¶ These thinges haue I added to fill vp the leffe with all. ¶ Infernus and gehenna differ moche in sig­ nificacion / though we have none other inter­ pretacion for ether of them / then this Engly­ she worde / hell. For gehenna signifieth a pla­ ce of punyshement: but infernus is taken for any maner of place beneth in the erth / as a gra­ ve sepulchre or cave. Hell: it is called in Hebrue the valeye of Hennon. A place by Ierusalem / where they burnt their chyldren in fyer vnto the ydole Moloch / & is vsurped & taken now for a pla­ ce where the wycked and vngodlye shalbe to­ rmented both soule and bodye / after the gene­ rall iudgement. math. v. Geue Rowme to the wrath of God. Rom. xii wrath is there taken for vengeaunce. And the meaninge is: let God advenge / ether by him selfe or by the officers that beare his rowme. rom. xxii There tarye & abyde tyll ye go oute. Yt is in Marke the .vi. Wheresoever ye enter in to an house / there abyde till ye go oute thence. And Luke .ix. it is / into what soever housse ye enter / ther tarye / and go not oute thence: that is to saye / whosoever receaveth you / there abyde as longe as you are in the citie or tou­ ne / and go not shamefully a beggynge from housse to housse as freers do. mat. x. Dust: shake of the dust of youre fete. Mat­ thew. x. Why are they commaunded to shake of the dust? For a wytnes sayth Luke. That that dede maye testifie agaynst them in the daye of iudgement / that the doctrine of salva­ cion was offered them / but they wolde not re­ ceave it. Ye se also that soche gestures and ce­ remonies haue greater power with them / then have bare wordes onlye / to move the harte & to stere vp fayth / as do the layenge on of han­ des and anoyntinge with oyle. &c. mat. x. Ypocrytes / can ye decerne the face of hea­ ven and not decerne the signe of the tymes? That is to saye: they coulde iudge by the sig­ nes of the skye what wether shuld folowe: but coulde not knowe Christ by the signes of the scripture. And yet other signe myght not be geven them. math. xvi He that sayth he knoweth Christ and ke­ peth not his commaundementes / ys a lyar. To knowe Christ is to beleve in Christ. Ergo he that kepeth not the commaundementes / be­ leveth not in Christ.