An Explanation of the Cant. ALsatia. White-fryers. Prig, Prigster. Pert Coxcombs. Bubble, Caravan. The Cheated. Sealer. One that gives Bonds and Judgments for Goods and Money. A Pult. One who is easily wheadled and cheated. Coale, Ready, Rhino, Darby. Ready money. Rhinocerical. Full of money. Megs. Guineas. Smelts. Half-Guineas. Decus. A Crown piece. George. A Half-Crown. Hog. A Shilling. Sice. Six-pence. Scout. A Watch. Tattler. An Alarm, or Striking Watch. Famble. A Ring. Porker, Tilter. A Sword. A Rumm Nab. A good Beaver. Rigging. Cloathes. Blowing, Natural, Convenient, Tackle, Buttock, Pure, Purest pure. SeveĀ­ ral Names for a Mistress, or rather a Whore. To Equip. To furnish one. A Bolter of White-fryers. One that does but peep out of White-fryers, and retire again like a Rabbit out of his hole. To lugg out. To draw a Sword. To Scamper, to rubb, to scowre. To run away. Bowsy. Drunk. Clear. Very Drunk. Smoaky. Jealous. Sharp. Subtle. A Sharper. A Cheat. A Tattmonger. A Cheat at Dice. Tatts. False Dice. The Doctor. A particular false Die, which will run but two or three Chances. Prog. Meat.