an Herde of hertes an Herde of dere an Herde of swannys an Herde of cranys an Herde of wrennys an Herde of alle dere a Neye of fesantes a Coueye of partrichs a Beuye of larkes a Beuye of ladyes a Beuye of quayles a Beuye of roos a Siege of bittours a Siege of heyrons a Spryng of teeles a Sourd of malardes a disceite of lapwinks a Muster of pecoks a Falle of Wodecoks a Walke of snytes a Congregacion of plouers a Couerte of cootes an vnkindnes of rauons a Murther of crowes a Byldyng of roosts Not found as a phrase in OED. a Clatering of chowhis a Murmeracion of stares an Hoost of men an Hoost of sparowes a Felouship of yomen a Gagyll of ghees a Gagyll of women a Chyrme of fynches a Swarme of bees a Exaltacion of larkes a discencion of wodewalis a Mutacion a Cety of greyes an Erthe of foxes a Bery of conyes a Neste of rabettis a Lytter of whelpes a Rowte of knyghtes a Rowte of wolues a Pryde of lyons a Lepe of lebardes a Slouth of beres a Lees of grehoundes a Brase of houndes a Kenel of recches a Copill of spaynels a Sute of a lyhm a Caste of hawkes of the tour. a Caste of breed a Flight of goshaukes a Flight of douues a Flight of cormerants a Droue of nete a Trippe of gete a Flock of shepe a Flock of lyse a Besynes of flyes a Hareys of hors a Stode of mares a Ragg of coltes a Drifte of tame swyn a Sondre of wilde swyn a Trippe of hares a Trase of an hare Skulke of foxes a Skulke of freres a Skulke of theues a Pontifical of prelates a State of princes a Dignyte of chanons a Trouthe of barons Charge of curates a Lordship of monkes Superfluyte of nonnes Prees of prestes Scole of fysshe Scole of scolers Cluster of grapes Cluster of nottes Cluster of carles Cluster of tame cattes destruction of wilde cattes Boste of souldyours Threte of cortyars Lausters of hostelers Glosyng of tauerners a Promesse of tapsters a Soolding of kempsters a Fighting of beggers a Disworship of stottes a Raskall of boyes a Rafull of knaues a Thraue of thresshers a Lasshe of carters a Trynkette of cordĀ­ waners a Blecche of sowters a Smere of coryers a Pyte of prysoners a Glorifyeng of lyers a Lyeng of pardoners a Hastynes of cookes Explicit. An hare in his forme is sholdring or lening A douue sitteth an Herte is herbored a Knyght is herbored a Bucke is logged a Squyer is logged a Roo is bedded a Yoman is bedded Yf an herte stande he stalleth. Yf a bucke stande he herkenyth. yf a roo stande he fereth a Dere broken a Ghoos rerid a Swan lyfte a Capon sawsyd a Hen spoyled a Chekyn frusshed a Malard vnbrased a Cony vnlaced a Heron dismembrid a Crane displayd a Pecok disfigured a Curlew vnioynted a Byctore vntached a Fesant eyled a Partriche eyled a Wodecok thyed alle smale birdes thyed a Pigge heded & syded a lambe & kyde shuldred A herte yf he be chasid he will desire to haue a riuer Assene as he taketh the Riuer he suleth / yf he take ouer the ryuer he crossith Yf he retorne he recrosseth And yf he take with the streme he fleteth Yf he take agayn the streĀ­ me he beteth or els breketh Yf he take the londe he fleeth. Explicit