A briefe and true re­ port of the new found land of Virginia: of the commodities there found and to be raysed, as well mar­ chantable, as others for victuall, building, and other necessa­ rie vses for those that are and shalbe the planters there; and of the na­ ture and manners of the naturall inhabitants: Discouered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinuile Knight in the yeere 1585. which remained vnder the gouernment of Rafe Lane Esqui­ er, one of her Maiesties Equieves, during the space of twelue monethes; at the speciall charge and direction of the Honourable SIR WALTER RALEIGH Knight, Lord Warden of the stanneries; who therein hath beene fauou­ red and authorised by her Maiestie and her letters patents. Directed to the Aduenturers, Fauourers, and Welwillers of the action, for the inhabi­ ting and planting there: By Thomas Hariot; seruant to the abouenamed Sir Walter, a member of the Colony, and there imployed in discouering. Imprinted at London 1588. The first part of Marchantable commodities. SIlke of grasse or grasse Silke. There is a kind of grasse in the countrey vppon the blades whereof there groweth very good silke in forme of a thin glittering skin to bee stript of. It groweth two foote and a halfe high or better: the blades are about two foot in length, and half inch broad. The like groweth in Persia, which is in the selfe same climate as Virginia, of which very many of the silke workes that come from thence into Europe are made. Hereof if it be planted and ordered as in Persia, it cannot in reason be otherwise, but that there will rise in shorte time great profite to the dealers therein; seeing there is so great vse and vent thereof as well in our coun­ trey as els where. And by the meanes of sowing & plan­ ting it in good ground, it will be farre greater, better, and more plentifull then it is. Although notwithstanding there is great store thereof in many places of the coun­ trey growing naturally and wilde. Which also by proof here in England, in making a piece of silke Grogran, we found to be excellent good. For "grasse Silke" see OED, "grass," n.1, 2.b., "silk-grass." Worme Silke: In manie of our iourneyes we found silke wormes fayre and great; as bigge as our ordinary wal­ nuttes. Although it hath not beene our happe to haue found such plentie as elsewhere to be in the countrey we haue heard of; yet seeing that the countrey doth natural­ ly breede and nourish them, there is no doubt but if art be added in planting of mulbery trees and others fitte for them in commodious places, for their feeding and nou­ rishing; and some of them carefully gathered and hus­ banded in that sort as by men of skill is knowne to be ne­ cessarie: there will rise as great profite in time to the Vir­ ginians, as thereof doth now to the Persians, Turkes, Ita­ lians and Spaniards. "Worme Silke" not found as a phrase in the OED. Flaxe and Hempe: The trueth is that of Hempe and Flaxe there is no great store in any one place together, by reason it is not planted but as the soile doth yeeld it of it selfe; and howsoeuer the leafe, and stemme or stalke doe differ from ours; the stuffe by the iudgement of men of skill is altogether as good as ours. And if not, as fur­ ther proofe should finde otherwise; we haue that expe­ rience of the soile, as that there cannot bee shewed anie reason to the contrary, but that it will grow there excel­ lent well; and by planting will be yeelded plentifully: see­ ing there is so much ground whereof some may well be applyed to such purposes. What benefite heereof may growe in cordage and linnens who can not easily vn­ derstand? Allum: There is a veine of earth along the sea coast for the space of fourtie or fiftie miles, whereof by the iudgement of some that haue made triall heere in Eng­ land, is made good Allum, of that kinde which is called Roche Allum. The richnesse of such a commoditie is so well knowne that I neede not to saye any thing thereof. The same earth doth also yeelde White Copresse, Nitrum, and Alumen plumeum, but nothing so plentifully as the common Allum; which be also of price and profitable. Wapeih, a kinde of earth so called by the naturall in­ habitants; very like to terra Sigillata: and hauing beene refined, it hath beene found by some of our Phisitions and Chirurgeons to bee of the same kinde of vertue and more effectuall. The inhabitants vse it very much for the cure of sores and woundes: there is in diuers places great plentie, and in some places of a blewe sort. Pitch, Tarre, Rozen, and Turpentine: There are those kindes of trees which yeelde them abundantly and great store. In the very same Iland where wee were seated, be­ ing fifteene miles of length, and fiue or sixe miles in breadth, there are fewe trees els but of the same kind; the whole Iland being full. Sassafras, called by the inhabitantes Winauk, a kinde of wood of most pleasant and sweete smel; and of most rare vertues in phisick for the cure of many diseases. It is found by experience to bee farre better and of more vses then the wood which is called Guaiacum, or Lignum vitæ. For the description, the manner of vsing and the manifolde vertues thereof, I referre you to the booke of Monar­ dus, translated and entituled in English, The ioyfull newes from the West Indies. "Lignum vitae" antedates the earliest OED citation (1597). Cedar, a very sweet wood & fine timber; wherof if nests of chests be there made, or timber therof fitted for sweet & fine bedsteads, tables, deskes, lutes, virginalles & ma­ ny things else, (of which there hath beene proofe made already,) to make vp fraite with other principal commo­ dities will yeeld profite. Wine: There are two kinds of grapes that the soile doth yeeld naturally: the one is small and sowre of the ordina­ rie bignesse as ours in England: the other farre greater & of himselfe lushious sweet. When they are planted and husbanded as they ought, a principall commoditie of wines by them may be raised. Oyle: There are two sortes of Walnuttes both holding oyle, but the one farre more plentifull then the other. When there are milles & other deuises for the purpose, a commodity of them may be raised because there are infinite store. There are also three seuerall kindes of Berries in the forme of Oke akornes, which also by the experience and vse of the inhabitantes, wee finde to yeelde very good and sweete oyle. Furthermore the Beares of the countrey are commonly very fatte, and in some places there are many: their fatnesse because it is so liquid, may well be termed oyle, and hath many speciall vses. Furres: All along the Sea coast there are great store of Otters, which beeyng taken by weares and other en­ gines made for the purpose, will yeelde good profite. Wee hope also of Marterne furres, and make no doubt by the relation of the people but that in some places of the countrey there are store: although there were but two skinnes that came to our handes. Luzarnes also we haue vnderstanding of, although for the time we saw none. Deare skinnes dressed after the manner of Chamoes or vndressed are to be had of the naturall inhabitants thou­ sands yeerely by way of trafficke for trifles: and no more wast or spoyle of Deare then is and hath beene ordinari­ ly in time before. Ciuet cattes: In our trauailes, there was founde one to haue beene killed by a saluage or inhabitant: and in an o­ ther place the smell where one or more had lately beene before: whereby we gather besides then by the relation of the people that there are some in the countrey: good profite will rise by them. "Ciuet cattes" antedates the earliest OED citation (1607) Iron: In two places of the countrey specially, one about fourescore and the other sixe score miles from the Fort or place where wee dwelt: wee founde neere the water side the ground to be rockie, which by the tri­ all of a minerall man, was founde to holde yron richly. It is founde in manie places of the countrey else. I knowe nothing to the contrarie, but that it maie bee allowed for a good marchantable commo­ ditie, considering there the small charge for the la­ bour and feeding of men: the infinite store of wood: the want of wood and deerenesse thereof in England: & the necessity of ballasting of shippes. Copper: A hundred and fiftie miles into the maine in two townes wee founde with the inhabitaunts diuerse small plates of copper, that had beene made as wee vn­ derstood, by the inhabitantes that dwell farther into the countrey: where as they say are mountaines and Riuers that yeelde also whyte graynes of Mettall, which is to bee deemed Siluer. For confirmation where­ of at the time of our first arriuall in the Countrey, I sawe with some others with mee, two small peeces of siluer grosly beaten about the weight of a Testrone, hangyng in the eares of a Wiroans or chiefe Lorde that dwelt about fourescore myles from vs; of whom tho­ rowe enquiry, by the number of dayes and the way, I learned that it had come to his handes from the same place or neere, where I after vnderstood the copper was made and the white graynes of mettall founde. The aforesaide copper wee also founde by triall to holde sil­ uer. Pearle: Sometimes in feeding on muscles wee founde some pearle; but it was our hap to meete with ragges, or of a pide colour; not hauing yet discouered those places where wee hearde of better and more plentie. One of our companie; a man of skill in such matters, had gathered together from among the sauage peo­ ple aboute fiue thousande: of which number he chose so many as made a fayre chaine, which for their like­ nesse and vniformitie in roundnesse, orientnesse, and pidenesse of many excellent colours, with equalitie in greatnesse, were verie fayre and rare; and had there­ fore beene presented to her Maiestie, had wee not by casualtie and through extremity of a storme, lost them with many things els in comming away from the coun­ trey. "ragges": speculatively, pieces of shell (a sense not found in OED). Sweete Gummes of diuers kindes and many other A­ pothecary drugges of which wee will make speciall mention, when wee shall receiue it from such men of skill in that kynd, that in taking reasonable paines shall discouer them more particularly then wee haue done; and than now I can make relation of, for want of the examples I had prouided and gathered, and are nowe lost, with other thinges by causualtie before men­ tioned. Dyes of diuers kindes: There is Shoemake well kno­ wen, and vsed in England for blacke; the seede of an hearbe called Wasewówr; little small rootes called Cháp­ pacor; and the barke of the tree called by the inhabi­ taunts Tangomóckomindge: which Dies are for diuers sortes of red: their goodnesse for our English clothes remayne yet to be proued. The inhabitants vse them onely for the dying of hayre; and colouring of their faces, and Mantles made of Deare skinnes; and also for the dying of Rushes to make artificiall workes with­ all in their Mattes and Baskettes; hauing no other thing besides that they account of, apt to vse them for. If they will not proue merchantable there is no doubt but the Planters there shall finde apte vses for them, as also for other colours which wee knowe to be there. Oade; a thing of so great vent and vse amongst Eng­ lish Diers, which cannot bee yeelded sufficiently in our owne countrey for spare of ground; may bee planted in Virginia, there being ground enough. The grouth therof need not to be doubted, when as in the Ilandes of the A­ sores it groweth plentifully, which is in the same climate. So likewise of Madder. We carried thither Suger canes to plant which beeing not so well preserued as was requisit, & besides the time of the yere being past for their setting when we arriued, wee could not make that proofe of them as wee desired. Notwithstanding, seeing that they grow in the same cli­ mate, in the South part of Spaine and in Barbary, our hope in reason may yet continue. So likewise for Orenges, and Lemmons: there may be planted also Quinses. Wher­ by may grow in reasonable time if the action be diligent­ ly prosecuted, no small commodities in Sugers, Suckets, and Marmalades. The second part, of suche commodities as Virginia is knowne to yeelde for victuall and su­ stenance of mans life, vsually fed vpon by the naturall inhabitants: as also by vs during the time of our aboad. And first of such as are sowed and husbanded. PAgatowr, a kinde of graine so called by the inhabitants; the same in the West Indies is called Mayze: English men call it Guinney wheate or Turkie wheate, according to the names of the coun­ treys from whence the like hath beene brought. The graine is about the bignesse of our ordi­ nary English peaze and not much different in forme and shape: but of diuers colours: some white, some red, some yellow, and some blew. All of them yeelde a very white and sweete flowre: beeing vsed according to his kinde it maketh a very good bread. Wee made of the same in the countrey some mault, whereof was brued as good ale as was to bee desired. So likewise by the help of hops ther­ of may bee made as good Beere. It is a graine of maruei­ lous great increase; of a thousand, fifteene hundred and some two thousand fold. There are three sortes, of which two are ripe in an eleuen and twelue weekes at the most: sometimes in ten, after the time they are set, and are then of height in stalke about sixe or seuen foote. The other sort is ripe in fourteene, and is about ten foote high, of the stalkes some beare foure heads, some three, some one, and two: euery head containing fiue, sixe, or seuen hundred graines within a fewe more or lesse. Of these graines besides bread, the inhabitants make victuall ey­ ther by parching them; or seething them whole vntill they be broken; or boyling the floure with water into a pappe. "Guinney wheate" and "Turkey wheat" antedate the earliest OED citations (1598, 1598). Okindgíer, called by vs Beanes, because in greatnesse & partly in shape they are like to the Beanes in England; sa­ uing that they are flatter, of more diuers colours, and some pide. The leafe also of the stemme is much diffe­ rent. In taste they are altogether as good as our English peaze. Wickonzówr, called by vs Peaze, in respect of the beanes for distinction sake, because they are much lesse; although in forme they little differ; but in goodnesse of tast much, & are far better then our English peaze. Both the beanes and peaze are ripe in tenne weekes after they are set. They make them victuall either by boyling them all to pieces into a broth; or boiling them whole vntill they bee soft and beginne to breake as is vsed in England, ey­ ther by themselues or mixtly together: Sometime they mingle of the wheate with them. Sometime also beeing whole sodden, they bruse or pound them in a morter, & thereof make loaues or lumps of dowishe bread, which they vse to eat for varietie. Macócqwer, according to their seuerall formes called by vs, Pompions, Mellions, and Gourdes, because they are of the like formes as those kindes in England. In Virginia such of seuerall formes are of one taste and very good, and do also spring from one seed. There are of two sorts; one is ripe in the space of a moneth, and the other in two moneths. There is an hearbe which in Dutch is called Melden. Some of those that I describe it vnto, take it to be a kinde of Orage; it groweth about foure or fiue foote high: of the seede thereof they make a thicke broth, and pottage of a very good taste: of the stalke by burning into ashes they make a kinde of salt earth, wherewithall many vse sometimes to season their brothes; other salte they knowe not. Wee our selues vsed the leaues also for pot-­ hearbes. There is also another great hearbe in forme of a Ma­ rigolde, about sixe foote in height; the head with the floure is a spanne in breadth. Some take it to bee Planta Solis: of the seedes heereof they make both a kinde of bread and broth. There is an herbe which is sowed a part by it selfe & is called by the inhabitants vppówoc: In the West Indies it hath diuers names, according to the seuerall places & countries where it groweth and is vsed: The Spaniardes generally call it Tobacco. The leaues thereof being dried and brought into powder: they vse to take the fume or smoke thereof by sucking it through pipes made of claie into their stomacke and heade; from whence it purgeth superfluous fleame & other grosse humors, openeth all the pores & passages of the body: by which meanes the vse thereof, not only preserueth the body from obstructi­ ons; but also if any be, so that they haue not beene of too long continuance, in short time breaketh them: wherby their bodies are notably preserued in health, & know not many greeuous diseases wherewithall wee in England are oftentimes afflicted. This Vppówoc is of so precious estimation amongest them, that they thinke their gods are maruelously deligh­ ted therwith: Wherupon sometime they make hallowed fires & cast some of the pouder therein for a sacrifice: be­ ing in a storme vppon the waters, to pacifie their gods, they cast some vp into the aire and into the water: so a weare for fish being newly set vp, they cast some therein and into the aire: also after an escape of danger, they cast some into the aire likewise: but all done with strange ge­ stures, stamping, somtime dauncing, clapping of hands, holding vp of hands, & staring vp into the heauens, vtte­ ring therewithal and chattering strange words & noises. We ourselues during the time we were there vsed to suck it after their maner, as also since our returne, & haue found manie rare and wonderful experiments of the ver­ tues thereof; of which the relation woulde require a vo­ lume by it selfe: the vse of it by so manie of late, men & women of great calling as else, and some learned Phisiti­ ons also, is sufficient witnes. Of Rootes. OPenauk are a kind of roots of round forme, some of the bignes of walnuts, some far greater, which are found in moist & marish grounds growing many together one by another in ropes, or as thogh they were fastnened with a string. Being boiled or sodden they are very good meate. Okeepenauk are also of ro ond shape, found in dry grounds: some are of the bignes of a mans head. They are to be ea­ ten as they are taken out of the ground, for by reason of their drinesse they will neither roste nor seeth. Their tast is not so good as of the former rootes, notwithstanding for want of bread & somtimes for varietie the inhabitants vse to eate them with fish or flesh, and in my iudgement they doe as well as the houshold bread made of rie heere in England. Kaishúcpenauk a white kind of roots about the bignes of hen egs & nere of that forme: their tast was not so good to our seeming as of the other, and therfore their place and manner of growing not so much cared for by vs: the inhabitants notwithstanding vsed to boile & eate many. Tsinaw a kind of roote much like vnto that which in Eng­ land is called the China root brought from the East Indies. And we know not anie thing to the contrary but that it maie be of the same kind. These roots grow manie toge­ ther in great clusters and doe bring foorth a brier stalke, but the leafe in shape far vnlike; which beeing supported by the trees it groweth neerest vnto, wil reach or climbe to the top of the highest. From these roots while they be new or fresh beeing chopt into small pieces & stampt, is strained with water a iuice that maketh bread, & also be­ ing boiled, a very good spoonemeate in maner of a gelly, and is much better in tast if it bee tempered with oyle. This Tsinaw is not of that sort which by some was caused to be brought into England for the China roote, for it was discouered since, and is in vse as is aforesaide: but that which was brought hither is not yet knowne neither by vs nor by the inhabitants to serue for any vse or purpose; although the rootes in shape are very like. Coscúshaw, some of our company tooke to bee that kinde of roote which the Spaniards in the West Indies call Cassauy, whereupon also many called it by that name: it groweth in very muddie pooles and moist groundes. Being dressed according to the countrey maner, it ma­ keth a good bread, and also a good sponemeate, and is v­ sed very much by the inhabitants: The iuice of this root is poison, and therefore heede must be taken before any thing be made therewithall: Either the rootes must bee first sliced and dried in the Sunne, or by the fire, and then being pounded into floure wil make good bread: or els while they are greene they are to bee pared, cut into pieces and stampt; loues of the same to be laid neere or ouer the fire vntill it be soure, and then being well poun­ ded againe, bread, or spone meate very god in taste, and holsome may be made thereof. Habascon is a roote of hoat taste almost of the forme and bignesse of a Parseneepe, of it selfe it is no victuall, but onely a helpe beeing boiled together with other meates. There are also Leekes differing little from ours in Eng­ land that grow in many places of the countrey, of which, when we came in places where they were, wee gathered and eate many, but the naturall inhabitants neuer. Of Fruites. CHestnuts, there are in diuers places great store: some they vse to eate rawe, some they stampe and boile to make spoonemeate, and with some being sodden they make such a manner of dowe bread as they vse of their beanes before mentioned. Walnuts: There are two kindes of Walnuts, and of them infinit store: In many places where very great woods for many miles together the third part of trees are walnut­ trees. The one kind is of the same taste and forme or litle differing from ours of England, but that they are harder and thicker shelled: the other is greater and hath a verie ragged and harde shell: but the kernell great, verie oy­ lie and sweete. Besides their eating of them after our ordinarie maner, they breake them with stones and pound them in morters with water to make a milk which they vse to put into some sorts of their spoonmeate; also among their sodde wheat, peaze, beanes and pompions which maketh them haue a farre more pleasant taste. Medlars a kind of verie good fruit, so called by vs chief­ lie for these respectes: first in that they are not good vn­ till they be rotten: then in that they open at the head as our medlars, and are about the same bignesse: otherwise in taste and colour they are farre different: for they are as red as cheries and very sweet: but whereas the cherie is sharpe sweet, they are lushious sweet. Metaquesúnnauk, a kinde of pleasaunt fruite almost of the shape & bignes of English peares, but that they are of a perfect red colour as well within as without. They grow on a plant whose leaues are verie thicke and full of prickles as sharpe as needles. Some that haue bin in the Indies, where they haue seen that kind of red die of great price which is called Cochinile to grow, doe describe his plant right like vnto this of Metaquesúnnauk but whether it be the true cochinile or a bastard or wilde kind, it cannot yet be certified; seeing that also as I heard, Cochinile is not of the fruite but founde on the leaues of the plant; which leaues for such matter we haue not so specially obserued. Grapes there are of two sorts which I mentioned in the marchantable commodities. Straberies there are as good & as great as those which we haue in our English gardens. Mulberies, Applecrabs, Hurts or Hurtleberies, such as wee haue in England. Sacquenúmmener a kinde of berries almost like vnto ca­ pres but somewhat greater which grow together in clu­ sters vpon a plant or herb that is found in shalow wa­ ters: being boiled eight or nine hours according to their kind are very good meate and holesome, otherwise if they be eaten they will make a man for the time franticke or ex­ tremely sicke. There is a kind of reed which beareth a seed almost like vnto our rie or wheat, & being boiled is good meate. In our trauailes in some places wee founde wilde peaze like vnto ours in England but that they were lesse, which are also good meate. "wilde peaze" not found as a noun in the OED. Of a kinde of fruite or berrie in forme of Acornes. THere is a kind of berrie or acorne, of which there are fiue sorts that grow on seuerall kinds of trees; the one is called Sagatémener, the second Osamener, the third Pummuckóner. These kind of acorns they vse to drie vpon hurdles made of reeds with fire vnderneath almost after the maner as we dry malt in England. When they are to be vsed they first water them vntil they be soft & then being sod they make a good victual, either to eate so sim­ ply, or els being also pounded, to make loaues or lumpes of bread. These be also the three kinds of which, I said before, the inhabitants vsed to make sweet oyle. An other sort is called Sapúmmener which being boiled or parched doth eate and taste like vnto chestnuts. They sometime also make bread of this sort. The fifth sort is called Mangúmmenauk, and is the a­ corne of their kind of oake, the which beeing dried after the maner of the first sortes, and afterward watered they boile them, & their seruants or sometime the chiefe them­ selues, either for variety or for want of bread, doe eate them with their fish or flesh. Of Beastes. DEare, in some places there are great store: neere vn­ to the sea coast they are of the ordinarie bignes as ours in England, & some lesse: but further vp into the countrey where there is better feed they are greater: they differ from ours onely in this, their tailes are longer and the snags of their hornes looke backward. Conies, Those that we haue seen & al that we can heare of are of a grey colour like vnto hares: in some places there are such plentie that all the people of some townes make them mantles of the furre or flue of the skinnes of those they vsually take. Saquenúckot & Maquówoc; two kindes of small beastes greater then conies which are very good meat. We ne­ uer tooke any of them our selues, but sometime eate of such as the inhabitants had taken & brought vnto vs. Squirels which are of a grey colour, we haue taken ?& eaten. Beares which are all of black colour. The beares of this countrey are good meat; the inhabitants in time of win­ ter do vse to take & eate manie, so also somtime did wee. They are taken commonlie in this sort. In some Ilands or places where they are, being hunted for, as soone as they haue spiall of a man they presently run awaie, & then be­ ing chased they clime and get vp the next tree they can, from whence with arrowes they are shot downe starke dead, or with those wounds that they may after easily be killed; we sometime shotte them downe with our calee­ uers. I haue the names of eight & twenty seuerall sortes of beasts which I haue heard of to be here and there disper­ sed in the countrie, especially in the maine: of which there are only twelue kinds that we haue yet discouered, & of those that be good meat we know only them before men­ tioned. The inhabitants somtime kil the Lyon & eat him: & we somtime as they came to our hands of their Wolues or woluish Dogges, which I haue not set downe for good meat, least that some woulde vnderstand my iudgement therin to be more simple than needeth, although I could alleage the difference in taste of those kindes from ours, which by some of our company haue beene experimen­ ted in both. Of Foule. TVrkie cockes and Turkie hennes: Stockdoues: Partridges: Cranes: Hernes: & in winter great store of Swannes & Geese. Of al sortes of foule I haue the names in the countrie language of fourescore and sixe of which num­ ber besides those that be named, we haue taken, eaten, & haue the pictures as they were there drawne with the names of the inhabitaunts of seuerall strange sortes of water foule eight, and seuenteene kinds more of land foul, although wee haue seen and eaten of many more, which for want of leasure there for the purpose coulde not bee pictured: and after wee are better furnished and stored vpon further discouery, with their strange beastes, fishe, trees, plants, and hearbes, they shall bee also published. There are also Parats, Faulcons, & Marlin haukes, which although with vs they bee not vsed for meate, yet for o­ ther causes I thought good to mention. Of Fishe. FOr foure monethes of the yeere, February, March, Aprill and May, there are plentie of Sturgeons: And also in the same monethes of Herrings, some of the ordinary bignesse as ours in England, but the most part farre greater, of eighteene, twentie inches, and some two foote in length and better; both these kindes of fishe in those monethes are most plentifull, and in best season, which wee founde to bee most delicate and pleasaunt meate. There are also Troutes: Porpoises: Rayes: Oldwiues: Mul­ lets: Plaice: and very many other sortes of excellent good fish, which we haue taken & eaten, whose names I know not but in the countrey language; wee haue of twelue sorts more the pictures as they were drawn in the coun­ trey with their names. The inhabitants vse to take them two maner of wayes, the one is by a kind of wear made of reedes which in that countrey are very strong. The other way which is more strange, is with poles made sharpe at one ende, by shoo­ ting them into the fish after the maner as Irishmen cast dartes; either as they are rowing in their boates or els as they are wading in the shallowes for the purpose. There are also in many places plentie of these kindes which follow. Sea crabbes, such as we haue in England. "Sea crabbes" antedates the earliest OED citation (1601). Oysters, some very great, and some small; some rounde and some of a long shape: They are founde both in salt water and brackish, and those that we had out of salt wa­ ter are far better than the other as in our owne countrey. Also Muscles: Scalopes: Periwinkles: and Creuises. Seékanauk, a kinde of crustie shell fishe which is good meate, about a foote in breadth, hauing a crustie tayle, many legges like a crab; and her eyes in her backe. They are founde in shallowes of salt waters; and sometime on the shoare. There are many Tortoyses both of lande and sea kinde, their backes & bellies are shelled very thicke; their head, feete, and taile, which are in appearance, seeme ougly as though they were members of a serpent or venemous: but notwithstanding they are very good meate, as also their egges. Some haue bene founde of a yard in bredth and better. And thus haue I made relation of all sortes of victuall that we fed vpon for the time we were in Virginia, as also the inhabitants themselues, as farre foorth as I knowe and can remember or that are specially worthy to bee re­ membred. The third and last part of such other thinges as is be hoofull for those which shall plant and inhabit to know of; with a descrip­ tion of the nature and manners of the people of the countrey. Of commodities for building and other necessary vses. THose other things which I am more to make rehearsall of, are such as concerne building, and other mechanicall neces­ sarie vses; as diuers sortes of trees for house & ship timber, and other vses els: Also lime, stone, and brick, least that be­ ing not mentioned some might haue bene doubted of, or by some that are malicious reported the contrary. Okes, there are as faire, straight, tall, and as good tim­ ber as any can be, and also great store, and in some places very great. Walnut trees, as I haue saide before very many, some haue bene seen excellent faire timber of foure & fiue fa­ dome, & aboue fourescore foot streight without bough. Firre trees fit for masts of ships, some very tall & great. Rakíock, a kind of trees so called that are sweet wood of which the inhabitans that were neere vnto vs doe com­ monly make their boats or Canoes of the form of trowes; only with the helpe of fire, hatchets of stones, and shels; we haue known some so great being made in that sort of one tree that they haue carried well xx. men at once, be­ sides much baggage: the timber being great, tal, streight, soft, light, & yet tough enough I thinke (besides other v­ ses) to be fit also for masts of ships. Cedar, a sweet wood good for seelings, Chests, Boxes, Bedsteedes, Lutes, Virginals, and many things els, as I haue also said before. Some of our company which haue wandered in some places where I haue not bene, haue made certaine affirmation of Cyprus which for such and other excellent vses, is also a wood of price and no small estimation. Maple, and also Wich-hazle, wherof the inhabitants vse to make their bowes. Holly a necessary thing for the making of birdlime. Willowes good for the making of weares and weeles to take fish after the English manner, although the inhabi­ tants vse only reedes, which because they are so strong as also flexible, do serue for that turne very well and suf­ ficiently. Beech and Ashe, good for caske, hoopes: and if neede require, plow worke, as also for many things els. Elme. Sassafras trees. "Sassafras trees" antedates the earliest OED citation (1597). Ascopo a kinde of tree very like vnto Lawrell, the barke is hoat in tast and spicie, it is very like to that tree which Monardus describeth to bee Cassia Lignea of the West Indies. There are many other strange trees whose names I knowe not but in the Virginian language, of which I am not nowe able, neither is it so conuenient for the pre­ sent to trouble you with particular relation: seeing that for timber and other necessary vses I haue named suffici­ ent: And of many of the rest but that they may be appli­ ed to good vse, I know no cause to doubt. Of the nature and manners of the people. In some places of the countrey one onely towne be­ longeth to the gouernment of a Wiróans or chiefe Lorde; in other some two or three, in some sixe, eight, & more; the greatest Wiróans that yet we had dealing with had but eighteene townes in his gouernment, and able to make not aboue seuen or eight hundred fighting men at the most: The language of euery gouernment is different from any other, and the farther they are distant the grea­ ter is the difference. They beleeue that there are many Gods which they call Montóac, but of different sortes and degrees; one onely chiefe and great God, which hath bene from all eternitie. Who as they affirme when hee purposed to make the worlde, made first other goddes of a prin­ cipall order to bee as meanes and instruments to bee v­ sed in the creation and gouernment to follow; and af­ ter the Sunne, Moone, and Starres, as pettie goddes and the instruments of the other order more princi­ pall. Fiirst they say were made waters, out of which by the gods was made all diuersitie of creatures that are visible or inuisible. They thinke that all the gods are of humane shape, & therfore they represent them by images in the formes of men, which they call Kewasówok one alone is called Kewás; Them they place in houses appropriate or tem­ ples which they call Machicómuck; Where they woor­ ship, praie, sing, and make manie times offerings vnto them. In some Machicómuck we haue seene but one Ke­ was, in some two, and in other some three; The common sort thinke them to be also gods. They beleeue also the immortalitie of the soule, that after this life as soone as the soule is departed from the bodie according to the workes it hath done, it is eyther carried to heauen the habitacle of gods, there to enioy perpetuall blisse and happinesse, or els to a great pitte or hole, which they thinke to bee in the furthest partes of their part of the worlde towarde the sunne set, there to burne continually: the place they call Popogusso.