AN ALPHABETICAL Canting Vocabulary. Canting before the English. A A A. AUtem A Church Autem Mort A Married Woman Abram Naked Abram Cove A Poor Fellow B B B. Bluffer An Host Bounsing-cheat A Bottle Bughar A Dug Booz Drink Boozing-ken A Tippling-house Bord A Shilling Bung A Purse Been Good or well Been shiply Very well Benat Better Bing To go Bing awast To go away Bube The Pox. As for Example, The Mort hath tipt the Bube to the Cully. The wench hath clapt the Fellow. Bleating-cheat A Sheep Belly-cheat An Apron Betty An Instrument to open a door. Bite To cheat or cozen As bite the Cully, that is, put the Cheat on such a Fellow. Or the Cove was bit, The Man was cheated. Bite the Roger Steal the Portmanteau Budge One that steals Cloaks or ought else, slipping in­ to an house in the dark Brush To fly. As the Cully is brush'd or rub'd, that is, He is march'd off, or broke. Beenship Worship Bulk and File The one jostles you up whilst the other picks your pocket. Been darkmans Good night. Blower One mans particular Wench. Batner An Oxe Blow off on the Ground-­ fils. O. Q. P. on the Floar or Stairs Blot the Skrip and jark it. To be engaged or bound for any body. C C C. Coker A lye Cove, or Cuffin A Man Cuffin-Quire A Justice of Peace Cramprings Bolts or Shackles Chats The Gallows Cank Dumb Crackmans Hedges Calle or Togeman A Cloak Couch To lie Couch a hogshead To go to sleep Mish or Commission A Shirt Cackling cheat A Chicken Cassan Cheese Crashing cheats Teeth Cloy To Steal Cut To Speak Cut been whids To Speak well Cut quire whids To Speak evilly Confeck Counterfeit Canakin The Plague Cly the jerk To be whipt Clapperdogeon A Beggar born Cully A Fool or Fop Colquarron A Mans Neck Croppinken A Privy or Boghouse Cracker An Arse Chaft Beaten or hang'd Clincker A Crafty Fellow Chap'd Dry, or Thirsty Cackling Farts Eggs Cobble-colter A Turky D D D. Dimber Pretty Damber Rascal Drawers Stockings Duds Goods Deuseavile The Country Dommerar A Mad man Darkmans Night or Evening Dell or Doxy A Wench Deuswins Two pence Dup To enter or go into an house, As Dup the Ken, Enter the House, Dup the Booz-­ ing-Ken, and booz a gage; go into the Ale-house and drink a pot. Dancers Stairs Deuseavile-Stampers Country Carriers E E E. Earnest A part or share, As for example, Tip me my Earnest, Give me my Share or Divident. F F F. Flicker A Glass. Flicker-snapt A Glass broken Flick To Cut As Flick me some Pannam and Cash; Cut me some Bread and Cheese Flick the Peeter Cut the Cloak-bag Fam-grasp the Cove To agree with an Adver­ sary. Frummagen Choak'd Filch A Staff with an hole in the end thereof, in which upon occasion, your Rogues will fasten an hook, to pull things cunning­ ly from an Hedge, or through a Casement. Ferme An hole Fambles Hands Famble-cheats Rings or Gloves Flag A Groat Flog To whip as in Bridewell, As the Prancer drew the Quire Cove at the Crop­ ping of the Rotam through the Rum pads of the Rum vile, and was flog'd by the Nubbing-Cove. That is, The Rogue was drag'd at a Carts-arse, through the chief streets of London, and was soundly whipt by the Hangman. Fogus Tobacco As tip me a gage of Fogus, Give me a pipe of To­ bacco. Fencing Cully A Receiver of stolen Goods Fib To beat, As Fib the Coves quarrons in the rom pad for the lour in his burg. Beat the Man on the high-way for the money in his purse. Flog'd at the Tumbler Whipt at the Carts arse. Fence To spend As Fence your Flag, Spend your Groat, Floggin Cove, The whipper of Bridewell, or any other that whips people commonly called at Dublin in Ireland Bellores. G G G. Gropers Blind men Glimflashy Angry Glimfenders Andirons Grunting peck Porke Glymmer Fire Glazyers Eyes Grannam Corn Gentry Mort A Gentlewoman Gage A pot or pipe Grunting cheat A Sucking pig Gigger A Door Gybe Any writing or Pass Glazyer One that creeps in at case­ ments, or unrips glass windows to filch and steal. Grit A Picklock, Where note that some of them are so excellent at it, that they are furnished with all sorts of Grits or Keys, from a Church door to the smallest Cabinet, and al­ most at first sight will dexterously open any door, trunk, chest, or any lock whatever. Glym Jack A Link boy Glym Stick A Candlestick Grinders Teeth Gigg The Nose As give him a rum snitch, or snichel the Gigg, that is, Fillip him on the Nose. H H H. Harmanbeck A Constable Harmans The Stocks Heave To Rob, As Heave a Book, To rob an house Half bord Sixpence Husky lour A Guinny Hog A Shilling, As for Example; You Darkman-budge, will you fence your hog with me, at the next Boozing Ken. That is, d'ye hear you House-creeper, will you spend your shilling with me, at the next Alehouse. Hoodwinkt Beneghted or belated Heaver A Breast I I I. Jague A ditch Jark A Seal Jockum gage A Chamber pot Job A Guinney K K K. Ken An house Kinchin A little child Kinchin Cove A little man Kidnapper A fellow that walketh the streets, and takes all advantages to pick up the younger sort of people, whom with lies and many fair promises he inticeth on board a ship and tran­ sports them into forreign plantations. L L L. Lour Money Lightmans Day, or Day-break Libben A private dwelling house Lage Water Libbedge A bed Lap Pottage Lurries All manner of cloaths Lifter, or Plyer A Crutch. M M M. Mow heater A Drover Mower A Cow Mish topper A Coate Maund To beg Maunders Beggars Margry Prater An Hen Mill To Steal Make An half peny Mynt Gold Muffling cheat A Napkin Mumpers Gentile Beggars, Such as will not accept of Victuals, but money or cloaths, and these beg under the pretence of being decay'd Gentlemen, Tradesmen, or such who have been burn'd out or shipwrack'd Milken An house breaker Muns The Face, As tout his Muns, Mark his face well Moon Curser A Link boy Marinated Transported into some for­ reign Plantation. N N N. Nabgirder A Bridle Nubbing Ken The Sessions house Neck stamper A Pot-boy Napper of Naps A Sheep-stealer Nab An Head Nab-cheat An Hat Nap To take, or cheat with the Dice, that is, by certainly securing one chance. Naskin A Goal, or Bridewell Nazie Drunken Nazie Cove A Drunkard Nizie A Fool or Coxecomb Nub The Neck Nubbing Hanging Nubbing Cove The Hangman Nubbing cheat The Gallows O O O. Ogles Eyes Old Mr Gory A piece of Gold P P P. Panter An heart Prig-star A Rival in love Palliard One whose Father is a born Beggar Papplar Milk pottage Prats Thighs Prigg To Ride Prigging Riding Priggers of Prancers Horse-stealers Priggs Are all sort of Thieves Peck or Peckidg Any sort of meat Pannam Bread Plant To lay, place, or hide Prancer An horse Prating cheat A Tongue Peak Any lace Pike To run As Pike on the been, Run for it as fast as you can. Peery Fearful Peeter A portmantle Pad The high-way Plant your whids, and stow them, Be careful what you say or speak Prig-napper. A Horse-stealer Peeper A Looking glass, As track the Dancers and pikes with the Peep­ er, Go up the stairs and trip off with the Looking-­ glass. Peeping Drowsie, or Sleepy Q Q Q. Quarron A Body Quacking cheat A Duck Queer Base or roguish Queer Ken A Prison Queer Mort A pockie Baggage Queer Cove A Rogue R R R. Rum gutlers Canary wine, As Rum hopper, tip us presently a Bounsing cheat of Rum gutlers; Drawer fill us presently a bottle of the best Canary. Rum dropper A Vintner Rarling Cove A Coatchman Rum glimmar King of the Link boys Rumboyle A Ward or Watch Rum Gallant Rum Vile London Ruffin The Devil, As the Ruffin nap the Cuffin-quier, and let the Harmanbeck trine with his Kinchins about his Colquarron; That is, Let the Devil take the Justice, and let the Constable bang with his chil­ dren about his neck. Rum boozing Welts A bunch of Grapes Roger A Cloak-bag Ridgcully A Goldsmith Ruffler A notorious Rogue Ruff peck Bacon Redshank A Mallard Rum pad The highway Rum Padders The better sort of High­ way men. Rum Cully A rich Coxcomb Ratling Mumpers Such who onely beg at Coaches. Romboyl'd Sought after with a War­ rant Rum hopper A Drawer S S S. Squeeker A Bar-boy Smacking Cove Coachman Scout A Watch Swag A Shop Smudge One that lies underneath a bed, to watch an opportunity to rob the house. Shoplift One that filcheth Commo­ dities out of a Shop, under the pretence of cheapning or buying them of the Shop-keeper. Stampers Shooes Stamps Leggs Stock-drawers Stockings Scoure To wear Skew A Dish Slate A Sheet Skipper A Barnel Shoulder sham Partner to a File Stam flesh To Cant; As the Cully Stams flesh rumly; He Cants very well Stow your whids Be wary Stalling Ken A Brokers shop, or an house that will recive stoln goods. Smelling cheat A Garden or Nosegay Salomon The Mass Stow your Whids and plant'em, for the Cove of the Ken can cant'em, Have a care what you say, the Man of the House understands you. Smiter An Arm Stall whimper A Bastard Skrip Paper, As the Cully did freely blot the Skrip, and so tipt me forty Hogs; that is, One enter'd into bond with me for forty shillings. T T T. Touting Ken A Tavern Bar Trundlers Pease Tour To look out Track up the Dancers Go up the Stairs The Cul Snilches The man eyes you Tip the cole to Adam Tiler Give your pick-pocket mo­ ney presently to your running Comrade. Tip the Mish Give the Shirt Tib of the buttery A Goose Tip To give Trine To hang: or Tyburn Tick-rum A Licence Tres wins Three pence Toppin Cove The Hangman Tumbler A Cart Topping cheat The Gallows W W W. Win A penny Wicher-cully A Silver-smith Whit Newgate; As five Rum padders are rub'd in the darkmans out of the Whit, and are pik'd into the Deusea­ vile: Five Highway men in the night broke New­ gate, and are gone into the Country. Witcher Silver Witcher bubber A Silver Bowl; As for example, The Cull is pik'd with the Witch­ er bubber; The Rogue is March'd off with the Sil­ ver Bowl. Witcher-tilter A Silver-hilted sword Wicket A Casement; As tout through the Wicket, and see where a Cul­ ly pikes with his Gentry Mort, whose Muns are the rummest I ever touted before: Look through the Casement, and see where the man walks with a Gentlewoman, whose face is the fairest I have ever seen. AN ALPHABETICAL Canting Dictionary. English before the Canting. A A A. A Curious wench Rum Mort An Apron Belly cheat An Instrument to break a door Betty A part or share Earnest An hole Ferm A Groat Flag A Receiver of stoln goods Fencing Cully A fine Gentlewoman Gentry-Mort A Door Gigger Any writing or Pass Gybe A Guiny, or Job Huskie lour A Little child Kinchin A Little man Kinchin Cove A private dwelling house Libben All manner of cloaths Lurries All sorts of Thieves Priggs Any sort of meat Peck or Pickedge Any Lace Peak A notorious Rogue Ruffler An Arm Smiter An Arse Cracker Andirons Glimfenders Agree with a man Famgrasp the Cove Angry Glim flashy B B B. Bar-boy Squeeker Beadle of Bridewell Floging Cove Better Benar Bridewell Naskin Beggar born Clapperdogeon Boghouse or Privy Croppinken Bed Libbedge Bottle Bounsing cheat Beg Maund Beggars Maunders Bread Pannam Be careful of what you say Stow your whids and plant 'em Bridle Nabgirder Bolts or Shackles Cramprings Body Quarron Base or Roguish Queer Bacon Ruff peck Bastard Stall-whimper Broker Fencing Cully Belated Hoodwinke Blind men Gropers Barn Skippers Bar of an Alehouse or Tavern. Touting Ken Be wary Stow your whids Brokers shop Stallen-ken Beaten Chaft Breast Heaver C C C. Cart Tumbler Coach-beggars Ratling Mumpers Cloak-bag Roger or Peeter Cheat Napper Coach Ratler Chamber pot Jockum-gage. Coachman Smacking-Cove Constable Harmanbeck Candle stick Glym-stick Cut the Cloak-bag Flick the Peeter Corn Grannam Clusters of Grapes Rum-boozing Welts Carriers Deuseavile Stampers Choak'd Frummagem'd Crutch Lifter or Plyer Copulate Wap or Jockum cloy Country Deuseavile Counterfeit Confeck Crafty fellow Clincher Crust Crakler Cheese Cash or Cassan Chicken Cackling-cheat Cloak Culle or Togeman Cheat or cuzen Bite Church Autem Coat Mish-topper Cow Mower. D D D. Drawers of Wine Rum hoppers Dog Bughar Drink Booze Drousie Peeping Dumb Cank Ditch Jague Day, or Day-break Lightmans Drunken Nazy Dry or thirsty Chapt Drunkard Nazy-Cove Duck Quacking-cheat Devil Ruffin Dish Skew Drover Mow-heater E E E. Enter or go into an house Dup Eyes Ogles or Glaziers Ends of Gold and Silver Spangles Eggs Cackling-farts F F F. Fellows that pick up people for transporta­ tion commonly called Spirits Kidnappers Fence Muns Fool or Coxcomb Nizie Fearful Peery Fly or run Brush Fop, or one that may ea­ sily be wrought upon Cully Fire Glymmer. Feet Stampers. G G G. Gold Mynt Gentile Beggars Mumpers Goal Naskin Gallows Trine Gallant Rum Goldsmith Ridgcully Garden or Nosegay Smelling cheat Goes up the Stairs Track up the Dancers Give Tip Glass Flicker Gallows Topping cheat Glass broken Flicker snapt. H H H. High-way Topping Cove High-way-men Rum pad Horse Rum padders Horse-stealer Prancer Head Nab Hat Nab cheat Half-penny Make House Ken Hands Fambles Hose Drawers Hostess See pouch Heart Panter Host Bluffer I I I. Ingage Blot the Skrip. K K K. King of the Link-boys Rum glimmer Knavery Queer topping L L L. Link-boy Moon-curser, or Glym­ Jack Looking-glass Peeper London Rumvile Legs Stampers Licence Jukrum Look through the Case­ ment Tout through the Wicker Lips Gans Lye Coker M M M. Mass Salomon Mallard Red-shank Milk-pottage Papplar Money Lour Married Woman Autem-Mort Mad-men Dommerars Man Cove. N N N. Nose Gigg Neck Nub Newgate Whit Night or Evening Darkman Naked Abram O O O. One that slips into an house in the dark and steals what he can lay hands on Budge One that creeps in at Casements and lets in others to rob the house Glazier One that filcheth com­ modities out of a shop under the pretence of Cheapning or Buy­ ing Shoplift One that lieth under­ neath a bed, or in some other covert place to watch an opportunity to rob the house Smudge One whose father is born a Beggar Palliard O Q P on the stairs Blow off on the Ground-­ sill P P P. Pottage Lap Pork Grunting peck Pease Trundlers Partners to Files Shoulder-shams Peice of old Gold Old Mr. Gory Portmantue Peeter Prison Queer Ken Penny Win Picklock Gilt Pot or Pipe Gage Pretty Dimber Plague Cannakin Pox Bube Purse Bung Poor Fellow Abram Cove Q Q Q. Question Starter R R R. Rascal Damber Rings or Gloves Famble cheats Rich Coxcomb Rum Cully Ride Prig Riding Prigging Riders Priggers Rogue Queer Cove. S S S. Shilling Bord or Hog Sheep Bleating cheats Steal the Portmantue Bite the Roger Shirt Mish Speak Cut Stockings Drawers Sucking Pig Grunting cheat Stocks Harmans Sixpence Half a Hog Silver Witcher Silver bowl Witcher-bubber Silver-smith Witcher-cully Straw Strummel Sheets Slates Stockings Stock drawers Shoes Stamps Shop Swag Sought after with a war­ rant Romboyld Sheep-stealer Napper of Naps Steal Mill or Cloy Seal Jark T T T. Teeth Crushing cheats To lye Couch To go to sleep Couch a Hogshead To speak well Cut ben whids To speak ill Cut queer whids To be whipt Cly the Jerk Two pence Deuswins Three pence Treswins Tobacco Fogus To take Tobacco Raise a cloud To beat Fib To spend or lay out Fence Teeth Grinders To rob an house Heave a Booth To tumble together Lib Transported Marinate To lay place or hide Plant Tongue Prating cheat To rune away Pikes To wear Scour To look out Tour To hang Trine The Sessions-house Nubbing Ken Turky Cobble-colter. Our Canting Alphabet will not extend a Letter farther then T, as far as I can find out; not know­ ing any Canting word beginning with V, X, Y, Z, although I have made a strict inquiry from some of the most notorious Professors hereof: I have con­ sulted likewise what is printed on this subject, and have slighted no help I could gather from thence, which indeed is very little; the greatest assistance I had in this discovery, was from Newgate; which with much difficulty I screw'd out of the sullen Rogues, who would not speak a word till I had suppled their tongues with the oil of Barley, or ra­ ther thaw'd their obstinate silence with the heat of strong Liquors. From these I understood, that the Mode of Canting alter'd very often, and that they were for­ ced to change frequently those material words which chiefly discovered their mysterious practices and Villanies, least growing too common their own words should betray them. Here in this Vocabulary or little Canting Dicti­ onary, You have all or most of the old words which are still in use, and a many new never pub­ blished in print, and but very lately minted, such too which have passed the approbation of the Criti­ cal Canter. If I seem deficient in the quantity of words, let some else supply my defects, having collected words sufficiently enough for one, if you will have more, take the pains which I have done to be supplyed, and in the mean time be content with what is gathered to your hands.