THE Outlandish Names IN THIS DISCOURSE ENGLISHED. ABaddon, and Apol­ lyon, Names giv­ en in Scripture to Satan, ­ signifie a Destroyer. Agathophilus, a Lov­ er of Goodness or good Men. Anaideia, Impudence. Asotos, a Prodigal or Riotous person. Avernus, a Lake put for Hell. Blandula, a fair spo­ ken Woman, or a Flatte­ rer. Ben-hagios, an holy Son. Bar-Jonah, the Son of the Dove. Crapula, Drunken­ ness, or Excess. Circe, a Witch, whose Cups turned men into Swine. Donna Olympia, a Roman Lady, who lately managed all Affairs for the Pope, at the Court at Rome. Donna Spatulosa, a lascivious Lady. Dolosus, Subtle, or Crafty. Eulaleia, a well-spoken Woman. Eudorla, Comeliness, or making a fair shew. Eupolemus, a good Warriour. Eusebius, a Godly person. Eutrapeleia, Jesting, or Merriment. Feliciana, an happy Island. Gelasius, one given to Laughter. Hyperphiladelpho­ tus, one exceeding loving to the Brethren. Hyperzelotes, exces­ sively zealous. Misoponos, one that hates labour and pains. Phantasia, Pomp, or Gallantry. Philautos, one that loves himself. Philallelos, one that loveth others. Philedonos, a lover of pleasure. Philodemus, a lover of the people. Philodike, a lover of Justice. Philotheos, a lover of God. Porne, a Harlot. Probation, Tryal. Temerarius, Rash, or venturous. FINIS.