PVRCHAS HIS PILGRIMES. IN FIVE BOOKES. The sixth, Contayning English Voyages, to the East, West, and South parts of America: Many Sea and Land Fights, Inuasions and Victories against the Spaniards in those parts, and the Spanish Ilands, and Coast Townes on this side; Plantations in Guiana, and many strange aduentures of English-men amongst the Americans. The seuenth, Voyages to and about the Southerne America, with many Marine Obseruations and Discourses of those Seas and Lands, by English-men and others. The eighth, Voyages to and Land-Trauels in Florida; Virgina, and other parts of the Northerne AMERICA. French Plantings, Spanish Supplantings; English-Virginian voy­ ages, and to the Ilands AZORES. The ninth, English Plantations, Discoueries, Acts, and Occurrents, in Virginia and Summer Ilands, since the Yeere 1606. till 1624. The tenth, English Discoueries and Plantations in New England, New-found-land; with the Patent and Voyages to New Scotland: Relations also of the Fleets set forth by Queene ELIZABETH against the Spaniards. The Fourth Part. Vnus Deus, Vna Veritas. LONDON Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose. 1625. CHAP. XIII. Extracts of a Virginian Voyage made An. 1605. by Captaine GEORGE WAYMOVTH, in the Arch-angell. Set forth by the Right Ho­ norable HENRY Earle of South-hampton, and the Lord THOMAS ARVNDEL, written by IAMES ROSIER Words which I learned of the Sauages, in their Language. Sunne or Moone,, Kesus. Cod-fish,, Biskeiore. A fish with hornes,, Manedo. Lobster, Shoggah. Rock-fish, Shagatocke. Cockle-fish, Hesucke. Muskell, Shoorocke. Cunner-fish, Tattaucke. Crabbe, Wussorasha. Porpoise, Muscopeiuck. Plaise, Anego. Tortoise, Romcaneeke. Pease, Vshcomono. To­ bacco, Tomoch. A leafe, Mebeere. A weed, Cashterush. A Firre tree, Seteock. A stone, Nabscurr. A Bowe, Shoanor. An Arrow, Tobood. Barke of a tree, Mashquere. Water, Shamogoon. Sand, Cheemuck. Crowe, Cagagoose. Haire, Messer or Meris. A beard, Nicowur. A Beare, Rogsoo. Bea­ uer, Paneah. Otter, Nymemano. Rat, Sanuke. Polcat, Pocamka. Cat, Pushuck. Fallow Deere, Coribo. Hogge, Madoso. Red Deere, Moosurr. They tell vs of other beasts, which they call, Ta­ squus, Pisho, Narsim. Teeth, Ibider. A hand and finger, Breecke. A Naile of the hand, Cushe. A legge, Codd. A foot, Musseete. Plum-tree, Epsegan. Strawberry, Pishoa. Gooseberry, Shewa­ nor. Cherry tree, Espegononino. Corant tree, Asheemena. Rashberrie, Kiskeemy. A lippe, Me­ toan. Fire, Squida. The maine Land, Bemoquiducke. Sea, Shoubbe. Father, Wado. Sonne, Vsto. Wane of the Sea, Toboogg. Pitch and Tallow, Poco. Wilde Rose, Minusheck. Birch, Pasquar. Sword, Edagawancke. Mountaine, Machoucke. Winde, Puckchawsen. Bloud, Pagâgocun. Red Paint, Woroman. Blacke Paint. Cogosho. A Dogge, Remoose. A Ship or Boat, Quiden. An Oare, Wuttohogauor. A Garnepo Fly, Chussuah. "Garnepo Fly" not found in OED but appears as "garnipper" in the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, ed. G. M. Story, W. J. Kirwin, and J. D. A. Widdowson, 2nd edn. (1982): 693. Bread, Paune. Raine, Soogoran. A nose, Peech-ten. An Axe or Hatchet, Tomaheegon. A Knife, Quodogon. Oake, Askabesse. White Bone, whereof they haue Chaines, Girdles, Bracelets, Speesone. "White Bone" has one citation (1511) in OED. The Cheeke, Canoah. A Shirt or Coat, Tenoga­ nuke. The Chinne, Queh. An Eye, Sheesuck. Eylid, Momon. Forehead, Scottoquah. An Eare, Faw­ wucke. A fish-hooke, Makeecon. A Rainbow, Shomogon.