The Compleat English Schoolmaster. OR THE Most Natural and Easie Method Of Spelling English. ACCORDING To the present proper pronuntia­ tion of the Language in OXFORD and LONDON. WHEREIN Children and Foreigners shall have the whole Body of English words in the plainest order digested and divided to their hands. To which is added An Appendix of useful Observations on Orthography. Est etiam sua Loquentibus Observatio, sua scribentibus. Quint. Iust. I. I.c.6 Consuetudinem sermonie, vocabo consensum Eruditorum; sicut vivendi consensum Bonorum, id. ib. Verum Orthographia quoque consuetudini servit, ideoque sæpe mutata est. l. I.c.7. LONDON, Printed for Peter Parker, at the sign of the Leg and Star, over against the Royal Ex­ change, in Cornhil, 1674. To the Reader. I hope, after twelve years experience in the busi­ ness of Schooling, I may be thought sufficiently sensible of those distracting troubles, and anxieties; that perpetually attend the Calling. The removal of some of these is the principal end of the present undertaking. The contradictions that are every day propos'd to little Children, how can they choose but puzl and torment them, when the Masters themselves (that pursue the common method) are so miserably con­ founded, and utterly unable to reconcile their way of spelling with an English pronunciation? The Rule that I lay down is brief and plain and easie: viz. All words must so be spell'd, as they are afterwards to be pronounc'd. But this they dare not venture on, for fear (forsooth) of straying from the common road, or slighting of a rule that was made and intended only for the Latin tongue. See, I have broke the ice: and that in such a natural, familiar, and pleasant me­ that, the Child shall have waded thorow three parts (at least) of all the words that are used in English Authors, before he meets with any conside­ rable irregularity. I could enlarge, but I reserve it for another place. The trial of a few hours will fully satisfie the man that doubts, and more than answer any reasonable expectation. C. Coles The Alphabet. 27-letter alphabet (including long-s) in roman, italic, and black-letter fonts is not included here.