Greaze, [Smear with fat.] Greazy, [Fatty] Greedy. Hungry corruptive] Ravenous] Desire augmentative] Scraping] Manners III. 2. Exceeding extreme Greef. Sorrow. Action Spiritual V. 4. Operation or Opposite op, to Pleasure. Habit II. 3. op. to Ease. Natural Power V. 3. Green. --- color'd. Quality sensible II. 3. --- Chafer. Exanguious V. 5. Affinis. --- finch. Bi. IV. 6. --- sickness. Sickness VI. 2. Unripe] New] --- cheese, [New cheese.] --- wound, [New w.] [adjective Childe] --- goose, [Young --- ] --- fish. Grees. [Hog (young] [Step] Greet. [Salute] [Gravel] Greeve. [active Grief] [active Displicence] Greevance. [adjective Displicence] [Injury] Greevous. [adj active Grieve (abstr.] [Unpleasant] Grice. [Hog (young] Gridiron, [adjective Broiling jugament] Griffon, [Fiction] Grig, [Marsh-eele.] Grilliade, [Broil'd (thing] Grim. Fierce Face Frighting (manner] [Austere] --- the Collier, [Hieracium.] Grin, [Snare.] to --- [Lowr dog (like] [Shew the teeth angrily] Grind. --- ing. --- Fabrile. Operation or Opposite IV. 2. --- Chymic. Operation or Opposite VI. 1. --- ers, [Inmost teeth] Griping. [Grasping] Distention] Compression] [Pain by-, &c.] Scraping. Manners III. 2. Exceeding extreme --- of a Ship. Relation Naval VI. 6. Exceeding extreme Grist, [adjective passive Grinde (thing] Gristle. Parts General II. 1. Affinis. Grit, [Sand] Grizly. [Gray] [Grim] Groat, [Four pence] Groats, [Oatmeal] Grocer, [Spice mechant] Grograin, [Stuff of grain augmentative] Groin. Parts General IV. 7. Gromel. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 5. Groning. Voice. Action Corporeal IV. 8. [Parturition] Groom, [Horse (Off.] -of the Chamber, [Chamber (Off.] Grope, [Search by feeling] Gross. Thick] Great] Course] Lumpish] Fat] Dull] Unskilfull] a --- [12 dozen] the --- [Total] Grot, [Subterrane Cavity] Room] Grotes, [Course Oatmeal] Grove, [Trees aggregate] (place] Groveling, [Lying] Action Corporeal VI. 7. Affinis. Ground. Earth] Field. Possessions I. 2. stand ones --- Relation Military II. 2. get --- Relation Military II. 2. Exceeding extreme loose --- Relation Military II. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- Ivy --- work, [Foundation] [Foundation] [Cause] specially Impulsive] [Element] [Sediment] Ground, [adjective passive Grinde] Groundling, [Loach] Fish IX. 11. Affinis. Ground-pine. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 7. stinking --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 17. Affinis. Groundsil. [Threshold] Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 7. Grous. Bi. II. 5. Affinis. Grout. Thick. broth] Consistent broth] [Millet.] Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 6. Affinis. Grout-head, [Having a great head.] Grow. adjective Accretion. Action Corporeal I. 6. Affinis. --- forth, [ --- into being visible.] --- to the ribs --- or, &c. [Be continued by growth to, &c.] [adjective Vegetation] Become, [Be Effect] Event] specially (incept.] [Begin to be] be made] --- in years [Old inceptive] --- old [Old inceptive] --- out of kind, [Unkind inceptive] --- out of use, [Un-custom inceptive] [Increase] specially Adverb derived degree.] --- upon Usurp Get Increase Gradually.] Growth, [Growing.] Grub. [Maggot] [Worm of a Flie] to --- [Un-root] Grudge. [Nolleity] op. to Alacrity. Habit IV. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Malignity] an old --- [Old hatred] --- of a disease, [Impetus diminutive] Gruel. [Broth of Corn.] Grumble. Action Corporeal IV. 8. Affinis. Grummel. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 5. Grumous. [adjective Lump] [Coagulated] Grunsil. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 7. Grunt, [active Hog (voice] Grus Balearica. Bi. VIII. 2. Affinis. Gryffin.   Guaiacum. Tree VII. 2. Guaperua. Fish III. 17. Affinis. Guara Brasileana. Bi. VII. 9. Affinis. Guard, vid. Gard. Gubbins.   Gudgeon. Fish. Fish IX. 11. Figure. Magnitude VI. 4. Gueld, [Un-testicle.] Guelding, [Untesticled horse] Guerdon, [Reward] Guess, [Conjecture] Guest. Relation Oeconomical III. 9. Operation or Opposite Gugaw, [adjective Vanity (thing] Guggle, [Pouring (like) sound] Guide. [Direct] [Lead] [Govern] Guidon, [Commander's Staff] Guild. [Corporation] --- hall, [Convention (place] of Corporation.] to --- [Colour with Gold] Guile, [Fraud] Guillam. Bi. IX. 7. Affinis. Guilt. [Guilty (abstr.] [Guilded] --- head. Fish V. 1. Guilty, [adjective Relation Judicial II. 6. Operation or Opposite] Guinny. --- hen, [Hen of Guinny] --- pig. Beast III. 6. Affinis. Guird. [Bind about] [Twinge] [Mock] Guirdle, [About-binding armament] Guirl, [Child female] Guirt. [Guirded] [Compass] Horse --- [ --- Girdle] Guise. Manner] Custom] [adjective Custom (manner] Guittar. Guittern.   Gulch, [Short fat augmentative] Gules, [Red] Gulf. [Bay] [Whirl-pool] Gull. Fish, [Miller's-thumb] Fish IX. 12. Bird. Bi. IX. 9. [Goose (young] [Young (person) adjective passive fraud aptitude, or proneness..] to --- [active Fraud] Gullet. Wëasand. Parts General VI. 1. [Stream diminutive] Gulligut, [Glutton] Gulp. [Swallow impetus, or fit] Gum. --- of tree. Parts Peculiar I. 6. --- Ammoniac, [Concrete juice of Giant Fennel] --- Animae. Tree VIII. 4. --- Arabic. Tree VIII. 2. --- Dragon, [Gum of Goat's thorn.] --- Elemi. Tree VIII. 3. the --- s, [Parenchyma of the Teeth.] Gummy, [Stiff] specially with passive Gumming.] Gun Relation Military V. 6. --- ner. Relation Naval V. 3. --- powder. Relation Military V. 7. Affinis. Gurgions, [Worst part of Meal.] Gurnard, vid. Gournet. Gush, [active River impetus, or fit] Gusset, [Quadrangular (thing) to be between-sow'd] Gust. Sense. Natural Power III. 4. Quality. Quality sensible III. --- of wind [Wind impetus, or fit] Gutt. Parts General VI. 4. Affinis. --- wort. Shrub VI. 2. Affinis. Gutter. Magnitude V. 6. Operation or Opposite Guttural, [adjective Throat] Guzzle, [Drink augmentative] Gypsie, [Wandring wizard] Gyrfalcon, [Hawk for Herons] H. HAak. Fish III. 3. Affinis. Haberdasher. --- of Hats, [Merchant of head (vest.] --- of small wares. Haberdin.   Habergeon, [Armor for trunk] Habiliment, [Armament] Habit, Quality adjective custom.] Condition adjective custom.] Quality. Habit of the mind. Infused. Habit V. Acquired. Intellectual. Habit VI. Moral. Manners I. of the body, [Temperament of the body.] of Clothes, [Clothes (manner] [Condition] [Custom] Habitable, [adjective passive Dwelling. (abstr.] Habitation, [Dwelling.] Habitual, [adjective Habit.] Habitude, [Relation.] Hack, Cut, specially corruptive] (ruggedly] Hackney, [Hired frequentative] Had. [Was, pret.] [pret. Have] Haddock, Fish III. 2. Haft, [adjective passive Hand (part.] Hag, [Old deformed woman.] Haggard, [Wilde.] specially Hawk.] Haggess, [Pudding of Flesh minced.] Haggle, Treat specially cor.] Commerce specially cor.] Hay. Provisions VI. 1. [Net] Hail. Meteor. Element III. 5. Sound. Natural Power V. 2. to --- [Salute] Haillard, [Rope for hoising the mizzen Sail.] Hair. Parts Peculiar VI. 1. --- Cloth. Provisions IV. 1. Affinis. --- Lace, [Ribband for binding the hair of the head.] --- brain'd, [Conceited.] --- y river weed. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 10. Affinis. Maiden --- Haiward, [adjective Pasture (Off.] Hake, [Spit (end) out of the Throte.] Halbard. Relation Military V. 3. Affinis. Halcyon, [King-fisher.] --- daies. [adjective Calm --- ] [adjective Peace --- ] Hale, [Pull] Half. go --- [Equal partner.] --- moon, Fortification. Relation Military VI. 5. Halibut. Fish VII. 5. Halimus. Shrub VI. 6. Hall. [First room augmentative] [adjective Convention (room] [Civil convention] --- day, [Day of Convention.] Hallow. [Consecrate] [Exclaim] Halm, [Straw.] specially of Pease.] Halo. Element V. 2. Halser, [adjective Ship- adjective drawing armament] Halt. Motion I. 1. Affinis. make a --- [Stay] Halter, [Cord with Loop in the end (part] [adjective Hanging armament] [adjective Neck-bonds] Ham, [Hollow (part) behind the Knee.] Hamlet, [Houses (agg.] Hammer. Possessions VI. 2. Affinis. to --- [active Hammer] [active Speak (manner) difficultly.] Hammock, [Hanging bed] Hamper, [Basket augmentative] To --- [Tangle] Hanch, [Breech.] Parts General IV. 6. Hand. Parts General V. 3. --- basket, [B. adjective passive carry aptitude, or proneness..) in hand.] --- breadth, [Measure of h. b.] --- full, [Capacity of the hand.] --- gun, g. diminutive) adjective passive use aptitude, or proneness..) with hand.] --- kerchief, k. diminutive) adjective passive use aptitude, or proneness..) with hand.] --- mill, m diminutive) adjective passive use aptitude, or proneness..) with hand.] --- saw, s. diminutive) adjective passive use aptitude, or proneness..) with hand.] --- vice, verb diminutive) adjective passive use aptitude, or proneness..) with hand.] --- kerchief, [adjective wiping (linen] --- maid, [Servant female] --- over head, [adv Carelesness.] --- to --- [adjective Contiguous Power, or ability] at --- Present] Near] at no --- [Not, not] before --- [Adverb derived Preventing.] by --- from --- to mouth, [Adverb derived Necessary segregate] in --- Present] Possessed] in --- with adjective pret. Begin] Endeavouring] bear in --- Seem make] Believe make] go in --- with, [Begin.] take in --- [Undertake] in the turning of an --- [While one could turn his --- ] out of --- [Soon augmentative] come to --- To-event] Be tame] get the --- of one, [active Victory] left --- l side] right --- r side] Set ones --- to Sign] Assist] under --- Inferior] Secret] under ones --- [Signed by one] upper --- [Victory] on both --- s, parts] Sides] man of his --- s, [Nimble] lay --- s on, [Arrest] shake --- s, Action Corporeal V. 5. Affinis. --- of a clock, Pin for shewing the hour.] Finger for shewing the hour.] --- at Cards, [adjective passive event adjective active Card (things] Handy, Nimble. adjective Operation aptitude, or proneness..] --- craft, [adjective Mechanic (art.] --- gripes, Contiguously fighting.] Wrestling] --- work, [Work of hands.] own.] Handle. a --- [adjective passive hand (thing] (part] to --- [active Hand] [Feel] [active Object (make] Speak of.] Discourse of.] Write of.] Entertain] Treat] Use] Handsel, [First selling] using] Handsome. [Decent] [Beautiful] Hang. Posture. Action Corporeal VI. 9. Affinis. --- by, [Accessory] --- down ones head, [active downward the head] --- together, [Together-adhere.] --- up, [a Hang] --- ing of the hill, [Declivity.] Punishment. Relation Judicial V. 8. --- man, [Execution (mec.] Being in suspence. Doubting] Demurring] Wavering] As a room, Clothe the walls] Line the walls] Hanger. [Short crooked Sword] [Loop for tying the Sword] pot --- [Iron instrument) for hanging pot.] Hank. --- of thread, [Skein --- ] [Haunt] Hanker, Vergency] Incline] Hanse, [Corporation] Hap. [Fortune] [Contingence] [Event] Happen, [verb Hap] Happy, [adjective Happiness] --- ness. Habit I. 1. --- ly, [adjective Fortune] Harang, [Oration] Harbinger, [Before-going (Off.) for preparing entertainment] Harbour. [adjective Hospitality (place.] [Port] World II. 5. Hard. op. to Fluid. Operation or Opposite V. 5. Exceeding extreme op. to Yielding. Quality sensible VI. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse op. to Easie, [Difficult] --- to be understood, [Obscure] --- headed, [Dull] --- to be pleased, [Morose] --- to give, [Penurious] --- to forgive. --- to repent. --- hearted, Cruel.] Impenitent.] --- drink, [Sowr'd.] --- ly, [Scarce.] --- by, [adjective Near.]to follow --- [Follow augmentative] Harden. [Hard (make] Incorrigible. Relation Oeconomical VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Hardy. Disposition. Natural Power IV. 7. Affection, [Bold.] Vertue, [Valiant.] fool --- [Rash.] Hare. Beast. Beast III. 3. --- brain'd, [Rash] --- lipp'd, [Cloven-lipp'd] --- 's foot. Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 5. --- 's ear. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 14. Affinis. Sea --- Exanguious IX. 4. Harken, [Hear endeavour] Harlot, [adjective Fornication female] Harm, [Hurt] --- less, Innocent.] Not adjective passive Hurt] Harmony. Quality sensible III. 9. --- in sound. Quality sensible III. 9. Harness, [Armament] Harp, [Music instrument) hollow arch with strings.] --- ing iron, [Barbed dart] Harpie, [Ravenous (person] Harpsichord.   Harquebus, [Foot-mans gun augmentative] Harras, Booty] Spoil] "harras" not found in OED. Harrow, [adjective Harrowing instrument] --- ing. Operation or Opposite III. 2. Harsh. In general, [Unpleasant.] To Sense Austere] Hoarse] Rough] Stiff] To Manners Morose] Manners VI. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Austere] Hart. Beast II. 3. Affinis. --- 's tongue. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 8. Affinis. --- wort Herb considered according to the Flower V. 5. Shrub VI. 5. Hartichoak. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 1. Affinis. Hierusalem --- Herb considered according to the Flower II. 1. Affinis. Harvest, [Reaping] --- time, [Autumn] Hash, [Sliced flesh] Haslet, [Inwards] Hasp, [Hook] Hassock, [Tuft] specially of Rushes.] Hast, [Havest] Haste. specially through Business.] in --- [Swiftness] to --- en Dispatch augmentative] verb Soon] Hasty. [Sudden] [Rash] [adjective active Anger aptitude, or proneness..] Hat, [adjective head (vest) with broad margin] Hatch. [Half door] --- of a ship. Relation Naval II. 6. to --- --- eggs. [Ripen eggs by Fotion] [active Parturition] --- flax. --- hilt. [Notch frequentative] Hatchet, [adjective active Cut instrument) by striking.] Hate. Action Spiritual V. 3. Operation or Opposite Have. [Pret.] [Transcendental Action I. 6.] --- ing, adjective Have] Scraping] Haven, World II. 5. Haver.   Haughty, [adjective Pride] Haunch, [Breech] Parts General IV. 6. Haunt, [adjective Custom (place] Havock. [Spoil] Haut. Beast III. 2. Affinis. Haw, [Berry.] --- in the eye, [Spot --- ] --- thorn, [White --- ] Shrub I. 3. Affinis. Cumberland --- [White Bean-tree] Shrub II. 3. Affinis. Hawk. Bi. I. 2. --- fish. Haak. --- weed. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 12. Hawker, [Merchant corruptive] Hawser. Relation Naval IV. 8. Affinis. Hazard, [Danger] --- at Tennis. Hazy. Element VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Hazle. --- hen. Bi. II. 7. --- nut, [Small-nut. [Tree III. 1. --- wort. He, Pron. I. 3. Head. Parts General III. Proper. shake the --- Action Corporeal IV. 4. Affinis. give one his --- [adjective active Liberty (make.] take a --- [active Liberty] Top. [Horns] nail --- [N. top] Forepart. --- of a barrel, [adjective Forepart circle (plain) --- ] all a --- [All to the fore-part.] Root. --- of an onyon, [Bulbous root --- ] Protuberant (part.) --- land, [Promontory.] Fountain. Conduit --- [Fountain] River --- [Fountain] Chief. [Magistrate] to --- [verb Commander.] Summe. draw to a --- Heady. [Rash] [Fierce] [adjective active Drunkenness aptitude, or proneness..] [Fuming augmentative] Headlines.   Headlong. [with Head first] adjective passive precipitate] Direct] [Rash.] Head-piece. [Head] [adjective Head (armor] Headstall, [Head armament] Headstrong. [Rash] [Fierce] [Not adjective passive Persuade aptitude, or proneness..] Heal. [active Sound (make] [Cover] Health. op. to Sickness. Sickness Operation or Opposite op. to Rottenness. Natural Power V. 2. [Remembrance in drinking] Heap. Operation or Opposite II. 6. Hear. Sense. Natural Power III. 2. --- judicially, Cognizance.] Trial] --- say, [Rumor] Heart. Proper. Parts General VI. 2. --- burning, [Cardialgia.] Sickness VI. 1. --- spoon. next ones- [First doing eating &c. specially in the Morning.] --- 's ease. [Contentment] Herb [Parsly] Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 5. Affinis. [Middle] [Best (part] Strength] Vigor] in --- adjective Vigor] out of --- [adjective Weakness] [Courage] in --- [adjective Courage.] out of --- Cowardly] adjective Diffidence] Discouraged] [Affection] sweet --- [Suitor] with all ones --- [Adverb derived Alacrity] --- burning [Old anger] Hatred] by --- [Adverb derived Memory] Hearten, [Encourage] Hearth. Possessions III 9. Hearty. [adjective Heart] Sincere] Willing] Courage] Heartless. [Weak] [Diffident] [Formal] Heat. Proper. Quality sensible V. 1. Exceeding extreme [Anger] [Zeal] Heath. Plant. Shrub VI. 7. Place. Possessions I. 7. Affinis. Heathcock. Bi. II. 5. Affinis. Heathen, [Pagan] Heave. Lift (end] Protuberant (make] sp by Up-thrusting.] Heaven. World II. Heavy. [adjective Gravity] [Dull] [Lumpish] [Drowzy] [adjective Grief] Hecatomb, [Sacrifice of 100 Beasts.] Hectic, [adjective Habit.] --- fever. Sickness II. 1. Hedge. [Sepiment of Branches, &c.] --- clerk, [Sorry C.] to --- in a debt, [Sure (make) d.] Hedgehog. Beast III. 5. Affinis. --- trefoile. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 15. Affinis. Hedge-sparrow. Bi. V. 8. Affinis. Heed. [Observe] [Be cautious]. --- fulness. Habit IV. 2. --- lesness. Habit IV. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Heel. Parts General V. 6. Affinis. --- ling of a Ship. Relation Naval VI. 7. "heel" ("an act of heeling or inclining to one side") antedates earliest OED citation ("heel," n.2 [1765]). Hegira, [Mahometan's Epocha.] Hey-net.   Heifer, [Cow adjective youth] Heigh. Interjection I. 1. Height. Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Heinous, Vitious augmentative] adjective Displicence augmentative] Heir, [adjective Inheriting (person.] Held, prec. hold] adjective passive hold] Helebore. white. --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 1. bastard --- [Helleborine] Heleborine. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 1. Affinis. Helical figure. Magnitude III. 9. Affinis. Heliotrope. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 5. Affinis. Hell. World II. Operation or Opposite Helm, [adjective passive hand (part) of Rudder.] Helmet, [Armor for (head.] Help. [active Adjuvant] [active Relieve] [active Remedy] --- one to a thing, [Furnish] Helve, [Staff of Hatchet] Hem. Interjection I. 2. to --- [Hake] [active Acclamation] [Margent] --- in [About Sepiment] Inviron] Hemicycle, [Half circle] Hemisphere.   Hemlock. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 9. water --- Herb considered according to the Flower V. 9. Affinis. Hemorrhoid. Sickness VI. 8. Affinis. Hemp. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 5. Hen, [Bird female] Henbane. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 11. Affinis. Hence. [From this place] [imp. Go] [Away] --- forth, From this time] After this time] Hep, vid. Hip. Hepatic, [adjective Liver.] Hepatica.   Herauld, [adjective Degrees (Off.] Herb. World V. 3. Considered according to their --- Leaf. Herb considered according to the Leafe --- Flower. Herb considered according to the Flower --- Seed-vessel. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel --- Christopher. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 5. --- Frankincense of Galen. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 3. Affinis. --- of Theophrastus. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 6. Affinis. --- of Grace, [Rue] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 13. --- Terrible. Shrub VI. 3. --- True love. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 5. Affinis. --- two pence, [mony-wort] Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 11. Affinis. [Leaf] Herbage, [Pasture] Herbal, [Book concerning Herbs.] Herbalist, [Herb (artist] Herd, [aggregate (thing] --- 's man. Relation Civil II. 6. Here. [In this place] [adjective Present] --- and there [In some divers places --- of, [Of this] Hereafter. [After this time] [Adverb derived Future] Hereditament, [adjective passive Inherit (thing] Hereditary, [adjective Inheriting.] Heresie. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 1. Operation or Opposite Heretic, [adjective Heresie (person] Heretofore. [Before this time] [Adverb derived Past] Hericano, [Whirlwind augmentative] Hering, vid. Herring. Heritage, [adjective passive Inherit (thing] Hermaphrodite, [Of all Sexes.] Hermit. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 7. Affinis. Hermit fish. Ex VI. 5. Hermodactyl, [Root of an exotic Colchicum] Hernia. Sickness VI. 8. Hero. [Excellent in virtue] [adjective Magnanimity (person] Heroical, [adjective Hero.] Heron. Bi. VIII. 3. Great white --- Bi. VIII. 4. Little white --- Bi. VIII. 4. Affinis. --- 's bill. Herb. Herring. Fish III. 10. red --- [Dry salted smoked h.] white --- [Moist salted] Herse, [Box of dead body.] Hesitate, Doubt] Demur] Heteroclite, [Irregular.] Heterodox, [Not-orthodox] Heterogeneous, [Of diverse kinds.] Hew. [Colour] [Cut striking] rough --- [Cut rough.] Hy, Hasten.] Dispatch] Hickcough. Motion III. 4. Affinis. Hickwall, [Woodpecker] Bi. I. 9. Hide. [Skin] --- bound. [Disease of skin cleaving to the flesh.] [Penurious] to --- Conceal] Cover] Hideous, [adjective active Fear aptitude, or proneness..] Hierarchy, [Ecclesiastical Magistracy.] Hieroglyphic, Sacred Sculpture] Secret Paint] High. Tall, [adjective Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Operation or Opposite] [Deep] --- shoes, [Shoes to the ankle.] --- water, [Deep overflowing tide] Much] Transcendent augmentative] --- winde, [Winde augmentative] [Ample] --- forehead, [Ample f.] [Public] --- way, [Public w.] adjective Dignity] Excellent] --- day, [Festival d.] [Principal] --- priest, [Primate of P.] --- minded Proud] Ambitious] [Until] breast --- [Until the br.] Hill. World III. 1. Exceeding extreme Hillock, [Protuberance] Hilt, [adjective hand (part) of Sword.] Him. Pron. I. 3. --- self, [Him him.] Hinde. [Hart] Beast II. 3. Affinis. female] [adjective Agriculture servant] Hinder. --- part. Space III. 8. Operation or Opposite --- most. [adjective Hinder part] [Succeeding] to --- [active Impedient] [active Trouble] [active Loss] Hinge. Possessions IV. 6. [Entrails] Hint, Expression diminutive] Narration (obscure] Hip. [Thigh] Parts General V. 4. [Berry of the wild Rose] Hippocampus. Fish VIII. 5. Affinis. Hippocras, [adjective passive Spice wine.] Hire, [Hiring (thing.] --- ing. Relation Civil V. 5. Operation or Opposite His. [adjective Pron. I. 3.] --- own, [Pron. redup.] Hiss. Quality sensible III. 4. History, [Narration] Hit. [active Contiguity] [active Strike] [active Fortune] Hither. To this place.] Till this place.] --- most, [Nearest] --- side, Space II. 2. Exceeding extreme --- to, To this place.] Till this time] --- ward, [Toward this place] Hive, [Bees (house] Hm. Interjection I. 2. Ho. Interjection III. 1. no --- [No cohibition.] not --- [For not-active Providence for.] Hoar-frost, [Rime] Element III. 5. Affinis. Hoary. --- with Frost, [White --- ] --- with Age [Gray --- ] --- with mustiness, [Mossie --- ] Hoarseness. Quality sensible III. 8. Operation or Opposite Hoast, vid. Host. Hob, [adjective Rusticity (person] Hobby. Horse, [Ambling horse (dim] --- horse [Horse (like) staff.] Hawk, [Hawk for Larks.] Hobble, [Run lame (like.] Hobgoblin, [adj active Fear aptitude, or proneness..] adjective passive Fiction (thing] Hoboy.   Hock, [Foot.] Hocus-pocus, [Prestigiator.] Hod, [adjective Possessions V. jugament] Hodge-podge, [Mixture corruptive] Hog. Proper. Beast II. 8. --- 's bread. --- 's fennel. --- fish. Fish I. 5. Affinis. --- louse, [Sow] --- 's head Barrel augmentative] Measure [36 gallons.] --- Sheep. Hoise, [Lift] Hold. Not let go. Transcendental Action I. 6. --- fast, [Hold augmentative] [Contain] --- water, [c. w.] Have] Possess] Right (manner.] [Esteem] --- blameless, [Esteem b.] [Continue] --- at a bay, [active Stay] --- back, [Cohibit.] --- in, [Cohibit.] --- off. --- out, [Continue permanent.] --- a town. Relation Military II. 4. --- ones peace, [active Silence.] [together, [Continue leagued.] up, [Support.] [Expletive] [counsel, [Together advise] [Not loose] [Abstain] --- ones breath, [Not-breath] --- ones hand Abstain] Omit] --- ones water. [Not- active Urine] the --- --- of a Ship, [Lowest room augmentative) --- ] lay --- Catch] take --- Arrest] Strong --- Relation Military VI. Holder. [adjective Holding (person] [Longest tooth] Hole. Through. Magnitude IV. 1. Operation or Opposite [Not through Dent] Cavity] lurking --- [adjective Hiding-place.] Holy, [adjective Holiness.] --- day, [adjective Festivity-day] --- ghost. God III. Holiness. Habit. Habit V. 2. [passive Consecration] Holly. --- oke. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 6. Affinis. --- tree. Tree III. 6. Affinis. Sea --- [Eringo] Hollow. Empty, [adjective Magnitude VI. 1. Exceeding extreme] --- hearted, [adjective Hypocrisie.] [Concave] --- eyed, [Deep-eyed] As Spunge, [adjective Porousness.] Holm, [Holly] --- oke. Holosteus. Fish VIII. 4. Holothyrius. Exanguious IX. 4. Affinis. Holpen, [adjective passive Help.] Homage, Duty of Subjection] Acknowledgment of Subjection] Home, [Dwelling (place] Space II. 4. --- bred, [Rusticly educated] come short --- [active Defect finally.] of home.] hit him Strike augmentative] active Contiguity perfective] Homeliness. Not ornate. Transcendental Mixed V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Rusticity] Homicide, [Man-killing] Homiletical, [adjective Conversation] --- Vertue. --- Common. Manners IV. --- Belonging to Superiors. Manners V. --- Belonging to Inferiors. Manners VI. Homily, adjective passive preaching (thing] specially Commanded.] Homogeneal, [Of the same kinde.] Homonymy. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Honesty. [Vertue] [Chastity] [Integrity] Flower, [Bulbonach] HS VI. 1. Hony. --- apple, [Sweet apple (kind] --- comb, [Bees (rooms] --- dew, [adjective Hony dew] --- moon, [First month after Marriage] --- suckle, [Woodbine] Shrub II. 8. French-suckle. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 5. Trefoil. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 10. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 3. Affinis. Honour. [Reputation] [Dignity] [Respect augmentative] --- able. [adjective Honour (abstr.] [adjective Nobility] Honourary, [adjective Honour (sign] Hood, [adjective Cover (vest] --- for head, [Face-covering head (vest.] --- wink, [Cover the eyes.] Token of Degree, [Loose adjective shoulder (vest.] Hoof. Parts Peculiar VI. 5. to --- [Un-hoof] Hook. Magnitude IV. 8. By --- or by crook, [By right or wrong.] --- ed, [Curve.] Hoop, [Ring augmentative) of Wood.] Iron, &c.] Bird. Bi. III. 8. Affinis. Hooper, [Wild swan] Bi. IX. 1. Hooping, [Acute exclamation.] Hoord, [Lay up] Transcendental Action V. 4. Hooting, vid. Hooping. Hop. Plant. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 5. Affinis. [Leaping] Motion I. 5. --- on one leg. Motion I. 5. Affinis. Hope. Affection. Action Spiritual 5.6. past- [adjective active passive Despair.] Grace. Habit V. 5. Hopeless, [adjective active passive Despair.] Hopper.   Horary, [adjective Hour.] Horde, [Lay up] Ta. V. 4. Horehound. Base --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 2. Black --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 11. Affinis. White --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 6. Affinis. Horines, [Mould] Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 1. Affinis. Horizon. World VI. 1. Horn. Proper. Parts Peculiar VI. 6. [Angle] --- owl. Bi. I. 4. --- work. Relation Military VI. 5. Affinis. Horn-beam. Tree VI. 4. Affinis. Hornet. Exanguious IV. 2. Affinis. Horoscope.   Horrible, adjective active Fear Evil augmentative Horrid, adjective active Fear Evil augmentative Horror. [Fear augmentative [Rigor through Fear] Horse. Beast I. 1. specially (male] to --- --- a man, [Ride (make.] specially on Horse.] --- a Mare, [active Coition with Mare.] on --- back, [On horse] --- cloth, [Horse's vest] --- courser, [Horse (Merc.] --- foal, [Young horse (male] --- leach. [Physician for Horse] Insect. Exanguious I. 2. --- litter, [Sedan adjective passive carried between Horses.] --- man. [Rider] Souldier. Relation Military III. 1. Affinis. --- hoof. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 3. --- tail. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 7. --- tongue. Shrub III. 7. Affinis. --- fly. --- mint. --- radish. --- shooe. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 6. Affinis. Sea --- [Morse] Beast V. 3. Wooden --- [Horse (like) jugament.] Hortulane. Bi. IV. 2. Affinis. Hose. [Leg (vest] [Breeches] Hosier, [adjective Hose mechant] Hospitable, [adjective Hospitality.] Hospital, Sick men's house.] Poor men's house.] Hospitality. Manners III. 6. Hostage, [adjective Pledge (person] Hoste. [adjective Eucharist bread] [Army] op. to Guest. Relation Oeconomical III. 9. to --- [active Guest] Hostility, [Enemy (abstr.] Hostler, [Horse (Off.] Hostry, [adjective Hoste (house] Hot, [adjective Heat Hot, [adjective Zeal --- house, [Stove] Hotchpotch, [Mixture corruptive] Hovel, [House diminutive] specially not walled.] Hovering. Motion I. 2. Affinis. Hough, vid. Hoof, [Lower joint of hinder Leg.] Houl [adjective Weeping (voice.] Houlet, [Owl.] Hound, [Dog hunting wild beasts by smell.] --- fish. Fi I. 4. spotted --- Fish I. 4. Affinis. --- 's tongue. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 4. Affinis. Hour. Measure V. 8. --- glass. Magnitude VI. 5. Affinis. House. Building. Possessions II. 1. --- breaking. Relation Judicial III. 8. Affinis. --- burning. Relation Judicial III. 8. to --- [active House] --- ed, [Possessing houses.] [Family] [Kindred] Houshold, [Together-adjective house aggregate] --- bread, [Course bread] --- stuff, [Utensils.] House-keeping, [Family-office.] Housleek, Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 1. Hout, [Exclamation.] specially active Mocking.] How. [In what manner] --- then, [-therefore.] op. to So. Adverb underived II. 1. Howbeit, [Although] Howsoever, [How, how.] Hu, [Colour.] Hu and cry, [Pursuit successive] Huck, [Treat, augmentative] Huck, [Treat, corruptive] Hucklebone. Parts General V. 4. Affinis. Huckster, [Merchant corruptive] Huddle, Gather corruptive] Heap (confusedly.] Huffing. Action Corporeal IV. 6. Hug, [Embrace] Huge, [Great augmentative] Hugger-mugger, [Secret corruptive] Hul. --- of a Ship. Relation Naval II. --- ing. Relation Naval VI. 5. Affinis. --- lying at Relation Naval VI. 5. Affinis. --- of Corn, [Husk] Hulch, [Protuberance] Hulk, [Trunk] Hulver, [Holly] Hum. [Indistinct noise] [Bees (voice] [Approve (voice] Humane. [adjective Man] --- learning, Worldly Lay Sciences.] [Courteous] Humble. --- ness. Manners V. 2. --- bee. Exanguious IV. 1. Affinis. --- plant. Shrub IV. 7. to --- Low Humble Submit (make] Humid, [Moist] Humiliation active Humility.] Fasting.] Humility. Manners V. 2. Humming bird. Bi. VI. 5. Humor. Liquor, [adjective active Moistness (thing] Temper of mind. [active Complacence endeavour] [active Conceitedness] Humorist. Conceited] Seeming of divers dispositions]. --- physician. Humorous, [adjective Humor corruptive] Humorsome, [Morose] Hundred. Weight. Measure III. 7. --- pound in mony. Measure IV. 6. Hung, pret. hang] Hung, adjective passive hang] Hunger. Action Corporeal II. 1. Hunt. [active Hunts-man] --- 's man. Relation Civil II. 7. 's up Hurdle, [adjective passive Weave (thing) of sticks.] Hurl, [Cast] Hurlbat,] Club adjective passive cast aptitude, or proneness..) Hurlyburly, [Confusion] specially Seditious] Hurry. Swift imp.] Dispatch imp.] specially with Confusion.] Hurt. [active Hurtful.] --- full. Transcendental General IV. 1. Operation or Opposite active Injury] active Loss] active Wound] Hurtleberry, vid. Whittle. Husband. [adjective Married (male.] to --- [active Frugal.] good --- [Frugal (person] ill --- [adjective Squandring (person] --- man. Relation Civil II. 6. Affinis. Husbandry. Profession Relation Civil II. 6. Affinis. Work, [Agriculture] good --- [Frugality] ill --- [Squandring] Hush, [adjective Silence] Husk. Parts Peculiar II. 3. Huso. Fish I. 8. Affinis. Huswife. [Mistress of the house] [Frugal female] Hut, [House diminutive] specially of Boughs.] Hutch, [Box.] Huzz, (active Bee (voice.] Hyacinth. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 4. Affinis. Indian. --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 5. Hybernal, [adjective Winter.] Hydra, [adjective Water-serpent.] Hydrography, [Water's science.] Hydropic, [adjective Dropsie.] Hyena.   Hymen, [Marriage.] Hymn. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 2. Affinis. Hyperbole. Mathemat. Magnitude III. 8. Exceeding extreme Rhetor. [fig. of Expression (exc.] Hyphen. D, I. 4. Affinis. Hypochondriac. Sickness VI. 4. Affinis. Hypocrisie. Habit IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Hypotenuse, [Side over against the right Angle.] Hypothesis, [Supposition.] Hypothetic, [adjective Supposition.] Hyssop. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 7. Hedge --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 14. Hysterical, [adjective Womb.] Parts General VI. 9. Disease. Sickness VI. 9. Hysteron proteron.   I. I. Pron. I. 1. Iabber, [Pronounce Child (like.] Imperfectly] Indistinctly] Iacinth, vid. Hyacinth. Iack. Sorry person] specially (male.] Man corruptive] --- anapes, vid. Ape. --- Daw, vid. Daw. Fish. [Pike] Fish IX. 1. --- of the Hedge, [Alliaria.] --- with a lantern. Element I. 6. --- of a Ship. Relation Naval III. 9. Affinis. [adjective Back (armor] leathern --- [leathern Pot] Provisions V. 5. --- to turn spit, [Vertiginating (machin) of rosting instrument] Iackall. Beast V. 4. Iacket, [Short loose (vest) for Trunk.] Iade, [Sorry] specially Horse.] Iag, Slasht margin.] Torn margin.] Iaguraca. Fish V. 8. Iay. Bi. I. 8. Affinis. Iail, [adjective Prison (place.] --- er. [adjective Prison (Off.] Iakes, [adjective Dunging (room.] --- farmer, [Emptying mechanic.) of Jakes.] Iamb, [adjective Side column.] Stone Iames-wort.   Iangle. Quality sensible III. 9. Operation or Opposite [active Contention] Iannock, [Flat bread of Oats.] Ianuary, [First month] Iar. [Earthen pot for Oil] Sound. Quality sensible III. 2. Affinis. [active Contention] Iargon, [active Fiction Language.] Iasmin. vid. Iessamin. Iasper. Stone II. 3. Iavelin, [Dart.] Iaundies. Sickness VI. 2. Affinis. Iaunt, [Going augmentative] Iaw. Parts General III. 9. Ice. Element III. 4. Idea. Transcendental General II. 3. Identity. Transcendental General III. Operation or Opposite Idiom, [Property of Language.] Idiot. Natural Power I. 1. Operation or Opposite corruptive] Idle. [adjective Sloth] [Negligent] [Not-busie] [Not-pertinent] Idol, Picture adjective passive Worship (person] Image adjective passive Worship (person] Idolatry, [Worship of Picture [Worship Image] Iealousie. Action Spiritual VI. 3. Affinis.] Ieat. Stone VI. 3. Ieer, [Mock] Iejune, [adjective Scarcity of.] Ielly. Provisions I. 5. Affinis. Iennet, [Spanish nimble horse.] Ieopardy, [Danger] Ierfalcon.   Ierk. [active Motion impetus, or fit] [Whip] Relation Military VI. 2. Ierkin, [Short loose (vest) for Trunk.] Iessamin. Shrub V. 3. Yellow --- Shrub II. 13. Iesses, [Foot-bonds for Hawks] Iest. [Not-serious] [adjective Urbanity (thing] Iesuits powder, [Cortex febrisugus Peruv.] Tree VII. 9. Iet. Stone VI. 3. [Adverb derived proud (like) going (manner] Iew. Relation Ecclesiastical I. 3. (person] --- 's-ear, [Fungus of Elder.] Iewel. [Gem] [Gemms aggregate] [Precious (thing] Iewry, [Dwelling (place) of Jews.] If. --- not, [Unless.] --- it had not been for, &c. [Without, &c.] as --- Adverb underived IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Ignis fatuus. Element I. 6. --- lambens. Element I. 6. Affinis. Ignoble. [Not-noble] [adj Mean augmentative] Ignominy. [Infamy] [Infamation] Ignorance. Natural. Natural Power I. 1. Operation or Opposite op. to Science. Habit VI. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse op. to Art. Habit VI. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Iguana, [Senembi] Beast VI. 3. Affinis. Iig, [Walk wantonly] [Trick.] Iill. Sorry female] Woman corruptive] [Half pint] Iingle. [Ringing diminutive] [Affectation of sounds of words.] Iland. World III. 2. Operation or Opposite Iliac-passion. Sickness VI. 5. Affinis. Ill. adjective [Evil] [Sick] --- at ease, Pained] Not-indolent] --- favoured, [Deformed] --- man, [Vicious man] --- name, [Infamy] --- will, [Malignity] with an --- will, [Adverb derived Nolleity] Adverb derived [Adverb derived Evil] [Adverb derived Difficult] Illation. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 6. Affinis. Illegal, Not --- adjective Law] Against- adjective Law] Illegitimate, Begotten not Adverb derived Law.] Spurious.] Illiberal, [Not- adjective Reputation.] Illiterate. Habit VI. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Illuminate, [active Light.] Illusion. [Deceit] [Mocking] [Diabolical Apparition] Illustrate, [active Plain (make] Illustrious. [Bright] [Noble] [adjective Dignity] Image. Provisions VI. 8. Affinis. Whether painted im. graven im. carv'd im. molded im. molten im. Statue, [Solid Image] Imagin. [active Fansie] [Think] [Invent] Imbargo, [Arrest of Ships.] Wares.] Imbark, [Into- active Ship.] Imbase, Depreciate by mixture.] Defile.] Imbattel, [active Order for Battel.] Imbaulm, [Condite] Imbecillity, [Weakness] Imbellish, [active Ornate.] Imbezil, Spoil] active. Prodigal] Imbibe, Drink] Soke] Imbolden, active Boldness.] Encourage] Imboss, [Adorn with Protuberances.] Imbroider, [Variegate by sowing.] Imbrue, [Soke] Imbue, [adjective passive Quality (make] Imburse, [Receive into purse.] Imitate. Transcendental Action II. 8. Affinis. Immaculate, [Clear.] Immanent, [adjective Action Adverb derived inside.] Immanity, [Cruelty augmentative] Immatureness. Natural Power VI. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Immediate. Transcendental Mixed IV. 2. [Next] [Soon] Immense, Infinite.] Great augmentative] Immerse, [Into-ition.] Imminent, Near.] Soon.] Immoderate. [adjective Excess.] [Fierce] Habit III. 4. Exceeding extreme Immodest, Not --- modest Against --- modest Immortal. [Not-adjective die (abstr.] [adjective Ever.] Immoueable. [Not moveable.] Immunity. Relation Civil IV. 9. Affinis. Immure, Sepiment with walls.] Shut up with walls.] Immutable. [Not- adjective passive alter (abstr.] Imp, Graft.] Lengthen by Grafting] Impair, [active Worse.] Impale. Relation Judicial V. 4. Affinis. [Sepiment with Pales] Impannel, [active Catalogue.] specially Names.] Imparity. [Inequality] [Odness] Impark, [active Park (make] Impart. [adjective Partner (make] [active Narration] Impartial, [Not-partial] Impassible, [Not- adjective suffer Power, or ability] Impatience. Manners I. 8. Operation or Opposite Impeach, [Accuse.] Impedient. Transcendental General II. 5. Operation or Opposite Impediment, [adjective a Impedient (thing.] Impell, [active Impulsive] Impendent, [Over-hanging] Impenetrable, [Not-adjective passive pierce (abstr.] Impenitence. Habit V. 1. Operation or Opposite Imperative, [adjective active Command (manner.] Imperceptible, [Not- adjective passive common sense Power, or ability] Imperfect. Transcendental General III. 9. Operation or Opposite Imperial, [adjective King] Crown --- Imperiousness. [Insolence] [Magisterialness] Impertinency. Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Impetrate, [Obtain] specially by Entreaty.] Impetuous, [adjective Impetus] Impetus. Transcendental General VI. 6. Affinis. Impiety. [Gracelesness] [Atheism] [Prophaneness] Implacable. [Not un- adjective passive anger (abst.] [Adverb derived Pertinaciously angry.] Implant, [In-plant] Implead, [active Suit.] Implements, [Utensils] Imply, Comprehend by consequence] Infer by consequence] Implicit. [Comprehended] Transcendental Action II. 4. [Understood] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 8. Operation or Opposite --- faith, [active Belief (abstr.) with ignorance of the things to be believed.] Imploy. [Business] [Use] Implore, [Intreat augmentative] humbly] Import. [In-carry] [Meaning] [Importance] Importance. Transcendental General IV. 5. Importune, [Intreat, augmentative] Importunate, [adjective Desire Entreat augmentative] Impose. [Upon-pat] [Injoin] [active Fraud] Impossible. Transcendental General IV. 4. Operation or Opposite Impost, [Tax of imported (things] Imposthume, [Aposteme] Imposture. [Deceit] [Forgery] [Fraud] Impotence. op. to Natural power. Natural Power Operation or Opposite op. to Acquired power. Habit II 6. Operation or Opposite [Not-coition aptitude, or proneness..] Impotent. [adjective Impotence] [adjective passive Passion (exc.] Impoverish, [adjective Poverty (make] Impound, [Imprison in Pound.] Imprecate. Relation Civil VI. 4. Affinis. Impregnable, [Not-takeable.] Impregnation. Getting with Child. Action Corporeal I. 2. [Infusion] Operation or Opposite V. 7. Affinis. Impress. [Print] [Appropriate sentence] Impression. Influence] During effect] active Printing] Sign] Imprimis, [Adverb derived First.] Imprint. [Print] [Leave sign] Imprisonment. Relation Judicial VI. 4. Improbable, [Not- true (like] proveable] opinable] Improove. [Mend] [Increase] [active Better] [Use perfective] Improper. [Not-proper] [Spurious] [Figurate] Impropriation, [Inheritance of Priest's revenue.] Improvidence. Manners III. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Imprudence. Habit VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Impudence. Manners III. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Impugn. [Fight] [active Opposition] [active Obiection] Impulse, [active Transcendental General II. 2. (abstr.] --- ive cause. Transcendental General II. 2. Impunity, [Not- passive punishment.] Impure, Defiled] Impute, Claim] Predicate] In. Rest. Prep. IV. 1. Operation or Opposite --- to. Prep. IV. 1. --- as much as, [Whereas] Conjunction IV. 1. [Engaged] [Friends] Motion, [Into] Prep. IV. 1. drive --- Into --- drive] drop --- Into --- drop] --- pieces, [Into pieces.] Inability, [Impotence] Inaccessible, [Not- adjective passive come (abstr.] Inamissable, [Not- adjective passive lose [abstr.] Inamour, [adjective active Love (make] Inanimate, [Not- adjective life] Inaugurate, [Admission Adverb derived solemnity] Inauspicious, [adjective Adversity (sign] Inbred, [In-natural] Incamp, [active Camp] Incapacitating. Punishment. Relation Judicial VI. 8. Affinis. Incapacity, [Impotence] Incarnate, [adjective passive Flesh] to --- [active Flesh] As a wound healing, [Again-flesh.] Incendiary. [House-burner] adjective Relation Judicial III. 7. (person] [adjective active Contention (make] Incense. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 3. to --- [adjective Anger (make] Incentive, [Impulsive] Inceptor. [adjective Begin (person] [Candidate] Incessant, [Permanent] Incest, [Unchastity with Kin.] Inch. Measure I. 2. Inchant, [active Witch by words] Inchoate, [adjective passive begin] Incident. adjective Contingency] adjective passive Event] Incision, [Cutting] Incite, [active Impulsive] Incivility, [Rusticity] Inclination. [Down-obliquing its superficies] --- towards, [Vergency] Space III. Affinis. [Disposition] --- of the will. Action Spiritual IV. 1. --- of the affection. [Favor] Action Spiritual V. 2. Inclose. [In-sepiment] [Shut] [Comprehend] Include, [Comprehend] Inclusive, [Comprehending the Extremes.] Incogitancy. [Not-thinking] [Heedlesness] Incombustible, [Not- adjective passive burn Power, or ability] Income, [Revenue] Incommensurable, [Not with- adjective passive Measure Proportion Power, or ability] Incommodious, [Not- profitable] convenient] Incommunicable, [Not-communicable] Incomparable. [Most excellent] [Not- adjective passive Like adjective passive Equal (pot] Incompatible. [Not --- adjective passive Join adjective passive Simultaneous. Power, or ability] Incompetent, [Not-competent] Incomprehensible, [Not- adjective passive know Power, or ability) totally.] Incongruous, [adjective Contrariety] Inconsiderate, [Careless] Inconsistent, [Not- adjective passive Simultaneity Power, or ability] Inconstancy. Habit IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Incontinent, [Unchast] --- ly. [Soon augmentative] Inconvenient. Transcendental General V. 5. Operation or Opposite Incorporate, [Join into one body.] Incorporeal, [Not- adjective body] Incorrigible. [Not-adjective passive better Power, or ability) by Correction] [adjective passive Harden aptitude, or proneness..] Incorruptible, [Not- adjective passive corruption Power, or ability] Incounter. [Meet] [Fight] Incourage. Relation Oeconomical VI. 2. Incrassate, [adjective active Thick] Increase. Transcendental Mixed I. 7. Exceeding extreme [verb Great] Transcendental Mixed I. 1. E, Intense] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Exceeding extreme [verb More-Great, &c.] [Many] Transcendental Mixed III. 1. [Abundant] Transcendental Mixed I. 2. Exceeding extreme Incredible, [Not- adjective passive believe Power, or ability] Incredulous. Habit III. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Increment, [Increase] Incroach, [Usurp] Incubus, [Ephialtes] Sickness IV. 2. Affinis. Inculcate, [Repeat frequentative] Inculpable, [Not- adjective passive blame Power, or ability] Incumbent. [Church (Off.] specially Parish Priest] --- on, [Pertinent to] Incumber, Hinder specially with confused multitude] Trouble specially with confused multitude] Incurable, [Not re- adjective passive soundness Power, or ability] Incurr, adjective passive Object] adjective passive Dangerous] Incursion, [Assault] Indammage, [active Loss] Hurt] Indanger, [active Dangerous] Indebt, [active Debt] Indecent. Transcendental General V. 2. Operation or Opposite Indeclinable, [Not- adjective passive decline Power, or ability] Indecorum, [adjective Indecency (thing.] Indeed. [Truly] Adverb underived I. 2. Affinis. [Adverb derived Thing] Indeer, [adjective passive Love (make] Indefatigable, [Not- adjective passive weary Power, or ability] Indefinite. [Not- distinct] [Not-limited] Indeleble, [Not-deleble] Indemnifie, [Preserve from adjective passive hurt] Indemnity, [Not- passive Hurt] Indent. [active Notch Dent (line] [active Paction] Indentures, [Bonds of reciprocal Obligation] Independent, [Absolute] Transcendental Mixed IV. 3 Indeterminate, [Infinite] Transcendental General III. 6. Operation or Opposite Indevour. Transcendental Action III. 4. Index. [Sign] [Catalogue] Indication, [active Sign] Indiction, [Space of 15 years] Indifferent. Between Great and little. Transcendental Mixed I. 1. Excellent and sorry. Transcendental Mixed I. 4. Intense and remiss.] Transcendental Mixed I. 8. [Not-unlawful] Transcendental General V. 1. Affinis. [adjective Moderation] [Not- adjective zeal] party] Indigent. [Poor] [Deficient] [Wanting] Indigestion, [Not-digesting] Indign, [Unworthy] Indignation. Action Spiritual VI. 5. Indignity, Disgraceful injury] Affront] Indirect. [Not-straight] [Wrong] Indiscretion, [Folly] Indisposition. [Disposition corruptive] [Not-health] Indissoluble, [Not- adjective passive loosing Power, or ability] Indistinct. [Not-distinct] [Confused] Individual, [Singular.] Indivisible, [Not- adjective passive divide Power, or ability] Indocil, Dull. Habit III. 1. Operation or Opposite Not-adjective passive learn aptitude, or proneness..] Indoctrinate active Teacher] active Learning] Indolence. Natural Power V. 3. Indorse, [Write on the hind-part] Indow. [Give] specially permanently.] [adjective active Possessions (make] Indue, [adjective active Quality.] Inducement. [adjective Impulsive (thing] [adjective Persuading (thing] Induction. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 8. --- into a Benefice. Indulgence. [Graciousness] [Fondness] Pope's --- [P. Pardon] Indurate, [active Hard (make] Industry, [Diligence] Inebriate, [adjective passive Drunkenness (make] Ineffable, [Not- adjective passive speak Power, or ability] Inequality, Transcendental General I. 5. Operation or Opposite Inestimable, [Not adjective passive value Power, or ability] Inevitable, [Not- adjective passive avoid Power, or ability] Inexcusable, [Not-adjective passive excuse Power, or ability] Inexhaustible, [Not-adjective passive emptying Power, or ability] Inexorable. [Not-adjective passive Intreat] Persuade] Inexperience. Habit VI. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Inexpiable, [Not Un-adjective passive guilty Power, or ability] Inexplicable, [Not- adjective passive plain Power, or ability] Inextricable, [Not Un- adjective passive tangle Power, or ability] Infallible, [Not- adjective erre Power, or ability] Infamation. Relation Judicial VI. 6. Infamy. Habit II. 4. Operation or Opposite Infancy. Measure VI. 1. Infantry. [Footmen] Relation Military III. 1. (kind) Infatuate, [adjective active Folly (make] Infect. Sickness I. 1. Infeeble, [adjective active Weakness (make.] Infelicity, [Adversity] Infeoff. [Assign] [Deposite] Infer, [active Inference.] Inference. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 6. Affinis. Inferiority. op. to Equality. Transcendental Mixed I. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Relation of --- Relation Oeconomical III. Operation or Opposite Infernal, [adjective Hell] World II. Operation or Opposite Infertile, [Barren] Infest, [Trouble] Infidel, [adjective Infidelity (person] Infidelity. Habit V. 4. Operation or Opposite Infinite. Transcendental General III. 6. Operation or Opposite Infirm, [Weak] Infix, [In-fix] Inflame. [active Flame (make] [active Worse (make] Inflamation. Sickness I. 4. Affinis. Inflate, [Swell with Wind] Inflation. Sickness I. 5. Affinis. Inflexibleness. [Not- adjective passive bend Power, or ability] [Stiffness] Constancy] Pertinacy] Inflict. [active Action] specially Adverb derived Punishment] [Execute] Influence. Efficiency] Effectivity] specially Secret] specially of Heavenly bodies] Infold, [In-fold] Inforce, [active Coaction] Inform. [Tell] specially Privately] [Teach] [Accuse] Infortunate, adjective Fortune corruptive] Adverse] Infringe, [Violate] Infuse. [Steep] Operation or Opposite V. 7. Operation or Opposite [Inspire] --- ed habit. Habit V. Ingage, [Oblige] Ingeminate [Repeat frequentative] Ingender, [active Generation] Ingenious, adjective Fancy perfective] Sprightly] Ingenuous. Natural Power IV. 1. Ingestion, [In-putting] Ingle.   Inglorious, [Not- adjective passive reputation] Ingot, [Lump diminutive] specially of Fined metal] Ingraft. Operation or Opposite III. 7. Ingrail, [active Tooth Magnitude IV. 2. (line.] Ingratiate, [adjective passive Favor (make] Ingratitude. Manners I. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Ingredient. [Simple (part) of Composition] [adjective active Compounding (thing] Ingress. [Into-goe] [License of into-going] Ingross. [Write perfective] [Buy all] Ingulf, [active Whirl-pool] Ingurgitate, [In-swallow (aug] Inhabit, [Dwell] Inherent. [In-being] [Adjunct] Inherit. Relation Civil V. 2. Affinis. Inhesion. [In-being] [Adjunct (abstr.] Inhibit. [Forbid] [Cohibit] Inholder, [Common Host] Inhospitable. Manners III. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Inhumane. Not- adjective Man] Against- adjective Man] Cruel] Inject, [Into-cast.] specially with Syringe] Inimitable, [Not-adjective passive imitate Power, or ability] Injoy. Transcendental Action V. 7. Injoyn, [Command] Iniquity. op. to Equity. Manners I. 2. [Unholiness] Initiate, Begin.] Admit.] Injudiciousness. Natural Power I. 2. Operation or Opposite Injunction, [Command] Injury. Relation Judicial IV. 1. Injustice. Manners I. 1. Operation or Opposite Ink. Provisions VI. 6. Affinis. --- horn, [adjective passive carry aptitude, or proneness..) Vessel for Ink.] Inkling. Discovery diminutive] obscure] Narration diminutive] obscure] Expression diminutive] obscure] Inlay, [Variegate the superficies with in-put (things.] Inlarge, vid. Enlarge. Inlighten, [active Light.] Inmate, [Subordinate dweller.] Inmost. [Most-adjective inside.] Inn, [Common Host (place] --- keeper, [Common Host] to --- Corn, [Into- active house Corn.] Innate, [In-natural] Innavigable [Not- adjective passive navigation Power, or ability] Inner, [adjective Inside] Innocent. op. to Guilty. Relation Judicial II. 6. [Harmless] Idiot] Infant] Innovate. [active New] [Begin a Custom] Innoxious. [Not-hurtful] [Innocent] Innumerable, [Not- adjective passive number Power, or ability] Inoculate. Operation or Opposite III. 7. Affinis. Inofficious, [Not- adjective complaisance] In-ordinate, Wrong] Irregular] Inquest, [adjective active Inquisition (Off.] )agg.] Inquination, [Defilement] Inquire, [active Inquisition] Inquisition. Action Spiritual II. 2. [Examine] [Ask] Inrich, [adjective Riches (make] Inrode, [Assault Country] Inroll, [In- a catalogue] Insatiable, [Not-adjective passive suffice Power, or ability] Inscribe, [On-write] Inscription, [Name] Inscrutable, [Not- adjective passive find Power, or ability] Insculption, [On- carving.] Insect. [Exang. diminutive] Insensible, [Not-adjective passive sense Power, or ability] Inseparable, [not- adjective passive separate Power, or ability] Insert, [In add.] put.] Inside. Space III. 6. Insidiate. [active Ambush] [active Snare] Insidious. [adjective Ambush] Insight. [Into-seeing] [Science] [Art.] Insinuate. [Into-wriggle] [Flatter.] Insipid, [Not- adjective passive taste Power, or ability] Insist, [Upon-stay] Insociable. op. to Homiletic Vertue, [adjective Manners IV. Operation or Opposite] Not- adjective Society] Against adjective Society] Insolent. op. to Magnanimity. Manners III. 8. Exceeding extreme op. to Condescension. Manners VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Insoluble, [Not- adjective passive loosing Power, or ability] Insomuch, [So.] Adverb underived II. 1. Operation or Opposite Inspection. [Seeing] [Oversight] Inspersion. [On- sprinkling] scattering] Inspiration of God. Action Spiritual I. 6. Affinis. Instable, [adjective Lightness.] Hab. IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Install. [Admit solemnly] [Consecrate] Instance. [Example] [Earnest intreaty] Instant. Space I. Operation or Opposite [Near] --- ly, [Adverb derived Soon Diligently augm.] Instauration, [Re- newing.] mending] Instep, [Convex of foot-joint.] Instigation. [Impulsion] Instill, [In-drop] Instinct, [Natural disposition.] impulsion.] Institute, [active Institution.] Institutes. [Commands] [Ordinances] Institution. [Instruction] [Ordinance] --- religious. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. Instruction, [Know (make] [active Teacher] --- s. [Directive precepts] Instrument. Cause. Transcendental General II. 1. Affinis. --- of Vertue, Habit II. --- mechanical. Possessions VI. 1. --- of Music, [adjective Music, instrument] --- written, [Bond.] [Substitute] [Transc. instrument] Insufficient. [Not-sufficient] [Defective] Insular, [adjective Island] Insult, [active Insolence.] Insuperable, [Not-adjective passive overcome Power, or ability] Insupportable. [Not-adjective passive support Power, or ability] Insurrection. [Sedition] [Rebellion inceptive] Intail, vid. Entail. Intangle, [Tangle] Integer, [Whole] specially Number:] Integral, [Whole] --- word. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 1. Integrity. Habit IV. 6. Intellect. Natural Power I. 1. Intelligence. [Knowledge] [Narration] specially Private.] Intemperance. [Sensuality] Manners II. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Excess] Intend. [Purpose] [Heed] [active Intense (make] Intenseness. Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Exceeding extreme Intent. [Purpose] [End] Intentive. [Heedfull] [Seriously dispos'd to] [Earnestly dispos'd to] Intercalation, [Between-putting. Intercede. Relation Civil VI. 6. A, Intercept. [Take in-coming] [Not-seen (make) by between-being] Intercession. Relation Civil VI. 6. Affinis. Interchangeable, [Reciprocal.] Intercourse, [Commerce] Intercurrent, [Between- adjective ition.] Interdict, [Forbid] Interest. [Concernment] [adjective Pertinent] [Proper profit] [Right] Usury. [Rent of mony] Interfere, [Strike mutually.] specially Hurt Hinder by strik. m.] Interjacent, [Between-being] Interjection. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 7. Affinis. Interim, [Between-space.] Interior, [adjective Inside] Interlace. [Mingle] [Stratifie] Interlard, [active Stratifie Interline. [Between active line.] [active Stratifie] Interlocution.   Interlope, [active Prevent] specially in Buying.] Interlude, [Stage-play] Intermeddle. [With-mingle] [Between active business.] Intermediate. [Middle] [Mediator] Intermingle, [active Mixture] Intermit, [adjective passive Discontinue (make] Intermix, [active Mixture.] Internal, [adjective Inside] Interpellation. [adjective passive Discontinue (make) discourse by between-speaking.] Interpolation. [Between-put] specially adjective passive Forgery (thing] Interpose. [Between-put] [active Intercession] Interpretation. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 4. Interpunction. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 4. Interr, [Bury] Interreign, [Between-time of two active Kings.] Interrogation, [Question] Interrogatory, [adjective passive Question (thing.] Interrupt. [adjective passive Discontinue (make] [Hinder] Intersection. Ma. II. 2. Affinis. Interval, [Between-space] Intervene, [Between- active event] Intestate, [Not- adjective active preter. bequeathing.] Intestine, [adjective Inside] Inthrall, [a Slave (make] Inthroning, [On-seating] specially for Admission (sign] Intice, [Allure] Intimate. [active Narration concealedly] obscurely] --- friend, [Friend augmentative] Intire. [Total] [Whole] [adjective Integrity] Intitle. [adjective Right (make] [Name] Into. Prep. IV. 1. Intolerable. [Not- adjective passive suffer Permit pot.] Intoxicate. [active Fume augmentative] [adjective passive Drunkenness (make] Intractable, [Perverse] Intrada, [Revenue] Intralls. Parts General VI. Intrap, [active Trap] Intreat. [Pray] Relation Oeconomical V. 3. [Entertain] Intrench, [active Trench] Intricate. [Tangle] [active Difficult (make] Intrigue. [adjective passive Concealed (thing] [adjective Obscure (thing] Intrinsecal, [adjective Inside] Introduction. [In-bringing] [Prologue] Intrude, [Into-thrust.] Intrust. [Instead- active right] [Deposite] Intuition. [Seeing.] specially distinct.] Invade. [Assault] [Usurp] Invalid. [Impotent] [Weak] [Defective] Invasion.   Inveck, [active Notch (line] "inveck" not found in OED but see "invecked, adj." Invective, [adjective Reviling (thing] Inveigh, [active Revile] Inveigle, [Allure] specially to Evil.] Invelop, [active Wrap] Invenomed, [adjective passive Poison] Inventing. Action Spiritual III. 2. Affinis. Inventory, [Catalogue] specially of Possessions.] Invert. [Turn] Action Corporeal VI. 8. specially Adverb derived Contrary.] [Retort] Invest, [active Admision solemnly.] Investigation, [Inquisition] Inveterate, [Old] Invincible, [Not- adjective passive overcome Power, or ability] Inviolable, [Not- adjective passive violate Power, or ability] Inviron, [About-margin] Invisible, [Not- adjective passive see Power, or ability] Invite. [Intreat to come] [Provoke] Inundation, [Overflowing] Invocate. [Call] [Pray] Involve, Comprehend] Intangle] Involuntary, [Not- adjective passive will.] Invulnerable, [Not-adjective passive wound Power, or ability] Inward, [adjective Inside] --- s. Parts General VI. Iob. [Operation diminutive] [Knock diminutive] Iob's tears. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 7. Affinis. Iocular, [adjective Urbanity] Iocund. [adjective Mirth] [adjective Urbanity] Iog. active Motion impetus, or fit] active Shaking impetus, or fit] be --- ing, [From-go] Transcendental Action VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Stone Iohn's wort, Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 7. Stone Iohn's Bread, [Carob] Tree VI. 1. Poor Iohn, [Haak] Fish III. 3. A Ioy. [Mirth] Action Spiritual V. 3. --- for good of others. Action Spiritual VI. 6. --- for evil of others. Action Spiritual VI. 7. to --- joy one of, &c. [Congratulate one for, &c.] Ioin. Together-put. Transcendental Action II. 1. active Nearness] active Contiguity] active Continuity] Associate] active Partner] active League] --- battel, [active Battel.] --- company, [With- sit. travel, &c.] --- er, [adj Fabrile mechanic.) of wooden Utensils.] Ioint. [adjective passive Join] --- ly, [Together.] Limm. Parts General V. [Knitting] out of --- [Having its Joint unplaced.] to --- [Cut the Joints.] Iointure, [Widow's Revenue.] Iole, [Head.] specially Cheek.] Iolly, [adjective Mirth.] Iolt, [Shake impetus, or fit] specially by Leaping (like.] Iot. Point] Little (thing] Iove, vid. Iupiter. Iovial, [adjective Mirth.] Iournal, [Narration of daily [things.] Iourney, [Travel] --- man, [Hired subordinate mechanic.] mechant] Ioros. Fish III. 8. Irascible, [adjective Angry aptitude, or proneness..] Ire, [Anger] Iris, Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 6. Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 3. Affinis. Irksome. [adjective Displicence augmentative] [adjective Aversation augmentative] Iron. Metal I. 6. --- monger, [adjective Iron (mer.] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 12. Affinis. Irony. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 8. Affinis. Irradiation, [adj. Bright (make] Irrational. Natural Power I. Operation or Opposite Irreconcileable, [Not re- adjective passive Friend Power, or ability] Irrefragable [Not- adjective passive deny Power, or ability] adjective passive confute Power, or ability] Irregularity. Transcendental Mixed V. 4. Affinis. Irreligious. [Atheistical.] Irremissible, [Not- adjective passive forgive Power, or ability] Irreparable. [Not-adjective passive compensate amend Power, or ability] Irresolute, [adjective Wavering] Irreverence. Manners V. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Irrevocable. [Not again-adjective passive get back-adjective passive call Power, or ability] Irrision, [Mocking] Irritate, Provoke] active Impulsive] Irruption, [Violent into-ition] Is, active Being] Copula] Ischury, [Disease of not-adjective active Urin Power, or ability] Ise. Element III. 4. Isicle, [Frozen drop.] Ising-glass, [Selenites] Issue, [Out-goe.] [active Stream diminutive] [Sally] Off-spring, Children aggregate) Relation Oeconomical I. 2. Operation or Opposite] Descendents aggregate) Relation Oeconomical I. 1. O] [Event] --- at Law. Relation Judicial II. 5. to joyn --- [adjective passive Issue (make] Isthmus. World III. 3. It. Pron. I. 3. Itch. Action Corporeal II. 6. Disease. Sickness III. 2. Item. [adjective passive Reckon Add (thing] Admonition diminutive] Narration diminutive] Iterate, [Repeat] Itinerant, [adjective active Travel] Itinerary, [adjective Travel] Ition. Transcendental Action VI. Iubile. [adjective Festivity-year.] [Mirth augmentative] Iucca. Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 4. Affinis. Iudaism. Relation Ecclesiastical I. 3. Iudas-tree. Tree VI. 3. Iudge. Relation Judicial I. 1. Iudgement. Faculty. Natural Power I. 2. [Opinion] [Relation Judicial (thing] [Sentence] --- of God, Punishment from God.] Cursing. Action Spiritual I. 3. Operation or Opposite Iudicatory, [adjective Relation Judicial] specially Place.] Iudicial Relation. Relation Judicial Persons in --- RI. I. Proceedings in --- Relation Judicial II. Iudicious, [adjective Judgment perfective] Iug, [Narrow-neck'd pot.] specially of Earth.] Iugament. Possessions VI. 3. Iuggle, [active Prestigiator] Iuggler. Relation Civil III. 9. Affinis. Iugular, [adjective Throat] Ivy. Shrub III. 12. ground --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 11. Virginian --- Shrub V. 8. Iuice. Parts Peculiar I. 7. Iujub, Common. Tree II. 6. white --- Tree II. 6. Affinis. Iulap, [Cooling Potion] Iuly, [Seventh month] Iulis. Fish V. 9. Affinis. Iulus. Exanguious II. 19. Affinis. Iumble, [active Confused.] Iump, [Leap impetus, or fit] Iuncto, [Faction] Iuncture, [Present state of things.] Iune, [Sixth month] Iuniper. Shrub III. 10. Iunket, [adjective Banquet (thing] Ivory, [Elephant's horn] tooth] Iupiter. World II. 4. Affinis. Iury, [Equals sworn to judge.] Iurisdiction, Judges (place.] Magistrates. (place.] Iust. [adjective Justice] [adjective Perfection] --- temper. Transcendental Mixed I. 8. --- so, All so.] So so.] to --- [Game of mutual assaulting with Spears.] Iustice. Manners I. 1. --- of Peace, [adjective Justice (Off.] Iustifie. [active Just] Innocent] Pronounce Just] Declare Innocent] Iustle, [Thrust impetus, or fit] specially with Shoulders.] Elbows.] &c. Iut out, [active Protuberant.] Iuvenile, [adjective Youth,] K. KAlend, [First day of the month.] Kalendar, [Book of months] Kank, [Muscovia glass.] "Kank", not found in OED, might best be emended to "[Muscovia] talc" or "talk." Katkin. Parts Peculiar II. 1. Affinis. Kecks, [Hollow stalk.] Kedger, [Anchor diminutive] Keel. Relation Naval II. 1. Keeling. Fish. Keen. [adjective active Cut aptitude, or proneness..] [Acrimonious] [Intense] Keep. In Good. [Preserue] [Maintain] Out of Evil. Hurtful, [Deliver.] Dangerous, [Defend.] [active Permanent] In Quantity. --- at a stay. Transcendental Mixed I. 9. In Quality. --- dry [active permanent dr.] --- warm, [active permanent w. In Place, [Stay.] --- close, active Permanent Stay (close.] --- one's bed active Pernent Stay in one's bed.] --- ones ground. Relation Military II. 2. --- the field. Relation Military II. 3. --- the town. Relation Military II. 4. In Possession. [Hold] Transcendental Action I. 6. Not lose. Transcendental Action V. 5. [Not change] --- one's course. --- a wind. Relation Naval VI. 6. [Not violate] --- command, Perform com.] --- promise, Perform pro.] --- word, Perform word.] --- holy-day Perform h.d.] --- away from, [Absent be] make] --- back, [Cohibit.] --- in, [Cohibit.] --- off, Be Make distant] --- to it, [verb Permanent doing,] &c.] --- under, [verb Permanent restraining.] subjecting.] --- company, active companion.] together-go.] --- counsel, [active Taciturnity] --- house, [active Relation Oeconomical III. 5.] --- a good house, [active Relation Oeconomical III. 5. liberally.] --- silence, [active Silence.] --- watch, [active Guard.] Keeper. Keeping (Off.] Guarding (Off.] [Park (Off.] Keg. [Barrel diminutive] Measure. Key. --- of door. Possessions IV. 4. Affinis. --- of Music, [Principal note] Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. 4. Affinis. [Haven] Kell. Parts General VI. 6. Affinis. Kemb, vid. Comb. Kemboing the arme. Action Corporeal IV. 7. Ken, [See] specially From remote (place.] Kennel. [Bed] [Room] [Sink] [Receptacle of filth] [Gutter for filth] Kerchief, [adjective Linen (vest) for head.] Kern. [Grain] [adjective Rusticity (person] Kernel. Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. 6. Affinis. [Glandule] Parts Peculiar II. 7. Affinis. Kersy.   Kestrel, [Hovering Hawk] Ketch. Relation Naval I. 2. Affinis. Kettle. Provisions V. 6. Kibe, [Chilblane.] Sickness III. 7. Kick, [Strike with foot] heel] Kid, [Goat] Beast II. 2. Affinis. (young] to --- as Pease. [active Parts Peculiar III. 5. Affinis.] Kidney. Parts General VI. 7. Kil. a --- [Arched fire (place] to --- [active dy (make] Kilderkin, [Barrel diminutive] Kin. [Consanguinity] Relation Oeconomical I. [Affinity] Relation Oeconomical II. Kine. Beast II. 1. Kinde. Genus. Transcendental General I. [Species] Transcendental General I. Affinis. a --- of, &c. out of --- [worse than its ancestors] it hath been.] [Sex] [Manner] [adjective Kindness] --- ly, eat --- taste perfective] ripen --- ripen perfective] Kindeness. [Favour] [Courtesie] [Graciousness] Kindle. [active Fire inceptive] [active Anger inceptive] Kindred. [Consanguinity] Relation Oeconomical I. [Affinity] Relation Oeconomical II. King. Monarch. Relation Civil I. 2. --- dom, [King (place] --- 's evil, Sickness III. 3. --- at arms, [Principal Herald.] --- fisher, Bi. III. 9. Affinis. --- spear, [Asphodel] Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 1. Kiss. Action Corporeal V. 6. Affinis. Kitchin, [adjective Cookery (room.] Kite Bi. I. 2. Affinis. --- fish. Fish III. 6. Kitlin, [Cat (young] Knack, [adjective Vanity (thing] Knag, [Knurl] Parts Peculiar I. 1. Affinis. Knap, [Top] specially tufted.] --- sack, [adjective Travel (bag.] --- weed. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 4. Silver --- Herb considered according to the Flower III. 4. Affinis. Knave. adjective Crafty (person] adjective active Cheat (person] Kneading. Operation or Opposite IV. 7. Knee. Parts General V. 5. Affinis. --- pan, [Bone defending the Knee-joint.] being on his --- s. Action Corporeal VI. 6. Affinis. Kneel. Action Corporeal VI. 6. Knell, [Ringing for pret. dying (sign.] Knife. Possessions VI. 2. Knight, [Gentleman of highest degree.] Knit. --- knot, bind.] tie.] --- stockings. Operation or Opposite V. 2. Affinis. Knob, [adjective Protuberance (thing] Knock. Motion VI. 4. Affinis. Knoll. [Hill diminutive] [adjective Protuberance (thing] Knop, [adjective Protuberance (thing] specially tufted.] Knot. [adjective passive Knit (part] [Ribbands aggregate) tied for ornament] --- in garden, [Area figur'd for ornament] Crew, [adjective aggregate] specially corruptive) --- of a tree. Parts Peculiar I. 1. Affinis. --- in grass, [joint (like --- ] --- grass. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 4. Bird. Bi. VII. 6. [Difficulty] to --- [active Bud] [active Coagulate] Know. --- mentally. Action Spiritual II. 5. --- carnally, [Coition.] to be known of, Claim.] Confess.] Knowledge, [Knowing] [Science.] Habit VI. 1. [Experience.] Habit VI. 4. Knuckle. Parts General V. 7. Affinis. Knurl, [Knot] Parts Peculiar I. 1. Affinis. L. LAbel, [Lamin.] specially of skin upon --- passive writing aptitude, or proneness..] specially Accessory.] Labor. [Operation] [Endeavor augmentative] [Diligence] to be in --- [active Parturition] [adjective passive Pain by Parturition] Laborer, [adjective Operation (person.] Laborious.   Labyrinth, [Buildind adjective active tangle Wander aptitude, or proneness..] Lac, [Wax of Ants.] Lace. Provisions IV. 5. to --- [active Face with Lace.] to --- together, [Together-bind. specially with Lace.] Laceration, [Tearing] Lack. [Not-have] [Scarcity] [Defect] [Want] Lacky, [adjective active Foot-servant] Laconism, [Brief sentencing (manner.] Lactation. Action Corporeal I. 4. Affinis. Lad, [adjective Adolescence (person.] Ladanum, [Concrete exudation of the holy rose] Ladder. Possessions IV. 1. Affinis. Lade, [active Burden.] --- ing, [adjective Burden-(thing] Lady. adjective Noble female] adjective Gentle female] --- cow. Exanguious V. 6. Affinis. --- laces, [Striped grass] 's Bedstraw. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 6. Affinis. --- 's Bower. --- 's Glove. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 3. --- 's Mantle. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 9. Affinis. --- 's Milk, [White Thistle] --- 's Seal, [Black Briony] --- 's Slipper. --- 's Smock. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 15. Affinis. --- 's Thistle. [White Th.] Ladle, [Spoon augmentative] Lag. [Protract] Lagopus. Bi. II. 7. Affinis. Lay. [Pasture, [adjective lying (make.] Condition (put] Place (put] --- about him, augmentative] active Operation active Diligence] --- aside. [active Desist] [Un- active Officer (make] --- down, [Defist] --- on, [On-put] --- out for Take (end] Get (end] Disburse for] --- to one's charge, [active Accuse.] --- to ones Wrist, [Apply] --- together, [active Summe] --- up. Transcendental Action V. 4. --- land, [active Rest from plowing.] --- a cloth, Put Spread on table.] --- egg, [active Parturition] foundation, [active Foundation.] --- hands on, Catch] Arrest] --- hold on, Catch] Arrest] --- level, [active Level (make] --- open, [active Open (make] --- siege to, [Besiege] --- wager, [active Wager] --- wait, [active Ambush] a --- --- land, [adjective Rest land] --- man, [adjective Relation Ecclesiastical Operation or Opposite (person.] [Song] [Wagering] Rank] Course] Laic, [Temporal] Laire. [Deer's lying (place] [Stratifie] Lake. World IV. 2. Affinis. Tree. Tree VIII. 8. Lamb, [Sheep] Beast II. 2. (young) to --- [verb Parturition] Lame. [Mutilated] [adjective Halt aptitude, or proneness..] Lament. [Grief, augmentative] (sign] Lamin. Magnitude V. 4. Lamm, [adjective Cudgelling] Lamp. Provisions VI. 3. Affinis. Lamprey. Fish. Fish VI. 5. Disease. Lamprill. Fish VI. 5. Affinis. Lanar, Woolly feathered Hawk.] Soft feathered Hawk.] --- et, [Lanar (male.] Lance. [Short Pike] Burning --- [Dart.] Element I. 4. Affinis. to --- Scarifie] Cut] Open by cutting] Lancea ardens, [Dart] Element I. 4. Affinis. Lance-knight, [Foot-souldier] Lancepresado, [adjective Military (Off.) over 10.] Lancet, vid. Launcet. Lanch, [active Navigation inceptive] Land. [Earth] [Field] Possessions I. arable --- Po I. 4. [Countrey] Relation Civil III. 2. --- loper, [adjective Wander (person.] --- mark, [adjective Margin (sign.] to --- Come Bring on shore.] Landlord adjective pret. Demising (person of House.] Land.] adjective passive Right (person of House.] Land.] [Host] Landress, [adjective Washing mechanic.] female] Landskip, [Picture of Countrey.] Lane, [Narrow Street] adjective Travel (place.] by --- [Not usual --- ] Language. Deficient extreme or Discourse Affinis. good, g. Discourse (manner.] ill, ill. Discourse (manner.] Languid, [adjective Weakness.] Languish, [Decay] Lank, Lean] Empty] Limber] Lantern, [adj Candle (room.] Lap. --- of garment, Corner Margin of Vest.] [Space upon the knees] --- dog, [Little Dog kept onely for delight.] --- of ear. to --- as a Dog, [Drink by licking.] --- up warm, Fold Clothe for warmth.] Lapidary, [adjective Gem mechant] Lapse. Stumble diminutive] Fall] [Lose by omission] Lapwing, Bi. VII. 1. Larboord [Left side] Larceny, [Theft.] Larch-tree. Tree V. 3. Affinis. Lard, [Fat of Swine] to --- Provisions III. 8. --- er, [adjective Flesh (room.] Large. Ample] Broad] Great] [Abundant] [Liberal] at --- [Not --- cohibited] imprison'd] [adjective Liberty] Largess, [Gift augmentative] Larix tree. Tree V. 3. Affinis. Lark. Bi. V. 4. Sea --- Bi. VII. 3. Affinis. Tit --- Bi. V. 4. Affinis. --- 's heel. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 2. Lasciviousness. [Wantonness] [Unchastness] Lash, [Whip] to --- out, [active Irregularity] Excess] Prodigality] Laserwort. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 6. Lask, [adjective Excess dunging aptitude, or proneness..] Lass, [adjective Adolescence female] Lassitude, [passive Weary (abstr.] Last- [Most. New] Late] Remotest] Hindermost] adjective Finishing] End] a --- [Exemplar] specially for Foot vest] ro --- verb Duration] verb Permanent] Latch. Possessions IV. 5. Affinis. --- et, [Thong] specially for Foot vest.] Late. op. to Old. Space I. 3. op. to Soon. Space I. 4. Operation or Opposite Latent, Concealed] Hid] Lath, [Lamin] specially of Wood] Lathe, [adjective Turning jugament] Latin, [Language of Romans] Latitude. [Breadth] [Distance from the Equator] Latter, [Succeeding] Lattin, [adjective Iron (Lamin) tinn'd.] Lattis, [Oblique Crosses (plain.] Lavarettus. Fish IX. 5. Affinis. Laudable, [adjective passive Praise aptitude, or proneness..] Lave, [Empty by out-scooping.] Lavender. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 5. French --- [Cassidony] Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 5. Affinis. Sea --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 9. Affinis. --- Cotton. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 10. Affinis. Laver, [adjective Washing (vessel] Laugh. Action Corporeal IV. 3. --- to scorn, [Laugh Contemning.] Mocking.] Lavish, [Prodigal] Launce, vid. Lance. Launch, [active Swim inceptive] specially Ship.] Laundress, [adjective active Washing mechanic.] Laurel. Tree III. 5. Affinis. Alexandrian --- Shrub III. 7. Law, Relation Civil IV. 3. --- of nature. Relation Civil VI. 2. --- positive. Relation Civil VI. 3. Civil --- [Roman Law] Father in --- [Father by affinity.] go to --- [active Suit.] --- day, [active Cause-day.] --- full. Transcendental General V. 1. --- less Licencious.] Without Law.] Lawyer. Civil --- Relation Civil II. 2. Common --- Relation Civil II. 2. Affinis. Lawn. [Linnen fine augmentative] [Treey pasture.] Lax. [Tied diminutive] [Loose] Laxative, [adjective active Dung aptitude, or proneness..] Lazer, [adjective Leprosie (person.] Lazerole. Tree I. 3. Affinis. Lazy. op. to Stout. Natural Power IV. 6. Operation or Opposite [adjective Sloth] Lazul stone. Stone II. 3. Affinis. Leach. [Physitian] Lead. Metal I. 5. Black --- Metal III. 6. Red --- White --- [Ceruse] Metal IV. 6. --- s of house, [Leaden roof of --- ] --- wort Leade. Go before. Transcendental Action VI. 5. [Begin] [Direct] [Allure] -ing case, [Example] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 8. -aside, Leade corruptive] Err. (make.] Seduce.] -life, active Conversation] active Life] Leaf. --- of Plant. Parts Peculiar II. 5. Affinis. --- of Paper, [Lamin.] --- of Fat, [Fat next the ribs.] specially of Hogs.] --- of Gold, [Lamin --- ] League. Confederacy. Relation Civil III. 8. Measure. Measure I. 8. Leaguer, [Siege.] Leak. [Into-receive water] spring a --- [into-receive inceptive) water.] Leam, [Lamin of flame.] Leaning. Posture. Action Corporeal VI. 4. Affinis. [Obliquing] --- toward, [Vergency] Leanness. Natural Power V. 5. Operation or Opposite Leap. --- ing. Action Corporeal I. 5. [active Coition] --- year, [Year of 366 days.] Learn, active Learner] Know inceptive] --- er. Relation Oeconomical III. 3. Operation or Opposite --- ing. Habit VI. 5. Lease. [Obligation of hire] [Pasture] to --- let a --- [Demise by Obligation of hire] Glean, [Gather the left ears.] Ly, [active Manners IV. 1. Leash. [Three] [Dog-couple] [Whip] Least, [Most-little]>at --- Adverb derived Most-little] Not less] --- that. Conjunction III. 1. Operation or Opposite Leasure. Transcendental Action III. Operation or Opposite --- ly, Slow.] adjective Degrees segregate] Leather. Provisions IV. 2. Leave. [License] Take ones --- [active Valediction] to --- Not take. Transcendental Action I. 4. Operation or Opposite Abandon] [active Residue] active Dereliction] active Desertion] Give over] Omit] Desist] Leaven, [adjective active Ferment (thing] specially of Bread.] Leaver, [adjective Lifting instrument] Lechery, [adjective Lust aptitude, or proneness..] Leccia Salviani. Fish IV. 1. Lecture, [adjective passive Read (thing] Lecture, [adjective passive Read (thing] Teacher] Ledge, [Transverse protuberant (thing.] Lee. [Sediment] [Cover'd from wind] Fall to Leeward. Relation Naval VI 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Leech. Exanguious I. 2. Vid. Leach. Leek. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 9. Affinis. House --- [Sedum] Leer, [Look obliquely] deceitfully] Leese, [Lose] Leet, [Law-day] Left. pret. Leave. adjective passive Leave. [Residue] Transcendental Mixed VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Sinister. Space III. 9. Operation or Opposite Leg, [Shank] Parts General V. 5. -of Mutton, [Thigh of sheep.] to make a leg, [active Congee.] Legacy, [adjective passive Bequeathing (thing.] Legal, [adjective Law] Legate, [Public adjective passive send (person.] Legend, [Fabulous Narration.] Legerdemain, [adjective Prestigiator (thing.] Legible, [adjective passive read Power, or ability] Legion, [Regiment.] Legislative, [adjective active Law (make.] Legitimate, adjective Law.] Genuine.] to --- [Un-a Bastard.] Legumen, [Pulse.] Leman, [adjective Fornication female] Lemon. Tree I. 8. Affinis. Lend. Relation Civil V. 4. Length. Transcendental Mixed II. 1. at --- [After all this] Adverb underived III. 3. Operation or Opposite Lengthen, active Length.] Protract.] Lenity, Clemency.] Meekness.] Lenitive, Un --- adjective active Pain aptitude, or proneness.] adjective active Indolence aptitude, or proneness..] Lent. pret. Lend.] adjective passive Lend.] [adjective Fasting (time.] Lentils. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 3. Affinis. Lentisk, [Mastic-tree.] Lentitude, [Excess of Meekness] Man. I. 9, Exceeding extreme Leo, [Fifth of the 12. parts of the Zodiac.] Leopard. Beast IV. 2. Affinis. --- s bane. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 6. Leper, [adjective Leprosie (person.] Leprosie. Sickness II. 5. Less, [More-little.] Lessee, [adjective active Hire (person.] Lessen, [Diminish.] Lesson, [adjective passive Read Teacher (thing.] Lessor, [adjective active Demising (person] Let Licence] Permit] -alone, [Not hinder.] -bloud, [active Bleeding.] -down, Cause Help. Suffer to descend] -go. Transcendental Action I. 6. Operation or Opposite -in, Suffer to in- out- go] -out, Suffer to in- out- go] -pass, [Omit.] -slip, [Omit.] [Impedient.] [Demise.] Lethargy. Sickness IV. 3. Letter. [Element.] Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 1. [Epistle] [Bond] s patents, [Patent.] Lettice. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 11. Lambs --- Level. [Lying] Plain] Equal] Smooth] [Plainness-trying instrument] Aim, Towards Against. direct.] op. to Degrees of persons. Relation Civil I. Operation or Opposite Leven, vid. Leaven. Leveret, [Hare (young.] Leviathan, [Crocodile] Beast IV. 3. Levy, [Gather.] Levite. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 2. Affinis. Levity. Tactil quality. Quality sensible V. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Inconstancy. Habit IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Vainness. Manners IV. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Lewd. [Evil augmentative] [Vicious augmentative] [Unchast] Lexicon, [Catalogue of interpreted words.] Ly [verb Situation] --- near to, [verb Near.] --- next to, [verb Near.] verb Prostrate.] Action Corporeal VI. 7. Affinis. active Guest.] Relation Oeconomical III. 6. Affinis. active Permanent.] Space I. 6. --- down. Action Corporeal VI. 7. Affinis. --- from home, Be all the night a Guest (from home.] --- in child-bed, [Be Shut up In bed after (parturition.] --- in wait, [active Ambush] --- together, [together- active active Coition] active Bed] --- under, Under-ly] adjective passive Subject] --- up, [Rise] --- with, [With- active Coition.] active Bed. --- bedrid, [Be un-adjective active Rise Power, or ability) by sickness.] --- hid, [adjective passive Conceal.] --- open, [adjective passive Opening.] --- still, [adjective Rest.] [active Lying] Manners IV. 1. Operation or Opposite tell a --- [active Manners IV. 1. Operation or Opposite a --- [active Lying] Ly [adjective active Lixiviation [thing] Lyingness. Manners IV. 1. Operation or Opposite "lyingness" not found in OED. Liable, [adjective passive Object Power, or ability] Lib, [Un- active Testicle] Libbard, [Leopard.] Libel, [adjective Book diminutive] specially Backbiting.] Libella worm. Exanguious III. 5. "libella" antedates first OED citation (1694). Liberal. [adjective Free-man] --- Science, [Learning] Habit VI. 4. [adjective Liberality] Liberality. Manners III. 1. Liberty. Relation Civil IV. Affinis. --- of converse, [Frankness] --- of will, Action Spiritual IV. 8. at --- adjective Liberty] Un- adjective passive Slave.] Imprisonment.] Libertin, [Not-cohibited adjective Vice (person] Libidinous, [adjective active Lust aptitude, or proneness..] Libra, [Seventh part of the Zodiac] Library, [adjective Books (House.] (Room.] aggregate] Libration. Operation or Opposite I. 2. Lice, [pl. Lowse] --- bane. Licence. Relation Civil IV. 8. Affinis. Licentiousness. [Liberty, (exc.] corr.] [Not cohibited Vice (abstr.] Lick. Motion III. 7. --- ing fire. Element I. 6. Affinis. Licorice. Shrub IV. 5. wild --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 3. Licourous, [Intemperate in banquetting] Lid, [adjective Covering instrument] ey --- [Covering (part) of the Ey.] Liege, [adjective Law] --- lord [Proper King] --- man, [Proper Subject] Lieger. Resident Ordinary Embassador Lieu, [Substitute (abstr.] in --- of. Prep. II. 1. Affinis. Lieutenant, [adjective Substitute (person] (Off.] --- of a ship. Relation Naval V. 1. Affinis. Life. [Living (abstr. to the --- [Living (like] Tree of --- Shrub IV. 6. Affinis.. --- everlasting, [Gnaphalium] --- time. Measure VI. --- of Cicero, [Narration of &c.] Of --- and death, [adjective Capital] [Vigour] Lift. Move upward. O I. 1. [Exalt, active High.] active Higher] --- up ones voice, [Exclaim.] --- of a Ship. Relation Naval IV. 4. Affinis. Ligament. Parts General II. 2. Light. Subst. Primary --- Quality sensible I. 1. Exceeding extreme Secondary --- Quality sensible I. 2. [Brightness] [adjective active Light instrument] as Candle, &c. to --- a fire, [active Fire inceptive] [adjective Lightness] --- ness. op. to Heaviness. Q V. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- headed, [Vertiginous] [Agility] --- horse, [adjective Warhorse.] op. to Seriousness. Natural Power IV. 3. Operation or Opposite Constancy. Habit IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Gravity. Manners IV. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Chastity. Manners II. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Easiness] --- of belief, [Credulity] [Frivolousness] [Remisseness] make --- of, [Contemn] to --- as Bird Descend] Settle on feet] --- from horse, [Descend --- ] Happen [active Event] --- on, [Happen to find] Lighten. [active Light] [Un- active Burden] Pain] [active Lightning] Lightening. Element I. 3. Lighter, [Boat for burden augmentative] Lights, [Lungs] Parts General VI. 2. Affinis. Lightsome, [adjective Light.] Lignum Aloes. Lignum Nephriticum, Tree VII. 4. Lignum Rhodium.   Ligurious. Bi. VI. 1. "ligurious" not found in OED. Like. [adjective Likeness] --- as, [As] --- wise, [Adverb derived Like] [adjective Equality] --- for --- [Compensate] I --- it, [I Approve Love it.] Likely, Probable] True (like] Likeness Transcendental Mixed V. 1. Liking. Condition] State] Approbation] Love] Lilach. Shrub IV. 1. Lilly. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 2. day --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 3. water --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 4, --- of the valley. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 7. Affinis. Limb. [Joint] [Part] Limbeck, [Vessel for hot distilling] Limberness. Quality sensible V. 6. Exceeding extreme Limbus, [Margin] Lime. Element IV. 5. Bird --- [Glue to catch entangle Birds.] specially Prepared juice of Misleto] --- hound. --- tree. Tree VI. 10. Limit. [Finiting (Sign] (Thing] (Place] Side] Margin] to --- [active [Limitation] [Determination] [pohibit] [Apoint precisely] Limitation. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 2. Limn, [Paint with Water-colours.] Limon.   "limon" antedates first citation by OED (1890). Limp, [Halt] Limpet. Ex. VIII. 1. Linage, [Descendents aggregate] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Operation or Opposite Linchpin.   Linden tree.   Line. Dimension. Magnitude I. 1. --- of writing. the --- [Equator] World VI. 1. Measure. Measure I. 1. [Thred] Fishing --- [String of hairs for fishing] plumb --- [String for measuring.] [Series] to --- Provisions IV. 9. Affinis. to --- one Fortification with another. Relation Military VI. 4. Affinis. --- a hedge with, [Within garrison with Series of] [active Coition] specially of Dog.] Lineal, [adjective Line.] Lineament, [Figure] Ling. Fish. Fish III. 3. [Heath] Linger, [Protract] [Delay] Linguist, [adjective language (artist.] Lingwort. Link. [Candle of pitch'd Tow] [Loop] to --- together Knit] to --- together Joyn] [Sausage] Linnen. Provisions IV. 4. --- draper, [adjective Linnen mechant] Linnet. Bi. IV. 8. Red --- Bi. IV. 8. Affinis. Linseed, [Seed of Flax] Linsey-woolsey. [Woven (thing) of Linnen and Woollen] [Mixture corruptive] Lint, [Down (like) Shaving Scraping of Linnen] Lintel. Possessions IV. 3. Affinis. Lion. Beast IV. 1. --- s tooth, [Dandelion] Lip. Parts General III. 8. Liquid, [adjective Moistness] Quality sensible V. 2. Liquid amber. Tree VIII. 9. Liquor, [adjective active (thing Moistness Wet Lisping. Action Corporeal III. 2. Affinis. List. [Catalogue] --- of cloth, [Margin] the --- s, [Combate (place] as he --- eth, [as he willeth] Listen. [Hear (end] [Observe with Ear] Listlesness. Natural Power I. 4. Operation or Opposite Litany, [Brief vicissitudinary Prayers] Literal, [adjective Letter] Literature, [Learning] Habit VI. 4. Litharge. Metal IV. 1. Litheness, [Limberness] Quality sensible V. 6. Exceeding extreme Lither. lazy] Idle] [Slow] Litigious, [adjective Contentious] Litter. Birth [Children aggregate) of one parturition.] Straw [Bed for Horse] horse --- [Sedan to be carried between Horses] Little. Transcendental Mixed I 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse by --- and --- [Adverb derived Degrees diminutive] --- ones, [Young children] Liturgy, [Public Manner Form of Worship] Live. Proper. Action Corporeal I. 7. [Be] --- in exile [Be banisht] [Feed] --- upon, [Feed upon] [active Conversation] Lively, [adjective Sprightliness] Vigour] --- hood, [Maintenance] Live-long. [Total] [Orpine] Liver. [adjective Living (person] Part. Parts General VI. 5. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 3. Affinis. Noble --- [Hepatica] Livery. [adjective Service (sign) garment] [Delivering] Transcendental Action IV. 5. specially of possession.] --- and seisin. Relation Civil V. 8. Affinis. Horse at --- [H. at hired guesting] Living. Vid. Live. [Maintenance] Lixiviation. Operation or Opposite VI. 8. Lizard. Beast VI. 4. Lo, [Imp. Look.] Loach. Fish IX. 11. Affinis. Loaf, [Bread] Loath, [adjective Nolleity] Loathe. op. to Appetite. Natural Power II. 4. Operation or Opposite [Aversation] Action Spiritual V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Being cloy'd] Action Spiritual V. 1. Operation or Opposite Loathsom, [Loathed aptitude, or proneness..] Lob, [adjective Lumpish (person] specially Great.] Lobby, [Outer room diminutive] Lobe, [Protuberant (part] Lobster. Exanguious VI. 1. Local, [adjective Place.] Loch. Fish. Fish IX. 11. Affinis. [adjective passive Lick aptitude, or proneness..) Medicin] Lock. [adj, Shutting jugament] --- on door, &c. Possessions IV. 4. --- on a River, [Water-course-narrowing jugament] [Tuft] --- of Hair. --- of Wool. Locker, [Chest] Locomotion, [Motion from place to place.] Locust. Exanguious II. 1. --- tree. Shrub IV. 6. Affinis. Lode. [Burden] to --- Operation or Opposite VI. 7. [Leading] --- star, adjective Pole Directing Star.] --- stone. Stone II. 7. Lodge. [verb Night] [active Rest] specially by night] [active Guest] a --- [House diminutive] Loft, [Upper room] Lofty. [High augmentative] [Proud] Log. Thick wood] Part of trunk] specially for Fuel.] --- line, [Way-measuring line] specially of Mariners.] Logarithm.   Loggerhead. [Great corruptive) head] [Dull augmentative] Logic, [adjective active Reason (art.] --- parts of Discourse. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. chop --- [Dispute corruptive] Logistic, [adjective active Computation (art.] Logwood. Tree VII. 5. Affinis. Lohoch, [Medicament to be licked] Loial. Manners V. 6. Loin. PC. IV. 4. Loiter. [active Cunctation] [active Slattering time] Lolling, [active Lean corruptive] Lome, [Mortar] London tuft. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 4. Lone, [Lending] Lonesome, [Solitary] Long. active Length] a. Duration] --- suffering, Meekness] Patience] --- time, [Permanent augmentative] to --- active Desire augmentative] active Appetite augmentative] Long Oyster. Exanguious VI. 1. Affinis. Longaevity, Long life] Permanence augmentative] Longitude. [Length] [Distance from first Merid.] Looby, [Great corruptive) person] Look. [active Ey] [Face, (State] (Manner] to --- [active Ey] --- about, [active Heedfulness] --- for, [Expect] --- on, [active Ey] --- to, active Heedfulness] active Observing] Looking-glass, [Sight-reflecting instrument] Loom, [adjective Weaving jugament] Loop. Magnitude V. 2. Affinis. --- hole, [Chink] Loose. Not-fixt. Quality sensible VI. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Not cohibited] Irregular] [Remiss] Negligent] Careless] [Vicious] --- in one's body. [Diarrhaea.] Sickness VI. 6. to --- Unty. Operation or Opposite II. 1. Operation or Opposite [Absolve] Relation Ecclesiastical V. 5. Operation or Opposite Loose strife. codded --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 3. hooded --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 14. Affinis. purple --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 15. Affinis. yellow --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 12. Affinis. Looverhole, [Open place in the roof.] Lop, Off-cut branches] Un-branch] Loquacity. Manners VI. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Lord. [Baron] Relation Civil I. 3. [Master] Relation Oeconomical III. 7. Lordan, [Lazy (person] Lordly. [adjective Lord (like] Proud] Magisterial] Lordship. [Lord (abstr.] Mannour. Possessions I. 1. Affinis. Lose. op. to gain. Transcendental Action V. 2. Operation or Opposite op. to hold, [Let go] op. to keep. Transcendental Action V. 5. Operation or Opposite as Garrison. Relation Military II. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Lost. [adjective passive Lose] [adjective passive Destruction] Lot, [adjective active Motion V. 1. (thing] to cast --- s Motion V. 1. Lothe, vid. Loathe. Lotion, [Washing] Lottery.   Lotus. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 13. Lovage. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 4. Affinis. Loud, vid. Lowd. Love, Affection. Action Spiritual V. 3. in --- [adjective Love augmentative] make --- [active Suitour] Apple of --- [Charity] Lovely, [adjective passive Love aptitude, or proneness..] Lour. Action Corporeal IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Lout, [adjective Rusticity (person] to --- Action Corporeal IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Low, [active Cow (voice] Lowbell, [Bell to Extasie Hunt Birds] Lowd, [adjective Sound augmentative] Lowe. [adjective Transcendental Mixed II. 4. Operation or Opposite] [adjective Inferiority] Meanness] [adjective Under-part] [adjective Bottom] --- water, Shallow w.] Down-tide] --- sound, [Grave s.] Lowermost, [Most-lowe] Lowly, [Humble] Lowre. Action Corporeal IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Lowse. Exanguious I. 8. --- wort. Hog --- [Sow] Sea --- Exanguious II. 11. Wall --- [Punice] Lowt, vid. Lout. Lozange, [Quadrat whose opposite Angles are equal, but not right.] Lozell, [Great lumpish (person] Lubber,   Lubricity. [Unctuousness] Lucid, [adjective Light] Luck, Fortune] Event] specially Prosperous.] Good --- [Prosperity] Ill --- [Adversity] Lucre, [Gain] Lucubration, [adjective night Study] Work] Lug, [Ear corruptive] Sad-worm. to --- [Pull] Luggage. [Burden.] Poss. V. Operation or Opposite [Impediment] Transcendental General II. 5. Operation or Opposite [Utensils corruptive] [Baggage] Relation Military V. Operation or Opposite Lugubrious, [adjective Grief] Lukewarm. [Neither hot nor cold] [Temperate] Lull, [Allure to rest] --- asleep, [active Sleep] Lumber, vid. Luggage. Luminary, [adjective active Light (thing] Lump. Transcendental Mixed VI. 4. --- fish. Fish II. 6. Affinis. Lumpish. Natural Power V. 8. Operation or Opposite Lunar, [adjective Moon] Lunatic, [Mad] specially monthly] Lunchion, [Fragment augmentative] Lungs. Parts General VI. 2. Affinis. Lungwort.   Lupin. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 1. Affinis. Everlasting --- Lupus. Fish IV. 3. --- marinus Schonfeldii. Fish III. 16. Lurch, [active Theft] --- er, [Dog hunting lesser beasts by swiftness.] Lure. [adj Alluring (thing] [active Exclaiming] Lurk. [Lie concealed] [active Ambush] Luscious, [Sweet (exc] Lust. Appetite] Desire] specially of Coition. Action Corporeal II. 5. Lusty, [adjective Vigor.] Luster, [Space of 5 years] Lustration, [Un-prophane] specially by Sacrifice.] Lustre, [Brightness] Lute, [Music instrument) of gutstrings to be struck with fingers.] to --- Shut by sodering] Joyn by sodering] Luxation, [active Loose] Quality sensible VI. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse Luxury. Manners III. 4. Exceeding extreme Luxuriant, [adjective Excess] Luxuriousness, [Riotousness.] Manners III. 4. Exceeding extreme Lynx, [Ounce] Beast IV. 3. Lyra altera Rondeletii. Fish IV. 5. A Lyric, [Verse for song.] M. MAcarone. [Pudding (like) of Almonds, &c.] [Confused Mixture] Mace. Staff, [Magistracy (sign) club. Spice, [Husk of Nutmeg] Reed --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 15. Maccaph, [Hyphen] Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 4. Affinis. Macerate. Infuse] Soke] Pine. Manners II. 2. Exceeding extreme Machin. Possessions VI. 8. Machinate. [active Machin] Design] Contrive] Macilent, [Lean] Mackerel. Fish III. 5. Mad. --- ness. Sickness IV. 1. Affinis. [Frenzy] Sickness IV. 1. [Anger augmentative] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 2. Affinis. Madder. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 8. bastard --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 9. Made. pret. passive Make] adjective passive Make] --- by art, [Factitious] Transcendental General III 7. Operation or Opposite Madrigal, [Song adjective Shepherd.] Maenas. Fish V. 12. Magazine, [Ammunition (House] (Room] Maggot. Exanguious III. 1.Bee --- Exanguious III. 2. Wasp fly --- Exanguious III. 3. Affinis. Magic. [Science of obscure Natural (things] [Witchcraft] Magisterialness. Manners IV. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse Magistrate. Relation Civil I. 1. Magnanimity. Manners III. 8. Magnet. Stone II. 7. Magnifie, active Greatness.] active Praise augmentative] Magnificence, [Generosity] Manners III. 4. Magnitude. Magnitude Magpy. Bi. I. 8. Mahometanism. Relation Ecclesiastical I. 5. May. [Fissh Month.] --- fly. Exanguious IV. 7. Affinis. --- weed. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 8. Affinis. [Have Ability] Liberty] Maid. [Virgin] [Servant female] Fish, [Ray] Fish II. 3. Mer --- [Man (like) Fish.] --- en hair. black --- Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 5. Affinis. English black --- Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 7. white --- Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 5. Majesty, [King (abstr.] Majestic, [adjective King (like] Mail, [Woven (like) armour] Maim, [active Mutilation] Main. [Great] --- land, [Continent] --- sea, [Ocean] --- mast. Relation Naval III. 5. [Principal] --- battel, [Middle b.] --- chance, [Chief Stock] Concernment] [Intense] --- strength, [Strength augmentative] Maintain. Keep Relation Oeconomical VI. 4. [Defend] Relation Oeconomical VI. 5. Justifie, [active Advocate] Major. [Greater] [Un-adjective passive Pupil aptitude, or proneness..] Serjeant --- [adjective Regiment (Off.) that gives orders] Maior, [Chief Town (Off.] Maiz, [Indian Bread-corn] Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 2. Make. the --- [Figure] to --- active Cause] active Efficient] Create] Change into] Invent] Feign] [Enrich] [Prepare] --- a bed, [Prepare a bed] [Esteem] --- account, [Esteem] --- way, [Prepare way] --- much. [Esteem much] Indulge] Favour (sign] --- nothing of, [Contemn] [Sell for] --- money of, [Sell for money.] --- the most, [Sell to the most-bidder.] --- better, Better (make] Fire (make] --- fire, Better (make] Fire (make] --- good. Compensate] Repair] Defend] Hold out] --- his ground. Relation Military II. 2. --- hast, [Dispatch] --- a league, [League (make] --- out, [Plain (make] --- ready, Prepare] Clothe] --- reckoning, [Expect] --- as if, [Seem (make] --- sale, [sell] --- shew, [Seem (make] --- shift, [Obtain difficultly] --- a stand, [Stand] --- a stir, [Stir] --- a verse, [active Verse] --- up, [active Reconcile] Repair] Perfect] --- use of, [Use] Malady, [Disease] Mal-administration. Manners VI. 5. Operation or Opposite Malapert. [Ill-tutor'd] [Irreverent] [Bold corruptive] Male. --- sex. Natural Power VI. 2. [Riding-bag] Coat of --- [Woven (like) armour] Malecontent, [Not-content] Malediction, [Cursing.] Action Spiritual I. 3. Operation or Opposite Malefactor. [adjective active pret. Evil (person.] [adjective Criminal (person] Maleficence, [Mischievousness] Malevolence, [Malignity] Action Spiritual V. 2. Operation or Opposite Malice, Malignity specially old] Hatred specially old] Malign. [active Malignity] [active Envy] Malignant fever. Sickness II. 3. Malignity. Action Spiritual V. 2. Operation or Opposite Mall, [Mallet augmentative to --- [Beat augmentative] Mallard. [Duck (male] Malleable, [adjective passive Knocking Power, or ability] Mallet, [Wooden hammer] --- figure. Magnitude VI. 4. Affinis. Mallow. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 6. Marsh --- Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 7. Shrub --- Shrub V. 4. Tree --- Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 7. Affinis. Vervain --- Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 8. Malmsey, [Wine of Malvasia] Malt, [adjective passive pret. Fermenting Barley] Mammock. [Lump] [Fragment] Manners Kind. World V. 5. Sex, [Man (male] [Servant (male] If a --- [If any one] Chess --- [adjective Chess (Instr.] --- of war. Relation Naval I. 6. Manacles, [Bonds for the hands.] Manage, [active Business] Using] Governing] Manchet, [Bread of Flowr.] Manciple, [Buying (Off.) of Victual (things.] Mandate, [Command] specially Sent.] Mandible, [Bone of the jaw.] Mandilion, [Loose upper vest] Mandrake. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 4. Affinis. Mane. Parts Peculiar VI. 4. Affinis. Maner, vid. Manner. Manfull, adjective Manhood] Stout] Mange, [Itch] Manger, [Horses provender (vess.] Mangy, [adjective Itch] Mangle. [Mutilate] [active Fragment segregate] Manhood. [Valour] Age. Measure VI. 3. Many, [adjective Multitude] Manifest. Transcendental Action I. 9. Manifesto, [Public Declaration] Manifold, [adjective Multitude (kind] Manly. [Man (like] [Stout] [adjective Fortitude] Manna. Element III. 6. Manna sold in shops, [Concrete Exudation from the wild Ash.] Manner. [Mode.] Transcendental General V. In a --- Almost] Thereabout] in some --- [Adverb derived some] of what --- [What manner] [Quality] [State] [Custom] Mannerly, [adjective Civility] Respect] Manners. [Civility] [Respect] Mannish. [Man (like] [Familiar aptitude, or proneness..) with man] Mansion. Staying (place] Dwelling (place] [House] Manslaughter, [Man-killing] Mantel, [Beam of Chimney] Mantle. [Garment to cast about one] [Upper loose vest] to --- [active Froth] Mantis. Exanguious II. 1. Affinis. Manual. [adjective Hand] [Book diminutive] Manucodiota. Py (kind) Manuduction, [Leading] Manufacture, [adjective passive Mechanic (thing] Manumise. [Un-villain] [Un-slave] Manuring. [Agriculture] Operation or Opposite III. Soiling. Operation or Opposite III. 3. Manuscript, [Written Book) Map, [Picture of Country] Maple. Tree VI. 6. Mar, vid. Marr. Marble. Stone II. 1. March. [Third Month] to --- [Travel] specially as Souldier.] --- es, [adjective Margin country] Marchant, vid. Merchant. Marchasite. Stone I. 3. Affinis. Marchioness, [Marquess female] Marchpane, [adjective Provisions II. Bread] Mare, [Horse female] Night --- [Ephialtes] Sickness IV. 2. Affinis. Margin. Space III. 4. Affinis. Mary, vid. Marry. Marigold. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 2. African --- Herb considered according to the Flower II. 7. Gorn --- Herb considered according to the Flower II. 6. marsh --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 4. Affinis. Marine, [adjective Sea] Mariner. Navigator. Relation Civil II. 8. [Seaman] Relation Naval V. Marjoram. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 4. Goates --- Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 3. Affinis. wild --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 4. Affinis. Marish. Possessions I. 8. Affinis. Maritim, [adjective Sea] Mark. [Sign] Brand, [Stigmatization (sign] Boundary, [Margin (sign] Goal, [adjective passive Object (place] (thing] Weight, [8 Ounces] Money, [13 s. --- 4 d.] to --- [active Sign] [Stigmatize] [Observe] Market, [active Merchant] --- place, [adjective Merchant (place] Marl, [Chalky clay for manuring] Marlin.   Marmalet. [adjective Provisions II. (thing) of boil'd Quince.] Marmosit, [Monkey diminutive] Marmotto. Beast III. 4. Affinis. Marquess. [adjective Limit (Off.] [Next the highest Noble. man.] Marring. Transcendental Mixed I. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse Marry. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 6. --- ed. Relation Oeconomical II. 4. Marrow. Parts General I. 8. Affinis. Mars. World II. 5. Marshal. Provost --- Relation Civil I. 6. Affinis. to --- [active Order] Mart, [Convention for Merchandise] Letters of --- [Licence of naval prepation] Martagon. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 2. Affinis. Martern, [Fur of Marten] Martial, [adjective War. Relation Military] Martin. Beast IV. 6. Bi. V. 2. sand --- Bi. V. 2. Affinis. Martingal, [Horse armament) down-holding head] Martlet, [Swift] Bi. V. 1. Affinis. Martyr. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 4. Martyrology, [History of Martyrs.] Marvel, vid. Mervail. Mascarade, [Antic dance of disguised (persons] Masculine, [adjective Male] Mash, [Mixture] specially of moist consistence] specially made by Mastication.] Mask, [Dance of disguised (persons.] --- for face, [adjective Conceal vest for face] Mason, [adjective Stone Wall mechanic.] Mass. Great Body] Total Body] [Lump] [Eucharist] Massacre, Promiscuous killing General killing] Massy. [adjective Mass] [Weighty] Quality sensible V. 4. [adjective Massiness] --- ness. Magnitude VI. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Mast. Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. 4. --- of ship. Relation Naval III. 1. Fore --- Relation Naval III. 4. Affinis. Main --- Relation Naval III. 5. Middle --- Relation Naval III. 5. Affinis. Top --- Master. [adjective Authority (person] Power (person] --- of servant. Relation Oeconomical III. 7. --- of family. Relation Oeconomical III. 5. --- of a ship. Relation Naval V. 4. [Teacher] Relation Oeconomical III. 3. --- of arts, [Graduate in the arts] [Chief] --- beam, Principal b.] --- piece, Principal passive] to --- [Get the power over] [Conquer] [Cohibit] [Govern] Masterless, Disobedient] Licencious] Masterly, [Magisterial] Masterwort. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 5. Affinis. Mastic, [Gum of the Mastic-tree] --- tree. Tree III. 8. Mastication. Motion III. 5. Mastive, [Dog kept for watch] Mat, [Woven (thing) of Rushes] Straw] --- weed. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 4. Match. [Equal] [Companion] Contract] Paction] [Marriage] [adjective passive Brimstone instrument) for active fire.] --- for Gun. Relation Military V. 7. Mate. [Companion] [Married] [Conquest] Material. [adjective Matter] [Pertinent] [Important] Maternal, [adjective Mother] Mathematic, [Quantity (Science] Matriculate. [active Catalogue] [Admit into University] Matrimony, [Marriage] Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 6. Matrix, [Womb] Parts General VI. 9. Matron. Married Grave female] [Housholder female] Matter. Material cause. Transcendental General II. 7. Subject] Object] Thing] Business] makes no --- [Is not important] [Bloud rotted in the flesh] Mattins, [Morning worship] Mattock, [adjective Mallet (fig.) pecking instrument] Mattress, [Bed stiffen'd with sowing augmentative] Maturity, Ripeness] Perfection] Maugre. [In enmity of] [Adverb derived Coaction] Mavis, [Thrush] Bi. III. 3. Affinis. Maukin. [adjective Man (like) engine] [Oven-sweeping instrument] Maul, vid. Mall. Maund, [Basket] Maunder, [Grudging (voice] Maw, [Stomach] Parts General VI. 4. Maxim, [Rule] Maze. [Extasie] Structure full of perplex Windings] Turnings Place full of perplex Windings Turnings] Mazer, [Cup (augm] Me, [I accusat.] Mead. [Medow] [Wine of honey] Meagre, [Lean] Meal. [Ground corn] Eating. Provisions I. 1. --- worm. Exanguious I. 5. Affinis. Mean. [adjective Mediocrity] [Low] adjective Habit II. 5. Operation or Opposite Plebeian, [adjective People (kinde] a --- [Mediator] [Between --- space] --- among sounds. Quality sensible III. 1. --- s. Transcendental General II. 6. Affinis. [Riches] --- ing. Signification. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. Affinis. [Purpose] Measure. Proper. Measure --- of Magnitude. Measure I. --- of Number. Measure II. --- of Gravity. Mea III. --- of Valour. Measure IV. --- of Time. Measure V. [Moderation] Meash, [Hole.] Meat. [Sustentation] [passive Eating (thing] Sweet --- s Provisions II. White --- s [Meats of milk] Meazles. Sickness II. 4. Affinis. Mechanic. --- work. Operation or Opposite I. --- profession. Relation Civil II. 5. Affinis. Mechoacan.   Medal. [Ancient money] [Money (like] Meddle. [Mingle] Action] Business] [active Diligence corruptive] --- with, [active Object.] Mediastine. Parts General V. 3. Affinis. Mediateness. Transcendental Mixed IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Mediator. Relation Judicial I. 2. Affinis. Medicine, [adjective active Medicating (thing] Mediocrity. Transcendental Mixed I. 2. Meditate. Action Spiritual II. 1. Affinis. Medle, vid. Meddle. Medley, [Mixture] Medler. Tree I. 5. Medow. Possessions I. 4. Affinis. --- sweet. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 8. Affinis. Mee, [I accusat.] Meed, Earning] Reward] Meekness. Manners I. 9. Meer. [Simple] [Lake augmentative] [Limit (sign] Meet. [Congruous] [Expedient] to --- Come together. Transcendental Action VI. 7. [active Convention] --- with, [Compensate.] Meeter. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 5. Megrim.   Melancholy. Humour. Parts General I. 7. Affinis. [Grief] specially (Habit] Melanurus. Fish V. 5. Meldew, [Honey-dew] Melilot. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 10. Mellifluous, [Sweet] Mellow, [Ripe augmentative] Melody, [Harmony] Melon. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 1. Affinis. Melt, [Dissolve] Operation or Opposite VI. 2. Member. [Limb] [Part] Membrane. Parts General II. 3. Affinis. Memorable, [adjective passive Memory aptitude, or proneness..] Memorandum, [adjective passive ought memory (thing] Memory. Natural Power II. 3. Memorial, [adjective active Memory (sign] Menace, [Threaten.] Mend. [Repair] [Better] Transcendental Mixed I. 9. Exceeding extreme Mendacity, [Lyingness] Mendicant, [Begging] Menial, [Domestic] Menstruum. PG I. 4. Affinis. Ment, vid. Mint. Mental, [adjective Mind] Mention. [of-speaking] [active Express] Mercenary, [adjective passive Hire (person,] Mercer, [adjective Silk Provisions IV. 3. mechant] Merchandise, [adjective passive Merchant (thing] Merchant. Profession. Relation Civil II. 5. --- ship. Relation Naval I. 5. Mercy. Manners I. 5. Mercury. Planet. World II. 6. Metall. Metal III. 1. Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 6. childing --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 6. Affinis. Dogs --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 7. English --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 8. Mercurial. [adjective Mercury] Nimble] Sprightly] Meridian. World VI. 4. Meridional, [adjective South] Merit. [Earning] [Worthy (thing] Merlin, [Hawk for Finches] Mermaid.   Mermaids head. Exanguious VIII. 2. Affinis. Merry, [adjective Mirth] Urbanity] Mervail, [active Admiration] --- of Peru. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 8. Merula. --- montana. Bi. III. 7. Affinis. --- saxatilis. Bi. III. 4. --- torquata. Bi. III. 7. Mes, vid. Mess. Mesentery. Parts General VI. 6. Mesh, [Hole] Meslin, [Mingled corn] Mess, [Proportioned part] specially of Meat.] Message, [Word sent] Messenger, [Sent (person] (Off.] Messias, [Anointed (person] Messuage. [House] [Farm] Metall. Metal Natural --- Metal I. Factitious --- Metal II. Imperfect --- Metal III. Metamorphosis, [Altering] specially of kinde] Metaphor.   Metaphysic, [Science of Transcendents.] Mete, [Measure] Metempsychosis.   Meteor. Element Affinis. Metheglin, [Wine of honey] Method, [Order] Metonymy.   Metrical, [adjective Meeter.] Metropolitan. [adjective Principal] [Primate] Mew. Bi. IX. 9. Mezereon. Shrub II. 10. My.   Mich. [active Absent] [active Conceal] [active Penuriousness] Microcosm, [World diminutive] Microscope, [Glass for seeing little (things] Mid. [Middle] Middle. Space III. 3. Midrif. Parts General VI. 3. Midwife, [Parturition (Off.] mechanic.] Might, Strength] Power] (Mod. Cond.) --- y, [adjective Strength Power augmentative] Milch, [adjective active Milk] Mildness. [Gentleness] Meekness] Graciousness] Clemency] [Not-austereness] Mile. Measure I. 7. Military Relation. Relation Military Persons Segregate. Relation Military III. Aggregate. Relation Military IV. Action. Relation Military I. Events. Relation Military II. Ammunition. Relation Military V. Places. Relation Military VI. Militia. [Relation Military (thing] Milk. Parts General I. 3. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 11. Mill. Possessions VI. 9. Millefoil. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 12. water --- Herb considered according to the Flower V. 13. horned --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 7. Affinis. Millers-thumb. Fish IX. 12. Millet. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 6. Affinis. Indian --- Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 6. Million, [1000000] Milt, [Spleen] Parts Peculiar IV. 5. Affinis. --- wort, [Spleenwort] Herb considered according to the Leafe I 7. Affinis. Sperme of male fishes. Parts Peculiar IV. 8. Milter, [Fish (male] Mimic. [adjective Player] [adjective active imitate] specially with gesture corruptive] Mince. Provisions III. 6. Affinis. --- ing Wanton diminutive) gate Conceited gesture (mode] Mind. [Soul] World I. 6. Rational --- Natural Power I. [Understanding] [Thought] specially frequentative] [Opinion] [Observing] [active Heedfulness] cast in one's --- [Consider] [Will] [Inclination] [Velleity] [Purpose] fully --- ed, [adjective pret. Resolution] high --- ed, [Proud] ill --- ed, Ill-purposing] adjective Malignity] well --- ed, [Well affectioned] set one's --- [active Purpose] Sensitive internal. [Fancy] [Memory] call to --- [active Memory] put in --- [active Memory (make] [Appetite] [Desire] have a --- to, [active Desire.] Mindfull. [adjective Memory] Mine. [adjective I] [Metal (place] [Face (manner] to --- Relation Military I. 5. Mineral. World V. 1. Minew, vid. Minnow. Mingle, [active Mixture] Minion. [Love augmentative] [Ordnance (kind] Minister. [Servant] [Clergyman] [Presbyter] to --- [Serve] [active Adjuvant] [Give to] Miniver, [Fur of Squirrels Weasels bellies. Minks, [adjective Conceitedness (fem] Minnow. Fish IX. 13. Minority, [Age Pupillary] Not-virile] Minster, [Monks College] [Monks House] Minstrel, [adjective Music mechanic.] Mint. Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 1. Cat --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 1. Affinis. [Place of active Money mechanic.] to --- [active Money (make] [active Fiction] Minute. [Small diminutive] --- of time. Measure V. 8. Affinis. Miracle.   Mire, [Durt] Quag --- [Bog] Mirobalan. Tree II. 5. Mirrour. [Looking-glass] [adjective Excelling (thing] Mirth. Action Spiritual V. 4. Mis, vid. Miss. Misadventure. [Fortune corruptive] [Adversity] Misapply, [Apply corruptive] Misbecome, [Indecent] Misbegot, [Begot not in marriage] Misbehave, [Demeanor corruptive] Misbelief, [Belief corruptive] Miscall, [Name corruptive] Miscarry. Transcendental Action III. 7. --- with child, [active Abortion] Miscellany, [adjective Mixture] Mischance. Event corruptive] adjective Adversity (thing] [Abortion] Mischief. [active Mischievousness] [Hurt] Mischievousness. Manners I. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Misconstrue. [Understand corruptive] [Interpret corruptive] Miscreant. [Believer corruptive] [Heretic] [Unholy (person] Misdeed, [Ill deed] Misdemeanour, [Demeanour corruptive] Misdoing, [Action corruptive.] Misdoubt. [Suspect] [Distrust] Miser, [Penurious (person] Misery. Habit I. 1. Operation or Opposite Misfortune. [Fortune corruptive] [active Adversity] Misgive, [Doubt (make] Misgovern, [Govern corruptive] Mishap. [Fortune corruptive] [active Adversity] Misinterpret, Understand Interpret corruptive] Mislead. [Lead corruptive] [Seduce] Mislike, [Disapprove] Misname, [Name wrong] [Name corruptive] Misplace, [Place wrong] corruptive] Misprision, [Suspition] Misreckon, [Reckon corruptive] Miss. [Err] [Omit] [Want] [Discover want] Missal, [Mass-book] Mishapen. [Figur'd corruptive] [Deformed] Mission, [Sending] Missive, [Sent (thing] Mispend, [Spend corruptive] Mist. Element III. 2. Affinis. Mistake. Wrong] Errour] [Opinion corruptive] Mistle-thrush. Bi. III. 3. Mistleto. Shrub III. 12. Affinis. Mistress. [Master female] [Suitor'd female] Mistrust. [Doubt] [Distrust] [Suspition] Misuse, [Use corruptive] Mite. Insect. Exanguious II. 7. Money. Miter, [adjective Bishop (sign) head vest.] Mitigate. [Diminish] [active Remills] [Un-anger] Mittens, [Woollen hand (vest] Mix, [active Mixture] Mixen. [Dunghill] [Heap of Dung] Mixture. Transcendental General III. 8. Operation or Opposite Mizen-mast. Relation Naval III. 3. Affinis. Mizzle. Element VI. 2. Mobility. [Motion (abstr.] [Unconstancy] Mock. Scoff. Relation Judicial IV. 9. Affinis. [Deceive] Mode of thing. Transcendental General VI. Model. [Description by lines) [Example diminutive] [Epitome] Moderation. [a Mediocrity] --- in opinions. Habit III. 4. --- in recreations, Manners II. 5. Govern] Cohibit] Moderator, [Judge] Modern, [New] Modesty. --- about disgraces. Manners III. 7. --- about honours. Manners III. 9. Modicum, [Little] Modulation, [Warbling] Moil. [Operation augmentative] [active Defilement] Moistness. Quality sensible V. 3. Moity, [Half] Mold, vid. Mould. Mole. [Bank factitious] [Spot] Beast. Beast III. 8. Fish. Fish II. 6. Molest, [Troubling] Transcendental Action V. 9. Operation or Opposite Indian Molle. Tree III. 10. Affinis. Mollifie, [active Soft] Molten Melted] Cast] Moly. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 11. Affinis. Moment. --- of time, [Instant] [Importance] Monarch, [Sole King] Monastery, [Monk's College] [Monk's House] Monastical, [adjective Monk] Mone, [Grief (sign] [Grief (voice] Money. Measure IV. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 11. Affinis. Moneth. Measure V. 4. Mongrel. [Of mingled extraction] [Spurious] Monition [Warning] Monk. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 7. Monky. Beast IV. 4. Affinis. Monoceros Clusii. Fish IV. 10. Affinis. Monopoly Privilege of sole Appropriated selling] Monosyllable, [Of one syllable] Monster, [Beside-natural (thing] Month. Measure V. 4. Monument. [adjective active Memory (sign] [Tomb] Mood. [Manner] Transcendental General VI. [Disposition] Moon. Planet. World II. 8. New --- [ --- Beginning her monethly course] appearing --- [ --- (like) Meteor.] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 9. Half --- Fortification. Relation Military VI. 5. Moor. Man, [Tawny man] Land. Possessions I. 9. --- hen. Bi. VIII. 9. to --- a ship. Moot, [Discourse on Law-case.] Moral, [adjective Manners] --- Philosophy, [Ph. concerning manners.] a --- [Signification belonging to manners] Moralize, [Apply to manners] More. [Superiour] Adverb underived II. 2. --- over, [Also] Morfew, [Disease of Scurf on the skin] Morgage. Relation Civil VI. 7. Mormylus. Fish V. 3. Affinis. Morning. Measure V. 7. Moroseness. Manners IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Morris, [active Moor's dance] Morrow. [Day Next after] following] Good --- [adjective Morning salutation.] Morse. Beast V. 3. Morsel, [Fragment] specially off-bitten.] Mortal. [adjective Dying Power, or ability] [adjective active Dying aptitude, or proneness..] [Capital] --- ity. [Dying Power, or ability] [Dying aptitude, or proneness..] [Killing infection] Mortar. For building. Element IV. 4. Affinis. [adjective Contusion (vess.] Mortifie. [active Death] [active Repentance] Mortiss, [Hole in beam.] specially in side of it.] Mortmain.   Mortuary, [Payment for the dead.] Mosaic work.   Mosque, [Temple] specially of Mahometans.] Moss. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 3. Most. Adverb underived II. 2. Affinis. for the --- part, [Adverb derived Most] [Chiefly] Mote. [Ditch augmentative] Atom, [Powder diminutive] Moth, Exanguious II. 8. Exanguious IV. 9. Affinis. --- mullein. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 4. Affinis. Mother. [Parent female] --- tongue, [Language of one's own nation] --- of pearl. Exanguious VIII. 3. [Womb] Parts General VI. 9. [Disease] Sickness VI. 7. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 13. [Sediment] Motion. [Locomotion] Motion --- of Animals Progressive. Motion I. --- of the parts of Animals. Motion III. Violent --- Motion VI. [Inclination] Action Spiritual IV. 1. Motive. [adjective Move aptitude, or proneness..] [Impulsive] Motley, [Variegated] Motto, [Appropriated sentence] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 1. Affinis. Move. [active Motion] --- the brows. Action Corporeal IV. 1. Affinis. the head. Action Corporeal IV. 4. Affinis. [Offer] Transcendental Action IV. 2. [active Impulsive] [Persuade] [Allure] [Angry (make] Moveable, [adjective passive Motion Power, or ability] aptitude, or proneness..] --- s, [Utensils] Mould. [Earth] [Type] specially convex] Casting (vess. of melted bodies] Figuring (vess. of melted bodies] --- of the head, [Dent of the upper part of the head] to --- active Knead] active Type] Moulder. [passive Powder by putrefaction] --- away, [Decay] Mouldiness. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 1. Affinis. [Mustiness] [Down (like) rottenness] Moulter, [Un-feathered (make] Mound. [Sepiment] [Bank] [Rampire] Mount. [Mountain] [Factitious hill] to --- [Ascend] --- a horse, [Ascend upon a horse] ill --- --- ed [Riding on horse perfective] well- --- ed [Riding on horse corruptive] --- a cannon, [Lift a cannon to his carriage] Mountain. World III. 1. Exceeding extreme Mountebank. Wandring Physician] Juggling Physician] Mourn. [Shew grief] [Grief (sign) specially with (voice] in --- ing, [adjective passive Vest Adverb derived grief (sign] Mouse. Beast III. 7. Affinis. Dor --- [adjective active sleep aptitude, or proneness..) Mouse (kind] Field --- [Long snouted venomous mouse (kind] Flitter --- [Bat] --- ear. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 13. Affinis. --- tail. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 16. codded --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 12. Affinis. Mouth. Proper. Parts General III. 3. --- full, [adjective Mouth capacity] foul --- 'd. [Speaking aptitude, or proneness.) indecent (things] [Reviling aptitude, or proneness..] mealy --- 'd, [not- adjective reproof aptitude, or proneness..] Orifice [Mouth (like] [Entry] to --- [active Reviling] Mouthy, [adjective Reviling aptitude, or proneness..] Mow. [Heap] specially of Corn.] [Mock] specially with face (manner] Mowe, [Reap] Mue. [active Imprisonment] --- feathers, [Let go f.] Much. Great] Many] as --- [Equal] for so --- as Conjunction IV. 1. make --- of, [active Courtesie augmentative] too --- [Excessive] very --- [Abundant] [Transc. augmentative] (intens.] Mucilaginous, [Slimy] Muck.   Mucus. Dung] Snivel] [Excrement] Mucketer, [adjective Wiping (thing] Mud, [Macerated durt] Muff, [Tube for warming the hands] Muffle, [Conceal (vest) specially face] Muffler, [Mouth (vest] Mufty, [Mahometan chief Primate] Mug, [Pot for drink] Mugwort. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 11. Affinis. Mulberry. Tree III. 1. Mule. Beast I. 2. Affinis. --- fearne. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 8. Muletier, [adjective Mule (Off.] Mullein. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 4. moth --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 4. A. Sage --- Shrub VI. 4. Affinis. Mullet. Fish IV. 6. English --- Fish IV. 3. Affinis. Lesser --- Fish IV. 6. Affinis. Mult. Relation Judicial VI. 7. Multifarious, [Many (kind] Multifidous beasts. --- of the biggest sort. Beast III. --- of the middle sort. Beast IV. --- of the least sort. Be V. Multiply. active Many] Increase] [active Multiplier] Multiplicity, [Variety] Multiplier. Transcendental Mixed VI. 8. Multitude. Transcendental Mixed III. 1. Mum. [Beer in which husks of Walnuts are infused] [st'] Interj. III. 1. Operation or Opposite --- ing, [Dance of Silents] --- ing, [Dance of Disguised] Mumble. [Mastication corruptive] Voice confusedly] Speak confusedly] Mummy, [Gum (like) embalmed flesh] specially of Man] Mump, [Move corruptive) the mouth] Mumps, [Disease swelling of the chaps] Munday, [Second day of the week] Mundane, [adjective World] Municipal, [adjective City] Corporation] Munificence, [Liberality] specially in gifts] Muniment, [Deed] Relation Judicial VI. 5. Munition. [Fortification] [Ammunition] Muraena. Fish VI. 1. Mural, [adjective Wall] Murder. Relation Judicial III. 4. Murex. Exanguious VII. 2. Murmur, Grudging Discontent Indignation specially (voice] Murr, [Disease of hoarseness through cold distillation] Murrain, Disease infectious Plague of (beasts] Murry, Dark red] Rust colour] Murrion, [Head (armour.] Murther. Relation Judicial III. 5. Muscle. Parts General II. 6. Affinis. Fish. Exanguious VIII. 7. Affinis. Musculous, [adjective Muscle] Muse. [active Verse (art.] [Feign'd Goddess of vers (art] [Hole through hedge] to --- [Meditate] Mushrom. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 1. Music. Sound. Motion V. 7. Affinis. [Harmony] Art. Motion V. 7. Affinis. (art.) Musk, [Sweet (thing) of Muskcat] --- cat. Herb. Muskadell.   Musket. Hawk, [Sparhawk (male] Gun, [Footman's gun augmentative] Mussle, vid. Muscle. Must. Mood of Necessity [Determination] Action Spiritual IV. 8. [Necessity] Transcendental General V. 7. [Wine not yet fermented] Mustaches, [Upper beard] Mustard. Common. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 9. [Sauce of Mustard] Tower --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 12. Yellow Arabian --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 13. Affinis. Muster. [adjective active Number] [Catalogue] adjective active Transcendental Mixed III. 7. Operation or Opposite Mustiness. Quality sensible IV. 7. Mutable. [adjective Alter aptitude, or proneness.] [Light] Habit IV. 7. Deficient extreme or Discourse Muteness. Action Corporeal III. 1. Operation or Opposite Muting, [Dunging] Mutilous, Natural Power V. 1. Operation or Opposite Mutiny, [Sedition] Mutter, [Speak indistinctly] confusedly] grudgingly] Mutton, [Flesh of sheep] Mutual, [Reciprocal] Muzzle. [Bonds of mouth] [active Silence (make] Myriad, [10000] Myrrh. Tree VIII 1. Myrtle. Shrub III. 11. --- Symach. Shrub III. 11. Affinis. Mystery. Obscure (thing] Concealed (thing] [Trade] Mythology, [Interpretation of feigned Narrations. N. NAdir, [Under- adjective Horizon pole] Nag, [Gelded horse diminutive] Nay, [Not] say --- [Deny] Nail. --- of Animal. Parts Peculiar VI. 5. Affinis. Iron pin to be driven in by knocking] Brass pin to be driven in by knocking] Naked, Not- clothed Un- covered Name. Word. Transcendental General I. 4. --- ly, Conjunction IV. 3. nick --- [Name corruptive] [Reputation] Nap. [Tufted superficies] [Sleep (fit] Nape, [Hinder part of the neck] Naphew. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 4. Affinis. Naphtha. Stone V. 5. Affinis. Napkin, [Linen for wiping] Nappy.   Narciss, [Daffadil] Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 4. Narcotic. [adjective active Sleep] [adjective Affinis. Stupor] Nard.   Narration. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 3. Narrow. op. to Ample, [adjective Space II. 5. Operation or Opposite] op. to Broad, [adjective Transcendental Mixed II. 2. O] --- ly, [Adverb derived Heedfulness] Nastiness, [Slovenliness augmentative] Nation. Relation Civil III. 1. Native, [adjective Birth] Nativity. [Birth] [Birth (time] Natural. [adjective Transcendental General III. 7.] --- ly, [Adverb derived Spontaneity] --- power. Natural Power --- fool, [adjective Idiot (person] Naturalist, [adjective Nature (artist] Naturalize, [active Nation] Nature. [Natural (abstr.] Law of --- Relation Civil IV. 1. [Temper of Mind] Body] [Disposition] Naval, [adjective Ship.] Nave. --- of a Church, [Greatest Temple (room] --- of cart, &c. Possessions V. 7. Navel. Parts General IV. 6. Affinis. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 6. Sea --- Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 11. Affinis. Navew. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 4. Affinis. Naught. [Nothing] come to --- [Be annihilated] set at --- [Contemn] [Evil] --- for, [Hurtful to.] Navy. [Ships aggregate] [Army of ships] Navigation, [Sailing] Nauseate. [active Action Spiritual V. I. Operation or Opposite] Nauseousness, [Lothing] Natural Power II. 4. Operation or Opposite Nautic, [adjective Ship.] Nautilus. Exanguious VII. 1. Neap-tide, [Shallowest tide] Neast, vid. Nest. Neat. Beast. Beast II. 1. [adjective Neatness] --- ness. [Pureness] [Cleanliness] [Decentness (augm] [Ornateness] Neb, [Tooth] Magnitude IV. 2. Nebulous, [adjective Mist.] Necessary, [adjective Necessity] Necessity. Proper. Transcendental General V. 7. [Want] [Poverty] [Determination] Necessitous, [Needy] Neck. Parts General IV. 1. --- of land, [Isthmus] Necromancy, [Witchcraft by the dead] Nectar, [Drink of the feigned Gods] Nectarine. Tree II. 1. Affinis. Neece, [Nephew female] Need, [Want] specially of necessaries] must --- s, [Must augmentative] Needfulness. [Necessity] [Expedience] Neediness, [Poverty] Needle, [Sowing pin] --- fish. Fish III. 13. (passive Magnet] Mariners --- [adjective iron pin. adjective Shepherds --- [Venus combe] Herb considered according to the Flower I. 5. Affinis. Needless, [Abundant] Neer. adjective neerness] Adverb derived neerness] well --- [Almost] [Beside] --- ness. Nighness. Space II. 3. [Frugality] [Penuriousness] Neeze, [Sneez] Neezing-wort, [White Hellebore] Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 1. Nefarious, [Vicious augmentative] Negation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 2. Operation or Opposite Neglect, [active Negligence] Omission] Contemning] Negligence. Habit IV. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Negotiate. [active Business] [active Commerce] Negro, [Black man] Neigh, [active Horse (voice] Neighbour. Relation Oeconomical IV. 3. [Neer] specially dwelling] Neither. [None of the two] [Nor] Neophyte, [New Disciple] Neoteric, New [adjective Space I. 3. Operation or Opposite Nep, [Cat-mint] Nephew. Relation Oeconomical I. 3. Operation or Opposite Nerites. Exanguious VII. 4. Affinis. Nerve. Parts General II. 5. Nest, [Room specially of bird] [Bed specially of bird] Nestling, [Bird (young) taken out of the nest] Net, [Squares (plain) of the thred] specially for hunting] Nether. [More-low] [Inferiour] --- most, [Most low] Nettle. MF. I. 14. dead --- [Archangel] Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 11 --- tree, [Lotus] Tree III. 4. Sea --- Exanguious IX. 6. Affinis. Never. Space I. 9. Operation or Opposite --- so much, [How much soever] --- the less. Conjunction II. 2. Operation or Opposite Neuter, [Of no Faction]. Neutrality. [Slightness] Habit III. 4. Exceeding extreme [Being of no Faction] New. Space I. 3. --- of the Moon, [Beginning of Moon's monethly course] --- s, [New Narration] Newt, [Lizard] Beast VI. 5. Next. [Most near] [Preceding] [Following] [Immediate] Nibble, [Gnaw diminutive] Niceness. op. to Hardiness. Natural Power IV. 7. Operation or Opposite Over-cleanliness. Manners II. 6. Exceeding extreme Niche, [Dent] Nick, [Notch] --- name, [Name corruptive) specially adjective Contempt] in the --- [In the instant of time perfective] to --- Niess, [Hawk] Nigella. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 13. Affinis. Niggard, [Penurious (person] Nigh, [Near] Night. Measure V. 6. Operation or Opposite --- crow. --- mare, [Ephialtes] --- shade. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 4. Enchanters --- Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 3. Affinis. Nightingale. Bi. V. 3. Nightly, [adjective Night segregate] Nilling. Natural Power I. 4. Operation or Opposite Action Spiritual IV. Operation or Opposite Nim, [active Theft diminutive] Nimbleness, [Agility] Natural Power V. 8. Nimis, [Excess] OED identifies the English form as "nimious." Nine. Measure II. 9. --- ty. --- hundred, &c. Ninny, [Fool] Nip. [Pinch between the tops of the fingers] [Bite diminutive] [Mock diminutive] Nipple, [Protuberance diminutive) of Dug.] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 14. Affinis. Nit, [Egg of Louse] Nitre. Stone V. 1. Affinis. No. [None] [adjective Nothing] [Not any] --- body, [No man] --- where, [Space II. 8. Operation or Opposite] [Not] Nobility, [Lord (abstr.] Noble, adjective Lord. Relation Civil I. 3. Money [6 s. --- 8 d.] Nocent, Guilty] Hurtful] Nock, [Notch] Nocturnal, [adjective Night] Nod, [Move the head] Action Corporeal IV. 4. Affinis. Noddy, [Fool] Noddle, [Hinder part of the head] Node. [Protuberance] [Tumour] Noggin, [Pot augmentative) for drink.] Noise. [Sound augmentative] [Rumour augmentative] Noisom. [Hurtful] [adjective Molesting aptitude, or proneness..] Nolleity. Action Spiritual IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Nomenclator. [Teacher of Names] [Dictionary] Nominate. [active Name] [Appoint] Nonage, [Pupillary age] Nonce, [Purpose] None, [adjective Nothing] Nones, [Days of the moneth next after the first] Nonplus, [Posing] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 8. Non-resident, [Not dwelling] Nonsuch, [Campion] Nonsuited, [adjective passive Desist plaintiffing] Nook, [Angle] Noon, [Mid-day] Nooze, [Loop] specially of snare] Nope, [Bulfinch] Bi. IV. 5. Nor. Conjunction I. 2. Operation or Opposite North. Space III. 2. Nose. Parts General III. 3. Affinis. Nosegay, [Flowers aggregate] Nosthril, [Hole of the nose] Not. Adverb underived I. 1. Operation or Opposite --- withstanding. Conjunction II. 2. Operation or Opposite if --- [Unless] to --- --- Sheep. Notable. [Extraordinary] [Excellent] Notary. Relation Judicial I. 5. Notation, [Derivation of word.] Notch. Magnitude IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Note. [Sign] [Character] [Comment diminutive] Tone. Quality sensible III. 5. [Extraordinariness] of --- [Extraordinary] to --- [Observe] Nothing. Transcendental General I. 1. Operation or Opposite Notice. Knowledge] Warning] give --- Known (make] Warn] take --- Observe] Shew to know] Notifie, Known (make] Warn] Notion. Transcendental General I. 3. Notorious. [Extraordinary] [Manifest] [Publicly known] Novacula Fish III. 15. Affinis. Novel, [New] a --- [New narration] Novelty, [Newness] November, [Eleventh moneth] Nought, vid. Naught. Novice. [New Disciple] [Not-expert] Noun. [Name] [Integral] Nourish. [Nutrition] Action Corporeal I. 6. [Feeding] Now, [At this time] --- a days, [In these times] --- and then, [At some times] Noxious, [Hurtful] Nuisance, [Hurtful (thing] Nullity, [Frustration] Number. Measure II. Affinis. Numerous, [adjective Multitude] Numness. Impotence. Natural Power III. 5. Operation or Opposite Disease. Sickness IV. 6. Affinis. Nun, [Monke female] Bird, [Titmouse] Nunchion, [Refection in the afternoon] Nuncupative, [Spoken] Nuptial, [adjective Marriage] Nurse. Relation Oeconomical III. 2. female) --- child. Relation Oeconomical III. 2. Operation or Opposite Nursery. [Children aggregate] [Young trees aggregate] Nusance, [Hurtful (thing] Nut. Fruit. Parts Peculiar III. 3. Bladder --- Tree IV. 5. Chest --- Tree IV. 4. earth --- Herb considered according to the Flower V. 10. Fistic --- [Pistach] Tree IV. 2. Hazle --- Tree IV. 3. Affinis. Small --- Tree IV. 3. Affinis. Wall --- Tree IV. 1. --- cracker, [Nut-breaking jugament] --- of a bow, [Retaining jugament) of the string.] --- of the thigh, [Fat Glandule of the --- ] Nut-hatch. Bi. I. 9. Affinis. Nutmeg, [Fruit of the Nutmegtree.] --- tree. Tree IV. 6. Affinis. Nutriment, [adjective Nourishing (thing.] Nutrition. Action Corporeal I. 6. Nymph, [Feign'd Goddess of Woods.] Rivers, &c.] O. OAr. --- of ship. Relation Naval III. 3. --- of metal, [Crude m.] Oath. Relation Civil VI. 4. Oats. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 4. Obdurate. [Hard] [Impenitent] Obedience. Manners V. 7. Obey, [active Obedience] Obelisk, [Round Pyramid] Object. Transcendental General VI. 2. Objection. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 5. Obit, [Funeral solemnity] Oblation. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 2. Obligation. Relation Civil VI. Written Relation Civil VI. 5. Oblique. Ma. II. 8. Obliterate, [Un-write] Oblivion, [Forgetfulness] Oblong, [More long than broad] Obloquy, [Reproch] Obnoxious, [adjective passive Object aptitude, or proneness..] Obnubilate. [active Cloud] [Darken] Obscene, [Unchast] Obscure. [Dark] op. to Plain. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 9. Plebeian, [adjective People (kind] Obsecration, [Intreating augmentative] Obsequies, [Solemnity of burial.] Obsequious, [adjective Obedience augmentative] Observe. Mark. Action Spiritual III. 1. Affinis. [Perform] [active Respect] Observant. [adjective Respect] [adjective Obedience] Obsolete, [Unaccustom'd] Obstacle, [adjective Impedient (thing] Obstetrication, [Assisting Parturition] Obstinate. Patience (exc.) Manners I. 8 Exceeding extreme Constancy (exc.) Habit IV. 7. Exceeding extreme Obstruction. [Hindering] [Stopping up] Disease. Sickness I. 4. Obtain. Transcendental Action V. 1. Obtestation, [Entreating augmentative] Obtrude, [On- thrust] put] Obtuse, [Blunt] --- angle. Magnitude III. 3. Exceeding extreme Obvious. Space II. 6. Obumbration, [Shadowing] Occasion. Transcendental General II. 4. Affinis. Occidental, [adjective West] Occult, [adjective passive Conceal] Occupation. [Business] [Profession] Occupy. [active Business] [active Possession] Occur. [passive Event] [Meet] Ocean. World IV. 2. Ockam, [Tow for calking of ships.] Octave, [Eighth day after] Octavo, [Third figure of books] October, [Tenth moneth] Ocular, [adjective Ey] Parts General III. 2. Odd ends, [Residue] Odds, [Superiority] at --- Enemies] active Contention] Ode, [Song] Odious. [adjective passive Hate aptitude, or proneness..] Odness. op. to Evenness. Transcendental Mixed III. 5. Operation or Opposite [Extraordinariness] Odor, [Smell] Odoriferous, [Sweet] Ods, vid. Odds. Oeconomic. Relation Oeconomical Oecumenical. [adjective World] [Universal] Of. Genitive. Prep. I. 1. [By.] Prep. I. 2. [Concerning] Prep. I. 3. Affinis. out --- Prep. I. 3. South --- [S- from] Of. [Distant] Prep. III. 2. Affinis. Cut --- from- c.] Drive --- from- d.] Offal, [Worst part] Transcendental Mixed VI. I. Operation or Opposite specially adjective Residue. Offend. Displease] Hurt] [Sin] --- in fighting. Relation Military I, 1. Offensive. [Displeasing] [Hurtful] Offer. --- to do. Transcendental Action III. 3. Affinis. --- to give. Transcendental Action IV. 2. [Bid] [Give to God] [active Oblation] [active Sacrifice] [active Incense] Offertory, [active Oblation] Office. Trust. Relation Civil IV. 6. Affinis. [Employment] Transcendental Action III. good --- [Benefit] house of --- [adjective Dunging (house] (room] Officer, [adjective Office (person] Ecclesiastical --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. Official, [Ecclesiastical Judge] Officious. Manners IV. 2. Exceeding extreme [adjective Complaisance] Offspring, [Descendents aggregate] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Operation or Opposite Often, [Adverb derived Frequent] Oh. Interj. Oil Provisions I. 6. --- box of a Bird. Parts Peculiar V. 8. Affinis. --- of corn, [Beard --- ] Oilet, [Hole] specially for Button] Ointment. [adjective Anointing (thing] [Salve] Oister. Exanguious VIII. 4. --- weed. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 13. Affinis. Okam, [Tow for calking of ships] Oke. TR. V. 1. bitter --- Tree V. I. Affinis. holme --- Tree V. 2. Holy --- Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 6. Affinis. Scarlet --- [Holm] --- fearn. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 4. Affinis. --- of Cappadocia. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 13. Affinis. --- of Ierusalem. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 13. Oker. Yellow --- Stone VI. 2. Red --- Stone VI. 2. Affinis. Old. [adjective Age] how --- [of what age] --- age. Measure VI. 4. [Decrepit] adjective Measure VI. 4. Affinis. op. to New. Space I. 3. Affinis. --- clothes, [Decayed c.] --- fashion, [Unaccustom'd f.] --- souldier, [Experienc'd s.] --- time, [Transcendental General past augmentative] Oleander. Shrub VI. 1. Olibanum, [Frankincense] Tree VIII. 3. 1 Oligarchy, [Government by a Faction] Olive. Tree II. 4. Ominous, [Before-signing] Omitting. Transcendental Action III. 8. Affinis. Omnipotency, [All-mightiness] Omnipresence, [Adverb derived Ubiquity presence] Omniscient. [All-knowing] On. --- the contrary, [Adverb derived contrary] --- fire, [adjective passive Fire] [Toward] --- the left hand, [Towards --- ] right hand, [Towards --- ] Concerning] In] agree --- [Agree In] Concerning] [Forward] come --- [Proceed] fight --- [Prosecute fighting.] hold --- [Prosecute] set --- active Assault] active Impulsive] [To] active Assault] active Impulsive] happen --- [H. to.] [Upon] Prep. VI. 1. Once. [One (time] [In past time] all at --- [Together-all] One. Proper. Measure II. 1. --- by --- [Adverb derived Segregateness] --- another, [Adverb derived Reciprocation] --- for another, [Compensation] --- with another, [Adverb derived Mixture] Confusedness] [Any] Pron. III. 1 some --- Pron. II. 3 Affinis. certain --- Pron. II. 3. [Onely] Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. Operation or Opposite [The same] all --- Equal] Alike] One blade. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 5. Onely. Adverb underived IV. 1. Operation or Opposite [Alone] Relation Oeconomical IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Onerate, [Lode] Operation or Opposite VI. 7. Onion. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 9. Onset, [Assault] Onslaught. [Storming] Onyx. Stone III. 4. Opacity. Quality sensible I. 4. Operation or Opposite Opal-stone. Stone III. 1. Open. --- ing. Unshut. Operation or Opposite II. 2. Operation or Opposite Uncover. Operation or Opposite II. 3. Operation or Opposite Unfold, [Spread] Un- adjective passive Seal (make] Un adjective passive Impedient (make] Un-adjective passive Obstruction (make] Un-conceal Reveal] Manifest] Un-adjective Publicness (make.] Un-obscure, [active Plain] Un-implicit, [active Express] [adjective passive Opening] --- air, [Clear air] --- handed, [Liberal] --- hearted. Frank, [adjective Manners IV. 4.] In excess, [adjective Manners IV. 4. E] --- house, [Hospitality for all comers.] --- war, [Manifested war] --- weather, [World not cloudy] frosty] Operation. Mechanic. Operation or Opposite I. in General. Operation or Opposite II. in Agriculture. Operation or Opposite III. in Fabrile. Operation or Opposite IV. in Sartorian. Operation or Opposite V. in Chymic. Operation or Opposite VI. in Pharmaceutic. Operation or Opposite VI. Affinis. [active Efficient] Ophidion Plinii. Fish VI. 4. Affinis. Opiniastre. [Conceited] [Wilful] [Obstinate] Opinion Action Spiritual II. 6. Operation or Opposite Opium, [Soporative juice of Poppy] Opopanax, [Gummy juice of the root of Hercules Allheel] Oppilation, [Obstruction] Sickness I. 5. Opponent, [adjective Opposition (person] Opportunity. [Time perfective] Occasion (time] adjective Congruity (time] Oppose, [active Opposition] Opposition. Transcendental General VI. 8. Operation or Opposite --- of proposition. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 4. in --- [distant ½ of a great Circle] Oppression. Relation Judicial IV. 5. Opprobry, [Reproch] Oppugn, [Oppose] Optic. [adjective Seeing] [Seeing (art] Optimacy, [Government by the chief (persons] Option. [Choice] [Wish] Opulent. [Rich] [Abundant] Or. Conjunction II. 3.. --- else, [Adverb derived Other] Oracle, [adjective passive Speaking revelation] Orage. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 9. Oral, [adjective Mouth] Orange. Tree I. 7. Affinis. Oration. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 2. Orator, [adjective Oration Entreaty (person] Oratory. [Oration (art.] [Prayer (place] Orb. [Sphere] --- Imaginary. World VI. Affinis. Orbicular, [adjective Sphere] Orbis. --- Echinatus. Fish VIII. 2. Affinis. --- hirsutus. Fish VIII. 1. Affinis. --- maricatus. Fish VIII. 2. --- scutatus. Fish VIII. 1. Orchard. Possessions I. 3. Affinis. Orchis. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 8. Ordain. [Appoint] [active Ordinance] [active Ordination] Order. Transcendental Mixed V. 2. Method. Transcendental Mixed V. 2. [Government] [Decree] --- ly. [adjective Order perfective] [adjective Manners Homiletic] [adjective active Subjection] Orders. [plur. Order] [adjective Ordination (thing] Ordinance. [Decree] [Law] [Edict] [Institution] Relation Ecclesiastical VI. Cannon, &c. Relation Military V. 6. Affinis. Ordinary. Usual. Transcendental Mixed V. 3.] Between course and fine. Quality sensible VI. 3. [Bishop] Ordination. Relation Ecclesiastical V. 2. Ordure. [Dung] [Filth] Ore, [Metal not yet prepared] O're, [Over] Organ, [Instrument] Musical --- Organy, [Wild Marjoram] Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 4. Affinis. Orient. [East] [Bright] Orifice, Hole] Mouth (like] Origany. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 4. Affinis. Original. Primitive] First] [Beginning] [Rise] --- copy, [Exemplar] Orizon, [Prayer] Ornament, [adjective active Ornateness (thing] Ornateness. Transcendental Mixed V. 6. Orphan, [Un-parented] Orpiment. Stone VI. 4. Orpin. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 2. Orrage. Herb considered according to the Flower I 9. Ort, [Fragment adjective Residue] Orthodox. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 1. Orthography, [active Letter perfective] Orthopnoea. Sickness V 2. Affinis. Oscitation. [Yawning] [Carelesness] Osmund.   Osprey, [Bone-breaking Eagle] Ostentation. [Over-saying] [Glorying] Ostler, [Common horse (Off.] Ostrich. Bi. II. 9. Otes. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 4. Othe. Relation Civil VI. 4. Other. adjective Diversity] Pron. II. 2. Operation or Opposite --- wise, [Adverb derived Other] --- whiles, [In some (times] --- where, [In other (places] every, --- [Every second] the --- [The rest] Otter. Beast IV. 8. Affinis. Oval. Magnitude VI. 6. Ouch, [Ornament of gemms] Oven, [adjective active Baking (place] Over. [adjective Superiority] [adjective Power] Authority] [adjective Abundance] Excess] --- bold, [B. (Exc.] --- much, [Excess] Adverb derived Vantage] Besides] --- and above. more --- [Also] [Above] Prep. V. 1. --- thwart. Prep. III. 3. [Throughout] Prep. IV. 3. --- again, [Through it again] all --- [Through all] all is --- [All is past] give --- [Desist] read --- [Beyond] Prep. VI. 2. Affinis. --- against. Prep. VI. 3. Operation or Opposite Overaw. [active Fear (make] [Coaction by fear] Overbear. [active Submit (make] [active Magisterialness] Overbid, [Bid More then.] (exc.] Overbold, [Bold (exc.] Overburden, [Burden (exc.] Overbuy, [Buy dear (exc.] Overcast, Cover] Shadow] Overcatch.   Overcharge, [Burden (exc.] Overcome, [active Victory] Overfill, [Fill (exc.] Overflow. [Over-flow] [verb Abundance] Overglut, [Glut (exc.] Overgone, [pret. Gone (exc.] Overgrow. [Grow more than, &c.] (exc.] [Cover by growing] Overhasty, [Hasty (exc.] Overhear, [Adverb derived Concealed hear] Overheavy, [Heavy (exc.] Overlay. [Cover (exc.] [Kill by covering] Overly, [Adverb derived Slightness] Sloth] Overload, [Load (exc.] Overlong, [Long (exc.] Overlook. active Ey another's doing] Observe the thing doing done [Look too high] [Adverb derived Omitting] Overmaster, [active Victory] Overmatch, [active Superiour] Overmeasure, [Excess] Overmuch, [Excess] Overpass. [Omit] [Excel] Overplus. [Redundant (thing] [Vantage] [Residue] Overrate, [Tax more than proportion] Overreach, Overtake] active Fraud] Overreckon, [Reckon (exc.] Overripe. Natural Power VI. 4. Exceeding extreme Overrule. [verb Superiour] Relation Oeconomical III. [Yield (make] sp. by Authority] [Overcome] Overrun. [Fill (exc.] [Cover with multitude] Oversaying. Manners IV. 1. Exceeding extreme Oversee, [active Oversight] Overshadow, [Cover with shadow] Overshoot, [Beyond shoot] go] --- himself, [active Excess] Oversight. [Office.] specially of observing what others do in their offices] [Errour] Overskip. Omit Lose specially by neglect.] Overslip. [Omit] Neglect] Forget] Overspread, [Over-spread] Overt, [Manifest] Overtake. Transcendental Action VI. 6. Affinis. --- n with wine, [passive Drunkenness --- ] Overthrow, active Transverse (make] active Victory] to receive an --- Relation Military II. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Overthwart, Transverse] Prep. III. 3. Overtoil, [Toil (exc.] Overture, [adjective passive Offer] specially Proposition] Overturn, [active Transverse] Overvalue, [Value (exc.] Overween, [active Arrogance] Overweigh, [Weigh more than] Overweight, [More than weight] Overwhelm, [Cover augmentative] Ought. verb Dueness] Mood of duty] [Any thing] Ounce. Weight. Measure III. 4. Beast. Beast IV. 3. Our, [adjective plur. Pron. I. 1.] Out. Material. Prep. I. 3. Local. Of Motion. Prep. IV. 2. get --- [Obtain] specially to be without] scrape --- Of Rest. Prep. IV. 2. Affinis. all is --- Past] Finisht] Spent] Extinct] Discovered] Public] the secret is --- he is --- [He erreth] they are --- [They are enemies] --- of date, [Un- custom'd] autoritied] --- of doors, [Without d.] --- of doubt, [Without d.] --- of fashion, [Un-custom'd] --- of frame, [Confused] --- of hand, [Adverb derived Sudden] --- of heart, [Discouraged] --- of joynt, [Un-joynted] --- of kinde, [Degenerous] --- of order, [Confused] --- of patience, [Vn-patienced] --- of sight, [Not-visible] --- of use, [Not-used] --- of wits, [Mad] --- upon. Interjection II. 1. Operation or Opposite Interjection II. 3. Operation or Opposite Outcast. [Rejected] [Banished] Outcry, [Exclamation] Outgo. [Go faster] beyond] [verb Superiority] Outlandish, [adjective Foreiner] Outlaw'd. Un-adjective Suit Power, or ability] Proscribed] Outlet, [Out-ition (place] Outlive, [Live longer than] after] Outmost, [Most adjective outside] Outpass, [active Superiority] Outrage, [Injury augmentative] Outragious, [adjective Excess augmentative] specially in Anger.] Outside. Space III. 6. Operation or Opposite Outstand, [active Duration after] Outstrip, [Run faster than] Outward, [adjective Outside] Outwork. [adjective Outside. Relation Military VI.] [Rampier] Relation Military VI 3. Owe. as Debt, [active Debtor] as Duty, [active Dueness] Owl. Horned. Bi. I. 4. Not Horned. Bi. I. 4. Affinis. Own. my --- [adjective I, adjective I.] one's --- man, [Rational perfective] --- er, [adjective Propriety (person.] to --- Appropriate] Claim] Owze. World III. 7. Affinis. Owzle, [Black bird] Ox, Bull. Beast II. 1. [untesticled] Oxey. Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower II. 6. Affinis. Bird. [Woodpecker (kind] Bi. I. 9. Affinis. Ozier, [Sallow] Tree VI. 9. Affinis. P. PAce. [Mode of going] Motion II. [Step] [Five foot] [Degree of swiftness] [Measure in dancing] --- ing, [Ambling] Motion II. 2. Pacifie, active Peaceable (make] Un-anger] Pack, Aggregate. Transcendental Mixed III. 8. specially together tied] --- horse, [H. for carriage of pack] --- saddle, [Sickness for carriage of pack] --- thred, [Course thred for tying] to --- active Aggregate by together tying] to --- Heap and bind] --- away, [Depart with one's goods] --- cards, [Order C. fraudulently] --- Iury, [Chuse partially a Jury] to set --- ing, [Depart (make] Packet, [Aggregate diminutive] specially together tied] --- boat. Relation Naval I. 8. Paction. Relation Civil VI. Affinis. Pad. [Saddle diminutive] --- nag, [adjective passive Riding aptitude, or proneness..) horse] --- lock, [adjective passive Hanging aptitude, or proneness..] Paddle, [Spade (like) staff] to --- [active Hand frequentative] specially in water.] Paddock. [Frog] [Park diminutive] Paedobaptism, [Baptism of Infants.] Paganellus. Fish III. 7. Affinis. Paganism. Relation Ecclesiastical I. 2. Page. [Servant for waiting] --- of paper, Side Area of paper] Pageant, [Arch for sights] Pagrus. Fish V. 4. Pay, [adjective active Paying (thing] --- master, [adjective Paying (Off.] put out of --- Souldiers --- [Sickness hire] --- ing. Transcendental Action IV. 8. [Compensating] Paigle. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 1. Affinis. Pail, [Tub (dim) with handle] Pain. [active Punishment] op. to Ease. Natural Power V. 3. Operation or Opposite [active Torture] Relation Judicial VI. 1. [Aking, &c.] Action Corporeal II. 7. op. to Pleasure, [active Unpleasantness.] [Grief] --- s, active Operation] active Diligence] --- fulness, [active Pain Pains aptitude, or proneness..] Painim, [adjective Paganism (person.] Painting. Operation or Opposite IV. 8. Pair. [Equal] [Companion] [Two] [Aggregate (thing] --- of bellows, [B.] --- of cards [Suit of c.] Palace. Possessions II. 2. Palate. Roof. Parts General III. 5. [Tast] Palatine, [adjective Palace] Pale. --- ness. Action Corporeal IV. 9. Affinis. a --- [Lamin] specially of wood] Pales, [Sepiment of Lamins erect.] Palinody, [Recanting] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 9. Affinis. Palisado. Relation Military VI. 7. Pall. Pallet, [Bed diminutive) to be laid on the floor.] Palliate, Seem (make] Cover corruptive] Palm. --- of hand, [Concave (part] Tree, [Date] dwarfe --- Shrub III. 2. [Carkin] Parts Peculiar II. 1. Affinis. Palmer. [Pilgrim] --- worm, [Caterpillar] Palmetto royal [Cabbidg tree] Tree VII. 7. Palmistry, [Wizarding by inspection of the hand.] Palpable. [adjective passive Feeling aptitude, or proneness..] [Manifest augmentative] Palpitation. Sickness V. 4. Palsy. Sickness IV. 6. Palter, [active Sloth] Lightness] Paltry, [Sorry] Pamper, [active Fat augmentative] Pamphlet, [Sorry book diminutive] Pan, [Shallow wide (vess.] specially earthen] Brain- [Concave bone covering the brain] Knee- [Convex bone covering the knee] Warming- [adjective Warming (vess.] Frying- [adjective Frying (vess.] --- cake, [Fry'd Pudding (Lamin.] Panade, [Broth of boil'd bread] Panage, [Feeding for hogs under the deciduous trees.] Panch. Stomach] Belly] [Earthen Tray] Pander, [adjective Fornication mechant] Pandiculation. Motion III. 6. Affinis. Pane, [Lamin] Panegyric, [adjective active Praise oration] Panel. [Lamin diminutive] [Catalogue of names] [Saddle for burdens] --- of Hawk, [Belly --- ] Pang, [Impetus] specially pain impetus, or fit] Panic. [Corn] Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 5. --- grass. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 1. Affinis. --- fear, [Causeless universal f.] Panier, [Basket.] specially for carriage on horse. Pannage, [Tax on cloth] "pannage" not found in OED in this sense. Pannicle, [Membrane] Pannier, vid. Panier. Pansy. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 5. Affinis. Pant. Sickness V. 1. Panther, [Pard] Beast IV. 2. Affinis. Pantler, [adjective Bread (Off.] Pantofle, [Loose foot (vest] Pantry, [adjective Bread Victual (room] Pap. [Water adjective passive consistence with bread.] --- of an apple, [adjective passive consistence pulp --- ] [Dug] Papal, [adjective Pope] Paper. Reed. Factitious. Provisions VI. 7. Papilionaceous fly. Exanguious IV. 6. Affinis. Papist, [Of the Pope's faction] Parable, [Tralatitious Narration] Parabola. Magnitude III. 8. Parade, [active Preparation] Paradise, [Pleasure (place] Bird of --- Fools --- [Deceiving Hope] Delight] Paradox, [Against common opinion] Paragon, [Excellent] Paragraph, [Section] Parallax, [Difference between the true place and the seeming.] Parallel. Magnitude II. 7. Parallels. World VI. 7. Parallelogram, [Quadrangle, whose opposite sides are parallels] Paralogism, [Syllogism corruptive] Paralytic, [adjective Palsy] Sickness IV. 6. Paramor, Suitor Lover specially corruptive) Paramount, [Adverb derived Chief adjective right] Parapet. Relation Military VI. 9. Paraphrase. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 5. Affinis. Paraqueto. Bi. I. 7. Affinis. Paraselene. Element V. 3. Affinis. Parasite, [Flatterer] specially for victuals] Parathesis. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 7. Affinis. Parboil, [Boil diminutive] Parbreak, [Vomit] Parcel, Part] Aggregate diminutive] to --- [active Segregate] Parch, [Dry (exc.) with heating] Parchment, [Paper of skin] Parcimony, [Frugality] Parcity, [Sparingness] Pard. Beast IV. 2. Affinis. Pardon. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 9. --- fault. [Absolution] --- debt. Transcendental Action IV. 9. Affinis. Pare, [From-cut Superficies] Extremity] Parelius. Element V. 3. Possibly "parelius" is a form of OED "parhelion." Parenchyma. [Flesh] Parts General II. 6. Parent. Relation Oeconomical I. 2. --- age, [Parent (kind] Parenthesis. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 7. Parget, [Plastering] Parish. Relation Civil III. 4. Affinis. Parity. [Equalness] [Evenness] Levelling. Relation Civil I. Operation or Opposite Park. Possessions I. 5. Affinis. --- leaves, [Tutsan] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 8.. Parlament, [National Council] Parly, Confer] Treat] Parlour, [adjective Discourse (room] Parching. Relation Naval VI. 1. Affinis. Parochial, [adjective Parish] Parole, Word] Parole, Promise] Paroxysm, [Impetus] Parrhesy, [Frankness] Parricide, [Murder of near kin] Parrot. Bi. I. 7. Parsimony, [Frugality] Parsly. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 9. Bastard --- Herb considered according to the Flower V. 12. Affinis. milky --- Herb considered according to the Flower V. 13 Affinis. Stone --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 2. Parsnip. Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 2. Cow --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 15. Water --- Herb considered according to the Flower IV. 15. Affinis. Parson, adjective Parish-Priest] Possessor of Priest's revenue] Part. Portion Transcendental Mixed VI. Operation or Opposite Member Transcendental Mixed VI. Operation or Opposite Best --- Transcendental Mixed VI. 1. Worst --- Transcendental Mixed VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Person] Faction] Interest] for my --- [Concerning my Person] Interest] for the most --- Concerning most persons] Adverb derived Most] on all --- s, [By all Persons] Factions] take one's --- [Assist, &c.] Quality] Action] Duty] one of excellent --- s, [ --- Qualities] good ill --- of him g. action] good ill --- of him i. action] to take in good --- [Accept perfective] to take in ill --- [Accept corruptive] to --- [active Division] Partition] Segregateness] [active Open] Separate] [Depart] --- a fray, [Un-active Contention] Fight] Partake. [active Partner] Accessory] Party. Person] Faction] [Aggregate] --- of souldiers. a commanded --- Relation Military IV. 6. --- colour'd, [Adverb derived Variety colour'd] --- per pale, [Alternly] [Accessory] Partiality, Habit II. 6. Operation or Opposite Participate, [active Partner] Accessory] Participle. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 3. Affinis. Particle, [Part diminutive] Word. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 1. Affinis. Particular. op. to Universal, [adjective Transcendental Mixed III. 3.] op. to General. [adjective Transcendental Mixed III. 4. a --- [Catalogue] --- ize, [active Induction] Example] Partisan. [Partaker] [Halbert] Partition. --- in a building. Possessions III. 1. Affinis. --- in discourse. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 4. Affinis. Partner. Relation Oeconomical IV. 5. Partridge. Bi. II. 6. red --- Bi. II. 6. Affinis. Parturition. Action Corporeal I. 3. Paru. Fish III. 17. Pasch, [Passover] --- flower, [Pussatilla] Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 3. Affinis. Paschal, [adjective Passover] Pasquil, [adjective Mocking writing] Pass. [active Ition] Coming] Going] Proceeding] Travelling] specially Beside] Over] Beyond] -by Omit] Not-observe] -over, active Omission] active Transition] -one's life, [Live] word, [Promise] -as bell, [active Dying (sign] [active Past] -away. -one's right, [Alienate] -the time. bring to --- Effect] Perform] come to --- [adjective passive Event] let it --- I will --- [I will desist] Suffice] Exceed] Excell] I --- not for it, [I esteem it not] a --- [way] specially over river] [State] brought to that --- Venue, Thrust impetus, or fit] Prick (end] [Written Licence for travelling] Passable, [Indifferent] Transcendental Mixed I. 4. Passage. [Going] way] Entry] [Fare] --- boat. [Transaction] [Clause] Passenger, [adjective Travelling (person] Passer solitarius. Bi. III. 6. Affinis. Passion. Suffering. Transcendental General I. 7. Operation or Opposite Affection. Action Spiritual V. [specially Anger] Corp. action sign into it. Action Corporeal IV. Passive, [adjective Passion] Passover. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 5. Affinis. Pass-port, [Written Licence of travelling] Past, [adjective Past time] --- time. Space I. 1. Exceeding extreme Paste. [Raw bread] [Glue of ground corn] Pasteler, [adjective active Py mechanic] Pastern, [Cavity of the heel] Pasty, [Py (augm,] Pastime. Recreation] Mirth] Pastinaca. Fish II. 1. Pastor. Shepherd] Priest] Pastry. [adjective Store-room for adjective py (things] [active py (art.] Pasture. Possessions I. 5. Pat, [Congruous] Patch, [Fragment] to --- [Repair with fragments] --- with, [active Fraud] Pate. Parts General III. 1. Affinis. Patent. Relation Civil IV. 4. Paternal, [adjective Father] Paternity, [Father (abstr.] Path, [adjective passive pret. Walk (place] Pathetic, [adjective active Passion aptitude, or proneness..] Patible quality. Quality sensible Patience. Vertue. Manners I. 8. Herb. Patient. [adjective Passion] Patience] a --- [adjective passive Physician (person] Patin, Wide shallow dish] Cover of cup] Patriarch. Before Christ. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 1. [Primate] Patrician, [Noble] Patrimony, [adjective passive Inherit (thing] Patriot, Lover of one's Nation.] Benefactour of one's Nation.] Patron, of Dependent. Relation Oeconomical III. 9. of Slave, [Master] of Church-living, [adjective Giving Power, or ability] Patronage, [active Patron] Patronize. [active Patron] [Protect] Patronymic, [adjective Family (name] Pattern. [Example] [Type] Pattin vid. Patin. [Under-adjective foot jugament] Paucity, [Fewness] Pave, [active Floor] specially with stones] Pavement, [adjective Stone-floor] Pavillion. [Tent augmentative] Paw, [Multifidous foot] Pawn. Relation Civil VI. 7. Pawnage, vid. Panage. Pawnch, Belly] Parts General IV. 6. Guts aggregate] to --- [Un-active bowel] Pawse, Discontinue] Rest] a --- [Period] Peace. Relation Military Operation or Opposite --- ableness. Manners IV. 3. to hold one's --- [active Taciturnity] Silence] Peach. Tree II. 1. to --- [Accuse] Peacock, [Bi. II. 2. specially (male] Peahen, [Peacock female] Peal, [Tunable ringing] Pear. Tree I. 2. Peasant, Rustic (person] Villain (person] Pease. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 2. Affinis. Chich --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 2. Winged wild --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 5. Affinis. --- Earth-nuts. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel II. 7. Affinis. Peasecod, [Cod of Pease] Peccadillo, [Sin diminutive] Peccant, adjective active Sin] Guilty] Peck, [Two gallons] to --- Motion VI. 5. Affinis. Pectoral, [adjective Breast] Peculiar, [Proper] Pecuniary, [adjective Money] Pedal. Pedant, Teacher corruptive) of children] adjective Pusillanimity (person] Pedee. Relation Military III. 8. Affinis. Pedegree, [Series of Ancestors] Pedestal. Magnitude V. 3. Pedler, [Wandring Merchant corruptive] Pedling, Sorry diminutive] Little corruptive] Pedobaptism, [Baptism of Infants] Peeble. Stone I. 2. Peece. [Part] Chip] Fragment] --- meal, [Adverb derived Part segregate] all to --- s, [In parts] [Total] of one- Entire] Continued] [Gun] [20 s.] to --- [Repair] specially by adding fragment] --- together, [Together-joyn] Peel, vid. Pill. Bakers --- [Staff with Lamin at the end] Peep. --- of day, [Day inceptive] to --- [See (end) secretly] [Cry as Bird (young] Peer. [Equal] --- less, [Not adjective passive Equal Power, or ability] [Nobleman] [Factitious bank] Peevishness, [Moroseness] Peg, [Pin] specially for fastning] Peiony, Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 1. Pelamis. Fish III. 4. Affinis. Pelf, [Riches corruptive] Pelican. BI. IX. 4. Affinis. Pellet. [Bullet (like] Pellitory. --- of Spain. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 11. --- of the wall. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 16. Pellucid, [Transparent] Pelmel. [Game of striking bowl diminutive) through a hole] [Adverb derived Mixture] Confusion] Pelt. Sheeps --- [Shrub skin] Shepherds --- [Shrub (vest.] to --- [Chafe] [Cast stones] Pen. [Coop] [adjective Writing instrument] -man, [adjective Writing (person] (Off.] -knife, [K. for pens] to --- Sepiment] Write] Penal, [adjective Punishment] Penalty, [Punishment] Penance. [Punishment] [Repentance] Pence, [plur. Penny] Pencil, [adjective Painting instrument] Pendant. [passive Hanging thing] [Flag] Pendulous, adjective active Swing] Doubtful] Penetrate, Into --- ition] Through- ition] Out --- ition] Penguin. Bi. IX. 6. Affinis. Penisle. World III. 4. Operation or Opposite Penitent, [adjective Repentance] Penner, [adjective Pen (vess] Writing (person] Penny. Measure IV. 2. --- father, [Penurious (person] --- worth, [Price (manner] Pennyroyal. Herb considered according to the Flower VII. 8. Pennywort. Wall --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 6. Pennon, [Flag diminutive] Pension, [adjective active Stipendiating (thing] --- er, [adjective passive Stipendiated (person] Pensive, [adjective Grief Thinking aptitude, or proneness..] Pent, [adjective passive Sepiment] Pentagon, [Figure with five angles] Pentecost, [Festival for descension of the Holy Ghost] Penthouse, [Protuberant margin of roof.] Penuriousness. op. to Liberality. Manners III. 3. Exceeding extreme op. to Magnificence, [Sordidness.] Penury. Poverty Want. People. [Nation] Common --- Relation Civil I. 5. to --- Fill Furnish with men] Pepper. Shrub II. 9. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 6. Ginny --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 8. Affinis. Wall --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 5. Affinis. Peradventure, [Adverb derived Fortune] Contingence] Perambulation, About --- walking] Through- walking] Perce, vid. Pierce. Perceive. active Sense specially inc.] See. specially inc.] Understand specially inc.] Perceptible, [adjective passive Perceive Power, or ability] Perch. [Transverse stick] to --- [Sit upon a stick] Measure. Measure I. 5. Fish. Fish IX. 6. Sea --- Fish V. 10. Percolation, [Straining] Operation or Opposite VI. 4. Percussion, [Striking] Perdition, Destruction] Loss] Perdue. Relation Military III. 7. Affinis. Peregrination, [Travelling] specially forein] Peregrine, [adjective Foreiner] Peremptory, Absolute] Obstinate] Perennial, [During through the year] Perfect. Transcendental General III. 9. [Finished] [adjective Integrity] [adjective Art] Experience] Perfidiousness, [Treachery] Perforate. [active Hole (make] [Through-bore] Perforce, [adjective Coaction] Perform. Transcendental Action III. 6. Perfume, [adjective active Sweetness (thing] Perfunctory. [Slight] [Heedless] [Negligent] Perhaps, [Adverb derived Fortune] Contingence] Adverb underived I. 2. Periacantha. Shrub IV. 5. Perianthium, [Cup] Parts Peculiar II. 8. "perianthium" antedates earliest OED entry (1687). Pericardium, [Skin about the heart] Pericarpium. Parts Peculiar II. 8. Affinis. Pericranium, [Skin about the skull] Peril, [Danger] Transcendental General V. 1. Operation or Opposite Perineum, [Under-privities (part] Period. [active Ceasing] [End] [Sentence] Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 1. Affinis.. Point. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 6. Affinis. Interpunction. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. 4. Periodical, [Returning at certain times] Periphery, Line about the extremity] Circle] Magnitude III. 2. Periphrasis, [Paraphrase] Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 5. A Periploca Shrub I. 7. Affinis. Perish, Decay] passive Destruction] Peristaltic motion. Motion III. 1. Affinis. Peritonaeum, [Membrane of the belly] Perjury, [Swearing a Lie] Periwig, [Factitious hair aggregate] Periwinkle. Shrub. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 10. Fish. Exanguious VII. 6. Affinis. Perk, [Proudly lift himself] Perl. Gem. Stone III. 2. Mother of --- [Shell of the adjective active Perl-oyster] --- in the ey, [Perl (like) spot in the ey] Permanent, [adjective Space I. 6.] Permit. [Not-forbid] [Not-hinder] [Yielding] Transcendental Action IV. 1. [active Licence] Permutation, [Change] Pernicious, [adjective a. Destruction] Pernoctation [active Night] Peroration, [Conclusion of oration] Perpendicular, [Direct] Perpetrate. [Doe] [Perform] Perpetual. Space I. 8. Perpetuity] Perplex, [Tangle] --- ity. [Tangling aptitude, or proneness..) difficulty] [Anxiety] Perquisite, Necessary] Expedient] --- s, [adjective Event profits] Perry, [Wine of Pears] Perriwig, [Factitious hair aggregate] Persecute. [Pursue] [Afflict] For Religion. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 4. Operation or Opposite Perseverance, [Constancy] Persevere, [active Constancy] Persian shell. Exanguious VII. 7. Affinis. "Persian shell" not found in OED. Persist, [active Constancy] Duration] Persly, vid. Parsly. Person. Transcendental General I. 4. Affinis. --- Iudicial. Relation Judicial I. --- Military. Relation Military III. Degrees of --- Relation Civil I. Personable, [Figured perfective] Personage, Person] (manner] Personal presence. Space II. 1. Personate, [Imitate as Player] Perspective, [Seeing (art.] Perspicacity, [Sagacity] Perspicuity, [Plainness] Perspiration, [Transpiration] Persuade. Relation Oeconomical V. 2. Persuasion. Action Spiritual III. 6. Affinis. Pert. Sprightly] Vigorous] (Confident] Pertein, vid. Pertinence. Pertinacy. Habit IV. 7. Exceeding extreme Pertinence. Transcendental Mixed IV. 5. Perturbation. Molesting specially by affection augmentative) Confusion specially by affection augmentative) Perverseness. Natural Power IV. 1. Operation or Opposite Pervert. [Seduce] [Wrest] Pervicacy. [Pertinacy] Peruse, Through- consider] All- consider] Perwinkle, vid. Periwinkle. Pesant, Rustic (person] Villain] Pest, [Plague] Pester, [Molest] specially frequentative] Pestiferous, adjective active Plague] Hurtful augmentative] Pestilence, [Plague] Sickness II. 3. Affinis. Pestle, [Braying instrument) Cylindrical (fig.] --- of Pork, [Thigh --- ] Pet, [Anger impetus, or fit] Petard, [Ordnance (like) machin for breaking gate] Stone Peters fish, [Doree] Fish IV. 12. Stone Peter's wort. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 7. Affinis. Petition [Entreaty] Religious. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 2. Affinis. Petrifie, [active Stone (make] Petronel, [Horseman's gun] Petty, Little] Sorry] Petticoat, [Loose thigh (vest] Pettifogger, [Lawyer corruptive] Pettishness, [Moroseness] Petulance, [Impudent wantonness] Pew, [About-sepimented seat] Pewter. Metal II. 2. Phantasy, [Fancy] Phantasm, [Seeming (thing) to fancy corruptive] Phantastic, adjective active Fancy corruptive] Conceited] Pharmaceutical operation. Operation or Opposite VI. A Phenicopter. Bi. VIII. 2. Phenix. Phesant. Bi. II. 3. Phyllyrea. Shrub III. 3. Philologer. Relation Civil II. 4. Philosopher. Relation Civil I. 1. Affinis. Philtre, [adjective active Love (make] medicin] Phlebotomy. Motion IV. 6. Phlegm. Parts General I. 6. Pholas. Exanguious VIII. 8. Phrase, Sentence (manner] Instead-word] Phrenetic, [adjective Frenzy] Phylactery, [Written lamin) to be worn] Physic, [adjective a Physician (thing] Physician. Relation Civil II. 3. Physiognomy. [Face (manner] [Wizarding by inspection of the face.] Physis. Fish V. 11. Py. Provision. Provisions I. 4. Affinis. Bird. Mag --- Bi. I. 8. Sea --- [Sea-mew] Bi. VII. 8. Piacular, [That ought to be expiated by sacrifice] Piazza, [About-housed Area.] Pibble. Stone I. 4. Pick. [Peck] [Pluck] [Open] --- a lock. [Discover] --- out. --- a secret. [Chuse] --- out, [active Election] [Gather] --- up. [Gain] --- out of one, [Gain from one] --- a quarrel, [Obtain (end) an occasion of q.] --- a thank, [Obtain (end) thanks [specially by accusing] [Pilfer] --- Pocket, [active Theft out of passive] --- Purse, [active Theft out of passive] [Cleanse] --- a bone [Cleanse b] --- one's ear [Cleanse e] --- one's teeth, [Cleanse t] Pickax, [adjective active Pecking hammer] Picked, [adjective passive Tooth] Magnitude IV. 2. Pickeer, [active Skirmish] Pickerel, [Pike diminutive] Pickeroon, [adjective active Bootying ship.] Pickle, [adj, active Pickling (things] [State corruptive] Pickling. Provisions III. 9. Pickrel, [Pike (dim] Picture. Provisions VI. 8. Pied, [Variegated] Pierce. Into --- ition] thrusting] [Boring] --- a vessel, [Broach a verb] --- ing pain, Pricking] Smarting] --- er, [Boring instrument] Piety. to God, [Religion (hab.] to Parents, [Gratitude] Pig, [Hog (young] Beast II. 4. Ginny --- Be III. 6. Affinis. --- of lead, [Cast (thing) of Lead.] Pigeon. Bi. III. 1. Piggin, [Tub diminutive] Pike. [Spear] Relation Military V. 3. Fish. Fish IX. 1. Pilchard Fish III. 10. Affinis. Pile. [Post] [Heap] [Emroid] --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower IX. 4. Affinis. Pilfer, [active Theft diminutive] Pilgrim, [Vow'd traveller for Religion.] Pill. a --- [Ball diminutive] [Rinde] to --- Strip, rinde] clothe] [Un-active rinde] clothe] [Rob] Pillage. [Robbery] [Booty] Pillar. Possessions III. 5. Pillaster, [Pillar diminutive] Pillion, [Woman's riding cushion] Pillory, [Imprisoning jugament) for head and hands] Pillow, [Cushion for the head] --- beer, [Case of Pillow] Pilot. Relation Naval V. 4. Affinis. Pimpernel. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 10. Affinis. Pimple, [Pustule] Sickness III. 1. Pin. Figure. --- without head. Magnitude IV. 1. --- with head. Magnitude VI. 2. Affinis. --- fish. Fish VI. 2. Affinis. --- and web, [Suffusion in the ey.] --- fold, [Imprisoning (sep.) for beasts.] to --- Bolt] Shut] --- a house, [Under-fill the foundation] Pincer, [adjective Pinching jugament] Pinch. [a Compression] as pain, [Twitch] [active Narrow (make] --- penny, [Penurious (person] [active Anxiety] Pine. Tree V. 4. Affinis. --- apple, [Nut of the Pinetree] to --- [active Decaying] Lean augmentative] Pink. Flower. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 1. Affinis. [Ship diminutive] to --- Provisions III. 5. --- eyed, [Narrow ey] Pinna. Exanguious VIII. 7. Pinnace, [Ship diminutive] Pinnacle, [Turret for ornament] Pinnion. Figure. Magnitude V. 5. Affinis. --- of wing, [Elbow --- ] to --- [active Bonds for the arms] Pinte. Pioneer. Relation Military III. 8. Piony. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel I. 1. Pious, [adjective Piety] Pip. [Point] [Disease] Pipe. [Tube] Square. Magnitude V. 9. Round. Magnitude V. 9. Affinis. [Barrel] Measure. Wind --- Parts General VI. 1. Affinis. --- tree. Shrub IV. 1. White --- Shrub V. 3. Affinis. to --- [active Music with pipe] Acuteness] Piper, [Tub-fish] Fish IV. 5. Pipkin, [Earthen diminutive) adjective boiling (vess.] Pippin. Pique, Malignity specially secret] Hatred specially secret] Pirate, [adjective Sea-robber.] Pisces, [Last of the 12 parts of the Zodiac.] Piscis triangularis. Fish VIII. 3. --- Cornutus. Fish VIII. 3. Affinis. Pish, [Interjection of Contempt] Aversation] Pismire, [Ant] Exanguious IV. 5. Pissing. Motion IV. 8. Pistach. Tree IV. 2. Pistol. [adjective Hand-gun diminutive] Money. Pit, [Dent] Arm --- [Concave (part) under the arm] --- fall, [Concave (place) in the earth for catching birds] Pitch. [Height] --- of a hill, [Obliquity inceptive) --- ] [Tar boyled to a consistence] to --- [Smear with Pitch] --- Camp, Place c.] --- Net, Direct n.] --- Tens, Fix t.] --- a floor, [active Floor with stones] Pitcher, [Earthen pot.] Pitchfork, [Fork] Piteous, vid. Pittiful. Pith. Parts Peculiar I. 5. Affinis. Pithy. [adjective Pith] Importance] Pittance, Part diminutive] Proportion diminutive] Pittty. Action Spiritual IV. 7. Operation or Opposite Pittiful, [adjective active Pitty aptitude, or proneness..] passive Pitty aptitude, or proneness..] Pittiless. [Not-adjective active Pitty] [Cruel] Pituitous, [adjective Phlegm.] Pizzle, [Genital (male] Placable, [Un-adjective passive anger aptitude, or proneness..] Placard, Patent] Edict] Place. Proper. Space II. [Situation] --- Military. Relation Military VI. [House (augment.] [Order] [Dignity] [Degree] Relation Civil I. [Office] [Stead] to --- active Place] Put] chuse in ones's --- [active Substitute (make] Successor (make] give --- Yield Superiority (sign] Take Superiority (sign] take --- Yield Superiority (sign] Take Superiority (sign] Placid, [Meek] Plagiary. [Stealer of Men] Writings] Plague. [Pestilence] Sickness II. 3 Affinis. [Adversity augmentative] to --- Afflict] Punish] Play. op. to Work. Operation or Opposite Affinis. --- fellow, [Companion in play.] --- with, [Together-play] Imitate] active Action] --- fast and loose, [active Lightness.] the Coward, [active C. the Fool, [active F. the Hypocrite, [active H. the Truant, [active Transcendental General the Wanton, [active World --- er. Relation Civil II. 9. Stage --- [adjective passive Player (thing] active Recreation] Motion V. active Game] Motion V. Affinis. --- at a game, [active Game] --- at Dice, &c. [active Dice, &c.] --- at single Rapier, &c. [active Fence at s. &c.] --- upon an instrument, [active Music.] --- upon a man, [active Mock a man.] --- upon with guns, [active Gun] Plaice. Fish VII. 4. Plain. Plain. Magnitude III. 4. Even.] Quality sensible VI. 2. Champain. World III. 1. Carpenter's --- [adjective active Even instrument] Not-obscure. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 9. Manifest] Transcendental Action I. 9. Simple] Mean] Homely] Sincere] Frank] Plaint, [Complaint] Plaintiff. Relation Judicial I. 4. Plais. Fish VII. 4. Plaister, vid. Plaster. Plait, vid. Pleit. Plancher, [Room for fatting of Boar] Plane. Tree VI. 10. Affinis. [adjective active Even instrument] Planet. World II. 3. --- struck. Planisphere, [Picture of sphere in plain] Plank, [Thick adjective wood (lamin] to --- [active Floor with wood (lamin] Plant. World V. 2. to --- Quality sensible III. 6. --- guns, [Place guns on bank] --- a Country, [active Colony] --- of foot, [Bottom --- ] Plaintain. Herb. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 2. Sea --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 4. Tree. Tree I. 9. Plantation. [Planting] [Colony] Relation Civil III. 1. Affinis. Plash, [Spread boughs] --- of water, [Lake diminutive] --- y, [adjective Lake dim.] Plaster. Medecin. Provisions VI. 4. Affinis. Morter. Element IV. 5. Affinis. --- er, [adjective Morter mechanic.] Plastic, [Figuring (art.] specially by Carving] Moulding] Plat, vid. Pleit. Plate. [Lamin] specially Metall lamin] [Vessel] specially of Silver or Gold] [Shallow dish] Platform. Exemplar] Description by lines] Sconce] Platter, [Shallow dish augmentative] Plaudite Praise (voice] Joy (voice] Plausible, [adjective passive Praise aptitude, or proneness.] Plea, Relation Judicial II. 3. Affinis. Pleader. Relation Judicial I. 7. Pleasant. Transcendental General IV. 2. [adjective active Delectation aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Mirth] [adjective Urbanity] Pleasing. [Delectation] [Appeasing] Pleasure. Habit II. 3. [Delectation] [Will] at one's --- [According to ones will] to --- one, [active Benefactor] Complacence] Plebeian, [adjective People (kinde] Pledge, [Pawn] to --- one, [Answer in drinking] Pleit Fold in wrinkles] Weave with the fingers] Plenary, Full] Totall] Perfect] Plenipotentiary, [Perfectly authorized] Plenty, [Abundance] Pleonasm, [Abounding (manner) of sentence] Plethory. Sickness I. 3. Pleurisie. Sickness V. 6. Ply, [active Diligence] Operation] Pliable [adjective Limberness] active Obedience aptitude, or proneness..] passive Persuasion aptitude, or proneness..] Pliant, [adjective Limberness] active Obedience aptitude, or proneness..] passive Persuasion aptitude, or proneness..] Plight, [Oblige] [State] in good --- [adjective Vigour] Plot. Area] Description by lines] [Design] Plover. green --- Bi. VII. 2. grey --- Bi. VII. 2. Affinis. Plow, [adjective Plowing jugament] --- ing. Operation or Opposite III. 1. Affinis. Pluck, Pull] Draw] --- a Bird, [Un active feather] Sheeps --- [Shrub Parts General VI.] Plug, (Wooden adjective stopping (thing] Plum. Parts Peculiar III. 2. --- tree. Tree II. 2. Affinis. Plumb, [Perpendicular] --- rule, Perpendicularness measuring instrument] Transversness measuring instrument] Plume, [Feather] Parts Peculiar V. 1. [Feathers aggregate) for ornament] to --- Un- active Feather] active Order perfective) the feathers] Plummer, [adjective Lead mechanic.] Plummet, [Weight diminutive] Carpenter's --- [Weight for measuring perpendicularness.] Plump. [Fat] [Convex perfective) with fatness] Plunder, [Booty] Plunge, Dive (make] Difficulty impetus, or fit] Plural, [adjective Plurality] --- ity. Transcendental Mixed III. 2. Operation or Opposite Plush, [Silk adjective passive superficies with long tuft] Poche. [Hunt corruptive] --- egg, [active Consistence by boiling] specially unshelled] Pock. Small --- Sickness II. 4. --- hole, [Concave Pox (sign] French --- Sickness II. 6. --- wood [Guaiacum] Tree VII. 2. Pocket, [adjective Garment (bag] Pod, [Cod] Parts Peculiar III. 5. Affinis. Poem, [adjective passive Poet (thing] Poet. Relation Civil II. 4. Affinis. Poetry, [adjective Poet (art.] Poinard, [adjective Pricking aptitude, or proneness..) sword diminutive] Point. Title. Magnitude I. 1. --- blank, [Transverse] Full --- [Period] [Instant] --- of death. [Tooth] Magnitude IV. 2. --- in the compass, [A two and thirtieth part of the circle.] --- in Tables, [A four and twentieth part of the Area.] --- of land, [Promontory] [Cord diminutive] [Part] in every --- it is a --- of [State] 'tis come to that --- [Proposition] [Case] [Question] --- in controversie. to --- [active Point] [Shew with finger] [Distinguish with Period] Poise. [Try the gravity] [Weigh equally] Poisoning. Relation Judicial V. 5. Affinis. Poke, [Bag] Pole, vid. Poll. [Staff augmentative] --- ax, [Cutting Club] Hammer] --- of Cart. Possessions V. 5. Affinis. --- of a ship. Relation Naval III. 3. Affinis. --- of a globe. Magnitude II. 1. Affinis. Measure. Measure I. 5. Fish. Fish VII. 2. Polecat. Beast IV. 5. Polemic [adjective Relation Military] Disputation] Policy. [Wisdom] [Government] Civil --- [adjective Relation Civil (art.] --- of assurance, [Bond against loss] Polipus. Exanguious IX. 1. sweet --- Exanguious IX. 1. Affinis. Polish. [active Smooth] [Brighten] Polite, Beautiful] Adorn'd] Political Relation Relation Civil Poll, vid. Pole. [Hinder part of the neck] by the --- [Adverb derived Persons segregate] to --- [Cut perfective) the hair] [active Tax] Oppress] Impoverish by taxes] Pollard. [Deer (male) adjective pret. let go his horns] [Lopped tree] Pollute, [Defile] Poltron, [Coward] Polygamy, [Having many wives] Polygon, [Having many angles] Polymountain. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 6. Polypody. Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 6. Polysyllable, [Having many syllables] Pomander, Sphear of perfumes] Apple (like] of perfumes] Pomecitron, [Apple of the Citron-tree] Pomegranat. --- tree. Tree I 6. Pomel, [adjective Sphear (part] to --- [Bear] Pomp, [Solemnity] Pompholyx. Metal IV. 2. Affinis. Pompion. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 1. Pompousness, Solemnity augmentative] Magnificence] Pond, [Lake. World IV. 7. Affinis. diminutive] --- weed. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 8. narrow leaved --- Herb considered according to the Flower VIII. 6. Affinis. Fish --- Possessions I. 6. Ponder. [Deliberate] [Meditate] [Consider] Ponderousness, [Heaviness] Poniard, vid. Poinard] Pontage, [Tax for bridge] Pontificial. [adjective Bishop] Primate] Pool. World IV. 7. Affinis. Poop, [Hinder part of ship] Poor. [adjective Poverty] Needy, [adjective wanting] [Lean] [Little] [Sorry] [adjective passive Pitty aptitude, or proneness..] --- ness, [Poverty] Pop, Bladder] Sound of breaking of bladder] --- gun, [Gun (like) Tube] Pope. [Father] [Bishop] specially of Rome] Popinjay, [Parrot] Poplar black --- Tree VI. 8. white --- Tree VI. 8. Affinis. Poppet, [Statue diminutive] Poppy. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 4. bastard --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 4. Affinis. horned --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 10. Populace, [People (kind] Popular. [adjective People] [Beloved by the people] Populous, [adjective passive People augmentative] Porcellane. Herb. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 3. Vessel. Porch, [adjective Door (room.] Porcupine. Beast III 5. Pore. Magnitude VI. 1. --- blind. to --- [Look near] fixedly] Pork, [Hog's flesh] Porker, [Young hog] Porphyry, [Reddish Marble] Porpois. Fish I. 1. Affinis. Porrage, vid. Pottage. Porringer, vid. Pottinger. Port. [Haven] [Gate] --- hole. Relation Naval II. 7. [adjective out-side Dignity] Portable, [adjective passive Carry Power, or ability] aptitude, or proneness..] Portage, [Payment for carriage] Portal, [Door (room] Portcullis. Relation Military VI. 8. Affinis. Portentous, [Fore-signing some evil augmentative] Porter, [adjective Door (Off.] [Bearer] Porthole. Relation Naval II. 7. Portion. [Part] [adjective Proportion (part] Wife's --- [World part of the Inheritance] Portmanteau, [adjective Riding-bag] Portray, active Description] active Picture] Portsale, [Public sale] Pose. [Try] specially by questions Non-plus. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 8. Posie, Flowers aggregate] Sentence upon-written] Position. Proposition] Affirmation] Site] Posture] Positive. Transcendental General III. 3. Positure, [Posture] Posnet, [Standing pot with a handle] Possess, Have] Hold] active Possession] --- ion. Possessions Prescription, [Custom of possession] take --- (Possess inceptive] Posset, [Broth of coagulated milk] Possibility. Transcendental General IV. 4. Post. [Wooden column] [Swift, Carrier] Messenger] ride --- [Ride on divers horses successively] to --- [Adverb derived Swiftness (ition.] specially Riding] [Publish by writing on column] --- accounts [Write the summes in another page] book] Post-date, [Date after pret. writing] Posteriority, [Succeeding (abstr.] Posterity, [Descendents aggregate] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Operation or Opposite Postern, [adjective Hinder-part (door] Posthumous, [Born after Father's death] Postil, [adjective passive Preaching (thing] Postilion, [Before-riding (person] Postpone, [Less esteem] Postscript, After- written (thing] Under- written (thing] Postulation, [Demand] Posture. Action Corporeal VI. Affinis. Pot. Provisions V. 5. --- companions, [adjective active Drunkenness c.] --- hangers, [adjective active Hanging jugament) for pot.] --- herb, [H. for broth] --- lid, [adjective Covering (thing) for pot.] --- sherd, [Fragment of earthen (vess.] Potable, [adjective passive Drink aptitude, or proneness..] Potato. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IX. 3. Potent, [adjective Power] Potentate, Powerful (person] Prince] Potential, Transcendental General III. 5. Operation or Opposite Potgun. [Gun (like) Tube] Potion, [Potable (thing] specially Medicinal] Potsherd, [Fragment of earthen (vess.] Pottage, [Broth] Potter, [adjective Operation or Opposite IV. Affinis. mechanic.] Pottinger, [Dish for broth] Pottle, [Two quarts] Potulent, [adjective passive Drink aptitude, or proneness..] Pouch. [Bag diminutive] [Stomach]. to --- [Swallow] Pouder. Transcendental Mixed VI. 4. Affinis. gun --- Relation Military V. 7. Affinis. to --- [active Pouder (make] Sprinkle. Provisions III. 7. Affinis. specially with salt] Poverty. Habit II. 2. Operation or Opposite Poult, [Grouse] Poultice, [Soft plaster] Poultry, [Cock Bi. II. 1. (kinde] Pounce, [Claw of bird] to --- [Pink] Pound. Weight. Measure III. 5. Money. Measure IV. 5. Pinfold, [Imprisoning (sep.) for beasts.] to --- [Imprison] [Bray with Cylinder] Motion VI.5. Poundage, Tax Adverb derived Pound segregate] Payment Adverb derived Pound segregate] Pourcontrel. Exanguious IX. 1. Pouring. Operation or Opposite II 8. Pourtraicture, [Picture] Pout, [Angry mouth (manner] to --- Action Corporeal IV. 2. Operation or Opposite Eel --- Fish VI. 6. Affinis. [Heathcock] Bi. II. 5. Power. Natural --- Natural Power Might] Habit II. 6. Authority] --- full, [adjective active Power] in one's --- [adjective passive Power] Pox. French --- Sickness II. 6. Small --- Sickness II. 4. Practice. Relation Civil II. Affinis. --- Law Relation Civil II. Affinis. L.] --- Physic Relation Civil II. Affinis. P.] Action] Endeavour] Essay] Exercise] --- ed, [Expert] Pragmaticalness, [Diligent corruptive] Pray. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 1. Prayer, [adjective Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 1. (thing] Praise. Relation Oeconomical V. 8. Prance, Go proudly] Trot] Prank. [Extraordinary action] to --- [active Ornate (make] Prate, [active Loquacity] Pratic, [Licence to trade] Prattle, [active Loquacity] Pravity, [Evil (abstr.] Prawn, [Shrimp] Exanguious VI. 4. Preach. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 4. Preamble, [Prologue] Prebendary, [Assessor of Cathedral Collegiate Church] Precaution, [Warning] Precedence. Sp, I. 2. Exceeding extreme Precedent. [Exemplar] [Preceding] Precellence, [Excellence] Precept, [Command] Precinct, [Authority (place] Precious, [adjective Price augmentative] --- stone, [Gem] Precipice, [Steep (place] Precipitate. Chymic. Operation or Opposite VI. 3. Affinis. Capital punishment. Relation Judicial V. 3. Affinis. [Hast (exc.] [active Rashness] Precise. Perfect augmentative] Regular augmentative] [Scrupulous] Precocity, [Soon (exc.) Ripeness. Precognition, [Before-knowing] Precontract, [Before-contract] Predatory, [adjective active Booty] Predecessor, [adjective Preceding (person] Predestinate, [Before determine] appoint] Predicable, [adjective passive Predicate aptitude, or proneness..] Predicament. Transcendental Action Predicate, Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 5. Affinis. Predication, [active Predicate] Prediction, Before-telling] Prophecy] Predominant, More powerful] adjective active Victory] Pre-election. [Rather-chusing] Pre-eminence. SuperIority] Excellence] Dignity] Privilege] Preemption, Before-buying.] First-buying.] Preexistence, [Before-actualness] Preface, [Prologue] Prefect, [adjective Authority Office (person] --- ure, Authority] Office] Prefer. More- esteem] Before- chuse] --- person, [adjective active Dignity] Power] --- bill, [adjective active Bill] Prefigure, [Before adjective active type] Prefix, [Before- adjective active Fasten] Appoint] Pregnant, Full] Important] Prey, [Booty] Prejudice, [Before-opinion corruptive] --- ial, Hurtful] Impedient] Prejudicate, [Before- active Sentence] Condemn] Preke, [Pourcontrel] Exanguious IX. 1. Prelate, [Bishop] Relation Ecclesiastical II. 4. Affinis. Prelude, [adjective Preparation play] Premeditate, [Before-meditate] Premise, [Before- put] suppose] Premonish, [Before-warn] Premunire, [Forfeiture of goods and liberty] Prentice [Disciple mechant] mechanic.] Preoccupation, [Before-possess] Preordain, [Before-ordain] Prepare. Transcendental Action III. 2. --- food. Provisions III. Preponderate, [More-weigh] Preposition. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 8. Preposterous, [Against-order'd] Prepuce, [Skin to be cut off in Circumcision] Prerogative. Relation Civil IV. 7. Presage, [Before-sign] Presbyter. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 5. Affinis. Prescience, [Before-knowing] Prescribe. [Before-appoint] --- by Law, [active Law] --- by Custom, [active Right (make) by pret. custom] Presence. --- in place. Space II. 1. --- chamber, [Room for King's presence] --- in time. Space I. 1. [Sprightliness] Present, [adjective Presence] to --- [Represent] [Accuse] a --- [Gift] Presentation Right of giving Giving of right Priest's (place] Presently Adverb derived Present] Adverb derived Future diminutive] Preserv, Keep] Defend] Condite] Action of God. Action Spiritual I. 4. Preservative, [adjective active Preserve (thing) President. [Prefect] [Example] Press. Thrusting] active Compression] --- to death. Relation Judicial V. 3. Printer's --- [adjective active Printing jugament] Wine --- [adjective Wine (jug] [active Dense Fast Hard Heavy make] [active Necessity] Coaction] --- souldiers, [active Souldier (make) by coaction] [active Persuade Intreat augmentative] a --- Throng, [Dense Multitude] Aggregate] --- for Apparel Books [Box --- ] Pressure, Pressing] Necessity] Affliction] Prest, [Ready] Prestigiator. Relation Civil II. 9. Affinis. Presume. [active Boldness] Confidence] [active Hope corruptive] Presumption. [Presuming] [Strong argument] sp, Conjectural] Presumptuousness. [Hope corruptive] [Rashness] Irreverence] Arrogance] Presuppose, [Before-suppose] Pretence. Seeming cause] Feigned cause] Pretend. [Seem (make] [Dissemble] Preterition, [Omission] Pretermit, [Omit] Pretext. Seeming cause] Feigned cause] Pretty. [Handsom diminutive] [adjective Mediocrity] Prevail. [active Superiour] Victory] [Obtain] Prevarication. [Betraying by pleading] [Deceitful, Action] Speech] Prevent. Transcendental Action III. 9. Previous, [adjective Preceding] Preparation] Pry, See (end] active Spy] Priapism. Disease. Price. Relation Civil V. 7. Prick. [Point]. Mark, [adjective passive Object (thing] Tooth] Magnitude IV. 2. Prickle, [Thorn] Parts Peculiar I. 3. Affinis. --- ing. Motion VI. 7. Affinis. --- pain. Action Corporeal II. 7. Affinis. --- forward, [active Impulsive] --- on, [active Impulsive] --- in, [active Plant] up, [active Direct] --- wood. Shrub I. 4. Affinis. Pricket, [Buck. Beast II. 6. of the second year.] Prickle, [Thorn] Parts Peculiar I. 3. Affinis. Pride. Manners V. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse Priest. Iewish --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 2. Christian --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 5. Primary, [Chief] Primate. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 4. Prime, First] Chief] Primitive. Transcendental Mixed IV. 1. Primogeniture, [First birth (abstr.] Primrose. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 1. Prince. Relation Civil I. 2. Affinis. [King's Son] --- 's feather. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 15. Affinis. --- 's wood. Tree VII. 6. Affinis. Principal. [Chief] [Governour] [Money demised] disbursed] --- ness. Transcendental Mixed IV. 4. Principality. [Government (place] Principle. [Cause] [Rule] [Element] Print. [Mark] [Impression] --- ing. Action Corporeal III. 7. Affinis. Prior, [Abby (Off.] Priority, [Preceding (abstr.] Prism. Magnitude III. 6. Operation or Opposite Prison, [Imprisonment (place] Prisoner. Reputed Criminal. Relation Judicial I. 3. Operation or Opposite [adjective passive Imprison (person] Pristin, Former] Old] Privado, [Friend augmentative] Private. op, to Public, [adjective Transcendental Mixed V. 5. Operation or Opposite [Concealed] --- man, [Not-magistrate] Privateer, [Private man of war.] Privation, [active Privative] Privative. Transcendental General III. 3. Operation or Opposite Privet. Shrub II. 11. Ever-green --- Shrub III. 3. Affinis. Mock --- Shrub III. 3. Privy. [Knowing] [Accessory] [Hidden] [Secret] --- parts. Parts General VI. 8. Jakes, [Dunging (room] Privilege. Relation Civil IV. 7. Affinis. --- ed place, [passive Immunity (place] Privities. Parts General VI. 8. Prize. [Booty] [Reward of victory] Fighting specially for wager] Gaming specially for wager] to --- [active Price] Value] [Esteem] Probable, [adjective Opinion Probation aptitude, or proneness..] Probation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 6. --- er, [adjective passive Essaying (person] Probe, [Depth measure (pin] Problem, Proposition to be disputed] Question to be disputed] Proboscis, [Trunk] Parts Peculiar V. 4. Affinis. Proceed. Transcendental Action VI. 2. -from, [adjective passive Cause Birth Being from] -ings, [Series of actions.] -Iudicial. Relation Judicial II. the --- Gain] Revenue] Process. [active Proceeding] [Series] --- of a bone, [Protuberant (part] --- of time, [After some much time] --- in law, [Citation] specially written] Procession. [Proceeding] [Solemn about-walking] Proclaim, [Publish] specially solemnly] Proclamation Publishing] Edict] Proclivity, [Inclinableness] Procrastinate Delay specially till next day.] Protract specially till next day.] Procreate, [Generate] Proctor. [Substitute] [Advocate] Procuration. [adjective Proctor (make] specially writing] [Procuring] Procure. [Cause] [Furnish] [Obtain] Prodigality. Manners III. 1. Exceeding extreme Prodigy, Preter-natural (thing] Extraordinary (thing] specially before-signing active adversity] Prodigious. [adjective Prodigy] [Great augmentative] Produce. [Out-take] specially from concealing (place.] [active Cause] --- fruit, [active Fruit] --- by Multiplication, [active Product] [Known (make] Extend] Long (make] Continue] Product. Transcendental Mixed VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Proem, [Prologue] Profane. Irreligious, [adjective Relation Ecclesiastical IV. Deficient extreme or Discourse] [Not-consecrated] to --- , Relation Ecclesiastical V. 1. Operation or Opposite Profess [active Profession] --- ion [Acknowledgment] Calling. Relation Civil II. Proffer, [Offer] Proficient, [adjective Profit] Profit. [adjective Profitable (thing] [Gain] [Revenue] --- able. Transcendental General IV. 1. to --- [active Profit] --- in learning, [Increase --- ] Profligate. [Driven away] [Vicious augmentative] Profound. [Deep] [Obscure] Profundity. [Depth] [Obscureness] Profuse, Prodigal] Squandering] Progeny, [Descendents (kinde] aggregate] Progenitor. Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Prognosticate. [Before- know] tell] Progress. Proceeding] Journey] [Increase] --- ion. [Proceeding] --- of Animals. Motion I. Continuing] Joyning] Prohibit. [Forbid] [Hinder] Projecting. [Designing] [Contriving] Projection. --- Chymic, [active Factitious Gold] --- of sphere, [Repressing it upon a Plain] Prolation, [Articulation] Prole, [Wander seeking] Prolifical, [Fruitful] Prolix, [Long augmentative] [Ample] Prolocutor, [adjective Speaking (Off.] specially First Chief Speaker] Prologue. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 8. Prolong. [Lengthen] [Delay] Prominent, [Protuberant] Promiscuous, Mixed] Confused] Promise. Relation Oeconomical V. 6. --- to God, [Vow] --- in contract. Relation Oeconomical VI. 3. --- for another, [Stipulate] Espouse. Relation Oeconomical II. 3. Promontory, World III. 4. Promooter, [adjective Accusing (Off.] Promote. [active Help] [active Dignity] Prompt. [adjective Dispatch] Alacrity] [adjective passive Disciple aptitude, or proneness..] [adjective Sagacity] to --- [Dictate secretly] Promptuary, [adjective Laying-up (place] Promulgate, [Publish] Prone, [adjective passive Disposition] Inclination] Prong, [adjective Pricking aptitude, or proneness..) Fork] Pronoun. Deficient extreme or Discourse II. 7. Pronounce, [verb Articulate] Proof. [Probation] [Essaying] of --- [adjective passive Essaying] in --- [Fat] Prove. Probation] Confirmation] [Essay] [Become] Prop. Possessions III. 7. Propagate, [verb Multitude (kind] Propensity, Alacrity] Inclination aptitude, or proneness..] Proper. op. to Common. [adjective Transcendental Mixed IV. 6.] op. to Figurate [adjective Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 6. [Tall] Property. [Proper (thing] [Propriety] Prophane. Irreligious. [adjective Relation Ecclesiastical IV. Deficient extreme or Discourse] [Not-consecrated] to --- Relation Ecclesiastical V. 1. Operation or Opposite Prophesie, [active Prophet] Prophet. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 1. Affinis. Propinquity, [Nearness] Propitiation, Un-enemy] Un-guilty] Un-anger] specially by Sacrifice] Propitious, [adjective Favour] Proportion. Measure Affinis. --- Arithmetical, [Equality of differences] well --- ed, [Figured (perf-] Propose. [active Proposition] [Offer] Proposition. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 1. Propound, vid. Propose. Proprietary, [Proper owner] Propriety. Relation Civil IV. 5. Prorogue, [active Stay till another time] Proscarab. Exanguious I. 6. Proscribe, [Publish Command Permission to kill] Prose. Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 4. Prosecute. Action Spiritual IV. 6. --- judicially, [Continue adjective active Accuser] Proselyte, [Convert] Prosodia, [Measuring (art) of quantities of syllables] Prospect, [adjective passive See Power, or ability] (Place] (Area] --- ive glass, [Glass instrument) for seeing remote (things] Prosperity. Habit I. 2. Prostitute, [adjective passive object (make) Adverb derived common] specially to active Unchastness] a --- [Commona. unchast (fem] Prostrate, [Lying] Action Corporeal VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Prosyllogism, [Preceding Syllogism.] Protect. Manners VI. 4. [Conservation] [Defending] Protest. Relation Civil VI. 3. Affinis. --- against. Relation Judicial II. 8. Protonotary, First notary] Chief notary] Prototype, First type.] Chief type.] Protract. Transcendental Action III. 5. Operation or Opposite Protuberance. Magnitude IV. 3. Proud, [adjective Pride] --- bitch, [adjective Coition aptitude, or proneness.) b.] Prove, vid. Proove. Provender, [Corn for horses] Proverb, [Adage] Provide. [active Providence] [Furnish] -for, [active Heedfulness against] --- ed that, Conditionally that.] If.] Providence. --- of God. Action Spiritual I. 2. --- of Manners Manners III. 2. Provident, [adjective active Providence] Province. Relation Civil III. 3. --- Eccesiastical, [Primate's (place] Provincial, [adjective Province] a --- [Chief (Off.) of a Province] Provision. [active Providence] Necessaries. Provisions Proviso, [Adverb derived Condition] Provoke. [active Cause] Impulsive] [Angry (make] Challenge. Relation Military I. 2. Provost, [adjective Authority Office (person] Prow, [Fore-part of a ship] Prowess, [active Fortitude] Proxy, [Substituted (person] Proximity, [Nearness] Prudence, [Wisdom.] Prune. [Plum] to --- Operation or Opposite III. 8. Prunel. Psalm. Relation Ecclesiastical IV. 3. Affinis. Psalter, [Book of Psalms] Ptisan, [Broth of Barley] specially Medicinal.] Publican, [adjective Tax (Off.] Publicness. Transcendental Mixed V. 5. Publish, [active Publicness (make] Pucker, [Un- active Evenness by shrinking] Puck-fist, [Fuzball] Herb considered according to the Leafe I. 2. Affinis. Pudding. Provisions I. 2. Affinis. --- grass, [Penny-royal] Puddle, [Stagnum] World IV. 7. Affinis. [Durty water] to --- [active Durty (make] Puet, [Lapwing] Bi. VII. 1. Puff. Wind impetus, or fit] Breath impetus, or fit] [Swell] specially with wind] Sickness I. 5. Affinis. --- up, [active Proud (make] Puffin. Bi. IX. 6. Pug, [Monkey] Puissance, [Power] Puke, [Vomit.] Pulchritude, [Beauty] Pule, [Acute grief (voice] Pull. Operation or Opposite I. 4. specially looking toward the object.] specially without success] --- bird, [Un- active feather b.] --- down, Diminish] Weaken] --- in pieces, [Tear into fragments] Pullein, [Cock Bi. II. 1. (kinde] aggregate] Pullet, [Young hen] Pully, [adjective Operation or Opposite I. 3. jugament] Pullulate, [Sprout inceptive] Pulp. Pulpit, [Preaching (place] Pulse. Motion. Motion III. 1. [Legumen] oyly purging --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 10. Affinis. Pulverize, [active Powder (make] Pumice. Stone I. 7. Pump. Possessions VI. 3. Affinis. Shoe, [limber-bottom'd adjective foot (vest.] to --- out, [Know (end) by questioning] Pumpion. Punaise, [Wall-louse] Exanguious II. 6. Affinis. Punch, [Thrust impetus, or fit] [adjective passive Hole (make) by striking] [Drink of Brandy and Water] Punctilio, [Point diminutive] Punctual, [Perfect] Pungent, [Pricking] Puny, New] specially Learner] Unexpert] Punishment. Habit I. Operation or Opposite --- Capital. Relation Judicial V. --- not Capital. Relation Judicial VI. Punk, [adjective Unchast female] Pupil. Relation Oeconomical III. 4. Operation or Opposite Puppet, [Image diminutive) of man] Puppy, [Dog. Beast III, 1. (young] Purblind, [Not-adjective active See Power, or ability) remote (things] Purchase, [Buy] Pure. [Simple] [Clean] --- ness. Transcendental Mixed V. 7. [Holy] Purgation. Motion IV. vid. Purge. Purgatory, [Punishment (place) for purging from sin] Purge. Evacuation. Motion IV. [Dunging] specially by Physic] [Cleanse] [Pure (make] Expiating [Unguilty (make] [Absolving] --- upon oath, [Swear (make) innocence] a --- [active Dunging medecin.] Purifie, [active Pure (make] Purity, vid. Pureness. Purle. [of lace. Provisions IV. 5. Affinis. [Mixture of drinks] specially with wormwood.] Purloin, [active Theft] Purlue, [Margin of Forrest] Purple. Fish. Fish Exanguious VII. 2. Affinis. Colour. Quality sensible II. 4. --- s, [adjective active Purple fever] Purport, [Meaning] Purpose. Intention. Action Spiritual IV. 3. [Design] full --- [Resolution] beside the --- [Impertinent] of --- [Adverb derived Design] on --- [Adverb derived Considerate] to the --- [Adverb derived Congruous] Pertinent] Perfect] to no --- [Adverb derived Frustration] Frivolous] to what --- [For what end] Purpura. Exanguious VII. 2. Affinis. Purse, [Bag for money] --- er. Relation Naval V. 5. Affinis. --- net, [Net bag (like] Shepherd's --- Pursevant. Relation Judicial I. 6. Pursy, Asthmatical] Fat corruptive] Purslane. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 3. --- tree, [Halimus] Shrub VI. 6. Pursue, [Follow] --- ing. Relation Military II. 3. Exceeding extreme Purvey, [Provide] Purulent, [Mattery] Push. Tumor diminutive Sickness III. 1. to --- [Thrust impetus, or fit] Pusillanimity. Manners III. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse Puss, [Cat] Pustule. Sickness III. 1. Put. Proper. Transcendental Action I. 1. active Place] [active Cause] --- away, [Abdicate] --- back, [Retire (make] --- by, [active Frustration] --- down, [Un-active Power] Authority] Office] --- forth. Publish] Pullulate] Un-active Authority] Power] Office] --- in, [active Inside] --- bail, [active Stipulation] --- a box, [Into a box] --- execution, [active Execute] --- fear, [active Fear (make] --- one's head, [active Think (make] --- hope, [active Hope (make] --- mind, [active Remember (make] --- order, [active Order] --- practice, [active Practice] --- print, [active Print] --- remembrance, [active Memory (make] --- writing, [active Write] --- off, Delay] Sell] --- ones clothes, [Un- active clothe] --- on, Hasten] active Impulsive] --- one's clothes, [active clothe] --- over, [active Digestion] Assign] --- out, Quench] Annihilate] Publish] --- of doors, [active Exile] --- of office, [Un- active Office] --- of order, [active Confusion] --- one's eyes, active Blindness] Un- active Eye] --- to Adde] Apply] Arbitrator (make] Shut] --- be done, [Appoint to be d.] --- be kept, [Appoint to be k.] --- death, active Dy] active Capital punishment] --- flight, [active Fly (make] --- shame, [active Shame] --- shift, [active Difficulty] --- it, [active Difficulty] --- sword, [active Sword] --- venture, [active Essay] --- use, [active Usury] --- together, [Together put] --- up. --- a hare, [active Motion h.] --- petition, [active Petition] --- sword, [active sheath s.] --- wrong, [Not-revenge w.] --- upon, [active Impulsive] --- case, [Suppose] --- an end to, [active End] --- trick on, [active Affront] Mock] Putrefaction, [Rottenness] Putrefie, [active Rotten (make] Putrid, [Rotten] Puttock, [Kite (kinde] Puzzle, [Pose] Pygmy, [Man diminutive] Pyramid. Magnitude III. 7. Operation or Opposite Pyromancy, [Wizarding by inspection of fire] Pyx, [Box] Q. QVacksalver, [Physician corruptive] Quadrangle, [Four-angled Area.] Quadrant, [The fourth part of a Circle] Quadrate, [Square] Magnitude V. 1. Affinis. Quadrature, [Squaring] Quadripartite, [Divided into four parts] Quadruple, [Fourfold] Quaff, [Drink augmentative] Quagmire, [Bog] Quail. Bi. II. 8. to --- [adjective passive Discouragement] Quaint. Beautiful augmentative] Ornate augmentative] Perfect augmentative] Quake, [Tremble] Qualifie, [active Quality] Moderate] Quiet] Qualification. Quality] Condition] Quality. Transcendental General I. 6. Affinis. Transcendental Relation of --- Transcendental Mixed V. Sensible. Quality sensible Visible --- Quality sensible I. Audible --- Quality sensible III. Belonging to Tast or Smell. Quality sensible IV. Tactile --- more Active. Quality sensible V. more Passive. Quality sensible VI. [Disposition] [Habit] [Manners] [State] [Degree] Qualm. Nauseousness impetus, or fit] Fainting impetus, or fit] Quandary. [Doubt] [Musing] Quantity, Transcendental General I. 6. Relation of in General. Transcendental Mixed I Continued. Transcendental Mixed II. Discontinued. Transcendental Mixed III. Quarrel, [active Contention] --- of glass, [adjective Glass lamin] Quarry. [Stones (place] [Booty] Quart. Quartan, [Ague returning every fourth day] Quarter. [Fourth part] --- of the Moon, [The fourth part of her monethly course] --- of corn. --- of timber, [The fourth part of a tree cut long-wise] --- staff. --- of Mutton, [The fourth part of the body of sheep] to --- [Cut into quarters] Capital punishment. Relation Judicial V. 1. Affinis. [Coast] [active Guest] --- master. Relation Naval V. 2. [Immunity from killing] Quartile, [Distance of 1/4 of great --- Circle.] Quarto, [Second figure of book] Quash, [active Shame Despair (make] Herb, [Pompion] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 1. Quave, [Tremble] specially as bog] Quaver. [Tremble] [Modulation] Quean, [adjective Unchast female] Queazy, [adjective Nauseousness aptitude, or proneness..] Queen, King female] King's Wife] Queest, [Ringdove] Bi. III. 1. Quell, [active Conquer] Quench, [Un-a fire] --- thirst, [Un-thirst] Querister, [adjective Singing (Off.] Quern. [Grinding mill.] Querulous, [adjective active Grudge Complain aptitude, or proneness..] Quest, [Seeking] [Sworn adjective searching (Off.] Question. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 1. to call in --- Accuse inceptive] Suspected (make] 'tis a --- ['Tis a doubted disputed (thing] Quetch, Motion diminutive] Noise diminutive] Quibble, [a Urbanity in sound of words] Quick. [Alive] Sprightly] Vegete] --- of apprehension, [adjective Sagacity] Nimble] Swift] Soon augmentative] Transitory augmentative] [adjective Dispatch] --- sands. World III. 7. --- set, [Growing sepiment] --- silver. Metal III. 1. Quicken, [active Quick] Quicken-tree. Tree III. 3. Quiddity, [Being (abstr.] Quiet. op. to Motion. Motion Operation or Opposite [adjective Silence] [Peaceable] op. to Molest. Transcendental Action V. 9. [Without care] Quill. Parts Peculiar V. 1. Affinis. [Pin] specially concave] Quillet, [active Frivolousness diminutive] Quilt. [Satiate] [Stiffen with sowing] Quince. Tree I. 2. Affinis. Quintal, [100 pound] Quintessence, [Best part] specially extracted Chimically] Quintin. Quipp, [Secret Scoff] Reproof] Quire. --- of Church, [Chief Temple (part] --- of people, [Singers aggregate] --- of paper, [Four and twenty sheets] Quirk, [Little frivolous (thing] Quit. to be --- with, [adjective active pret. Compensate] to --- Acquit] Absolve] [Forsake] Quitch, [Dogs grass] Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 5. Affinis. Quite, [Adverb derived Total] --- and clean. [Adverb derived Total] Quittance, [adjective Acquitting (thing] specially writing] Quiver, [Case for arrows] to --- [Tremble] Quoil, Confused noise] End Quoit, [adjective passive cast aptitude, or proneness.) stone (lamin.] Quotation. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 9. Quoth, [Saith] Quotidian, [adjective Days segregate] Quotient. Number Transcendental Mixed VI. 9. R. RAbbet, [Cony] Beast III. 4. Rabbin, [Jewish Teacher] Graduate] Rabble. Relation Civil I. 7. Race. [active Running] [adjective Running (place] [Series] [Descendents aggregate] Relation Oeconomical I. 1. Operation or Opposite to --- [Spoil] vid. Raze. Rack. [Jugament of parallel pins augmentative] --- for horse, &c. [Rack for Hay] --- for spit, [Spit-supporting jugament] --- for torment, [adjective Relation Judicial VI. 3. jugament] --- bone. Parts General IV. 3. to --- [Extend violently] Torment. Relation Judicial VI. 3. --- wine, [Separate it from the Lees] Racket. [adjective Net instrument) for active balling] [Tumult] Radiation, [active Shining Adverb derived line (figure] Radical, [adjective Root] Radicate. [active Root] Radish. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 5. Raff, [Worst part] Raft, [Ship (like) of together-tied Timbers] Rafter, [Wooden column diminutive] Rag, [Off-torn fragment] --- stone. Stone I. 2. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower III. 7. Rage. [Violence augmentative] specially of anger] Ragged, [adjective passive Rough] specially by tearing] Raya Oxyrinchos. Fish II. 3. Ray. Fish. Maide.] [Half diameter] Beam [Line of light] [Leaf of metal] --- in battel, [adjective passive Order for battel] --- of a Fish. Parts Peculiar IV. 6. Affinis. Ray-weed, [Darnel] Rail. [Bar] Bird. Bi. II. 8. Affinis. to --- [Revile] Raillery, [active Urbanity] Raiment, [Clothing] Rain. Water. Element III. 3. --- bow. Element V. 1. Raise. Lift] Rise (make] --- Devils, [Appear (make) Deficient extreme or Discourse] --- from sleep, [Waken] --- siege, [Un- active siege] --- up, [Up-raise] [High (make] [active Dignity] [active Cause] --- a bank, [active Bank (make] --- men, Gather --- ] --- money, Gather --- ] --- war, [War (make] [active Intension Augmentation specially more-] --- one's voice, [More-active voice] Raisin, [Dried grape] Rake, [Staples (line] --- of a ship. Relation Naval II. 9. Affinis. [adjective Staples (line) together adjective gathering instrument] --- hell, [Vicious augmentative) person] to --- [Gather with Rake] --- up together, [Gather as with Rake] [active Pain Adverb derived scratching (like] Rally, [Again- active gather] active order] Ram. [Sheep. Beast II. 2. (male] [Stinking Adverb derived Goat (like] to --- [active Dense] Fast] specially by down-knocking] --- Into, [Into-ram] --- mer, [active Dense Fast instrument] specially by knocking] Ramage. Ramp, [Leap] --- ant, [Standing on the hinder legs] a --- [Wanton adjective active Rusticity female] Rampier. Relation Military VI. 3. Rampion. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VII. 7. Ramson. Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 12. mountain --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 12. Affinis. Rana piscatrix, [Toad-fish] Rancour, [Hatred augmentative] specially old] Rand. --- of beef, [Flank --- ] --- of leather, [Long (part --- ] Random, [Wandering] --- shot, [Not-aimed] Range. [Sift] [active Order] Wander] About-verb journey] Rank. [Excessive] [Leafed (exc.] [Rammish] [Genuine corruptive] a --- [Order] [Series] [Line] op. to File. Relation Military IV. 4. [Degree] specially of person] Relation Judicial I. Rankle, [Rot] Ransack. [Booty] [Search augmentative] Ransom, [Price for un- slaving] captivating] to [Un- active slave captive specially with price] Rap, [Little striking impetus, or fit] Rapacity. Greediness. Natural Power IV. 5. [Scraping] Manners III. 2. Exceeding extreme Rape. [Wild Turnip] [Force] [Forcible stupration] Rapid, [Swift augmentative] Rapier, [Sword adjective pricking aptitude, or proneness..] Rapine, [active Scrapingness] specially by violence] extortion] Rapture, [Extasie] Rare, [adjective Rarity] [Thin] [Seldom] [Excellent] Rarifie, [active Quality sensible V. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse] Rarity. [Seldomness] Space II. 6. Operation or Opposite [Excellence] Tactil quality. Quality sensible V. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Rasbury. Shrub I. 1. Rascal. [Lean] [Sorry] Rasher, [Broil'd (lamin] Rashness. op. to Fortitude. Manners I. 7. Exceeding extreme op. to Considerate. Habit IV. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Rasp, [adjective Filing instrument) adjective teeth (plain] Raspis. Shrub I. 1. Rat. Beast III. 7. --- 's bane, [Arsenic] Rate. [Proportion] [Price] [Tax] [Chide] Rathe. [Soon] [Early] Rather, [More] specially More-willingly] I had- [I more will] before chuse] Ratifie. [active Authority] [Confirm] Ratiocination. [active Rational] [Discourse] Rational. [adjective Natural Power I.] --- Power. Natural Power I. --- Soul. World I. 6. Rattle, [adjective Rattling instrument] Rattling. [Noise by mutual striking of solids diminutive] [Reproving augmentative] --- of ship. Relation Naval IV. 2. Ravage, [active Booty] Rave. Sickness IV. 1. Affinis. Ravel, [Tangle] [active Confusion] Ravelin. Raven. Bird. Bi. I. 5. to --- [active Rapacity] [active Scrapingness] Extortion] [active Booty] Raving. Sickness IV. 1. Affinis. Ravish. Take violently] Stuprate violently] [active Extasie] Raw. [Un-skinn'd] Not-cook'd. adjective Provisions III. Operation or Opposite [Not-digested] [Unexpert] Raze. [active Ruine] [active Destruction] Spoiling] specially by shaving] Razor. [Shaving instrument] [Knife for shaving] Fish. Exanguious VIII. 8. Affinis. Bird --- bill. Bi. IX. 7. Re. Ad. III. 3. Affinis. Reach. [Extend] Action Corporeal VI. 2. --- out. [Extend one's arm] [Deliver with extended arm] active Pandiculation] Vomit (end] [verb Continuance until] Take] Obtain] --- after, [Take (end] [Understand] a --- --- of a river, (curve (part) of stream] End] Design] Reachless. [Careless] [Idle] Read. Action Corporeal III. 4. --- ing, [Learning] Habit VI. 4. --- to, [active Teacher] Ready. [Present] Soon] Near] [Easie] Willing] Inclined] [adjective Alacrity] Prepared] Furnish'd] Clothed] [Dispatch'd] --- to dy, [Almost adjective fut. dying] Readmit, [Again-admit] Reality. [Thing (abstr.] [Sincerity] Realm, [King's (place] Ream, [Twenty quires] Reap. Operation or Opposite III. 4. Affinis. Rear. [Raise] [active Direct (make] Reason. [Cause] specially Impulsive] Final] [Argument] Faculty. Natural Power I. Moderation] Equity] by --- of. Prep. I. 2. Operation or Opposite in --- [Adverb derived Equity] out of --- [Excessively] to --- --- in one's mind. Discourse] Dispute] --- for, [active Probation (end] --- against, [Confute (end] Reasonable, [adjective Reason] Mediocrity] --- government. Manners VI. 6. Reassemble, [Again-assemble] Reave, [Un-knit] Rebaptize, [Again-baptize] Rebate, [Diminish Adverb derived proportion] Rebeck. Rebellion. Vice. Manners V. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Crime. Relation Judicial III. 3. Rebound, [Leap reflexly] Rebuff, [Back-striking] Rebuild, [Again-build] Rebuke, [Reprove] Rebus, [Expression (manner) of Name Sentence by picture] Recall, Back-call] Recant] Recantation. Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 9. Affinis. Recapitulate, [Repeat the sum] Recede. [Back-go] [Retire] Receit. [Receiving] [Direction of Physic] [adjective Acquitting (thing] Receive. Proper. Transcendental Action IV. 3. Operation or Opposite [Accept] [Entertain] --- er. [adjective Receiving (person] [adjective Gathering (Off.] --- ed, adjective passive Receive] Customary] Receptacle. Receiving (thing] Containing (vess.] Reception, [Receiving] Recess. [Receding] [adjective Concealing (place] Rech, vid. Reach. Recidivation, [Relapse] Reciprocation. Transcendental General VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Recite. [Repeat] [Again-say] [active Narration] Reckon. [Esteem] [active Number] [Account.] Transcendental Action IV. 6. --- up, [active Number] over --- Number (exc.] Account too-much] the --- ing, [adjective passive ought pay (thing] Reclaim. [active Gentle (make] [Turn] --- from errour, [Convert] --- from vice, [Repent (make] Recline, [Down-oblique the superficies] Recluse. [Shut up] [Solitary] Recognize. [Consider again] [Acknowledge] Recognizance, [Bond acknowledged before Magistrate] Recoil. [Reflect] [Retire] Recommend. [Offer] [Entrust] specially Adverb derived Commending] Recompence. [Compensate] [Reward] Reconcile. [Un-active Enemy] Contention] [active Peace (make] Reconquer, [Back-conquer] Record. [active Memory] [active Notary] take to- [active Notary (make] --- er. Notary] Relation Judicial I. 5. Judge assistant to the City (Off.] [adjective Music pipe] Recover. [Back-come] [Again- obtain] Gain] [Possess again] [Repair] [Again- verb Healthy] Recount. [active Narration] [Consider] Recourse, [To-coming] specially often] Recreant, [Perfidious] specially through Cowardise] Recreation. Motion V. Moderateness in it. Manners II. 5. Immoderateness in it. Manners II. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Recrement, [Worst part] --- of Metals. Metal IV. Recriminate, [Retort accusation] Recruit, [Again- strengthen] fill] Rect. op. to Curve.] --- angle, [Square having four right angles.] Rectifying, [active Right (make] Chymical --- Operation or Opposite VI. 6. Affinis. Rector, [Governour] Recumbency, Leaning] Trust] Recusant. [adjective Refusing (person] [Schismatic] Red. Quality sensible II. 2. --- breast. Bi. V. 5. --- lead, [Cinnabar] --- start. Bi. V. 5. Affinis. Redargution, [Reproof] Redbreast. Bi. V. 5. Redeem. Action of God. Action Spiritual I. 7. [Back-buy] [Buy liberty] [Un-captivate] [Un- active slave] Redeliver, [Back-deliver] Redemand, [Back-demand] Redemption, [Redeeming] Action Spiritual I. 7. Redolent, [Sweet] Redouble, active Double] Repeat] Redoubt. Relation Military VI. 6. --- ed, [Excellent] specially in Reputation] specially for Fortitude] Redound, [active Event] Redress. Remedy] Amendment] Redshank. Bi. VII. 4. Redstart. Bi. V. 5. Affinis. Redwing. Bi. III. 5. Affinis. Reduce. [Cause] Make] Again-make] [Bring back] Redundant. [adjective Excess] [Superfluous] Reduplicate. [active Double] [Repeat] Reed. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 7. Burr --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 15. Affinis. flowring --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 4. sweet smelling --- Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 11. --- mace. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 15. Re-edifie, [Again-build] Reek. [Heap] [Vapour] Reel. [Stagger] Motion II. 4. Operation or Opposite [active Skein] a --- [adjective active Skein instrument] jugament] Re-entry, Again --- entry] Back --- entry] Re-establish, Again --- establish] back --- establish] Refection. [Refreshment] Feeding. Provisions I. 1. Affinis. Refectory, [adjective meal (place] Refell, [Confute] Refer. [active Relation] [active Arbitrator (make] Reference, [active Arbitrator (make] Refine. [active Pure (make] [Un- active sediment] Reflect, [active Magnitude II. 9.] [Look back] [Again-consider] Reflection, Reflecting] active Reputation corruptive] Reflux, [Ebbing] Reform Relation Oeconomical VI. 7. Reformado, [adjective pret. Military (Off.] Refracted. Magnitude II. 9. Affinis. Refractoriness. [Perversness] [Contumacy] Refrain, [Abstain] Refrane, [Proverb] Refresh. op. to weariness. Transcendental Action V. 8. [Mend] [Renew] Refrigerate, [Cool] Refuge, [To-flying] specially for safety] Place, [adjective Safe Protection (place] Refulgent, [Shining] Refund. Transcendental Action IV. 5. Affinis. Refuse. [Denying] [Rejecting] [Abdicating] [Power of first buying] the --- [Worst part] Refute, [Confute] Regal, [adjective King] Regard. [active Relation] in that --- [Therefore] Conjunction III. 3. Affinis. in --- of. Pron. I. 2. [Esteem] [Respect] [Observe] --- less, [Careless] Regenerate, Again beget] active Habit V.] Regent, [Instead-King] Regiment. [Government] [Militia] as a --- of souldiers. Relation Military IV 2. Affinis. Region, [Country] World III. Affinis. --- of the air, [Part] Register, [Notary] Regrate, [Buy to sell corruptive] Regress, [Again-come] Regret. [Grudging] [Nolleity] [Aversation] Regular. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 6. Regularity. Transcendental Mixed V. 4. Regulate, [active Rule] Regulus Cristatus. Bi. VI. 4. --- non cristatus. Bi. VI. 4. Affinis. Rehearse. [Repeat] [Again-say] [active Narration] Reject. Action Spiritual IV. 5. Operation or Opposite [Abdicate] Reign. [active King] [King's (time] Reimbark, [Into active ship again] Reimburse, [Pay] Rein. Horse --- [adjective Cohibiting (arm] [Cord of Bridle] [Kidney] Parts General VI. 7. Running of the --- [Flux] Reindeer. Beast II. 4. Affinis. Reinforce, [Again-strengthen] Reinvest, [Again-invest] Rejoyce, [verb Joy] Rejoynder, [Again-answer] Reister, [Horseman] Reiterate, [Repeat] Relapse, Again --- fall] Back --- fall] [Again-sicken] [active Apostasie] Relate. [active Relation] [Tell] [Pertain to] Relation. Transcendental General I. 8. --- Oeconomic. Relation Oeconomical --- of Consanguinity. Relation Oeconomical I. --- of Affinity. Relation Oeconomical II. --- of Superiority and Inferiority. Relation Oeconomical III. --- of Equality. Relation Oeconomical IV. --- Civil. Relation Civil --- Iudicial. Relation Judicial --- Military. Relation Military --- Naval. Relation Naval --- Ecclesiastic. Relation Ecclesiastical [Narration] [Report] Relative, [adjective Relation] Relaxation. [Loosning] [Ease] [Refreshing] Release. [adjective active Liberty] [Un-ty] [Un-imprison] [Un-captivate] [Acquit] Releef, [Relieving] High- [Protuberance augmentative] Low- [Protuberance diminutive] Relegation. Relation Judicial VI. 5. Affinis. Relent. [Soften] active Pity inceptive] active Repent inceptive] Rely, [verb Confidence] Relick, [Residue (thing] Relict. [Residue] [Widow] Relief, vid. Releef. Relieve. [active Adjuvant] [Refresh] [active Alms] --- guard, [Renew g.] --- town. Relation Military I. 4. Operation or Opposite Religion. Relation Ecclesiastical II. Natural --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 1. Gentil --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 2. Iewish --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 3. Christian --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 4. Mahometan --- Relation Ecclesiastical II. 5. Religious, [adjective Religion (hab.] a --- person. Regular. Relation Ecclesiastical II. 6. Relinquish. Leave] Let go] Abandon] [active Desertion] Dereliction] Relish, [Tast] Reluctancy. [Nolleity] [Aversation] Remain. [active Permanent] Residue] [Stay] Remainder, [Residue] Remark, [Observe] --- able, Observable] Excellent] Remedy. Transcendental Action III. 9. Affinis. Remember. [active Memory] [active Express] Remission. --- of fault. Relation Judicial II. 9. Operation or Opposite --- of debt, Transcendental Action IV. 9. Operation or Opposite Remisseness. op. to Intenseness. Transcendental Mixed I. 8. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Slightness] Habit III. 4. Exceeding extreme [Sloth] Habit IV. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse Defect of justice. Manners I. 1. Deficient extreme or Discourse Remit, [Send] specially back] [verb Remission] Remisseness] Remnant, [Residue] Remonstrance, [adjective active Publicness (make) writing] Remora. Fish VI. 8. Affinis. [adjective active Impedient Staying (thing] Remorse. Action Spiritual VI. 4. Remoteness. Space II. 3. Operation or Opposite Remove, [From- motion] ition] Remunerate, [Reward] Rencounter, [Meeting] specially sudden] Rend, [Tear] Render. [active Efficient] [Yield] --- as taken. Relation Military II. 6. Deficient extreme or Discourse [Give] [Back-give] [Repeat] --- lesson, [Repeat l.] [Compensate] --- like for like, [Compensate] [Translate] --- account, [active Account] --- a reason, [Shew reason] --- thanks, [active Gratitude] Rendezvouz. [Convention] specially Military] [Convention (place] Renegado. [Revolter] [Apostate] Renegue, [Abdicate] Renew. [active New] [Repair] [Repeat] Rennet, [adjective active Fermenting (thing) of Calf's stomach] Renovation, [Renewing] Renown. Reputation augmentative] Fame augmentative] Renounce. [Abdication] [Rejection] Rens, [Wash diminutive] Rent. [Tear] [Revenue] [Hire] Renverse, [Reverse] Repay, Un-disburse] Back-pay] Repair. Restore] Mend] Transcendental Action II. 9. Compensate] [Go] in good --- [In g. state] Reparation, [Repairing] to give --- [Compensate] Repast, Eating] Refection] Repeal, [Un-law] Repeat. Transcendental Action II. 6. Affinis. --- lesson, [Say I.] Repel, [Back-drive] Repentance. Action Spiritual VI. 4. Affinis. Repeople, [Again-inhabited (make] Repercussion, Back-strike] active Reflex] Repete, vid. Repeat. Repetition, [Repeat] Repine, op. to Alacrity] Aversation augmentative] Replenish, [Fill] Repletion, [Filling] Replevy, [Un-arrest] Reply, [Again-answer] Report. [Rumour] [Narration] [Reputation] --- of a gun, [Sound of gun] Repose. [Put] [Lay down] [Rest] [verb Confidence] Repository, [adjective Laying-up (place] Reprehension. Relation Oeconomical V. 7. Operation or Opposite Represent. Transcendental Action II. 8. Repress. [Restrain] [Subdue] Reprieve, [Procrastinate Execution] Reprize, [Diminution of payment] Letters of --- [Commission for Compensation for losses by bootying] Reprobate, [Rejected] Reproch. Relation Judicial IV. 8. Reproving, [Reprehension] Reptile, [adjective Creeping (thing] Republic, [adjective RC (thing] Repudiate. [Reject] [Abdicate] [Un-marry] Repugnant, Opposite] Contrary] Repullulate. Repulse. [Back-driving] [Denial] Reputation. Habit II. 4. Repute. [active Opinion] [Esteem] Request, [Petition] Master of --- s, [Receiving (Off.) of Petitions] Requiem, [Rest] Require. [Demand] [Command] Requisite, Necessary] Expedient] Requite [Compensate] Rere, [Hinder-part] Rere-boil'd, [Boil'd diminutive] Reremouse, [Bat] Rereward, [Hinder part of army] Rescind, [Spoil] Rescript, [Edict] Rescue. [Deliver] [Un- captive] prisoner] Resemble. [Like] [Compare] Resent, [active Apprehension] Reserch, [Inquisition] Reserve. [Keep, part] till another time] [Except] a --- --- of souldiers. Relation Military IV. 5. Affinis. --- edness. Manners IV. 4. Deficient extreme or Discourse Reside. [Inhabit] [verb Present] Residue. Transcendental Mixed VI. 7. Operation or Opposite Resign. [Let go] [Assign] [Yield] [Deliver] --- to God , [active Self-denial] Resin. Parts Peculiar I. 6. Affinis. Resisting. Relation Military I. 3. Operation or Opposite Resolve. [Un- active doubt (make] [active Solution] Answer] [Purpose] Action Spiritual IV. 4. [active Result] Resolute, [adjective pret. Resolve] Constancy] Fortitude] Resolution. [Resolving] [Resoluteness] Resort, [Come frequentative] Resound, [Sound augmentative] Resource, [Again-rising] Respect. [Relation] Deference. Manners V. 4. in --- of, [For] Prep. I. 2. Affinis. Respiration. Motion III. 2. Respite, Time of Intermission] At times] Interval] Space I. 8. Operation or Opposite specially of ease] to --- [Protract] Resplendent, [Shining] Responsal, [Answer] Responsible, [adjective Paying Power, or ability] I will be --- for, [I stipulate for] Rest. op. to Motion. M. Operation or Opposite Stay] Desist] active Period] --- in Music, Silence (sign] Period diminutive] --- of gun, [Stick for supporting gun.] to be at --- P. Quieting] to set at --- active Quieting] --- upon, Lean] active Confidence] Trust] the --- [The residue] Restauration. [Restoring] [Mending] Restharrow. [Cammock] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 14. Resty. vid. Restive. Restitution. [Restoring] Transcendental Action II. 7. [Compensating] Transcendental Action II. 7. Affinis. Restiveness. [Disingenuity] [Disobedience] [Contumacy] Restorative, [adjective active Restoring aptitude, or proneness..) Medecine] Restore. Transcendental Action II. 7. --- to Estate [re- adjective passive Estate Favor [re- adjective passive Favor Health [re- adjective passive Health Liberty [re- adjective passive Liberty Life [re- adjective passive Life (make] Restrein. [Diminish] specially Liberty] Habit II. 1. Operation or Opposite [active Cohibit] Impedient] [active Shortness] Narrowness] holding] exempting] limiting] excepting] Restreint, active restreining] passive restreining] [Imprisonment diminutive] Restriction, [Limitation] Restringent, [Binding] Motion IV. Operation or Opposite Result. [Event] [Summe] [Illation] Resume. [Again --- take] [Back --- take] [Again- begin] [Re --- begin] [Repete] Resurrection, Again- Re --- life] Retail, [Sell parts segregate] Retaliation, [Compensation] Retard, [active Late Slow make] Retching, [Stretching] [Pandiculation] [Vomiting (end] Retchlesness. [Improvidence] Manners III. 2. Operation or Opposite [Carelesness] [Sloth] Retein. [Hold] [Keep] Transcendental Action V. 5. as his Lawyer, [Bespeak] specially with earnest] --- to adjective Pertinence] Dependent] Reteiner, [Dependent] Retention, Holding] Keeping] Retentive faculty, Holding Keeping Power, or ability] Retinue, Waiters Dependants (agg.] Retire. [Back-go] [Go] Transcendental Action VI. 1. Operation or Opposite --- for safety] Relation Military II. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- for Concealment] Privacy] Solitariness] Retired, [adjective pret. retire] [Solitary] Retirement. [active Retire] [adjective Retire (place] Retort. to --- Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 7. Affinis. a --- [Crooked (vess.) adj Bottle (fig.] Retract. [Back-draw] [Recant] Deficient extreme or Discourse VI. 9. Operation or Opposite specially part] Retreat. [active Retire] [adjective Retire (place] Retrench. [From-cut] specially part.] [active Ablatum] Diminution] Retribution [Compensate] Retrive, again- finde re --- finde Retrogade, [back-going] Retrospection, [Considering past (thing] Return. [re- be] come] go] [Repent] [again- be] come] go] [active Turn] Transcendental General VI. 8. Reciprocation] Transcendental General VI. 8. Affinis. Answer] Retort] [Repeat] Restore] Compensate] Refund] Pay] --- Money, [Lend m. to be paid in another (place] --- to life, [re-live] [re- cause] doe] give] Reveal. [Revelation] Action Spiritual I. 6. [Shewing] Transcendental Action 1.8. Reveils, Sound (fig.) for waking Music (fig.) for waking (make] Revelation. Action Spiritual I. 6. Revel, active Manners II. 5. Operation or Opposite] active Riotousness] specially Late in the night --- rout, [Sound augmentative) of active riot] --- s, [adjective Night recreations] specially of dancing] Revenge. Action Spiritual V. 9. Affinis. Revenue. Possessions Affinis. Reverberate. [Re-strike] [Reflect (make] Reverence. Manners V. 3. Sir --- [Dung] Reverend, [adjective passive Reverence aptitude, or proneness..] Reverse. to --- Annull, [Un- law] decree] sentence] [Turn] Action Corporeal VI. 8. Affinis. the --- [Hinder part] Reversion. Right of fut, possession] Potentialness] [Residue] Revert. [Return] [Be right of fut. possession] Revy, [More-bet] Review, [again See] Consider] Examin] Revile. Relation Judicial IV. 9. Revise, [Again See] Consider] Examin] Revive, [re-active Life] Vigor] Reunion, [re-active One] Reunite, [re-active One] Wholeness] Revoke. [Recall] [Recant] [active Nothing] --- law [Un-law] sentence active sentence] Revolt. [active Apostate] [active Rebellion] Revolve, [Consider frequentative] augmentative] Revolution. [Vertigination] specially till the same situation] [Altering] Revulsion [From- pulling] motion] Reward. Habit I. Rhapsody [Confused mixture] Rhetoric, [Speaking (art.) adv Ornate] Rhetorician, [Teaching (artist) of speaking ornately] Rheubarb, vid. Rubarb. Rheum, [Catarrh] Rheumatic, [adjective Catarrh] Rheumatism. Sickness IV. 4. Affinis. Rhinocerot. Beast II. 6. --- Fly Exanguious V. 1. Rhomb. Line, [Line of Vergency] Figure, [Square having all its sides equal, but no right Angles] Rhomboide, [Square having its 2 opposite Angles equal, but not all its sides equal] Ry. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 1. Affinis. Rial. Rib. --- of Animal. Parts General IV. 4. Affinis. --- of Ship, [Direct beam of Ship.] Ribaldry, [Unchastity] Riband. Provisions IV. 6. Rives, [Red Goosberries] Rice. Plant. Herb considered according to the Leafe II. 3. Affinis. Jugament, [adjective active Skein (jugament] [Branch smear'd with Bird-lime] Rich. [adjective Riches] [adjective Price augmentative] Riches. Habit II. 2. Rick, [Heap] Rickets. Sickness IV. 8. Rid. [adjective pret. riding] to --- [Empty] Operation or Opposite II. 7. Operation or Opposite [Un- burden] tangle] [active Liberty] Habit II. 1. [Deliver] Action Spiritual I. 5. get- Escape] Obtein liberty] [Dispatch] Transcendental Action IV. 5. --- way, [Dispatch his journey] Riddance, active rid] passive rid] Ridden, [adjective passive ride] Riddle [Speech obscured with figure] Ride. --- on horse, &c. Motion II. 7. --- at anchor. Relation Naval VI. 5. Rider. [adjective riding (person] [Lowest adjective horse (Off.] Money (kinde] Ridge. Bank. Magnitude V.7. --- bone, [Back bone] [Upper Margin] Side] Ridiculous, [adjective passive Laugh aptitude, or proneness..] Ridgeling, [Having only one testicle] Riding, vid. Ride. [Shire (part] Rise, Frequent] Obvious] Riffraff. [Worst part. Transcendental Mixed VI. 1. Operation or Opposite [Sorry augmentative) discourse] Rifle. [Spoil] Relation Military II. 5. Exceeding extreme Dice. Rift, [Chink through cleaving] Rig. [active Rigging] [Wanton female] Rigging. Relation Naval IV. Right. Subst. Relation Civil IV. Adj. [Streight] Magnitude III. 10 adjective Justice] Equity] True] Good] Genuine] Natural] Simple] Perfect] Due] Worthy] Lawful] Congruous] Regular] Pure] --- angle. Magnitude III. 3. --- hand, [adjective right side h.] --- side. Space II. 9. make --- [Repair] Set (to --- Sickness) [Repair] Adverb derived Right. --- in the nick, [Adverb derived perfect in the nick] &c. Righteousness. [Holiness] Habit V. 3. [Vertue moral] Manners I. Justice] Equity] Rightful, [adjective Justice] Equity] Rigid, [adjective Rigor] Rigor. Stiffness. Action Corporeal IV. 5. Deficient extreme or Discourse op. to Justice. Manners I. 1. Exceeding extreme Equity. Manners I. 2. Operation or Opposite op. to Gratiousness Manners VI. 1. Operation or Opposite Clemency. Manners VI. 8. Operation or Opposite Rill, [Stream (dim] Rimm, [Margin] --- of the belly, [Membrane of the b.] Rime. Verse Deficient extreme or Discourse III. 5. Affinis. [Mist that freezes in falling] Element III. 5. Affinis. Rince, [Wash diminutive] Rind. Parts Peculiar I. 5. Ring. to --- Neuter. Quality sensible III. 2. Active, [active Ring.] --- all in, [a Ring the last (time] --- in peal, [active Ring Adverb derived [Harmony] --- out, [active Ring augmentative] a --- of bells, [Suit of bells] a --- figure. Magnitude V. 2. --- bone, [Bone in Horses foot] --- dove Bi. III. 1. Affinis. --- finger, [Fourth finger] --- leader, [Principal] --- tail, [Buzzard having white streak on his train] --- worm, [Tetter] all in a --- [adjective Circle (fig.] hog --- [Pin adjective passive Circle (fig.] ride the --- [Ride Adverb derived Circle (fig.] Rinse. [Wash diminutive] Riot. [active Riotousness] [Sedition] Riotousness. Manners III. 4. Exceeding extreme Rip. [Unsow] [Open by cutting] Ripeness. Natural Power VI. 4. Ripier, [Carrier of fish] Rise. the --- Source. Space II. 4. Affinis. to --- [verb Rising] Upward-go] More-adjective passive High] arise. Action Corporeal VI. 1. [adjective passive Birth] Beginning] Being] Increase] [Grow] as Hill, [Upward-adjective oblique] as Fountain, [Spring] as Sun, appear inceptive) above Horizon] above-adjective Horizon inceptive] Rising, [verb Rise] Protuberance] Magnitude IV. 3. Top] Space III. 7. --- of a hill, [Oblique (part) of h.] Hill, [Mountain diminutive] Tumor] Sickness III. Inflation] Sickness I. 5. Affinis. Barm, [adjective active Fermenting (thing] Insurrection, [Rebellion inceptive] Resurrection, [Re-life] Risk, Essaying] Danger] Rite, [Circumstance] specially Customary] specially Solemn] Ritual, [Book of Ceremonies] Rival. Relation Oeconomical II. 2. Affinis. Rive, [Cleave] Rivel, Wrinkle] Furrow] River, World IV. 7. Rivet, [Fasten pin by flatting the point of it] Rivulet, [Stream diminutive] Ro. Of Fish. Soft --- [Milt] hard --- [Spawn] Beast. Beast II. 5. Roan horse. Rob. Relation Judicial III. 7. Robe, [Loose upper (vest] specially Solemn] Robin red breast. Bi. V. 5. Robins. Relation Naval IV. 5. Robustious, Strong] Hardy] Rock. a --- Stone. World III. 3. [Staff of adjective Spinning (machin] to --- [active Volutation] Roch. Fish IX. 9. Affinis. --- Allum, [Allum of the rock] Rochet. Fish, [Red Gournet] Vest, [Bishops upper adjective Linen (vest] Rocket. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 7. base --- Herb considered according to the Flower I. 11. Affinis. double --- [Dames Violet] HS.IV.2. Rod. [Wand] Parts Peculiar I. 4. Affinis. Measure, [16 foot & ½] [adjective Whipping instrument] of branches aggregate] Rode. [Public way] --- for Ships, [adjective Resting (place) for ships] Rodomontade, Oversaying Glorying Rogation, [Week of walking about the bounds] Rogue. [Begger] [adjective Wandring (person] Vice (person] Fraud (person] [adjective Scurril (person] Roial, [adjective King] the --- s of a Stag. Roialty, [Prerogative] specially of King] Roister, [active Riotousness] Insolence] Magisterialness] Roll. to --- [active Vertigination] --- land. Operation or Opposite III. 2. Affinis. --- a Swathe about one, [Clothe Adverb derived Helical] [active Volutation] as Ship --- Relation Naval VI. 7. Affinis. a --- adjective active Rolling instrument] adjective passive Roll (thing] [Cylinder] --- of paper, &c. [Paper, &c. adjective passive Cylinder (fig.) by Vertigination] [Catalogue] [adjective Ring (fig.) ornament] specially adjective passive Twist.] Roller, [Cylinder] specially adjective passive Vertigination aptitude, or proneness..] specially for rolling] Operation or Opposite III. 2. Affinis. Rolling [Sub. role] [Adj. role] --- eye [adjective motion aptitude, or proneness.. eye] --- tongue [adjective motion aptitude, or proneness.. tong.] --- Press, [adjective rolling (machin) for Printing] Rolls. [Catalogue of judicial causes and proceedings] [adjective Notary (things] Notary (place] Master of the --- Romb, vid. Rhomb. Romance, [Feigned Narration] Rome, [Wander] Rood. [Stick] Measure, [16 foot & ½] [Wooden pillar] [Wooden Image of Christ crucified] Roof. --- of house. PO. III. 8. --- trees, [Rafters that support the roof] --- of mouth, [Palat] Parts General III. 5. Rook. to --- [active Fraud] a --- [Crow that feeds on corn] Chess. Room. Space] Place] specially Sufficient] to make --- [Prepare place] in a house. Possessions III. 2. of Predecessor. Transcendental General VI. 6. Roost, [Birds adjective sleeping (place] Root. Proper. Parts Peculiar I. 1. to --- [verb Root] to take --- [verb Root] --- out [out pluck the Roots] --- up [out pluck the Roots] --- of a number the Number which multiplied by it self produces that other number.] the side] Magnitude II. 3. A Extraction of --- --- of the tongue, [bottom of t.] Hebrew --- [Primitive H. word] Rope. a --- [Cord (augm] --- of onions, [Onions aggregate] to --- [verb Sliminess] Ropy, [adjective Sliminess] Rore, Sound Exclamation augmentative] Ros Solis, [Sun-dew] Rosary. Rose. Shrub I. 2. --- Cake, [Caput mort. of distilled roses.] --- water, [distilled w. of roses] Guelder --- Shrub II. 12. holy --- Shrub VI. 1. our Ladies --- Shrub VI. 8. Sweet mountain --- Shrub VI. 5. Affinis. --- Bay, [Oleander] Shrub VI. 1. A --- Campion. Shrub III. 2. --- of Iericho. Shrub VI. 8. Rosemary. Shrub VI. 4. Rose noble, Money (kind] Rosewood. Tree VII. 4. Affinis. Rosewort. Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 2. Affinis. Rosy, [adjective Rose] Rosin. Parts Peculiar I. 6. Affinis. Rost. --- ing. Provisions III. 3. rule the --- [active Power] Authority] Rot. to --- [verb Rottenness] the --- among sheep] Rota. Rotation, Vertigination] Wheeling] Rote. by --- [Without- Rules] active Reason] Rottenness. Putrefaction. Natural Power V. 2. Operation or Opposite Tast or Smell. Quality sensible IV. 7. Operation or Opposite Rotundation, [From cutting the less parts] specially the parts not-aliquot] Rotundity, [Roundness] Rove, [Wander] Rover, [Wanderer] at --- s [Not adjective active Object] [adjective Sea. adjective Robbing (person] Rough. Proper. --- to feeling, Having unequal Surface] Quality sensible VI. 2. Deficient extreme or Discourse --- cast, [Rough passive plaster] --- draught, [First Picturing] Writing] --- hew, [First cutting] --- mason. --- Sea, [adjective passive wave augmentative) Sea.] --- way. [Hairy] --- footed. --- to tast. Quality sensible IV. 3. Moral. [Fierce] Rigorous] Churlish] Morose] Magisterial] Rustic] Insolent] Supercilious] Harsh] Austere] [Angry] Transc. Unpleasant] Violent] Transcendental General V. 5. Operation or Opposite Not-wrought] Homely] to --- up [Reprehend Adverb derived Anger (like] Rouncival, [Great augmentative] Round Proper, [not-adjective passive angle] More perfect. [adjective Sphere (fig.] Oval (fig.] Bowl (fig.] --- hill, [Hill whose top is adjective Sphere (fig.] Oval (fig.] Bowl (fig.] [adjective Cylinder (fig.] Tube (fig.] [adjective Cone (fig.] [adjective Circle (fig.] Ring (fig.] Wheel (fig.] [adjective Spiral (fig.] Helix (fig.] Less Perfect. [Crooked] [adjective Bow (fig.] [adjective Parabola (fig.] Hyperbole (fig.] Ellipsis (fig.] Adverb derived --- about, [On every side] turn --- Vertiginate] Turn Adverb derived Vertigination] Winde to --- --- hair, [adjective equal (make) by clipping] --- a place, [about-go] Round improper. [Perfect] --- blow, [b. augmentative] --- number. --- Sum, [Sum augmentative] Adverb derived tell him --- ly, [Tell h. plainly] go --- ly on, [Proceed without Let] Haesitation] to --- one in the ear, [Whisper] a --- in music, [Continued circling (like) Song] a --- of a ladder, [Step of l.] Roundelay. Roundhouse. Relation Naval II. 4. Affinis. Roundish, [Round diminutive] Rounds. Rouse. [Rise (make] [active Impulsive] Rout. [Confused multitude] [Overthrow] to --- Fly (make] Unorder Army] [Snore] --- as hog, [Un-root plants] Rowze, vid. Rouse. Row. of Fish. hard --- [Spawn] soft --- [Milt] of bodies, [Series] [Rank] [File] to --- [active Motion (make) with Oats] Pole] a --- Barge. Rowel. a --- [adjective Wheel (fig.) adjective pricking jugament] to --- a horse. Rowen hay, [Second mowen hay] Rowle, vid. Roll. Ru. Herb, vid. Rue. to --- active Repentance] Wish un-done] Rub. a --- [adjective Impedient (thing] [adjective Promberance (thing] to --- Scrub. Operation or Opposite V.8. --- along, [Go] specially Adverb derived difficulty] --- off, [From rub] --- at Cards. Rubarb. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 1. Monk's --- [Patience] Rubbers, [Two Games] Rubbish Rubble [Confused ruine] [Worst part] Rubellio. Fish V. 4. Affinis. Ruby. Stone IV. 2. Rubrick, [Rules for direction in red Letters] Rudder. Relation Naval II. 3. Affinis. Ruddy, [Red diminutive] Ruddle Red Oker] Cinnabar] Ruddock, [Red brest] Bi. V. 5 Rude. [Homely] Not-taught] Unlearned] Ignorant] Unskilful] Morose] Rustic] Rudiment, Element. Deficient extreme or Discourse I. Adverb derived First adjective passive Learner (thing] Rue. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel V. 13. Goates --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 8. Meadow --- Herb considered according to the Flower I 12. Ruff. Vest. Bird. Bi. VII. 4. Affinis. Fish. Fish IX. 6. Affinis. at cards. to --- Ruffian. Bawd] Ribald] [Swagger] Ruffle. [active Roughness Confusion (make] [active Sound of Silk (vest] Ruful, [adjective active Grief Pity (make] Rug, [Tufted bed (vest] Rugged, vid. Rough. Ruine, [active Ruines] Destruction] Poverty] --- s. Possessions II. Operation or Opposite Ruinous, [adjective Ruine] Rule. Sentence. Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 5. Law] Edict] --- ed case, [Condition adjective passive rule (ought) according to exemplar.] according to --- [Regular] Power] Authority] to --- Direct] Govern] instrument, [adjective active Measuring instrument] to --- [active Line with adjective active measuring instrument] Ruler. [Magistrate] [adjective active Measuring instrument] Rumb, vid. Rhomb. Rumble, [Confused noise] specially as of rolling] Ruminate. Motion III. 5. Affinis. [Consider] Rummage, [Move things for seeking] Rumor. Deficient extreme or Discourse V. 3. Affinis. Rump, [Bone at the end of the Vertebrae] --- of bird. Parts Peculiar V. 8. --- of beef. Rumple, Unsmooth] active Furrow] Run [ition swift] specially of Animal] Proper. Motion II. 1. Affinis. [Fly] Relation Military II. 3. Deficient extreme or Discourse Ition] --- the adventure to-ition essay risk submit to the danger] [Become] --- a ground. --- ashore. --- mad. [Continue] --- his course. [Proceed] [Increase] as weeds --- [active Contagion] [Abound] [Exceed] as tong --- s [Spread] Operation or Opposite II. 6. Operation or Opposite Stream] as --- ing water Weep] as --- ing eye Drop as --- ing nose Let go as --- ing nose [Spend] [Finish] hath --- his course. verb Swiftness. --- a division [Swiftly Sing Play a division] [Thrust impetus, or fit] [Dispatch] --- about --- all --- [Spread, specially by adjective passive dissolving] --- after after-ition] follow augmentative] Pursue] --- against run thrust impetus, or fit against] --- at thrust impetus, or fit at] assault] --- large, [Abound] random, [verb Exorbitancy] tilt, [Fence with (spears] --- away, [Fly] --- before Become before] Prevent] --- down, [active Falling by thrusting impetus, or fit] --- in discourse, [Posing] --- with blood, [Streaming with b.] --- forth, Let-go] Spill] --- in, [Prick] --- debt Become Increase being debtor] --- upon one, Thrust impetus, or fit] Storm] --- off, From-ition] Digression] --- on Proceed] Increase] --- over Through-ition swiftly] Let-go] Space through fulness (exc.] --- out. --- as Prodigal [Spend (exc.] --- as Vessel, [Let-go] --- in discourse, [Abound] --- his course [Finish] his length, --- through, [active hole by thrusting impetus, or fit] --- to ruine, [Become ruinous] --- up, [Increase] specially Adverb derived Soon] --- upon, Begin hastily] Storm] Runagate, [Apostate] Runaway, [Fugitive] Rundle, [Round thing] specially Circle] Ring] Rundlet, [Barrel diminutive] Rung. Relation Naval II.1. Affinis. Runner. Bird. [Upper stone of Mill] Runt, [Bull diminutive] Rupture, [Breaking] a --- Sickness VI. 8. --- wort. Herb considered according to the Flower I. 17. Rural, [adjective Country] Rush. Herb considered according to the Leafe III. 12. Affinis. Flowering. --- Herb considered according to the Leafe V. 6. to --- [active Running Thrusting impetus, or fit] Russet, [Gray] specially Adverb derived Natural] Rust. Measure IV. 4. --- of bacon [Rottenness inceptive] Rustic, [adjective Country] Rusticity] Rusticity. Manners IV. 9. Deficient extreme or Discourse Rustle, [Sound of confused motion] Ruthful, [adjective active Pity Grief aptitude, or proneness.] Ruthless, [Pitiless] Rut of Cart, [Sign of Wheel having gone] Rutting, [Coition] specially of Deer] S. SAbbath, Day of rest] Festivity] specially Weekly] Iewish --- [The 7th. day of the week] Christian --- [The first day of the week] Sabbatical year, [7th year] Sable. [Black Martin] [Skin of Black Martin] [Black] Sacerdotal, [adjective Priest] Sack, [Bag augmentative] [Course hairy-cloth] --- cloth. [Spanish Wine] to --- [Spoile] Relation Military II. 5. Exceeding extreme Sackbut. Sachel, [bag diminutive] Sachettus. Fish V. 10. Affinis. Sacrament. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 4. the --- [Eucharist] Sacred, Holy] Consecrated] Sacrifice. Relation Ecclesiastical VI. 3. Sacriledge, Theft of consecrated (things] Robbery of consecrated (things] Sad. --- Disposition] [adjective Melancholy] [adjective Seriousness] [adjective Dulness] Lumpishness] [adjective Grief] --- color, Dark Black diminutive] --- bread, [Dense (exc.] Saddle. Possessions V. 8. --- backt, [Hollow backed] --- tree, [adjective wood (part) of Sickness] Pack --- [Saddle for burdens augmentative] Saddler, [adjective Saddle mechanic.] Safe. [adjective Safety] --- and sound, Healthy] Whole] --- Conduct Compact of safe return Power, or ability] Licence for safe passing] --- guard, [Safety] Womans --- [Uppermost adjective riding (vest) of woman] a --- [Box] Safety. Transcendental General V. 3. Saffron, [Crocus] Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 7. Affinis. bastard --- Herb considered according to the Flower III. 5. meadow --- Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 7. Sag, [Move diminutive] specially backward] Sagacity. Habit III. 1. Sagapenum, [Concrete juice of Giant Fennel] Sage. Herb. Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 1. --- of Ierusalem. Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 3. Wood --- Herb considered according to the Flower VII. Affinis. [adjective Wise] Sober] Sagittarius, [Ninth of the 12 parts of the Zodiac] Say. to --- [Speak] Action Corporeal III. 1. --- by heart, [Say Adverb derived memory.] --- less than true, [Undersay] --- more than true, [Oversay] --- nay, [active Negation] --- nothing, [active Silence] that is to --- Conjunction IV. 3. [Essay] Transcendental Action III. 4. Affinis. Subst. [Adage] Part. Transcendental Mixed VI. 3. Stuff. Saying, adjective Spoken (thing] Sentence] Sail. a --- of Ship, &c. Relation Naval II. 6. --- yard. Relation Naval III. 2. main --- [Principal Sickness of Ship.] mizzen --- [Sickness of hinder (part) of Ship] Sprit --- [Sickness of forepart of ship] top, --- [Highest Sickness] hoise --- [Up-lift Sickness] strike --- [active fall the Sickness] [Ship] to --- Motion II. 7. Affinis. Sailer. Relation Naval V. 8. Saim, [Soft fat of hog] Sainfoin. Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel III. 5. Affinis. Saint. Relation Ecclesiastical III. 5. --- s bell. Sake [end] Transcendental General II. 6. for the --- of. Prop. I. 2. Affinis. Saker. Hawk. Ordinance. Sal, vide Salt. --- armoniac. Stone V. 6. --- Gemma. Stone V. 2. Affinis. Salable, [adjective passive Sell aptitude, or proneness..] Salacity, [Lust (Pron.] Salad. [Sawce of herbs] [adjective head (armor] Salamander. Land --- Beast VI. 5. Water --- Beast VI. 5. Affinis. Salary, [Wages] Sale, [Sell.] Saleable, (Fit to) adjective passive Sell aptitude, or proneness..] Saligot. [Water-Nut] Saline, [adjective Salt] Saltishness] Salivate, Spit (make] Drivel (make] Sallet, vid. Salad. Sally. Relation Military I. 6. Affinis. Sallow. Tree. Tree VI. 9. Affinis. Color, [yellow diminutive) adjective Sallow (like] Salmon. Fish IX. 2. Salomons Seal. Herb considered according to the Leafe VII. 7. Salpa. Fish V. 2. Affinis. Salt, vid. Sal. Subst. Stone V. 1. Affinis. --- Armoniac. Stone V. 6. --- Peeter, [Nitre] Stone V. 1. --- wort, [Glasswort] Bay --- [Coursest Sickness (kind] Drinous --- Stone V. 5. Vessel. --- Sellar, [adjective Table, adjective Salt vessel] Trencher --- [adjective Trencher. adjective Salt (vessel] adjective --- taste, [adjective Quality sensible IV. 5. --- Marshes, [Marshes] Saltive. "saltive" not found in OED. Salve. Provisions VI. 4. to --- [active sound (make] Salvation. [Deliverance] [Safety] Everlasting bliss. Habit I. 4. Salvediction. Action Corporeal V. 8. Salvo, Exempting] Exception] Salute. Action Corporeal V. 3. --- at meeting. Action Corporeal V. 8. --- at parting. Action Corporeal V. 8. Affinis. Samarre, [Upper most loose adjective Woman (vest] Same. Pron II. 2. --- ness, [Identity] of the --- time, [Simultaneous] Samphier. Herb considered according to the Flower V. 2. Affinis. Golden flowred --- Herb considered according to the Flower III. 10. A, Sample Exemplar. Transcendental General II. 3. Sampler Exemplar. Transcendental General II. 3. Sanamunda. Shrub VI. 2. Sanctifie. [adjective Holiness (make] [Consecrate] Sanction, Law] Edict] Sanctity, [Holiness] Sanctuary. [Temple] specially Inner (part) of it] [adjective active Safety (place) for offenders] Sand. Stone I. 8. --- eeles. Fish VI. 4. Affinis. the --- s, Strand. World III. 6. Quick --- s. World III.7. --- blind. Sandal, [Lamin for the bottom of foot] Sandarach. Stone VI. 5. Sanders. Red --- Tree VII. 3. Yellow --- Tree VII. 3. Affinis. Sandover, [Scum of glass] Sanguin. [adjective Blood] Parts General I. 6. [Merry] Sanguinary, [adjective active Relation Judicial III.] Sanhedrin, [Council] Sanicle. Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 9. bears ear --- Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VIII. 3. Spotted --- Herb considered according to the Leafe VIII. 4. Yorkshire --- [Butterwort] Herb considered according to the Leafe VI. 7. Sanity. [Health] [Soundness] Sap. Subst. [Juice] Parts Peculiar I. 7. --- of tree, [adjective juice (part) of tree] to --- [Undermine] Saphena vein, [Vein at the Ankle] Saphire. Stone IV. 5. White --- Stone IV. 1. Affinis. Sapience, [Wisdom] Saphic. Saracens Consound [Comfrey] Herb considered according to the Leafe IX. 4. Sarcasm. [Mock] Sarcocolla. Tree VIII. 2. Affinis. Sarda, [Chalcis] Fish III. 12. Affinis. Sardius. Stone III. 3. Sardonix. Sargus. Fish V. 3. Sarplier, [adjective packing cloth] Sarsaparilla, [Root of herb like pricking Bindweed] Sartorian Operation. Operation or Opposite V. Sassafras. Tree III. 10. Satan, [Devil] World I. 2. Operation or Opposite Sate. Action Corporeal VI. 5. Affinis. Sated, [adjective passive fill augmentative] (exc.] Satelles. World II. 8. Affinis. Saterday, [Seventh day] Satiate, [active Sufficience] Satiety, [active Sufficience] Satisfaction. [Sufficience] Mind-quieting. Action Spiritual III. 5. [Conviction] [Payment] [Restitution] Satisfy, [active Satisfaction] Sattin. [Smooth shining Silk] Herb [Bulbonach] Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel VI. 2. Saturn. World II. 4. Satyr. [adjective Mocking Reproving Verse aggregate] [Baboon] Beast III. 1. Satyrion, [Orchis] Herb considered according to the Leafe IV. 8. Savage, Fierce] Cruel] Sauce. Provisions II. 2. Sauce alone Herb considered according to the Seed-vessel IV. 8. Saucer, [Shallow dish] specially for Sauce] Saucy, Impudent] Irreverent] Saucidge, vid. Sausage. Save. General. --- from danger, [active Safety] Transcendental General V. 3. --- from loss Preserve] Action Spiritual hurt I. 4. --- one's oath, [pr himself from perjury] incumbent, [Deliver] Action Spiritual I. 5. imminent. as to it, [prevent] Transcendental Action III. 9. as to him Defend] Operation or Opposite VI. 5. Protect] active Manners VI. 4 Special, as to Estate, Lay up] Transcendental Action V. 4. Keep] Transcendental Action V. 5. from spoiling. RM. II. 5. from spending. Ta. V. 3. Liberty. Relation Military II. 6. Event of War. Relation Military II. 7. Soul. from Sin, [Redemption] Action Spiritual I. 7. from Hell, [Salvation] Habit I. 4. Comparate. [Exempt] Transcendental Action II. 7. Operation or Opposite [Except] Deficient extreme or Discourse IV. 5. Operation or Opposite Conjunction [Unless] Prep. [Besides] Savin. Shrub III. 10. Affinis. Saving, vid. Save. Savingness, [Frugality] Savior, [adjective a Save (person] Savor. [Tast] Quality sensible IV. [Smell] Quality sensible IV. Affinis. Savory. [adjective Savor (pers. Winter --- Herb considered according to the Flower VI. 7. Affinis. Saurus. Fish IV. 7. Affinis. Sausage, [Pudding of minced Hogg's flesh] Saw.