A Chymical Dictionary, OR, An Explanation of the hard words and termes of Art which are used in The Holy Guide. ACquisitio, Amissio, Albus, are figures of Geomancy, ♈ or Aries, a figure of Astromancy, and they are names that signify the Nature of the Medicines, and you shall find them in Order, there being used 19. Figures of Astromancy, viz. ♄ Saturne, ♃ Jupiter, ♂ Mars, ☉ Sol, ♀ Venus, ☿ Mer­ cury, ☽ the Moon, or Luna, ♉ Taurus, ♊ Ge­ mini, ♋ Cancer, ♌ Leo, ♍ Virgo, ♎ Libra, ♏ Scorpio, ♐ Sagittary, ♑ Capricorn, ♒ Aqua­ rius, ♓ Pisces. And 16. (Carcer, Tristitia, For­ tuna Major, Fortuna Minor, Puer, Puella, Con­ junctio, Rubeus, Lætitia, Caput Draconis, Cauda Draconis, Populus, via) of Geomancy. Amalgamation is a Calcining or Cor­ roding Mettals with Quicksilver, and it is done thus; take any Mettall except Iron, beaten into leafes, or very small Powder, mixt with about eight parts of Quick­ silver (which may the better be done, if both be healed first) that they may become one uniform Mass, evaporate the Quick­ silver over the fire, and the Mettall will be left in the bottom as a thin Calx. Aqua is the water. Aries and Aquarius signes in Astromancy. Acquisitio, Amissio, and Albus figures of Geomancy. Astromancy is Heavenly knowledge, and Geomancy is Earthly knowledge. C. Calcination is a reducing any thing into Calx, and making it fryable; and it may be done two wayes, by firing, by reducing into ashes, by reverberating, by Corrosion, by Amalgamation, Precipitation, Fumiga­ tion or vaporation, Cementation or strati­ fication. Caput Draconis, Cauda Draconis, Coniunctio, and Cancer figures of Geomancy. Circulation, is when any liquor is so placed in digestion, that it shall rise up and fall down, and rise up and fall down, and so do continually, and thereby become more digested and mature, for which use for the most part we use a Pelican. Clarification, is the separating of the poste feces from any decoction or juice; and it is done three wayes, by the white of an Egge, by digestion, by filtration. Cure all, is Aurum Potabile. Coagulation, is the reducing of any liquid thing to a thicker substance by evaporating the humidity. Cohobation, is the frequent abstraction of any liquor poured oft-times on the feces from whence it was distilled, by distillati­ on. Cancer and Capricorn, signes in Astro­ mancy. Congelation, is when any liquor being de­ cocted to the height, is afterward by set­ ling into any cold place turned into a transparent substance like unto Ice. Corrosion, is the Calcining of bodies by cor­ rosive things. Cure the great is the Pantarva. D. Decantation, is the pouring off any li­ quor which hath a setling, by inclination. Deliquium, the dissoluing of a hard body into a liquor, as salt, or the powder of any calcined matter, &c. in a moist, cold place. Descension, is when the essential juice dissolved from the matter to be distilled doth descend, or fall downward. Despumation, is the taking off the froth that floats on the top with a spoon or fea­ ther, or by percolation. Distillation, is the extracting of the hu­ mid part of things by vertue of heat, being first resolved into a vapour, and then con­ densed again by cold. Thus it is generally taken; but how more particularly, I shall afterward shew. Digestion, is a concocting, or maturation of crude things by an easie and gentle heat. Dissolution, is the turning of bodies into a liquor by the addition of some humidity. Dulcoration, or Dulcification, is either the washing off the salt from any matter that was calcined therewith, with warm water, in which the salt is dissolved, and the matter dulcified: or it is sweetning of things with sugar, or honey, or syrup. E. Elevation, is the rising of any matter in manner of fume, or vapour, by vertue of heat. Evaporation, or Exhalation, is the va­ pouring away of any moisture. Exaltation, is when any matter doth by digestion attain to a greater purity Expression, is the extracting of any li­ quor by the hand, or by a presse. Extraction, is the drawing forth of an essence from a corporeal matter by some fit liquor, as spirit of wine; the feces re­ main in the bottome. F. Fermentation, is when any thing is resol­ ved into it self, and is rarified, and ripe­ ned: whether it be done by any ferment added to it, or by digestion only. Fortuna Major is a figure of Geomancy. Filtration, is the separation of any liquid matter from its feces by making it run through a brown paper made like a tunnel, or a little bag of woollen cloth, or through shreds. Fixation, is the making of any volatile, spiritual body endure the fire, and not flye away, whether it be done by often reitera­ ted distillations, or sublimations, or by the adding of some fixing thing to it. Fortuna Minor a Figure of Geomancy. Fumigation, is the calcining of bodies by the fume of sharp spirits, whether vegeta­ ble or mineral, the bodies being laid over the mouth of the vessel wherein the sharp spirits are. Gemini, a Figure of Geomancy. H. Humectation, or Irrigation, is a sprinkling of moisture upon any thing. I. Imbibition, is when any dry body drinks in any moisture that is put upon it. Jupiter, a planet of Astromancy Impregnation, is when any dry body hath drank in so much moisture that it will ad­ mit of no more. Incorporation, is a mixtion of a dry and moist body together, so as to make an uni­ form masse of them. Infusion, is the putting of any hard matter into liquor, for the vertue thereof to be Extracted. Insolation, is the digesting of things in the Sun. L. Levigation, is the reducing of any hard matter into a most fine powder. Lætitia, of Geomancy. Leo and Libra figures of Astromancy. Liquation, is a melting or making any thing fluid. Lutation, is either the stopping of the orifices of vessels, that no vapour passe out, or the coating of any vessell to preserve it from breaking in the fire. M. Mars, Mercury, and the Moon, Planets of Astromancy. Maceration, is the same as Digestion. Maturation, is the exalting of a substance that is immature and crude, to be ripened and concocted. Menstrum, is any liquor that serves for the extracting the essence of any thing. P. Precipitation, is when bodies corroded by corrosive spirits, either by the evaporat­ ing of the spirits remain in the bottome, or by pouring something upon the spirits, as oil of Tartar, or a good quantity of water, do fall to the bottom. Puer, Puella & Populus, figures of Geomancy. Pisces a figure in Astromancy. Purification, is a separation of any Li­ quor from its feces, whether it be done by clarification, filtration, or digestion. Putrefaction, is the resolution of a mixt body into it self, by a natural gentle heat. Q. Quintessence, is an absolute, pure and well digested medicine, drawn from any substance, eithe animal, vegetable or mi­ neral. R. Rubeus, a figure of Geomancy. Rectification, is either the drawing of the flegm from the spirits, or of the spirits from the flegm, or the exaltation of any Liquor by a reiterated distillation. Reverberation, is the reducing of bodies into a Calx, by a reflecting flame. S. Saturne, Sol, Scorpio, and Sagittary, Planets and signes in Astromancy. Solution, is a dissolving or attenuating of bodies. Stratification, is a strewing of corroding powder on plates of metall by course. Sublimation, is an elevating, or raising of the matter to the upper part of the vessell by way of a subtle powder. Subtiliation, is the turning of a body into a Liquor, or into a fine powder. T. Taurus, a figures of Astromancy. Transmutation, is the changing of a thing in substance, colour, and quality. V. Venus, Virgo, figures of Astromancy. Volatile, is that which flyeth the fire.