You must also haue your words of Arte, certaine strange words, that it may not onely breed the more admiration to the people, but to leade away the eie from espying the manner of your conueyance, while you may induce the minde, to conceiue, and suppose that you deale with SpiĀ­ rits: and such kinde of sentences, and of speeches, are vsed in diuers manners, fitting and correspondent to the action and feate that you goe about. As Hey Fortuna, furia, numquam, Credo, passe passe, when come you Sirrah? or this way hey Iack come aloft for thy masters aduantage, passe and be gone, or otherwise: as Ailif, Casil: zaze, Hit, metmeltat, Saturnus, Iupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercurie, Luna? or thus: Drocti, Micocti, et Senarocti, Velu barocti, Asmarocti, Ronnsee, Faronnsee, hey passe passe: many such obseruations to this arte, are necessary, without which all the rest, are little to the purpose. First, you must know a Langret, which is a die that simple men haue seldom heard of, but often seene to their cost, and this is a well fauoured die, and seemeth good and square, yet is it forged longer, vppon the Cater, and Trea, then any other way: And therefore it is called a Langret. Such be also cal'd bard Cater treas, because commonly, the longe end will of his owne sway drawe downewarde, and turne vp to the eie, Sice, Sincke, Deuce or Ace. The principall vse of them is at Nouum, for so longe can ye not cast fiue, nor nine, vnles it be by greate chance, that the roughnes of the table, or some other stoppe force them to stay, and runne against their kinde: for without Cater or trey you know that fiue or nine can neuer come. But you will say by this reason, he that hath the first dice, is like alwaies to stripp and rob all the table about. To helpe this, there must be for that purpose, an odde Die, called a flat Cater trea ready at hand, and no other numĀ­ ber, for graunting the trea and Cater be alwaies vppon the one Die, then is there no chance vpon the other Die, but may serue to make fiue or nine, & cast forth, & loose all.